10/13/2015 - Energy and Environment Advisory Commission Approved December 8, 2015 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENT ADVISORY COMMISSION Monday, October 13, 2015 MINUTES OF MEETING OF OCTOBER 13, 2015 A regular meeting of the Eagan Energy and Environment Advisory Commission (EEAC) was held on Monday, October 13, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers. Those present were Member Prabhakar, Member Oxley, Member Mirick, Member Dugan, Member Hamlin, Member Craft and Member Friedline. Staff members present were Parks and Recreation Director Juli Seydell Johnson, Assistant Parks and Recreation Director Jared Flewellen, Director of Public Works Russ Matthys, Superintendent of Utilities Jon Eaton and Administrative Supervisor, Amy Grannes. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Member Prabhakar asked if there were any changes to the agenda. Assistant Director Flewellen stated there were no changes. Member Oxley moved, Member Mirick to seconded, with all present members voting in favor to adopt the agenda as presented. APPROVAL OF MEETING MINUTES Member Prabhakar had one correction under approval of the agenda to change the word “correct” to “corrected”. Member Oxley moved, Member Friedline seconded, with all present members voting in favor to approve the regular minutes of August 10, 2015, as amended. VISITORS TO BE HEARD There were no visitors to be discussed at this time. DIRECTORS UPDATE There were no Director updates to be discussed at this time. OLD BUSINESS Member Prabhakar gave a brief overview of the approved goals and work plan to the Commission Members. After brief discussion with the Commission the work group assignments are as follows: Energy and Environment Commission October 13, 2015 Page 2 1.GOAL 1: Study and recommend actions exploring the availability of using biodiesel and adding electric vehicles to the City fleet. Research options for the installation of charging stations where applicable for City vehicles and as an option for private residents. Coordinate speakers by City Staff to discuss current practices and discuss opportunities for future efficiencies. Work Group: Dustin Mirick (chair), Kevin Hamlin and Thomas Craft 2.GOAL 2: Study information concerning solar use specifically for Eagan’s climate and location in order to provide unbiased information to Eagan residents. Work Group: Greg Oxley (chair), Susan Friedline and Aditya Prabhakar 3.GOAL 3: Increase public awareness of the City of Eagan’s efforts and programs through the use of City publications, City website, social media, City events such as Showcase Eagan and the Home & Leisure show, and other communication opportunities that would be available and approved by the City of Eagan. Work Group: Susan Friedline (chair) and Peter Dugan Provide available information for residents concerning ecologically sound o landscaping that conserves water and supports bees. Provide information and announcements of training/learning opportunities to residents. Provide recommended actions for additional water conservation measures to o residents. 4.Additional Goals – time permitting: Continue to investigate ways in which the GreenSteps Cities program can be o enhanced and expanded through policy exploration and use GreenSteps methodology to create and communicate outreach and educational opportunities for the community. Evaluate Step 4 criteria of GreenSteps Cities program to determine next steps for achieving Step 4 recognition. Work Group: Kevin Hamlin and Aditya Prabhakar Review public works water utility investments and water conservation ordinances o and recommend changes or initiatives to the City of Eagan and its constituents to support GreenSteps best practices. Work Group: Thomas Craft and Aditya Prabhakar The next item on the agenda was follow-up information from the alternate vehicle work group. Member Mirick gave a brief overview of the meeting they had with City Staff. Member Mirick stated staff provided very detailed information. City Staff has been researching alternate vehicles and at this time conservation verses cost benefit is just not there yet. They are researching possible charging stations for electric vehicles. More research will be done by the alternate vehicle work group as directed on the approved goals and work plan. NEW BUSINESS Water Utilities – Jon Eaton Superintendent of Utilities Jon Eaton gave an overview presentation on Eagan’s water utilities. Superintendent Eaton first discussed potable water production and distribution. He reviewed the well locations, well head protection areas and aquifer locations and levels. Superintendent Eaton discussed Energy and Environment Commission October 13, 2015 Page 3 our annual water production, demand and use statistics. He reviewed the sanitary collection and treatment along with storm water conveyance. The presentation concluded with a discussion on conservation topics and ideas. Member Prabhakar requested a one page summary from the Utility Department that contained information on conservation ideas for residential, business and industrial areas. After further comments and discussions the presentation concluded. ROUND TABLE Member Friedline had some questions on Roberts Rules. After a brief discussion with Commission Members the roundtable concluded. ADJOURNMENT After further brief discussion, Member Mirick moved, Member Oxley seconded with all members present voting in favor to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 8:40 p.m. _______________________________________________ ____________________________ Secretary Date