1309 Wilderness Run Dr - Tie In Card E ' 3795 Pilot Knob Ro ' St. Paul, Minnesota 42 55111 Telephone 454 -52 p FOE WATER SERVICE CONNECTION Maroh 27, 1 7 2 N ero 79K Date - -. . Billing Name: W ei Co nat3uo#dan po. Site Andreae: 1309 Wi]siarnesa R Drive Owner "sane Billing Addieea plumber: W plumb &Heating Ino. f 3/T Meter Size �,�.�_ Conne ction Ch • •�` 3/72 L of Connection 10 0 pd " " '' 2 ". deter No. Permit Fee '" r a/o Me ter Reading _ Meter Dep• Mete Seale Yea__ Add Chg. ■ b I To tal Chg. - inspected by Date 7 :2 �' �� Buildiag a: Remarks: $ P,E Iil� ,,E.,-1101'' D E Rgeidc�gFe� 25 4 M uttiple_:�_,- 'No. //Rita 1iv1PR� ch ief Iee < ComoerC is 1 x,;odu , � ° Chief Inspe Others. 3n consideration of the `ieeue a delivery to me o£ the above p ermit, 1 N a gr e e to do th3 p roposed work in accordance with o• the rules and regulatioaa , Beg TownshiP, Dakota County, M1nne By; Wenz® lYlumbinK ti & Fieatir Inc. T ` y P l ea i e notify t!,11: a of €ice when ready, for inspection a nd co r' P