4114 Durham Ct 06/17/2014 15:07 Les Jones Roofing,Inc. �AX�528817009 P.016/020 Use BLUE or BLACK Ink r���������������� � For Oilico Use � . ' j Pertnit#: ���� j C�ty of�a�a� � Permlt Fee: ,� � 3830 Ptlot Knob Road I � Eagan MN 55122 � Dale Racelved: � Phone:(651)875-5675 I 1 FBx:(661)676-6694 . � S�� � I I `._.....�..�������������J 2014 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING P�RIWIT APPLICA710N 4i�a-��r� �ii�- yi�' /� � Date: �7 � Slte Address:U/3b��/�S-!�/Yo-�1i�y� ���n�l (.�,a� _Unit#: �.::.:..�.., :;,�;:�;.:4:^;;-i:..,;,: �',' ';, ' ,, 4'',�, '� Name: �lo P2op�+2ry �-a-r�E� 6nlc.. Phone: �a$�- ssy ��yq '�:;;,:E���siaentl�..;,.,,�,;,; 5�ta7 9� ',',;. ;S�i.^Q�tiyv�e� :.'� Addre96/Clty/Zlp: �D• Pp 1C 2l"Z 5 �NV�.?7-��✓�_ o}�'ls /� �����`�C:;:�: .}� �..-.y.;1,..,�'. � ,�'.^::.•.1�:�'�.,.V '':: :��:'(:..,�.: •,�•`. ': '. y'��:"',���j:.�'..: . :- . ,5y�;;,�'�::.�`�'�*�.:,`;�', �'','�"r�- Applicant Is: Owner X Contractor .. .. .��lil,• .."'4'tr:t1(." i. ��Y � � � Descrlptlon of work: ��t4t� �4y✓D �pfift^L� .7�OiN�, ; �pe�°�f����'�,,; Z .'r�, .1' '.:.: .'�.'i"•:'.lY•" �`/ ; �",� ?��" ' `:�" Construction Cost: � y?7. Multi-Family Building:(Yes x /No� :,-,+;;�,;.:"'.:.:,.�. : , , ';',`= ����...,,�;��:. H'.':�i;�"�1 ���. :'�.�::%.: . . ; � t`�,�::"'�.:;1;:�lf',':'.`�."';o��, / " '<r?"`y�'-•.' <���:, � Company; �E,S �oN�3 RGaOFl�t16- /NG. Contact:G�fiPa s r�ivap250�/ .,:-�;, ;...,,;,_,•,.:`:;,;..;,, .� ;��,, :,.,%:'•,�:.::,;. :..a:.,.'.,>, .��..<.�:� ..�., ,..,. ; .. " .4�:��t.�., �. �: -•;;.?:,;+.:;;�.;��:�.,r�;�:,�::°=ti;,.:.�. Addrees: 9Y� �N, 8l)� .�`Ti�� City: ���N�.✓ 'x.�;,:;�a�:iif�'�,�ct�r.;<`';;4:,: t:�; . ,;,.:. .,�'._ �,A�:. ,•:;,r., „,�;,::,;`�%;.� ;:� 'f::,,,: ,,ry_:; � -- State: A ln/ Zlp: .�,�'�2D Phone: 9'S.1- 7G 7-�817 . .�.-.�,;�F M1,i..i��.�.�';i� -'`e'•'. �')���i'.. h. . '�� . ' _�:'�": ,:!.��1�., '..�til`::�}��i'. �'.'''" :�.`,�: i',•h'.�� ;��- � �� Llcense#: lor��o D Lead Cerflficate#: .lJ,4T' `f p 3 7.�-/ 'F:�S..c': If the proJect Is exempt from lead certificatlon,please explaln why:(sea Page 3 for addltiona)informatian) COMpLETE THIS AREA ONLY IF CONSTRUCTING A NEW BUILDING In the last 12 monthe,hae the Clty ot Eagen leeued a pennit for a slmllar plan based on a maste�plan? Yes _No If yes,date and address of master plan: Llcensed Plumber: Phone; Mechenlcal Contractor: Phone: Sewer 8 Water Contractor; Phone: ':"„!IY.�PI�; i�'!�/ �r11 h `� !•L�h bV » Q 4 �ui~ � L.� �*'�� �� � �''(� ��.' ..:. .,��. �, „�:.�f�.,� p{,�., .��►, .l�f»�, t !� ����. ►nt��i'e ±b�►�sl'�'..:�e"'d-�o.��fa�p,;,u�'�I�<,��Qt; 11a,,�fori'i-�� o►'tq s��.'a �i°,��i���/'ttifo�`iti�i�l,ii�1.�'s�:��{�;�i�sl'��^..��%�Qf����►�t��1'rp��'�►/��lf„°`V�oi4�=•;/�!VI`d�b�;su.,l �Iftc�d1`'¢��oit5;� a;trW�r�l`J p1y•�A�����;�%I�%!e>`;�M'; Q�.�.t.:P:,:.4t.i t�i., ,f:" :�r!i•;"('.G, .J�r> ,cp, �n a ,.I, �r�.b�,•i S :d�'Yk...,,y ..1 -� ,�t1'�C, . ,.:,. .. .:,.. 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Call a8 hou�s before you Inlend lo dlg to recelve locafee of underground ulllltles. www.aoohare�ateonecell.ora I hereby adcnowledge that thle IMonnellon le complels and eccurete;that the work wlll be In confortnance wllh the ordlnances end codea of the City of Eegen;that 1 underetand lhls(e not a nermll,but only en eppllcatlon !o►a permlt, and work Is nat to atart wlthout a permlt;ihal the work w111 be in eccordance with 1he approved plen In the ceee of work whlch roqulros a revlew and approval of plana_ Exterlor Work autho�lzed by e bulldtn8 pemtlt leeu9d In flcCOrdance wllh!ho Mlnnasots Steta Bullding Codo must be complaled wlthln 180 days of permlt 188uanca. x Gµ2rs f�NDE12s'o,✓ x /���� G��=�� AppltcanE's Printed Name Appllcant's Slgnature Pape 1 of 3 02/19/2014 12:36 Les Jones Roofing,Inc. (FAK�528817009 P.0161020 Use BL.UE or BLACK Ir�k � For Offlce U9Q^� � I . ' j Permlt#: ���� I C�ty of �a�aIl , I Pertnil Fee: �l � � 3830 Pllot Knob Road R�C�# J�D � �' � Eagan MN 65122 j Dale Recelved: � Phone:(6g1)676-G676 ��B � � �o�� I i Fax:(651)675-5684 . � S�K� � . I 1 �--------____.__�_�a 2014 RESId�NT1AL gUILDING PERMyAPPLICATION �!//,'j, y//y �!///p, �/i/8 Date: � � Site Addreas: y/ /'1D �/ J Gat�- Unit!!: �'F���< fn� �yJ��i�:"w;;Y_���,:; �� ��r�n��?.���>,;�i^„`' Neme: yQ P20p�T`� GA�'Er 6NG. Phone. /va"'7� S.S�/ p��l�f ,��.:��1� �Itt/'-:a;'` `v�t ?���Q�%���j' ::'� `�� AddreSS/Clly/Zip: �O• 80� 212 5 /NVE)Z.C��ovd � �� 9�0 ���:���V_�i.d'li �.,M �>,`�..�.\i . k" � �' ��.�:•:��a, °'' '���`�`�'�� '�,(�p '��° Appflcant 18: Owner x Contrector :Yi� .�id:...� .�l ./?. :,.... 'e. y. Y W7 � ��1 P) � �.: F^. ,�� -� �...,, ,.},�:., � � p�m /?��� ��F -� L�a���- P� �6 ,� `,�;�;'� � �=,:- Description of work: � �/ � ����ip:���'f'VI�o:C�, '' �.., � ��'���N�;,"` " � r"`��'' 'a ConetructlonCosr � 7�` � y Multi-Famii Bulldin Yes x !No 9 �. ,;A�. �: ,.t:,, ,� �� Y 9� ( � �.y�� ., w.. '.;��G'.,y'..' •5.�...�f.$�� . �u;Y�;1 �,el...v � / ;,.; �j c�' r� ��r y� Compeny: �E5 �ToNb3 RGOf��1/G- /•vG Contec�Csri¢�s ,�-,vDp2so�/ �,��� '�,E:`�,��,r��. (��"? �j���":'ji:ib'T,, a"•l;('� ��5' rL � 4j '� �a ��`��,:T';�� �' Address: K/ W. �D� ��'� Clty: �a�tu.�.✓ .::��i�"�;����r��„� . �y,:;,.�,�, .;"'.` .���;>•. 7- �.,�•� �� ��v' '`�;;; • � State:�2ip: ,�,Sr��O Phone: �5.�- 7(v ab'/9 „���t: , , i�r?�+; :� �; _.�T�,�j�,,r�,;;�`,'�aV� ;;� ���Y"'';.� �,,;,�,.,�;�',,*. Ucense#: lp.��o� Lead Certlflcafe#: .U�T `fo 3' ?.�-/ )f the proJect Is exempt from lead ceKlfication, please explain why: (see Page 3 fo�additio�al i�formation) COMPI,ETE THIS AREA ONLY IF CONSTRUCTING A NEW BUIL�INC In the la9t 12 months,hea the Clty of Eagan Issued a permlt for a almllar plan based on a master plan? � Yes _No If yes,date and eddress of inester plan: Llcensed Plumber: Phone: Mechanlcal Contrector: Phone: Sewer&Water Contractor: Phone: ;��, aX� t� .,l � �o; �.�'h1- ►�{t;�+fh -"G;�. %�iL,S :+'� ��rr '" �} bs`� ibYf'"�r �I'" r� o}�y�t "s"fzt '��� r �i..,p .�y.-�. ,�. .rFSY• ,�, �, T� ���'�.�.�+`��.� �. .���....� .e•"N, �.. ���� � m pp �y,,/� �r ,, ��; .�c,�I�L �„C • f��,t�V � �e. Mf'.��,..a�[��i�.� �;!%{�e,;�/�.�'s�y�c.!�� c��n,,�k�,U��;j.Ili,o� p,/'��.id�s,��Q f/e�e � �ns�Q�a� �d. :r N��e1�/��t�tit# ��'tiC�l�G;�,� „�'t r � .�I i..,��"'�?;�„ a .i �d� �„A,,��`%¢� �'�. .I�fC; .s, � .a. � r„ '�'"h� ��qtii°�'�a 'Y,.�_'„' 4;�, "1� .� .,,, : . .. :.. . , c:.. . '�� � �,�`� �, �u ��y� 'f�, r:. _ ....., ... , , �:"G"�... u:n„�J.:�hr..at.., ..an�� d .fi:�.: ...r���iLM1:'Q'��.Y� ��:s. .�. SRNS4�I���.��.',�1e .,ie.., �b4'°,tl� ...�..+.��r':. !�yil.y�'i: .t9.�� CALL 6� OR�YOU DIG. Cell C3ophar 9tata One Call at(651)4a4-0002 for prolectlon egetnat undarground uUllly damape. Cell 48 houre beforo you Intend to dlg to rocelve iocates M unde�ground uUlllles. www.amohereteteoneceu.oro I heroby ecknowledge that thls InPormallon le complete and eccurate;that lhe u+rork w111 be In conlormance wllh the orcllnences and codes of the Clty of Eapan; lhat I unde�stand thls la not a permlt,but only an appllcadon tor e pe►mtt, and work le not to etart wllhout a permlt; thal the work wlll be In eccordance wlth the approved plen In the caee M work whlch requlree a revtew end approval ot plane. Exterlor work authorized by a bullding permlt Issued In accordance wlth the Mlnne6ota State Bultding Code must be completed wtthln 180 days of permlt Issuance. x Gr�,et5 f��v0�2SO�/ x��k��� .G�s�<-�' -�. Appllcant's Prtnted Name Appllcant's Stgnature ' Page 1 of 8 PERMIT City of Eagan Permit Type:Mechanical Permit Number:EA175225 Date Issued:03/22/2022 Permit Category:ePermit Site Address: 4114 Durham Ct Lot:126 Block: 04 Addition: Diffley Commons PID:10-20450-04-126 Use: Description: Sub Type:Furnace & Air Conditioner Work Type:Replace Description: Comments:Carbon monoxide detectors are required within 10 feet of all sleeping room openings in residential homes (Minnesota State Building Code). Questions regarding electrical permit requirements should be directed to State Electrical Inspector, Pete DeGrood at (507) Fee Summary:ME - Permit Fee (Replacements)$59.00 0801.4088 Surcharge-Fixed $1.00 9001.2195 $60.00 Total: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Contractor:Owner:- Applicant - Melanie A Knutson 4114 Durham Ct Saint Paul MN 55122--214 One Hour Heating & Air 15191 Boulder Ct Rosemount MN 55068 (651) 437-4177 Applicant/Permitee: Signature Issued By: Signature