3453 Chestnut Lane 1
.�. - ` -
� �'�A�� a �� �-��3 ��`� .
� ����,�� 1 a � .�—
�'L 1�, `��� I�� V> ___t3se SLUE or B�ACK Ink
t � For Oifice Use �
��� �
RECEIVEE�]������� �`� � Pg�,�f�:1��3�1� __ �
Cit� af Ea�a� � Permit Fee:,��� �� � . I
3830 PEtot Knob Raad JUN � 2 �a�� � �
Eagan MN 55122 j Date Received: � �.' j
Phone:(651}675-8675 1 SiaH: �
Fax:(651)675-5694 ^ �,�; r��(�
�Q , `t 1 i________________�
�/ �t� (
Date: � �� �/ Site Address: J C�� �'!t�'��kf �in� Unit#:
Name:��,(�L�T Phone: C�s•� ` ���/ - 3 Gvc�
RO n@r� ` Address I City I zip: � U� ��� t, � ' + '� i �► �/
A licant is: Owner Contractor -! � e ��
pP 1L L +�2 �R✓ r �
Type of Work ; Description ofwork:�JF�,� �'(ma �on.��tt����'w
Construction Cost: Mufti-Family Buiiding:(Yes__.__!No_)
Company: V�A1iA� Contact:
Contractor ; Aadr�sS:1G�U5 �ti`�� Avt. �I�.,Sv��l� c��y: �,��k�h
Stafe:�,Zip: / ���/� Phone: ��5�.-�+���'���'�Emaii: _
i.ieense#: J�I13 Lead Certif[cate#:
if the project is exempt fram tead certification,please explain why: (see Page 3 for additional informatian}
In the last 12 months,has the City of Eagan issued a permif for a similar plan bascd on a master plan?
r Yes „_,_No If yes,date and address of master plan: ��'f`�� G���',�`� �++''�
Licensed Piumber: ��r�4i�c'� �pGh�A,'lr,� Phone: ��5�.' i!LI C' �/���
r �
Mechanfcal Conlracbar: +� �� Phone: "
Sewer&Water Contractor: r i ? ; c� t'� Phone: �sf-��l�- ��`�t
N�TE:Plans and supporting,dvcuments fhat you;submit are consJdered!o:be pubilc lnformaffon.:`:por�lons of
the fnformatfon may be classlfied as non-pub/fc ifyau provide speclftc reaso»s that wouid pennit the CFty to
aonclude thaffhe aie trade secrets.
CALL BEFORE YOU DIG. Call 0opher StaYs pee Cal1 at(857)�4540002 for protection against underground utility damage. Call 48 hours
before you intend to dig to receive locates of underground util9ties. wvrw.qp�herstateonecaN.ora
I hereby acknowledge fhat this information is cAmplete and accurate;that the wo�lc wfll be in conformance with ihe ordinances and codas of the City of
Eagan;that I understand this is not a permif,but only an applicabion for a permit,and wark ks not to start wlfhout a permit;that the work will be in
accordance wfih the appraved plan in the case of work which requires a revtew and approval of plans.
Exierior work authorized by a buNding permlt issued in accordance w[th the MEnnesota State Buflding Code must be compieted w[thin 180
days of permit isauance.
x �p �l x � �,
Applfcant's Printed Name Applicant's Sig ture �
Page 1 of 3
3�1,�'3 ,c��,t7�•� /�u���'
/N�1�1�s�� �
_ Foundatlon � Fireplace _ Porch{3-Season) ` Exterior Alteration(Singie PamEly)
� Single Famity _ Garage _ Pofch(4Season) _ Exterior Alteratian(Multi)
Multf ,T,_„ Deck ` Porch(ScreenlGazebo/Pergola) _ Miscelianeous
� 01 of�Piex ,� Lower Levcl _ Pool _ Accessory Building
� New � lnterior Improvement � Siding _ Demolish Building'
_ Addition _ Move Buitding � Reroof _ C?emoiish Interlor
_ Alteration � Fire Repair � Windows _ Demolish Foundation
_ Replace ^ Repair _ Egress Window ^ Water Damage
12etaining Wal! •Demolitlon of eMlre bullding—give PCA handout to appEloant
Valuatian " '�?G�7' Occupancy Sr�G "3 MCES System
Plan Revi Cade EdiEion ��_ SAC Units 1
(25% 10�%_) Zoning � City Water ___�,�
Census Code �dj Stories �� Booster Pump �»
#of Units / Square Feet lL��, PRV /YD
#of Buildings / Length � Fire Sprinklers ��
Type of Construction � Width 3i�
� �ootings(New Buitding) Meter Sixe:
FooEings(Deck) � Final J C.O. Required
�ootings{Addition) Flnal!No C.O.Requtred
� Foundation HVAC_Gas Service Test Gas Line Air Test
� Roof:�Ice&Water �Final Pooi:�Footings AirlGas Te ts _Final
� Framing Drain Tile
� Fireplace:�Raugh In �Air Test ,��inal Siding:_S#ucco Lath Stone Lat Brick
ln6ulation Windows
Sheathing Reta[ning Watl:`Footings_Backfill_Final
Sheetrock Radon Control
Fire Walis :� Erosion Controf
Braced Walls Other:
Reviewed By: �'�� , ,Building Inspector
RESIp�NTIAL FEES f sr ?/O,� Q �'"f'�
Base Fee � ?- �
Surcharge ,�j,'� �p�f 7,��f ��
Plan Review � � g 4��� ��
Gity SAC /'� �
Utility Connection Charge !z'�'C1l� �7�l_'" �G�
S&W Permit 8�Surcharge
Treatment Ptant
Page 2 of 3
� ' f����
New Construction Energy Code Compliance Certificate
F'cr N 1 I QI.R duilding Certificate:A building cenificale shall be pasted m a p¢rmanen�ly visible locaiian inside Dale Cerlificale 1'ostrd
die bui€dang, 7'hc cerUficate shnt!bt complcted U}Ihc builder and sl�all lisf informalion and values of
componcntx listcd in Tabtc N I 101.8.
Atailing Address of the Dwclling or D�velling Oni� � City .
Name of Residential Coi�lrntlor AiN Lieense Nwnl�rr
Type:Check Atl Thof Apply )( Passive(No Frn�)
o �
T v �, Aetrve({1'tth fa�i,arrd n�orr�rneler•�r
F' � T olher syatet».n�aiitnrmg device) .
o c� 'd o y+
3 ¢ � � U y a° e�i �
- CO [n � U � v c
r O vi O V � � � .
Insulation Location � .o ? � � " " y
U p y w
� `—° ° � ��j° E E u ti ti
0 y p � y A � C bD Oq
E- 5 2 w w., c-°., c,°.. e ii ce Otirer F'}ease Describe Here
Rc1ow.Entire Slab : X '.
Foundatiou�Vall X iNTeRIOR
,. ,.,. , ..
Per(mctcroESlab:on:Grnde ::; ' -
Rim Joist(Foundation) X INTERtQR
__, ,
Rim 3oist(1`��loorF}: i; :10 > iNTERioR
_ . .
1'4�a11 21
Ceiling,l3at`: ,., , ;: '44 _
Ccifing,vaulted X
t3ay'�Vindo►vs or cantilevered areas l 3$
Bonus room over Arage 3$ 1D 5
Describe other insulated areas::. ` ` `` '
Windows&Daors Heating or Cooling Duets Outside toaditloned 5paees
Average U-raceor(exclirdes skylighrs a�rd one door)U: 0.28 Not applicable,all ducts loeate�E in conditioned spnce
Solar Fleat Gain Coefficient(SF[GC): 0.26 r-8 R-value
MECHANICAL SYSTEMS Mako-up Air Select a Type
A pliaeces Heating Systcm Domestic Water Heater Cooling System X Not required per mecli.code
FueiTSpe `` Natural Gas E(ectric Electric p�s���
lllannfacturer Lennox AO Smith Lennox Powered
lnterlocked with exhnust device,
1lfodel ML193UH045XP248 ` :GP.VW50N 'I3ACX=018-230: Describe:
���P����n 4A,000 Capacity in � �u�Pu�m 1 5 Other,descri6e:
RaNag or Sizc BTUS: Gallons: Tons: '
` '. Hwt i.oss; Heat Locafion of ducl or system:
� 36,663 13,894,'
Structure s Calculated- `. ?!. '.` ...: Gain; .
AFUFor SE�R: 13
HSPF°!a 93
Calculated '"-�'
Efticicnc�- coolin load: 17'�a8 Cfm's
PLAN CMS Madison ��round duct OR
Mechanical Ven�iiation System "metal duat
Describe any�dditional or combined heating ar cooling systems if instal(ed:(e.g.hvo fumaces or air Combustioa Air Sefect a T e
souree heat pump with gas bACk-up fumnce): X Not re�uired per mech,codc
Selec[Typr Passive
[-3eat Recover Ventilator(MRV) Ca acit in cfins: Low: High: Other,dcscribe: �
�ner�y Recover Ventilatar(ERV)Capacity in cfms: Low; High: Localion of duct or system:
X Co�tinuous exhausting fan(s)rated ca ncil ��,�f�,s: i t'u��o�,�iotiv so�fm Meehanieal Room
Location offan(s),describe: Owne�s bath,Main Bath Cfm's ,
Capncity continuous ven[ilation rate in cfn►s �j� Insutated Flez
Total ventilation(interniitteni+continuous)rate in cfms: 18j "metnt duct ',
Created by BAM version 052009 �i
Compliance with Procedures to Ensure
3ubmitter: Noise Impact Area Adequate Noise Attenuation:
Lennar Airport-MSP International Exterior wall construction:
16305 36th Ave. No. Noise Zone-4 Vinyl
Suite 600 15/32"sheathing
Plymouth, MN 55446 New Infill Residence is a"COND" Tyvek wrap �
952-249-3000 use in Noise Zone 4 2x6 studs 16"O.C.
R-21 batt insulation with 1/2"gypsum board
Roof Construction:
Plan.Reviewed: '17 �J O. Peaked roof with manufactured trusses 24" O.C.
��5� ��T�S��v'� t`--�N�i Shnf ests
Information Submitted: 15#felt
Annotated architectural drawin s includin : 1/2"sheathing
Blown insulation R-44
Windows: Atrium 5/8"gypsum board
Swinging Patio Doors: Atrium
Entry Doors: Therma Tru Mechanical Ventilation System:
Skylights: N/A 2-ton central air conditioning unit
Com liance with STC Requirements: Window, Door Frame, Perimeter and Other Seals:
All window and door openings are to be caulked
Average window/wall area for exterior wall: 1� � �p with butyl-based caulk
With this window/wall area ratio and STC 40 walls, windows Fireplace Chimney Cap:
with an STC 30 can be used to meet the noise reduction N/A
Ventilation Duct Exterior Wall Penetrations:
Summa .: All exterior ducts will have bends as required
by the ordinance
Other measures including duct bends and caulking are being
taken to ensure minimum transmission of noise through the Door and Window Construction:
exterior building shell so that the construction should meet Windows: Atrium (30 STC)
the compatibility guidelines.
Sliding Patio Doors Atrium (30 STC)
Therefore, the materials and construction as proposed should
meet the requirements of the Eagan aircraft noise ordinance. Entry Doors: Therma Tru (29 STC)
Skylights: N/A
Review Completed (date : - 1
Other Exterior Wall Penetrations
Review Com leted b : Tom Tamte Sill sealer between lates and blocks
1len�ila��o�, i��keup �r�d Combustion e4�r �alc�fatior�s
+ ' Submit�al Fa�� Fo� bVeo� �►wellin��
These blank submltta(forms and tnstrucdons aro.available at tlie.Gity website and at City Hall. The completed form must be subr�iit-
ted in cfupllcate at tlie tlme of applicak(on of a meehanical permiY for new construction: Addltional farrns may 6e downloaded and�rinted at:
_.: ., ,
Site addYess 3 I✓ � � � � �� Date
Contractor ��9 r�
/ �7 Completed ,�j
fGr�.1/ �C�a-..t v/ B �fU//
Section A
(Determine quanCity by using Table N1104.2 or Equation 11-1)
Square feet(Condittoned area inciuding
Basement-flnfshed or unfinished) ��7� Total required ventilation ����
Number of bedrooms � Continuaus ventilaYlon �G
Qirections-Defermine the iota!and contrnuous ventilation rate by either using Table IV1104.2 or equotion 11-1.
The tabJe and equation are below.
Table N1104 2 :': .
Total and tontinuous Venfilation Rates(in cfm)
;Num6er of Bedrooms
;1 2' ` 3 4 5 6
Contlitioned space(in Total/ . Total/ Total[ Total/ Tatat/ Total/
s.q ft j , ' continuous con#inuous continuous continuous continuous ' continuous
1U00 15Q0 ' ' S0%40 75/40 •9QJ45 105]53 ' 120/60 135%68
1501-Z000 70/40 85/43 100/50 115/58 130/65 145/73
200,1=2500 80/40 95J48 110/S5 125/63 140/70 155/78
2501 3000;. 90/45 105/53 120/60 135/68 150/75 16S/83
3001 3500 ;' 100/SO 115/58 130/6S 145/73 160/80 175%88
3501 4000 110/55 125[63 240/70 155/78 170/85 185/93 ``
4001 450Q:'" 120/60 135/68 150/75 165/83 180J90 195/9$`
4501;5QQ0:: 130/65 145/73 16Q/SO 275/88 140/4S 205/103
SQ01 5500 140/70 155/78 170/85 1$S/93 200/100 2Z5/108.
5501 6000; ' 150J75 165I83 180/90 195/98 210J105 225[113:.
Equation iT=1
(0.02 x square feet of conditioned spate)+[15 x(number of bedrooms+7,)]-Total ventilatfon rate(cfm)
Total ventilation—The mechanical ventilation system shall pravide sufficient outdoor air to equal the total ventilation rate average,
for each one-hour period according to the above table ar equation. For heat recovery ventilators(NRV)and energy recavery ventila-
tors(ERV}the average hourly ventilation capacity must be determined in consideration of any reduction af exhaust or out outdoor
air intake,or both,for defrost or other equipment cycling.
ContEnuous ventilation-A minimum of 50 percent of the total ven#ilation rate,but not less than 40 cfm.shaN 6e provided,on a con-
tinuous rate average for each one-haur period. The portion of the mechanical ventilatian system intended to be continuous may
have auforimatic cycling controls provid(ng the average flow rate for each hour is met.
G:ISAFET'Y1JK1Vent-makeup-comb air su6mifta!(2).docx Page 1 Of 6
•i i C'�f S G�.. , ' .
g. �t � f i t t ;,, 'l c
-� .. ': ; ; k - �� z i:.
� �` J � ��� } o f f3 r 4 '£t/,.
t ���� ; _ �"'
Section B
Ventilation Method
(Choose eithe�balanced or exhaust only}
Balanced,HRV(lieat Recovery Ventilator)or ERV{Energy Recov- Exhaust only
ery Ventilator)—cfm of unit in low must not exceed continuous venti- Continuous fan rattng in cfm
lation rating b more than 100%.
Low cfm: High cfm: Continuaus fan rating in cfm(capacity must not exceed
continuous ventilation rating by more than 100l6) ��
Direttfons-Choose the method pf ventilation,balanced or exhausi only. Balanced ventilation systems are typically HRV or ERV's.
Encer the low and high cfm amounts. Low c m air flow must be equa!ta or greater than the reguired continuous ventitarion rate and
less than 100%greater than the continuous ra[e.(For instance,f the!ow cfm is 40 cfm,the ventilation fan masY not exceed SO cfm.J
Aufomatic controls may altow the use af a larger fan that is operated a percentage of each hour.
Section C
Ventilation Fan Schedule
Descripiion Location Continuous intermittent
A � r4�rJ �s'i-i �'p �
�.'4'� N � / e�.' . � ��
Directions-The ventilatian fan schedule should describe wirar the fan is for, the locution,cfm,arrd whether it is used for continuous
or Intermrttent ventilation. The fan that is chose for continuous ventilation must be equai to ar greoter than the!ow m air rating
and less than 200�greater#han the continuaus rate. (for instance,if the/ow cfm/s 40 cfm,the continuaus ventilation fan must not
exceed 80 cfm.) Automatic conirols may pllow tire use of a larger fnn that is operated a percentage of each hour.
Section D
Ventilation Controls
�Uescribe o eretion and control oF the wntlnuous and latermittent ventilakion)
� ,r
Directions-Descrlbe the operatron of the ventilation system. There should be adequote detafl,for plan reviewers and fnspectors to verify deslgn and
installatlon compltonce. Related trades also need odequate detall for placement of centrols and proper operution of the buildirtg ventltaiion. Ij
exhaust fans are used for buildTng ventilatlon,descrfbe the operptlon ond locatlon of any rontrols,tndicptors and legends. If an ERV ar HRV is to be
lnstatled,describe how It wilf be installed.!f iF wtll be connected and inierfaced with ihe air handling equipment,please describe such connecNons as
detailed!n the manufoctures'Insta!lation instruccions.lf the insta!lation Instructions require or retommend the equfpment to 6e intertocked wlth the
air handling equlpment for proper operation,such in[erconnectlon shal!be made and described.
Section E
Make-up air
Passive (determined from calculatlons from Table 501.3.1j
Powered.(determined from calculations from Table 501.3.1)
' Interlocked wlth exhaust device(determined from ealculation from Tabte 501.3.1)
Location of duct or sysYem ventilatlon make-up air:Determined from make•up atr opening tahle
Cfm Size and type(round,rectangular,flex or rigid)
(NR means not required)
Page 2 of 6
�►�A:�tiS c r.�
. �
Dlrections-!n order to determine the makeup air,Table 501.3.1 must be filled out(see belowJ. For most new inscallacfons,catumn R
will6e appropriate,however,if atmospherically vented appliances orsolfd fuel bpp/iances are installed,use the appropriate column.
For exfsting dwel!ings,see IMC5�1.3.3. Please note,ff the mal<eup pir quantity is negative,no addifiona!makeup air wil!be re-
quired for venti/atlon,if the value Is positive refer to TabJe 501.3.2 and size the opening. Transfer the cfm,slze of opening and fiype
(round,rectangular,flex or rigid)to fhe last line of section D. The make-up air supply must be installed perlMC5p1.3.2.3.
Table 501.3.1
(Additianal combustion air wfll be required for combustlon appltances,see KAIR method for calcuiaCtons)
One or muftiple power One or multiple fan• One atmospherically vent Multiple atmuspherical-
vent or dlrect vent ap- assisted appliances and gas or oil appliance or ly vented gas or oil
plfances or no combus- power vent or direct vent one sotid fuei applfance appiiances or solid fuel
8on appliances applfanees appi(ances
Calumn C Column D
Column A Column B
a)pressure factor �•� Q•09 U.06 0.03
b}condittoned floor area(sf)(including
unfloished 6asements) �j
Estimated House Inflitration(cfm►:(1a �
x lb] .
2.Exhaust Capacity
aj continuous exhaust-only ventflation
system(cfm1;(not applicable to ba- ��
lanced ventllation systems such as
bj clothes dryer(cfm) 135 135 135 135
c)80%of largest exhaust rating(cfm);
Kftchen hood typically
(not applicable if recirculating system �
or if powered makeup air is electricafiy
interlocked and match to exhaust)
d)8095 of next targest exhaust raUng
(cfm); bath fan typicalty NOt
(nat applicable tf recirculating system
orlfpoweredmakeupafriselectrfca{ly ApP�icable
interlocked and matched to exhaustJ
Total Exhaust Capacity(cfm):
[2a+2b.+2c+�d] . � ��
3.Makeup Afr Quantity{dm)
a)totel exhaust capaclty{from above) ( g j
b)estlmated house infiitration(from
above) p�(d�
Makeup Air Quantity(cfm►;
(3a—36� p �
(if value is negative,no makeup air is !V��,�
4.For makeup Air Opening Sizfng,refer ��
to Table 501.A.2
A. Use this column if there are other than fan-assisted or atmospherically vented gas or o(I appiiance ar if there are no combustion appUances.(Power vent
and dired vent appltances may be used.j
B.• Use thls cofumn if there is one fan-asslsted appliance per venting system.(Appliances other than atmospherically vented appliances may also be in-
C. Use this wlumn if there is one atmospherically vented(other than fan-assisted)gas or oil appliance per venting system or one solid fuel appllance.
D. Use thts column if there are mukiple atmospherlcally vented gas or otl applian�es using a common vent or(f there are atmospher3cally vented gas or oil
appiiances and soild fuel appfiances.
Page 3 of 6
��"i'�s a r�
Malceup Air Qpening Table for New and Existing DweBing
Table 501.3.2
One or muitiple power One ar multiple fan- �ne atmospherically Multiple atmospherically
vent,direct vent ap- ass3sted appiiancez and vented gas or oil ap• vented gas or oll ap- Outt di-
pliances,or no combus- power vent or direct pliance or one soEid fuel pliances or solid fuel ameter
tio�appfia�ces vent applfances appliance appiiances
Column A Column B Cofumn C Column D
Passiveopenfng 1-36 1-22 1-15 1-9 3
Passiveopening 37-66 23-41 16-28 10-17 4
Passiveopening 67-104 42-66 29-46 18-28 5
Passtve ope�ing 110-163 67—100 47—69 29—42 6
Passive opening 164—232 101-143 7D—99 43—61 7
Passive openln� 233—317 144—195 lOQ—135 62—83 8
Passiveopening 318-419 196-258 136-179 84-120 9
w/motorized damper
Passive openfng 420—539 259—332 180—230 111-142 10
wJmotorized dam er
Passive opening 540—679 333—419 231—290 143—179 11
w/motorized damper
Powered makeu air >679 >419 >29D >179 NA
A. An equivatent length of 100 feet of round smooth metal duct is assumed. Subtract 4U feet for the exterior hood and ten feet tor each 90-degree elbow to
determfne the remaining length of stra3ght duct allowable
B. If flexible duct is used,increase the duct diameter by one Inch. Flexible duct shal!be stretched with minimal sags. Compressed duct shall not 6e accepted.
C. Barometric dampers are prohibited in passive makeup afr openings when any atmospherically vented appllance is installed.
D. Powered makeup air shafl be etectrfcaily]nterlocked with the largest exhaust system.
Sectians F
Combustion air /
x Not required per mechanical code(No atmospheric or powervented appifances) r J �/, �C `��, �� s,x r�r"Tr�
Passive(see IfGC Appendix E,Worksheet E-1) Size and type
Explanatiort-!f no aimospheric or power vented appliances are lnstalled,check the appropriate box,nat required. /f a power vented
or atmospherically vented appliance insta!led,use lFGCAppendix E, Worksheet E-1(see below). Please enter size and type. Combus-
rion air vent supplies must communfcate wich the appliance or appliances fhat require the combustFon air.
Section F calculations follow on the next 2 pages.
Page 4 of 6
� !G d�S 4�t^'+
Pro ect Summar Job: CMS Madison B&D unit
WI"Ig�'1�50�° � � Date: JUNE 9,2014
Entire House eY:
Elancter Mechanical Inc.
591 Citadon Drive,Shakopee,MN 55379 pfwne:852-445-4692 Fnx 952-�45-7487
� � � A e
� - • � �
Weather: Minneapoifs-St. Paul, MN, US
Winter Design Conditions Summer Design Conditions
Outside db -45 °F Outside db $8 °F
Inside db 70 °F Inside db 7Q °F
Design TD 85 °F Design TD 18 °F
Daily range M
Relative fiumidity 50 %
Moisture difference 37 gr/!b
Heating Summary Sensible Cooling Equipment Load Sizing
Structure 28642 Btuh Structure 11965 Btuh
Ducts 1220 Btuh Ducts 519 Btuh
Central vent{74 cfm) 67Q0 Btuh Central vent (74 cfm) 1411 Btuh
Humidification 0 Btuh Blower - 0 Btuh `
Equipment load 36563 Btuh Use manufacturer's data
Rate/swing multiplier 1.00Y
Infiltratian Equipment sensible laad 13894 Btuh
Method Simpiified Latent Cooling Equipment Load Sizing
Construction quaNty Tight
Fireplaces 1 (Average} 5tructure 1390 Btuh
Ducts 120 Btuh
Heating Cooiing Centrai vent(74 cfm) 1784 8tuh
Area(ft') 1729 1729 Equipment latent load 3294 Btuh
Volume(ft') 13832 13832
Air changes/hour 0.23 0.07 Equipment total load 17188 Bfuh
Equiv.AVF(cfm) 52 16 Req. tota{capacity at 0.70 SHR
Heating Equipment Summary Cooling Equipment Summary
Make L.ennox Make Lennox
Trade MERIT 90 Trade 13ACX Series-RFC
Model ML193UH045XR246-* Cond 13ACX-018-230-*
AHRI ref 4792930 Coil C33-25*+TpR
AHRI ref 1031313
Efficiency 93 AFUE Efficiency 11.9 EER, 13.5 SEER
Heating input 44000 MBtuh Sensible cooling 1295d Btuh
Heating output 41000 Btuh Latent cooling 5550 Btuh
Temperature rise 50 °F Tota(cooling 18500 8tuh
Actuaf air flow 768 cfm Actual air flow 617 cfm
Air flow factor 0.026 cfmBtuh Air flow factor O.Q49 cfm/Btuh
Static pressure 0 in H20 Static pressure 0 in H2�
Space thermostat Load sensibie heat ratio 0.81
Bold/itellc values have been manualfy overriddan
Calculations approved by ACCA to meet all requirements of Manual J 8th Ed.
2014Jun-12 69:58:25
�. wrightsofC° Right-Suite�UniverSal 2012 12.1,06 RSU13410 Page 1
� ...plHeat Losses 20131Lennar Patrto#Madison B.rup Calc=MJ8 Front Door faces: N
C+Qm onent Constructions Job: CMS Madison B&D unit
wrightsoft¢ p Date: JUNE 9,2014
Entire House By:
Elander Mechanical Inc.
591 CNation D�ive,Shakapee,MM 55379 Phone:952-4454692 Fax:952-445-7q87
' e - e a
i - • � � •
Location: indoor: Heating Cooling
Minneapolis-St. Paui, MN, US Indoor temperature(°F) 7Q 70
Elevation: 837 ft Design TD{°F) 85 18
Latitude: 45°N Relative humidity(%a) 50 50
Outdoor: Heating�' Cooting Moisture difference(gNlb) 54.5 36.6
Dry bulb(°F) -15 88� Infiltration:
Daily range(°F) - 19 ( M ) Method Simpiified
Wet bulb(°F) - 71 Construction quality Ti ht
Wind speed(mph) 15.0 7.5 Fireplaces 'I �Average}
Constructian descriptians ar a�ea u-�arue Insul R Hkg HTM �osg Cig M7M Gain
n� acunm�•F R=-•F18Wh 6luhllN ean ewnm= ewn
12F-Osw:Frm wall,vnl ext'r-21 c v ins,1/2"gypsum board int n 544 Q.Q65 21A 5.52 3006 1.21 659
fnsh,2"x6"wood frm e 425 0.065 21.0 5.52 2347 1.21 515
s 525 0.065 21.0 5.52 2899 1.27 636
w 364 0.065.. 21.0 5,52 2Q12 9.21 441
all 1858 0.065 21.0 5.52 10264 1.29 2252
61A:VtNYL Insulated Glass Double Hung;NFRC rated e 5� 0.280 0 23.8 1194 29.3 1A68
��6) w 912 0.280 0 23.8 2654 29.3 3263
all 162 . 8 0 23.8 3848 29.3 4731
17J0:Door,mti fbrgl type e 21 0.60 6.3 51.0 1071 17.9 376
s 19 0.600 6.3 51.0 983 97.9 345
w 20 0.60 6.3 51.0 1040 17.9 365
all 61 . . 6.3 51.0 3094 17.9 1087
16CR-44ad:Attic ceiling,asphalt shingles roof ma r-44 it ins, 1065 O.tl22 44.0 1.87 1982 0.95 1U'!6
5/8"gypsum board int fnsh
Floors -----._ ,,
20P-38c:Flr floor,frm flr,12"thkns,carpeE flr fnsh, -5 exf ins,r-38 12 0.030 38.0 2,55 31 0.40 5
cav ins,amb ovr ^�--"
20P-38c:Flr floor,frm flr,12"thkns,carpet flr fns r-5 ext ins,r-38 309 0.030 38.0 2.55 788 0.40 124
cav fns,gar ovr
20P-38v;Flr floor,frm flr,12"thkns,vinyl flr fnsh, -5 ext ins,r-38 80 0.030 38.0 2.55 20A 0.40 32'':.-```!'�'
cav ins,gar ovr
. _. ..
�tpm:Bg floor,heavydry or light damp soil,on grade depfh, 122 0.355 70.Q 30.2 3681 0 p
r-1 ge ins
2014,1un-i2 p9:58:25
,� `� wrightsoft� Right-Suite�Universal 2012 12.1,06 RSU13410 Page 1
ACCA...plHeat Losses 2073��ennat Patriot Madisnn B.rup Cale-MJ8 Front Door taces: N
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PROPERTY LEGAL: ��� �� � �� 1 ���-f�%G'-��1� L"��/_�
DATE OF SURVEY: ����t���'
m ,
Y Q -�°a
� ❑ ❑ • Registered Land Surveyor signafure and company
� ❑ p • Building Permit Applicant
� ❑ ❑ • Legal description
,�' � 0 • Address
� ❑ ❑ • North arrow and scale
� ❑ ❑ • House type (rambler,waikout, split w/o, split entry, lookout,etc.)
,e' ❑ ❑ • Directional drainage arrows with slope/gradient% `
� ❑ 0 • Propasedlexisting sewer and water services&invert elevation
' �' ❑ 0 • Street name
�y ❑ ❑ • Driveway(grade&width-in RNV and back of curb, 22' max.)
�" p � • Lot Square Footage
� ❑ ❑ • Lot Coverage
� ❑ ❑ • Property comers
�' � 0 � Top of curb at the driveway and property line extensions
❑ � ❑ • Elevations of any existing adjacent homes
,��0 ❑ • Adequate footing depth of structures due to adjacent utility trenches
�` ❑ ❑ . Waterways(pond, stream, etc.)
Proposed ,
�( ❑ ❑ • Garage floor
❑ �" 0 • Basement floor
�' ❑ � • Lowest exposed elevation (walkouUwindow)
�i ❑ ❑ • Property comers
�'' 0 ❑ • Front and rear of home at the foundation
PONDING AREA(if applicable)
❑ �` � • Easement line
❑ �' ❑ • NWL
❑ ,0' ❑ • HWL
p �` ❑ • Pond#designation
0 ,0' � • Emergency Overflow Elevation
p � • Pond/Wetland buffer delineation �
Y • Shoreland Zoning Overlay District
Y • Conservation Easements
,�❑ r� • Lot lines/Bearings&dimensions
� 0 � • Right-of-way and street width (to back of curb)
� 0 � • Proposed home dimensions including any proposed decks, overhangs greater than 2', porches, etc.
(i.e. all structures requiring permanent footings)
�f' ❑ ❑ • Show all easements of record and any City utilities within those easements
�❑ � • Setbacks of proposed structure a' ' y'rd etback of adjacent existing strucfures
� p ❑ • Retaining wali requirements:
Reviewed By: �� Dafe ��.�'��
G:/FORMS/Building Permit Application Rev.11-26-04
Lot 1 ,2,3,4,5,6, Block 1 , STONEHAVEN 6TH ADDITON ';
according to the recorded plat thereof Dakota County, Minnesota I
Address: 3447,3449,3451,3453,3455,3457 Chestnut Lane, Eagan, Minnesota '� I
House Model: Jefferson, Madison, Madison, Madison, Madison, Jefferson Elevation: C,C,D,D,C,D, '
Buyer: '
' i��f,_ e v. _�8'',� '4-'�i '�" ,
�x ����: � K ,€a� �9 '"�:; �'�14�s,; � + Benchmark:
+�.� ����� �����' s � ."� I N89°37'S0"W 67.0(3���,�top of spike �
; � � .y ��� ss.i (8$,7.6� ��l"e�vation = 888.3 a�.e_ _ � ��
T- x � .�,� sa�.e
,..;�'r�d � 686.2 887.9 888.3 � �887.6 �.
' 4 ° � .,s 888.4
� � O I 0 I O i �
Scale: 1" = 20' J�� '.x ��I i i 8 ( Q i oi i • �
. � .. � I 886.6-1----� � 6879 � B86.0 _ _ 887.9 I
Benchmark: '�; ' �'i� i � � 20.00 36.33 10. 7 I
Top Nut Hydrant Lot 1 Block 7 � f I i � I "�- o � ! I I
�� /
o �
Elevation = 888J3 �' j Y o
... � I I I � I N POtlO /U N 3888.0:� I I I8Et7.2 ,,,
C ''v rr � � `t- I ^ ° r o :-- ------� _ I '
� i � io.00 °�� � YC 68-- ------ �j .-. � Q I
I I � i
I - N� N � I
I V �'� � v"-- � p� � � N° b�
�`' � Y �
i � � � � � � � 0�0 0> � � �
Lot area =14204 SF I i � � �� � � °.�° a o I � I
House area =6690 SF � '�
t i I aszs �20.00 �36.33 . � I �
Porch area =288 SF r �r � i � ' 887 e
Patio area =600 SF i v 67 0 N6.00 �°�s 8879 � i i sas.s
Sidewalk area -380 SF � v � � o , �a _�
Driveway area =960 SF °� -- .
Total Impervious Area =8918 SF � I d' i i � ° � T � �---� �
o ---�-6 �� _ . 666.9 �,.
a ° patiol v �� v
Impervious Coverage =62.8� I � �xl o � N � o rn � x e a � I
� I I � °_ I 10.00 i .� � N -�--- I N � \�
' / i
� i I � y I i--�i I'7 ��� i �'`� � �
/'� �r� �p�
� (�I O v�/ E //� � � i p t'7 i� �p � � C'ill� I
.� I N i i ° i ` � i i � � a> � N i �� I
►..a � � � � o. � v
Z H � N v � � � v a� � �
� I ssa 2 20.00 �6.33� N I _� sa�.�
House elevations �Proposed) / il I � � 687.y i � _ I
Z Z � i � � �- •�' � - - � _ � I
Top Of Foundation Elev. �(888•8) � ¢ O � I _ i Y � � ; a� ,.,� ^ �o o �� I
: 888.5 � ~ W � I ° ,,,, `n °# b` v
Gara ge Slab Elev. � Door � ) � � V � � I � � � /o ; �� a; �� o` i°\. � I
(� � w I � I o I a°' o/ �'� *_se L-- ------- -/ I� � a o sae.�� � i
Q O� -�i � I N I N � , 6.�� � .�� �
W �i � I � V � °o i 't", � �"� +� 888.1 886.4
A a, E-» � Y I N Pat�o� � N Q 1
�.-, � a, � ''�, \
X 0 0 0.0 0 Deno tes exis ting e l e v a t i o n '� W 'd, I � I ^ io.00 ` �
� � '�,
( 0 0 0.0 0 ) D e n o t e s p r o p o s e d e l e v a t i o n � � � �Y J � � s e z a I 2 0.0 0 3 6.3 3 � 6.00 �0 1 0.6 7 \ �na
� Denotes drainage flow direction � ►-ti �+ I I � � ees.s
� Denotes spike � '�� _ � V � �� � �6.�� ��S 'CP 887.9
`� � 10.00 r � O -- 686.5 �
,„ _���t", :�\ � N P a t i o� : � --- --`-/- �' 1 . o �\�
C`�n �
Gonstruction Notes: � o ; o� �.,� r
1. Install rock construction entrance. �� 4 � N � ,�; ,o o � o '__�8 .2 /6.00 �_� N ;�
2. Install silt fence as needed for erosion '� i r-� I �` r� r->v I � M '^ r� �o �
control. � �� i I L� ao � ; ���'� o,3, oo �;
3. Sidewalks shall drain away from house a y � � � / � ° rn� 00 0� �r i
minimum of 1.0�. � � j v ��•� ; c� � °�° °�O W "' \
4. Contractor must verify driveway design. '�; " � v ' 10.67 a6.2
O � I 887.s 20.00 $6.33� �
5. Contractor-must verify service elevation prior � i � aaa.z � \
to construction. rv I � � � T- ,(� _ N
6. Add or remove foundation ledge as required a� N � � �� I � , �/ , ,� �,, N
' a' ,� � v�o 0
. . V � I I � I 5 � � i 0 � � a� � �
P O i U � v � � C� � �� ao � � �
r, I Y o v � ;'O �n � ; � °�° o
� �..9 � I p � � � �t�n �- 88.5 / � O Z ` 85.9
' � � N ° I ' N/ r'"J-O L__ 6.00 N
General Notes � i � "� � o ; � • o ------- --Q r� ..a
1. Grading plan by Pioneer Engineering last i � � N patio; � Z � �
dated 5/9/13 was used to determine proposed i v � io.00 `/ a' ° Q"� ""� �
F��°`� �
e l e v a t i o n s s h o w n h e r e i n. i Y � 6 .p � 6.00 0��' Z' ;� Q sa e
2. This survey does not purport to show � , ,..,,
improvements or encroachments, except as ^� � B885 , 88�•9 � � H /
shown, as surve ed b me or under m direct � 20.00 36.33
Y Y Y � i xl � �- � � 10.67 �'`� E-+ �
supervision. 00 I � � ; �'/� N T ! Q U �
3. Proposed building dimensions shown are for � i v � (� � o � � � o� ^,�,,d z � � /
horizontal location of structures on the lot only. i �/ � v � I oo '' ,ri ¢ O /
Contact builder prior to construction for � I I � °o � �•o � 887� � ° � , a° " W � � �
approved construction plans. _K i I 'c.i °ql� � � �
o ,� r�.� ---- ------ ------� o
4. No specific soils investigation has been � � o � � ,� � N a � E„� aa�.o
performed on this lot by the surveyor. The � � � I ^ patio � � � �
suitabilit y of soils to support the specific house j � � z.
proposed is not the responsibility of the i v � io.00 pw ,,_, ss.e �
surveyor. '�� i Y 8 �20.00 �36.33 10. 7 sazs �. �
5. This certificate does not purport to show a,,� � +i i 888-z-�_�L88,� _ � _ 886.2 = _ _ 3 .2 ____ ■ � � �
easements other than those shown on the �'��.� � o i I o � z
recorded plat. i � � p i �i ' � � � �
6. Bearings shown are based on an assumed `� �� � � � � �❑� I � � �
datum. � aae a ssa.a�� f
, 885.8 �-rrPrr�ar�r;.r-- - - ��ry ewsau tn N \\ \ »"_"���-� � '�..�
--- �
We hereby certify to Lennar Corporation that this � � �� � �� ������ �B�enc�hmar ke 86'3 �►
survey, plan or report was prepared by me or under my �YJ � � � � � p p z.
direct supervision and that I am a duly licensed Land i � eleva ' n = 888.38 {-•
Surveyor under the laws of the State of Minnesota, � `� (�
dated 04/29/14. C� i I �----------- -- T • L�-1
Future i� �
Signed: Pioneer Engineering, P.A. -� i I I I House �� �;,. � � I (�)
� _ r,
� _� ,� -,��.-_�.____
BY: N89°37'50"W � 67.00 Datc -,����� _.�.
Peter J. Hawkinson, Professional Land Surveyor �� �,AGpj�t �j�'a,Ijv�,�;,�1��,j� Ly;�,t,�, f
Minnesota License No. 42299
PI� 1.)OS-2R-14Stakcl3uilding Certificate of Survey for.
�NEERen�ineering Lennar Corporation
Ph.:(651)681-1)14 16305 36th Avc N Stc#600
2422�nter�rise Drive Fax:(651)681-9488 Plymouth,MN 55446-4270
Mendota Iieights,MN SS l20 w�v�v.pioneereng.com �'roject#: 113083007 phone:(952)249-3000/Fax:(952)404-(909
Foidcr#: 7509 Drawn by: TSS
(c;l 7l1I�Pinnarr Fna�nr�Frino
Use B�LE�:ar BL.AC3��nk
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Oct 28 14 01:37p Water poctors 7635351805 p.2
� For O/fice Use ---------j
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Cit of�a a� � Pe��#
� � ocr � � ���� j Permit Fee: �, � �
3830 Pilot Knob Road � ��__ ./�"
Eagan MP1 55122 I Date Received: �
Phone:(651)6755675 _. � i
Fax:t651�675-5694 i scart: i
�������.��������� J
� Date: ����'��'l Site Address: � 6�� C �QsTncu r L� l�' 7���� �a��
Tenant: �d� � ��C � ��
Name: �KK1�"'� �O�"'�C s Phone:
'� � Address/City;Zip:
Name:��"T�� Q�S License#: �C. ��-��0 Z
, Address:S�OI ���r(�� �-v�-= '�`�`�C ry: S�Ra�G L-�C��4�'k
i State:� � Zip�S�-3 2- Phone:7�.�—.�3�' ���
Contad:��eU� �4A� Email:
�New _Replacement _Repair _Rebuild ,_Modify Space _Work in R.O.W.
� Description of work:
- Water Heater
� Water Softener
Lawn Irrigation(_RPZ/___,PV8) —
Septic System _Add Plumbing Fixtures(_Main/T Lower Level)
N� _Water Tumaround
560.00 Water Heater,Water Softener,or Water Heater and Softener(includes$5.00 State Surcharge)
;60.00 Lawn(rrigation{includes$5.00 minimum State Surcharge)
� $60.00 Add Plumbing Fixtures,Seotic System Abandonment,Water Turnaround"(includes$5.00 State Surcharge)
� "WaterTurnaround(add a200.00 ifa 5/B"meter is required)
5115.00 Septic S tem New($10.00 per as bu�t)(includes County fee and$5.00 State Surcharge) /
CALL BEFORE YOU DIG. Call Gopher State One Call at(651)454-0002 for proteclion against undergrou�d utility damage.
Call 48 hours before.you irttend lo dig to receive locates of underground utilities. www.goaherstateonecall.orq
I hereby acknowledge that this infortnation is complete and accurate;thai the work��rviA be in conformance with[he ordinances and codes o{the City of
Eagan;that I understand!h� is not a pertnit, but only an applicalion tor a permit,and work is not:o start without a permit; that the wak will be in
aecnrdance with the approved plan in the ease of worfc which requires a review and approval of plans.
x�e �4��Y X
Applicant's Printed Name Applica�Ys Signature
. ,e� a%•-� '...�"' a a�, t �- � t ��- ,q��+`4-•X�a, s t.�..�.��r��';s �ix€,e+�Y7�a hr
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. ' ;5°*' .a^-"+' '�'����Y�i '�`�.�.i� 3' .�'�i' r � '� +y � :'�.
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_.. ._... _ . . --- ,�..�_ . ....��+ - .., �r �
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Clty of E��a�
Address: 3453 Chestnut Lane Permit#: 124286
The following items were/were not completed at the Finai Inspection on: �..�T_ ��cnn,'�•,,�� �`�� ����
� ( � d r��ih��iu�ulY�ll��liia'�I!N�ii�d�t ��... � 9 i
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�» � 1����,� . _.�°�....��. � :
Final grade -6"from siding
Permanent steps—Garage
Permanent steps— Main Entry �
Permanent Driveway � '�� wd' � � d� �'�`
Permanent Gas �
Retaining Wall or 3:1 Max Slope ���1'�
Sod / eded Lawn �
Trail / Curb Damage '�
Porch ���� �
Lower Level Finish ���.
Deck ,�j�.
Fireplace �
• Verify with your builder that roof test caps from the plumbing system have been removed.
• Turn off water supply to the outside lawn faucets before freeze potential exists.
• Call the Engineering Department at (651) 675-5646 prior to working in the right-of-way or installing an
irrigation system.
Building Inspector: � fn�(� 4�
G:\Building Inspections\FORMS\Checklists
r _.