11/12/2014 - City Council SpecialMINUTES SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING NOVEMBER 12, 2014 5:30 P.M. EAGAN MUNICIPAL CENTER City Councilmembers present: Mayor Maguire, Councilmembers Bakken, Hansen and Tilley. Councilmember Fields arrived at 6:25 p.m. City staff present: City Administrator Osberg, Assistant City Administrator Miller, Communications Director Garrison, Director of Finance Pepper, Director of Parks & Recreation Johnson, Assistant Parks & Recreation Director Flewellen, Superintendent of Parks Olson, City Clerk Scipioni, E -TV Studio Supervisor Ongstad, and Communications Coordinator Foote. ROLL CALL AND ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA The Council requested the canvassing of the ballots be moved to later on the agenda. Councilmember Tilley moved, Councilmember Bakken seconded a motion to adopt the agenda as amended. Aye: 4 Nay: 0 VISITORS TO BE HEARD There were no visitors to be heard. ADVISORY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION (APrC) 2013 -2014 HIGHLIGHTS AND 2014 -2015 CONTINUING PROJECTS Mayor Maguire welcomed the Advisory Parks and Recreation Commission members to the meeting. Each of the Commissioners introduced themselves to the Council. Director of Parks & Recreation Johnson introduced the item and gave a brief summary of the 2013 -2014 highlights and 2014 -2015 continuing projects. 2015 PARKS AND RECREATION CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM Director of Parks & Recreation Johnson introduced Superintendent of Parks Olson, who provided a summary of the proposed 2015 Parks and Recreation Department CIP for park improvements. The Council discussed the proposed 2015 CIP park improvements. The Council directed the 2015 Parks and Recreation Capital Improvements Plan be included on a future City Council consent agenda for formal consideration. OLD TOWN HALL REVISED OPTIONS City Administrator Osberg introduced the item noting at the September 9, 2014 Council workshop, per Council direction, a side by side comparison has been prepared by the architects to include basic renovation /restoration of Old Town Hall to its previous condition with minimal enhancements, including costs associated with moving the building to the Municipal Campus. Osberg noted there are three scenarios being presented — Scenario I: Repair and Replace: Building to remain on existing site, and repair building to like materials and appearance; Scenario II: Relocate /Repair: Move building to city hall Special City Council Minutes November 12, 2014 Page 2 site, repair building to like materials and appearance; and Scenario III: Relocate /Repair /Enhance: Move building to city hall site; repair building to like materials and appearance; minor period upgrades; full basement with full HVAC systems, full site development. Mark Hansen of Mohagen /Hansen, along with Stuart MacDonald of McDonald & Mack gave a presentation of the revised options for Old Town Hall. The Council discussed the proposed revised options for Old Town Hall. Communications Coordinator Foote and Historical Society members Lori Tripp and Ted Ringberg provided comments. After further discussion it was the consensus of the Council that Scenario I — Repair in Place with the option of fundraising for additional enhancements was the favourable option. Osberg noted any direction provided by the Council tonight pertaining to Old Town Hall will be incorporated into the financial and space needs analysis being prepared for the December 9t" workshop. The Council took a 10 minute recess. CANVAS BALLOTS — NOVEMBER 4, 2014 MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS City Administrator Osberg introduced the item noting Minnesota Statute 205.185 Subd. 3, requires the governing body of a city to certify its election results between the third and tenth days after an election. City Clerk Scipioni gave a brief recap of the November 4, 2014 elections. Councilmember Fields moved, Councilmember Tilley seconded a motion to certify the results of the November 4, 2014 Mayor Election. Aye: 4 Nay: 0 (Mayor Maguire abstained) Councilmember Fields moved, Councilmember Tilley seconded a motion to certify the results of the November 4, 2014 City Council Election. Aye: 3 Nay: 0 ( Councilmember Hansen and Councilmember Bakken abstained) CABLE FRANCHISE UPDATE City Administrator Osberg introduced Eagan's Cable Franchise Attorney, Brian Grogan of Moss & Barnett and Communications Director Garrison. Osberg noted this is an informational briefing and no specific action is required. Communications Director Garrison and Attorney Grogan provided a cable update and were available for questions. They noted that the existing franchise expires January of 2015, and that a draft new franchise has been sent to Comcast for review based on the findings from the Community Needs Analysis completed earlier in the year. Grogan added that Comcast is proposing to spin -off the Twin Cities market to a new company that would be operated day -today by Charter Communications, and the City must make a determination on whether to approve or disapprove of the franchise transfer. Councilmembers expressed concern that there was not more competition or choice of providers. The Council asked for further cable updates as the situation warrants. Special City Council Minutes November 12, 2014 Page 3 E -TV BUDGET Communications Director Garrison provided an overview of the proposed 2015 E -TV budget. E -TV Studio Supervisor Ongstad noted E -TV received two national awards -a public service announcement about clearing fire hydrants of snow won the #1 PSA produced by any public access station in the Country, and #1 award for innovative Channel Promotion in the Country. E -TV also tied for the most #1 awards in Minnesota. Summer youth video camps continue to be popular, Ongstad noted, with more than 95 video campers, several of which have volunteered to help tape City events. Ongstad added next year E -TV will be offering a more advanced production workshop for older children who then have the opportunity to tape throughout the year on different film projects. E -TV is also looking to expand classes to include advanced editing options. The Council directed the 2015 E -TV budget be included on the December 2, 2014 City Council consent agenda for formal consideration. There was no other business to be heard. OTHER BUSINESS ADJOURNMENT Councilmember Tilley moved, Councilmember Bakken seconded a motion to adjourn at 8:05 p.m. Aye:5 Nay:O Date 4 /)�S") Mayor City Clerk �-