3440 Chestnut Lane i�- I ��°1 ��3 �1 �2�.�`� .
� �7r�� �r''f ��v6% ___Use BLUE or BLACK Ink
�� q�� ��� ���✓ � For OtNes Use �� '
C�� of E� �� ,
�� Permit#: �
� � ���> �� Pertnit Fee: � � �
3830 Pitot Knob Road MAY 2 8 2Q14 � pate Received: �
Eagan MN 55122 � I
Phone:(651�675-5675 -�� f �
Fax:(651)675-b684 ��� ��� i StaH: `
Date: � �� /l/ 3ite Address: � ������ l.��°�'i1,�'7 ��t f1 1; J�`��� Unit#:
' Name: �.�t�Wr Phone: �5.,�. ~ ���f - 3Gci1
Owner : ndd�ess�c�tyiz;p:�G 3US� ��� /�'�t, . ��,�E� ���a�+ . tMt'V SS`l�J�'
Applicant is: Owner �Gontractor
�Type of Work ; Description of work:R�P�,� �{nuo �on.l�tG[�it;n
Construction Cast� Mufti-Family Building:(Yes____,/No,�)
Company: L�A�� , Cantact:
C011tfaCtOf ; Address: �C^)�� �f�-� Al1P, �. SvU� City: ���JrrlGa'�j1
State:�,Zip: � ����b Phone: `�5������'�L��Email: __
ucense�t: I�113 Lead Certificate#:
if the proiect iA pVA�„pt from lead certification,please expfain why:(see Page 3 for additional information)
�� � - - ��t�'l 5��.�.r�� �.'� A-�-�
in the last 12 months,has the City of Eagan issued a permit far a slmllar pian based on a master plan?
,�Yes „_,_No If yes,date and address of master plan: �����;�,p—���'S�'i�L�,� �t`1 i'_
Licensed Plumber: ��ct4i�lr !l�°�ftrn/1,'t� Phone: ��5�-' �1�ls` L�t�l.�
i� II II
MechanEcal Contractor: Phone:
Sewer 8�Water Contractor: r i ? ; c� t'r Phone: CS�'�t�E- ��`��
NOTE:Plans and support/ng documents that you;submit`are consfdered ta be pubilc;Informatfon ,Portlons of
-the informatfon may be classi�ed as non-public;If.you provide,specifTc reasons fhat woutd.perrnit the Cify io :
- ' canclude thafthe ar`e fracfe secrets. -
CALL BEFORE YOU DIG. Ca11 Ciopher 8tate One Call at(651�454-0002 for protection againsi underground utility damsge. Call 48 hours
before you intertd lo dig to receive locates ot underground uiilities. www,$4aherstateonacall.ors�
I herehy acknowledge that thts information is complete and accur�te;that the work wtll be in conformencs wiih the ordinances and codes of the Cfty of
Eagan;that I understand thts is nol a permit,but only an application for a pertnit,and work is not to start wiihout a permit;that the work wiil be in
accordance w{th the approved plan in the case of work which requires a revtew and approval of pla�.
Exterfor work autho►ized by a building permit issued in accordance wtth the Minnesata 8tafe Buifding Co ust be compteted wtthin 18U
days of permit issuance. .�
X 1'�'� �Q���� x f� _,,_..
AppllcanYs Printed Wame AppllcanYs SI re
Page 1 of 3
���� ������ �� �/
_ Foundatlon � Flreplace _ Porch{3-5eason) _ Exterior Alteration(Sinpie Famtly}
� Single Family _ Garage _ Porch(4-Season) _ Exterior Alteration{Multi)
Multi Deck Porch(ScreenlGazebo/Pergola) _ Miscellaneous
� 01 of�Piex ` Lower Levcl � Poo1 _ Accessory Buflding
New � � Interior improvement � Siding _ Demolish Building'
_ Addition � Move Building _ Reroaf � Demolish Interior
_ Atteration � Fire Repair ` Windows _ Demolish Foundation
_ Replace � Repair � Egress Wlndow � Water Damage
_ Retaining Wal) •Demolition of entlre bullding-glve PCA handout to appftcant
Valuation ,l$�f dq� Occupancy xr�G—3 MCES 8ystem
Plan Rev Code Edition � SAC Units !
(25%____100%_} Zaning � Gity Water __��
Census Code /�� StoNes �� Booster Pump ��,�y
#of Units � Square Feet � PRV �_
#of Buildings Length ?�e Fire Sprinklers y/ls
Type of Construction � Width 31-
� Footings(New Building) Meter Size:
Foofings{Deck) � Final 1 C.O. Required
Footings{Addition} Pinat/Mo C.O.Required
� Foundation HVAC�Gas Service Test Gas Line Air Test
Roof:�Ice&Water ,�Final Pooi: Footings Air/Gas Tests _Final
� Framing Drain Tile
�ireplace:�Rough In �Air Test ,�Final Siding:_Stucco Lat �Stone Lat _Brick
� Insulation Windows
Sheathing Retatning Waii:_Footings_Backfill_Final
Sheetrock � Radon Control
Fire Walls Erosion Contro!
Braced Walls Other:
Reviewed By: ,Building Inspector
�3ESID�NTIAL FEES, ?�„ �5�.� '7G`}�j ���
Base Fee f�G� -�' ���
Surcharge ��s �/��" �����
Plan Review '3°,�4 !� 9,A,q,,R!� 3�'(,� � ,Gf 0 �/
City SAC
Utility Connectlan Charge
S&W Permit&Surcharge
Treatment Plant
Page 2 of 3
� �����
New Construction Energy Code Compliance Certifiicate
Per N!10I.8 pullding CedificNe:A building cedificatc slknl!be poslcd in n pemianendy visible]ocntian inside DAIC CCfGf[At¢Pos�Cd
thc biiilding. Tl�e ceniCe�ite sl�all bc completed by Ehc builder and shall list information nnd�alues of
com nems listed in Table N114[.8.
Dlai�lug AdJrtsa of Ihc llwellh�g or Dwellfng Uuil City
Nnme of Retida�tial Contrac�or A1N Liteasc Number
Type:Cheek All Ti�at Apply � Passive(No I'an)
o ,�
c -.
�, �, Actrve(lVrllr fan arfd monwrielcr or:
F' a T `v11�er systein rnonllacing devr'r�)
� � � � v
o �a F� � �, _ � c,
� Q � " 'o U � 'p e
FQ p� m � a a,
� o vi " o aCi E� V
Insulation Location � ° z ' � V O R w �
� ��a o �n � v ti v
t-° � z � w w° w°� � � i� 4ther Please Describe Here
Bclew Cntlrc,Slab. .., ' ':ii X
,: _. . ::.
Foundation�i'nll �y�'�,�y�j
• : ;:
Periiueterof5lab,orcGriidc ` ` ` `` ?:s10 ;:?,wTERtoR;. >
Rim Joist(Tow�dation) X
Rirt1�015t(1st;FI00T*). :: �Q ;- `r INTERIOR:
. .
Watl 24
Ccilin�,flat. '` Qtj:;::
Cciling,vaulted X
BayWL�dofvs:orcuntileveredareas ;;:: !' ':;X ' `
_... ..
- .. _:
lionus roam ovcr�arage 3$ $
Describe other:insulateii areas ,
Windows 8 Doors Heating or Cooliag Ducts Outsida Conditioned Spoees
Average U-Fuctor(exclr�des skyli h�s and one doo,•)U: 0.28 Not app[icable,all ducts located in conditioned s nce
Solar Cieat Gain Coef(ieient(SIiGC): 0.26 r-8 R-value
MECIiANICAI SYSTEMS Mako•up Air Selec�a Type
Applianees Heating System 17omcstic Water Heater Cooling System X ot re uired per mech.code
TuctType Na�U�al G1S �1eCt�IC i EIeC�CIC Passive
Manufacturer Lennox AO Smith Lennox Powered
� Intertocked�vith exhaust dcvice.
Nlodel: ML193UH045XP?4B i G�VH$ON :: '�3i4CX-018 23Q': Describe:
lnput in �004 Capacity in 50 Output in 1 5 Other,t3escribe:
12atin Or$izt BTUS: � GaUons: Tons; '
Hcattoss ` Heae `; `' Locatian oPduct or system:
35 751 1$453 .
;. ,
Struefure's Calculated .; ;;. ,...';; ; +:` Gam. ! '
_ . _ : , ...;:.:
HsPr•�5 13
93 Calaulated
Efficiencv coolin Ioad: 16,457 Cfm's
PLAN CMS Jefferson ��round duct OR
Meehanieal Yentilatian Sys�em "metal duct
Describe any additiona[or combined lieazino or cooling systems if instalied:(e.g,hvo furnaces or air Combu �on Air Selec�a Ty e
source heat pump with gas back-up furnace)� X Not required per mech.code '
Selec!Ty e Aassive
Heat Recover Ventilator(HRV) Capacity in cFms: Lo�v: High: Other,desaibe:
Ener Recover Ventilator(ERV)Capacity in cfms: Low: Higl�: Location of duct or system:
X Co�itinuous exhausting Fan(s)rated capncity in cfins: 1 fan continous low SOcfin Meehanieal Room
Location of fan(s},describe: OwneYS b8th,Mafn Bath Cfm's
Capacity continuous ventilation rate in cfms: 5Q insulated Flex
Total ventiladon(intarmittent+continuous)rnte in cfms: l85 "metal duct
Created by BAM versian 052009
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` 'Subangfi�al ���� For �e� D�re9l�ra�s
These blanit subm�Ytai farms and�nstrucfions are avaltable at the City' , website and at City NaN. The completed form must be submit-
tecl;in dupll,eat�at ther;fyne ofapplicatian of a mechanical permit for new constructioii:Addifional forms rnay be downloaded and printed at:
Site address .`
�y ) '!r �n+. � ,� 'l
Contractor C'� � � �8t� �w?--c�-y
�J � 1 � /° Compieted
c.� c �•,��..r,� 1•�` sv lt�
Sectian A
Ventilation Quantity
iDetermine quantity by using Table N1104.2 or Equatlon 21-1j
Square feet(Condit(oned area inciuding
Basement—flnfshed or unflnished) � Total requlred venttlation � o d
Number of bedrooms � Continuous ventilation �
Drrec[ions=petermine the total and contlnuous ventilation rate by either using Table N1104.2 or equation 1.2-1.
The tdble and equation are below.
Table Nl104 2.
_. ::;.
Tofal and Gontinuous Ventilation Rates(in cfm).
Numberof Bedrooms :
; 1 ;: 2 :; 3 4 . 5 . 6
Conditioned:space(►n 'fatal/ Total/ Total
s f.E / . Tofelj Total/; Tofal/
4• ) r confinuous cont�nuous continuous continupus continuous �' con#inuous
` 1QOQ 1500 60�40: 75�40 ,,,., 90 4S 1Q5/53'':. .. - 120J6U 135%68..
1501 2Q00`. 70/40 85/43 100/5Q 115/58 130/65 145/73'
2001 2500 '. ' 80�40 95/48 ],10 55 125/63 140/70 155�78
2501`-3000 : . . 90/45 : 105/53 120/60 135/68. 150(75 165%83'
3001'=3500 : 100[50. 11S%58 130/6S 145%73: 160/80 175%88:::;
3501-4000 ..' 110/55 125/,63 140/70 ._., - ,_
_. 155/78'�'`°' 170[85 185/93 "
4001-450Q `:" 120%6Q ` .135/68, ` 150/75 165%83 180/90 195/98 '
4501,-5U00 130%65 . 145/73: 160/80 175/88 19.0/9S 205/103
5001=5500 �. 14Qj70 '. 155/78 170/85 185/93 200/100 21S/.308, . .,
5501:600Q , 150/75 165%83 184/90 195%98 210/105 22S/,113
Equation 11 1.
(0 02 x square feet of conditioned space)+(15 x(number ot bedrooms+1)j=Total ventilation ra#e(cfm)
Total ventilation—The mechanical ventilation system shall provide sufficient outdopr air to equa!the total ventilation rate average,
for each one-hour period according ta the above table or equation. For heat recovery ventilators(HRV)and energq recovery ventila-
tors(ERV)tlie average houriy ventiiation capacity must be determined in consideration of any reduction of exhaust or out outdoor
air intake,or 6oth,for defrost or other equipment rycling.
Contlnuous ventilation.-A minimum of SO percent of the totai ventilation rate,but not iess than 40 cfm.shafl be provtded,on a con-
t�nuous rate average for each one-hour period. The portion of the mechanical ventilat3on system intended to be cantinuaus may
have automatic cycling controls providing the average flow rate for each hour is met.
G:ISAFE7Y1JKtVent-mskeup-comb air submittal(2).docx
Page 1 of fi
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R 1 4 x vti c k i .�<,;;� ! x .�, � ..�� � T J:{si ✓r.�� u�4"a�i'�`�"'�,��t�.,fii.�*�,��-�`i�o-'�i�Y'y�`a,� „fi�£
a*- ✓ �' r'"`s 3 . � 3"�� � .z 's wc.e � d''�x Y�*�.� �
s �Y�3:.c>��'rr :� � � y Y ' a r�� r'� ' '�? �"''-� t fc i�l���'��r-�� �.,r. �r a :. F� s a��
r�r,y y 7y ,+x. `x. fi , e�. �/ 3 .S'�`n ,-rzs.y "O�' t � x`� d��a�xa.e
� Y� - t 'r ✓ 2. F��t�"'�,�k;Is.t dj � Z y .
: € ': ! s �a ,5> $.. ' g'.
: :,S {,t ' t f� $ L - f. 4 �'
� ,.r 1 � s�: i r �� F t
E_ _{ d ., 'a$ S F -
5 �
Section B
. Ventilation Method
(Choose elther balenced or exhaust on�y)
B�lanced,MRV(Weat Recovery VentHator}or EI�V(Energy Recov- ExhausFonly
ery Ventilator�—cfm of untt in fow must not exceed candnuous venti- Continuous fa�rating in cfm
latton ratfng b mare than 100%.
Low cfm: High cfm: Continuous fan rating in cfm(capacity must not exceed r
continuous ventliatlon ratfng 6y more than 100%J C?'k4
Dfrecrions-Choose the method of venti�ation,balanced or exhaust only. Bulanced veniilation systems are typica/ty HRV or ERV's.
Enter the!ow and higir cfm amounts. Low c air flow must be equa!ta ar greater than the required continuous ventilatiort rate and
less than 100%greafer than the continuous rate.(For instance,if the!ow cfm is 40 cfm,the ventilation fan rnust not exceed 80 cfm.J
Autori�atic contrals may allaw the use of a larger fan thai is operated a percentage af each hour.
Section C
Ventilation Fan Schedule
Description Location Continuous intermittent
, K �a Y�'�a: K 5r� �o
T �t" r� '�l;ns702 �F1 1r f�
Directrons.-The.ventf/ntlon fan schedule should describe what the fan is for,the lacation,cfm,and whether ic is used for continuous
or intermJttent ventFlntion.. The fan thar Js chose for contlnuous ventllation must be equal to or greater than the ow m air rating
and less than 100%qreafer than the continuous rate. (For Instance,if the!ow cfm is 40 cfm,the contlnuous venti/arion fan must not
exceed 80 cfm.) Automatic cantra/s may alfow the use of a largerfan that is operated a percerttage of each hour.
Section D
Ventilation Controls
(Oescri6e o eration and control of the condnuous and intermittent venttlation
Dlrections-Describe the operation of the venti/ntion system. There should be adequate detailfor plon rev/ewers and inspectors to verijy design and
Jnstv!lation compliance. Reloted trades alsa need adequate detall for placement ojcontrols and proper operatian of the bul/ding ventilatfon. !/
exhausP fans are used forbullding ventllation,descrfbe the operutlon and locvtion of any controls,indlcators and legends. !f an ERV or NRV fs to be
tnsta!led,describe how it wip be insta!led.tf it wlll be connected and interfoced wfth the a1r hand!!ng equipment,please descrlbe such connettions as
detailed in the manvfpctures'installation lnstructions.!f ihe installation lnstructlons require or recommend che eqaipment to be interlocked wi[h the
air handling equipment for proper operation,such inrerconnection sho!!be made and described.
Section E
Make-up air
Passive (determined from calculatlons from Table SQ2.3,1J
Powered.{determfned from calculations from Table 501,3,1)
' lnterlocked wikh exhaust device(determined from caicufatfon from Table 501.3.1)
Other descri6e;
LOC8ti011 Of dUtt Of system VelltlldtlOfl mak2-up Blr:Determined from make-up afr opening tabie
Cfm Sfze and type{round,rectangular,flex or rigid)
�NR means not required)
Page 2 vf 6
Directions-!n order ta determine the makeup air,Table 5013.1 must be fifled out(see below). For mosc new instaJfations,column A
wiJ!be appropriate,however,if atmospherically vented appliances orsolid fuel appllances are insta!led,use the appropriate calumn.
Far existing dwellings,see lMC501.33. Please note,if the makeup air quantity is negative,no ndditional makeup afr wi!!be re-
quired for venti/ailon,if the value is positive refer to TabJe 501.3.2 and slre the opening. Transfer the cfm,size of opening and type
(round,recfangular,flex or rigidJ to the 1as[line of section D. The make-up airsupply must be instolled per 1MCSp1.3.2.3.
Table 501.3.1
(Additional combustion air will be required fo�combustton ap liances,see KAIR method for catculationsy
One or multiple power One or multiple fan- One atmosphericafty vent Multiple atmospherical-
vent or direct vent ap- assisted appilances and gas or otl appliance or ly vented gas or oii
pllances or no combus- power vent or direct vent one solid fuel appElance appliances or sotid fuel
tion appl3ances appliances appifances
Column C Column D
Column A Column 6
a)prcssure factor 0.15 0.09 0.06 0.03
b)cond(tioned floor area(sf){lncluding
unftn(shed basements) f�
E3timated House Inflltration(cfm�:[la
x 1b Z "'�
2.Exhaust Capacity
a)continuous eichaust-only venttlation
system{cfm);(not appllcabie to ba- ���
lanced ventilation systems such as
b)ciothes dryer{cfm► 135 135 135 135
c)8(1%of largest exhaust rating(cfm);
Kftche�hood typically
inat applicable If rearculating system �..
or if powered makeup air is electrically
intertocked and match to exhaust)
d)80%of next largest exhaust reting
(cfm�; batfi fan typlcally
(not applfcebie If recirculating system q ����ble
or if powered.makeup air is electdcaliy PP�
inte�locked and matched to exhaust)
Tofal Exhaust Capacity(cfm);
[2a+26+2t+2dj � g 5
3.Makeup Air Quantity(cfm)
a)total exhaust capacfty(from abovej I�j
b)estimated house inflitratlon(from
abovel c� �j�3
Makeup Air Quant(ty(cfm};
[3a—3b) �1
(lf value is negatfve,no makeup air fs ��� , �F
4.For makeup Air Opening Sizing,refer - r�
to Table 501.4.2 )V
A. Use thls column Ef there are other than fan-assfsted or atmospherically vented gas or oll eppliance or if there are no combustion appliances.(Power vent
and direct vent appilances may be used.)
B.• Use this column if there is ane fan-assisted appilance per venting system.(Appliances other than atmospherically vented appllances may also be in-
C. Use thfs column If there fs one atmosp6erically vented(other than fan-assisted)gas or oil appltance per venting system or one soitd fuel applianre.
U. Use fhfs column if there are multiple atmospherfcally vented gas or ofl appliances using a common vent or if there are atmospherkally vented gas or o1i
appliances and sofid fuet apptiances.
Page 3 of 6
Makeup Air Opening Tabie for New and Existing Dwelling
Table 501.3.2
One or multiple power One or muitfple fan- One atmospherically Multiple atmospherically
vent,dfrect vent ap- assisted appiiances and vanted gas or oil ap- vented gas or ott ap- Duct di-
pllances,or no combus- power vent or dirert pilance or one solld fuel pliances or solid fuei ameter
tionappl3ances ventappiiances appfiance appfiances
Column A Column 8 Column C Column 0
Pass(veopening 1-36 1-22 1-15 1-9 3
Passiveopening 37-66 23-41 16--Z8 1D-17 4
Passive opening 67—lU9 42—66 Zg_qg 18_ZS 5
Passive openin� 21p-163 67-106 47-69 29-42 6
Passiveopening 164-232 101-143 70-99 43-61 7
Passiveo eni�g 233-317 1AA--195 100-135 62-83 8
Passive opening 318—di9 196—258 136—179 84—11U 9
w/motorized damper
Passiveopentng 420-539 259-332 180-23fl 111-142 14
w/motorized dam er
Passfve opening 540—6�9 333—419 231—290 243—179 11
w/motorized damper
Powered makeup air >679 >419 >29D >179 NR
A. An equfvalent length of 10D feet of round smooth metal duct is assumed. Subtract 40 feet for the exterior hood and ten feet for each 90-degree eibow to
determine the remaining length of straight duct allowable.
8. if flexible duct is used,increase the duct diameter by one i�ch. Flexible duet shall be stretched with minimal sags. Compressed duct shall not be accepted.
C. Barometric dampers are prohibited in passive makeup aIr openings when any atmospherically vented appilance is insta0ed.
�• Powered makeup air shai�be electrically interlocked with the largest exhaust system.
Sections F
Cambustlon air
� Not required per mechanical cade(No atmospher(c or power vented appUances) ���o�F/
ei�r� � ,�n4c t Gr/t r�c t !"��
Passive(see IFGC Appendix E,Workzheet E-1) Size and type
Exp/anation-!f no otmospherfc or power vented app/iances are insta/led,check t�e appropriate box,nai requlred. if a power vented
aratmospherica!!y vented app/iance installed,use lF6CAppendix f, WorksheetE-1(see belowJ. Please entersize and type. Combus-
tion air vent supplies must communicate with the appliance or applTpnces that repuire the combustlon air.
Section F catculations follow on the next 2 pages.
Page 4 of 6
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� W�'t �1tS0'� �r��eC� SUIl1CI�c�r�/ Job: CM5 Jefferson B&Q Unit
g Date: MAY 27,2014
Entire House BY:
Elander Mechanicaf (nc.
591 Cdation Drive,Shakopee,MN 55379 Phone:852-445-4642 Fax:952-4457487
� • ' • �
�' �c� � � �
For: � y J" �� �,,�.t
� • • • o
Weather; Minneapofis-St. Paul, MN, US
Winter Design Conditions Summer Design Conditions
Outside db � -95 °F � Outside db 88 °F "���� �
Inside db 70 °F Inside db 70 °F
Design TD 85 °F Design TD 18 °F
Daily range M
Relative humidity 50 %
Moisture difference 37 gr/ib ,
Heating Summary Sensibie Cooling Equipment Load Sizing �,
Structure 28355 Btuh Structure 11493 Btuh '
Ducts 1125 Btuh Ducts 639 Bfuh
Central vent(69 cfm) 6272 Btuh Gentral vent(69 cfm) 1321 B#uh
Humidification 0 Btuh Blower _.. 0 Btuh _ .
Piping - 0 Btuh
Equipment Ioad ��357b't'Stu Use manufacturer's data y
Rate/swing multiplier 1.00
Infiltration Equipmenf"sensible load 13453 Btuh
Method Simplified Latent Cooling Equipment Load Sizing
Construction quality Tight
Fireplaces 1 (Tight) Structure 1217 Btuh
Ducts 117 Btuh
Heating Gooling Centrai vent(69 cfm) 1670 Btuh
Area(ft2) 'f852 1852 Equipment lafent load 3004 Btuh
Volume(ft') 14896 14816 ,..�
Air chan�ges/hour 0.14 0.07 Equipment total load 16457 Btuh
Equiv.AVF{cfm) 35 17 Req. total capaciry at 0.70 SHR
Heating Equipment Summary Cooling Equipment Summary
Make Lennox Make Lennox
Trade MERIT 90 Trade 13ACX Series-RFC
Model ML193UH045XP248-* Cond 13ACX-01&230-*
AHRI ref 4792130 Coil C33-25*+TDR
AHRI ref 1031313
Efficiency 93AFUE Efficiency 11.9 EER, 13.5 SEER
Heating input 44000 MBtuh Sensible cooling 12950 Btuh
Heating output 41000 Btuh Latent cooling. 5550 Btuh
Temperature rise 50 °F Total cooling 18500 Bkuh
Actual air flow 768 cfm Actual air flow 617 cfm
Air flow factor 0.026 cfm/Btuh Air flow factor 0.051 cfm/Btuh '
Static pressure 0 in H20 Static pressure 0 in H20
Space#hermostat Laad sensible heat ratio 0.82
Bold/italic vafuss have been manuaily overrldden
Calcuiations approved by ACCA ta meet all requirements of Manual J 8th Ed.
Z014-May-27 15:35:02
,� �'�" wrightsoft` Right-Suite�Univecsa12012 12.t.p6 RSU13410 Page 1
ACCp. ...Heat losses 20131Lennar Patriot Jefferson B.n�p Cak=MJB Frant Door faces: N
Com OI�eI1� COI�S�PIaC�IOrIS Job: CMS Jefferson BS�D Unif
Wi'IQt'1'�50�8 � Date: MAY 27,2014
Entire House By:
Elander Mechanical Inc.
591 Citation Drive,Shakopee,MN 55379 Phone;852-445-q692 Fax:952-445-7487
� � ' � i
! - • • s •
Location: Indoor: Heating Cooling
Minneapolis-St. Paul, MfV, US lndoor temperature(°F) 70 70
Elevation: 837 ft Design TD (°F) 85 18
Latitude: 45°N Relative humidity (%) 50 50
Dutdoar: Heating Cooling Moisture difference(gr/Ib) 54,5 36.fi
Dry buib(°F') -95 8s Infiltration:
Daily range(°F} - 19 ( M ) Method Simplified
Wet bulb(°F) - 71 Canstruction quality Ti ht
Wind spe�(mph) 15.0 7.5 Fireplaces 1 �Tight)
Construction descriptions or nrea U-value i�$►,i� Htg HTM �.oss Cig HTM �ai�
a= awnm�•F e�-��un a��nm� ex,n BWtUtt' Btuh
Walls `
12F-Osw:Frm wall,vnl ext rv21 cav ins,1!2"gypsum board int n 556 0.065 21.0 5.52 3070 1.21 674
fnsh,2"x6"wood nm e 399 0.065 21.0 5.52 2207 1.21 484 '�
s 513 0.065 27.0 5.52 2837 1.21 622 I
w 422 0.065 29.0 5.53 2330 1.21 5i1 I�
all 1890 0.065 21.0 5.52 10443 1.21 2291 '
Partiti ons
Windows ,
61A:VfNYL fnsulated Glass Double Hung;NFRC rated e 77 '0.280 0 23.8 1849 29.3 2263
(SHGC-0.26) s 42 , 0.280 0 23.8 1004 17.1 721
w 74 0.280 0 23.8 1769 29.3 2175
all 184 0.280 4 23.8 4613 26.6 51 b9
11J0:Door,mtl fbrgl type n 20 0.60� 6.3 51.0 1040 17.9 365
e 19 0.600 6.3 51.0 983 17.9 345
5 20 0.600 6.3 51.Q 1040 17.9 365
all 60 0.6Q0 6.3 51.0 3063 17.9 9076
i6CR-44ad:Aftic ceiling,asphalt shingles roof mat;r-44 eii ins, 1116 0.022 44.0 1.87 2087 0.95 1064
5/8"gypsum board int fnsh
20P-38c:Flr floor,frm f1r,12"thkns,carpet flr fns r-5 exf ins,r-38 250 0.030 38.0 2.55 638 0.40 100
cav ins,gar ovr
20P-38v:Flr floor,frm flr,12"thkns,vinyi flr fns r-5 ext ins,r-38 130 O.Q30 38.Q 2.55 332 0.40 52
cav fns,gar ovr
226-10t •8g floor,heavy dry or light damp soil,on grade depth, 134 0.355 10A 30.2 4043 0 0�•�=`
r- e ge in
201A•May-27 15:35:02
� � wrigh#soft' Right•Sufle�Universe12012 12,1.06 RSU73470 Page 1
AC� ...Heat Losae�2013\Lennar Patriol Jetterson B.rup Catc=MJB Front Door faces: N
JUN 0 6 101b j
Compliance with Procedures to Ensure
Submitter: Noise Impact Area Adequate Noise Attenuation: �
Lennar Airport-MSP International Exterior wail construction:
16305 36th Ave. No. Noise Zone-4 Vinyl
Suite 600 15/32"sheathing
Plymouth, MN 55446 New In�ll Residence is a"COND" Tyvek wrap
952-249-3000 use in Noise Zone 4 2x6 studs 16"O.C.
R-21 batt insulation with 1/2"gypsum board
Roof Construction:
Plan.Reviewed: Peaked roof with manufactured trusses 24"O.C.
�♦ Roof vents j
(/��l � • Shingles �
Information Submitted: 15#felt
Annotated architectural drawin s includin : 1/2"sheathing
Blown insulation R-44
Windows: Atrium 5/8"gypsum board
Swinging Patio Doors: Atrium ',
Entry Doors: Therma Tru Mechanical Ventilation System:
Skylights: N/A 2-ton central air conditioning unit
Com liance with STC Re uirements: Window, Door Frame, Perimeter and Other Seals:
All window and door openings are to be caulked
Average windowhnrall area for exterior wall: '�� � q0 with butyl-based caulk '
With this wir�dow/walt area ratio and STC 40 walls,windows Fireplace Chimney Cap:
with an STC 30 can be used to meet the noise reduction N/A
Ventilation Duct Exterior Walt Penetrations:
Summa : All exterior ducts will have bends as required
by the ordinance
Other measures including duct bends and caulking are being ',
taken to ensure minimum transmission of noise through the Door and Window Construction:
exterior building shell so that the construction should meet Windows: Atrium (30 STC) '
the compatibility guidelines.
Sliding Patio Doors: Atrium (30 STC)
Therefore, the meterials and construction as proposed should ',
meet the requirements o#the Eagan aircraft noise ordinance. Entry Doors: Therma Tru (29 STC)
Skylights: N/A
Review Completed (date : • • !
Other Exterior Wall Penetrations:
Review Completed b : Tom Tamte Sill sealer between lates and blocks ;
PROPERTY LEGAL: ��I,�� �� �I�� �, `.>�`�''���t`1���s<i t� rl�°
cc ,
� p ❑ • Registered Land Surveyor signature and company
� ❑ ❑ • Building Permit Applicant
� ❑ ❑ • Legal description
� p p • Address
p� p ❑ • North arrow and scale
� ❑ ❑ • House type (rambler,walkout, split wlo,split entry, lookout, etc.)
� ❑ ❑ • Directional drainage arrows with slope/gradient%
� 0 ❑ • Propased/existing sewer and water services&invert elevation
' � ❑ 0 • Street name
� ❑ ❑ • Driveway(grade&width-in RNV and back of curb, 22' max.)
,,B p ❑ • Lot Square Footage
,� ❑ ❑ • Lot Coverage
�i' 0 ❑ • Property corners
,,B' 0 ❑ � Top of curb at the driveway and property line extensions
�` 0 0 . • Elevations of any existing adjacent homes
�' ❑ ❑ • Adequate footing depth of structures due to adjacent utility trenches
p f�' ❑ • Waterways (pond, stream, etc.)
Proposed �
�Q° ❑ 0 • Garage floor
❑ � p • Basement floor
�' ❑ ❑ • Lowesf exposed elevation (walkouUwindow)
�I' ❑ 0 • Property corners
�' 0 ❑ • Front and rear of home at the foundation
PONDING AREA(if applicable)
❑ �j p • Easement line
❑ � ❑ • NWL
❑ � p • HWL
p �` ❑ • Pond#designation
❑ �� 0 • Emergency Overflow Elevation
❑ �' 0 • Pond/Wetland buffer delineation
Y � • Shoreland Zoning Overlay Disfrict
Y �' • Conservation Easemenfs
� p ❑ • Lot IineslBearings &dimensions
�7' ❑ ❑ • Right-of-way and street width (ta back of curb)
�]' ❑ ❑ • Proposed home dimensions including any proposed decks, overhangs greater than 2', porches,etc.
(i.e. all structures requiring permanent footings)
� ❑ ❑ • Show ail easements of record and any City utilities within those easements
�'' ❑ ❑ • Setbacks of proposed structure and sideyard setback of adjacent exisfing strucfures
�,2 ❑ 0 • Retaining wall requirements:
Reviewed By: Date f����
G:/FORMS/Buiiding Permit Appiication Rev. 11-26-04
o��-cn�,•cn .�o m c,,aco rva� c� rncn�c�a�v�C� rrr m �ocn��cor Ul I
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2422 Ente�prise Drive Fax:(651)681-9488 projcct#: 113083005 Plymouth,MN 55446-4270
Nlendota Heighcs,MN 55120 www.pioneereng.com Folder#: 7509 Drawn by: TSS Phone:(952)249-3000/Fax:(952)404-1909
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I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report
was prepared by me or under my direct supervision
and that I am a duly licensed professional engineer
To: Lennar Corporation under the laws of the ta of nnes ta.
Re: Braced Wall Fastening
3440, 3442, 3444 Chestnut Lane
Eagan, MN Nick Hanson
Date: 8/20/14 Date: 8-20-14
Minnesota Registration No.46665
Project No. 3.204
Nick Hanson, PE visited the above site under construction in Eagan, Minnesota for an inspection
of the fastening of the exterior house braced wall locations at the above address for the braced
walls of the Main Windforce Resisting Elements only. The braced wall sheathing and fastening
was to be constructed in accordance with structural engineering drawings dated July 30, 2013
prepared by The Hanson Group. The following items were noted at the inspection:
August 19, 2014
1. The exterior gypsum board braced wall locations were to be installed and fastened in
accordance with Note 2 of the structural drawings which specified %" gypsum sheathing
fastened to 2x6 studs at 16" on-center with galvanized roof nails, 8d nails, or 1%" 16
gage staples at 7" on-center.
2. The construction noted on site consisted of%" exterior gypsum board sheathing nailed
with 8d nails at approximately 6"-7" on-center applied vertically to 2x6 wall studs
spaced at 16" on-center. These nails appeared to have significantly penetrated through
the gypsum paper. The braced wall panels appeared to have been re-nailed with
galvanized roofing nails at a spacing of approximately 4" on-center. The locations of
braced wall panels noted still had minor (%8" +/-) penetration through the gypsum paper.
3. No interior gypsum had been installed yet at the time of the observations.
4. No other areas were requested for inspection or observed during the site visit.
The Builder shall provide the following substitution for the braced wall locations specified on
the structural drawings at the overdriven nail locations:
• The provided 5/" gypsum exterior sheathing noted with 6d cooler nails or wallboard
nails with %8" heads spaced at 4" on-center with no more than %8" penetration is
acceptable with additional gypsum board nailing on the interior.
Lennar Corporation
Hanson Group Project: 3.204
August 20, 2014
Page 2
• For additional support provide 5/" gypsum interior sheathing with Type S or W Number
6 x 1%" screws spaced at 4" on-center at all stud and plate locations with no blocking at
edges is required.
• All other non-braced wall locations not specified on the structural drawings may be
standard framing.
This memorandum applies to the noted alternative sheathing and fastening requirements of
the structural drawings for the Jefferson and Madison plans at the braced wall locations only.
All other braced wall requirements and information noted on the structural drawings is to be
followed and inspected by City Building Officials.
The observations and opinions expressed in this report are based on our professional
engineering judgment and professional practice, as well as limited visual observations of
exposed materials only. No testing or removal of materials was performed to determine i
physical condition and state of structural foundation components, nor compliance with the �'
present Building Code. Contact The Hanson Group should evidence contrary to the above ,
observations and findings noted be found during construction.
These conclusions are based on preliminary and limited examination and analysis described
above as well as reported information. We reserve the right to supplement and/or amend
these findings and/or opinions should new information become available. Concealed
discrepancies and/or defects limit the accuracy and scope of this report. No warranty, either
expressed or implied, for any portion of the structure is given.
The Hanson Group
� �
Nick Hanson, PE
Oct 02 14 09:01 a Water poctors 7635351805 p.4
Use BLUE or BLA6K Ink
�-------- ---,
� For Office Use I
� �a C �
� Permit#: �
Clt� 0� E���Il � PertnilFee: �- �� I
3630 Pilot Knob Road � Q , � i
Eagan MN 55122 i Date Received: �
Phone: (651)675•5675 �
� Staff: I �
Fax: (651) 675-5694 _________ _______�
�ate:1� ��'�l� Site Address� ��� C�'�5�kuT ��
Tenant: Suite#:
- �' �, Name: �-QK�A'r ��ok�%� Phone:
� �;���' Address I Cily 1 Zip:
=u � �,�.,�� :
� � � �}�`���� Name:t,t�Fl-7�PDQS License#: �.(3�' �9��d0 Z
�� �u t�' F L�c�A�-r
���'= �a oc �.��z�� �-v� �� s�P��r�
Address: �� `
State:� � ZipJs��2 Phone:��.�--3 3�^ ���
Contact S�e'Ue' �t�-OD� Emait:
-: '�
��:�' �New _Rsplacement _Repair _Rebuild _Modify Space _Work in R,O.W.
��";% Description of work:
_.;- ':
' Water Heater
��. — �Water Softener
� : Lawn Irrigation(_RPZ!_PVB)
�.�e; —
y - Add Plumbing Fixtures (_Main!J�ower Level)
_ �>� �;� _Septic System —
_ -- N� _Water Tumaround
'�. —
f ,�'s Abandanment
$60.00 Water Heater,Water Softener, or Water Heater and Softener(includes 55.00 State Surcharge)
�60.OQ Laum Irrigation(includes$5.00 minimum State Surcharge)
$60.00 Add Plumbing Fixtures, Septic Svstem Abandonment,Water Turnaround'(includes S5.b0 State Surcharge)
'Water Turnaround (add$200.00 if a 518"meter is required)
$115.00 SeDtic SVStem New($10.00 per as built�(includes County fee and$5.00 State Surcharge)
CALL BEF�RE YOU OIG. Call GopherState One Call a[{651j 454-0002 for protection againsi underground utility damage.
Call 48 hours before you intend to dig to reCeive locates of underground utilities. ww�N qooherstateonecall.orq
I hereby acknowledge that this informa:ion is complete and accurate;that tF�e work will be in conformance with[he ordinances and codes of Uze City ot
Eagen;ttiat I understand this is not a pennit,bcf only an application for a permit, and work is not to staA without a permit;that 1he work will be in
accordanCe with the apprOVed plan in the case of work which requires a review�and approval of plans.
X�� ���� x
ApplicanYs Printed Name ApplicanYs Signature I
�� -a. �_ � , ,� � 2.¢^���2�'r`�kz" �.,�zh� � 3}���,�.,�{- *' s`��=.��`� I
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Cl�� of�a��Il
Address: 3440 Chestnut Lane Permit#: 123783
The following items were/were not completed at the Final Inspection on: ���� 2����1�1�
-� ��� � ��iu:� ������u�a�����n�,���� : ��
=� ��rr�a� �1�� �a��� �, � � �� ���������
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Final grade - 6"from siding
Permanent steps—Garage �
Permanent steps— Main Entry �
Permanent Driveway �
Permanent Gas �
Retaining Wall or 3:1 Max Slope ���-
So / Seeded Lawn
Trail / Curb Damage �
Porch �v n
Lower Level Finish �/� �-
Deck �
Fireplace �
• Verify with your builder that roof test caps from the plumbing system have been removed.
• Turn off water supply to the outside lawn faucets before freeze potential exists.
• Call the Engineering Department at (651) 675-5646 prior to working in the right-of-way or installing an
irrigation system.
Building Inspector: �� �� �� � �e'1� �l
G:\Building Inspections\FORMS\Checklists
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