1418 Balsam St - Zoning Permits & Plans - __---------+ - f For Office!�e ! i ��e { i U�L��� " t Perm��: �� ����, 1 t j 383Q Ptbt Krrob Roacl i � gg i Oa�e Received: Ea n MN S512Z s..-------------._..._� #�ane:(651)87S-S685 , �2qc:(654?678-5684 �� .. Ert�aiL•�far►ninaCc��itvofeaaan.com r, ,. ; - ,��! . Z�NING PERMIT APPLlCATlON �' Please identiiy improvements on a scaled site ptan drawing that shovrrs lot lines,struc#ures aa�xisti�g conditions. �-�� � _ . � � . �. � s�te acwress: Art_.S c :� �roperty , ��� �_ �V� �. � g z : tnformatian t � 4 ; Owmer�ame: S� ��C— �- -Tc �.r v� �0�.-�,�.J� . � -- � ._ ; x � n�ame: _Midwest Fence and Mfc� Phar�: 651-45'i-2222 � -- ----F i address: v25 E.�Ilaume Av�. c;ty�scaterzp: S. St. Paui, MN 55075 � Contact ' _ � Applicant Signature. Date: � (��i.� + ���r. � , ; �maii a�: midwesttrev�gmail.com � .,. �,�.� .���...�__ _— � �x C1 Retai�ir�g WaN<4 fiaet C!Driv�nray C10ther: � 3port Court � ' TpA@ Of WQf'f( $ C7 Sidewaik i�Fer�ce ; �escription o�work: (� "}Tati- - In (�o ��` )Yard � ��__ ��. .�,�...�.�� --� , Pt�tltiillg � Setbacks,hatB sutface oovet�e,sharetand zonir�;btut�aone/astbadcs,etc. ' , ; � ; _ �>..=���Y.��:-� .��.���....:rx�.�,�,e�. _ _'- �- -- _.,�;. _.m..�.. -�._�-�. �-- ����7�� -- , � Appraved Deri�ed t3ate: h / S`kafF " � ' 1 V+�.c.�.d.o �<;�-�,.�.. t�.:-����.s:z,�.�-Y�.,a-e�'t ,,�.p C.a��-�1 �'1.,� '{�r�-� � � !!�- s � vYt��D• 'ci02�� h''���, �•� �x�''��u,r'c�. ' �Revised Plans ---� by contr�ctor/�ver�ted � Approved: Ye�J No �e: S'ta�: �'1�r. � - -- .�.�.,.�„��.� ; � EngineeP�t�g ; Gradiag,dtainage,t�tilily e�asemettts,`wetlands,erosian cor�tral,improvemeF►ts in the Right-of-Way.etc. ; � , : __�_�,-__..._.ti�.��_�.�,._���_�._�-�-_...-�,.��.,�,��,��.��_ -—u -- �..�,�.�,.._.�..�.,. - �� � ;: Approved t Denied tlat�e: S'tafF: _ Motes: b � � - � ; Revi�ed Pians . A _ , _x Approved: Yes i No Date: 3taff: . ,. •, �.'OtYtill@i1�8 � �.��aa � ��.�,,.�a,.�..,.�,�� �-W�.�,� ; �CAL�BEFORE YOU OtG. Caii Gcpher 5tate One Cali at(657)454-0Ot32 for pratec�on against undergrour�d utiCdjr dama� Calt Y 48 hours before you intend to dig ta receive iocates of�tierground ut�ities. www.s�oaherstatetirier.ali.ors� ` G:��Ir�1PERMTf APRUCAT'tONS MIDWEST FENCE & MFG. CO. �'� � ���i CUSTOMER S��+-�l�" �'r�n!� �D► , i� � FOR INTERNAt USE ONLY ADDRESS O�I�R{�-L_Sr4✓V1 �'(' SCHEDULE DATE TIME: CITY �IQ-E�/�r-�_K�I�_G"�� 2-Z PHONE: (Hm) �k� SET BY DATE: (Wk) Spouse �B�2� 3 ��C7�' I q�1 7�► COMPLETED BY• DATE: Salesperson -����.�.�� , AMOUNT DUE: Set Completion Locate ticket no. Hudson page no. Hudson grid no. Intersecting St. '�c:Q v Ot �- �Z. CHAIN LINK FENCE DIAGRAM � C3��--f �--'�- (,�o`�" `� _ ..� � _ _ � � �� � � _ _ . _ � t . ..._ . . .... . ' x .., _. _ _ .. ...6. .�...t. .. e � __e .,. ..._ ...�±—. �, ... .�.. „.. ..._. . F—_� , ' ...... . � � ... . . ... ._.. , ... .... .._. ... � ... ..-..._ . .. . .�,...,..... ^ r.... a ( 1�-�r`�-; _, �- � _ .-- � � �� � i . .. -. ._.. 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I AUTHORIZE THE ❑JOB ADDITION ❑JOB CHANGE WE ARE SATISFIED WITH THE INSTALLATION OF OUR FENCE ADDITION OR CHANGE SIGNATURE SIGNATURE Genera!lnformation C�(� --- � ( ( (f�< ,� ❑All G A I Vinyl ❑Galv.framework/Vinyl Wire VIIIy) hain Link �ZU " t.�_ ga. wide gate �alifornia heavy mil coat,k,� U ft. hgt. ga. wide gate ❑Vinyl Gate ►/✓���� �e �`'I C tie ins "posts i1 �i wide gate �N/ood Gate California Fence � �v'�`�) tie ins "posts wide gate �,� � �topped posts�;�--��,�,"� end posts welded gate w19V1�„�(��,�`(�� ❑ post caps .�style �� end posts welded gate �, gate posts wide drive gate tto 4's gate posts wide removable panel nsion 're corner posts self closers C+O r corner posts auto latches �black breaker posts ❑cement hard holes ❑tension wire ❑ brOwn breaker posts ❑asphalt hard holes ❑bottom rail ❑green Ge rallnstructions/Obstructions — ce Remova! pe ❑h ay 3-man rew coovriaht OO 1999 % `% 1 i :r For Office Use E AGAN Permit#: WO" �1 E C E 1 V E Date Received: 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD I EAGAN, MN 55122-1810 (651)675-5685 I TDD: (651)454-8535 I FAX: (651)675-5694 J U L 1 1 2019 Staff: planning@cityofeagan.com 4 BY:^ 2019 ZONING PER KATION o Please identify improvements on a scaled site plan drawing that shows lot lines, structures and existing conditions. Property Site Address: /11 /62 Pei (.5 ,S'r'InformationjJ Owner Name: SA til) E�luf4Gl Name: )9 01b" ) /col/P/` Phone: 6 5 / - '1-1.4-,2?-7, ,�� Contact Address: 2 „fJit7io /c h ,rr� City/State/Zip: P�M rii H Alit 5,57?0 Applicant Signature: j� Date: 7/ /() ig Email address: 44 kO )l 7 S O!/IJ`4/L(,�f Gtr es: d7 r G on, Retaining Wall<4 feet 0 Driveway 0 Other: ❑ Patio 0 Sport Court Type of Work 0 Sidewalk 0 Fence Description of work: Planning Setbacks, hard surface coverage, shoreland zoning, bluff zone/setbacks,etc. Approv- ' 'enied Date: /- '7- 1/- /1 Staff: Cr i k cft,,L/ec,4 / l Notes: �oT�( 51 r v l k_iy / . ,S ZitL y !. Property lines to be verified by contractor/owner. Revised Plans Approved: Yes/No Date: Staff: Engineering Grading,drainage, utility easements,wetlands, erosion control, improvements in the Right-of-Way,etc. Approved/Denied Date: Staff: Notes: Revised Plans Approved: Yes/No Date: Staff: Comments CALL BEFORE YOU DIG. Call Gopher State One Call at(651)454-0002 for protection against underground utility damage. Call 48 hours before you intend to dig to receive locates of underground utilities. www.gopherstateonecall.orq You may subscribe to receive an electronic notification from the City of proposed ordinances by signing up for an email update on the City's website at www.citvofeagan.com/subscribe. f (an ' 71 i 11Lowy VU G " - ` • 1 2101> li 1 Ic(OtELI 11 'a)2i, � I IIMID • 6 ' i_,;,_, 6 1 . - .__,, ,, 200\\ 0 HuliziON 0: 15 .-P OC •, Of =z 0 , ; 4001 ril iiig-- ...IA- , _,./IA 1 , 'a T 0 Lin cs '' . /ALi o ' 111-Ph- k 8 '- ci L . .. 1 z le. 1 • i4. 1 : _ _ 1 `' .r,,-k ) 4 •46 . I s • . Li to i I j} ! t 1 I. ine-r- — ool ' — 7 — 001 "" r •ip a .. 4 . a gi 441 ^,Y4*)• I le a . a 1 - .-- 001 •, ,, - 001 _... .._ ....._. . 1 1,-- 171638 171638 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD | EAGAN, MN 55122-1810 (651) 675-5685 | FAX: (651) 675-5694 planning @cityofeagan.com 2021 ZONING PERMIT APPLICATION Please identify improvements on a scaled site plan drawing that shows lot lines, structures, and existing conditions. For projects involving significant land disturbance, a Stormwater Management Permit and collection of security may be required. Property Information Site Address: Owner Name: Contact Name: Phone: Address: City/State/Zip: Applicant Signature: Date: Email address: Type of Work Retaining Wall <4 feet Patio Sidewalk Driveway Sport Court Fence Other: _____________________ Description of work: Planning Setbacks, hard surface coverage, shoreland zoning, bluff zone/setbacks, etc. Approved / Denied Date: Staff: Notes: Revised Plans Approved: Yes / No Date: Staff: Engineering Grading, drainage, utility easements, wetlands, erosion control, improvements in the Right-of-Way, etc. Approved / Denied Date: Staff: Notes: Revised Plans Approved: Yes / No Date: Staff: Comments You may subscribe to receive an electronic notification from the City of proposed ordinances by signing up for an email update on the City’s website at www.cityofeagan.com/subscribe. CALL BEFORE YOU DIG. Contact Gopher State One Call at (651) 454-0002 or www.gopherstateonecall.org for protection against underground utility damage. Contact Gopher State One Call 48 hours before you intend to dig to receive locates of underground utilities. For Office Use Permit #: _____________________ Date Received:________________ Staff: ________________________ 1418 Balsam Street Shane and Christina Edlund Shane Edlund 612 386 1672 1418 Balsam Street Eagan 8/31/21 theshane03@gmail.com Remove part of hill to make flat pad for future shed. Previously discussed with Michael Grannes(6/25/21) through email. Retaining wall cannot exceed 4 ft height from bottom of lowest course to top of wall. Future shed must be set back at least 5 feet from lot line. Future shed requires Zoning Permit/Building Permit prior to construction. 9/13/21 172019 BALSAM STREETSEQUOIA DRIVE(future shed)REVIEWED9/13/215 ft. d/u easement; also 5 ft. setback required for future shed172019