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10/19/1999 - City Council Regular
AGENDA EAGAN CITY COUNCIL-REGULAR MEETING EAGAN MUNICIPAL CENTER BUILDING OCTOBER 19,1999 6:30 P.M. I. ROLL CALL&PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE II. ADOPT AGENDA&APPROVAL OF MINUTES(BLUE) III. VISITORS TO BE HEARD(10 MINUTE TOTAL TIME LIMIT) IV. RECOGNITIONS&PRESENTATIONS(BLUE) o� A. PRESENTATION of Police Department Citizen Commendations P3 B. PRESENTATION of Certificates of Appreciation to outgoing Advisory Commission Members V. DEPARTMENT HEAD BUSINESS(BLUE) A. RECOMMENDATION,Airport Relations Commission,to provide comments not supportive of a proposed Mendota Heights townhome development in Noise Zone 3 VI. CONSENT AGENDA(PINK) p A. PERSONNEL ITEMS In b B. FINAL SUBDIVISION,Rock Cliff Development,LLC for Northwoods Business Park C. FINAL SUBDIVISION,S.K.Swenson,Inc.for Majestic Oaks Second Addition D. SUBGRANTEE Agreement,1999 CDBG Program with Dakota County HRA E. CONTRACT 99-03,approve Change Order No.2,Yankee Doodle Reservoir(Trunk Water) F. ORDER public hearing,public right-of-way vacation(Old Sibley Memorial Highway—John J. Young) 1 G. PROJECT 766R-A,approve right-of-way agreement(Lillian Bratland) H. RENEW snow removal contractual services,1999-2000 Itl a�I. DECLARATION of surplus property,sewer utility maintenance equipment I"Q3 J. RESCHEDULE Public Hearing,certification of delinquent false alarm bills-November 16,1999 pAy K. SERVICE STATION license,Kwik Trip located at 3145 Dodd Road SL. EXEMPTION from lawful gambling license,Burnsville Rotary to conduct a raffle on December 4, 1999 at Royal Cliff VII. 6:45-PUBLIC HEARINGS (SALMON) OP1 A. PROJECT 758,final assessment hearing,Surrey Heights(Street Overlay). B. PROJECT 757,final assessment hearing,Ridgeview Acres(Street Overlay) bC. PROJECT 755,final assessment hearing,Meadowland 1st Addition(Street Overlay) D. PROJECT 761,Duckwood Drive(Street Overlay) I(E. VACATE public street right-of-way(Old Sibley Memorial Highway-Preusse 2nd Addition) "5F. PROJECT 784,Louis Lane(Street Improvement) VIII. OLD BUSINESS (ORCHID) 151 A. FINAL SUBDIVISION,Heritage Development for Cherrywood Knoll IX. NEW BUSINESS(TAN) 910 A. FINAL PLAT,Gregory Preusse for Preusses 2nd Addition COB. CHANGE election precinct voting location and precinct boundary changes X. LEGISLATIVE/INTERGOVERNMENTAL AFFAIRS UPDATE(GREY) XI. ADMINISTRATIVE AGENDA(GREEN) XII. VISITORS TO BE HEARD(for those persons not on agenda) XIII. ADJOURNMENT XIV. EXECUTIVE SESSION The City of Eagan is committed to the policy that all persons have equal access to its programs,services,activities,facilities and employment without regard to race,color,creed,religion,national origin,sex,disability,age,marital status,sexual orientation,or status with regard to public assistance. Auxiliary aids for persons with disabilities will be provided upon advance notice of at least 96 hours. If a notice of less than 96 hours is received,the City of Eagan will attempt to provide such aid. Updated 10-15-99—9:45 a.m. I I SPECIAL MMETIQ OF THE EAGCITY COUNCIL EA-.IMN, M1NNESQ.- A special meeting of the Eagan City Council was held on Thursday, September 23, 1999 at 5:00 p.m. at the Eagan Municipal Center lunchroom. Present were Mayor Awada and Councilmembers Bakke CarlsonUs fiember Blomquist was on vacation. n, ........ : :....�.....: Also present were City Attorney Sheldo'ii and ;A' hh i for Hedges. AQMA Mayor Awada asked if thereyu> *!' soa-0?iges to the agenda. Mayor Awada stated that she would like to add discussion of an Ea$aiit'Youth Commission to the agenda. City Attorney Sheldon suggested that a brief announcement be made about a proposal for co-counsel in the litigation matter involving the Cliff Road Water Treatment Plant. Councilmember Carlson moved, Councilmember Bakken seconded the motion to approve the agenda as amended. All members.voted aye. EAAE #1`l�I .00MMISSION Mayor Awada assured everyone thI the cony she had with Maya Babu and Katie Tilley to present the concept of an Eagan 3�Qut4STiis�iOii will provide youth of Eagan a voice and opportunity to express opinions 1;aCtsi 'aFiout their local government. She stated that there is necessity for staff and Coungiflii icon and at some point funding for a youth commission would be necessary. Mayor Awada shared an outline she received from Ms. Babu and Ms.Tilley regarding the proposed Eagan Youth Commission. City Councilmembers expressed support for the Eagan Youth Commission and that other Eagan youth such as Katie Munson,who is a member of the Eagan Foundation,be made aware or contacted to participate in the development of the Eagan Youth Commission. ,:>•it . "k4v* ncilmember Masin moved, Councilmember Carlson seconded E9 fiiiitioirtd�2�i�et�W*taffto proceed ahead with the structure and formation of an Eagan Youth Cogftssion. WATER TREATMEWLAN'Fle.-cTTIGATION City Attorney Sheldon stated that after further review of the Cliff Road Water Treatment Plant litigation, it was concurred with the City Administrator and Director of Public Works that outside counsel be retained to assist the City Attorney's office in the litigation. He recommended John Lunseth IL from the firm of Rider, Bennett,Egan&Arundel,to be retained as co-counsel. It was noted that this does not require an official action,lever, City Councilmembers did express their approval of retaining Mr. Lunseth to assist Water Treatment Plant litigation process. PARLIAMENTARY PROCEDURE City Attorney Sheldon provided a history on par£iai entary procedure stating that rules of order for conducting business at official meetings stems from governance procedures that Special City Council Meeting Minutes September 23, 1999 Page 2 ..... .... ..... occurred in the old English parliameri-::Jle further stated Robert's Rules of Order are only part of the procedure governing a city'-: &"ed that. *.i6 a creature of state law and are required to be consistent with state law,": MINUTES OF THE kC k a# .Wm Ea gan,Minnesot$:; October 5,1999 A regular meeting of the Eagan C4.*ft.A(;l.y a#§: li '. Tuesday,October 5,1999 at 6:30 p.m.at the Eagan Municipal Center. Present were l�f 'gx ?iitcd Councilmembers Masin,Blomquist, Carlson and Bakken. Also present were City AcioiitlLSt'rator Tom Hedges,Senior Planner Mike Ridley, Director of Public Works Tom Colbert,and City Attorney Jim.Sheldon. AGENDA Mayor Awada noted that the sertie aii�of' 3? )iee oaiould be added to Department Head ' Business. She said that with regard to Item I,Final-'land 4yment,RiverPark Phase I,Blue Cross Blue Shield,Blue Cross had also requested the appcgkal of a footing and foundation permit. City Administrator Hedges added that a videotape of:) #ylulti-C,,tf [ial Fest held on September 19 would also be shown during Department Head:%.*" � Mayor Awada moved,Councilmember Bakken seconded a motion to approve the agenda as presented. Aye: 5 Nay: 0 MINUTES OF THE SEPTEMBER 14,1999 SPECIAL MEETING Councilmember Bakken moved;—ebjk�xlber Carlson seconded a motion to approve the minutes as presented. Aye: 5 Nay: 0 MINUTES OF THE SEP> b4BER.21;: REGULAR MEETING Mayor Awada requested that ixiig sentence be added to the end of the last paragraph on page one, "Mayor Awada suggested that pe'rfiaps the Councilmember who is in litigation with the City should not be voting on assessment issues at all." Councilmember Bakken moved;Councilmember Carlson seconded a motion to approve the minutes as amended. Aye: 5 Nay: 0 DEI': -fttA'F3-W§INESS CONVENTION&VISITORS BUREAU IM-2000 9WKETING PLAN AND BUDGET City Administrator Hedges provided an oVdfview oxj'4ps item. Ann Carlon,Executive Director of the Eagan Convention&Visitors Bureau,provided additional information on the 1999-2000 Marketing Plan and Budget. Mayor Awada said she would like to meet with Ms.Carlon about increasing the number of events that could be held in Eagan. Councilmember Bakken moved,Councilmember M seconded a motion to approve the 1999- 2000 Marketing Plan and Budget for the Eagan Convention 8y;: sitors Bureau. Aye: 5 Nay: 0 PROJECT 785,RECEIV #' ({ ZE FEASIBILITY REPORT (SIDEWALK&'I1t�iYr'I1VIf'TIV`$1VfENTS-CITYWIDE) City Administrator Hedges provided an overview o1rC# is item. ' -Councilmember Masin moved,Councilmember Bakken seconded a motion to receive the petitions and authorize the preparation of a feasibility report for Project 785(Citywide Sidewalk and Trail Improvements). Aye: 5 Nay: 0 EAGAN CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES;OCTOBER 5,1999 PAGE SELEOWN OF CHIEF OF*V ICE Mayor Awada commented on the"" tion of Kentceldsen as the new Chief of Police. Councilmember Bakken moved,Couriciiist seconded a motion to ratify the hiring of Kent Therkeldsen as the Chief of Police. Aye: 5 Nay: 0 Mr.Therkeldsen introduced his family and indicated that he is looking forward to the challenge of being Eagan's new police chief. Councilmember Masin commented on c erof ca i'dates for this position and said that was a reflection of the caliber of the Eagan Police Deparfuient. She ftiYlher commented on the positive comments the Council received regarding Mr.Th g e, iSIM VIDEO OtA�I'r=CUfi€[3, FESTIVAL A videotape presentation of the Multi-Cultural Festival held on September 19 was shown. CONSENT AGENDA A. Personnel Items Item 1. It was recommended to approve the hi..mg o1�i fSA to be recommended as a building inspector. Item 2. It was recommended to approve*_ o€);696n Storland as a seasonal recreation leader assistant. Item 3. It was recommended to approve the hiring of Kimberly Dyer as a seasonal park maintenance worker. •• Item 4. It was recommended to approvd: g. tE; -it L�Ielsen as a seasonal concessions worker for the civic arena. Item 5. It was recommended to approve the hiring* orey Fgraff and Kristen Kraft as seasonal civic arena supervisors. Item 6. It was recommended to approve the hiring of Delanaai'igula as a part-time temporary high school intern in the Parks&Recreation Division. B. Request for public hearing certification of delinquent utilities-November 1,1999. It was recommended to schedule a public hearing for November 1,1 to consider certification of delinquent utility balances to Dakota County for collection with proper es. C. Proclamation proclaiming October` � 3'ad > a.'City Hall Tune-In It was recommended to approve a proclamation proclaiming�'Cfeti�# ,23s- Wa "F`he Great City Hall Tune-In. D. Preliminary Plat Extension Parkbrook Properties Inc.fok-Ulden Heights 2nd Addition. It was recommended to approve a one-year extension for recording:&final plat for Walden Heights 2nd Addition,consisting of 17 lots on 8.36 acres located between south of Walden Drive and west of Richard Lane in the NE 1/4 of Section 33. spq jpmoD aid}}eg}pa}ou epemy zoXpW -jaanl}xau algeltene aq pinogs uoppuuo3ur uopenlena a�ueiuzo3r I aq}}eq}p:3}e}s saSpaH zo}ez}srutiupy J4?� "a alduioa st XDTIod}uaiussasse}aaz}s SAID aqq 30 o en erg a un s uaurssasse}surp�e 3upon aq pinoni aqs}eq}pa}e}s ir?selnl zagivaurltauno� u p I �Ip : zopaalloD zo3 S4uno�e}o�leQ o}uopearlRzaa s}?azuotl}ne pue (�elzatv}aaz}S-peo;J aSpt2l aIpO Xuui 6ff-ZSZ}aa[ozd zo3 Iloz}uaurssasse Ieu?3 alpanozdde pup$uupaq ar,,nd aq}asolD o}uapoui e papuoaas � y `�anouz u@Tgg zaquraiul?aunoD - ..:- aunoJ ail} o}jaequorssnasip aq}pauzn} aqs'auo ou 2utaq azaq_I, "Meads o}Suni�auoXue o}9uueaq arignd ag}pauado ppen�y zofey�I •2uueaq D?Ignd aq}}p Meads o}}uasazd sena auo ON "}zodaz 33e}s e ane.2 }zagloJ snizoM DTignd jo zo}aazrQ •ura}?srq}uo Matniano ue pap?nozd sa2paH zo}en z}stuupy f4tD (AVTd3A0:r-N0I. VI IISdHaU J.d32IJ.S) *(III dOQIH d>IVD)LNNHc : NRdVRI::LNHWSSaSSV'IVNI3'ZSZ JJd102Id : JNRIVJI Igfld 0 :XpN S :arid "epua2V}uasuoD age anozdde o}uopoiu e papuoaas uaA�leg zaquzauzl DunoD -aa?ruaS aazs XOHI'A zo3 asuaarl zo}Dez}uoJ aaz}aq}anozdde o}papuaunuoDaz sena}i "aDjzu S aaz_l XalIPA zo3 asuaD?I zo}Dez}uoa aaz1, .q •@Uuq XeP?IoH Ito£}p pa}eDol 8I£#sazo}suope}S fpp?Iobl zo3 asuaa?I ODDj?k f: s as?oras p anozdde o}papuaururoaaz sena aue e o p a pyo SQ .. .?IoH zo3 asua�.1 O��pgo}pup uopp}s aDinzaS ">I }I Z P?I H'fTbO£} P } 18I£# -Saxe}�}zado.rd q�iM uopaalloa zO3: io2>.Mo -q o}ivagj�C3pza,pup slllq iuzele asle3}uanburlap ail}3o}uauissasse Ieirl;ag}zap?suOD 04 6 T:'t zaq�RgAPN zo3 2uueaq�tlgnd e}as o}papuaunuoaaz spm}I 6661 I ia'gWanol�I-sl�q uuplu asle3}uan tr a , o:,• gparJT}zaa uizpaH allgnd zoI}san aX '1 }riuzad uogrpimo}pup Supoo3 e anoidde o}pue GI uopaaS 3o z/r q}zou aq}pup g uor}aaS 3o z/T q}nos aq}unI}im ppog alpooQ aa�Irrp t 3o q}nos pue Cl f mgSIH 30}sang'anuQ aaxup t 00W}e pa}eaol a}?s azap £-ZS p uodn(I asegd).Surpltnq aar33o}003 azpnbs 099�8£I p Molle o}}uaurdolanaQ pauueld Ipu?J p anozdde o}papuaunuo.)az SL'm}I -pla?gs anig ssozD anig I asegd)izedzant2l }uaur olanaQ pauueld IeU1d "I 'ZI uopDaS 30 1/1 MS aql�?M 6K •H•.L 30}saM pup i l alpoo....nue t 3o q}zou pa}eao�uop?pPy�9 x1ed Ip?� PuI ue2eq-zagdoO aq}zo3}uauzazrAbj;,r 2u?pzo?J�.aq4 3o uorsua}xa Xpp 06 e anozdde o}papuauzuzODaz SPM}I -uor_�?pp'd T9>Izpd lett}sn _. O. lenoz . e uo?stnipgns nzernurtlaz uoisua}xg H "Ppo?I PPo(I c{I£}p pa}e:)ol Z99#drz.L)jimX pqp .cul'dul Tm)l zo3 asua:)q zaaq ales-33o anozdde o}papuaiuiuoaaz Spon}I "peog ppoQ SfI£}p pa}e�ol Z99# 11 L>llm)l pqP au1 Tz L�I?�*X zo3 asuaatI zaaq Of S-330 'O 00'OZt'Z$3o}unouzp aq}u? S -ON zapz0 a.2ueq:D anozdde o}papuaiu>.t? 1.JM . -:- � .�nq uopps}S?uT upv al?3 S#zaPzO a upq� "max uor},aS 3o�/r}samLpnos alp ur aaersaZ Marna pug pup anuany Marnq2?H 32V-.j:uioa aq}ui pa}eaol.�sae 9S'I uo s}ol aanp a}eaiD o}uorsinrpgnc,,. Ieu1q e anozdde o} Papuaunuoaaz se:* :.uszR�P? i ??? :'?. �togsnroo�l zappl�l uotsin?egos Ipu?J 3 6661'S 2IaSOI DO`SaL:"INITN ON:J_HHJN-10NROD I LIQ N DVH j EAGAN CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES;OCTOBER 5,1999 PAGE discussed this issue numerous times anct' iF � �5= 5ses's'meii; icy has been upheld. She added that Councilmembers Blomquist and Masin ri tested the completig'*f a performance review. Aye: 3 Nay: 2 (CouncilmembeiAkmquist and Midi -opposed) PROJECT 753,FINAL ASSE�§ ;AiING,THOMAS LAKE RD. (STREET REHABILITATION -OVERLAY) City Administrator Hedges provided an overview on this item. Director of Public Works Colbert gave a staff report. No one was present tQ.speakat.the public hearing. Mayor Awada opened the public heasing•t�r�#iyone.'w'- ng to speak. There being no one,she turned the discussion back to the Council. - Councilmember Carlson moved, aui Ba seconded a motion to close the public hearing and approve the final assessmerf€ ©.� 'roj' �#iomas Lake Road-Street Overlay)and authorize its certification to Dakota County for collection: Aye: 3 Nay: 2 (Councilmembers Blomquist and Masin opposed) PROJECT 756,FINAL ASSESSMENT HEARING,WOODGATE 3RD,TIBERON,MALLARD PARK 3RD ADDITION (STREET REHABILITATION-OVERLAY) City Administrator Hedges provic Altzt �v on this item. Director of Public Works Colbert gave a staff report. No one was present to speak Ati iiearing. Mayor Awada opened the public heaig to.a .jisling to speak. There being no one,she turned the discussion back to the Councilmember Carlson moved`Councilmember Bakken seconded a motion to close the public hearing and approve the final assessment roll for Project 756 (Mallard Park 3rd,Tiberon 1st,and Woodgate 3rd Additions-Street Overlay) and authorize its certification to Dakota County for collection. Aye: 3 Nay: 2 (Councilmembers Blomquist and Masin opposed) VACATE PUB = $c :ITY EASEMENT (LOT 13,BLO�I<3 tXdd ROYALE) City Administrator Hedges provided an oo��view ori.' item. Director of Public Works Colbert gave a staff report. _•_. Mayor Awada opened the public hearing to anyone wishing to speak. There being no one,she turned the discussion back to the Council. Councilmember Bakken moved,Councilmember Ca4son seconded a motion to close the public hearing and approve the vacation of a portion of a public dr4i3ge and utility easement within Lot 13, Block 3,Eagan Royale and authorize the Mayor and City Cleft-fo execute all related documents. Aye: 5 Nay: 0 VACATE PUBLIC PONDING.BASEMENT (LE)aNGTON POINTE 121 :�kbDITION) - City Administrator Hedges provided an overview on this item. Director of Public Works Colbert gave a s laff report. Mayor Awada opened the public hearing to anyone wishing to speak. There being no one,she turned the discussion back to the Council. EAGAN CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES;OCTOBER 5,1999 PAGE 5 Councilmember Bakken moved ouncilmember CarlsC Seconded a motion to close the public p hearing and approve the vacation of a publs..ponding easememt.Nvithin Outlot A,(Document No.860179) and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk t&j c'r ute all related:*"'**'*'-*::ments. Aye: 5 Nay: 0 VARIANCE,THb1V # d LOCATED AT 3661 ASHBURY ROAD City Administrator Hedges provided an overview on this item. Senior Planner Ridley gave a staff report. Mayor Awada opened the public hearing*to oiie'w;sWg to speak. Thomas Bane,3661 Ashbury Road,explairte?the neec}*)k the addition to his home. Councilmember Carlson moved, s..•=."' d........ #e$a motion to close the public hearing and approve a 4.5 percent Variance to the maximum 20 peic'ent building lot coverage allowed in residential districts for Lot 1,Block 2 Blackhawk Glen 15t Addition. Mayor Awada stated that she supported the variance request because no opposition was expressed by.the neighbors. CouncilmeMber Bakken added that in the past the City Council has justified approving variances that support ADA t;"iii3 gients. He further added that the applicant needs extra living space since they are caring for an A vote was taken on the motion. Aye;;: Nay: 0 TAY,. c 7CATION City Administrator Hedges provided an overview on this item. Mayor Awada opened the public hearing to anyone wishing to speak. There being no one,she closed the public hearing. Councilmember Masin moved,, si ric i ieY Rx sadi:Peconded a motion to approve a resolution authorizing a tax rate increase for the 19 ax I evy collectible in 2000. Aye: 5 Nay: 0 OLD$ 3 INESS PROJECT 768,NORTHWOOD PARKWAY(RIGS-OF-WAY ACQUISITION) City Administrator Hedges provided an overview on this item. He noted that the City received a letter from Larry.Wenzel requesting the City continue with the environmental study of the MnDOT property. Councilmember Blomquist questioned if Mr.Wenzel,would like the easterly portion of Marice vacated. Director of Public Works Colbert said that Mr.Wen"*ad indicated that was his preference in a phone conversation last week. Wen" Councilmember-Bakken movec�:_U s**' tai c#�3eln seconded a motion to reaffirm active negotiations with MnDOT for reconveyance of surplus land(I{gts 1 &2,Block 3 Effress Addition and authorize the environmental assessment study). Aye: 5 Nab:;=Q NEW BUSINESS NEIGHBORHOOD TRAFFIC CALMING REQUESTS,DENMARK AVENUE EAGAN CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES;OCTOBER 5,1999 PAGE City Administrator Hedges provttaiIvd ??s�tem. Director of Public Works Colbert gave a staff report. . Dan Simms,3794 Denmark Aven%;:indicated he wa&f e neighborhood spokesperson. He expressed concern with traffic volumes ancf; end:tb £ f sidewalks. He stated that their neighborhood street is functioning as a comm$'t* :ri�ttreet. He requested the Council commission a study to investigate possible traffic calming measures. Pastor Cliff Crook,3715 Denmark Court West,said that the growth of the retail district north of the neighborhood has added to the traffie.vQlum!? . He expressed concern about pedestrian safety. Mr.Simms identified several olptioris'fof m tii."**It Ei�ffic issues along Denmark,which included the construction of a median between Dei;Mrk Cour'18i►st and West or the installation of sidewalks and a choker system. He referenced a p u on signqd:�y residents in support of the closure of Denmark Avenue. Councilrnember Masin moved,(founcilmember taAlson seconded a motion to direct the preparation of a traffic study of Denmark Avenue. Aye: 5 Nay: 0 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT,WAL-MART City Administrator Hedges pro-';3d :an overview on this item. Senior Planner Ridley gave a staff report. A manager of Wal-Mart stated that th;B§pproval of tho.g�plication would allow the temporary storage of extra freight for three-months duri> `the_ Q '9 on. He added that the containers will be locked and no public access will be allowed.:A��ti�Ciliiber Masin referenced problems associated with outdoor storage that have occurred at Esite in the past. Senior Planner Ridley noted that Wal-Mart's new management team has Satisfactorily resolved the compliance issues. Councilmember Carlson expressed concern about approving a Conditional Use Permit to allow outdoor storage on this site and suggested that an Interim Use:Permit would provide the City with more control. Mayor Awada concurred and noted that the City had granted Kohl's an eighteen-month IUP. Councilmember Blomquist also concurred with the grart ,n£an '_,vexs� S:a.CUP. Councilmember Masin moved,Counci�me�n 6r'�,dtlson'seconded a motion to deny a Conditional Use Permit to allow outside storage of up to ten stigi$e contars within the existing garden center at the Wal-Mart store at 1360 Town Centre Drive,legally.. cribed allot 1,Block 1,Town Centre 70 Eleventh Addition. .... Councilmember Blomquist questioned if the applicant would need to pay additional fees for the IUP application and also questioned the timeframe to process a new application. Senior Planner Ridley stated that it would take approximately 60 days to process the application and noted that the cost of the application is the same as the fee for a CUP. He added that i£the applicant withdrew the application there would be no additional fees requiied for the IUP. Mayj$:Awada said that the IUP could be placed on the October 26 APC agenda and brought to the Novembei1-tity Council meeting. The applicant withdrew the appW ati ftK otK3 I Use Permit. Councilmembers Masin and Carlson withdrew theij.-:pievious motion. Councilmember Carlson noted that the applicant would be unable to take advantage b;Me IUP for this holiday season. The applicant indicated that since the IUP will not be acted upon until November 1,additional storage of holiday freight will not be needed this year. Mayor Awada said that the IUP should be made effective in September of 2000 and run for eighteen months. EAGAN CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES;OCTOBER 5,1999 PAGE 7 i ' PLANNED DEVELOPMI '•.ialwl4B''EN"'FffS?. NORTHWEST,LLC City Administrator Hedges provi"an overview on UvA item. Senior Planner Ridley gave a staff report. Mayor Awada moved,Councilmembe'r' 3Skc: ed a motion to recommend approval of a Planned Development Amendment for Lot 1,Block 1,Eagandale Center Industrial Park No.15,(SE Tech Center)to allow a detached enclosure for trash storage,subject to the following conditions: 1. An Amendment to the P1ar ;DP '14$ ent Agreement shall be executed and recorded against the property. r.... 2. The trash enclosure shall be constntC16a to con"with the approved plans dated 8/2/99,last revised 9/20/99. 3. All outside storage of tra-: :setyclab, :$ii3 �e in proper containers within the enclosure,and the enclosure doors shall be closed at all times unless in use. Aye: 5 Nay: 0 PRELIMINARY SUBDIVISION,CEDAR CLIFF PROPERTIES,LLC City Administrator Hedges provided' idc%# on this item. Senior Planner Ridley gave a staff report. Councilmember Carlson left the rnegtirig'at$: p: . X. Councilmember Bakken moved,Gour0gmq be # srirSeconded a motion to approve a Preliminary Subdivision entitled the"Oaf 'fir,#, .*..: n" located south of Cliff Road and west of Slater Road upon property currently pla{'i�.W9'Zjutlot A,Oak Cliff 8th Addition subject to the following conditions: 1. The developer shall comply with these standard conditions of plat approval as adopted by Council on February 3,1993: Bl,C1 and E1 .... 2. Existing drainage and utility easeni {s coveriftpublic utilities shall be maintained as part of this development. 3. Asa condition of Final Subdivision approval,$'ie scenic easement within proposed Lot 2 shall be recorded. 4. The applicant shall provide site plans,landscaping plans and lighting plans to the Oak Cliff Ponds Homeowner's Association prior ty Council action on the Final Planned Development Agreement. Aye: 4 Nay: 0 (Councilmember Carls ( : toe) Councilmember Carlson returned to the meeting at 8y3¢_p.m. ADMINISTRATIVE A6t&DA REVIEW OCTOBER/NOVEMBER/DECEMBER COUNCIL SCHEDULE EAGAN CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES;OCTOBER 5,1999 1 PAGE City Administrator Hedges prow. i r%zr i6iviWtW1 ;s item. Mayor Awada noted that the ; Mayors'social planned for October 21 h*#een changed to N69 4. Mayor Awada moved,Councilm6kikr Bakken secoo"— a motion to adopt the revised October/November/December calendar Council meetings for the remainder of 1999. Aye: 5 Nay; 0 VISITORS TO BE HEARD Joseph Bari raised a question regard;: ;Reit g ..... .pacity rate. City Administrator Hedges provided an explanation on the purpose 0:ft; jr; lc i airing cities to approve a resolution •. ••:: authorizing a tax rate increase for the 1999 tax levy,Ci}lectibleffifi;-1000. City Administrator Hedges mentioned th#f�e new po,Si"•ce chief will be sworn in at the November 1 City Council meeting. •ADJOURNIVJEIVT The meeting was adjourned at 8:15 p.m. MLK Date City Clerk If you need these mvlutes in an alternative fpr{nstb€ isl$ a 'piint,Braille,audio tape,etc.,please contact the City of Eagan,3830 Pilot Knob Road,Eagan,MN 51UP.i0l).*681-4600,(TDD phone:(651)454-8535). The City of Eagan is committed to the policy that all persons have equal access to its programs,services,activities, facilities and employment without regard to race,color,creed,religion,national origin,sex,disability,age,sexual orientation,marital status or status with regitd to public assistance. t` '''s"- MEMO city of eagan MEMO TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS FROM: CITY ADMINISTRATOR HEDGES DATE: OCTOBER 15, 1999 SUBJECT: AGENDA INFORMATION FOR OCTOBER 19, 1999 CITY COUNCIL MEETING ADOPT AGENDA/APPROVE MINUTES After approval is given to the October 19, 1999 City Council agenda, the minutes of the October 5, 1999 regular City Council meeting and the minutes of the September 23, 1999 special City Council meeting, the following items are in order for consideration. Agenda Information Memo October 19, 1: 99 Eagan City Council Meeting RECOGNITIONS & PRESENTATIONS A. PRESENTATION OF POLICE DEPARTMENT CITIZEN COMMENDATIONS ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: No action required. FACTS: • Six individuals will be in attendance at Tuesday's meeting to be presented Certificates of Commendation by Acting Police Chief Swanson. • Patrick Schmitz and Mark Nowlin will receive Certificates of Commendation as a result of the actions they took after witnessing an assault with a knife. The two individuals called 9-1-1 and identified the suspect to officers. During the arrest, the suspect broke away from the officer and Mr. Schmitz and Mr. Nowlin apprehended the suspect. The suspect broke away again and Mr. Schmitz and Mr. Nowlin stopped traffic alleviating harm from officers and others. • Rachel Kent will be recognized with an Outstanding Citizen Commendation for the action she took after witnessing an emotionally disturbed juvenile kick his sister in the face knocking her to the ground. Ms. Kent was driving down Bluestone Lane when she witnessed this incident. The suspect then went into the house and returned with two knives. She circumvented other children who were nearby by telling them to run away. Due to her efforts, she prevented the sister and 15 other children from harm. • Chantel Castile will be presented with an Outstanding Citizen Commendation for rescuing a woman from drowning in a swimming pool and administering CPR, with the help of her brother and sister. She was seven months pregnant at the time and risked her unborn child's life, as well as her own. • Lerone Adams will receive an Outstanding Citizen Commendation for helping rescue a woman lFrom drowning by pulling her from the bottom of a swimming pool and bringing her to the side of the pool where his sister administered C.P.R. Lerone is only ten years old. • Symone Bilomlie will receive a Certificate of Commendation for helping a woman from drowning by helping pull her out and to the side of the pool where her sister administered C.P.R. Symone is only nine years old. • John and Karen Flood were mailed a Special Letter of Appreciation for finding $3,500 in a day planner while walking and then promptly returning the planner to the owner. The Floods were invited to attend the City Council meeting to for an official presentation of the award; however, they declined the invitation. Agenda Information Memo October 19, 1999 Eagan City Council Meeting B. PRESENTATION OF CERTIFICATES OF APPRECIATION TO OUTGOING ADVISORY COMMISSION MEMBERS ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: To acknowledge outgoing commission members' service to the City of Eagan's advisory commissions and to present certificates of appreciation. FACTS: • The following outgoing commission members were invited to attend the October 19, 1999 City Council meeting: Burnsville/Eagan Telecommunications Commission —Jeff May Solid Waste Abatement Commission — Susan Bast and Ron Moening It is not certain which individuals will be in attendance at Tuesday's meeting. In the event that one of the members is not present, the certificate will be mailed. 3 Agenda Inforrnation Memo October 19, 1999 Eagan City Council Meeting A. CIV OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS MINOR COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT—HOFFMAN HOMES Consideration of an Airport Relations Commission recommendation to provide comments concerning the City of Mendota Heights' minors comprehensive plan amendment. ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: Approve comments stating certain objections to the City of Mendota Heights Minor Comprehensive Plan Amendment for the Hoffman Homes 46-unit Augusta Shores town home development. FACTS: • The subject property, southeast of the Highway 55 and Highway 110 intersection, is excess Cemetery property that is being released for development by Catholic Cemeteries, the owners of Resurrection Cemetery. This land is currently guided as Cemetery in the City's Comprehensive Plan, because it has historically been part of the Resurrection Cemetery site. The land has always had an R-1, Single Family Residential zoning designation dating back to the City's incorporation in 1956. The City's original Comprehensive Plan from 1961 designates this site as Cemetery and this designation has remained in place until today. According;to the City, the release of the land by Resurrection Cemetery means the Cemetery designation is no longer appropriate. A developer first approached the City in 1996 with a proposal for Augusta Shores. At that time, the area was largely contained in Noise Zone 4, which permits residential development as a conditional use. A subsequent revision to the Metropolitan Council's noise exposure map in late 1996 placed the majority of the property in Noise Zone 3. This particular noise zone designation allows Multiplex/Apartments with Shared Entrances as a provisional use, however, it considers Single/Mulitplex with Individual Entrances to be inconsistent. • The area being considered for development is on the north side, outside of the Eagan- Mendota]Sleights corridor. The preliminary noise exposure map for the 2005 high estimate (575,000 annual operations) projects that most of the area will be just beyond the 65 DNL, therefore mostly out of Noise Zone 3. The City argues that they are required to submit a 10-year plan, but are required to submit the development for consideration under existing conditions. Further, they argue that the City has requirements in place to provide adequate mitigation where necessary. • The Eagan Airport Relations Commission voiced strong objections to the proposed amendment and development based on the following arguments: ➢ The Eagan-Mendota Heights Corridor has been, and continues to be, the foundation on which our community has protected its residents from aircraft noise. The existence of the corridor, which has been in place since the early 1970s, allowed Eagan to zone and comprehensively plan the community to create compatible land uses in the areas most impacted by aircraft noise. ➢ The development of residential uses on the north side of the corridor is an undermining of the corridor. The ARC expressed concern that the City of Mendota Heights may later use that area to argue the inequitable operation of the corridor and attempt to restrict the corridor's use, or force a disproportionate number of operations into the southern half of the corridor(read: Eagan). ➢ The new north-south runway(17/35)will negate many of the benefits of the Eagan-Mendota Heights Corridor when it begins operations in 2003. Nearly 37% of all departures are anticipated to use Runway 17/35, many impacting noise- sensitive residential uses in southwest Eagan previously unexposed to frequent noise annoyance. More housing closer to the long-established commercial- industrialized Eagan-Mendota Heights Corridor will only buttress arguments against maximizing the capacity of the corridor. This is in direct conflict with the City of Eagan's desire to minimize impacts by possibly reducing operations on Runway 17/35. ➢ The ARC feels strongly that residential uses are incompatible in noise exposed areas, including Noise Zone 4. The proposed development is closer to the higher exposure levels of Noise Zone 3 than it is the outer limits of the less exposed Noise Zone 4. ATTACHMENTS: • Draft comments from the City of Eagan regarding the minor amendment, page . • MSP Airport oise Policy Area map (in close-up with the proposed development area circled) page (� . ya. city of czagan PATRICIA E.AWADA Mayor PAUL LBAKKEN OMQUOctober 20, 1999 DRAFT BEA BLOM9UIST PEGGY A. CARLSON MASIN Mr. James Danielson,Public Works Director SANDRA Council Members City of Mendota Heights 1101 Victoria Curve THOMAS HEDGES Mendota Heights,MN 55118 Cry Administrator E.J. VAN OVERBEKE SUBJECT: Minor Comprehensive Plan Amendment—Hoffman Homes Cry Clerk Dear Mr.Danielson: The Eagan City Council and Eagan Airport Relations Commission(ARC)have expressed considerable concern with the City of Mendota Heights'intention to develop for residential purposes the excess cemetery property at Resurrection Cemetery. The objections of the City Council and ARC are based on the following concerns: ■ A large portion of the subject area is presently within Noise Zone 3 of the MSP Airport Noise Policy Area,which is incompatible with the proposed housing development. ■ The proposed development is very near the northern edge of the Eagan-Mendota Heights Corridor. The City of Eagan strongly believes that compatible land uses in and near the corridor should be maintained to the greatest extent possible. ■ It is possible, indeed likely,that the residents of this area will demand less noise in the future. The City's requirements for builders to adhere to its Sound Attenuation Ordinance and for developers to provide notice on all deeds that the property is in an identified noise impact area are positive efforts, and you are to be commended for those efforts. Despite these efforts,residents will still become annoyed by noise. The City of Eagan fears that this neighborhood may be used as an argument in the future to encroach on the capacity and boundaries of the corridor. The City of Eagan recognizes that our communities have honest disagreements about the use of the corridor. However,it is the only remaining area around this urban airport in which gross numbers of residential properties are not severely impacted. The circumstances will be that much worse in 2003 with the opening of the north-south runway and the introduction of high concentrations of noise into incompatible residential areas. Meanwhile,large areas of commercial-industrial property in the Eagan- Mendota Heights Corridor will be underutilized in our efforts to reduce noise. Sincerely, James D.Verbrugge Assistant City Administrator Copy: Tom McElveen,Metropolitan Council Chauncey Case,Metropolitan Council MUNICIPAL CENTER THE LONE OAK TREE MAINTENANCE FACILITY 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD THE SYMBOL OF STRENGTH AND GROWTH IN OUR COMMUNITY 3501 COACHMAN POINT EAGAN,MINNESOTA 55122-1897 EAGAN, MINNESOTA 55122 PHONE:(651)681-4600 PHONE (651)681-4300 FAX:(651)681-4612 I� Equal Opportunity Employer FAX:(651)681-4360 TDD:(651)454-8535 N www.cityofeagan.com TDD (651)454-8535 _!!Ilii � ,. � _ • -111ii1r s AN PAP� ® 11111L.. rte. � ` 3" TO, � r ����■mw � SSI. y •A " '4 T^ a�1ii '- �9 _ WAR MAirmE Fvnss ff AMMA'SW,'+ -wY�.. Agenda Information Memo October 19, 1999 Eagan City Council Meeting CONSENT AGENDA The following items referred to as consent items require one (1) motion by the City Council. If the City Council wishes to discuss any of the items in further detail, those items should be removed from the Consent Agenda and placed under Old or New Business unless the discussion required is brief. A. PERSONNEL ITEMS Item 1. Seasonal Skate Guards-- ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: To approve the hiring of Ryan Connelly and Melissa Smith as seasonal skate guards at the civic arena. Item 2. Seasonal Skating Instructors-- ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: To approve the hiring of Andrea Froelich and Kimber Hartley as seasonal skating instructors at the civic arena. Item 3. Seasonal Civic Arena Supervisors-- ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: To approve the hiring of Chelsea Crouch and Steve Dykstra as seasonal civic arena supervisors. Item 4. Representative to the National Organization on Disability-- ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: To reappoint Assistant City Administrator Duffy as the City of Eagan's community partner representative to the National Organization on Disability. Agenda Information Memo October 19, 1999, Eagan City Council B. FINAL SUBDIVISION (NORTHWOOD BUSINESS PARK)—ROCK CLIFF DEVELOPMENT, LLC ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: • To approve a]sinal Subdivision for Northwood Business Park to create one lot and one outlot on approximately 24 acres located north of Northwood Parkway and west of Lexington Avenue in the SE '/4 of Section 10. FACTS: • The preliminary subdivision for Northwood Business Park was approved July 20, 1999. • All documents are signed and in order for execution at the regular City Council meeting on October 19, 1999. ATTACHMENT; Final Plat, page_ 6 ty CC"7) cm CD U L5 0 0 n 0 4 1� -::r � K � d LU Lij L) D4 cl: —————————————— --- co < LLJ ui Z ' ^ cc L------------ Nt Agenda Information Memo October 19, 1999, Eagan City Council C. FINAL SUBDIVISION (MAJESTIC OAKS 2ND ADDITION)—S.K. SWENSON,INC. ACTION TO BE; CONSIDERED: • To approve a:Final Subdivision for Majestic Oaks 2nd Addition to create seventeen lots on 9.6 acres located north of Cliff Road and west of Hwy. 3 (So. Robert Trail) in the SE 1/4 of Section 25. FACTS: • All documents are anticipated to be signed and in order for execution at the regular City Council meeting on October 19, 1999. ATTACHMENT: Final Plat, page�_ �����7 �e ��� L f7E •r' _I M 1 e v"i �. OF tv O / f�/7 75►� � 11*1 � �u.w.a 1 • ���+ (� W W / � � I e �r ,V _ J r so r a Y / ur r—k?wws 7 3! sI � W p � � r— .4c.�.R O �4 L L _ ww —J 5 — / " • ect— she/S►T• s.,.+ w.R.c-•l' .! vGa ^ CIO z s 4s , �:: R�i ' /��., = �r/fir O �� \ � �•;a,,�, wkl- - - - -- r;—= -- /* _ los 7 '�! � — —11AK-- - - - _ Agenda Information Memo October 19, 1999 Eagan City Council Meeting D. SUBGRANTEE AGREEMENT, 1999 CDBG PROGRAM WITH DAKOTA COUNTY HRA ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: To approve the Subgrantee Agreement for the 1999 CDBG Program with the Dakota County HRA. FACTS: • Since the City carries out the Wescott Youth-At-Risk public service directly, using the CDBG Program to pay for staff time and resources, this Subgrantee Agreement is required. • The Dakota County HRA carries out the rest of the City's CDBG projects and this Subgrantee Agreement does not apply to them. • The Agreement is quite lengthy and is not enclosed. If any member of the City Council would like;to see the actual document, the City Administrator will provide it. Agenda Information Memo October 19, 1999 E. CONTRACT 99-03,YANKEE DOODLE RESERVOIR WATER RESERVOIR IMPROVEMENTS ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: Approve Change Order No. 2 to Contract 99-03 (Yankee Doodle Reservoir— Water Reservoir Improvements) and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute all related documents. FACTS: • Contract 99-03 provides for the refurbishing and repainting of the Yankee Doodle Reservoir as outlined and discussed in the inspection report for Project 773 prepared by AEC Engineering, Inc., dated January 8, 1999. • The revisions detailed in the change order address the removal of an existing corroded roof rafter and the replacement with a new rafter. • The removal of the existing corroded roof rafter was not included in the initial bid proposal, as the extent of the corrosion damage was not bvident until after the coating removal was completed. • The new roof rafter is required to maintain the structural integrity of the reservoir. • The cost of the work is consistent with bid prices for relevant bid items on other projects managed by the consultant engineer. • This change order has been reviewed by the Engineering Division and found to be in order for favorable Council action. • The change order provides for an additional cost of$1,800.00 (0.34% of original contract). The associated cost will be the responsibility of the Water Trunk Fund. ATTACHMENTS: Change Order No. 2, pages-112Z through AdIF A AdW ffASE 353.5 VADNAIS CENTER DRIVE,200 SEH CENTER,ST.PAUL.MN 55110 651490-2000 800 325.2055 ARCHITECTURE ENGINEERING ENVIRONMENTAL TRANSPORTATION CONTRACT It: 99-03 CHANGE ORDER#: 2 PROJECT#:_ 773 DATE: September 29 1999 PROJECT NAME: Yankee Reservoir- Refurbish and Repaint PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Refurbish and repaint Yankee Reservoir CONTRACTOR: Swanson&Youngdale.Inc. ENGINEER: Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc.(SEH) P.O.Box 26070 4535 Vadnais Center Drive Minneavolis.MIDI 55426 St Paul MN 55110 DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE ORDER WORK: Remove the existing corroded roof rafter above the overflow and replace it with a new one. JUSTIFICATION FOR/PURPOSE OF CHANGE ORDER: A new roof rafter is required to maintain the structural integrity of the Yankee Doodle Reservoir. DESCRIPTION OF WORK ITEMS: Furnish and Install New Roof Rafter $1,800.00 Total Additional Amount $1,800.00 CONTRACT STATUS TIMEICOMPLETION DATE AMOUNT Original Contract: October 8. 1999 $524.960.00 Change Order: October 8. 1999 $ 18.050.00 Subtotal of Previous Change Orders: $ 16.250.00 This Change Order: $ 1.800.00 New Subtotal of All Change Orders: $ 18.050.00 Revise Contract: $543.010.00 SHORT ELLIOTT HENDRICKSON INC. MINNEAPOLIS,MN ST.CLOUD,MN CHIPPEWA FALLS,WI MADISON, WI LAKE COUNTY,IN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER City of Eagan Change Order No. 2 Page 2 Percent Increase or Decrease for this Change Order to Original Contract Amount: + 0,34% Percent Increase or Decrease for Total of All Change Orders to Original Contract Amount: + 3.44% RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL: By: By: Project Manager Contractor By: Date: City Department Manager City of Eagan Council Action: Mayor: Clerk: Date: DISTRIBUTION I -City 2-Contractor 3-Engineer 13 Agenda Information Memo October 19, 1999 F. OLD SIBLEY MEMORIAL HIGHWAY RIGHT-OF-WAY VACATION ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: To schedule a public hearing to be held on Novemeber 16, 1999 to vacate public street right-of-way on Old Sibley Memorial Highway. FACTS: • On August 4„ 1999, City staff received a petition from John J. Young requesting the vacation of 41 feet of an 81-foot wide half street right-of-way of Old Sibley Memorial Highway adjacent to Parcel 013-56, Section 19. • This vacation is requested to allow for the possible development of the property and provide a more uniform right-of-way width for adjacent properties. • On August :17, the City Council received the petition for this vacation, but delayed the scheduling of the public hearing until after the approval of the redevelopment study of the Cedar Avenue/Highway 13 Area. • On September 7, the City Council approved a recommendation from the Cedar Avenue/Highway 13 Redevelopment Task Force to remove properties in the southwest quadrant of the Highway 77/Highway 13 interchange from the interim ordinance (moratorium;) established in May, 1999. • Parcel 013-515, Section 19 and Old Sibley Memorial Highway right-of-way are located within the area removed from the redevelopment study area. Therefore, it would be appropriate to schedule the public hearing on this vacation request. • This application will be reviewed by staff and sent to all potentially interested/affected parties for their information. Any concerns received will be presented to the Council for their consideration at the time of the Public Hearing. ATTACHMENTS: • Legal Description, graphic,pages and�. • Location Map,page . l � -7. j 1] jail' R9Za > ,� Rajas Lij ll 9 r e: 7�� � ;�l� � ea�8��-•s�� "1;•j�=irj. � a ' 111111 j1*11111m, 1« .os� L ui 2t •�.p ;mss U CL uj .s; sprlf. V Ir TFFFTT Vol It TN t ` � \ ,� .y� it ...; •:::.;, >i• a�� ti o , i = a PROPERTY DESCRIPTION That portion of the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 19, Township 27, Range 23 lying northwesterly of the new Trunk Highway 13, as described in final certificate filed in Book 62 of Miscellaneous Records on Page 19, except that part thereof contained within Minnesota Department of Transportation Right of Way Plat No. 19-5, according to the Government Survey thereof, Dakota County, Minnesota. LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF TRUNK HIGHWAY 13 PREVIOUSLY VACATED That part of the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 19,,Township 27,Range 23,Dakota County,Minnesota described as follows: Commencing at the northwest comer of said Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter;thence on an assumed bearing of South 89 degrees 11 minutes 42 seconds East, along the North line of said Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter, a distance of 246.80 feet to the easterly line of Minnesota Department of Transportation Right of Way Plat No. 19-5;thence South 40 degrees 29 minutes 12 seconds East, along said easterly line, a distance of 154.70 feet to the point of beginning of the land to be described; thence South 13 degrees 30 minutes 08 seconds West a distance of 211.04 feet to a point distant 40.00 feet northwesterly of the centerline of Trunk Highway No.13;thence North 33 degrees 35 minutes 49 seconds East,parallel to and 40.00 feet northwesterly of said centerline, a distance of 223.51 feet; thence northeasterly a distance of 161.13 feet, parallel to and distant 40.00 feet northwesterly of said centerline,along a tangential curve concave to the southeast having a radius of 5769.58 feet and a central angle of 1 degree 36 minutes 01 seconds to said North line of the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter;thence North 89 degrees 11 minutes 42 seconds West, along said North line of the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter, a distance of 87.61 to a point distant 112.50 feet noithwestery of said centerline of Trunk Highway No. 13;thence southwesterly a distance of 113.67 feet,parallel to and distant 112.50 lfeet northwesterly of said centerline, along a non-tangential curve concave to the southeast having a radius of 5842.08 feet,a centrail angle of 1 degree 06 minutes 53 seconds and a chord which bears South 34 degrees 09 minutes 16 seconds West; thence South 33 degrees 35 minutes 49 seconds West, tangent to the last described curve, parallel to and 112.50 feet northwesterly of said centerline,a distance of 25.32 feet to the point of beginning and there terminating. LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF ADDITIONAL HIGHWAY TO BE VACATED That part of the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 19, Township 27, Range 23, Dakota County, Minnesota described as follows: Commencing at the northwest comer of said Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter; thence on an assumed bearing of South 89 degrees 11 minutes 42 seconds East, along the North line of said Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter, a distance of 246.80 feet to the easterly line of Minnesota Department of Transportation Right of Way Plat No. 19-5; thence South 40 degrees 29 minutes 12 seconds East, along said easterly line, a distance of 154.70 feet; thence South 13 degrees 30 minutes 08 seconds West a distance of 211.04 feet to the point of beginning of the land to be described; thence continuing South 13 degrees 30 minutes 08 seconds West a distance of 119.33 feet; thence North 33 degrees 35 minutes 49 seconds East a distance of 335.56 feet; thence northeasterly a distance of 188.10 feet along a tangential curve concave to the southeast having a radius of 5728.58 feet and a central angle of I degree 52 minutes 58 seconds to the North line of said Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 19; thence North 89 degrees 11 minutes 42 seconds West, along said North line, a distance of 49.77 feet; thence southwesterly a distance of 161.13 feet along a non- tangential curve concave to the southeast having a radius of 5769.58 feet, a central angle of 1 degree 36 minutes 01 seconds and the chord of said curve bears South 34 degrees 23 minutes 49 seconds West; thence South 33 degrees 35 minutes 49 seconds West, tangent to said curve, a distance of 223.51 feet to the point of beginning. Y �A I IJ' HAZEL RD. 0 3800 (` SILVER BELL I U 73 oR�� N �� o ? GOLD ? Off. SOP PT. S GOLD WOODHAV PARk QQ I -- J p 40 I o 0� a: 89 RpP� plc 4000 J?fir 1 � � � '- 4,ST NE SIBLEY 3 0 CgRN �� LNC d (" CT. U. Ia 40E o A ELI o �yC� S�ROPSAPP IRE 2 �� S\�� GOO GlR fMFR�D N JADE LANE 2. OP CEDARo �� k POND o:5 1 � -: ZIRCON LN. GL CT IES S'0E c? 0 64 12 J DIFFLEY RD. o -CORAL LN. o = HIPMUNK CT. uj 65 = O 0 Z �. TIMBER O Cr os� BER 0 Tr R 1 I GLORY DR. r��- CM. J BADGER PROPOSED VACATION SECTION 19 Q L1� city of eagan PUBLIC LOCATION MAP WORKS DEPARTMEN Agenda Information Memo October 19, 1999 G PROJECT 766R-A, RIGHT-OF-WAY AGREEMENT LEXINGTON AVENUE & WESCOTT ROAD ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: To approve a Right-Of-Way Agreement for Project 766R-A (Lexington Avenue & Wescott Road — Traffic Signalization) with Lillian Bratland (Parcel 10- 01400-030-53) and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute all related documents. FACTS: • On June 1, 1999, the City Council ordered the signalization of the Lexington Avenue (County Road 43) and Wescott Road intersection (Projects 766R-A). The improvements include the installation of tum lanes, traffic control signals, emergency vehicle pre-emption, and signing at the intersection. • On August 17, the City Council awarded the bid for Contract 99-10 for the construction of Project 766R.-A. • An agreement between the City of Eagan and Lillian Bratland has been prepared providing for the acquisition of additional public right-of-way for Wescott Road due to the traffic signal improvements. The right-of-way acquisition cost, as set forth in the agreement, is $4,500.00. The associated cost will be the responsibility of the Major Street Fund. • City staff have reviewed this agreement and found it to be in order for favorable Council action. Agenda Information Memo October 19, 1999 Eagan City Council Meeting H. AMEND SNOW REMOVAL SERVICES CONTRACTS ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: Approve an amendment to the existing contracts for snow removal services with Kieger Enterprises and Gallaghers' Inc., for the 1999-2000 season. FACTS: • In 1994, the City entered into a contract for Snow and Ice Control Services with Gallaghers' Inc., to handle one (1) cul-de-sac and three (3) mainline routes. This contract was set up to be automatically renewable on an annual basis, if mutually acceptable. This year, Gallaghers' Inc., has again agreed to maintain their same unit costs as last year(this will be the fifth year with no annual cost increase and excellent service delivery). However, the staff has negotiated the replacement of the single axle truck (front plow only) with a tandem axle truck (front and wing plow) for an extra $10 per hour ($70 vs. $60 /hr.). This larger truck will be more efficient (2 passes vs. 4 per street segment) and should result in overall cost savings to the City. The original contract did not include a rate for this newer type of equipment, so this amendment to the rate structure of the original contract is being presented to the Council for formal approval. • In 1996, the City entered into a contract for Winter Trail Maintenance Snow Removal Services with Kieger Enterprises for a limited number of sidewalks and trails (primarily around the schools). In 1998, the City Council expanded our program to include approximately 55 miles of trails and sidewalks. With the much larger program, the City re-advertised for competitive bids and subsequently awarded the new contract to Kieger Enterprises. This contract is also automatically renewal on an annual basis, if mutually acceptable. Kieger Enterprises has provided. excellent service delivery to the City over the past three (3) years. This year they have requested an increase for all of the various pieces of equipment. The increase ranges from 2.5 % — 3.6 % from the 1998-99 rates. Even with the increase, they are still lower that the second low bid from the 1998 solicitation. Therefore, this amendment to the rate structure of the original contract is being presented to the Council for formal approval. ATTACHMENTS: • Staff recommendation memos,pages_e?0 and o[ MEMO TO: TOM COLBERT, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS FROM: ARNIE ERHART, SUPT OF STREETS AND EQPT. DATE: OCTOBER 11, 1999 SUBJECT: CONTRACTUAL STREET SNOW PLOWING - 1999/00 SEASON For the past five; snow seasons we have contracted with Bill Gallagher to plow a portion of the City. During the 1998/99 snow season,we contracted plowing on 12 snow events and received excellent results,. I have contacted Bill Gallagher, and he is agreeable to renewing this contract for the 1999/00 snow season at the same unit rates as the last five seasons. He has also acquired a tandem dump truck equipped with a front plow,wing, underbody plow and tailgate sander. The hourly rate for this truck would be $70, which is $10 an hour more than the single axle truck he has used in past years. This vehicle should be more efficient with a wing by making only two passes to clear the street instead of four passes with the single axle that has only a front plow. Because this contract route has many cul-de-sacs,three loaders will be utilized to provide the same level of service as the rest of the city. In order to ensure a quick response to our needs, he will continue to store the loaders at our Maintenance Facility through the winter. Recommendatic) I recommend the city renew the contract with Bill Gallagher for the 1999/00 snow season at the same unit rates as last season in the amount of $87.50 per hour for two loaders with plows, $82.50 for a loader only, and replacing the single axle truck with a tandem dump truck with front plow, wing and underbody plow for$70 per hour. Arnie Erhart Superintendent of Streets and Equipment AE/aee Attachments l langl lcolbert284 MEMO TO: TOM COLBERT, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS FROM: ARNIE ERHART,SUPT OF STREETS AND EQPT. DATE: OCTOBER 11, 1999 SUBJECT: CONTRACTUAL TRAIL&SIDEWALK SNOW PLOWING- 1999/00 SEASON Kieger Enterprises has performed the contractual plowing of our trails and sidewalks for the last three snow seasons. With our expanded program last season there were 15 plowing events that were completed by Kieger. We received excellent service from Kieger and many positive comments from our residents. I have received quotes from Kieger for the 1999/00 snow season requesting an approximate 3% increase from last years rates. Recommendation: I recommend the city accept the quotes from Kieger Enterprises for the following types of equipment with accessories to be used as directed by the city. Snow Season Rates 1999/2000 1998/1999 % Increase John Deere 855 w/Plow $48.50/hr $47.00/hr 3.2 John Deere 855 wBroom $58.50/hr $57.00/hr 2.6 John Deere 855 w/48'Blower $58.50/hr $57.00/hr 2.6 Trackless MT/Holder w/Plow $48.50/hr $47.00/hr 3.2 Trackless MT/Holder wBroom $58.50/hr $57.00/hr 2.6 Trackless MT/Holder w/48"Blower $58.50/hr $57.00/hr 2.6 Truck w/Hydro Turn Plow $40.50/hr $39.00/hr 3.8 Truck wN Plow $50.50/hr $49.00/hr 3.1 1 Ton Truck w/Hydro Turn Plow $50.50/hr $49.00/hr 3.1 1 Ton Truck wN Plow $60.50/hr $59.00/hr 2.5 Posi Track w/Plow $48.50/hr $47.00/hr 3.2 Posi Track wBroom $58.50/hr $57.00/hr 2.6 Posi Track w/85'Blower $84.50/hr $82.00/hr 3.1 Skid Steer w/Plow $48.50/hr $47.00/hr 3.2 Skid Steer wBroom $58.50/hr $57.00/hr 2.6 Skid Steer w/85"Blower $84.50/hr $82.00/hr 3.1 Arnie Erhart Superintendent of Streets and Equipment AE/aee C 1 J:longntotbert28e.2 Agenda Information Memo October 19, 1999 Eagan City Council Meeting I. DECLARATION OF SURPLUS PROPERTY, SEWER UTILITY MAINTENANCE EQUIPMENT ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: Declare Sewer Utility Maintenance Equipment #221 and#224 as surplus and authorize its disposal. FACTS: • In the mid 1980's, the City purchased two pieces of sewer maintenance equipment. These were a trailer mounted sewer jetter and a trailer mounted sewer vac discribed as follows: • City vehicle/eqpt. #221, Myers trailer mounted Jetter • 66 66 " #224,I.M.E. trailer vacuum pump • Several years later, newer more efficient truck mounted equipment was acquired to handle similar functions. However, these original pieces were retained to determine if they might be useful in certain unique circumstances. The experience of the Utility Division over the years has indicated that they have limited use and their maintenance costs exceed the benefit of retaining either of these pieces of equipment. Therefore, it is appropriate that they be declared as surplus property so that they can be sold to the highest bidder. a � Agenda Information Memo October 19, 1999 Eagan City Council Meeting J. RESCHEDULE PUBLIC HEARING, CERTIFICATION OF DELINOUENT FALSE ALARM BILLS ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: To reschedule the public hearing from November 1, 1999 to November 16, 1999 to consider the final assessment of the delinquent false alarm bills and to certify them to Dakota County for collection with property taxes. FACTS: • At the October 5, 1999 City Council meeting a public hearing to consider the final assessment of delinquent false alarm bills was set for November 1, 1999. That date was not properly noticed in the City's official newspaper, consequently the public hearing needs to be rescheduled to November 16, 1999. • On a semi-annual basis, the City reviews and considers delinquent false alarm balances for certification to property tax statements for collection. • The City currently has 16 delinquent accounts in the amount of$2805. Additional information will be provided at the public hearing. Agenda Information Memo October 19, 1999 Eagan City Council Meeting K. SERVICE STATION LICENSE, KWIK TRIP LOCATED AT 3145 DODD ROAD ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: To approve the service station license for Kwik Trip located at 3145 Dodd Road. FACTS: • City Code requires that service stations within the City of Eagan be licensed on at least an annual basis. • The application for Kwik Trip has been reviewed by City staff and is in order for consideration by the Council. ATTACHMENTS: • Application enclosed without page number. 0 Agenda Information Memo October 19, 1999 Eagan City Council Meeting L. EXEMPTION FROM LAWFUL GAMBLING LICENSE BURNSVILLE ROTARY FOR A RAFFLE TO BE HELD ON DECEMBER 4. 1999 ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: To approve an exemption from the lawful gambling requirement for the Burnsville Rotary for a raffle to be held on December 4, 1999 at Royal Cliff located at 2280 Cliff Road in Eagan. FACTS: • Staff is in receipt of an application from the Burnsville Rotary for this exemption due to the group's nonprofit status. The application has been reviewed by staff and is in order for consideration by the City Council. ATTACHMENTS: • Resolution attached on pages thre"gi • Application enclosed without page number. I RESOLUTION CITY OF EAGAN APPLICATION FOR EXEMPTION FROM LAWFUL GAMBLING LICENSE BURNSVILLE ROTARY WHEREAS, the Burnsville Rotary has applied for an Exemption from Lawful Gambling License:; and WHEREAS, the Eagan Police Department has reviewed the application and has not identified any reason to deny; NOW,, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of Eagan, Dakota County, Minnesota, hereby approves the Exemption from Lawful Gambling License for the Burnsville Rotary to conduct a raffle on December 4, 1999 at the Royal Cliff located at 2280 Cliff Road in Eagan. CITY OF EAGAN CITY COUNCIL By: Its Mayor Attest: Its Clerk Motion by: Seconded by: Those in Favor: Those Against: Dated: CERTIFICATION I, E. J. VanOverbeke, Clerk of the City of Eagan, Dakota County, Minnesota, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the City Council of the City of Eagan, Dakota County, Minnesota, in a regular meeting thereof assembled this 19th day of October, 1999. E. J. VanOverbeke, City Clerk a6 1 Agenda Information Memo October 19, 1999 ... . UIC1 A. PROJECT 758, SURREY HEIGHTS DRIVE FINAL ASSESSMENT HEARING ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: To close the public hearing and approve the final assessment roll for Project 758 (Surrey Heights Drive — Street Overlay) and authorize its certification to Dakota County for collection. FACTS: • Project 758 provided for the bituminous overlay of Surrey Heights Drive, between Yankee Doodle Road (County Road 28) and Federal Drive, as outlined and discussed in the feasibility report. • The final assessment roll was presented to the City Council on September 21, 1999, with a public hearing being scheduled for October 19 to formally present the final costs associated with this public improvement to the affected benefiting properties. The final assessments are approximately 19%less than the estimate contained in the Feasibility Report presented at the Public Hearing held on April 6, 1999. • All notices have been published in the legal newspaper and sent to all affected property owners informing them of this public hearing. In addition, an informational meeting was held October 4, to address all property owners' questions or concerns and provide any additional information of interest. Of the 168 parcels (R-3 & R-4) being assessed, no one attended the meeting and no objections have been received to date. ATTACHMENTS: • Final Assessment Report,pages�U C1 through FINAL ASSESSMENT HEARING PROJECT HEARING DATES NUMBER- 758 ASSESSMENT- October 19, 1999 NAME- Surrey Heights 1 through 7& Surrey Gardens IMPROVEMENT- April 16. 1999 Mill and Overlay IMPROVEMENTS INSTALLED AND/OR ASSESSED F.R:Feasiblity Report FINAL F.R FINAL F.R RATE RATE UNITS RATE RATE UNITS SANITARY SEWER STORM SEWER ❑ Trunk ❑ Trunk ❑ Lateral ❑ Lateral ❑ Service ❑ Lat.Benefit/trunk ❑ Lat.Benefit/trunk WATER STREET ❑ Trunk ❑ Gravel Base ❑ Lateral 0 Surfacing Single Family ❑ Service Townhouse $86.76 106 /Unit ❑ Lat.Benefit/trunk Multi. Equiv. $6.89 $8.53 /F_F. ❑ WAC ❑ C/I Equiv. ❑ Trail/Sidewalk SERVICES STREET LIGHTS ❑ Water&San Sewer ❑ Installation ❑ Energy Charge CONTRACT NO.OF INTEREST AMOUNT CITY NO. PARCELS TERMS RATE ASSESSED FINANCED $20,575 F.R. $69,845 F.R. 99.02 168 5 Year 6.5% $17,131.53 $84,068.59 COMMENTS: 77, MEMO city of eagan MEMO TO: MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: GERALD R WOBSCHALL DATE: OCTOBER 4, 1999 SUBJECT: ]FINAL ASSESSMENT ROLL PROJECT NO.758 SURREY HEIGHTS 1 THROUGH 7 Street Overlay The City Council at the conclusion of the public hearing on April 16, 1999 ordered Project 758. According to the feasibility report, the following improvements were to be constructed and/or assessed. The improvements are; mill and overlay of existing streets, repair of curb and gutter, sanitary sewer lateral upgrade and water lateral upgrade. In the feasibility study, it was proposed to assess the improvements using a lot unit method. This assessment roll is prepared using the lot unit method presented at the public hearing. Construction of the improvements was accomplished under Contract No. 99-02, which is complete. The assessment hearing is scheduled for October 19, 1999. The following information was used in the preparation of the assessment roll. I. PROJECT COST The construction cost includes the amount of$80,033.13 paid to the contractor for the construction of the following detailed improvements. Other costs which consist of engineering, design, contract management, inspections, financing, legal, bonding, administration, and other totaling in the amount of$21,166.99 were incurred resulting, in an improvement and project cost of $101,200.12. The detail of these other costs is provided on Schedule I and they are allocated to the improvements constructed in order to determine the cost of each improvement. CONSTRUCTION OTHER IMPROVEMENT FEASIBILITY IMPROVEMENT COST COSTS COST REPORT Streets Resurfacing; $25,747.53 $6,809.65 $32,557.18 $39,170 Curb Repair 31,921.25 8,442.46 40,363.71 29,080 Sanitary Sewer Replacement 10,494.85 2,775.66 13,270.51 11,600 Water main Replacement 11,869.50 3,139.22 15,008.72 10,570 TOTAL $80,033.13 $21,166.99 $101,200.12 $90,420' a9 II. ASSESSMENTS A. TRUNK ASSESSMENTS No trunk assessments for utilities were proposed in the feasibility report, therefore, none are proposed in this assessment roll. B. STREET IMPROVEMENTS 1. Street Overlay The cost of the street overlay improvement was computed in the following manner. UNIT EXTENDED -----------------ITEM---------------- ------UNIT--------- .--------QTY -------PRICE -----------------------COST - - ------ Mobilization L.S. 1 $1,200.00 $1,200.00 Mill bituminous surface Sq. Yd. 2,371 1.25 2,963.75 Remove bituminous(drivewy) Sq. Yd. 113 7.00 791.00 Class 5 aggregate Ton 10 18.00 180.00 Bituminous mat. for tack coat Gal 350 1.60 560.00 Type 32 leveling mixture Ton 0 27.50 0 Type 41 wearing course Ton 686.49 22.00 15,102.78 Traffic control L.S. 1 2,000.00 2,000.00 Adjust water valve box Each 3 100.00 300.00 Adjust catch basin Each 9 100.00 900.00 Adjust manhole casting Each 14 $125.00 1,750.00 SUBTOTAL $25,747.53 Other costs @26.45% 6,809.65 Mill and Overlay Cost $32,557.18 Adjust for R-4 frontage (3,405.32) Townhouse related share $29,151.86 Assessable portion X 50% Assessable Cost 14,575.93 The assessment rates for the property classifications abutting the improvement was computed in the following manner. According to City policy, townhouse properties are to be assessed at 75% of the assessment rate of the single-family properties. The unit assessment rate was computed using 168 townhouse units. The number of lot equivalents was computed using (168 X.75)=126 lot equivalents. ASSESSABLE COST ASSESSABLE UNITS ASSESSMENT RATE $14,575.93 126 LOT EQUIV. $115.68/Lot equiv. The single family property assessment rate is $115.68 lot equiv. and the assessment rate for townhouse properties is ($115.68 X.75)= $86.78/Townhouse unit 3D i The assessment rate for the R_4 properties abutting the improvement was computed using the following: IMPROVEMENT COST ASSESSABLE PORTION ASSESSMENT COST $32,557.18 X .75 $24,417.88 ASSESSABLE COST ASSESSABLE UNITS ASSESSMENT RATE $24,417.88 3,545.88 F.F. $6.89/F.F. The R-4 property will be charged $6.89/F.F. for this improvement. 2. Curb ,and Gutter replacement The cost to replace damaged curb and gutter amounted to $31,921.25. Other costs in the amount of $ 8,442.46 were allocated resulting in a repair cost $40,363.71. This improvement will be financed by the City's Major Street Fund. 3. Sanitary Sewer Replacement It cost $10,494.85 to replace a section of 9" VCP with 8" PVC pipe.. Other costs in the amount of $2,775.66 were allocated resulting in a repair cost $13,270.51. This improvement will be financed by the Sanitary Sewer Department of the City's Utility Fund. 4 Water Main Replacement It cost $11,869.50 to replace a section of 8" CIP with 8" DIP pipe.. Other costs in the amount of $3,139.22 were allocated resulting in a repair cost $15,008.72. This improvement will be financed by the Water Department of the City's Utility Fund. C. ASSESSMENT SPREAD The special assessments are spread to the abutting and adjacent parcels. D. ASSESSMENT TERMS The assessments for this project have a term of 5 years with interest charged at an annual interest rate of 6.5 % on the unpaid balance. 3l III. CITY REVENUES/(RESPONSIBILITIES) IMPROVEMENT CITY'S IMPROVEMENT COST ASSESSMENT (RESPONSIBILITY) Streets Resurfacing $32,557.18 $17,131.53 ($15,425.65) Curb Replacement 40,363.71 $-0- (40,363.71) Sanitary Sewer Replacement 13,270.51 -0- (13,270.51) Water Main Replacement 15,008.72 -0- (15,008.72) TOTAL $101,200.12 $17,131.53 $(84,068.59) The following funds will provide financing for the listed improvements. Major Street Fund $55,789.36 Sanitary Sewer Department Utility Fund 13,270.51 Water Department Utility Fund 15,008.72 Total ',/ $84,068.59 [/V Gerald R. Wobschall Reviewe OK ReviT d u lic Works Department FinancelWartment Dated Dated cc: Thomas A. Colbert,Director of Public Works Tom Pepper,Assistant Finance Director Jim Sheldon, City Attorney Sue Sheridan,Accountant I GRW/JS "vJ 10/04/1999 COMBINED ASSESSMENT ROLL 1 ST758 PER FAVORABLE TOTAL PROPERTY FEASIBILITY [UNFAVORABLE] PROPERTY PRINCIPAL TOTAL REPORT VARIANCE (DENT# DIVISION NAME _____________ 10-72995-010-01 SURREY GARDENS 2555.85 2,555.85 2765 209.15 10-73000-010-02 SURREY HEIGHTS 1ST 86.76 86.76 106 19.24 10-73000-010-03 SURREY HEIGHTS 1ST 86.76 86.76 106 19.24 10-73000-010-06 SURREY HEIGHTS 1ST 86.76 86.76 106 19.24 10-73000-010-09 SURREY HEIGHTS 1ST 86.76 86.76 106 19.24 10-73000-010-12 SURREY HEIGHTS 1ST 86.76 86.76 106 19.24 10-73000-010-14 SURREY HEIGHTS 1ST 86.76 86.76 106 19.24 10-73000-010-16 SURREY HEIGHTS 1ST 86.76 86.76 106 19.24 10-73000-010-18 SURREY HEIGHTS IST 86.76 86.76 106 19.24 10-73000-020-02 SURREY HEIGHTS 1ST 86.76 86.76 106 19.24 10-73000-020-04 SURREY HEIGHTS 1ST 86.76 86.76 106 19.24 10-73000-020-06 SURREY HEIGHTS 1ST 86.76 86.76 106 19.24 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SURREY HEIGHTS 1ST 86.76 86.76 106 1924 10-73000-070-20 SURREY HEIGHTS 1ST 86.76 86.76 106 19.24 10-73000-080-03 SURRIEY HEIGHTS IST 86.76 86.76 106 19.24 10-73000-080-04 SURREY HEIGHTS 1ST 86.76 86.76 106 1924 10-73000-080-07 SURREY HEIGHTS 1ST 86.76 86.76 106 1924 10-73000-080-10 SURREY HEIGHTS 1ST 86.76 86.76 106 19.24 10-73000-080-19 SURREY HEIGHTS 1ST 86.76 86.76 106 19.24 10-73000-080-20 SURREY HEIGHTS 1ST 86.76 86.76 106 19.24 10-73000-080-21 SURREY HEIGHTS 1ST 86.76 86.76 106 19.24 10-73000-081-21 SURREY HEIGHTS 1ST 86.76 86.76 106 1924 10/04/1999 COMBINED ASSESSMENT ROLL 2 10-73001-010-09 SURREY HEIGHTS 2ND 86.76 86.76 106 19.24 10-73001-010-12 SURREY HEIGHTS 2ND 86.76 86.76 106 19.24 10-73001-010-14 SURREY HEIGHTS 2ND 86.76 86.76 106 19.24 10-73001-010-18 SURREY HEIGHTS 2ND 86.76 86.76 106 19.24 10-73001-010-22 SURREY HEIGHTS 2ND 86.76 86.76 106 19.24 10-73001-020-03 SURREY HEIGHTS 2ND 86.76 86.76 106 19.24 10-73001-020-04 SURREY HEIGHTS 2ND 86.76 86.76 106 19.24 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MOS 1ST YR INT 14 CI 0.000 YEAR 1999 W 0.000 ASSESSMENT REC PROPERTY GROSS NET UNITS PRO-RATA RATE AMOUNT MB (DENT# A UNITS CREDITS SUBTOTAL CT ASS'BLE SHARE 1 10-72995-010-01 F 370.95 0 370.951 370.951 6.890 2555.85 2 10-73000-010-02 SF 1 0 1 1 1 1 86.760 86.76 3 10-73000-010-03 SF 1 0 1 1 1 1 86.760 86.76 4 10-73000-010-06 SF 1 0 1 1 1 1 86.760 86.76 5 10-73000-010-09 SF 1 0 1 1 1 1 86.760 86.76 6 10-73000-010-12 SF 1 0 1 1 1 1 86.760 86.76 7 10-73000-010-14 SF 1 0 1 1 1 1 86.760 86.76 8 10-73000-010-16 SF 1 0 1 1 1 1 86.760 86.76 9 10-73000-010-18 SF 1 0 1 1 1 1 86.760 86.76 10 10-73000-020-02 SF 1 0 1 1 1 1 86.760 86.76 11 10-73000-020-04 SF 1 0 1 1 1 1 86.760 86.76 12 10-73000-020-06 SF 1 0 1 1 1 1 86.760 86.76 13 10-73000-020-09 SF 1 0 1 1 1 1 86.760 86.76 14 10-73000-020-12 SF 1 0 1 1 1 1 86.760 86.76 15 10-73000-020-14 SF 1 0 1 1 1 1 86.760 86.76 16 10-73000-020-16 SF 1 0 1 1 1 1 86.760 86.76 17 10-73000-020-18 SF 1 0 1 1 1 1 86.760 86.76 18 10-73000-030-02 SF 1 0 1 1 1 1 86.760 86.76 19 10-73000-030-06 SF 1 0 1 1 1 1 86.760 86.76 20 10-73000-030-09 SF 1 0 1 1 1 1 86.760 86.76 21 10-73000-030-14 SF 1 0 11 11 86.760 86.76 22 10-73000-030-18 SF 1 0 1 1 1 1 86.760 86.76 23 10-73000-030-21 SF 1 0 1 1 1 1 86.760 86.76 24 10-73000-040-02 SF 1 0 1 1 1 1 86.760 86.76 25 10-73000-040-03 SF 1 0 1 1 1 1 86.760 86.76 26 10-73000-040-04 SF 1 0 1 1 1 1 86.760 86.76 27 10-73000-040-06 SF 1 0 1 1 1 1 86.760 86.76 28 10-73000-040-07 SF 1 0 1 1 1 1 86.760 86.76 29 10-73000-040-09 SF 1 0 1 1 1 1 86.760 86.76 30 10-73000-040-14 SF 1 0 1 1 1 1 86.760 86.76 31 10-73000-040-15 SF 1 0 1 1 1 1 86.760 86.76 32 10-73000-040-18, SF 1 0 1 1 1 1 86.760 86.76 33 10-73000-050-03 SF 1 0 1 1 1 1 86.760 86.76 34 10-73000-050-07 SF 1 0 1 1 1 1 86.760 86.76 35 10-73000-050-10 SF 1 0 1 1 1 1 86.760 86.76 36 10-73000-050-11 SF 1 0 1 1 1 1 86.760 86.76 37 10-73000-050-19 SF 1 0 1 1 1 1 86.760 86.76 38 10-73000-050-20 SF 1 0 1 1 1 1 86.760 86.76 39 10-73000-050-21 SF 1 0 1 1 1 1 86.760 86.76 40 10-73000-060-04 SF 1 0 1 1 1 1 86.760 86.76 41 10-73000-060-10 SF 1 0 /^ 1 1 1 1 86.760 86.76 42 10-73000-060-11 SF 1 0 1 1 1 1 86.760 86.76 43 10-73000-060-15 SF 1 0 1 1 1 1 86.760 86.76 44 10-73000-060-19 SF 1 0 1 1 1 1 86.760 86.76 45 10-73000-060-20 SF 1 0 1 1 1 1 86.760 86.76 46 10-73000-070-07 SF 1 0 1 1 1 1 86.760 86.76 47 10-73000-070-10 SF 1 0 1 1 1 1 86.760 86.76 48 10-73000-070-19 SF 1 0 1 1 1 1 86.760 86.76 49 10-73000-070-20 SF 1 0 1 1 1 1 86.760 86.76 50 10-73000-080-03 SF 1 0 1 1 1 1 86.760 86.76 51 10-73000-080-04 SF 1 0 1 1 1 1 86.760 86.76 52 10-73000-080-07 SF 1 0 1 1 1 1 86.760 86.76 53 10-73000-080-10 SF 1 0 1 1 1 1 86.760 86.76 54 10-73000-080-19 SF 1 0 1 1 1 1 86.760 86.76 55 10-73000-080-20 SF 1 0 1 1 1 1 86.760 86.76 56 10-73000-080-21 SF 1 0 1 1 1 1 86.760 86.76 57 10-73000-081-21 SF 1 0 1 1 1 1 86.760 86.76 58 10-73001-010-09 SF 1 0 1 1 1 1 86.760 86.76 59 10-73001-010-12 SF 1 0 1 1 1 1 86.760 86.76 60 10-73001-010-14 SF 1 0 1 1 1 1 86.760 86.76 61 10-73001-010-18 SF 1 0 1 1 1 1 86.760 86.76 62 10-73001-010-22 SF 1 0 1 1 1 1 86.760 86.76 63 10-73001-020-03 SF 1 0 1 1 1 1 86.760 86.76 64 10-73001-020-04 SF 1 0 1 1 1 1 86.760 86.76 65 10-73001-020-07 SF 1 0 1 1 1 1 86.760 86.76 66 10-73001-020-12 SF 1 0 1 1 1 1 86.760 86.76 67 10-73001-020-14 SF 1 0 1 1 1 1 86.760 86.76 68 10-73001-020-17 SF 1 0 1 1 1 1 86.760 86.76 69 10-73001-020-18 SF 1 0 1 1 1 1 86.760 86.76 70 10-73001-020-21 SF 1 0 1 1 1 1 86.760 86.76 71 10-73001-030-02 SF 1 0 1 1 1 1 86.760 86.76 72 10-73001-030-07 SF 1 0 1 1 1 1 86.760 86.76 73 10-73001-030-14 SF 1 0 1 1 1 1 86.760 86.76 74 10-73001-030-22 SF 1 0 11 1 1 86.760 86.76 75 10-73001-040-01 SF 1 0 1 1 1 1 86.760 86.76 76 10-73001-040-04 SF 1 0 1 1 1 1 86.760 86.76 77 10-73001-040-05 SF 1 0 1 1 1 1 86.760 86.76 78 10-73001-040-09 SF 1 0 1 1 1 1 86.760 86.76 79 10-73001-040-10 SF 1 0 1 1 1 1 86.760 86.76 80 10-73001-040-14 SF 1 0 1 1 1 1 86.760 86.76 81 10-73001-040-18 SF 1 0 1 1 1 1 86.760 86.76 82 10-73001-040-20 SF 1 0 1 1 1 1 86.760 86.76 83 10-73001-040-21 SF 1 0 1 1 1 1 86.760 86.76 84 10-73001-050-09 SF 1 0 1 1 1 1 86.760 86.76 85 10-73001-050-10 SF 1 0 1 1 1 1 86.760 86.76 86 10-73001-050-16 SF 1 0 1 1 1 1 86.760 86.76 87 10-73001-060-02 SF 1 0 1 1 1 1 86.760 86.76 88 10-73001-060-10 SF 1 0 1 1 1 1 86.760 86.76 89 10-73001-060-16 SF 1 0 1 1 1 1 86.760 86.76 90 10-73001-061-06 SF 1 0 1 1 1 1 86.760 86.76 91 10-73001-070-01. 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(DENT# ADRIAN JOSEPH R 9760 ALAUREATE TR CT 10-73000-080-04 86.76 86.76 ALLIEV RUSTAM R 1542 ASPEN DR 10-73002-120-01 86.76 86.76 ALM DAVID B 1483 WOODVIEW AVE E 10-73001-040-09 86.76 86.76 ANDERSON JASON D 3463 GREENWOOD CT S 10-73000-010-18 86.76 86.76 ANDERSON SHELDON K 1531 GREENWOOD CT N 10-73000-050-03 86.76 86.76 ANDERSON-GOVEN LISA M 3476 GREENWOOD CT S 10-73000-040-07 86.76 86.76 ASK KAREN J 1524 GREENWOOD CT N 10-73000-050-19 86.76 86.76 AUGER MARGARET 1 3411 HIGHLANDER DR 10-73003-060-01 86.76 86.76 BECKER GARY G 10800 GIRARD CIR 10-73000-010-09 86.76 86.76 BELLEW KATHLEEN 1519 WOODVIEW W 10-73001-040-04 86.76 86.76 BENNETT THAD J 1490 WOODVIEW E 10-73001-010-14 86.76 86.76 BOGGS THOMAS R 1503 WOODVIEW 10-73001-040-21 86.76 86.76 BOHNEN ANN L 3480 GREENWOOD CT S 10-73000-030-09 86.76 86.76 BOWSER LEANDER 1485 WOODVIEW AVE E 10-73001-010-09 86.76 86.76 BRANDON DAVID C 1488 WOODVIEW DR E 10-73001-040-14 86.76 86.76 BRUEHLING JOHN A 3485 GREENWOOD CT S 10-73000-040-14 86.76 86.76 CANILLA MICHELE F 3468 GREENWOOD CT S 10-73000-040-06 86.76 86.76 CARLSON ANNETTE J 1497 WOODVIEW AVE E 10-73001-070-07 86.76 86.76 CHAIKA TROY D 1527 GREENWOOD CT N 10-73000-020-04 86.76 86.76 CHAPEL CHRISTINE K 3483 GREENWOOD CT 10-73000-010-14 86.76 86.76 CHEMINO MICHAEL 3423 HIGHLANDER DR 10-73003-030-04 86.76 86.76 CHRISTOPHERSON JUDITH A 1515 WOODVIEW W 10-73001-020-04 86.76 86.76 CLEMENT MICHAEL A 1495 WOODVIEW AVE E 10-73001-020-07 86.76 86.76 COLLINS RICHARD D 1511 WOODVIEW W 10-73001-020-17 86.76 86.76 COSS SUSAN L 3438 HIGHLANDER DR 10-73006-020-03 86.76 86.76 CULBREATH JAMES W 3454 HIGHLANDER DR 10-73006-020-07 86.76 86.76 DACHEL SUSAN K 3446 HIGHLANDER DR 10-73006-020-06 86.76 86.76 DEMMER ALAN B 3452 HIGHLANDER DR 10-73006-040-06 86.76 86.76 DMITRIYEVA MARGARITA 1484 WOODVIEW ST E 10-73001-030-14 86.76 86.76 DODGE DIANNE M 1513 WOODVIEW W 10-73001-081-05 86.76 86.76 ELLIS KOLLEEN L 3443 HIGHLANDER DR 10-73005-020-04 86.76 86.76 ERICKSON GERALD J 1544 GREENWOOD CT N 10-73000-080-21 86.76 86.76 EZELL CAROL L 1534 ASPEN DR 10-73002-080-09 86.76 86.76 FASHANT RANDY L 1534 GREENWOOD CT N 10-73000-080-20 86.76 86.76 FLEMING CHARLOTTE L 3434 HIGHLANDER DR 10-73004-030-02 86.76 86.76 FOSTER PETER J 3479 GREENWOOD CT S 10-73000-020-14 86.76 86.76 FOX ELTON 1545 GREENWOOD CT N 10-73000-040-02 86.76 86.76 GACKSTETTER TINA 1525 ASPEN DR 10-73002-020-05 86.76 86.76 GALLES JOHN J 411 PASCAL ST S 10-73000-080-07 86.76 86.76 GALLOWAY HALE NANCY 3477 GREENWOOD CT S 10-73000-040-15 86.76 86.76 GANS JAY A 8221 HARRISON CIR 10-73000-010-03 86.76 86.76 GILLIAM BENJAMIN V 1478 WOODVIEW AVE E 10-73001-020-12 86.76 86.76 GOULD JONATHAN B 1505 WOODVIEW AVE S 10-73001-020-21 86.76 86.76 GRABOW JEAN M 1523 WOODVIEW W 10-73001-030-02 86.76 86.76 GULLIKSON JOY E S 1480 WOODVIEW E 10-73001-080-12 86.76 86.76 GUMMOW MICHAEL 3484 GREENWOOD CT S 10-73000-020-09 86.76 86.76 GURUNG SURYA 3450 HIGHLANDER DR 10-73006-010-06 86.76 86.76 HACKMAN BARBARA J 1542 GREENWOOD CT N 10-73000-081-21 86.76 86.76 HAGEN DIANE L 1531 ASPEN DR 10-73002-090-02 86.76 86.76 HALEY DANIEL P 1540 ASPEN DR 10-73002-050-01 86.76 86.76 HALPER LISSA DEE 1543 GREENWOOD CT N 10-73000-010-02 86.76 86.76 HAQUE INAMUL M 1498 WOODVIEW ST.W 10-73001-080-16 86.76 86.76 HERNANDEZ ARMANDO M 3472 GREENWOOD CT S 10-73000-050-07 86.76 86.76 HERZOG TAMARA K 1525 GREENWOOD CT N 10-73000-060-04 86.76 86.76 HOLMEN KIMBERLY 1527 WOODVIEW AVE W 10-73001-020-03 86.76 86.76 JAEKE TIMOTHY M 9150 JEFFERSON TR 10-73001-030-22 86.76 86.76 JENSEN CAROLYN S 1536 ASPEN DR 10-73002-030-09 86.76 86.76 lbi I 11-Y 10/04/1999 ALPHA LISTING 2 JEZUSKO JON 1514 WOODVIEW W 10-73001-020-18 86.76 86.76 JOHNSTON JOLENE 3462 GREENWOOD CT S 10-73000-020-06 86.76 86.76 JONES BRIAN A 3457 HIGHLANDER DR 10-73003-050-09 86.76 86.76 JONES ROSEANN 3465 GREENWOOD CT S 10-73000-020-18 86.76 86.76 KAMBEITZ EMILY 3451 HIGHLANDER DR 10-73005-010-01 86.76 86.76 KAMBEITZ ' TERRANCE J 3429 HIGHLANDER DR 10-73003-010-07 86.76 86.76 KARGER KIMBERLY K 1482 WOODVIEW AVE E 10-73001-010-12 86.76 86.76 KIBLER JAMES H 1536 GREENWOOD CT N 10-73000-070-20 86.76 86.76 KIEKHAFER LORI A 1496 WOODVIEW W 10-73001-050-16 86.76 86.76 KRAMER REBECCA S 3459 HIGHLANDER DR 10-73003-040-09 86.76 86.76 KRZYSKA ARLENE J 3473 GREENWOOD CT S 10-73000-020-16 86.76 86.76 LANCE CHERYL L 1489 WOODVIEW E 10-73001-050-09 86.76 86.76 LARSON BRADLEY D 1533 GREENWOOD CT N 10-73000-080-03 86.76 86.76 LARSON DAVID R 3413 HIGHLANDER DR 10-73003-020-01 86.76 86.76 LARSON MICHAEL 1911 BAYARD AVE 10-73003-040-07 86.76 86.76 LINDELL BRUCE C 2748 SILVER CLOUD DR 10-73001-070-09 86.76 86.76 LIPINSKI SANDRA M 1509 WOODVIEW W 10-73001-070-05 86.76 86.76 LODERMEIER MARK J 3488 GREENWOOD CT 10-73000-070-10 86.76 86.76 LUNDGREN RICHARD 4387 MACKEY AVE 10-73001-070-16 86.76 86.76 MACHEL RONALD H 2801 ROLLING OAK RD 10-73004-020-02 86.76 86.76 MAGEE THERESA A 3441 HIGHLANDER DR 10-73005-010-04 86.76 86.76 MAHRE PAUL W 3456 HIGHLANDER DR 10-73006-050-07 86.76 86.76 MAIDI AIMEE L 3471 GREENWOOD CT S 10-73000-010-16 86.76 86.76 MAKI LOIS JEAN 1535 WOODVIEW AVE W 10-73001-090-01 86.76 86.76 MANJLAI AYUB A 1431 BLACKHAWK LAKE DR 10-73000-060-15 86.76 86.76 MARAR EDWARD 1477 WOODVIEW E 10-73001-040-10 86.76 86.76 MARLIN MICHAEL M 1529 WOODVIEW W 10-73001-060-02 86.76 86.76 MATTHEWS KAREN M 3440 HIGHLANDER DR 10-73006-030-03 86.76 86.76 MCDONALD GENE .1 1532 ASPEN DR 10-73002-040-09 86.76 86.76 MCGARRY TERRENCE: M 1526 GREENWOOD CT 10-73000-070-19 86.76 86.76 MCLAY MARIANNE 3469 GREENWOOD CT S 10-73000-030-18 86.76 86.76 MCMAHON LISA RAE 3478 GREENWOOD CT S 10-73000-040-09 86.76 86.76 MCNEILL SANDRA S 1493 WOODVIEW ST E 10-73001-080-07 86.76 86.76 ME ARS CAROL L 1539 GREENWOOD CT 10-73000-020-02 86.76 86.76 MEHRALIAN RACHEL M 3467 GREENWOOD CT 10-73000-040-18 86.76 86.76 MERGENS KEVIN P 3428 HIGHLANDER DR 10-73004-020-05 86.76 86.76 MESSLER GERALD E 1523 ASPEN DR 10-73002-020-06 86.76 86.76 MONTGOMERY JANICE R 1540 GREENWOOD CT N 10-73000-030-21 86.76 86.76 NATANZON BORIS 3453 HIGHLANDER DR 10-73003-060-09 86.76 86.76 NEIGER VIVIAN J 1541 GREENWOOD CT N 10-73000-030-02 86.76 86.76 NEUFELD RICHARD IN 3442 HIGHLANDER OR 10-73006-010-03 86.76 86.76 NIELSEN ROBERT J 1533 ASPEN DR 10-73002-060-02 86.76 86.76 NORDSTRAND RONALD 1344 CHERRY HILL RD 10-73003-020-07 86.76 86.76 OBER ROBERT E 804 THOREAU DR 10-73000-050-10 86.76 86.76 OTTO JONES SHIRLEY 3419 HIGHLANDER DR 10-73003-040-04 86.76 86.76 PATROW JUDITH M 1502 WOODVIEW W 10-73001-060-16 86.76 86.76 PATTERSON RONALD F 3496 GREENWOOD CT S 10-73000-020-12 86.76 86.76 PATTERSON SUE C 3496 GREENWOOD CT S 10-73000-010-12 86.76 86.76 PAULSON KENNETH 1530 GREENWOOD CT 10-73000-050-20 86.76 86.76 PEASLEY ROBERT L. 3444 HIGHLANDER DR 10-73006-040-03 86.76 86.76 PETERMEIER ROBERT 12808 WOODVIEW LN 10-73002-111-01 86.76 86.76 PHILIPPON JACQUES 1527 ASPEN DR 10-73002-020-04 86.76 86.76 PIERSON SHERYL FAY 1537 WOODVIEW LN W 10-73001-080-01 86.76 86.76 PILCHIN ANATOL 1476 WOODVIEW E 10-73001-070-12 86.76 86.76 PINZKA DAVID W 1537 ASPEN DR 10-73002-070-02 86.76 86.76 POLLMANN ROBERT E 1021 SIBLEY MEMORIAL HWY 10-73001-020-14 86.76 86.76 POTTER GLENDA 1533 WOODVIEW W 10-73001-070-01 86.76 86.76 POWER CAROL M 1520 WOODVIEW W 10-73001-040-18 86.76 86.76 RAHN DARLENE L 3486 GREENWOOD CT S 10-73000-060-10 86.76 86.76 RASKIN ALEXANDER 1516 WOODVIEW WEST 10-73001-010-18 86.76 86.76 RHOADS KUANG NI 15 RD FOX RD 10-73004-030-05 86.76 86.76 RICHARDSON BRADLEY A 3466 GREENWOOD CT 10-73000-010-06 86.76 86.76 ROBINETTE PATRICK 1903 SIOUX CT 10-73000-060-20 86.76 86.76 4-1 Agenda Information Memo October 19, 1999 B. PROJECT 757,RIDGE VIEW ACRES FINAL ASSESSMENT HEARING - ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: To close the public hearing and approve the final assessment roll for Project 757 (Ridge View Acres — Street Overlay) and authorize its certification to Dakota County for collection. FACTS: • Project 757 provided for the bituminous overlay of Crestridge Lane, Monterey Lane, Kyllo Lane and a portion of Knoll Ridge Drive, all within Ridge View Acres and Jon Croft Acres, east of Blackhawk Road, south of the intersection of Blue Cross Road, as outlined and discussed in the feasibility report. • The final assessment roll was presented to the City Council on September 21, 1999, with a public hearing being scheduled for October 19 to formally present the final costs associated with this public improvement to the affected benefiting properties. The final assessments are approximately 43% less than the estimate contained in the Feasibility Report presented at the Public Hearing held on March 2, 1999. • All notices have been published in the legal newspaper and sent to all affected property owners informing them of this public hearing. In addition, an informational meeting was held October 13 to address all property owners' questions or concerns and provide any additional information of interest. Of the 52 parcels (R-1) being assessed, no one attended the meeting and no objections have been received to date. ATTACHMENTS: • Final Assessment Report,pages through �S . �d FINAL ASSESSMENT HEARING PROJECT HEARING DATES NUMBER- 757 ASSESSMENT- October 19, 1999 NAME- Rideeview Acres&Jon Croft Acres IMPROVEMENT- March 2. 1999 Mill and Overlay IMPROVEMENTS INSTALLED AND/OR ASSESSED F.R:Feasiblity Report FINAL F.R FINAL F.R SANITARY SEWER RATE RATE UNITS RATE RATE UNITS STORM SEWER ❑ Trunk ❑ Trunk ❑ Lateral ❑ Lateral ❑ Service ❑ Lat. Benefit/trunk ❑ Lat.Benefit/trunk WATER STREET ❑ Trunk ❑ Gravel Base ❑ Lateral 0 Surfacing Service Single Family 485.86 856.00 /Lot Ea. ❑ ❑ Lat. Benefit/trunk Multi. Equiv. ❑ WAC ❑ C/I Equiv. ❑ Trail/Sidewalk SERVICES STREET LIGHTS ❑ Water&San Sewer ❑ Installation ❑ Energy Charge CONTRACT NO.OF INTEREST AMOUNT CITY NO. PARCELS TERMS RATE ASSESSED FINANCED $44,500 F.R. $120,940 F.R. 99-02 52 5 Year 6.5% $25.597.65 1 25 264.72 $60,823.04 COMMENTS: � t MEMO.� city of eagan MEMO TO: MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: GERALD R.WOBSCHALL DATE: OCTOBER 4, 1999 SUBJECT: FINAL ASSESSMENT ROLL PROJECT NO.757 RIDGEVIEW ACRES AND JON CROFT ACRES Street Overlay The City Council at the conclusion of the public hearing on March 2, 1999 ordered Project 757. According to the feasibility report, the following improvements were to be constructed and/or assessed. The improvements are; mill and overlay of existing streets and repair of curb and gutter. In the feasibility study, it was proposed to assess the improvements using a lot unit method. This assessment roll is prepared using the lot unit method presented at the public hearing. Construction of the improvements was accomplished under Contract No. 99-02, which is complete. The assessment hearing is scheduled for October 19, 1991). The following information was used in the preparation of the assessment roll. I. PROJECT COST The construction cost includes the amount of$69,307.90 paid to the contractor for the construction of the following detailed improvements. Other costs which consist of engineering, design, contract management, inspections, financing, legal,bonding, administration, and other totaling $16,779.86 were incurred resulting in an improvement and project cost of$86,087.76. The detail of these other costs is provided on Schedule I. They are allocated to the improvements constructed in order to determine the cost of each improvement. CONSTRUCTION OTHER IMPROVEMENT FEASIBILITY IMPROVEMENT COST COSTS COST REPORT Streets Resurfacing $41,071.34 $9,943.62 $51,014.96 $89,000 Curb Repair 28,036.56 6,787.82 34,824.38 76,440 Sanitary Sewer Imp 200.00 48.42 248.42 TOTAL $69,307.90 $16,779.86 $86,087.76 $165,440 II. ASSESSMENTS A. TRUNK ASSESSMENTS No trunk assessments for utilities were proposed in the feasibility report, therefore, none are proposed in this assessment roll. B. STREET IMPROVEMENTS 1. Street Overlay The cost of the street overlay improvement was computed in the following manner. UNIT EXTENDED --------- -------ITEM ------UNIT- .--------QTY ---PRICE .____--------COST- ----------------- - ---- Mobilization L.S. 1 $1,60000 $1,600.00 Mill bituminous surface Sq.Yd. 6,017 .80 4,813.60 Bituminous mat. for tack coat Gal. 600 1.60 960.00 Type 32 leveling mixture Ton 0 27.50 0 Type 41 wearing course Ton 1,324.67 22.00 29,142.74 Traffic control L.S. 1 1,200.00 1,200.00 Adjust water valve box Each 5 100.00 500.00 Adjust catch basin Each 2 100.00 200.00 Adjust manhole casting Each 17 125.00 2,125.00 Repair valve box Each 2 265.00 530.00 SUBTOTAL $41,071.34 Other costs @24.21% 9,943.62 Mill and Overlay Cost $51,014.96 Assessable portion X 50% Assessable Cost $25,507.48 The assessment rates for the property classifications abutting the improvement was computed in the following manner. ASSESSABLE COST ASSESSABLE UNITS ASSESSMENT RATE $25,507.48 52.5 LOT EQUIV. $485.86/Lot Equiv The single family property assessment rate is $485.86per lot equiv. 51 2. Curb and Gutter replacement The cost to replace damaged curb and gutter amounted to $28,036.56 Other costs in the amount of $6,787.82were allocated resulting in a repair cost $34,824.38. This improvement will be financed by the City's Major Street Fund. 3. Water Main Repair The cost to repair the water main amounted to $200.00. Other costs in the amount of$48.42 were allocated resulting in a repair cost $248.42. This improvement will be financed by the Water Department of the City's Utility Fund C. ASSESSMENT SPREAD The special assessments are spread to the abutting and adjacent parcels. D. ASSESSMENT TERMS The assessments for this project have a term of 5 years with interest charged at an annual interest rate of 6.5 % on the unpaid balance. III. CITY REVENUES/(RESPONSIBILITIES) IMPROVEMENT CITY'S IMPROVEMENT COST ASSESSMENT (RESPONSIBILITY) Streets Resurfacing $51,014.96 $25,264.72 $(25,750.24) Curb Replacement 34,824.38 (34,824.38) Sanitary Sewer 248.42 (248.42) TOTAL $86,076.76 $25,264.72 $(60,823.04) The following funds will provide financing for the listed improvements. Major Street Fund $60,574.62 Water Department-Utility Fund 248.42 Total $60,823.04 2 Gerald R. Wobschall RevieweL I Revie ed L a ublic Works Department Finance D partment �0 "1 "S,-q Dated Dated �3a cc: Thomas A. Colbert,Director of Public Works Tom Pepper,Assistant Finance Director Jim Sheldon, City Attorney Sue Sheridan, Accountant I GRW/JS 10/04/1999 COMBINED ASSESSMENT ROLL 10/04/1999 ST757 PER FAVORABLE TOTAL PROPERTY FEASIBILITY [UNFAVORABLE] PROPERTY PRINCIPAL TOTAL REPORT VARIANCE (DENT# DIVISION NAME 10-01700-012-75 SECTION 17 485.86 485.86 856 370.14 10-18600-021-00 JOHN CROFT ACRES 485.86 485.86 856 370.14 10-18600-031-00 JOHN CROFT ACRES 485.86 485.86 856 370.14 10-18600-041-00 JOHN CROFT ACRES 485.86 485.86 856 370.14 10-18600-050-00 JOHN CROFT ACRES 485.86 485.86 856 370.14 10-18600-062-00 JOHN CROFT ACRES 485.86 485.86 856 370.14 10-18600-072-00 JOHN CROFT ACRES 485.86 485.86 856 370.14 10-64000-010-01 RIDGE VIEW ACRES 485.86 485.86 856 370.14 10-64000-010-02 RIDGE VIEW ACRES 485.86 485.86 856 370.14 10-64000-010-03 RIDGE VIEW ACRES 485.86 485.86 856 370.14 10-64000-010-04 RIDGE VIEW ACRES 485.86 485.86 856 370.14 10-64000-020-01 RIDGE VIEW ACRES 485.86 485.86 856 370.14 10-64000-020-02 RIDGE VIEW ACRES 485.86 485.86 856 370.14 10-64000-020-03 RIDGE VIEW ACRES 485.86 485.86 856 370.14 10-64000-020-04 RIDGE VIEW ACRES 485.86 485.86 856 370.14 10-64000-030-01 RIDGE VIEW ACRES 485.86 485.86 856 370.14 10-64000-030-02 RIDGE VIEW ACRES 485.86 485.86 856 370.14 10-64000-030-03 RIDGE VIEW ACRES 485.86 485.86 856 370.14 10-64000-030-04 RIDGE VIEW ACRES 485.86 485.86 856 370.14 10-64000-040-01 RIDGE VIEW ACRES 485.86 485.86 856 370.14 10-64000-040-02 RIDGE VIEW ACRES 485.86 485.86 856 370.14 10-64000-040-03 RIDGE VIEW ACRES 485.86 485.86 856 370.14 10-64000-040-04 RIDGE VIEW ACRES 485.86 485.86 856 370.14 10-64000-050-01 RIDGE VIEW ACRES 485.86 485.86 856 370.14 10-64000-050-02 RIDGE VIEW ACRES 485.86 485.86 856 370.14 10-64000-050-03 RIDGE VIEW ACRES 485.86 485.86 856 370.14 10-64000-050-04 RIDGE VIEW ACRES 485.86 485.86 856 370.14 10-64000-060-01 RIDGE VIEW ACRES 485.86 485.86 856 370.14 10-64000-060-02 RIDGE VIEW ACRES 485.86 485.86 856 370.14 10-64000-060-03 RIDGE VIEW ACRES 485.86 485.86 856 370.14 10-64000-060-04 RIDGE VIEW ACRES 485.86 485.86 856 370.14 10-64000-070-01 RIDGE VIEW ACRES 485.86 485.86 856 370.14 10-64000-070-02 RIDGE VIEW ACRES 485.86 485.86 856 370.14 10-64000-070-03 RIDGE VIEW ACRES 485.86 485.86 856 370.14 10-64000-070-04 RIDGE VIEW ACRES 485.86 485.86 856 370.14 10-64000-080-02 RIDGE VIEW ACRES 485.86 485.86 856 370.14 10-64000-080-03 RIDGE VIEW ACRES 485.86 485.86 856 370.14 10-64000-080-04 RIDGE VIEW ACRES 485.86 485.86 856 370.14 10-64000-090-02 RIDGE VIEW ACRES 485.86 485.86 856 370.14 10-64000-090-03 RIDGE VIEW ACRES 485.86 485.86 856 370.14 10-64000-090-04 RIDGE VIEW ACRES 485.86 485.86 856 370.14 10-64000-100-03 RIDGE VIEW ACRES 485.86 485.86 856 370.14 10-64000-100-04 RIDGE VIEW ACRES 485.86 485.86 856 370.14 10-64000-110-03 RIDGE VIEW ACRES 485.86 485.86 856 370.14 10-64000-110-04 RIDGE VIEW ACRES 485.86 485.86 856 370.14 10-64000-120-03 RIDGE VIEW ACRES 485.86 485.86 856 370.14 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062-00 13 t■ oun2 A12 � 1 030-75 072-00 �O LL 020-00 040-75 ROSE 3 11rZ tom GAP - y 050-75 \ 4 10 °7 0�° • 5 5 oa,�4 060-75 J \ 6 ' 10� A i; 1 0,2-0, 061 062-00 070-75 c - BLACKHAW' KE G:ASSESSMENTS/EXHIBITS/757RIDGEVIEw RIDGEVIEW ACRES/JON CROFT ACRES FIGURE STRE OVERLAY / ASSESSMENT MAP City of Eagan S PROJECT 757 PROJ NAME RIDGEVIEW&JON CROFT ACRES PROJ NUM P757 SA NAME ST757 F OVERLAY SA NAME ST757 SA# 3097 YEARS 5 SF 485.860 /LOT INT RATE .065 M 0.000 MOS 1ST YR INT 14 CI 0.000 YEAR 1999 W 0.000 ASSESSMENT REC PROPERTY GROSS NET UNITS PRO-RATA RATE AMOUNT MB IDENT# A UNITS CREDITS SUBTOTAL CT ASS'BLE SHARE 2 10-01700-012-75 SF 1 0 1 1 1 1 485.860 485.86 3 10-18600-021-00 SF 1 0 1 1 1 1 485.860 485.86 4 10-18600-031-00 SF 1 0 1 1 1 1 485.860 485.86 5 10-18600-041-00 SF 1 0 1 1 1 1 485.860 485.86 6 10-18600-050-00 SF 1 0 1 1 1 1 485.860 485.86 7 10-18600-062-00 SF 1 0 1 1 1 1 485.860 485.86 8 10-18600-072-00 SF 1 0 1 1 1 1 485.860 485.86 9 10-64000-010-01 SF 1 0 1 1 1 1 485.860 485.86 10 10-64000-010-02 SF 1 0 1 1 1 1 485.860 485.86 11 10-64000-010-03 SF 1 0 1 1 1 1 485.860 485.86 12 10-64000-010-04 SF 1 0 1 1 1 1 485.860 485.86 13 10-64000-020-01 SF 1 0 1 1 1 1 485.860 485.86 14 10-64000-020-02 SF 1 0 1 1 1 1 485.860 485.86 15 10-64000-020-03 SF 1 0 1 1 1 1 485.860 485.86 16 10-64000-020-04 SF 1 0 1 1 1 1 485.860 485.86 17 10-64000-030-01 SF 1 0 1 1 1 1 485.860 485.86 18 10-64000-030-02 SF 1 0 1 1 1 1 485.860 485.86 19 10-64000-030-03 SF 1 0 1 1 1 1 485.860 485.86 20 10-64000-030-04 SF 1 0 1 1 1 1 485.860 485.86 21 10-64000-040-01 SF 1 0 1 1 1 1 485.860 485.86 22 10-64000-040-02 SF 1 0 1 1 1 1 485.860 485.86 23 10-64000-040-03 SF 1 0 1 1 1 1 485.860 485.86 24 10-64000-040-04 SF 1 0 1 1 1 1 485.860 485.86 25 10-64000-050-01 SF 1 0 1 1 1 1 485.860 485.86 26 10-64000-050-02 SF 1 0 1 1 1 1 485.860 485.86 27 10-64000-050-03 SF 1 0 1 1 1 1 485.860 485.86 28 10-64000-050-04 SF 1 0 1 1 1 1 485.860 485.86 29 10-64000-060-01 SF 1 0 1 1 1 1 485.860 485.86 30 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Sq _K § A$ : AX s s OD . � � # # # ■ o� : e e � ■ 63 : . : 2 2 B 2 | o® ■ | . : § # R ■ 00 : 2 | . : I � I ° Vt | | . : no §� � § § § § | on §b an CL ` \ ## # # s | 2 —� c e | . | , 2 @ q # q | #q : o § | 4 f , N § C4 | | . 0 0 | C4 o on , q# # # | #■ P k k k | $ ■ | ■e 8 8 2 | ` � : v§ §wmw K = _ 6 �a��\ 2§ { §w §2 a § -- U ■ � §b k �� U ■ uJ� � �� TOTAL INTEREST 09/15/99 CITY OF EAGAN PROJECT: 757 INTEREST CALCULATION Date Payment Int Rate Period nt Amount SEPT 99 0.057 1 0.00 AUG 99 34,587.22 0.057 2 328.58 JULY 99 0.057 3 0.00 JUN 99 27.27 0.057 4 0.52 MAY, 99 0.057 5 0.00 APRIL, 99 17.50 0.057 6 0.50 MAR 99 0.057 7 0.00 FEB, 99 0.057 8 0.00 JAN, 99 0.057 9 0.00 DEC, 98 151.50 0.057 10 7.20 34,783.49 336.79 STAFF TIME 9,062.50 219.21 TOTALS 43,845.99 556.00 C I T Y O F E A G A N Date: 09/14/99 Finance Department Fund: 72 Project: RIDVW ACRS/ROSEHILL 993 Account Summary To 09/14/99 File Name: P757 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Charges City Staff Time }ours Engineering A PRELIM REPORT PREP 54.75 $ 1,086.25 D DESIGN 5.00 $ 125.00 E PLAN 6 SPEC PREP/REVIEW 34.00 $ 706.25 F CONTRACT MANAGEMENT 26.00 $ 658.75 G CONSTRUCTION STAKING 2.00 $ 50.00 H INSPECTION 91.00 $ 11905.00 Total City Staff Time $ 4,531.25 Contract Payments VALLEY PAVING INC $ 34,587.22 Legal SEVERSON WILCOX ETC $ 126.27 Other HH ASSESSMENT RESEARCH $ 17.50 MM MISC $ 52.50 Total Charges $ 34,783.49 Account Balance $ -39,314.74 FORK 01 LEGEND MONTHS OF $/A SAME 50. REGULAR 1ST Tl.AR Inmrovement ABBRLV PROJECT N S/A N UARS IRT --INT Sanitary Sever Trunk STK Sanitary Sever Lateral SL Lateral Benefit Sanitary SLTK Sever Trunk — — — — —"-- Water Trunk WTK Water Lateral WL Lateral Benefit Water WLTK Trunk — — — — Water Availability WAC Charge (C/I) — — —' — Service (Sanitary Sever SSVC Only) — — — — Service (Water Only) WSVC — — — — rIce (Sanitary Sever WSSVC and Water) — — — — Storm Sewer Trunk SSTK Storm Sever Lateral SS Lateral Benefit Storm SSLTK _ Sever Trunk — — —" Street ST — S = S 6 Gravel Base/Grading GB Trail TRL Streetlighting STLT Sever Connection Charge ConChgS— — — — Water Connection Charge ConChg% — — — Green Acres--Deferred GA Installments Reassessed — — — — 7 •sferred Assessment i.e. Txfr ...ot Assessed Against this Parcel (P3 10/04/1999 COMBINED ASSESSMENT ROLL 10/04/1999 PROPERTY SECOND OWNER NAME OR PROPERTY TOTAL SUPPUMNTL OWNER NAME STREET ADDRESS (DENT# ANDERSON DONALD E 1760 KYLLO LN 10-18600-072-00 485.86 ANDROFF RONALD J 1725 CRESTRIDGE LN 10-64000-010-02 485.86 CAMPOBASSO ANTHONY 1750 CREST RIDGE LN 10-64000-040-03 485.86 CARLL MERVIN A 1790 CRESTRIDGE LN 10-64000-080-03 485.86 CARUFEL JOEL D 1750 MONTEREY LN 10-64000-040-04 485.86 COATNEY MARILYN 1730 CRESTRIDGE LN 10-64000-020-03 485.86 CONAT DAVID J 1740 MONTEREY LN 10-64000-030-04 485.86 CRUM RANDELL E 1732 KYLLO LN 10-18600-041-00 485.86 CULLEN JAMES E 1730 MONTEREY LN 10-64000-020-04 485.86 DEBATES JAMES R 1770 MONTEREY LN 10-64000-060-04 485.86 DICKINSON RALPH A 1775 KYLLO LANE 10-64000-090-04 485.86 EASTLING MICHAEL J 1780 MONTEREY LN 10-64000-070-04 485.86 FLANAGAN TIMOTHY J 1745 MONTEREY LN 10-64000-130-03 485.86 GOTER RICHARD 1755 KYLLO LN 10-64000-110-04 485.86 GRAHAM ELAINE 3660 KNOLL RIDGE DR 10-64000-020-01 485.86 GRAHAM JOSEPH D 1775 CREST RIDGE LN 10-64000-070-02 485.86 GUSTAFSON DANNIE: H 1750 KYLLO LN 10-18600-062-00 485.86 HENNING RICHARD D 3640 KNOLL RIDGE DR 10-64000-040-01 485.86 JOHNSON MARGRE:T A 1760 CRESTRIDGE LN 10-64000-050-03 485.86 KERRY JOHN G 1725 MONTEREY LN 10-64000-150-03 485.86 KOMPELIEN DAVID 1726 KYLLO DR 10-18600-031-00 485.86 KUPINSKI PAUL E. 1735 MONTEREY LANE 10-64000-140-03 485.86 LANCETTE ANTHONY 1720 CRESTRIDGE LN 10-64000-010-03 485.86 LEMANSKI JOHN R 1760 MONTEREY LN 10-64000-050-04 485.86 LEONARD JOSEPH D 1714 KYLLO LN 10-18600-021-00 485.86 LINVILLE BRADLEY 1785 CRESTRIDGE LN 10-64000-080-02 485.86 LIU HAO 1720 MONTEREY LN 10-64000-010-04 485.86 LOOSBROCK STEVEN 1740 CREST RIDGE LN 10-64000-030-03 485.86 MCGLAUCHLEN KENNETH C 1780 CRESTRIDGE LN 10-64000-070-03 485.86 MCMAN JAMES F 1725 KYLLO LN 10-64000-140-04 485.86 MEDDAUGH SAMUEL A 1740 KYLLO LN 10-18600-050-00 485.86 MILLER CLINTON T 3610 KNOLL RIDGE DR 10-64000-070-01 485.86 MOIR KATHLEEN A PO BOX 211074 10-64000-130-04 485.86 MOY JOHN E 1757 CRESTRIDGE LANE 10-64000-050-02 485.86 NELSON IRMA 3690 BLACKHAWK RD 10-01700-011-75 242.93 NELSON NEAR ARDITH 1785 KYLLO LN 10-64000-080-04 485.86 NEPPL EDWARD J 1775 MONTEREY LN 10-64000-110-03 485.86 OFSTEDAL DENNIS M 1765 KYLLO LN 10-64000-100-04 485.86 OLSON JOHN T 1735 CRESTRIDGE LANE 10-64000-020-02 485.86 PREUSSE GREGOR'( 1745 CRESTRIDGE DR 10-64000-030-02 485.86 REYES DARLENE P 1765 CRESTRIDGE LN 10-64000-060-02 485.86 RUNNING BRIAN P 1765 MONTEREY LN 10-64000-120-03 485.86 RYAN MICHAEL 1795 CRESTRIDGE LN 10-64000-090-02 485.86 SABEAN RUSSELL R 3620 KNOLL RIDGE DR 10-64000-060-01 485.86 SCHREINER L ROBERT 1795 MONTERY LN 10-64000-090-03 485.86 10/04/1999 COMBINED ASSESSMENT ROLL 10/04/1999 SKOGLAND HAROLD 1785 MONTEREY LN 10-64000-100-03 485.86 SKOGLUND STEVEN 1751 CRESTRIDGE LN 10-64000-040-02 485.86 SWENSON ROBERT J 3630 KNOLL RIDGE DR 10-64000-050-01 485.86 THOMPSON TERRIE 3670 KNOLL RIDGE DR 10-64000-010-01 485.86 VAUGHAN MARK 1745 KYLLO LN 10-64000-120-04 485.86 WELCH ROBERT L 3650 KNOLL RIDGE DR 10-64000-030-01 485.86 WILLS DOUGLAS 1770 CRESTRIDGE LN 10-64000-060-03 485.86 25,507.65 W� Agenda Information Memo October 19, 1999 C. PROJECT 755,MEADOWLAND FIRST ADDITION FINAL ASSESSMENT HEARING • ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: To close the public hearing and approve the final assessment roll for Project 755 (Meadowland First Addition — Street Overlay) and authorize its certification to Dakota County for collection. FACTS: • Project 755 provided for the bituminous overlay of Chipmunk Court, Badger Court, Shale Lane, Bear Path Trail, Beaver Dam Court, South Timber Wolf Trail, North Timber Wolf Trail and Timber Wolf Court, all east of Rahn Road, south of the intersection of Diffley Road (Co. Rd. 30), as outlined and discussed in the feasibility report. • The final assessment roll was presented to the City Council on September 21, 1999, with a public hearing being scheduled for October 19 to formally present the final costs associated with this public improvement to the affected benefiting properties. The final assessments are approximately 38% less than the estimate contained in the Feasibility Report presented at the Public Hearing held on February 2, 1999. • All notices have been published in the legal newspaper and sent to all affected property owners informing them of this public hearing. In addition, an informational meeting was held October 14, to address all property owners' questions or concerns and provide any additional information of interest. Of the 146 parcels (R-1)being assessed, no one attended the meeting and no objections have been received to date. ATTACHMENTS: • Assessment Report,pages through cc— Final � . its FINAL ASSESSMENT HEARING PROJECT HEARING DATES NUMBER- 755 ASSESSMENT- October 19, 1999 NAME- Meadowland First IMPROVEMENT- February 2, 1999 Mill and Overlay IMPROVEMENTS INSTALLED AND/OR ASSESSED F.R:Feasiblity Report FINAL F.R FINAL F.R RATE RATE UNITS RATE RATE UNITS SANITARY SEWER STORM SEWER ❑ Trunk ❑ Trunk ❑ Lateral ❑ Lateral ❑ Service ❑ Lat.Benefit/trunk ❑ Lat.Benefit/trunk WATER STREET ❑ Trunk ❑ Gravel Base ❑ Lateral B Surfacing Single Family $279.96 $452.00 Lot ❑ Service ❑ Lat.Benefit/trunk Multi.Equiv. ❑ WAC ❑ C/I Equiv. ❑ Trail/Sidewalk SERVICES STREET LIGHTS ❑ Water&San Sewer ❑ Installation ❑ Energy Charge CONTRACT NO.OF INTEREST AMOUNT CITY NO. PARCELS TERMS RATE ASSESSED FINANCED $66,000 F.R. $152,680 F.R. 99-02 146 5 Year 6.5% $40,874.16 $109,413.22 COMMENTS: MEMO city of eagan MEMO TO: MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: GERALD R.WOBSCHALL DATE: OCTOBER 4, 1999 SUBJECT: FINAL ASSESSMENT ROLL PROJECT NO.755 MEADOWLAND FIRST Street Overlay The City Council at the conclusion of the public hearing on February 2, 1999 ordered Project 755. According to the feasibility report, the following improvements were to be constructed and/or assessed. The improvements are; mill and overlay of existing streets and repair of curb and gutter. In the feasibility study, it was proposed to assess the improvements using a lot unit method. This assessment roll is prepared using the lot wut method presented at the public hearing. Construction of the improvements was accomplished under Contract No. 99-02, which is complete. The assessment hearing is scheduled for October 19, 1999. The following information was used in the preparation of the assessment roll. I. PROJECT COST The construction cost includes the amount of$124,737.71 paid to the contractor for the construction of the following detailed improvements. Other costs which consist of engineering, design, contract management, inspections, financing, legal, bonding, administration, and other totaling $25,549.67 were incurred resulting in an improvement and project cost of$150,287.38. The detail of these other costs is provided on Schedule I and they are allocated to the improvements constructed in order to determine the cost of each improvement. CONSTRUCTION OTHER IMPROVEMENT FEASIBILITY IMPROVEMENT COST COSTS COST REPORT Streets Resurfacing 67,851.86 $13,897.90 $81,749.76 $132,000 Curb Repair 56,885.85 11,651.77 68,537.62 86,680 TOTAL $124,737.71 25,549.67 $150,287.38 $218,680 II. ASSESSMENTS A. TRUNK ASSESSMENTS No trunk assessments for utilities were proposed in the feasibility report, therefore, none are proposed in this assessment roll. B. STREET IMPROVEMENTS 1. Street Overlay The cost of the street overlay improvement was computed in the following manner. UNIT EXTENDED --------- -------ITEM ------UNIT- .--------QTY- .------PRICE .___-_-------COST- ----------------- - - Mobilization L.S. 1 $1,500.00 $1,500.00 Mill bituminous surface Sq. Yd. 9,545.6 .80 7,636.48 Bituminous mat. for tack coat Gal 1,000 1.60 1,600.00 Type 32 leveling mixture Ton 0 27.50 0 Type 41 wearing course Ton 2,289.79 22.00 50,375.38 Traffic control L.S. 1 1,800.00 1,800.00 Adjust water valve box Each 10 100.00 1,000.00 Adjust catch basin Each 3 100.00 300.00 Adjust manhole casting Each 28 130.00 3,640.00 SUBTOTAL $67,851.86 Other costs @20.48% 13,897.90 Mill and Overlay Cost $81,749.76 Assessable portion X 50% Assessable Cost $40,874.88 The assessment rates for the property classifications abutting the improvement was computed in the following manner. ASSESSABLE COST ASSESSABLE UNITS ASSESSMENT RATE $40,874.88 146 Lots $279.96/Lot 0 2. Curb and Gutter replacement The cost to replace damaged curb and gutter amounted to $56,885.85. Other costs in the amount of $11,651.77 were; allocated resulting in a repair cost of$68,537.62. This improvement will be financed by the City's Major Street Fund. C. ASSESSMENT SPREAD The special assessments are spread to the abutting and adjacent parcels. D. ASSESSMENT TERMS The assessments for this project have a term of 5 years with interest charged at an annual interest rate of 6.5 % on the unpaid balance. III. CITY RIEVENUES/(RESPONSIBILITIES) IMPROVEMENT CITY'S IMPROVEMENT COST ASSESSMENT (RESPONSIBILITY) Streets Resurfacing $81,749.76 $40,874.16 $(40,875.60) Curb Replacement 68,537.62 -0- (68,537.62) TOTAL $150,287.38 $40,874.16 $(109,413.22) The following funds will provide financing for the listed improvements. Major Street Fund $109,413.22 Total $109,413.22 Gerald R. Wobschall Rcvww/�'� Revi w d Public Works Department Finance ent Dated Dated 1 cc: Thomas A. Colbert,Director of Public Works Tom Pepper, Assistant Finance Director Jim Sheldon, City Attorney Sue Sheridan, Accountant I GRW/JS �l 10/04/1999 COMBINED ASSESSMENT ROLL 1 ST755 PER FAVORABLE TOTAL PROPERTY FEASIBILITY [UNFAVORABLE] PROPERTY PRINCIPAL TOTAL REPORT VARIANCE (DENT# DIVISION NAME 10-48050-009-0'. MEADOWLANDS 1ST 279.96 279.96 452 172.04 1048050-010-0'. MEADOWLANDS 1ST 279.96 279.96 452 172.04 10-48050-010-0:! MEADOWLANDS 1ST 279.96 279.96 452 172.04 1048050-011-0' MEADOWLANDS 1ST 279.96 279.96 452 172.04 1048050-011-041 MEADOWLANDS 1ST 279.96 279.96 452 172.D4 1048050-012-0' MEADOWLANDS IST 279.96 279.96 452 172.04 10-48050-012-04 MEADOWLANDS IST 279.96 279.96 452 172.04 10-48050-013-0MEADOWLANDS 1ST 279.96 279.96 452 172.04 1048050-014-01 MEADOWLANDS IST 279.96 279.96 452 172.04 10-08050-015-01 MEADOWLANDS 1ST 279.96 279.96 452 172.04 10-08050-016-0'1 MEADOWLANDS 1ST 279.96 279.96 452 172.04 1048050-017-01 MEADOWLANDS 1ST 279.96 279.96 452 172.04 1048050-018-01 MEADOWLANDS IST 279.96 279.96 452 172.04 1048050-019-0'1 MEADOWLANDS 1ST 279.95 279.96 452 172.04 1048050-0200'1 MEADOWLANDS IST 279.96 279.96 452 172.04 1048050-020-02 MEADOWLANDS IST 279.96 279.96 452 172.04 1048050-020-03 MEADOWLANDS 1ST 279.96 279.96 452 172.04 1048050-021-01 MEADOWLANDS 1ST 279.96 279.96 452 172.04 10-48050-021-04 MEADOWLANDS 1ST 279.96 279.96 452 172,04 1048050-022-01 MEADOWLANDS 1ST 279.96 279.96 452 17204 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INT 14 CI 0.000 YEAR 199£1 W 0.000 ASSESSMENT REC PROPERTY GROSS NET UNITS PRO-RATA RATE AMOUNT MB IDENT# A UNITS CREDITS SUBTOTAL CT ASS'BLE SHARE ____________ ____________ 1 10-48050-009-01 SF 1 0 1 1 1 1 279.960 279.96 2 10-48050-010-01 SF 1 0 1 1 1 1 279.960 279.96 3 10-48050-010-02 SF 1 0 1 1 1 1 279.960 279.96 4 10-48050-011-01 SF 1 0 1 1 1 1 279.960 279.96 5 10-48050-011-04 SF 1 0 1 1 1 1 279.960 279.96 6 10-48050-012-01 SF 1 0 1 1 1 1 279.960 279.96 7 10-48050-012-04 SF 1 0 1 1 1 1 279.960 279.96 8 10-48050-013-01 SF 1 0 1 1 1 1 279.960 279.96 9 10-48050-014-01 SF 1 0 1 1 1 1 279.960 279.96 10 10-48050-015-01 SF 1 0 1 1 1 1 279.960 279.96 11 10-48050-016-01 SF 1 0 1 1 1 1 279.960 279.96 12 10-48050-017-01 SF 1 0 1 1 1 1 279.960 279.96 13 1038050-018-01 SF 1 0 1 1 1 1 279.960 279.96 14 10-48050-019-01 SF 1 0 1 1 1 1 279.960 279.96 15 10-48050-020-01 SF 1 0 1 1 1 1 279.960 279.96 16 10-48050-020-02 SF 1 0 1 1 1 1 279.960 279.96 17 10-48050-020-03 SF 1 0 1 1 1 1 279.960 279.96 18 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10-48050-100-02 SF 1 0 1 1 1 1 279.960 279.96 121 10-48050-100-03 SF 1 0 1 1 1 1 279.960 279.96 122 1048050-101-01 SF 1 0 1 1 1 1 279.960 279.96 123 1048050-102-01 SF 1 0 1 1 1 1 279.960 279.96 124 10-48050-103-01 SF 1 0 1 1 1 1 279.960 279.96 125 1048050-110-02 SF 1 0 1 1 1 1 279.960 279.96 126 10-48050-110-03 SF 1 0 1 1 1 1 279.960 279.96 127 1048050-120-02 SF 1 0 1 1 1 1 279.960 279.96 128 10-48050-120-03 SF 1 0 1 1 1 1 279.960 279.96 129 1048050-130-02 SF 1 0 1 1 1 1 279.960 279.96 130 10-48050-130-03 SF 1 0 1 1 1 1 279.960 279.96 131 10-48050-140-02 SF 1 0 1 1 1 1 279.960 279.96 132 10-48050-140-03 SF 1 0 1 1 1 1 279.960 279.96 133 10-48050-150-02 SF 1 0 1 1 1 1 279.960 279.96 134 10-48050-150-03 SF 1 0 1 1 1 1 279.960 279.96 135 10-48050-160-02 SF 1 0 1 1 1 1 279.960 279.96 136 1048050-160-03 SF 1 0 1 1 1 1 279.960 279.96 137 1048050-170-02 SF 1 0 1 1 1 1 279.960 279.96 138 10-48050-170-03 SF 1 0 1 1 1 1 279.960 279.96 139 10-48050-180-02 SF 1 0 1 1 1 1 279.960 279.96 140 10-48050-190-02 SF 1 0 1 1 1 1 279.960 279.96 141 10-48050-200-02 SF 1 0 1 1 1 1 279.960 279.96 142 1048050-210-02 SF 1 0 1 1 1 1 279.960 279.96 143 10-48050-220-02 SF 1 0 1 1 1 1 279.960 279.96 144 10-48050-230-02 SF 1 0 1 1 1 1 279.960 279.96 145 10-48050-240-02 SF 1 •0 1 1 11 279.960 279.96 146 10-48050-250-02 SF 1 0 1 1 1 1 279.960 279.96 146 0 146 40874.16 / @ f8�#�Sq x § x k§ k §§ A§$ e #§ _- -nom 2 8 �� w ■ � | §k § U) Csi k " ~ | 9 9 9 o0 #� # # # K® � | . § ■ ~ § � | §f KC4 � | , apt 2 2 ° 2 | o� K � | . / § 1 §� §b 40 CO I| gU9 � cs � O � Kk G - | CS— : w C4 fli C, — | . $ ■■ . # | #q : -Wo - - - - | . : $ 0 0ci ■ | � w � � 7 . A G no P¥ X# 9 A 2 ■ At $ �■ & | �m k ■ §w 1-10 w $ //§ w F §§ ) K§ &w ° I 7 §w § §5 �§ � IE7 a Lp 2 w� ���� � ul 22LUL R )E A B ■$�ƒ��� $ � : . �� TOTAL INTEREST 09/15/99 CITY OF EAGAN PROJECT: 755 INTEREST CALCULATION Date Payment Int Rate Period nt Amount SEPT 99 0.057 1 0.00 AUG 99 59,134.46 0.057 2 561.78 JULY 99 0.057 3 0.00 JUN 99 27.27 0.057 4 0.52 MAY, 99 0.057 5 0.00 APRIL, 99 0.057 6 0.00 MAR 99 0.057 7 0.00 FEB, 99 0.057 8 0.00 JAN, 99 0.057 9 0.00 DEC, 98 35.00 0.057 10 1.66 NOV, 98 0.057 11 0.00 59,196.73 563.96 STAFF TIME 12,317.50 306.04 TOTALS 71,514.23 870.00 �� C I T Y O F E A G A N Date: 09/14/99 Finance Department Fund: 72 Project: MEADOWLAND 1001 Account Summary To 09/14/99 File Name: P755 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Charges City Staff Time Hours Engineering A PRELIM REPORT PREP 79.25 $ 1,491.25 D DESIGN 1.00 $ 25.00 E PLAN 4 SPEC PREP/REVIEW 59.50 $ 1,223.75 F CONTRACT MANAGEMENT 31.50 $ 783.75 H INSPECTION 122.00 $ 2,635.00 Total City Staff Time $ 6,158.75 Contract Payments VALLEY PAVING INC $ 59,134.46 Legal SEVERSON WILCOX ETC $ 27.27 Other MM MISC $ 35.00 Total Charges $ 59,196.73 Account Balance $ -65,355.48 u3 FORK 01 LEGEND MONTHS OF S/A RA?M NO. REGULAR 1ST YEAR Improvement "Buy noiz T A S/A N YLKRS INT INT Sanitary Sever Trunk STK Sanitary Sever Lateral SL Lateral Benefit Sanitary SLTK Sever Trunk Water Trunk VTK Water lateral WL lateral Benefit slater VLTK Trunk Water Availability WAC Charge (C/I) Service (Sanitary Sever SSVC Only) Service (Water Only) WSVC •ice (Sanitary Sewer WSSVC and Water) Storm Sever Trunk SSTK Storm Sever Lateral SS Lateral Benefit Storm SSLTK Sewer Trunk Street ST _ 2 S 247U0 0 .5 �v• Cravel Base/Grading CB Trail TRL Streetlighting STLT Sever Connection Charge ConChgS_ Water Connection Charge ConChgW Green Acres--Deferred CA Installments Reassessed T +sferred Assessment: i.e. Txfr - it Assessed Against: this Parcel g� 10/04/1999 ALPHA LISTING 1 PROPERTY SECOND OWNER NAME OR PROPERTY TOTAL SUPPUMNTL OWNER NAME STREET ADDRESS IDENT# ABRAHAM TROY A 4325 BEAR PATH TR 10.48050-074-01 279.96 ADASEVICH PETR 1934 TIMBERWOLF TR N 10.48050.040-02 279.96 ADRIAN DANIEL D 1995 BADGER CT 1048050-081-01 279.96 ALLEN WILLIAM 4344 BEAR PATH TR 10-48050-070-03 279.96 AMRHEIM REGIS J 1963 TIMBERWOLF TR S 10.48050-170-02 279.96 ANANTAPHONG BOUNLEUTH 1944 TIMBERWOLF TR N 1048050-060-02 279.96 ASKIN FRED K 1940 TIMBERWOLF TR S 1048050-056-01 279.96 AYERS GARY L 1935 TIMBERWOLF CT 1048050-013-01 279,96 BAKER LUANN 1982 TIMBERWOLF TR 1048050-044-01 279.96 BARRINGER DOUGLAS R 1960 TIMBERMLF TR N 1048050-090-02 279.96 BAUER LAURA A 1956 BEAVER DAM CT 1048050-067-01 279.96 BICKERSTAFF TANYA KAY 4365 BEAR PATH TR 1048050-095-01 279.96 BISSON TERRANCE L 1980 TIMBERWOLF TR N 1048050.130-02 279.96 BLEICHNER KEITH C 1943 TIMBERWOLF TR 1048050-220-02 279.96 BOLDT DOROTHY 1988 BADGER CT 10-48050-089-01 279.96 BONEWELL MARK L 1962 SHALE LN 1048050-051-04 279.96 BOYER STEVEN T 1936 TIMBERWOLF TR S 1048050-057-01 279.96 BROPHY RONALD S 4382 BEAR PATH TR 1048050-140-03 279.96 BRUTSKY NIKOLAY 1972 TIMBERWOLF TR S 1048050-048-01 279.96 CANNON HARRY 4385 BEAR PATH TR 1048050.100-01 279.96 COLLIS LOREN L 1939 TIMBERWOLFE CT 1048050-015-01 279.96 CORDES JOHN S 1969 TIMBERWOLF TR N 1048050-023-01 279.96 DAHL CONNIE S 1960 CHIPMUNK CT 1048050-035-01 279.96 DAVONG NIAM 4374 BEAR PATH TR 1048050-110-03 279.96 DELEON ARIAM D 4373 BEAR PATH TR 1048050-097-01 279.96 DIEKMAN FRANK G 4353 BEAR PATH TR S 1048050-092-01 279.96 DILLEY DANIEL J 1996 CHIPMUNK CT 1048050-041-01 279.96 DJOCK SANDRA D 4330 BEAR PATH TR 1048050-050-03 279.96 EBELING DAVID A 1964 BEAVER DAM CT 1048050-065-01 279.96 EDGERTON JOEL V 4394 BEAR PATH TR 1048050-170-03 279.96 EDKLEY BYRLE C 1938 TIMBER WOLF TR N 1048050-050-02 279.96 EHRLICH LARRY S 4358 BEAR PATH TR 1048050-080-03 279.96 EKEY JR LAWRENCE 4377 BEAR PATH TR 1048050-098-01 279.96 ERICKSON STANLEY 4376 BEAR PATH TR 1048050-120-03 279.96 FACHES ANDREA L 4393 BEAR PATH TR 1048050-102-01 279.96 FARBER EDWARD 19W SHALE LN 1048050-012-04 279.96 FAVORITO STEVEN D 1975 TIMBERWOLF TR S 1048050-140-02 279.96 FOX STEVEN J 1984 CHIPMUNK CT 1048050-039-01 279.96 FUNK ALLAN B 4386 BEAR PATH TR 1048050.150-03 279.96 GESHART DANIEL L 1964 TIMBERWOLF TR N 1048050-100-02 279.96 GERTZ GREGORY G 1948 TIMBERWOLF TR S 1048050-054-01 279.96 GLOCKNER JOHN M 1991 CHIPMUNK CT 1048050-029-01 279.96 GOODFRIEND DAVID L 4381 BEAR PATH TR 1048050-099-01 279.96 GORTER DON E 4337 BEAR PATH TR 1048050-077-01 279.96 GRANT MICHAEL 1951 TIMBERWOLF TR 1048050-200-02 279.96 GRIFFITH MICHAEL L 1967 CHIPMUNK CT 1048050-033-01 279.96 HAGEMANN TIMOTHY J 4334 BEAR PATH TR 1048050-060-03 279.96 HAGUE KRISTINE L 3803 BALLANTRE RD APT.9 1048050-042-04 279.96 HAILEMICHAEL BERHANE T 1972 CHIPMUNK CT 1048050-037-01 279.96 HALL MARK 1930 TIMBERWOLF TR 1048050-030-02 279.96 HAMILTON THOMAS 1966 TIMBERWOLF TR N 1048050-110-02 279.96 HANSEN JAMES P 1983 BADGER CT 1048050-063-01 279.96 HAUSER STEPHEN G 4341 BEAR PATH TR 10-48050-078-01 279.96 HAZEL LEON F 1986 SHALE LN 1048050-022-04 279.96 HOFFMAN GREGORY J 4164 CASHELL GLEN 1048050-052-04 279.96 HOFFMAN MICHAEL 4164 CASHELL GLEN 1048050-032-04 279.96 HOFFMAN MICHAEL N 4348 FOX RIDGE CT 1046050-041-04 279.96 HOVE RYAN 1955 TIMBERWOLF TR S 10.48050-190-02 279.96 INGLE DONALD W 1985 TIMBERWOLF TR N 1046050-022-01 279.96 JARVI GUY D 1994 BADGER CT 1048050-090-01 279.98 JOHNSON GREGG R 4369 BEAR PATH TR 1048050.096-01 279.96 JOHNSON TRUMAN 4349 BEAR PATH TR 10.48050-091-01 279.96 JONES BARBARA M 1989 BADGER CT - 1048050-062-01 279.98 JORDAN MICHAEL W 1956 TIMBERWOLF TR S 1048050-052-01 279.96 JOYCE JAMES P 1970 BADGER CT 1048050-086-01 279.96 JUBERA RICHARD S 1957 TIMBERWOLF TR 1048050-020-01 279.96 JUNGWIRTH JOSEPH H 4317 BEAR PATH TR 1048050-072-01 279.96 KANE KENNETH S 1947 TIMBERWOLF TR 1048050-210-02 279.96 KESLER CHRISTOPHER 1949 BEAVER DAM CT 1048050-060-01 279.96 KING KATHERINE N 1965 BEAVER DAM CT 1048050-064-01 279.96 KNUDSEN STEVEN L 1983 TIMBERWOLF TR N 1048050-042-01 279.96 KOLINSKI JAMES 19W CHIPMUNK CT 1048050.040-01 279.96 gs- Agenda Information Memo October 19, 1999 D. PROJECT 761,DUCKWOOD DRIVE STREET OVERLAY ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: To close the public hearing and approve Project 761 (Duckwood Drive — Street Overlay) and authorize the preparation of detailed final plans and specifications. FACTS: • Duckwood Drive, between Denmark Drive and Lexington Avenue (County Road 43), was constructed in 1980 as a Neighborhood Collector. • The resurfacing of Duckwood Drive is programmed for 2000 in the City of Eagan's 5-Year CIP (2000-2004) and has been part of the City's Capital Improvement Program since 1998. • On October 20, 1998, the City Council authorized staff to prepare a feasibility report addressing the scope, cost, schedule and financing of street rehabilitation improvements on Duckwood Drive. • On September 21, 1999, the feasibility report for Project 761 was presented to the City Council and a Public Hearing was scheduled for October 19 to formally present and discuss the report with the neighborhood. • An informational meeting was held on October 11 at 6:30 p.m. at City Hall. Of the 8 Single- family (R-1), 22 Townhouse (R-3), and 3 Apartment (R-4) parcels proposed to be assessed, no one attended the informational meeting. • All notices have been published in the legal newspaper and sent to all affected property owners informing them of this public hearing. ATTACHMENTS: • Feasibility Report,pages through I o • Project Information Summary,pageQ_. Project No. 8056601 FEASIBILITY STUDY FOR DUCKWOOD DRIVE, KINGLET COURT, AND CROSSROAD COURT RECONSTRUCTION IMPROVEMENTS CITY OF EAGAN PROJECT NUMBER 761 AUGUST 1999 CERTIFICATION FEASIBILITY STUDY FOR DUCKWOOD DRIVE, KINGLET COURT, AND CROSSROAD COURT RECONSTRUCTION IMPROVEMENTS CITY OF EAGAN PROJECT NUMBER 761 AUGUST 1999 1 hereby certify that this Feasibility Study was written by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly registered Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota. C Craig L. Ebeling, ID.E. Date Reg. No. 12025 Howard R. Green Company 1326 Energy Park Drive St. Paul, MN 55108 Phone* (651) 644-4389 Fax#: (651) 6449446 FEAS-805660J I I �8 TABLE OF CONTENTS Item Page CertificationPage ....................................................................................................................... ii Tableof Contents .......................................................................................................................iii Introduction................................................................................................................................. 1 Exhibit One - Project Location Map .................................................................................3 Feasibility and Recommendations ..............................................................................................4 ExistingConditions .....................................................................................................................4 StreetEvaluation ........................................................................................................................4 ProposedImprovements.............................................................................................................5 Exhibit Two - Street Section.............................................................................................6 Easementsand Permits..............................................................................................................7 ProjectCost................................................................................................................................7 AssessmentArea .......................................................................................................................7 Exhibit Three -Assessment Area Map.............................................................................8 Assessment................................................................................................................................9 RevenueSource....................................................................................................................... 10 Financing.................................................................................................................................. 11 ProjectSchedule....................................................................................................................... 12 Recommendations.................................................................................................................... 13 Summaryand Conclusion......................................................................................................... 13 Appendix A - Preliminary Cost Estimate ................................................................................... 14 Appendix B - Preliminary Assessment Roll............................................................................... 16 Appendix C — Structure Repair/Adjustment table.................................................................... 18 FEAS-805660J 8� Howard R. Green Company Feasibility Study for Duckwood Drive, Kinglet Court, HRG Project No. 805660J and Crossroad Court Reconstruction Improvements City Project No. 761 City of Eagan, Minnesota INTRODUCTION This feasibility study is submitted as required under Minnesota State Statute 429 regarding the assessment of public improvements. The City of Eagan authorized the feasibility study for the rehabilitation of approximately 3300 linear feet of street on Duckwood Drive, located between Denmark Avenue and Lexington Avenue, and Kinglet Court and Crossroad Court in their entirety. The area adjacent to the proposed improvements is currently zoned residential. The locations of the proposed improvements are presented on Exhibit 1. As a part of Eagan's Pavement Management Program, (PMP), the City evaluates streets within the community throughout their life cycle and implements appropriate maintenance strategies. In 1989, a Pavement Management System (PMS) was developed that allowed the City to evaluate the condition of the existing pavement surface for all the streets on a routine basis and schedule timely maintenance. The City's Five-Year Capital Improvement Program (CIP) for street rehabilitation is developed from this information. Duckwood Drive, Kinglet Court, and Crossroad Court have been identified for street resurfacing improvements in 2000. Based on the data and engineering strategies available at this time, the City's Pavement Management Program incorporates local and ongoing maintenance strategies with sealcoating occurring as needed at 4-6 years, again at 12-14 years, with a bituminous overlay at approximately 20 years. Overlaying Duckwood Drive, Kinglet Court, and Crossroad Court, which are presently at the 20+ year time frame, will prevent further decay of the pavement surface, thus protecting and extending the structural life of the street. These streets have been rated several times since 1989, and the field data gathered indicates what maintenance strategies are appropriate. The City's maintenance records indicate that the streets were constructed in 1978 and that they received sealcoats in accordance with the City's Pavement Management Program first in 1984 and again in 1990, 1991, or 1992. These streets currently meet or exceed the 8-year interval for maintenance in accordance with the City's Pavement Management Program. This feasibility study investigates the street improvements necessary to bring the roadway surfaces on Duckwood Drive, Kinglet Court, and Crossroad Court to a condition that will conform to the City of Eagan standard for 7-ton roadways. The report provides costs associated with rehabilitating the roadways. The proposed method of rehabilitation involves removing 0 to 1'/4-inches in depth for a six (6) foot width adjacent to the existing curb and gutter using a pavement "mill" or grinder, and then placing a 11,i2-inch overlay of the entire remaining existing surface. Some spot repairs will also be made to the existing surfacing and to the concrete curb and gutter as needed. The construction will not alter the existing street dimensions and the rehabilitated street will meet the City's 7-ton design standard. FEAS-805660J 1 { D Howard R. Green Company Feasibility Study for Duckwood Drive, Kinglet Court, HRG Project No. 805660J and Crossroad Court Reconstruction Improvements City Project No. 761 City of Eagan, Minnesota The Public Works maintenance program typically includes extensive patching and crack sealing during the summer prior to the overlay. During the 1999 construction season, the Public Works crews, as part of the Preparatory Pavement Maintenance Plan, removed and replaced several disturbed pavement areas and placed leveling and maintenance overlays on portions of the streets under consideration. FEAS-805660J 2 NORWEF CT. ti 50. IRONWOOD LA. x 15 14 5L REDWOOD T. /R 52. SPRUCE PT. a YANKEE DOOD O 3 WE NDS 81stz ST. CENTER W ` 43 j DR. W �2 a �4y CENTER 9 DR. t DR. W DUCKWOOD DFS E 39. a TAMARAC ❑"L e = W PT. WAy L Q 36. MERGANSER CT. m ��• c 37. KITTIWAKE CIR. OYAL Y 48. W Y I,• a CIR. w C3 DUCK{, ¢ 99 A DUt3CvtYlD 9< vvi LET LA � 0 3 Odd w 51, ,f ZR• 3 r= u a y W t- CRESTRIDGE LA. ti�CT, ti N �� C� G �i/IiMING BIRD LA. n� y TIE- FLICKER= NEDJAY y WAYN, WwCIR'� '�' KOL TAi �aV Q r Cc^EpCS. FALCII� 3 vN•d ENGLERT RD. I�/r/I a a �' TIMBE4�►��•1�`� 3 v Oy DENMARK 1 x ¢ 'j g tit gQ� ? AUN C Q �' �. Hurley 0 > GPQ� z CROSS CS. 35E J 42 �P�� MPRK L a k � a W RD. 31 W ti 3e 0 SEN 004 ¢ q� SDfNCT ZR WESCOTT RD 3 u G c� < ,p < � s � DUCKWOOD DRIVE, EXHIBIT KINGLET COURT AND F, CROSSROAD COURT ► ,R PROJECT LOCATION MAP ya city of angan oNsuLn+� E C s Howard R. Green Company Feasibility Study for Duckwood Drive, Kinglet Court, HRG Project No. 805660J and Crossroad Court Reconstruction Improvements City Project No. 761 City of Eagan, Minnesota FEASIBILITY AND RECOMMENDATIONS This project is necessary to prevent further decay of the pavement section, create a safer driving surface, increase rideability and add structural strength. The project is cost effective in that the proposed improvement (resurfacing) is considerably less expensive than totally reconstructing these streets. This project is feasible from an engineering standpoint in that this type of improvement has been used successfully to extend the life expectancy of streets. This project is in accordance with the Five-Year Capital Improvement Plan (2000-2004) for the City of Eagan and the schedule as outlined in the Pavement Maintenance Program. It is recommended that the project be constructed as proposed in this report and be combined with other similar type projects in the area, if practical. EXISTING CONDITIONS Visual observations of the project site were made by Howard R. Green engineers and City staff to determine construction requirements based upon the existing pavement conditions. The visual inspection revealed areas of cracking and scaling pavement and several locations with signs of failing subgrade. There is approximately 600 linear feet of existing concrete curb and gutter dispersed throughout the project that is in need of replacement. The City staff has also identified the various manholes, catch basins, and gate valves that need to be repaired and adjusted to conform to city standards. (See Appendix C for the City's Structure Repair/Adjustment Table.) Approximately 120 square yards of sidewalk and 7 pedestrian ramps are also in need of replacement. STREET EVALUATION The City of Eagan's Pavement Management System provides a mechanism for the City to evaluate the condition of the existing street surface to help schedule timely maintenance and improvements. The Pavement Condition Index (PCI) ranks the surface condition for each street. The general categories defined by PCI rankings are as follows: PCI Recommended Improvement 56 - 100 Routine Maintenance/Crack Seal/Seal Coat 36 - 55 Patch/Repair and/or Overlay 0 - 35 Reconstruction The 1999 PCI ranking for Duckwood Drive, Kinglet Court, and Crossroad Court discussed in this report has a weighted average pavement condition rating of 61. However this rating is due to the preparatory maintenance completed by City crews in the 1999 construction seasons. Prior to the FEAS-805660J 4 Howard R. Green Company Feasibility Study for Duckwood Drive, Kinglet Court, HRG Project No. 805660) and Crossroad Court Reconstruction Improvements City Project No. 761 City of Eagan, Minnesota preparatory maintenance, the average pavement condition index was 52, which falls under the category of Patch/Repair/Overlay. PROPOSEDIMPROVEMENTS Exhibit 2 includes a "cross section" (or cut-away view) that indicates how the proposed improvements will be done. The existing bituminous surface will be "milled" or removed by a grinder, adjacent to the existing curb and gutter to accommodate a 1 '/z-inch bituminous overlay without the need to place new bituminous material in the gutters. The proposed improvements for Duckwood Drive! will maintain the existing 44-foot wide roadway. Damaged curb and gutter and sidewalk will be replaced if severely cracked, spalled (scaled), or settled. A bituminous "leveling course" will be applied where needed to obtain a uniform crown in settled areas of the street before the overlay. The overlay, combined with the existing street sections, will provide a street section consistent with City of Eagan standards. It is important to remember that this combination of repair, patching, and overlay will not eliminate cracking, due to the temperature extremes experienced in Minnesota. Routine maintenance will still need to continue under the City's Pavement Management Program. Bituminous overlays will show some continued frost movements and reflective cracking consistent with the underlying pavement. Nevertheless the proposed improvements will provide a significant extension of the life of the streets. FEAS-805660J 5 ROW VARIES - KINGLET COURT & CROSSROAD COURT ROW VARIABLE 44' FACE TO FACE - DUCKWOOD DR. VARIABLE MILL EXISTING BITUMINOUS SURFACE 1 1/4' TO 0' DEEP X 6' WIDE VARI ABLE 1 1/2' BITUMINOUS OVERLAY /PRESERVE AND PROTECT TACK COAT EXISTING CONCRETE PRESERVE AND PROTECT EXISTING BITUMINOUS SURFACE SIDEWALK EXCEPT WHERE EXISTING CONCRETE CURB EXISTING CLASS 5 AGGREGATE BASE NOTED AND GUTTER EXCEPT WHERE NOTED TYPICAL MILL AND OVERLAY SECTION DUCKWOOD DRIVE- LEXINGTON TO DENMARK AVENUE KINGLET COURT AND CROSSROAD COURT DUCKWOOD DRIVE, EXHIBIT KINGLET COURT AND CROSSROAD COURT Z "°wad R CieW CONSULTING ENONEEAS TYPICAL SECTION city of cagan , Howard R. Green Company Feasibility Study for Duckwood Drive, Kinglet Court, HRG Project No. 805660J and Crossroad Court Reconstruction Improvements City Project No. 761 City of Eagan, Minnesota EASEMENTS AND PERMITS All street work will be conducted within the existing roadway right-of-ways; therefore, no additional easements or permits are anticipated. The project does end at Lexington Avenue, a county road; therefore, Dakcta County will be notified of the proposed improvements. PROJECT COST The costs of the project, shown below and in more detail in Appendix A, include an estimated construction coast based upon 1999 construction bids received on similar projects. Also included is a 5% contingency cost and a 30% indirect cost which includes anticipated design and construction engineering, administration, legal, and fiscal expenses. The following is a summary of the anticipated costs for the project. Duckwood Drive $118,445.30 Kinglet Court $8,571.72 Crossroad Court $8,250.01 Total Cost $135,267.03 The estimated total project cost of$135,267.03 is based upon an anticipated construction cost of approximately $100,197.80 The $135,267.03 cost includes 30% for indirect costs and a 5% contingency factor. The thirty percent is intended to make allowances for engineering, city administration, -fiscal, and legal expenses. ASSESSMENT AREA The area to be 'ncluded for assessment purposes is shown on Exhibit 3. FEAS-805660J 7 MPFA ` Ali !!� �-�•i ■ 'ins ��G- :�' ,� fij NOR r rim SLIM ��LJ:LJ�L���p���� w � y • • MEW OO KINGLET COURTy' CROSSROAD COURT • c • tZ71 • •: ASSESSMENT AREA • ❑ ». Howard R. Green Company Feasibility Study for Duckwood Drive, Kinglet Court, HRG Project No. 805660J and Crossroad Court Reconstruction Improvements City Project No. 761 City of Eagan, Minnesota ASSESSMENT Assessments are proposed to be levied against the benefiting properties for the improvement with costs allocated internally in accordance with the City's Assessment Policy for a mill and overlay improvement for residential streets. The policy provides for mill / overlay improvements to be assessed at a rate of 50% for low-density residential properties and 75% for high-density properties. All assessments will be revised based on actual final costs. A preliminary assessment roll based on estimated costs is included as Appendix B. It was prepared in accordance with the City's current special assessment policy. Project funding then will be from assessments to private benefiting properties and the Major Street Fund and Minnesota Department of Transportation (MNDOT) Municipal State Aid. The City's assessment policy allows assessments to benefiting properties for projects with bituminous overlay of the street surface on high-density and low-density residential streets as follows. Low Density Residential (Existing Residential Subdivisions) — Kinglet Court and Crossroad Court All residential properties (2 lots on Duckwood Drive, 6 lots on Kinglet Court, and 22 lots on Crossroad Court, as shown on Exhibit 3) having access to the streets in the project area to be improved, are proposed to be assessed. Because of the cul-de-sac and the lot layouts, unit assessments are proposed. Again the City's Assessment Policy states that 50% of the mill and overlay costs are assessable for residential properties based on a normal residential width street (32 feet). The estimated cost per single family residential lot to be assessed based on the City Assessment Policy is $309.00/lot. The estimated cost per townhouse unit would be 75% of this rate or $232.00. High Density Residential — Duckwood Drive Project cost (Not including Curb and Gutter Repairs) $108,027.69 Total Front Footage 6,601 front feet Less Rights-of-Way 530 front feet Total Assessable Footage 6,071 front feet Assessment per Front Foot (100%) $17.79 / front foot Assessments for Apartments and Townhomes (75%) $13.35 / front foot FEAS-805660J 9 Howard R. Green Company Feasibility Study for Duckwood Drive, Kinglet Court, HRG Project No. 805660J and Crossroad Court Reconstruction Improvements City Project No. 761 City of Eagan, Minnesota REVENUE SOURCES The sources of funding are 1) assessments to private residential property, and 2) City of Eagan Major Street Fund and MNDOT Municipal State Aid funds. ASSESSMENTS $26,340.36 MAJOR STREET FUND & STATE AID $108,926.67 TOTAL PROJECT COST $135,267.03 FEAS-805650J 10 �9 Howard R. Green Company Feasibility Study for Duckwood Drive, Kinglet Court, HRG Project No. 805660J and Crossroad Court Reconstruction Improvements City Project No. 761 City of Eagan, Minnesota FINANCING General Obligation Special Assessment bonds will provide the necessary financing for the project. Assessments will be paid either upon completion of the assessment hearing or over a 5-year period at the interest rate obtained at the time of the bond sale. A preliminary assessment roll is included as Appendix B of this report. It includes proposed assessment amounts for each specific property within the project assessment section of this report. The estimated assessment per lot equivalent for street rehabilitation is $309.00 /single family lot, $232.00 / townhouse unit, and $13.35 / front foot for apartments and townhomes on Duckwood Drive. Assessment Payment Options The property owner will have the option at the time of the assessment hearing to pay the full assessment or to include the assessment in with their property tax statement. If the assessment is included with the property tax statement, the assessment will be spread over five years with the interest rate determined by the results of the bond sale used to finance the improvements. The following annual installments are based on an estimated 6.5 percent interest rate for five years for the assessed amounts: Single-Family Residential Lot - $309.00 / Lot Principal Per Year Interest Per Year Cost Per Year First Year $61.80 $23.43 $85.23 Fifth Year $61.80 $4.02 $65.82 Townhouse Unit - $232.00 / Unit Principal Per Year Interest Per Year Cost Per Year First Year $46.40 $17.59 $63.99 Fifth Year $46.40 $3.02 $49.42 FEAS-805660J 11 ( vv Howard R. Green Company Feasibility Study for Duckwood Drive, Kinglet Court, HRG Project N o. 80566 OJ and Crossroad Court Reconstruction Improvements City Project No. 761 City of Eagan, Minnesota PROJECT SCHEDULE Public Informational Meeting September 1999 City Council Receives Feasibility Report September 21, 1999 Public Hearing /City Orders Plans and Specifications October 1999 City Council Receives Plans and Specifications November 1999 and Sets Bid Opening Bid Opening February 2000 City Council Receives Bids /Awards Contract March 2000 Construction Begins May 15, 2000 Construction Complete July 2000 Assessment Hearing October 2000 First Payment Due May 15, 2001 FEAS-805660) 12 /j/ Howard R. Green Company Feasibility Study for Duckwood Drive. Kinglet Court, HRG Project No. 805660J and Crossroad Court Reconstruction Improvements City Project No. 761 City of Eagan, Minnesota RECOMMENDATION Based upon the projected roadway use, and on-site observations, the rehabilitation of roadways on Duckwood Drive, Kinglet Court, and Crossroad Court would be appropriate and are recommended. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION The cost of the Duckwood Drive, Kinglet Court, and Crossroad Court street improvements is estimated at $135,267.03. The project would be completed in accordance with the schedule provided in this report in July 2000. The project would be funded through special assessments to the benefiting properties and the City's Street Fund and MNDOT State Aid, with assessments bearing $26,340.36 of the cost and the Major Street Fund and MNDOT State Aid, $108,926.67. This Duckwood Drive, Kinglet Court, and Crossroad Court Street Improvement project is technically feasible from an engineering standpoint and the improvements are in accordance with the Master Street Plan for the City of Eagan. FEAS-805660J 13 ��a APPENDIX A ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE FOR: DUCKWOOD DRIVE RECONSTRUCTION IMPROVEMENTS(805660J) CITY OF EAGAN,MINNESOTA tTEM- RfO: ITEM UP1fT QTY UNIT PRIGI? TOTAL PR10E> SQHEDULE 1.0 DUCKWOOD DRIVE 2563.601 TRAFFIC CONTROL LS 1 $ 300.00 $ 300.00 2331.508 TYPE 41 WEARING COURSE MIXTURE TON 1484 $ 25.85 $ 38,361.40 2331.508 TYPE 31 LEVELING COURSE MIXTURE TON 55 $ 17.14 $ 942.70 2357.502 BITUMINOUS MATERIAL FOR TACK COAT GAL 770 $ 1.96 $ 1.509.20 2331.518 TYPE 41 BIT. PATCH,REMOVE&REPLACE SY 1435 $ 3.00 $ 4,305.00 2521.501 4"CONCRETE WALK,REMOVE&REPLACE SY 120 $ 26.87 $ 3,224.40 2232.501 MILL BITUMINOUS SURFACE,6'WIDE. TAPERED SY 4402 $ 3.00 $ 13,206.00 2104.523 SALVAGE&REINSTALL SIGN EA 1 $ 30.00 $ 30.00 SPEC BITUMINOUS PEDESTRIAN RAMP EA 2 $ 300.00 $ 600.00 SPEC CONCRETE PEDESTRIAN RAMP EA 5 $ 500.00 $ 2,500.00 SPEC CONCRETE CROSS GUTTER SY 420 $ 18.57 $ 7,799.40 2104.501 REMOVE CONCRETE CROSS GUTTER SY 420 $ 6.00 $ 2,520.00 2506.602 ADJUST EXISTING CATCH BASIN-GROUT EA 6 $ 100.00 $ 600.00 2506.602 ADJUST EXISTING CATCH BASIN-REMOVE &REPLACE RINGS EA 2 $ 250.00 $ 500.00 2506.602 ADJUST EXISTING MANHOLE-GROUT EA 2 $ 100.00 $ 200.00 2506.602 ADJUST EXISTING GATE VALVE-REMOVE& REPLACE TOP SECTION EA 2 $ 100.00 $ 200.00 2564.603 4"DOUBLE SOLID LINE YELLOW-EPDXY LF 3300 $ 0.44 $ 1.452.00 2564.603 4"SOLID LINE WHITE-EPDXY LF 6601 $ 0.09 $ 594.09 2564.604 ZEBRA CROSSWALK WHITE-EPDXY SY 1001 $ 1.04 $ 1,041 04 2564.603 24"STOP LINE WHITE-EPDXY LF 89 $ 1.52 $ 135.28 T SCHEDULE 1.0 DUCKWOOD DRIVE-TOTAL $ 80.020.51 5%Contingency $ 4.001.03 30%Legal, Administrative and Engineer $ 24,006.15 TOTAL--COST $ 108.027 69 SCHEDULE 2.0 DUCKWOOD DRIVE CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER 2104.501 REMOVE CONCRETE CURB&GUTTER LF 400 $ 3.44 $ 1,376.00 2531.501 CONCRETE CURB&GUTTER,B618 LF 400 $ 15.20 $ 6,080.00 2575.505 SODDING TYPE LAWN SY 175 $ 1.49 $ 260.75 T SCHEDULE 2.0 DUCKWOOD DRIVE-CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER-TOTAL $ 7,716.75 5%Contingency $ 385.84 30%Legal, Administrative and Engineer $ 2.315.03 TOTAL-COST $ 10,417.61 0:\PROD\805660)\ENGINEEREST.XLS M3 APPENDIX A ''ITEM NO tTEW. .. . UNIT OT X UN#T PRICE T.OTAL.PRiCE»» SCHEDULE 3.0 KINGLET COURT 2331.508 TYPE 41 WEP,RING COURSE MIXTURE TON 119 $ 25.85 $ 3,076.15 2331.508 TYPE 31 LEVELING COURSE MIXTURE TON 5 $ 17.14 $ 85.70 2357.502 BITUMINOUS MATERIAL FOR TACK COAT GAL 62 $ 1.96 S 121.52 2232.501 MILL BITUMINOUS SURFACE,6'WIDE, TAPERED SY 345 $ 3.00 $ 1,035.00 2506.602 ADJUST EXISTING MANHOLE-GROUT EA 1 $ 100.00 $ 100.00 T SCHEDULE 3.0 KINGLET COURT-TOTAL $ 41418.37 5%Contingency $ 220.92 30%Legal, Administrative and Engineer $ 1,325.51 TOTAL-COST S 5.964.80 SCHEDULE 4.,0 KINGLET COURT-CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER 2104.501 REMOVE CONCRETE CURB&GUTTER LF 100 $ 3.44 S 344.00 2531.501 CONCRETE CURB&GUTTER,DESIGN D LF 100 $ 15.20 S 1,520.00 2575.505 SODDING TYPE LAWN SY 45 $ 1.49 S 67.05 T SCHEDULE 4„0 KINGLET COURT-CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER-TOTAL S 1,931.05 5%Contingency $ 96.55 30%Legal, Administrative and Engineer $ 579.32 TOTAL-COST S 2.606.92 SCHEDULE 5,0 CROSSROAD COURT 2331.508 TYPE 41 WEARING COURSE MIXTURE TON 109 $ 25.85 $ 2.817.65 2331.508 TYPE 31 LEVELING COURSE MIXTURE TON 5 $ 17.14 $ 85.70 2357.502 BITUMINOUS MATERIAL FOR TACK COAT GAL 57 $ 1.96 S 111.72 2232.501 MILL BITUMINOUS SURFACE,6'WIDE, TAPERED SY 305 $ 3.00 $ 915.00 2506.602 ADJUST EXISTING MANHOLE-REMOVE& REPLACE RINGS EA 1 $ 250.00 S 250.00 T SCHEDULE 5.0 CROSSROAD COURT-TOTAL S 4,180.07 5%Contingency $ 209.00 30%Legal, Administrative and Engineer S 1,254.02 TOTAL-COST $ 5.643.09 SCHEDULE 6.0 CROSSROAD COURT-CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER 2104.501 REMOVCE CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER LF 100 $ 3.44 $ 344.00 2531.501 CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER,DESIGN D LF 100 $ 15.20 $ 1,520.00 2575.505 SODDING TYPE LAWN SY 45 $ 1.49 $ 67.05 T SCHEDULE 6.0 CROSSROAD COURT-CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER-TOTAL $ 1,931.05 5%Contingency $ 96.55 30%Legal,Administrative and Engineer $ 579.32 TOTAL COST S 2,606.92 0:1.PROJ\805660)\ENGINE.EREST.XLS �4� APPENDIX A ITEM:; ITEM UNtT f3T Y.. UNIT:PRICE TOTAI.PRICE; BID SUMMARY SCHEDULE 1.0 DUCKWOOD DRIVE-TOTAL $ 108.027.69 SCHEDULE 2.0 DUCKWOOD DRIVE-CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER-TOTAL S 10,417.61 SCHEDULE 3.0 KINGLET COURT-TOTAL $ 5,964.80 SCHEDULE 4.0 KINGLET COURT-CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER-TOTAL S 2,606.92 SCHEDULE 5.0 CROSSROAD COURT-TOTAL S 5.643.09 SCHEDULE 6.0 CROSSROAD COURT-CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER-TOTAL S 2.60692 TOTAL-PROJECT COST S 135.267.03 0:\PROJ\805660!\ENGINEEREST.XLS ��`' APPENDIX B DUCKWOOD DRIVE, KINGLET COURT,AND CROSSROAD COURT PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT ROLL DUCKWOOD DRIVE August 17, 1999 PROPERTY DESCRIPTION LINEAR TYPE ASSMT TOTAL ASSMT FEET RATE/FOOT Forest Ridge of Eagan Block 1, Lot 1 618.6* TH $ 13.35 $ 624.77 Forest Ridge of Eagan. Block 1, Lot 2 TH $ 13.35 $ 624.77 Forest Ride of Eagan. Block 1, Lot 3 TH $ 13.35 $ 624.77 Forest Ridge of Eagan. Block 1. Lot 4 TH $ 13.35 $ 624.77 Forest Ridge of Eagan. Block 1, Lot 5 TH $ 13.35 $ 624.77 Forest Ridge of Eagan. Block 1, Lot 6 TH $ 13.35 $ 624.77 Forest Ridge of Eagan,Block 1. Lot 7 TH $ 13.35 $ 624.77 Forest Ridge of Eagan, Block 1,Lot 8 TH $ 13.35 $ 624.77 Forest Ridge of Eagan. Block 1, Lot 9 TH $ 13.35 $ 624.77 Forest Ridge of Eagan.Block 1, Lot 10 TH $ 13.35 $ 624.77 Forest Ridge of Eagan. Block 1, Lot 11 TH $ 13.35 $ 624.77 Forest Ridge of Eagan. Block 1,Lot 12 TH $ 13.35 $ 624.77 Forest Ridge of Eagan. Block 1. Lot 13 TH $ 13.35 $ 624.77 Forest Ridge of Eagan, Block L Lot 14 TH $ 13.35 $ 624.77 Duckwood Trail.Block. 1. Lot 1 72 8.311 APT $ 13.35 $ 9.722.94 Duckwood Estates, Black 1. Lot 54 RES $ 309.00 $ 309.00 Duckwood Estates, Block 1.Lot 55 RES $ 309.00 $ 309.00 Outlot A Duckwood Trail 2nd 45.54 PF $ 6.47 $ 294.64 19,382.36 *618.6 Linear feet shared between all TH benefiting from access drive off of Duckwood Drive KINGLET COURT PROPERTY DESCRIPTION TYPE ASSMT TOTAL ASSMT RATE/LOT St. Francis Wood.Block 2. Lot 1 RES $ 309.00 $ 309.00 St. Francis Wood. Block 2. Lot 2 RES $ 309.00 $ 309.00 St. Francis Wood.Block 2. Lot 3 RES $ 309.00 $ 309.00 St. Francis Wood.Block 2. Lot 4 RES $ 309.00 $ 309.00 St. Francis Wood_ Block 2.Lot 5 RES $ 309.00 $ 309.00 St. Francis Wood, Block 2.Lot 6 RES $ 309.00 $ 309.00 1,854.00 0:`.proj\805660J\z- sRoll.sls J f�� APPENDIX B CROSSROAD COURT PROPERTY DESCRIPTION TYPE ASSMT TOTAL ASSMT RATE/LOT Crossroads of Eagan. Block 1.Lot 2 TH $ 232.00 $ 232.00 Crossroads of Eagan, Block 1, Lot 3 TH $ 232.00 $ 232.00 Crossroads of Eagan. Block 1.Lot 17 TH $ 232.00 $ 232.00 Crossroads of Eagan. Block 1. Lot 18 TH $ 232.00 $ 232.00 Crossroads of Eagan. Block 1.Lot 19 TH $ 232.00 $ 232.00 Crossroads of Eagan. Block 1. Lot 20 TH $ 232.00 $ 232.00 Crossroads of Eagan. Block 1. Lot 21 TH $ 232.00 $ 232.00 Crossroads of Eagan. Block 1. Lot 22 TH $ 232.00 $ 232.00 Crossroads of Eagan, Block 1. Lot 23 TH $ 232.00 $ 232.00 Crossroads of Eagan. Block 1.Lot 24 TH $ 232.00 $ 232.00 Crossroads of Eagan. Block 1.Lot 25 TH $ 232.00 $ 232.00 Crossroads of Eagan. Block 1.Lot 26 TH $ 232.00 $ 232.00 Crossroads of Eagan. Block 1_Lot 27 TH $ 232.00 $ 232.00 Crossroads of Eagan, Block 1.Lot 28 TH $ 232.00 $ 232.00 Crossroads of Eagan, Block 1,Lot 29 TH $ 232.00 $ 232.00 Crossroads of Eagan,Block 1.Lot 30 TH $ 232.00 $ 232.00 Crossroads of Eagan. Block 1.Lot 31 TH $ 232.00 $ 232.00 Crossroads of Eagan, Block 1.Lot 32 TH $ 232.00 $ 232.00 Crossroads of Eagan. Block 1.Lot 1 TH $ 232.00 $ 232.00 Crossroads of Eagan. Block 1.Lot 4 TH $ 232.00 $ 232.00 Crossroads of Eagan. Block 1.Lot 5 TH $ 232.00 $ 232.00 Crossroads of Eagan. Block 1.Lot 6 TH $ 232.00 $ 232.00 5,104.00 DUCKWOOD DRIVE 19,382.36 KINGLET COURT 1,854.00 CROSSROAD COURT 5,104.00 TOTAL. 26,340.36 OAproj%805660TAssRoll.sls x� APPENDIX C STRUCTURE REPAIR/ADJUSTMENT TABLE Key: OK -No additional work needed Grout- Rings need to be re-grouted R& R- Remove and replace rings DUCKWOOD DRIVE Structure Number Rin s Comments GV - E '136 CB 114A 1 GV -N "137 MH C372 2 CB - S 103 7 Grout CB -N 104 3 Grout GV - W ti28 OK MH 0373 3 OK- 27" MH 075 5 OK- 27" CB 02 OK GV- E 626 8 OK CB 101 4 OK MH C403 5 OK- 27" CB - NW 106A 2 OK CB -NE 1.06 1 Grout CB - S 1:05 1 Grout GV - E 627 OK MH C405 6 Grout- 27" MH C406 5 Grout- 27" CB -N 107A 0 Grout CB - S 07 4 Grout MH C408 3 OK- 27" GV 738 Valve OK- Broken top section - Replace GV -N 859 OK GV - S 859 OK MH C409 1 OK- 27" GV -N =305 OK GV - S 305 OK- Ext. Rod. -GV - W :305 Broken Cap - Replace- Can't get open KINGLET COURT tructure Number Rings Comments GVti24 MH C404 7 Grout- 27" 0:\PROJ\805660J\M,AINLIST.XLS /�� APPENDIX C CROSSROAD COURT tructure Number Rings Comments GV S 737 OK MH C371 1 R& R- Grout- 27" GV - W 737 OK MH C370 1 OK 0:\PROJ\805660AMAINLIST.XLS /(� DUCKWOOD DRIVE PROPOSED STREET IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT 761 Preliminary Project Schedule • 1998 Project First Identified In 5 Year Capital Improvement Program • October 20, `913 City Council Authorizes Feasibility Report • September 21, `99 Present Feasibility Report to City Council/Order Public Hearing • October 19, '91) Public Hearing—Council Orders Plans& Specs or Denies Project • November, `99 Approve Plans& Specifications • March, `00 Award Contract • May 15, `00 Construction Begins • July, '00 Construction Completed • September, '00 Final Cost Report • October, '00 Final Assessment Public Hearing • May 15, 2001 1st Installment Payment Due With Real Estate Property Taxes Preliminary Costas—Feasibility Report • $119,636 Bituminous Mill and Overlay • $ 15,631 Repair Existing Concrete Curb & Gutter • $135,267 Proposed Total Project Cost • $ 26,340 (200X)) Proposed Assessed to Property Owners • $108,927 (800XD) Proposed Financed by the City of Eagan Proposed Special Assessments • Proposed Assessment: $309 per Single-Family lot (8 lots) $232 per Townhouse unit (22 units) • Prepayment option with no interest available for 30 days after Assessment Hearing • Any unpaid balance is certified to county to be collected with property taxes over 5 years • Interest rate is calculated on any remaining unpaid balance at the end of each year • Assuming no prepayment, annual cost: (Assumed 6.5% Interest) Single-Family Lot Equivalent • $85 per year 1't year $7.10 per month 1'`year • $66 per year 5�''year $5.49 per month 50'year Townhouse Unit Equivalent • $64 per year 1"year $5.33 per month I" year • $49 per year 5t'year $4.12 per month 5h year Jla Agenda Information Memo October 19, 1999 E. OLD SIBLEY MEMORIAL HIGHWAY RIGHT-OF-WAY VACATION ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: To close the public hearing and approve the vacation of a portion of public street right-of-way on Old Sibley Memorial Highway and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute all related documents. FACTS: • City staff received a request from Gregory L. Preusse to vacate a portion of public street right-of-way within Old Sibley Memorial Highway adjacent to Parcels 017-50 and 010-52, Section 19 (southwest of the Highway 77/Highway 13 interchange). Mr. Preusse is planning to develop these parcels as the Preusse 2"a Addition. • On May 18, 1999, the City Council received the petition for this vacation, but delayed the scheduling of the public hearing until after the approval of the redevelopment study of the Cedar Avenue/Highway 13 Area. • On September 7, the City Council approved a recommendation from the Cedar Avenue/Highway 13 Redevelopment Task Force to remove properties in the southwest quadrant of the Highway 77/Highway 13 interchange from the interim ordinance (moratorium) established in May, 1999. • On September 21, the City Council set a public hearing for October 5, 1999, to consider vacating said portion of the drainage and utility easement. • The purpose of the request is to allow Mr. Preusse to develop the vacated right-of-way with the adjacent properties and provide a more uniform right-of-way width. • The request would vacate a portion of the `old' Highway 13 right-of-way that is well in excess of what is currently required by the City of Eagan for public street right-of-way. • All notices have been published in the legal newspaper and sent to all potentially affected private utility owners informing them of this public hearing. No objections have been received to date. • This vacation request has been reviewed by the Engineering Division and found to be in order for favorable Council action. ATTACHMENTS: • Location map,page. • Legal and Graphic,page ! J 3 and _. HAZEL RD. I 3800 r---- _ _ _ J' SILVER BELL SILVER BELL RD. / cn rLa LQ GOIC Qr V 4000 o 3 OW ASTON SIBLEY a o CgRH �.� LA.F m 6>y= -1I Z a. ✓qpF ( � I CA ELI o SAP O LA q JADE LANE 5 I I V 6 Q o o c O�'q( o (q a 0 9 o f 010 x( CEDAR q p v 2 z POND 0 PARK a ZIRCON LA. �NF��D r L�EEKSDE DIFFLEY RD. I CORAL LA. o CHIPMUNK CT. C a o m o W �, TIMBER z Q F- 0 N Z TiM ER o�P CMBE s Q rp fin. PROPOSED VACATION SECTION 19 4 city of eagan PUBLIC LOCATION MAP $ Ow WORKS f � DEPARTMEN LEGAL DESCRIPTION All that part of the North Half of the Southwest Quarter of Section 19, Township 27, Range 23 West, Dakota County, Minnesota, described as follows: Commencing at the northeast corner of said Southwest Quarter;thence on a bearing of South along the east line of said Southwest Quarter of Section 19, a distance of 337.20 feet to the north right-of-way line of Old Sibley Memorial Highway; formerly known as Old State Highway No. 13;thence South 55 degrees 09 minutes 00 seconds West along said northerly right-of-way line, a distance of 1318.60 feet, thence continuing South 55 degrees 09 minutes 00 seconds West along said northerly right-of-way line, a distance of 206.28 feet;thence continuing along said northerly right-of-way line, a distance 158.72 feet, along a tangential curve, concave to the northwest,having a central angle of 02 degrees 08 minutes 36 seconds and a radius of 4242.80 feet;thence North.34 degrees 51 minutes 00 seconds West, a distance of 288.00 feet;thence North 41 degree:, 7 minutes 00 seconds East, a distance of 374.00 feet; thence South 34 degrees 58 minutes 56 seconds East, a distance of 2.94 feet to the southerly right of line of Old State Trunk Highway No. 13 per Book 62,Page 27 of Misc. Records and the point of beginning; thence North 34 degrees 58 minutes 56 seconds West, a distance of 2.94 feet;thence North 46 degrees 15 minutes 49 seconds West, a distance of 66.62 feet to the intersection with a line lying 120.50 feet southerly of, as measured at right angles to and parallel with the centerline of Old State Trunk Highway No. 13, as described in Bk. 62, Page 27 of Misc. Records; thence southwesterly, along said parallel line, a distance of 717.61 feet, along a nontangential curve, concave to the southeast, having a central angle of 07 degrees 19 minutes 49 seconds, a radius of 5609.08 feet and a chord bearing of South 40 degrees 04 minutes 17 seconds West;thence South 53 degrees 35 minutes 38 seconds East, nontangent to said curve, a distance of 29.50 feet to said southerly right-of-way line of Old State Trunk Highway No. 13;thence northerly along said southerly right of way line to the point of beginning. PREUSSES 2ND ADDITION i� / c - �� + �w..•o' /�P `.LTJ i �sc J 9.• / f.----------- `t ..i is `� s .% •.,: 001 :;jY • L'1_____ ___________L_ _ / rw�stiri an.w ti---•...... 4\ \ , .r�.r 5#m•[ �" PROPOSED VACATION city of eagan PUBLIC PROPOSED RIGHT-OF-WAY VACATION $ WORKS h DE PARTMEN 114 Agenda Information Memo October 19, 1999 F. PROJECT 784,LOUIS LANE STREET& UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: To close the public hearing and approve Project 784 (Louis Lane—Street and Utility Improvements) and authorize the preparation of detailed final plans and specifications. FACTS: • On June 15, 1999, the City Council approved a Preliminary Subdivision for 23 single-family lots (Cherrywood Knoll) at the east end of Chapel Lane (NE '/a Section 12). A condition of Final Subdivision approval for Cherrywood Knoll states that the connection of Chapel Lane to T.H. 55 must be approved by Council Action. • On August 5, City staff received a petition from Thomas Von Bische, representing Heritage Development, Inc., the developer of the Cherrywood Knoll development, requesting the construction of Louis Lane. • On August 17, the City Council authorized staff to prepare a feasibility report addressing the scope, cost,schedule and financing of new street improvements for Louis Lane between T.H. 55 and Chapel Lane and sanitary sewer lift station improvements. • On September 21, 1999, the feasibility report for Project 784 was presented to the City Council and a Public Hearing was scheduled for October 19 to formally present and discuss the report with the neighborhood. • An informational meeting was held on October 7 at 6:30 p.m. at City Hall. Of the 4 parcels proposed to be assessed, 8 people representing the 4 properties (100% of total notified) attended the informational meeting. • All notices have been published in the legal newspaper and sent to all affected property owners informing them of this public hearing. ATTACHMENTS: • Feasibility Report,pages ( through • Project Information Summary,page • Letter From Roger&Lois Schaaf,page • Minutes From Informational Neighborhood Meeting,pages I St through /56'. city of eagan Report for Louis Lane Street Improvements City Project No. 784 Eagan, Minnesota September 1999 File No. 49-99-104 Bonestroo,Rosene,Anderek and Associates.Inc.is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer Bones`♦roo Principals Otto G Bonestroo.PE.•Joseph C Anderlik.PE • Marvin L.Sorvala,PE. Glenn R.Cook.PE.•Robert G.Schunicht.PE.• Jerry A.Bourdon,PE. RoseneRobert W Rosene,RE.Richard E.Turner,P.E.and Susan M.Eberlin,C.P.A.,Senior Consultants - Associate Principals:Howard A.Sanford,PE.• Keith A.Gordon.PE.•Robert R.Pfefferle,P.E. Anderlik & Richard W.Foster,PE.•David O.Loskota.PE Robert C.Russek.A.LA.• Mark A.Hanson,PE Michael T.Rautmann,PE • Ted K.Field.PE.• Kenneth P Anderson,P.E.•Mark R.Rolls,PE. Associates Sidney P Williamson,RE,L S •Robert F Kotsmith•Agnes M Ring•Allan Rick Schmidt.P.E. •7 Offices:St.Paul.Rochester,Willmar and St.Cloud,MN Milwaukee,WI Engineers & Architects Website www bonestroo com September 15, 1999 Mayor and City Council City of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, Minnesota 55122 Re: Louis Lane Street Improvements City Project No. 784 Our File No.49-99-104 Dear Mayor and Council: Attached is our report for Louis Lane-Project No. 784. Proposed street improvements are presented and discussed within the report along with detailed cost estimatelassessment. We will be pleased 1:0 meet with the Council and other interested parties at a mutually convenient time to discuss the report. Respectfully submitted, BONESTROO, RROSENE,ANDERLIK,&ASSOCIATES,INC. 4 Mark A. Hanson MAH: tmr Enclosures I hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Registered Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Mi nesotta� Mark Hanson Date: September 15, 1999 Registration No. 14260 Reviewed By: —t�.�ffIJ6"eviewed By: Department of Public W s Finance Department !!7 2335 West Highway 36 ■ St. Paul, MN 55113 ■ 651-636-4600 ■ Fax: 651-636-1311 TABLE OF CONTENTS Letterof Transmittal............................................................................................................... Page 1 Tableof Contents................................................................................................................... Page 2 Scope...................................................................................................................................... Page 3 Recommendations.................................................................................................................. Page 4 Feasible, Necessary, and Cost Effective ................................................................................ Page 5 Discussion Street......................................................:........................................................................... Page 6 Sanitary Sewer (T.H. 55 Lift Station/Forcemain)........................................................... Page 6 Easements............................................................................................................................... Page 8 Permits.................................................................................................................................... Page 9 CostEstimate ....................................................................................................................... Page 10 Areato be Included.............................................................................................................. Page 10 Assessments ......................................................................................................................... Page 11 RevenueSources.................................................................................................................. Page 13 ProjectSchedule................................................................................................................... Page 14 Appendix A—Preliminary Cost Estimate Appendix B —Preliminary Assessment Roll Appendix C—Memo dated March 30, 1999 Figure No. 1 —Location Plan Figure No. 2—T.H. 55 Frontage Road—City Project 749 Figure No. 3 —Street—Louis Lane Figure No. 4—Sanitary Sewer—Lift Station/Forcemain Louis Lane Street Improvements �� 2 SCOPE This project provides for constructing Louis Lane from Chapel Lane to T.H. 55, as shown on Figure 1. Louis ]Lane presently does not exist as a public street maintained by the City of Eagan. However, a half:right-of-way does exist which includes a gravel surface connecting Chapel Lane with T.H. 55, which also serves three abutting properties. The three abutting properties all have direct driveway access to the gravel surface. Two properties are residential while the third is zoned general business (GB), which includes a construction company. Louis Lane street improvements are proposed at this time based on the following: • Provide a public street connection to T.H. 55 from Chapel Lane to serve the existing homes south of T.H. 55 / east of T.H. 149 and the new development proposed east of Chapel Lane (Cherrywood Knoll). • Replace the two existing public street connections onto T.H. 55, which are proposed to be removed in conjunction with the T.H. 55 Frontage Road Improvements, Project No. 749. The two existing connections are located between T.H. 149 and Louis Lane as shown on Figure 2. The existing connections serve the same areas as the proposed Louis Lane connection to T.H. 55. The project also provides for reconstructing the existing sanitary sewer lift station and forcemain in and along T.H. 55 at Louis Lane, also shown on Figure 1. The sanitary sewer lift station and forcemain upgrade has been anticipated in Eagan's Comprehensive Sewer Policy Plans as additional development occurs in its service area. The existing sanitary sewer lift station and forcemain were constructed in 1970 and are in need of upgrades based on their limited capacity and outdated equipment. 3 Louis Lane Street.improvements ' (� RECOMMENDATIONS From an engineering standpoint the following is recommended: • The improvements for Louis Lane in T.H. 55 be reviewed with MnDOT and included in the Cooperative Agreement for T.H. 55 Frontage Road, Project No. 749. The street improvement cost for construction and 8% engineering in T.H. 55 right-of-way for Louis Lane be financed by MnDOT. • The existing buildings located in Louis Lane right-of-way be reviewed with the owner to determine if they can be removed or relocated before street improvements are constructed in Louis Lane. The proposed location for Louis Lane conflicts with the existing buildings. Therefore, either the road alignment shall move east to protect the existing buildings or the buildings shall be removed or relocated. • The right-of-way /easement requirements for the easterly half of Louis Lane and lift station shall be reviewed with the property owner (Parcel 010-06) to determine the acquisition process. • A $46,000.00 assessment ($2,000 per lot:23 lots) for Louis Lane be a condition of the development agreement for the proposed Cherrywood Knoll Development. • The 12" diameter forcemain alignment from T.H. 55 to Lone Oak Road be reviewed further with the developer of Oakview Center and any other effected property owner to finalize the alignment and determine any additional property acquisition needed. • The abandonment of the existing lift station be reviewed by the City of Eagan to determine if the existing equipment has any salvaged value. • The new lift station location shall allow the existing lift station to remain in service while the new lift station/force main is constructed. • Sanitary sewer / water service extensions from the existing utilities in Louis Lane be reviewed with abutting property owners. Presently, this report does not provide for sewer / water service extensions to accommodate new or existing developments. • The westerly half right-of-way (33' wide) for Louis Lane abutting the east line of Parcel 020- 03 shall be reviewed to confirm any conditions that may be attached to it. For purposes of this report, it is assumed that this easement will have to be acquired similar to the easement from Parcel 010-06. Louis Lane Street Improvements 4 ia� FEASIBLE, NECESSARY, AND COST EFFECTIVE This project is feasible from an engineer standpoint and is in accordance with Eagan's Comprehensive Flans for Utilities/Streets. The street improvements in Louis Lane are necessary to provide an acceptable number of accesses to T.H. 55 and T.H. 149 for the homeowners south of T.H. 55 and east of T.H. 149. The sanitary sewer lift station and forcemain improvements are necessary to provide service for new development and replace outdated equipment. The project is cost effective based on existing conditions and acceptable construction standards for street and utility improvements. Louis Lane Street Improvements I � S C� DISCUSSION Street This project provides for constructing Louis Lane from Chapel Lane to T.H. 55, shown on Figure 3. The proposed improvements include construction of a 32' wide street. A 32' wide street is Eagan's standard for a residential street. Louis Lane is proposed to be widened to a 40' width at T.H. 55 to provide for three traffic lanes; a protected center left turn lane and one traffic lane in each direction. The existing street section is also shown on Figure 3. Presently, two existing service buildings are located in the existing half right-of-way. The proposed street improvements, based on the location of Louis Lane, do not allow the street to be constructed without impacting the existing buildings in the half right-of-way. Therefore, either the location of Louis Lane needs to be moved further east (approximately 5') or the buildings need to be removed or relocated. Cost estimates to remove or relocate the existing buildings are not included in this report. Storm sewer improvements are included at T.H. 55 to maintain the existing open ditch drainage along T.H. 55. The Louis Lane connection at T.H. 55 is located where an existing paved median cut and right / left turn lanes exist in T.H. 55 right-of-way. Due to the improved connection of Louis Lane at T.H. 55 (which includes a 40' width, protected center left turn lane), and the anticipated increase in traffic using this access, the existing paved median cut and portions of the existing right / left turn lane in T.H. 55 are proposed to be reconstructed. The proposed improvements in T.H. 55 are also shown on Figure 3. Sanitary Sewer (T.H. 55 Lift Station/Forcemain) The existing sanitary sewer lift station / forcemain at Louis Lane / T.H. 55 was reviewed in March of 1999. The memo documenting that review is included in Appendix C located at the back of this report. Based on the recommendation in that memo (dated March 30, 1999) and the improvements proposed for Louis Lane at T.H. 55, this project proposes to reconstruct the existing sanitary sewer lift station and forcemain. The proposed lift station (duplex submersible) and forcemain (12" diameter) alignment is shown on Figure 4 located at the back of this report and is in accordance with the recommendations in said memo and Eagan's Comprehensive Sewer Plan. The existing lift station at Louis Lane / T.H. 55 will be abandoned as part of the Louis Lane Street Improvements 6 Baa Louis Lane improvements, while the existing 8" CEP forcemain in T.H. 55 will be abandoned as part of the proposed improvements in T.H. 55 Frontage Road, Project No. 749. Louis Lane Street Improvements a 3 7 EASEMENTS The centerline location for Louis Lane is proposed on the easterly line of Burrview Acres and/or the east line of the west 1/s of the NE 1/a Section 12. Presently, sufficient half right-of-way exists west of the centerline for Louis Lane within the Burrview Acre Plat (40' wide). Although a 33' wide half right-of-way is represented over the easterly portion of Parcel 020-03, it is assumed for purposes of this report that the easement will have to be formally acquired. In addition, based on the proposed location of Louis Lane, a 30' wide half right-of-way is proposed to be acquired from Parcel 010-06 located to the east. An utility easement is proposed over Parcel 010-06 to accommodate the lift station reconstruction at T.H. 55 east of Louis Lane. The proposed forcemain alignment between T.H. 55 and Lone Oak Road is located in Oakview Center, which also connects to Lone Oak Road (County Road 26) approximately 100' west of Lone Oak Drive. The connection is made by way of a piece of land, which measures approximately 10' wide by 600' long. The easements over Oakview Center have been dedicated as part of the Oakview Center development at no cost to the City. Additional easements will be required from the parcel's to the east to construct the 12" forcemain on the proposed alignment between T.H. 55 and Lone Oak Road. Easement requirements from Parcels 010-06 and 020-03 for Louis Lane and Parcels 010-01 and 010-02 for the forcemain are estimated below. Parcel 010-06 Easement(Sq, Ft.) Louis Lane 14,400 (480' x 30') Lift Station 400 (20' x 20') Parcel 020-03 Louis Lane 11,340(378' x 30') Parcel 010-01, 010-02 Forcemain 6,000 (600' x 10') Louis Lane Street Improvements 8 PERMITS The street improvements in T.H. 55 near Louis Lane are proposed to be included and be a part of the Cooperative Agreement between the City of Eagan and MnDOT for the T.H. 55 Frontage Road improvements in the year 2000. The Cooperative Agreement process will address the permitting requirements for the improvements in T.H. 55 right-of-way, including the sanitary sewer improvements. A permit from Dakota County is required for the improvements in Lone Oak Road (County Road 26) right-of-way. Sanitary Sewer improvements associated with the lift station and forcemain will be reviewed with MPCA to determine if permits are required. Louis Lane Street Improvements '�� 9 COST ESTIMATE A detailed cost estimate is presented in Appendix A, located at the back of this report, and is summarized below. The total estimated project cost is $734,210, which includes 10% contingency and 30% for indirect costs. Indirect costs include administrative, engineering, interest, and legal expenses. Easement costs are estimated at $1.50 per square foot. Street Louis Lane $131,000 T.H. 55 (Center Median/Turn Lanes/Louis Lane) 61,600 Sanitary Sewer Lift Station/Forcemain 493,400 Easements Louis Lane (25,740 S.F.) 38,610 Lift Station/Forcemain (6,400 S.F.) 9,600 Total $734,210 AREA TO BE INCLUDED NE 1/ Section 12 Parcel 010-05 (Cherrywood Knoll) Parcel 010-06 Parcel 020-03 (Pt Lot 2, Block 3, Auditors Subdivision 38) Burrview Acres—Lot 1/2 NW 1/ Section 12 (Construction Ong) Oakview Center Parcel 010-01; 010-02 Louis Lane Street Improvements 10 �at� ASSESSMENTS Assessments are proposed to be levied for the street improvements in Louis Lane to the abutting property owners. Assessments are proposed to be levied in accordance with Eagan Policy and increase in value based on benefit in accordance with State Statutes. The four abutting parcels are proposed to be; assessed or not assessed based on the following: Parcel 010-06 (Nl- 1/a Section 12): It is anticipated that the parcel will subdivide and the newly developed lots will access Louis Lane. Based on Eagan minimum lot size requirements (14,000 S.F., 85 F.F), three (3) lot equivalents are proposed to be assessed. The assessed value for street improvements, based on recent street assessments in the City of Eagan based on increase in market value is $6,000 per lot equivalent. Therefore, the proposed street assessment is $18,000. Parcel 020-03 (Nl- '/a Section 12): The present land use is general business (GB). Eagan assessment policy provides for a front foot assessment based on 1/z of the project cost abutting the parcel or the fee schedule rate. The rate per front foot based on the estimated project cost is $165.00 [($131,100 + $38,610) = 1,030 F.F. = $165.00/F.F.]. However, because the 1999 Fee Schedule Rate is less than the calculated rate, it is proposed to assess Parcel 020-03 the 1999 Fee Schedule Rate at $131.75/FF for commercial/industrial property. The assessable footage is 377.92 F.F. Therefore, the proposed assessment is $49,791.00. Lot 1 & 2 Burr-view Acres: Driveway access is to Louis Lane; however, the proposed street improvements in Chapel Lane, Project No. 764 (Selmark, Harvey, Burrview Acres Addition Street Improvements) are proposed to be assessed to these lots. The estimated assessment for Project No. 764 is $1,141.12/per lot. Due to the driveway access and the abutting street frontage along Louis Lane, the proposed assessment for Louis Lane is 1/2 the lot equivalent rate ($6,000) or$3,000, Louis Lane Street Improvements 11 �a� Cherrywood Knoll (Parcel 010-05 NE 'A Section 12): The balance of the street improvement cost not assessed for Louis Lane to the abutting properties shall split between the development, Cherrywood Knoll and the City of Eagan. The estimated assessment for the development is $46,000.00 or approximately $2,000.00/lot assuming 23 lots. Louis Lane Street Improvements 12 REVENUE SOURCES Revenue sources to finance this project are summarized below: Project Cost Revenue Balance Street Louis Lane $131,000 Easements 38,610 Assessments 70,791 Cherrywood Knoll Development 46,000 Total $169,610 $116,791 $52,819 T.H. 55 R/W Improvements $61,600 MnDoT (Cooperative Agreement) $50,480 Total $61,600 $50,480 $11,120 Sanitary viewer Lift Station/Forcemain $493,400 Eagan's Sanitary Sewer Trunk Fund $493,400 Total $493,400 $493,400 -0 - The 0 -The balance for Louis Lane ($52,819) and T.H. 55 R/W improvements ($11,120), which reflects the indirect cost not financed by MnDOT through the Cooperative Agreement process, will be financed by Eagan's Major Street Fund. The sanitary sewer lift station and forcemain improvements are proposed to be financed by Eagan's Sanitary Sewer Trunk Fund. Louis Lane Street Improvements / �n 13 PROJECT SCHEDULE Present Draft Feasibility Report September 21, 1999 Neighborhood Meeting October 7, 1999 Public Hearing October 19, 1999 Approve Plans and Specifications January 2000 Open Bids/Award Contract March 2000 Substantial Completion September 2000 Assessment Hearing October 2000 Final Completion November 2000 Louis Lane Street Improvements / 30 14 city of czagan Appendix A Preliminary Cost Estimate APPENDIX A PRELIMINARY COST ESTIMATE Louis Lane Street Improvements City Project No.784 Our File No.49-99-104 Louis Lane Improvements Item Unit QTY Unit Price Total Price Saw cut bituminous surface LF 120 $3.00 $360.00 Remove concrete curb LF 120 $5.00 $600.00 Remove bituminous surface SY 960 $2.50 $2,400.00 Salvage mailbox EA 1 $20.00 $20.00 Salvage Hydrant EA 1 $500.00 $500.00 Plug Cl tee EA 1 $200.00 $200.00 Salvage topsoil CY 300 $3.50 $1,050.00 Remove RCP, 12" LF 40 $10.00 $400.00 Remove catchbasin manhole EA 1 $500.00 $500.00 Remove catchbasin EA 1 $400.00 $400.00 Salvage casting,storm sewer EA 2 $120.00 $240.00 Mobilization LS 1 $10,000.00 $10,000.00 Traffic control LS 1 $7,000.00 $7,000.00 Common excavation CY 1100 $5.00 $5,500.00 Subgrade excavation CY 200 $8.00 $1,600.00 Select granular borrow CY 200 $8.00 $1,600.00 C1.5 Aggregate base, 8" TN 1150 $8.00 $9,200.00 Type 31 bituminous base,2" TN 210 $25.00 $5,250.00 Type 41 bituminous wear, 1-1/2" TN 150 $27.00 $4,050.00 Asphaltic material for tack GAL 100 $2.00 $200.00 B618 concrete curb&gutter LF 1200 $8.00 $9,600.00 Reinforcing for curb&gutter LF 80 $2.00 $160.00 Concrete driveway apron,residential SY 80 $34.00 $2,720.00 Concrete driveway apron,commercial SY 140 $36.00 $5,040.00 Bituminous patch material,driveway SY 110 $26.00 $2,860.00 Topsoil borrow CY 200 $8.00 $1,600.00 Sod SY 2240 $2.50 $5,600.00 DIP,6" LF 12 $20.00 $240.00 Install hydrant EA 1 $1,500.00 $1,500.00 Wet tap 6"x6"TEE w/6"GV EA 1 $900.00 $900.00 D.I. fittings LB 80 $2.00 $160.00 RCP, 12" LF 38 $20.00 $760.00 Catch basin EA 1 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 Construct CBMH over existing pipe EA 1 $1,800.00 $1,800.00 Adjust GV EA 2 $150.00 $300.00 Adjust MH casting EA 2 $250.00 $500.00 Erosion control @ catch basin EA 2 $100.00 $200.00 Erosion control,silt fence LF 350 $2.50 $875.00 Install road sign EA 1 $100.00 $100.00 Temporary mail boxes LS 1 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 Install mailbox EA 1 $50.00 $50.00 Place salvage topsoil CY 300 $4.00 $1,200.00 Motor grader w/operator HR 10 $120.00 $1,200.00 )3� Water for dust control, 1000 gal MG 10 $20.00 $200.00 Power pick-up broom w/operator HR 8 $120.00 $960.00 SubTotal $91,595.00 +10%for Contingencies $9,159.50 SubTotal $100,754.50 +30% for Indirect Costs $30,245.50 Project Total $131,000.00 T.H.55 Right of Way Improvements Item QTY Unit Unit Price Total Price Mobilization LS 1 $3,000.00 $3,000.00 Traffic control LS 1 $2,000.00 $2,000.00 Salvage topsoil CY 160 $3.00 $480.00 Saw cut bituminous surface LF 20 $3.00 $60.00 Remove bituminous surface SY 450 $2.00 $900.00 Salvage road sign EA 1 $30.00 $30.00 Salvage Hydrant EA 1 $300.00 $300.00 Plug Cl tee EA 1 $100.00 $100.00 Remove CMP, 12" LF 30 $5.00 $150.00 Remove CMP,'24" LF 60 $5.00 $300.00 Remove CMP apron, 12" EA 2 $50.00 $100.00 Remove CMP apron,24" EA 2 $50.00 $100.00 Common excavation CY 820 $5.00 $4,100.00 Class 5 aggregate base, 8" TN 400 $8.00 $3,200.00 Class 4 aggregate shoulder material,6" IN 140 $7.00 $980.00 Type 31 bituminous base,2" TN 110 $25.00 $2,750.00 Type 41 bituminous wear, 1-1/2" TN 70 $27.00 $1,890.00 Asphaltic material for tack GAL 40 $1.50 $60.00 DIP,6" LF 12 $20.00 $240.00 Install hydrant EA 1 $1,500.00 $1,500.00 Wet tap 6"x6"TEE w/6"GV EA 1 $900.00 $900.00 D.I. fittings LB 80 $2.00 $160.00 RCP,24" LF 116 $40.00 $4,640.00 Catch basin manhole EA 2 $1,300.00 $2,600.00 RCP apron,24" EA 2 $950.00 $1,900.00 Adjust GV EA 1 $150.00 $150.00 Adjust MH casting EA 2 $250.00 $500.00 Rip rap CY 14 $50.00 $700.00 Place salvaged topsoil CY 160 $4.00 $640.00 Topsoil borrow CY 200 $8.00 $1,600.00 Sod SY 800 $2.50 $2,000.00 Stake/Peg sod SY 340 $3.00 $1,020.00 Erosion control @ catch basin EA 2 $100.00 $200.00 Erosion control.,silt fence LF 350 $2.50 $875.00 Motor grader Woperator HR. 10 $120.00 $1,200.00 Water for dust control, 1000 gal MG 10 $20.00 $200.00 Power pick-up broom w/operator HR 8 $120.00 $960.00 SubTotal $42,485.00 +10%for Contingencies $4,248.50 Total Construction $46,733.50 +8%for Eng $3,746.50 SubTotal $50,480.00 +22% for Indirect Costs $11,120.00 T.H.55 Total $61,600.00 Louis Lane (Chapel Ln Ext. to T.H. 55) Louis Lane(City) $131,000.00 T.H.55 Right of Way Improvements(MNDOT) $50,480.00 T.H.55 Right of Way Indirect Costs(City) SubTotal $11,120.00 Project Total $192,600.00 Sanitary Sewer(Lift Station/Forcemain) Duplex sumbersible lift station EA 1 $200,000.00 $200,000.00 12"DIP forecemain LF 2700 30.00 81,000.00 Auger/jack 12" forcemain LF 150 200.00 30,000.00 Connect existing forcemain to MH EA 1 1,500.00 1,500.00 Bituminous patch(Co.Rd.26) SY 250 30.00 7,500.00 Restoration/erosion control AC 3 5,000.00 15,000.00 Traffic control LS 1 10,000.00 10,000.00 SubTotal $345,000.00 +10%for Contingencies 34,500.00 Total Construction 379,500.00 +30% for Indirect Costs $113,900.00 Total Sanitary Sewer $493,400.00 i� v in city of eagan Appendix B Preliminary Assessment Roll 13s APPENDIX B PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT ROLL Louis Lane Street Improvements City Project No. 784 Our File No. 49-99-104 Parcel Assessment Assessable Total Identification Rate LE or FF Assessment NE '/a Section 12 Parcel 010-05 (Cherrywood Knoll) $46,000.00 ) Parcel 010-06 $4,000.00/LE121 3 LE 18,000.00 Parcel 020-03 $131.75/FF{3) 377.92 FF 49,791.00 Burrview Acres Lot 1 $6,000.00/1LE 1/z LE _ 3.000.00 $116,791.00 (1)Assessment equals$2,000 pert lot(23)_$46,000.00 (2)LE equals lot equivalent. (3) 1999 Fee Schedule Rate commercial/industrial let 1� city of czag to Appendix C Memo dated March 30, 1999 137 Appendix C Bonestroo 0 Rosene Anderlik & MEMOAssociates Engineers S Architects DATE: March 30, 1999 TO: Russ Matthys—City of Eagan FROM: Mark Rolfs, Mark Hanson, Dennis Postler SUBJECT: TRUNK HWY 55 LIFT STATION (Point 98) CITY PROJECT NO. 764 BRA FILE NO. 4998807 This memo looks at the existing operation of a sanitary sewer lift station located on the south side of Trunk Hwy 55 approximately Vi miles east of its intersection with TH 149. The aspects regarding this lift station reviewed in this memo are existing operation, existing flow, near term future flows, ultimate future flows, and expansion alternatives. Existing Operation This lift station was constructed in 1970 and consists of a concrete wet well and a steel can dry well. The lift station contains two Smith and Loveless, 20 hp, nonclog centrifical pumps. The station's design point was 560 gallons per minute (gpm) at 86 feet of TDH. The station discharges through approximately Vz mile of 8" CIP forcemain running along the south boulevard of Trunk Hwy 55. The station has been in service for 30-years which is approximately twice the design length typically given to.mechanical equipment. This station has been maintained extremely well. The interior paint on the steel can and piping appears to be exceptional. The pumps appear to be in fair condition, although some cavitation noise was noted. A drawdown test was conducted to determine if the pumps are pumping near the design point. The results of that drawdown test are attached. As indicated, the test showed the pumps operated at approximately 620 gpm, but the level of operation during the test was approximately 2— 3 feet higher than normal operation. Looking at the attached pump curve, it appears that if the wet well level was at its normal operation level, the curve would indicate that the pumps would in fact be pumping approximately 560 gpm. From this standpoint, it appears that the pumps are still in rood condition. The controls have been modified to work with the City's SCADA system and the original bubbler system has been abandoned. The new control system utilizes a transducer and set point module in the station. Conversations with staff indicated that this has worked fairly well The SCADA information did reveal however that the pumps/are starting a total of approximately 120 times per l � day. Over a 24-hour period, this means the pumps would have a cycle time of 24 minutes per pump. On an average, this is an acceptable number of starts; however, during the higher flow periods it is very likely that there are periods of times where the number of starts exceed 4 starts per hour which should be considered a maximum. This was the only noted operational problem at this lift station. Existing Flows Attached is the run time information for the Hwy 55 Sanitary Lift Station. As shown, each pump ran approximately 485 hours in 1998. This calculates to a yearly average flow for this lift station of 62 gpm. Using standard peak flow factors, this means that the existing design flow for this lift station would be 250 gpm. This is significantly less than the station's 560 gpm capacity and from a total capacity stand point the station is sufficient. However, as noted in the operational section of this memo, the number of starts that this station sees during peak hours is excessive. Near Term Future Flows Table 1 lists the anticipated developments that will be contributing flow to this lift station. Table 1 Average Flow (Gallons Per Day) Develot)ment fad� 1. Cherry Wood. Knoll 11,000 2. Windsor Estates 17,000 3. Oakview Center a. Restaurants 10,000 b. Hotels 12,000 c. Office 3,600 d. Daycare 4,000 e. Gas Station 4.600* TOTAL 62,200 *Plus Car Wash The total added average flow for the development shown in Table 1 is 62,200 gallons per day. In addition, the gas station will include a car wash which will be able to sustain a peak flow rate of 15 gpm. Combining the average flow from the proposed development with the 1998 average flow yields a future average flow of approximately 106 gpm. The peak flow factor applied to this flow yields a future peak flow of 408 gpm. The car wash peak added to this yields a total design flow of 425 gpm. Based on this development information, it is anticipated that the future peak flow for this lift station would be 425 gpm which is still less than the station's existing firm capacity of 560 gpm. However, it should be noted that the excessive starts experienced during the peak usage hours will be greatly increased. In other words, the percent of time that the station is running with less than 15 minutes cycle tunes will be much greater than the station is currently experiencing. This will likely lead to an accelerated wear on the pumps and motors. X39 Ultimate Flows The ultimate flows for this lift station are areas N-CC, N-DD, and N-EE as shown in the Citv's Comprehensive Sanitary Sewer Plan. We have received updated information from the City of Inver Grove Heights which encompasses part of area N-EE. This new information indicates that the Inver Grove Heights flow will only be 18,000 gpd. Using the numbers of the existing Eagan Comprehensive Plan for areas N-EE, N-CC, and N-DD this means that the ultimate average flow to this lift station will be 0.42 mgd. Applying the peak flow factor to this means that the station's ultimate capacity will need to be 1.47 mgd or 1,020 gpm. Sanitary Sewer System Expansion There are a number of alternatives for expanding the capacity of this lift station. As mentioned previously, the existing wet well is too small to accommodate any increase in flow within the existing structure.. Additionally, the existing 8" forcemain was always intended to be replaced with a 12" forcemain for future flows. As indicated in the last section, the ultimate station capacity is expected to be 1,020 gpm. Although this flow could be put into the existing forcemain, the headloss would be such that a larger forcemain would pay for itself in time. The comprehensive plan shows a 12"forcemain replacing the existing temporary 8" forcemain that would proceed northerly from the existing lift station to- Lone Oak Road, then westerly to the existing Sanitary Sewer MH at the Lone Oak Road/Lone Oak Drive intersection. This proposed alignment would require jacking under State Highway 55, acquiring 20' of easement involving two to four property owners, traversing heavily wooded terrain, and passing through a maximum ground elevation of approximately 900'±along Lone Oak Road. Further investigation reveals a more preferred alignment. The forcemain would parallel State Highway 55 along its.northerly edge from the lift station westerly to approximately 250' east of Random Road, then northerly through an existing 10±easement which is part of the Oak,,iew Center plat being developed by Holiday Companies (see Attachment). This easement extends all the way from State Highway 55 to Lone Oak Road, connecting to Lone Oak Road approximately 100' west of its intersection with Lone Oak Drive. The advantages of this alignment are that the overall alignment is approximately 200' shorter, a 10' wide easement already exists (an additional 10' width, for a 20' wide total, will be required when the forcemain is constructed), the vegetation is quite sparse, and the maximum ground elevation crossed is approximately 880'± (20' less than the other alignm_--at). Several pictures of the two proposed alignments are attached for reference. We recommend paralleling State Highway 55 along its northerly boulevard. The north boulevard of S.H. 55 has fewer obstacles than the south boulevard, which contains the frontage road to the west and associated utilities. Also, this would allow the forcemain project to occur independently of the T.H. 55 Frontage Road project (i.e. at a later date), as the frontage road project is much closer to construction. If the forcemain is desired to be included with the frontage road project, the southerly boulevard alignment could be investigated and the two projects combined. This would most likely result in a delay to the frontage road project, currently combined with the Selmark, Harvey. Burrview Acres Addition Street Improvements project. Since the wet well is too small to handle increase flows, and since a new forcemain should be constructed to handle the ultimate design flow, it is recommended that a new duplex submersible station be constructed and sized to handle the ultimate flow. It is recommended that the City of NO Eagan initiate action to purchase the area just to the east of the existing lift station to use for this future lift station. If the development does not permit the construction of the ultimate station within the next 5 years, it is recommended that a 10' diameter manhole be utilized with smaller temporary pumps that pump through the existing 8" forcemain in the interim. It is felt that the increase load put on the existing station will bring that station to a point where it is no longer reliable. Preliminary Esdmate A rough estimate for the ultimate recommended improvements is outlined below: Item Estimated Cost Duplex Submersible Lift Station' $ 200,000 12" Forcemain (3,000 L.F. ±)2 $ 180.000 Subtotal $ 380,000 +5% Contingencies $ 19.000 $ 399,000 +30% Indirect Costs S 119,700 Total Estimated Costs $ 518,700 'Does not include associated land acquisition costs. 21ncludes jacking under S.H. 55, appurtenant structures, easement, and all restoration. Lift Station Calibration• Project: Lift Station No.: BO�str+oc TH 55 Lift Station O R°�e Date: & 3-10-99 Pro ect No.: 49_98_807 SL Pad Wet Well Diam. 61 ---__ Ft.- (conical below 1 foot below invert) 4' Diam. 94 GaL/ ft 5' Diam• 147 Gal. 8'Diam. 376 Gal. 6' Diann. 211 Gal. 9'Dian, 476 Gal. T Dom• 288 GaL 10'Dom- 587 Gal. Volume of Wet Well for Calibrating: 2 7--- — Gal./Ftx 1- Ft. Depth = 211 Gal Fill and PumPIng Time: Fill Time Pumping Time Pumping Time 3 Puma No 2 Min., -y__Sec. _5_ Min. 15- ?�_ Sec. _.._Min"' 22Sec. ---Sec. 5 Min., 19 Sec. —_'—Min., Sec. -Mui., 22 Sec. Mui., Sec. Min., --_._.._Sec. ______Min., 21 Sec. Total 17 Min., 0 _mac Avge. -4 15 Sec. _"—Mui., 44 Sec. Time (Decimal 4. 25 Min. 2_ 2_Sec. Mme,. 21 . ,_Min. .367 Spec �' C. - . .358 Min. Fill Rate: Vol./Av. Fill Time = 2__1_1 _ gal / 4 . 2 5 ---_._min. = 49-. 65 GPM PUmPing Rate: PuInp No. 1 Vol./Av. Pump time +Fill Rate =_2.LL gal / -- Z Min. + Pump No. 2 - I,_fLL GPM = 6 2 GPM Vol./Av. Pump tune + Fill Rate = 211 gal / .3 5 8 , + 49. 65 GPM = 638 GPM -- Z W - -;i.CL cr. -- _ _ --- YE CL 77. 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SIH) l�' city of aagan Figures \ \\ i � SANITARY SEWER — �` -- _.. --... --.--- ---- • --------- .......----- ---- _—EQ M-AIS — — - --- - - , \\ SANTTX__ SEWER E1� =' ! ! i..;._i..__\ 1�� TR K _ LIFT STION v HI A \'N v I ��- I _i_ Y NO --1—� I Cr LOUIS LANE � PROPOSED ...�.��— I CFiE�?R�• D KNOLL I - ..... -. •r. ` YANKEE DOODLE RD (Co.Rd. 128) ----- - r• A 0 1000 2000 Scale in feet LOCATION PLAN Bonestroo o■ Rosene EAGAN, MINNESOTA FIGURE 1 Anderlik & CITY PROJECT NO. 784 " Associates LOUIS LANE STREET IMPROVEMENTS Engineers & Architects K\49\4999104\CAD\dwo\4999104rOl.dwo 09/29/99 054154 PM CDT T.H. 55 FRONTAGE RONTAGE �OA MPR MD--��, I OVE 'ENT PROJECT NO. 749 ................ . ..... . .. ..... ....................................——------------ ---------------................... ............................. R MOVE......TWO—T! .t4.---*'-55----FRON-T-AGE ROAD ACCESS� POINTS TO T.H. 55 (PROJECt--7-49) UPGRADE E ISTING ACCESS, rRONk TO T.H. 55 �T LOUIS LANE (PROJECT,78 IVA y N ------ -0- 55 ---- ------ :......... `,'\ ;\. \\ � - �.1- ry ---------- CUL—DE—SAC \\ o \ T.H. 55 FRONTAGE RD. ........... . . . .......... .......... CHAPEL 'LA E LAN ------------ --- ---- -- -- ------------ ........ ....... ------- ------------- --- -'T--------- --- ------- ........... ............ —------ ---- LOUIS LANE o (PROJECT 784) \. r— ;`� MAINTAIN EXISTING ACCESS TO T.H. 149 TO T.H. 55 FRONT I & T- 0 500 1000 T.H. 55 FRONTAGE ROAD — PROJECT 749 Scale in feet REMOVE ACCESS TO T.H. 55Bonestroo A" Rosene E::m Anderlik & EAGAN, MINNESOTA FIGURE 2 " Associates CITY PROJECT NO. 784 13/ Engineers & Architects LOUIS LANE STREET IMPROVEMENTS K.\41)\4999104\CAD\ciwc)\4999104rC2ciwo 09/30/99 095813 AM CDT R/W WEST CA EAST 33'—a0' 30' R/W 1 _ 1 8618 CONCRETE CURB do GUTTER ESIGN CA GRADE P 2.oz SLOPE 2.5% SLOPE 2.5% SLOPE 2.0% 1-1/2' TYPE 41 WEAR Y TYPE 31 BASE TYPICAL SECTION ' CLASS 5 AGGREGATE BASE LOUIS LANE NO SCALE �RVHK :'.• T.N. 55 R/W IMPROVEMENTS H/CyW4 i\ \`,, RIGHT TURN LANE NQ_ ss CENTER MEDIAN LEFT TURN \�\ LOUIS LAN IN R 14' 14 PARCEL �± 020-03 1 Ll -o EASEM�NT I Ex. BUILDINGS IN RIGHT OF WAY XI TIN y !PARCEL I I I STREET EASEMENT -- :8010-06 4TIN - l aumRSTREET E SEMENT- 5 4 AE 3 2 1 AOREs PROPOSED Q. CHERRYW000 KNOLL----N • .......... PARCEL_010=05, CHAPEL LANE I I i I 0 100 200 Scale in feet LOUIS LANE (CHAPEL LANE EXTENSION TO T.H. 55) P1 Bonestroo 0 Rosene EAGAN, MINNESOTA FIGURE 3 Anderlik & CITY PROJECT NO. 784 Associates LOUIS LANE STREET IMPROVEMENTS Sc� Engineers Architects K \49\4999104\CAD\dwo\4999104r03 dwo 09/30/99 10 19:55 AM CDT X� ---CONNECT 12" DIP TO EXISTING � SANITARY SEWER MA HOLE ----'__EASEMENT DEDICATION _OAKVIE.W_C.EVTER (10' WIDE) ...----...._.ADDITIONAL'1.0'-- WIDE EASEME-N-T- ----- .....PARCEL ,01-0—D1; ----------- .................... 010-01 OPOSED 12" DIP FORCEMAIN D—DUPLEXi �ENTERW LIFT ST�kSUBMERSIBLE' HCh '11GHWA y 010-02 NO 55 < C) \----------i-s" Of DON EXISTING CONCRETE WELL / STEEL CAN DRY WELL LIFT STATION \7 LAE ---------- --- -------- -------------.................... DON !8 CIP FOOCEMA0N ............... .......... ............ PROPOSED LOUIS LANE 7- 0 500 1000 Scale in feet SANITARY SEWER LIFT STATION FORCEMAiIN Bonestroo j Rosene m::m Anderlik & EAGAN, MINNESOTA FIGURE 4 " Associates CITY PROJECT NO. 784 Engineers & Architects LOUIS LANE STREET IMPROVEMENTS K:\49\4999104\CAD\dwo\4999104r04dwo 09/30/99 102113 AM CDT LOUIS LANE—SCHAAF'S DRIVEWAY PROPOSED STREET IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT 784 Preliminary Proiect Schedule • August 5, `99 Petition Received Requesting Public Improvement of Louis Lane • August 17, `99 City Council Authorizes Feasibility Report • September 21, `99 Present Feasibility Report to City Council/Order Public Hearing • October 19, '99 Public Hearing—Council Orders Plans& Specs or Denies Project • January, `00 Approve Plans& Specifications • March, `00 Award Contract • June, `00 Construction Begins • September, '00 Construction Completed • September 15, '00 Final Cost Report • October 16, '00 Final Assessment Public Hearing • May 15, `01 1"Installment Payment Due With Real Estate Property Taxes Preliminary Costs—Feasibility Report • $169,610 Louis Lane Street Construction/Upgrade • $ 61,600 TH 55 Median Improvements • $503,000 Sanitary Sewer Improvements • $734,210 Proposed Total Project Cost • $116,790 (160/6) Proposed Assessed to Property Owners • $ 50,480 (7%) Proposed Financed by MN DOT • $566,940 (770/,) Proposed Financed by the City of Eagan Proposed Special Assessments • Proposed Assessment: $6,000 per single-family lot equivalent (3.5 lots) $131.75/front foot per General Business parcel (377.92 FF) • Prepayment option with no interest available for 30 days after Assessment Hearing • Any unpaid balance is certified to county to be collected with property taxes over 15 years • Interest rate is calculated on any remaining unpaid balance at the end of each year • Assuming no prepayment, annual cost: (Assumed 6.5% Interest) Single-Family Lot Equivalent • $823 per year 1"year $68.54 per month l'`year • $426 per year 15''year $35.50 per month 15th year General Business per Front Foot • $18.77 per year I"year $1.56 per month I"year • $ 9.35 per year 15 h year $0.78 per month 15'h year J 5�- RECEIVED October 4, 1999 OCT To: Thomas Colbert Engineering Dept., City of Eagan From: Roger and Lois Schaaf Owners of Lot 1&2 Burrview Acres Addition RE: Project 784, Louis Lane— Street Improvements Connection of Chapel Lane & Highway 55 We own lots 1 and 2 of Burrview Acres Addition, which fronts on Chapel Lane and Louis Lane. At this time, we are opposed to the upgrading of Louis Lane. Until such time as the final and permanent exit of the Windsor Estate Property is determined, we strongly oppose any excess to Highway 55 for Windsor Estates Property via Chapel Lane and Louis Lane. Sincerely, OV-21_J Roger& Lois Schaa 515 Chapel Lane Eagan, MN 55121 651-454-1964 cc: City Council City Engineer CITY PROJECT NO. 784 INFORMATIONAL NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING LOUIS LANE STREET IMPROVEMENTS THURSDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1999 6:30 P.M. COMMUNITY ROOM Attendance: John Gorder, Development/ Design Engineer; Mark Hanson and Jim Fruechtl of Bonestroo Engineering; 8 people representing 4 properties (see attached sign-in sheet). A. Welcome and Introduction • Development/ Design Engineer Gorder welcomed the residents, gave some background on why this project is being considered, and described the public improvement process. Gorder reviewed the Highway 55 Access Management Plan recently approved by the City Council. B. Presentation of Feasibility Report • Consultant Hanson went through the feasibility report explaining the project details including scope, cost, proposed assessments, revenue sources and schedule. Hanson also explained how this project relates to the proposed Highway 55 frontage road improvements. C. Questions/Comments 1. Why do we have to pay for sanitary sewer,we already are hooked up. The sanitary sewer lift station and force main improvements are trunk improvements and are not proposed to be assessed. 2. Do you know that the existing gravel driveway is built on all black dirt? The estimated cost of the street construction includes an item and contingencies for removing unsuitable material below the street if it is encountered. 3. If the street is built, the section adjacent to the Schaaf Construction should be thickened to accommodate the heavy equipment traffic. This will be taken into account in the final design for the street. 4. We don't feel that we should be assessed for this street. It provides no benefit to us. It will actually hurt our(Schaafs) operations as we use this gravel driveway for loading and unloading. We shouldn't have to pay assessments for something that doesn't benefit us. 5.' I am not comfortable agreeing to this construction until we know exactly what is happening with the "Windsor Estates" property and how they will get street access. I don't want it through our business property to Louis Lane. 6. Are the current access locations onto Highway 55 from the frontage road definitely being eliminated? They are proposed to be eliminated under Project 7419—TH 55 Frontage Road Improvements scheduled for the 2000 construction season. 7. The Schaafs discussed the agreement between them and the City regarding the construction of Louis Lane, in that it would not be constructed until they requested it. 8. Discussion occurred regarding the existing Schaaf buildings within the street easement given to the City in 1970.Would the Schaafs be allowed to rebuild similar buildings elsewhere on their property given the pending Comprehensive Guide Plan considerations with the property being in a "transitional" area? It would be a reasonable request in that rebuilding would not be an expansion of the business. 9. We (Schaafs) thought that the Cherrywood Knoll developer was responsible for building this street. The condition placed on the developer at time of preliminary subdivision was that"Prior to the applicant receiving final subdivision approval, the City Council must have approved an improvement project for the connection of Chapel Lane to Highway 55". The developer is not responsible for building the street, but rather that the project be approved by the Council prior to receiving final subdivision approval. Cherrywood Knoll is proposed to be assessed $46,000 ($2,000 per proposed lot). 10. Discussion occurred regarding the construction of the new lift station as part of this project. Mr. Huml (3415 Highway 55) stated that he has experienced sewer backups into his house. This proposed project should improve his situation. The meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m. ISS t INFORMATIONAL NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING LOUIS LANE THURSDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1999, 6:30 P.M. NAME ADDRESS 1. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. G:FORMS/SIGN-IN.Sheet IJ0 Agenda Information Memo October 19, 1999 Eagan City Council OLD BUSINESS A. FINAL SUBDIVISION(CHERRYWOOD KNOLL) HERITAGE DEVELOPMENT ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: To approve a Final Subdivision for 23 single-family lots and one outlot on 12.1 acres, subject to the conditions listed in the APC minutes. FACTS: • The preliminary subdivision was approved June 15, 1999. • A condition of preliminary approval was that the City Council must have approved an improvement project for the connection of Chapel Lane to Hwy. 55. The Council did approve the improvement project on October 19, 1999. • All documents are anticipated to be signed and in order for execution at the October 19, 1999 regular City Council meeting. ATTACHMENTS: Final Plat, page 10/13299 14:04 14• N0.525 P002/002 I•I [= jj c�� r Is bf 0. I j j t Rf h ,i . . : r f: tl1 1 Gig [� / ... . �::�; ...... _ I.�t,�.a,� ....._..... . ...... _ c- �\. c l �j1 1 �+I I ¢} •�� I W a ' ,. w.•t� a ��•,`_yleru'c- L liFl� I I • --------------VOE I •� 1 t_-dJLL__J I '• � r►K'-� � , I ' Era �.•' 11 1� r--6•Liaaoy--i � r s .� S 1 �-. i a ' �a OlaO OC'!►� 'sra11 /f'1�►a-ff.,0.005 � 1 1 �.._ ,1•SO' I 1 I art r s r.wsn�..,, t:w•i w�T t, al.• APO Agenda Information Memo October 19, 1999 Eagan City Council Meeting IX. NEW BUSINESS A. FINAL PLAT (PREUSSES 2ND ADDITION,)—GREGORY L PREUSSE ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: To approve a Final Plat(Preusses 2nd Addition)that will plat three unplatted parcels of land and a vacated segment of Old Sibley Memorial Highway into a three lots located south of Old Sibley Memorial Highway between Trunk Highway 13 and Trunk Highway 77 in the SW '/4 of Section 19. FACTS: • The property in question was recently removed from the Highway I 3/Cedar Avenue Moratorium area. • The subject property currently overlays three unplatted parcels of land and a portion of the Old Sibley Memorial Highway right-of-way. • Section 13.02 Subd. 3 of the City Code states that no building permit may be granted for the erection of any building or structure upon lands which are not platted. Platting of the parcels in question is necessary to allow future building permit issuance upon the parcels. • Approval of the Final Plat is contingent upon the vacation of the segment of Old Sibley Memorial Highway right-of-way(Item E under Public Hearings). ATTACHMENTS (2): Existing parcel configurations,page Final Plat drawing,pager I�` r 's k �JJ R 84.31 SIBEEY COURT PART OF 4' 1 017-50 P 4 2 040-52 050-52 V_ 020-52 010- 52 1 2 3 PART OF 1 �� 017-50 i 400. P4 ti 15 14 ,6 G , opo � 7 13 7 8 CIC 189 4 8 -r n\nINM4OES 1 S 1T „�► �� .� �� ��a z E E % E If Z ~fig '� �•''�,�^ {� $��\\ �.'`, \ s' Af CI-4 LL) cn04 AO X LLJ Lij ry n 0 c c ------------- f:6 .jou Inoql!m UCISlAaJ 01 loa'fqnS A8VNIM-138d :3.10N Agenda Information Memo October 19, 1999 Eagan City Council Meeting B. CHANGE ELECTION PRECINCT VOTING LOCATIONS AND PRECINCT BOUNDARIES ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: To approve the following election precinct voting locations and precinct boundary changes: • Change the voting location for precinct number 6 from Cross of Christ Community Church to Living Word Lutheran Church. • Change the voting location for precinct number 7 from the Eagan Municipal Center to the Eagan Fire Administration Building. • Change the voting location for precinct number 20 from Pinewood Elementary School to Red Pine Elementary School. • Split precinct number 17 (voting at St. Thomas Becket)by adding precinct number 21 to vote at Pinewood Elementary School. FACTS: • Representatives of the Cross of Christ Community Church have communicated to City staff that they do not wish to continue using their facility as a precinct voting location. Since they are a church and not a government facility, we are respecting their decision and have made no effort to have them reconsider the action. Staff is recommending that the precinct voting location for precinct 6 be moved to Living Word Lutheran Church on Nichols Road. The new location is actually outside of the precinct,however it meets the statutory requirements. There are no other options beside Cross of Christ located within precinct 6. • During the period when the new Fire Administration Building was under construction,the voting location for precinct 7 was moved to the Municipal Center. Since the Fire Administration building is complete, staff is recommending that the polling place be returned to that location. Although there were not significant problems in the last election, it is quite confusing to have two precincts voting in the same building(precinct 8 votes at the Municipal Center). • When the number of City precincts increased to 20 there were no satisfactory polling places located within new precinct 20. Again, even though it was located outside the precinct, Pinewood Elementary School was designated as the polling place for the new precinct number 20. Red Pine Elementary School has subsequently been constructed within precinct 20 and would be a more appropriate polling location for precinct 20; consequently staff is recommending that change. 1�� • Due to growth in the eastern area of the City,precinct 17 voting at St. Thomas Becket Church has become very large and it is becoming increasingly difficult to provide for the proper voting experience. Staff is recommending that precinct 17 be split down Dodd Road. The new precinct would be number 21 and the polling place would be designated to be Pinewood Elementary. Pinewood is outside the new precinct 21; however it is more convenient than St. Thomas Becket currently is for the affected voters and meets the requirements. • These proposed changes do not reflect a significant review of the City's precincts; that review will be required as a result of the 2000 Census. To minimize the notice requirements pending the more substantial review after the census,the proposed changes have not included any precinct re-numbering. The proposed changes make modifications that will allow the Presidential election in the year 2000 to be conducted in a more efficient and customer friendly fashion. • Assuming; City Council approval, all notices will be coordinated with Dakota County and the Secretary of State's Office and be conducted in compliance with the statutory requirements. ATTACHMENTS: II • Enclosed.on page /% is a copy of a map showing the new precinct 21 and the locations of the polling places for precincts 17, 20, and 21 assuming the proposed changes are made. 'W� 161 S a I - ~� 1r MIA� mil. Y - I 1 .w `r - Fob.