3449 Chestnut Lane . ,�i,l�IrSQ� G - y`�1� ''l.�����`�� � �j�• ������ i��'a'� ---Use BLUE or BLACK Ink n 1 '� ���� ��o U J i For Offtcs Use � i C' ''lr � � (� , Perr„�t�: ��40��1 , ity of Ea�a� ,�� __ _:�,, G� / I pertnit Fee�j ��7= c�/ t 3830 Pitot Knab Road RECEIVEC�J, � � Eagan MN 55122 � Date Received: �(Z'� I Phone:(681)67$-5675 �UN 1 Z ?.01b + n� ' �ax:(651)675-b684 {,.� i StaH: Yf�'� f � . ' ^ .,w ���V�� �������.����������J .� 2014 RESIDENTIA��UILDING PERMlT APPLICATION Date: v / Site Address: ��y� �/I f"J'�'it Gc? �ti� Unit#. r tJame: �.�nAW!' Phone: I s.� - ��(�/ - 3G�c� Resident/ !� Owner � Address/Cltyizip: ���US ��� /�ui, . ��,�k G� (�J�,,,��t'1/S.r'�yl Applicant is: Owner �Contractor - � �� � a T� �.����' ^ Type of Work > �escription otwo�c: �Jr,.� �Fr�,�a Con.J�r�,c��w Construction Cost� Multi-Family Buildfng:(Yes T/No_} Company: LCAtIp�� Cantact: Contractor ; �dress: �����?� ��`�-� ,Qv�. � , S�rl,° cny: �1��,��y�lh State:�Zip: 5 ��1�� Phone: `�.5�-�+i1�'�Z�'�Email: _ I.icense#: �y 13 Lead Certif[cate#: If the project is exempt from lead certlficatio�, please explain why:(see Page 3 for additional information) COMPLETE THIS AREA ONLY tF CONSTRUCTlNG A NEW BUILDING In the last 12 months,has the City of Eagan issued a pertnit for a similar plan based on a master plan? V Yes �No If yes,date and address of master plan: �'�'/O�C�°�!%�'vl L.i✓ Licenscd Plumber:___���dr�Ci l7�raA,'!�r Phone: ����-' L���1�' ��G��,� MechanEcal Contractor: �� !� Phone: (t Sewer&Water Contractor: r � � ; cl k ('� Phane: �S�-�tlE- C�`1 L NOTE:Plans and supporting documents:thaf you:submft ar�'cons/dered fo:be:publlc information. Portions of the fnformatfon may be. elassiffed as non-public if.yau`provlde speciflc reasons thaf;would.petmit the Cfty ta ' conciudethafthe ar`etradesecrets. __ � CALL BEFORE YOU DIG. CaN Gopher State One Call at(6S1)45AA002 for protedion against underground utility damage. Cail 48 hours before you intend to dig to receive locates of underg�ound utilities. www.gonhers�ateonecaEl.om I hereby acknowledge thal thls infortnation is compleie and accurate;that the wark wlll be in conformance with the ordlnances and codes of the Clty of Eagan;that I understand th{s is not a permit,but anly an applicaGon for a pertnit,and work Es not to start wiihout a permit;lhat the work wilt be in accordance wiih the appraved plan in ihe case af work which requires a review and approval of pla�. Extertor work authoHzed by a bullding permlt Issued In accordance wtth the MFnnespta State Buitding Code must be compteted wtthtn 180 days of permlt isauance. x L-�-'i1�G/d?s�h x x ApplicanYs Printed Name AppNcanYs Sig ture Page 1 of 3 3y�g aNtSr,yvT � . �I�IXSr.v,+ C �{07�� `.3��� ��.�..�-f-�+�.� (--�.."�-t' /a DO NOT WR1TE BELQW THIS I.INE SUB TYPES _ Foundation � Fireplace _ Porch{3-Seasan) _ Exterior Aiteration(Single Family} � Stngle Family _ Garage _ Porch(4-3eason) _ Exterior Alteration(Mufti) Multi Deck Parch(ScresnlGazebolPergola) _ Miscellaneous � 01 of�Piex � Lower Level _ Poo1 _ Accessory Building WORK TYPES � New � fnterior Improvement � S[ding _ Demolish Building" _ Addition _ Move Building � Reroof � Demolish Interior _ Alte�ation T Flre Repair _ Windows _ Derr+oUsh Foundation _ Replace � Repair , Egress Window _ Water Damage _ Ftetaining We111 *Demolkion of eMire building—giva PCA handout to appiteant 17E3CRlPT10N Valuation "/?'7�� Occupancy �C '3 MCES System Plan Rev w Code EdiEion �__ SAC Units �_ (25% 100%_) Zoning �� City Water � ', Census Code �O� Stories �_ Booster Pump �Y'A ', #of Units / Square Feet �� PRV �_ �! #of Buildings l Length � Fire Sprinklers �/�� Type of Construction _�_ WiBth �_ � � � REQUtR�D INSPECTIONS � Footings(New Building) Meter Size: Footings(Deck) � Final 1 C.O. Required �ootings(Addition} + Pinal!iVo C.O.Required � Foundation HVAC_Gas 5ervice Test Gas Line Air Test Roof: ;�Ice&Wa#er ,�Final Pool:�,,,,Footings AidGas Tests _Final Framing Drain Tile Fireplace:�Rough In �Air Test ��inal Siding:_Stucco Lath Stone h _Brick � Insulation Windows Sheathing Retatning Wail:`Footings_Back�ll_Final Sheetrock � Radon Control �ire Walls � Erosion Control Braced Walls Other: Reviewed By: ,Building Inspector RESID�NTIAL FEES, 4r Base Fee f�Tj/$ ?� J Sr ?l0 �� �7'r Surcharge ��,y,� /d��j►Q �� Pian Review 3?g � 7' MCES SAC A�/6A�{tY► 3G��t1 h(Oi� c�ty sac � J Utility Connectlon Charge S&W Permit 8�8urcharge ��N� /�'0�1' ���� �� Treatment Piant Copies 70TAL Page 2 of 3 . . fa���� Plew Construction Energy Code Compliance Certificate per N l 101,G t�uilding Certiticute.A bwiding certiC�cute sE�ult be p��sted in a perEnanentl�•�isihle location inside Dalr Certificale 1'ot1eJ Ihe bnilding.Thc certifiwte sl�oil bc complmed by du bnilckr anJ shail Gs1 infamialion and calues of wmponems lis�cd in Tub)c NI Itl1.8. 11niBu�Address ot Idc DweOing or Dwelling tlnil C;�� 3449 CHESTNUT LANE EAGAN Yamt oClitsidenlial Coniraclor AIY License Nwnber THERMAI. ENVELOPE RADON SYSTEM Type:Check All Thaf Appiy X PussiYC(�i'o Fnn) 4. o � H C ':{-: �,:`. ..: . _� ,��, � �, ' Active({f'Iih fan a�td ntanuuteter�r �I �" � a, `.: olhei•system iaoiirtarr`ng devlce).. : r � � ._ '� o y I o a � V — o � � I d a. 'o � v a � � o � q R1 a�i V c`� 'O F Insulation Location 7 o z � � v a `" � � � a o '� wa � � E°- = Z � `u�. c.�° w��° � � � Other Please Aescribe Here Bclow Enfire SIAb . � ! ,. . . . :: Foundation�'Vall X lNTERIOR Pcrimeter.;of Siab on'Grnde 14 ' Rim Joist(Foundation) X INTERIOR C�im.iaist.(t"Floor+)':`.:i i ,'IU ' INTERIOR �vnu 21 Ceiling,flat''` ! QQ, Ceilin ,vaultcd X ,:: Bay Windows or canEiledcred areas . .'.. '::'.: ;.. ` ,':; $$ ';; Bonus room over nrAge 38 70 5 _, ,, : ,. Describe btfier insuleted areas `? , ; - _ Wtndows a Doots Heoting or Cooting Duets Outside Conditioned Spacas Avera c U-Factor(excludes s/9�lrglns and one door)U: 0.28 Not a licable,al!ducts locuted in conditioned spACe Solar Heat Gain Coefficient(Si-IGC): 0.26 r-8 R-value MECHANICAL SYSYEMS Make•up Air Selec�a Type Ap liances Hantin�System Domestic Water Weater Cooling S ste�n X Not required per mech.code �u�i Ty e 'Natural Gas ` Electric : Electric P�s;�� A9anufacturcr LGnnOX AO Smith Lennox Powcred Inierlocked weth e�.haust device. �toilel Ml.193UHO4SXP24B . GPVH50N 13ACX-018-23Q: Describe: Input in 44 000 Capaciry in � O�dput in ,�5 Other,describe: Rating or Sizc l3TUS: ' Gatlons: Tons: ' ' Hcac toss Heat LocaGOn of duct or system: Structure's Calculated:` 36,64T '13,964 : '. Gain. AFUE or SE[2: HSPF;6 13 g3 CalculateJ EfGcicncv coolin laad: i7'Z5 Cfm's PI.AN CMS Madison ^round duct OR Meehanieal Ventilation System "metal duct Describe any additional or combined healing or cooling systems if instaUod:(e.g.two furnaces or air Combustion Air Setect a Type source heut pump wilh gas back-up fumace): X Not required per mech.code Selecl Tj� e Passive Heai Recover Ventilator(HR� Capnciry in cfms: Loa�: High: Qther,describe: Energy Recover Ventiiator(ERV}Ca acit�in cfms: Low: High: Lacation of duct or system: i X Continuous cxhausting fan(s)rated capucity in cfms: 1 fan cont!ou•30cfm Mechanica! Room Location of fan{s),describe: Owners bath,Main Bath Cfin's � Capacity continuous ventilntion rate in cfms: �jQ Insulated Flex Totat ventilation(intermittent+continuous)rate in cfms: 185 "meYal duct � Created by BAM version 0520U9 i 1 MULTI-FAMILY PLAN REVIEW FOR COMPLIANCE WITH AIRCRAFT NOISE ORDINANCE Compliance with Procedures to Ensure I Submitter: Noise Im act Area Adequate Noise Attenuation: I ; Lennar Airport-MSP Intemational Exterior wall construction: I 16305 36th Ave. Na Noise Zone-4 Vinyl I Suite 600 15/32"sheathing Plymouth, MN 55446 New lnfill Residence is a"COND" Tyvek wrap 952-249-3000 use in Noise Zone 4 2x6 studs 16"O.C. R-21 batt insulation with 1/2"gypsum board Roof Construction: Plan.Reviewed: t�l N C. ,6,C� Peaked roof with manufactured trusses 24"O.C. 3t� �q ���,��� Roof vents _`� \ �� ����- Shingles lnformation Submitted: 15#felt Annotated architectural drawin s includin : 1/2"sheathing Blown insulation R-44 Windows: Atrium 5/8"gypsum board Swinging Patio Doors: Atrium Entry Doors: Therma Tru Mechanical Ventilation System: Skylights: N/A 2-ton central air condifioning unit Com liance with STC Re uirements Window, Door Frame, Perimeter and Other Seals: All window and door openings are to be caulked Average window/wall area for exterior wall: '� �� with butyl-based caulk With this window/wall area ratio and STC 40 walls, windows Fireplace Chimney Cap: with an STC 30 can be used to meet the noise reduction N/A requirements; Ventilation Duct Exterior Wall Penetrations: Summa : All exterior ducts will have bends as required by the ordinance Other measures including duct bends and caulking are being taken to ensure minimum transmission of noise through the Door and Window Construction: exterior building shell so that the construction should meet Windows: Atrium (30 STC) the compatibility guidelines. Sliding Patio Doors: Atrium (30 STC) Therefore, the materials and construction as proposed should meet the requirements of the Eagan aircraft noise ordinance. Entry Doors: Therma Tru (29 STC) Skylights: N/A Review Completed (date): • t�-- Other Exterior Wall Penetrations: Review Completed b : Tom Tamte Sill sealer between lates and blocks Veratal��ir�n, IV��keup a�d Combus�6on Air Ca6�ulations ; ; Subnnot�al �ar� Fo� i�e�r D�elli�gs . These blank submittal forms and instruc.trons ere'availabl.e at the C+ty website and at Gty Elall. The completed fonn must be sul�mit- ted in clupiicate,at$he tip�e oF appllcation o�a mechanlcal permit for new constructron: Additional farms may be downloaded and printed at: Siteaddre`s`s zG�l��1 { ✓ �1 - uf' 4C,.�.� Date . �-�—�t Cantrector r � n q , � Completed ��ChLKIF �`( t <'C . rraats+ By ��U $2CttOi1 A Ventilation Quantity (Determine quantity by using Table N1iO4.2 or Equatfon 11-1) Square feet(Cond(tioned area lncluding �^7 r, j Basement—flnished or unffnished) � /7cS Total required ventilation lU�j Number of bedrooms � Continuous ventilatfon �� Directions-Determine the rotal and contfnuous ventilarion rate by either using Table N1104.2 or epuation 11-1. Tiie:table and equatian are below. Table N1104 Z . : Total a`nd.�ontinuoua Ventiletion Rates(in cfm) Number`of Bedrooms 1 : 2;:: . 3 . :. 4. c, 6 Conditioned space(m Total/ Totaf/ Tofal/ Total/. Total/ Tofa1J sq:ft) ` continuous continuous continuous conYinuous cantinuous " continuous 100Q 1500` ' ' '60j40` 75/40 :90/45 105%53 120/60 135%68 1501-2000 70/40 85/43 00/5 115/S8 130/65 145/73 2001 2500' 80/40 95/48 110/55 125 63 140 70 / / 155/78 2501 3000`:. 90/45 105/S3 120/60 135/68 150/7S 16S/83 3001 3500::; . 100/50 T15/S8 130/65 145/73 160/80 175/SS 3501 4000` 110/55 125/63 140/70 155/78�� ° 170/8S 185/93 ' `� ' 4001 4500'' 120/60 135/b8 150/75 lfi5/83 1$0/90 195/9g 45U1 5000 , 130/65 145/73 160/80 175/88 190/95 205/103 5001 5500;; 140/70 155/78 17Q/85 18S/93 200/100 215/1Q8 55Q1 6000?: 150/75 . 165/83 180/90 195/98 210/105 22S/113 Equatinn ii-T.. (0.02 x square feet oF conditioned space}+(15 x�number ot bedrooms+1)]=Total ventilation rate(cfm� Total ventilation—The mechanical ventilation system shall provide sufficient outdoor air to equal the totai ventilation rate average, for each one-hour period according to the above table or equation. For heat recovery ventilators(HRVj and energy recovery ventila- tors(ERV)the average haurly ventilatlon capacity must be determined i�consideration of any reductian of exhaust or out autdoor air�ntake,or both,for defrost or other equipment cycling. Continuous ventilatlon-A minimum of 50 percent of the tata)ventilation rate,but not less than 40 cfm.shall be provided,on a con- tinuous rate average for each one-hour period. The portion of the mechanical ventilatian system intended to be continuous may have automatic cycling controls providing the average flow rate for each hour is met. G:ISAFE7YiJKlVent-makeup-comb air submittai(2).docx Page 1 of 6 �/'��,1,r�,.. ,; F T � l � �" 3 S ( f I�': t i :i '3:' �, .i f t s ,.� _ s � ' �; - ' 3 q . �. Ca . t t� : A f t 4 y 1: . :� } ' A$ � f. r f I � 5ection B <: Ventilation Method (Cfioose el[her balenced or exhaust only 8alanced,HRV�Heat Recovery Ventifator)or ERV(Energy Recow ��xhaust only ery VentilatorJ—cfm of unit in low must not exceed continuous venti- [ontinuous fan ratin�in cfm lation ratin by more than 100%. Low cfm: High cfm: Continuous fan rating in cfm(capacity mast not exceed � continuous ventilation rating by mare than 10045) � , n„ Directions-Choose the merhod of ventilation,ba/pnced or exhaust only. Balanced venti/ation systems are typfcal/y NRV or ERV's. Enter the!ow and high cfm amounts. Low c m air f(ow must be equa!to or grea[er than the required continuous ventilacfon rate and less than 10096 greater than the continuaus rate.(For instance,if the!ow cfm is 40 cfm,the ventitation fan must not exceed 80 cfm.) Autiomatic controls mny a!!ow the use ojp larger fan that fs operated a percentage ojeach hour. Section C Ventilation Fan 5chedule Description Location Continuous Intermittent A� l t`-a��s'c� ,�C> l'Q �T# N r�*.- :J� Directions-The ventilatlon fan schedule should describe what the fan is for,the locatian,cfm,and whether it is used for continuous or intermittent ventllatlon. The fan that is chose fa�continuous ventilatlon must be equal to or greater than the tow m air rating and less than 100%greater than the contlnuaus rate. (for instance,if the/ow cfm is 40 cfm,the contFnuaus ventilation fan mus[no# exceed 80 cfm.) Automaric controls may alJow the use o}a larger fan that is operated a percentage of each hour. Section b Ventilation Controls (Oescrlbe operation and control of the co�tinuous and fntermiitent ventllation) 3 r. �i� Dlrections-Descrlbe the operation of the ventilation system. There should be odequa[e detait for plon reviewers and inspectors to verify design and irtstallatfon compilance. Relo[ed trades olso need adequote defvi!for placement of controls and proper operation of the buf/dfng ventilation. tf exhaust fans ore used for building,ventilntion,describe Lhe operatfon and locatlon of ony controls,indicators and legends. !f an FRV or HRV Is to be insta!led,describe how it will be insta!led.!f it will be connected and inte¢aced with the air handling equlpment,plevse describe such connections as detailed in the manufuctures'installation lnsiructions.If the instaJlatfon instructions requfre or recommend the equipment to be interlocked with the a!r handling epulpmentfor proper aperatfon,such interconnection shall be made and deserlbed. Section E Make-up air Passtve (determined from calculations from 7able 501,3.1) Powered(determined from cafculations from Table 501.3.1) ' Intertocked with exhaust device[determioed from calculadon fram TabEe 501.3.1) Oeher,describe: �.008t1o11 Ofi dUCt Ot'SySteYT1 VentllBtlOn fY18�CE-Up 81�:Determined from make-up air opening table .. Cfm Slze and type(round,rectangular,flex or rigidj {NR means not required) Page2of6 13'I�:�,s o�-� ; � I . . I . I ' I ,.. Dlrectlons-/n order fo determine the makeup air,Table 501.3.1 must be filled out(see belowJ. For most new instatlations,column A I will be appropria[e,however,if atmospherically vented appliances orsolid fuel6ppliances are insfafled,use the approprlate coJumn. for existing d.wellfngs,see IMCS01.3.3. Please note,if the makeup air quantffy is negotive,no additlona!makeup oir will be re- I, quired for ventilafio»,if the value is posifive refer to Table 501.3.2 and sixe fhe openfng. Transfer the cfm,size of opening and type (round,rectangular,�lex or rigid)fio the lost line of section D. The moke-up air supply must be instailed per!MC 501.3.2.3. � . Table 501.3.1 PROCEDURE TO DETERMtNE MAI<EUP AIR QUANIT'Y FOR EXNAUST EQUtPMENT IN DWELLINGS Additionai com6ustion air wiit be re uired for combustion appUances,see KAIR method for catculations One or multiple power One or multiple fan- One atmospherically vent Multiple atmospherical- vent or diract vent ap- assfsted appliances and gas or oil appliance or fy vented gas or oil pliances or no combus- power vent or dfrect vent one sotid fuel appiiance appliances or solid fuei tion applEances appliances appiiances Column C Column D Column A Column B 1. a)pressure factor 0.15 0.09 0.06 O.Q3 , cfm/sf) b)conditioned floor area(sf)(inciuding unflnished basements) �j E3timated House Inflltration{cfm):j1a � x 1b : 2.Exhaust Capacity a}contlnuous ezheust-only ventilation sysEem{cfm);(not applicable to ba- �b lanced ve�tilation systems such as HRV) ' b)clothes dryer{cfm) 135 135 135 135 c�80%of largest exhaust rating(dmj; Kftchen hood typicaliy (not applicabie tf recirculating system � ar if powered makeup air is electrfcatly fnterlocked and match to exhaust d}80%of next largest exhaust rating (cfm); bath fen typicaliy Npt (�ot applfcatite if recirculating system A licable or if powered makeup atr is.electricaily pP inte�locked and matched to exhaust} Tofal Exhaust Capacity{cfm); [2a+2b+2c+2d].. �� 3,Makeup Air Quantity(cfmj a)tokat exhaust capacity(from abwe) ' �� b}esttmated house fnflltration(from above) p1(o�] Makeup Alr Quandty(cfm}; [3a—36] n ' �y-}. pf value is negattve,no makeup air is S V Q J,^" neededy 4.Eor makeup Air Opening Sizing,refer �A to Ta61e 501.4.2 �,� A. Use this column if there are other than fan-assisted or atmospherically vented gas a oil appliance or If there are no tombustion appliances.(Power vent and direct vent appliances may be used.) B.- Use this column if there is one fan-assisted appliance per venting rystem.�Appliances other than atmospherlcally vented appliances may also he in- cluded.) C. Use this column if there is one atmospherically vented(other than fan-assisted)gas or oil apptiance per venting system or one wiid fuel appliance. D. Use thfs column if there are multlple atmospherically vented gas or atl appliances using a common vent ar if there are atmospherkally vented gas or oil app6ances and sotid fue!appliances. I Page 3 of 6 � ; ���'�saj� � 1 ! Makeup Air Opening Table for New and Existing dwelling Table 5�1.3.2 One or multiple power One ar multlple Ean- One atmosphericaliy Multiple akmospherically vent,clirect vent ap- assisted appliances and vented gas or oii ap- vented gas or oif ap- Duct di- pliances,o�no combus- power vent or direct pliance or one snpd fuel piiances or solid fuei ameter tion apptiances vent appllances applfance appliances Galumn A Column e Column C Columh D Passiveopening 1-36 1-22 1-15 1-9 3 Passiveopening 37-66 23-41 16-28 10-17 4 Passiveopening 67-104 42-66 29-46 18-28 5 Passive opening 110-163 fi7—1D0 47—69 Zq—4Z 6 Passiveopening 164-232 101-1A3 70-49 43-61 7 Passiveo ening 233-317 144-195 l00-135 62-83 8 Passive opening 318—419 146—258 196—179 84—110 9 w/motorized dem er Passiveopening 42p—S39 259-332 180-230 111-142 10 wJmatorized dam er Fasslve opening 540—679 333—419 231—290 143—179 il w/motorized damper Powered makeup alr >679 >419 >Zg0 >i79 NA Notes: A. An equivalent length of 100 feet of round smooth metal du�t is assumed. Subtract 40 feet for ihe exterior hood and ten feet for each 90-degree elbow to determine the remaining length of stratght duct allowabfe. B. If flexfble duct is used,inuease the duct dfameter by one inch. Flexlble duct shal!be stretched with minlmal sags. Compressed duct shall not be accepted. C. Barometric dampers are prohibited in passive makeup alr openings when any atmospherically vented appliance is tnstalled. D. Powered makeup alr shail be electricaliy interiocked with the Iargest exhaust system, Sections F � Combustion air r � Not required per mechanical code(No atmospheric or power venked appiiances) / �f�?N/ r� r�. l�i,�loee• /r r�a Passive(:ee IFGC Appendlx E,Worksheet E-1) Size and type Other,describe: Exptanation-/f no aimospheric ar power vented appltances are instat/ed,check tire appropriate box,nor required. !f a power vented orarmospherically vented applfance ins[alled,use IFGCAppendix E,Worksheet E-1(see belowJ. Please entersrze and type. Combus- tion air vent supplies musC communicafe with the opp/fance or applJances that requlre the combustion afr. Section F calculations follow on the next 2 pages. I � Page4of6 � r� ^� !i � t r.r/��4 Z?M 1 � $ Pro ecfi Summa Job: CMS Madison A&C unit �" wrightsoft � � Date: JUNE 9,2094 Entire House gy: Elander Mechanical tnc, 591 Citation Ddve,Shakopee,MN 55379 Phone:952•445-4892 Fax:952-445-7q87 ' i ' • � For: Notes: i - • • • Weather: Minneapolis-St. Paul, MN, US Winter Design Conditions / Summer Design Conditians � Outside db -15 F��� Outside db 88 F Inside db 70 °F Inside db 70 °F Design TD 85 °F Design T[3 18 °F Daily range M Relative fiumidi#y 50 % Moisture difference 37 gr/1b Heating Summary Sensib[e Caoling Equipment L.oad Sizing Sfructure 28709 Btuh Structure 12009 Btuh Ducts 1237 B#uh f]ucts 544 Btuh Central vent (7A cfm) 6701 Btuh Central vent (74 cfm) 1411 Btuh Humidification 0 Btuh Blower - - 0 Btuh Piping Equipment load 366�17 Btuh Use manufacturer's data y Rate/swing multiplier 1,Qt)-.._.-.. Inf1lti'ation Equipment sensible load �964 Btu� Method Simplified Latent Cooling Equipment Load Sizing Construction quality TEght Fireplaces 1 (Average) Structure 1389 Btuh Ducts 120 Btuh Heating Cooling Central vent(74 cfm� 1784 Btuh Area(ftz 1728 1728 Equipment later�t Ioad 3293 Btuh Volume�ft') 13824 13824 Air changes/hour 0.23 0.07 Equipment total load 17257 Btu Equiv.AVF(cfm) 52 16 Req. total capacity at 0.70 SHR Heating Equipment Summary Cooling Equipment Summary Make Lennox Make Lennax Trade MERIT 90 Trade 13ACX Series -RFC Madel ML193UH045XP246-* Cond 13ACX-01&230-* AHRI ref 4792130 Coil C33-25*+TDR AHRI ref 1031313 Efficiency 93AFUE Efficiency 11.9 EER, 13.5 SEER Heating input 44000 MBtuh 5ensible cooling 12950 Btuh Heating output 41000 Btuh Latent cooling 5550 Btuh Temperature rise 50 °F Total cooling 18500 Btuh Actual air flow 768 cfm Actual air flow 617 cfm Air flow factor O.Q26 cfm/Btuh Air flow+factar 0.049 cfmfBtuh ` Static pressure 0 in H20 Static pressure 0 in H20 Space thermostat Load sensible heat ratio 0.81 8otd/ltallc values heve been martually ovenldden Calculations approved by ACCA to meet all requirements of Manuaf J 8th Ed. 2014Jun•12 09:57:56 � '�'wrightsoft' Right-Sufte�Universal 2012 12.1.06 RSU13410 Pape 1 /ICCA ...ptHeai Losses 20131Lennar Pattlot Matlison A.tup Calc=MJ8 Front Door faces: N . . -�- 9 m COtll dC1@nf C017StCUCt10f1S Job: CMS Madison A&C unit Wrl �'1tS0� � Date: JUNE 9,2014 Entire Nouse B�: Elander Mechanicai lnc. 597 Citatton Drive,Shakopee,MN 55379 Phone;952•445-4692 Fa�c 952-445-7487 � • ' • • For: � - • • • • Location: Indoor: Heating Coofing Minneapolis-St. Paul, MN, US Indoor temperature(°F) 70 70 Elevation: 837 ft Design TQ(°F) 85 18 Latitude: 45°N Relative humidity (%) 50 50 Outdoor: He�#in� Cooling / Moisture difference(gr/Ib) 54.5 36.6 Dry bulb(°F} 95 88 v Infiltration: Daily range(°F) - 19 ( M ) Method Simplified Wet bulb(°Fj - 71 Construction quality Ti ht Wind speed(mph) 15.a 7.5 Fireplaces 1 �Average} Construction descriptions o� Area U-value Insul R Htg HTM Loss Ctg HTM Gain tt` Btuhfft?'F ft'-'FIBWh Btuhl7l' 0tuh BluhlR' BNII Walls 12F-Osw:Frm wali,vnl ,r-21 v ins,1!2"gypsum board inf n 544 0.065 21,0 5.52 3006 i.21 659 fnsh,2"x6"wood frm e 421 0.065 21.0 5.52 2325 1.27 510 s 525 0.065 21.0 5.52 2899 '[.29 636 w 364 0.465.,._, 21.0 5.52 2012 1.21 441 all 1854 0.065 21.a 5.52 10242 1.21 2247. Partitions (none} Wi ndows 61A:VINYL Insulated Gtass Oouble Nung;NFRC rated e 54 0.280 0 23.8 1289 29.3 1585 SHG� w 112 0.280 Q 23.$ 2fi54 29.3 3263 all 166 . 0 23.$ 3943 29.3 4848 DOOrS 11J0:Door,mtl fbrgl type e 21 0.60 6.3 51.0 1071 47.9 376 s 19 0.600 6.3 51.0 983 17.9 345 w 20 .6 6.3 51.0 1d44 17.9 365 all 61 0.600 6.3 51.0 3084 17.9 1087 Ceilings � 18CR-44ad:Attic ceiling,asphalt shingles rootma �-44 fl ins, 1064 0.022 44.0 1.87 1990 0.95 t0'[5 518"gypsum board(nt fnsh Floors __---, 20P-38c:Flr floor,fnn flr,12"thkns,carpet flr fish, -5 ext ins,r-38 12 0.030 38.0 2.55 31 0.40 5 cav ins,amb ovr 20P-38c:Flr floor,frm flr,12°thkns,carpet flr fns r-5 ext ins,r-38 308 0.030 38.0 2.55 785 0.40 123 cav ins,gar ovr 20P-38v:Fir floor,frm flr,12"thkns,vinyl flr fns ,r-5 ext ins,r-38 80 0.030 38.0 2:55 2Q4 0.40 32r'.:-::" '' cav ins,gar ovr ` " �Q_10tpm:Bg floor,heavy dry or lighl damp soil,on grade depth, 122 0.355 10.0 30.2 3681 0 0 (`r--i�dge ins 2014-Jun-12 08:57:56 � ' wrightsoft' Right•Suite�Universal 2012 12.1.06 RSU13410 page t A�:CP� ••.pUieat Losses 2D131Lennar Patriot Madison Amp Calc=MJ8 Front Door taces: N r,�f Vit'�.� \ . ���� r?�a.y �.M�/O� \ { ��zr��,.� II V�r Y3+ l�e-� ��= t�H/�i � � �l��,'Y' -V! .i$yq. V` i 4�� £V: ` .. �� r Da !� � .�Y ('� . "a•��.. ".� y?j � � y �ti� . ,�ra .7 .,t,� � - r� �� �-�: -.�0 � ��� � ������ I ! � � ' �` �+�� � C(a �. 7 �� � j �i:- ����,�.?tJ w �;� ,�J . 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U1 N N � 1- (A N [! � 'u'' O x � 'O .C,,` _ ; r- ! ' oc} � 3 3 i = i o � 3 c�i V � f W U' v � N N N U U ���'.:..�,�v�s a �i z a � � vFi ° vi `n N �v � ai c4i � �= F a a n w ` w 3 ,, �;� � ; �= � �1��'�'� .� .� .0 U U �,��a-`z�,. � fD UJ� (A � � i N> y � � p p � N} 1' (OU W "�"'.�.Ii+F''� m ; ? (�' M M � � ~ 7� N [�'/ fA � . ;���, :. 4� � F v a' f� U C9 C9 U` N � U m �` x;i o I c� ' p " ~ n°� r°� i°n � ¢ F- O �Y�,;� ��� W F � � U' � � � y � N �U' Z � � . ��:�o: r�¢ F. �u� � < c� a a cti c� a t� ¢ � ` '�.,;�.�'L.:'o� � i� � � � � `� � aa � a � � g ;; `. !!?fn � ia i�� w C7 C7 C7 u� u7 Z w C7 U n' !: ._ � ZZ Q �a ��� o �x x s Q o � o i x � ; �r:.•�z w " ;m i a' � c� c� ca W W � W c� c� � !� z z z x x x Z Z > w � � c� LL � �, � LL � � � � � :�- �� Q � � � �rc • . O Z = � i Z � �� d N 4 O O � O O O b Q , � � �.�,;� � _ ;� ��: `�' � `�' �" �' x� # � � � a` � � ,�� , ¢ ''� O ¢ i= = I � �� � � c°n � z �uZi ; �� o i r x o o x o x � x � w �r N= N (4 !q fA N N fq N L7 CA fA � � � , ��+� � �Jta � J IN ��,� . � , ��� L�... ��� : ,��„�y�n,��� € � �1 � ilM uS ` � �� :�. i�C� a y C Q f LL N +- r lL lL ry � N . ?���_��.�, C Ul O '.,. ��?'," o 0 o c� o d g o 0 .,;, cu u) +' s c� L-' � � � N � � M a'i M N N �( � i����'� � Li � .f?. G. 'r' � G{' o `XV v O xp O 'x�C XQ 'd Vx' i.�v,��� 0 �G � O .'f. .� � n N c� C� c7 f3 N [7 (3 f`� f'�' . �U Q t� a u,► rn c '�_ ,��:;.�„E�;,r ,.,.y.,._•:�- ' • " \' LOT SURVEY CHECKLIST FOR RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION PROPERTY LEGAL: �� 'S �� � i�� � � ��f�'��i'� �"'� DATE OF SURVEY: ���� �� LATEST REVISION: � a� c c� � U Q � O z ¢ DOCUMENT STANDARDS � ❑ ❑ • Registered Land Surveyor signature and company � ❑ 0 • Building Permit Applicant � ❑ ❑ • Legal description ,0' � 0 • Acidress �j ❑ ❑ • North arrow and scale � ❑ ❑ • House type (rambler,walkout, split w/o,split entry, �ookout,etc.) ,�" ❑ ❑ • Directional drainage arrows with slope/gradient% ° � 0 ❑ • Propased/existing sewer and water services&invert elevation � �y ❑ ❑ • Street name �' ❑ 0 • Driveway(grade&width-in R/W and back of curb, 22' max.) ,0' p ❑ • Lot Square Footage � ❑ ❑ • Lot Coverage ELEVATIONS Existin �' ❑ ❑ • Property corners � ❑ p • Top of curb at the driveway and property line extensions ❑ � ❑ • Elevations of any existing adjacent homes �{°�❑ ❑ • Adequate footing depth of structures due to adjacent utility trenches � ❑ ❑ . Waterways(pond, stream, etc.) Proqosed � ,PI ❑ 0 • Garage floor p �' ❑ • Basement floor �0' ❑ 0 • Lowest exposed elevation (walkout/window) �J� ❑ ❑ • Property corners �° ❑ ❑ • Front and rear of home at the foundation PONDING AREA(if applicable) ❑ �` ❑ • Easement line ❑ �' ❑ • NWL 0 ,0' 0 • HWL 0 k7 ❑ • Pond#designation ❑ �' p • Emergency Overfiow Elevation � ❑ � • Pond/Wetland buffer delineation Y . Shoreland Zoning Overlay District Y • Conservation Easements DIMENSIONS ,�❑ r� • Lot lines/Bearings&dimensions � ❑ ❑ • Right-of-way and street width (to back of curb) � ❑ ❑ • Proposed home dimensions including any proposed decks, overhangs greater than 2', porches, etc. (i.e. all structures requiring permanenf footings) � ❑ ❑ • Show all easements of record and any City utilities within those easements �❑ ❑ • Setbacks of proposed structure a ' y' rd efback of adjacent existing structures � ❑ ❑ • Retaining wall requiremenfs: Reviewed By: �� Date L �.1� G:/FOP.MS/Building PermitAppiication Rev.11-26-04 . Lot 1 ,2,3,4,5,6, Block 1 , STONEHAVEN 6TH ADDITON ' , according to the recorded plat thereof Dakota County, Minnesota • '�, Address: 3447,3449,3451,3453,3455,3457 Chestnut Lane, Eagan, Minnesota , House Model: Jefferson, Madison, Madison, Madison, Madison, Jefferson Elevation: C,C,D,D,C,D, ' Buyer: I �'���_�._,�e.a � �� �;� � �„'n , o=�,� ����si'a� ���,.��` ° ,°`�,;; Benchmark: N89°37'50"W 67.00��r toP ot spike �,x. �.,�,,���,��'�^:� � � �M� _ ���� � �� as.i (8�7.6) ��vation - 888.33 � �i �e.,,,� as�.e �_ � �� ae�.e_ � � �!) ,;,�,� / . 886.2 887.9 888.3 �8.4 � �BE37.6 . i � ; � Scale: 1" = 20' � � �I i I 8 I ° � `q oi i ° I ; o � \ I �} � (�} � � I 886.6_1__ � � 887.9 \� 888.0 _ _ 687.9 I � Benchmark: � r � 'p��l i I � 20.00 36.33 10. 7 I Top Nut Hydrant Lot 1 Block 7 � � , i � `- o � ; I Elevation = 888J3 ! �,� �"" �` � Y o � / p I � ,. t.� i� I I � � I N P 4 t I O �� �---- ------ -----� N +888.0',; I 887.2 , �����, ``�'�r!,'; 1�� � I � I ^ � � � � � g , � _ � � � �T'� � � � � � 10.00 ��� m YC 8 � � ? � � V r'� _ �`��- � p�/M � v�i� � , I \\ i 5,,,�r ;'� I �/ I 1 00 � � o 00 °a� d' � I I o0 , p 00 0._ � � Lot area =14204 SF �f � �' I i I � � � � °�° aO � I House area =6690 SF o � � / Porch area =288 SF � � I i � 887�6 �20.00 ;36.33 8878 �, I � Patio area =600 SF �' �� � �o I � sae.s �? ��c� � � 67 0 6.00 .� � � Sidewalk area =380 SF � u � � o S sB87�9 Driveway area =960 SF c� � Y � -- . I Total Im pervious Area =8918 SF � I � i I a I N patio� v � `� ' Impervious Coverage =62.8� ao �xl o � � - � o rn c x§ 8� � ° I I �--- ------ ---- � I � � °' I 10.00 i .O d- N / _� /6.�0 i� 886.9 I \ � � /� i N � � � M y �i � �O i � �^ � O � I A o ; Y � � 2 �- / � � � � �� No � o � W I N i o I o�o � ° �;, oo a� � N � i f- - I � 00 i/ � a� �� z �, e�i� N j � `- � " � °�° a o `O N � � , I � I ssa.z 20.00 �6.33/ � -� sar.� House elevations _(Proposed) � il I � � 8B7•y I � _ I I i I I T- .C� - - � � _ � I : 8s8.8 �" � Y � � I � � Top Of Foundation Elev. ( � � � O rj I _ i � ^ ; o ,,,� ,r y a � � �� I : 888.5 W � � � � o; v Garage Slab Elev. � Door � � � Q U � I i � i o0 /° ' �c' °' ;� °'- � �0 I w i I O �i p `_ C *88 / i 0�0 p� o'� 886.7 � I � . i `-- • � Q � (�I � i N I � N� d- � �-- ------- 6=�� ' �� I I A a � I I V � o � � M p N � �C�888.7 888.4 r-, I � N P a t i o� � a a ' Y ' / � ° � 1 X 000.00 Denotes existing elevation s� � W Q j � � ^ io.00 ` � ` � 5 ( 000.00 ) Denotes proposed elevation a/ � � �YJ i i eg7,q I 20.00 36.33 � 6.00 ao�Q 67 8B85 \ �e � Denotes drainage flow direction a+ ►-+ (� � S Denotes spike ��rI � v I `�� O �6.a� '�S '� 887.9 I `� � 10.00 � � O -- 886.5 � C��"� a. i � o � ° � � � _� � N Patiol ° � �, �J Construction Notes - � p i � ^i oo p � � r �8--�--- ---- o 1. Install rock construction entrance. � 6.00 , _ � � N N N d',- i / i� N � 2. Install silt fence as needed for erosion i r� I �` r-> r�o � � � ;^ r� �o � control. �� i � I q. � / � ; o��'n Q� ao �, 3. Sidewalks shall drain away from house a � I .. ; � m � �� � minimum of 1.0�. �, __ �p,p __ w \ � i � I c� � a�o �o �, 4. Contractor must verify driveway design. '� 0 i Y 887 6 �20.00 �6.33� �0'67 es'2 5. Contractor must verify service elevation prior � I I 888'z � to construction. . N � � ' � '�- ,(�� _ N 6. Add or remove foundation ledge as required. '� N I � .' � ' °'� ' ^ �,, o � � � I o r� in o 3 b� o ,� o � � = 5 � � � "' � a> � o � v � I °0 �c� ; c� a; �°° �._ �: � ��� O I Y � o I i O tfJ � ' �i 00 O a o y � i °. .s � ° �n v°� L- sa.s � ;v o Z as.s i / d-._ General Notes: ',, i � � o � o � � !�o L__ _______ 6_00 � � 1. Grading plan by Pioneer Engineering lost � � � � patio� � a Z � � � c� o •.., •., dated 5/9/13 was used to determine proposed � � � ^ �o.00 ` °' ° H'�a � � elevations shown herein. � ' Y � 6 .o � s.00 o� z � 2. This survey does not purport to show i � � Z' Q 88 9 i ,, improvements or encroachments, except as �� I 888.5 , 887•9 9� O F shown, as surve ed b me or under m direct i 20.00 36.33 Y Y Y � � I � -�- , � 10.6 7 yr E-+ supervision. Ix� ' U v� / O�O � i rn �j �m o '� Q � r-. 3. Proposed building dimensions shown are for �-'i I � G � o ' ° � a� ,,•� z EW„ � / horizontal location of structures on the lot only. i v i V � I o 00 ` °•' � ,ri ¢ � � � Contact builder prior to construction for _, I � � o °�' ��o ; asz � o °�,,° ao , � � � approved construction plans. h i I 'c�i °nl� � �. �' ' � 88�o --- ------ ------ 4. No specific soils investigation has been � i � °o � '"� � '�� � o° � E'" �� performed on this lot by the surveyor. The i � � I � patio � � � � Z suitability of soils to support the specific house I '� i � proposed is not the responsibility of the � vY � io.00 �;, ,,,,y �ss.s , surveyor. '� i I 8 �20.00 �36.33 10. 7 887.9 ^ � 5. This certificate does not purport to show e � I 888-Z- ---- 888.� 8B8,z = _ _ 3 ■ � � �y i � _ �L - - •2 --___ � easements other than those shown on the �� , 'i I o i � �i- o �,. Z. recorded plat. ` � i � r o i °� ' � ' � 6. Bearings s hown are base d on an assume d �. / � � � �� �❑ I � � � datum. � � aasa eas.a�� % �� � 885.8 ... �r_,�,-> '. �. - - .' --�`-- _�- -�---�y ... . . �. �._ °�su^+ca��u�;vm^, :�"'nrw;„.`y�nvutrete�..�.;e�na"a+'u'�'�"-'�N �� _ 86,,3 . We hereb certif to Lennar Cor oration that this � �� - - - - - � �Benchmark: �► survey, pl n or eport was prepared by me or under my �Y-� � � � � � top of spike Z; direct supervision and that I am a duly licensed Land � � eleva ' n = 888.38 f-• Surveyor under the laws of the State of Minnesota, � `� (�,1 I- - � I -- dated 04/29/14. �� � � �---------- �' � �-�-� Future il Z Signed: Pioneer Engineering, P.A. -� i I I I House �� � � � I � � - r' .........� � _� ,� - -��...._--.. � ,� � Date ,G:�.�r� �Y: N89°37 50 W 67.00 �`` °'-`_v Peter J. Hawkinson, Professional Land Surveyor �� '�.AG/�N E1�jGj1\fE,�,�Iv+�i 1,,,,�:,�•�s Minnesota License No. 42299 email-phawkinson�pioneereng.com Rcvisions: PI� 1.)OS-2R-14Stakcl3uilding Certificate of Survey for: �NEEReYI�ZYIeeY'Z12� Lennar Corporation CIVIL BNGM[iLRS LAND PLANNERS LAND SURVGYORS LANUSCAP�ARCHITCCTS . Ph.:(651)681-1914 16305 36tl�Ave N Stc#600 2422�ntcrprise Drive Fax:(651)681-9488 Pro cct#: 113083007 Plymouth,MN 55446-4270 Mendot�i i leights,MN 5_5120 �vww.pioneeren�.com Folder#: 7509 Drawn Uy: TSS Phone:(952)249-3000/Fax:(952)404-1909 n�n i�n�,.nP�,•F„R�„�F,-�„�r � � Use BLt3E or BLACK!nk ��af � ��u������ P��-�s������.s� ���� =rt � ��� �� �� �I� �" � ��� ; . — .�.�.. �� e �� ����;� . � � � � �������r� ��� �-,,.�.,�.,_ '< ���:� ���o�;3���n����a� ��: 5�P 1 7 201�F � } ��.�������� � � I �� ; �������s��z� � '� Qnor��.,s��}���-�s�� � ���.��s�3 s��-5ss4 4;Y:__.�e_______�----------, j Y;�� ,�.,._�......_..�._. '_�.________ w __.. ���4 �iRlE �t�P'P���►�it"��1 �'YSTEtVl� P�R��T �PPL���T���� � , ��. . ,, ;. _ , . -� � � . ,.�vk .< ..,. ; i� �� ,,..r �F e.. .;;. ,ite Addr�ss 3 _- C�ate: „...__.�.� ."�.....�..._:..--�-�-- 5uite#f: ,.__,.�:....�....,..._;�...-,—,_.�:.Y,._ 'Fe€�a:��: � ..� _w._w,..�.__ .� ae �- � y .....__ . �.� _ ...� �. �.�...�.� . � � �� -r�_ .. . �. C«i� � ,_.�' . 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J* °ti,�?�'��y,c tw'� .. � �,t� � ;, i#I°�r '`.,._f:_ X �. � ... ..... . �-� � �PP�carst'���gr�atur� A���ic��t'S F`r�nted Na€�e . y ' I �����r ��� ��������� ����;�����������,��� � � �.��� �r, ,,. �.� �,� ...� - �� r»�,��az _,.�e m_�. o.� _��a.�e.: �� � 5" .�.�ii=R�,y ��r��� _ � �E�. �" ;., ., _..._.a. r.� _... � - � . �'��.,st,i�r': _.�,..�..,.��. --._.._,_�,.».----° - � �......_.�..��.-_.w,m��,�,,..�._. � �_._�,>____�_�,r �.�. ,n, ��..�,..__. _ _ .�._._�,.�_.m ...,_:-...��-.,...�-.�-.�—,....�__...�.o_---- �� ,� ,_ ,,� _.�� �.W„e., -..�,. �^a-- � ,r- �, .T_,���.�� ... . ..__...�___ <._". . � ___..��_�. k,. _� _.._ F I� � � ' �e��,i�t�e�;e��� � _ �;�f� ..l6 _���.�n � Oct 2914 06:32a Water poctors 7635351805 p.2 _ �, Use BLUE or BLACK Ink -------- � For O1£ce Use j � � � � Permit tl_ C�t �f�a a� ���r z $� �oi� ; � � � � Permit Fee: � 3830 Pilot Knob Road � � Eagan MN 55122 __ __ f Date Received: � Phone: (651)675-5675 � j Fax: (651)675-5694 I S��' I �`���������`_����J 2014 RESiDENTIAL PLUMBING PERMIT APPLICATION Date: �d a�"�� Site Address: .� ��CST�6 LGT � � /t} � �i�7���CS/-l�Zj� Tenant: �6� � ��0�,� � ��r7t�Z.e h�,,.v..P�� Suit�: Name: Phone: -.;;>z „� Address/Ciry/2ip: �` Name:��7�� ��S License#: Lv� �9�.S�C,O Z ga Scr.t� � .S Ri�G ��C't��<'� Address: • �� �Q1'4!l�� O�UC City: T� � State:� � Zip�.s�.�Z Phone: 7Co.�—.�3,� ��� _ Contact:��eV� �-�`QDl Email: �New _Replacement _Repair _Rebuild _Modify Space _Work in R.O.W. Description of work: RESIDENTIAL Water Heater ( Water Softener Lawn Imgation�RPZ!_PVB) Septic System Add Plumbing Fixtures(T Main/_Lower Level) �yeW Water Tumaround - Abandonment RESIDENTIAL FEES: 360.00 Water Heater,Water Softener, or Water Heater and 5oftener(includes$5.00 State Surcharge) $60.00 Lawn Irrigation(incf�des$5.00 minimum State Surcharge) � $fi0.00 Add Plumbing Fixtures,Seatic Svstem Abandonment,Water Turnaround*(inc�udes$5.00 State Surcharge) i 'Water Tumaround(add$200.00 if a S/8'meter is required) '. $115.Oa SeptiC SVStem lVew($10.00 per as built)(inGudes County fee and$5.00 Stale Surcharge) f TOTAL FEES$ CPO+ �� CALL BEFORE YOU DIG. Call Gopher 5tate One Call at(651)454-0002 for protection against underground uUlity damage. Call 48 hours befo�e you intend to dig to receive locates of underground utilities. wrniv.qopherstateonecall.orq I hereby acknouNedge thac this infortnation is complete and accurate;chat the work will be in ccnformance with the ordinances and codes of the City ot Eagan; that I vnderstand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to stan without a permit; that the work will be in accordance with 1he approved plan in the case of wo�1c which requires a review and approval of plans. X cCn "-v�. �Z.Q� x appl�canYs P�inted Name Applicarrt's Signature . . � �� - , � � � � �4 . `� bY R 6 .� 5+���%�f A'.r�'.�a�Y���� K.'hS'�^�°� � k ���� W'!C: � � z� k �+ b.� t �z'�` �,�s^ .� s, '� �y . x �a �� � . �-- '�'la'Y`�.. ����1i1�` ��� , f. �� z .� . .�; � � :• ���v. a � f. .: .y,,� ��- + �'1`.���"� F� y �- �j'"�S'��5�,.+�'� -._������'�'� �c . 3�' � k �, � �� ��z� � ����i`���� � ��` r; t�. - �: a ��= ' , _ .,� . � - ,:� �rrII����r"z�_"��.� a„"Z, ,_y r. s_��Y� ����,�`�`� f!Af'■ �. �:��,.-}ih°�� ��'.�: : r� if� ���, �e .�' S�r. : .. __.��T .�� +��.�� - '�e.;�y-,'°`s��;�"�'&E ,*t�,� s. i.�•:� ,�,�� y-�� . „. ; . ...:.. .._a. �-s• �_. ..,.. _. .�,:_: .m.-. . � %�'. . .. .._. . . ' i.. - s�_,_, _.., , Clty of Ea�a� Address: 3449 Chestnut Lane Permit#: 124275 The following items were/were not completed at the Final Inspection on: �J���''�1� i 1� ��� ��� ������r��i j '� �������� ��',�j,�� ����� �"�',',u T"" �.-`�'Z-+�``-a � �� � �m " d� i �� � � �St i 1i r �� � �� � _�.� r i'�4�.i �r � � � o���� r i���o Final grade - 6"from siding Permanent steps—Garage ��'. Permanent steps— Main Entry � Permanent Driveway �� �a �'� �'� 5 f'�'� Permanent Gas x Retaining Wall or 3:1 Max Slope � � Sod / Seeded Lawn Trail / Curb Damage Porch �� Lower Level Finish �" Deck �� Fireplace � • Verify with your builder that roof test caps from the plumbing system have been removed. • Turn off water supply to the outside lawn faucets before freeze potential exists. � Call the Engineering Department at (651) 675-5646 prior to working in the right-of-way or installing an irrigation system. Building Inspector: � � fs'� C�(,� G:\Building Inspections\FORMS\Checklists