02/10/2015 - Energy and Environment Advisory Commission �a City of �an Approved April 14, 2015 . MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENT ADVISORY COMMISSION Tuesday, February 10, 2015 MINUTES"O VI, ETI,N,G OF FEB tUA tl 10, 2Q15 A regular meeting of the Eagan Energy and Environment Advisory Commission was held on Tuesday, February 10, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers. Those present were Chair LeClair, Member Bintner, Member Dugan, Member Mirick, Member Radmer, and Member Oxley. Member Prabhakar was not present. Staff present was Parks and Recreation Director Juli Seydell Johnson, Public Works Director Russ Matthys, Assistant Parks & Recreation Director Jared Flewellen, Water Resource Manager Eric Macbeth,Transportation Operations Supervisor Tim Plath and Administrative Supervisor, Amy Grannes. /PP01AL:OF AGV / Chair LeClair asked for a motion to accept the agenda. Member Oxley moved, Member Mirick to seconded, with all present members voting in favor to adopt the agenda as presented. AP All MpE TI IQ IJT S „,,.., Member Mirick moved, Member Oxley seconded, with all present members voting in favor to approve the regular minutes of October 14, 2014, as presented. VlS T�JRS�T�,O BCE HEARD: There was one visitor to be heard who was not on the agenda. Resident Ken Ische who resides at 3881 Palisade Way. Mr. Ische first addressed his views on changing the City Ordinance to allow bee keeping in the City of Eagan. Chair LeClair stated this was not something within the perimeters of the Energy and Environmental Commissions goals or work plan but his information would be forwarded to the proper person. Mr. Ische then addressed his views on our current waste management practices. Mr. Ische would like the City to use the single hauler method. He addressed his concerns with our current system of seven waste hauler companies and stated the fuel emissions and the noise is of great concern. Mr. Ische suggested a possible single hauler method and to create zones in the City where waste hauler companies could bid for those areas. Chair LeClair responded and informed Mr. Ische that this was something that the Commission is currently working on and they will take his concerns and ideas in mind when they create their white paper as directed by the City Council. Energy and Environment Commission February 10, 2015 Page 2 DIRECTORS UPbATE Annual Watershed Awards Program Director Juli Seydell Johnson introduced Water Resource Manager Eric Macbeth. Eric Macbeth gave a brief overview of the Annual Watershed Awards Program. This is a City initiated a community-wide program created 2013 to recognize residents, groups, and businesses for outstanding efforts to protect Eagan's watersheds. The program acknowledges residents and groups who do things on their own and in their neighborhoods (e.g., remove leaves from curbs and neighborhood storm drains, install rain barrels, plant native shoreline vegetation, etc.). Nominations are also encouraged of businesses or employee(s) of businesses who, for example, use an innovative approach to protect water resources, demonstrate a corporate commitment that extends to the community, or serve as a model for other businesses. Water Resource Manager Eric Macbeth is speaking to all Commissions to inform of this program and to encourage participation. After a brief discussion with Commission Members the presentation ended with no formal action needed. [SEW B�ISINES�S Traffic Efficiencies Presentation Director Juli Seydell Johnson informed the Commission that Director Matthys was held up at the City Council meeting so Transportation Efficiencies presentation will be first. Operations Supervisor Tim Plath began his presentation with a brief overview of our air quality informed the Commission that our emission level have been dramatically reduced over the past forty years. Emission rates are higher during congested traffic conditions. There are various levels and types of intersection control. The appropriate level of intersection control provides safe and efficient traffic flow. The frequency and the severity of crashes increases as the level of control increases. Intersection Control Evaluations (ICE's) are performed when considering modifying intersection controls. Tim Plath concluded his presentation viewing our current methods of intersection control and gave detailed descriptions of roundabouts, coordinated traffic-control signals, and flashing yellow arrows. After a brief discussion with Commission Members the presentation ended with no formal action needed. OLD ISN�SS Water Conservation Update Due to time constraints this presentation was rescheduled to the March 10th during the tour and workshop at the North Water Treatment Plant. ;ROUND�A��i Member Radmer stated that he met with Chair LeClair last week to start work updating the GreenSteps Cities report to update our current practices and add information on new practices. Member Radmer also stated that he had a teleconference with Member Dugan and Member Prabhakar to start the process of creating a white paper for the City Council on waste management practices. Member Oxley Energy and Environment Commission February 10, 2015 Page 3 asked if the Commission has ever inquired directly to the waste haulers. Chair LeClair responded stating this is not a direction that was approved by the City Council. The current direction is to create a white paper. Chair LeClair stated that Member Bintner will no longer be the lead on the workshop committees he was assigned. Member Bintner will help out but would prefer not to be the lead. Member LeClair addressed the other Commission Members and requested that they contact him to if they are interest in taking the lead-roll on those committees. There will be a tour and workshop on March 10, 2015 at the North Water Treatment Plant from 6:30-9:30 p.m. a meeting planner and agenda will be sent to the Commission Members. A[ JOURNIVIEI�II After further brief discussion, Member Oxley moved, Member Radmer seconded with all members present voting in favor to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 8:26 p.m. ecretary Date l II VIII