06/10/2014 - City Council SpecialMINUTES SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING JUNE 10, 2014 5:30 P.M. EAGAN MUNICIPAL CENTER City Councilmembers present: Mayor Maguire, Councilmembers Hansen and Tilley. Councilmember Fields arrived at 6:10 p.m. Councilmember Bakken arrived at 6:40 p.m. City staff present: City Administrator Osberg, Assistant City Administrator Miller, Communications Director Garrison, Fire Chief Scott, fire Marshal Bramwell, Deputy Chief Diloia, Director of Finance Pepper, Director of Parks & Recreation Johnson, Director of Community Development Hohenstein, Communications Coordinator Foote, and GIS /Community Development Specialist Slettedahl. ROLL CALL AND ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA Mayor Maguire moved, Councilmember Tilley seconded a motion to adopt the agenda as presented. Aye:3 Nay:O VISITORS TO BE HEARD There were no visitors to be heard. FIRE DEPARTMENT STRATEGIC PLANNING City Administrator Osberg introduced the item noting Fire Chief Scott will be providing a presentation for informational purposes regarding long term strategic planning for the Eagan Fire Department and providing an update on next proposed steps in the consolidation of fire stations from five to three. Fire Chief Scott provided a staff report noting at the Council Workshop on August 28, 2012, Council was briefed on the challenges the Fire Department was starting to experience regarding volunteer staffing and provided long term concepts for the sustainability of the Fire Department. Scott provided a presentation on what has occurred since 2012 and provided an overview of the proposed staffing plan. Scott provided an overview of the proposed timeline for consolidation, building plans and preliminary costs. Finance Director Pepper provided additional information on the tax levy impact. City Administrator Osberg noted staff is seeking feedback and direction from the Council on the information presented for possible inclusion in the 2015 budget. The Council discussed the proposed long term strategic plan. After further discussion, it was the consensus of the Council to include the proposed consolidation and building plans in the 2015 budget conversation for further consideration. MAXFIELD COUNTY HOUSING STUDY (Joint Meeting with the Advisory Planning Commission) Director of Community Development Hohenstein introduced Mary Bujold of Maxfield Research and Mark Ulfers, Executive Director with the Dakota County CDA. Hohenstein gave a staff report and noted the presentation from Maxfield Research represents the needs and recommendations in Eagan and Dakota County. The Maxfield /CDA Report's general estimates and projections of households and Special City Council Minutes June 10, 2014 Page 2 population generally align with those of City staff. Both are a lower level than those incorporated in the Metropolitan Council Thrive 2040 process. Mary Bujold gave a summary of the findings on the housing study. The Council and members of the Planning Commission discussed the housing study with Ms. Bujold and Mr. Ulfers. It was noted that Eagan is approaching full build out in its residential areas, meaning there are fewer opportunities to increase density except in some infill and redevelopment circumstances. Mr. Ulfers said that Eagan already has more diversity of housing types and values than many cities, but the City may still find opportunities for additional density if it is open to them. Mr. Ulfers also noted that the availability of resources will affect the number of future senior and workforce housing projects the CDA will be able to do in Eagan, while it invests in similar projects elsewhere in the County. Mayor Maguire thanked the Advisory Planning Commission for attending the meeting. REVIEW FUTURE OPTION FOR OLD TOWN HALL Mayor Maguire thanked members of the Eagan Historical Society for attending the meeting. City Administrator Osberg introduced Mark Hansen and Steve Oliver of Mohagen Hansen Architectural and Stewart MacDonald of MacDonald & Mack Architects. Osberg noted at the February 11, 2014 Council workshop, the Council gave direction to pursue proposals from architects seeking rough cost estimates and sketches of the following three options associated with relocating /reconstructing the Old Town Hall: build a stand -alone building on the municipal campus, reconstruct Old Town Hall as a building addition of City Hall, and to explore use of the former Fire Administration building. On April 16, 2014, the Council approved a professional services agreement with Mohagen Hansen Architectural Group, in partnership with MacDonald & Mack Architects. The Council is being asked to provide direction on how best to proceed with the Old Town Hall. Mark Hansen and Steve Oliver of Mohagen Hansen Architectural Group and Stuart MacDonald of MacDonald and Mack Architects provided a presentation to the City Council on options available for the future relocation and restoration of Old Town Hall. The City Council discussed the options and their preferences, noting their hope to restore the Old Town Hall structure. The Council directed staff to continue working with Mohagen Hansen to gather additional information on the option to relocate Old Town Hall to the Municipal Center Campus. The Council directed that no addition to City Hall be explored at this time as programming space for the Eagan Historical Society could be a consideration in the current space needs study underway for the Police Department and City Hall. The Council asked for additional research on costs to restore Old Town Hall, ranging from a structure -only with no services (seasonal use only) to a fully restored structure with HVAC, a basement foundation, etc. Mr. Hansen noted that additional information on a continuum of options for restoring Old Town Hall could be prepared. The Council also asked for limited options regarding the future of use of the current Old Town Hall site. The Council noted they support staff continuing to explore the possible use of the Fire Administration Building for municipal operations, which could include use by the EHS and arts programming, if the building does not sell on the private market. The Council also Special City Council Minutes June 10, 2014 Page 3 suggested that the relocation of Old Town Hall could happen in advance of any decisions being formalized with regard to space needs. The Council sought feedback from members of the EHS in the audience. EHS members expressed their hope that both the outside and inside of the Old Town Hall structure could be restored. Communications Coordinator Foote noted the space needs of the EHS, particularly as it relates to programming, file storage and maintaining documents from more recent history (e.g. 1960's- 1980's). The Council briefly discussed fundraising opportunities, and suggested that once an option is selected with regard to restoring Old Town Hall, the EHS could then consider fundraising for a specific aspect of the project (e.g. HVAC system, a monument on site, etc.) The Council directed that the options being prepared by Mohagen Hansen be brought back to a future City Council workshop. 2015 GENERAL FUND BUDGET CHECK IN City Administrator Osberg noted in late April, staff began the 2015 budget process. Department Directors are currently preparing 2015 budget proposals. The General Fund, Civic Arena and E -TV budget proposals were submitted on June 6t". Osberg noted the recommended budget is scheduled to be presented to the City Council for formal and detailed review at the August 11, 2014 Special City Council meeting. OTHER BUSINESS City Administrator Osberg confirmed with the Council that the Special Workshop is scheduled for Monday, August 11 and the Canvassing Board Meeting on Thursday, August 14 at 8:45 a.m. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Maguire moved, Councilmember Tilley seconded a motion to adjourn at 8:40 p.m. Ayer 5 Nay: 0 Date V() Mayor City Clerk