04/06/1993 - City Council Public Works Committee MINUTES PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE MEETING TUESDAY, APRIL 6, 1993 The Public Works Committee convened at 9:00 a.m. on Tuesday, April 6, 1993, in the office of the City Administrator. Those present were Councilmember Ted Wachter, Chairperson; Councilmember Sandra Masin; City Administrator Tom Hedges; Public Works Director Tom Colbert; and Mr. Rollie Crawford, legal representative for Kingswood 2nd Addition developer, Mr. Jim Home. KINGSWOOD 2ND ADDITION ESCROW ACCOUNT As directed by the City Council on December 1, 1992,the Public Works Committee convened to review and discuss the issue of the outstanding escrow balance for the Kingswood 2nd Addition. Related background information had been forwarded to the Committee members prior to their meeting for their review and information. After a brief summary of the present situation by the Public Works Director, Mr. Crawford presented the developer's position regarding the concerns of excessive charges to the development escrow account (No. 88-SS) and provided a justification as to why these costs should be reduced. The Public Works Committee recognized the benefits to the City associated with the relocation of the previous street access to a location that was more conducive to the major entrance into the future 40-acre Municipal Center/Community Facility site. This relocation also provided better spacing for local street access onto a County road arterial street (Pilot Knob Road). After reviewing the current development escrow balance and the developer's request for City participation of costs incurred in recognition of City benefit from the replatting of this subdivision,the Public Works Committee offered to reduce the escrow balance by$8,918 which is approximately equal to the amount of the City's in-house staff time charged to this escrow account. Mr. Crawford indicated he would take this proposal back to the developer and provide the City with a response within approximately one week. At this point, Mr. Crawford excused himself from the meeting. PROJECT 601. LEXINGTON AVENUE & LONE OAK ROAD INTERSECTION RECONSTRUCTION The Public Works Committee then reviewed the written response of the County Traffic Engineer, Mr. Pete Sorenson,to written questions and issues submitted by Mr.Jim Roberts of Crate Prospects(2990 Lexington Avenue) regarding the traffic operation and related design issues associated with the improvement of the Lexington Avenue and Lone Oak Road intersection. After limited discussion regarding this response and the project as a whole,the Public Works Committee requested that the written response be provided to the entire Council as a part of the public hearing information scheduled for May 4. There being no further items to be discussed, the Public Works Committee adjourned at 10:15 a.m. Respectfully submitted, 41-41?-471--- homas A. Colbert Director of Public Works TAC/jj