08/11/2014 - City Council SpecialMINUTES
AUGUST 11, 2014
5:30 P.M.
City Councilmembers present: Mayor Maguire, Councilmembers Bakken, Fields, Hansen and Tilley.
City staff present: City Administrator Osberg, Assistant City Administrator Miller, Communications
Director Garrison, Director of Finance Pepper, Assistant Finance Director Feldman, Finance Intern
Lundell, Director of Parks & Recreation Johnson, Director of Public Works Matthys, Director of
Community Development Hohenstein, Fire Chief Scott, Police Chief McDonald.
Councilmember Fields moved, Councilmember Tilley seconded a motion to adopt the agenda as
presented. Aye:5 Nay :0
There were no visitors to be heard.
(Joint meeting with the Energy and Environment Commission)
City Administrator Osberg noted tonight is the annual meeting with the Energy and Environment
Commission (EEAC) to discuss the work plan and goals for 2014 -2015 and recommendations for energy
efficiency measures of City -owned buildings.
Director of Parks and Recreation Johnson introduced Chair, LeClair, and each of the Commissioners
introduced themselves to the City Council. Johnson noted the first item is a set of recommendations on
how to make City -owned buildings more energy efficient. Chair LeClair gave a summary of the proposed
The Council and members of the EEAC discussed the recommendations. After further discussion the
Council agreed the EEAC should move to next steps that include the identification of a performance goal
for city facilities, development of a plan to achieve the goal, and to also incorporate the options into the
current space needs study.
Director of Parks and Recreation Johnson introduced the proposed 2014 -2015 EEAC work plan and
goals. Chair LeClair gave an overview of the proposed work plan and goals.
The Council and the members of the EEAC discussed the work plan and goals. Mayor Maguire suggested
the Commission look at public awareness, and specifically how the City can get citizens engaged and
aware of the changes the City is making and the changes they can make in their homes or businesses.
Mayor Maguire thanked the Energy and Environment Commission for attending the meeting.
Special City Council Minutes
August 11, 2014
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City Administrator Osberg introduced the item noting on June 4, 2013, the City Council adopted the 5-
year Capital Improvement Plan for Public Works Infrastructure, and authorized the initiation of the
public improvement process for the 2014 programmed improvements. The resolution of the Sperry
Tower was scheduled for 2014 as part of this CIP.
Public Works Director Matthys noted on February 11, 2014, City staff presented the results of an on -line
citizen survey to the Council. Survey results indicated strong support for replacing the water tower with
an attractive communications tower. Matthys presented the preliminary design options for
replacement of the existing structure. Matthys noted feedback from the Council will assist with the
preparation of a feasibility report.
The Council discussed the design options. It was the consensus of the Council to consider Option 4, and
include in the feasibility report some aesthetic options for the top portion of the tower and lifetime cost
analysis. Mayor Maguire noted the possibility of adding the Eagan logo to the tower.
City Administrator Osberg introduced the item noting consideration originated at a City Council Listening
Session earlier this year, when staff was approached by an individual, O'Neal Hampton, to consider an
amendment to the City Code to permit indoor gun ranges. Osberg noted staff research has determined
that an indoor gun range could be considered to be indoor recreation and, as such, would be a
permitted use in the Limited Industrial zone.
Mr. Hampton and his attorney were present and available for questions.
Director of Community Development Hohenstein gave a staff report and raised several policy issues for
the Council's consideration.
The City Council provided the following direction on the policy questions associated with indoor gun
Zoning Code Issue:
a) If City Code is amended to permit the discharge of firearms for the proposed use, should it simply be
one of the permitted uses as a form of indoor recreation or would the Council want it to be a conditional
use, requiring a CUP application? The Council agreed it should be permitted through a license.
b) Should the use be permitted at any location within the 1 -1 zone or should protected use separations be
required from certain uses (residential, day care, church, etc.)? The Council agreed no set -back
requirements are required for this type of use.
Licensing and Related Regulations:
a) Does the City Council want to include annual licensing as a means of setting standards for a gun
range and qualifying the operators of a facility? The Council directed an annual license requirement for
the facility and operator.
Special City Council Minutes
August 11, 2014
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b) Does the Council want to model the license requirements on the City's liquor license to include a
background check for the manager /operator of a facility at the initial issuance and whenever that person
changes? Yes
c) Does the Council want a license to be renewed on a regular basis? Yes
d) Does the Council want the manager /operator of a facility to show that they qualify for a "permit to
purchase" understate law? Yes
e) Does the Council want the use or sale of alcohol on the premises be prohibited and that the use of the
range by person under the influence be prohibited? The Council agreed they did.
f) Does the Council want to regulate the caliber, velocity or types of rounds used at a facility or have
other regulations such as prohibitions against gambling or standards for hours of operation? The
Council agreed as long as the ordinance reflects State and Federal regulations there was no further
regulations needed.
g) Does the Council want the licenses to require annual action by the Council or be administered by
staff? The Council agreed once the license is awarded initially by a Council action, staff can administer
the annual renewal.
Gun and Ammunition Sales:
a) Since the City Code permits a portion of the floor area for a permitted use in an 1 -1 zone to be used for
retail sales, should such sales be permitted or prohibited in an indoor gun range property? There was
Council consensus that such sales be permitted and the facility have a sophisticated alarm /video system
and the owner of an establishment selling firearms should subscribe to an automated pawn system.
The City Council gave direction to staff to prepare draft ordinances for further consideration. The
Council indicated they would like to review the draft amendments in a future workshop.
The Council took a 10 minute break.
City Administrator Osberg introduced the item noting Council will be reviewing the preliminary 2015
General Fund operating budget, the proposed property tax levy and public policy questions. Any
modifications to the proposed levy and budget will be presented to the Council at the September 2,
2014 regular City Council meeting.
Assistant Finance Director Feldman provided additional background pertaining to the preliminary
general fund budget and related tax levy. Feldman noted formal action on the levy and the preliminary
2015 General Fund Budget are scheduled for the regular City Council meeting on September 2. The final
levy certification and budget action is scheduled for the December 16, 2014 regular City Council
meeting. The final Property Tax Levy that is due at the County no later than December 26, 2014 can be
decreased but cannot be increased from the preliminary certification.
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August 11, 2014
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Osberg provided additional background pertaining to the proposed increase in the General Fund
expenditure budget. Osberg added the proposed General Fund Budget reflects an increase of 3.6
percent over the 2014 budget. Osberg provided an overview of the proposed General Fund Budget as it
relates to specific departments and operations, and summarized the public policy issues for the City
Council's consideration.
Finance Director Pepper provided additional background pertaining to the general fund balance,
preliminary market value, tax capacity and local tax capacity trends.
The City Council discussed the proposed 2015 budget and the proposed payable 2015 Property Tax Levy.
There was Council consensus that the budget level at a 3.6 percent increase was appropriate. There was
Council consensus that the proposed department budget items were appropriate.
There was Council consensus that the proposed total tax levy of 3.9% was appropriate. There was
Council consensus that the allocation of the preliminary tax levy was appropriate.
There was Council consensus to produce and cablecast live in late fall another virtual budget open house
modeled after the successful open house of 2013.
Osberg gave an overview of the future capital projects and space needs at various City facilities. Pepper
provided a brief summary of the proposed funding options for the projects. Pepper noted once the final
cost estimates are determined and a proposed funding plan is developed, staff will present that
information at a future Council workshop.
There was no other business to be heard.
Councilmember Fields moved, Councilmember Tilley seconded a motion to adjourn at 8:25 p.m.
Aye:S Nay:O
q -a -15
City Clerk