3386 Pilot Knob Rd - Zoning Permits & Plans -----------------� � For Office Use � �1�� Of���l�ll ; ��,��: /�i��� � 3830 Pilo#Knob Road i j Eagan AdN 55122 1 Date Received: � f�� �-----------------� Phone:{651}875-5685 �`��:. � , . .��,�� Fax:(651j675-5694 e��i:�������►�t���t�mt�a���,.���, J��� � ; Z�i1� ZUNING PERMtT APPLICATION ❑ Please identify improvements on a scaled site plan drawing that shows lot lines,structures and existing conditions. p�pRg� SiteAddress: 3386 Pilot Knob Road lnformatior� OwmerName: John Bunkers Name: Dako�$ Unlimited, Inc. pho�: 651-423-3995 Address: i5953 Biscayne AVe W C�{y��t�p,Rosemount, MN 55068 �a�nfi�ct � Applicant 5ignature: Q'� �, Date: - - Email address: ron.miller@dakotaunlimited.com ❑Retaining Wali<4 feet 0 Driveway ❑pther. ' ❑Patio ❑Sport Court 7������ ❑Sidewalk I�Fence Desctiptionofwo�ic: Install 10' ef 6' & 69' of 4' white PVC fence Rlart�'tng Setb�ci�s,hartl surtace c�r�uerag�a;�ar+�ta�d�oning,'b[uff`za�� ,e�c � Approveti nied � Da�e:� � �� 4� � Staff: � property lines to be verifled by cor�tradorlovuner. Revised Plar� Approved: Yes/No p�: � ������n9 C7����r LIIt�"�I�'�@��1��>��r�E�T�E�1�ir�N�������.R(�"1���t;�1'�IQV@�����,���1�C��"'�}��`��/a�+=; Approved/Denied �te: Staff: Notes: Revised Pians Approved: Yes/No Date: Staff: �Oi�tiYl�tl�,fi CALL BEFORE YOU DIG. CaU Gopher Stafie One Ga{i at(65t)454-0002 for protection against underground utility damage. Cali 48 hours before you irrtend to dig to rec�ive locates of underground utilities. w�v�v.qa�rherstateoatecalt.orc� c:�s��a�r,�i�o�s��wa�T aPPuca-naas � _� �� �..�. � � � / �- i , � � ��/ ��q j i _y_ . ; .... .. ; �. ................�.., , . ..<...�. ' � �», . �I , I ����/ , . , ._ .�,:, - F s / � I . . ���: . 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UitWHt.d� ���.COit1 MM L��� •, �#577 15953 B�scayne Aven�e West Es#irnate�at� .��''�^��� RosErn�unt, MN ��068 Order Date INS�ALEA�`t� `����5: BLLLING ADflRFSS(IF LIIF�fRfNT) �- � . �� > 'y� ,� ' ��Name _��. � �������� Name �� � Address .,�.: �� ��� .� Address � � � � � '� .� � �r��,`� i �� City # State � Zip ' City �"'' " S#at� Zip � Phone N �'� W - C�ntact: �� � ������ ,�� � as Phor�e: ', - Eax: � �H��son Pa�efGrrd . ��';� �� �ree�t� 1► Ornamentai Steef Afum�num Wrou ht lron Brand: � fo��age:, Brand; �ootage: Height: Fo�tage: � �� � � r � � Sty1e: Cotor; � ;Heighf:' � � �Vaf�C G�tes:��,�" Height: Walk Gates: Style� �� �� ,� Drive Ga#es: �- �tyfe: Drive Ga#es: Post S'rze: Post Caps: Ca1�r: � _�°`" Other: Color., 4#her: Channel Size: #/Section: �' � � �� P�cket Siae: Spacing: Posts: ��` ' � Posts: INaik�a#es: �3rive Gates: Post Ca s: �� S aein : Finish T . (3#her; . , PCEASE C�tECK SLL THAT PRLY !Special fnstaii Date: Q Combination Job ❑ rap.Pins Visibte O Survey Weeded ' {� Prnra#e G�s nr Eiec, CJ New Development Pool ' 0 HaW Dirt � Tear Ouf $ ' ` ❑ Dumpster ❑ Spnnkler System* : � Latch'fype fl Yar�Conditian Side ot Street N S W Side of Cross Street N S E W Per�nit Responsibiliiy: 0 Custamer Cl Dakota Unlimited` ❑ Not Neetled Layout Diag�aro � • lnstailatiun#a begirt ASi�P. Ca11 ahead. � � �` '• Customer#o see back ot contract for terms and conditians of sale. � � * Customer agrees fo assume alt finaociai responsibitity for repairs to.d�maged sprinkter sys#em. � � �'�" �� � .� ��� ���� � �;, � � ���'� . �� � �� ��� �" � �` �' ' � �� �� � � '; � ' ��� � � � � � � ��� �� � � � � � � � � :�; ` `�: Costflmer assumes responsiUilify o# eeading cantract tecros att+d c[�nditions I�s�ed un reYerse side of.con�tra.ct; Curfent x�tail pr��e�s �i�! apply#o att additional mater�al andJor�abor furnished bq Dakota ilntimite�, Inc. resulting from castomer changes to#his agreement. ; PLfASE TAKf N4i'ICE: (A)ANY PERSEfN QR CQMPAI�Y SUP#'EYING i.ABtIR DR MA�ERtl�LS FE�ii THIS I�fPRt�11Et�€NT Tt�=YflUR PRQPERTX M�l�Fl�f A i.IEN AGAfNST Y�lt�R PfiOP�RTY IF THRI��PERSDf���Fi Ct{I�PANY 1��t��PAIt3�tJR Tt1E CU1�TRiBUTit�t�5���UI�D��i AAiN�tESf#TA L�I�N,YQ�i 1#A�FE�#� � RIGHT TO PkY PERSEINS,�I[tt0�UPPlIEQ L��OR Qfi MATERIALS FIIR:T#IIS #�APEfQVEME�l7`E#iRfGTLY AN�I��RCICT:T�It�����:� .,��� fi: GQAtTt�A�7'#'RICE,.{�R,1�113HH4,I;�THE�Qt��TS D�1E'�#EM f�1���!�t���'1L'l��#:�Y�J��� �; �'�� � �. k...x �� YDtI A`Lt�I 1��tYER�l�ti�tl�Y�'E����€�Q;S���� l ��t � �� � w. .� : . � ..� �. 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