03/31/1992 - City Council Public Works Committee PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE MEETING 4:00 P.M. MARCH 31, 1992 At 4: 00 p.m. , Tuesday, March 31, 1992, the Public Works Committee met in Conference Rooms A & B of the Municipal Center to review the request of the developer of the Kingswood 2nd Addition to reduce the charges associated with the escrow account for Project 88-SS, Kingswood 2nd Addition. Those in attendance were Rollie Crawford, Attorney for the developer, James Horne; Tom Colbert, Director of Public Works; Tom Hedges, City Administrator; Mike Dougherty, Assistant City Attorney; Mayor Tom Egan & Councilmember Ted Wachter, Chair. The Committee reviewed a memo prepared by Tom Colbert dated March 25 which provided a summary of a previous meeting between City staff and the developer's representative discussing the outstanding escrow balance for the Kingswood 2nd Addition, Project 88-SS. The meeting began with Mr. Crawford reiterating the developer's concerns and position as originally stated in his letter of February 19, 1991, and specifically responding to Mr. Colbert's memo of March 25 identifying 11 (eleven) activities unique to this development justifying the costs incurred. Mr. Crawford requested the Public Works Committee to take into consideration their feelings that many of these costs were incurred either as a benefit to the City or at the specific request and requirement of the City, thereby justifying a reduction in the escrow account through some joint participation by the City. Of the outstanding escrow balance of approximately $42, 500 ($746 per lot) , Mr. Crawford felt that the City should reduce the outstanding escrow balance by approximately $14 , 000 ($246 per lot) to reflect the City's share for their involvement in this project. At the conclusion of Mr. Crawford's presentation, he excused himself from the meeting to allow the Public Works Committee to consider the developer's request and arrive at a recommendation. After further discussion of the history of the project by various members present, the Public Works Committee recommended that the escrow account be reduced by $3 , 575 ($63 per lot) to reflect 50% of the City's staff time ($7 , 157) charged to this escrow account. City staff was then directed to review this recommendation with Mr. Crawford in hopes of reaching an agreement that can be jointly presented to the City Council at the next appropriate meeting. The meeting adjourned at approximately 5:30 p.m. Respectful subm'tte D. ector of Public Wor s TAC/jj Tom: These minutes are being forwarded to Jim Sheldon with a request that he follow-up with a meeting with Rollie Crawford to see if this recommendation is acceptable in hopes of avoiding any confrontation when presented to the City Council. If it is not acceptable, he should try and determine a final demand amount which can also be presented to the Council for consideration. Tom Jim: Tom Hedges is requesting that you respond to Rollie's letter by sharing with him the minutes from this meeting and see if you can achieve concurrence with the Public Works Committee recommendation. If that is not possible, find out what amount he will be approaching the City Council with so that he can present that information when it goes to the Council for final resolution. We would appreciate it if you would copy both Tom and myself on all correspondence and keep us informed of any meaningful discussions you have with Mr. Crawford or Mr. Horne. Thanks for your help. Tom