3655 Springwood Ct - Zoning Permits & Plans �__�___,___,___.-_,., � For�ffice Use � ! I �!� '�� �� ��, � Permit#: � ��/ ;' � � _ I I 383Q Pitot Kndb R4ad � �, / 1: Eagan MN 55'122 � Date Received: 1 L_���__.�___.._._._�_�.,_:1 Phone:(651)675-�685 �ax:(651)675-5694 Erriail:ptanninqC�citvofeaqan.cr�m �l'3NlNG PERMIT APPLI�ATION ; Pleas� idenfiify improvements 4n a scaled si�e plan drawing tha# shows Iat 1ine�, struc#ures and existing conditians:. ; ,p��,���� SiteAddress: 3655 Sprltlgwood Ct, Eagan 55123 : :I�for�na.t.icar�, aw�,er Name; Greg and Angie Siwek ' rva�e: Angie Siwek Pn�n�; 612-723-2785 ��aress; 3655 Springwood Court ci�yis��terzrA; Eagan, MN 55123 = ����t�;� ;, T � '' Applicant Signature: ;r'��"���'�"'� QaTe: $-23-14 , ����� _� � � � `���Y � �ma�i adaress: angie7si@yahoo.com ,� , , .. ���... _..,� ... : E; Retaining Wall�4 feat ;' D�Ueway�� u�. -0ther: ; ����, .,. � ` � Patio .. Sport Court Ty�e�f 1�11�C[� f; Sidewalk : Fence ' Description ofwork: �V�i" d�10 Wlt�t fil"8 I� ,. �� � �, � � : `�`�,��:: . P1��t1ICf� . ��t#�c�s,t�ard�ur�ac���v��a�e���r��e:(��aantn�� b1�tff zc�r�°���� '�� ���\\, . .. ...... .. . Apprav /Denied �ate: 8 Statf: Notes- E5�f rProperty lines to be verified by contra�tor/owner. Revised Plans Approved: yes/"Na Date: Staff: � ,,��r� sT,�i r_ aA �.A���� : _ _ .. ,�.,: . �a _ �" ��� �.A:: � . . . � . .. , . . '' �, �I�+�it1.���'itlg �ra�ling,e�r�.�t�a�e��u�l�i��ser��t� � ����C�,��� t�t��ai�tmpr�trern�n#s rr�it���ii�h�����l�y�t� _ �.:,.. , a...� �,..� Approved/ Denied Date; Staff: Notes: Re�ised P`lans Approved; Yes/No Date: Staff: ��� ��Jt�Tt'1$t��� �����O ....... �. , ' � � �Q� . :,s ;,, � � , , .. , ,,z= . . ....��.�..........\a� . . . -. �� ,.. - ,.r�� 4.\ � . . ... .. . . . <::: , .. ...... .. ...... I I�, .. . .. .. . '� CALL BEFORE Y4l! D1G. Call Gopher State One Call at(651)454-0002 for pratection agains#underground utility damagea Call 4$'hours befare you intend ta dig ta receiue lacates af underground'utilities. www.ao�herstatevn�c�lt.orq G:4Building lnspeCtipns\PERMIT APRLIGATIpN5' �1�--�i•►�'�EERengirceering J�C���l GIVIL ENGINEERS LAND PL.4NNERS LAND SURVEYORS LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS 2422 Entecprise Drive,Mendota Heights„MN55120,Phona:(651}681 1914 Fax:(651)6&1 9488-Pionaereng.com Certificate of Survey far: LENNAR HQMES ADDRESS: 3655 SPRINGWOOD COURT, EAGAN, MN lOT AREA =18414 SF BUYER; SIWEK MODEL: 6D07 ELEVATION: A3 HOUSE AREA =2076 SF � PORCH AREA =173 SF S/��l DRIVEWAY AREA =773 SF /'/ � COVERAGE =16.4% �1 � BUILDING COVERAGE' =12:2� � � � , ' �`�'�vR '' ° T � / �'O �\ �4 os.s •ty � �� �J �i �9 �� .� Q &_ � \ � VACANT S ,�p (� � soe:e \, �. 3''20» ,-� � / � ,0.3 , � ,� '��O�O ,��91 � k91y$J \�/ ° � �91Q.3) `°' ' \. � MO. � �/ (8� � PRS 5� �5 s�f `_ o�s�¢ ��; ti> r� � � ; �,� `-906 3,// ! � .m (n (9>>=9� ' � �• / —� ` '° � � .; o4j� / � �; �" � o ��� ' I: � � � , �'� ; . i IV ��. � � � I � VACANT 1 9, 6� y� � � �,; ppp . 0�� mz.. ` ��r .I` �. � mq � -�y 1 �� I � � `�„� � T � O X / soe.� �� � � t.s 9p2.9� � > � � "- �'� '1 � w o,. � (so�? � ' , � �.s _.--_ � �z., o _�.--- ' � ) 8r's� eaa.o soa.o ���� � �� _---'-"_��-- �K f --' �': N ��'�-�;--`€"--i--WETLAN ADfN�6Pl.AN I CTi �. J pER GR � Q) �\\_, //� I �j v •.I��� � ��\ �j. ��. J ,... .�O��i� j �O ��..�---"� � —� W 6g 97 N REVISED 11/28/12 FOUNDATION AS—BUILT WETLAND W—D NWL=891.0 BENCH MARK: ?9`�39 �`�� HW1=894.12 TOP NUT HYDRAfVT �OTS 7-8 BLK 1 (893.2� ELEV.=912.58 LOWE57 ALLOWABLE FLOOR ELEVATION :903.7 NOTE: AQD FOUNDATiON LEDGE AS REQUIRED � � � � �� � � � � � NOTE: GRADING PIAN�BY PIONEER ENGINEERING LAST DATED WAS USED HOUSE��. EI:EVA7E0NS :(PROPOSED)/ASBUILT TO�DEIERMINE TNE PROPOSED ELEVATIONS SHOWN ON THIS CERi1FlCATE. LOWEST FLOOR. ELEVATION :�904:7� I JO�.9 NOTE: PROPOSED BUILDING DIMENSIONS SHOWN ARE FOR H�RIZONTAL � 912� /, 9�2 9 �OCATION OF STRUCTURES ON THE IOT��ONLY. COtJ�TACT BUIIDER�PRIOR?0 TOP OF FOUNDATION ELEV. . � � CONSTRUCTION POR APPROVED CONSTRUGiION PLAN5: GARAGE SLAB ELEV. C�DOOR ; (912.4) � 912.5 NQiE; NO SPEqFIC SOILS INVESTIGATION�HAS BEEN PERFORMED ON TH�5 l0T � � BY THE SURVEYOR.�THE SUITABILITY OF SOILS TO SUPPORT THE SPECIFIC HQUSE PROPOSED IS NOT THE RESPONSIBIIITY OF TLIE SURVEYOR: NO1E: THIS CERI'I:RCAIE DDES NOT PURPORT TQ SHOW�EASEMENTS OTHER� TREE UNE THAN TMOSE SHOWN��-0N 7HE RECORDED�PLAT. X�000.00 DENOTES EXISDNG ELEVATION NOTE: CONTRACTOR��.MUST VERIFY pRWEWAY D�SIGN. �( 000.00) DENOTES PROPOSEO�EI.E.VA110N � DENOTES ORAINAGE�.FLOW DIRECnON NOTE: BEARINGS.SHOWN ARE BASED ON AN ASSUMED�DATUM —�— pENOTES SPIKE WE HEREBY CERTIFY TO LENNAR HQMES THaT THIS IS A TRUE AND CORRECT REPRESENTATION OF A SURVEY dF THE BOUND,4RIES OF: LOT 7, BLOC'K 1, STONEKAVEN 3RD ADDiTION DAKOTA COUNTY�, MINNESOTA � IT DOES NOT PURPORT TO SHOW TMPROVEMENTS OR ENCROACHMENTS, EXCEPT A$ SHOWN; AS SURVEYED BY ME OR UNDER MY DiRECT SUPERVISION THIS 6TH DAY OF SEPTEMBER 2012. ` N }�` StGNED. PI NEER ENGWEERING, P.A. 9 07�t2 STAKE HOUSE � SCALE : 1 INCH = 30 FEET " 29 '2 F°""onnoN Aseui� B Y: 7352 112229001 Peter J. Hawkinson License No. 42299 t t : :' �,% i.4*f E For Office Use (f Q� Permit# Use/(1 / 7 ✓O Date Received: . 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD i EAGAN,MN 55122-1810 j I (651)675-5685 i TDD:(8551)454-8535 I FAX:(651)675-5694 I Staff planninq(ccityofeagan.com I:_ _-------- — 2018 ZONING PERMIT APPLICATION p Please identify improvements on a scaled site plan drawing that shows lot lines, structures and existing conditions.. ,Property Site Address: 3655 Springwood Ct, Eagan, MN 55123 Information Greg &Angie Siwek Owner Name: Name: Greg Siwek Phone: 612-723-2884 3655 Springwood Ct Eagan/MN/55123 Address: City/State/Zip: Contact 4/30/2018 Applicant Signature: Date: gregs ek@aim.com Email address: Retaining Wall<4 feet Q Driveway al Other: moving trampoline DI Patio 17 Sport Court Type of Work 0 Sidewalk ❑Fence moving paver patio/firepit;a few feet towards our house,to make sure that it is Description of work: on our property(since it currently over the line by a few feet) Planning eteacks,hltsurfacci overagea shorelankftis ttni 1t( zonelset oks:etc, .: • . pprov f Denied Date: Staff.'.. --0.,„,-\,-,./L __,.„ - Property lines to be verified by contractor/owner. Revised Plans Approved: Yes/No Date: Staff: Engineering I Grading,drainage utility eiasenients,wetlands eroiidn�dottttol,improvements in the Rig LW y etc Approved/Denied Date: Staff: Notes: Revised Plans Approved: Yes I No Date: Staff: c ifnments _t:1,'''''.4, * We have been discussing this with William Henk,Property Maintenance Technician. CALL BEFORE YOU DIG. Call Gopher State One Call at(651)454-0002 for protection against underground utility damage. Call 48 hours before you intend to dig to receive locates of underground utilities. www.gopherstateonecall.org You may subscribe to receive an electronic notification from the City of proposed ordinances by signing up for an email update on the City's website at www.citvofeagan.com/subscribe. CX WI ' \ 0 t = az ce Q Q? 6f t. £ rE. L1J L,LJ t a cz„, ,t ..''''''' ' .... ,..'' ' '-'f • ‘ (,) a. G} 0 C1 ;ra. G O (ll U (13 ,., Ct 4) C C 0 Co (13 © 0 < Ce0 z a.” U—I CI i u +i L_ . V) 1 C X N Z F -.a , t I 8a / A II / N� I -, <1.01 GO rja 11 z ao a PO _ j`..'.`. w *)41. - - `; �NI ,, N Z 1 C> 1 = ; 1: i Iti v r -- 0 0 l X1.4 cn t'nng\ < : i 1 t 1 \\ f W r #° .. N °•iib � ,+ > _� ao z2 111111111 Fac sa 0 C) in ' NN t { t 0 l 011lfl_--' I * . • if Pam Dudziak From: Pam Dudziak Sent: Wednesday, May 02, 2018 2:01 PM To: 'gregsiwek@aim.com' Subject: RE:Zoning Permit revision Thank you. Yes, Outlot C is the HOA Open Space property, and it is entirely in conservation easement area. I will get back you soon with the full review on the Zoning Permit to relocate the patio. Pam �Or. _ F\`, Pam Dudziak . ** `" ,0 z Planner " 3830 Pilot Knob Rd I Eagan, MN 55122 \'`4 ,a" Office:651-675-5691 N*t+swst', https://www.cityofeaaan.com From: gregsiwek@aim.com [mailto:gregsiwek@aim.com] Sent: Wednesday, May 02, 2018 1:46 PM To: Pam Dudziak Subject: Re: Zoning Permit revision Hello Pam, Here is a pdf of the first file. And also a pdf of the easement map that was sent to us, overlying the satellite image of the lot, since we are wondering if the Outlot C area is also considered a conservation easement. Thank you, Greg and Angie Original Message From: Pam Dudziak<pdudziak(a�cityofeagan.com> To: 'gregsiwek@aim.com'<gregsiwek(a�aim.com> Sent:Wed, May 2, 2018 12:56 pm Subject: FW: Zoning Permit revision I am unable to open/view the PSD file. Please convert it to PDF and resend. Thank you. / teCod * N Pam Dudziak •* ° 9 Planner • ' '*"*. " 3830 Pilot Knob Rd I Eagan, MN 55122 ot 1 Office:651-675-5691 courts° ` https://www.cityofeagan.com 1 From: qregsiwek@aim.com [mailto:gregsiwek@aim.com] Sent: Wednesday, May 02, 2018 9:00 AM To: Pam Dudziak Subject: Fwd: Zoning Permit revision William Henk, who we have been working on in regard to this revision, wanted to make sure we sent this zoning application to you. Let me know if you need anything else from us. Thank you, Greg Siwek Original Message From: gregsiwek<gregsiwek(a�aim.com> To: planning <planninq(@.citvofeagan.com> Sent: Mon, Apr 30, 2018 1:44 pm Subject: Re: Zoning Permit revision Hello again, We submitted an application to you on Thursday evening, but then on Friday we were in communication with William Henk who was looking into the zoning to see if we may be able to move the patio a few feet closer to the house rather than to a new location in a different part of the yard. Here is a proposal for this new plan. We're waiting to hear from the city engineering department to see if this will be possible. Thank you, Greg and Angie Siwek Original Message From: gregsiwek<gregsiwek(@.aim.com> To: planning <planninq(a�citvofeagan.com> Sent: Thu, Apr 26, 2018 9:33 pm Subject: Zoning Permit revision Hello, We received a letter in the mail today notifying us that our firepit patio was not set back far enough from the conservation easement and the trampoline was in the easement. We were very surprised and disappointed, since we had thought that we understood the property map when studying the map and the signage in our yard about conservation easements in 2014, and it was approved by the city. We understand that you need to follow the city guidelines and we are willing to hire contractors to dismantle the firepit and move it to another location in our yard, even though this will be quite costly and diminish the aesthetics of the backyard. Before starting this process, we want to make sure that the new plans are approved by the city so that this unfortunate event is not repeated. We have attached the zoning application on one page and the diagram on the other, taken from overlaying the easement map that was mailed to us with the property map. Thank you, Greg and Angie Siwek 2