3333 Pilot Knob Rd - Ltr 2015-03-15 re Concern With Demolition PracticesSarah Brandel From:Dale Schoeppner Sent:Wednesday, March 18, 2015 9:38 AM To:Sarah Brandel Subject:FW: Lockheed Martin site Attachments:20150318_091730.pdf From: Dale Schoeppner Sent: Wednesday, March 18, 2015 9:26 AM To: Jon Hohenstein; Mike Ridley; John Gorder Subject: Lockheed Martin site fyi From: Dale Schoeppner Sent: Wednesday, March 18, 2015 9:23 AM To: 'Don Ritsen' Cc: dullom@csmcorp.net; Nick Bartemio Subject: RE: Scanned image from EAColorCopy1 Mr. Ritsen, Thank you for your comprehensive response to the anonymous letter that we received. It appears that the concerns brought forth have been addressed and will continue to be a priority for your company. Our Engineering Division has verified that proper erosion control measures have been implemented on the site. We appreciate your continued efforts to make this very conspicuous project safe and compliant. If you would like to discuss this further do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, Dale Dale Schoeppner | Chief Building Official | City of Eagan City Hall | 3830 Pilot Knob Road | Eagan, MN 55122 | 651-675-5699 | 651-675-5694 (Fax) | dschoeppner@cityofeagan.com THIS COMMUNICATION MAY CONTAIN CONFIDENTIAL AND/OR OTHERWISE PROPRIETARY MATERIAL and is thus for use only by the intended recipient. If you received this in error, please contact the sender and delete the e-mail and its attachments from all computers. From: Don Ritsen [mailto:DRitsen@rachelcontracting.com] Sent: Wednesday, March 18, 2015 7:53 AM To: Dale Schoeppner Cc: dullom@csmcorp.net; Nick Bartemio Subject: Scanned image from EAColorCopy1 Mr. Schoeppner, I received and reviewed the letter of concern you sent to our office. I can appreciate these concerns. Rest assured, we want the city and your residents to be comfortable in regards to our operations. They are prudent and above and 1 beyond regulatory standards but that does not mean we will overlook a comment when it’s brought to our attention. Our staff and workforce take pride in our work and our valued reputation. The letter addressed a few different topics. I will address them each individually and you and I can discuss them from there. 1. Asbestos Containing materials in the structure. All regulated asbestos containing materials (RACM) have been removed from the structure prior to demolition operations. ACM removal operations started in November of 2014 and operations completed in January of 2015. All asbestos containing materials were identified by Braun Intertec in a destructive asbestos and hazardous materials survey. We have a copy of the document if you would like to review we also keep a copy at the site for our workforce communication. Near the end of asbestos removal operations the site was visited and inspected by the Minnesota Department of Health without any objections . All RACM material were disposed of at SKB Landfill in Rosemount MN and we have all disposal manifests in a closeout document from the contractor hired to perform the work. The building also contains limited amounts of non-friable asbestos materials that will be removed during continued demolition activities by means approved by the regulating agencies. 2.Dust from operations As addressed above, we have laborers on the site wetting materials as they are being demolished. Since it has been a dry spring, I believe some of the residual dust from vacant lots and surrounding open areas could be causing the concerns. Rachel Contracting also has an oscillating water atomizer. This machine looks like a snow machine you would see at a ski hill. It continually mists work operations with particulated water, which we get from a hydrant on the site. If need be we will water down surrounding open areas and vacant lots until we get our much needed spring rain. 3.Storm Water The site has a SWPP and a NPDES permit number C00039766. I have verified that all storm water controls are in place per the permit requirements. We have Inlet protection in 24 catch basins around the site and we will be adding a fiber roll around the concrete that will be recycled on the site. We inspect our controls on a weekly basis and after every ½” rainfall event. As described above, we will wet vacant lots and open areas if we continue to see dust getting stirred up by prevailing winds. I hope this addresses and alleviates each concern that was brought to your attention. We strive to bring communities safe and compliant projects so I would like to keep an open door to you if any further concerns come up during the process. My contact info below is current. Don Ritsen Rachel Contracting 4125 Napier Court NE St Michael, MN 55376 763.424.1500 (Office) 763.424.1501 (Fax) 763.424.1505 (Direct) 763.274.4265 (Mobile) www.rachelcontracting.com 2 3