3463 Sawgrass Tr W . . j�� /� 54�I I t�,�(ol. a a�
. ��- �� �5y7 3 ��v w I
� �1 S�f7 �;�� .
�� Use BLUE or B�ACK Ink
� •eT�"'J i Forafftceuse-----...Y..._.�.�
/r> � , �
C�t of E� a� � pe�,��: f���-�� ;
� � RECEtVED � pe����: 1 ; '���
3830 Pltot Knob Road �, � - �I
Eagan MN 55122 j Date Received: � j / j
Phone:(657�675-5675 J�L 1 � 2Q14 1 1
Fax:(654)675-b694 I SiaH: ��'I I
�� � ._ l � S�r� y '----------------'
Date: /� Site Addr�ss: �y�� � ! �"�`°1r( �,.ST Unit#: `����
Name: �..�nnW l' Phone: I Sr� ` �.�(�/ - 3 Gv�
ResidenV t
OWq@f.' < Address/City/Zip:�C�US ��i"'_ �vt, �/. Si,�Et L�; ���� . �'t�/�Syyl
Applicantis: Owner �Contractor L.� � �-I 4i�vc.-� � .- �
`, Description ofwork: �Pt�1 �'(,an �o�.Ih�A!'ti`cv� h� �Y� l%+r'�S ��e��
Type of Work —i— �� ��
_ Canstruction Cost Multi-Family Buiiding:(Yes___�_/No,_}
Company: V�A11Q� Confact:
COlitfaCtO�� Address: 1�?�� ��� /-�Vc', , �vU� City: �rYlG���
State:�Zip: 5 t�l�b Phone: `�SJ�`�`99•�'��+v Email: _
' I.icense#: ��13 Lead Certificate#:
!f the project is exempt from iead certiflcation, please explain why:(see Page 3 for additional information)
In the last 12 months,has the City of Eagan issued a permit for a similar plan based on a master plan7
�Yes „__No If yes,date and address of master plan: �S�U ��/'a31 -�-� �`� �`GL S �
Licensed Plumber: Clc�ni�C� l�p�v�/1,'t� Phone: �S�' Ll��S' �jt�l�
Mechanfcat Contractor: +� �� Phone: r�
Sewer&Water Contractor: r � ? ; c� t� Phone: �S�-�+i�E- �3`��
NOTE:P/ans and supporting,documents that you.submlt�re;considered to be publlc tntormat/on.°:porHons of
-the information may be classJfled as non-public N you provlde specFflc reasons fhat wouid.permJt fhe.Cfty to :
- eonctude that the aietrade secrets,
CALL BEFORE YOU DIG. CaN Oopher 8Wte Ona Gall at�651)454-0002 for protection against underground utility damage. Call 48 haurs
before you intend to dig to receive locates of underground utilities. www.gonhers�ateonecatl.ora
I hereby acknowledge that this infonnation is complete and accurate;ihat the wodc wtll be fn contormence wilh the ordinancea and codes of ihe City of
Eagan;that I understand this is not a permit,but only an applicafion for a permit,and work is not to start without a permit;that tt�work will be in
accordance with the approved plan in the case af work which requires a rev[ew and approval of plans.
Exterior work authorized bya building permit isaued In accordance wtth the MFnnesota State But ing Coda must be compfeted wlthin 180
days of permft isauanCe.
X �� �'�►.�� x
Appllcant's Printed Name Appticant' gnature
Page 1 of 3
.:.�yC�� /d� S�7 �
sus rYPEs
Foundation _ Firepiace _ Porch{3-Seasan) _ Exterior Aiteration(Single Family)
�Single Famiiy _ Garage _ Porch(4-Season) , _ Exterior Alteratian(Muiti}
_ Mu1ti � Deck � Porch(ScreeniGazebo/Pergofa) _ Miscelianeous
� 41 of_Plex � Lower Levcl _ Poo1 _ Accessory BuHding
New ^ lnterior Improvement � Siding _ Demolish Buitding*
_ Addition � Move Building Reroof Demolish interlor
_ Alteraifon � Flre Repeir � Windows ^ Demolish Foundation
_ Repiace � Reqair y Egress Window ^ Water Damage
_ Retaining Wall •Oemolitlon of antire building—give PCA hendout to applicant
Valuation " � Oacupancy iY MCES System
Plan Review Code�dition �'� SAC Units
(25%_10Q% `�) Zoning City Water
Census Code� Stories Booster Pump
#of Units �
Square Feet PRV
#of Buildings Length —�— Fire Sprinklers
Type of Constructian Width �
�� Footings(New Build[ng) Meter Sixe:
Footings{Deck} �G Final!C.O. Required
�ootings(Addition} Finat/No C.O.Requ[red
� Foundation HVAC_Gas 5ervice Test Gas Line Air Test
Roof:_Ice&Water _Final Pool: Footings Air/Gas Tests _Final
� F�amIng Drain Tite
Fireplace:�Rough In �Air Test �Final Siding:_Stucco Lath St ath Brick
lnsulation Windows
Sheathing Retain'sng Waft:`Footings_Backfill_Final
Sheetrock � Radon Gantroi
Fire Walls *� Erosion Contro!
� Braced Walls Other:
Reviewed By: __�__ r�' ,Building Inspecfor
Base Fee �j�rE, �� ��� ���'1�� � �� ��p,�
Surchar e `�' �
Plan Rev�few �''�s� �� ��� � � ���,��3 ` /��l b�f/ �
MCES SAC � �� ��< �g�
c�ty sAC � �,����;`�, �I ,(p r� U '� , ,� /S"3/ �� �i�
�� � � ¢� �7 � �
Utility Connection Charge � � w�^� � � �-� � � �� � �"��� � � Qe� �' /
S&W Permit&Surcharge � � '/�{ �/�� � � ��� !��
Treatment Piant �,���`�'�,.� � � j � �
Copies �
""° � � U i�
� ��� „�,
'COTAL � `�"�,���� ? � � �
,��„����� ✓v � Pag�of�3 C�
� ^ �
��� ;�.��� ''�'" �
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New Construcfiion Energy Code Compliance Certificate I
Per N t I D1.8 Diulding Cerlilicain.A builJing cerliFcate sh:dl be pusled i��n permanenily visible Irkatinn inside Ualr f.erlifiaUr Persted
ihc 6uilding. Thc ccr�iticulc sl�all IK:camplcleJ bg Nic buildcr and�hall list infi!nnation nnd�alac;of
com ioiicros listcd in'Tabtu N I I Ol S.
Aiaiking AIIdPtSS 0�IIIC IMSCIi1�7g Of UO'fIG6�IIIIII (.yp-
Name of Rrsidr�uint Conlruclor nIti i.ianse ti�an6cr
Fype:Check Ail That Apply X PASSIVC(Nv Fnu)
� •�—
�J J • ' ''. '� .
� f Activc(lF'itl�.fart nnd ul�ndnieter o�'
�"� rj u
�"" .� >, other ayareni niuiritorirr�rleyrce) ,
w �? F ^ � C�. �
y U �3 iy
� G O � T.+ ZJ q� � �
; Q tl m � t.I � '�O C
� . O vi O cCi � � V .
Insulation Location � o z � � � �, u' W �
� •� o �o `u � E �
u u � ti ;d
t° = z w 'u�'. u°. w° � '� � Otl�er Plcase Describe}lere
iBeioW Entirc Slab ' X ;;
Foundation�Valt 5 EXTERIOR
Pcrimeter`ofSlub on`:Crade' X :
Rim.loist(Coundation) 10 INTERIOR
Rim 3oist,(1'�floor+}:' . 1� INTERioR
1�'au. 21
fcilinfi,flat .. : Q4
Cciling,vaulted X
__ _ i 38 10 `5
Bay 1Vindows ar cAntilevcred nreAs
Bonus room ovcr garagc x
Desc`riGe other InsulateJ areas'" " ` -` '.;, >. . ,::
Windows&Doors Heating or taoling buets butside Conditioned S aees
Average U-factor(exchrdes skylights axd one door)U: 0.28 Not ap licnble,all ducts located in conditioned space
Solar Eleat Gain Coefficient(SHGC): 0.29 r-8 R-value
MBCHANICAL SYSTEMS Make•up Air Sefect a T}�ae
Applianees Heating System Qomestie Water Heater Cooling System X Not required er mech,code
Fu�i Typ� .' 'Naturat;Gas .': Natural.Gas Electric P�S���
h9anufacturcr LBI1110X AO Smith Lennox Powered
lnterlochcd wiili exhaust device.
�todel ML193UH090XP48Cr ;'GPUT50:t �$/�CX=Oa$=230: Describe:
lnput in Cupncity in putput in Other,describe;
Rahng or Sizc BTUS: 88,000 Gallons: `0 Tons: 4
Flcaf Loss Heat Location of duc[qr system:
Structurc's Calculated '82,373 ` G�R. 34,911':
AFUE o� SGER: 13
I�iSPF% g3
Culculated 42 566
Efl'icienev coolin load: ' Cfm's
PLAN 409 5 "round duct OR
Maehanieol Venfilation System "metat duet
Describe a�iy additional or combine�l heating or coaling systems if installed:(e.g,two fumaces or air Combusfion Air Seteet a T}pe
source heat pump tivith gas back-up furnace): � Not required per mech.code
Seteet Tj� e X Passive �
Meat Recover Ventilalor(HRV) CApaoity in cfms: Low: I{i ; Othcr,describe:
Gnergy Recover Ventilator(�RV)Ca acity in cfms: Lo���: Hi�h: Location of duct or system� ;
X Continuous exhai�sting fan(s)rated capneity in efms: 3 fans cont low,rotnl 100cfm Meehanieal Room �
Location of fan(s),describe� Owners bath,Main Bath,J&J Bath Cfm's �
CapACity continuous ventil€ltion rate in cfins: '�QQ 6" Insulated F1e�
Total ventilafion(internrittent+continuous)rnte in cfms: 475 "metal duct
Creafed by BAM version 052009
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The e blai�l.�ub�ni�4ai(r�rn�s:ancl Instrucklons�re available�t tF�e.�iky website:and at City:Mall. 7he eornpl�.tECI f�r,n rnust tae,ubr��it-
t�d t�dupiic��e a�;th�t(rrte of�p Ei�at�c,rr o�a r�r�chai�ic�l�aer�;�it for ne�u c�nskruGtion �ctditi�n�l furn�s i�iay tae elawnir.,adFZd�r;d t�i�iiitee)at:
;�i2esdc�c+ess �/� �iaCe
Concracfior '" �,.,�r. � r; _..,L 7/y-ZG1 j
�j� ' / y—� Gomp;eted � �
� �r: !//t �i�r�•r e ` /u,�t. By..
SBC$i06i Ae
(�etermine QuantfEy by using Table N110q.2 or Equation 11-1)
Square feet(Conditfoned area including �a�O � /�
BasemenY-finished or unflnished) a Total requfred ventilation
Number of bedrooms � Continuous ventilation 1 �
Drrectrons Oetermine the tota!and continuous ventilation rpte by either using Table N1104.2 or eguation 11-1.
The fable;and;equarlon are 6elow.
Tabte N1104 2 !
Total and Continuous.Ventrlation:Rates(in cfm) . .
Number of Bedrooms
..,1 �, 3: 4; 5 .: 6
Conditioned spac,e{in 7otal/. ` Total/ . Tofial/ ' Total/ Totai/ . Totai/
: ,..
;s ft} ,; contlnuous continuous continuous continuous continuous ' continuous
;:1000 15Q0 ': 60/40 - 75/40 ' ,::. -:90/45 1Q5/53 `!: 120/60 `135�68
1501 2Q00 70/40; 85/43 14Q/50 �15[58 130/65 145/73
2001 25Q0 80%40 9S/48: 110%55 125/63 140/70 155/78:
`:2501 3Q00 90/45 ;105/53 1Zp/60 '135/68: 150/75 165/83
'3001 3500 ',100/50. :115J58 130/65 i 145f73:: 160/80 175/88.;.
3501 4000 ':110/55: 125L63 ' 140%70 . 155/7$ `';, 170/85 185/93 - , -
4001-45Q0" 120/60" `.;135/68`i... 150/75' 165/83' 180/90 ` 195/98:.; ..
4501 5000 . 130/65 ' 145/73 ` 160/80 1Z5/88 . 190/95 205/103:`
5001 5500 ':.140/70 :' 155/78 ; 170/85 185%43` 200j10� 215/108` '
55Q1 6000` 150/75.:: ';165/83;: 18.0/90:'. 195/98i : ;210/105 225/113;.<. :
Equation 13-1
(O:OZ x square feet of conditioned space)+[15 x(number of bedrooms+1)]=Total ventiletion rate(cfm)
Total ventilation-The mechanical ventilation system shal!provide sufficient outdoor air to equal the total ventilation rate average,
for each one hour period according to the above table or equation. For heat recovery ventilators(HRV)and energy recavery ventila-
tors(ERV)the average hourly ventilation capacity must.be determined in consideration af any reduction of exhaust or out outdoor
air intake„or both,for defrost or other equipment cycling.
Continuous ventilation-A minimum of 50 percent of the total ventilation rate,buC not less than 40 cfm shall be provided,on a con-
tirtuous rate average for each one-hour period. The portion of the mechanical ventilation system intended to be continuous may -
haVe automatic cycling cantrols providing the average fiow rate for each hour is met.
G:ISAFETYWKiVent-makeup-comb air submittat(2).docx . PagB 1 of 6
,�. ;::.
- , . , ,.
� .. �
,; ; ,. ..
����a��:� :
V�ntil�ti�r, iVt�tl�iocl
(Ch�ic?se either bzl�s�iced or extiausC i�nly)
B�lar�ced,tIRV(1-leat Recovzry Ve�itiistor)ar ERV(Energy Recov " ExljauSE Gnly
ery Ventilaeor)—cfm ot unit in loav muse oot ebceed continuuw ventl• Continuous fan ratinE in cfm
lation rating by more than 100Sb.
Low cfm: Hi�h cfm: Continuous fan raYing in cfm(capacity nwst not exceed J /�
continuous ventilation rating hy more than 1004'0 /��ETh�
Directions-Choose the method of ventilation,balanced or exhaust only. Balanced ventflation systems nre t�ypically 1-IRV or f�i V's.
Enter the low ancl high cfm amounts. Cow c m air flow musf be equa!to or greater than the reguired cantinuous vel�tilation rate and
les�than 100gb greaPer than fhe conelnuous rate.(For instance,if the 1ow cfm is 40 cfm,the venctlaclon}'an muse nor exceed 8o cfm.j
Automatic controls may a!!ow the use of a larc�er fan that is operated a percentage of each hour.
Section C
Ventilation Fan Schedule
Destripiion Location Continuous Intermittent
`rM� h. -��� a�t H �Cj d
'rr� ,n:/ .f- �FT7►�F 1 rf�
�. r► s� ¢1.. . . Cl r�'�
Alrections=The ventilation fan sthedule should descrf6e what the fan,is.for,the locption,cfm,ond wl�ether if is used for continuaus
_ ,
or intermiftent ventllation. The fan that rs dtose for continuous venti�atian must be equa!co or greater than the low c m air rptfng
and less thbn 100%greater than the continuous rate:`(For instbnce,if the low cfm Is 40 cfm,the'contlnuous ventildtion fan must not
exceed 80 cfm:J Automai�ic controls may a!!ow the use of a largerfan that is operated a percentage of each hour.
Section D
Ventilation Controis
_ ..
(Describe o eration and control of the continuous and intermittent ventilation ,...:.
c.,- '
Dlrections-Describe the aperation of the ventilotion system. There should be adequate detaif for plan reviewers and inspectors to verify design ond
lnstnllafion compliance. Reldted trades alao need adequate detail for placement of controls and proper operation af the bultding ventilation If
exhausf fons are used for bullding ventFlatfon,describe the aperatian and location of any controls,indicators and legends. ff an fRV or HRV is fo be
instolled,describe how it wiN be insta!led.!f it wi!!be connected and fnterfaced with the air handllnq equipment please descrlbe such connections as
detailed in the manufactures'insta!latfon instructlons.lf the instaliatiorr instructions require or recommend the epulpment to be interlocked with the
air handling equipment for proper operafion,such fnterconnection shall be made ond descrl6ed.
5ection E
Malce-up air
Passfve {determined from caiculattons from Table 501,3.1►
Pawered(determined from catculations from Table 501.3.1�
interlocked with exhaust device idetermined from calculation from Table 501.3.1j
LOCetlpll Of duCt Of 5y5tBtTt Ve�tllatioll R18kE-Up eif:Determined from make-up air opening table
Cfm Size and type(round,rectangular,fiex or rigid} �
(NR means not required)
Page 2 of 6
Dit ectto��s;-In arclet t'a detErr►�ine tfie mutc�tip ti(r, Tuhlc 50:1,3.1�r7irst tte filled vut(see i�,lvv�fJ, Fz?r��tost ne�f instalk�tlons,cvlumn F1
v�till tae app�o�arrr�te;.h4wev�r r�ertri7osptrericalty vArfYec!a�pl�crn�;es�r.solid fiacj!er�aplfriricz�rtr:�:i��scpl/eci,c�se iht�uppro��r•ic�t�e ct+lur��n.
For e.�dstita{��t,velfing�,5e2'lM�rl71:3:a. Piease n�t�,if ih�ri�ukeiip air t�G�cirrfiitp�is tit-jcitii��,rio.c�clt�itfnncr!rtak.eu�<rir�d��if!t�e r�-
crcxlreJ�ar.veatpatton,lf the value fs posltive refer to Trab/e 501,3,�'eincf;ize tfr�o�eenirt�r. Trcrr�s,�er t9�s�cfm,size af o�eni�ag cmcl t�E�e
(rouncl,rectanc�t�/ar,fIE'X GC fICJ1LIJ f0 l'It@ IpSt'III�E'pf 58Cf10lT O. TIjE ryjpk2^[(j1 GIf 5!/�tlply 131t?Si be irstcrll�d��r fIt9C 501.3.2.3.
T�ble 501.�.1
Additfonal canbustion air a�ill be required for combustfon appifances,see KAIR method for caiculatlons
One nr mulfipfe power One or multiple fan- One atmosphericaliy vent Multiple atmospherical-
vent or direct vent ap- assisted appEiances and gas or oll appllance or ly vented gas or oil
pUances or no combus- power vent or direct vent one sol3d fuel appliance appllances or solid fuei
tion appliances appliances appliances
Calumn C Column p
Column A Column B
':a)p�essur.e factor 0.15 0.09 0.06 0.03
b)cond�tioned!floor area(sf)(lncluding �j���
unfinishcd basements) '. 7
Estiinated Hause Infiltrakion(cfm)i[la:
x zbj 7.3 2
2;Exhaust CaPadty
a)contmuous exhaust-only ventifatton
system{cfm) (not applica6le to ba=:. J�)Q
lanced v,entilation systercts such.as._.
hj ciothes dryer(cfm) 135 13S 135 135
c)s�%.of largest exhaust rating(cfm�; ��,� 3dQ "
KRchen'hoad typically
(not applicable if recirculating system ��/,
or(f powered.makeup air is electricaliy U
{nterlocked and match to exhaust� - -- ..-
.,. .
.-... .
d)8096 of:.next largest exhaust rating � -
(cfm), bathfan.typically :
(notapplicabldifrecircutatfngsystem A licable
or if poweted makeup air i4 elettrically PP�
infe�locked and:matched 4o exhausty
7ota1 Exhaust Capacfty(cfm)• /�
[2a±2b+2c+2dJ (7�
3 Makeup Air'Quanttty(cFm)
a)toYal exhaust capadty(from above) �� �j
b)estimatad house(nfUtration(from ��.Z
Makeup Air quantity(cfmj;
[3a--3b]. �p -�
(if value fs negative,no makeup afr is �
4.for makeup Air Opening Sizing,refer �
to Table 501.4.2
A: . Use this column If there are other tha�fan•assisted or atmospherically vented gas or ol1 appliance or if there are no cambustinn appliances.(Power vent
and direct vent appliences may be used.}
B. Use this column if there Is one fan-assisted appliance per venting system.�Appiiances other ihan atmospherfcally vented appliances may also be in-
C. Use this calumn if there is one atmospherically vented{other than fan-assisted)gas or oll appilante per venting system or one solid fuel appliance.
_ D. Use this wlumn if there are muldple atmospherically vented gas or oil appllances using a common vent or if there are atmospherically vented gas or oif
appfiances and solfd fuel appltances.
Page 3 of 6 �
EVi�sEseu�a Adr C�p�r�i�g Tablr f�r P��wr aroc�Exal�in�€3�,relliia�
One or multiptE potrer pn?or mutf(ple fan- One atit9ospherically Mu�tir�le afimosph�rir.�lly
v�nY,direct vent ap as�isted a�pliaiues�nd vented gas or oil a�• vented Sas ur oil ap- �ucC�i-
pliances,or no com�us- pov,�er vent or direct pliance or one solid iuei �Ilances or solid fuel ameter
tiun appliances vent apnliances appliance anpliances
Column A Column B Column C Column D
Passive opening 1�36 1—22 �-15 1—9 3
Passive openin� 37—66 23—41 1G—28 10—17 n
Passlve opening 67—i09 42—66 Zg_�}6 18_28 5
Passive opening 11p-163 67—100 47—69 z9—42 �
Passiveopening 164-232 101-243 70-99 43—fi1 7
Passlve o ening 233—317 I44—195 300—135 62—83 g
Passive opening 318—419 196—258 136—179 84—110 g
w/moforlxed dam er
Passive opening . 420—539 259—332 180—230 111-142 10
;w/motorhed dam er.
Passive apening 540—679 333—419 23i—290 143—179 g 1
w/motorized damper::
Powered makeu aii >6�9 . >419 >290 >1�9 NA
A. ,. Ad equivalent length of 100 feet of round smooth metal duct is assumed. Subtract 40 feet Eor the exCerior hood and ten feet for each 90•degree elbow to
determine.the remaintng length of straight ducf aliowable.: .
B• If fitxible Juct ts used,fncrease the duct diameter 6y one(nch. Flexible duct shall be streiched with minimal sags. Compressed duct shap not be accepted.
C: Barometrtc dampers are p�ohibited fn pa3sive makeup air openin�s when any atmospherically venfed appilance is instatted.
D. Powered makeup afr shall be electricalfy interlocked with the largest exhaust system. i
Sections F
. __...:.
� Combustion air
Not required per mechanical code(No atmospheric or power vented appliances)
x Passive(see IFGC Appendix E,Worksheet E-1) Size and type �•• ��,,x
Fxplanation-!f no atmospheric or power vented applipnces are instolled,chetk the appropriate box,not required. !f p power vented
or atmaspherically vented appliance fnstatled,use IFGCAppendix F, Warksheet E-1(see below). Please entersize and type. Combus-
tion pir vent supplles musr communicate with the appfiance or appliances that requfre the combusrion air.
Section F calculations foltow on the next 2 pages.
Page Q of 6
du ettiar�s The IVlu�nesc,tcr Ftt21 Gru Code rnefhoct to cc+lccrlcri2 'ria slze of tr requirecl con�l�ustion trir o�enlri�.is callpci ihr�l:no�,n fair�
lnfil�raflran(�at�Il�PethctcJ: �'rr�t�ewi eat�sfr�t�Ptvr�,��ca�'st����s rec,�ertr���fn�a�,�if1�°e�c�u#.
iFGCAppendlx E;Work,heet E-1
Resirleiitial�ombuatfon dit`Calculatiun Methocl
(for FUrnace,Boiler,and/o�Water hleater in the Same Space)
Step 1:Compiete vented combustion appliance information,
Draft Flood f•an Assisted xDirect Vent InpuY; RtuJhr
or Pawer Vent
Water Heater:
_Draft liood X Fan Assisted _,Direce Venc input:_'yU�,��� Btu/hr
or Power Vent
Step 2:Calculate the vatume of the Combustion Appliance Space(CAS)contalnin�com6ustion appliances.
The CAS tncludes aif spaces conneded to one another by code campliant openings. CAS volume:� G��3{f;
Step 3:Oetermine A!r Changes per Hour(ACN}1
DeFauft ACH values have been incorporeted into Tabfe E-1 for use with Method Rb(KRIR Method).
ff the year of construction or ACH is not known,use method da Standard MethodL
Step 4:Determl�e Required Volume far Combustion Alr.(DO NOT COUNT DIRECT VENT APPUANCES}
4a.5tanda�d Method.
Total B#u/hr�nput af all combustlaa appltances Input: BtuJhr
Use Standard Method.column in Table E-1 to ffnd Total Required TRV; ft3
tf CAS Volume(from Step 2)is grenter than TRV then no outdoor openings are needed.
If:CA5 Volume(from5tep.2�Is7ess thbn TRV then go ta STEP 5.
A6 Known Air Infiltration Rate{KqIRj Method(DO NOT COUNT�IRECT VEM APPUANCES)
Total Btu/hr.input of all fan•assisted and power vent appliances In�rut: '��gtu/hr
Use Fan-Assisted Appliances eolumn En Table f-1 to find RVFA: .3,OG� ft'
Required Volume Fan Assisted(RVFA)
Total Btu/hr input of al)Natutai draft appliances Input: Btu/hr II
Use Natura!draft Appltances column in Table E-1 to find
RVNFA: $.'.'
Required Volume Natural draft appliances(RVNOA)
Total Required Volume(TRV)=RVFA+RVNOA TRV= + = S,d DC� TRV ft°
If CAS Volume(ffom Step 2y is grenter thon 7RV then no outdoor openings are needed.
`If CAS.Volume(from Ste 2)1sless than 7RV then go to STEP 5.
'Step Si Calculate the ratto of available interior volume to the totai required volume.
Ratfo=,CAS Volume(from Step 2j dlvJded byTRV(from Step 4a or Step 46) c�
Ratio= � 'f tc+3 � = t�/
Step 6:Calculate Reduction Factor{RF). � y ��J �
RF=1 minus Ratio RF-1 � y 9 _ S f
Step 7;Calculate singie outdoor opening as if alf combustfon air fs fram outside. t� �
Total etu/hr tnput of all Combustion Appliances in the same CAS Input: /Ut�G�J gtu/hr
Combustlon Air Opening Area(CAOA):
Total Btu/hr dlvlded by 30D0 Btu/hr per in' CAOA= yU Gid /3000 Btu/hr per inz= �3• �� in'
Skep 8:Calcuiate M(nimum CAOA.
Minimum CAOA=CAOA muklplied by RF M(nimum CAOA= E�1,j J X � S� _ �, g ��:
Step 9:Calculate Combustion Air Opening Diameter(CAOD)
tAOD=1.13 multfpt)ed by the square root of Minirnum CAOA CA00=1.13 J Minimum CAOA=a•�� in.dlameter
o up o�e inch in slze if usin flex duct
1 lf desired,ACH can be deiermined us(ng ASHRAE calculation or blower door test.Foilow procedures fn Sec[ion
Page 5 of 6
` Pro ect Summap�� �flb: ao,s
� 'M(0'1CJ�1'�$Q�a � •� Datet JUIy 14,2014
, Ent�re House Bv: s�ott nn
�', ,.
581 CITATION DRIVB,SMAKOPEE,MN 55378 Phone:952-4A5-4692 faxi 952-445•7487 Email:SAIES(�ELANDERMECHANICAL.COM
a 0 ' 0 •
�/y' � /'c./ �j`I.FS�
Fp�. � /�j� �G t,r �}r o S I
0 - s � •
Weather: Minneapolis/St. Paul, MN, US
, Winter Design Conditions Summer Design Conditions
Outside db -95 °F Outside db 88 °F
Inside db 70 °F Inside db 70 °F
Design TD 85 °F Design TD 18 °F
Daily range M
Relative fiumidity 50 %
Moisture difference 39 gr/ib
Heating Summary Sensible Cooling Equipment Load Sizing
Structure 62947 Btuh Structure 33399 Btuh
Ducts 1694 Btuh Ducts 508 Btuh
Central vent(195 cfm) 17732 Btuh Gentral vent (195 cfm) 3713 Btuh
Humidification 0 Btuh Biower Q Btuh
Piping 0 Btuh - . - -
Equipment load 82373 Btuh Use manufacturer's data n
Rate/swing multiplier 0.93
Illflltl'ation Equipment sensible load 34911 Btuh
Method Simplified Latent Cooling Equipment Load Sizing
Construction quality Tight
Fireplaces 1 {Tight) Structure 2458 Btuh
Ducts 167 Btuh
Heating Coaling Central vent (195 cfm) 5030 Btuh
A�ea(it2) 4922 4922 Equipment latent load 7655 Btuh
Volume(ft') A1891 41891
Air changes/hour 0.13 0,07 Equipment total load 42566 Btuh
Equiv.AVF(cfm) 91 49 Req. total capacity at 0.70 SHR 4.2 ton
Heating Equipment Summary Cooling Equipment Summary
Make Lennox Make Lennox
Trade MERIT 90 Trade 13ACX SERIES- RFC �
Model ML193UHQ90XP48G" Cond 13ACX-048-230*15
AHR[ ref 47923Q9 Coil C33-43*+�rTDR
AMRI ref 4634552
Efficiency 93AFUE Efficiency 11.0 EER, 13 SEER
Heating input 880U0 MBtuh Sensible cooling 33250 Btuh
Heating output 83000 Bfuh Latent cooling 14250 Btuh
Temperature rise 49 °F Total cooling 47500 Btuh
Actual air flow 1583 cfm Actual air flow 1583 cfm
Air fbw factor OA24 cfm/B#uh Air flow factor 0.047 cfm/8tuh .
Static pressure 0 in H20 Static pressure 0 in H20
Space thermostaf Load sensible heat ratio Q.83
Bold/itaffc values have been manua!!y overrJddea
Calculations approved by ACCA to meet all requirements af Manual J 8th Ed.
20i4-Ju1-14 09:30:02
` '�' wrightsoft" RightSuite�Universa12012 12.1.06 RSU13410 Page t
ACCP. ...Losses 20131Lennar 4015 No Super Loft Eagan.rt�p Calc=MJe Froni Door taces: N
�� Com onent Consfrucfiions �ab: ao,5
' 1A/f Ig�'I�SO�� � Date: July 14,2014
�/7tlfL HOUSe' By: 5cottM
591 CI7ATION DRIVE,SHAKOPEE,MN 55379 Phone:952-445-A692 Fax:952•445•7487 Emaii:SALES(gELANOERMECMANICAI.COM •
� 0 � • •
� - • • • •
Location: Indoor: Heating Cooling
Minnsapofis/St. Paul, MN, US lndoor temperature(°F) 70 70
Elevation: 837 ft pesign TD (°F� 85 18
Latitude: 45°N Refafive humi ity(%) 50 50 ,
Outdoor: Heatirtg Cooling Moisture difference(gNlb) 54.5 39.0
Dry bulb(°F} -?5 88 Infiltration:
Daily range(°F) - 19 ( M } Method Simplified
Wet bulb(°F) - 72 Construction quality Ti ht
Wind speed(mph) 15.0 7.5 Fireplaces '[ �Tight)
Construction descriptions or Area U-vafue insul R Htg HTM Loss Gig HTM Gain
rc emni�-�F n�•FBIUA erunre= ewn awnnr e��n
12F-Osw:Frm wall,vnl exl,r-21 cav ins,1/2"gypsum board int n 748 0.0fi5 21.0 5.52 4130 1.22 913
fnsh,2"x6"wood frm e 778 0.065 21.0 5.53 4296 1.22 950
s 765 0.065 21.� 5.52 4227 1.22 935
w 89t 0.065 21.0 5.52 4925 1.22 1p$9
all 3182 0.065.. 21.0 5.53 17578 i22 3898 ;;::.
Foundation Wall Ext Ins.:8g wall,heavy dry or light damp soil, n 352 0.165 5.Q 14.0 4937 2.67 941
concrete wall,r-5 ins,8"thk e 400 0.165 5.4 14.0 5690 2.67 1069
5 352 0.165 5.0 14.0 4937 2.67 941
all 1104 0.165 5.0 14.0 15484 2.67 2951
61A:VINYL Insulated Glass;NFRC rated(SHGC=0.29) n 30 0.280 0 23.8 702 7p.5 308
s 48 0.280 0 23.8 1142 18.5 886
w 264 0.280 0 23.8 6294 32.0 8471
w 2Q 0.290 0 24.6 493 32.2 644
atl 3fi2 0.290 0 23.8 8631 28.5 10310
61A:VINYL Insulated Glass;NFRC�ated(SHGC=0.26) e 92 0.28� 0 23.8 2194 29.2 2695
61A:VINYL Insulated Glass;NFRC rated(SHGC=0.33) w 82 0.270 0 23.0 1873 35.6 2904
11J0:Door,mtl fbrgl type e 40 0,600 6.3 51.0 205A 18.0 725
Ceilings i
16CR-44ad:Attic ceiling,asphalt shingles roof mat,r-44 ceii ins, 1878 0.022 44.0 1.87 3512 0.96 1797
5/8"gypsum board int fnsh
20P-38c:Fir flaor,frm flr,12"thkns,carpet flr fnsh,r-5 ext ins,r-38 206 0.030 38.0 2:55 525 0.41 83:`�-. '
cav ins,gar ovr -.--� -::-
20P-38v:Flr floor,frm flr,12"thkns,vinyt flr fnsh,r-5 ext ins,r-38 26 0.03� 38.0 2.55 66 0.41 11
cav ins,gar ovr
_ ,,.. �..,�._,
2014-Ju1-14 09:30:02
ti. '� wrigh#soft' Right-SuNe�Universal 2072 12,1,06 RSU13410 pa9e 1
� ...Losses 20131Lennar 4015 No Super Loft Eagan.rup Calo=MJS Front Door faces; N
21A-32f:Bg floor,heavy dry or Iight damp soil,8'dapth 1646 OA20 0 1.70 2798 0 0
2�74•Jul-14 09:30;02 3
� � wrightsaft' Right-Suite�Univarsal 2012 12.1.06 RSU 13410 page 2 {
.�G� .-:Losses 20131Lennaz 4015 No Super Loft Eagan.rup Calc=MJ8 Frant Door faces: N ;
, C�.
� i;::fs:,?'�,_;?^';3:72
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PROPERTY LEGAL: f.,'�TT'�,� L��1Gk��i�jE'�'.GG��L^� � � �a�'
�' p ❑ • Registered Land Surveyor signature and company
�( p p • Building Permit Appiicant
� ❑ ❑ • Legal description
❑ ❑ ❑ • Address
� ❑ ❑ • North arrow and scale
� ❑ ❑ • House type (rambler,walkout, split w/o, split entry, lookout, etc.)
�' ❑ ❑ • Directional drainage arrows with slope/gradient% `
�" ❑ ❑ • Proposed/existing sewer and water services&invert elevation
� �' ❑ ❑ • Street name
�' ❑ o • Driveway(grade&width-in R/W and back of curb,22' max.)
�' 0 ❑ • Lot Square Footage
�Y ❑ ❑ • Lot Coverage
�❑ ❑ • Property corners
�" ❑ 0 • Top of curb at the driveway and property line extensions
�'' ❑ � • Elevations of any existing adjacent homes �
�' 0 ❑ • Adequate footing depth of structures due to adjacent utility trenches
� ❑ ❑ • Waterways(pond, stream, etc.)
Proposed �
�'"❑ ❑ • Garage floor
�' � � • Basement floor
�g' ❑ ❑ • Lowest exposed efevation (walkouUwindow)
,e' ❑ 0 • Property corners
Jd' 0 ❑ • Front and rear of home at the foundation
PONDING AREA(if applicable)
�'fl 0 • Easement line
� ❑ 0 • NWL
� 0 ❑ • HWL
0 ❑ � • Pond#designation
�d' � • Emergency Overflow Elevation �
� � ❑ • Pond/V1/etland buffer delineation
Y � • Shoreland Zoning Overlay District
� N • Conservation Easements
�' ❑ ❑ • Lot lines/Bearings&dimensions
�X ❑ ❑ • Right-of-way and street width (to back of curb)
C� ❑ � • Proposed home dimensions including any proposed decks, overhangs greater than 2', porches, etc.
(i.e. all sfructures requiring permanent foatings)
�'" ❑ ❑ • Show all easements of record and any City utilities within those easements
�H' ❑ ❑ • Sefbacks of proposed structure and.si a set ack of adjacent existing structures
� ❑ ❑ • Refaining wall requirements:
Reviewed By: - f Date � .�
G:/FORMS/Building PermitApplication Rev. 11-26-04
� /a� 5 ��7I� .
according to the recorded plat thereof Dakota County, Minnesota '
House Model: Snelling Elevation: 4015 C3
WETLAND Address: $awgrass Trail West, Eagan, Minnesota
W—G :3463 � Buyer: �
NWL=857.5 '%� /
HWL=861.6 \T J� �l �/ ,� a6 ��
� 2.
� �\�-- Q� �„�
Edge ot wetland �`� � 1�� �
per plat ----_ � �
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��� � � ���� �,� �� � �� �,` Benchmark:
A -- top of spike
� � �' � •,�516 cs 6�' p0 ��2� elevation = 884.00
� o \ � � cP� �2' o Z� `� \ c,�
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Benchmark: m"s ✓ � � \, � 9� i ' �,���.:. . �.
,�. .� . .
Top Nut Hydrant Lots 6-7 Block 1 p�� '� � � � �85• i � , >
Elevation = 886.18 � <$86' � � < � � �� ,.a .:° w�
� � � i � °
(.� �i� � ` � .°'�� :. ��\�
Lot area =10537 SF O � � �
House area =2368 SF o 5 � • °'�' l �� /
Benchmark: � � , � o ��\ � �
Porch area =200 SF top of spike O �� /��7
Sidewalk area =23 SF elevation = 885.34 �, ° Q ��� ' ��
Driveway area =809 SF o '�5• �� �7�
Building Coverage =24.4% $A�Z� ��' ' ���
Total Impervious Area =3400 SF �8 �� «� °' " •• �,� ���-' � � �
Total Impervious Coverage =32.3� �,� ' , �Fj � �
/, ,, � Q �� �� /��
� •,.a ��, S6 \ ,— /,;.,�'P��
Lowest allowable floor elevation : g77,4 - " Q •° �� � � �/ / ��'C �� '
� �� �7 ��
House elevations �Proposed� / As—built �� ��� �'���� I'
Lowest Floor Elevation :(879.1) � �� ��\�� ��% �� /
Top Of Foundation Elev. �(88�•1� � ��� \� � ���/ /
� �
Gara e Slab Elev. � Door ��886•8� � � f��a�/ �
g U`�// �'� /
�� �� i
� � i
� �
Construction Notes � �
1. Install rock construction entrance. �� � x 000.00 Denotes existing elevation
2. Install silt fence as needed for erosion control. � � ( 000.00 ) Denotes proposed elevation
3. Sidewalks shall drain away from house a minimum of 1.0%. / � Denotes droinage flow direction
4. Contractor must verify driveway design. y � Denotes spike
5. Contractor must verify service elevation prior to construction. �a� � Denotes conservation Post
6. Add or remove foundation ledge as required. �^!' ������G D��
General Notes:
1. Grading plan by Pioneer Engineering last dated 5/13/13 was used to
determine proposed elevations shown herein. We hereby certify to Lennar Corporation that this
2. This survey does not purport to show improvements or survey, plan or report was prepared by me or under
encroachments, except as shown, as surveyed by me or under my my direct supervision and that I am a duly licensed
direct supervision. Land Surveyor under the laws of the State of
3. Proposed building dimensions shown are for horizontal location of Minnesota, dated 05�20�14.
structures on the lot only. Contact builder prior to construction for
approved construction plans. Signed: Pioneer Engineering, P.A.
4. No specific soils investigation has been performed on this lot by the /
surveyor. The suitability of soils to support the specific house proposed �
is not the responsibility of the surveyor. BY: �-�--
5. This certificate does not purport to show easements other than Peter J. Hawkinson, Professional Land Surveyor
those shown on the recorded plat. Minnesota License No. 42299
6. Bearings shown are based on an assumed datum. email—phawkinson�pioneereng.com
PI�NEER • � ��)OS-20-14Preliminary Certificate of Survey for:�
2.)06-03-14 New House
en zneerin 3.)06-06-14 Stakc Housc
Ph.:(651)681-1914 16305 36th Ave N Ste#600 �;
2422 Ente�p�ise Drive Fax:(651)681-9488 Plymouth,MN 55446-4270 .,(�
Mendota Heights,MN 55120 www.pioneereng.wm Project#: 113206028 Phone:(952)249-3000/Fax:(952)404-1909
Foldcr#: 7498 Drawn by: TSS .�
.:,.,�,�,,:----- ^------'--
•�c��� ���c�t �, Block 1 , STONEHP,VEN 5TH ADDITIOl�
accordin� to the recorded plat thereof Dakota County, Minnssota �
House Model: Snelling Elevation: 4015 C3 ',
WETLAND Address: Sav�grass Trail West, Eagan, Minnesota ,
W—� B u yer: ,
NWL=857.5 �� �
HWL=861.6 �� �'� �' � �
� O � l 2 h�
` �.� `',� / � ' $6 � ti,<ss �R. �i✓
Edge of wetland JJ � ��� � � " G� S��J
per plat ----_ � �
��\\\ '��
6° � �� ' \\�
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,�o � l8� � �`� �, '� $91
,-.� � � �X ; 12� �8� ,- .
�l`�t� x ��j" $c�g'��o� �' \ ��'�
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� a� "' P<°P 50/ 0• -o ��'"�
�o '� / No���. o \ r� `-..
� �-'�� B°� \ ` � -
� l8�$.2� 5��� t � � �. ��, l$a6�1
Cr �� ,J� ` �� / , �� ' ' � ����c5`
., kw a7'- - Q , � age : �
� Q � 5 � �, - .�, ,, - �o� \ �°'�s
� *�L�' � "�'`•,�, �2>- o��, \ -�
�` � Benchmark:
� y�, y i • ptl'w. � �'- �,�� w� / �°' ' 0 �'--top of spike
'f•� 2 � �,,�`� �� o � ,���5` � 6�' � 0�0 �12� \ � elevation = 884.00
�� � � V" O \ � ° �", 12 ° 2 `� \ c,�° ,
, � ,�� ° �� � , $6�l \ \ ��s
� `°�, 12' �� � � �' "��$ � O �
�+ w.> oo �
O 'pcp� \ � W�1�� �cp o5ed Cr�O Gj O , /
•o \ P<op,�oy > �
O � \\ ; p<��e � Ar, �
'aco ���� � /�y<a��Dc>� � 6e�, / , �\j °'�� l$$h•% ad °
(3� v+ ��J�_ 1_.� , �..� \�� � a�%., . !° ..
3enrh;�•�arl<: __ ,. � .� � 9,�_.— _. /
Top Nut Hydrant Lots 6-7 Block 1 � '� � � � � �85' i � ; '�.
Elevation = 886.18 � `�a6' � \' ` ✓ � �p 4:d 'e "�
i � •o
� i � � �� •: �
�i� �O � , �..�. • /��\
Lot area =10537 SF �O .� � � � �� �
House area -2368 SF Benchmark: � o � a:° � � �\ � �
Porch area =200 SF top of spike o • , ° O ��' ����7�
Sidewalk area =23 SF elevation = 885.34 � ' ' Q �
Driveway area =809 SF o • . � • ��'����\/ �7��/
Buiiding Coverage 24.4% ,y�aA�,2� °a.��,_.. �,��_ ... _� �__:�� �_, .— __. _� ' ,.-�._ ,
,_ .---�� -- � ���
._ _w_ r��i��=~irr��•r-vrous ;,��eii =3�0�...SF � rn�, P�,. . �,� �� � �
Total Impervious Coverage =32.3% / a \ �• � ' , �Fj ���� /� /�
.� . °� ° ��, 6 ��-� /,���P��.
Lowest allowable floor elevation : 877,4 "� ° Y° �� � S� �� ���C, �
� �� � �� Cj �
� G�P �/
House elevations �Proposed� / As-built �� ���\ �cA� /� � %>
� � � • ' /
Lowest Floor Elevation :(879.1) / �� ���� /i� 7�� � rv /
Top Of Foundation Elev. �(887•1) � �,� \� � /��� �� /
� ��a,� � _ ����� ,
Garage Slab Elev. C� Door ��886•8� � ���� �-
�,,,�- �\ _ /
� �
\ �\ p
Construction Notes:
1. Install rock construction entrance. \�� \\ /, r,�.� � o ��R pq� existing elevation
2. Instail silt fence as needed for erosion control. � � / �� . ���rd e proposed elevation
3. Sidewaik� shall drain away from house a minimum of 1.0%. � / � Denotes drainage flow direction
4. Contractor must verify driveway design. �� / � Denotes spike
5. Contractor must verify service elevation prior to construction. v/ � Denotes conservation post
6. Add or remove foundation ledge as required. /
/ :
General Notes: !
1. Grading plan by Pioneer Engineering last dated 5/13/?3 was used to
determine proposed elevations shown herein. We hereby certify to Lennar Corporation that this
2. This survey does not purport to show improvements or survey, plan or report was preparFd by me or under
encroachments, except as shown, as surveyed by me or under my my direct supervision and that I a`m a duly licensed �,
direct supervision. Land Surveyor under the laws of the State of li
3. Proposed building dimensions shown are for horizontal location of Minnesota, dated 05/20/1'4. �
structures on the lot only. Contact builder prior to construction for
approved construction plans. Signed: Pioneer Engineering, P.A. ,i
4. No specific soils investigation has been performed on this lot by the '` � ',
surveyor. The suitability of soils to support the specific house proposed
is not the responsibility of the surveyor. BY� ;' I
5. This certificate does not purport to show easements other than Peter J. Hawkins,on, Professional Land Surveyor
those shown on the recorded plat. Minneso'ta License No. 42299
6. Bearings shown are based on an assumed datum. email-phfawkinson@pioneereng.com
Revisions: '�
,.>o5_ZO_,4�e,;n,;nary Certificate of Survey for•
P 1�NE�R z•)06-03-14 New Honse .
�- en ineerin 3.)06-06-14 Stake House
� � Lennar Corporation
Ph.:(651)681-1914 16305 36th Ave N Ste#600
2422 Enterprise Drive Fax:(651)681-948R Plymouth,MN 55446-4270
Mendota Heights,MN 55120 www.pioneereng.com Project#: 1132060L8 Phone:(952)249-3000/Fax:(952)404-1909
Folder#: 7498 Drawn by: T5�
. .
clt� of�����
Address: 3463 Sawgrass Tr W Permit#: 125471
The following items were/were not completed at the Final Inspection on: t�n��r�.P.r' I 2 �� _ �v�`�
��m'���� �� ,��?�mpl�t� �`��,,�, ��mm�nts : �..
a ''�..��� * r�.
Final grade - 6"from siding �
Permanent steps—Garage �
Permanent steps— Main Entry '�
Permanent Driveway
Permanent Gas X
Retaining Wall or 3:1 Max Slope �'V���
Sod / eeded awn x
Trai! / Cur�a DarrSage �
POrCh ���.�. � �1°�.( s�r�-tn �( �-�- CvwSe,fv✓�-w ra4�
/ � �,t b�e�l
Lower Level Finish �
Deck ��� � S(,r�v� �
Fireplace 2 ""``� � �
5 v�a-•
• Verify with your builder that roof test caps from the plumbing system have been removed.
• Turn off water supply to the outside lawr faucets before freeze potential exists.
• Call the Engineering Department at (651) 675-5646 prior to working in the right-of-way or installing an
irrigation system.
Building Inspector: �'l.e 1e1�Gi�
G:\Building Inspections\FORMS\Checklists
� , ,