06/14/2016 - City Council SpecialMINUTES
JUNE 14, 2016
5:30 P.M.
City Councilmembers present: Mayor Maguire, Bakken, Hansen and Tilley. Councilmember Fields
arrived at 5:46 p.m.
City staff present: City Administrator Osberg, Assistant City Administrator Miller, Public Works Director
Matthys, Director of Parks and Recreation Pimental, Director of Community Development Hutmacher,
City Planner Ridley, Director of Communications Garrison and, Finance Director Pepper.
Councilmember Hansen moved, Councilmember Bakken seconded a motion to adopt the agenda as
presented. Aye:4 Nay:0
There were no visitors to be heard.
Community Development Director Hutmacher introduced the item noting the Advisory Planning
Commission and staff are looking for Council discussion and direction regarding the role Eagan
Forward outcomes may play in the 2018 Comprehensive Plan Update. Hutmacher noted the
Minnesota State Statutes requires that metropolitan communities update their comprehensive plans
every ten years. The 2018 update, also known as the 2040 Comprehensive Plan, must be submitted for
Metropolitan Council review by December 31, 2018. She further explained that staff intends to work
with a consultant this year and next to complete the updated document by the end of 2017 to allow
ample time for external review during the first half of 2018.
Hutmacher noted the Comprehensive Plan is a tool for the City to communicate its high-level
aspirational goals and some of those may come out of the Eagan Forward effort. She noted themes
emerging from Eagan Forward that could be integrated into the 2040 Comprehensive Plan include:
redevelopment, housing, innovation and creativity, and transportation.
The City Council, Advisory Planning Commission and staff discussed the key themes and related Eagan
Forward strategies. The City Council provided direction on goals and outcomes of Eagan Forward to
be included in the 2018 Update.
Specifically, Community Development Director Hutmacher clarified with the Council the following
policy questions:
1. To capture the momentum of Eagan Forward to increase public engagement in the
comprehensive planning process? The Council agreed.
2. To use the 2040 Comprehensive Plan as an implementation tool for some of the larger themes
addressed in Eagan Forward? The Council agreed.
Special City Council Minutes
June 14, 2016
Page 2
Hutmacher summarized the Council's general support of certain high-level Eagan Forward themes
being included in the comprehensive plan update process and acknowledged that other Eagan
Forward outcomes or strategies may or may not be appropriate for the comprehensive plan and would
need further Council discussion. She also stated staff intends to schedule check -ins with the City
Council at various times during the comprehensive plan update process.
The City Council thanked the Advisory Planning Commission for participating in the discussion and for
all of their work fleshing out issues and concerns each month at their regular meetings.
The Council took a 10 minute break.
Assistant City Administrator Miller introduced the item noting Eagan Forward launched in January of this
year, and since then, eight community study action teams have been hard at work responding to the
strategies set forth in the plan. Approximately 100 residents and community stakeholders have
participated in the study action teams over the past four months. Each team has been asked to identify
WIGs, or Wildly Important Goals.
The following Teams Leaders gave their presentations to the Council:
• Team Leader Marianne Fletcher representing Team #1— Keeping Seniors Engaged.
• Team Leader Stephanie Cook representing Team #2 — Invest in Amenities that Appeal to
Millennials and Baby Boomers.
• Team Leader Anita Pagey representing Team #3 — Becoming a Welcoming Community.
• Team Leaders Tracy Walker and Sujit Maharana representing Team #4 — Invest in Additional
Amenities for Families and School -Aged Children.
• Team Leader Jerri Neddermeyer representing Team #5 — Invest in an Eagan Makerspace.
• Team Leader Sheila Bayle representing Team #6 — Develop an Economic Strategy to Strengthen
Eagan Arts and Cultural Sector.
• Team Leaders Juliet Parisi and Wanda Borman representing Team #7 — Invest in a Community
Art Center.
• Team Leader Jodi Roth representing Team #8 —Attract New Restaurants and Retail.
Each Councilmember provided feedback about the initiatives that especially resonated with them,
noting additional guidance or expectations would be to work together to find areas of similarity, use
that to find the market from within the community that will drive and sustain the use. Councilmembers
were comfortable with some teams concluding their work now, others continuing their efforts through
the end of the year, and other teams joining forces to consolidate talent and interests to advance
particular goals.
City Administrator Osberg noted in late April, staff began the 2017 budget process. Department
Directors are currently preparing the 2017 budget proposals. The General Fund, Public Utilities and
Recreation facilities proposals were submitted on June 1. Osberg noted the recommended budget is
scheduled to be presented to the City Council for detailed review at the August 8, 2016 Special City
Council meeting.
Special City Council Minutes
June 14, 2016
Page 3
Finance Director Pepper was available for questions.
There was no other business to be heard.
Councilmember Tilley moved, Councilmember Hansen seconded a motion to adjourn at 9:40 p.m.
Aye:S Nay:O
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