unit D Oct 2 2014 12: 05PM Crest Exter ors 651-463-8095 P, 4 Use BLUE o��LACK Ink _� � For Offlce Use � ' j Permil#: � `��� �� j Clty of �a�a� ; Permil Fee: r /�_ �� � 3630 Pllot Knob Road � � Eagan MN 66122 � Dale Recei�ed:�� j Phone:(661)676-567b � � Fax;(661)67b•5694 I Sta�: � I �_________...����__J 2014 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICA710N C` Date:'� Site Address: Unit#: Name:CI� �� ��I���� J�� _Phon�LV�,�JI�J�I�1` (l,�l� '���/. r` �, � � �" ,0', Bt Address I Gify/Zip: Q� .�::<�,.. ., . . . .�Sa�,:���,:.��::� Applicant is: Owner Contractor � ���F.t. ' �� p z '• Description of work: 1�--�C�- ' � .e.�Of� .� �I..� �� �. • �� Construction Cost� ZW �� Mul6-Family Building:(Yes�/No� . •, • Company:\��jl _ �1 Y,������l._-�. i _Contacl: I�lJ1��/ _ , .- `� ;c�„e-w�.: Address:�7�h�_Ci�'��Y� / 1 � �\'r -- City: . � � ��nfra��,or.• �:�; . ( • - • State:�Zip���_�'�' Phone: � I�ma��:(XQ,S .1�1�C� �r1t1C�C��r�� License�l:C)��U1�}-� ��� �. Lead Certifica[e#: If the project is exempt from lead certiflcatlon, please explain why:(see Page 3 for additional information) ' r � �� f �' il�� �^4 . �� �l � `� � , � , COMPLETE 7HIS A A ONLY IF CONSTRUCTING A NEW BUILDING In the last 12 months,has the Clty of Eagan issued a pemtlt for a similar plan bseed on a master plan7 _Yes _No If yes,date and address of master plan' Llcensed Plumber: Phone: Mechanical Contractor: Phone: Sewer&Water Contracfor: Phone: IV. TE:Plans and:s�o►��ng d cuirie tis"ina'� � -�re°'o" - � ���e' u611c informafion. Portlons of t e'ihfontl"�e��li�mayb�e�classife �. ► e,,. , _,�,., ��d,f�vould�permiftHe�Ci(y�o � � • �co - re e s:-> CALL BEFORE YOU DIG. Call Oopher Slate Ona Call ai(861)454�OOOP lor prolectlon againsl underground utllily damage, Call 4B hours before you inlend lo dIg lo�ecelve locales oi uhderg�ound uUllUes. www.000her laleonecall.ora I hereby acknowledge Ihal lhis Infofmal�On Is complete and accurale;lltal Ihe work will be in con(ormance wlth lhe ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan;Ihal I undersland lhis Is nol a permii, but only sn appllcaUon for a perrnil, and work Is not to slert w+lnoui a permll; thal lhe woAc wlll be in aCCOfAance with the approved pian In ihe case of work which reqUires a reNew and approval of plens. Exterlorwork authorizad by a bullding pertnif is6ued In accovdance wlth lhe Minnesoia State Building Coda must be completed�vitnln 180 days o1 permll Issuance. . X � �.�r��� � c,4��_, X ApplfcanYs Printed Name Applic nts Igneture Page 1 oF 3  !" #$%&'()'*+*, -./$%'"&0-1 -FN*,$F*4 -./$%'63/7-.189:;;LD =*%-'!>>3-519?@9O@?B9A -./$%'#*%-+(.&1--./$% C$%-'855.->>1'':DBO''C%'G.*,F$>'Q*&''=  7!Y#$%& ''7")**++, '';'K0/,%+3'A*'FN 456 !789"Y7G87"87!Y' :3. =->F.$0%$(,1 ;<='>?@. D.3+*.,+/$ A0&'>?@. D.@$/%. 6.3%0+@+, K<0,/%. b<.3+,3'0.I/0*+,I'.$.%0+%/$'@.0M+'0.J<+0.M.,3'3N<$*'=.'*+0.%.*'';/.'Z$.%0+%/$'5,3@.%0Q'E/0&'),*.03,'/'SY"W\]' #(//-,%>1 FF"8WXF7O -/0=,'M,R+*.'*..%03'/0.'0.J<+0.*'B+N+,'!7'P..'P'/$$'3$..@+,I'0M'@.,+,I3'+,'0.3+*.,+/$'NM.3'SE+,,.3/';/.' EZ'8'4.0M+'K..'SD.@$/%.M.,3\]U"YO77'7X7!OF7XX G--'C3//*.&1 ;<0%N/0I.8K+R.*U!O77'Y77!OW!Y" "(%*41HDBIBB' #(,%.*F%(.1JK,-.1 8'')@@$+%/,''8 -,0$$.*')+0\[/M.3'4'1/=0+.$ W!W!7'Z/,')2.G97X';'K0/,%+3'A/?'6 K/0M+,I,'E\\''""7WFZ/I/,'E\\''""!WG S9"!\]'F97897WW'cW"GS9"!\]'WF(8((7" 5'N.0.=?'/%&,B$.*I.'N/'5'N/2.'0./*'N+3'/@@$+%/+,'/,*'3/.'N/'N.'+,P0M/+,'+3'%00.%'/,*'/I0..''%M@$?'B+N'/$$'/@@$+%/=$.';/.' P'E+,,.3/';/<.3'/,*'-+?'P'Z/I/,'L0*+,/,%.3O )@@$+%/,C4.0M+.. ';+I,/<0.533<.*'#? ';+I,/<0.