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1649 Norwood Dr - Zoning Permits & Plans
� ForaificeUse—____----i I Cit� of�a�aIl ; Pe�,�t#: ��5 3�� ; 3830 Pitot Knob Road i �/ � Eagan MN 55122 1 Date Received_ ! �� j I......�______...____r__J phone:(657)675-6685 Fax:(651)675-5694 Emaif:pianninpCaacitvofeaaan.com ZONING PERMIT APPLICATtON ❑ Please identify improvements on a scaled site plan drawing that shows lot lines, structures and existing conditions. ;`::;:;::::'' ?:,:';;. ' SiteAddress: � i -i �lOrWa� �'l vt,. Pro�rty " i�nf�rrnation .-�i � � . , owner Name: ,1�C D �� ����� , f ` Name: �{(,�If�e.i� �TGtTTLYI Phone: Q �� J J� � [ � ' ' Address: 6 ��p�LtltS� � City/StateRip: � 6/� /�t � ��L � Contact '.� Applicant Signature: � Date: 7 I� ��! `:: Email address: }�1�h�t7'��/1� � � �. C ClY1n �" �Retaining Wali<4 feet 0 Driveway p Other: ;. ',:::;;`::; .: ❑Patio ❑Sport Court Type:Qf::WOC1�.: ❑Sidewatk �Fence Descriptian ofwork: . �� y� h ,Qr'A �'{� 1"JG /'I(3U S� Planning Set�ack5,:hard surf'ac�coverage,;sf�orelar�d zoning,bluffizanefs�'tb ks' ' �� I Approve�enied Date: � � � Staff: Notes: p�ertY lines to be veriRed by�n#ractor/owneG Revlsed Plans ° Approved: Yes/No pate: Staff: , ,. : EngineefEng ,Gradmg .dramage;utilify sasements,we�ands,erosian:cantrol,improve�ents in th�RE��t of Way etc., Approved/Denied Date: Staff: Nqtes: Revised Plans Approved: Yes/No Date: Staff: Ctil't'll'1'1@i1t8. � �'� � CALL BE��RE YOU DIG. Ca11 Gopher State One Gall at(651)454-0002 for protection against underground utility damage. Calf 48 hours before you intend#o dig to receive tocates of underground u6littes. �nrww;gopherstateonecall.orst G:SBuIlding Ir�specUonsIPERMITAPPLtCAT10NS /d�3�1 ���r��.�� ,� o�m��. � CxoRher St�te (1):Cal1 ID �#d64 Tickei #k ` ttt��rest Irrtersetting Sfr�et Muds4n, Page � TownshiP _ '. , Hudson Grid �, Range __ �25 E.Villawme Ave./5outh St.Paul,Minnesota 55075 �orner Lat [j: Section/`Qvarter (651}451-2222-Fax(6�7}4S'1-6939 Name `�`'�Q C`14� F-r ��(C:.:�.1 D�te�� � 20!L�; Spause �i�'��'a � *-��S��� Job No. Address y�tstsT� tr.jf?YG'.l..a.lO�_ f3_��„ �.._.,,_.,_ Salesperson���'VC+t�-, /V1 Gity ��s-+� G�vnty Stafe�.�..._2ip ���i� �. ������:1� ���� Employer HamePhane�[�71 '��� _C����' Picturet�to: '�� 106 Site Address Work Phone,�,. } Terms: 10% Daw� 1�� ��°'"���"`'f' p Wark Phara� (5pouse),� �a6anee '�a InsfsJler on E�maii:�'R� tJ�-SSE-f� �a-rm�a-�c.•`c��i r�o,�� 3��- 3�- � -' at 3 9� co,���@:t�o� � �ustamer Initisls� � _ ::.. ... . .. . : . . ...�,. :. .. ...._ .:. . ' OUAN7I7V DESCRIPTION _ ,._. ' .< r��� t,.�„�`� ci.l� `�1 �� �'s.a.l v��..t,:�.tr�,,, � 4/�,���'' ` C�:�-x.'•r. t,._.��..tG.. g.._ 1M,�S 1... , . ?� _ . .. _ , , d���_w;�, . � 2 �kg`` �.,.>���... s�-�..�:.���..k. a'.. .. ��� � �a�.�-�...t . � �� ��� ' �� �_ �. ., .� � ,.�. _. � ��,.. wc,.'�l�' Ca�4�..��8� . . jg ., . ., . � �, � ..� . �: � � '� �� - � S-�s ��eJ4- ..�. ; -a..�-`i c�- t d----�--�c� � __ , � � � : �. , ��., f� � � �. .. .. ..� rv+�t,v ��..3L�; S ���, �,`,T�' - '� �L - 0�'2,. c..��-�'t��N : .. . ., : . 1 '� �- Lk't'�-t�4-�i � Price No�rt�; G,r1(-.�.�„�e. � 6b i,� ,r+1t'k- �� Down Paymenfz Chetk :� �-' Amt. {��;, Date � � "'�p-('�(� �,l�""T': � �� Credit Card , . �1�1' iExpiration Qate 1 Q� I`�t t..0 c3 r � �G'�Q ° DP PS[] 8C� ALL[] _ A SERV►CE CHARQE of lys°/a: per month {l8% Artnualtyj wi11 6� applied on a{I past due bafances, N3ATER(AL AND INSTAIk/�710N �:TfC.t„�x,�p The purchase�sha11 he responsible #or any and all cotiettiun end iegai coxts ineUrred by AAidv�res? Fence in the event of this biU baeom+�g past dw�e. �HIS ESTIRAATE VI#L!D FQR 30 ' TaX�'�"�""� fVlidwest fenGe reasrves tMe rigfit to lien #he impra�ed prope�y if pay�n�nt ,�a�[5 F�QM AE�Z3Y� DATE " 'iri fu�t as ag�eed ta i�n this cpntract i� not tec�ived. '('Q'�'p ��. �"��� o� Owner rospogsible for astabiishinq,corrscf proporty and#ence Gtres.Any Permits requira{I shnil be tfie spls f8spor�sibility of the awn4r.Owner responsibEa#ar r4mavfll of obstrudians a(avery natvro whfch wiii intarfero with theiostoilatiort of tht tenca,This contmtt ossvmef nn�mal 9rovod condiripns.5ho�id rockyor axcessive hord diH4�^9�?� encountered,.oweer oQreas fo pay a dditioeal cosri of such•work.Midwast P�nc�t b Jvtfp.Co.s�utl fomish only the materla}ond labortpecifiad in thic arnteact.Anychonecs mode from ihe obov¢spqcif�cotions wi�l bs billsd oi;MidwasMs currenr retoi)pricas: ' This order wiU become bincfleg only upo»Midw�st*ence Manager's appraraG '� � usto r ,� date .. __ FOmt 2�Rev.2-05 Martagex Salesperso�'s 5' ate , f;nnv�inhNL1�f5(S5 ....��nnn�7 rr+fe�l��racffAnns+rnitl� .. .