1122 Station Tr . --i �v� /� 70%3 �1 ��`�_�� � �� /a��7��7 t��- °, . /�(`� �'� Use B�UE or BLACK Ink �� �a 70��" �--------------_.._� � For Oiflce t�� 1 _ ��5`13 � ��� r��� • � Percnif#:� / �_� Cl�� Of �a��Il RECEIVED ; 573.� ► �e�,it Fee: � 3830 Pltot Knob Road j -Y,� I Eagan MN 55122 SEP 0 4 ���� � Date Recelved: � � � I I �ax:(651)67$-568475 C�� � I''1"� 'Q�C I StaH: ` 1 � �� � v____�__�_��_��__� � 20�� RESIDENTiAL BUtLDING PERnn�T aPP�fcaTioN Date: �l.! I Site Address: ��� � "���'1 ,���� UNt#: Name: �.t'j�Wf Phone:�IS.� - ��1�/ - 3Gi;� RoW(t@P� - Address/City/Zip:�1�US ��� l�u�,.,�j S��Et l�� ��► . �'!t'1f�.Syyl Applicant is: Owner �Corttractor �..`3 ° � �,a✓c rl� �� kr�.� , /��s ` Description of work:RIPt.� �'(,�,fl �oltI�1,['�it�N Type af Work: Construction Cost� Multi-Family Baiidfng:(Yes_____,/No_) ' Company: L�ilAa� Contact: COtttl'ACtOC ; Address:��I� �E�-� I-�llP. �,, St�i�f City: 1 �lf rrit.k�h 1 State:�,Zip:�s r�,� Phone: `�.5�-a����'�L�'�Emaii: _ �.�cense#: I�13 Lead Certiflcate#: If the project is exempt from t ad certiflcation, please explain why:(see Page 3 for additionai informatian) 7 _ �. � � � � � COMPLETE THIS AREA ONLY IF C�NSTRUCTING A NEW BUILDING In the last 12 months,has the City of Eagan issued a permit for a similar pian based on a master plan7 �Yes �No If yes,date and address of master plan: �l�) (.IiP�1'/ll,��" hK�1�- UcensedPiumber: C��t4t��� /Tt'Gi�rnA,`!� Phone: ��5�-' L���S' ��L��.� tl ' MechanEca!Contractor: +� �� Phone: Sewer 8 Wa#er Contraetor: r � � t vt vt� t'/ Phone: CSI-�t1E- C�`�� NOTE::Plans and'supporting,documents tha#you,subm/t are consJdered to de publlc Informatlon.,portlons of the fnformation:may be classifled as`non-public ffyou provide specfflc reasons thaf.would permiE the:CFty to - canclude that the aie lrade secrets. CALL BEFORE YOU DIG. CaN Oopher 3tate�ng Cali at(6S1)454-0002 fcx protection ag�inst underground utility damage. Call 48 hours before you intend to dig to receive locates of underground utilities. www.gQ.phers(�Qn��ll.ora I hereby acknowledge that thts information is cnmplete end accurate;that ihe wark wfll be In contormance wiih the ordinances and codes of the C(ty ofi Eagan;that I understand th(s is not a permit,but only an application tor a permit,and wo�ic ts not to start without a pertnit;that the work will be in accordance wiih the appraved plan in ihe case of work which requires a revfew and approval of pla►�. Exterfor work aathorized by a building permit{ssued In accordance wtth the Minnesota State Bufidin Code must he compieted wtthin 180 days of permit isauance. x 1)l`t ����IsG'� x • � Applicant's Printed Name AppHcanYs Sig re Page 1 of 3 . , � .��� � 11�� ��+��� r� �a DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS L.INE SUB TYPES _ Foundation � Fireplace _ Porch{3-Season) _ Exterior Alteration(Single Family} � Single Fami{y _ Garage _ Porch(4-5eason) _ Exterior Alteratian{Mutti) Multi Deck Porch(ScreenlGazebolPergola) _ Miscelianeous �01 of lex � Lower Level _ Pool _ Accessory Building WdRK TYPES \( New � lnterior Improvement � Siding _ Demolish Building* �sAddition _ Move Building Reroof Demolish Interior _ Alteration � Fire ftepatr _ Windows _ Demolish Foundation _ Replace _ Repair _ Egress Window _ Water Damage _ Retaining Wall 'Demolition of entlre buliding—glve PCA handout to appitcant DESCRIPTION � }� t �,�� Valuation , % tI t ���'�tl� Occupancy �'�,€,�� MCES System Plan Review Code Edifion �S2''� SAC Units (25% 100%_} Zoning City Water Censu Code Stories -^�� Booster Pump #of Units ---� Square Feet �� PRV #of Buildings �, Length `�,� � Fire Sprinklars Type of Constructian '"�� V"�., Width '�—�-- �— � R64UlRED INSPECTIONS �Footings(New Building) Meter Size: Footings(Deck) Final/C.O. Required �ootings{Addition) � Final 1 No C.O. Requtred �Foundation HVAC_Gas Service Test Gas Line Air Test ` Roof:_Ice&Water _Final Poo1: Footings _Air/Gas Tests _Final �..Framing Drain Tile /�- Fireplace:�Rough In �Air Test ��inal Siding:_Stucco Lath f�Ston Lath Brick Insulation �A ' Windows �. Sheathing Retaining Walt:_Footings_Backfill Final '� Sheetrock "�, Radon Control "� Fire Walls � Erosion Control � Braced Walls - Other: Reviewed By: ``s,� f , Building Inspector RESIDENTIAL FEES �],)� � �#-� Base Fee ��� �,j' `'� ?t �� - 7�� �`� , �� ���� �� Surcharge � I'lan Review � ,� � � "'�� ' ' f ����� � � �r ` � r � �� ���t�� MCES SAC �- � � � � � � � City SAC ���� � i ,� `.�� '" � � � � � � Utility Connecfion Charge �' � �,������ p � � '� ����✓� � � � � S&W Permif 8�Surcharge V��?� a�� i��" � 7reatment Plant ,� �� Copies � � f ��� 70TAL f Page 2 ot 3 � �a�oq� New Canstruction Energy Code Compliance Certi�cate ', Pcr N I 101.8 Siulding Cedificnte.A 6uilding certifia�7e shall be posted in a pennanently vis�blc locauon inside o��e C.enircntc Postcd I thc buildi»g. Tho certifica�e shnll be cmnp[ctcd hy thc builder and sl�all lisl infon:��tion and values of I conapanents lisled in Tablc N I 10I.8. Alniling Address af fhe Divelling or De•clling U�dt . City � 1122 STATION TRAIL EAGAN Yame oCResidenti�l Conlraelor hTN Lircose Number THERMAL ENVELOPE RADON SYSTEM Type;Check All That Apply X Passive(No Fan} w O y � � >, Achve(ff'rlh fan and morromelei or. � � � o olher systein monrloritvg devrce) ;? o c, ' °' — o °" � c, o "' U G �a � Q m f� c�i V � � c � � O O N A X 0 Insulatlon Location � o z � � a u- � i° o` �u �o E E � v ;c � c� c E-° ° Z w 'w s° c° � a � Other Please Describe Here Qelow:Entir.e Sleb X _. ;. ,. . Foundation Wall X Perimefer of Slab on`Grade ; ' : r.: r '' '`: �0 INTERIOa !'; ii: Rim Jaist(�oundation) X Rim,fOiSt(1`�.Fto�r+);; '; ')O ' : INTERIOR wan . 21 Ccilm�,)lat :: 44 : , Ceiting,vaulted X Bay Windows ar cu�titevered arens . X .. .... _.... :. -::: . ... ....: .. :.. _ I3onus roam ovcr gara e " $g � Describe other:insulafed arees :: Windows&boors Hentin or Coofin Ducfs Outside Condifioned Spaeas Avernge U-Pactor(excltrdes skylights and one door)U: Q.28 Not uppticable,all ducis located in conditiorted space Solar Heat Gain CoeCficient(SHGC): 0.2fi r-8 R-value MECHANICAL SYSTEMS Make-up Air Selec�a Type Ap liances Heating S stem Domestic Water Heater Cooling System � Not re uired per mech.code �uci� n� Naturat.Gas Electric :` `; ..Electr�c. passive 14tanufacturer Lennox AO Smith Lennox I'owered •' ' ' [nEerlocked with exhaust device. Ntoae� ' ': `: M�993UHOa5XP24B `; GP.VH50N:: .. 13ACX-098-230(. Describc: Input in �q 000 Capacity in 50 Oulput in �� Other,describe: Rating or Size BTUS: � Gallons: Tons: � ` Heat t;;oss: Heat Location of duct or system: Structure's Cslealated > 35,T57 13,453 : _ _ __ Gain: AfUE or SEER. . I-[SAF% 7 3 93 Calculoted EfficienCV coolingla�d: �6sA57 Cfnt's PLAN CMS Jeffersan "round duct OR Mechwnical Ventilation Sys�am °metal duct Describe any additiona(or combined heating or cooling systems if instttlled:(e.g.nvo fiunaces or air Combusrion Air Sefee!a Type source heal puntp�vith gas back-up fumace}: X Not required per mech,code Selecr Type Passive � Heat Recover VentiEator(HRV) Ca acity in cfms: Low: Migh: Other,describe: Energy Rewver Ventilator(ERV)Capacity in cfms: Lotv: High: Location of duct or system: X Continuous exhausiing fan(s)rated capacit in cfms: 1 fan continous lotiv�Qcfm Mechanieal Room Location of fan(s),describe: Owners bath,Main Bath Cfm's Capaci continuous ventilation rate in cfms: 5Q lnsulated Plex Total ventilation(intermivant+continoous)rate in efms: 185 "meta!duct Created by BRM version 052009 Ventila�aon, Makeu� �nd 4Combustion Air Calculations ' Submittal �orm For New Dwellings These blank submittaf forms and instructions are available at the City websiYe and at City Hall. The completed form must be submit- ted in duplicate at the t�me,of;application of a mechanical permit far new construction. Additfonal forms mey be downloaded and prtnted at: Site address / �1 �1 Oate O�°S a�� , i�-.: �—3^Z.OI � Contractor n �j Completed �.�1, � c�(✓ •a..•( 6 �U t( Section A Ventilation Quantity (Determine quantlty by using Table N1104.2 or Equation 11-1} Square feet(Conditioned area includij g /�/, Basement—ftnished or unflnlshed Total required ventilation f�Q Number of bedrooms V Continuous ventilation �d directions-Determine the tota!ond continuaus ventilation rate by either usinq Table N1104.2 or equation 11-1. Ti�e table and equation are below. Table N1104.2 Totaf and Continuous Ventilation Rates(in cfm) Number of Bedrooms i z 3 a 5 6 Conditioned space(in Total/ Totai/ Total/ Total/ Total/ Total/ sq:.ft:);;..;' continuous continuaus continuous continuous continuous ' continuous 1000-1500 60/40 75/40 •90/45 105/53 120/60 135/58 1501 200Q. 70/40 85/43 1Q0/50 115/58 130/65 145/73 20.01 25D4;- 80/40 95/48 110/55 125/63 140/70 155%78 25013000: 90/45 105/53 120/60 135/68 150/75 Ifi5/83 ,3001 350Q 100/50 ;1T5/5$ 13Q/65 145/73 160/80 175/88: 3501-4000. ,. ,110[55 , 12S/,63 140/70 155/78""` 170/85 1$5/93:` , " 4001 450d;. 120/60 13S/68 150/75 165/83 180/90 195/98 4501 5000_ 130/65 145/73 160/8Q 175/88 190/95 205/103 `. 5001 5500 ' !40/70 155/78 170/85 185/93 200/100 215/108 5501-600d 150/75 265/83 180/90 195/98 2Z0/105 225/7.13 Equatton 11=1 . (0.02 x square#eet of conditloned space)+[15 x(number of bedrooms+1)]=Tota)ventifa#fon rate(cfm) Tota!ventilation—The mechanical ventilation system shall provide sufficient outdoor air to equal the total ventilation ra#e average, for each one-haur period according to the above table or equation. For heat recovery ventilators(HRV)and energy recovery ventlla- tors(ERV)the average hou�ly ventilation capacity must be determined in consideration of any reduction of exhaust or out outdoor air intake,or both,for defrost or other equipment cycling. Continuous ventilation-A minimum of 50 percent of the total ventilation rate,but not less than 40 cfm.shall be provided,on a con- tinuous rate average for each one-hour period. The portion of the mechanical ventilation system intended to be continuous may have automatic cycling controls providfng the average flow rate for each hour is met, G:\SAFETYIJK\Vent-makeup-camb air submittal(2).doqc P2ge 1 Of 6 1� �i � � � � 4 '7 e� r :x-r� li, �'� �f j �� - � }� 7 1 ¢jl�� ���� �y II ; . -c '` y� - �" �t�A�cf.5 f � d �'� r��i �: � �: �<i ..( � � ��j � f . :- {sz � ax ' ��'� i�f '�� �r r�'�3 � £;a� 8� � " I ; : � .� - �i Yp I ` i�' $ $ , ^: . >... ..�. . ,'.:.. .'- '�: �_ ': - _ l 3E F t £ c k Y I f x 41 ' =S :. - . '. � � -� �. �� '. '. .; :. : . . . . . � • .' ,� . . . ; '. � - .� _' �� . . . . ,: _ , �. . i �. �. . ' ' .� �' . . .... .. . ...'. .. . . : . . . .... . �. , .. :'.. "...... �.. .. ....�...... . . .'. . �... : ' � . . �� ....... ... . . �. ..,..... . e� � $2Ct10(i B .: , Ventilation Method (Choose either balanced or exhaust onty) ealanced,HRV(Heat Recovery Ventffator)or ERV(Energy Recav- Exhaust anly ery Ventllator�—cfm of un[t fn low must not exceed continuous venti- Continuous fan rating in cfm latlon ratin b more than 100%. Low cfm: High cfm: Contfnuous fan rating fn cfm(capacity must not exceed j' tontinuous ventilatfon ratin by more than 100%) C:*1«t Dfrectians-Choase rhe merhad of ventilation,balonced ar exhaust only. Ba/anced venfilatfan systems are typically HRV or ERV`s. Enrer the!ow and high cfm pmaunrs. l.ow c m air flow must be equn!to or grea[er than the requfred corrtinuous ventilation raie and less than 100%greater[han#he contlnuous rai�e.(For instance,rf the!aw cfm is 4Q cfm,the venrilaCion fan must not exceed 80 cfm.) Au[omatic corttrols may allow the use of a larger fan that is operoted a percentaqe af each hour. Sectian C Ventilation �an Schedule Description Location Continuous lntermEttent. � •t�F �u�, l�'�1 a�.. -.^r�N � ,�'t") � T '1� !J ✓Z A57�/L L'�n'�'TA �C7 Directions-The ventilation fan schedule should describe what the fan is for, the location,cfm,and whe[her It is used for co»tinuaus or intermlttent venrilation. The fan that ls chose for conrinuous ventilation musr be equal to or greater than the!ow m air rating andless than 10A%greater than the tontinuous rate. (for Jnstpnce,If the!ow cfm is 40 cfm,the continuous ventilation fan must not exceed 80 cfm.J Auromatic conYrols may allow the use of a larger fan that is operated a percentage of each hour. Section D Ventilation Controls Describe operation and rnntroE of the continuous and fnterm(tient ventilation) DFrections-Describe the operation of the ventflation system. There should be adequate derail for plorr revlewers and inspectors to verify design and insta/lation compllance. Related trades also need adequate deroll for p/ocement of controk and proper operation of Yhe butlding ventilation. If exhoust fans are used for building ventilation,descrlbe the operation and location of any controls,ind(cators and legends. !f an fRV or NRV is to be instalJed,describe how it wi!!6e Installed.!f it wiff be connected and interfaced with the alr hand/ing equipmen[,please describe such connectfons as detailed in the manufactures'insta!!otlon insiructions.IJ the insta!lation Instructions require or recommend the equipment Yo be interlocked with the air handlinq equipmertt for proper operacion,such interconnection shalt be made ond deserfbed. Section E Make-up air Aassive (determtned from calculations from Table 501.3,1J Powered(deYerm[ned from catculations from Table 501.3.1) ' Interlocked with exhaust device{determined from calculatlon from Table 5013.1) Other,descri6e: LoCat1011 Of dUCt OT SyStem Ve11t112t1oE1 1718k@-Up alr:petermined from make-up air opening table Cfm Size and type(round,rectangular,flex or rigfd) {NR means not required) Page 2 of 6 i i �C T 7Y7>�� �� , I� Directions-!n order to determine fhe mokeup air,Table 501.3.1 must be filled auF(see below}. For most new instaltations,column A will be appropriate,however,if al-mospherically vented appliances or solid fuel appliances are installed,use the appropriare catumn. For existing dwe/lings,see iMC503.3.3. Please note,if the makeup afr quantity is negative,no additional makeup alr will be re- quired for ventilation,!f the value is positive refer to To61e 501.31 and size i'he apening. Transfer the cfm,size of opening and type (round,rectangular,fJex or rigid)to the last line af section D. The make-up alr supply must be fisfatled per 1MC 501.3.2.3. Table 501.3.1 PROCEDURE TO DETERMINE MAKEUP AIR QUANITY FOR EXHAUST EQUIPMEN7!N DWELltNGS (Additional combustion air wil!be requfred for combustlon appliances,see KAIR method for calculations) One or muttiple power One or multiple fan- One atmospherically vent Multipte atmospherical- vent or direct vent ap- assisted appliances and gas or ail appliance or ly vented gas or ofi pliances or no combus• power vent or direct vent ane solid fuel appliance apgliances or solid fuel tion appliances appliances appliances Column C Co�umn 0 Column A Column 8 1. a)pressure factor 0.15 0.09 0.06 0.03 . (cfm/sf) tr)conditioned floor area(sf)(including unfinished basements} �� Eitimated Mouse Infiltretion(cfm):j1a x lb) 'Z "� 2.�haust Capaciry a)continuous exhaust-only ventifation system(cfm);(not applicable to ba- �� lanced ventllation systems such as HRV) b}clotbes dryer(cfm� 135 135 135 135 cj 80%of largest exhaust rating(cfm); Kttchen hood typlcally (not applicable if recfrculating system �,. ar if powered makeup air is electrically interiocked and match m exhaust) df 8D%of next largest exhaust rating (cfm); bath fan typica!!y NOt (not appltcable If recirculating system or if powered makeup air is electrically ApP��cable interlocked anil matched to exhaust} ToYal Exhaust Capactty(cfm); [2a+26+2c+2d] � gS 3.Makeup Air Quantity(cfm) a)total exhaust capacity(from abave) i�� b}estimated house infi(tration(from a above� 02 C,��l Makeup Air Cluantiry(cfm); [3a—3b] (if value is negative,no makeup air is �er , � needed? l� 4.For makeup A(r Openfng Slzing,refer �( to Table 501.4,2 �V � A. Use this column if there are other than fan-assisted or atmospherically vented gas or oil appiiance or if there are no cambustion appifances.{power vent and direct vent appliances may be used.E B.- Use this column if there is one fan-assisted appllance per venting system.(Appliances other than atmosphericaUy vented appUances may also be fn- cluded.) C. Use this column]f there is one atmospherically vented(other than fan-assisted�gas or oil appliance per venhng system or ane soiid fuel apptlance. D. Use this column lf Chere are muRipie atmosphericalfy vented gas or oil appliances using a common vent or ff there are atmosphericatiy vented gas or oil appliances and solld Fuel appliances. Page 3 of 6 �1���'�.>o,.. i I ;� Makeup Air Opening Tabte for New and Existing pweiling Tahle 501.3.2 One or multiple power One or muitiple fan- One atmospherically Multipie atmosphertcaliy vent,direct vent ap- assisted appiiances and vented gas or oif ap- vented gas or oll ap- Duct di- piiances,or no combus- power vent or dfrect pliance ar one solid fuel pliances or sol(d fuel ameter tion appllances vent appliances applience appliances Column A Column e Column C Column D Passiveopening 1-36 1-22 2-15 x-9 3 Passiveopening 37-66 23-41 16-28 10-17 4 Passiveopening 67-109 42-66 29-46 18-2B 5 Passiveopening I10-163 67-100 47-64 29-42 6 _ Passiveopening 164-232 101-143 70-99 43-61 7 Passiveopenin 233-317 144-195 100-135 62-83 8 Passiveopening 318-419 196-258 136-179 84-11D 9 w/motorized damper Passtveopening A20-539 259-332 iS0-230 Ili-142 30 w/motorized damper Passiveopening 540-679 333-419 232-29D 143-179 12 wJmotorized damper Powered makeup air >679 >419 >290 �g79 Nq Notes: A. An equivalent length of 100 feet af round smooth metal duct is assamed. Subtract 40 feet for the exterlor hood and ten feet for each 90-degree elbow to determine the remaining length of straight duct ailowable. B. If flexible duct is used,increase the duct diameter by ane inch. ftexible duct shall be stretched with minEmal sags. Compressed duct shall not 6e accepted. C. Barometric dampers are prohibited in passive makeup air openings when any atmospherically vented appliance fs installed. D. Powered makeup air shall be electricaUy inkerlocked with the largest exhauzt system. Sections F Combustion air � Not required per mechanical code(No atmospheric or powervented appliances) ' .�CF./ ' o�.a ,�s ������ �i� ,.t !� � N.,a Passive(see IfGC Append(x E,Worksheet E•1} Size and type Other,describe: Explanation-!f no atmospheric or power vented appliances are installed,check the uppropriate box,not required. If a power vented or atmospherically vented appliance installed,use tFGCAppendix F, Worksheet F-1(see belowJ. Please enrersFze and type. Combus- tion air vent supplies must communicate with the oppliance or appliances that require the cam6ustion air. 5ection�calculations follow on the next 2 pages. Page 4 of 6 I ���••�o.^ Pro ect Summar Job: CMS Jefferson B&D Unit wrightsoft' � Y Date: July 25,2014 Entire House By: Elander Mechanica! lnc. 591 Citation priva,Shakopee,MN 55379 Phone:952-445-4692 Fax:952-445-7487 ' 0 ' • � For: Notes: r - • � • Weather. Minneapolis-St. Paul, MN, US I� Winfer Design Conditions Summer Design Conditions Outside db -15 °F Outside db 88 °F Inside db 7� °F Inside db 70 °F Design TD 85 °F Design TD 98 °F Daily range M Relative humidity 50 % Moisture difference 37 gr/Ib Heatirtg Summary Sensible Cooling Equipment Load S3zing Structure 28355 Btuh Siructure 11493 Bfuh Ducts 1125 Btuh Ducts 639 Btuh Central vent (69 cfm) 6272 Btuh Central vent (69 cfmj 1321 Btuh Humidification 0 Btuh Blower 0 Btuh Piping •0 Btuh " Equipment load 35751 Btuh Use manufacturer's data y Rate/swing multiplier 1.00 Infiltratloll Equipment sensible load 13453 Btuh Metnod simp►ified Latent Cooling Equipment Load Sizing Consfruction quality Tight Fireplaces 1 (Tight) Structure 1217 Btuh Ducts 117 Btuh Heating Cooling CentraJ vent(69 cfm) 1670 Btuh Area{ftz) 1852 1852 Equipment latent load 3004 Btuh Volume(ft') 14816 14818 Air changes/hour 0.14 Q,07 Equipment total load 16457 Btuh Equiv.AVF(cfm) 35 17 Req. total capacity at 0.70 SHR 1.6 ton Heating Equipment Summary Coo[ing Equipment Summary Make Lennox Make Lennox Trade MERIT 90 'frade 13ACX Series- RFC Model M�193UH045XP24B" Cond 13ACX-018-234-* AWRI ref 4792130 Coil C33-25*+TDR AMRI ref 1031313 Efficiency 93 AFUE Efficiency 11.9 EER, 13.5 SEER Heating input 44000 MBtuh Sensible cooling 12950 Btuh Heating output 41000 Btuh Latent c�ling 5550 Btuh Temperature rise 50 °F Total cooling 18500 Btuh Actual air flow 768 cfm Actual air flow fi17 cfm Air flow fackor 0.026 cfm/Btuh Air flow factor Q.051 cfm/Btuh Static pressure 0 in H20 Static pressure 0 in H20 Space thermostat Load sensible heat ratio 0.82 Bofd/itallc valaes have bean manua!!y overrldden Calculations approved by ACCA to meet all requirements of Manual J 8th Ed. 2014•Sep•p3 10:34:03 ^�. � wrigh#soft° Rlght-Suite�UnivetSa12012 12.7.08 R5U73410 Page 1 ACCP�...Heat l,asses 20131Lennar Patrlot Jetferson B.nip Calc=MJ8 Frant Ooor faces: N Wl'i �I�SOft Component Constructions Jab: CMSJeffersonB&bUnit g � Date: July 25,2Q94 Entire House By: Elander Mechanical inc. 591 Citation Drive,Shakopae,MN 55379 phone:852-445-4692 Far 952-445-7467 s � ' � i For: � - • • � � Location: [ndoor: Heating Cooling Minneapolis-St. Paul, MN, L1S Indoor temperature(°F) 70 70 Elevation: $37 ft Design TD (°F� 85 18 Latitude: 45°N Relative humi ity (%} 50 50 Outdoar: Heating Cooling Moisture difference(gr/ib) 54.5 36,6 Dry bulb(°F) -15 88 fnfiitration: Daify range(°F) - 19 ( M ) Method Simplified Wet bulb(°F) - 71 Construcfion quality Ti ht Wind speed(mph) 15.0 7.5 Fireplaces 1 �Tight} Cons#ruction descriptions Or Area U-value Insul R Htg HTM Loss Cig WTM Gafn � fl' Bluit/fl�'F ft'-'FBluh BtuhM' Btull Btuh/fi' 8tuh � Walls 12F-Osw:Frm wall,vni exl,r-21 cav ins,1/2"gypsum board int n 556 O.U65 21.0 5.52 3Q70 1.21 674 fnsh,2"�cfi"wood frm e 399 0.065 21A 5.52 2207 1.21 484 5 513 0.065 21.0 5.52 2837 1.21 622 w 422 0.065 21.0 5.53 2330 1.2'1 511 all 1890 0.065 21.0 5.52 10443 1.29 229i Partitions (none) Wfndows 61A:VINYL I�sulated Glass Doubie Hung;NFRC rated e 77 0.2$0 D 23.8 1841 29.3 2263 (SHGC=0.26) s 42 0.280 0 23.8 10D4 17.1 721 w 74 0.280 0 23.8 1769 29.3 2175 ali 184 0.280 0 23.8 4613 26.& 5159 t7oors 11J0:Door,mti fbrgl fype � n 20 6.600 6.3 51.0 1040 17.9 365 e 19 0.600 6.3 51.0 983 17.9 345 s 20 0.600 6.3 51.0 1d40 17.9 365 all 60 0.600 6.3 51.0 3063 17.9 1076 Ceilings 16CR-44ad:Attic ceiling,asphalt shingles roof mat,r-44 ceil ins, 1116 0.022 94.0 1.87 2087 0.95 1064 5/8"gypsum board int fnsh Floors 20P-38c:Flr floor,frm Flr,12"fhkns,carpet flr fnsh,r-5 ext ins,r-38 250 0.030 38.0 2.55 638 0.40 100 cav ins,gar ovr 20P-38v:Flr floor,frm flr,12"thkns,vinyl fir fnsh,r-5 e�ins,r-38 130 0.03p 38.0 2.55 332 U.40 52 cav ins,gar ovr , 22B-10fpm:Bg ftoor,heavy dry or ifght damp soil,on grade depth, 134 0.355 10.0 30.2 4043 0 � r-90 edge Ins �I •, 2014Sep-0310:34:03 ,� '�' wrightsoft° Right-Suite�Universal 2012 12.1.06 RSU13410 Paga 1 ACC�...Heat I.osses 20131Lennar Patrtot Jefferson B.rup Ca�=MJB Front door faces: N r�a"X"',�-rr r!-' ' : �4� -�� #MzO � ;e����';„;; �. °C.},;� e������ � � �N f e ��g4�.�. :�� a u j� ii ��� � � f�'t� ;i ��� ���� N ; ��� r►"� ���� � ! ��; � � � �� � i. `�� '��: � �_F .1 s� �''� � ` �;.'J�'��rg� ` i�� � � g 'M � F- `�x j +. eu jv�I � 2 1 �u:. G� 3a i � � �r^� � � 'O �p � � g,M# •- •- a- e- �- N .- r .- .-- j �-� ' ��r�p ° °o �, �C!� � �";m p a> '� `�'r 0 � p` � q +� �,��4 �� G QOO Oac� � o v i ��`R�sg�'� .:�O o G. 4 C. U g O i H � w °° o � o e °� �,, ' ��,. a _.._�R� �a a � � � � � � N � � a �o� � � F- z � r �, m w� w ` �E:�w. Q � ��� C7 Y 0 Va m :n � 0� :� '� �� ( � 't �� ro � ? (6 �y t� RD (O 'E �i � � � u j t�+� ,Kd. M c�0 � N x � � 4'�»"' � � � X .- jC X .�- ?C Y � K � -:� Z s ..;� `- J '-2 s�� N f�+ m °v � ni � h °v C! � �LL'; ' �� - � � � � ;� ,., .. � tt h a i �i N�� � � � ��� O O Q O O O O O O y � . ` - O < ` `" � `^ ao � F- � �m3 z z z z z z z z z : a`P.���` "�N M � ~ Z v� ��� ': �.��� � � � ¢ � a �".: CV tl' N VJ r m �g � � � O � � tY � � U.' r3 -. 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Yt � qk �k 4k ik xk � ���.',4'� ��' �,�j � � �Z r�, # g�'. ��� Q rx ; � � -`-����.�' ...�� 73 N 4�'�� O Z Z 2 Z p S S x Z ��: ,r� '..��;.f J 1� �d t N Vl Cn (n (A N iA (A (A � ; � R�.y �J .^ LL J N I�§ � i 1�...�q O� �� �� � ( ` x �� >. I o e p � ; f ;�! C � G1 Q A +�,� LL LV � N � N N r � ���§E d [0 fll ' +'' � .0 V 7} O O � O � O O � p � *+^r Q N 41 � . O i f`7 KJ (h �n u1 C� u`i u'� �n -�� �- GY N a' � .�; X X X X X X X K X -i r�-��.•�,� � '�T `�s '0 Q. Q, �3 €.L.A o `V O R 'V' O R 7 V' � i-�1'v st Q 'Q L '� ".�. (�j i�y � M (+') � M N f�D P7 C� �;;����`c� a U a us cn 5 ` i � � MULTI-FAMILY I � PLAN REVIEW FOR COMPLIANCE WITH AIRCRAFT NOISE ORDINANCE ; � Compliance with Procedures to Ensure � Submitter: Noise Im act Area Adequate Noise Attenuation: � i Lennar Airport-MSP International Exterior wall construction: j 16305 36th Ave. No. Noise Zone-4 Vinyl � Suite 600 15/32"sheathing � Plymouth, MN 55446 New Infill Residence is a"COND" Tyvek wrap ; 952-249-3000 use in Noise Zone 4 2x6 studs 16"O.C. R-21 batt insulation with 1/2"gypsum board Roof Construction: Plan.Reviewed: �- �, � �-��t� =`<,'�.' S� <. C '-- Peaked roof with manufactured trusses 24"O.C. ` Roof vents y 1 �� `7�4��,\ �'�.' �`�.�i� Shingles ', Information Submitted: 15#felt , Annotated architectural drawin s includin : 1/2"sheathing Blown insulation R-44 Windows: Atrium 5/8"gypsum board Swinging Patio Doors: Atrium Entry Doors: Therma Tru Mechanical Ventilation System: Skylights: N/A 2-ton central air conditioning unit Compliance with STC Re uirements: Window, Door Frame, Perimeter and Other Seals: i All window and door openings are to be caulked ! Avera e window/wall area for exterior wall: ���� �� �� with butyl-based caulk 9 �- c. �.; - With this window/walF area ra#io and STC 40 walls,windows-- - Fireplace Chimney_Cap: _ I wi#h an STC 30 can be used to meet the noise reduction N!A � i requirements; Ventilation Duct Exterior Wall Penetrations: Summa : All exterior ducts will have bends as required by the ordinance Other measures including duct bends and caulking are being i taken to ensure minimum transmission of noise through the Door and Window Construction: ! exterior building shell so that the construction should meet Windows: Atrium (30 STC) � the compatibility guidelines. ( Sliding Patio Doors: Atrium (30 STC) � Therefore, the materials and construction as proposed should meet the requirements of the Eagan aircraft noise ordinance. Entry Doors: Therma Tru (29 STC) Skylights: N/A ; Review Com leted date): Y'° � � ► � Other Exterior Walf Penetrations: ; Review Com leted b : Tom Tamte Sill sealer between lates and blocks � � i j � i I r i < ! � � LOT SURVEY CHECKLIST FOR RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION PROPERTY LEGAL: ' ,Z � � � 1� �� ��`�' ' DATE QF SURVEY: � LATEST REVISION: a� a� c R , L U O z Q DOCUMENT STANDARDS �' p ❑ • Registered Land Surveyor signature and company �pj ❑ ❑ • Building Permit Applicant ,e( ❑ ❑ • Legal description � p ❑ • Address ,�( D � • North arrow and scale �( ❑ ❑ • House type (rambier,walkout, split w/o,split entry, lookout,etc.) � ❑ ❑ • Directional drainage arrows with slope/gradient°/a � ❑ ❑ . Propased/existing sewer and water services& invert elevation � � ❑ ❑ • Street name � ❑ ❑ • Driveway(grade&width-in R/W and back of curb,22' max.) � ❑ ❑ � Lot Square Footage �' 0 ❑ • Lot Coverage ELEVATIONS Existin ,� ❑ ❑ • Property corners � ❑ ❑ • Top of curb at the driveway and property line extensions � ❑ ❑ • Elevations of any existing adjacent homes ,e( ❑ ❑ • Adequate footing depth of structures due to adjacent utility trenches �( 0 ❑ • Waterways(pond, stream,etc.) Proposed � � p ❑ • Garage floor �E' 0 � • Basement floor �' ❑ ❑ • Lowest exposed elevation (walkouUwindow) �' ❑ ❑ • Properly corners �' 0 ❑ • Front and rear of home at the foundation PONDING AREA(if applicable) ❑ ;�' ❑ • Easement line ❑ Jd' ❑ • NWL ❑ � ❑ • HWL ❑ fd' ❑ • Pond#designation ❑ � D • Emergency Overflow Elevation � ❑ „�(( (O • Pond/Wetland buffer delineation Y �,p� • Shoreland Zoning Overlay District Y � • Conservation Easements DIMENSIONS � ❑ ❑ • Lot lines/Bearings&dimensions � ❑ ❑ • Right-of-way and street width (to back of curb) � ❑ ❑ • Proposed home dimensions including,any proposed decks,overhangs greater than 2', porches, etc. (i.e.all sfructures requiring permanent footings) � ❑ ❑ • Show all easements of record and any City utilities within those easements � ❑ ❑ • Setbacks of proposed sfructure and sideyard setback of adjacent existing structures � ❑ � • Retaining wall requiremenfs: Reviewed By: � Date 9���i' G:/FORMS/Building PermitApplication Rev. 11-26-04 �Ul(n �n Cr13 N� G7 O)(Il-P WN�C7 � p � �. . . � � . � . _ . . . — p o x � � � m—1 CO (� CO—I c� Z cn � —i� rn D C�C�(n�� rt o °o in N o m � ��� r,.� n.� o � a o o a� v, � o o � C87 p co �p_o � c� V1 � O 't� d �- CD ,-•-� � O : ''-M,.� CD -n < � p n cn �� o ❑ � o rt� ,+ � t� O (� 7 � �`L ��(� o E�; (n -'l CD 0 Z� CD `. 7 (� S� ,-r:cn ��p Z � o 0 0 ,-+- �. 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(�'���'�p���n�t�#� In�om�tl�t���� ������ C�rmrn� s (��i�(�I' k��I i I��!i i ry M�X^,�K t ,: e.�,u�l d,,. , �:�ja � ar'�. Final grade - 6"from siding � uW�'"�'`r Permanent steps—Garage y�91 I� Permanent steps— Main Entry � w'�`'��� Permanent Driveway � ii � , I Permanent Gas � I Retaining Wall or 3:1 Max Slope i'���" Sod / Seeded Lawn Trai! ! Cur� Damage �' Porch ���JL � Lower Level Finish �fl� (��� Deck I� �..- Fireplace 2 � • Verify with your builder that roof test caps from the plumbing system have been removed. • Turn off water supply to the outside lawn faucets before freeze potential exists. • Call the Engineering Department at (651) 675-5646 prior to working in the right-of-way or installing an irrigation system. Building Inspector: `� ��� ���� �� G:\Building Inspections\FORMS\Checklists PERMIT City of Eagan Permit Type:Plumbing Permit Number:EA129581 Date Issued:02/25/2015 Permit Category:ePermit Site Address: 1122 Station Tr Lot:3 Block: 3 Addition: Stonehaven 7th PID:10-72706-03-030 Use: Description: Sub Type:Residential Work Type:Replace Description:Water Softener Meter Size Meter Type Manufacturer Serial Number Remote Number Line Size Comments:Please call Building Inspections at (651) 675-5675 to schedule a final inspection. Applicant: Steve Cuddihy 8201 Old Central Ave Spring Lake Park, MN 55432 Fee Summary:PL - Permit Fee (WS &/or WH)$55.00 0801.4087 Surcharge-Fixed $5.00 9001.2195 $60.00 Total: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Contractor:Owner:- Applicant - Us Home Corporation 16305 36th Ave N Ste 600 Minneapolis MN 55446 Water Doctors Water Treatment Company 8201 Old Central Ave, Suite F & G Spring Lake Park MN 55432 (763) 535-1800 Applicant/Permitee: Signature Issued By: Signature PERMIT City of Eagan Permit Type:Plumbing Permit Number:EA168191 Date Issued:04/13/2021 Permit Category:ePermit Site Address: 1122 Station Tr Lot:3 Block: 3 Addition: Stonehaven 7th PID:10-72706-03-030 Use: Description: Sub Type:Residential Work Type:Replace Description:Standard Water Heater Meter Size Meter Type Manufacturer Serial Number Remote Number Line Size Comments:Carbon monoxide detectors are required within 10 feet of all sleeping room openings in residential homes (Minnesota State Building Code). Please call Building Inspections at (651) 675-5675 to schedule a final inspection. Fee Summary:PL - Permit Fee (WS &/or WH)$59.00 0801.4087 Surcharge-Fixed $1.00 9001.2195 $60.00 Total: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Contractor:Owner:- Applicant - Leonhard Long-heng Sze 1122 Station Trl Eagan MN 55123 (651) 245-2617 Champion Plumbing 3670 Dodd Rd., #100 Eagan MN 55123 (651) 365-1340 Applicant/Permitee: Signature Issued By: Signature