01/15/2015 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission City,of Eap Approved 3-17-15 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ADVISORY PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION Thursday, January 15, 2015 IVII UTES OF MEETt1N OF JANUARY 15,.2015 F .F. ..�_ . A regular meeting of the Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission (APrC) was called to order at 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, January 15, 2015. Commission Members present included Member Michael Palmer, Member Dorothy Peterson, Member Andrea Todd-Harlin, Member Nathan Neuman, Member David Wietecki, Member Jerry Farlee and Member Matt Dauphinais. Member Dennis Thompson was not present. Staff members present Director of Parks & Recreation Juli Seydell Johnson, Superintendent of Parks Paul Olson, Water Resource Manager Eric Macbeth, and Administrative Supervisor Amy Grannes. #PPROVAL OF 4GENDA Member Palmer asked Director Johnson if there were any changes to the agenda. Director Johnson stated there were no changes. Member Neuman moved, Member Wietecki seconded, with all members present voting to adopt the agenda as amended. Aye: 6 Nay: 0 APPROVAL OF MEETING MINUTES Member Peterson had one adjustment to the minutes. Add the names of the Commission Members who opposed the 3% increase for the 2015 Park Dedication rates. Member Todd-Harlin moved, Member Farlee seconded, with all present members voting in favor to approve the minutes of the November 17, 2014 regular meeting, as amended. Aye: 6 Nay: 0 VISITORS TO BE HEARD; There were no visitors to be heard on items that were not on the agenda. Di ff!, tS UPDATE Director Seydell Johnson gave a brief overview of the monthly Parks & Recreation Department Happenings. Director Seydell Johnson gave recognition to Dorothy Peterson as a recipient of the Parks and Recreation Board/Commission award from the Minnesota Recreation and Parks Association. Dorothy will be formally recognized for this award at the next City Council meeting on Tuesday, January 20 at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers, all Commission Members and staff are invited to attend. Cascade Bay is now accepting application for all seasonal position visit our website at www.citvofeagan.com for more information. The first tree in Eagan with EAB was recently identified in Lebanon Hills Park. The County is working closely with the Department of Agriculture to Advisory Parks& Recreation Commission January 15, 2015 Page 2 monitor/manage the situation. All surrounding Cities including Eagan are being kept up to date on the situation and are also being encouraged to be watchful in their respective communities. The Eagan Art House is ready to start the New Year off with a fresh, updated general studio. A new floor was installed, as well as a new coat of paint throughout . Relating to the Eagan Art House Fall 2014 Registrations were nearly 20% higher than Fall 2013. All ice rinks and the tubing hill are open for the season and in good condition. Conditions are subject to change based on the weather please call our hotline (651) 675-5511 for the latest information. After 29 years of service to the City, Chief Mechanic/Shop Supervisor Tom Streefland will be retiring on January 30. The City shop keeps over 200 mobile units on the road. COSEVIT AMEND There were no consent agenda items to be discussed at this time. DEVELOP 1/I1' P;ROPOSA Case Estates Development Superintendent of Park Paul Olson gave an overview of the Case Estates Development. KJ Walk Inc. is proposing a Rezoning (from A, Agricultural to R-1, Residential Single Family) and a Preliminary Subdivision to create 10 lots upon approximately 4.5 acres located at 540 Diffley Road, south of Diffley Road between Dodd Road and Hwy 3. The 4.5 acre parcel is unplatted and contains a single family home with attached garage and multiple detached accessory buildings. The existing home was constructed in 1957 and will remain on Lot 10. The property abuts single-family homes to the south, east and west and is adjacent to Diffley Road to the north. The proposed development (10 lots on 4.5 acres) results in a density of 2.2 units per acre. The lots range in size from 12,003 sq. ft. to 24,143 sq. ft. Access is proposed from Brookview Court a new public street via Diffley Road. After further discussion with Commission Members, Member Peterson moved, Member Todd-Harlin seconded with all members present voting in favor of Actions for Consideration items 1 thru 6 for recommendation to the City Council: Aye: 6 Nay: 0 1. Recommend that the Park Dedication for the Development be met through a cash dedication. 2. Recommend that the Trail Dedication for the Development be met through a cash dedication. 3. The applicant shall submit a revised Tree Mitigation Plan that fulfills tree mitigation requirements through the installation of thirty-eight (38) Category B trees or an equivalent number of larger Category A trees (>=4" caliper deciduous trees or>=12' height coniferous trees). Mitigation trees shall not be installed in street or utility rights-of-way areas. City forestry staff shall review and approve revised plans prior to final development approval. 4. The applicant shall submit a revised Tree Preservation Plan that ensures the preservation of saved trees via protection of critical root zones through the placement of required Tree Protective measures (i.e. orange colored silt fence or 4 foot polyethylene laminate safety netting), to be Advisory Parks& Recreation Commission January 15, 2015 Page 3 installed at the Drip Line or at the perimeter of the Critical Root Zone, whichever is greater. City forestry staff shall review and approve revised plans prior to final development approval. 5. The applicant shall contact the City Forestry Division and set up a pre-construction site inspection at least five days prior to the issuance of the grading permit to ensure compliance with the approved Tree Preservation Plan and placement of the Tree Protection Fencing. 6. Stormwater rate analysis shall be provided by the applicant to clearly demonstrate that all affected stormwater pipes are sized properly and adequate controls are put in place so the stormwater drainage system will not be overwhelmed and that the basin inlets are adequately protected from erosion from this development's additional flow. The applicant shall be solely responsible for these costs. Stone Run Development Superintendent of Park Paul Olson gave and overview of the Stone Run Development. Norton Homes, LLC is proposing a Preliminary Subdivision to create seven lots upon approximately 4.6 acres located at 4.865 Pilot Knob Road, south of Cliff Road. The 4.6 acre parcel is unplatted and contains a single family home with a detached garage and multiple detached accessory buildings. The existing home was constructed in 1963 and will be razed with the development. The property abuts single-family homes to the north, south and west and is adjacent to Pilot Knob Road to the east. The proposed development (7 lots on 4.6 acres) results in a density of 1.5 units per acre. The lots range in size from 12,042 sq. ft. to 29,069 sq. ft. Access is proposed from Steeplechase Way, an existing public street, via Pilot Knob Road and will remove the direct access that currently exists to Pilot Knob Road. After further discussion with Commission Members, Member Neuman moved, Member Peterson seconded with all members present voting in favor of Actions for Consideration items 1 thru 12 for recommendation to the City Council: Aye: 6 Nay: 0 1. Recommend that the Park Dedication for the Development be met through a cash dedication. 2. Recommend that the Trail Dedication for the Development be met through a cash dedication. 3. The applicant shall fulfill tree mitigation requirements through the installation of thirty-four (34) Category B conifer trees behind lots 3 and 4 to provide screening of Pilot Knob Road and twenty (20) Category A deciduous trees in the front yard areas of Lots 1-7. City forestry staff shall review and approve revised plans prior to final development approval. 4. The applicant shall ensure the preservation of saved trees via protection of the preserved individual tree's critical root zones through the placement of required Tree Protective measures (i.e. orange colored silt fence or 4 foot polyethylene laminate safety netting), to be installed at the Drip Line or at the perimeter of the Critical Root Zone, whichever is greater, of significant trees/woodlands to be preserved on-site. City forestry staff shall review and approve revised plans prior to final development approval. 5. The applicant shall contact the City Forestry Division and set up a pre-construction site inspection at least five days prior to the issuance of the grading permit to ensure compliance with the approved Tree Preservation Plan and placement of the Tree Protection Fencing. 6. This development shall meet the City's Post Construction Requirements (City Code §4.33) for stormwater management and surface water quality, including Runoff Rate Control, Total Advisory Parks& Recreation Commission January 15, 2015 Page 4 Phosphorus (TP) &Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Control, and %" Volume Control on the site's impervious surface area. 7. Prior to receiving city approval to permit land disturbing activity, the applicant shall provide construction details of proposed infiltration basin for City review (cross-section, construction / protection /sequencing notes, sizing/volume tables, inlet, outlet details, planting details, etc.), to ensure infiltration basin is properly designed and constructed, and adequately protected during/ after construction, to function as intended to meet City post-construction stormwater management requirements. These details shall be included in applicable plan sheet(s). The infiltration basin shall be off-line when at design volume, and with a maximum temporary ponding depth of 1.5'. The infiltration basin shall be planted with live plants (pots or plugs), rather than relying on seed alone. 8. The applicant shall provide construction details of proposed stormwater pond for City review (cross-section, construction /protection /sequencing notes, sizing/volume tables, inlet/outlet/emergency overflow details, buffer planting details, etc.), to ensure the stormwater pond is properly designed and constructed according to the MPCA Stormwater Manual, and adequately protected during/after construction, to function as intended to meet City post- construction stormwater management requirements. The emergency overflow route shall not flow across neighboring private properties. These details shall be included in applicable plan sheet(s). 9. The applicant shall provide adequately sized pre-treatment (forebays, catch basin 4' sumps, etc.) at, or immediately upstream of, all stormwater management facility inlets (pond/infiltration basin) to provide for effective capture and easily-accessible cleanout of fine-sand sized particles. These details shall be included in applicable plan sheet(s). 10. The applicant shall provide a minimum of 15-foot-wide unobstructed equipment access path (without obstructions from grading, private utilities, trees, large shrubs, etc.), from street-edge to all stormwater management facility inlets/outlets. The unobstructed equipment access path shall be capable of supporting typical maintenance/excavation equipment for periodic maintenance access to the pond and infiltration basin. 11. During infiltration basin excavation and sub-soil work, the applicant shall ensure that a Certified Soil Scientist will be present to verify and document that infiltration basin sub-soils are suitable, capable and constructed to achieve infiltration within 48 hours, at the planned saturated soil infiltration rate (0.7-inch/hour) and basin depth (not to exceed 1.5 feet) 12. Before the city issues a Certificate of Occupancy on the development site,the applicant shall provide the City Engineer as-built plans that demonstrate that all constructed stormwater conveyance structures and management facilities (pond/infiltration practice) conform to design and/or construction plans, as approved by the City. As-built volumes (for detention and retention) shall be provided for the stormwater management facilities (pond/infiltration practice). The applicant shall submit to the City Engineer certification that the stormwater management facilities have been installed in accord with the plans and specifications approved. This certification shall be provided by a Professional Engineer licensed in the State of Minnesota. Central Park Commons Development Superintendent of Park Paul Olson gave and overview of the Central Park Commons Development. CSIVI Eagan, LLC is requesting approval of a Rezoning from RD, Research and Development, to PD, Planned Development, a Preliminary Planned Development to establish a multi-building retail Advisory Parks& Recreation Commission January 15, 2015 Page 5 commercial shopping center, and a Preliminary Subdivision (Central Park Commons) to create nine lots upon approximately 47 acres located at 3333 Pilot Knob Road, legally described as Lot 1, Block 1, Unisys Park 2nd Addition and part of Lot 2, Block 1, Unisys Park 2nd Addition lying southerly and easterly of Central Parkway. The proposed redevelopment consists of an open air commercial retail shopping center totaling approximately 434,000 s.f. The plan proposes multiple retail commercial buildings situated around the perimeter, with a cluster of four restaurant buildings in the northeast corner, a cluster of several smaller free-standing buildings in the central part of the site, and a 47,200 s.f. two- story office building on the north end. After further discussion with Commission Members, Member Peterson moved, Member Neuman seconded with all members present voting in favor of Actions for Consideration items 1 thru 10 for recommendation to the City Council: Aye: 6 Nay: 0 1. Recommend that the Park Dedication for the Development be met through a cash dedication as calculated. 2. Recommend that the Trail Dedication for the Development be considered as being met assuming the construction of trails having public value, consistent with the City wide trail plan and the approved development plan. 3. The applicant shall fulfill tree mitigation requirements through the installation of one-hundred seventy-four (174) Category A trees (>=4" caliper deciduous trees or >=12' height coniferous trees). 4. Revise the two Swamp White Oak tree species, which are proposed to be installed in the portion of Central Parkway median that is proposed to be closed off,just north of Quarry Road, to Autumn Blaze Red Maple (Acer x freemanii 'Jeffersred'). 5. This development shall meet the City's Post Construction Requirements (City Code §4.33) for stormwater management and surface water quality, including Runoff Rate Control, Total Phosphorus (TP) &Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Control, and %" Volume Control on the site's impervious surface area. 6. Prior to receiving city approval to permit land disturbing activity, the applicant shall provide the City with soil boring logs from a minimum of four soil-borings from the proposed infiltration area, extending a minimum of 10' below the bottom of the proposed infiltration feature, to evaluate and ensure suitability for infiltration. If the soil boring logs indicate incompatibility of existing sub-soil permeability with the submitted and reviewed design plans for meeting volume control requirements,the applicant shall revise the design and/or construction plans to ensure volume control requirements are fully met. 7. Prior to receiving city approval to permit land disturbing activity, the property owner shall enter into a long-term stormwater management system maintenance agreement with the City, detailing the maintenance required to maintain proper operation and performance of the permanent stormwater management system, in a form acceptable to the City Attorney.. 8. Prior to receiving city approval to permit land disturbing activity, the applicant shall provide construction details of proposed sub-surface infiltration practice for City review (cross-sections, construction sequencing/protection, sizing/volume tables, details for inlets, proper venting, maintenance access, etc.), to ensure sub-surface infiltration practice is properly designed and I Advisory Parks& Recreation Commission January 15, 2015 Page 6 constructed, and adequately protected during/after construction, to function as intended. These details should be included in applicable plan sheet(s). 9. During sub-surface infiltration practice over-excavation and sub-soil work, before and during pea- rock backfilling and perforated pipe placement, the applicant shall ensure that a Certified Soil Scientist will be present to verify and document that infiltration practice area sub-soils are suitable for a saturated condition infiltration rate of 0.7-inch per hour or greater. If the sub-soil infiltration rates are less than 0.7-inch per hour, on which the sub-surface infiltration practice was sized, the applicant shall immediately notify the City Engineer and revise the volume control project to ensure volume control requirements are fully met. 10. Before the city issues a Certificate of Occupancy on the development site,the applicant shall provide the City Engineer as-built plans that demonstrate that all constructed stormwater conveyance structures and management facilities (ponds and sub-surface infiltration practice) conform to design and/or construction plans, as approved by the City. As-built volumes (for detention and retention) shall be provided for the ponds and sub-surface infiltration practice. The applicant shall submit to the City Engineer certification that the stormwater management facilities have been installed in accord with the plans and specifications approved. This certification shall be provided by a Professional Engineer licensed in the State of Minnesota. OLD B114S,I J SS There were no old business items to be discussed at this time. SEW BUSIIE�SS Annual Watershed Awards Program Water Resource Manager Eric Macbeth gave a brief overview of the Annual Watershed Awards Program. This is a City initiated a community-wide program created 2013 to recognize residents, groups, and businesses for outstanding efforts to protect Eagan's watersheds. The program acknowledges residents and groups who do things on their own and in their neighborhoods (e.g., remove leaves from curbs and neighborhood storm drains, install rain barrels, plant native shoreline vegetation, etc.). Nominations are also encouraged of businesses or employee(s) of businesses who, for example, use an innovative approach to protect water resources, demonstrate a corporate commitment that extends to the community, or serve as a model for other businesses. Water Resource Manager Eric Macbeth is speaking to all Commissions to inform of this program and to encourage participation. After a brief discussion with Commission Members the presentation ended with no formal action needed. i �I I Advisory Parks& Recreation Commission January 15, 2015 Page 7 OTHER BUSINESS AN;D REPORTS s.,,, Eagan Senior Advisory Board A copy of the Eagan Senior Program Advisory Board 2014 Annual Report was included in the packet for Commission Members for informational purposes only no formal action needed. CO INI IVY U N I CATI Q,�S There were no communications items to be discussed at this time. R�O,l;JNp TABLE Member Dauphinais inquired about the watershed program and asked how often we update our statues and standards due to our significant change in precipitation and climate. Director Seydell Johnson stated she would speak to the Water Resource Manager Eric Macbeth to gather this information and report back to the Commission. Member Wietecki stated he was with the Mite Hockey group at Goat Hill Park and the ice was in very good condition congratulations to staff on the good job. Member Palmer also commented on ice conditions and wanted staff to know they are doing a great job. Member Palmer wanted to give a shout out to the Eagan Art House his daughter had her birthday party there and staff did a great job and the renovations look good. Member Palmer concluded with congratulating Member Dorothy Peterson on her MRPA award. Member Peterson spoke briefly on the MRPA banquet she attended last Thursday to receive her MRPA award and stated it was a good experience. Member Peterson then discussed the different types of awards that are given out yearly from the MRPA. After further brief discussion with Commission Members the roundtable discussion concluded. ApJOUR..... With no further business to discuss, Member Peterson moved, Member Farlee seconded with all member present voting to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 7:41 p.m. r Secreta Date I