3469 Chestnut Lane _ °�'� ����'� , �°��� � a° � �. l � � � �°`s _ � �� �� �� Use BLUE or BLACK Ink �----------------__ �(����� � For OtNce Use � ' � � �� i � �C��y of�a��fl ; p���r#: JUL 2 9 2014 � --�-� � � � Pecmit Fee: 7 � 3830 Pitot Knob Road Eagan MN 55422 ,� �Y: � _., j Date Received: j Phone:(651►675-5675 � U� 1 � Fax:(651)f75-.5684�� �� i StaH: ` I�����.������������J 2014 RESIDENTIAL BUlLDING PERMIT APPLICATION Date: � < L SiteAddress: �l�� C-��d�s� f'¢"L Unit#: ` Name:��4iT Phone: �S� ` .��% - 3f;t;11 ResidenU owner:' � Aaa��ss�c,ty�zp: )�3US� ��� /��i. . S��E� (�; �T a� . �??l�/S,SyyC Applicant is: Owner �Contractor Type of WoYk, p0scription of work: IFw �k�jnu+ �rrrU�Ut�iw �O j (o �Li� o�l. �TTJ��I �T,�/ �D� _ Construction Cost: Mufti-Family Building:{Yes�I No,�) ' Company: V�JJt)q� Contact: Contractor ; aaa�eSB: 1G�U5 ��`�-� Au�. � ,. Sw�l� c;ty: ��t1,���,�11� Stafa:�Zip: l ��1/G Phone: `�.5�-�i1`�'���'�Email: _ �.icense#: I�113 Lead Certiffcate#: If the project is exempt from Eead certification, please expfain why:(see Page 3 for additionai information) COMPLETE THIS AREA ONLY IF CONSTRUCTING A NEW BUILDING In the last 12 months,has the City of Eagan issued a permit for a simllar plan based on a master plan? �es „_,�No If yes,date and address of master plan: ��l�� ��'/�/x��'I' �'�-( � � � LicensedPlumber: C�c�4t�(� 11p�an,'tyr Phone: 7��-' Lj�II�' `�t��� II Mechanical Canlractar: �� t� Pfiane: Sewer 8 Water Contractor: r � ? ; q. (�� Phone: �����+tlE- C j`j� NOTE:P/ans and supporting,documenfs that you,submlt�re consld�red to�e publlc fnformaffon.:Portlons,of fhe informatfon"may be classifted as non-public If you provide specffic reasons fhaf wouid,perrnit the Gity ta - conalude thafthe ar`e frade secrets. `` CALL BEFORE YOU DIG. Cali Oopher 3tate One Call at(651�454-0002 for profection against underground utility damage. Call d8 hours before you intend to dig to receive locates of underground ulUities. www.aooherstateonecall.ora I hereby acknowledge that this information is complete and acaurate;that the work wtil be in conformance with fhe ordinances arn!codes of the City of Eagan;that I understand ihis is noi a permit,but only an application for a permit,and work Es not to start without a psrmit;that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in ihe case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. Exierfor work authoHzed by a buflding permit{ssued In accordance wtth the Mtnnesota State Buiiding Code must be compteted wtfhin 180 days of permit issuance. x ���1 ���.)�,�� x —'" . Applicant's Printed Name Appl nYs Si „ re � Page 1 of 3 ���� C.��j'IhrJ� �'�,tiJL DO NOT WR17E BELOW THIS�INE � ����� SUB TYPES _ Foundation _ Fireplace _ Porch{3-Season) _ Exterior Atteration(Single Family} ! Single Family _ Garage _ Porch(4Season) _ �xterior Alteration(Multi) Multi Deck Parch(ScreenlGazebolPergola) _ Miscellaneous � 01 of�Plex � Lower Level _ Pool _ Accessory Building WORK TYPES I New Interior Improvement � Siding _ �emolish Bui{ding* ', _ Addition � Move Building Reroof Qemolish Interior �I _ Alteration _ Fire Repafr _ Windows _ Demolish Foundatian li _ Replace � Repair _ Egress Window ^ Watec Damage _ Retaining Wal) •Oemolition of entlre bullding—giva PCA handaut to applicant I DESCRIPTION Valuation '� Occupancy � �6��� MCES System Plan Review Coda EdiEion ���� SAC Units (25%-�100%_} Zoning � City Water Censu�Code Stories Booster Pump #of Units � Square Feet � PRV #of Buildings �_ Length � Fire Sprinkiers Type of Constructian �/�►., Width �` � �1— REQUtR�D INSPECTIONS � Footings(New Building) Meter Size: FooEings(Deck) � Final/C.O. Required Footings(Addition} Finat f No C.O.Reqaired � Foundation HVAC_Gas Service Test Gas LEne Air Test Roof:_Ice&Water _Finai Pool: Footings _Air/Gas Tests _Final � Pramtng Drain Tile �„ Ftreptace:�Rough In �Air Test �Final Siding:_Stucco Lath �„Stone Lath _Brick `� Insulation Windows � Sheathing Retaining Walt:,_Footings_Backfil!_Final � Sheetrock � Radon Control � Fire Walls � Erosion Control Braced Walls Qther: Reviewed By: �� ,Buildtng Inspector RESID�NTIAL FEES � �:�� ( ,��� � �, ` q � � `' �'"� ��,� Base Fee f '� ��' `��„� �� �' ,� � � � � Surcharge � � � PlanReview ��..�� � ���- � � am �� �`_ �''� � 7��g �� MCES SAC � � � �� � � � Gity SAC � � � �°°# �'�� � Utility Connection Charge �'`��`���,,, ��� � � � �� � { i � �-� ` S&W Permit 8�Surcharge �._, Treatment Plant ���s�' � � �. �{ � �,� � Copies f�� �� �'L� �� `°} � "°" `� TOTAL ��,�'�'`` � { ,�'%���' (�� �, � � �a�e�,p(3 E � � �� vzl New Cvnstruction �nergy Code Compliance Certificate 1'cr N1 l01,8 liuilding CeAificute.A building certificale s6a11 be posfed in a pennancntly�ysible locatian iuside Dn�e Ccrtificate PoslcJ the buildiug. 71ie ceriificate sl�all be contipleted by the buildtx and sFmll 2ist infonna�ion and values oC wmponents lisled in Table NI I01.8, SlnilinE Addreu oC tl�c�irclliug or Pi+�Aling Unit Ci�y 3469 CHESTNUT LANE EAGAN Neme of Residentia[Contractor � pIN Lice�uc NumLer � THERMAL ENVELOPE ttADON SYSTEM Type:Check Ail That Apply X Passive(No Fun) w o �, � � �, Active(iyilh fan and nronot�reter.or F" � >, nther sysieni�uonilnring device). ., i0 U � � � � O' ,°, a o � V u a 'D � ¢ L"� C1 a�i V � ? a, Insulation Location � � z � � U �' �'' u} y � �� o a+ �, � e�'i ;o ;o m .. � � v � � � h � z w E�—,. c° c.-° � ix � Other Please pescribe Here Bclow Entire Stab:; ` X - r0ultd9tl0t1�Vall X INTERIOR Pcrimeter of Slnb on Gradc .: �Q . Rim Joist(Found�tion) X iN7ERI0R Rim.�o�sc ci°'.r�oor+).; 10 �Nr�woR ' �vAu 2� Ceiling,flaf>. ¢� ' , Cciling,veulted )( I BAy Win�fows or cantilevered arens 3$ ;: I Bonus room ovcr garagc 38 1 U 5 � DescrIbe othcr insulAtc�l areas':` i ,:: ,. , Windows&Doors HeaRng or Cooling Ducfs Ou�side Conditionsd Spaces A.veraee U-Factor exchrdes s l! hts nnd ave door . ( U' 0.28 Not a licable aU duc 1 k1' S ) pp ts ocated m conditwned space Solar Heat Guin Coefticient(SI-[GC}: 0.26 r-8 R-value MECHANICAL SYSTEMS Make-up Air Selecr a Type A liances Heating 5ystem �mnesGc Water Heater CooEiog System X Not required per mech.code ��eiTypG . Naturaf Gas Etectric Electric Pass��e n�a�uracrurc�• Lennox AO Smith Lennox �o�v�red Inlerlocked with exhaust device. i�4odc1 ML193UH045XP24B i ',GPVH50N 1$ACX-018-230 Describa: In�xit in 44 Q00 Capacity in So Output in � 5 Other,describe: � Rating or Size BTUS: � Gallons: Tons: ' Heat Loss: Heat Loaation of duet or system: Structure's Calculated 36,563 .' Gsin; '13,894 ` AFUE or SEER: 13 HSPF�i 93 Ca[culated ,�7'�88 Encienc� coolin 1oad: Cfm's PLAN CMS Madison °round duct OR Meehanieal Veneilptian System "metal duct Describe any additionat or combined heating or cooling systems if installed:(e.g.hvo fumaces or air Cambustion Air Seleci n 7"yp¢ source heat pump�vith gas back-up furnace); X' l�lot required per mech.code Selecl Type Passive Heal Recover Ventilator(HR� Ca aci in cfms: Lotiv: High: Other,describe: C•nergy Recovar Ventilator{ERV)Capacity in cfms: Lo���; High; toe�tion o1'duct or system: X ContintEOUS exliausting fan(s)rated ca acity in cfins: t Pan cont lo�v SOcfm Meehaniea[Room Location of fan(s),describe: Owners bath,Main Bath CCm's Ca acit continuous ventilation rate in cfms: 50 Insulated f lex Totnl ventilation(intermittent+coittinuous)rate in cfms: I$5 °metal duct Created by 8AM version 052009 •.,�'--^_— --':'1 ■v�`ar�ti.�.a�r �ea[a� \.V!���NidJ{�iV1Y /'YII ,drC��(.u1P.�����r� ` Submittai Forrn For New DweUings These biank submittal forms and instructions are available at the City�websike and at City HatL The completed form must be submit- ted in dupflcate aY the:time pf,applicaUon;of a mechanica(permit for new const�uction. Additionai farms may be downloaded and p�inYed at: Sfte address � l{b� ,� r S'�'i�� ,,�„� oate "7_Z�'.../t� Contrattor Campteted n �lz , .: G.�....�� BY Jc�� � Section A Ventilation Quantity (Determine quantity by using Table N3104.2 pr Equation 11-i) Square feet(Conditioned area Inctuding i ry easertient—flnfshedorunfinished) t�71� Totalrequiredventilatfon IL3U Number of bedrooms v Continuous ventilation �� DirecEions=Determine the tota!and confinuous venFilation rate by either usJng TabJe IV1104.2 or equafian 11-1. The tabte and equation are below. Ta61e N11D4.2 Total and Continuous Ventilation Rates(tn cfm) Number of Bedrooms 1 2 3 4 5 6 Conditianed space(in Total/ Total/ Totei/ 1'otal/ Totat{ Totalj sq•ft'1 continuous continuous continuous continuous continuous ' conYinuous 1Q00 1500i. 60/40_ 75/40 .90/45 105/53 120/60 135/68 1501 20Q0 :' , 70%4Q 85/43 100/5Q 115/58 130/65 I45/73 2U01 2500 .' 8U/40 . 95/48 ; 110/55 . 125/63 140/70 1S5(78 . 2501 300Q,;,: 9Q[45 105%53 12p/.6�f. 135/6$ 1S0/75 16S/83 300`i 3500 ' 100/50, 115%58 130/65 145/73 16Q/80 175[$8 ; 35014000 :: 110/55. 125J¢3 1q0/70 255/78°�,'-:.. 170/85 185J93 ; 4U01-450b .: 12U/60 135/6$ , 150J75 165/83 ' ° 180/90 195/48 45Q1�SOOp . 130/65 145/73. 160/80 175/88 190/95 205/203 ± 5001=5500 14U[70: 155/78 170/8.5 185/93 2U0/100 215/108 ' 5501-6000 ` 150j75 . 265/83 180[90 7.95/98 2i0/105 225/113 ` Equation 11-1:: . ' (0 OZ�'square feet of condiNoned space)+[I5 x(number of bedrooms+la]=Total ventilaCion rate(cfmj Tota!yentilation—The mechanical ventilation system shall provide sufficient outdoor air to equal the total ventilation rate average, for each one-hour period according to#he abo�e ta61e or equation. For heat recovery ventilators(NRV�and energy recavery ventila- tors(ER1n the average hourly ventilatian capacity must be determined in consideration of any reduction of exhaust or out outdoar air intake,or both,for defrost or other equipment cycling. Continuaus ventilation-A minimum of 5q percent of the tota)ventitation rate,but not less than 40 cfm,,shall be provided,on a con- tinuous rate average for each one-hour period. The portion of the mechanical ventilation system intended to be continuous may have autamatic cycling controls praviding the average flow rate for each hour is met. • G:ISAFETY1JiCNent-makeup-comb air submittal(2).doc�c pag�1 of 6 �''�{��t f�'r ..! �,t '}r'..trz�.a*� 2 +'7'`„r � .a s,- �.J�r' p'Z�. � .. : � . �L it. .R^ � ti' �Y�f�S�S '.�! p�,�`f�� I -..�°`Sr.",� }+'� ,A����yL'}� ..7a�� `^;-t°'k��` �7'����..� r��9Ff.�r. � f. :�,i:: .C.�...�..,�*�^� d #:� :... . 4 6.K- �—.�:'��` .� ..�i K�s..��;.^Y. „m"uS"'r5�r'.�.tYY�'i2 4� .::�Si3O.s..�`�3�� .t. .i.. �5�''�rYtT}E y�.€'�{�'e i'Y��i s��_�#Y f��,.�;Hs£ "�t 'Yyf:• .:i�.. - . x.,r.4�, fz.l..r•<t.?C e�a'.�k:..r�"�'Jr . a -�,5....''��*"ux;*<x .c�:.�r 9:.�s,i. 'S•v, ..,',.YN�'^f� .,x..#z x�Ddfx. �.v� .�., r"'..+:-1 �+'%'e`'T-z; hs.-.t�#r`S,.�.r tt:x? .� .�.sr n.+�,.. .,lr��-cr�. .. ,.ue :�.,:..�'is '�¢ `a'.� T�:�r� . �.i.�>"-'�!.�!z,� .�r�� p , >.�k,,,f'� .- �a;�3xcF �!��rR.a °� iz..,'�,s� „� -.A��.�{�.r.a,,��' .��",`.. .� �"s?'_r,g���.{.�., ;a .�v .,,:�.;r;t's�. � �,� •T .�s � r �4 .:e x t-�'.� �s. ���� �� r a 3 � v_� d su�.r,n z�. �� ;r;a "'� �x',&¢,' s .;t��;:,r '•a asr 3r Fz ��',� � .� a- �� � ����!' � z� � n�-., 1'}}�x�_��aa,,,ct � �,.�1a. 1�t, r..-,, r r c-� #�, � 4"�ns�"� ?�Fr. . k�,' .a,ay.��s.. S w;;l� x .�7`k'�4�y-�"I� '� . x},,:����:-M:. � ��M-g�?x�����, . s�� 4 �x���l�f+ : "�:.?7 '� �..,.�s"'s7'�ri.�.�.r� a �.2��'j ��% � sf. �:#'.. ,d'��� .$s. ;i," ..�,. �Z� �'�"-.� �r n lY�_U.�s� j�r ..r:s,r .t;#�s��';� ��.���r r�S��fr� .�.t:tp �f"f� �}r-a>9. ,',�t��F 5 +Y�,�.zl k �z.�„.. � .��att�:� ft��7r�H. �� S °"�j.; .'�. .�, � G;a�::1 �.�. T ett s. �,sY;, �����;�� , cX'sri� , >�..Yr� ,[4... ��i F✓c .5 ✓:t: '',"�,.�,�.� �§ r"AS..t�"�'�i ii;S�.t 3x y'.���Ay��:?:�"�-+��;x .;��� _.; � s:. � r' ''rh.�� C�r ��' e�f�xx Ina� t t .. � .�!. ,� �, �, '#Y'y � 4rstytedr.�.. w �� 1 � lr� .5� � � h .3 �'�` ix* Y cSxA � �r S�r� ! .r t�" .�t � -J 1 `4 �j� la. S e 5 � u.�"2�� ..� . :w�,b'a :� : v �x�� � p�.y�: f .tl j .r� n � x .. � } -j � ...<3 t �1 � y`�'� ,c-.` '�t i��:'i��� r k + ! �.y : � },+ f�' f 1 :.t S ).� a /l'f J � >2�� t :.y��'� t � ; ; > s a,� >:�.{ t i E:- � i +�� t � •y�s 'i 3:. i ' < `��1 ; , , . ,. a ,? ,.. „ .. . _ ., . ,, .. .... .. _ r,. i . 1 , Section B „ . . Ventilation Method (Choose either balanced or exhaust on1y) ❑Balanced,NRV(Neat Recovery Ventilatorj o�ERV{Energy Recov- Exhaust only ery Ventilator)—cfm of unit in low must not exceed continuous venti- Continuous fan rating in cfm lation reting by more than 100%. Low cfm: High cfm: Continuous fan rating 1n cfm(capacity must not exceed �. continuous ventilatfon rating by more than 10096) ✓����„ Directions-Choose the method of ventilation,balanced or exhaust only. Balanced vent�ilation systems are typkally HRV or ERV's, Enter the!ow and hJgh cfm amaunts. Low c m alr flow must be equa!to or greater than[he required conifnuous ventilation raie and less than 100%grea[er than the continuous rate.(For insYance,if fhe!ow cfm is 40 cfm,the ventilation fan must not exceed 80 cfm.) Automatic controls may ollow the use of u larger fan rhat is operat�ed a percenrage of each hour. Sectian C Ventilation Fan Schedule Description Location Continuous Intermittent �1 �! �';� {.� S� � ATf! i• r�.- .MN ufl�} Directians-The ventilation fan schedule should describe what the fan is for,the locatton,cfm,and whether ft is used for cont►nuous I or intermittent ventilation. The fan that is chose far continuous veniilation must be equai to or greater than the!ow m air rating and less than 100%greater than the contlnuous rate. (For instance,if the low cfm is 40 cfm,the continuous ventilation fan must not exceed 80 cfm.J Automatic controts may allow the use of a targer fan that is operated a percentage of each hour. Section D Ventilation Cantrols (Descri6e o eraCion and controf of the cont(nuous and intermittent ventllation � ,� Ofrections-Describe the operation of the ventllation system. There should be adequate detai!for plan revJewers ond inspectors to verify design and Instollation cdmpiiance. Related trades also need udequote detoi!for placement of controls and properoperaNan of the buildfng ventilation. IJ exhaust fans are used far buflding venfilatlon,descrfbe the operation and locafion of any conirols,indfcntors and legends. !f an ERV or HRV is to be insto!led,descrlbe how it wfll be installed.If it w1116e connected and interjaced with the uir handling equipment,please descr/be such connectJons as detailed Ir+fhe manujactures'installatfon instructions.ljthe Insto!lation Instructions requfre or recommend tbe equipment to be intertocked with the air handling equipment for proper operatior,such Interconnedion shall be made and described. Section E Make-up air Passive (determined from calculations from Table 501.3.1) Powered(determined from calculations from Table 501.3.1) ' lnterlocked with exhaust device(determined from catculatfon from Table 501,3.1� Other,describe: LoCdtlon 4f dUtt Q�5ystem v2tl#I�atioll make-Up 21�:Determined from make-up air opening tahle �m Size and type(round,rectangular,flex or rigid) (NR means not required) Page2of6 �1��a,s e?`� Directions-In order ro deYermine t/�e makeup air,Table 501.3.1 must be filied out(see below). Far mast new installations,co/umn A wil!be oppropriate,however,if atmosphe�ically vent'ed appliantes orsolid fue!appliances are installed,use the oppropriate column. For existing dwellings,see lMCSOY.33. Please note,lf tfie makeup air quoniity is negative,no additiona!makeup air wii!be re- quired for ventilation,rf the value is positive refer to Tab1e 501.3.2 and size the apening. Transfer the cfm,size af opening and type (round,rectangular,flex or rigid)to the last line of section D. The make-up air supply must be insro!!ed per/MC 502.3.2.3. Table 501..3.1 PROCEDURE'f0 DETERMINE MAKEUP AIR QUANtTY FOR EXHAUST EQUIPMENT IN DWELLINGS (Additionat combustion air will be required for combustion a pliances,see KAIR method for calculations) One or multiple power pne or multiple fan- One atmosphericalfy vent MulClple atmospherical- vent or direct vent ap- assisted appliances and gas or oil appliance or ly vented gas or oil piiattces or no combus- power vent or direct vent one solid fuel appfiance appliances or solid fuef t(on appiiances appllances applianres Column C Column D Column A Colum�B �� 1. I a)pressure factor 0.15 0.09 0.06 0.03 . I {cfm/sf) ' bj conditioned fioor area(sf)(inc�uding I, unfinished basements �j E3timated House Inflitration(cfm):[la � x lb] 2.Exhaust Capaclty a)continuous exhaust-only ventifation system(cfm);(not applicabie to ba- �b lanced ventilation systems such as HRVJ b}clothes dryer(cfm) 135 135 135 135 c)8096 of largest exhaust rating(cfm); Kitchen hood rypicaily (nat applicable If recfrculating system � or if powered makeup air is electrically interlocked and match ro exhaust� d�8p%of nexi largest exfiaust rating (cfmj; bath fan typlcaliy Not {not appticable ff rec(rcutating system or if powered makeup air is electrically App�1Cdbl@ interiocked and matched to exhaust) Total ExhaustCapacity{cfm�; � [2a+2b+2c+2dj � 3.Makeup Afr Quentity(cFm� a�total exhaust capatiry(from above) l �C�' b�estimated house infiltratlon�from above) p�(o�� Makeup Air Quantity(cfm); [3a—3b) A � � (if value is negative,na makeup air is S V PQ, needed) � 4.for makeup Air Opening Sizing,refer �� to Table 501.4.2 A. Use this column if there are other than fan-assisted or atmospherically vented gas or oil appNance or If there are no combustlon appliances.(Pawer vent and direct vent appfiances may 6e used.) e.- Use this culumn if there is one fan-assisted applfance per venting system.{Appllances other than atmospherically vented appliances may also be in- cluded.) C. Use this column if there is one atmospherically vented(other than fa�-assisted)gas or oil appliance per ventfng system or one sottd fuel appliance. D. Use this column if there are multiple atmosphericaUy vented gas or otl appliances using a common vent or if there are atmospheriwlly vented gas or oil appliances and sol[d fuel appllances. Page 3 of 6 �'��',5ar-� Makeup Air Opening Table for New and Existing bwelling Table 501.3.2 One or multiple power One or multlple fan- One atmospherically Multiple atmospherically vent,dfrect vent ap- assisted appiiances and vented gas or oil ap- vented gas ar afl ap- Duct dl- pfiances,or no combus- power vent or direct pliance or one solld fuei pliances or solid fuel ameter tian appliances vent appliances applfance appiiances Column A Column B Column C Column D Passiveopening 1-36 1-22 1-15 �-9 3 Passiveupening 37-66 23-41 16-28 20-17 q Passfveopening 67-109 42-66 29-46 18-28 5 Passive opening i30-163 fi7�100 47—(9 Zg_q2 6 Passive opening 164—232 101-143 70—99 43—61 7 Passiveo enin 233--317 144-195 100-135 62-83 $ Passiveopening 318-419 i96-258 136-179 84—I10 9 w/motorized dam er Passive opening 420—539 2S9—332 180—230 111-142 �p w/motorized damper Passtve opening 540—679 333—419 231—290 143—179 11 wfmotorized damper Powered makeup air >679 >419 >290 >179 NA Noter. A. An equivalent length af 100 feet of round smooth metai duct is assumed. Subtract 40 feet for the exter[or hood and ten feet for each 90-degree eibow to determine the remaining length of straight duct aliowable. B. If flexible duct is used,fncrease the duct diameter by one inch. Ftexible duct shall be stretched with minimal sags. Compressed duct shall not be accepted. C, earometric dampers are prohibited in passive makeup air openfngs when any atmospherically vented appliance is installed. D. Powered makeup alr shall be electrically interlocked with the largest exhaust system. , Sections F �, Combustion air / � Not required per mechanical cade(No atmospheric or powervented applfances) r� ,�l, �LUa✓t��P �r n c �7�`7�'� Passive(see IFGC Appendix E,Worksheet E-1) Size and type Qther,describe: Explanation-!f no atmaspheric or power vented oppliances are installed,check the appropriate box,not required. If a power vented or aimaspherlcalfy vented opplinnce fnstalled,use 1FGCAppendix E, Worksheet E-1(see 6elowJ. Please enter size and type. Combus- tion air vent supplies must cornmunicote with the apptiance ar appllances that require the combustion air. Section F ca/culations follow on the next 2 pages. Page 4 of 6 ���I u�'�S dri � Pro ect Summar Job: CMS Madison B&b unit wrightsoft� � � Date: July 25,2014 Ent�re House Bv: Elander Mechanical Inc. 591 Ckation Drive,Shakopee,MN 55379 Phone:852-445-4692 fax:952-445-7487 � • ' • • For: Notes: � • • • o Weather: Minneapolis-St. Paul, MN, US Winter Design Conditions Summer Design Conditions Outside db -95 °F C?ufside db 88 °F Inside db 70 °F Inside db 70 °F Design TD 85 °F Design TD 18 °F Daify range M Relative humidity 50 °!o Moisture difference 37 gr/Ib Heating Summary Sensible Cooling Equipment Load Sizing Structure 28642 Btuh Structure 11965 Btuh Ducts 1224 Btuh Ducts 519 Btuh Central vent(74 cfm) 67Q0 Btuh Central vent(74 cfm) 1411 Btuh Humidification 0 Btuh Blower 0 Btuh Piping 0 Btuh - Equipment load 36563 Btuh Use manufacturer's data y Rate/swing multiplier 1.00 Infiltration Equipment sensible load 13894 Btuh nnethod Simplified Latent Cooling Equipment Load Sizing Construction quality Tight Fireplaces 1 (Average) Structure 9390 Btuh Ducts 124 Btuh Heating Cooling Cerrtral vent(74 cfm) 1784 Bfuh Area(ftz) 1729 1729 Equipment fatent load 3294 Btuh Volume(fta) 13832 13832 Air changeslhour 0.23 0.07 Equiprnent total load 17188 Btuh Equiv.AVF(cfm) 52 16 Req. total capacity at fl.70 SHR 1.7 ton Heating Equipment Summary Coofing Equipment Summary � Make Lennox Make Lennox Trade MERIT 90 Trade 13ACX Series -RFC Model ML193UH045XP24B-" Cond 13ACX-018-230-` AHRI ref 4792130 Coil C33-25"+TDR AHRI ref 1031313 Efficiency 93 AFUE Efficiency 11.9 EER, 13.5 SEER Heating input 44000 MBtuh Sensible cooling 12950 Btuh Heating output 41000 Btuh Latent cooling 5550 Btuh Temperature rise 50 °F Total cooling 18500 Btuh Actual air flow 7fi8 cfm Actual air flow 617 cfm Air flow factor 0.026 cfm/Btuh Air flow factor 0.049 cfm/Btuh Static pressure 0 in H20 Static pressure 0 in H20 Space thermostat l.oad sensible heat ratio Q.81 9old!ltaftc values have been manually oveir7ddert Calculations approved by ACCA to meet all requirements of Manual J 8th Ed. 2014.Ju1•25 10:12:33 C "�" wrightsoft Rlght-Sutie�Universal 20i2 12.1.46 RSU134i0 pag@� C/�CA. ...plHeat Losses 20131Lennar Pairiot Madtson B.rup Calc=MJS Front Door taces: N � wri htsoft° Component Constructions Job: CMS Madison B&D unit 9 Date: July 25,2014 Enfire House Bv: Elander Mechanical Inc. 591 Citation Qrive,Shakopee,MN 55379 Phone:952-445-4692 FaX:952-4467467 � � ' • • For: � I 1 - • � • � II l,ocation: Indoor: Heating Caoling Minneapolis-St. PauE, MN, US Indoor temperature(°F) 70 70 Elevation: 837 ft Design TD (°F) 85 18 Latitude: 45°N Relative humidity(%) 50 56 Outdoor: Heating Cooling Moisture difference(gr/lb) 54.5 36.6 Dry bulb(°F} -15 88 Infiltration: Daily range(°F) - 19 ( M ) Method Simplified Wet bulb(°F) - 71 Construction quality Ti ht Wind speed(mph) 15.0 7.5 Firepiaces 1 �Average) Construction descriptians Or Area U-value fnsul R Htg HTM Loss Clg HTM Gain R' 6WhAN•'F R'••Fl61uh BIuhIR' BWh Btuhlfl' Btuh Walls 12F-Osw:Frm wall,vnl ext,r-21 cav ins,V2"gypsum board int n 544 0.065 21.0 5.52 3006 i.21 859 fnsh,2"x6"wood f�m e 425 0.065 21.0 5.52 2347 1.21 515 s 525 0.065 21.0 5.52 2899 1.21 636 w 364 0.065 21.0 5.52 2012 t.21 441 all 9858 0.065 29.0 5.52 10264 1.21 2252 Pa�titions (none) Windows 61A:VINYL Insulated Glass Double Hung;NFRC rated e 50 d.280 0 23.8 1194 29.3 1468 (SNGG-0.26) w 112 6.280 0 23.8 2654 29.3 3263 all 162 0,280 0 23.8 3848 29.3 4731 Doors 11J0:Door,mil fbrgl iype e 21 0.600 6.3 51.0 1071 17.9 376 s 19 4.BQ0 6.3 51.0 983 17.9 345 w 20 0.600 6.3 51.0 1Q40 i7.9 365 all 61 0.600 6.3 51.0 3094 17.9 1087 Ceilings 16CR-44ad:Aftic ceiling,asphalt shingies roof mat,r-44 ceil ins, 1065 0.022 aa.o '1.87 1992 0.85 1016 5!8"gypsum board int fnsh FIOOrs 20P-38c:Fir Floor,frm flr,72"thkns,carpet flr fnsh,r-5 ext ins,r-38 12 0.030 38.0 2.55 31 0.40 5 cav ins,amb ovr 20P-38c:Flr floor,frm Flr,12"thkns,carpei flr fnsh,r-5 ext ina,r-38 309 0.030 38.0 2.55 788 0.40 124 cav ins,gar ovr 20P-38v:Flr floor,frm flr,12"fhkns,vinyl flr fnsh,r-5 ext ins,r-38 SO O.U30 38.0 2.55 204 O.AO 32 cav ins,gar ovr 226•1Qtpm:Bg floor,heavy dry or light damp soil,on grade depth, 122 0.355 10.0 30.2 3681 0 0 r-10 edge ins 2014-Ju1-25 10:12:33 t � wrightsoft' Rlght-Sulle�Universat 2012 12,1.06 RSU13410 Page 1 f�(;� ...plHeat Losses 201311ennar Patriot Madison B.rup C�Ic=MJ8 Front boor facas: N a �� `__ � c�, r� � U . 'r °c uFi � �4 c+ a � U � — - -._.�j � ni a�o � C9 � � °� � � � � � N � ''� _.-� a V � m � � W � �� Z , N }_ � � @ d t�6 N � .� W � � � a i y � .- . .- ,- � .- .- � � � 2 p d = d N � �' > O L, � "� O o � �° A O O O a � W o ci ¢ , ,,. (J O X n. a a. U o ? � m W 4 o ra m M � � � � j � � o � � ma o � � z ~ �' a "' m u' W � .Q � .- Ch Q Y � m W � [0 s� . N V i O � ' 0 O c°4 °m �°a I �j V C Q) N � t0 M M �`'� a a � x .- x at x x � p�1 x LL UI � � � 0 N h V�' M N N h (` Q � � � � C4 ---� �t} F`� F-' t� � � a+ ll! W W W W W W W W ._ . � � � �- � W O O O O O O O O O O � (n y m Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z . C-M O = .� -'7 � �, N o� uJ U Q ¢ � �a � � � (� N � a o � W N Q Ca�� Q � V S� a � � � � M L2-� � � F �o Y O � � d uNi N V U � N U > N �S (n f� J N N J '� � ,N„ 5 LLI . .:d . � ` � �J` � N N � U! H (a . . ��� O X � .� � � C') ~ N yj N N � � � U (A 0. u. O. Q II. 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Q C) a- tn ct� � � � � LOT SURVEY CHECKLIST FOR RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION PROPERlY LEGAL: d��5 -I-,� /�. ��,g ,��1 V�'=i ���`{j(%l�IQ,U�J � y� d'��CXCK ,- �� T—T— DATE OF SURVEY: ���,��' LATEST REVISION: m � c � .c U Q � O z ¢ DOCUMENT STANDARDS �° p ❑ • Registered Land Surveyor signafure and company �p' ❑ ❑ • Building Permit Applicant ,� p ❑ • Legal description �8' 0 0 • Address � ❑ ❑ • North arrow and scale �, ❑ ❑ • House type (rambler,walkout, split w/o, spiit entry, lookout, etc.) � ❑ ❑ • Directional drainage arrows with slope/gradient% ° ,,0' ❑ 0 r` Propased/existing sewer and water services& invert elevation � ,� ❑ ❑ • Street name ,� p ❑ • Driveway(grade&width-in R!W and back of cur�, 22' max.) .� ❑ ❑ , • Lot Square Footage ,.�' 0 ❑ • Lot Coverage ELEVATIONS Existinq � ❑ ❑ • Property corners ,;H' � 0 • Top of curb at the driveway and property line extensions �E' 0 0 • Elevations of any existing adjacent homes � ❑ ❑ • Adequate footing depth of structures due fo adjacent utility trenches p �' ❑ • Waterways (pond, stream, etc.) � Proposed , ,�' � ❑ • Garage floor ❑ �' ❑ • Basement floor k?' ❑ ❑ • Lowesf exposed efevation (walkout/window) ,e' � ❑ • Property comers �' 0 ❑ • Front and rear of home at the foundation PONDING AREA(if applicable) ❑ � ❑ • Easement line ❑ ,� � • NWL ❑ �' � • HWL ❑ ,0- ❑ • Pond#designation ❑ �7 0 • Emergency Overflow Elevation ❑ ,�' �. • Pond/Wetland buffer delineation Y � • Shoreland Zoning Overlay District Y • Conservation Easements DIMENSIONS �' ❑ ❑ • Lot lines/Bearings&dimensions �`' 0 ❑ • Right-of-way and street width (to back of curb) �Q' 0 ❑ • Proposed home dimensions including any proposed decks, overhangs greater than 2', porches, etc. (i.e. ail structures requiring permanent footings) ,�❑ ❑ • Show all easements of record and any City utilities within those easements �0 ❑ • Setbacks of proposed structure and side ard setback of adjacent existing structures �❑ 0 • Retaining wall requirements: � Reviewed By� L Date ���� G:/FORMS/Building Permit Application Rev. 11-26-04 Lot 4,5,6,7,8, Block 2, STONEHAVEN 7TH ADDITION ` according to the recorded plat thereof Dakota County, Minnesota � -��,� Address: 3465,3467,3469,3471,3473 Chestnut Lane, Eagan, Minnesota ' ,'��, \ House Model: 1911,1778,1778,1778,1911 Elevation: C,C,D,C,D �/ �� � � I Buyer: Inventory i I � i � i i i� � i i ^ N i Proposed i� , � i � � � i Nouse i� _. ... � � 6.00 V p.75 i i I " � � Staked �� � c� . � x esi.s � � ass.s ;�---------- Benchmark: o, detail i xiaeae ---- ---�esa�.i sa�.z , „ top of spike not to/scale I j � N89°28 49 E 67.00 elevation = 887.72 ��� � � � � ��- ��� .'. 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O � ° �' ; -o Cfl � z . ....,�.. , I I w o i /N �. • _a_t__ s e.t p � / � � r-r i..�.. � I O �- ; O i l�tn �C9 - i---- _ �/ 6.00 DO \ / � . '�'I. � i � 70.00 � .� �d p� i --'' / /i N I� � d e t o i l � �j �,'I � � � I -�- i r7 �"�� S� i N i^ M -o � � � ~ .. ��.�'�1� I I ^ / a. i � r'' i� u�i° � � \ (p O pp o 3 866.7 7 � � not to scale E'-� ; i � „ ,� N' � � i I 5 � ; � °', � o� � � � ��r7--���/ w,�, � � � .� ao Q (887.1 , Q �. E.O.F. �i 688.8 I 888.7 i / 886.7 I � L�, sas.z ¢ t.L�. , �� I 20.00 .(� , . _ �'- i [� �..�.r�.�.� � � , a t�D i � i�O�O v�, sae.s � �r � •��..� � I � i 0 � i� 0 3 � � � ~ I � °� � 00 /i ` i OD a> � � � ��� � 95.5 �-g92.1 I °"I pp � � � O'� i 00 0._ l� ,^ Benchmark: �. 5 I o� `�'; o rn cn °�,'c� 1 ;`�' °o a° .J v� Top Nut Hydrant Lot 1 Block 7 a �� i o � I ; °i�a o•o -- � / N W ��� �i ' ------ 6 00 Elevation = 888.63 a" ' --' � � �� o o ; ,M '�� _� L-- 889.4 8 8.5 '"� �, � _ � I >.I � � � N U fi� 886.4 � �. _ � I = I i a? p`- -See � � to.o0 �-��a detail Construction Notes: �� 8B89i o� �9 i 6.00 8B94 �� ' � 1. Install rock construction entrance. T- ea�.s U 2. Install silt fence as needed for erosion . 892'X � 888.6 0 20.00 67 'i 0 �\ � 886.3 control. w i •o� .-. ; Q, .� q��' �T W 3. Sidewalks shail drain away from house I; .. � o I 7 � ' o o, Qp o 3 � - a minimum �f 1.0%'. � i � -�, ; ° ° ;� °>_ � � i � 4. Controctor must verify driveway design.. ^ i o � °�° ; o� N �,c� ; � ;`-' ° a° " 5. Contractor must verify service j i ° � � �° �Q �O �---� � � � elevation prior to construction. oO i � I o o i ,� r�� �,vi '______ ____6_00 � \J 6. Add or remove foundation ledge as I � � � Q i / N� � I .i0 � required. i I � -See (n �.....'......... ': � I � 10.00 ` � �a deto I 886.1 .. .......I.:,� X 891.3 . 885.5 `_ � 6.00 10.6�7 \ General Notes: 885•4 888'e asa.s 1. Grading plan by Pioneer Engineering I20.00 / ,;Q �� 10.i \\ last dated 8/6/13 was used to 88 � � . ���- �,�, �� � determine proposed elevations shown � ' _� 20.0 __ °' _ "° ° � o 00 0 � b� herein. � Q � � j � � �.> � 2. This survey does not purport to show • I I V � o ��, �,c�; � " a° , 1 ; improvements or encroachments, except .... 1 � a-a ��, N � � ��r� o� ______ ______ ___ r Benchmark: as shown, as surveyed by me or under I o � o o...,r� �o =v� '`r co 8 ae�.�x o o :}, � � top of spike my direct supervision. ��, � � N � N � / ° elevation = 887.69 3. Proposed building dimensions shown � �/ � are for horizontal location of structures � ��':�,� I � � �o.00 �� on the lot only. Contact builder prior to � � � _� 36.33 ;aa .� .'/ \ 888.0 ponstruction for approved construction I X 891��''�,SeB•� � t20.00 o i o p 67 aaz� � lans. I � / 4. No speci fic soi ls inves tiga tion has �. I 6 � °o j ` oj � o \ been performed on this lot by the x ssa.� asa.2 � � ��"" '� \ surveyor. The suitability of soils to � � (886.5) � eae.� 887�7 ,����, � support the specific house proposed is �� �` �6•�8 • 2 not the responsibility of the surveyor. �;; I / `$ , 8j /�SCQ3� 5. This certificate does not purport to �k� I / ��^�x'�.J jo \ show easements other than those shown �� I � �� �\ 29� on the recorded plat. ��_ v Ngg°28'49��E / 64.�J� �� ��� 1�'� 6. Bearings shown are based on an � / � ` F , assumed datum. / � � � � / � a � � ���I� �� Q��� a X 000.00 Denotes existing elevation \ \ R �; �� !` ._� / �� pJ ¢, _ , , �- Scale: 1" - 20' %" '� Q � 000.00 Denotes ro osed elevation � O II � ) P P / x, \ � � �/ � Denotes drainage flow direction \% '� �_ ,..,� e Denotes spike \/ �aiJ ,�j � ' X 893.7 X 892.9 � �� .._._......,.(p �„�(�e hereby certify to Lennar Corporation that this \ � � �� `survey, plan or report was prepared by me or �G� �������� V�=r'��J under my direct supervision and that I am a Lots 4-8 \ � � duly licensed Land Surveyor under the laws of Lot area = 12058 SF \ " the State of Minnesota, dated 07/07/14. House area =5598 SF House elevations �Proposed� / As-built Porch area = 216 SF � � Signed: Pioneer Engineering, P..A. Patio area = 500 SF � Top of Slab Elev. ;(ggg,�) � Sidewalk area = 362 SF \ � BY. � Garage Slab Elev. � Door :(ggg.g) � Driveway area = 762 SF ��L Total Impervious Area = 7438 SF � Peter J. Hawkinson, Professional Land Surveyor Impervious Coverage = 61.7 % Minnesota License No. 42299 Building Coverage = 48.2 � � email-phawkinsonC�pioneereng.com Rcvisions: PI� 1.)07-08-14St�akcl3uilding Certificate of Survey for: �.NEERen�ineering Lennar Co oration CIVIL LNCINHGRS LANU PLANNERS LAND SURVHYORS LANDSCAPI N2CII17'ECTS � Ph. :(651)681-1914 16305 36th Ave N Stc#600 2422 Enterprise Drive Fax:(651)681-9458 Projcct#�: 1 1 41 03002 Plymouth,MN 55446-4270 ` Mendota Ilcights,MN 55120 www.pioneereng.com Foldcr#: 7636 Drawn Uy: TSS Phone:(952)249-3000/Fax:(952)404-1�09 ��,.,�.,:----- r---=----°--- J � � ��r� � � Use BLUE or BLACK ink ��y.�,���1��.� ------------, �__'_ � For O1Nce Us� i OCT p � '}�1�� � �v 1 �� U��� Uil � P�rrnit#: � � � �� ' i � PertnR Fee; I 3830 Piiat Knob Road � � Eagan MN 55122 I ���: � Phone:(651)6T5-6675 � � � t Fax:(651}6T5-S694 � S�. i �� �---------------�� � �,r � , 2014 FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEMS PERMIT APPLICATiON* � �� � `�� � � � 7"��c,� �,-`� Date: 9"���7 Site Addnass• � � �/7 rJ(�V TenaM• ��� Name:�A,n�� l`?�!� Phone:�J��y7�.�4''�d PPOp@I'�FCIYVIi@� Address J City t ZP:y��.,�' �3'(�� ��,�� ,,9fr�����+.-nl App�i�rrt is: owr,e� �co�tra�cor Tyjl�+Df 11lit7��c ' Description of work: , �' �� ,��J , !J/�i/1�(e�J)i'S��`t- Construdian C�t: �`f�7•� Estimated Campfeti�Date: /v��'��� � �� Na . i c? lk �icense#: � me• t f ` � .1� G�.�+��S�'���� � S r y►�/� 1iO�t�f+flt:�0!'. AddCess:�,�Q�iJZLJ4l ��_i`C�IC` N',� � CitY: �f/G ^-'�VG� s��:�zp: .��33C� Pn�,e: ��3�7. 7-S�� a Contact: !� ,+� VGt� � Email: FiRE PERMIT TYPE WORK TYPE �Sprinkler System(#of heads� �New _Addition Fire Pump �Standpipe Atterations _R�node! Other. Other: DESCRIPTION OF WORK: _Commerciat �Residentiai _Educational FEES Contract Vales$�G�Q�'C1 x.01 a55.00 Permit fee Minfmum =$ ��' Permit Fee 'If co�act value is LESS than$10,010,Surcharge=$5.00 ''*1f contract value is GREATER than$10,010,Surcharge=Contrad Value x$O.00D5 -$ � Surcharge• "`If the project valuatia�is ov+er$1 milli�m,piease call for Surcharge _$ TOTAL FEE 3!4"Displacement Fire Meter-$260.00 =$ Fire Meter _$ .�� TOTAL FE£ "Requlrements:2 camplete sets of drawings and specfficatlans,cuCst�ets o�rt�atsNals and components to be used �►�erebY apPb for a Flre Suppression System permft ar�aduiaNedge tliat d�e information is complete and acr�r�e;that the w�k wilt be in coriformance with the ordinances and codes of the Cfty vF Eagan�with the N�nnesota 8uilding/Fire Codes;that 1 uncisrstand this s nart a perrrit,but oMy an appNcation for a pertnit,and wiork is n�to start without a pem�i�that the work wiil De in aocordance w{tt►tt►e�proved p�in ihe�of wark which requires a review and approval of plaris. x �G}l`Y�C/�'� x Appl car�Ys Pri 4ed Name ApplicanYs S re , ��`� � � � I a����� ' FOR OFFIGE USE '' REQUIREQ INSPECTIGNS Hydrostatic Ftow A1am, ' `Dr�in'�est �ough In T�p ' Pump T�st Centra!S#at�rr ' ���ittai Conditions of Issuance: � �:e%�vGr� /f �}� Permit Reviewed b3+� ' ;C�; ..,�,�_�,._„���._,. Date: �t �t 1 �! PERMIT City of Eagan Permit Type:Plumbing Permit Number:EA128159 Date Issued:10/28/2014 Permit Category:ePermit Site Address: 3469 Chestnut Lane Lot:6 Block: 2 Addition: Stonehaven 7th PID:10-72706-02-060 Use: Description: Sub Type:Residential Work Type:Replace Description:Water Softener Meter Size Meter Type Manufacturer Serial Number Remote Number Line Size Comments:Please call Building Inspections at (651) 675-5675 to schedule a final inspection. Steve Cuddihy 8201 Old Central Ave Spring Lake Park, MN 55432 Fee Summary:PL - Permit Fee (WS &/or WH)$55.00 0801.4087 Surcharge-Fixed $5.00 9001.2195 $60.00 Total: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Contractor:Owner:- Applicant - Us Home Corporation 16305 36th Ave N Ste 600 Minneapolis MN 55446 Water Doctors Water Treatment Company 8201 Old Central Ave, Suite F & G Spring Lake Park MN 55432 (763) 535-1800 Applicant/Permitee: Signature Issued By: Signature ! � i Clty of����� _ � Address: 3469 Chestnut Lane Permit#: 126021 ' I ' � 2ot� The following items were/were not completed at the Final Inspection on: � G�cMn� `� , � � � ,�, . .: ' u � I i� ��'IIi�I�I�H1�17iK�ltln�C�i(�����q �ti i � il4 iifi��� U9 � ° �14��� 5 �������1� G ��������� �:�. �� � P� ..� �.� ��:s`����� Final grade -6"from siding � W �`�,� _ Permanent steps—Garage � Permanent steps —Main Entry � Permanent Driveway � W � � Permanent Gas � Retaining Wall or 3:1 Max Slope �j�' Sod / eede Lawn � __ Trail/ Curb Darnage � Porch �U�,��-- Lower Level Finish j� � Deck V� � `/�' Fireplace � • Verify with your builder that roof test caps from the plumbing system have been removed. • Turn off water supply to the outside lawn faucets before freeze potential exists. • Call the Engineering Department at (651) 675-5646 prior to working in the right-of-way or installing an irrigation system. Buildin Ins ector: �%� � . J p ���1.��'�`��> G:\Building Inspections\FORMS\Checklists