1278 Town Centre Dr - Suite 105 .r
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j Fa�()ffice Use '��j-�
��� Q� �i� �� � �e�,��:���� ��� ' � ��✓.�
� � � Permit Fee: � S �
383�Pils�t Knob Road � -� d� /
'�� E�tg�n AlIN 5s'122 � � � Date Rece�ved:��."��'��.� d �'j�
'' Phone:(651)675-5675 , � � �°�
��t. 66'i fs75-5694 ,� i
i � � ��.r`� � ` l��;� � StafF: � �
... — --_......,
2f�1 rJ�C�M�EF�Cf/�1�.. BU1L.D�Nfa PERMlT APPL�CATION
07-23-15 1278 Town Centre Drive
E}ate: Stte Address._._.
{Naxing the City x
Tenant�tame: tT�ant[s: New/ Existing} Suite#c 105
I �'orrner Tenant; Eagan Floral
��. � Name. ��1/Franch�se Grnup,LLC Attn:Tim Yocum Phane: .y^�651-�fl4-4279 _.H,��^ ��
4' .. .. .. . �
Pr� L3u�ne�r � 1694 I�rory Ave N,L�ke Elrna,ME� 5504�
� �� � Acldcess i Ciiy l Zip: �
> � � ,
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I Appticant is � Chvner ContractQr � w.� �� �� '-
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� � Tenant improv�mer�f,wo�k jnc3udes i�n�shes,irgh#�ng, interiar walis �
; � Oescripfion ofwork:
y Type Of Worie 3 �
f , F - /7,�3 yS2 .o e
, , � Constructian Cost: � r
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� � � Mi+cha�l J.Wiikus,Architec# �
¢ � Name �.___ R�9istraticsn#: �
� � 15 Ninth Ave'hd Hnpkins �
�;Architc�tlEr�g�neer � �daress: city: ;
� � MN . 55343 952-&43-5Q51 �
; � State: i�p: Phone:
�� tlktlS�fCI1.COf7F F
Ke�ly�us�a €maii: kt�bCt�v�+.
� � Gon#act Person:
- �,���,_�..�M�,�, . �.��� ,,;�Q,�.�. ��,, �.�..�,,,.,,,.,��.�
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Lic�rs�cl pinmber�nstal(ing�new sewerlwater serv�re: Phon��
; _iV�?T�:Plans and suppoirtlrrg dvcumer�ts thst yvri submit are cc�rtsidered io be pubtic t�vrmatitsn. i�+�rtions of �
tf�e inform�tton may be clas�ifi�d�s nora p�tilic if you�rcvvide specifr'c reasvns that wo�ld permi#the t�y to �
� p,wx ryA.� �,���.,.�µw,._._ �� ct�rtct�rcie'�tt�at�tf�ey�r�f�ade�±�cr��. �,� �w��„ _..�.�,�_�_
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CALL B�FORE Y�U E}[Ca. ��I[ta't�pher S1Gate Qne Calt at($5t)454-@{l02 fc�r protection agai�st undergraurtd u�ility darnage.
Call 48 hours before you irrtend to dig tc�receive lacates af underground utilitie�. ' c�e�pt�erstaiec�r���ll o�ra
i hereby acknawtedge tha!thfs informatian is compfete and accarate;that il�e wark wiil be in canformsnce with ths ordinances snd
codes af ttte Gity af Eagan,that f understarrct tttis is not a perrnit,but onty an apptic�tton for a permit,arrd K++�rk is nat to staR without a
permit;that the wt�rk wiEl be in accorclance with the appraved plan i�the ca5e trfwork which requir�s��'eview artd ap�ttoval of plans,
� y�'", �� t# Le x � _
ARpl�cant's Printed IVame �PRlt�ant's gnatu -___ __
Page'1 of 3
Y � I /
Foundation Public Facility E�cterior Alteration—Apartments
✓ Commercial/Industrial _ Accessory Building _ Exterior Aiteration—Commercial
_ Apartments _ Greenhouse/Tent _ Exterior Alteration—Public Facility
Miscellaneous Antennae
_ New ✓ Interior improvement _ Siding _ Demolish Building*
_ Addition _ Exterior Improvement _ Reroof _ Demolish Interior
_ Alteration _ Repair _ Windows _ Demolish Foundation
_ Replace _ Water Damage _ Fire Repair ' _ Retaining Wall
_ Salon Owner Change "Demolition of entire building—give PCA handout to applicant
Valuation /7p�ODD•� Occupancy � MCESSystem �
Plan Review ✓ Code Edition ZDl S M8G SAC Units d�
(25%_100%� Zoning GSG City Water ✓
Census Code Stories Booster Pump
#of Units � Square Feet 'Z� PRV
#of B�ildings � Length Fire Sprinklers �
Type of Construction ?Z '/� Width
Fmotings(New Building) Sheetrock
Footings(Deck) ✓ Final/C.O. Required
Footings(Addition) Final/No C.O. Required
Fqundation Other:
Drain Tile Pool:_Footings _Air/Gas Tests _Final
Roof:_Decking _Insulation _Ice&Water _Final Siding:_Stucco Lath _Stone Lath _Brick
✓ Framing Windows
Fireplace:_Rough In _Air Test _Final Retaining Wail
Insulation Erosion Control
Meter Size: Concrete Entrance Apron
Final C/O Inspection: Schedule Fire Marshal to be present: �Yes No
Reviewed By: ��'lG , Building Inspector Reviewed By: �• , Planning
Base Fee /� S3o • 7� Water Quality
Surcharge 89�so Water Sampling Fee
Plan Review q 9 . q9 Water Supply&Storage(WAC)
MCES SAC Storm Sewer Trunk
City SAC Sewer Trunk
S8W aermit 8�Surcharge Water Trunk
Treatrrlent Plant Street Lateral
Treatment Plant(Irrigation) Street
Park Dedication Water Lateral
Trail D'edication Other:
Water Quality TOTAL 24 /S: 2�
Page 2 of 3
� � � � � / �� �� s�
�Dale Schoeppner August 3, 2015
Chief Building Official
City of Eagan
3830 Pilot Knob Road
Eagan, MN 55122-1810
Dear Mr. Schoeppner:
The Metropolitan Council Environmental Services (MCES) Division has determined the SAC to be charged for
the wastewater capacity demand for Waxing the City to be located at 1278 Town Centre Drive Suite 105 within
the Town Centre Shoppes within the City.
The City will be charged no additional SAC Units for this project, as determined below.
SAC Units
8 stations @ 7 stations/SAC 1.14
62 sq. ft. @ 2400 sq. ft. /SAC 0.03
�, Total Charges: 1.17
Credits: �
; Town Centre Shoppes (SAC Paid 1/86)
2345 sq. ft. @ 3000 sq. ft. /SAC Q 7$
Net Charge: 0.39 or 0
Thel business information was provided to MCES by the applicant at this time. It is also the City's responsibility
to substantiate the business use and size at the time of the final inspection. If there is a change in use or size,
a redetermination will need to be made. If you have any questions email me at toni.ianzig(a�metc.state.mn.us.
, �
Toni Janzig
SAC Program Technical Specialist
TJ: Is: 150803C5 (680569, 386581)
Det�rmination expiration: 08/03/2017 -
cc: Peggy Fleck, City of Eagan
Amy Griffin, City of Eagan
Tim Yocum, MW Franchise Group, LLC
File, MCES
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Craig Novacryk
From: Chris Bauer <chris@stotkospeedling.com>
Sent: Monday,August 24, 2015 5:35 PM
To: Craig Novaczyk
Subject:, RE: Company information
Attachrr�ents: STOTKO WTC - Bid Proposal Form 5-21-15.xlsx
Yes, we need to adjust that. The total job came in at$178,752 per attached breakdown, which includes everything
needed for the construction.
Thanks for doing that.
� ������
� w�w` S�'�����I�� � � �
Project Manager
1303 Edd,y St.
Hastings,'�MN 55033
n.m.n .� . _ ....m_., n . _ m mrc, r
From. Craig Novaczyk [mailto:CNovaczvk@citvofea�an.com]
Sent: Monday,August 24, 2015 4:07 PM
To: 'Chris Bauer'<chris@stotkospeedlin�.com>
Subject: RE: Company information
There were no additional SAC charges per the Met Council letter dated August 3rd 2015.The permit costs were based on
the submitted costs of construction.The permit application that was submitted had a tota/construction cost of
$235,000.00. Base on that number,the permit costs are as follows:
• Base Fee-$1,866J5
• State Surcharge-$117.50
• Plan review-$1,213.39
• Total Permit Fee =$3,197.64
I can only assume that the cost of construction was submitted by the ownership group, since you weren't awarded the
job until just recently. If that number is incorrect please contact me and we discuss it. Keep in mind, when I say total cost
of construction, it includes everything (plumbing, electrical, hvac, fire suppression and building costs).
From: Chris Bauer [mailto:chrisCa�stotkospeedling.com] �v��
Sent: Monday, August 24, 2015 3:43 PM
To: 'Diane McGrath'; Craig Novaczyk
Subject: RE: Company information
Craig, I was informed the permit cost was$3,197.64 I'm wondering what the Architect may have used for a construction
value?or if maybe SAC/WAC played a part in the higher permit cost, because it is higher than I expected. Let me know
when you get a chance.
� �T+C�7`K �
� �..= �P���}L���
Project Manager
1303 Eddy St.
Hastings, MN 55033
From: Diane McGrath [mailto:diane@stotkospeedlin�.com]
Sent: Monday,August 24, 2015 10:04 AM
To: cnovaczvk@citvofea�an.com
Cc: 'Chris Bauer'<chris@stotkospeedlin�.com>
Subject:Company information
Hi Craig,
Thank you for your time this morning.
Below is our company information and contact name:
Stotko Speedling Construction, Inc
1303 Eddy Street
Hastings, MN 55033
P: (651)480-0055
F: (651) 480-0079
Contact person: Chris Bauer
chris e,stotkospeedlin .�
Thank you and please email or call with any quesrions or if you need of any other information from us.
� ix � 1 � � � �
� � � SPF�L�LII�G
Diane McGrath
Office Administrator
1303 Eddy St.
Hastings,MN 55033
(fj 651-480-0079
http://www.stotkospeed I i ng.co m
/�,G� ����`�:ri� I--- Use BLUE or BLACK Ink
Cf�� '
� For Office Use. I
��S I `j I
Cl4 Ul 11� �il �� � � i Permit#: �v �
� Permit Fee:
3830 Pilot Knob Road � �
Eagan MN 55122 I �.Z.j . ' I
Phone: (651)675-5675 � Date Received �
Fax: (651)675-5694 AUG Z 5 ZO�S � Staff:t5� I
� ------------�
❑ Please submit two(2)sets of plans with �a�l� �mercial applications.
Date: � � � S Site Address: � WYl �h�1/'� �'��/-� . E�v1a�-'� �M'� SSIZ.�,
Tenant: MiG� - �4�vYLt�Lo•v�. �..p�.� �-��-c_ - M1� �..1�l� Suite#: ��.5
� ���� �
������ ��� �� � Name: Phone:
�� ����� Address/City/Zip:
� Use BLUE or BLACK Ink
r---_____---- -i
� �- I For Office Usa
� '
C• S�� `('/� :,�:, � Permit#: ���� �
lt f�i, n I� �s' ,� 't . .;' � � �— I
14y Ol L���11 `G` f� �' r, � Permit Fee: �� �
3830 Pilot Knob Road �
� , I
� ��
Eagan MN 55122 ���� � ," �� � j Date Received: I
Phone: (651)675-5675 I �
Fax: (651)675-5694 I Staff:
Please su mit two (2)sets of plans with all commercia applications.
ate: � Z `�� Site Address: �� o w7 ��1� .
Tenant: �a.��� l.� ` Suite#:
� = Name: Phone:
� f�' I �'/ Q�7�S �`�
N e: Ur'�� �`'�`�'"`li� � C�� �C License#: `�
�` �� � �s�-;� s�s�33
Address: ` City: �9 S�"� State:M�Zip:
Phone: �� �S`'r �3� mail: ��w��.��' Zc� � r
New _ ep acement _Repair _Rebuild �Modify Space _Work in R.O.W.
Description of work: � ^� 6��'�' , / S"i�E r
COMMERCIAL New Construction �CModiry Space
�� i _Irrigation System�yes/_no)�RPZ/_PVB)
��, �' • Rain sensors required on irrigation systems
� g���" • Avg.GPM - (2"tufio required unless smaller size allowed by Public Works)
� �� _Meters Call(651)675-5646 to verity that tests passed prior to aickin4 ua meter.
� Domestia Size&Type Fire: 1
���} � Avg.GPM High demand devices?_Yes_No Flushometers_Yes_No
COMMERCIAL FEES Contract Value$���� x.01
$55.00 Permit Fee Minimum r�
_$ �7 Permit Fee
"If contract value is LESS than$10,010,Surcharge=$5.00 -$ � �
"'If contract value is GREATER than$10,010, Surcharge=Contract Value x$0.0005 f -a-�
*""If the project valuation is over$1 million, please call for Surcharge =� L � � TOTAL FEE
Following fees apply when installing a new lawn irrigation system $ Water Permit
Contact the City's Engineering Department,(651)675-5646,for required fee amounts. $ Treatment Plant
$ Water Supply&Storage
$ State Surcharge
CALL BEFORE YOU DIG. Call Gopher State One Call at(651)454-0002 for protection against underground utility damage. \
I hereby acknowledge that this information is complete and accurate;that the work will be in confortnance with the ordinances and codes of the City of
Eagan; that I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a permit; that the work will be in
accordance wit the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of I ns.
X � ��t`� X ��
ApplicanYs Printed Name Ap IicanYs Signature
�n _ . �e . f n _ _�_ . ,e .
��� � . _�-
-__��t7R " :"n " '" � _ � .- -�. � � r
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Page 1 of 3
/ Use BLUE or BLACK Ink
�.. �C✓', ,� � � r---------------- I�I
� ��-f� � � � For Office Use � � �� ��
I � �
Ul4 Ol �� �11 ��'' (.�� � Permit#: �
� � �� � � d�� I I
3830 Pilot Knob Road i Permit Fee: � ,
Eagan MN 55122 � ^. —�-1 ,
Phone:(651)675-5675 � Date Received: ���. I,
Fax: (651)675-5694 � � '
� Staff: I
, �--------------- —� �
❑ Please submit two(2)sets of plans with all commercial applications. �
/ � � � ,p� , � ) �� �I
Date: SiteAddress: I �� ��1:�%l� ��i���� �U`lJ� �l 1 � /b� I
� ` i I
Tenant: t� Suite#: � f� S
� ' � ���� ��
�� ���� Name: Phone:
: �� �
����, �;���� Address/City/Zip:
��, �;
���.E � ��': v�� �, Name:��(��,►J�"�T Je �Jri�,��tv ,c�5.-�..�Ui c�ense#:
�~� �� �S! �GL�V�°�x..� CitY� ����e C.�.�l� ���
� � �� ,��� Address:
� ,/� ,� l /l e
� ' ���...�� State/�r /'� Zip:,'{��,��� Phone: �...5�� `"��7 � U l.S��
��� ��� �� .
�...:' ..,,r .�` �,. -; Contact: �b���r�t�� Email: - e.l)�yJ ,J� eC�i C6
��� �
��� �; ���� � �New Replacement Additional Alteration Demolition
�' �����0����� � ::: � � � � � �
�� '�`� �,�� �� Description of work 1�.)7'�v�o/ ��Cl C.�[�zs�i�-
\ :,����`�� .� ��� ����1"�'. I�vcf� �ritec��nc�groun��`�� � ��r���al�q� � �+tr ,;; I�s��en�si by Crtjt .
v,� _��� �� �``�� �°� �ode �? canta�c�th�M�e��a � �It�sp+ectar�cr��` ��a�mi � .� �'� �� ��
.... . : .,., .�. . ,,... , .., .,�.. .. ., �.,..,
\���� `' `
, �.., .. _.. .
>. .�< v,
� y � � ���� ' �j
� � _Furnace New Construction ✓�Interior Improvement
: � * ,;
��t'ml'�T�j� ,� —Air Conditioner Install Piping Processed
�� � �� ��'��`��� _Air Exchanger Gas Exterior HVAC Unit
.�a��, _Heat Pump Under/Above ground Tank �Install/_Remove)
"����� Other
$60.00 Minimum Add or alteration to an existing unit(includes$5.00 State Surcharge)
$100.00 Residential New(includes$5.00 State Surcharge) _$ �,d�� TOTAL FEE
COMMERCIAL FEES Contract Value$ x.01
$55.00 Permit Fee Minimum
$70.00 Underground tank installation/removal =$ Permit Fee
*If contract value is LESS than$10,010,Surcharge=$5.00 =$ Surcharge"
""If contract value is GREATER than$10,010, Surcharge=Contract Value x$0.0005
"**If the project valuation is over$1 million, please call for Surcharge =$ TOTAL FEE
I hereby acknowledge that this information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of
Eagan;that I understand this is not a permit,but only an application for a permit,and work is not to start without a permit;that the work will be in accordance
with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans.
x JGl�� �C�.-�� �l�t.�Jl'I�.� � x `�,
Applicant's Printed Name plicanYs Signature
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� � � � Pe�nit Fee. � I
3830 Pilot Knob Road ��` j �
Eagan MN 55122 �`�, , � Date Received:�'� �� �
Phone:(657)675-5675 ' �
Fax: (651)675-5694 � ... � I
�'Mi� � � �'�""� i Staff:� �
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Date: `r�'��'!J SiteAddress: �7� /��� ��%�� #C�l=
Tenant• G �1 Seaita#• �/!��
� � h Name: Phone:
RrQ���ty��nrner � Address/City/Zip:
' Applicant is: Owner Contractor
Descriptionofwork: �G'Z-�-+�-TL ���� >,/1 t`LL�'1'Z—tt��r�S
'�y�?e Of W+�r� � �
�_= ': Construction Cost:� 3� �� � �� Estimated Completion Date: fp""�3���
Name:�•�?� �zt'�� ���� License#: �d�Gv
� :. Address: ��� �'�7LvlC.L_�� ��e�4r� City: L,i���s4'!��
State:��Zip: S�-���� 7 Phone: �.���77j���✓��
' Contact: ��� EmaiL �- L L �^���
� Sprinkler System(#of heads� _New _Addition
Fire Pump _Standpipe _Alterations ✓emodel
Other: Other:
DESCRIPTION OF WORK: �ommercial _Residential _Educational
$60.00 Permit Fee Minimum, includes State Surcharge Contract Value$ �� �� x.01
"If contract value is GREATER than$2,010, Surcharge=Contract Value x$0.0005 -$ Permit Fee
If the project valuation is over$1 million,please call for Surcharge =$ Surcharge"
$100.00 Residential New(includes State Surcharge) _$ �v, �� TOTAL FEE
3/4"Displacement Fire Meter-$270.00 = $ Fire Meter
**Requirements: 2 complete sets of drawings and specifications,cut sheets on materials and components to be used
I hereby apply for a Fire Suppression System permit and acknowledge that the information is complete and accurate;that the work will be in
conformance v�rith the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan and with the Minnesota Building/Fire Codes;that I understand this is not a permit,but
only an application for a permit,and work is not to start without a permit;that the work will be in a rdance with the approve n e of work
which requires a review and approval of plans.
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