1518 Violet Lane � , . , 1 � � � � � � (3t.. �� 3���� � �s �l.�� ��
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V�� �� �� �il E���V E� i Permit#: �d�� / � I
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I Permif Fee: —I j O�l• �
383U Pilot Knob Road MA� �D�� I �
Eagan MN 55122 � O � Date Rece,ived: ����j �
Phone:(651)675-5675 � �
Fax:(651)675-5694 � � Staff: �"� I
� i,� - '� �1 ��� 7-3 !--------------- i
Date � •1 t, ��� Site Address: � Unit#: '
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�������' License#: C7 Lead Certificate#:
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If the project is exempt from lead certification, please explain why: (see Page 3 for additional information)
In the last 12 months,has the City of Eagan issued a permit for a similar plan based on a master plan?
Yes �o �f yes,date and address of master plan:
Licensed Plumber. 'D'����,��i Phone:1,^!��.C.�.C��.�Zr
Mechanical Contractor: ������/�(�.�, ..�.•�. ,�'�_"'�'�,���_Phone:q� 'L. � 4.C,G��
Sewer&Water Contractor:b�...�+ Phone:�'o�`� . 4"3� . '��ia
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CALL BEFORE YOU DIG. Call GopherState One Call at(651)454-0002 for protection against underground utility damage. Call 48 hours �
before you intend to dig to receive locates of underground ufilities. www.qopherstateonecali.orq I
I hereby acknowledge that this information is complete and accurate;that the work will be in conformance with ttie ordinances and codes of the City of
Eagan;that I understand this is not a permit, but oniy an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a permit; that the work will be in
accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans.
Exterior work authoriied by a building permit issued in accordance with the Minnesota 5tate Building Code must be completed within 180
days of permit issuance.
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Applicant's Printed Name t's gn ure
Page 1 of 3
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_ Foundation _ Fireplace _ Porch(3-Season) _ ExteriorAlferation(Single Family)
_ Single Family Garage Porch(4-Season) _ ExteriorAlteration(Mulfi)
Multi Deck Porch(ScreenlGazebo/Pergola) Miscellaneous
� 01 of�Wlex _ Lower Level _ Pool _ Accessory Building
New Interior improvement _ Siding _ Demolish Building*
_ Addition Move Building _ Reroof _ Demolish Interior
_ Aiteration _ Fire Repair _ Windows Demolish Foundation
_ Replace _ Repair Egress Window Water Damage '
_ Retaining Wall *Demolition of entire building—give PCA handout to applicant
Valuation '� Occupancy � MCES System
Plan Review Code.Edition � SAC Units
(25%_100%�) Zoning � City Water
Census Code Stories Booster Pump
#of Units _�� ' Square Feet PRV
#of Buildings �; Length � ` Fire Sprinklers
Type of Construction`� Width __�
�y Footings (New Bu'ilding) Meter Size:
Footings(Deck) � Final/C.O. Required
Footings(Addition) Final/No C.O.Required .
�,Foundation HVAC Gas Senrice Test Gas Line Air Test
Roof:_Ice &Water _Final Pool: Footings Air/Gas Tests _Final
Framing Drain Tile .
Fireplace:�Rough In �Air Test �Final Siding:_Stucco Lath Stone Lat _Brick
Insulation Windows
Sheathing Retaining WaIL•_Footings_Backfill Final
Sheetrock -�� Radon Control
Fire Walls Erosion Control
Braced Walls � Other:
Reviewed By: _ �� , Building Inspector
RESIDENTIAL FEES /� �f� �/ / "�L/
Base Fee �j l''•a��'1��� �.,D � l���.�� � 1 � /O 0 ���
� ��� �
Surcharge . � ,�� � � �' '�� ��� ��
Plan Review � � ��/
MCES SAC ���,�°° i ��� �` ����= �� ��
City SAC �� ���.
Utility Connection Charge
S&W Permit&Surcharge ��� �. �� ��''"" �i �. ��
� � ��
Treatment Plant f
Copies �r'�"�� �� !�' '�� g s`''�
TOTAL � � � � � �
� � ��� �
, ge2of3 ��� � i
� � � � �
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1� ����
, New Construction Energy Code Compliance Certificate
Per NI101.8 Building Certificate.A building certificate shall be posted in a permanenfly visible location inside Date Certilicate Posted
the building. The certificate shall be completed by the builder and shall list information and values of
components listed in Table N1101.8.
Mailing Address oT the Dwelling or Dwelling Unit C��y
1518 Violet Lane Eagan
Name of Residential Contrac[or MN License Number �
Ron Clark Construction & Desi n 1220
Type:Check All That Apply X Passive(No Fan)
o �
� � �, Active(�ith fan and mvnometer vr '
� �, other system moni�oring device,)
�s o � ? o y
a�i � o � U a� •q a�i a
a � W Oa a�i U a'-�i 'o �
� o v; v; o a�i '� � �
Insulation Location � .o Z � � a w x �
=° ° a' °° U � a��i ;c -c
� � �
E-� � z w w w° w° � cC t� Other Please Describe Here
Belotv Entire'Slab � '
Foundation Wall R-5 X EMerior
Foundation Wall At Walk Out' f2-�Q i )( intenor
Rim Joist(Foundation) R-12 X inter�or
Rim'Joist(1g`,Floor+) ', � ',
wau R-19 X
Geiling,flat ' ' R-�4 X
Ceiling,vaalted X
Bay Windows or cantilevered areas fZW30 X
Four Season Porch Above Unconditioned Space R-35 X X F.GorBlownR30 / 1"RigidR5
Describe otherinsulated areas
Windows&Doors Heating or Cooling Ducts Outside Conditioned Spaces
Average U-Factor(excludes skylights and one door)U: 031 x Not applicable,all ducts located in conditioned space
Solar Heat Gain Coefficient(SHGC): 0.35 R-value R-8 in garage area
MECHANICAL SYSTEMS Make-up Air Select a Type
Appliances Heating System Domestic Water Heater Cooling System X Not required per mech.code
Fuel'Type GAS EleCtriC R-410A Passive
Manufacturer Bryant Marathon Bryant Powered
Interlocked with e�aust device.
Mode� 912SB3606dS14 MR1Q5245 CA1303i� vescribe:
Input in 60,000 Capacity in 105 �lPut in Z,5 Other,describe:
Rating or Size BTUS: Gallons: Tons:
����SS 53,828 Heat 20a143 Location of duct or system:
Structure's Calculated' Gain:
AFCJE or 92/o SEER: 13
° �
Calculated 23,501
Efficienc cooling load: Cfm's
"round duct OR
Mechanical Ventilafion System "metal duct
Describe any additional or combined heating or cooling systems if installed:(e.g.two fumaces or air Combustion Air Select a Type
source heat pump with gas back-up furnace): Not required per mech.code
Select Type X Passive 6"Flex
X Heat Recover Ventilator(HRV) Capacity in cfins: Low: 66 High: 150 Other,describe:
Energy Recover Ventilator(ER�Capacity in cfms: Low: High: Location of duct or system:
Continuous exhausting fan(s)rated capacity in cfms: BaSgrpent
Location of fan(s),describe: Cfin's
Capacity continuous ventilation rate in cfins: "round duct OR Flex
Total ventilarion(intermittent+conrinuous)rate in cfins: "metal duct
Created by BAM version 052009
Burnsville Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc.
3451 W. Burnsville Pkwy,Suite 120, Burnsville, MN 55337
Phone 952-894-0005—Fax 952-894-0925—Web www.burnsvilleheatin�.com
Ventilation, Makeup and Combustion Air Calculations
Submittal Form for New Dwellings
Site address 1518 Violet Lane Date
Contractor Burnsville Heating&Air Conditioning,Inc Completed By Alan Dobson
Section A
Ventilation Quantity
(Determine quantity by using Table N1104.2 or Equation 11-1)
Square feet(Conditioned area including 3515 Total required ventilation 140
Basement—finished or unfinished)
Number of bedrooms 3 Continuous ventilation 70
Directions—Determine the total and continuous ventilation rate by either using Table N1104.2 or equation 11-1.
The table and equation are below.
Table N1104.2
Total and Continuous Ventilation Rates(in cfm)
Number of Bedrooms
1 2. 3 4 5 6
Conditioned TotalJ Total/ Total/ Total/ Total/ Total/
space(in sq.ft. continuous continuous continuous continuous continuous continuous
1000-1500 60/40 75/40 90/45 105/53 120/60 135/68
1501-2000 70/40 85/43 100/50 115/58 130/65 145/73
2001-2500 80/40 95/48 110/55 125/63 140/70 155/78
25013000 90/45 105/53 120/60 135/68 150/75 165/83
3001-3500 100/50 115/58 130/65 145/73 160/80 175/88
35t�1-���0 110/55 125/63 �.a��70 155/78 170/85 185/93
4001-4500 120/60 135/68 150/75 165/83 180/90 195/98 ii
4501-5000 130/65 145/73 160/80 175/88 190/95 205/103
5001-5500 140/70 155/78 170/85 185/93 200/100 215/108
5501-6000 150/75 165/83 180/90 195/98 210/105 225/113
Equation 11-1
(0.02 x square feet of conditioned space)+[15 x(number of bedrooms+1)] =Total ventilation rate(cfm)
Total ventilation—The mechanical ventilation system shall provide sufficient outdoor air to equal the total
ventilation rate average,for each one-hour period according to the above table or equation. For heat recovery
ventilators(HRV)and energy recovery ventilators(ERV)the average hourly ventilation capacity must be
determined in consideration of any reduction of exhaust or outdoor air intake,or both,for defrost or other
equipment cycling.
Continuous ventilation—A minimum of 50 percent of the total ventilation rate, but not less than 40 cfm shall be
provided,on a continuous rate average for each one-hour period.The portion of the mechanical ventilation
system intended to be continuous may have automatic cycling controls providing the average flow rate for each
hour is met.
G:\SAFETY\JK\Vent-makeup-comb air submittal(2).docx Page 1 of 6
Section B
Ventilation Method
(choose either balanced or exhaust only)
� Balanced,HRV(Heat Recovery Ventilator)or ERV(Energy ❑ Exhaust only
Recovery Ventilator)—cfm of unit in low must not exceed Continuous fan rating in cfm
continuous ventilation rating by more than 100�
Low cfm: 66 High cfm:150 Continuous fans rating in cfm(capacity
must not exceed continuous ventilation
rating by more than 100%)
Directions—Choose the method of ventilation,balanced or exhausts only.ealanced ventilation sys[ems are typically HRV or
ERV's.Enter the low and high cfm amounts.Low c m air flow must be equa!to or greater than the required continuous
ventilation rate and less than 100%greater than the continuous rate.(For instance,if the low cfm is 40 cfm,the ventilation fan
must not exceed 80 cfm.J Automatic controls may a(low the use of a larger fan that is operated a percentage of each hour.
Section C
Ventilation Fan Schedule
Description Location Continuous Intermittent
Bath Fan Master Bath 80
Bath Fan Main Bath 80
Directions—The ventilation fan schedule should describe what the fan is for,the location,cfm,and whether it is used for
continuous or intermittent ventilation. The fan that is chose for continuous ventilation must be equal to or greater than the low
c m air rating and less than 100%greater than the continuous rate.(For instance,if the low cfm is 40 cfm,the continuous
ventilation fan must not exceed 80 cfm.Automatic controls may allow the use of a larger fan that is operated a percentage of
each hour.
Section D
Ventilation Controls
(Describe operation and control of the continuous and intermittent ventilation)
Control Located In Mech Room
Directions-Describe the operation of the ventilation system. There should be adequate detail for plan reviewers and inspectors
to verify design and installation compliance.Related trades also need adequate detail for placement of controls and proper
operation of the building ventilation.If exhaust fans are used for building ventilation,describe the operation and location of any
controls,indicators and legends.If an ERV or HRV is to be installed,describe how it will be installed.If it will be connected and
interfaced with the air handling equipment,please describe such connections as detailed in the manufactures'installation
instructions.If the installation instructions require or recommend the equipment to be interlocked with the air handling
equipment for proper operation,such interconnection shall be made and described.
Section E
Make-up air
Passive(determined from calculations from Table 501.3.1)
Powered(determined from calculations from Table 501.3.1)
Interlocked with exhaust device(determined from calculations from Table 501.3.1)
Location of duct or system ventilation make-up air:Determined from make-up air opening table
NR cfm Size and type(round,rectangular,flex or rigid)
_ _. _ _.. . ,,
��� — 2 � Page�
Directions—In order to determine the makeup air, Table 501.3.1 must be filled out(see belowJ.For most new installations,
column A will be appropriate,however,if atmospherically vented appliances or solid fuel appliances are installed,use the
appropriate column.For existing dwellings,see IMC 501.3.3.Please note,if the makeup air quantity is negative,no additional
makeup air will be required for ventilation,if the value is positive refer to Table 501.3.2 and size the opening. Transfer the cfm,
size of opening and type(round,rectangular,flex or rigid)to the last line of section D. The make-up air supply must be installed
per IMC 501.3.2.3.
Table 501.3.1
(Additional combustion air will be required for combustion appliances,see KAIR method for calculations)
One or multiple One or multiple fan- One atmospherically Multiple
power assisted vent atmospherically
vent or direct vent appliances and gas or oil appliance vented gas or oil
appliances power vent or direct or appliances or solid
or no combustion vent one solid fuel fuel
appliances appliances appliance appliances
Column A Column B Column C Column D
1• 0.15 0.09 0.06 0.03
b)conditioned floor area(sf)(including 3515
unfinished basements)
Estimated House Infiltration(cfm):[1a 527.25
x lb]
2.Exhaust Capacity
a)continuous exhaust-only ventilation
system(cfm);(not applicable to balanced
ventilation systems such as
b)clothes dryer(cfm) - 135 135 135 135
c)80%of largest exhaust rating(cfm); 240
Kitchen hood typically I
(not applicable if recirculating system
or if powered makeup air is electrically
interlocked and match to exhaust)
d)80%of next largest exhaust rating NOt I
(cfm);bath fan typically Applicable '�
(not applicable if recirculating system
or if powered makeup air is electrically
interlocked and matched to exhaust)
Total Exhaust Capacity(cfm); 375
3.Makeup Air Quantity(cfm) 375
a)total exhaust capacity(from above)
b)estimated house infiltration(from 527.25
Makeup Air Quantity(cfm); -152.25
(if value is negative,no makeup air is
4.For makeup Air Opening Sizing,refer
to Table 501.4.2
A.Use this column if there are other than fan-assisted or atmospherically vented gas or oil appliance or if there are no combustion appliances.
(Power vent
�'I and direct vent appliances may be used.)
B.Use this column if there is one fan-assisted appliance per venting system.(Appliances other than atmospherically vented appliances may also
be included.)
C.Use this column if there is one atmospherically vented(other than fan-assisted)gas or oil appliance per venting system or one solid fuel
D.Use this column if there are multiple atmosphericaliy vented gas or oil appliances using a common vent or if there are atmospherically
vented gas or oil
appliances and solid fuel appliances.
_ . __ _ --- __ 3 I P._a � e..
Makeup Air Opening Table for New and Existing Dwelling
Table 501.3.2
One or multiple One or multiple One atmospherically Multiple
power fanassisted vented gas or oil atmospherically
vent,direct vent appliances and appliance vented gas or oil
appliances, power vent or direct or one solid fuel appliances Duct diameter
or no combustion vent appliances appliance or solid fuel
appliances appliances
Column A Column B Column C Column D
Passiveopening 1-36 1-22 1-15 1-9 3
Passiveopening 37-66 23-41 16-28 10-17 4
Passive opening 67—109 42—66 29—46 18—28 5
Passive opening 110-163 67—100 47—69 29—42 6
Passive opening 164—232 301-143 70—99 43—61 7
Passive opening 233—317 144—195 100—135 62—83 $
Passive opening 318—419 196—258 136—179 84—110 9
Passive opening 420—539 259—332 180—230 111-142 10
Passive opening 540—679 333—419 231—290 143—179 11
Powered makeup air >679 >419 >290 >179 NA
A.An equivalent length of 100 feet of round smooth metal duct is assumed.Subtract 40 feet for the exterior hood and ten feet for each 90-
degree elbow to determine the remaining length of straight duct allowable.
B.If flexible duct is used,increase the duct diameter by one inch.Flexible duct shall be stretched with minimal sags.Compressed duct shall not
be accepted.
C.Barometric dampers are prohibited in passive makeup air openings when any atmospherically vented appliance is installed.
D.Powered makeup air shall be electrically interlocked with the largest exhaust system.
Sections F
Combustion air
Not required per mechanical code(No atmospheric or power vented appliances) '
X Passive(see IFGC Appendix E,Worksheet E-1) Size and type 4"smooth or 5"Flex I!
Explanation -If no atmospheric or power vented appliances are installed, check the appropriate box, not
required. If a power ventedor atmospherically vented appliance installed, use IFGC Appendix E,
Worksheet E-1 (see below). Please enter size and type. Combustionair vent supplies must communicate
with the appliance or appliances that require the combustion air.
Section F calculations follow on the next 2 pages.
_ __._.
. __ 4 � Fage .
Directions - The Minnesota Fuel Gas Code method to calculate to size of a reguired combustion air
opening, is called the Known Air Infiltration Rate Method. For new construction, 4b of step 4 is
required to be filled out.
IFGC Appendix E,Worksheet E-1
Residential Combustion Air Calculation Method
(for Furnace,Boiler,and/or Water Heater in the Same Space)
Step 1:Complete vented combustion appliance information.
_Draft Hood _Fan Assisted or Power Vent _X_Direct Vent Input:_80000 BTU/HR
Water Heater:
_Draft Hood _Fan Assisted or Power Vent _Direct Vent Input:_Electric BTU/HR
Step 2:Calculate the volume of the Combustion Appliance Space(CAS)containing combustion appliances.
The CAS includes all spaces connected to one another by code compliant openings. CAS Volume: ft
Step 3: Determine Air Changes per Hour(ACH)1
Default ACH values have been incorporated into Table E-1 for use with Method 4b(KAIR Method).
If the year of construction or ACH is not known,use method 4a(Standard Method).
Step 4:Determine Required Volume for Combustion Air.(DO NOT COUNT DIRECT VENTAPPLIANCES)
4a.Standard Method
Total Btu/hr input of all combustion appliances Input: Btu/Hr
Use Standard Method column in Table E-1 to find Total Required TRV: ft3
If CAS Volume(from Step 2)is greater than TRV then no outdoor openings are needed.
If CAS Volume(from Step 2)is less than TRV then go to STEP 5.
4b.Known Air Infiltration Rate(KAIR)Method(DO NOT COUNT DIRECT VENT APPLIANCES)
Total Btu/hr input of all fan-assisted and power vent appliances Input:_40000 Btu/Hr
Use Fan-Assisted Appliances column in Table E-1 to find RFVA: 3000 ft3
Required Volume Fan Assisted(RVFA) -
Total Btu/hr input of all Natural draft appliances Input:Btu/hr Input: 0 Btu/Hr
Use Natural draft Appliances column in Table E-1 to find RVNFA:_none ft3 i
Required Volume Natural draft appliances(RVNDA) �
Total Required Volume(TRV)=RVFA+RVNDA TRV= 3000 + none — 3000 TRV ft3
If CAS Volume(from Step 2)is greater than TRV then no outdoor openings are needed.
If CAS Volume(from Step 2)is less than TRV then go to STEP 5.
Step 5:Calculate the ratio of available interior volume to the total required volume.
Ratio=CAS Volume(from Step 2)divided by TRV(from Step 4a or Step 4b)
Ratio= / 3000 =
Step 6:Calculate Reduction Factor(RF).
RF=1 minus Ratio RF=1- _
Step 7:Calculate single outdoor opening as if all combustion air is from outside.
Total Btu/hr input of all Combustion Appliances in the same CAS Input: Btu/Hr
Combustion Air Opening Area(CAOA):
Total Btu/hr divided by 3000 Btu/hr per inZ CAOA= 40000 /3000 Btu/hr per in 13.33
Step 8:Calculate Minimum CAOA.
Minimum CAOA=CAOA multiplied by RF Minimum CAOA= 13.33 x =in
Step 9:Calculate Combustion Air Opening Diameter(CAOD)
CAOD=1.13 multiplied by the square root of Minimum CAOA CAOD=1.13� Minimum CAOA= in.diameter
go up one inch in size if using flex duct
, 1 If desired,ACH can be determined using ASHRAE calculation or blower door test.Follow procedures in Section
--- - .. __ .,.,,
__---_ .__
S � Page
. ,
. `
IFGC Appendix E,Table E-1
Residential Combustion air(Required Interior Volume Based on Input Rating of Appliance)
Known Air Infiltration Rate(KAIR)Method(cu ft)
Fan Assisted or Power Vent Natural Draft
Input Rating Standard Method 1994to present Pre-1994 1994to present Pre-1994
5,000 250 375 188 525 263
10,000 500 750 375 1,050 525
15,000 750 1,125 563 1,575 788
20,000 1,000 1,500 750 2,100 1,050
25,000 1,250 1,875 938 2,625 1,313
30,000 1,500 2,250 1,125 3,150 1,575
35,000 1,750 2,625 1,313 3,675 1,838
40,000 2,000 3,000 1,500 4,200 2,100
45,000 2,250 3,375 1,688 4,725 2,363
50,000 2,500 3,750 1,675 5,250 2,625
55,000 2,750 4,125 2,063 5,775 2,888
60,000 3,000 4,500 2,250 6,300 3,150
65,000 3,250 4,875 2,438 6,825 3,413
70,000 3,500 5,250 2,625 7,350 3,675
75,000 3,750 5,625 2,813 7,875 3,938
80,000 4,000 6,000 3,000 8,400 4,200
85,000 4,250 6,375 3,188 8,925 4,463
90,000 4,500 6,750 3,375 9,450 4,725
95,000 4,750 7,125 3,563 9,975 4,988
100,000 5,000 7,500 3,750 10,500 5,250
105,000 5,250 7,875 3,938 11,025 5,513
110,000 5,500 8,250 4,125 11,550 5,775
115,000 5,750 8,625 4,313 12,075 6,038
120,000 6,000 9,000 4,500 12,600 6,300
125,000 6,250 9,375 4,688 13,125 6,563
130,000 6,500 9,750 4,875 13,650 6,825
135,000 6,750 10,125 5,063 14,175 7,088
140,000 7,000 10,500 5,250 14,700 7,350
145,000 7,250 10,875 5,438 15,225 7,613
150,000 7,500 11,250 5,625 15,750 7,875
155,000 7,750 11,625 5,813 16,275 8,138
160,000 8,000 12,000 6,000 16,800 8,400
165,000 8,250 12,375 6,188 17,325 8,663
170,000 8,500 12,750 6,375 17,850 8,925
175,000 8,750 13,125 6,563 18,375 9,188
180,000 9,000 13,500 6,750 18,900 9,450
185,000 9,250 13,875 6,938 19,425 9,713
190,000 9,500 14,250 7,125 19,950 9,975
195,000 9,750 14,625 7,313 20,475 10,238
200,000 10,000 15,000 7,500 21,000 10,500
205,000 10,250 15,375 7,688 22,525 10,783
210,000 10,500 15,750 7,875 22,050 11,025
215,000 10,750 16,125 8,063 22,575 11,288
220,000 11,000 16,500 8,250 23,100 11,550
225,000 11,250 16,875 8,438 23,625 11,813
230,000 11,500 17,250 8,625 24,150 12,075
1.The 1994 date refers to dwellings constructed under the 1994 Minnesota Energy Code.The default KAIR used in this section
of the table is 0.20 ACH.
2.This section of the table is to be used for dwellings constructed prior to 1994.The default KAIR used in this section of the
table is 0.40 ACH.
__ _.__---_� -_- . ___ .._
6 � Page
159 8 Violet Lane
HVAC Load Calculations
Ron Clark
. _ ,
I°�'�.�� I.,�►�r,��
Prepared By:
Alan Dobson
Sumsvilie Heating&A/C Inc.
3451w Bumsviile Pkwy,Suite 120
Burnsville,MN 55337
Thursday,May 15,2014
Rhvac is an ACCA approved Manuai J and Manual D computer program.
Caiculations are performed per ACGA Manual J 8th Edition,Version 2,and ACCA Manual D.
Rhvac Reaidentta7�L�ght�tsmrr�rciaC HYAG Lbads Elite So#lware Devgloprr��#.inc�
,$�msv�lte Nea�n��A/C tnt� � � �518 U'ia[et�pe;
B�tns�E(e�MN 553�? . �,� - � ��: � ..�� . � �.„ „, . ,� -, . :� ,,. � _ �� : , .� ....',.. ... .:. �P-�e:2;
Pro ect Re ort '
Ger�e�a1 i?�' ec�:li�#orn�a�� ��� F.. ¢��:� �� ��� � � ' -���� � � : :� t � '
�.... . .. . � . ,., ..� �. , , >-, , . �.�.. , .,.,.:> r .. �,s. �.-:R,- .. �, �5"_ -� *;�'�.+f,� �.,��'v ���`� ,�;r,Y'���,z�'� - �
Project Title: 1518�olet Lane � '
Designed By: Alan Dobsnn
Project Date: Thursday, May 15,2014
Project Comment
Client Name: Ron Clark
Company Name: Burnsviile Heating&A/C Inc.
Company Representative: Alan Dobson
Company Address: 3451w Bumsviile Pkwy, Suite 12Q
Company City: Bumsville,MN 55337
Company Phone: 952-8940005
Company Fax: 952-894-0925
Company Comment:
� � ��YC���.�"`. .s, ,.'x`�$;r �i �.. �. � ., ,_�:`n�'�5. r.'*�c`�,3� :". �...."e, ai '�,'.:-fi -.��a�u�. �- s.+�� u t=�� '.� -'�s ``� `�'�" �-� �'�',s,=-.
,�.� ..�.Ta, s.,r_� �
Reference City: Minneapolis, Minne�ota � �
Building Orientation: Front door faces West
Daily Temperature Range: Medium
Latitude: 44 Degrees
Elevation: 834 ft.
Altitude Factor: 0.970
Elevation Sensibie Adj. Factor: 1.Q00
Elevation Totai Adj. Factor: 1.000
' Elevation Heating Adj. Factor: 1.000
Elevation Hea#ing Adj. Factor. 1.00d ,
Outdoor Outdoor Outdoor Indoor tndoor Grains
Dry Butb Wet Bulb Rel.Hum Rel.Hum Dr�r Bulb Diff�rence
Winter: -15 -15.33 80% Na 72 n/a
Summer: 88 73 50% 50% 75 35
����,,,�i�. . � � �� � �� � ��: b�� -r� �� ,� � _
W1���"��......�.���st.s�='�'��.-i�`.�..z., .�.,..�...., ;�.<�� '„�,?`_ ,'sws..",r,;�"��' :� ;'�M�'"f.:�^ •� `-s: �.a,,'K e,.:�;4.`,"a -�-4-� `r�a-;,�s��','. 'x-`-a�
�,..�. .-.t,»,�,_�,.-o-7.`'�.. '>t.N`�u.°r. R�. ....�,�.x. . „_3 s�a�,..,... , ..-...:
Total Building Supply CFM: 946 CFM Per Square ft.: 0.269
Square ft.of Room Area: 3,515 Square ft. Per Ton: 1,795
Volume{ft3)of Cond. Space: 39,623
( ,, � � .
', ��I��� ��s,_�,r, ..``..:�a YTe 9.� �'a.,., .::�a'�`'�` as,...��„*+�,�a'§5�r?�,y 4,�.z �"",�`-f'�,.'�'+�:z r:��,`� �,: 'r �. E`C� ':�„„4",� �,' ,.,``',,,'.��.a-u �.z :.
e C
.:.a , .�. :k�.ros,�x ��5� ��. ,s�_ �?"'; .�. �� �w�.
Total Heating Required Including Ventilafion Air. 53,828 Btuh 53.828 MBH
Total Sensible Gain: 20,193 Btuh 86 %
'fatal Latent Gain: 3,308 Btuh 14 %
Total Cooling Required Including Ventilation Air: 23,501 Btuh 1.96 Tons(Based On Sensible+Latent)
,.�� $'r< �-,+,i� e 'k'�s�f N: �"�r`,���*'�r..`s�.. '-, .;� y"�. `: �,'`.�,�r'".:�- r'�.+�' �,`�a;�'z'',�,*' :���+��� k a>.;
..d.. ..v.k.�.fW.<, i[3�.:G< ,..-,.,�, a5 _ ..v_o-�..k�t�t. __ E cS..-�. .„x.d,,. .4�J ���K r`+M
Rhvac is an ACCA approved Manual J and�tanual D eomputer program.
Calculations are performed per ACCA Manual J 8th Edition,Version 2,and ACCA Manual D.
All computed results are estimates as building use and weather may vary.
Be sure to select a unit that meets both sensible and laten#loads according ta the manufacturer's performance data at
your design conditions.
- 1\SBS2011\RedirectedFolders...\Ron Cfark Covington III 4518 Volet Lane.rhv Thursday, May'I5,2014,2:05PM
fihvac i2esitlent�a�&Light�ommercial HVAG Loads ; ` �t�te Soitware Deve�opms�#,anc '
Bumbvii1e�ieat�ng&J�tCfr�e � : : � 1�i8�f'�1e�,i.anQ:-
� �
$urn�viil�iMN.6��37 _ .,; a �� ° � � ,�� -_ ---� _. �� � � ., P�" ';3�
Miscellaneous Re ort
5�rs�err�'��la�� �aor �� � � � ds�or� � �3��i r� �`� ��l�t�i r���� �I��t�� � � ���r�d� ���� �
�;m tya� �,� n�,z�. �.�°z. �,a : �i '�`� �,�e- ,�.-w����s-y- }��aa '�y�; � � �.p� � �� � "� =� � �����,����,
��y ��i1,7�� _&.�-� � ; a�;.:: ����'�� ���� r �`�YY��D_�� r.�'`..�37?�� h���-�I�i'�k".���.���- :� :�.�r_���_�..�:�.
Winter: -15 -15.33 80% n/a 72 nia
Summer: 88 73 5Q°!o 50°!0 75 35.17
w,: � � �.., � vz,f.z �.�; � ��� �'`� � �„ �z z �.e �"'�.�- �v '��,. a�� .�r�s., �'�.,��:
:�llG��IZT �1'1;;[E�3 .�� �r. ��� ,:� �� �, � �, � �_���� � �,e'. _� � � � s.
�'��.� �.� �?���:� .,�- ����y��� ��.%�
� Main Trunk �� Runouts � ��
Calculate: Yes Yes
Use Schedule: No No '
Roughness Factor: 0.00300 0.01000 '
Pressure Drop: 0.1000 in.wg.i100 ft. 0.1000 in.wg./1Q0 ft. I
Minimum Velocity: 650 ft./min 450 ft./min
Maximum Ve{ocity: 900 ft./min 750 ft.lmin
Minimum Height: 0 in. 0 in.
Maximum Height: 0 in. 0 in.
'�".� � ��, .� `�a���-�` 3.�>t �s,c� � -'r�X a a �-�': r"^r.�^-, .�� #�:. w`�3� ,�,� x ' o�i sr°.; �s;r � ,� ��
, _, � .,_,. .., .�,'. ,��_, -e,�._. ��_� ��`5��. �...�"��..-:,«s}-� �,". ,.�.�... ...,'��'�'a��'r�"�,•# 3.c�.���`,����^s'-,�.'v�.'`�f..�a.�r�3k:�.�s.s,_��,��a,w.�-` �F,-w-,,��r�
Winter Summer
Infiltration Specified: 0.320 AC/hr 0.170 AC/hr
169 CFM 90 CFM
_ . _ _ _ _ _
Infiltration ActuaL• 0.320 AC/hr 0.170 AC/hr
Above Grade Volume: X 31,623 Gu.ft. X 31.623 Cu.ft.
10,119 Cu.ft./hr 5,376 Cu.ft./hr
X 0.0167 X 0.0167
Tota!Bui(ding Infiltration: 169 CFM 90 CFM
Total Building Ventila#ion: 0 CFM 0 CFM
---System 1---
Infiltration&Ventilation Sensible Gain Multipiier: 13.87 = (1.10 X 0.970 X 13.00 Summer Temp.Difference)
Infiltration&Ventilation Latent Gain Multiplier: 23.20 = (0.68 X 0.970 X 35.17 Grains Difference)
Infiltration &Ventilation Sensible Loss ICllultiplier: 92.85 = (1.10 X 0.970 X 87.00 Winter Temp. Difference)
Winter Infiltration Spec�ed: 0.320 AC/hr(169 CFM), Constructian:Average
Summer Infiltration Specified: 0.170 AC/hr(90 CFM), Construction:Average
.�,I�rrR����V���Y /+y� ���QF� �� �..� ���...� �n �� � '���"s. ��::, a`� '�"e:,s� �°",-F�'; y 7-"�ka�m s i. :.rJ-?�s,�` - .�:��s� � ;.
-. .�:...�arT'�� ..� � ..�5 ,., „.a ._-,z.r.�. �';�4', r�...,n. ,. .x..�`�'-x�s� �.�v�`i�„�. ,.'�°". '�,e'��.^.��.,�„a'`> �` '�:�-.3�,f z=.;'�`�.�.�?:,,,�.".'xb,''� `a'�..=,
-�� �h� -� t r�'': '�"��' �d��a �$--��' '�i� k �^'�rsx _.:�[l��r`3�:� '� ��x.,����'�, �,l�`P"a *' "���F. ���.�` � �� :�"'���
��. �f e;s-� �Y�:.� °4� E'e" 5 -�`��,�s"�' ,. v- �`'�a: §.k :��. �a"�?<�r J'�°8 ���n.�'`�r'�� ���, ��€ �. �� � ��'�.,��>c������',*"`�.�.-��- �;� �'.
�o-�� �` �� �ci�� ����� � L��o��� �.,�N��a ..��� � x,� � j�.. ��i�� ���?�� �� ����-���
1 Supply Main Attic 16B 0.12 6 150 No�
1 Return Main Attic 16B 0.24 6 56 No
\\SBS2011\RedirectedFolders...1Ran Clark Covington III 1518 Violet Lane.rhv Thursday, May 15,2014,2:05 PM
ithvac Res�deniial8 L�ight Commercrat kNAC Loads �lite saftwate�}e�►eltsprr�nt,lnc :
Burnsv�Ite H�ahng�AlC T�c _ ' 1518 Vwle�lat�e'
��msv�lte=MN 5533i ..._.. } .,; ... . ;�.: _..,._= , .:�. . _ �_� _' , ..:- . �. .. ,.-r�a e;=11.:
TotalBuildin Summa Loads
�[3���}���� � �1�. �a : ^�`-�.�'i'�`�-4' �; s�a�a���-� �-�'�-��: � � .�,t1T��-�' �'��`� � r;Y3�.`�'�`�¢t�rr�-�.�� �,';�'�c�4� ]�r- ��`�-�� _����a
�� ,� ���- �. �� � � ��� ;�> �.,,x� ��, �J�=,--� x s� ���-� � � �*�g� �-�� s� x : �r���j�� mk�
��":SG ,IiO�g ���^ t� '���'�Va�s?y r�s- 3��? -•'_;+:� � � ._.>. 3 �" � r 23`��+F�IL1. _- `��'�� ���»<'�-�.� `�1,��
.i ���_ ..�-�-�' `4_�c,fr,.?�^ _ �
hbt: Glazing-hbt, ground reflectance=0.23, u-value 0.29, � 30 756 0 396 396
SNGC 0.3
hbt: Glazing-hbt, ground refisctance=0.23, u-value 0.31, 39 1,053 0 547 547
SHGC 0.32
1A-rv-d: Glazing-Single pane,sliding glass door, 40.8 1,171 0 1,591 1,591
reflective,vinyi frame,ground reflecFance=0.23, u-
value 0.33, SHGC 0.35
hbt: Glazing-hbt,ground reflectance=0.23, u-value 0.31, 130 3,507 0 4,836 4,836
SHGC 0.35
hbt: Gfazing-hbt, ground reflectance=0.23, u-value 0.3, 54 9,409 0 2,142 2,142
SHGC 0.35
Front Door: Door- 20.4 248 0 69 69
hbt: Door-hbt 19 232 0 64 64
12E-Osw:Wall-Frame, R-19 insulation in 2 x 6 stud 1954.9 11,563 0 2,049 2,049
cavi#y, no board insulation, siding finish,waod studs
R-5 waU:Walt- 879.5 5,203 0 921 921
RC Rim Joist: Wall-Frame, Custom, RC Rim joist 234.8 1,696 0 300 300
18B-44-ad: Roof/Ceiling-UnderAtticwith Insulation on 1771.1 3,389 0 9,870 1,870
Atfic Floor(also use for Knee Walls and Partition
Ceilings),vented attic, no radiant bar�ier, R-44
insulation, dark asphalt
20P-30: Floor-Over open crawl space or garage, Passive, 27 82 0 8 8
R-30 bianket insulation, any cover
2/A-32-v: Floor-Basement, Concrete slab, any thickness, 1742J 3,032 0 0 0
2 or more feet befow grade, no insulation belouv floor,
w v�nyl covering, shortest side of flaor slab Fs 32'wide
......__ ._ __.__..__.___.__. _. _ _._ --. ..._... .. --- ._____ __. . .____ . _____.�. _..._.,__._._. ._. _ _'._.._..._
Subtofals for structure: 33,341 0 14,793 14 793
People: 2 460 600 1,060
Equiprnent: 400 1,200 1,600
Lighting: 0 0 0
Ductwork: 4,827 371 2,172 2,543
In�ltration:Winter CFM: 169, Summer CFM: 90 15,660 2,077 1,242 3,319
Ventilation:Winter CFM:0,Summer CFM:0 0 0 0 0
AED Excursion: 0 0 186 186
_ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ ___ _ _
Totaf Building Load Totals: 53,828 3,308 20,193 23,501
�-e�$�,�.,.lF�y�'}t,`�'�,-,�:'_ �,. ,5`�';�,� . ���,fi���'� �..�.Po:��'���,"2._:,�. >.'�'.��`,�7,.,�5'�' '�'�r h e"'��'t�"'-��;.,.�ti "� .3 4�1-F,�e.a'�`�' .�'v�F'�`ar�;��.a,�'z, y;�e s, ���:.��
� . � . .:. � ._ � ..� ., . . -,
Total Buitding Supply CFM: 946 CFM Per Square ft.: 0.269
Square ft.of Room Area: 3,515 Square ft. Per Ton: 1,795
Volume(ft')of Cond. Space: 31,623
.,�}t�� '��'� �,g�'.,� t»' �^ .3."� �-�`&-� '� :.�''s-� '��' '�.:r;^�`��� :�.rs-'�.-�� '.. � � �3�' �... ,�t '� "�v a ��_ ,�,�s,c,�',��;
-eP'Kt:.:'.�3. ""f' .ns.�l - .r{'.' 'Y< -'.:`a,v"' `-:'at.-t :`,a J.x.;__'�'-s�'�y` �:�°$' x,�€��,�-`' , vsz�.y eh,yf'������.: �'� ,.-.7.
- -� :.e-.r��.__ ra�s� �,r ...�.,,�..��:.�
Total Heating Required Ineluding Venfilation Air: 53,828 Btuh� 53.828 MBH �� �
Total Sensible Gain: 20,193 Btuh 88 %
Total Latent Gain: 3,308 Btuh 14 %
Total Cooling Requirecf Including Ventilation Air. 23,501 Btuh 1.96 Tons(Based On Sensible+Latent)
�A ="�"� -�-4��# �� KS -. 3�R' ��^z� �'�.�-,�.*2,.a s.-��: �'�:� w�Y� : '�«` .� �z-� wa+.�- � �� �' ,�°�'Qr�fi
;�.e$x�.':��_..�_.-�-' �=..�. � €:�:�--..�"��-���,�. ,��-�.,���� �.<-,.�;��F � �m,��'`�z��;�:�.�� �s;�s=��.:����:;�rs�-��* ��������.�r;,,
Rhvac is an ACCA approved Manual J and Manual D computer program.
Calculations are perFormed per ACCA Manual J$th Edition,Version 2, and ACCA Manual D.
All computed results are estimates as building use and weather may vary.
Be sure to select a unit that meefs both sensible and latent loads according to the manufacturer's performance data at
your design conditions.
\15BS20111RedirectedFolders...\Ron Ciark Covington III 1518 Violet Lane.rhv Thursday, May 15, 2Q14,2:05 PM
, i
�k�hvac Residenttal�&Ligt►t�ommercial tiYAG Laa s �;- : �irte S+�ftware Davel9pme+4�Y,1nc� �,
�umsvil(e Heat��g&A/C inc; � f ' ��'4$"i7iolefi�ne< '
�B�tnsv�i(e,:1�fIN„553�37 ` �:� Pa e_:1��� �I
S stem 1 Main Floor Summa Loads I
CO������"'',� � , � � r �, ,�' `� � �� ,�-�4��� a � �a;��r���'1���������"� <� ��p� ��i �� :-.�.� I
yy`�y��♦���/�� � -���r � �� �� ��r �"� �z� ���� ���� : �- .y��I���'}� �,��� � �/� `�:�` � '=�
;��,+,�t,`Viri f.7V��;� _ �:"�,.��,r`..`� .��'�r','":€'�.�-a'""��'...5"�"�.; •c' �4�ta'ty'[;i�,p�!` '�,�i��� �4 �F,< �{a�' �� x �;^i,74irtrs.�?�y��.�Q��� ,`°:r�...��,.�;�,:
hbt: Glazing-hbt, ground reflectance=�0.23, u-value Q.29, 30 756 0 396 396
SHGC 0.3
hbt: Glazing-hbt, ground reflectance=0.23, u-value 0.31, 39 1,053 0 547 547
SHGC 0.32
1A-rv-d: Glazing-Single pane, siiding glass door, 40.8 1,171 0 1,591 1,591
refiective,vinyl frame,ground reflectance=0.23, u-
value 0.33, SHGC 0.35
hbt: Glazing-hbt, gcound reflectance=0.23, u-vaiue 0.31, 130 3,507 0 4,836 4,836
SHGC 0.35
hbt: Giazing-hbt,ground reflectance=0.23, u-value 0.3, 54 1,409 0 2,142 2,142
SNGC 0.35
Front Door: Door- 20.4 248 0 69 69
hbt: Door-hbt 19 232 0 64 64
12E-Osw: Wali-Frame, R-19 insulation in 2 x 6 stud 1954.9 11,563 0 2,049 2,049
cavity, no board insulation, siding finish,wood studs
R-5 waQ: Wall- 879.5 5,203 0 921 921
RC Rim Joist: Wali-Frame, Custom, RC Rim joist 234.8 1,696 0 300 300
16B-44-ad: Roof/Ceiling-UnderAtticwith Insulation on 1771.1 3,389 0 1,870 1,870
Attic Fioor(also use for Knee Walls and Partition
Ceilings), vented attic, na radiant barrier, R-44
insulation, dark asphalt
20P-30: Floor-Over open crawi space or garage, Passive, 27 82 0 8 8
R-30 blanket insulation, any cover
21A-32-v: Floor-Basement, Concrete slab,any thickness, 1742.7 3,032 Q 0 0
2 or more feet below grade, no insulation below floor,
_ vinyl_covering shortest side of floor slab�s 32'wide "
_.,..... _. ....._. ...___ _ ___.. __._, _..._ ... ..... .... .__.. ,_._.___ _.._.... ._._._ . ._..... _ ___ .._._.....
6ubtotals for structure: , 33,341 0 14,793 14,793 '
People: 2 460 600 1,060
Equipment: 400 1,20U 1,600
Lighting: 0 0 0
Ductwork: 4,827 371 2,172 2,543
Infiltcation:Winter CFM: 169,Summer CFM: 90 15,660 2,077 1,242 3,319
Ventilation:Winter CFM: 0,Summer CFM:0 0 0 0 0
AED Excursion: 0 0 186 186
__ __ _._ _
__ _.
System 1 Main Floor Load Totals: 53,828 3,308 2Q,193 23,541
,/r[,. k `a,vn}*�5 � _. ,3 � " .�� � -. 'v�. > ., p.. R. � t"� H-*" ' I '�.�z
Zil_:4�:.,L'����'4i,ta,�r,S ;�,:c,�'� ,a;..��'3 �� .-�t'�"a,v'�".y:"���'�.^i�.�x#'z�+ F":�'�`,r,�'��r.- � �,.�x���'"� z5,�.•s� �- nTw""�-`T',� ..�,v�' �„�';
; �`a" �,a'"��-'
... . , � ,a...:b . x. ..__. , „.x-- , .� , .....�,k ..9,. ...�, G, . .„:._d'. � „._:9.nt�., Hu,.�"�" ,
u�fi����v'�"� �#�.. �a':.
Supply CFM: 946 CFM Per Square ft.: � �0.269
Square ft.of Room Area: 3,515 Square ft. Per Ton: 1,795
Volume(ft')of Cond. Space: 31,623
_ C � �� ;�,��- ;�� � � �� � �� ���. �;�� � � -� � �� � .,� � � � � *
' ��,�y.... .�-..`" C..k_-..a-�*a.. ��r�t«=;5.....��-�..� '+� .. ..3,,. a _ �'" �:a,���r.��,�� .?'>,�-�'�.`.�`���� ��. _.-.�w�.,a.�� �`�`»�f�r"x �i� „r�"�'.'�^:
_s� �:�- ��..syra.,x_.�,. � ts�,."
Total Heating Required Including Ventilation Air. 53,828 Btuh 53.828 MBH
Total Sensible Gain: 20,193 Btuh 86 °Jo
Total Latent Gain: 3,308 Btuh 14 %
Total Cooiing Required Including Ventilation Air. 23,501 Btuh 1.96 Tons(Based On Sensible+Latent)
�c � � �
� ..�7,��.�1���.�.��-b�'.-��;ar�? �a..s.,'�� ��„�" ,:� ��' �'+�� �� � �44��.2t<` Lr.��,� a;"Y ..;�-�.,�.,r� ,.,'.,z�,��wJ.3��; ��: ;� Y�'. ��,�,�;�� � �'�� :�';;:
' .,.. ... �+� �:.".�v" €?�€..-,.-n:r �'-. -. � . .� .3',�,,` �-. . . . =.��r.�fi. .� .�.u.�-�
.�,. . .;�-.. .��._.
Rhvac is an ACCA approved Manual J and Manual D computer program.
Calculations are performed per ACCA Manual J 8th Edition,Version 2, and ACCA Manual D. �
All computed results are estimates as buiiding use and weather may vary.
Be sure to select a unit that meets both sensible and latent loads according to the manufacturer's performance data at
your design conditions.
1\56S20111RedireetedFotders ...1Ron Clark Covington lll 1518 Violet Lane.rhv Thursday, May 15,2014,2:05 PM
tZ��ia� �'tes��ien�ral�Light Commerct,�i NVAC Loads� �lite�oFtrw�re De�velo�rrie�Inc,:
Siirnsv�lla Heati &WC]nc" }� r �3181�'m�et Lane:
Bu►'�sv�11�.=�+iN=�53�? � � ' �` �P ��lt::
S stem ?, Zone � Summa Loads (Peak Load Procedure for Rooms
����'��j ��?� ',s s�"'��� � .`. .t��, � ���� �: '� �j },�
rc�,��� T. :-i:� j��.� s>il.�. �;. � aS.� � �``� �$�:-4 .����'�����`g `�'`�'^3�"'`��'� 'aa^�-��� �� �, �
�T �'�' T..� -s#'ac F � � w^,y.} tt ��, �`"'°e" `�'�' ,���s�?�` -
o-3� � �� �,� � 3� � � -� �€`�-��'vn-a�� x.. � �� �: �a�- ' �' �.� ss��; � �=� ��r z{».��
�. _. �7���� a��,..=�3.: �..�,�,"'�KR.a x.__..._ _�u a<-� Nx.,-.t.f�,-� 2�� �. ...,24�.4_�� „-_-���-, _ +�,;. �` . �����. ��r�>-.ati7 ...r..k"`!,.���;�
hbt: Giazing-hbt,ground reflectance=0.23, u-vaiue 0.29, �� 30 756 0 396 396
SHGC 0.3
hbt: Gtazing-hbt, ground reflectance=0.23, u-value 0.31, 39 1,o53 0 547 547
SHGC 0.32
1A-rv-d: Giazing-Single pane, siiding glass door, 40.8 1,171 0 1,591 1,591
reflective, vinyi frame,ground reflectance=0.23, u-
value 0.33, SHGC 0.35
hbt: Glazing-hbt,ground reflectance=0.23, u-vaiue 0.31, 54 1,457 0 2,092 2,092
SHGC 0.35
hbt: Giazing-hbt, ground reflectance=0.23, u-value 0.3, 30 783 0 1,215 1,215
SHGC 0.37
Front Door: Door- 20.4 248 0 69 69
hbt: Door-hbt 19 232 d 64 64
12E-Osw:Wail-Frame, R-19 insulation in 2 x 6 stud 1417.4 8,383 0 1,486 1,486
cavity, no board insulation, siding finish,wood studs
168-44-ad: Roof/Ceiling-UnderAtticwith Insulation on 1771.1 3,389 0 1,870 1,870
Attic Floor(aiso use for Knee Walls and Partition
Ceifings), vented attic, no radiant barrier, R-44
insulation, dark asphalt
20P-30: Floor-Over open crawl space or garage,Passive, 27 82 0 8 8
R-30 blanket insulation, any cover
_ __ __. .. . . __ _ _ _ _ _ ._ _ _ _ _ __.._
Subtotals for structure: 17,554 0 10,896 10,896
People: 2 460 600 1,060
Equipment: 400 1,204 1,6Q0
Lighting: 0 0 0
Ductwork: 2,478 0 1,397 1,397
Infiltration. Winter CFM: 82, Summer CFM 43 7 597 1 007 602 1 609
.._.___ _.._.._.. ._.__ ..... . �........ _,._.___..._._.__ _-. _____ ____ __.__. ___-----�-..._ �.._ .._.._.._.___ __ _. . ..._�__._..�_.
System 1,Zone 1 Load Totals: 27,629 1,867 14,814 16,681
�!++,�� ,.l��++�. �r w}3r -a- ,�r,',"�"�1` -�,r.: ��� .ck'3 �: � r��+ ^^, x'� �: '���: w�'r�' _'*.ks�a- .:�-ts� xs��....a.-'�-�.h,�"�"�,:4 s���Q.; ,���.��.`.
.�; :"*",ua.�..K3!;��,. a. �� , �- ,�- � r
a,. ..;�„�"'a .MS.-��au;. s.,n�.'�r., Yk' ,..'�*`,,FW-.�.,. ,..'�,�R.Fer.����"� ..mx:;35-.. >��.�=sS-'r._?�,2: '?"3;�K �s,. ,.:y:.��`x�.
Supply CFM: 694 CFM Per Square ft.: 0.392
Squa�e ft.of Room Area: 1,772 Square ft. Per Ton: 1,275
Volume(fts)of Cond. Space: 95,939
x ��; ���
5�'.��+-„�.����.�*��rx�,r.��e„�. .rr.:v„�'_. ��;`=�.a�'-e;�;'� '�rr;.:3..e.�',+�d`� ��.��u,,;a 3.�n��-.�� -'r,�u,+i,:a«'� �?:.4;"''F.. #'�:��.A'�`"�.'�?2`..+i:�f,���e��"�:�r��. .�s.`t��^''�2
Total Heating Required: 27,629 frBtuh 27.629 MBH
Total Sensible Gain: 14,814 Btuh 89 %
Total Latent Gain: 1,867 Btuh 11 %
Totat Cooling Required: 16,681 Btuh 1.39 Tons(Based On Sensible+ Latent)
��..�a' �' c;u`+^�y'� � `�'��'�'+. Y�-��' -� �y"�uy��a„3. �;�� .�''F'��"a ��- �'�,^�Y���.'`��..- �>+��s*�'�"" k�< �.�'�'�„��.:.�' .��..,sx..�r��, ,� ,�v'
�Gl�$5e�. :� -€. �°r,�, �^ �,._ _°�.�y��.^,�.n_ ���..�.� s� z,�.�t� ..�� t,.
4 �..:,
� Rhvac is an ACEA approved Manual J and Manual D computer program. � � �
Calculations are performed per ACCA Manual J Sth Edition,Version 2, and ACCA Manual D.
All computed results are estimates as building use and weather may vary.
Be sure to select a unit that meets both sensible and latent toads according to the manufacturer's performance data at
your design conditions.
11SBS2011\RedirectedFolders...\Ron Clark Covington 111 15181fiotet Lane.rhv Thursday, May 15,2014,2:05 PM
Rh�ac �tesid�nt�al��.ightCommercial t!1(AC Lbads ; � ., °� f;, Elite Soffwar$�evetopmen��rte.:
eBiirttSVtiJ�Heafing&A!G ir�c } 'IS���oletl.�he��
;Butrasuille;�.1+NN.55�� Pa e t8;
S stem 1, Zone 2 Summa Loads (Peak Load Procedure for Rooms
33}7� 0 .�.�� T� � w� .. '�� :�r s '� s't.xn'7'i r3'„�a�.i �,���:.qv'�"' .� ;�r Q�{^� Fs�.,�,y� $��: -����.� i4id-�r'���� �iS�G.� � � '� :.�f��*.
���5��'3.�`ya��. ��. -tR �-'�'�-.� ���'°�'� ��¢�z� ��, �'`:.�a`'���. � �s �-�'���yp��z°�q��" q' �'��,� �` a..�,�� �,;. �a�{�/!�.a,�.���r yy�.3,�`�.:�. �i,���y�j
, Y )
��� ��li��.� sa..�. ."�i, .. .'<,.�,,�+A*$�.'iki" e2' " <c'�'.=�"4'�-Et. "."£'3-t .: �' 'AK,��IY ,a��'v`�F�``��`!�:,x ,�3-�.���dT� �°i�'...b,�...�.� '�,„�'�i+a�'1'S ��k'!:` .
hbt: Glazing-hbt, ground ref{ectance=fl.23, u-value 0.31, 76 2,050 0 � 2,744 2,744
SHGC 0.35
hbt: Glazing-hbt, ground reflectance=0.23, u-value 0.3, 24 626 0 927 927
SHGC 0.35
12E-Osw:Wait-Frame, R-19 insulation in 2 x 8 stud 537.5 3,180 0 563 563
cavity, no board insulation,siding finish,wood studs
R-5 waH:Wail- 879.5 5,203 Q 921 921
RC Rim Joist:Wali-Frame, Custom, RC Rim joist 234.8 1,696 0 300 300
21A-32-v: Floor-Basement,Concrete slab,any thickness, 1742.7 3,032 0 0 0
2 or more feet below grade, no insulation below flaor,
vEnyl covenng,_shortest side of floor slab is 32'w�de
_.. .__. . _..._.._ . . .. ___.._______ _.__ ......__ _.__.._ , .. __..__.._,_._._---- ----._.__ ....,__ . _
Subtotals for stcucture: 15,787 0 6,744 6,744
Peopte: 0 0 0 0
Equipment: 0 0 0
Lighting: 0 0 0
Ductwork: 2,349 0 776 776
Infiltration:WinterCFM:87, SummerCFM:46 8,�3 1,070 640 1,710
_._.. __ ----_. _.._____ . .. .._ . ..__.._.__. _. .-- --.-__._._ ..__ .._._. _. _...__.. . ___. _.._..._... _ ._._..._.... .. . _
System 1, Zone 2 Load Totals: 26,199 1,070 8,226 9,296
;���: �f C�S"'��,�-� � a-s �s�-�., `#, :�a a�v � ' ` � £ ���„- ���; �;���- �� � a`` �'�,�,�s..,��:.��.?_� v s�����3�'?�.',��`�..����'
�-_.�'��. ,. _ ., .,`, e - �. . ��?_�. ��.„...,: w��l '€,_°�"��" � .. .. K.a__ '.�' .,�.. ,:z., ..i, -
Supply CFM: 385 CFM Per Square ft.: �0.221 A
Square ft. of Room Area: 1,743 Square ft. Per Ton: 2,250
Volume(ft)of Gond.Space: 15,684
��srQ'+§ �t/�„� �'�-'«�'1`-�`' +:�`�� ''yx'`� �-."� �: i� .yr�'�: t,.: �.,q-t ���`�':�:�, d .L�:�� " ��"#' r`#� ��.a:.:'� rrmk�f� Y� *f_'�-F,-°-s. '�''�''"x�
a-���.�, ti-s2 �.uu�:-..��.,�.o-s. �, ,:-.z"�.�rr,.., ���- „i-a. �,� �,.>��,-a&,�.n, .���. �ar,..F .�°� .
. . ... �„�...,.e na .,._ . .
Total Heating Required: 26,199 Btuh M 26.199 MBH
Total Sensible Gain: 8,226 B#uh 88 %
Total Latent Gain: 1,070 Btuh 12 %
Total Cooling Required: 9,296 Biuh 0.77 Tons(Based On Sensible+Latent)
i���G S.� �; -� "f:�ri . a tr: �.z : -3'�, - sz,a ��-3 ti y`.�r � � z€ � �'",�, rea'�'r.;:
� ,�aa,�`o-.-:�s,�s�._.. �:'�Y�rwE-,eK��t,r.� .-:i . ..`-��t�.: �v-r.-�-��.��-�.^�..... ��.s�;;. »vu,'�������'m`"s_ .�+�,°a+.;+�"�'.�< . ��z�,� '�' � �`s.��a "�z a'�°��t �,
..�..7�...x�5t5a.. �&...*�A.... L�w�.'i,?.,8r„-Kc��,;�'
Rhvac is an ACCA approved Manual J and Manuat D computer program.
Calculations are performed per ACCA Manual J 8th Edition,Version 2, and ACCA Manual D.
All computed results are estimates as building use and weather may vary.
Be sure to select a unit that meets both sensible and latent loads according to the manufacturer's performance data at
your design conditions.
-_11SBS20111RedirectedFolders...\Ron Clark Covington III 1518 Violet Lane.rhv Thuesday, May 45,2014,2:05 PM _
Rhvac i Resalent�al&Light Comtne`reiat tNAC L,oads � � , El�te So#tw�re pevstopdis�rt,lnc,'
8umsvU�e Hsapng&,A/C Ine 3 15�8�'iole�Lar�e.
_8�i�tts�nl(e'��iIIN-5533� � �.,�;�Pa �.:��:;
Detailed Room Loads - Room 10 - Basement Peak Fenestration Gain Procedure)
��JQ.1��V.,r�(„�i .rv-c'��`:t-���" ,�:xk j f..�_`��:--�4 a��{-�=' ��Sc ,r kq��v.��'�'�,�`.�'�� �6„k�''��s'r��,�,r 3..s�,�`o,�*�,o- *"y...`ry5 ,-�'�`',;�����'�,"'�.^`,�i.�,
.._ .., : .._ ,,� , .. , . _, �_> ,._. __ ,�r. ._. .��.. .,.. . ..<a ,x . . _�. ,.. r ,;�r.. ,,. � ...:. . .. . „
Room is in zone 2,which peaks at 10 am
Calculation Mode: Htg. &cig. �ccurrences: 1
Room Length: 45.9 ft. System Number: 1
Room Width: 38.0 ft. Zone Number: 2
Area: 1,743.0 sq.ft. Supply Air. 385 CFM
Ceiling Height: 9.0 ft. Supply Air Cfianges: 1.5 AC/hr
Volume: 15,684.0 cu.ft. Req.Vent. Clg: 0 CFM
Number of Registers: 1 Actua!Winter Vent.: 0 GFM
Runout Air. 385 CFAA Percent of Suppiy.: 0 %
Runout Duct Size: 11 in. Actual Summer Vent.: 0 CFM
Runout Air Velocity: 584 ft.imin. Percent of 5upply; 0 °lo
Runout Air Velocity: 584 ft./min. Actual Winter Infif.: 87 CFM
Actuai Loss: 0.093 in.wg./100 ft. Actual Summer Infil.: 46 CFM
���� � � '�t`3 �:*�,- `�'�`a. �e�-� � �:��ri' �+�`��'s`�' �� � �^�� �,z.. �� -��Szu��� ��.� � a� `�� �a a-�'� s�,- �n ' .
,� � sc.
. ..sr�4. `�- s:,:;:'��a- - �-'��«F''� v+�. t"�z � .�� +� .ss �.< �3�' a� x4,.� �a„'�'� �_
S ..-� �.� � �. '� � ��`�'"`�� a". �� v* �-> �``� � �-`��''� "�;.
`f�esc�t �.rot�* �.ti 3�� �����.�,��.��., .,.,;�'t� .�� ��.���-���`�e ��� 'fif�[ t�°�� � � �����' �-� ,�������.
� ��
E-Wail-12E-Osw 38 X 5.6 124.8 0.068 5.9 738 1.0 0 131
S-Wall-R-S wai!45.9 X 9 400.7 0.068 5.9 2,371 1.0 0 420
W-Wali-R-S wa1138 X 9 342 0.068 5.9 2,023 1.0 0 358
E-Waii-R-S wall 38 X 3.6 136.8 0.068 5.9 809 1.0 0 143
N-WalI-12E-Osw 45.9 X 9 412.7 0.068 5.9 2,442 1.0 0 432
E-WaII-RC Rim Joist 38 X 1.4 53.2 0.083 7.2 384 1.3 0 68
W-WaII-RC Rim Joist 38 X 1.4 53.2 0.083 72 384 1.3 0 68
S-WaII-RC Rim Joist 45.9 X 1.4 642 0.083 7.2 464 1.3 0 82
N-WaII-RC Rim Joist 45.9 X 1.4 64.2 0.083 7.2 464 1.3 0 82
S-Gls-hbt shgc-0.35 0°�S 12 0.310 27.0 324 26.3 0 316
E-Gls-hbt shgc-0:35 Q%S(2) ' 48 0.310 27:0 1,294 52.8 -0 2,534 -
E-GIs-#ibt shgc-0.35 0%S(2) 16 0.310 27.0 432 52.8 0 844
E-Gls-hbt shgc-0.35 0°�S 24 0.300 26.1 626 52.8 0 1,266
Floor-21A-32 38 X 45.9 1742.7 0.020 1.7 3,032 0.0 0 0
___ _. __._ _ _ ____ _ ___ __ _ _.__ _ __ _ _ __
Subtotals for Structure: 15,787 0 6,744
Infil.:Win.: 86.8, Sum.:46.1 9,752 4.602 8,063 0.365 1,070 640
Ductwork: 2,349 776
AED Excursion: 66
____ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ . _ __ _ _ _. _ _ _
Room Totals: 26,199 1,070 8,226
USBS2Q11\RedirectedFolders...\Ron Clark Covington tl! 1518 Violet Lane.rhv Thursday, May 15,2014,2:05 PM
Rlivac �tes3de1rtial�1.i�`ht GnlmRnerciat HYAC loads , Etlte So�wa"tc D��elopm�t�inc ;
�uft�s�nlle��a�ng,�sA�G ir�c: � � 1�181/'�let��e:
Sumsv�l,le�MN:�5337 .:-.-;�. . ., _,:E . " ° � ,,.. . �_ : �t P� e.35:
S stem 9 Room Load Summa
� � Fs`� ; £5-�,�w� ��� a��ar k � -�'-`��� m ah ;.��.�:i-„� �n'�� �����,� _ �`� ?��v��r *-����.. �^'3°��r�'�Yt'�
� ��;N'�"u s�r-- ��'� ���r�•-,�"� '".-'�� �w,%»�"a �i ��"�rF �:�,� -�" �.. ��.. c.'*� � w� �� ,� 3' ��*.s,
�{ ��� � � � �+� � ��y�S ��a"�3� � �r� �� ��� �� F ;�����"� ��� �� �_ ��
� ` ���Y��Y�F . � � . cY �"1RG�.,'a `�"��v. F� ��:�.�'�.- ���{��. ����'4.£s����. �^^"���Y s�'��,-'� ri.,�'�h, �
' '� '�' : i"�s'-*1+ ��c '�•,<,-r� r-�e'�e�-'�-� :�y�°da^s� . �.,z. �-�r-�'a+ �z�s��..u,.r.�i�"3�}�Y�'�x3-�"�r "-�.`�'y�,��- � �`r€ jW j f�"7����- -<*r�'
;�8 �}s"�f#Y4''��r•�a:� ,':s'�'�v;� '`x�,�3�i,J�� �"��1��������s�'�'��`#-''�,,��`��'°��f��l ��L�.� �:�b.< „� .��..
> r�_ a ar•,•
---Zone 1--
1 Kitchen 238 4,484 60 1-6 584 2,449 170 115 115
2 Dining 204 1,930 26 1-4 277 516 66 24 24
3 Powder Room 160 1,126 15 1-3 283 296 42 14 14
4 Porch 162 4,629 62 1-7 540 3,079 151 144 144
5 Great Room 273 3,843 51 1-8 511 3,807 108 178 178
6 Master Bedroom 194 4,013 54 1-7 530 3,022 614 142 142
7 Master Bath 353 2,488 33 1-3 623 &53 492 31 31
8 Mud Room 70 2,026 27 1-3 353 370 92 '[7 17
9 Flex Room 118 3,090 41 1-3 594 623 132 29 29
_...,_ �_.___.___ .____.__ .._. , .__ _____,... _.�._ _ _, _.__ ... ..__._ _ __---_ .________.____ ...___...__._ _._ ._.__ ._ _. _ � _._.._._.
Zone 1 subtotal 1,772 27,629 370 14,814 1,867 694 694
—Zone 2---
10 Basement 1,743 26,199 351 1-11 584 8,226 1,070 385 385
_ __�. _,.. .__.� _....._____.-- -----__ ____. . ____._. _ -----__ -----_ ____,.--- _--._______.___�_ _
Zone 2 subtotal 1,743 26,199 351 8,226 1,070 385 385
�..._ . _._.___._.. ___.,. _ ...._._.�_. _.__,_._._ .._ ._. ___...,. .. ,_ ... _ . -._.. .... ..__.Y_ __�_ _ _,_--..___ _ . _ _.. ._ _ _.____ ....__.
Duct Latent _ 371
--- --------....._ _______..____.._. --_ .____._____- ---_._._ ___ .___-- _-----____--- ------ . _._,_. _..._. ---------
System 1 total 3,515 53 828 721 20 193 3 308 946 946
__ ____ _ ,_ _._._._, _ _._.__.___._ _. _.______.� . _...,.. . ..._....._ ._ ._.... . . ........ ._ _._..._.._�___...__ _._._..____. ___. . ..._ __. _._._._,_,_
System 1 Main Trunk Size: 11x16 in.
Velocity: 774 ft./min
Loss per 100 ft.: 0.093 in.wg
____ .. _ ____ _ _
Note: Since the sysfem is mult�zone,the Peak Fenestration Gain Procedure was used to determine glass sensibfe gains
at the room and zone levels, so the sums of the zone sensibie gains and airflows for cooling shown above are not intended
to equal the totals at the system IeveL Room and zone sensible gains and cooling CFM values are for the hour in which
the glass sensible gain for the zone is at its peak. Sensible gains at the system level are bassd on the"Average Load
3 �, �� �^�,a�t�.����.l�^ " ��s'--� � y,�,��,.'s a �',�-�.1�a''s.�"„z ,' ,;°: e ��'>.��"� �-�s�� �`�'"'.�,' '�'�` �'�r3'`��.c���' ,�:�x x�'s�,, �.��k�."e'`s�''--�3-��" .
a-�;�- i��' �-�+-' �]� �� ?'z.e-s.s,. ,a�� �-°" '_.3. x
. �"�'� u�� � 2 �5`�#- �y „ '� p`*" ,,...,. s, * u: ,��"�`��'^�.c�,*t..'�'�'' �-` -� �S'" n .
� - ?a'�Y ��i �sF' `" { �! ;Y� ����"F.�'� +�`5,�� J� r .���t x ��.. � ��.
�, �'..� .. ,� � "� z a ai ya'�,°, � ��&,k�-.r�"s� ..�s z��' ',�"�a� .s�. ;� �-�,�'� ��'.,.r� cr .
c. .;n �. � s,e '�. F x's c'`� ��k�-;t. ;�"�h.K$".�'�� �,�, -�. �.�3{ .z=!' �°"�r�.` c �s;€� ' m�.a� ..�`G
,�,-.'� �__�a ' ��``` QT3S �� �:: � �; �,� ,�� :��P x� �� s `,� ���'l
Net Required: 1.96 86%/14% 20,193 3,3Q8 � 23,501
\\SSS2011\RedirectedFolders...\Ron Clark Cavington-[II°a518�olet Lane.rhv Thursday, May 15, 2014,2:05 PM '
PROPERTY LEGAL: �3�'� / � � � ��� � ��-°���� r � '�
Y ¢ � �fi'�3�' ��L�
O z ¢ DOCUMENT STANDARDS ��- ���-������
� p ❑ • Registered Land Surveyor signature and company '� � _ � 6 f�� ���
,� ❑ ❑ • Buiiding Permit Applicant �-�.�, ,� �'
,� ❑ 0 • Legal description �'���9+ �Pr.c�� - ��,�
p p • Address �`���f�'
� 0 ❑ • North arrow and scale �'�`-' ����`� ��'��''c.� �,��
� ❑ � • House type(rambler,walkout, split w/o, split entry, lookout, tc.) ��
,�' p ❑ • Directional drainage arrows with slape/gradient%a ��
,�' p ❑ • Propased(existing sewer and water services&invert elevation
� � ❑ ❑ • Street name
� ❑ ❑ • Driveway(grade&width-in R/W and back of curb, 22' max.)
� p ❑ • Lot Square Footage
�0° ❑ 0 • Lot Coverage
� ❑ ❑ • Property corners
�' 0 ❑ � Top of curb at the driveway and prope�ty line extensions
�' 0 0 • Elevations of any existing adjacent homes
� ❑ ❑ • Adequate footing depth of structures due fo adjacent utility trenches
� p 0 • Waterways(pond, stream, etc.}
Proposed �
�' ❑ p • Garage floor
�� 0 � • Basement floor
❑� • Lowest exposed elevation (walkou windo
�' ❑ ❑ • Property corners
� p ❑ • Front and rear of home at the foundation
PONDING AREA(if applicablel
❑ � ❑ • Easement line
❑ � p • NWL
0 ,P1 0 • HWL
p �' ❑ • Pond#designation
❑ �' p • Emergency Overfiow Elevation
❑ � 0 • Pond/Wetland buffer delineation
Y (� . Shoreland Zoning Overlay District
Y � • Conservation Easements
�' ❑ � • Lot lines/Bearings &dimensions
� ❑ ❑ • Right-of-way and street width (to back of curb)
❑ 0 ft� • Proposed home dimensions including any propose decks overhangs greater than 2' rches, tc.
(i.e. all structures requiring permanent footings)
,� ❑ ❑ • Show all easements of record and any City utilities within those easements
,�' ❑ ❑ • Setbacks of proposed structure a d sideyard sefback of adjacent existin structures
���� ❑ �' • Retaining wall requirements:���- � � �� �f` ��'" ,�?G .��v- �-�": �C i l�-0
Reviewed By: � � �� Date ������
G:/FOP.MS/Building Permit Application Rev.11-26-04
U:\Land Nro�ects\t� "16U"I -lU-"IZy\dwg\"16U1 -"IU-1��.dwg, 1"L�, 6/.5/ZU"14 .S:U/:�� NM, l3C;liche
f -
Certificate of Survey for: RON CLA.RK CONSTRlJCTION & DESIGN
952.8 Denotes Existing Elevation Job # B1801.10-129 Book/Page: 185 32
981.5 Denotes Prop,osed Elevation N Scale: 1°=20' Date: 4/17/14
O Denotes !/2° iron pipe set PROPOS�.D HOU5E ELEVATIO�iS: Lot 2 L4t I
� Denotes 1/2° iron pipe fownd. GARElGE FLOOR ELEVATTON = 881.5 883.7
�.� �a,.�„.;�.,�,y&,.� cti=# r.�� LOIVEST FLOOR ELEYAI`ION = 875.3 875.3
�," . ,�_� ,� �������� � LOOKOUT EL�VA'IION = 878.3 878.3
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// g / �' STEEL POST �a'�� STEEL PO5 8�6�
o � SERV. 87�.5 t WALL o � SERV. 876.7 877.73 TW
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_tBC � N89°�'S�'33"E '�'. M i'103.00 S a�68
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W � a � °• ��� 17�Lot Area� 6,000 S.F. N Lot Area: 6,360 S.F. � ggp p W I �,
- ���'�� a�o Coveroge: 2,392 S.F. Cove�age: 2,392 S.F. I`� -• � w
;9 N : J
� ", w 2°•2- N PROPOSED BUILDING N co .,�
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�` $a 877.8 cv 15.58 �i `_ _ 877.8 � � � 8�
$� � 2L 9 oEac ��877.8��6 877. T65.5 877.8 ���� L°,�ovE J ���i �
; neo . � 76.95 "'� $�bo �oC�ar$�24
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PROPOSED _ ��o $��. r, - �. -- � - -r - - ��-� �.
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WAL INING 8�85 � � f �TF2EE �k� ��
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� DRAINAGE & UTILITY EASEMENT-' �/�����,� AREA ��yo ��5-�`� "
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TBC '1�6 50.00 ���'� 53.00� �. ,� � _ -. - - -
$�a$O cj b I 11 p �6� �._
�� N89 53 33 E ��a- l03.00 $
Lots 1 and 2, Biock 2, PEARLMONT HEIGHTS, Dakota CQUnty, MN
I herebp eertify that this survey, plan, or report �nras prepared by me or under �����
my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Land Surveyor under the
laws of the state of Minnesota. �y � �''
Oliver Surveying & Engineering, Inc. !Date _��� � - ,
� �.A�A.N! �������.��l�iSa U�;�"';
By: Rick M. Blam, LS
License No. 21729 OZlV2Y �t�r'V�l1Z�,' C� EIZ�;lYl��rlfZg, �1ZC.
Date: 4/17/14 Land Surveying •Civit Engineering Land Planning
Rev.: 4/21/14 (Retaining Wall) sso�ageA,�. �txx�ve�, MN 55330 •763.441.2072 �'ac. 763.441.5665
Rev.: 4 f 28/14 (Drivewap) Rev.: 6/3/14 (Retaining V�all & LO Elev) �•oliver-se.co�n
clty of�����
Address: 1518 Violet Lane Permit#: 123870
The following items were/were not completed at the Final lnspection on: �t�, [ti,t.w� ' � � `ZOl�
�� �� -: � � ����a
Compi��: ���`,ri»�1��,� ', "��'����r�t�
r` �b���d�l��������II�pl � �Illl�i� Ih� h li�'� a.r.uui �`"�'.tit"�i i���l�'i
Final grade - 6"from siding � w �✓�-� w��� r�.o ��k�P�'��
Permanent steps— Garage �
Permanent steps— Main Entry �
Permanent Driveway W � ���
Permanent Gas �
Retaining Wall or 3:1 Max Slope X �-rm�-�-�- �'�C� a'� ,
Sod / eede L� �
Trail / G�rb �am�ge �
Porch �j�.� 'x
Lower Level Finish '� � �°� .� ��Q � �,�C(� �
Deck �Cj `�
Fireplace � � C2�
• Verify with your builder that roof test caps from the plumbing system have been removed.
• Turn off water supply to the outside lawn faucets before freeze potential exists.
• Call the Engineering Department at (651) 675-5646 prior to working in the right-of-way or installing an
irrigation system.
Building Inspector: � � � � �
G:\Building Inspections\FORMS\Checklists
� �