04/14/2015 - Energy and Environment Advisory Commission Approved August 10, 2015 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENT ADVISORY COMMISSION Tuesday, April 14, 2015 MINUTES OF MEETING OF APRIL 14, 2015 A regular meeting of the Eagan Energy and Environment Advisory Commission was held on Tuesday, April 14, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers. Those present were Chair LeClair, Member Dugan, Member Prabhakar, Member Mirick, Member Radmer, and Member Oxley. Member Bintner was not present. Staff present was Parks and Recreation Director Juli Seydell Johnson and Administrative Supervisor, Amy Grannes. Visitors present Avery Hildebrand from Conservation Minnesota. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Chair LeClair asked for a motion to accept the agenda. Member Mirick moved, Member Oxley to seconded, with all present members voting in favor to adopt the agenda as presented. APPROVAL OF MEETING MINUTES There were two item corrected in the minutes, the date on the header of the first section and the spelling of Chair LeClair’s name in various sections in the minutes. Member Oxley moved, Member Radmer seconded, with all present members voting in favor to approve the regular minutes of February 10, 2015, as amended. VISITORS TO BE HEARD There was one visitor to be heard. Avery Hildebrand the South Metro Community Coordinator for the Conservation Minnesota. Avery Hildebrand gave a brief overview of their organization. They are a non-profit organization that has 1,300 volunteer members in the City of Eagan and 55,000 members state wide. Volunteers work on issues such as evasive species, renewable energy, transit concerns and parks and trails. Members requested for Avery Hildebrand to be a guest speaker at a future EEAC meeting. Director Seydell Johnson will coordinate a time for Avery Hildebrand to give a formal presentation to the Commission. DIRECTORS UPDATE Director Juli Seydell Johnson stated that tonight is the night the City Council is interviewing for new Commission Members. There are two Members leaving the EEAC, Jeff LeClair and Ross Bintner. Two new Commission Members will be introduced at the June workshop. Energy and Environment Commission April 14, 2015 Page 2 OLD BUSINESS GreenStep Cities Update Chair LeClair gave a presentation on the evaluation of the City of Eagan’s GreenStep Cities program. Chair LeClair discussed the current activity along with suggestions on how to meet future program goals. Director Seydell Johnson gave an update on the new GreenStep Cities Step 4, which should be available in June. The Commission will work on their specific GreenStep goals for 2015-2016 at the th workshop scheduled for June 9. NEW BUSINESS There were no new business items to be discussed at this time. ROUND TABLE Member Dugan gave an update to let other Commission Member know that Members Dugan, Prabhakar and Radmer are currently working a coordinating a meeting with City Staff on waste haulers policies. They are doing research on roundabouts and comparing our process to what other Cities have done. Member Dugan also stated he attended a seminar regarding water conservation. Chair LeClair th stated the next EEAC meeting will be a workshop on June 9 at 7:00 p.m. in the second floor conference room. The workshop will cover the 2015-2016 goals for the Commission. After further brief discussions the roundtable concluded. ADJOURNMENT After further brief discussion, Member Oxley moved, Member Prabhakar seconded with all members present voting in favor to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 7:37 p.m. _______________________________________________ ____________________________ Secretary Date