3463 Chestnut Lane .� ....�._ ��;�.�.:�� .���,�.� � � ����� ��� . � � � �c��% �;� �'�'S�, 1 � ---------_----__ Use BWE or BI.ACK Ink ���3���-- � For OiFice Use ? � . �i.����� � ���� � �lt� 0�E���Il � Pe�,,,t�: JUL 2 9 2014 � PermitFee: � l�� �� � 3830 Pftot Knob Road � Date Received: � Eagan MN 55122 � ! Phone:(651�675-5675 �Y: ______ 1 � Fax:(651 j 675-5884 �� t Staff: i 1 ���:�� ' --� 2014 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Date: � �` � 3ite Address: ���'✓ C���/r�1 fil'! �'�C-� Unit#: Name: �.�°nj�Wr Phone: ��•� - ���/ - JGeE) Resident! Owner � Rddress r c�ty�z;p: �G��5� ��� /��t.�� • �G'� (��;���W . �?�Sf y�/C Applicant is: Owner �Contractor Type 4f WOl'k . Description ofwork: �ew I���a,� ('�tilrur��w ��3_ � a� •�TO���,q-r/ �7'11.�1�J��T70 Construction Cost� Multi-Family Bailding:(Yes,�,J No,�) Company: L i Contact C011tfaCt01' . Address: �C,��,S ���-� V�'. � �t��� City: �+�Ir�Gk�h State:�Zip: 5��tlG Phone: `�����`1g•3t�'��mai�: _ I.icense#: ���� Lead Certificate#: if the project is exempt from tead certif�cation, please explain why: (see Page 3 for additional information) COMPLE?E THtS AREA ONLY IF CONSTRUCTING A NEW BUILDING In the last 12 months,has the City of Eagan issued a permit for a similar plan based on a master plan? �Yes ____No If yes,date and address of master plan: �/v� �'L�''����` ��� Licensed Plumber:_.��r.tOr�l� ��'!�h ral1,'fr,�,' Phone: ���-' �l�/f' ��t�l� Mechanical CantracYor: �� 1� Phone: '} Sewer&Water Contractor: r t P ; c� (7 Phone: GSI'�il�' G j`�� NOTE:Plans and supportrng documents that you:submft�re°consldered to`be pubilc lnformatfon ,Portions of the lnformatian"may be classTffed as non-pubtfc ff you'provlde speclflc reasons that.would perm�t the City tb : - `.conclude thafthe ar`e frade secrefs. CALL BEFORE YOU DIG. Call Gopher8tate One Call at(6S1)454•0002 for proEection against underground utility damage. CaU 48 hours before you intend to dig to receive locates of underground uliliFies. www.gonhers�ateonecatl.ora I here6y acknowledge that this information is complete and accurate;that ihe wark wlil be in conformance wifh the ardinances and codea of the City of Eagan;that I understand thls is not a permit,but onfy an applicafion tor a permit,and work ks not to sta�t wfthout a pennit;that the work will be in accordance with tha approved ptan in the case of work which requires a revtew and approvat of plans. Exterfor work autho�ized by a building permlt issued In accordance wtth the MFnnesota StaYe Buttding Code must be completed within 180 days of permit issuance. x /"'�1 �f/�ti3t�'l x 'l<� _.. �- Applicant's Prtnted Name AppliaanYs 8i Page 1 of 3 ���o� �'�S'�"r��' �-�a�2� � DO NOT WRiTE BELOW THIS i.INE � �� r SUB TYPES _ Foundation � Fireplace _ Porch(3-Season) _ Exterior Aiteratlon(Single Family} � Single Family _ Garage _ Porch(4Season) _ �xterio�Aiteratlon{Mufti) Multi�1 _ Deck ` Porch(ScreenlGazebo/Pergola) _ MisceUaneous � 01 of h Piex ,_ Lower Level _ Pooi _ Accessory Building 7 WORK TYPES � New � fnterior Improvement _ Siding _ Demolish BuiEding* _ Addition � Move Bui[dtng � Rsroof _ Demolish Interior _ Alteration � Flre Repair � Windows _ Demolish Foundation _ Replace � Repair ^ Egress Window _ Water Damage _ Retaining Wall *Demolition of eirtire bullding—give PCA handout to appticant DE3CRIPTION Valuation ��� Occupancy � MCES System Plan Review Code Edifion ����� SAC Units (25%�'!00°l0� Z�ning City Water Censu Code Stories ,a„ Booster Pump #of Units �T Square FeeE �� PRV #of Buildings �_ Length � Fire Sprinklers Type of Construction �_ Width �'' �_ REQUtR�D INSPECTIONS ��ootings(New Building) Meter Size: Footings(Dec[c) � Final!C.O.Required �ootings(Addition} Final/No C.�.Required � Foundatian HVAC_Gas Service Test Gas Line Air Test Roof: Ice&Water Final Pool: Footings Air/Gas Tests _Final � �raming Drain Tile �`"""� ��(replace�Rough In�Air Tes��Final Siding:_Stucco Lath '�Stane Lath Brick � Insulation y Windows — Sheathing Retaining Wa3E:_Footings_Backfilt Final � Sheetrock � Radon Control � Fire Wails � Erosion Contro! � Braced Walis Other: Reviewed By: ��Building Inspecfor �— RESIBaseTFee FEES . , �,� �� U I� �+ �� =°��� l �� � �� Surcharge ` � ���,�y��/' � �'� ,r�� / � � tr't �� Plan Review ��� �� �'� � / MCES SAC City SAC � t.� �^��� � ,���" ,���J � Utility Connection Charge ���'°�" � � S&W Permit 8 Surcharge � ����� Treatment Plant � � �r Copiss TOTAL Page 2 of 3 � �-�"`�l �" New Construction Energy Code Compliance Certificate PerT!I IOLB l3uelding Cerlificate.A bnilding ceAi�cale shall 6e posled in a pennane�dly vfs]bfe location inside Dale Cerlifien�c 1'os1eA tl�e building. The certificate shnll be completed by Q�e builder and shall list information and values of components lisled in Table Nl!01_3. Dlniliag Address of the D�iMling ur Dn•clliog Unit Cily . 3463 CHESTNU7 LANE EAGAN Neme uf Rcsi�eulinl Coalrnelor pIN Liccnsc Yumber THERMAL ENVELOPE RADQN SYSTEM Type:Check All That Apply X passive(No Far�) � � , F ?, ' Achve(FVHh fan and nroxon�eler or � >, ` ather syslem niarilorfng device) ` � � o �, 4. •— � � e� �- ' � ¢ W q e�i V A v 3 ca p . y � C �' � >. Insulation Location � � z � � U p w w � e.T O � `p � b 'b . . p v�i p A � � o � � M F � z i�. 'w` c:. ct. � c: i� Other Please Describe Here Belo�v Entite Slab ::; ! X: Coimdation FVafl X Perimeter oCSFab on Grade �fl iNTERioa Rlm Joist(Foundation) X Rim JoiSt(t`�FI64r+) :' �� INTERIOR : ��all 21 Ceiling,tlaf': ; 44 Cciling,vntdted X ,.. . .. . , Bay Windorvs or cantilevcred arens > !i ; ; : X Ronus room ovcr garagc 38 5 Desc�ibe ot[ier insulated areas':. �ndows&Doors Henting or Cooling bucts Oulside tonditioned S ces - Averagc U-Factor{exck�des sR fighrs and one door)U: 0.28 Not applicable,all ducts located in conditioned sptfce Solar Heat Gain Ccefficient(SHGC): 0.26 r-S R-value MECHANICAL SYSTEMS Make-up Air Seleci a Type Applianees Heatin $ stem Domestic Water Heater Cooling System X Not rec�uired per mcch,codc Fuei T e . : Natural Gas Electria:... Elecfric Passive lY[anaf�eturer Lennox AO Smith L@I1110X Powered Interlocked tivilh eshaust device. Moaei nnL�s3uHOa�xa2ae : 'GPVH50N 13ACX=018-230 Des���be: tnput in aa oao Capacity in 50 Output in ,�5 Olher,describe: .- Rating or 3ize BTU5: � Gallons: Tans: ' Heat Loss: Heat LoCatio�t of duct or system: Structure's Calculated' 35,751: : Ga��. 93,453 ' AI'LIEor SCER: 13 r�srF��� 93 Cnkulated q6,457 CffiefencV coolin�load: Cfnl's PLAN CMS Jefferson �round duct O[t Meehanical Ventilation Sysfem "metnl cluct Describe any addifional or combined heating or cooling sysfems if instnlled:(e.g.bvo furnaees or air Combuation Air Selrct a Tjpe source heat pump with gas back-up fivnaee): X Not required per meeh.code Select Type Passive Heat Recover Ventilator(HRV) CApucity in cfms: Low: Hi ir Oq�er,clescribe: Ene itecovcr Ventilatw(ERV)Capaeity in cfms: Lotv: High: Location of duct or system: X Continuous exh�usting Pan{s)rated capacity in ctins: I fan continous lo���SOcfm Meehanieal Raom LocAtion of fan(s),dascribe: Owners bath,Main Bath Cfin's Capacity continuous ventilation rate in cl'ms: 50 InsulAted Flea Total ventilation{iiriermiUent+continuous)rale in cfms: 18� "metal duc[ Created by BAM version 052U09 Submatt�l Form��or i�e�nr D�oe�Oon�s 7w ��Y�y.s These blank submfttai fiorms and fnstructions are avaflabfe aY the City website and at City Mall. The completed form must 6e submit- ted in duplicate at the:Ytme of aqpGcatlon of a meehanical permit for new con'st�uction. Additional forms may be downloaded and printed at: , Site address � . , u oate 7 a.��/ Contractor j / / Campieted ,/ 1G ✓ C L9 e //cr f BY �`f� Section A ! Ventifation Quantity ! (Determine quantity by using Tabte N1104.2 or Equation 7.2-1) Square feet(Conditfoned area including ��I Basament-flnished orunfinished} J j��� Total requfred ventilation (J(7 Numberaftiedreoms.. . � Continuousventllation ,ja Quecfrons-Determine the tota!and continuous vent!larfan rate by either using Table N1104.2 or equation 21-3. The rable and equatlon are below. Tab(e N1104.2: Total and Continuous Ventilation kates(in cfm) Number of eedrooms � 2 3 4 5 6 Conditioned space(in Total/ Total/ Tatal/ Totai/ Tota1/ Total/ sq ft;j continuous cantinuous continuous cont'rnuous continuous ° cantinuous 1000;15�i0 ` 60/40 75/40 .90/45 105/53 120/6D 135[68 �501 2040 ' 70%40 85[43 100/50� . 215/58 13U/65 145/73. , 200�,'��500 ' ; .SOj4Q 95/A8 ,110/55 125%63 ; 140/Z0 . ` 1S5%78.;.; 2�01�3000 9Q/45 105J�3' ': 120/60 13�/6$ 150/75 165/83 3001'3�00 ' 100/SO ; �115%S8 130/65 145/73 : 160/80 175%gg 3501�4000 , ].10/55 �'. 12S/63 :._ 140/ZO . 155%7� 170/85 185�93 . 40Q�4500 120/60 135/6$ . 150/75 '165/83 .`. 180/90: 195/98 . :.' ` �502,5�00 ': 130/65 145%73 260/80 175/88 19Q/95; 205/1'03 :` `50U1`5�xq6 14Q/70' , 155/78 170/85 185%93 200/lU0 �1$/108 , ;: �SO��;�OQO , 15Q/75 � 165L83 1$0/90. ].95/98 210/105 225/113, , .. .::; ; i: ... :�. �. ���:.' . .. . .. . . . . . ... � � ' `.Equa#��n f 1 1 ' ' (0 02 x square feet of conditloned space)+[15 x(number of b.edroorrts+1J]=7ota1 ventilation rate{cfmy Total ventitation--The rnechanical ventilation system shal!provide suffictent outdoor air fo equa!the total ventilation rate average, for each orre-houF period acto.rding to the above table o.r equation. For heat recovery ventilators(HRV)and energy recovery ventila- tors(ERV)the aVerage hourlyventilatioh capacity musfi be.determined in consideration of any reduction of exheu§t or out outdoor air intake,or both,for defrost or other equipment cycling: Continuous ventilatlon-A minimum of 50 percent of fihe total ventilation raEe,but not less than 40 cfm shall be pravided,on a con- tinuous rate average for each one-hour period. The portion of the mechanicai ventilation system intended to be continuous may have automatic cycfing controls providing the average flow rate for each hour is mef. . G:ISAFE'MJKIVent-makeup-comb afrsubmittal(2).docx Page 1 of 6 '�x t : � r:.y y �,�. . �'1?.���+-� �{-}t �r'��y,��A'� � �f •F� F't3k;� �` .�' '�""A'pr.'�'?" c-.� ";'6 v c - '•':i'r r f.'�°r„�� �`:'.".� � :'�n t �.��r,��..�r�'� :����' �,�yw�'..-���„''�°';rt��:�"E,r�s,�"krr� ��+i� � ��F� x : �d' �.. ft.tj�.+ �+�' . �� r t vti •r �'�`'� .,.�`Y�r� � �, .�� t�(�.`3"i #~��v t a t'� ;c.�.5'r. r+r xf�tt�r.- . ;E�� '��r xst,�v� � r.� z*„ . 4f. }.:fh�,r'��� r .�d't.�k� ��'J.. ,�y�, -Ex?e i .p�r ,f��.•k.l� y�.s' p " ;� �`�Y,yr,�J t-�„%�.,�vy z�+}�'� �:;��.'�{ia���{s"'t'�� � f,�F�j a' � �'�fy� �' '��?�✓. t�x` �,5��Y'3A�,:��'` �..�a `a„,� *�; :a. �s�' r�v� ,s,���+'�'�,�' �)� �•3�,j} �: k� ) l� A3� ' ..?��{�le �k`y� EY�({T} ;'�p<y. 'Uy. ..WX%��,��� �`"T�{�4Ne. i]��� ��N1 .4� ��T��. �� � �j-:t��4�p+�°.Al;�'��:3'�" ..`�e :�:5�� !: t: > }�::.a�3�. n'a -��� �� � :,.�. ,a bt �.� s����3 d�� �.a�i�; k��f� .. � ..��i��. �i'�iy''s" .z�-.1 s a..;4�,. ,.. Sx�S.#a�.�'`3 f � i�}� >:�'?'�r,&., �a i y .,'�s..r., "����� ���' �'�y:'2.,��'��t '�is ,� 3 ..i`�:`��.�.�.�9.'��°. G�'�ayp,. .-8��� �it�;.:���";hi�i �r�ti� .�� ��:''+�' ...,;:� .� .� -:.�� .� �::. t .T...� 2". .�txf.i�'�"S�r,�.n'�''� &a�?�..5�q�j'�'n"D��:..'`'�u.s�,�"a at� ar t Y�k�,x rY e �-��r �.,:i i�-J" . �3`�+�t r. ,�q{:tk3'�a''�yY � .i;�1 ry"Y�rt'':r�r ���3.,:u-�. �i,f .. > { !a.}�y ... e ,.�3 r",� ��`F d P � f j s b y I 4.i '4 2f # � 2> t�t�''�r T I.�sr}{ Y��� � l .. .rc4r .:. :. F b .isaf � 5�r +k�. � x �' t � t S .:t.r x � ii� i.rr ' a i ttar.Cy�`x �t � #,{� _ ' E 1� .� k CRfA`${�� Z'Sr f.:�� I�7.� f F } .'� f r y f..:V�N=s F} S a+ ,��.7 5 ' ' .: - 4 t J-c=i .t f S + � t :r t -rr � � s r ,�� f � r �: 2 �x = f f .� . r Yr ; ' ti`/ 1 � ' . . ' . . . . . . . ' . � ' . . � . . . . . . . � � _ i r: � � Section B .: Ventilation Method ,(thoase either balanced or exhaust oni ) Balanced,HRV(Heat Recovery Ventilator)or ERV(Energy Recov- Exhaust only ery Ventilator}—cfm of unft in low must not exceed continuous venti- Continuous fan rating in cfm latlon raNn b mare than 100%. Low cfm: High cfm: Contlnuous fan reting in cFm(capaeiry must not exceed (' continuous ventflation rating by more than 10096) C;*p.., Directions-Choose[he method of ventilafion,balanced or exhaust only. Balanced ventilation systems are ryplcally NRV or ERV's. Enter the!ow and high cfm amounrs. (.ow c m air flow must be equal to or greater ti►an the required continuous venrllation rare and /ess than 100%greater than the continuous rate.(For Instance,lf the Iow cfm is 40 cfm,the vent!lation fan must not exceed 80 cfm.j Automatic controls may allow the use of a larger fan that is operated a percentage of each hour. Section C Ventilation Fan Schedule Description Location Continuous Intermittent •1-! �a�., F � � .c�� SQ �f� -�Y N '{�i^�n�TF 2 ��1"E�+ �"f� Directions-The ventilarion fan schedule should describe whar the fan)s for, rhe location,cfm,and whether ir is used for continuous or interrnTtYent ventilatfon. The fan thar is chose for continuous ventilation mus[be equal io or greater t'han the low c m air rating and less than 10096 greater than the continuous rate. (For instante,if the!ow cfm is 40 cfm,rhe continuous ventilation fan must not exceed 80 rfm.J Automatic controls may atlow rhe use of a larger fa»that is operated a percentage of each hour. 5ettion D Ventilation Controls Descri6e o eration and control of the continuous and intermittent ventRation) i , Oirections-Descri6e the operation oj the ventilatlon sys[em. There should be adequate detall for plan revfewers and inspeciors ta verijy design ond installation rompifance. Reloted trodes also need adequate detoil for placement of controls and proper operotion af the building ventilation. If exhause fans are used for building ven[ilation,desa�be fhe ope{ation and location of ony controls,lndicators and legends. !f an ERV or HRV is to be instolled,describe how it wil!be insta!led.!f!t wil!be connected end interfoced wtth the air handling equipment p/ease descrfbe such connectians as detalfed in the manufaciures'Installation instructlons.lf the!ns[a!latlon instructians requfre or recommend the equipment to be interlocked with the aFr handling equ/pment for proper operatian,such interconnection shol!be made and described. ' Section E Make-up air Passive (determtned from calculations from Table 5013.1) Powered(determined from calculations from Table SOi.3.1) ' interbcked with exhaust device(determined from calculation from Tahle Sq1.3.1) Other,describe: Location of duct or system ventilation make-up air:Determined from make-up air opening table Cfm Size and type(round,rectangular,flex or rigid) (NR means not required) Page 2 of 6 ���rlsC�^ Directions-ln order to determtne the makeup air,Table 501.3.1 must be filled out(see belowJ. For mosr new installations,column A will be appropriate,however,if atmospherica!!y vented appliances orsolid fuel appliances are 1nsYalled,use the apprapriate column. for exTsting dwel/fngs,see lMCS03.3.3. P/ease note,if the makeup air quantity is negative,no addltional makeup air will be re- quired for ventilation,if the value is positive refer to Ta61e 5013.2 and size[he opening. Transfer the cfm,size of opening and type (round,rectangular,flex or rigid)to the last line of section D. The make-up air supply musr be lnstalled per IMC 501.3.2.3. � Table 501.3.1 PRbCEDURE TO DETERMINE MAKEUP AfR QUANITY FOR EXHAUST EC2UIPMENT IN DWELLINGS (Additiona!combustion air wfll be required for combustion ap liances,see KAIR method for calculations) One or multiple power One or multiple fan- One atmosphericalty vent Multiple atmospherical- vent or di�ect vent ap- assisted appilances and gas or oil appliance or ly vented gas or oil pliances or no combus- power vent or direct vent one satld fuel appfiance appliances or solid fuei tion appliances appliances appliances Calumn C Co�umn D Column A Column 8 1. a}pressure factor �•�'S �•d9 Q.06 0.03 . (cfm/sf) bJ conditioned fioor area(sf�(inc�uding unfinished basements) �'�� E3timated Mouse Infiltratlan(cfm�:[1a x lb] "Z, "� 2.Exhaust tapacity a)contlnuous exhaust-only ventllation system(cfm};{not applicable to ba- �U lanced ventilation systems such as NRVJ b)clothes dryer(cfm) 135 135 135 135 c)80%of largest exhaust�ating(cfm�; Kftchen hood typicaliy (not applicable if recirculating sys[em �,g., or If powered makeup air Is electrically interiocked and match to exhaust) dJ 80%af next largest exhaust rating (cfm); 6ath fan typically Not (not applicable ff recirculating system orif powered.makeup airls electrically Applicable interlacked and matched to exhaust� Total Exhaust Capacity(cfm); [2a+2b+2c+2dJ � gS 3.Makeup Air Quantity(dm) aj tota!exhaust capacity{from above) ��� b}estimated house inftitration(From ��� above Makeup Air Quantity(cfm); (3a—3 b] � (if value is negative,no makeup airls �.� , ' needed) (� 4.For makeup Air Opening Sizing,refer �/ to Tabie 501.4.2 )Y � A_ Use this column ff there are other than fan-assisted or atmospherically vented gas or oil appliance or 1f there are no combustian appliances.(Power vent and direct vent appliances may be used.� B: Use this column if there Is one fan-assisted appliance per ventfng system.(Appliances other than atmospherically vented appiiances may also be in- ctuded.) C. Use this column if there is one atmospherically vented(other than fan-ass(sted)gas or oil apptiance per venting system or one sotid fuel appliance. ' D. Use this column if there are multtple atmospherically vented gas or otl appliances using a cammon vent or if there are atmospherfcally vented gas or oil appliances and solid fuel apptiances. I Page 3 of 6 ����y,���, Matceup Air Opening Table for New and Existing Qwelling Tabte 501.3.2 One or multipfe power �ne or multiple fan- One atmosphertcally Muttiple atmospherically vent,direct vent ap- assisted appliances and vented gas or oil ap- vented gas or oti ap- Duct dl- pUances,or no combus- power vent or direct pliance or one solid fuef pliances or solid fuel ameter tion appliances vent applfances appliance apptEances Column A Column B Column� Column D Passfveopening 1-36 1-22 1-15 �.-9 3 Passiveopening 37-66 23-41 16-28 ;0-17 q Passfveopening 67-109 42-66 29-46 18-28 5 Passive openfng 110-163 67—S00 47—fi9 29—42 6 Passive opening 164—232 101—243 7Q—94 43—61 7 Passiveopenin 233-317 144-195 1�0-135 62-83 g Passiveopenfng 318-419 196-258 136-179 84--110 9 w/motorfzed damper Passiveopening 420-539 259-332 150-230 111-142 10 w/motorized damper Passive opening 540—679 333—419 231—290 143—179 12 w/motorized damper Powered makeup a(r >679 >419 >290 >179 NA Notes: A. An equivaleni length of 100 feet of round smooth metal duct is assumed. Subtract 40 feet for the exterior hood and ken feet far each 90-degree eibow to determine the remalnfng length of struight duct allowable. B. If flexible duct(s used,increase the duct diameter by one Inch. Flexible duct shalt be stretched with minimal sags. Campressed duct shali not be accepted. C. earametrfc dampers are prohibited in passive makeup air openings when any atmospherfcal�y vented appiiance is Installed. D. Powered makeup air shall be etectricaily tnterlocked with the largest exhaust system. Sections F Combustion air � Not required per mechaNcal code(No atmospherfc or power vented appliances� Q��a �' rntc z G/e �,� u��, N«+o'7�e•.! Passive(see IFGC Append(x E,Worksheet E-1) Size and type Other,describe: EXplanation-!f no atmospheric or pawer vented applian�es are installed,check the appropriaYe box,not required. !f a power vented or atmospherically vented appliance instntled,use lFGCAppendix E, Worksheet E-1(see belowJ. Please entersize and type. Combus- tion air veni supplies mus[communicate wlth the oppliance or appliances that require the tornbustion air. Section F calculations follow on the next 2 pages. ,. Page4of6 � e ��'Y.-sor. j i s Pro ect Summar Job: CMS Jefferson B&D Unit "�" WI'Ig�'i�SO� � y Date: July 25,2014 Entire House By: Elander Mechanical Inc. 581 CitaUon Orive,Shakopee,MN 55379 Phone:952-445-A682 Fax:952-445-7487 ! � ^ 0 • For: Notes: � - • e • Weather: Minneapolis-St. Paul, MN, US Win#er Design Conditians Summer Design Conditions Outside db -�5 °F Outside db 88 °F Inside db 70 °F Inside db 70 °F Design TD 85 °F Design TD 18 °F Daily range M Relative humidity 50 % Moisture difference 37 gr/Ib Heating Summary Sens[ble Cooling Equipment l.oad Sizing Structure 28355 Btuh Structure 11493 Btuh Ducts 1125 Btuh Ducts 639 Btuh Central vent(69 cfm) 6272 Btuh Central ven#(69 cfm) 1321 Btuh Humidification 0 Btuh Blower 0 Btuh Piping 0 Btuh _ . Equipment load 35751 Btuh Use manufac#urer's data y Rate/swing multiplier 1.00 Infiltration �quipment sensible load 13453 Btuh Method Simplified Latent Coo[ing Equipment Load Sixing Construction quality Tight Fireplaces 1 (Tight) Structure 1217 Btuh Ducts 117 Btuh Headng Cooling Central vent{69 cfm) 1670 Btuh Area(ft2) 1852 1852 Equipment latent load 30Q4 Btuh Votume(ft') 14816 14816 Air changes/hour 0.14 O.d7 Equipment total load 16457 Btuh Equiv.AVF(cfm) 35 �17 Req. total capacity at 0.70 SHR 1.6 ton Heating Equipment Summary Cooling Equipment Summary MakE Lennox Make Lennox Trade MERIT 90 Trade 13ACX Series-RFC Model ML193UH045XP24B-'` Cond 13ACX-fl1&230-'' AHRI ref 4792930 Coil C33-25*+TDR AHRI ref '!�3'f313 Efficiency 93 AFUE Efficiency 11.9 EER, 13.5 SEER Heating input 440�0 MBtuh Sensible cooling 12950 Btuh Heating output 41�00 Btuh Latent cooling 5550 Btuh 7emperature rise 50 °F Total cooling 18500 Btuh Actual air flow 768 cfm Actual air ffow 617 cfm Air flow factor 0.026 cfm/Btuh Air flow factor 0.051 cfm/Btuh Static pressure 0 in H20 Static pressure 0 in H20 Space thermostat Load sensible heat ratio 0.82 Soldlttallc vaJues have been manualty ove�rldden Calculations approved by ACCA to meet all requirements of Manual J 8th Ed. 201A-Ju1-25 90:t1:17 �C±x WI't��'1�50�' Right-Suita�Universal 2012 12.1.06 R5U73410 Page i AC.C.A ...Heat Losses 20131Lennar Patriol Jefterson B.rop Cak=MJ8 Front Dow taces: N C+�fl1 onenfi Constructions Job: CMS Jefferson B&D Unit � W1�19�'1tS0�� � Date: July 25,2094 Entire House Bv: Elander Mechanical Inc. 591 Cttation Ddve.Shakopee.MN 55379 Phone:952-445-4692 Fax.952-445-7487 ' � - • • For: i - • • � • Locatian: Indoor: Heating Cooling Minneapolis-St. Pau1, MN, US Indoor temperature(°F) 70 70 Elevation: 837 ft Design TD (°F) 85 18 Latitude: 45°N Relafive humidity (%) 50 50 Outdoar: Heating Cooling Moisture difference(gr/ib) 54.5 36.6 Dry bulb(°F) -15 88 Infiltra#ion: Daify range(°F) - 19 ( M ) Method Simplified Wet bulb(°Fj - 71 Canstruction quality Ti ht Wind speed(mph) 15.0 7.5 Fireplaces 1 �Tight) Construction descriptions Or Area U-value Insul R Htg HTM Loss Clg HTM Gain ft' Bluh/rt'-'F f1='F18Wh BIUhM' Btuh BIuMR' Btuh Walis 12F-Osw:Frm wall,vnl ext,r-29 cav ins,1/2"gypsum board inf n 556 0.065 21.0 5.52 3070 1.21 674 fnsh,2"x6"waod frm e 399 0.065 21.0 5.52 22Q7 1.21 484 s 513 O.a65 21.0 5.52 2837 1.21 622 w 422 Q.065 21.0 5.53 2330 1.21 511 all 1890 0.065 21A 5.52 10443 1.21 2291 Partitions (none) Windows 61A:VINYL Insulated Glass Double Hung;N�RC rated e 77 0.280 0 23.$ 1841 29.3 2263 (SHGC=0.26) s 42 0.280 0 23.8 1004 17.1 721 ' w 74 0.280 0 23.8 1769 29.3 2175 ail 194 0.280 D 23.8 4613 26.fi 5159 � I Doors � 11J0:Door,mti tbrgl rype n 20 0.660 6.3 51.0 1�40 17.9 365 I e 19 0.600 6.3 51.0 983 17.9 345 I s 20 D.600 6.3 51.0 1440 17.9 365 � all 60 0.600 6.3 51.0 3063 17.9 1076 Ceilings 16CR-44ad:Attic ceiling,asphalt shingies roof mai,r-44 ceil ins, 1116 0.022 44.0 1.87 2087 0.95 1064 5!8"gypsum bosrd int fnsh Floors 20P-36c:Flr floor,frm flr,12"thkns,carpet pr fnsh,r-5 ext ins,r-38 250 0.036 38.0 2.55 638 0.40 100 cav ins,gar ovr 20P-38v:Flr floor,frm flr,12"thkns,vinyl flr fnsh,r-5 exl ins,r-38 130 0.030 38.0 2.55 332 0.40 52 cav ins,gar ovr 22B-10tpm:Bg ftoor,heavy dry or iight damp sail,on grade depih, 134 0.355 10.0 30.2 4043 0 0 r-10 edge ins 2U14-Ju1-25 10:11:11 „� wrightsoft' Right-Sulle�Universal 2012 12.1.06 RSU13410 Pa�e� .4CCA...Heat Losses 20131Lennaz Aatriot Jetferson B.�up CaM=MJS Froni Ooor taces: N I i I � I � � ,..� _ ! —� M ,^:i . _.._. ..___ — a F-V.. e�- � !n r � � T' N 00 � ��� "-------^•—�— / b � � � :'� � Q Z h � � N � . 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N ,- .-. c,l N r.N � � . . ty � � +-' � o 0 o c ca o 0 0 0 I Q q� ti a,. � � i'� ri �Ii ri �n � +n u°� �n cv � ~�°{ ' � 'E3 >. � � �. �.e 'a X X Y; X X X X x X k � v V C� �t � v V V o Urt± O U} CV (h C"7 M cri c�5 ih C"7 fV Q U AL. tn tn = '*�,.- LOT SURVEY CHECKLIST FOR RESIDENTIAL - ' BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION PROPERlY LEGAL: ���� ���� ;�J t � ��'� Z-� ���l�Y�L�Eil�) �� �a�'` - DATE QF SURVEY: � Z�I� LATEST REVISION: � � c cc , L U Q � O z Q DOCUMENT STANDARDS f� 0 � • Registered Land Surveyor signature and company � p ❑ • Building Permit Applicant �g' ❑ ❑ • Legal description �7i' ❑ 0 • Address �7 ❑ ❑ • North arrow and scale ,c( 0 ❑ • House type (ramb4er,walkout, split w/o, split entry, lookout, etc.) �f ❑ ❑ • Directional drainage arrows with slope/gradient% • � 0 0 • Propased/existing sewer and water services&invert elevation ,@( ❑ ❑ • Street name � 0 ❑ • Driveway(grade&width-in RNV and back of curb, 22' max.} ,d 0 � • Lot Square Footage � 0 D • Lot Coverage ELEVATIONS Existin �1' 0 ❑ • Property comers � ❑ � • Top of curb at the driveway and property line extensions � 0 ❑ • Elevations of any exisfing adjacent homes � ❑ ❑ • Adequate footing depth of structures due to adjacent utility trenches p � ❑ • Waterways (pond, stream, etc.) Proposed , �f � ❑ • Garage floor ❑ � ❑ • Basement floor �J ❑ � • Lowest exposed elevation (walkouUwindow) !d' ❑ 0 • Property corners ,� p ❑ • Front and rear of home at the foundation PONDING AREA (if applicable) ❑ �' � • Easement line 0 ❑ • NWL ❑ �( 0 • HWL ❑ � � • Pond#designation ❑ � 0 • Emergency Overflow E{evation ❑ � �7 • Pond/Wetland buffer delineation Y ,� • Shoreland Zoning Overlay District Y � • Conservation Easements DIMENSIONS �p'` ❑ ❑ • Lot lines/Bearings &dimensions � � ❑ • Right-of-way and street width (to back of curb) fd' 0 � • Proposed home dimensions including any proposed decks, overhangs greater than 2', porches, etc. (i.e. all sfructures requiring permanent footings) � ❑ ❑ • Show all easements of record and any City utilities within those easements � 0 � • Setbacks of proposed structure and sid rd setback of adjacent existing structures � ❑ ❑ • Retaining wall requiremenfs: Reviewed By: 1� Date�S�� G:/FOP.MS/Building PermitApplication Rev.11-26-04 Lot 1 , 2, 3 , Block 2, STONEHAVEN 7TH ADDITION ' according to the recorded plat thereof Dakota County, Minnesota - -� N i� �� Address: 3459, 3461, 3463 Chestnut Lane, Eagan, Minnesota °''� ��\ `� House Model: 1911, 1778, 1911 Elevation: C, C, D � �,0.75 `� Buyer: Inventory , 6.00 , � � i �� � � detail �� � � � \\� not to scale i I i Future i / � � � � � � House i � 1 � Scale: 1" = 20' � � `f i i l 2 � �/ j � ��.,�».�.;-', � Be chmark: � 5 Benchmark: i � � ��� ike ■ I y / Top Nut Hydrant Lot 1 Block 7 I v Ngg°28 49 E 67.0� ele ation - 7.745 � (� Elevation = 888.63 - - - - - - � i �" ( � I I - ..,.,... 893. 885.8 . �SH7.9 � I� � _ ....,... �f-- - - - - - - - gg 1)� ---->r---BaB.4>�----»--888.-2->r-=--�>r--- � 6.2 i I � � � � _.���,. _� _. � . .��w:e ,� ..���.3...r.,,..�.� . o � «. ,u � _ � jo .��, �/,_ � I � i I r �° - - oi i . % � I I � �_3 r20.00_� �aea.a - � - - esa.i _ _ �r^�� � .. .. I" 887.7 `�; 886.2 I x s95.j � i � t � � 36.33 10. 7 i, � I � � � � �6 � � � � �� � I - 0 f i I ; I N o �, , �I I _ _..: x aez.z � �I ;, � °_ °o � -o � ------ ---- o � °o I I a� •- c� --- �^ I . . '. C� iX 888.8 .'�'� 10.001 .N �1""7 i �� � N � II W � . r ►-. � M (/) r7' N� ;�' � O � I ;� � N °' ; � � N° a� � z I �� i�y Q � � �` � • � � i '', �� � pa N � � �� � � � � i � f� °...° � /c� �� a o r � p I J � '�F?' � r' i � �� -� 2 0.0 aes.s �3 6.3 3 v � c 0 I I � ...�,� � X 892.a � "�8 9.0 / 8 8 7.6 8 8 6.6 r � � ��� � �8�9.5 c �20.00 67.C�q� � � '� � � z I t� . � �YJ i �� � , � �, , �, .. -�,, �� � , � !� N , � o ..... I /� o L � /i O I'7/ � °aa;i � '� 886.5 � � I .. .. I-- I CD I } a I pp i � � � i 00 �` � r � � I . �� I pp I ���O a I `- i O cp � `--- � ��v p a� ` � �L I ........ � d- i N I ...... �00 � N� I N � �--- E_OO _� ,�-I r,,� o o ; r� � cn --�� s �., '"� I U � - I I` aEi ° .., i / � � ...... I �/\ o I d i N L .7 5 � 895 3 ..�... �, �9 � _� � i a� I i. O� � \--- I �� � , ,; ,, ,o.00 /�, , � f��� �y _ X: 889.3 � r '�� ���,I - i x�I '� '; � eea.a 36.33 e .� 6.00 88d4 '� �ER[ ET oqe � ... 891.9 � 869 1� � 887.3 A � i � = I20.00 7.1, 0 \887.4 . 886.9 � �I � 0 ... I a� i-. ; � J`/� �/ ��, o r .... � � � ° I N ; O/ d' o� � 886.8 � �---I � ' � 'D i � a� I O i I ', O o I � Ov0 O M O �� (� � � � a_o � O � I ` I� .� O � � � z � � �j o � �� � o �. �N�, N s � I I ------- ----- I � � I o O t'7 N� � (n `--- � �"� .3 � I � ,...:.; I i � �� I � Q - . . . I i 5 I 10.00 // -- 3�.7 ----- � � I � i � 1.aaa., 20.00 /,36.33 ; 10. 7 ea�.s I --L------ - - 891.6 I 887.2 I asa.sX� I � o � aee s aa�.� o .\ I i o I `°I i . �� � � � ��: � n � � �� n�u��w>•:�.�m�,�. \ � .....�.;. � - � 887.3 �- � 890.5 887.4 \ � \ i � (887.8) I 95.5 ' � N89°28'49"E 67.00 Benchmark: � I i � top of spike I ......... 888.6 I r._ �(,887.9 ----------------- elevation = $87.61 � � �-. I � (885 ) � � j Proposed �a�o I eas.a � � t � i House �o�0 25 I `� i Staked � I I � I I. I ' i i X 887.5 X 887.1 X 000.00 Denotes existing elevation Lot 1: Lot 2: Lot 3: ( 000.00 ) Denot � Lot area =2814 SF Lot area =2144 SF Lot area =2814 SF � Denot r r, � House area =1063 SF House area =1087 SF House area =1063 SF 0 Denot s � �-���-3 � Porch area = Porch area =75 SF Porch area = �y „� � Patio area =120 SF Patio area =120 SF Patio area =120 SF � ---����-�-----� Sidewalk areo =136 SF Sidewalk orea =30 SF Sidewolk area =136 SF t?ate Driveway area =150 SF Driveway area =150 SF Driveway area =150 SF Total Impervious Area =1469 SF Total Impervious Area =1462 SF Total Impervious Area =1469 SF E�AGAI�t ENGI1�iEEF.iNG t;:,:,i�r��'; Impervious Coverage =52.2% Impervious Coverage =68.2% Impervious Coverage =52.2% Construction Notes: House elevations �Proposed� / As-built 1. Install rock construction entrance. 2. Install silt fence as needed for erosion control. Top of Slab Elev. =(889•7) � 3. Sidewalks shall drain away from house a minimum of 1.0%. Garage Slab Elev. � Door ��889•4� � 4. Contractor must verify driveway design. 5. Contractor must verify service elevation prior to construction. 6. Add or remove foundation ledge as required. We hereby certify to Lennar Corporation that this General Notes: survey, plan or report was prepared by me or under 1. Grading plan by Pioneer Engineering last dated 8�6/13 was used to determine proposed my direct supervision and that I am a duly licensed elevations shown herein. Land Surveyor under the laws of the State of 2. This survey does not purport to show improvements or encroachments, except as shown, as Minnesota, dated 07/02�14. surveyed by me or under my direct supervision. 3. Proposed building dimensions shown are for horizontal location of structures on the lot only. Signed: Pioneer Engineering, P.A. Contact builder prior to construction for opproved construction plans. � 4. No specific soils investigation hos been performed on this lot by the surveyor. The suitability � of soils to support the specific house proposed is not the responsibility of the surveyor. BY� ��t. 5. This certificate does not purport to show easements other than those shown on the recorded Peter J. Hawkinson, Professional Land Surveyor plat. Minnesota License No. 42299 6. Bearings shown are based on an assumed datum. email-phawkinson�pioneereng.com iz������,�,s: � 1.)07-0R-14Srakc[3uilding Certi�cate of Survey for: PI a,NEERen�ineerin� Lennar Corporation CIVIL�NGWtt@RS LANDPLANNI:RS LANUSURVLI'ORS LANDSCAPHARCHI7'HCTS Ph.:(651)681-1914 16305�6th Ave N Stc#600 2422 Enteiprise Drive � Pax:(6_51)681-948�i Projcct tk: 114103000 Piymouth,MN 55446-4270 Mendot�i I-leights,MN 551�0 www.pioneereng.com Folder#: 7636 Drawn Uy: TSS 1'hone:(952)249-3000/Fax:(952)404-190) , i tl�e BlilE or BLA�tf ink _ ___ _-__�,��_�°_� �l�or!�f#af tlse � � � t , � a �� , ���,��: � ?s� # Y �� t�� �� a� ���s �� ; ��z.��: °� , � � � � �� ; � ����������������� } Esgsn�IN s5122 i ��ce Receiv�i � Pt►ane:(6�51)815-567s : } Fax.(fs51�675=S69d 6 Sta�: : !_.�__�._�.___r __.»._.+ 2�114�FIFtE SUPl�RESSIC3�1 SYSTEMa P�RMiT A�'Pt1GATlO�l� _ � � •w- ''-`� � -�(�-1�s�ta ndar�s�, `�; �} �...1��'S'�"��ST" �..�a tv+�. �� ��-:�.,��.� ��a�; � - �e���,c; su�c�e�. # �ame.,�.��.ha�.1�-�r°� ��1-�i�:� Pr,car�e: �t����4�t-�t�`iC� �. � iar Iic:�C,�`a �� �`a� `�t� �c.=% 1��,.�trMVs�t�a �-'1'tv Pr�p�t�1t��� �adre�s r��r�:z���,�, APPl�cant>s: rJw�ser � Contracta► � � t3ssc+��t�onc°wc�ck �'v�J'� t� }� �s�C�.. �i'`�.d*J't�.L� �'+��`�!M . { �Yi��f VYbrk � _ �- � G�nstruction�os°.; Est;€r.����C:�m�etxaro t7ate: �- � ' �`� �1ame� ��K G �v P�'��.SSt�t�a �d:�,v r t..E'a ��cesasa#: �_-1''�� r Adtlrass' tittt� 1Nt1..§.{'.z'f�'.�A�, �t�-� ��.: ��t�: �� ti- „t,�a� � �lft�lf T s�ate. �""�+'� Z�� ��a ���t� ����±e: tL},�-�„�i-7-�'>��t 4��:; � � GaniAGt; �r+`":�c.'�-� ��-'���sr.'�. Emard. � F��� PERM13 TYPE W R1�C TYPE � � S�r,n�cier SysBe�(�of heazlS,M.} ,,��*�'% Addititxt � � F-�?,;m;� �.,_Standpcpa h;i:e�a�zacas �,Remadet � � � F �.1���' � vtf��r: ; D�SClRlPI`�ON OF WQRK; �C�?m.r°�ercta� �Res+�ent�a; �Ed�catianai � �EES Gon#ract Yalue� .�a�-�''�` x.U1 � 355.00 Pgrmi#F�,�M�simum �� ri,=��;,�:..wr> Perm€t�e� ; 'i'eesnVac#vafua�s:.ESS ih�n�tf�,�t�.S�r�?arge=S�.�G .•�t contractva{ue>s��EA��R thar,SiC�<v';�. Susc�arge=Cerntraci Vaiue x$G.�G'�� :� .�.;:� -' �' surchar��" � ,.,if i?���r�e�t va,#uetian�s o�.�i Si r,�;11+��.please��if��5urc��r�e �� �� r � ,�'a Tt3?AL F�E ;:����D3s�.iac��zent�ire Meter-��6G,t}�} -� �s�e�#etet _� r.,�w{ '���`� ��TAt,FE� ,#R�qtlireiTtBatta:2 G4tK1{ilAt�$@i8 O#dYAWit1Q3 dl�d S�Ci}i6,8ttOt3S,Ctt�Sh6at�Cn matA�fa18 8t1d Ct!l19pG�f@f4l�t0 bi�tiiRd ��: a- :�-ha�a Fa�e Supp�ess�rm S�s�sm gerrnrt anc;ac�s�tedg$that the,r+'�at�r�=� +���tate and ac�r�e:thaE ii�e w+�rfc un�Ce cct u..'.`:r�'t'Fc3?�C8 A°i�`f4 JS�C 4�ds173f1CR�5 r�ttd CO��S�(th�.."'.tiy Gf�3�a�1 F+?1d w€th#!1@ Mrr�SS{R32 9uE,�».. 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PERMIT City of Eagan Permit Type:Plumbing Permit Number:EA129301 Date Issued:01/28/2015 Permit Category:ePermit Site Address: 3463 Chestnut Lane Lot:3 Block: 2 Addition: Stonehaven 7th PID:10-72706-02-030 Use: Description: Sub Type:Residential Work Type:Replace Description:Water Softener Meter Size Meter Type Manufacturer Serial Number Remote Number Line Size Comments:Please call Building Inspections at (651) 675-5675 to schedule a final inspection. Applicant: Steve Cuddihy 8201 Old Central Ave Spring Lake Park, MN 55432 Fee Summary:PL - Permit Fee (WS &/or WH)$55.00 0801.4087 Surcharge-Fixed $5.00 9001.2195 $60.00 Total: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Contractor:Owner:- Applicant - Us Home Corporation 16305 36th Ave N Ste 600 Minneapolis MN 55446 Water Doctors Water Treatment Company 8201 Old Central Ave, Suite F & G Spring Lake Park MN 55432 (763) 535-1800 Applicant/Permitee: Signature Issued By: Signature , , City of���a� Address: 3463 Chestnut Lane Permit#: 125915 The following items were/were not completed at the Final Inspection on: ,�1��, �.3� ��'- , � o ,�� � ■ , '��a�`�a.��.�: f'� �. �y. �ri���Q�i�+"�t" �i i 7�" . IIp�N��i1�����'y��1'�5f��. i�iiA������` �'bk� W �i'��,������� �u�'A��� �'�"�r�lGN�..�, - 3S ��'�� p Final grade - 6"from siding �, � Permanent steps- Garage ��l�- Permanent steps- Main Entry jJ J�-- Permanent Driveway �- �J+'�'-�►� Permanent Gas � Retaining Wall or 3:1 Max Slope �� Sod / eeded Lawn / � Trail / Curb D�mage � Porch���� ''' � ��� Lower Level Finish , I c Deck � � Fireplace � � ��,c,� c �vt� � Verify with your builder that roof test caps from the plumbing system have been removed. • Turn off water supply to the outside lawn faucets before freeze potential exists. • Call the Engineering Department at (651) 675-5646 prior to working in the right-of-way or installing an irrigation system. � Building Inspector: � G:\Building Inspections\FORMS\Checklists PERMIT City of Eagan Permit Type:Plumbing Permit Number:EA175285 Date Issued:03/25/2022 Permit Category:ePermit Site Address: 3463 Chestnut Lane Lot:3 Block: 2 Addition: Stonehaven 7th PID:10-72706-02-030 Use: Description: Sub Type:Water Heater Work Type:Replace Description:Standard Water Heater Meter Size Meter Type Manufacturer Serial Number Remote Number Line Size Comments:Carbon monoxide detectors are required within 10 feet of all sleeping room openings in residential homes (Minnesota State Building Code). Please call Building Inspections at (651) 675-5675 to schedule a final inspection. Fee Summary:PL - Permit Fee (WS &/or WH)$59.00 0801.4087 Surcharge-Fixed $1.00 9001.2195 $60.00 Total: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Contractor:Owner:- Applicant - Aravindan Balakrishnan 3463 Chestnut Ln Eagan MN 55123 (651) 600-4333 Clearwater Plumbing & Heating 19260 Mushtown Rd Prior Lake MN 55372 (952) 440-3779 Applicant/Permitee: Signature Issued By: Signature