3082 Sibley Memorial Hwy - Tie In Card . - EACAI TOWNSHIP 7795 Pilot Knob Road St. Paul, Minnesota 55111 Telephone 454 -5242 . PERMIT POI WATER SERVICE CONNECTION Date :_AUCwt 19, 1971 i moaner, 6U9 811110{ Name: Auauetn. Cehrka sit. eddrau; 1062 stele, flatlet , riet I tsgee Ouwri suw 55121 billing eddna• Plumber Ceae -kan n, bi A u Co. 'cation of CoaO.edoa Meter Rise 5 6 1 l� keeo Guc COOO�cioO ChR. -• , �r u o /19/71 L.��d . Megr Ho, 11= 0tl1,d1y Permit Poe 10.00 pJ 6/19/71 deter Read! 0000 p 6/19/71 ./c M eter Dep. 15,00 ,J 019/71 J• 3 Neter Reeled: Tae_ Add Chg. tp _ Tee•1 cng. Pp / 1n.plcced by Da. GC 1f . 7L I � : Ru11d1ag le a: Rrasrk.t I Waldeoce ot . Multiple yo. Unite S25.CD ftr.I ECTION FEE FOR Corerclet IIdPROPEHLY INSTALLED METERS Iodeatriai e j y I Other C hief Ieapector her In eoeatderattoa of the /as. sod delivery to no of the above permit, I e hby ge of On proposed work la accordance with the rules and i.., ere Bova Township. Dakota County, Mimaeuta. Iyi Oeos -kyen Plwsblag A 04tting Co. I 6useewuut, N1twe,or, 55066 I 1 Plea., outify the above office eh. ready for inspection and connection. • • J, • •