12/10/2013 - Energy and Environment Advisory CommissionApproved February 11, 2014 EAGAN ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENT ADVISORY COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING Tuesday, December 10, 2013 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF DECEMBER 10, 2013 A regular meeting of the Eagan Energy and Environment Advisory Commission was held on Tuesday December 10, 2013 at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers. Those present were Member Nadav, Member LeClair, Member Bintner, Member Ische, and Member Wisniewski, Member Drucker was absent. Staff present was Juli Seydell Johnson, Director of Parks and Recreation. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Director Seydell Johnson stated there are no changes to the agenda. Member Nadav moved to approve the agenda as presented, Member Wisniewski seconded with all present members voting in favor. APPROVAL OF MEETING MINUTES Member Nadav requested two items for amendment. The header on the first paragraph for the regular meeting minutes has a date of May 14 listed this should be changed to October 8. Member Nadav also requested from the joint meeting minutes to replace the last sentence on page 2 with “Member Nadav suggested that we address the gaps in our network of pedestrian and biking paths, particularly between public and private retail properties, and consider such opportunities for both existing and future developments.” Member Bintner moved, Member Wisniewski seconded, with all present members voting in favor to approve the both minutes of October 8, 2013, as amended. VISITORS TO BE HEARD There were no visitors to be heard. DIRECTOR UPDATES Director Seydell Johnson gave of couple of brief updates on items that were included in the EEAC packets. Statistical information on the Going Green Carnival at Eagan Market Fest was included for Commission Members to review. Director Seydell Johnson stated that we plan on doing a similar event at this upcoming summer’s Market Fest season. The next item was the Regional Indicators project’s progress and reports will go to the Commission as available. The next item is the Kids Around the World playground recycling program. This program uses older recycled playground equipment and sends them overseas for use in third world countries. Because of national standards specific to playground safety the structures cannot be reassembled at other domestic sites. This is at no cost to the City and actually saves money because we do not have to pay to recycle or bring to the landfill. The last item was the results report on recycling/organics from the Eagan Art Festival. Director Seydell Johnson stated we have been trying to incorporate more recycling/composting initiatives for our larger events. Director Seydell Johnson gave a couple of announcements that were not in the packets. The first item was the donation of two solar pods from Mouli Engineering that will be installed next spring Energy and Environment Commission December 10, 2013 Page 2 at Goat Hill Park. Updates and reports will go to the EEAC once they are up and running. The final item is the low maintenance landscaping recommendations which is to be presented to the City Council on February 11 the same night as the next EEAC regular meeting. After brief discussion with the Commission Members there were no further items to be discussed at this time. OLD BUSINESS Director Juli Seydell Johnson gave a brief overview of the EEAC goals and work plan for 2013- 2014. Discussion with Commission Members resulted in a request to the City Clerk to request more information from the licensed waste haulers concerning a more detailed breakdown of their rate structures. Commission would like to request a meeting with the City Clerk to discuss possible options. After further consideration there were no further items to be discussed at this time. NEW BUSINESS There is no new business to discuss at this time. ROUNDTABLE Member Bintner attended a meeting regarding the future of the energy industry. The meeting discussed new business models to promote energy conservation. After brief discussion there were no further items to be discussed at this time. ADJOURNMENT After further brief discussion, Member Bintner moved, Member Wisniewski seconded with all members present voting in favor to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 7:22 p.m. ____________________________ _______________________________ Date Secretary