4128 Durham Ct 06/17/2014 15:07 Les Jones Roofing,Inc. �AX�518817009 P.017/020
Use �LU�or BI.ACK Ink
� ForOffICeU9e`� ` ^'^f—^�
. . ' j Permit#: �✓� ` � 1
C�ty of�a�a� � Pertnit Fee: � . � �
3830 Pllot Knob Road � �
Eagan MN 65122 j Da1e Recelved: �
Phone:(651)675-6675 I 1
Fax:(6G1)675-6694 , � S��: �
�iza- y��� � y�ay�c/iab— cf�28'
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�:A;. ',J=:`�''�:,;;,�` :��;;;; --<> Conetructlon�oet: ��0. Multi-Family Bullding;(Yas x i No`)
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If the proJect Is exempt from lead certification,please explaln why: (see Page 3 for addltlonal informatlon)
In the laet 12 monthe, has the City of Eagan Issued a permlt for a elm)lar plan baeed on a maeter plan?
�Yes __ IVo If yes,de6�end address of inester plan,
Licensed Plumber: Phone:
Mechanlcal Contractor: Phone:
Sewer&Water Cohtractor: Phona:
:;;,�N��T ��PI n� "�l;�u �..o' ii ;.b"�. .��i ;f �f;�:o��,; f°"r�;�:°h •s.. .:,• .r.���� p��c;r`°�...,��a l� :::. �:Ytl3 s=.��. T,
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CALL BEFORE YOU DIG. Cell Oophor Steto Ono Call et(661)464-0002 for pro►ecllon ageinet untlergrountl uGlity dama8e. Call 48 houre
before you Intend lo dip to recelve locatee of underground ut�lltlee, www.aoohereteteonecell.ora
I hereby acknowledae lhat thie Informedon le complete and accurate;lhal Ihe work wlll be In vonformence wllh lhe ordlnences and codes of tAe Clty ot
Eagen;thet I underetend thle le not a pemntl, but only an eppllcation for a permit, end work le no1 to atart without e pe�mlt; that Ihe work wNi be In
accarcfencewllh the epproved plen in the cese ofworkwhich reputree a review and approval of plene.
Exterlor work author►zed by a bullding parmtt Issued In accordance with the Mlnnesota State gulidlne Code must be completed withln 180
days of permlt Issuance.
x G<F2rs f�M0�2s'd�/ 1�"�.s� G�s.�-��-�°
Appllcant's Printed Name Applicant's Sia�ature
Page 1 Of 9
02/1912014 12:37 Les Jones Roofing,Inc. �A�9528817009 P.0171020
� For omce Uso �
• j Pamtit#: ' ����I
City of Ea�aIl � '- � � Permlt Fee:,_,��— i
3830 Pllot Knob Road
Eagan MN 6b122 j Date Recelved: j
i'hone:(651)6yG-G67G FEB 1 � �Si�I� i s�a�: i
Fax:(657)675�694 . � �
ti�ao, y�aa, v�ay, y�a�
Date: l� ` Site Address: Yia�� yi3o, yi��, H/ f /,�U.2HrPsrt Cod.C7'' Unit#:
a�.;.' � , ,.�>,..; ,�;<,:..,`.
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�:D�� ���NI�`'•I'f�/�N'y:�•�l�;�w;: Name: �10 P�eoPr�2ry c�.��NG• Phone: �sr- ss+� �'9yy
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.>yiv���l•h�� �fp ` '�:� Address/Clty/Zip: �D• �OK 2l 2 ✓� /NVE12.�-0✓1 �_ � 9
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p��Y�r ��'��'`�,;.' �' � '�'� Constructlon Cost: �f ��D� � Multl-Famlly Bullding: (Yes x /No�
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;.�r �+��,� r �`..�,�,.�,N,'��'�; Compeny: �ES �TaNE3 Rao,�ln/fr /NG Contact:Ca�e�r� �Dr�2so
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� A- r�' �,� address:.9�! IN.
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:"� 4.. �,p�s.,�"�'��i°�;,iJy`� state:�Zlp: .�.f��fE2o Phone: 9�SA- 76 7-a8/�
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y;,`,. ��;1y�- �:�,.:�, Ucense#: ���o� Lead Certlflcate#: .U.47- -/
(f tha project is exempt from lead certlflcatlon, please explain why:(see Page 3 for addltlonal Information) ,
In the last 12 monthe�hae the Clty o(Eagan(ssued a permlt for a almllar plan baeed on a master plan?
� _Yea No If yes,date and address of master plan:
Llcensed Plumber: Phone:
Mechanlcal Contractor: Phone:
8ewer&Water Contractor: Phone:
i �+� `� ! - c y� .pr. �' :� w � �r 1. w qu, �y.
7f.�J��aFr��c;�:.� �.�d�..a, �A�.�'- � �y` ��.����'�34n��U''�N� Gi� ,r' �i�. ,i��0 .,.ep, i �/,Ot ,���P��l fy,�`i
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CALL BEFOR�YOU pIG. Call Gopher Stale Ono Call at(661)464•0002 for proleGlon agalnst undetground uQllty damege. Catl 48 houre
before you Inlend lo dlg to recelve locates of underground utUltlee. www.aaohereteleonecall.oro
I hereby acknowledge(het thls[nformatlen Is complete and aocurate;thet the wo�k wlll be In contortnance wllh the ordlnancee end codee of the Clty oF
Eegen;thet I understand thls la nol a permlb bul oNy en eppltcetlon for a permlt,and work Is not to atan wlthout a permlt;that lhe work wtll be In
accardance wtth the approved plan In Ihe caee of work whlch requlree a revlew and approval of plans.
Exterlar wark fluthortzed by a butlding parmlt lssued In accordence wlth the Mlnneaofe Steta Bullding Coda must ba completed wlthln 180
days of parmlt 199uance.
X Gµ�e�s �4�r0�2sa�l x �
Appllcant's t'rinted Name � Appticant's Slgnature
Page 1 of 3
City of Eagan Permit Type:Plumbing
Permit Number:EA157914
Date Issued:09/16/2019
Permit Category:ePermit
Site Address: 4128 Durham Ct
Lot:137 Block: 04 Addition: Diffley Commons
Sub Type:Residential
Work Type:Replace
Description:Standard Water Heater
Meter Size Meter Type Manufacturer Serial Number Remote Number Line Size
Comments:Please call Building Inspections at (651) 675-5675 to schedule a final inspection.
Allow an 18" minimum radius clearance to the water meter from all appliances (i.e. furnace, water heater, water softener).
Fee Summary:PL - Permit Fee (WS &/or WH)$59.00 0801.4087
Surcharge-Fixed $1.00 9001.2195
$60.00 Total:
I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State
of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances.
Contractor:Owner:- Applicant -
Susan C Hutchins
4128 Durham Ct
Eagan MN 55122
Tony's Appliance
2090 County Road 42 West
Burnsville MN 55337
(952) 435-2442
Applicant/Permitee: Signature Issued By: Signature
City of Eagan Permit Type:Mechanical
Permit Number:EA175287
Date Issued:03/25/2022
Permit Category:ePermit
Site Address: 4128 Durham Ct
Lot:137 Block: 04 Addition: Diffley Commons
Sub Type:Furnace
Work Type:Replace
Comments:Carbon monoxide detectors are required within 10 feet of all sleeping room openings in residential homes (Minnesota State
Building Code).
Questions regarding electrical permit requirements should be directed to State Electrical Inspector, Pete DeGrood at (507)
Fee Summary:ME - Permit Fee (Replacements)$59.00 0801.4088
Surcharge-Fixed $1.00 9001.2195
$60.00 Total:
I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State
of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances.
Contractor:Owner:- Applicant -
Susan C & Jessa A Hutchins
4128 Durham Ct
Eagan MN 55122
Haley Comfort Systems
3708 Broadway Ave N
Rochester MN 55906
(507) 281-0138
Applicant/Permitee: Signature Issued By: Signature