1435 Blackhawk Lake Dr - Zoning Permits & Plans Feb-24-2016 06;43 AM 3M Company 651-458-2237 1/2 Far Ctlllee Ilan 1 fit of Eatan Y It 3830 Pltot Knob Reed Eapen MN 85123 Phone: j pass R.o.n,.d: f r«R:(851)875-M5 FBI;(061)67"M E 2016 ZONING PERMIT APPLICATION Please identify improvements on a scaled site plan drawing tltd shows lot lingill,structures and existing conditions. Property sne Addrw- V-2 GV1 S Z Information Omer Name: Name: �(Y1�1 nr \L ,PVI ICle-erer phom. 507 2-I -v3 U 1 Z G Contact Address; citylstakmo: APpgoent Sipneturs: Dab: ,2 Email addrvee: (tj*� 0 RetoWw Wag e4 feet O Driveway G Patio ��Delon O Other; Type of Work p 6idsmak once DeecrOW of work t _+al I lain i b0w,- ?,1r Planning 996acka,hard surface coverage,shcreland mnin zo t�ca,etc. App�rov Denied pehh, Ito stall: 6) JA Properly Ines to be v8ded Rsvhad Ph= by contractor/owner. APPm'ved: Yes/Na Date: ste Engineering Grading,drainage,utility eamrrants,wetlands,etoMan contest.Improvemwft In lire Fight Way.etc. Approved/Denied cote: gam; Nobs: Rerlsed Plane AAProved: Yes/No pelt: gw Commentis C"sWoRe You Dili. 084 Q0P1W slats oak Gas at(941)4544M far pro"ott 4Ikot utldsrgevrnd doftw#& C*k 48 hmm before you Intend to dig to receive toeatee of undersround udWee. 7 Feb-24-2016 06:43 AM 3M Company 651-458-2237 2/2 Property tines to be verified by contractodown8r. d-�i5�1n� �,yain lint fe�ce l� a 120 ru-�-