684 McFaddens Tr - Zoning Permits & Plans i___------__�--__—�-''i � For o#fice Use � ��� �f�� a� ' � � � � � � Permic#:� � ,. I j 3830 Pilot Knob Road: � � Eagao MN�a512� �� Pate Received:� ' I Phans;�651)!675-5885r' ---_>____.,._-------- �ax:(851j 675-5694 Email:plannin��veitu�sfeaq�n:es�m Z��IING: PE#��lll�` APPLICATIt.�P� Please identify i,mpr�v�ments on a scale�i sifie plan drawing,that sha�ws (Qt lir�es,struc#ures and exisfing conditivns. Pra et'E 5ite Address: p y _���. �._....�� �"':�c C���..:........�C�r� ..._�:_���".�;:�,� ��.�._. _._......__.� �nforma�ian owner Name. �,,,� ;: . ��"�_�e1�S�"; . p � ��� �� Name: �....��, ��r'�±"`t`C zv"t.�'�'� ��►��'hone> _ ���,'�'�'�!���.�_��s aaar���: �!��� � �S , � c;�vrsfat�rz��: �.�t�P�t���. . r� ' ��f''� � Confact � ^� iC,� � RFPlicant Signature: � DaEe: ��°�� i""'r' j Emaif;address; �1 1�°1��...,.'�_.�...' 3`�l't,� �� j^r'_��-.� I �- � �....._ —._f.... I ReEaining Wall<4(eet Drivewa� ���������L,.t��� ��;;.'�"' !I -�-Pat(e�—� SpoCt Graurf � �� �,�c��.� �'3td`�wc��� ��� � 't'ype Of V1IO�rk Sidewa#k : Fence � I �...�. pescrip�onotwork: � ��t�.,. _..�',�i��� _.._._..�.C„�d.:.���: _�;:J�.�:._.."..��r��__`�.-�5�,,.�`',� �' '� � Rlan�iing 5ei�i�cks,h�rd sur�ac�:'�v�:rage,s�csr�tan�l zoni�tg,blu�f zaflelse�backs.e�c, '� _ C,.T�:,�... __ . _ Gti'�1lLL' , . � I Approve�l f nied � Date��; �_�_ ���w staff � �� �� _ � _ . �.7r{;�;,i-�.1 ��� 1 vti ��4"�)r'`��Cx.V1(�i Cal�'�M"��-� '1'D r` �=i j�`�_-� � C... �C.l.� I t )�► L tvt..�. . . � ,:;� �`�� �.,C:�-� �' 1�� 3�(t �� �� , � :�t��� \�S\��- vb �1�,�� i- �. � " , Ravised Plsns Appraved: Yes f No pate: Sta#f: Engineel'irtg " Gradirig.drainage�uti[ity easem�nts�wetla�dsf etasion cantral,improvern�nts in fhe Right�t�f-Way,e�c� �pesoved/Denied' Date: Staff: ��^a�� � l `JL��'�. ✓�- `�� 3�� �l S�\�`�"�` I�I Nat �1�`1�'�r_.�.1 �U��'i '��-t i" �� L^- ?�Cc`l�-( I � Stc�.t�.�Cx-t(� [ ' � � �� � � G�l�-u� I Revised Plans Approved: YeslNa DaEe: �, Staff: �..�.�...m._..��� _� , Camrnents Property�ines to be ver Y CALL B�FflRE Yf)U C}!G. Call Gopher'Stake One Call at(8�1 j 454-OOQ2 for pratectioo agains!underground utility rJamage. Ca8 48''haurs before yo�u irttend fcs=dig fa reeeive! tes of undergraurtd uUlitias, www�v.�i€srsh�rs#ateon�calt.or� , �� �"' �� �/ _4C,;18vildi Ins'ec' nstPERN{�TAPPLIC.4T1flNS: �" f�►1.���`� �`� �_��C,�-.�-�.�..�__f.�--� � 1 ` � �.� ������ � ,..,��c�:. .,f � ,�'l �- �?� �'�C..� v�r1.�-.�.�."-� ��� 1 ` ��v��l���� �uL�d � �-�,��1.� . r L,�;; ,�.� ��, k��� �3�fZ ��-� �- . � �� ��� � � � .� � � � � �� � � � � �x � .. � � � � � �:� � x� �. .. . � �. � . . . 4��� .:,`3 .. , . .. ' �... ... . ���� � •' . �'� . .. -��� �..�! 11����'�J � r11 �I e .�A � ��� � f ' ;;,� . ; �1 � _� . . . � . . � . . �.�.I�. i .'��.f:. ... , � � �J , .. . .... . . . ...fa . . � ... . .... . . . .. !. � . . �,,,. �.! 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Site Address: � ' �R�����r �..,�� i�e ���-�-�<.. ._� ������--��������� ���o���r�c�� � Owner Name �..�;�� ......��ft'�_�r"1_�.': Name; �-.� ��t �`�.,ry-�-R��.��1��ne. ���s _ ��� Address> ��� �T '� .S`�����__�-- City{S[ate2iP' ,�,�w'�it� �r��_ ��� �flNTAGT ' �PPlicanf SignaCure: Date �� ��,;��"' _. _. .... . - - -_ Emaii address: _�� .�� ��'�,�_�,�.� ❑Refaining Wal[<4 feet � .�'Other:_„�,._.� _..j_���C �.v�' TY�E OF O Patio O Spart Caurt - W{3RK � �Fence; Description o#work; ° �f� ��fd ,�,,�,K-� t �, ; :�� �'LA[VNtNG Setbaeks,tiard starface couerage,.sh�re[and zaning,,bluff z�ne/setb�Gks,etG. }�I�C�-'t�-' ApAroved 1 nied Date ot�ppraval. L � �" � I�j ����� Staff: ��-�1..� ��(��.,+����t�;x' . .._. ' , Y�..���-�_ `lr. 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'-il "--1...��i_�.fl;�_. .. - ii �,� ��,� �� The owner/applicant is responsible for compiiance with applicable construction codes. � � ��� Sarah Thomas From: Jim Peterreins <jim@friedgesinc.com> Sent: Tuesday, October 21, 2014 4:37 PM To: Sarah Thomas Subject: RE: 684 Mcfaddens Trail Attachments: deck1021.pdf Hi Sarah, please see my attached updated plan, The patio will become a deck less than 3Q" off the ground on diamond pier foatings. The deck will not be a�tach�d to the house. The other change would be no p�rgola. Instead we wifl just pour a footing in th�approximant location shown far a future retractable umbre(la to be atfiached.We will keep in behind the garage carner. Let me know if you need anything further. Thanks, 1im Peterreins Friedges Landscaping 952-469-2996 From: Sarah Thomas [mailto:SThomasC�citvofeagan.com] � Sent: Tuesday, October 21, 2014 1:29 PM To: 'jim@friedgesinc.com' Subject: RE: 684 McFaddens Trail Hi Jim, I checked with Eric Macbeth,Water Resources Manager, and the parcel does drain into Fitz Lake, Exc}usion from the Shoreland Overfay Distric�is not an option. However,your solution may work. It appears that portion of the home is set back further from the garage and the 30' setback isn't an issue. Traditionally if someone builds a deck and leaves space between the deck boards for runoff and it is a permeable surface below,we would not caunt it as impervious coverage. It doesn't seem like it's much different than a patio, but untii/unless the City changes the appraach,this should work. Sarah 7homas � Planner� City of Eagan City Hall�383Q Pilot Knob Road�Eagan,MtV 55122�651-675-5696�651-675-5694(Fax)�sthomasCa�citvofeaqan.com � �����i�� �� THIS COMMUNICATION MAY CONTAIN CONFIDENTIAL ANDIOR OTHERWISE PROPRIETARY MATERIAL and is thus for use only by the intended recipient. If ynu received this in errar,please contact the sender and delete the e-mail and its attachments from all computers. __ _._ From: Julie Strid Sent: Tuesday, October 21, 2014 7:47 AM To: 'jim@friedgesinc.com' 1