10/13/2015 - Energy and Environment Advisory CommissionENERGY & ENVIRONMENT ADVISORY COMMISSION Tuesday, October 13, 2015, 5:30 – 9:00 p.m. Eagan Municipal Center City Council Workshop - 5:30 p.m. – 6:55 p.m. – Eagan Room I. 2015-2016 Energy and Environment Advisory Commission Goals & Work Plan Agenda - 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. – Council Chambers I. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance 7:00 p.m. II. Adopt Agenda 7:02 p.m. III. Approval of Minutes of the Regular Meeting on August 11, 2015 7:04 p.m. IV. Visitors to be Heard 7:06 p.m. V. Director Updates 7:07 p.m. VI. Old Business 7:10 p.m. A. EEAC Goal Review & Work Group Updates B. Alternative Vehicles Work Group VII. New Business 7:25 p.m. A. Water Utilities Presentation – Russ Matthys & Jon Eaton VIII. Communications 8:00 p.m. IX. Roundtable 8:05 p.m. X. Adjournment 8:10 p.m. The City of Eagan is committed to the policy that all persons have equal access to its programs, services, activities, facilities, and employment without regard to race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, disability, age, marital status, sexual orientation, or status with regard to public assistance. Auxiliary aids for disabled persons wishing to participate are available upon request at least 96 hours in advance of the event. If a notice of less than 96 hours is received, the City will attempt to provide the aids. NEXT REGULAR ENERGY & ENVIRONMENT ADVISORY COMMISSION MEETING TUESDAY, DECEMBER 8, 2015 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS TO: THE ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENT ADVISORY COMMISSION (EEAC) FROM: JULI SEYDELL JOHNSON, DIRECTOR OF PARKS AND RECREATION DATE: OCTOBER 1, 2015 SUBJECT: ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENT ADVISORY COMMISSION MEETING OCTOBER 13, 2015 A meeting of the Energy and Environment Advisory Commission (EEAC) will take place on Tuesday, October 13, 2015 from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers. To ensure that a quorum is present, please contact Juli Seydell Johnson at 651-675-5006 or jsjohnson@cityofeagan.com if you are unable to attend this meeting. I. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE AND ROLL CALL II. ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA The agenda, as presented or modified, is in order for adoption by the Commission. III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES – Pages 3-5 The minutes of the Regular Meeting on August 11, 2015, these minutes, pending any modifications, are in order for adoption by the Commission. IV. VISITORS TO BE HEARD The Eagan City Council and its Commissions set aside up to ten minutes at the beginning of public meetings to permit visitors to address items of interest that are not addressed on the regular agenda. Items that will take more than ten minutes or that require specific action can be scheduled for a future meeting agenda. V. DIRECTOR’S UPDATES No Director updates to be discussed at this time. VI. OLD BUSINESS The Energy and Environment Advisory Commission will review the 2015-2016 Goals & Work Plan as discussed with the City Council at the workshop held prior to this meeting. The Work Groups with give brief updates. The Alternative Vehicles Work Group will discuss their meeting that occurred on September 22, 2015 at 7:30 a.m. VII. NEW BUSINESS The Director of Public Works, Russ Matthys and the Superintendent of Utilities, Jon Eaton will give a presentation to the Commission water utilities and conservation. Energy and Environment Advisory Commission October 13, 2015 Page 1 VIII. COMMUNICATIONS There are no communication items to be discussed at this time. IX. ROUNDTABLE The Roundtable is scheduled as an opportunity for Commissioners to ask questions, make requests for future agenda items, or provide informative updates to the Commission pertaining to energy and environment initiatives. X. ADJOURNMENT /s/Juli Seydell Johnson Director of Parks and Recreation Energy and Environment Advisory Commission October 13, 2015 Page 2 Subject to approval MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENT ADVISORY COMMISSION Monday, August 11, 2015 MINUTES OF MEETING OF AUGUST 11, 2015 A regular meeting of the Eagan Energy and Environment Advisory Commission (EEAC) was held on Monday, August 11, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers. Those present were Member Prabhakar, Member Oxley, Member Mirick, Member Dugan, Member Hamlin, and Member Craft. Member Friedline was not present. Staff present was Parks and Recreation Director Juli Seydell Johnson and Administrative Supervisor, Amy Grannes. Visitors present Avery Hildebrand from Conservation Minnesota and Mike Fosse from Dakota Electric. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Member Prabhakar asked if there were any changes to the agenda. Member Craft stated there was a spelling error on last name of visitor Avery Hildebrand on the agenda and the cover memo. These items will be correct accordingly. Member Mirick moved, Member Craft to seconded, with all present members voting in favor to adopt the agenda as amended. APPROVAL OF MEETING MINUTES Member Hamlin moved, Member Oxley seconded, with all present members voting in favor to approve the workshop minutes of June 9, 2015, as presented. VISITORS TO BE HEARD There were no visitors to be heard at this time. DIRECTORS UPDATE Director Juli Seydell Johnson included a memo in the packet regarding the open meeting law. This memo is to act as a short reference for Commission Members to help in understanding of how the Minnesota Open Meeting Law guides communications on all matters of EEAC business. Director Seydell Johnson asked the Commission if there were any questions relating to this memo. Commission Members had no questions at this time. Energy and Environment Advisory Commission October 13, 2015 Page 3 Energy and Environment Commission August 11, 2015 Page 2 NEW BUSINESS Conservation Minnesota – Avery Hildebrand Avery Hildebrand from Conservation Minnesota gave a brief introduction of their organization. Avery Hildebrand then provided a summary of the recent Dakota Electric Survey that Conservation Minnesota mailed out to residents living in the Dakota Electric Cooperative service area. They asked residents if they supported or opposed past and potential future actions related to energy use and conservation. Avery Hildebrand stated it is important to note that this is not a scientific survey, but can still provide important insight about community opinion and attitudes. Some of the key findings were 3,770 people completed the survey a response rate of 7%. Respondents strongly support existing co- op initiatives that have been leading the state when it comes to utilization of renewable energy sources. Respondents also strongly support their local Co-Op taking additional steps to make sure they remain leader of the state’s renewable energy movement. Member Oxley questioned the validity of the survey. Avery Hildebrand acknowledged his concerns. After further brief discussion with Commission Members the presentation concluded. Dakota Electric – Mike Fosse Mike Fosse from Dakota Electric gave a brief introduction of their organization. Mike Fosse then provided information on the 3 Energy Vehicle (EV) programs that are offered to their members. The first program is the EV Charge Wise Storage Program members receive discount rates for charging vehicles during off peak times. Another program offered is the EV 1 Program which gives members 3 tier time rates options for charging their electric vehicles. Both programs offer a rebate and require investment by the member for installation of metering and control equipment. The last program was called the Revolt Program. This program offers renewable energy credits that will provide energy credits toward the member’s monthly bill. Mike Fosse also gave a brief overview of their residential Solar Rebate Program and the Wellsprings Program for solar and wind energy discounts. After brief discussion with Commissions Member the presentation concluded. OLD BUSINESS Direct Seydell Johnson discussed the 2015-2016 work plan and goals with the Commission Members. A draft of the work plan and goals will be distributed to the Commission Member for their review. Once the draft is reviewed by Commission Member it will be present for City Council at the October 13, 2015 meeting. ROUND TABLE Member Hamlin gave a presentation on the City of Eagan’s vehicle fleet options. Member Hamlin discussed the different types of vehicle options from combustible engines to hybrids to electric vehicles. Member Hamlin reviewed the pros and cons of all of the available options. Commission Members requested to have a meeting with City Staff to review the information contained in this presentation to see if there are any energy efficient options that could work for the City’s fleet vehicles. Member Hamlin also recommended discussing the capabilities of adding charging stations in Energy and Environment Advisory Commission October 13, 2015 Page 4 Energy and Environment Commission August 11, 2015 Page 3 different locations throughout the City with City Staff. A meeting will be scheduled by Director Seydell Johnson. Commission Member Greg Oxley discussed solar energy with the Commission. Member Oxley shared a map that showed the existing solar power intensity through the United States. Member Oxley expressed his concern about solar system installers and their ability to install solar products correctly. Member Oxley has recently experienced issues with his solar system that was installed incorrectly. Member Oxley expressed his views that the City should require some sort of standards and regulations regarding solar power and alternate energy sources. Director Seydell Johnson stated this could be a work plan item for the Commission to review the current City Ordinance relating to solar power and alternative energy which would be covered under the GreenStep Cities goal. The Commission agreed to do more research on this topic and depending on the findings making a recommendation to the City Council at a later date. After further brief discussions the roundtable concluded. ADJOURNMENT After further brief discussion, Member Mirick moved, Member Craft seconded with all members present voting in favor to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 9:06 p.m. _______________________________________________ ____________________________ Secretary Date Energy and Environment Advisory Commission October 13, 2015 Page 5 Energy and Environment Advisory Commission Goals and Work Plan 2015-16 1. GOAL 1: Study and recommend actions exploring the availability of using biodiesel and adding electric vehicles to the City fleet. Research options for the installation of charging stations where applicable for City vehicles and as an option for private residents. Coordinate speakers by City Staff to discuss current practices and discuss opportunities for future efficiencies. 2. GOAL 2: Study information concerning solar use specifically for Eagan’s climate and location in order to provide unbiased information to Eagan residents. 3. GOAL 3: Increase public awareness of the City of Eagan’s efforts and programs through the use of City publications, City website, social media, City events such as Showcase Eagan and the Home & Leisure show, and other communication opportunities that would be available and approved by the City of Eagan. a. Provide available information for residents concerning ecologically sound landscaping that conserves water and supports bees. Provide information and announcements of training/learning opportunities to residents. b. Provide recommended actions for additional water conservation measures to residents. 4. Additional Goals – time permitting: o Continue to investigate ways in which the GreenSteps Cities program can be enhanced and expanded through policy exploration and use GreenSteps methodology to create and communicate outreach and educational opportunities for the community. Evaluate Step 4 criteria of GreenSteps Cities program to determine next steps for achieving Step 4 recognition. o Review public works water utility investments and water conservation ordinances and recommend changes or initiatives to the City of Eagan and its constituents to support GreenSteps best practices. Energy and Environment Advisory Commission October 13, 2015 Page 6