2811 Beverly Dr - MPCA Annual Monitoring Report 2007-02-21 February 20, 2007 Ms. Kathryn Serier Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Project Leader 520 Lafayette Road North St. Paul MN 55115-4194 Re: Annual Monitoring Report Heritage Amoco Service Station No. 2950 McKee / Convoy Site Eagan, Minnesota 55121 Dakota County MPCA Leak #4992 Delta Project No. G01ZF Dear Ms. Serier: Enclosed is the Annual Monitoring Report which presents a discussion and results of groundwater monitoring, light non-aqueous phase liquid (LNAPL) recovery (Enhanced Fluid Recovery), monitoring well installation and sealing and potable residential and commercial well sealing status for the reporting period April 2006 through January 2007 at the site. The recommendations for the project are to continue groundwater monitoring of site wells on a semi annual and annual basis, continue LNAPL recovery on a monthly basis utilizing EFR technology, discontinuing the potential well sealing program within the McKee subdivision and preparing for potential site redevelopment including the preservation of all site wells during possible site redevelopment. We will contact you as we hear about potential redevelopment issues. If you have any questions or comments please call me at 651.697.5210. Sincerely, DELTA ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS, INC. Matthew R. Hobson, P.G. Project Geologist Enclosures – 2006 Annual Monitoring Report cc: Mr. Nick Onufrak – Atlantic Richfield Company Petroleum Remediation Program Minnesota Pollution Control Agency http://wvvvv.pca.state.mn.us/programs/lust_p.html Annual Monitoring Report Guidance Document 4-08 After the Corrective Action Design (CAD) has been approved, update and submit this worksheet annually. If a remedial system has been installed, submit Guidance Document 4-14 CAD System Monitoring Worksheet along with this worksheet. Under certain circumstances Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) staff may request submittal of the monitoring information on a quarterly schedule. This should be conducted according to Guidance Document 4-07 Quarterly Monitoring Report. MPCA Site ID: Leak000 4992 Date: February 21, 2007 Responsible Party: Atlantic Richfield Company (a BP affiliated company) Attn: Nick Onufrak R.P. phone #: 410.825.8213 R.P. Mailing Address: 1 West Pennsylvania Avenue, Suite 440 City: Towson, MD Zip Code: 21204 Consultant: Delta Consultants Consultant phone #: 651-639-9449 Facility Name: Heritage Amoco Service Station No. 2950 (McKee/Convoy) Facility Address: 2811 Highway 55 City: Eagan County: Dakota Zip Code: 55121 Site Location Information: Complete Guidance Document 1-03a Spatial Data Reporting Form and include in Appendix A. If the form has already been submitted and no additional site features need to be reported, the form does not need to be re -submitted. Submitted in May 5, 2006 AMR Guidance Document c-prp4-08: April 2005 Petroleum Remediation Program Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Annual Monitoring Report Heritage Amoco SS# 2950 McKee/Convoy Site February 2007 Page 2 Section 1. GROUND WATER MONITORING Discuss the groundwater monitoring results, including water level measurements and analytical results, performed since the Investigation Report or the last progress report submitted. Include all cumulative data in the tables. Indicate whether samples were purged or unpurged (see Guidance Document 4-05). If purged, indicate purging method. This report covers the time period from April 2006 through January 2007. Since the most recent report submitted by Delta Consultants in May 2006, monitoring wells at the site have been sampled two times. The dates for the sampling events were: April 12 and 13 and October 23 and 24, 2006. In addition to these activities, three new groundwater monitoring wells (MW -32, MW -33 and MW -34) were installed November 13, 14 and 15, 2006 and seven groundwater monitoring wells (DMW-17, DMW-18, DMW-20, DMW-21, DMW-22, DMW-23 and DMW-24) were sealed on November 1, 2006. Following installation of the three new monitoring wells, groundwater samples were collected from these wells on December 1, 2006. Also, Light Non Aqueous Phase Liquid (LNAPL) recovery activities took place monthly over the reporting period. Maps illustrating the site location (plan and aerial) and the current site plan are attached as Figures 1 through 3, respectively. Also, locations where potable well sealing has taken place are illustrated on Figure 4. Stratigraphy The monitoring wells at the site are completed in four distinct hydrostratigraphic units, all of which exist within the unconsolidated, Quaternary age deposits which overlie the Prairie du Chien formation bedrock. Moving downward in stratigraphic sequence from grade, the uppermost water bearing unit is a glacial till consisting of silty and clayey coarse to very fine grained sands of variable density. Monitoring wells completed within this zone are MW -1, MW -2, MW -3, MW -4, MW -8, MW -10, MW - 25, MW -26, MW -27, MW -28, MW -29, MW -30, MW -31 and new monitoring wells MW - 32, MW -33 and MW -34. In addition to these monitoring wells, there are observation wells placed in this unit including OP -1, OP -2, OP -3, and EW -1. The wells within this till unit have consistently had the highest concentrations of dissolved phase petroleum hydrocarbons and many have had measurable amounts of LNAPL. The next water -bearing unit in stratigraphic sequence which monitoring wells have been completed consists primarily of intermediate grained sand and has been labeled the shallow sand unit. Wells completed within this unit are: DMW-8, DMW- 10, DMW-11, DMW-14, DMW-23 (sealed), DMW-24 (sealed), DMW-26 and DMW-30. The majority of these wells were placed beyond the source area and act as sentry wells to detect potential migration of the dissolved phase petroleum hydrocarbons out of the overlying till unit and into this uppermost saturated sand unit. The next water -bearing unit in stratigraphic sequence is another sand unit underlying discontinuous till Tens, effectively dividing this sand unit from the Guidance Document c-prp4-08: April 2005 Petroleum Remediation Program Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Annual Monitoring Report Heritage Amoco SS# 2950 McKee/Convoy Site February 2007 Page 3 overlying shallow sand unit. This unit has been labeled the middle sand unit. Wells completed within this unit are: DMW-12, DMW-15, DMW-16, DMW-18 (sealed), DMW- 20 (sealed), and DMW-22 (sealed). The deepest unit in which monitoring wells are completed at this site is a sand unit beneath another glacial till unit. This sand is in contact with the bedrock. This unit has been labeled the deep sand unit and includes monitoring wells DMW-13, DMW- 17 (sealed) and DMW-21 (sealed). The remaining monitoring well, DMW-13, serves as a sentry well in the event of vertical migration of the dissolved phase petroleum hydrocarbons to a depth immediately above the surficial bedrock units underlying the site. Groundwater Flow Water table elevation data was collected at each monitoring well prior to each sampling event (See Table 1). Data from wells completed in each of the above- described hydrostratigraphic units was used to construct a groundwater contour map for that unit. Groundwater contour maps were not constructed for wells within the deep sand unit due to limited data points and the linear orientation of the well locations. These maps are used as aides for determining the direction of groundwater flow within the individual units at the site. Upper Till Unit Generally, the groundwater flow direction during the reporting period was toward the southwest within the upper till unit. However, following installation of new shallow groundwater monitoring wells in 2005, screened in the upper till unit, a possible convergent groundwater flow boundary was discovered at the site. The flow direction still remains consistent with historical trends. Figures 5 and 6 illustrate ground water flow of the surficial aquifer within the upper till unit for each of the monitoring events conducted. Shallow Sand Unit Groundwater flow direction during the reporting period was toward the south/southwest and northeast in the shallow sand unit aquifer. An apparent groundwater divide exists bisecting the site from northwest to southeast, from wells DMW-26 to DMW-30. Figures 7 and 8 illustrate ground water flow within the shallow sand for each of the monitoring events conducted. Based on the Dakota County geologic atlas, a groundwater trough exists from the Minnesota River, southeast, generally along a line following the State Highway 55 corridor, past the site. Based on the existence of this trough, upper till and shallow sand unit groundwater flow along the north side of the site is expected to be to the northeast. Guidance Document c-prp4-08: April 2005 Petroleum Remediation Program Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Annual Monitoring Report Heritage Amoco SS# 2950 McKee/Convoy Site February 2007 Page 4 Middle Sand Unit Groundwater flow during the reporting period was toward the southwest in the middle sand unit aquifer. Figures 7 and 10 illustrate ground water flow within the middle sand unit for each of the monitoring events conducted. Based on the Dakota County geologic atlas, the contact between the Quaternary deposits and the initial bedrock unit slopes from northeast to southwest. Current and historic groundwater elevations and calculated flow directions from the middle and deep sand unit indicate correlation with the slope of the bedrock contact mentioned above. Also, the Minnesota River valley located less than two miles to the southwest is the major regional and local influence on the shallow bedrock aquifer near the site. Hydrographs of this data illustrating the water table elevation trends for wells within the upper till unit, shallow, middle, and deep sand units are attached as Figures 11 through 14, respectively. Field notes for the sampling and gauging events are attached in Appendix A. Methods and procedures pertaining to all field events and tasks are attached in Appendix B. Vertical Ground Water Flow The vertical groundwater gradient within the buried sand units at the site was determined from well nests DMW-13/DMW-14, DMW-15/DMW-13, DMW-17/DMW-18, DMW-11/DMW-16, DMW-22/DMW-21 and DMW-21/DMW-24. Vertical gradient was determined by taking the difference in potentiometric surface elevations between the shallow and deep well at each respective well nest divided by the difference between the screen midpoint at each respective deep well and the midpoint potentiometric surface and bottom screen elevations at each respective shallow well. A positive ratio indicates an upward vertical gradient and a negative ratio is result of a downward vertical gradient of groundwater. Data collected at the site since 1992 indicates that a downward vertical gradient is evident near surface and that a neutral or upward vertical gradient is evident at depth. During the reporting period, the downward vertical gradient between the near surface buried sand unit wells and deep wells was on the order of -0.014 ft/ft to - 0.031 ft/ft. However, the vertical gradient between the mid -depth and deep wells was on the order of -0.001 ft/ft to 0.024 ft/ft. Finally, the vertical gradient between the shallow and mid -depth wells was on the order of 0.021 ft/ft to 0.024 ft/ft. Between shallow sand unit well DMW-11 and middle sand unit well DMW-16 and downward vertical gradient on the order of -0.026 ft/ft is indicated. Table 2 summarizes vertical gradient results from the six well nests noted above over the course of the project. Figures 15 through 22 illustrate each water level, the linear water levels and the correlating vertical gradient and linear vertical gradient trends for each well grouping. The vertical gradient data indicates that near surface a downward vertical gradient exists from the upper till unit into the shallow sand unit. However, at depth, an upward vertical gradient exists in the middle and deep sand unit. This is significant as an upward vertical gradient at depth will restrict the downward movement of dissolved phase petroleum hydrocarbons originating from the LNAPL Guidance Document c-prp4-08: April 2005 Petroleum Remediation Program Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Annual Monitoring Report Heritage Amoco SS# 2950 McKee/Convoy Site February 2007 Page 5 at the site. Also, the upward vertical gradient will create a boundary and restrict the migration of dissolved phase petroleum compounds into the bedrock aquifer below and down gradient of the site. Since the commercial potable wells near the site are presumed to be screened in the bedrock aquifer, a barrier restricting the migration of dissolved phase petroleum hydrocarbons is a significant reduction in risk. Groundwater Sample Laboratory Analytical Results Collected groundwater samples were submitted to Pace Analytical Services, Inc. of Minneapolis, Minnesota, a Minnesota Department of Health Certified laboratory (MN Certification #027-053-137) for laboratory analysis. Laboratory analytical parameters included benzene, ethyl benzene, toluene, xylenes and methyl-tert-butyl-ether (BTEX+MTBE), and gasoline range organic (GRO). Also, following new monitoring well installation, groundwater samples collected from these wells were analyzed volatile organic compounds (VOC's). All samples obtained during the reporting period were collected after appropriate purging of the monitoring wells using either a submersible pump or a dedicated, disposable bailer. Copies of field notes from the groundwater sampling events are included in Appendix A. Sampling methods and procedures are attached in Appendix B. Groundwater sample laboratory analytical reports for this reporting period are included in Appendix C. Laboratory analytical data for all monitoring wells is summarized in Table 3. Graphs illustrating the benzene concentrations and groundwater elevations against time at MW -1, MW -3, DMW-11, DMW-15, DMW-16 and DMW-26 are included as Figures 23 through 28, respectively. These graphs were developed to help illustrate the influence groundwater elevation has on dissolved phase petroleum hydrocarbon concentrations. The graphical representations generally indicate that increasing groundwater elevations in wells DMW-15 and DMW-16 result in decreased dissolved phase petroleum hydrocarbon concentrations. Conversely, concentrations increased with a decrease in water table elevations at wells DMW-11 and DMW-26, and at MW -1 and MW -3 with the eventual presence of LNAPL in 2003. Figure 29 illustrates the locations of two cross sections across the site. Figures 30 through 33 depict the cross section A -A' (between wells DMW-8 and DMW-17) and B- B' (between wells DMW-26 and DMW-30) and also illustrate stratigraphy, potentiometric elevations and the vertical distributions of dissolved phase petroleum hydrocarbon compounds at wells on the cross sections during each sampling event. April 2006 Groundwater Sampling Analytical Results Ground water samples were collected and submitted for laboratory analysis from 24 of the 30 monitoring wells present at that time. LNAPL was present in MW -1, MW -2, MW -3, MW -8, MW -25 and MW -28 therefore no samples were collected. Petroleum hydrocarbons were detected in DMW-11, DMW-14, DMW-16, DMW-20 and DMW-26. Health Risk Limits (HRL's) were exceeded for benzene in DMW-11 (267 ug/L, DMW- Guidance Document c-prp4-08: April 2005 Petroleum Remediation Program Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Annual Monitoring Report Heritage Amoco SS# 2950 McKee/Convoy Site February 2007 Page 6 16 (73.2 ug/L) and DMW-26 (583 ug/L). Concentrations of ethyl benzene (132 ug/L), xylene (8.8 ug/L),MTBE (7.5 ug/L) and GRO (1250 ug/L) were detected in the sample collected from DMW-11. At DMW-14, concentrations of benzene (8.9 ug/L), ethyl benzene (4.2 ug/L) and xylene (3.5 ug/L) was detected in the sample collected. At DMW-16, GRO was identified at 117 ug/L. At DMW-20, benzene was identified at 1.6 ug/L. At DMW-26, concentrations of ethyl benzene (51 ug/L), xylene (33.2 ug/L) and GRO (1130 ug/L) were detected in the sample collected. October 2006 Groundwater Sampling Analytical Results Ground water samples were collected and submitted for laboratory analysis from 16 of the 30 monitoring wells present at that time. LNAPL was present in MW -1, MW -2, MW -3, MW -8, MW -25 and MW -28 thus no samples were collected. Also, as this was a semi-annual sampling event, wells that are sampled annually (DMW-8, DMW-13, DMW-17, DMW-18, DMW-20, DMW-21, DMW-23 and DMW-24) were not sampled. Petroleum hydrocarbons were detected in DMW-11, DMW-15, DMW-16 and DMW-26. HRL's were exceeded for benzene in DMW-11 (897 ug/L), DMW-16 (645 ug/L) and DMW-26 (2440 ug/L). Concentrations of toluene (6.9 ug/L), ethyl benzene (41.1 ug/L), xylene (11.4 ug/L), MTBE (15.2 ug/l) and GRO (2210 ug/L) were identified at DMW-11. DMW-15 contained concentrations of benzene (4.1 ug/L), ethyl benzene (10.8 ug/L) and xylene (7.5 ug/L). DMW-16 contained benzene at a concentration of 64.5 ug/L. DMW-26 contained concentrations of toluene (20 ug/L), ethyl benzene (167 ug/L), xylene (113 ug/L) and GRO (4140 ug/L). December 2006 Groundwater Sampling Analytical Results from New Monitoring Wells Ground water samples were collected and submitted for laboratory analysis from the three new monitoring wells (MW -32, MW -33 and MW -34) installed at the site in mid November. No petroleum compounds were identified from the sample collected from MW -32. At MW -33, concentrations of toluene (2.4 ug/L), ethyl benzene (3.3 ug/L) and xylene (11 ug/L) was identified. Naphthalene was also identified slightly above laboratory detection limits at MW -33 (1.2 ug/L). At MW -34 concentrations of benzene (48.3 ug/L), toluene (281 ug/L), ethyl benzene (40.6 ug/L), xylene (266 ug/L) and GRO (3730 ug/L) was identified. Also, MEK (43.9 ug/L), cumene (1.3 ug/L), naphthalene (1.3 ug/L), n-Propylbenzene (1.9 ug/L), 1,2,4 -Trimethylbenzene (6.7 ug/L) and 1,2,5 - Trimethylbenzene (2.2 ug/L) was identified at MW -34. Natural Attenuation Sampling Data In -field tests were conducted at each sampling point to determine dissolved oxygen (DO), reduction/oxidation (redox) potential, temperature, conductivity and pH. The results of these field analyses were also tabulated and are summarized in Table 4. Wells with elevated concentrations of dissolved phase petroleum hydrocarbons or LNAPL did not have natural attenuation data collected. Also, the multimeter used Guidance Document c-prp4-08: April 2005 Petroleum Remediation Program Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Annual Monitoring Report Heritage Amoco SS# 2950 McKee/Convoy Site February 2007 Page 7 during the April 2006 malfunctioned during the sampling event, therefore only a few readings were recorded. The data show that the subsurface environment at the site is predominately one of reducing conditions with low DO concentrations and low redox values. DO concentrations remain higher in the upper till and shallow sand units beyond the edge of the area of dissolved phase petroleum hydrocarbons as is indicated at MW - 4, MW -10, MW -29, MW -30, MW -31, MW -32 and DMW-10. Consumption of the DO appears to be most prevalent in monitoring wells within and at the periphery of the area of dissolved phase petroleum hydrocarbons in the upper till and shallow sand units as demonstrated by DMW-11, DMW-12, DMW-14, DMW-15, DMW-16, MW -26, MW -27, MW -33, MW -34 and DMW-26. Residual LNAPL Enhanced Fluid Recovery Data The presence of LNAPL was gauged in each of the monitoring wells typically associated with LNAPL during the reporting period on a monthly basis. Wells included with this suite of locations were monitoring wells MW -1, MW -2, MW -3, MW - 8, MW -25 and MW -28 and observation wells EW -1, OP -1, OP -2, OP -3 and VP -1. Depth to LNAPL and LNAPL/water interface was measured during each event to document LNAPL thickness and gather sufficient information necessary to determine LNAPL recovery rates and trends and consequently determine future LNAPL recovery/management activities. LNAPL was recovered from each well, when it was present, during each monthly field event using enhanced fluid recovery (EFR) technology. EFR events occurred monthly through 2006. Recovered LNAPL was disposed of at Determan Brownie, Inc. of Minneapolis. Methods and procedures are attached in Appendix B. EFR was conducted by lowering a one inch diameter "stinger" hose into each well. The intake of the hose was set below the LNAPL/water interface. The well casing was sealed with a gasket at the surface. The stinger hose was connected to the vacuum truck by a hose. Vacuum was allowed to build at the truck and then opened to the well. Vacuum was applied to all applicable wells for varying durations of time during each EFR event. EFR appears to be effectively removing LNAPL from the subsurface. The thickness of LNAPL at most wells is steady or reducing. At MW -8, LNAPL leveled off at a thickness of approximately 10 feet and has been declining over the last few EFR events to approximately 9 feet. Table 5 summarizes LNAPL recovery data at these wells and a graphs depicting residual LNAPL thickness at each well over time are included as Figures 34 and 35. Graphs illustrating the depth to LNAPL and groundwater over time at MW -1, MW -2, MW -3, MW -8, MW -25, MW -28, EW -1, OP -1, OP -2, OP -3 and VP -1 are attached as Figures 36 through 46, respectively. Prior to the commencement of monthly EFR in February 2005, manual bailing removed an estimated 273 gallons of LNAPL and 553 Guidance Document c-prp4-08: April 2005 Petroleum Remediation Program Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Annual Monitoring Report Heritage Amoco SS# 2950 McKee/Convoy Site February 2007 Page 8 gallons of impacted water. When recovering LNAPL by bailing, generally more water entered a bailer than LNAPL. This figure assumes that 33% of the liquid removed via manual bailing of the wells was LNAPL. During EFR, the volume of LNAPL vs. recovered varies. Prior to gauging the vacuum tank at the end of an EFR event, it is assumed that 33% of the liquid recovered during an EFR event was LNAPL. Since gauging of the vacuum tank began in September 2005, between 18 and 112 gallons of LNAPL has been recovered during a given EFR event. Since EFR activities commenced at the site, an estimated 954 gallons of LNAPL and 2116 gallons of water have been recovered. Since August 2000, approximately 3896 gallons of LNAPL/water, of which 1227 is LNAPL, has been recovered at the site. LNAPL/EFR gauging and recovery field notes and contractor shipping manifests are located in Appendix D. Potable Well Sealing Program In 2003 MPCA requested that BP contact all residents and operators of commercial properties in and near the McKee subdivision, where unsealed wells have been identified, and ask for permission to seal their potable wells. Property owners were contacted in the winter of 2003 with all but three identified property owners ultimately responding. Also, in the summer of 2005 during a separate, unrelated project conducted by Dakota Co., within the McKee subdivision, additional properties were identified with unsealed wells. These properties were added to the existing database used to track the status of the residential well sealing program. Figure 4 illustrates the location of all properties that are part of the potable well sealing program. Table 6 lists each of the known potable wells, addresses, status, and owner's name. All properties listed are located to the west and southwest of the site. Since potable well sealing began in 2004, 31 residential and 2 commercial potable wells have been sealed. In total, two commercial wells exist, of which, one will need both municipal water and possibly municipal sewer connected, pending local code requirements, and one will need to be connected to municipal water. Two residences exist, of which, one will need both municipal water and possibly municipal sewer connected and one will need municipal water connected. Also, one residential property has given approval for access to the property for well sealing, however, due to obstructions to the actual well location, the well sealing work at this property has been on hold to determine specialty contractors needed to remove obstructions to the well location. There are a total of 11 residential properties where communication with the residents has either not been established (7) or the owners have declined BP's overtures to seal their wells (4). Delta has communicated with Dakota Co. Environmental Management Department regarding it's potential assistance in gaining access to these properties to either inspect for any unsealed well and/or provide advocacy for the potential sealing of any unsealed well. Guidance Document c-prp4-08: April 2005 Petroleum Remediation Program Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Annual Monitoring Report Heritage Amoco SS# 2950 McKee/Convoy Site February 2007 Page 9 Subsurface Investigation 2006 Soil Borings, Soil Sample Collection (November 2006) Recommendations were made to install three groundwater monitoring wells at locations surrounding the known area of LNAPL at the site to define the extent and magnitude of the dissolved phase petroleum hydrocarbons caused by the degradation of the LNAPL at the site. The monitoring wells were recommended to monitor the upper till or surficial aquifer to the west and east/southeast of the area of known LNAPL. Following MPCA approval in September 2006, drilling commenced at the site on November 13, 2006 by Bergerson Caswell, of Maple Plain, Minnesota, a Minnesota licensed well contractor. Each borehole was pre -drilled to a depth of 5 to 7 feet using a water -vacuum knife to clear each borehole of potential underground utilities. Samples were collected on a near continuous basis from grade to termination using standard 2 -inch diameter split barrel samplers. Drilling commenced at MW -32 located approximately 80 feet to the southwest of the area of known LNAPL (See Figure 3), followed by MW -33 and MW -34. Environmental Boring/Well Logs, drillers notes and well construction diagrams, and MDH well and boring records are located in Appendix E. Methods and procedures are attached in Appendix B. Soil Boring Location MW -32 Soil boring MW -32 was advanced to a total depth of 82 feet for geochemical sampling, then backfilled to a depth of 55 feet for installation of a groundwater monitoring well. Soil boring MW -32 penetrated approximately 3 -inches of bituminous asphalt pavement that was underlain by several feet of sand and gravel fill (present to approximately 5 feet). Beneath the sand and gravel fill was dry, medium to fine grained, brown sand containing trace gravel to approximately 52 feet. Within this sand, the trace gravel terminated at approximately 14 feet in depth. At 24 feet the sand became predominantly fine grained. Between 37 and 39 feet silt layers with trace gravel were identified. The sand was saturated at 43 feet in depth. At 53 feet, the material became a clayey, sandy, silt with a trace amount of gravel. This material is present to approximately 70 feet, where the silt became drier. At the bottom of the boring between 81.5 and 82 feet, a layered, medium to fine grained sand was identified. Soil samples were collected at 2 -foot intervals from 5 to 82 feet. Field screening at all drilling locations took place utilizing a ThermoElectron 580B photo ionization detector (PID) equipped with a 10.6 eV lamp. No detectable PID readings were recorded to the termination depth of the boring at 82 feet. Soil samples for laboratory analysis were collected from 42-44 and 80-82 feet and submitted for laboratory analysis. Laboratory analytical parameters included VOC's and GRO. No VOC or GRO compounds were identified from the two samples submitted. Table 7 summarizes soil analytical data. All laboratory analytical reports for soil samples collected during the soil boring activities are located in Appendix F. Guidance Document c-prp4-08: April 2005 Petroleum Remediation Program Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Annual Monitoring Report Heritage Amoco SS# 2950 McKee/Convoy Site February 2007 Page 10 Following drilling to the terminal depth of the boring, the boring was backfilled to a depth of 55 feet and a 4 -inch diameter ground water monitoring well was installed. This well was screened from 38 to 53 feet The well was constructed of schedule 40 black steel well casing with welded joints and type 304 stainless steel wire - wrapped well screen, welded to the lowermost casing section. The screen slot size was 0.010 foot and was suitable for the formation encountered and the filter pack placed. The monitoring well was developed by Delta by surging with a 3 -inch diameter disposal bailer and pumping with a 2 -inch development pump. The well produced ample water. Soil Boring Location MW -33 Soil boring MW -33, located approximately 120 feet to the east of the known area of LNAPL, was advanced to a total depth of 71 feet for geochemical sampling and installation of a groundwater monitoring well. Soil boring MW -33 penetrated several feet of sand and gravel fill (present to approximately 5 feet). Beneath the sand and gravel fill was a medium to fine grained, brown sand with trace gravel present to approximately 15 feet. At 15 feet, the material became a course sand and gravel. This material is present to approximately 21 feet, where brown, clayey silt with trace sand and gravel layers is encountered. This material was saturated at approximately 28 to 29 feet in depth. At 29 feet a course gravel and sand was encountered. At 39 feet, a clayey, silty, brown saturated sand was encountered and extended to a depth of 61 feet. At 61 feet a saturated, medium to fine grained sand with an odor was identified. This material extended to 69 feet below grade where two feet of clayey silt with trace sand was identified to the terminal depth of the boring at 71 feet below grade. Soil samples were collected at 2 -foot intervals from 5 to 71 feet where refusal of the split spoon and drill rig was encountered. PID readings were recorded between 0 and 2 ppm from samples collected between 5 to 20 feet below grade. PID malfunction occurred after the soil sample from 20 feet below grade was screened. No additional soil screening took place during the drilling of this boring. Soil samples for laboratory analysis were collected from 19-21, 64-66 and 69-71 feet. No VOC or GRO compounds were identified from the three samples submitted. Following drilling to the terminal depth of the boring a 4 -inch diameter ground water monitoring well was installed. This well was screened from 54 to 69 feet. The well screen was placed in the sandy silt with trace gravel encountered across those depths and at the area the petroleum odor was noticed. The well was constructed of schedule 40 black steel well casing with welded joints and type 304 stainless steel wire - wrapped well screen, welded to the lowermost casing section. The screen slot size was 0.010 foot and was suitable for the formation encountered and the filter pack placed. Guidance Document c-prp4-08: April 2005 Petroleum Remediation Program Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Annual Monitoring Report Heritage Amoco SS# 2950 McKee/Convoy Site February 2007 Page 11 The monitoring well was developed by Delta surging with a 3 -inch diameter disposal bailer and pumping with a 2 -inch development pump. However, the well pumped dry easily and was pumped dry several times during development. Soil Boring Location MW -34 Soil boring MW -34, located approximately 60 feet to the north of the known area of LNAPL, was advanced to a total depth of 72 feet for geochemical sampling and installation of a groundwater monitoring well. Soil boring MW -34 penetrated several feet of sand and gravel fill (present to approximately 5 feet). Beneath the sand and gravel fill was sand, medium to fine grained, brown with trace gravel to approximately 25 feet. At 14 to 16 feet the trace graved terminated, then was identified again at 21 feet with the material being saturated. At 25 feet a brown, clayey, sandy silt with trace gravel was identified extending to 33 feet where a medium to fine grained, brown sand was encountered. Between 33 and 47 feet below grade, alternating one to four foot thick layers of clayey, sandy silt with trace gravel and medium to fine grained, brown sand were encountered. At 35 feet a two foot thick was encountered. At 47 feet brown/grey clayey, sandy silt with trace gravel was encountered to 61 feet. From 55 to 57 feet the material became harder and denser. At 61 feet a two foot dry, odorous sand was identified. From 63 feet to the termination depth of the boring at 72 feet a clayey, sandy silt was encountered. Soil samples were collected at 2 -foot intervals from 5 to 72 feet. No detectable PID readings were recorded to approximately 60 feet. Between 60 and 72 feet PID readings varied between 13 and 93 ppm. Soil samples for laboratory analysis were collected from 19-21, 64-69 and 70-72 feet. No VOC or GRO compounds were identified from the three samples submitted. Following drilling to the terminal depth of the boring a 4 -inch diameter ground water monitoring well was installed. This well was screened from 55 to 70 feet. The well screen was placed in the sandy silt and sand encountered across those depths. The well was constructed of schedule 40 black steel well casing with welded joints and type 304 stainless steel wire - wrapped well screen, welded to the lowermost casing section. The screen slot size was 0.010 foot and was suitable for the formation encountered and the filter pack placed. The monitoring well was developed by Delta by surging with a 3 -inch diameter disposal bailer and pumping with a 2 -inch development pump. However, the well pumped dry very easily, had a Targe volume of very thick, silty water encountered and was pumped dry several times during development. Guidance Document c-prp4-08: April 2005 Petroleum Remediation Program Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Annual Monitoring Report Heritage Amoco SS# 2950 McKee/Convoy Site February 2007 Page 12 Site Redevelopment Delta was notified by the property owner, in November 2006, that a major redevelopment of the site is pending for spring 2007. The entire property will have approximately two feet of grade removed and a Target store and many other small box stores will be constructed in strip malls on either side of the present site location. Based on the preliminary plans for the redevelopment, the Target store building will be set back, away from the front (north) side of the property and at the present site location, an out parcel will exist for a restaurant. Currently, all of the wells that exist at the LNAPL/EFR location would be in a parking lot adjacent to the restaurant. The wells to the south of the present LNAPL/EFR location would either be in or adjacent to a service road between the restaurant and the Target parking tot, or would be in the Target parking lot. See Figure 47 for an illustration of the proposed development plans superimposed over the current site plan. If the redevelopment work occurs, an attempt will be made to save alt wells. The wells will need to be modified to conform to the land use at the location of each well, (i.e. parking lot/flush mount, landscaping/protop, etc). Some wells may need to be considered for sealing due to redevelopment issues. Delta will contact the MPCA to discuss options/issues regarding each well when this occurs. Section 2. VAPOR IMPACT MONITORING If vapor impacts were detected during previous assessments, discuss the results of follow-up vapor monitoring. Include in your discussion the sampling instrument and sampling method. NOTE: If vapor concentrations exceed 10 percent of the lower explosive limit, exit the building and contact the local fire department immediately. Then contact the Minnesota Duty Officer (24 hours) at 651/649-5451 (metro and outside Minnesota) or 1-800/422-0798 (Greater Minnesota). TTY users call 651/297-5353 (V/TTY) or 1-800/627-3529 (V/TTY). Vapor mitigation is required. Section 3. RECOMMENDATIONS Discuss your recommendations. Your recommendation should be based on Guidance Document 1-01 Petroleum Remediation Program General Policy. Based on past and current data for the site, continued groundwater monitoring and monthly LNAPL gauging and recovery via EFR is recommended. Also, as stated above, due to potential redevelopment of the site, all monitoring wells will need to be maintained and modified depending on land use at the well location. If any wells need to be considered for sealing, Delta will contact MPCA regarding specific options/issues related to each well location. Guidance Document c-prp4-08: April 2005 Petroleum Remediation Program Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Annual Monitoring Report Heritage Amoco SS# 2950 McKee/Convoy Site February 2007 Page 13 If additional corrective action is recommended, please provide your justification. LNAPL Recovery LNAPL is currently being recovered from each of the wells in the source area and at MW -8 and MW -28. This is currently being done through the use of EFR and conducted on a monthly basis. LNAPL accumulates in each of these wells between recovery events. The EFR appears to be effectively recovering LNAPL to the maximum extent this technology and method allows. Delta recommends that monthly EFR events be continued for future LNAPL recovery. The wells to undergo EFR are: MW -1, MW -2, MW -3, MW -8, MW -25, MW -28, VP -1, EW -1, OP -1 OP -2 and OP - 3. Results of the EFR activities will be evaluated periodically to determine if an adjustment in the EFR schedule should me made and also determine whether other recovery options would be more efficient and practical. If significant reduction of risk has been achieved at the site, recommendations and rationale for the reduction or termination of corrective actions may be presented. Potable Well Sealing Based on all available data for the project, Delta recommends discontinuing the potable well sealing program. This request is based on the fact that only six wells exist at the McKee subdivision, just west of the McKee subdivision on the west side of Lexington Avenue and at commercial properties to the west of the site, that are in use. Of these wells, four are reportedly used for non -potable needs (flushing the toilet, watering the lawn, etc.) and two are used for potable needs. Of the two properties that use their wells for potable needs, one is a residence to the west of the McKee subdivision, on the west side of Lexington Avenue (2849 S. Lexington Avenue), and is over 1/2 mile away from the site. The other property which uses its well for potable needs is a large warehouse to the west of the site, located at 2755/2767 Hwy 55. Water consumption at this property on a daily basis is low as water is only used in bathrooms and wash basins. If a redevelopment of the area takes place, this warehouse will be raised and the well would likely be sealed as part of the redevelopment of the area. Finally, the LNAPL and dissolved phase petroleum compounds in groundwater at the site are not migrating off site and over the course of the project have remained at or very near the current source area. Based on the current data and use information for the potable wells that are known to exist at and near the site and the McKee subdivision, there appears to be very little risk to the public based on consumptive use of water from the remaining potable wells. Guidance Document c-prp4-08: April 2005 Petroleum Remediation Program Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Annual Monitoring Report Heritage Amoco SS# 2950 McKee/Convoy Site February 2007 Page 14 If additional monitoring is recommended, indicate the proposed monitoring schedule and frequency. To track and document groundwater chemistry trends in wells with identified dissolved phase petroleum hydrocarbons, it is recommended that the following monitoring wells be sampled on a semi-annual basis: DMW-11, DMW-14, DMW-15, DMW-16, MW -26, DMW-26, MW -32, MW -33 and MW -34. The following wells would be sampled annually: MW -4, DMW-8, MW -10, DMW-10, DMW-12, DMW-13, MW -27, MW - 29, MW -30, DMW-30 and MW -31. Monitoring wells will not be sampled if LNAPL is present in the wells. All samples will be analyzed for BTEX, MTBE, and GRO. Also, the second round of groundwater sampling for VOC's and GRO will take place at MW -32, MW -33 and MW - 34. If closure is recommended, summarize significant site investigative events and describe how site specific risk issues have been adequately addressed or minimized to acceptable low risk levels. Guidance Document c-prp4-08: April 2005 Petroleum Remediation Program Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Annual Monitoring Report Heritage Amoco SS# 2950 McKee/Convoy Site February 2007 Page 15 Section 4: CONSULTANT (OR OTHER) INFORMATION By signing this document, I/we acknowledge that we are submitting this document on behalf of and as agents of the responsible person or volunteer for this leak site. I/we acknowledge that if information in this document is inaccurate or incomplete, it will delay the completion of remediation and may harm the environment and may result in reduction of reimbursement awards. In addition, I/we acknowledge on behalf of the responsible person or volunteer for this leak site that if this document is determined to contain a false material statement, representation, or certification, or if it omits material information, the responsible person or volunteer may be found to be in violation of Minn. Stat. § 115.075 (1994) or Minn. Rules 7000.0300 (Duty of Candor), and that the responsible person or volunteer may be liable for civil penalties. MPCA staff are instructed to reject unsigned monitoring reports or if the report form has been altered. Name and Title: Signature: Matthew R. Hobson, P.G. /`1 Project Geologist Jared Otto Project Manager Company and mailing address: r Oplz- Date signed: Delta Environmental Consultants, Inc. 5910 Rice Creek Parkway Shoreview, MN 55126 Phone: 651.639.9449 Fax: 651.639.9473 Upon request, this document can be made available in other formats, including Braille, large print and audio tape. TTY users call 651/282-5332 or Greater Minnesota 1-800/657-3864 (voice/TTY). Printed on recycled paper containing at least 10 percent fibers from paper recycled by consumers. Guidance Document c-prp4-08: April 2005 Petroleum Remediation Program Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Annual Monitoring Report Heritage Amoco SS# 2950 McKee/Convoy Site February 2007 Page 16 Attach Tables (NOTE: Tables must be complete and contain cumulative data collected to date): ■ Table 1 - Monitoring Well Completion Information see Table 1 — Ground water Elevation Data ■ Table 2 - Summary of Water Levels Measurements see Table 1 — Ground water Elevation Data • Table 2 — Vertical Hydraulic Gradient • Table 3 - Analytical Results of Water Samples see Table 3 — Ground water Sample Laboratory Analytical Results • Table 4 - Other Contaminants Detected in Water Samples (Petroleum or Non -petroleum Derived) see Table 3 — Ground water Sample Laboratory Analytical Results ■ Table 5 - Results of Natural Attenuation see Table 4 — Natural Attenuation Data • Table 5— Free Product Recovery • Table 6 - Results of Vapor Monitoring NA • Table 6 — Residential Potable Well Sealing Summary • Table 7 — Soil Analytical Results Table 1 Monitoring Well Completion Information Well Number Unique Well Number Date Installed Surface Elevation Top of Riser Elevation Bottom of Well (Elevation) Screen Interval (Elev. - Elev.) See Table 1 See Table 1 Notes: (location and elevation of benchmark) Table 2 Water Level Measurements Well Number Date Depth of Water from Top of Riser Product Thickness Depth of Water Below Grade Relative Groundwater Elevation Water Level Above Screen (YIN) See Table 1 Describe the methods and procedures used to measure water levels and product thickness. Notes: Guidance Document c-prp4-08: April 2005 Petroleum Remediation Program Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Annual Monitoring Report Heritage Amoco SS# 2950 McKee/Convoy Site February 2007 Page 17 Table 3 Analytical Results of Water Samples Well # Date Benzene Toluene Ethyl Benzene Xylenes MTBE GRO DRO Lab Type MW -1 MW -2 See Table 3 MW -3 See Table 3 MW -4 Trip Blank Field Blank Field Blank Trip Blank Lab Blank HRL(ug/ L) 10 1000 700 10000 Report results in ug/L. Use less than symbols to show detection limit. Indicate mobile or fixed base in the lab type column. Notes Table 4 Other Contaminants Detected in Water Samples (Petroleum or Non -petroleum Derived) Well Number Date Sampled 1,2 DCA EDB MW -1 MW -2 See Table 3 MW -3 Field Blank Trip Blank Lab Blank HRL (ug/L) 4 0.004 Report results in ug/L. Indicate other contaminants (either petroleum or non -petro eum derive detected in water samples collected from the borings, temporary wells or push probes. Notes. Guidance Document c-prp4-08: April 2005 Petroleum Remediation Program Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Annual Monitoring Report Heritage Amoco SS# 2950 McKee/Convoy Site February 2007 Page 18 Table 5 Natural Attenuation Parameters Monitoring Well Sample Date Temp. °C PH Dissolved Oxygen (mg/L) Nitrate (mg/L) (Fe II) (mg/L) (H2S, HS-) (mg/L) MW -1 MW -2 See Table 4 MW -3 MW -4 Describe the methods and procedures used. Notes: Table 6 Results of Vapor Monitoring Location # Date PID reading (PPm) Percent of the LEL Not Applicable Notes: Guidance Document c-prp4-08: April 2005 Petroleum Remediation Program Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Annual Monitoring Report Heritage Amoco SS# 2950 McKee/Convoy Site February 2007 Page 19 Attach Figures: Figures - (all maps are to include a north arrow, scale and legend) Approximate scales are not acceptable. X Site location map. Adapt this map from a U.S. Geological Survey 7.5 minute quadrangle and identify the name of the 7.5 minute quadrangle. Figure 1 X Site Vicinity Aerial Photograph. Figure 2 X Site map showing the locations of all ground water and vapor monitoring points. Figure 3 Site Vicinity Aerial Photograph — Residential Well Locations. Figure 4 X Updated ground water contour maps, using water level elevations from all rounds of water level measurements since the last report. Show all wells at the site, and differentiate wells constructed in different aquifers. Label ground water contours and elevations at each data point used for contouring. Figures 5-10 Hydrograph for all monitoring and recovery wells. Figures 11-14. El Groundwater Vertical Gradients over Time. Figures 15-22. Graph(s) showing contaminant concentrations over time for all monitoring and recovery wells. Figures 23-28 IX Locations of Geologic Cross Sections and Geologic Cross Sections. Figures 29-33. l Product Thickness over Time. Figures 34-35. El Depth to LNAPL and Groundwater over Time. Figures 36-46. X Site Redevelopment Configuration. Figure 47. Guidance Document c-prp4-08: April 2005 Petroleum Remediation Program Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Annual Monitoring Report Heritage Amoco SS# 2950 McKee/Convoy Site February 2007 Page 20 Attach Appendices: The appendix section of the report contains sufficient information to document all activities completed since the last report. All reproduced data must be legible. Appendix A Appendix B El Appendix C Appendix D [K Appendix E El Appendix F Field or sampling data sheets. Sample collection information, including procedure, equipment, and decontamination. Copies of most recent laboratory reports for ground water analyses, including a copy of the Chain of Custody and the MDH laboratory certification number. EFR field notes and contractor shipping manifests Environmental boring/well logs, drillers field notes and well diagrams and MDH well and boring records Copies of most recent laboratory reports for soil sample analyses, including a copy of the Chain of Custody and the MDH laboratory certification number. MPCA staff MPCA toll free Petroleum Remediation MPCA Infor. Request PetroFund Web Page PetroFund Phone State Duty Officer Web pages and phone numbers http://www.pca.state.mn.us/pca/staff/index.cfm 1-800-657-3864 Program web page http://www.pca.state.mn.us/programs/lust_p.html Intp://www.oca.statemmus/about/inforequest.html us/about/inforequest.html http : //www. state.mn.us/cgi-bin/portal/mn/j sp/content. do?id=- 5 3 6 8 813 77 &agency -Commerce 651-297-1119, or 1-800-638-0418 651-649-5451 or 1-800-422-0798 Guidance Document c-prp4-08: April 2005 Petroleum Remediation Program Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Table 1 Groundwater Elevation Data Heritage Amoco Service Station No. 2950 McKee/Convoy Eagan, Minnesota Delta Project No. G01ZF Depth to Depth to Depth to Corrected Water Water Elevation Elevation Elevation Product Free Product Water Water Water Elevation Column in Above Well Date Elevation TOC Ground TOS BOS (TOC) Thickness (TOC') (Ground) Elevation Change Well Screen? MW -I 04 28 38 862.98 860.81 820.54 810.54 44.69 1.02 45.71 43.54 815.04 6.73 NO MW -1 06 28 88 862.98 860.81 820.54 810.54 NP NP 44.92 42.75 818.06 0.03 7.52 NO MW -I 08 08 88 862.98 860.81 820.54 810.54 NP NP 45.61 43.44 817.37 -0.69 6.83 NO MW -1' 08 0988 862.98 860.81 820.54 810.54 NP NP 45.63 43.46 817.35 -0.02 6.81 NO MW- I 08 25 88 862.98 860.81 820.54 810.54 NP NP 45.56 43.39 817.42 0.07 6.88 NO MW -1 082688 862.98 860.81 820.54 810.54 NP NP 45.67 43.50 817.31 -0.11 6.77 NO MW -I 10 21 88 862.98 860.81 820.54 810.54 NP NP 45.25 43.08 817.73 0.42 7.19 NO MW -I 01 26 90 862.98 860.81 820.54 810.54 NP NP 45.17 43.00 817.81 0.08 7.27 NO MW -1 01 '31 90 862.98 860.81 820.54 810.54 45.37 0.21 45.58 43 41 817.56 -0.25 6.86 NO MW -I 070990 862.98 860.81 820.54 810.54 45.91 0.25 46.16 43.99 817.01 -0.55 6.28 NO MW -1 10 09 90 862.98 860.81 820.54 810.54 44.92 0.02 44.94 42.77 818.06 1.05 7.50 NO MW -1 12 20'90 862.98 860.81 820.54 810.54 44.15 0.15 44.30 42.13 818.79 0.74 8.14 NO MW -1 03 2591 862.98 860.81 820.54 810.54 44.18 0.11 44.29 42.12 818.77 -0.02 8.15 NO MW -1 0819.92 862.98 860.81 820.54 810.54 42.68 0.22 42.90 40.73 820.25 1.47 9.54 NO MW -1 11 06 92 862.98 860.81 820.54 810.54 42.52 0.19 42.71 40.54 820.41 0.17 9.73 NO MW -I 03 1093 862.98 860.81 820.54 810.54 42.21 0.30 42.51 40.34 820.70 0.28 9.93 YES MW -I 06 11 93 862.98 860.81 820.54 810.54 42.75 0.38 43.13 40.96 820.14 -0.56 9.31 NO MW -1 07 15 93 862.98 860.81 820.54 810.54 42.71 0.37 43.08 40.91 820.18 0.04 9.36 NO MW -I 08 31 93 862.98 860.81 820.54 810.54 47.57 0.26 47.83 45.66 815.35 -4.83 4.61 NO MW -I 101493 862.98 860.81 820.54 810.54 41.49 0.19 41.68 39.51 821.44 6.10 10.76 YES MW -I 11 26 93 862.98 860.81 820.54 810.54 41.23 0.18 41.41 39.24 821.71 0.26 11.03 YES MW -1 01 06 94 862.98 860.81 820.54 810.54 41.16 0.17 41.33 39.16 821.78 0.07 11.11 YES MW -I 06 0794 862.98 860.81 820.54 810.54 39.47 0.17 39.64 37.47 823.47 1.69 12.80 YES MW -I 09 27 94 862.98 860.81 820.54 810.54 40.60 0.04 40.64 38.47 822.37 -1.10 11.80 YES MW -1 06 01 95 862.98 860.81 820.54 810.54 40.66 0.85 41.51 39.34 822.11 -0.26 10.93 YES MW -I 09 2595 862.98 860.81 820.54 810.54 41.54 0.80 42.34 40.17 821.24 -0.87 10.10 YES MW -1 12 22 95 862.98 860.81 820.54 810.54 41.63 0.49 42.12 39.95 821.23 -0.01 10.32 YES MW -I 03 2196 862.98 860.81 820.54 810.54 42.05 0.45 42.50 40.33 820.82 -0.41 9.94 YES MW -1 06 2696 862.98 860.81 820.54 810.54 42.90 0.56 43.46 41.29 819.94 -0.88 8.98 NO MW -1 09 2696 862.98 860.81 820.54 810.54 42.47 0.43 42.90 40.73 820.40 0.46 9.54 NO MW -I 12 19.96 862.98 860.81 820.54 810.54 42.82 0.63 43.45 41.28 820.00 -0.40 8.99 NO MW -1 03 21 97 862.98 860.81 820.54 810.54 42.41 0.60 43.01 40.84 820.42 0.42 9.43 NO MW -I 07 24 97 862.98 860.81 820.54 81054 42.64 0.60 43.24 41.07 820.19 -0.23 9.20 NO MW -1 100797 862.98 860.81 820.54 810.54 41.82 0.66 42.48 40.31 821.00 0.80 9.96 YES MW -1 01 28 98 862.98 860.81 820.54 810.54 41.36 0.49 41.85 39.68 821.50 0.50 10.59 YES MW -I 071798 862.98 860.81 820.54 810.54 41.38 0.71 42.09 39.92 821.42 -0.07 10.35 YES MW -I 072098 862.98 860.81 820.54 81054 41.15 0.68 41.83 39.66 821.66 0.24 10.61 YES MW -1 12 3198 862.98 860.81 820.54 81054 40.84 0.56 41.40 39.23 822.00 0.34 11.04 YES MW -I 0325.99 862.98 860.81 820.54 810.54 42.60 150 44.10 41.93 820.01 -2.00 8.34 NO MW -I 09 21 99 862.98 860.81 820.54 810.54 40.59 0.01 40.60 38.43 822.39 2.38 11.84 YES MW -I 110199 862.98 860.81 820.54 810.54 NP NP 40.14 37.97 822.84 0.45 12.30 YES MW -I 0621:00 862.98 860.81 820.54 810.54 NP NP 40.85 38.68 822.05 -0.79 11.59 YES MW -1 08 0300 862.98 860.81 820.54 810.54 NP NP 41.38 39.21 821.60 -0.45 11.06 YES MW -I 08 17 00 862.98 860.81 820.54 81054 NP NP 41.16 38.99 821.82 0.22 11.28 YES MW -1 09 12 00 862.98 860.81 820.54 810.54 NP NP 41.15 38.98 821.83 0.01 11.29 YES MW -I 10 12 00 862.98 860.81 820.54 810.54 NP NP 41.02 38.85 821.96 0.13 11.42 YES MW -1 11 14.00 86298 860.81 820.54 810.54 41.06 0.01 41.07 38.90 821.92 -0.04 11.37 YES MW -1 122000 862.98 860.81 820.54 810.54 NP NP 41.04 38.87 821.94 0.02 11.40 YES MW -1 01 23 01 862.98 860.81 820.54 81054 41.48 0.01 41.49 39.32 821.50 -0.44 10.95 YES MW -I 02.19 01 862.98 860.81 820.54 810.54 NP NP 41.50 39.33 821.48 -0.02 10.94 YES MW -1 0320 01 862.98 860.81 820.54 810.54 41.95 0.15 42.10 39.93 820.99 -0.49 10.34 YES MW -1 042601 862.98 860.81 820.54 810.54 NP NP 42.25 40,08 820.73 -0.26 10.19 YES MW -1 05 14 01 862.98 860.81 820.54 810.54 NP NP 41.60 39.43 821.38 0.65 10.84 YES MW -1 0720,01 862.98 860.81 820.54 810.54 41.23 0.99 42.22 40.05 821.50 0.12 10.22 YES MW -1 0828,01 862.98 860.81 820.54 810.54 41.43 0.01 41.44 39.27 821.55 0.05 11.00 YES MW -I 092501 862.98 860.81 820.54 810.54 NP NP 41.48 39.31 821.50 -0.05 10.96 YES MW -1 10.30:01 862.98 860.81 820.54 810.54 NP NP 41.34 39.17 821.64 0.14 11.10 YES MW -I 1127`01 862.98 860.81 820.54 810.54 NP NP 41.04 38.87 821.94 0.30 11.40 YES MW -1 01'1602 862.98 860.81 820.54 810.54 41.24 0.35 41.59 39.42 821.65 -0.29 10.85 YES MW -I 0218'02 862.98 860.81 820.54 810.54 41.29 0.01 41.30 39.13 821.69 0.04 11.14 YES MW -I 03'18:02 862.98 860.81 820.54 810.54 41.83 0.01 41.84 39.67 821.15 -0.54 10.60 YES MW -1 04.19,02 862.98 860.81 820.54 810.54 NP NP 42.14 39.97 820.84 -0.31 10.30 YES MW -I 05:22.02 862.98 860.81 820.54 810.54 NP NP 41.88 39.71 821.10 0.26 10.56 YES MW -1 05.2902 862.98 860.81 820.54 810.54 NP NP 47.40 45.23 815.58 -5.52 5.04 NO MW -I 072402 862.98 860.81 820.54 810.54 NP NP 42.11 39.94 820.87 5.29 10.33 YES MW -1 0822'02 862.98 860.81 820.54 810.54 NP NP 41.74 39.57 821.24 0.37 10.70 YES MW -I 09.1902 862.98 860.81 820.54 810.54 NP NP 40.72 38.55 822.26 1.02 11.72 YES Page 1 of 25 Table 1 Groundwater Elevation Data Heritage Amoco Service Station No. 2950 McKee/Convoy Eagan, Minnesota Delta Project No. GO1ZF Depth to Depth to Depth to Corrected Water Water Elevation Elevation Elevation Product Free Product Water Water Water Elevation Column in Above Well Date Elevation TOC Ground TOS BOS (TOC) Thickness (TOC) (Ground) Elevation Change Well Screen? MW -1 10.29 02 862.98 860.81 820.54 810.54 NP NP 40.52 38.35 822.46 0.20 11.92 YES MW -1 11 21 02 862.98 860.81 820.54 810.54 NP NP 46.87 44.70 816.11 -6.35 5.57 NO MW -I 1218.02 862.98 860.81 820.54 810.54 NP NP 39.36 37.19 823.62 751 13.08 YES MW -1 01 30 03 862.98 860.81 820.54 810.54 NP NP 39.92 37.75 823.06 -0.56 12.52 YES MW -1 02'2803 862.98 860.81 820.54 810.54 NP NP 40.44 38.27 822.54 -0.52 12.00 YES MW -1 04 0703 862.98 860.81 820.54 81054 NP NP 41.14 38.97 821.84 -0.70 11.30 YES MW -1 05 07 03 862.98 860.81 820.54 810.54 NP NP 41.08 38.91 821.90 0.06 11.36 YES MW -1 05 2003 862.98 860.81 820.54 810.54 NP NP 41.61 39.44 821.37 -0.53 10.83 YES MW -I 0609.03 862.98 860.81 820.54 810.54 41.13 0.06 41.19 39.02 821.84 0.46 11.25 YES MW -1 07 1103 862.98 860.81 820.54 810.54 41.18 0.06 41.24 39.07 821.79 -0.05 11.20 YES MW -1 08 1103 862.98 860.81 820.54 810.54 41.39 0.01 41.40 39.23 821.59 -0.20 11.04 YES MW -1 091603 862.98 860.81 820.54 810.54 41.12 0.03 41.15 38.98 821.85 0.26 11.29 YES MW -I 100803 862.98 860.81 820.54 810.54 41.10 0.07 41.17 39.00 821.86 0.01 11.27 YES MW -1 1107.03 862.98 860.81 820.54 810.54 41.74 0.06 41.80 39.63 821.23 -0.64 10.64 YES MW -I 11'11.03 862.98 860.81 820.54 810.54 41.41 0.02 41.43 39.26 82157 0.34 11.01 YES MW -I 12.1803 862.98 860.81 820.54 810.54 41.80 0.04 41.84 39.67 821.17 -040 10.60 YES MW -1 010804 862.98 860.81 820.54 810.54 40.93 0.02 40.95 38.78 822.05 0.88 11.49 YES MW -1 04:12'04 862.98 860.81 820.54 810.54 42.58 0.10 42.68 40.51 820.38 -1.67 9.76 NO MW -1 04'2604 862.98 860.81 820.54 810.54 42.39 0.04 42.43 40.26 820.58 0.20 10.01 YES MW -1 05 21'04 862.98 860.81 820.54 810.54 NP NP 42.37 40.20 820.61 0.03 10.07 YES MW -1 06'26'04 862.98 860.81 820.54 810.54 42.44 0.03 42.47 40.30 820.53 -0.08 9.97 NO MW -1 08'0904 862.98 860.81 820.54 810.54 . 42.11 0.06 42.17 40.00 820.86 0.32 10.27 YES MW -1 09 02 04 862.98 860.81 820.54 81054 42.11 0.04 42.15 39.98 820.86 0.00 10.29 YES MW -1 1004'04 862.98 860.81 820.54 81054 42A1 0.02 42.43 40.26 820.57 -0.29 10.01 YES MW -1 1008;04 862.98 860.81 820.54 810.54 41.86 0.01 41.87 39.70 821.12 0.55 10.57 YES MIN -I I 1 10:04 862.98 860.81 820.54 810.54 NP NP 41.96 39.79 821.02 -0.10 1048 YES MW -1 01 12'05 862.98 860.81 820.54 81054 41.39 0.01 41.40 39.23 821.59 0.57 11.04 YES MW -1 022405 862.98 860.81 820.54 810.54 NP NP 42.42 40.25 820.56 -1.03 10.02 YES MW -1 03.1705 862.98 860.81 820.54 81054 42.61 0.02 42.63 40.46 820.37 -0.20 9.81 NO MW -1 04 1905 862.98 860.81 820.54 810.54 42.68 0.01 42.69 40.52 820.30 -0.07 9.75 NO MW -1 0517:05 862.98 860.81 820.54 810.54 43.05 0.03 43.08 40.91 819.92 -1.20 9.36 NO MW -1 06.15:05 862.98 860.81 820.54 810.54 43.27 0.04 43.31 41.14 819.70 -1.32 9.13 NO MW -1 07:2005 862.98 860.81 820.54 81054 43.30 0.05 43.35 41.18 819.67 -1.92 9.09 NO MW -1 08 1705 862.98 860.81 820.54 810.54 43.38 0.08 43.46 41.29 81958 -0.98 8.98 NO MW -1 09,2205 862.98 860.81 820.54 81054 43.05 NP 43.05 40.88 819.93 -0.43 9.39 NO MW -1 10.13.05 862.98 860.81 820.54 810.54 43.07 NP 43.07 40.90 819.91 -0.39 9.37 NO MW -1 12:1505. 862.98 860.81 820.54 810.54 42.28 0.05 42.33 40.16 820.69 0.76 10.11 YES MW -1 01 19.06 862.98 860.81 820.54 810.54 42.43 0.03 42.46 40.29 820.54 0.84 9.98 YES MW -I 021606 862.98 860.81 820.54 810.54 42.86 0.02 42.88 40.71 820.12 0.45 9.56 NO MW -1 03.2306 862.98 860.81 820.54 810.54 42.99 0.01 43.00 40.83 819.99 0.41 9.44 NO MW -1 04.12:06 862.98 860.81 820.54 810.54 42.93 0.06 42.99 40.82 820.04 0.10 9.45 NO MW -1 051806 862.98 860.81 820.54 810.54 42.68 0.02 42.70 40.53 820.30 0.38 9.74 NO MW -1 061506 862.98 860.81 820.54 810.54 42.67 0.03 42.70 40.53 820.30 -0.38 9.74 NO MW -I 0713:06 862.98 860.81 820.54 810.54 42.60 0.05 42.65 40.48 820.37 -0.17 9.79 NO MW -1 08.17 06 862.98 860.81 820.54 810.54 42.60 0.06 42.66 40.49 820.37 0.25 9.78 NO MW -I 092106 862.98 860.81 820.54 81054 42.39 0.00 42.39 40.22 820.59 0.60 10.05 YES MW -1 10 23 06 862.98 860.81 820.54 810.54 42.53 0.02 42.55 40.38 820.45 0.41 9.89 NO MW -1 11 2106 862.98 860.81 820.54 810.54 42.45 0.00 42.45 40.28 820.53 0.24 9.99 NO MW -1 12 11'06 862.98 860.81 820.54 810.54 42.42 0.03 42.45 40.28 820.55 0.25 9.99 YES MW -I 1.182007 862.98 860.81 820.54 810.54 42.65 0.03 42.68 40.51 820.32 -0.04 9.76 NO MW -2 042888 863.19 860.35 817.89 807.89 NP NP 47.51 44.67 815.68 7.79 NO MW -2 06.28'88 86319 860.35 817.89 807.89 NP NP 47.46 44.62 815.73 0.05 7.84 NO MW -2 080888 863.19 860.35 817.89 807.89 NP NP 47.93 45.09 815.26 -0.47 7.37 NO MW -2 0809'88 863.19 860.35 817.89 807.89 NP NP 48.10 45.26 815.09 -0.17 7.20 NO MW -2 0825:88 863.19 860.35 817.89 807.89 NP NP 48.06 45.22 815.13 0.04 7.24 NO MW -2 0826'88 863.19 860.35 817.89 807.89 NP NP 48.16 45.32 815.03 -0.10 7.14 NO MW -2 1021:88 863.19 860.35 817.89 807.89 NP NP 48.38 45.54 814.81 -0.22 6.92 NO MW -2 0126'90 863.19 860.35 817.89 807.89 NP NP 52.08 49.24 811.11 -3.70 3.22 NO MW -2 01-31'90 863.19 860.35 817.89 807.89 48.74 3.60 52.34 49.50 813.55 2.44 2.96 NO MW -2 07'09'90 863.19 860.35 817.89 807.89 48.14 5.87 54.01 51.17 813.58 0.03 1.29 NO MW -2 10,09'90 863.19 860.35 817.89 807.89 47.98 5.92 53.90 51.06 813.73 0.15 1.40 NO MW -2 122090 863.19 860.35 817.89 807.89 46.52 7.73 54.25 5141 814.74 101 1.05 NO MW -2 0325'91 863.19 860.35 817.89 807.89 45.58 6.78 52.36 49.52 815.92 1.18 2.94 NO MW -2 05%2291 863.19 860.35 817.89 807.89 46.35 7.58 53.93 51.09 814.95 -0.97 1.37 NO MW -2 08:19:92 863.19 860.35 817.89 807.89 43.77 10.23 54.00 51.16 816.86 1.92 1.30 NO MW -2 1106.92 863.19 860.35 817.89 807.89 46.26 3.70 49.96 47.12 816.01 -0.86 5.34 NO Page 2 of 25 Table 1 Groundwater Elevation Data Heritage Amoco Service Station No. 2950 McKee/Convoy Eagan, Minnesota Delta Project No. G01ZF Depth to Depth to Depth to Corrected N'ater Water Elevation Elevation Elevation Product Free Product Water Water Water Elevation Column in Above Well Date Elevation TOC Ground TOS BOS (TOC) Thickness (TOC) (Ground) Elevation Change Well Screen? MW -2 031093 863.19 860.35 817.89 807.89 46.58 0.36 46.94 44.10 816.52 0.51 3.36 NO MW -2 06 11 93 863.19 860.35 817.89 807.89 47.10 1.48 48.58 45.74 815.72 -0.80 6.72 NO MW -2 07 15 93 863.19 860.35 817.89 807.89 47.44 0.69 48.13 45.29 815.58 -0.14 7.17 NO MW -2 08 31'93 863.19 860.35 817.89 807.89 41.99 2.01 44.00 41.16 820.70 5.12 11.30 YES MW -2 10 14 93 863.19 860.35 817.89 807.89 46.76 0.02 46.78 43.94 816.43 -4.27 8.52 NO MW -2 112693 863.19 860.35 817.89 807.89 46.57 0.04 46.61 43.77 816.61 0.18 8.69 NO MW -2 0106 94 863.19 860.35 817.89 807.89 45.61 3.09 48.70 45.86 816.81 0.20 6.60 NO MW -2 060794 863.19 860.35 817.89 807.89 39.84 6.06 45.90 43.06 821.84 5.03 9.40 YES MW -2 0927.94 863.19 860.35 817.89 807.89 NP NP 43.19 40.35 820.00 -1.84 12.11 YES MW -2 0601 95 863.19 860.35 817.89 807.89 42.50 1.73 44.23 41.39 820.26 0.26 11.07 YES MW -2 0925 95 863.19 860.35 817.89 807.89 PUMP IN WELL; NOT MEASURED MW -2 12'2595 863.19 860.35 817.89 807.89 43.27 2.26 45.53 42.69 819.36 -0.90 9.77 YES MW -2 04:04.96 863.19 860.35 817.89 807.89 43.95 1.26 45.21 42.37 818.93 -0.43 10.09 YES MW -2 062696 863.19 860.35 817.89 807.89 46.00 3.52 49.52 46.68 816.31 -2.62 5.78 NO MW -2 09'26'96 863.19 860.35 817.89 807.89 46.75 4.62 51.37 48.53 815.29 -1.02 3.93 NO MW -2 1219.96 863.19 860.35 817.89 807.89 46.22 8.79 55.01 52.17 314.77 -051 0.29 NO MW -2 03.2197 863.19 860.35 817.89 807.89 44.34 0.32 44.66 41.82 818.77 4.00 10.64 YES MW -2 072497 863.19 860.35 817.89 807.89 45.70 9.60 FREE PRODUCT FROM 45.70 TO BOTTOM OF WELL MW -2 10:0797 863.19 860.35 817.89 807.89 44.78 10.52 FREE PRODUCT FROM 44.78 TO BOTTOM OF WELL MW -2 0128'98 863.19 860.35 817.89 807.89 40.92 14.38 FREE PRODUCT FROM 40.92 TO BOTTOM OF WELL MW -2 07 1798 863.19 860.35 817.89 807.89 42.44 12.86 FREE PRODUCT FROM 42.44 TO BOTTOM OF WELL MW -2 0720.98 863.19 860.35 817.89 807.89 42.35 12.95 FREE PRODUCT FROM 42.35 TO BOTTOM OF WELL MW -2 1231 98 863.19 860.35 817.89 807.89 38.98 16.32 FREE PRODUCT FROM 38.98 TO BOTTOM OF WELL MW -2 0325.99 863.19 860.35 817.89 807.89 42.25 12.75 55.00 52.16 817.75 -4.03 0.30 NO MW -2 0921:99 863.19 860.35 817.89 807.89 40.71 14.59 FREE PRODUCT FROM 40.71 TO BOTTOM OF WELL MW -2 11:01.99 863.19 860.35 817.89 807.89 38.41 11.98 50.39 47.55 821.79 4.03 4.91 YES MW -2 0621:00 863.19 860.35 817.89 807.89 41.59 13.71 FREE PRODUCT FROM 41.59 TO BOTTOM OF WELL MW -2 07'2000 863.19 860.35 817.89 807.89 42.80 12.50 FREE PRODUCT FROM 42.80 TO BOTTOM OF WELL MW -2 080300 863.19 860.35 817.89 807.89 44.06 3.24 47.30 44.46 818.32 -3.47 8.00 YES MW -2 0817;00 863.19 860.35 817.89 807.89 44.28 2.23 4651 43.67 818.35 0.03 8.79 YES MW -2 09.1200 863.19 860.35 817.89 807.89 44.10 2.69 46.79 43.95 818.42 0.07 8.51 YES MW -2 101200 863.19 860.35 817.89 807.89 44.00 3.06 47.06 44.22 818.43 0.01 8.24 YES MW -2 11:14.00 863.19 860.35 817.89 807.89 43.63 3.40 47.03 44.19 818.71 0.28 8.27 YES MW -2 12'2000 863.19 860.35 817.89 807.89 4353 3.75 47.28 44.44 818.72 0.01 8.02 YES MW -2 0123,01 863.19 860.35 817.89 807.89 44.07 3.51 47.58 44.74 818.24 -0.48 7.72 YES MW -2 02.1901 863.19 860.35 817.89 807.89 44.16 2.81 46.97 44.13 818.33 0.08 8.33 YES MW -2 032001 863.19 86035 817.89 807.89 44.72 3.21 47.93 45.09 817.67 -0.66 7.37 NO MW -2 0426.01 863.19 860.35 817.89 807.89 44.69 3.92 48.61 45.77 817.52 -0.15 6.69 NO MW -2 060401 863.19 860.35 817.89 807.89 44.99 3.96 48.95 46.11 817.21 -0.31 6.35 NO MW -2 072001 863.19 860.35 817.89 807.89 44.67 4.32 48.99 46.15 817.44 0.23 6.31 NO MW -2 0828:01 863.19 360.35 817.89 807.89 44.38 4.02 48.40 45.56 817.81 0.37 6.90 NO MW -2 0925.01 863.19 860.35 817.89 807.89 44.69 3.12 48.40 45.56 817.13 -0.67 6.90 NO MW -2 10.30,01 863.19 860.35 817.89 807.89 44.35 3.47 47.82 44.98 817.97 0.84 7.48 YES MW -2 0116.02 863.19 860.35 817.89 807.89 43.23 7.07 50.30 47.46 818.19 0.22 5.00 YES MW -2 02:18'02 863.19 860.35 817.89 807.89 43.33 4.42 47.75 44.91 818.76 0.56 7.55 YES MW -2 03, 18.02 863.19 860.35 817.89 807.89 44.09 3.61 47.70 44.86 818.20 -0.56 7.60 YES MW -2 04.1902 863.19 860.35 817.89 807.89 44.26 3.67 47.93 45.09 818.01 -0.18 7.37 YES MW -2 05.2202 863.19 860.35 817.89 807.89 44.46 3.79 48.25 45.41 817.78 -0.23 7.05 NO MW -2 052902 863.19 860.35 817.89 807.89 47.38 204 49.42 4658 815.30 -2.48 5.88 NO MW -2 072402 863.19 860.35 817.89 807.89 44.76 5.54 50.30 47.46 817.05 1.75 5.00 NO MW -2 08:22'02 863.19 860.35 817.89 807.89 44.52 4.05 48.57 45.73 817.66 0.61 6.73 NO MW -2 091902 863.19 860.35 817.89 807.89 43.70 3.31 47.01 44.17 818.66 1.01 8.29 YES MW -2 10'2902 863.19 860.35 817.89 807.89 40.19 3.63 43.82 40.98 822.09 3.43 11.48 YES MW -2 11/2102 863.19 860.35 817.89 807.89 46.47 1.00 47.47 44.63 816.47 -5.62 7.83 NO MW -2 12'18'02 863.19 860.35 817.89 807.89 38.91 0.40 39.31 36.47 824.18 7.71 15.99 YES MW -2 0130.03 863.19 860.35 817.89 807.89 39.64 2.36 42.00 39.16 822.96 -1.22 13.30 YES MW -2 02.2803 863.19 860.35 817.89 807.89 40.88 1.75 42.63 39.79 821.87 -1.09 12.67 YES MW -2 0407,03 863.19 860.35 817.89 807.89 42.03 3.47 45.50 42.66 820.29 -158 9.80 YES MW -2 050703 863.19 860.35 817.89 807.89 42.60 2.31 44.91 42.07 820.01 -0.28 10.39 YES MW -2 06/0903 863.19 860.35 817.89 807.89 43.09 2.44 45.53 42.69 819.49 -0.52 9.77 YES MW -2 07'11,03 863.19 860.35 817.89 807.89 43.59 2.27 45.86 43.02 819.03 -0.46 9.44 YES MW -2 08/11'03 863.19 860.35 817.89 807.89 44.07 2.30 46.37 43.53 818.55 -0.49 8.93 YES MW -2 091603 863.19 860.35 817.89 807.89 43.95 2.37 46.32 43.48 818.65 0.10 8.98 YES MW -2 1008/03 863.19 860.35 817.89 807.89 44.12 1.80 45.92 43.08 818.62 -0.03 9.38 YES MW -2 11/0703 863.19 860.35 817.89 807.89 44.77 1.99 46.76 43.92 817.92 -0.70 8.54 YES MW -2 11'11'03 863.19 860.35 817.89 807.89 44.24 0.98 45.22 42.38 818.71 0.78 10.08 YES MW -2 12'18/03 863.19 860.35 817.89 807.89 44.37 2.59 46.96 44.12 818.17 -0.53 8.34 YES Page 3 of 25 Table 1 Groundwater Elevation Data Heritage Amoco Service Station No. 2950 McKee/Convoy Eagan, Minnesota Delta Project No. GO1ZF Depth to Depth to Depth to Corrected Water Water Elevation Elevation Elevation Product Free Product Water Water Water Elevation Column in Above Well Date Elevation TOC Ground TOS BOS (TOC) Thickness (TOC) (Ground) Elevation Change Well Screen? MW -2 01 0804 863.19 860.35 817.89 807.89 44.96 1.84 46.80 43.96 817.77 -0.40 8.50 NO MW -2 04 12:04 863.19 860.35 817.89 807.89 45.40 4.30 49.70 46.86 816.72 -1.06 5.60 NO MW -2 0426 04 863.19 860.35 817.89 807.89 45.15 484 49.99 47.15 816.83 0.12 5.31 NO MW -2 052104 863.19 860.35 817.89 807.89 45.64 2.86 48.50 45.66 816.84 0.00 6.80 NO MW -2 06 2604 863.19 860.35 817.89 807.89 46.03 2.71 48.74 45.90 816.48 -0.35 6.56 NO MW -2 08 0904 863.19 860.35 817.89 807.89 45.82 2.76 48.58 45.74 816.68 0.20 6.72 NO MW -2 0902.04 863.19 860.35 817.89 807.89 46.01 2.03 48.04 45.20 816.67 -0.01 7.26 NO MW -2 100404 863.19 860.35 817.89 807.89 46.21 2.21 48.42 45.58 816.43 -0.25 6.88 NO MW -2 10 0804 863.19 860.35 817.89 807.89 45.75 2.32 48.07 45.23 816.86 0.43 7.23 NO MW -2 11.1004 863.19 860.35 817.89 807.89 45.81 2.14 47.95 45.11 816.85 -0.01 7.35 NO MW -2 01 12 05 863.19 860.35 817.89 807.89 44.99 3.61 48.60 45.76 817.30 0.45 6.70 NO MW -2 02 24 05 863.19 860.35 817.89 807.89 45.90 3.00 48.90 46.06 816.54 -0.76 6.40 NO MW -2 03 1705 863.19 860.35 817.89 807.89 46.27 1.24 47.51 44.67 816.61 0.07 7.79 NO MW -2 04 19'05 863.19 860.35 817.89 807.89 46.35 1.50 47.85 45.01 816.47 -0.14 745 NO MW -2 05 17 05 863.19 860.35 817.89 807.89 46.80 1.05 47.85 45.01 816.13 -0.34 7.45 NO MW -2 06'15 05 863.19 860.35 817.89 807.89 46.71 1.48 48.19 45.35 816.11 -0.02 7.1 I NO MW -2 07 20 05 863.19 860.35 817.89 807.89 4700 1.40 48.40 45.56 815.84 -0.27 6.90 NO MW -2 0817.05 863.19 860.35 817.89 807.89 47.20 1.90 49.10 46.26 815.52 -0.33 6.20 NO MW -2 09.22.05 863.19 860.35 817.89 807.89 47.00 1.32 48.32 45.48 815.86 0.35 6.98 NO MW -2 101205 863.19 860.35 817.89 807.89 47.25 0.88 48.13 45.29 815.72 -0.14 7.17 NO MW -2 12 15.05 863.19 860.35 817.89 807.89 46.28 2.14 48.42 45.58 816.38 0.66 6.88 NO MW -2 01 19'06 863.19 860.35 817.89 807.89 46.37 1.73 48.10 45.26 816.39 0.01 7.20 NO MW -2 0216;06 863.19 860.35 817.89 807.89 46.75 1.73 48.48 45.64 816.01 -0.38 6.82 NO MW -2 03 23'06 863.19 860.35 817.89 807.89 46.69 2.13 48.82 45.98 815.97 -0.04 6.48 NO MW -2 04. 1206 863.19 860.35 817.89 807.89 46.63 1.72 48.35 45.51 816.13 0.16 6.95 NO MW -2 0518'06 863.19 860.35 817.89 807.89 46.48 2.23 48.71 45.87 816.15 0.02 6.59 NO MW -2 06 15 06 863.19 860.35 817.89 807.89 46.78 1.67 48.45 45.61 815.99 -0.16 6.85 NO MW -2 07.1306 863.19 860.35 817.89 807.89 46.67 2.08 48.75 45.91 816.00 0.01 6.55 NO MW -2 0817'06 863.19 860.35 817.89 807.89 46.72 2.37 49.09 46.25 815.88 -0.12 6.21 NO MW -2 0921'06 863.19 860.35 817.89 807.89 46.54 2.16 48.70 45.86 816.11 0.23 6.60 NO MW -2 102606 863.19 860.35 817.89 807.89 47.64 0.66 48.30 45.46 815.39 -0.72 7.00 NO MW -2 1121 06 863.19 860.35 817.89 807.89 46.54 1.64 48.18 45.34 816.24 0.86 7.12 NO MW -2 12 11'06 863.19 860.35 817.89 807.89 46.48 1.82 48.30 45.46 816.26 0.01 7.00 NO MW -2 011807 863.19 860.35 817.89 807.89 46.43 1.90 48.33 45.49 816.29 0.03 6.97 NO MW -3 0428'88 862.95 860.75 815.51 80551 NP NP 4545 43.25 817.50 11.99 YES MW -3 06 2888 862.95 860.75 815.51 805.51 NP NP 45.42 43.22 817.53 0.03 12.02 YES MW -3 08!08'88 862.95 860.75 815.51 80551 NP NP 45.84 43.64 817.11 -0.42 11.60 YES MW -3 08,09,88 862.95 860.75 815.51 805.51 NP NP 45.85 43.65 817.10 -0.01 11.59 YES MW -3 08:25'88 862.95 860.75 815.51 805.51 NP NP 45.20 43.00 817.75 0.65 12.24 YES MW -3 0826'88 862.95 860.75 815.51 805.51 NP NP 47.37 45.17 815.58 -2.17 10.07 YES MW -3 1021,88 862.95 860.75 815.51 805.51 NP NP 43.96 41.76 818.99 3.41 13.48 YES MW -3 0126.90 862.95 860.75 815.51 805.51 NP NP 43.93 41.73 819.02 0.03 13.51 YES MW -3 0131'90 862.95 860.75 815.51 805.51 42.96 1.58 44.54 42.34 819.60 0.57 12.90 YES MW -3 07 09.90 862.95 860.75 815.51 805.51 40.40 1.84 42.24 40.04 822.09 2.50 15.20 YES MW -3 100990 862.95 860.75 815.51 805.51 45.13 13.94 59.07 56.87 814.34 -7.76 -1.63 NO MW -3 10 1110 862.95 860.75 815.51 80551 44.46 8.09 52.55 50.35 816.47 2.13 4.89 YES MW -3 122090 862.95 860.75 815.51 805.51 43.28 1.89 45.17 42.97 819.20 2.73 12.27 YES MW -3 03'2591 862.95 860.75 815.51 805.51 44.21 7.87 52.08 49.88 816.77 -2.43 5.36 YES MW -3 0522.91 862.95 860.75 815.51 805.51 45.76 10.33 56.09 53.89 814.61 -2.17 1.35 NO MW -3 081992 862.95 860.75 815.51 80551 42.41 6.74 49.15 46.95 818.86 4.25 8.29 YES MW -3 11.06.92 862.95 860.75 815.51 805.51 44.39 1.54 45.93 43.73 818.18 -0.68 11.51 YES MW -3 03'10.93 862.95 860.75 815.51 805.51 43.31 5.11 48.42 46.22 818.36 0.19 9.02 YES MW -3 06/11.93 862.95 860.75 815.51 80551 44.49 0.99 45.48 43.28 818.21 -0.15 11.96 YES MW -3 07 15 '93 862.95 860.75 815.51 805.51 44.59 0.81 45.40 43.20 818.16 -0.05 12.04 YES MW -3 0831'93 862.95 860.75 815.51 805.51 44.09 0.19 44.28 42.08 818.81 0.66 13.16 YES MW -3 101493 862.95 860.75 815.51 805.51 43.35 0.10 43.45 41.25 819.58 0.76 13.99 YES MW -3 112613 862.95 860.75 815.51 805.51 43.17 0.32 43.49 41.29 819.70 0.13 13.95 YES MW -3 01:06.94 862.95 860.75 815.51 805.51 43.04 0.34 43.38 41.18 819.83 0.13 14.06 YES MW -3 06'07/94 862.95 860.75 815.51 805.51 41.25 0.85 42.10 39.90 821.49 1.66 15.34 YES MW -3 0927.94 862.95 860.75 815.51 805.51 40.34 3.73 44.07 41.87 821.68 0.19 13.37 YES MW -3 060195 862.95 860.75 815.51 805.51 40.97 1.30 42.27 40.07 821.66 -0.02 15.17 YES MW -3 09725'95 862.95 860.75 815.51 805.51 42.63 0.52 43.15 40.95 820.19 -1.47 14.29 YES MW -3 12.22/95 862.95 860.75 815.51 805.51 41.60 0.50 42.10 39.90 821.23 1.03 15.34 YES MW -3 03.21/96 862.95 860.75 815.51 805.51 42.79 0.51 43.30 41.10 820.03 -1.19 14.14 YES M1Af-3 06/26./96 862.95 860.75 815.51 805.51 43.60 1.90 45.50 43.30 818.88 -1.16 11.94 YES MW -3 09'26/96 862.95 860.75 815.51 805.51 43.13 2.57 45.70 43.50 819.18 0.30 11.74 YES Pagc 4 of 25 Table 1 Groundwater Elevation Data Heritage Amoco Service Station No. 2950 McKee/Convoy Eagan, Minnesota Delta Project No. G01ZF Depth to Depth to Depth to Corrected Water Water Elevation Elevation Elevation Product Free Product Water Water Water Elevation Column in Above Well Date Elevation TOC Ground TOS BOS (TOC) Thickness (TOC) (Ground) Elevation Change Well Screen? MW -3 12 19 96 862.95 860.75 815.51 805.51 43.45 3.27 46.72 44.52 818.68 -0.50 10.72 YES MW -3 03 21 97 862.95 860.75 81551 805.51 42.74 4.40 47.14 44.94 819.11 0.43 10.30 YES MW -3 07 24 97 862.95 860.75 815.51 805.51 43.14 4.22 47.36 45.16 818.76 -0.36 10.08 YES MW -3 10 07 97 862.95 860.75 815.51 805.51 42.48 4.71 47.19 44.99 819.29 0.54 10.25 YES MW -3 01 28 98 862.95 860.75 815.51 805.51 4159 5.05 46.64 44.44 820.10 0.81 10.80 YES MW -3 07 17 98 862.95 860.75 815.51 80551 42.61 3.98 46.59 44.39 819.35 -0.75 10.85 YES MW -3 07 2098 862.95 860.75 815.51 80551 41.70 0.68 42.38 40.13 821.08 1.74 15.06 YES MW -3 12 31 98 862.95 860.75 815.51 805.51 40.78 3.92 44.70 42.50 821.19 0.11 12.74 YES MW -3 03 25 99 862.95 860.75 815.51 805.51 40.28 5.00 45.28 43.08 821.42 0.23 12.16 YES MW -3 09 21 99 862.95 860.75 815.51 805.51 41.87 0.01 41.88 39.68 821.08 -0.34 15.56 YES MW -3 1101 99 862.95 860.75 81551 80551 NP NP 41.44 39.24 82151 0.09 16.00 YES MW -3 06 21.00 862.95 860.75 815.51 805.51 41.45 0.87 42.32 39.92 821.28 -0.23 15.12 YES MW -3 07 2000 862.95 860.75 815.51 805.51 NP NP 42.02 39.82 820.93 -0.35 15.42 YES MW -3 08 03 00 862.95 860.75 815.51 80551 42.20 0.27 42.47 40.27 820.68 -0.25 14.97 YES MW -3 081700 862.95 860.75 815.51 805.51 41.97 0.91 42.88 40.68 820.75 0.07 14.56 YES MW -3 0912_00 862.95 860.75 81551 805.51 NP NP 42.17 39.97 820.78 0.03 15.27 YES MW -3 1012.00 862.95 860.75 81551 805.51 NP NP 42.00 39.80 820.95 0.17 15.44 YES MW -3 11 14 00 862.95 860.75 815.51 805.51 NP NP 42.02 39.82 820.93 -0.02 15,42 YES MW -3 12 20 00 862.95 860.75 815.51 805.51 NP NP 41.86 39.66 821.09 0.16 15.58 YES MW -3 01 23 01 862.95 860.75 815.51 805.51 NP NP 42.29 40.09 820.66 -0.43 15.15 YES MW -3 02 19.01 862.95 860.75 815.51 80551 NP NP 42.14 39.94 820.81 0.15 15.30 YES MW -3 032001 862.95 860.75 815.51 80551 NP NP 42.69 40.49 820.26 -0.55 14.75 YES MW -3 04.2601 862.95 860.75 815.51 80551 NP NP 42.67 40.47 820.28 0.02 14.77 YES MW -3 0514`01 862.95 860.75 815.51 805.51 NP NP 43.10 40.90 819.85 -0.43 14.34 YES MW -3 07 20.01 862.95 860.75 815.51 805.51 NP NP 42.52 40.32 820.43 0.58 14.92 YES MW -3 08 15 01 862.95 860.75 815.51 805.51 NP NP 42.15 39.95 820.80 0.37 15.29 YES MW -3 0828'01 862.95 860.75 81551 805.51 42.14 0.99 43.13 40.93 820.56 -0.24 14.31 YES MW -3 09 2501 862.95 860.75 815.51 80551 NP NP 42.46 40.26 820.49 -0.07 14.98 YES MW -3 10,3001 862.95 860.75 81551 80551 NP NP 42.60 40.40 820.35 -0.14 14.84 YES MW -3 1127.01 862.95 860.75 815.51 805.51 NP NP 41.94 39.74 821.01 0.66 15.50 YES MW -3 01 16 02 862.95 860.75 815.51 805.51 42.03 0.69 42.72 40.52 820.75 -0.26 14.72 YES MW -3 02.1802 862.95 860.75 81551 805.51 NP NP 42.11 39.91 820.84 0.09 15.33 YES MW -3 03, 18.02 862.95 860.75 815.51 80551 NP NP 42.51 40.31 820.44 -0.40 14.93 YES MW -3 0419.02 862.95 860.75 815.51 805.51 NP NP 42.79 40.59 820.16 -0.28 14.65 YES MW -3 052202 862.95 860.75 815.51 80551 NP NP 42.61 40.41 820.34 0.18 14.83 YES MW -3 0549.02 862.95 860.75 815.51 805.51 NP NP 47.24 45.04 815.71 -4.63 10.20 YES MW -3 07 24.02 862.95 860.75 815.51 80551 NP NP 43.01 40.81 819.94 4.23 14.43 YES MW -3 08 22'02 862.95 860.75 815.51 805.51 NP NP 42.78 40.58 820.17 0.23 14.66 YES MW -3 09.1902 862.95 860.75 815.51 805.51 NP NP 41.95 39.75 821.00 0.83 15.49 YES MW -3 1029.02 862.95 860.75 815.51 805.51 NP NP 41.82 39.62 821.13 0.13 15.62 YES MW -3 11 21 02 862.95 860.75 815.51 80551 NP NP 46.74 44.54 816.21 -4.92 10.70 YES MW -3 12.1802 862.95 860.75 815.51 805.51 NP NP 40.55 38.35 822.40 6.19 16.89 YES MW -3 013003 862.95 860.75 815.51 80551 NP NP 40.88 38.68 822.07 -0.33 16.56 YES MW -3 0228.03 862.95 860.75 815.51 805.51 NP NP 41.35 39.15 821.60 -0.47 16.09 YES MW -3 04,0703 862.95 860.75 815.51 805.51 NP NP 41.85 39.65 821.10 -0.50 15.59 YES MW -3 05.0703 862.95 860.75 815.51 805.51 NP NP 41.82 39.62 821.13 0.03 15.62 YES MW -3 0540'03 862.95 860.75 815.51 805.51 NP NP 42.64 40.44 820.31 -0.82 14.80 YES MW -3 06'0903 862.95 860.75 81551 805.51 41.81 0.67 42.48 40.28 820.97 0.66 14.96 YES MW -3 07'11'03 862.95 860.75 815.51 805.51 42.03 0.27 42.30 40.10 820.85 -0.12 15.14 YES MW -3 0811.03 862.95 860.75 815.51 80551 42.31 0.20 42.51 40.31 820.59 -0.26 14.93 YES MW -3 09.16.03 862.95 860.75 815.51 805.51 42.08 0.13 42.21 40.01 820.84 0.25 15.23 YES MW -3 10'08:03 862.95 860.75 815.51 805.51 42.07 0.14 42.21 40.01 820.85 0.01 15.23 YES MW -3 11'0703 862.95 860.75 815.51 805.51 42.64 0.08 42.72 40.52 820.29 -0.56 14.72 YES MW -3 11,1103 862.95 860.75 815.51 805.51 41.88 0.06 41.94 39.74 821.06 0.76 15.50 YES MW -3 12.18.03 862.95 860.75 815.51 805.51 42.28 0.06 42.34 40.14 820.66 -0.40 15.10 YES MW -3 01'0804 862.95 860.75 81551 805.51 42.61 0.06 42.67 40.47 820.33 -0.33 14.77 YES MW -3 04.1104 862.95 860.75 815.51 805.51 43.30 0.05 43.35 41.15 819.64 -0.69 14.09 YES MW -3 04.26/04 862.95 860.75 815.51 805.51 43.13 0.06 43.19 40.99 819.81 0.17 14.25 YES MW -3 05.21 ,04 862.95 860.75 815.51 805.51 43.13 0.06 43.19 40.99 819.81 0.00 14.25 YES MW -3 06'26.04 862.95 860.75 815.51 805.51 43.33 0.05 43.38 41.18 819.61 -0.20 14.06 YES MW -3 08/09x04 862.95 860.75 815.51 805.51 43.11 0.06 43.17 40.97 819.83 0.22 14.27 YES MW -3 09.02/04 862.95 860.75 815.51 805.51 43.13 0.06 43.19 40.99 819.81 -0.02 14.25 YES MW -3 10x04.-04 862.95 860.75 815.51 805.51 43.48 0.05 43.53 41.33 819.46 -0.35 13.91 YES MW -3 10%08x04 862.95 860.75 815.51 805.51 42.94 0.05 42.99 40.79 820.00 0.54 14.45 YES MW -3 11,10,04 862.95 860.75 815.51 805.51 43.00 0.04 43.04 40.84 819.94 -0.06 14.40 YES MW -3 01%1105 862.95 860.75 815.51 805.51 42.66 0.01 42.67 40.47 820.29 0.35 14.77 YES MW -3 0124/05 862.95 860.75 815.51 805.51 43.27 0.04 43.31 41.11 819.67 -0.62 14.13 YES Page 5 of 25 Table 1 Groundwater Elevation Data Heritage Amoco Service Station No. 2950 McKee/Convoy Eagan, Minnesota Delta Project No. GO1ZF Depth to Depth to Depth to Corrected Water Water Elevation Elevation Elevation Product Free Product Water Water Water Elevation Column in Above Well Date Elevation TOC Ground TOS BOS (TOC) Thickness (TOC) (Ground) Elevation Change Well Screen? MW -3 03 17 05 862.95 860.75 815.51 805.51 43.38 0.05 4343 41.23 819.56 -0.11 14.01 YES MW -3 04 19 05 862.95 860.75 815.51 805.51 43.39 0.04 4343 41.23 819.55 -0.01 14.01 YES MW -3 05,17 05 862.95 860.75 815.51 80551 43.75 0.10 43.85 41.65 819.18 -0.38 13.59 YES MW -3 06 15 05 862.95 860.75 815.51 805.51 NP NP 44.04 41.84 818.91 -0.26 1340 YES MW -3 0720 05 862.95 860.75 815.51 805.51 NP NP 44.20 42.00 818.75 -0.16 13.24 YES MW -3 08 17 05 862.95 860.75 815.51 805.51 NP NP 44.41 42.21 818.54 -0.21 13.03 YES MW -3 09 22.05 862.95 860.75 815.51 80551 NP NP 44.20 42.00 818.75 0.21 13.24 YES MW -3 10 13 05 862.95 860.75 815.51 805.51 NP NP 44.23 42.03 818.72 -0.83 13.21 YES MW -3 1215 05 862.95 860.75 815.51 80551 43.36 1.09 44.45 42.25 819.32 0.60 12.99 YES MW -3 01 1906 862.95 860.75 815.51 805.51 NP NP 43.63 41.43 819.32 0.00 13.81 YES MW -3 02 1606 862.95 860.75 815.51 805.51 NP NP 44.00 41.80 818.95 -0.37 13.44 YES MW -3 03 23 06 862.95 860.75 81551 805.51 NP NP 44.02 41.82 818.93 -0.02 13.42 YES MW -3 04 1206 862.95 860.75 815.51 805.51 43.99 0.01 44.00 41.80 818.96 0.03 13.44 YES MW -3 05 18 06 862.95 860.75 815.51 805.51 43.83 0.00 43.83 41.63 819.12 0.16 13.61 YES MW -3 06 18 06 862.95 860.75 815.51 805.51 43.86 0.00 43.86 41.66 819.09 -0.03 13.58 YES MW -3 071306 862.95 860.75 815.51 805.51 43.83 0.00 43.83 41.63 819.12 0.03 13.61 YES MW -3 08 17 06 862.95 860.75 815.51 805.51 43.86 0.00 43.86 41.66 819.09 -0.03 13.58 YES MW -3 0921 06 862.95 860.75 815.51 805.51 43.66 0.00 43.66 41.46 819.29 0.20 13.78 YES MW -3 102_3:06 862.95 860.75 815.51 80551 43.81 0.00 43.81 41.61 819.14 -0.15 13.63 YES MW -3 11 21 06 862.95 860.75 815.51 805.51 43.53 0.61 44.14 41.94 819.27 0.13 13.30 YES MW -3 121106 862.95 860.75 815.51 805.51 43.70 0.06 43.76 41.56 819.24 -0.03 13.68 YES MW -3 01 18 07 862.95 860.75 815.51 805.51 43.66 0.30 43.96 41.76 819.22 -0.02 13.48 YES MW -4 08.25 88 862.61 861.10 814.99 804.99 NP NP 49.70 48.19 812.91 7.92 NO MW -4 10:21'88 862.61 861.10 814.99 804.99 NP NP 50.05 48.54 812.56 -0.35 7.57 NO MW -4 07 09 90 862.61 861.10 814.99 804.99 NP NP 51.37 49.86 811.24 -1.32 6.25 NO MW -4 09 27 90 862.61 861.10 814.99 804.99 NP NP 49.48 47.97 813.13 1.89 8.14 NO MW -4 03 25 91 862.61 861.10 814.99 804.99 NP NP 50.27 48.76 812.34 -0.79 7.35 NO MW -4 0206 92 862.61 861.10 814.99 804.99 NP NP 48.51 47.00 814.10 1.76 9.11 NO MW -4 08 19 92 862.61 861.10 814.99 804.99 NP NP 48.30 46.79 814.31 0.21 9.32 NO MW -4 06 0195 862.61 861.10 814.99 804.99 NP NP 47.51 46.00 815.10 0.79 10.11 YES MW -4 0925 95 862.61 861.10 814.99 804.99 NP NP 46.92 45.41 815.69 0.59 10.70 YES MW -4 1222 95 862.61 861.10 814.99 804.99 NP NP 47.10 45.59 815.51 -0.18 10.52 YES MW -4 0321 96 862.61 861.10 814.99 804.99 NP NP 48.45 46.94 814.16 -1.35 9.17 NO MW -4 06 26 96 862.61 861 10 814.99 804.99 NP NP 48.10 46.59 814.51 0.35 9.52 NO MW -4 0926 96 862.61 861.10 814.99 804.99 NP NP 48.40 46.89 814.21 -0.30 9.22 NO MW -4 12 19 96 86261 861.10 814.99 804.99 NP NP 49.01 4750 813.60 -0.61 8.61 NO MW -4 03 21 97 862.61 861.10 814.99 804.99 NP NP 48.54 47.03 814.07 0.47 9.08 NO MW -4 07 24 97 862.61 861.10 814.99 804.99 NP NP 48.28 46.77 814.33 0.26 9.34 NO MW -4 10.07 97 862.61 861.10 814.99 804.99 NP NP 45.88 44.37 816.73 2.40 11.74 YES MW -4 01 28 98 862.61 861.10 814.99 804.99 NP NP 45.64 44.13 816.97 0.24 11.98 YES MW -4 07 2098 862.61 861.10 814.99 804.99 NP NP 43.91 42.40 818.70 1.73 13.71 YES MW -4 06 08 99 862.61 861.10 814.99 804.99 NP NP 45.22 43.71 817.39 -1.31 12.40 YES MW -4 09 21:99 862.61 861.10 814.99 804.99 NP NP 44.15 42.64 818.46 1.07 13.47 NM MW -4 06:21 '00 862.61 861.10 814.99 804.99 NP NP 47.13 45.62 815.48 -2.98 10.49 YES MW -4 10,10 00 862.61 861.10 814.99 804.99 NP NP 47.13 45.62 815.48 0.00 10.49 YES MW -4 02 2801 862.61 861.10 814.99 804.99 NP NP 47.87 46.36 814.74 -0.74 9.75 NO MW -4 05 14 01 862.61 861.10 814.99 804.99 NP NP 47.56 46.05 815.05 0.31 10.06 YES MW -4 08 15 01 862.61 861.10 814.99 804.99 NP NP 46.78 45.27 815.83 0.78 10.84 YES MW -4 11 26 01 862.61 861.10 81499 804.99 NP NP 46.55 45.04 816.06 0.23 11.07 YES MW -4 0529 02 862.61 861.10 814.99 804.99 NP NP 47.54 46.03 815.07 -0.99 10.08 YES MW -4 11,21'02 862.61 861.10 814.99 804.99 NP NP 46.51 45.00 816.10 1.03 1 Ll 1 YES MW -4 052003 862.61 861.10 814.99 804.99 NP NP 47.44 45.93 815.17 -0.93 10.18 YES MW -4 11 1 1 03 862.61 861.10 814.99 804.99 NP NP 47.17 45.66 815.44 0.27 10.45 YES MW -4 04'12 04 862.61 861.10 814.99 804.99 NP NP 48.83 47.32 813.78 -1.66 8.79 NO MW -4 1004'04 862.61 861.10 814.99 804.99 NP NP 48.31 46.80 814.30 0.52 9.31 NO MW -4 04:1905 862.61 861.10 814.99 804.99 NP NP 49.12 47.61 813.49 -0.81 8.50 NO MW -4 10.1205 862.61 861.10 814.99 804.99 NP NP 48.67 47.16 813.94 0.45 8.95 NO MW -4 04:12,06 862.61 861.10 814.99 804.99 NP NP 49.30 47.79 813.31 -0.63 8.32 NO MW -4 102306 862.61 861.10 814.99 804.99 NP NP 49.01 47.50 813.60 0.29 8.61 NO MW -5 08'25'88 866.52 864.68 821.48 811.48 NP NP 47.13 45.29 819.39 7.91 NO MW -5 10,21'88 866.52 864.68 821.48 811.48 NP NP 47.32 45.48 819.20 -0.19 7.72 NO MW -5 07.09'90 866.52 864.68 821.48 811.48 NP NP 47.72 45.88 818.80 -0.40 7.32 NO MW -5 09:27.90 866.52 864.68 821.48 811.48 NP NP 45.20 43.36 821.32 2.52 9.84 NO MW -5 032591 866.52 864.68 821.48 811.48 NP NP 47.37 45.53 819.15 -2.17 7.67 NO MW -5 02'06'92 866.52 864.68 821.48 811.48 NP NP 45.10 43.26 821.42 2.27 9.94 NO Page 6 of 25 Table 1 Groundwater Elevation Data Heritage Amoco Service Station No. 2950 McKee/Convoy Eagan, Minnesota Delta Project No. G01ZF Depth to Depth to Depth to Corrected Water Water Elevation Elevation Elevation Product Free Product Water Water Water Elevation Column in Above Well Date Elevation TOC Ground TOS BOS (TOC) Thickness (TOC) (Ground) Elevation Change Well Screen? MW -5 0819'92 866.52 864.68 821.48 811.48 NP NP 44.35 4251 822.17 0.75 10.69 YES MW -5 06:0195 866.52 864.68 82148 811.48 NP NP 44.32 42.48 822.20 0.03 10.72 YES MW -5 09 25 95 866.52 864.68 821.48 811.48 NP NP 43.80 41.96 822.72 0.52 11.224 YES MW -5 122295 866.52 864.68 821.48 811.48 NP NP 43.93 42.09 822.59 -0.13 11.11 YES MW -5 0321.96 866.52 864.68 821.48 811.48 NP NP 44.61 42.77 821.91 -0.68 10.43 YES MW -5 06 2696 866.52 864.68 821.48 811.48 NP NP 44.70 42.86 821.82 -0.09 10.34 YES MW -5 0926.96 866.52 864.68 821.48 811.48 NP NP 45.33 43.49 821.19 -0.63 9.71 NO MW -5 12,19 96 866.52 864.68 821.48 811.48 NP NP 46.28 44.44 820.24 -0.95 8.76 NO MW -5 0321 97 866.52 864.68 821.48 811.48 NP NP 45.55 43.71 820.97 0.73 9.49 NO MW -5 0724'97 36652 864.68 821.48 811.48 NP NP 44.56 42.72 821.96 0.99 1048 YES MW -5 10 0797 866.52 864.68 821.48 811.48 NP NP 42.30 40.46 824.22 2.26 12.74 YES MW -5 01'28-98 866.52 864.68 821.48 811.48 NP NP 42.44 40.60 824.08 -0.14 12.60 YES MW -5 0720,98 866.52 864.68 821.48 811.48 NP NP 41.70 39.86 824.82 0.74 13.34 YES MW -5 12.3198 866.52 864.68 82148 811.48 NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM MW -5 0325.99 866.52 864.68 821.48 811.48 NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM MW -5 06'0899 866.52 864.68 821.48 811.48 NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM MW -5 09:2199 866.52 864.68 821.48 811.48 NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM MW -5 12,14.99 866.52 864.68 821.48 811.48 NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM MW -5 1010`00 866.52 864.68 821.48 811.48 NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM MW -5 05.1401 866.52 864.68 821.48 811.48 NP NP 44.59 42.75 821.93 NA 10.45 YES MW -5 08'1401 866.52 864.68 821.48 811.48 NP NP 43.86 42.02 822.66 0.73 11.18 YES Abandoned MW -7 0825.88 862.09 859.92 820.42 810.42 NP NP 43.96 41.79 818.13 7.71 NO MW -7 102188 862.09 859.92 820.42 810.42 NP NP 43.93 41.76 818.16 0.03 7.74 NO MW -7 070990 862.09 859.92 82042 810.42 NP NP 4454 42.37 817.55 -0.61 7.13 NO MW -7 0927'90 862.09 859.92 820.42 810.42 NP NP 42.24 40.07 819.85 2.30 9.43 NO MW -7 03:25.91 862.09 859.92 820.42 810.42 NP NP 43.60 41.43 818.49 -1.36 8.07 NO MW -7 02.0692 862.09 859.92 820.42 810.42 NP NP 39.82 37.65 822.27 3.78 11.85 YES MW -7 0819/92 862.09 859.92 820.42 810.42 NP NP 39.75 37.58 822.34 0.07 11.92 YES MW -7 060195 862.09 859.92 820.42 810.42 NP NP 41.08 38.91 821.01 -1.33 10.59 YES MW -7 0925.95 862.09 859.92 820.42 810.42 NP NP 40.19 38.02 821.90 0.89 11.48 YES MW -7 1222'95 862.09 859.92 820.42 810.42 NP NP 40.56 38.39 821.53 -0.37 11.11 YES MW -7 032196 862.09 859.92 820.42 810.42 NP NP 41.50 39.33 820.59 -0.94 10.17 YES MW -7 0626-96 862.09 859.92 82042 810.42 NP NP 41.25 39.08 820.84 0.25 10.42 YES MW -7 0926.96 862.09 859.92 820.42 810.42 NP NP 41.02 38.85 821.07 0.23 10.65 YES MW -7 1219'96 862.09 859.92 820.42 810.42 NP NP 41.53 39.36 820.56 -0.51 10.14 YES MW -7 03'2197 862.09 859.92 820.42 810.42 NP NP 41.29 39.12 820.80 0.24 10.38 YES MW -7 07/2497 862.09 859.92 820.42 810.42 NP NP 40.95 38.78 821.14 0.34 10.72 YES MW -7 10'07/97 862.09 859.92 820.42 810.42 NP NP 39.04 36.87 823.05 1.91 12.63 YES MW -7 01.28.98 862.09 859.92 820.42 810.42 NP NP 38.96 36.79 823.13 0.08 12.71 YES MW -7 0720:98 862.09 859.92 820.42 810.42 NP NP 32.77 30.60 829.32 6.19 18.90 YES MW -7 1231:98 862.09 859.92 820.42 810.42 NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM MW -7 03'25:99 862.09 859.92 820.42 810.42 NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM MW -7 06,08-99 862.09 859.92 820.42 810.42 NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM MW -7 0921.99 862.09 859.92 820.42 810.42 NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM MW -7 121499 862.09 859.92 820.42 810.42 NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM MW -7 10.10,00 862.09 859.92 820.42 810.42 NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM MW -7 02.27.01 862.09 859.92 820.42 810.42 NP NP 41.66 39.49 820.43 NM NM YES MW -7 05:14:01 862.09 859.92 820.42 810.42 NP NP 40.49 38.32 821.60 1.17 NM YES MW -7 0814101 862.09 859.92 820.42 810.42 NP NP 39.80 37.63 822.29 0.69 NM YES Abandoned MW -8 101205 861.88 859.38 798.98 783.98 69.64 0.02 69.66 67.16 792.24 8.24 NO MW -8 12'15.05 861.88 859.38 798.98 783.98 67.90 3.76 71.66 69.16 793.04 0.80 6.24 NO MW -8 01.1906 861.88 859.38 798.98 783.98 70.82 5.68 76.50 74.00 789.64 -3.40 1.40 NO MW -8 021606 861.88 859.38 798.98 783.98 71.09 3.76 74.85 72.35 789.85 0.21 3.05 NO MW -8 0323.06 861.88 859.38 798.98 783.98 67.78 10.02 77.80 75.30 791.60 1.75 0.10 NO MW -8 04.12.06 861.88 859.38 798.98 783.98 67.42 10.73 78.15 75.65 791.78 0.18 -0.25 NO MW -8 05'18.06 861.88 859.38 798.98 783.98 67.29 10.87 78.16 75.66 791.87 0.10 -0.26 NO MW -8 06/15!06 861.88 859.38 798.98 783.98 67.75 10.40 78.15 75.65 791.53 -0.34 -0.25 NO MW -8 07:13:06 861.88 859.38 798.98 783.98 68.11 10.09 78.20 75.70 791.25 -0.28 -0.30 NO MW -8 08.17/06 861.88 859.38 798.98 783.98 68.65 10.00 78.65 76.15 790.73 -0.52 -0.75 NO MW -8 09/2106 861.88 859.38 798.98 783.98 68.30 10.00 78.30 75.80 791.08 0.35 -0.40 NO MW -8 1026/06 861.88 859.38 798.98 783.98 68.94 7.85 76.79 74.29 790.98 -0.10 1.11 NO MW -8 1121.06 861.88 859.38 798.98 783.98 68.50 9.33 77.83 75.33 791.05 0.07 0.07 NO MW -8 12'1106 861.88 859.38 798.98 783.98 68.71 8.98 77.69 75.19 790.93 -0.12 0.21 NO Page 7 of 25 Table 1 Groundwater Elevation Data Heritage Amoco Service Station No. 2950 McKee/Convoy Eagan, Minnesota Delta Project No. G01ZF Depth to Depth to Depth to Corrected Water Water Elevation Elevation Elevation Product Free Product Water Water Water Elevation Column in Above Well Date Elevation TOC Ground TOS BOS (TOC) Thickness (TOC) (Ground) Elevation Change Well Screen? MW -8 01 18.07 861.88 359.38 798.98 783.98 68.45 8.67 77.12 74.62 791.26 0.34 0.78 NO DMW-8 09 14 90 861.32 859.33 754.14 744.14 NP NP 77.69 75.70 783.63 39.49 YES DMW-8 092790 861.32 859.33 754.14 744.14 NP NP 7754 75.55 783.78 0.15 39.64 YES DMW-8 03'15.91 361.32 859.33 754.14 744.14 NP NP 77.25 75.26 784.07 0.29 39.93 YES DMW-8 0206.92 861.32 859.33 754.14 744.14 NP NP 76.24 74.25 785.08 1.01 40.94 YES D.MW-8 0819.92 861.32 859.33 754.14 744.14 NP NP 76.91 74.92 784.41 -0.67 40.27 YES DMW-8 11'0692 861.32 859.33 754.14 744.14 NP NP 76.46 74.47 784.86 0.45 40.72 YES DMW-8 0120.93 861.32 859.33 754.14 744.14 NP NP 75.95 73.96 785.37 0.51 41.23 YES DMW-8 03'1093 861.32 859.33 754.14 744.14 NP NP 75.64 73.65 785.68 0.31 41.54 YES DMW-8 04 20'93 861.32 859.33 754.14 744.14 NP NP 75.72 73.73 785.60 -0.08 41.46 YES DMW-8 06'11,93 861.32 85933 754.14 744.14 NP NP 75.89 73.90 785.43 -0.17 41.29 YES DMW-8 0715.93 861.32 859.33 754.14 744.14 NP NP 75.70 73.71 785.62 0.19 41.48 YES DMW-8 083193 861.32 859.33 754.14 744.14 NP NP 75.28 73.29 786.04 0.42 41.90 YES DMW-8 10;14;93 861.32 859.33 754.14 744.14 NP NP 74.70 72.71 786.62 0.58 42.48 YES DMW-8 1126,93 861.32 859.33 754.14 744.14 NP NP 74.37 72.38 786.95 0.33 42.81 YES DMW-8 010694 861.32 859.33 754.14 744.14 NP NP 74.08 72.09 787.24 0.29 43.10 YES DMW-8 021694 861.32 859.33 754.14 744.14 NP NP 76.29 74.30 735.03 -2.21 40.89 YES DMW-8 06.0794 861.32 859.33 754.14 744.14 NP NP 74.65 72.66 786.67 1.64 42.53 YES DMW-8 0927'94 861.32 859.33 754.14 744.14 NP NP 74.60 72.61 786.72 0.05 42.58 YES DMW-8 1018.94 861.32 859.33 754.14 744.14 NP NP 74.05 72.06 787.27 0.55 43.13 YES DMW-8 0601'95 861.32 859.33 754.14 744.14 NP NP 73.85 71.86 78747 0.20 43.33 YES DMW-8 092595 861.32 859.33 754.14 744.14 NP NP 73.95 71.96 787.37 -0.10 43.23 YES DMW-8 1222.95 861.32 859.33 754.14 744.14 NP NP 73.55 71.56 787.77 0.40 43.63 YES DMW-8 03'21:96 861.32 859.33 754.14 744.14 NP NP 74.80 72.81 786.52 -1.25 42.38 YES DMW-8 041096 861.32 859.33 754.14 744.14 NP NP 72.82 70.83 788.50 1.98 44.36 YES DMW-8 06'2696 861.32 859.33 754.14 744.14 NP NP 73.68 71.69 787.64 -0.86 43.50 YES DMW-8 09:2696 861.32 859.33 754.14 744.14 NP NP 75.98 73.99 785.34 -2.30 41.20 YES DMW-8 12'19,96 861.32 859.33 754.14 744.14 NP NP 74.34 72.35 786.98 1.64 42.84 YES DMW-8 032197 861.32 859.33 754.14 744.14 NP NP 73.29 71.30 788.03 1.05 43.89 YES DMW-8 0724:'97 861.32 859.33 754.14 744.14 NP NP 74.03 72.04 787.29 -0.74 43.15 YES DMW-8 100797 861.32 859.33 754.14 744.14 NP NP 73.56 71.57 787.76 0.47 43.62 YES DMW-8 012898 861.32 859.33 754.14 744.14 NP NP 72.53 70.54 788.79 1.03 44.65 YES DMW-8 0720;98 861.32 859.33 754.14 744.14 NP NP 72.49 70.50 788.83 0.04 44.69 YES DMW-8 060899 861.32 859.33 754.14 744.14 NP NP 71.88 69.89 789.44 0.61 45.30 YES DMW-8 0921'99 861.32 859.33 754.14 744.14 NP NP 71.85 69.86 789.47 0.03 45.33 YES DMW-8 10.10'00 861.32 859.33 754.14 744.14 NP NP 72.11 70.12 789.21 -0.26 45.07 NM DMW-8 02,27'01 861.32 859.33 754.14 744.14 NP NP 72.24 70.25 789.08 -0.13 44.94 YES DMW-8 05.14 01 861.32 859.33 754.14 744.14 NP NP 71.40 69.41 789.92 0.84 45.78 YES DMW-8 08:14.01 861.32 859.33 754.14 744.14 NP NP 72.40 70.41 788.92 -1.00 44.78 YES DMW-8 1126101 861.32 859.33 754.14 744.14 NP NP 71.81 69.82 789.51 0.59 45.37 YES DMW-8 052902 861.32 859.33 754.14 744.14 NP NP 72.40 70.41 788.92 -0.59 44.78 YES DMW-8 11 X21:02 861.32 859.33 754.14 744.14 NP NP 71.94 69.95 789.38 046 45.24 YES DMW-8 05.20:03 861.32 859.33 754.14 744.14 NP NP 71.55 69.56 789.77 0.39 45.63 YES DMW-8 11 11 03 861.32 859.33 754.14 744.14 NP NP 71.25 69.26 790.07 0.30 45.93 YES DMW-8 04.1204 861.32 859.33 754.14 744.14 NP NP 71.72 69.73 789.60 -0.47 45.46 YES DMW-8 10,04/04 861.32 859.33 754.14 744.14 NP NP 7259 70.60 788.73 -0.87 44.59 YES DMW-8 041905 861.32 859.33 754.14 744.14 NP NP 71.73 69.74 789.59 0.86 45.45 YES DMW-8 10113'05 861.32 859.33 754.14 744.14 NP NP 72.87 70.88 788.45 -1.14 44.31 YES DMW-8 04/1206 861.32 859.33 754.14 744.14 NP NP 72.84 70.85 788.48 0.03 44.34 YES DMW-8 10.2306 861.32 859.33 754.14 744.14 NP NP 73.88 71.89 787.44 -1.04 43.30 YES DMW-9 09'14,90 862.48 859.72 754.22 744.22 NP NP 80.19 77.43 782.29 38.07 YES DMW-9 09.27,90 862.48 859.72 754.22 744.22 NP NP 80.07 77.31 782.41 0.12 38.19 YES DMW-9 03!1591 862.48 859.72 754.22 744.22 NP NP 79.75 76.99 782.73 0.32 38.51 YES DMW-9 02.0692 862.48 859.72 754.22 744.22 NP NP 78.86 76.10 783.62 0.89 39.40 YES DMW-9 08.1992 862.48 859.72 754.22 744.22 NP NP 79.61 76.85 782.87 -0.75 38.65 YES DMW-9 11/0692 862.48 859.72 754.22 744.22 NP NP 79.07 76.31 783.41 0.54 39.19 YES DMW-9 0120.93 862.48 859.72 754.22 744.22 NP NP 78.58 75.82 783.90 0.49 39.68 YES DMW-9 03 10-93 862.48 859.72 754.22 744.22 NP NP 78.30 75.54 784.18 0.28 39.96 YES DMW-9 042093 862.48 859.72 754.22 744.22 NP NP 78.41 75.65 784.07 -0.11 39.85 YES DMW-9 06'1193 862.48 859.72 754.22 744.22 NP NP 78.42 75.66 784.06 -0.01 39.84 YES DMW-9 07'1593 862.48 859.72 754.22 744.22 NP NP 78.35 75.59 784.13 0.07 39.91 YES DMW-9 08,31'93 862.48 859.72 754.22 744.22 NP NP 77.97 75.21 784.51 0.38 40.29 YES DMW-9 10,14:93 862.48 859.72 754.22 744.22 NP NP 77.28 74.52 785.20 0.69 40.98 YES DMW-9 11'26!93 862.48 859.72 754.22 744.22 NP NP 77.05 74.29 785.43 0.23 41.21 YES DMW-9 01:0694 862.48 859.72 754.22 744.22 NP NP 76.79 74.03 785.69 0.26 41.47 YES Page 8 of 25 Table 1 Groundwater Elevation Data Heritage Amoco Service Station No. 2950 McKee/Convoy Eagan, Minnesota Delta Project No. GO1ZF Depth to Depth to Depth to Corrected Water Water Elevation Elevation Elevation Product Free Product Water Water Water Elevation Column in Above Well Date Elevation TOC Ground TOS BOS (TOC) Thickness (TOC) (Ground) Elevation Change Well Screen? DMW-9 02 16 94 862.48 859.72 754.22 744.22 NP NP 76.99 74.23 785.49 -0.20 41.27 YES DMW-9 06 07 94 862.48 859.72 754.22 744.22 NP NP 77.34 7458 785.14 -0.35 40.92 YES DMW-9 09 27 94 862.48 859.72 754.22 744.22 NP - NP 77.23 74.47 785.25 0.1 I 41.03 YES DMW-9 10 18 94 862.48 859.72 754.22 744.22 NP NP 76.77 74.01 785.71 0.46 41.49 YES DMW-9 06 01 95 862.48 859.72 754.22 744.22 NP NP 76.44 73.68 786.04 0.33 41.82 YES DMW-9 092_595 862.48 859.72 754.22 744.22 NP NP 76.64 73.88 785.84 -0.20 41.62 YES DMW-9 12 22 95 862.48 859.72 754.22 744.22 NP NP 76.08 73.32 786.40 0.56 42.18 YES DMW-9 032196 862.48 859.72 754.22 744.22 NP NP 75.98 73.22 786.50 0.10 42.28 YES DMW-9 0410.96 86248 859.72 754.22 744.22 NP NP 75.41 72.65 787.07 0.57 42.85 YES DMW-9 06 2696 862.48 859.72 754.22 744.22 NP NP 76.20 73.44 786.28 -0.79 42.06 YES DMW-9 09 26 96 862.48 859.72 754.22 744.22 NP NP 76.02 73.26 786.46 0.18 42.24 YES DMW-9 12 19 96 862.48 859.72 754.22 744.22 NP NP 76.01 73.25 786.47 0.01 42.25 YES DMW-9 03 21 97 862.48 859.72 754.22 744.22 NP NP 75.91 73.15 786.57 0.10 42.35 YES DMW-9 07 2497 862.48 859.72 754.22 744.22 NP NP 76.96 74.20 785.52 -1.05 41.30 YES DMW-9 10:0797 862.48 859.72 754.22 744.22 NP NP 76.14 73.38 786.34 0.82 42.12 YES DMW-9 01 28 98 862.48 859.72 754.22 744.22 NP NP 75.17 72.41 787.31 0.97 43.09 YES DMW-9 07 20 98 862.48 859.72 754.22 744.22 NP NP 75.15 72.39 787.33 0.02 43.11 YES DMW-9 12 31.98 862.48 859.72 754.22 744.22 NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM DMW-9 03 25 99 862.48 859.72 754.22 744.22 NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM DMW-9 0608 99 862.48 859.72 754.22 744.22 NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM DMW-9 092199 862.48 859.72 754.22 744.22 NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM DMW-9 12 14 99 862.48 859.72 754.22 744.22 NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM DMW-9 1010.00 862.48 859.72 754.22 744.22 NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM DMW-9 02 27 01 862.48 859.72 754.22 744.22 NP NP 74.40 71.64 788.08 NA 43.86 YES DMW-9 05 1401 862.48 859.72 754.22 744.22 NP NP 73.96 71.20 788.52 0.44 44.30 YES DMW-9 08 15 01 862.48 859.72 754.22 744.22 NP NP 74.75 71.99 787.73 -0.79 43.51 YES Abandoned MW -I0 10,1205 865.83 863.33 826.13 811.13 NP NP 44.83 42.33 821.00 9.87 NO MW -10 04.1206 865.83 863.33 826.13 811.13 NP NP 45.61 43.11 820.22 9.09 NO MW -10 102306 865.83 863.33 826.13 811.13 NP NP 45.21 42.71 820.62 9.49 NO DMW-10 09 14 90 865.21 863.29 757.98 747.98 NP NP 82.64 80.72 782.57 34.59 YES DMW-10 092790 865.21 863.29 757.98 747.98 NP NP 82.34 80.42 782.87 0.30 34.89 YES DMW-10 031591 865.21 863.29 757.98 747.98 NP NP 82.04 80.12 783.17 0.30 35.19 YES DMW-I0 02.0692 865.21 863.29 757.98 747.98 NP NP 81.12 79.20 784.09 0.92 36.11 YES DMW-10 08'1992 865.21 863.29 757.98 747.98 NP NP 81.71 79.79 783.50 -0.59 35.52 YES DMW-I0 1106 92 865.21 863.29 757.98 747.98 NP NP 81.45 79.53 783.76 0.26 35.78 YES DMW-10 01 20.93 865.21 863.29 757.98 747.98 NP NP 80.81 78.89 784.40 0.64 36.42 YES DMW-10 0310,93 865.21 863.29 757.98 747.98 NP NP 80.58 78.66 784.63 0.23 36.65 YES DMW-10 042093 865.21 863.29 757.98 747.98 NP NP 80.71 78.79 784.50 -0.13 36.52 YES DMW-10 06,1193 865.21 863.29 757.98 747.98 NP NP 80.78 78.86 784.43 -0.07 36.45 YES DMW-10 07 15 93 865.21 863.29 757.98 747.98 NP NP 80.56 78.64 784.65 0.22 36.67 YES DMW-10 0831'93 865.21 863.29 757.98 747.98 NP NP 80.12 78.20 785.09 0.44 37.11 YES DMW-10 1014.93 865.21 863.29 757.98 747.98 NP NP 79.64 77.72 785.57 0.48 37.59 YES DMW-10 1126.93 . 865.21 863.29 757.98 747.98 NP NP 79.28 77.36 785.93 0.36 37.95 YES DMW-10 0106 94 865.21 863.29 757.98 747.98 NP NP 79.02 77.10 786.19 0.26 38.21 YES DMW-10 02.1694 865.21 863.29 757.98 747.98 NP NP 79.19 77.27 786.02 -0.17 38.04 YES DMW-10 06.07.94 865.21 863.29 757.98 747.98 NP NP 79.56 77.64 785.65 -0.37 37.67 YES DMW-10 09'27;94 865.21 863.29 757.98 747.98 NP NP 79.48 77.56 785.73 0.08 37.75 YES DMW-10 10'18'94 865.21 863.29 757.98 747.98 NP NP 78.97 77.05 786.24 0.51 38.26 YES DMW-10 06.01:95 865.21 863.29 757.98 747.98 NP NP 78.78 76.86 786.43 0.19 38.45 YES DMW-10 0925:95 865.21 863.29 757.98 747.98 NP NP 78.80 76.88 786.41 -0.02 38.43 YES DM791-10 12 22'95 865.21 863.29 757.98 747.98 NP NP 78.34 76.42 786.87 0.46 38.89 YES DM1S'-10 03.'21:96 865.21 863.29 757.98 747.98 NP NP 78.21 76.29 787.00 0.13 39.02 YES DMW-10 04.10.96 865.21 863.29 757.98 747.98 NP NP 77.59 75.67 787.62 0.62 39.64 YES DMW-10 06126:96 865.21 863.29 757.98 747.98 NP NP 78.49 76.57 786.72 -0.90 38.74 YES DMW-10 09,26,96 865.21 863.29 757.98 747.98 NP NP 79.54 77.62 785.67 -1.05 37.69 YES DMW-10 12'19/96 865.21 863.29 757.98 747.98 NP NP 79.47 77.55 785.74 0.07 37.76 YES DMW-10 03/2197 865.21 863.29 757.98 747.98 NP NP 78.12 76.20 787.09 1.35 39.11 YES DMW-10 072497 865.21 863.29 757.98 747.98 NP NP 79.14 77.22 786.07 -1.02 38.09 YES DMW-10 10/07/97 865.21 863.29 757.98 747.98 NP NP 78.38 76.46 786.83 0.76 38.85 YES DMW-10 01/28.98 865.21 863.29 757.98 747.98 NP NP 77.36 75.44 787.85 1.02 39.87 YES DMW-10 07120,98 865.21 863.29 757.98 747.98 NP NP 77.37 75.45 787.84 -0.01 39.86 YES DMW-10 12/31/98 865.21 863.29 757.98 747.98 NP NP 77.34 75.42 787.87 0.03 39.89 YES DMW-10 03/25'99 865.21 863.29 757.98 747.98 NP NP 77.91 75.99 787.30 -0.57 39.32 YES DMW-10 06/08'99 865.21 863.29 757.98 747.98 NP NP 78.10 76.18 787.11 -0.19 39.13 YES Page 9 of 25 Table 1 Groundwater Elevation Data Heritage Amoco Service Station No. 2950 McKee/Convoy Eagan, Minnesota Delta Project No. G01ZF Depth to Depth to Depth to Corrected Water Water Elevation Elevation Elevation Product Free Product Water Water Water Elevation Column in Above Well Date Elevation TOC Ground TOS BOS (TOC) Thickness (TOC) (Ground) Elevation Change Well Screen? DMW-10 1214:99 865.21 863.29 757.98 747.98 NP NP 75.94 74.02 789.27 2.16 41.29 YES DMW-10 06 20 00 865.21 863.29 757.98 747.98 NP NP 76.43 7451 788.78 -049 40.80 YES DMW-I0 1010:00 865.21 863.29 757.98 747.98 NP NP 76.88 74.96 788.33 -0.45 40.35 YES DMW-10 022701 865.21 863.29 757.98 747.98 NP NP 76.42 74.50 788.79 0.46 40.81 YES DMW-10 0514:01 865.21 863.29 757.98 747.98 NP NP 76.17 74.25 789.04 0.25 41.06 YES DMW-10 08 15 01 865.21 863.29 757.98 747.98 NP NP 77.00 75.08 788.21 -0.83 40.23 YES DMW-10 11 2601 865.21 863.29 757.98 747.98 NP NP 76.78 74.86 788.43 0.22 40.45 YES DMW-10 052902 865.21 863.29 757.98 747.98 NP NP 77.37 7545 787.84 -0.59 39.86 YES DMW-10 112102 865.21 863.29 757.98 747.98 NP NP 76.79 74.87 788.42 0.58 4044 YES DMW-I0 0520'03 865.21 863.29 757.98 747.98 NP NP 76.42 74.50 788.79 0.37 40.81 . YES DMW-10 11.1103 865.21 863.29 757.98 747.98 NP NP 76.10 74.18 789.11 0.32 41.13 YES DMW-10 04 12'04 865.21 863.29 757.98 747.98 NP NP 76.53 74.61 788.68 -0.43 40.70 YES DMW-I0 10:04.04 865_21 863.29 757.98 747.98 NP NP 77.44 75.52 787.77 -0.91 39.79 YES DMW-10 04:1905 865.21 863.29 757.98 747.98 NP NP 76.59 74.67 788.62 0.85 40.64 YES DMW-10 10.13,05 865.21 863.29 757.98 747.98 NP NP 77.74 75.82 787.47 -1.15 39.49 YES DMW-10 041206 865.21 863.29 75798 747.98 NP NP 77.79 75.87 787.42 -0.05 39.44 YES DMW-10 102306 865.21 863.29 757.98 747.98 NP NP 78.83 76.91 786.38 -1.04 38.40 YES DMW-I I 09'14.90 862.76 860.57 769.14 759.14 NP NP 79.14 76.95 783.62 24.48 .YES DMW-11 092790 862.76 860.57 769.14 759.14 NP NP 78.95 76.76 783.81 0.19 24.67 YES DMW-I 1 03 15 91 862.76 860.57 769.14 759.14 NP NP 78.66 76.47 784.10 0.29 24.96 YES DMW-11 02 06 92 862.76 860.57 769.14 759.14 NP NP 77.65 75.46 785.11 1.01 25.97 YES DMW-11 08 1992 862.76 860.57 769.14 759.14 NP NP 78.39 76.20 784.37 -0.74 25.23 YES DMW-11 1106.92 862.76 860.57 769.14 759.14 NP NP 77.86 75.67 784.90 0.53 25.76 YES DMW-11 012093 862.76 860.57 769.14 759.14 NP NP 77.62 75.43 785.14 0.24 26.00 YES DMW-Il 03'1093 862.76 860.57 769.14 759.14 NP NP 77.05 74.86 785.71 0.57 26.57 YES DMW-11 0420.93 862.76 860.57 769.14 759.14 NP NP 77.13 74.94 785.63 -0.03 26.49 YES DMW-11 06 11 93 862.76 56057 769.14 759.14 NP NP 77.16 74.97 785.60 -0.03 26.46 YES DMW-11 0715'93 862.76 860.57 769.14 759.14 NP NP 77.07 74,88 785.69 0.09 26.55 YES DMW-I1 0831'93 862.76 86057 769.14 759.14 NP NP 76.67 7448 786.09 0.40 26.95 YES DMW-11 10 1493 862.76 860.57 769.14 759.14 NP NP 76.09 73.90 786.67 0.58 2753 YES DMW-II 112693 862.76 860.57 769.14 759.14 NP NP 75.77 73.58 786.99 0.32 27.85 YES DMW-11 010694 862.76 860.57 769.14 759.14 NP NP 75.48 73.29 787.28 0.29 28.14 YES DMW-11 02.1694 862.76 860.57 769.14 759.14 NP NP 75.64 73.45 787.12 -0.16 27.98 YES DMW-11 06 0794 862.76 860.57 769.14 759.14 NP NP 76.04 73.85 786.72 -040 27.58 YES DMW-11 09.2794 862.76 860.57 769.14 759.14 NP NP 75.98 73.79 786.78 0.06 27.64 YES DMW-11 1018:94 862.76 860.57 769.14 759.14 NP NP 75,79 73.60 786.97 0.19 27.83 YES DMW-11 06.0195 862.76 860.57 769.14 759.14 NP NP 75.23 73.04 787.53 0.56 28.39 YES DMW-11 092595 862.76 860.57 769.14 759.14 NP NP 75.32 73.13 787.44 -0.09 28.30 YES DMW-11 12,2295 862.76 860.57 769.14 759.14 NP NP 75.06 72.87 787.70 0.26 28.56 YES DMW-1 I 03 21 96 862.76 860.57 769.14 759.14 NP NP 76.70 7451 786.06 -1.64 26.92 YES DMW-11 0410:96 862.76 860.57 769.14 759.14 NP NP 74.22 72.03 788.54 2.48 29.40 YES DMW-I 1 06 26 96 862.76 860.57 769.14 759.14 NP NP 75.10 72.91 787.66 -0.88 28.52 YES DMW-I1 09:2696 862.76 860.57 769.14 759.14 NP NP 76.28 74.09 786.48 -1.18 27.34 YES DMW-ll 12 1996 862.76 860.57 769.14 759.14 NP NP 75.72 73.53 787.04 0.56 27.90 YES DMW-I1 0321:97 862.76 860.57 769.14 759.14 NP NP 74.64 72.45 788.12 1.08 28.98 YES DMW-I I 07 24 97 862.76 860.57 769.14 759.14 NP NP 75.05 72.86 787.71 -0.41 28.57 YES DMW-1 I 10:07 97 862.76 860.57 769.14 759.14 NP NP 74.95 72.76 787.81 0.10 28.67 YES DMW-11 0128:98 862.76 860.57 769.14 759.14 NP NP 73.92 71.73 788.84 1.03 29.70 YES DMW-I1 0720.98 862.76 860.57 769.14 759.14 NP NP 75.25 73.06 787.51 -1.33 28.37 YES DMW-11 06'0899 862.76 860.57 769.14 759.14 NP NP 73.42 71.23 789.34 1.83 30.20 YES DMW-1 I 0921 99 862.76 860.57 769.14 759.14 NP NP 73.29 71.10 789.47 0.13 30.33 YES DMW-11 12:-1499 862.76 860.57 769.14 759.14 NP NP 73.18 70.99 789.58 0.11 30.44 YES DMW-11 10.11.00 862.76 860.57 769.14 759.14 NP NP 73.53 71.34 789.23 -0.35 30.09 YES DMW-11 02:28'01 862.76 860.57 769.14 759.14 NP NP 73.00 70.81 789.76 0.53 30.62 YES DMW-11 05 14.01 862.76 860.57 769.14 759.14 NP NP 72.68 70.49 790.08 0.32 30.94 YES DMW-1 I 08, 15.01 862.76 860.57 769.14 759.14 NP NP 73.54 71.35 789.22 -0.86 30.08 YES DMW-I I II '27.01 862.76 860.57 769.14 759.14 NP NP 73.23 71.04 789.53 0.31 30.39 YES DMW-11 0529.02 862.76 860.57 769.14 759.14 NP NP 74.53 72.34 788.23 -1.30 29.09 YES DMW-11 II 21-02 862.76 860.57 769.14 759.14 NP NP 73.64 71.45 789.12 0.89 29.98 YES DMW-11 052003 862.76 860.57 769.14 759.14 NP NP 72.95 70.76 789.81 0.69 30.67 YES DMW-l1 11.1103 862.76 860.57 769.14 759.14 NP NP 72.66 70.47 790.10 0.29 30.96 YES DMW-II 041204 862.76 860.57 769.14 759.14 NP NP 73.13 70.94 789.63 -0.47 30.49 YES DMW-I1 1004'04 862.76 860.57 769.14 759.14 NP NP 73.98 71.79 788.78 -0.85 29.64 YES DMW-11 04%19,05 862.76 860.57 769.14 759.14 NP NP 73.19 71.00 789.57 0.79 30.43 YES DMW-11 10.13.05 862.76 860.57 769.14 759.14 NP NP 74.26 72.07 788.50 -1.07 29.36 YES DMW-II 041206 862.76 860.57 769.14 759.14 NP NP 74.29 72.10 788.47 -0.03 29.33 YES Page 10 of 25 Table 1 Groundwater Elevation Data Heritage Amoco Service Station No. 2950 McKee/Convoy Eagan, Minnesota Delta Project No. GO1ZF Depth to Depth to Depth to Corrected Water Water Elevation Elevation Elevation Product Free Product Water Water Water Elevation Column in Above Well Date Elevation TOC Ground TOS BOS (TOC) Thickness (TOC) (Ground) Elevation Change Well Screen? DMW-I I 1023 06 862.76 860.57 769.14 759.14 NP NP 75.29 73.10 787.47 -1.00 28.33 YES DMW-12 03 15 91 862.46 860.41 709.78 699.78 NP NP 79.81 77.76 782.65 82.87 YES DMW-12 02'06'92 862.46 860.41 709.78 699.78 NP NP 78.92 76.87 78354 0.89 83.76 YES DMW-12 0819.92 862.46 860.41 709.78 699.78 NP NP 79.63 77.58 782.83 -0.71 83.05 YES DMW-12 11:06'92 862.46 860.41 709.78 699.78 NP NP 79.20 77.15 783.26 0.43 83.48 YES DMW-12 01 20 93 862.46 860.41 709.75 699.78 NP NP 78.41 76.36 784.05 0.79 84.27 YES DMW-12 03 1093 862.46 860.41 709.78 699.78 NP NP 78.39 76.34 784.07 0.02 84.29 YES DMW-12 042093 862.46 860.41 709.78 699.78 NP NP 78.51 76.46 783.95 -0.12 84.17 YES DMW-12 06 11 93 862.46 860.41 709.78 699.78 NP NP 78.58 76.53 783.88 -0.07 84.10 YES DMW-12 0715.93 862.46 860.41 709.78 699.78 NP NP 78.43 76.38 784.03 0.15 84.25 YES DMW-12 083193 862.46 860.41 709.78 699.78 NP NP 76.07 74.02 786.39 2.36 86.61 YES DMW-12 1014.93 86246 860.41 709.78 699.78 NP NP 77.50 75.45 784.96 -1.43 85.18 YES DMW-12 I1 26'93 862.46 860.41 709.78 699.78 NP NP 77.15 75.10 785.31 0.35 85.53 YES DMW-12 0106'94 862.46 860.41 709.78 699.78 NP NP 76.88 74.83 785.58 0.27 85.80 YES DMW-12 02'1694 862.46 860.41 709.78 699.78 NP NP 77.09 75.04 785.37 -0.21 85.59 YES DMW-12 06'0794 862.46 860.41 709.78 699.78 NP NP 77.42 75.37 785.04 -0.33 85.26 YES DMW-12 092794 862.46 860.41 709.78 699.78 NP NP 77.31 75.26 785.15 0.11 85.37 YES DMW-12 101894 862.46 860.41 709.78 699.78 NP NP 77.07 75.02 785.39 0.24 85.61 YES DMW-12 060195 862.46 860.41 709.78 699.78 NP NP 76.42 74.37 786.04 0.65 86.26 YES DMW-12 09.25 95 862.46 860.41 709.78 699.78 NP NP 76.67 74.62 785.79 -0.25 86.01 YES DMW-12 12'22'95 862.46 860.41 709.78 699.78 NP NP 76.24 74.19 786.22 0.43 86.44 YES DMW-12 0321.96 862.46 860.41 709.78 699.78 NP NP 76.70 74.65 785.76 -0.46 85.98 YES DMW-12 04 1096 862.46 860.41 709.78 699.78 NP NP 75.41 73.36 787.05 1.29 87.27 YES DMW-12 06'2696 862.46 860.41 709.78 699.78 NP NP 76.32 74.27 786.14 -0.91 86.36 YES DMW-12 092696 862.46 860.41 709.78 699.78 NP NP 78.95 76.90 783.51 -2.63 83.73 YES DMW-12 0321.97 862.46 860.41 709.78 699.78 NP NP 76.03 73.98 786.43 2.92 86.65 YES DMW-12 07 24 97 862.46 860.41 709.78 699.78 NP NP 77.01 74.96 785.45 -0.98 85.67 YES DMW-12 10..0797 862.46 860.41 709.78 699.78 NP NP 76.29 74.24 786.17 0.72 86.39 YES DMW-12 0128'98 862.46 860.41 709.78 699.78 NP NP 75.22 73.17 787.24 1.07 87.46 YES DMW-12 07.20:98 862.46 860.41 709.78 699.78 NP NP 75.20 73.15 787.26 0.02 87.48 YES DMW-12 0608'99 862.46 860.41 709.78 699.78 NP NP 74.66 72.61 787.80 0.54 88.02 YES DMW-12 09,2199 862.46 860.41 709.78 699.78 NP NP 74.67 72.62 787.79 -0.01 88.01 YES DMW-12 06.21'00 862.46 86041 709.78 699.78 NP NP 74.36 72.31 788.10 0.31 88.32 YES DMW-12 10'10'00 862.46 860.41 709.78 699.78 NP NP 74.80 72.75 787.66 -0.44 87.88 YES DMW-12 02'27'01 862.46 860.41 709.78 699.78 NP NP 74.41 72.36 788.05 0.39 88.27 YES DMW-12 05.14.01 862.46 860.41 709.78 699.78 NP NP 74.02 71.97 788.44 0.39 88.66 YES DMW-12 08.1501 862.46 860.41 709.78 699.78 NP NP 74.81 72.76 787.65 -0.79 87.87 YES DMW-12 1116.01 862.46 860.41 709.78 699.78 NP NP 74.64 72.59 787.82 0.17 88.04 YES DMW-12 0529.02 862.46 860.41 709.78 699.78 NP NP 75.33 73.28 787.13 -0.69 87.35 YES DMW-12 112102 862.46 86041 709.78 699.78 NP NP 74.87 72.82 787.59 0.46 87.81 YES DMW-12 052003 862.46 860.41 709.78 699.78 NP NP 74.23 72.18 788.23 0.64 88.45 YES DMW-12 11'11:03 862.46 860.41 709.78 699.78 NP NP 73.96 71.91 788.50 0.27 88.72 YES DMW-12 04'12.04 862.46 86041 709.78 699.78 NP NP 74.32 72.27 788.14 -0.36 88.36 YES DMW-12 10,04,04 862.46 860.41 709.78 699.78 NP NP 75.27 73.22 787.19 -0.95 87.41 YES DMW-12 04,19'05 862.46 860.41 709.78 699.78 NP NP 74.39 72.34 788.07 0.88 88.29 YES DMW-12 I0,13,05 862.46 860.41 709.78 699.78 NP NP 7559 73.54 786.87 -1.20 87.09 YES DMW-12 04 1206 862.46 860.41 709.78 699.78 NP NP 75.54 73.49 786.92 0.05 87.14 YES DMW-12 10:23'06 862.46 860.41 709.78 699.78 NP NP 76.69 74.64 785.77 -1.15 85.99 YES DMW-13 081992 862.74 860.92 665.19 655.19 NP NP 82.13 80.31 780.61 125.42 YES DMW-13 11/06,92 862.74 860.92 665.19 655.19 NP NP 81.39 79.57 781.35 0.74 126.16 YES DMW-13 0120.93 862.74 860.92 665.19 655.19 NP NP 80.67 78.85 782.07 0.72 126.88 YES DMW-13 03110;93 862.74 860.92 665.19 655.19 NP NP 80.24 78.42 782.50 0.43 127.31 YES DMW-13 04,2093 862.74 860.92 665.19 655.19 NP NP 80.41 78.59 782.33 -0.17 127.14 YES DMW-13 06111,93 862.74 860.92 665.19 655.19 NP NP 80.88 79.06 781.86 -0.47 126.67 YES DMW-13 07,15.93 862.74 860.92 665.19 655.19 NP NP 80.65 78.83 782.09 0.23 126.90 YES DMW-13 08/3103 862.74 860.92 665.19 655.19 NP NP 80.40 78.58 782.34 0.25 127.15 YES DMW-13 10/14.93 862.74 860.92 665.19 655.19 NP NP 79.62 77.80 783.12 0.78 127.93 YES DMW-13 11/26/93 862.74 860.92 665.19 655.19 NP NP 79.17 77.35 783.57 0.45 128.38 YES DMW-13 01,06,94 862.74 860.92 665.19 655.19 NP NP 78.90 77.08 783.84 0.27 128.65 YES DMW-13 02/16'94 862.74 860.92 665.19 655.19 NP NP 79.09 77.27 783.65 -0.19 128.46 YES DMW-13 06/07,94 862.74 860.92 665.19 655.19 NP NP 79.71 77.89 783.03 -0.62 127.84 YES DMW-13 09/27/94 862.74 860.92 665.19 655.19 NP NP 79.46 77.64 783.28 0.25 128.09 YES DMW-I3 10/1894 862.74 860.92 665.19 655.19 NP NP 78.94 77.12 783.80 0.52 128.61 YES DMW-13 06/01/95 862.74 860.92 665.19 655.19 NP NP 78.61 76.79 784.13 0.33 128.94 YES DMW-13 09/25/95 862.74 860.92 665.19 655.19 NP NP 78.71 76.89 784.03 -0.10 128.84 YES Page 11 of 25 Table 1 Groundwater Elevation Data Heritage Amoco Service Station No. 2950 McKee/Convoy Eagan, Minnesota Delta Project No. GO1ZF Depth to Depth to Depth to Corrected Water Water Elevation Elevation Elevation Product Free Product Water Water Water Elevation Column in Above Well Date Elevation TOC Ground TOS BOS (TOC) Thickness (TOC) (Ground) Elevation Change Well Screen? DMW-13 12 22.95 862.74 860.92 665.19 655.19 NP NP 77.89 76.07 784.85 0.82 129.66 YES DMW-13 0321'96 862.74 860.92 665.19 655.19 NP NP 77.85 76.03 784.89 0.04 129.70 YES DMW-13 041096 862.74 860.92 665.19 655.19 NP NP 77.15 75.33 785.59 0.70 130.40 YES DMW-13 06.26:96 862.74 860.92 665.19 655.19 NP NP 78.25 76.43 784.49 -1.10 129.30 YES DMW-13 0926 96 862.74 860.92 665.19 655.19 NP NP 78.52 76.70 784.22 -0.27 129.03 YES DMW-13 12 19 96 862.74 860.92 665.19 655.19 NP NP 78.64 76.82 784.10 -0.12 128.91 YES DMW-13 0321.97 862.74 860.92 665.19 655.19 NP NP 77.66 75.84 785.08 0.98 129.89 YES DMW-13 072497 862.74 860.92 665.19 655.19 NP NP 79.14 77.32 783.60 -1.48 128.41 YES DMW-13 10,0797 862.74 860.92 665.19 655.19 NP NP 78.48 76.66 784.26 0.66 129.07 YES DMW-13 01 2898 862.74 860.92 665.19 655.19 NP NP 77.22 75.40 785.52 1.26 130.33 YES DMW-13 0720.98 862.74 860.92 665.19 655.19 NP NP 77.56 75.74 785.18 -0.34 129.99 YES DMW-I3 06 08 99 862.74 860.92 665.19 655.19 NP NP 76.58 74.76 786.16 0.98 130.97 YES DMW-13 06 21.00 862.74 860.92 665.19 655.19 NP NP 76.29 74.47 786.45 0.29 131.26 YES DMW-13 10 1000 862.74 860.92 665.19 655.19 NP NP 76.70 74.88 786.04 -0.41 130.85 YES DMW-13 02.2701 862.74 860.92 665.19 655.19 NP NP 76.09 74.27 786.65 0.61 131.46 YES DMW-13 05 14 01 862.74 860.92 665.19 655.19 NP NP 75.64 73.82 787.10 0.45 131.91 YES DMW-13 0815.01 862.74 860.92 ' 665.19 655.19 NP NP 77.05 75.23 785.69 -1.41 130.50 YES DMW-13 112601 862.74 860.92 665.19 655.19 NP NP 76.39 74.57 786.35 0.66 131.16 YES DMW-13 05 29/02 862.74 860.92 665.19 655.19 NP NP 77.11 75.29 785.63 -0.72 130.44 YES DMW-13 11 2102 862.74 860.92 665.19 655.19 NP NP 76.87 75.05 785.87 0.24 130.63 YES DMW-13 05 2003 862.74 860.92 665.19 655.19 NP NP 76.02 74.20 786.72 0.85 131.53 YES DMW-13 11 II '03 862.74 860.92 665.19 655.19 NP NP 75.82 74.00 786.92 0.20 131.73 YES DMW-13 04 1204 862.74 860.92 665.19 655.19 NP NP 75.92 74.10 786.82 -0.10 131.63 YES DMW-13 100404 862.74 860.92 665.19 655.19 NP NP 77.07 75.25 785.67 -1.15 130.48 YES DMW-13 041905 862.74 860.92 665.19 655.19 NP NP 76.04 74.22 786.70 1.03 131.51 YES DMW-13 101305 862.74 860.92 665.19 655.19 NP NP 77.38 75.56 785.36 -1.34 130.17 YES DMW-13 041206 862.74 860.92 665.19 655.19 NP NP 77.24 75.42 785.50 0.14 130.31 YES DMW-13 102306 862.74 860.92 665.19 655.19 NP NP 78.27 76.45 784.47 -1.03 129.28 YES DMW-14 08 19.92 863.01 860.96 754.88 744.88 NP NP 78.81 76.76 784.20 39.32 YES DMW-14 110692 863.01 860.96 754.88 744.88 NP NP 78.33 76.28 784.68 0.48 39.80 YES DMW-14 01 20 93 863.01 860.96 754.88 744.88 NP NP 77.62 75.57 785.39 0.71 4051 YES DMW-14 03.1093 863.0! 860.96 754.88 744.88 NP NP 77.24 75.19 785.77 0.38 40.89 YES DMW-14 04:2093 863.01 860.96 754.88 744.88 NP NP 77.46 75.41 785.55 -0.22 40.67 YES DMW-14 06 11 93 863.01 860.96 754.88 744.88 NP NP 77.56 75.51 785.45 -0.10 40.57 YES DMW-14 071593 863.01 860.96 754.88 744.88 NP NP 77.34 75.29 785.67 0.22 40.79 YES DMW-14 08 31 93 863.01 860.96 754.88 744.88 NP NP 76.90 74.85 786.11 0.44 41.23 YES DMW-14 1014.93 863.01 860.96 754.88 744.88 NP NP 76.42 74.37 786.59 0.48 41.71 YES DMW-14 1I26'93 863.01 860.96 754.88 744.88 NP NP 76.02 73.97 786.99 0.40 42.11 YES DMW-14 01:0694 863.01 860.96 754.88 744.88 NP NP 75.77 73.72 787.24 0.25 42.36 YES DMW-14 02.1694 863.01 860.96 754.88 744.88 NP NP 75.89 73.84 787.12 -0.12 42.24 YES DMW-14 0607.94 863.0! 860.96 754.88 744.88 NP NP 76.32 74.27 786.69 -0.43 41.81 YES DMW-14 092794 863.01 860.96 754.88 744.88 NP NP 76.20 74.15 786.81 0.12 41.93 YES DMW-14 10.18 94 863.01 860.96 754.88 744.88 NP NP 75.75 73.70 787.26 0.45 42.38 YES DMW-14 06'01:95 863.01 860.96 754.88 744.88 NP NP 75.46 73.41 787.55 0.29 42.67 YES DMW-14 09:2595 863.01 860.96 754.88 744.88 NP NP 75.56 7351 787.45 -0.10 42.57 YES DMW-14 12 22 95 863.01 860.96 754.88 744.88 NP NP 75.22 73.17 787.79 0.34 42.91 YES DMW-14 0321'96 863.01 860.96 754.88 744.88 NP NP 75.16 73.11 787.85 0.06 42.97 YES DMW-14 04'10.96 863.01 860.96 754.88 744.88 NP NP 74.45 72.40 788.56 0.71 43.68 YES DMW-14 06'26 96 863.01 860.96 754.88 744.88 NP NP 75.35 73.30 787.66 -0.90 42.78 YES DMW-14 092696 863.01 860.96 754.88 744.88 NP NP 76.04 73.99 786.97 -0.69 42.09 YES DMW-14 12,1996 863.0! 860.96 754.88 744.88 NP NP 76.01 73.96 787.00 0.03 42.12 YES DMW-!4 03;21'97 863.01 860.96 754.88 744.88 NP NP 74.98 72.93 788.03 1.03 43.15 YES DMW-14 072497 863.0! 860.96 754.88 744.88 NP NP 77.92 75.87 785.09 -2.94 40.21 YES DMW-14 10,0797 863.01 860.96 754.88 744.88 NP NP 75.12 73.07 787.89 2.80 43.01 YES DMW-14 01.2898 863.0! 860.96 754.88 744.88 NP NP 74.14 72.09 788.87 0.98 43.99 YES DMW-14 072098 863.01 860.96 754.88 744.88 NP NP 73.98 71.93 789.03 0.16 44.15 YES DMW-14 06;08,99 863.01 860.96 754.88 744.88 NP NP 73.84 71.79 789.17 0.14 44.29 YES DMW-14 062!'00 863.01 860.96 754.88 744.88 NP NP 73.44 71.39 789.57 0.40 44.69 YES DMW-14 10'10;00 863.01 860.96 754.88 744.88 NP NP 73.82 71.77 789.19 -0.38 44.31 YES DMW-!4 0228:01 863.01 860.96 754.88 744.88 NP NP 73.41 71.36 789.60 0.41 44.72 YES DMW-I4 05/1401 863.01 860.96 754.88 744.88 NP NP 73.15 71.10 789.86 0.26 44.98 YES DMW-14 08,1501 863.01 860.96 754.88 744.88 NP NP 73.84 71.79 789.17 -0.69 44.29 YES DMW-14 11:26.01 863.0! 860.96 754.88 744.88 NP NP 73.69 71.64 789.32 0.15 44.44 YES DMW-14 052902 863.01 860.96 754.88 744.88 NP NP 74.62 72.57 788.39 -0.93 43.51 YES DMW-!4 11.2102 863.01 860.96 754.88 744.88 NP NP 73.91 71.86 789.10 0.71 44.22 YES DMW-14 05.2003 863.01 860.96 754.88 744.88 NP NP 73.35 71.30 789.66 0.56 44.78 YES Page 12 of 25 Table 1 Groundwater Elevation Data Heritage Amoco Service Station No. 2950 McKee/Convoy Eagan, Minnesota Delta Project No. GO1ZF Depth to Depth to Depth to Corrected Water Water Elevation Elevation Elevation Product Free Product Water Water Water Elevation Column in Above Well Date Elevation TOC Ground TOS BOS (TOC) Thickness (TOC) (Ground) Elevation Change Well Screen? DMW-14 II II 03 863.01 860.96 754.88 744.88 NP NP 73.00 70.95 790.01 0.35 45.13 YES DMW-14 0412 04 863.01 860.96 754.88 744.88 NP NP 73.51 71.46 789.50 -0.51 44.62 YES DMW-14 10.0404 863.01 860.96 754.88 744.88 NP NP 74.35 72.30 788.66 -0.84 43.78 YES DMW-14 04 19 05 863.01 860.96 754.88 744.88 NP NP 7359 71.54 789.42 0.76 44.54 YES DMW-14 10.12 05 863.01 860.96 754.88 744.88 NP NP 74.61 72.56 788.40 -1.02 43.52 YES DMW-14 04 12 06 863.01 860.96 754.88 744.88 NP NP 74.74 72.69 788.27 -0.13 43.39 YES DMW-14 10 2306 863.01 860.96 754.88 744.88 NP NP 75.69 73.64 787.32 -0.95 42.44 YES DMW-15 08 1992 863.19 860.83 710.11 700.11 NP NP 80.38 78.02 782.81 82.70 YES DMW-15 1106.92 863.19 860.83 710.11 700.11 NP NP 80.03 77.67 783.16 0.35 83.05 YES DMW-15 01 2093 863.19 860.83 710.11 700.11 NP NP 7943 77.07 783.76 0.60 83.65 YES DMW-I5 031093 863.19 860.83 710.11 700.11 NP NP 79.13 76.77 784.06 0.30 83.95 YES DMW-15 042093 863.19 860.83 710.11 700.11 NP NP 79.23 76.87 783.96 -0.10 83.85 YES DMW-15 06 11.93 863.19 860.83 710.11 700.11 NP NP 79.34 76.98 783.85 -0.11 83.74 YES DMW-15 07 15 93 863.19 860.83 710.11 700.11 NP NP 79.14 76.78 784.05 0.20 83.94 YES DMW-15 083193 863.19 860.83 710.11 700.11 NP NP 78.76 76.40 784.43 0.38 84.32 YES DMW-15 10 1493 863.19 860.83 710.11 700.11 NP NP 78.22 75.86 784.97 0.54 84.86 YES DMW-I5 11 2693 863.19 860.83 710.11 700.11 NP NP 77.85 75.49 785.34 0.37 85.23 YES DMW-15 01:06'94 863.19 860.83 710.11 700.11 NP NP 77.61 75.25 785.58 0.24 85.47 YES DMW-15 02 16 94 863.19 860.83 710.11 700.11 NP NP 77.74 75.38 785.45 -0.13 85.34 YES DMW-15 06,0794 863.19 860.83 710.11 700.11 NP NP 78.11 75.75 785.08 -0.37 84.97 YES DMW-15 092794 863.19 860.83 710.11 700.11 NP NP 78.01 75.65 785.18 0.10 85.07 YES DMW-I_5 10:1894 863.19 860.83 710.11 700.11 NP NP 77.92 75.56 785.27 0.09 85.16 YES DMW-15 0601.95 863.19 860.83 710.11 700.11 NP NP 77.43 75.07 785.76 0.49 85.65 YES DMW-I5 0925'95 863.19 860.83 710.11 700.11 NP NP 77.36 75.00 785.83 0.07 85.72 YES DMW-15 12 22.95 863.19 860.83 710.11 700.11 NP NP 75.39 73.03 787.80 1.97 87.69 YES DMW-15 03 21.96 863.19 860.83 710.11 700.11 NP NP 76.70 74.34 786.49 -1.31 86.38 YES DMW-15 0410.96 863.19 860.83 710.11 700.11 NP NP 76.16 73.80 787.03 0.54 86.92 YES DMW-15 06 26 96 863.19 860.83 710.11 700.11 NP NP 77.03 74.67 786.16 -0.87 86.05 YES DMW-15 09.2696 863.19 860.83 710.11 700.11 NP NP 77.65 75.29 785.54 -0.62 85.43 YES DMW-15 12.19'96 863.19 860.83 710.11 700.11 NP NP 77.68 75.32 785.51 -0.03 85.40 YES DMW-15 032197 863.19 860.83 710.11 700.11 NP NP 76.60 74.24 786.59 1.08 86.48 YES DMW-15 07.2497 863.19 860.83 710.11 700.11 NP NP 77.72 75.36 785.47 -1.12 85.36 YES DMW-15 10,07:97 863.19 860.83 710.11 700.11 NP NP 76.98 74.62 786.21 0.74 86.10 YES DMW-15 0128 98 863.19 860.83 710.11 700.11 NP NP 75.92 73.56 787.27 1.06 87.16 YES DMW-I5 0720.98 863.19 860.83 710.11 700.11 NP NP 75.94 73.58 787.25 -0.02 87.14 YES DMW-15 1231.98 863.19 860.83 710.11 700.11 NP NP 75.63 73.27 787.56 0.31 87.45 YES DMW-15 06.08.99 863.19 860.83 710.11 700.11 NP NP 75.38 73.02 787.81 0.56 87.70 YES DMW-15 0921:99 863.19 860.83 710.11 700.11 NP NP 75.33 72.97 787.86 0.05 87.75 YES DMW-15 12'14,99 863.19 860.83 710.11 700.11 NP NP 74.52 72.16 788.67 0.81 88.56 YES DMW-15 0621'00 863.19 860.83 710.11 700.11 NP NP 75.06 72.70 788.13 -0.54 88.02 YES DMW-15 10' 11'00 863.19 860.83 710.11 700.11 NP NP 75.48 73.12 787.71 -0.42 87.60 YES DMW-15 02 2801 863.19 860.83 710.11 700.11 NP NP 74.92 72.56 788.27 0.56 88.16 YES DMW-15 05'14'01 863.19 860.83 710.11 700.11 NP NP 74.59 72.23 788.60 0.33 88.49 YES DMW-15 0815 01 863.19 860.83 710.11 700.11 NP NP 75.54 73.18 787.65 -0.95 87.54 YES DMW-15 112601 863.19 860.83 710.11 700.11 NP NP 75.34 72.98 787.85 0.20 87.74 YES DMW-15 052902 863.19 860.83 710.11 700.11 NP NP 75.19 72.83 788.00 0.15 87.89 YES DMW-15 112102 863.19 860.83 710.11 700.11 NP NP 74.91 72.55 788.28 0.28 88.17 YES DMW-15 0520'03 863.19 860.83 710.11 700.11 NP NP 74.96 72.60 788.23 -0.05 88.12 YES DMW-15 I I 11:03 863.19 860.83 710.11 700.11 NP NP 74.67 72.31 788.52 0.29 88.41 YES DMW-15 04.12,04 863.19 860.83 710.11 700.11 NP NP 75.05 72.69 788.14 -0.38 88.03 YES DMW-15 10.-04.-04 863.19 860.83 710.11 700.11 NP NP 75.99 73.63 787.20 -0.94 87.09 YES DMW-15 04x19'05 863.19 860.83 710.11 700.11 NP NP 75.08 72.72 788.11 0.91 88.00 YES DMW-15 1012.05 863.19 860.83 710.11 700.11 NP NP 76.29 73.93 786.90 -1.21 86.79 YES DMW-15 04,12,06 863.19 860.83 710.11 700.11 NP NP 76.35 73.99 786.84 -0.06 86.73 YES DMW-15 10,2306 863.19 860.83 710.11 700.11 NP NP 77.40 75.04 785.79 -1.05 85.68 YES DMW-16 08,19,92 862.61 860.69 720.51 710.51 NP NP 79.77 77.85 782.84 72.33 YES DMW-16 1106'92 862.61 860.69 720.51 710.51 NP NP 79.38 77.46 783.23 0.39 72.72 YES DMW-16 012093 862.61 860.69 720.51 710.51 NP NP 78.87 76.95 783.74 0.51 73.23 YES DMW-16 03/10,93 862.61 860.69 720.51 710.51 NP NP 78.49 76.57 784.12 0.38 73.61 YES DMW-16 04,20i93 862.61 860.69 720.51 710.51 NP NP 78.58 76.66 784.03 -0.09 73.52 YES DMW-16 06/11,93 862.61 860.69 720.51 710.51 NP NP 78.73 76.81 783.88 -0.15 73.37 YES DMW-16 0715'93 862.61 860.69 720.51 710.51 NP NP 78.50 76.58 784.11 0.23 73.60 YES DMW-16 08/31;93 862.61 860.69 720.51 710.51 NP NP 78.15 76.23 784.46 0.35 73.95 YES DMW-16 10'14/93 862.61 860.69 720.51 710.51 NP NP 77.59 75.67 785.02 0.56 74.51 YES DMW-16 1!'26'93 862.61 860.69 720.51 710.51 NP NP 77.23 75.31 785.38 0.36 74.87 YES Page 13 of 25 Table 1 Groundwater Elevation Data Heritage Amoco Service Station No. 2950 McKee/Convoy Eagan, Minnesota Delta Project No. GO1ZF Well Date Depth to Depth to Depth to Corrected Water Water Elevation Elevation Elevation Product Free Product Water Water Water Elevation Column in Above Elevation TOC Ground TOS BOS (TOC) Thickness (TOC) (Ground) Elevation Change Well Screen? DMW-16 01 06 94 862.61 860.69 72051 710.51 NP NP 76.97 75.05 755.64 0.26 75.13 YES DMW-16 02'1694 862.61 860.69 72051 710.51 NP NP 77.84 75.92 784.77 -0.87 74.26 YES DMW-16 06 07 94 862.61 860.69 720.51 710.51 NP NP 77.52 75.60 785.09 0.32 74.58 YES DMW-16 09 27 94 862.61 860.69 720.51 710.51 NP NP 77.42 75.50 785.19 0.10 74.68 YES DMW-16 10 18 94 862.61 860.69 720.51 710.51 NP NP 77.85 75.93 784.76 -0.43 74.25 YES DMW-16 06 01 95 862.61 860.69 720.51 710.51 NP NP 76.61 74.69 786.00 1.24 75.49 YES DMW-16 09 25 95 862.61 860.69 720.51 710.51 NP NP 76.77 74.85 785.84 -0.16 75.33 YES DMW-16 12 22 95 862.61 860.69 72051 710.51 NP NP 76.34 74.42 786.27 0.43 75.76 YES DMW-16 03 21 96 862.61 860.69 720.51 71051 NP NP 76.11 74.19 786.50 0.23 75.99 YES DMW-16 04 10 96 862.61 860.69 72051 710.51 NP NP 75.52 73.60 787.09 0.59 76.58 YES DMW-16 06 26 96 862.61 860.69 720.51 710.51 NP NP 76.40 74.48 786.21 -0.88 75.70 YES DMW-16 09 26 96 862.61 860.69 72051 710.51 NP NP 76.85 74.93 785.76 -0.45 75.25 YES DMW-16 12 19 96 862.61 860.69 72051 710.51 NP NP 76.96 75.04 785.65 -0.11 75.14 YES DMW-16 03 21 97 862.61 860.69 72051 710.51 NP NP 75.87 73.95 786.74 1.09 76.23 YES DMW-16 07 2497 862.61 860.69 72051 710.51 NP NP 77.07 75.15 785.54 -1.20 75.03 YES DMW-16 10 07 97 862.61 860.69 72051 710.51 NP NP 76.25 74.33 786.36 0.82 75.85 YES DM1N-16 01 28 98 862.61 860.69 72051 710.51 NP NP 75.29 73.37 787.32 0.96 76.81 YES DMW-16 07 20 98 862.61 860.69 720.51 710.51 NP NP 75.25 73.33 78'.36 0.04 76.85 YES DMW-16 12 31 98 862.61 860.69 72051 710.51 NP NP 74.98 73.06 787.63 0.27 77.12 YES DMW-16 03 2599 862.61 860.69 72051 710.51 NP NP 74.94 73.02 787.67 0.04 77.16 YES DMW-16 06 08 99 862.61 860.69 720.51 710.51 NP NP 75.16 73.24 787.45 -0.22 76.94 YES DMW-16 09 21 99 862.61 860.69 72051 710.51 NP NP 74.71 72.79 787.90 0.45 77.39 YES DMW-16 12 14 99 862.61 860.69 720.51 710.51 NP NP 78.80 76.88 783.81 -4.09 73.30 YES DMW-16 06 21 00 862.61 860.69 720.51 710.51 NP NP 74.37 7245 788.24 4.43 77.73 YES DMW-I6 10 11 00 862.61 860.69 720.51 710.51 NP NP 74.79 72.87 787.82 -0.42 77.31 YES DMW-16 02 28 01 862.61 860.69 720.51 710.51 NP NP 74.22 72.30 788.39 0.57 77.88 YES DMW-16 05 1401 862.61 860.69 72051 71051 NP NP 73.85 71.93 788.76 0.37 78.25 YES DMW-16 08 15 01 862.61 860.69 720.51 710.51 NP NP 74.86 72.94 787,75 -1.01 77.24 YES DMW-16 1127 01 862.61 860.69 720.51 710.51 NP NP 74.63 72.71 787.98 0.23 77.47 YES DMW-16 05 29 02 862.61 860.69 72051 710.51 NP NP 75.35 73.43 787.26 -0.72 76.75 YES DMW-16 11 21 02 862.61 860.69 720.51 710.51 NP NP 74.76 72.84 787.85 0.59 77.34 YES DMW-16 05 2003 862.61 860.69 720.51 710.51 NP NP 74.24 72.32 788.37 0.52 77.86 YES DMW-16 1I 11 03 862.61 860.69 720.51 710.51 NP NP 73.97 72.05 788.64 0.27 78.13 YES DMW-16 04 12 04 . 862.61 860.69 720.51 710.51 NP NP 74.33 7241 788.28 -0.36 77.77 YES DMW-16 1004 04 862.61 860.69 72051 710.51 NP NP 75.26 73.34 787.35 -0.93 76.84 YES DMW-16 04 19.05 862.61 860.69 720.51 710.51 NP NP 7440 72.48 788.21 0.86 77.70 YES DMW-16 10.1305 862.61 860.69 720.51 710.51 NP NP 75.58 73.66 787.03 -1.18 76.52 YES DMW-16 04 12 06 862.61 860.69 720.51 710.51 NP NP 75.65 73.73 786.96 -0.07 76.45 YES DMW-16 1023.06 862.61 860.69 720.51 710.51 NP NP 76.65 74.73 785.96 -1.00 75.45 YES DMW-17 1106 92 867.15 864.71 668.23 658.23 NP NP 85.09 82.65 782.06 123.83 YES DMW-17 012093 867.15 864.71 668.23 658.23 NP NP 84.51 82.07 782.64 0.58 124.41 YES DMW-17 0310-93 867.15 864.71 668.23 658.23 NP NP 84.12 81.68 783.03 0.39 124.80 YES DMW-17 042093 867.15 864.71 668.23 658.23 NP NP 84.35 8191 782.80 -0.23 124.57 YES DMW-17 06.11.93 867.15 864.71 668.23 658.23 NP NP 84.49 82.05 782.66 -0.14 124.43 YES DMW-17 07 15 93 867.15 864.71 668.23 658.23 NP NP. 84.27 81.83 782.88 0.22 124.65 YES DMW-17 08 3193 867.15 864.71 668.23 658.23 NP NP 83.94 81.50 783.21 0.33 124.98 YES DMW-17 10 14.93 867.15 864.71 668.23 658.23 NP NP 83.27 80.83 783.88 0.67 125.65 YES DMW-17 112693 867.15 864.71 668.23 658.23 NP NP 83.04 80.60 784.11 0.23 125.88 YES DMW-17 0106.94 867.15 864.71 668.23 658.23 NP NP 82.78 80.34 784.37 0.26 126.14 YES DMW-17 02:1694 867.15 864.71 668.23 658.23 NP NP 83.20 80.76 783.95 -0.42 125.72 YES DMW-17 060794 867.15 864.71 668.23 658.23 NP NP 83.21 80.77 783.94 -0.01 125.71 YES DMW-17 0927,94 867.15 864.71 668.23 658.23 NP NP 83.15 80.71 784.00 0.06 125.77 YES DMW-17 10.18:94 867.15 864.71 668.23 658.23 NP NP 82.74 80.30 784.41 0.41 126.18 YES DMW-17 06'01'95 867.15 864.71 668.23 658.23 NP NP 82.48 80.04 784.67 0.26 126.44 YES DMW-17 09'25/95 867.15 864.71 668.23 658.23 NP NP 82.51 80.07 784.64 -0.03 126.41 YES DMW-17 1222:95 867.15 864.71 668.23 658.23 NP NP 82.12 79.68 785.03 0.39 126.80 YES DMW-17 03.2196 867.15 864.71 668.23 658.23 NP NP 81.96 79.52 785.19 0.16 126.96 YES DMW-17 04.10/96 867.15 864.71 668.23 658.23 NP NP 81.25 78.81 785.90 0.71 127.67 YES DMW-17 0626'96 867.15 864.71 668.23 658.23 NP NP 82.03 79.59 785.12 -0.78 126.89 YES DMW-17 09;2696 867.15 864.71 668.23 658.23 NP NP 82.52 80.08 784.63 -0.49 126.40 YES DMW-17 12'19/96 867.15 864.71 668.23 658.23 NP NP 82.67 80.23 784.48 -0.15 126.25 YES DMW-17 03:2197 867.15 864.71 668.23 658.23 NP NP 81.55 79.11 785.60 1.12 127.37 YES DMW-17 0724'97 867.15 864.71 668.23 658.23 NP NP 82.79 80.35 784.36 -1.24 126.13 YES DMW-17 10,07.97 867.15 864.71 668.23 658.23 NP NP 82.18 79.74 784.97 0.61 126.74 YES DMW-17 0128/98 867.15 864.71 668.23 658.23 NP NP 81.07 78.63 786.08 1.11 127.85 YES DMW-17 0720:98 867.15 864.71 668.23 658.23 NP NP 81.08 78.64 786.07 -0.01 127.84 YES Page 14 of 25 Table 1 Groundwater Elevation Data Heritage Amoco Service Station No. 2950 McKee/Convoy Eagan, Minnesota Delta Project No. GO1ZF Depth to Depth to Depth to Corrected Water Water Elevation Elevation Elevation Product Free Product Water Water Water Elevation Column in Above Well Date Elevation TOC Ground TOS BOS (TOC) Thickness (TOC) (Ground) Elevation Change Well Screen? DMW-17 12 31 98 867.15 864.71 668.23 658.23 NP NP 81.15 78.71 786.00 -0.07 127.77 YES DMW-17 0325 99 867.15 864.71 668.23 658.23 NP NP 81.05 78.61 736.10 0.10 127.87 YES DMW-17 06 08 99 867.15 864.71 668.23 658.23 NP NP 81.18 78.74 785.97 -0.13 127.74 YES DMW-17 12.1499 867.15 864.71 668.23 658.23 NP NP 79.74 77.30 787.41 1.44 129.18 YES DMW-17 06 21 00 867.15 864.71 668.23 658.23 NP NP 80.14 77.70 787.01 -0.40 128.78 YES DMW-17 10 1000 867.15 864.71 668.23 658.23 NP NP 80.56 78.12 78659 -0.42 128.36 YES DMW-17 022801 867.15 864.71 668.23 658.23 NP NP 80.61 78.17 786.54 -0.05 128.31 YES DMW-17 0514 01 867.15 864.71 668.23 658.23 NP NP 79.82 77.38 787.33 0.79 129.10 YES DMW-17 08'1401 867.15 864.71 668.23 658.23 NP NP 80.89 78.45 786.26 -1.07 128.03 YES DMW-17 11 2601 867.15 864.71 668.23 658.23 NP NP 80.57 78.13 786.58 0.32 128.35 YES DMW-17 052902 867.15 864.71 668.23 658.23 NP NP 81.41 78.97 785.74 -0.84 12751 YES DMW-17 1121'02 867.15 864.71 668.23 658.23 NP NP 80.88 78.44 786.27 0.53 128.04 YES DMW-17 0520,03 867.15 864.71 668.23 658.23 NP NP 80.06 77.62 787.09 0.82 128.86 YES DMW-17 II 1103 867.15 864.71 668.23 658.23 NP NP 79.81 77.37 787.34 0.25 129.11 YES DMW-17 04,1204 867.15 864.71 668.23 658.23 NP NP 80.04 77.60 787.11 -0.23 128.88 YES DMW-17 10 04 04 867.15 864.71 668.23 658.23 NP NP 81.07 78.63 786.00 -1.03 127.85 YES DMW-17 04 1905 867.15 864.71 668.23 658.23 NP NP 80.13 77.69 787.02 0.94 128.79 YES DMW-17 10 13 05 867.15 864.71 668.23 658.23 NP NP 81.45 79.01 785.70 -1.32 127.47 YES DMW-17 04,12'06 867.15 864.71 668.23 658.23 NP NP 81.34 78.90 785.81 0.11 127.58 YES DMW-17 102306 867.15 864.71 668.23 658.23 NP NP 82.51 80.07 784.64 -1.17 126.41 YES Abandoned 11/1/2006 DMW-18 110692 867.05 864.60 713.87 703.87 NP NP 84.90 82.45 782.15 78.28 YES DMW-18 01.20'93 867.05 864.60 713.87 703.87 NP NP 84.32 81.87 782.73 0.58 78.86 YES DMW-18 03.10'93 867.05 864.60 713.87 703.87 NP NP 84.05 81.60 783.00 0.27 79.13 YES DMW-18 04:2093 867.05 864.60 713.87 703.87 NP NP 84.19 81.74 782.86 -0.14 78.99 YES DMW-18 06.1193 867.05 864.60 713.87 703.87 NP NP 84.16 81.71 782.89 0.03 79.02 YES DMW-18 071593 867.05 864.60 713.87 703.87 NP NP 84.09 81.64 782.96 0.07 79.09 YES DMW-18 0831'93 867.05 864.60 713.87 703.87 NP NP 83.76 81.31 783.29 0.33 79.42 YES DMW-18 10,14.93 867.05 864.60 713.87 703.87 NP NP 83.21 80.76 783.84 0.55 79.97 YES DMW-18 11.26-93 867.05 864.60 713.87 703.87 NP NP 82.89 80.44 784.16 0.32 80.29 YES DMW-18 0106.94 867.05 864.60 713.87 703.87 NP NP 82.62 80.17 784.43 0.27 80.56 YES DMW-18 02:1694 867.05 864.60 713.87 703.87 NP NP 82.74 80.29 784.31 -0.12 80.44 YES DMW-18 06,0794 867.05 864.60 713.87 703.87 NP NP 83.11 80.66 783.94 -0.37 80.07 YES DMW-18 092794 867.05 864.60 713.87 703.87 NP NP 82.97 80.52 784.08 0.14 80.21 YES DMW-18 10, 18,94 867.05 864.60 713.87 703.87 NP NP 82.64 80.19 784.41 0.33 80.54 YES DMW-18 06.0195 867.05 864.60 713.87 703.87 NP NP 82.28 79.83 784.77 0.36 80.90 YES DMW-18 09'2595 867.05 864.60 713.87 703.87 NP NP 82.35 79.90 784.70 -0.07 80.83 YES DMW-18 12.22;95 867.05 864.60 713.87 703.87 NP NP 81.81 79.36 785.24 0.54 81.37 YES DM16'-18 0321'96 867.05 864.60 713.87 703.87 NP NP 81.62 79.17 785.43 0.19 81.56 YES DMV../ -18 04/1096 867.05 864.60 713.87 703.87 NP NP 80.92 78.47 786.13 0.70 82.26 YES DMW-18 06:26,96 867.05 864.60 713.87 703.87 NP NP 81.93 79.48 785.12 -1.01 81.25 YES DMW-18 09.'26,96 867.05 864.60 713.87 703.87 NP NP 82.11 79.66 784.94 -0.18 81.07 YES DMW-18 12'19'96 867.05 864.60 713.87 703.87 NP NP 79.33 76.88 787.72 2.78 83.85 YES DMW-18 03,2197 867.05 864.60 713.87 703.87 NP NP 81.63 79.18 785.42 -2.30 81.55 YES DMW-18 072497 867.05 864.60 713.87 703.87 NP NP 81.68 79.23 785.37 -0.05 81.50 YES DMW-18 10'0797 867.05 864.60 713.87 703.87 NP NP 81.99 79.54 785.06 -0.31 81.19 YES DMW-18 01:28.98 867.05 864.60 713.87 703.87 NP NP 80.89 78.44 786.16 1.10 82.29 YES DMW-18 072098 867.05 864.60 713.87 703.87 NP NP 80.78 78.33 786.27 0.11 82.40 YES DMW-18 12'3198 867.05 864.60 713.87 703.87 NP NP 80.77 78.32 786.28 0.01 82.41 YES DMW-18 03,2599 867.05 864.60 713.87 703.87 NP NP 80.68 78.23 786.37 0.09 82.50 YES DMW-18 06'0899 867.05 864.60 713.87 703.87 NP NP 81.24 78.79 785.81 -0.56 8194 YES DMW-18 12/1499 867.05 864.60 713.87 703.87 NP NP 80.42 77.97 786.63 0.82 82.76 YES DMW-18 0621,00 867.05 864.60 713.87 703.87 NP NP 80.15 77.70 786.90 0.27 83.03 YES DMW-18 10%10'00 867.05 864.60 713.87 703.87 NP NP 80.38 77.93 786.67 -0.23 82.80 YES DMW-18 02,27,01 867.05 864.60 713.87 703.87 NP NP 80.45 78.00 786.60 -0.07 82.73 YES DMW-18 0514'01 867.05 864.60 713.87 703.87 NP NP 79.67 77.22 787.38 0.78 83.51 YES DMW-I8 08/14.-01 867.05 864.60 713.87 703.87 NP NP 80.73 78.28 786.32 -1.06 82.45 YES DMW-I8 1126'01 867.05 864.60 713.87 703.87 NP NP 80.42 77.97 786.63 0.31 82.76 YES DMW-18 05.29,02 867.05 864.60 713.87 703.87 NP NP 80.27 77.82 786.78 0.15 82.91 YES DMW-18 112102 867.05 864.60 713.87 703.87 NP NP 79.95 77.50 787.10 0.32 83.23 YES DMW-18 05/2003 867.05 864.60 713.87 703.87 NP NP 79.91 77.46 787.14 0.04 83.27 YES DMW-18 11-21/03 867.05 864.60 713.87 703.87 NP NP 79.66 77.21 787.39 0.25 83.52 YES DMW-18 867.05 864.60 713.87 703.87 NP NP 79.90 77.45 787.15 -0.24 83.28 YES DMW-18 1004;04 867.05 864.60 713.87 703.87 NP NP 80.91 78.46 786.14 -1.01 82.27 YES DMW-I8 04/19/05 867.05 864.60 713.87 703.87 NP NP 79.97 77.52 787.08 0.94 83.21 YES DMW-18 10,12,05 867.05 864.60 713.87 703.87 NP NP 81.29 78.84 785.76 -1.32 81.89 YES Page 15 of25 Table 1 Groundwater Elevation Data Heritage Amoco Service Station No. 2950 McKee/Convoy Eagan, Minnesota Delta Project No. GO1ZF Well Depth to Depth to Depth to Corrected Water Water Elevation Elevation Elevation Product Free Product Water Water Water Elevation Column in Above Date Elevation TOC Ground TOS BOS (TOC) Thickness (TOC) (Ground) Elevation Change Well Screen? DMW-18 0412.06 867.05 864.60 713.87 703.87 NP NP 81.19 78.74 785.86 0.10 81.99 YES DMW-18 1023 06 867.05 864.60 713.87 703.87 NP NP 82.35 79.90 784.70 -1.16 80.83 YES Abandoned 11/1/2006 DMW-19 012093 860.26 859.22 712.55 702.55 NP NP 77.39 76.35 782.87 80.32 YES DMW-19 03:10'93 860.26 859.22 712.55 702.55 NP NP 77.13 76.09 783.13 0.26 80.58 YES DMW-19 0420.93 860.26 859.22 712.55 702.55 NP NP 77.23 76.19 783.03 -0.10 80.48 YES DMW-19 061193 860.26 859.22 712.55 702.55 NP NP 77.22 76.18 783.04 0.01 80.49 YES DMW-19 07.15 93 860.26 859.22 712.55 702.55 NP NP 77.13 76.09 783.13 0.09 80.58 YES DMW-19 08.31.93 860.26 859.22 712.55 702.55 NP NP 76.79 75.75 783.47 0.34 80.92 YES DMW-19 10 1493 860.26 859.22 712.55 702.55 NP NP 76.27 75.23 783.99 0.52 81.44 YES DMW-19 1126 93 860.26 859.22 712.55 702.55 NP NP 75.90 74.86 784.36 0.37 81.81 YES DMW-19 010694 860.26 859.22 712.55 702.55 NP NP 75.65 74.61 784.61 0.25 82.06 YES DMW-19 02 1694 860.26 859.22 712.55 702.55 NP NP 75.84 74.80 784.42 -0.19 81.87 YES DMW-19 0607.94 860.26 859.22 712.55 702.55 NP NP 76.16 75.12 784.10 -0.32 81.55 YES DMW-19 092794 860.26 859.22 712.55 702.55 NP NP 76.05 75.01 784.21 0.11 81.66 YES DMW-19 10'1894 860.26 859.22 712.55 702.55 NP NP 75.79 74.75 784.47 0.26 81.92 YES DMW-19 06'01'95 860.26 859.22 712.55 702.55 NP NP 75.26 74.22 785.00 0.53 82.45 YES DMW-19 09'25.95 860.26 859.22 712.55 702.55 NP NP 75.43 74.39 784.83 -0.17 82.28 YES DMW-19 122295 860.26 859.22 712.55 702.55 NP NP 74.96 73.92 785.30 0.47 82.75 YES DMW-19 032196 860.26 859.22 712.55 702.55 NP NP 74.96 73.92 785.30 0.00 82.75 YES DMW-19 04'1096 860.26 859.22 712.55 702.55 NP NP 74.24 73.20 786.02 0.72 83.47 YES DMW-19 06'26.96 860.26 85922 712.55 702.55 NP NP 75.05 74.01 785.21 -0.81 82.66 YES DMW-19 092696 860.26 859.22 712.55 702.55 NP NP 75.50 74.46 784.76 -0.45 82.21 YES DMW-19 12'19'96 860.26 859.22 712.55 702.55 NP NP 75.68 74.64 784.58 -0.18 82.03 YES DMW-19 03:2197 860.26 859.22 712.55 70255 NP NP 74.64 73.60 785.62 1.04 83.07 YES DMW-19 072497 860.26 859.22 712.55 702.55 NP NP 75.81 74.77 784.45 -1.17 81.90 YES DMW-19 10.07:97 860.26 859.22 712.55 702.55 NP NP 75.18 74.14 785.08 0.63 82.53 YES DMW-19 01.28.98 860.26 859.22 712.55 702.55 NP NP 74.02 72.98 786.24 I.16 83.69 YES DMW-19 072098 860.26 859.22 712.55 702.55 NP NP 74.02 72.98 786.24 0.00 83.69 YES DMW-19 12,3198 860.26 859.22 712.55 702.55 NP NP 73.81 72.77 786.45 0.21 83.90 YES DMW-19 03'2599 860.26 859.22 712.55 702.55 NP NP 73.82 72.78 786.44 -0.01 83.89 YES DMW-19 06.0899 860.26 859.22 712.55 702.55 NP NP 75.52 74.48 784.74 -1.70 82.19 YES DMW-19 12'14'99 860.26 859.22 712.55 702.55 NP NP 95.12 94.08 765.14 -19.60 62.59 YES DMW-19 06.2100 860.26 859.22 712.55 702.55 NP NP 73.10 72.06 787.16 22.02 84.61 YES DMW-19 10/10'00 860.26 859.22 712.55 702.55 NP NP 7355 72.51 786.71 -0.45 84.16 YES DMW-19 05/14:01 860.26 859.22 712.55 702.55 NP NP 72.82 71.78 787.44 0.73 84.89 YES DMW-19 08'1401 860.26 859.22 712.55 702.55 NP NP 73.87 72.83 786.39 -1.05 83.84 YES DMW-19 11,26:01 860.26 859.22 712.55 702.55 NP NP 73.55 72.51 786.71 0.32 84.16 YES DMW-19 0529:02 860.26 859.22 712.55 702.55 NP NP 74.08 73.04 786.18 -0.53 83.63 YES DMW-19 11:21.02 860.26 859.22 712.55 702.55 ' NP NP 74.01 72.97 786.25 0.07 83.70 YES DMW-19 05'20.03 860.26 859.22 712.55 702.55 NP NP 73.06 72.02 787.20 0.95 84.65 YES DMW-19 11.1103 860.26 859.22 712.55 702.55 NP NP 72.80 71.76 787.46 0.26 84.91 YES Abandoned 2/19/04 DMW-20 01:2093 866.59 864.20 706.87 696.87 NP NP 83.50 81.11 783.09 86.22 YES DMW-20 03 10'93 866.59 864.20 706.87 696.87 NP NP 83.21 80.82 783.38 0.29 86.51 YES DMW-20 04,20 93 866.59 864.20 706.87 696.87 NP NP 83.33 80.94 783.26 -0.12 86.39 YES DMW-20 06 11'93 866.59 864.20 706.87 696.87 NP NP 83.35 80.96 783.24 -0.02 86.37 YES DMW-20 07.1593 866.59 864.20 706.87 696.87 NP NP 83.26 80.87 783.33 0.09 86.46 YES DMW-20 08'31:'93 866.59 86420 706.87 696.87 NP NP 82.93 80.54 783.66 0.33 86.79 YES DMW-20 10.'14%93 866.59 864.20 706.87 696.87 NP NP 82.37 79.98 784.22 0.56 87.35 YES DMW-20 11/2693 866.59 864.20 706.87 696.87 NP NP 82.01 79.62 784.58 0.36 87.71 YES DMW-20 01'06.94 866.59 864.20 706.87 696.87 NP NP 81.80 79.41 784.79 0.21 87.92 YES DMW-20 02.16:94 866.59 864.20 706.87 696.87 NP NP 82.94 80.55 783.65 -1.14 86.78 YES DMW-20 06,07:94 866.59 864.20 706.87 696.87 NP NP 82.30 79.91 784.29 0.64 87.42 YES DMW-20 0927.94 866.59 864.20 706.87 696.87 NP NP 82.17 79.78 784.42 0.13 87.55 YES DMW-20 10.18!94 866.59 864.20 706.87 696.87 NP NP 82.71 80.32 783.88 -0.54 87.01 YES DMW-20 06.0195 866.59 864.20 706.87 696.87 NP NP 81.43 79.04 785.16 1.28 88.29 YES DMW-20 0925,95 86659 864.20 706.87 696.87 NP NP 81.50 79.11 785.09 -0.07 88.22 YES DMW-20 12/22.95 866.59 864.20 706.87 696.87 NP NP 80.95 78.56 785.64 0.55 88.77 YES DMW-20 03.21'96 866.59 864.20 706.87 696.87 NP NP 80.80 78.41 785.79 0.15 88.92 YES DMW-20 04.,10,96 866.59 864.20 706.87 696.87 NP NP 80.22 77.83 786.37 0.58 89.50 YES DMW-20 06:26/96 866.59 864.20 706.87 696.87 NP NP 81.10 78.71 785.49 -0.88 88.62 YES DMW-20 09'26'96 866.59 864.20 706.87 696.87 NP NP 82.66 80.27 783.93 -1.56 87.06 YES DMW-20 12:19/96 866.59 864.20 706.87 696.87 NP NP 82.66 80.27 783.93 0.00 87.06 YES DMW-20 03,21'97 866.59 864.20 706.87 696.87 NP NP 80.66 78.27 785.93 2.00 89.06 YES Page 16 of 25 Table 1 Groundwater Elevation Data Heritage Amoco Service Station No. 2950 McKee/Convoy Eagan, Minnesota Delta Project No. GO1ZF Well Depth to Depth to Depth to Corrected Water Water Elevation Elevation Elevation Product Free Product Water Water Water Elevation Column in Above Date Elevation TOC Ground TOS BOS (TOC) Thickness (TOC) (Ground) Elevation Change Well Screen? DMW-20 07 2497 866.59 864.20 706.87 696.87 NP NP 81.81 79.42 784.78 -1.15 87.91 YES DMW-20 10 0797 866.59 864.20 706.87 696.87 NP NP 81.16 78.77 785.43 0.65 88.56 YES DMW-20 01 28 98 866.59 864.20 706.87 696.87 NP NP 80.08 77.69 786.51 1.08 89.64 YES DMW-20 0720.98 866.59 864.20 706.87 696.87 NP NP 80.17 77.78 786.42 -0.09 89.55 YES DMW-20 12 31 98 866.59 864.20 706.87 696.87 NP NP 79.71 77.32 786.88 0.46 90.01 YES DMW-20 03 25 99 866.59 864.20 706.87 696.87 NP NP 7955 77.16 787.04 0.16 90.17 YES DMW-20 06 08 99 866.59 864.20 706.87 696.87 NP NP 80.12 77.73 786.47 -0.57 89.60 YES DMW-20 06 08 99 866.59 864.20 706.87 696.87 NP NP 79.15 76.76 787.44 0.97 90.57 YES DMW-20 10 10 00 866.59 864.20 706.87 696.87 NP NP 79.61 77.22 786.98 -0.46 90.11 YES DMW-20 051401 866.59 864.20 706.87 696.87 NP NP 78.80 76.41 787.79 0.81 90.92 YES DMW-20 08.15 01 866.59 864.20 706.87 696.87 NP NP 79.81 77.42 786.78 -1.01 89.91 YES DMW-20 1126 01 866.59 864.20 706.87 696.87 NP NP 79.57 77.18 787.02 0.24 90.15 YES DMW-20 05 29 02 866.59 864.20 706.87 696.87 NP NP 80.14 77.75 786.45 -0.57 89.58 YES DMW-20 11 21 02 866.59 864.20 706.87 696.87 NP NP 79.90 77.51 786.69 0.24 89.82 YES DMW-20 05 2003 866.59 864.20 706.87 696.87 NP NP 79.09 76.70 787.50 0.81 90.63 YES DMW-20 111103 866.59 864.20 706.87 696.87 NP NP 78.82 76.43 787.77 0.27 90.90 YES DMW-20 04 12 04 866.59 864.20 706.87 696.87 NP NP 79.07 76.68 787.52 -0.25 90.65 YES DMW-20 10 04 04 866.59 864.20 706.87 696.87 NP NP 80.07 77.68 786.52 -1.00 89.65 YES DMW-20 04 19 05 866.59 864.20 706.87 696.87 NP NP 79.04 76.65 787.55 1.03 90.68 YES DMW-20 10 12'05 866.59 864.20 706.87 696.87 NP NP 80.44 78.05 786.15 -140 89.28 YES DMW-20 0412.06 866.59 864.20 706.87 696.87 NP NP 80.38 77.99 786.21 0.06 89.34 YES DMW-20 10 23 06 866.59 864.20 706.87 696.87 NP NP 81.49 79.10 785.10 -1.11 88.23 YES Abandoned 11/2/2006 DMW-21 06 01 95 863.76 861.91 677.68 667.68 NP NP 78.77 76.92 784.99 1 17.31 YES DMW-21 09 25 95 863.76 861.91 677.68 667.68 NP NP 78.80 76.95 784.96 -0.03 117.28 YES DMW-21 12 2295 863.76 861.91 677.68 667.68 NP NP 78.47 76.62 785.29 0.33 117.61 YES DMW-21 03 21 96 863.76 861.91 677.68 667.68 NP NP 78.41 76.56 785.35 0.06 117.67 YES DMW-21 04,10 96 863.76 861.91 677.68 667.68 NP NP 77.68 75.83 786.08 0.73 118.40 YES DMW-2I 06 26 96 863.76 861.91 677.68 667.68 NP NP 78.49 76.64 785.27 -0.81 117.59 YES DMW-21 0926 96 863.76 861.91 677.68 667.68 NP NP 78.74 76.89 785.02 -0.25 117.34 YES DMW-21 12 19 96 863.76 861.91 677.68 667.68 NP NP 78.72 76.87 785.04 0.02 117.36 YES DMW-21 07 24 97 863.76 861.91 677.68 667.68 NP NP 79.20 77.35 784.56 -0.48 116.88 YES DMW-21 10.0797 863.76 861.91 677.68 667.68 NP NP 78.39 76.54 785.37 0.81 117.69 YES DMW-21 012898 863.76 861.91 677.68 667.68 NP NP 77.81 75.96 785.95 0.58 118.27 YES DMW-21 0720.98 863.76 861.91 677.68 667.68 NP NP 77.49 75.64 786.27 0.32 118.59 YES DMW-21 0325'99 863.76 861.91 677.68 667.68 NP NP 76.70 74.85 787.06 0.79 119.38 YES DMW-21 06.0899 863.76 861.91 677.68 667.68 NP NP 77.30 75.45 786.46 -0.60 118.78 YES DMW-21 09.2199 863.76 861.91 677.68 667.68 NP NP 76.91 75.06 786.85 0.39 119.17 YES DMW-21 06.2100 863.76 861.91 677.68 667.68 NP NP 76.62 74.77 787.14 0.00 119.46 YES DMW-21 10 1000 863.76 861.91 677.68 667.68 NP NP 77.03 75.18 786.73 -0.41 119.05 YES DMW-21 02.2701 863.76 861.91 677.68 667.68 NP NP 76.95 75.10 786.81 0.08 119.13 YES DMW-21 05'14:01 863.76 861.91 677.68 667.68 NP NP 76.25 74.40 787.51 0.70 119.83 YES DMW-21 08-1401 863.76 861.91 677.68 667.68 NP NP 77.28 75.43 786.48 -1.03 118.80 YES DMW-2I 11 26,01 863.76 861.91 677.68 667.68 NP NP 76.92 75.07 786.84 0.36 119.16 YES DMW-21 05'2902 863.76 861.91 677.68 667.68 NP NP 72.15 70.30 791.61 4.77 123.93 YES DMW-21 11'2102 863.76 861.91 677.68 667.68 NP NP 76.94 75.09 786.82 -4.79 119.14 YES DMW-21 0520,03 863.76 861.91 677.68 667.68 NP NP 76.49 74.64 787.27 0.45 119.59 YES DMW-21 11.1103 863.76 861.91 677.68 667.68 NP NP 76.23 74.38 787.53 0.26 119.85 YES DMW-21 04 1204 863.76 861.91 677.68 667.68 NP NP 76.50 74.65 787.26 -0.27 119.58 YES DMW-21 10'0404 863.76 861.91 677.68 667.68 NP NP 77.48 75.63 786.28 -0.98 118.60 YES DMW-21 04:1905 863.76 861.91 677.68 667.68 NP NP 76.57 74.72 787.19 0.91 119.51 YES DMW-21 10'1205 863.76 861.91 677.68 667.68 NP NP 77.85 76.00 785.91 -1.28 118.23 YES DMW-21 04:1206 863.76 861.91 677.68 667.68 NP NP 77.78 75.93 785.98 0.07 118.30 YES DMW-21 10 23 06 863.76 861.91 677.68 667.68 NP NP 78.90 77.05 784.86 -1.12 117.18 YES Abandoned 11/1/2006 DMW-22 06,01-95 863.83 861.80 701.47 691.47 NP NP 78.80 76.77 785.03 93.56 YES DMW-22 09.25,95 863.83 861.80 701.47 691.47 NP NP 78.90 76.87 784.93 -0.10 93.46 YES DMW-22 122295 863.83 861.80 701.47 691.47 NP NP 78.50 76.47 785.33 0.40 93.86 YES DMW-22 03/21/96 863.83 861.80 701.47 691.47 NP NP 78.44 76.41 785.39 0.06 93.92 YES DMW-22 04/10/96 863.83 861.80 701.47 691.47 NP NP 77.68 75.65 786.15 0.76 94.68 YES DMW-22 06/26/96 863.83 861.80 701.47 691.47 NP NP 78.51 76.48 785.32 -0.83 93.85 YES DMW-22 09/26/96 863.83 861.80 701.47 691.47 NP NP 79.02 76.99 784.81 -0.51 93.34 YES DMW-22 12/19/96 863.83 861.80 701.47 691.47 NP NP 79.13 77.10 784.70 -0.11 93.23 YES DMW-22 0724/97 863.83 861.80 701.47 691.47 NP NP 79.22 77.19 784.61 -0.09 93.14 YES DMW-22 10.07/97 863.83 861.80 701.47 691.47 NP NP 78.57 76.54 785.26 0.65 93.79 YES Page 17 of 25 Table 1 Groundwater Elevation Data Heritage Amoco Service Station No. 2950 McKee/Convoy Eagan, Minnesota Delta Project No. G01ZF Depth to Depth to Depth to Corrected Water Water Elevation Elevation Elevation Product Free Product Water Water Water Elevation Column in Above Well Date Elevation TOC Ground TOS BOS (TOC) Thickness (TOC) (Ground) Elevation Change Well Screen? DMW-22 0128'98 863.33 861.80 701.47 691.47 NP NP 77.92 75.89 785.91 0.65 94.44 YES DMW-22 072098 863.83 861.80 701.47 691.47 NP NP 77.48 75.45 786.35 0.44 94.88 YES DMW-22 12 31 98 863.83 861.80 701.47 691.47 NP NP 77.35 75.32 786.48 0.13 95.01 YES DMW-22 03.2599 863.53 861.80 701.47 69147 NP NP 76.58 74.55 787.25 0.77 95.78 YES DMW-22 0608 99 863.83 861.80 701.47 691.47 NP NP 77.24 75.21 786.59 -0.66 95.12 YES DMW-22 0921.99 863.83 861.80 701.47 691.47 NP NP 77.00 74.97 786.83 0.24 95.36 YES DMW-22 1214 99 863.83 861.80 701.47 691.47 NP NP 76.20 74.17 787.63 0.80 96.16 YES DMW-22 06 21 00 863.83 861.80 701.47 691.47 NP NP 76.62 74.59 787.21 -0.42 95.74 YES DMW-22 101000 863.83 561.80 701.47 691.47 NP NP 76.91 74.88 786.92 -0.29 95.45 YES DMW-22 0227'01 863.83 861.80 701 A7 691.47 NP NP 76.94 74.91 786.89 -0.03 95.42 YES DMW-22 05 14 01 863.83 861.30 701.47 691.47 NP NP 76.25 74.22 787.58 0.69 96.11 YES DMW-22 0814 01 863.83 861.80 701.47 691.47 NP NP 77.25 75.22 786.58 -1.00 95.11 YES DMW-22 112601 863.83 861.80 701.47 691.47 NP NP 77.01 74.93 786.82 0.24 95.35 YES DMW-22 05 29.02 863.83 861.80 701.47 691.47 NP NP 77.30 75.27 786.53 -0.29 95.06 YES DMW-22 112102 863.83 861.80 701.47 691.47 NP NP 77.10 75.07 786.73 0.20 95.26 YES DMW-22 05 20,03 863.83 361.30 701 A7 691.47 NP NP 7650 74.47 787.33 0.60 95.86 YES DMW-22 11 11 03 863.83 861.80 701.47 691.47 NP NP 76.25 74.22 787.58 0.25 96.11 YES DMW-22 041204 863.83 361.80 701.47 691.47 NP NP 76.51 74.48 787.32 -0.26 95.85 YES DMW-22 1004.04 863.83 861.80 701.47 691.47 NP NP 77.51 75.48 786.32 -1.00 94.85 YES DMW-22 04 19,05 863.83 861.80 701.47 691.47 NP NP 76.57 74.54 787.26 0.94 95.79 YES DMW-22 1012:05 863.83 861.80 701.47 691.47 NP NP 77.87 75,84 785.96 -1.30 94.49 YES DMW-22 041206 863.83 861.80 701.47 691.47 NP NP 77.81 75.78 786.02 0.06 94.55 YES DMW-22 1023 06 863.83 861.80 701.47 691.47 NP NP 78.93 76.90 784.90 -1.12 93.43 YES Abandoned 11/1/2006 DMW-23 0601'95 863.67 861.78 720.47 715.47 NP NP 7843 76.54 785.24 69.77 YES DMW-23 09 25'95 863.67 861.78 720.47 715.47 NP NP 78.48 76.59 785.19 -0.05 69.72 YES DMW-23 1222.95 863.67 861.78 720.47 715.47 NP NP 78.14 76.25 785.53 0.34 70.06 YES DMW-23 03:2196 863.67 861.78 720.47 715.47 NP NP 78.05 76.16 785.62 0.09 70.15 YES DMW-23 04:1096 863.67 861.78 720.47 715.47 NP NP 77.28 75.39 786.39 0.77 70.92 YES DMW-23 0626 96 863.67 861.78 720.47 715.47 NP NP 78.10 76.21 785.57 -0.82 70.10 YES DMW-23 0926'96 863.67 861.78 720.47 715.47 NP NP 78.51 76.62 785.16 -0.41 69.69 YES DMW-23 12,19,96 863.67 861.78 720.47 715.47 NP NP 78.73 76.84 784.94 -0.22 69.47 YES DMW-23 03.21'97 863.67 861.78 720.47 715.47 NP NP 76.71 74.82 786.96 2.02 71.49 YES DMW-23 07'24'97 863.67 861.78 720.47 715.47 NP NP 78.81 76.92 784.86 -2.10 69.39 YES DMW-23 10/0797 863.67 861.78 720.47 715.47 NP NP 78.11 76.22 785.56 0.70 70.09 YES DMW-23 0128.98 863.67 861.78 720.47 715.47 NP NP 77.06 75.17 786.61 1.05 71.14 YES DMW-23 0720'98 863.67 861.78 720.47 715.47 NP NP 77.10 75.21 786.57 -0.04 71.10 YES DMW-23 123198 863.67 861.78 720.47 715.47 NP NP 76.61 74.72 787.06 0.49 71.59 YES DMW-23 03'25.99 863.67 861.78 720.47 715.47 NP NP 76.64 74.75 787.03 -0.03 71.56 YES DMW-23 06:08'99 863.67 861.78 720.47 715.47 NP NP 77.18 75.29 786.49 -0.54 71.02 YES DMW-23 0921.99 863.67 861.78 720.47 715.47 NP NP 76.59 74.70 787.08 0.59 71.61 YES DMW-23 12.14 .99 863.67 861.78 720.47 715.47 NP NP 76.48 7459 787.19 0.11 71.72 YES DMW-23 062100 863.67 861.78 720.47 715.47 NP NP 76.22 74.33 787.45 0.26 71.98 YES DMW-23 10 10'00 863.67 861.78 720.47 715.47 NP NP 76.54 74.65 787.13 -0.32 71.66 YES DMW-23 022701 863.67 861.78 720.47 715.47 NP NP 76.28 74.39 787.39 0.26 71.92 YES DMW-23 05 14'01 863.67 861.78 720.47 715.47 NP NP 75.87 73.98 787.80 0.41 72.33 YES DMW-23 08:1401 363.67 861.78 720.47 715.47 NP NP 76.81 74.92 786.86 -0.94 71.39 YES DMW-23 11 -26.01 863.67 861.78 720.47 715.47 NP NP 76.60 74.71 787.07 0.21 71.60 YES DMW-23 0529 02 863.67 861.78 720.47 715.47 NP NP 77.41 75.52 786.26 -0.81 70.79 YES DMW-23 1121'02 863.67 861.78 720.47 715.47 NP NP 76.87 74.98 786.80 0.54 71.33 YES DMW-23 052003 863.67 861.78 720.47 715.47 NP NP 76.10 74.21 787.57 0.77 72.10 YES DMW-23 11 1103 863.67 861.78 720.47 715.47 NP NP 75.83 73.94 787.84 0.27 72.37 YES DMW-23 041204 863.67 861.78 720.47 715.47 NP NP 76.13 74.24 787.54 -0.30 72.07 YES DMW-23 1004.04 863.67 861.78 720.47 715.47 NP NP 77.11 75.22 786.56 -0.98 71.09 YES DMW-23 04 19 05 863.67 861.78 720.47 715.47 NP NP 76.18 74.29 787.49 0.93 72.02 YES DMW-23 1012,05 863.67 861.78 720.47 715.47 NP NP 77.45 75.56 786.22 -1.27 70.75 YES DMW-23 04.12:06 863.67 861.78 720.47 715.47 NP NP 77.40 75.51 786.27 0.05 70.80 YES DMW-23 1023'06 863.67 861.78 720.47 715.47 NP NP 78.51 76.62 785.16 -1.11 69.69 YES Abandoned 11/1/2006 DMW-24 06:0195 863.50 860.72 735.35 725.35 NP NP 77.53 74.75 785.97 60.62 YES DMW-24 09.25/95 863.50 860.72 735.35 725.35 NP NP 77.10 74.32 786.40 0.43 61.05 YES DMW-24 1222'95 863.50 860.72 735.35 725.35 NP NP 76.60 73.82 786.90 0.50 61.55 YES DMW-24 03:21.96 863.50 860.72 735.35 725.35 NP NP 76.67 73.89 786.83 -0.07 61.48 YES DMW-24 04. 10.96 863.50 860.72 735.35 725.35 NP NP 75.78 73.00 787.72 0.89 62.37 YES DMW-24 062696 863.50 860.72 735.35 725.35 NP NP 76.91 74.13 786.59 -1.13 61.24 YES Page 18 0125 Table 1 Groundwater Elevation Data Heritage Amoco Service Station No. 2950 McKee/Convoy Eagan, Minnesota Delta Project No. GO1ZF Depth to Depth to Depth to Corrected Water Water Elevation Elevation Elevation Product Free Product Water Water Water Elevation Column in Above Well Date Elevation TOC Ground TOS BOS (TOC) Thickness (TOC) (Ground) Elevation Change Well Screen? DMW-24 092696 863.50 860.72 735.35 725.35 NP NP 77.20 74.42 78630 -0.29 60.95 YES DMW-24 12'19'96 863.50 860.72 735.35 725.35 NP NP 77.36 74.58 786.14 -0.16 60.79 YES DMW-24 03 21 97 863.50 860.72 735.35 725.35 NP NP 76.41 73.63 787.09 0.95 61.74 YES DMW-24 0724 97 863.50 860.72 735.35 725.35 NP NP 77.50 74.72 786.00 -1.09 60.65 YES DMW-24 10:07 97 863.50 860.72 735.35 725.35 NP NP 76.79 74.01 786.71 0.71 61.36 YES DMW-24 01 28'98 86350 860.72 735.35 725.35 NP NP 75.77 72.99 787.73 1.02 62.38 YES DMW-24 07 2098 863.50 860.72 735.35 725.35 NP NP 75.92 73.14 787.58 -0.15 62.23 YES DMW-24 0325'99 863.50 860.72 735.35 725.35 NP NP 74.88 72.10 788.62 1.04 63.27 YES DMW-24 06 0899 863.50 860.72 735.35 725.35 NP NP 75.06 72.28 788.44 -0.18 63.09 YES DMW-24 092199 863.50 860.72 735.35 725.35 NP NP 75.28 72.50 788.22 -0.22 62.87 YES DMW-24 0621 00 863.50 860.72 735.35 725.35 NP NP 75.03 72.25 788.47 0.25 63.12 YES DMW-24 1010.00 863.50 860.72 735.35 725.35 NP NP 75.45 72.67 788.05 -0.42 62.70 YES DMW-24 02 27 01 863.50 860.72 735.35 725.35 NP NP 75.16 72.38 788.34 0.29 62.99 YES DMW-24 051401 863.50 860.72 735.35 725.35 NP NP 74.73 71.95 788.77 043 63.42 YES DMW-24 08'14.01 863.50 860.72 735.35 725.35 NP NP 75.62 72.84 787.88 -0.89 62.53 YES DMW-24 112601 863.50 860.72 735.35 725.35 NP NP 75.42 72.64 788.08 0.20 • 62.73 YES DMW-24 052902 863.50 860.72 735.35 725.35 NP NP 75.82 73.04 787.68 -0.40 62.33 YES DMW-24 1121 ,02 863.50 860.72 735.35 725.35 NP NP 74.97 72.19 788.53 0.85 63.18 YES DMW-24 05 2003 863.50 860.72 735.35 725.35 NP NP 74.95 72.17 788.55 0.02 63.20 YES DMW-24 111103 863.50 860.72 735.35 725.35 NP NP 74.65 71.87 788.85 0.30 6350 YES DMW-24 0412'04 863.50 860.72 735.35 725.35 NP NP 75.04 72.26 788.46 -0.39 63.11 YES DMW-24 10'04'04 863.50 860.72 735.35 725.35 NP NP 75.94 73.16 787.56 -0.90 62.21 YES DMW-24 04 1905 863.50 860.72 735.35 725.35 NP NP 75.09 72.31 788.41 0.85 63.06 YES DMW-24 10'12.05 863.50 860.72 735.35 725.35 NP NP 76.24 73.46 787.26 -1.15 61.91 YES DMW-24 04.1206 863.50 860.72 735.35 725.35 NP NP 76.25 73.47 787.25 -0.01 61.90 YES DMW-24 102306 863.50 860.72 735.35 725.35 NP NP 77.30 74.52 786.20 -1.05 60.85 YES Abandoned 11/1/2006 MW -25 04 1204 860.24 860.64 820.24 800.24 42.62 5.70 48.32 48.72 816.20 11.68 NO MW -25 0426'04 860.24 860.64 820.24 800.24 42.30 7.34 49.64 50.04 816.11 -0.09 10.36 NO MW -25 05;2104 860.24 860.64 820.24 800.24 42.69 5.67 48.36 48.76 816.13 0.03 11.64 NO MW -25 06'2604 860.24 860.64 820.24 800.24 42.74 6.79 49.53 49.93 815.80 -0.33 1047 NO MW -25 080904 860.24 860.64 820.24 800.24 42.20 5.47 47.67 48.07 816.67 0.87 12.33 NO MW -25 09'02 04 860.24 860.64 820.24 800.24 42.50 5.53 48.03 48.43 816.36 -0.31 11.97 NO MW -25 1008,04 860.24 860.64 820.24 800.24 42.06 6.66 48.72 49.12 816.52 0.16 11.28 NO MW -25 1 110'04 860.24 860.64 820.24 800.24 42.18 5.73 47.91 48.31 816.63 0.11 12.09 NO MW -25 01'1205 860.24 860.64 820.24 800.24 41.70 7.95 49.65 50.05 816.55 0.04 10.35 NO MW -25 02'24'05 860.24 860.64 820.24 800.24 42.79 5.81 48.60 49.00 816.00 -0.63 11.40 NO MW -25 03,17 05 860.24 860.64 820.24 800.24 43.25 2.84 46.09 46.49 816.28 0.28 13.91 NO MW -25 04'19'05 860.24 860.64 820.24 800.24 43.20 5.10 48.30 48.70 815.77 -0.51 11.70 NO MW -25 05.17.05 860.24 860.64 820.24 800.24 43.80 3.80 47.60 48.00 815.49 -0.28 12.40 NO MW -25 06 15 05 860.24 860.64 820.24 800.24 43.83 3.83 47.66 48.06 815.45 -0.04 12.34 NO MW -25 0720'05 860.24 860.64 820.24 800.24 44.00 4.30 48.30 48.70 815.17 -0.29 11.70 NO MW -25 08 17`05 860.24 860.64 820.24 800.24 44.20 . 4.40 48.60 49.00 814.94 -0.23 11.40 NO MW -25 092205 860.24 860.64 820.24 800.24 43.76 3.59 47.35 47.75 815.58 0.64 12.65 NO MW -25 10;1205 860.24 860.64 820.24 800.24 43.94 2.86 46.80 47.20 815.59 0.00 13.20 NO MW -25 12:15:05 860.24 860.64 820.24 800.24 42.30 5.70 48.00 48.40 816.52 0.93 12.00 NO MW -25 01 19 06 860.24 860.64 820.24 800.24 42.68 4.00 46.68 47.08 816.56 0.05 13.32 NO MW -25 0216'06 860.24 860.64 820.24 800.24 43.25 3.15 46.40 46.80 816.20 -0.36 13.60 NO MW -25 0323,06 860.24 860.64 820.24 800.24 43.43 3.01 46.44 46.84 816.06 -0.14 13.56 NO MW -25 04; 1206 860.24 860.64 820.24 800.24 43.55 2.40 45.95 46.35 816.09 0.03 14.05 NO MW -25 05'18'06 860.24 860.64 820.24 800.24 43.40 3.15 46.55 46.95 816.05 -0.04 13.45 NO MW -25 06,15:06 860.24 860.64 820.24 800.24 43.58 2.65 46.23 46.63 816.00 -0.06 13.77 NO MW -25 07:13'06 860.24 860.64 820.24 800.24 43.47 2.58 46.05 46.45 816.13 0.13 13.95 NO MW -25 08:17'06 860.24 860.64 820.24 800.24 43.56 2.96 46.52 46.92 815.94 -0.18 13.48 NO MW -25 092106 860.24 860.64 820.24 800.24 43.27 2.86 46.13 46.53 816.26 031 13.87 NO MW -25 10,26'06 860.24 860.64 820.24 800.24 43.22 2.86 46.08 46.48 816.31 0.05 13.92 NO MW -25 11'2106 860.24 860.64 820.24 800.24 43.31 2.19 45.50 45.90 816.38 0.08 14.50 NO MW -25 1211'06 860.24 860.64 820.24 800.24 43.63 1.89 45.52 45.92 816.14 -0.25 14.48 NO MW -25 01'1807 860.24 860.64 820.24 800.24 43.59 2.91 46.50 46.90 815.92 -0.22 13.50 NO MW -26 10' 1305 860.02 860.12 817.32 802.32 NP NP 38.52 38.62 821.50 19.18 YES MW -26 04;12'06 860.02 860.12 817.32 802.32 NP NP 39.33 39.43 820.69 -0.81 18.37 YES MW -26 10;23;06 860.02 860.12 817.32 802.32 NP NP 38.90 39.00 821.12 0.43 18.80 YES DMW-26 10;13.'05 860.05 860.12 760.05 750.05 NP NP 71.05 71.12 789.00 38.95 YES DMW-26 04!12'06 860.05 860.12 760.05 750.05 NP NP 70.97 71.04 789.08 0.08 39.03 YES Page 19 of 25 Table 1 Groundwater Elevation Data Heritage Amoco Service Station No. 2950 McKee/Convoy Eagan, Minnesota Delta Project No. GO1ZF Depth to Depth to Depth to Corrected Water Water Elevation Elevation Elevation Product Free Product Water Water Water Elevation Column in Above Well Date Elevation TOC Ground TOS BOS (TOC) Thickness (TOC) (Ground) Elevation Change Well Screen? DMW-26 102306 860.05 860.12 760.05 750.05 NP NP 71.98 72.05 788.07 -1.01 38.02 YES MW' 27 10 1305 860.23 860.32 817.33 807.33 NP NP 39.91 40.00 820.32 12.99 YES MW -27 04 12:06 860.23 860.32 817.33 807.33 NP NP 40.56 40.65 819.67 -0.65 12.34 YES MW -27 102306 860.23 860.32 817.33 807.33 NP NP 40.07 40.16 820.16 0.49 12.83 YES MW -28 07.2005 860.89 861.02 801.89 786.89 65.10 7.40 72.5 72.63 793.94 1.50 NO MW -28 081705 860.89 861.02 801.89 786.89 66.05 1.30 67.35 67.48 794.52 0.58 6.65 NO MW -28 09 2205 860.89 861.02 801.89 786.89 65.88 0.50 66.38 66.51 794.89 0.37 7.62 NO MW -28 10-13-05 860.89 861.02 801.89 786.89 65.80 0.42 66.22 66.35 794.99 0.10 7.78 NO MW -28 1215/05 860.89 861.02 801.89 786.89 65.03 0.49 65.52 65.65 795.74 0.75 8.48 NO MW -28 01 19'06 860.89 861.02 801.89 786.89 65.29 0.51 65.8 65.93 795.47 -0.26 8.20 NO MW -28 0216:06 860.89 861.02 801.89 786.89 65.65 0.55 66.2 66.33 795.10 -0.37 7.80 NO MW -28 03'23'06 860.89 861.02 801.89 786.89 65.85 0.61 66.46 66.59 794.89 -0.22 7.54 NO MW -28 04.12,06 860.89 861.02 801.89 786.89 65.62 0.31 65.93 66.06 795.19 0.31 8.07 NO MWS 28 '05 18.06 860.89 861.02 801.89 786.89 65.65 0.65 66.30 66.43 795.08 -0.12 7.70 NO MW -28 06-15/06 860.89 861.02 801.89 786.89 66.00 0.50 66.50 66.63 794.77 -0.31 7.50 NO MW -28 0793.06 860.89 861.02 801.89 786.89 66.26 0.61 66.87 67.00 794.48 -0.29 7.13 NO MW -28 08'1706 860.89 861.02 801.89 786.89 66.55 0.80 67.35 67.48 794.14 -0.34 6.65 NO M1A'-28 0921.06 860.89 861.02 801.89 786.89 66.37 0.60 66.97 67.10 794.37 0.23 7.03 NO MW -28 1026/06 860.89 861.02 801.89 786.89 66.56 0.69 67.25 67.38 794.16 -0.21 6.75 NO MW -28 11'21'06 860.89 861.02 801.89 786.89 66.64 0.36 67.00 67.13 794.16 0.00 7.00 NO MW -28 12.11'06 860.89 861.02 801.89 786.89 66.41 0.56 66.97 67.10 794.34 0.18 7.03 NO MW -28 01-18,07 860.89 861.02 801.89 786.89 66.40 0.80 67.20 67.33 794.29 -0.05 6.80 NO MW -29 10:1305 863.22 863.35 822.82 807.82 NP NP 42.50 42.63 820.72 12.90 NO MW -29 04:1206 863.22 863.35 822.82 807.82 NP NP 43.60 43.73 819.62 -1.10 11.80 NO MW -29 1023-06 863.22 863.35 822.82 807.82 NP NP 43.06 43.19 820.16 0.54 12.34 NO MW -30 10:1305 861.80 861.88 822.00 807.00 NP NP 40.78 40.86 821.02 14.022 NO MW -30 0412,06 861.80 861.88 822.00 807.00 NP NP 41.10 41.18 820.70 -0.32 13.70 NO MW -30 10.23'06 861.80 861.88 822.00 807.00 NP NP 40.92 41.00 820.88 0.18 13.88 NO DMW-30 10:13:05 861.69 861.88 766.19 756.19 NP NP 73.05 73.24 788.64 32.45 YES DMW-30 04:12.06 861_69 861.88 766.19 756.19 NP NP 73.05 73.24 788.64 0.00 32.45 YES DMW-30 10 23,06 861.69 861.88 766.19 756.19 NP NP 73.95 74.14 787.74 -0.90 31.55 YES MW -31 10.1305 859.83 860.01 823.53 808.53 NP NP 39.90 40.08 819.93 11.40 NO MW -31 04'12'06 859.83 860.01 823.53 808.53 NP NP 39.96 40.14 819.87 -0.06 11.34 NO MW -31 10.2306 859.83 860.01 823.53 808.53 NP NP 39.89 40.07 819.94 0.07 1141 NO MW -32 112106 860.25 860.45 823.58 808.58 NP NP 40.37 40.57 819.88 11.30 NO MW -32 12,01'06 860.25 860.45 823.58 808.58 NP NP 40.52 40.72 819.73 -0.15 11.15 NO MW -33 1121'06 850.96 848.16 796.26 781.26 NP NP 55.88 53.08 795.08 13.82 NO MW -33 12.01-06 850.96 848.16 796.26 781.26 NP NP 58.44 55.64 792.52 -2.56 11.26 NO MW -34 1121.06 852.83 850.03 802.53 787.53 NP NP 58.37 55.57 794.46 6.93 NO MW -34 12.0106 852.83 850.03 802.53 787.53 NP NP 61.53 58.73 791.30 -3.16 3.77 NO EW -1 09'21.99 862.50 860.64 --- --- 40.29 14.93 55.22 53.36 818.48 --- NM NM EW -I 11'01'99 862.50 860.64 --- --- 39.56 15.49 55.05 53.19 819.07 0.59 NM NM EW -1 12:14'99 862.50 860.64 --- --- NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM EW -1 06/2100 862.50 860.64 --- --- 40.66 14.69 NM NM NM NM NM NM EW -I 0720'00 862.50 860.64 --- --- 41.64 12.26 53.90 52.04 817.80 -1.27 NM NM EW -I 08;0300 862.50 860.64 --- --- 43.07 2.91 45.98 44.12 818.70 0.91 NM NM EW -I 08;'17-00 862.50 860.64 --- 43.34 1.71 45.05 43.19 818.73 0.03 NM NM EW -I 09.12/00 862.50 860.64 --- 43.03 2.45 45.48 43.62 818.86 0.12 NM NM EW -I 10/12/00 862.50 860.64 --- --- 43.27 2.25 45.52 43.66 818.67 -0.19 NM NM EW -1 11'14.00 862.50 860.64 --- --- 42.95 2.67 45.62 43.76 818.88 0.21 NM NM EW -I 12/20.00 862.50 860.64 --- 42.95 2.65 45.60 43.74 818.89 0.00 NM NM EW -I 01'23/01 862.50 860.64 --- - 43.27 2.67 45.94 44.08 818.56 -0.33 NM NM EW -1 02/19,01 862.50 860.64 --- --- 43.34 1.93 45.27 43.41 818.68 0.12 NM NM EW -1 03/20,01 862.50 860.64 --- --- 43.76 2.11 45.87 44.01 818.21 -0.47 NM NM EW -1 04/26/01 862.50 860.64 --- --- 43.23 2.52 45.75 43.89 818.64 0.43 NM NM Page 20 of 25 Table 1 Groundwater Elevation Data Heritage Amoco Service Station No. 2950 McKee/Convoy Eagan, Minnesota Delta Project No. G01ZF Depth to Depth to Depth to Corrected Water Water Elevation Elevation Elevation Product Free Product Water Water Water Elevation Column in Above Well Date Elevation TOC Ground TOS BOS (TOC) Thickness (TOC) (Ground) Elevation Change Well Screen? EW -1 06:04 01 862.50 860.64 --- --- 43.42 2.49 45.91 44.05 818.46 -0.18 NM NM EW -I 0720'01 862.50 860.64 --- --- 43.08 3.18 46.26 44.40 818.63 0.17 NM NM EW -I 08 28 01 862.50 860.64 --- --- 43.08 2.29 45.37 4351 818.85 0.22 NM NM EW -1 103001 862.50 860.64 --- --- 43.03 2.54 45.57 43.71 818.84 -0.01 NM NM EW -1 011602 862.50 860.64 --- --- NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM EW -1 02 1802 862.50 860.64 --- --- 42.79 2.00 44.79 42.93 819.21 0.38 NM NM EW -1 0318.02 862.50 860.64 --- --- 43.31 1.61 44.92 43.06 818.79 -0.42 NM NM EW -1 04 19 02 862.50 860.64 --- --- 43.29 1.75 45.04 43.18 818.77 -0.01 NM NM EW -I 05 22 02 862.50 860.64 --- --- 43.73 1.57 45.30 43.44 818.38 -0.39 NM NM EW -1 07 24.02 862.50 860.64 --- --- 43.90 2.88 46.78 4492 817.88 -0.50 NM NM EW -1 082202 862.50 860.64 --- --- 43.81 1.83 45.64 43.78 818.23 0.35 NM NM EW -I 091902 862.50 860.64 --- --- 43.17 1.44 44.61 42.75 818.97 0.74 NM NM EW -1 102902 862.50 860.64 -- --- 42.72 2.18 44.90 43.04 819.24 0.26 NM NM EW -1 1218'02 862.50 860.64 --- --- 40.30 3.28 4358 41.72 821.38 2.14 NM NM EW -1 0130,03 862.50 860.64 --- --- 40.71 2.95 43.66 41.80 821.05 -0.33 NM NM EW -1 02'2803 862.50 860.64 --- --- 41.07 2.12 43.19 41.33 820.90 -0.15 NM NM EW -1 04,07 03 862.50 860.64 --- --- 41.80 2.40 44.20 42.34 820.10 -0.80 NM NM EW -I 05:07'03 862.50 860.64 --- --- 41.90 2.01 4391 42.05 820.10 0.00 NM NM EW -1 0609'03 862.50 860.64 --- --- 42.24 2.02 44.26 42.40 819.76 -0.34 NM NM EW -1 07'1103 862.50 860.64 --- --- 42.68 191 44.59 42.73 819.34 -0.41 NM NM EW -I 0811'03 862.50 860.64 --- --- 43.15 1.79 44.94 43.08 818.90 -0.44 NM NM EW -I 09'16,03 862.50 860.64 --- --- 43.00 1.94 44.94 43.08 819.02 0.11 NM NM EW -I 1008'03 862.50 860.64 --- --- 43.09 1.38 44.47 42.61 819.07 0.05 NM NM EW -1 11.07.03 862.50 860.64 --- --- 43.56 1.72 45.28 43.42 818.51 -0.55 NM NM EW -1 II'11:03 862.50 860.64 --- --- NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM EW -I 1218'03 862.50 860.64 --- --- 43.17 2.10 45.27 43.41 818.81 0.30 NM NM EW -I 010804 862.50 860.64 -- --- 43.70 1.51 45.21 43.35 818.42 -0.38 NM NM EW -1 04:1204 862.50 860.64 --- --- NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM EW -1 04:2604 862.50 860.64 --- 43.72 3.53 47.25 45.39 817.90 -0.91 NM NM EW -1 052104 862.50 860.64 --- --- 44.16 1.70 45.86 44.00 817.92 0.02 NM NM EW -I 062604 862.50 860.64 --- --- 44.50 1.83 46.33 44.47 817.54 -0.37 NM NM EW -1 08'0904 862.50 860.64 --- --- 4437 1.94 46.31 44.45 817.65 0.10 NM NM EW -I 0902'04 862.50 860.64 --- --- 44.53 1.51 46.04 44.18 817.59 -0.05 NM NM EW -I 1008:04 862.50 860.64 --- --- 44.35 2.32 46.67 44.81 817.57 -0.02 NM NM EW -I 11.1004 862.50 860.64 --- --- 44.45 1.69 46.14 44.28 817.63 0.06 NM NM EW -I 01'12.05 862.50 860.64 --- -- 43.85 2.60 46.45 4459 818.00 0.37 NM NM EW -I 02'2405 862.50 860.64 --- --- 4455 2.15 46.70 44.84 817.41 -0.59 NM NM EW -1 03:17:05 862.50 860.64 --- --- 44.79 0.74 45.53 43.67 817.53 0.11 NM NM EW -1 041905 862.50 860.64 --- --- 44.92 0.98 45.90 44.04 817.34 -0.19 NM NM EW -1 0517'05 862.50 860.64 --- --- 45.24 0.86 46.10 44.24 817.05 -0.29 NM NM EW -I 06 15.05 862.50 860.64 --- --- 45.30 0.87 46.17 44.31 816.98 -0.06 NM NM EW -1 07.2005 862.50 860.64 --- 45.70 1.10 46.80 44.94 816.53 -0.46 NM NM EW -I 0817`05 862.50 860.64 --- 46.10 1.40 47.50 45.64 816.05 -0.48 NM NM EW -I 09'22.05 862.50 860.64 --- --- 45.92 1.09 47.01 45.15 816.31 0.26 NM NM EW -1 10:12'05 862.50 860.64 --- --- 46.20 0.77 46.97 45.11 816.11 -0.20 NM NM EW -I 1215 05 862.50 860.64 -- --- 45.35 2.05 47.40 45.54 816.64 0.53 NM NM EW -1 01.1906 862.50 860.64 --- --- 45.40 1.54 46.94 45.08 816.72 0.08 NM NM EW -I 02.1606 862.50 860.64 --- --- 45.71 1.31 47.02 45.16 816.46 -0.25 NM NM EW -1 03'2306 862.50 860.64 --- --- 45.55 1.27 46.82 44.96 816.63 0.17 NM NM EW -I 04'1206 862.50 860.64 --- -- 45.22 158 46.80 44.94 816.89 0.25 NM NM EW -1 05.'18.06 862.50 860.64 --- --- 44.85 1.35 46.20 44.34 817.31 0.43 NM NM EW -1 06'15'06 862.50 860.64 --- --- 45.18 1.06 46.24 44.38 817.06 -0.26 NM NM EW -1 07:13'06 862.50 860.64 --- --- 45.08 1.19 46.27 44.41 817.12 0.07 NM NM EW -I 081706 862.50 860.64 --- 45.16 1.33 46.49 44.63 817.01 -0.12 NM NM EW -I 0921'06 862.50 860.64 --- --- 45.03 1.11 46.14 44.28 817.19 0.18 NM NM EW -I 102606 862.50 860.64 --- --- 45.07 1.20 46.27 44.41 817.13 -0.06 NM NM EW -1 11:2106 862.50 860.64 --- --- 45.11 0.92 46.03 44.17 817.16 0.03 NM NM EW -1 1211,06 862.50 860.64 --- --- 45.13 1.26 46.39 44.53 817.06 -0.11 NM NM EW -1 01'1807 862.50 860.64 -- --- 45.12 1.28 46.40 44.54 817.06 0.00 NM NM OP -1 09.21'99 862.75 860.45 --- --- 38.67 12.05 50.72 48.42 821.07 --- NM NM OP -1 11/01,99 862.75 860.45 --- --- 37.47 13.23 50.70 48.40 821.97 0.90 NM NM OP -I 12%1499 862.75 860.45 --- --- NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM OP -1 062100 862.75 860.45 -- 41.68 5.79 47.47 45.17 819.62 -2.35 NM NM OP -1 07/20/00 862.75 860.45 - 42.87 1.95 44.82 42.52 819.39 -0.23 NM NM OP -1 08/03:00 862.75 860.45 -- 43.31 1.35 44.66 42.36 819.10 -0.29 NM NM OP -I 08'17'00 862.75 860.45 --- --- 43.43 1.37 44.80 42.50 818.98 -0.13 NM NM Page 21 of 25 Table 1 Groundwater Elevation Data Heritage Amoco Service Station No. 2950 McKee/Convoy Eagan, Minnesota Delta Project No. GO1ZF Depth to Depth to Depth to Corrected Water Water Elevation Elevation Elevation Product Free Product Water Water Water Elevation Column in Above Well Date Elevation TOC Ground TOS BOS (TOC) Thickness (TOC) (Ground) Elevation Change Well Screen? 013-1 09 12 00 862.75 860.45 --- --- 43.20 0.97 44.17 41.87 819.31 0.33 NM NM 01'-1 10 12 00 862.75 860.45 --- --- 43.46 0.96 44.42 42.12 819.05 -0.26 NM NM 01'-1 11 14 00 862.75 860.45 --- --- 42.94 1.32 44.26 41.96 819.48 0.43 NM NM 01'-1 12 20 00 862.75 860.35 --- --- 43.02 1.23 44.25 41.95 819.42 -0.06 NM NM OP -1 012301 862.75 860.45 --- 43.40 0.95 44.35 42.05 819.11 -0.31 NM NM 01'-1 02 19 01 862.75 860.45 --- --- 43.64 0.85 44.49 42.19 818.90 -0.21 NM NM 01'-1 03 20 01 862.75 860.45 --- --- 43.90 1.01 44.91 42.61 818.60 -0.30 NM NM OP -I 04:26 01 862.75 860.45 --- --- 43.99 1.30 45.29 42.99 818.44 -0.16 NM NM OP -I 06 04 01 862.75 860.45 --- --- 44.17 1.48 45.65 43.35 818.21 -0.23 NM NM OP -I 07 20 01 862.75 860.45 --- --- 44.12 1.21 45.33 43.03 818.33 0.12 NM NM 0P-1 08 28.01 862.75 860.45 --- 43.84 1.05 44.89 42.59 818.65 0.32 NM NM 01'-1 092501 862.75 860.45 --- --- 43.83 1.17 45.00 42.70 818.63 -0.02 NM NM OP -1 1030 01 862.75 860.45 --- --- 43.60 1.30 44.90 42.60 818.83 0.20 NM NM OP -I 01 16 02 862.75 860.45 --- --- 43.27 2.25 45.52 43.22 818.92 0.09 NM NM OP -1 02 18 02 862.75 860.45 --- -- 42.94 1.31 44.25 41.95 819.48 0.56 NM NM 0P-1 03 18 02 862.75 860.45 --- --- 43.33 1.21 44.54 42.24 819.12 -0.36 NM NM 0P-1 04 19 02 862.75 860.45 --- --- 43.36 1.19 44.55 42.25 819.09 -0.02 NM NM OP -I 052202 862.75 860.45 --- --- 44.03 1.12 45.15 42.85 818.44 -0.65 NM NM 0P-1 07 24 02 862.75 860.45 --- --- 44.00 2.28 46.28 43.98 818.18 -0.26 NM NM OP -1 0822 02 862.75 860.45 --- --- 43.96 1.32 45.28 42.98 818.46 0.28 NM NM OP -1 09'1902 862.75 860.45 --- --- 43.44 1.13 44.57 42.27 819.03 0.57 NM NM 0P-1 10 29 02 862.75 860.45 --- --- 40.02 1.58 41.60 39.30 822.34 3.31 NM NM OP -1 12 18 02 862.75 860.45 --- --- 37.74 0.76 38.50 36.20 824.82 2.49 NM NM 0P-1 01 30:03 862.75 860.45 --- --- 39.03 0.96 39.99 37.69 823.48 -1.34 NM NM OP -1 0225'03 862.75 860.45 --- 39.96 0.85 40.81 38.51 822.58 -0.90 NM NM 0P-1 04 07.03 862.75 86045 --- --- 41.31 0.70 42.01 39.71 821.27 -1.31 NM NM OP -1 050703 862.75 860.45 --- --- 41.64 0,57 42.21 39.91 820.97 -0.30 NM NM OP -1 06 09 03 862.75 860.45 --- --- 42.32 0.54 42.86 40.56 820.30 -0.67 NM NM 01'-1 0711.03 862.75 860.45 --- --- 42.78 0.54 43.32 41.02 819.84 -0.46 NM NM 0P-1 0811.03 862.75 860.45 --- --- 43.22 0.53 43.75 41.45 819.40 -0.44 NM NM OP -1 09 1603 862.75 860.45 --- --- 43.27 0.49 43.76 41.46 819.36 -0.04 NM NM 0P-1 10 08 03 862.75 860.45 --- --- 43.33 0.54 43.87 41.57 819.29 -0.07 NM NM 0P-1 1I 07.03 862.75 860.45 --- 43.80 0.53 44.33 42.03 818.82 -0.47 NM NM OP -1 1 I 1103 862.75 860.45 --- --- NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM 0P-1 12 18 03 862.75 860.45 --- --- 43.63 0.52 44.15 41.85 818.99 0.17 NM NM OP -I 0108,04 862.75 860.45 --- --- 44.08 0.59 44.67 42.37 818.52 -0.47 NM NM OP -I 04 12 04 862.75 860.45 -- --- NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM OP -1 04 26 04 862.75 860.45 --- --- 44.65 1.25 45.90 43.60 817.79 -0.74 NM NM OP -1 05 21 04 862.75 860.45 --- --- 44.93 1.02 45.95 43.65 817.57 -0.22 NM NM 013-I 06.2604 862.75 860.45 --- --- 45.26 1.00 46.26 43.96 817.24 -0.32 NM NM 0P-1 0809'04 862.75 860.45 --- --- 45.24 0.89 46.13 43.83 817.29 0.05 NM NM OP -1 09:0204 862.75 860.45 --- --- 45.29 0.82 46.11 43.81 817.26 -0.03 NM NM OP -1 1008 04 862.75 860.45 -- --- 45.19 1.01 46.20 43.90 817.31 0.05 NM NM 0P-1 11 1004 862.75 860.45 --- --- 45.15 1.05 46.20 43.90 817.34 0.03 NM NM OP -I 01.1205 862.75 860.45 --- --- 44.76 1.44 46.20 43.90 817.63 0.29 NM NM OP -I 0224.05 862.75 860.45 --- --- 45.17 1.48 46.65 44.35 817.21 -0.42 NM NM OP -1 03 17'05 862.75 860.45 --- --- 45.17 1.78 46.95 44.65 817.14 -0.08 NM NM 0P-1 0419:05 862.75 860.45 --- 45.36 1.33 46.69 44.39 817.06 -0.08 NM NM 0P-1 05'17.05 862.75 860.45 --- --- 45.67 0.92 4659 44.29 816.85 -0.21 NM NM OP -1 06:15.05 862.75 860.45 --- --- 45.65 1.15 46.80 44.50 816.81 -0.04 NM NM OP -1 0720'05 862.75 860.45 --- --- 46.10 1.00 47.10 44.80 816.40 -0.41 NM NM OP -1 08.1705 862.75 860.45 --- --- 46.35 1.20 47.55 45.25 816.10 -0.30 NM NM 0P-1 092205 862.75 860.45 --- --- 46.20 1.10 47.30 45.00 816.28 0.18 NM NM 0P-1 1012.05 862.75 860.45 -- --- 46.43 0.88 47.31 45.01 816.10 -0.18 NM NM 0P-1 12:15:05 862.75 860.45 --- -- 45.58 2.03 47.61 45.31 816.66 0.56 NM NM 0P-1 01.'19.06 862.75 860.45 --- 45.35 2.32 47.67 45.37 816.82 0.16 NM NM 0P-1 021606 862.75 860.45 -- 45.70 2.00 47.70 45.40 816.55 -0.27 NM NM 0P-1 032306 862.75 860.45 --- 45.80 2.30 48.10 45.80 816.38 -0.17 NM NM OP -1 04'12:06 862.75 860.45 --- --- 45.49 2.28 47.77 45.47 816.69 0.32 NM NM OP -1 05,18/06 862.75 860.45 --- --- 45.55 2.25 47.80 45.50 816.64 -0.05 NM NM 0P-1 06,15'06 862.75 860.45 -- 45.93 1.63 47.56 45.26 816.41 -0.23 NM NM OP -I 07,11'06 862.75 860.45 --- -- 45.74 1.59 47.33 45.03 816.61 0.20 NM NM 0P-1 08/1706 862.75 860.45 -- --- 45.72 2.42 48.14 45.84 816.43 -0.19 NM NM 013-1 09,21-06 862.75 860.45 --- 45.51 2.44 47.95 45.65 816.63 0.20 NM NM 0P-1 1026.06 862.75 860.45 -- -- 45.57 2.27 47.84 45.54 816.61 -0.02 NM NM OP -1 1121/06 862.75 860.45 --- 45.58 2.05 47.63 45.33 816.66 0.05 NM NM OP -1 12'1106 862.75 860.45 -- -- 45.63 2.14 47.77 45.47 816.59 -0.07 NM NM Page 22 of 25 Table 1 Groundwater Elevation Data Heritage Amoco Service Station No. 2950 McKee/Convoy Eagan, Minnesota Delta Project No. G01ZF Depth to Depth to Depth to Corrected Water Water Elevation Elevation Elevation Product Free Product Water Water Water Elevation Column in Above Well Date Elevation TOC Ground TOS BOS (TOC) Thickness (TOC) (Ground) Elevation Change Well Screen? OP -I 01 18 07 862.75 860.45 --- --- 45.56 2.58 48.14 45.84 816.55 -0.04 NM NM OP -2 >--- 42.10 20.20 62.30 59.96 815.76 --- NM NM 09 _ 199 862.91 860.57 --- OP-2 1101 99 862.91 860.57 --- --- 41.35 20.94 62.29 59.95 816.33 0.57 NM NM OP -2 12 14 99 362.91 860.57 --- --- NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM OP -2 06'21'00 862.91 860.57 --- --- 41.51 20.89 62.40 60.06 816.18 -0.15 NM NM OP -2 0720'00 862.91 860.57 --- --- 42.56 19.84 62.40 60.06 815.39 -0.79 NM NM OP -2 08 03.00 862.91 860.57 --- --- 4345 11.81 55.26 52.92 81651 1.12 NM NM OP -2 08 17 00 862.91 860.57 --- --- 44.09 5.43 49.52 47.18 817.46 0.96 NM NM OP -2 091200 862.91 860.57 --- --- 44.19 4.62 48.81 46.47 817.57 0.10 NM NM OP -2 10. 12 00 862.91 860.57 --- --- 44.43 4.47 48.90 46.56 817.36 -0.20 NM NM OP -2 1114.00 862.91 860.57 --- --- 44.22 4.73 48.95 46.61 81751 0.14 NM NM OP -2 12 20 00 862.91 860.57 --- --- 44.21 4.44 48.65 46.31 817.59 0.08 NM NM OP -2 0123'01 862.91 860.57 --- --- 4453 4.47 49.00 46.66 817.26 -0.33 NM NM OP -2 0219 01 862.91 860.57 --- --- 4452 3.31 47.83 45.49 817.56 0.30 NM NM OP -2 03'20 01 862.91 860.57 --- --- 44.99 3.41 48.40 46.06 817.07 -0.49 NM NM OP -2 04.26 01 862.91 86057 --- --- 44.52 4.58 49.10 46.76 817.25 0.18 NM NM OP -2 060401 862.91 860.57 --- --- 44.59 5.32 49.91 47.57 816.99 -0.25 NM NM OP -2 072001 862.91 860.57 --- --- 44.39 5.99 50.38 48.04 817.02 0.03 NM NM OP -2 08 2801 862.91 860.57 --- --- 44.47 5.18 49.65 47.31 817.15 0.12 NM NM OP -2 10 30 01 862.91 860.57 --- --- 45.04 4.04 49.08 46.74 816.86 -0.29 NM NM OP -2 01 1602 862.91 860.57 --- --- 40.30 3.28 43.58 41.24 821.79 4.93 NM NM OP -2 02 1802 862.91 860.57 --- --- 44.16 4.21 48.37 46.03 817.70 -4.09 NM NM OP -2 03 1802 862.91 860.57 --- --- 44.79 3.35 48.14 45.80 817.28 -0.41 NM NM OP -2 04 19 02 862.91 860.57 --- --- 44.77 3.38 48.15 45.81 817.30 0.01 NM NM OP -2 05 22 02 862.91 860.57 --- --- 45.01 2.92 47.93 45.59 817.17 -0.12 NM NM OP -2 07 2402 862.91 860.57 --- --- 45.05 5.39 50.44 48.10 816.51 -0.66 NM NM OP -2 08 22 02 862.91 860.57 --- --- 45.29 3.13 48.42 46.08 816.84 0.32 NM NM OP -2 091902 862.91 860.57 --- --- 44.79 2.38 47.17 44.83 817.53 0.69 NM NM OP -2 102902 862.91 860.57 -- --- 44.88 3.44 48.32 45.98 817.17 -0.36 NM NM OP -2 12 18 02 862.91 860.57 --- --- 42.78 5.48 48.26 45.92 818.76 1.59 NM NM OP -2 01 30,03 862.91 860.57 -- --- 42.73 5.73 48.46 46.12 818.75 -0.01 NM NM OP -2 02.2803 862.91 860.57 --- --- 43.04 4.11 47.15 44.81 818.84 0.10 NM NM OP -2 04'0703 862.91 860.57 --- --- 43.46 4.45 47.91 45.57 818.34 -0.50 NM NM OP -2 05'0703 862.91 860.57 --- --- 43.43 3.93 47.36 45.02 818.50 0.16 NM NM OP -2 06.09.03 862.91 860.57 --- --- 43.67 3.72 47.39 45.05 818.31 -0.19 NM NM OP -2 0711,03 862.91 860.57 --- --- 44.08 341 47.49 45.15 817.98 -0.33 NM NM OP -2 08.1103 862.91 860.57 --- --- 44.60 3.22 47.82 45.48 817.51 -0.47 NM NM OP -2 09.1603 862.91 860.57 --- --- 44.40 3.50 47.90 45.56 817.64 0.13 NM NM OP -2 100803 862.91 860.57 --- --- 44.60 2.46 47.06 44.72 817.70 0.06 NM NM OP -2 110703 862.91 860.57 --- 45.15 2.80 47.95 45.61 817.06 -0.63 NM NM OP -2 II 1 103 862.91 860.57 --- -- NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM OP -2 12'18.03 862.91 860.57 --- --- 44.61 3.39 48.00 45.66 817.45 0.39 NM NM OP -2 01 0804 862.91 860.57 --- 45.22 2.29 47.51 45.17 817.12 -0.34 NM NM OP -2 04'1204 862.91 860.57 --- --- NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM OP -2 04.2604 862.91 860.57 --- --- 44.89 5.50 50.39 48.05 816.65 -0.47 NM NM OP -2 0521'04 862.91 860.57 --- --- 45.49 2.71 48.20 45.86 816.74 0.10 NM NM OP -2 06 26'04 862.91 860.57 --- --- 45.87 2.59 48.46 46.12 816.39 -0.35 NM NM OP -2 080904 862.91 860.57 --- --- 45.84 2.36 48.20 45.86 816.48 0.09 NM NM OP -2 09.02'04 862.91 860.57 --- --- 46.14 1.64 47.78 45.44 816.36 -0.12 NM NM OP -2 10:08'04 862.91 860.57 --- --- 45.99 1.92 47.91 45.57 816.44 0.08 NM NM OP -2 1 1' 1004 862.91 860.57 --- --- 46.07 2.11 48.18 45.84 816.31 -0.13 NM NM OP -2 01'1205 862.91 860.57 -- --- 45.28 2.85 48.13 45.79 816.92 0.61 NM NM OP -2 0224:05 862.91 860.57 --- --- 46.10 2.70 48.80 46.46 816.14 -0.78 NM NM OP -2 03,17 05 862.91 860.57 --- --- 45.87 3.78 49.65 47.31 816.10 -0.04 NM NM OP -2 04.'1905 862.91 860.57 --- --- 45.77 4.65 50.42 48.08 815.98 -0.12 NM NM OP -2 05,1705 862.91 860.57 --- --- 46.40 1.95 48.35 46.01 816.02 0.04 NM NM OP -2 061505 862.91 860.57 --- 46.50 1.85 48.35 46.01 815.95 -0.07 NM NM OP -2 0720:05 862.91 860.57 --- --- 46.90 1.30 48.20 45.86 815.69 -0.26 NM NM OP -2 08/17'05 862.91 860.57 -- --- 47.25 1.35 48.60 46.26 815.32 -0.36 NM NM OP -2 09:22'05 862.91 860.57 --- --- 46.93 1.95 48.88 46.54 815.49 0.17 NM NM OP -2 10/12'05 862.91 860.57 -- --- 47.37 0.93 48.30 45.96 815.31 -0.18 NM NM OP -2 12/15'05 862.91 860.57 --- --- 46.70 2.01 48.71 46.37 815.71 0.40 NM NM OP -2 01;19,06 862.91 860.57 --- --- 46.61 2.83 49.44 47.10 815.59 -0.12 NM NM OP -2 02'16,06 862.91 860.57 --- --- 47.03 2.89 49.92 47.58 815.16 -0.43 NM NM OP -2 03/23,06 862.91 860.57 --- --- 47.00 3.05 50.05 47.71 815.15 -0.01 NM NM OP -2 04/1206 862.91 860.57 --- 46.97 1.79 48.76 46.42 815.49 0.34 NM NM OP -2 05'18.06 862.91 860.57 --- 46.70 2.00 48.70 46.36 815.71 0.22 NM NM Page 23 of 25 Table 1 Groundwater Elevation Data Heritage Amoco Service Station No. 2950 McKee/Convoy Eagan, Minnesota Delta Project No. GO1ZF Depth to Depth to Depth to Corrected Water Water Elevation Elevation Elevation Product Free Product Water Water Water Elevation Column in Above Well Date Elevation TOC Ground TOS BOS (TOC) Thickness (TOC) (Ground) Elevation Change Well Screen? OP -2 0615.06 862.91 860.57 --- --- 46.95 2.00 48.95 46.61 815.46 -0.25 NM NM OP -2 07 1306 862.91 860.57 --- --- 46.94 1.91 48.85 46.51 815.49 0.03 NM NM OP -2 08 17 06 862.91 860.57 --- --- 47.03 2.31 49.34 47.00 815.30 -0.19 NM NM OP -2 09 21'06 862.91 860.57 --- --- 46.94 2.17 49.11 46.77 815.43 0.13 NM NM OP -2 102606 862.91 860.57 --- --- 47.06 2.05 49.11 46.77 815.34 -0.09 NM NM OP -2 1121'06 862.91 860.57 --- --- 47.15 1.52 48.67 46.33 815.38 0.04 NM NM OP -2 12 11 06 862.91 860.57 --- --- 46.50 2.23 48.73 46.39 815.85 0.47 NM NM OP -2 01 18 07 862.91 860.57 --- --- 46.84 2.77 49.61 47.27 815.38 -0.48 NM NM OP -3 09 21 99 862.58 860.58 --- -- 40.81 11.57 52.38 50.38 818.88 --- NM NM OP -3 11 01 99 862.58 860.58 --- --- 40.35 2.00 42.35 40.35 821.73 2.85 NM NM OP -3 12 14 99 862.58 860.58 --- --- NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM OP -3 06 21 00 862.58 860.58 --- --- 40.54 3.21 43.75 41.75 821.24 -0.49 NM NM OP -3 07 2000 862.58 860.58 --- --- 41.49 0.51 42.00 40.00 820.96 -0.27 NM NM OP -3 08 03 00 862.58 860.58 --- --- 41.79 0.09 41.88 39.88 820.77 -0.20 NM NM OP -3 081700 862.58 860.58 --- --- 41.85 0.27 42.12 40.12 820.66 -0.11 NM NM OP -3 09 12 00 862.58 860.58 --- --- 41.69 0.12 41.81 39.81 820.86 0.20 NM NM OP -3 10 12 00 862.58 860.58 --- --- 41.10 0.97 42.07 40.07 821.24 0.38 NM NM OP -3 11.1400 862.58 860.58 --- --- 41.66 0.39 42.05 40.05 820.82 -0.41 NM NM OP -3 122000 862.58 860.58 --- --- 41.68 0.21 41.89 39.89 820.85 0.02 NM NM OP -3 01'23 01 862.58 860.58 --- --- 41.75 0.82 42.57 40.57 820.63 -0.22 NM NM OP -3 02'1901 862.58 860.58 --- --- 41.66 0.49 42.15 40.15 820.80 0.17 NM NM OP -3 032001 862.58 860.58 --- --- 42.44 0.23 42.67 40.67 820.08 -0.71 NM NM OP -3 04 2601 862.58 860.58 --- --- 42.54 0.22 42.76 40.76 819.99 -0.10 NM NM OP -3 060401 862.58 860.58 --- --- 42.51 0.41 42.92 40.92 819.97 -0.02 NM NM OP -3 07 20 01 862.58 860.58 --- --- 42.27 0.65 42.92 40.92 820.15 0.18 NM NM OP -3 08 28.01 862.58 860.58 --- --- 42.12 0.60 42.72 40.72 820.31 0.16 NM NM OP -3 09 25 01 862.58 860.58 --- --- 42.22 0.49 42.71 40.71 820.24 -0.07 NM NM OP -3 10:30`01 862.58 860.58 --- --- 42.11 0.57 42.68 40.68 820.33 0.09 NM NM OP -3 01 16 02 862.58 860.58 --- --- 44.17 1.48 45.65 43.65 818.04 -2.29 NM NM OP -3 02 18 02 862.58 860.58 --- --- 41.70 0.45 42.15 40.15 820.77 2.73 NM NM OP -3 03 18.02 862.58 860.58 --- --- 42.02 0.68 42.70 40.70 820.39 -0.38 NM NM OP -3 04 1902 862.58 860.58 --- --- 42.26 0.41 42.67 40.67 820.22 -0.17 NM NM OP -3 05:22.02 862.58 860.58 --- --- 42.36 0.42 42.78 40.78 820.12 -0.10 NM NM OP -3 072402 862.58 860.58 --- --- 42.49 1.00 43.49 41.49 819.84 -0.28 NM NM OP -3 0822'02 862.58 860.58 --- --- 42.34 0.64 42.98 40.98 820.08 0.24 NM NM OP -3 09 19 02 862.58 860.58 --- -- 41.69 0.48 42.17 40.17 820.77 0.69 NM NM OP -3 1029.02 862.58 860.58 --- --- 41.93 0.05 41.98 39.98 820.64 -0.13 NM NM OP -3 12,1802 862.58 860.58 --- --- 40.72 0.50 41.22 39.22 821.74 1.10 NM NM OP -3 01,3003 862.58 860.58 --- --- 40.40 1.98 42.38 40.38 821.69 -0.05 NM NM OP -3 022803 862.58 860.58 --- --- 40.84 1.05 41.89 39.89 821.48 -0.21 NM NM OP -3 04 07 03 862.58 860.58 --- --- 41.20 1.13 42.33 40.33 821.10 -0.38 NM NM OP -3 05,07:03 862.58 860.58 --- --- 41.02 1.66 42.68 40.68 821.15 0.05 NM NM OP -3 0609-03 862.58 860.58 --- --- 41.20 1.53 42.73 40.73 821.00 -0.15 NM NM OP -3 07. 11 03 862.58 860.58 --- --- 41.57 1.28 42.85 40.85 820.69 -0.31 NM NM OP -3 08'11'03 862.58 860.58 --- --- 41.88 0.89 42.77 40.77. 820.48 -0.21 NM NM OP -3 0916'03 862.58 860.58 --- --- 41.88 0.21 42.09 40.09 820.65 0.17 NM NM OP -3 10-0803 862.58 860.58 --- --- 41.76 0.49 42.25 40.25 820.70 0.05 NM NM OP -3 1107'03 862.58 860.58 --- --- 42.00 0.85 42.85 40.85 820.37 -0.33 NM NM OP -3 1 1: 11 03 862.58 860.58 --- --- NM NM NM NM NM NM NM . NM OP -3 12:1803 862.58 860.58 --- --- 42.06 0.10 42.16 40.16 820.50 0.13 NM NM OP -3 0110804 862.58 860.58 --- --- 42.04 0.81 42.85 40.85 820.34 -0.16 NM NM OP -3 0412'04 862.58 860.58 --- --- NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM OP -3 04'26'04 862.58 860.58 -- --- 42.43 1.13 43.56 41.56 819.87 -0.47 NM NM OP -3 0521!04 862.58 860.58 --- 42.61 0.75 43.36 41.36 819.78 -0.08 NM NM OP -3 06:26/34 862.58 860.58 --- --- 42.77 0.95 43.72 41.72 819.57 -0.21 NM NM OP -3 08'09 04 862.58 860.58 --- --- 42.68 0.71 43.39 41.39 819.72 0.15 NM NM OP -3 0902'04 862.58 860.58 -- --- 42.78 0.67 43.45 41.45 819.63 -0.09 NM NM OP -3 10:08.04 862.58 860.58 --- --- 42.60 0.62 43.22 41.22 819.83 0.19 NM NM OP -3 1110'04 862.58 860.58 --- --- 42.62 0.48 43.10 41.10 819.84 0.01 NM NM OP -3 01.12'04 862.58 860.58 --- 42.22 0.61 42.83 40.83 820.21 0.37 NM NM OP -3 02.2405 862.58 860.58 --- 42.75 1.00 43.75 41.75 819.58 -0.63 NM NM OP -3 03'17'05 862.58 860.58 --- --- 42.77 1.23 44.00 42.00 819.50 -0.08 NM NM OP -3 04,19/05 862.58 860.58 --- --- 42.99 0.69 43.68 41.68 819.42 -0.08 NM NM OP -3 05:17.05 862.58 860.58 --- --- 43.25 0.60 43.85 41.85 819.18 -0.24 NM NM OP -3 06.'15:05 862.58 860.58 -- --- 43.37 0.73 44.10 42.10 819.03 -0.15 NM NM OP -3 07.20'05 862.58 860.58 -- --- 43.60 0.90 44.50 42.50 818.76 -0.27 NM NM Page 24 of 25 Table 1 Groundwater Elevation Data Heritage Amoco Service Station No. 2950 McKee/Convoy Eagan, Minnesota Delta Project No. G01ZF Well Date Depth to Depth to Depth to Corrected Water Water Elevation Elevation Elevation Product Free Product Water Water Water Elevation Column in Above Elevation TOC Ground TOS BOS (TOC) Thickness (TOC) (Ground) Elevation Change Well Screen? OP -3 08:1705 862.58 860.58 OP -3 09.2205 862.58 860.58 OP -3 10 12 05 862.58 860.58 OP -3 12'15 05 862.58 860.58 OP -3 01 19 06 862.58 860.58 OP -3 02 16 06 862.58 860.58 OP -3 03 23'06 862.58 860.58 OP -3 04 1206 862.58 860.58 OP -3 05 18 06 862.58 860.58 OP -3 06.15 06 862.58 860.58 OP -3 07 13 06 862.58 860.58 OP -3 08'17 06 862.58 860.58 OP -3 092106 862.58 860.58 OP -3 10 26'06 862.58 860.58 OP -3 11'21,06 862.58 860.58 OP -3 12 1106 86258 860.58 OP -3 011807 862.58 860.58 43.81 1.10 44.91 42.91 818.50 -0.26 NM NM 43.64 0.90 44.54 42.54 818.72 0.22 NM NM 43.82 0.38 44.20 42.20 818.67 -0.05 NM NM 43.20 1.00 44.20 42.20 819.13 0.47 NM NM 43.26 0.84 44.10 42.10 819.11 -0.02 NM NM 43.53 0.97 44.50 42.50 818.81 -0.30 NM NM 43.49 1.19 44.68 42.68 818.79 -0.01 NM NM 43.49 0.87 44.36 42.36 818.87 0.08 NM NM 43.25 1.33 44.58 42.58 819.00 0.12 NM NM 42.50 1.84 44.34 42.34 819.62 0.62 NM NM 43.35 1.18 44.53 42.53 818.94 -0.68 NM NM 43.29 1.71 45.00 43.00 818.86 -0.07 NM NM 43.25 1.23 44.48 42.48 819.02 0.16 NM NM 43.28 1.00 44.28 42.28 819.05 0.03 NM NM 43.22 1.04 44.26 42.26 819.10 0.05 NM NM 43.31 1.20 44.51 42.51 818.97 -0.13 NM NM 43.21 1.29 44.50 42.50 819.05 0.08 NM NM NOTES: Elevation relative to site datum. Units = feet NP = No product NM = Not measured TOC = Top of Casing TOS = Top of Screen BOS = Bottom of Screen Corrected Water Elevation = TOC Elevation - Depth to Ground Water - (Product Thickness x 0.75). where 0.75 = the specific gravity for a typical gasoline. Page 25 of 25 Date Table 2 Vertical Hydraulic Gradient Heritage Amoco Service Station No. 2950 McKee/Convoy Site Eagan, Minnesota Delta Project No. GO1ZF DMW-13 DMW-14 Water Water Elev. Elev. dh dz iv 08/19/92 780.41 784.18 -3.77 106.84 -0.035 11/06/92 781.15 784.66 -3.51 107.08 -0.033 01/20/93 781.87 785.37 -3.50 107.44 -0.033 03/10/93 782.30 785.75 -3.45 107.63 -0.032 04/20/93 782.13 785.53 -3.40 107.52 -0.032 06/11/93 781.66 785.43 -3.77 107.47 -0.035 07/15/93 781.89 785.65 -3.76 107.58 -0.035 08/31/93 782.14 786.09 -3.95 107.80 -0.037 10/14/93 782.92 786.57 -3.65 108.04 -0.034 11/26/93 783.37 786.97 -3.60 108.24 -0.033 01/06/94 783.64 787.22 -3.58 108.36 -0.033 02/16/94 783.45 787.10 -3.65 108.30 -0.034 06/07/94 782.83 786.67 -3.84 108.09 -0.036 09/27/94 783.08 786.79 -3.71 108.15 -0.034 10/18/94 783.60 787.24 -3.64 108.37 -0.034 06/01/95 783.93 787.53 -3.60 108.52 -0.033 09/25/95 783.83 787.43 -3.60 108.47 -0.033 12/22/95 784.65 787.77 -3.12 108.64 -0.029 03/21/96 784.69 787.83 -3.14 108.67 -0.029 04/10/96 785.39 788.54 -3.15 109.02 -0.029 06/26/96 784.29 787.64 -3.35 108.57 -0.031 09/26/96 784.02 786.95 -2.93 108.23 -0.027 12/19/96 783.90 786.98 -3.08 108.24 -0.028 03/21/97 784.88 788.01 -3.13 108.76 -0.029 07/24/97 783.40 785.07 -1.67 107.29 -0.016 10/07/97 784.06 787.87 -3.81 108.69 -0.035 01/28/98 785.32 788.85 -3.53 109.18 -0.032 07/20/98 784.98 789.01 -4.03 109.26 -0.037 06/08/99 785.96 789.15 -3.19 109.33 -0.029 06/21/00 786.25 789.55 -3.30 109.53 -0.030 10/10/00 785.84 789.17 -3.33 109.34 -0.030 02/27/01 786.45 789.58 -3.13 109.54 -0.029 05/14/01 786.90 789.84 -2.94 109.67 -0.027 08/15/01 785.49 789.15 -3.66 109.33 -0.033 11/26/01 786.15 789.30 -3.15 109.40 -0.029 05/29/02 785.43 788.37 -2.94 108.94 -0.027 11/21/02 785.67 789.08 -3.41 109.29 -0.031 05/20/03 786.72 789.66 -2.94 109.58 -0.027 11/11/03 786.92 790.01 -3.09 109.76 -0.028 04/12/04 786.82 789.50 -2.68 109.50 -0.024 10/04/04 785.67 788.66 -2.99 109.08 -0.027 04/19/05 786.70 789.42 -2.72 109.46 -0.025 10/12/05 785.36 788.40 -3.04 108.95 -0.028 04/12/06 785.50 788.27 -2.77 108.89 -0.025 10/23/06 784.47 787.32 -2.85 108.41 -0.026 Average iv -0.031 Page 1 of 9 Date Table 2 Vertical Hydraulic Gradient Heritage Amoco Service Station No. 2950 McKee/Convoy Site Eagan, Minnesota Delta Project No. GO1ZF DMW-21 DMW-24 Water Water Elev. Elev. dh dz IV 06/01/95 784.92 785.90 -0.98 85.45 -0.011 09/25/95 784.89 786.33 -1.44 85.66 -0.017 12/22/95 785.22 786.83 -1.61 85.91 -0.019 03/21/96 785.28 786.76 -1.48 85.88 -0.017 04/10/96 786.01 787.65 -1.64 86.32 -0.019 06/26/96 785.20 786.52 -1.32 85.76 -0.015 09/26/96 784.95 786.23 -1.28 85.61 -0.015 12/19/96 784.97 786.07 -1.10 85.53 -0.013 07/24/97 784.49 785.93 -1.44 85.46 -0.017 10/07/97 785.30 786.64 -1.34 85.82 -0.016 01/28/98 785.88 787.66 -1.78 86.33 -0.021 07/20/98 786.20 787.51 -1.31 86.25 -0.015 03/25/99 786.99 788.55 -1.56 86.77 -0.018 06/08/99 786.39 788.37 -1.98 86.68 -0.023 09/21/99 786.78 788.15 -1.37 86.57 -0.016 06/21/00 787.07 788.40 -1.33 86.70 -0.015 10/10/00 786.66 787.98 -1.32 86.49 -0.015 02/27/01 786.74 788.27 -1.53 86.63 -0.018 05/14/01 787.44 788.70 -1.26 86.85 -0.015 08/14/01 786.41 787.81 -1.40 86.40 -0.016 11/26/01 786.77 788.01 -1.24 86.50 -0.014 05/29/02 791.54 787.61 3.93 86.30 0.046 11/21/02 786.75 788.46 -1.71 86.73 -0.020 05/20/03 787.27 788.55 -1.28 86.77 -0.015 11/11/03 787.53 788.85 -1.32 86.92 -0.015 04/12/04 787.26 788.46 -1.20 86.73 -0.014 10/04/04 786.28 787.56 -1.28 86.28 -0.015 04/19/05 787.19 788.41 -1.22 86.70 -0.014 10/12/05 785.91 787.26 -1.35 86.13 -0.016 04/12/06 785.98 787.25 -1.27 86.12 -0.015 10/23/06 784.86 786.20 -1.34 85.60 -0.016 Average iv -0.014 Page 2 of 9 Date Table 2 Vertical Hydraulic Gradient Heritage Amoco Service Station No. 2950 McKee/Convoy Site Eagan, Minnesota Delta Project No. GO1ZF DMW-16 DMW-11 Water Water Elev. Elev. dh dz Iv 08/19/92 782.81 784.33 -1.52 58.73 -0.026 11/06/92 783.20 784.86 -1.66 58.99 -0.028 01/20/93 783.71 785.10 -1.39 59.11 -0.024 03/10/93 784.09 785.67 -1.58 59.40 -0.027 04/20/93 784.00 785.59 -1.59 59.36 -0.027 06/11/93 783.85 785.56 -1.71 59.34 -0.029 07/15/93 784.08 785.65 -1.57 59.39 -0.026 08/31/93 784.43 786.05 -1.62 59.59 -0.027 10/14/93 784.99 786.63 -1.64 59.88 -0.027 11/26/93 785.35 786.95 -1.60 60.04 -0.027 01/06/94 785.61 787.24 -1.63 60.18 -0.027 02/16/94 784.74 787.08 -2.34 60.10 -0.039 06/07/94 785.06 786.68 -1.62 59.90 -0.027 09/27/94 785.16 786.74 -1.58 59.93 -0.026 10/18/94 784.73 786.93 -2.20 60.03 -0.037 06/01/95 785.97 787.49 -1.52 60.31 -0.025 09/25/95 785.81 787.40 -1.59 60.26 -0.026 12/22/95 786.24 787.66 -1.42 60.39 -0.024 03/21/96 786.47 786.02 0.45 59.57 0.008 04/10/96 787.06 788.50 -1.44 60.81 -0.024 06/26/96 786.18 787.62 -1.44 60.37 -0.024 09/26/96 785.73 786.44 -0.71 59.78 -0.012 12/19/96 785.62 787.00 -1.38 60.06 -0.023 03/21/97 786.71 788.08 -1.37 60.60 -0.023 07/24/97 785.51 787.67 -2.16 60.40 -0.036 10/07/97 786.33 787.77 -1.44 60.44 -0.024 01/28/98 787.29 788.80 -1.51 60.96 -0.025 07/20/98 787.33 787.47 -0.14 60.30 -0.002 06/08/99 787.42 789.30 -1.88 61.21 -0.031 09/21/99 787.87 789.43 -1.56 61.28 -0.025 12/14/99 783.78 789.54 -5.76 61.33 -0.094 10/11/00 787.79 789.19 -1.40 61.16 -0.023 02/28/01 788.36 789.72 -1.36 61.42 -0.022 05/14/01 788.73 790.04 -1.31 61.58 -0.021 08/15/01 787.72 789.18 -1.46 61.15 -0.024 11/27/01 787.95 789.49 -1.54 61.31 -0.025 05/29/02 787.23 788.19 -0.96 60.66 -0.016 11/21/02 787.82 789.08 -1.26 61.10 -0.021 05/20/03 788.37 789.81 -1.44 61.46 -0.023 11/11/03 788.64 790.10 -1.46 61.61 -0.024 04/12/04 788.28 789.63 -1.35 61.38 -0.022 10/04/04 787.35 788.78 -1.43 60.95 -0.023 04/19/05 788.21 789.57 -1.36 61.35 -0.022 10/13/05 787.03 788.50 -1.47 60.81 -0.024 04/12/06 786.96 788.47 -1.51 60.80 -0.025 10/23/06 785.96 787.47 -1.51 60.30 -0.025 Average iv -0.026 Page 3 of 9 Date Table 2 Vertical Hydraulic Gradient Heritage Amoco Service Station No. 2950 McKee/Convoy Site Eagan, Minnesota Delta Project No. GO1ZF DMW-17 DMW-18 Water Water Elev. Elev. dh dz Iv 11/06/92 782.06 782.15 0.09 85.32 0.001 01/20/93 782.64 782.73 0.09 85.61 0.001 03/10/93 783.03 783 -0.03 85.74 0.000 04/20/93 782.80 782.86 0.06 85.68 0.001 06/11/93 782.66 782.89 0.23 85.69 0.003 07/15/93 782.88 782.96 0.08 85.72 0.001 08/31/93 783.21 783.29 0.08 85.89 0.001 10/14/93 783.88 783.84 -0.04 86.17 0.000 11/26/93 784.11 784.16 0.05 86.32 0.001 01/06/94 784.37 784.43 0.06 86.46 0.001 02/16/94 783.95 784.31 0.36 86.40 0.004 06/07/94 783.94 783.94 0.00 86.21 0.000 09/27/94 784.00 784.08 0.08 86.29 0.001 10/18/94 784.41 784.41 0.00 86.45 0.000 06/01/95 784.67 784.77 0.10 86.63 0.001 09/25/95 784.64 784.7 0.06 86.60 0.001 12/22/95 785.03 785.24 0.21 86.87 0.002 03/21/96 785.19 785.43 0.24 86.96 0.003 04/10/96 785.90 786.13 0.23 87.31 0.003 06/26/96 785.12 785.12 0.00 86.80 0.000 09/26/96 784.63 784.94 0.31 86.71 0.004 12/19/96 784.48 787.72 3.24 88.11 0.037 03/21/97 785.60 785.42 -0.18 86.95 -0.002 07/24/97 784.36 785.37 1.01 86.93 0.012 10/07/97 784.97 785.06 0.09 86.77 0.001 01/28/98 786.08 786.16 0.08 87.32 0.001 07/20/98 786.07 786.27 0.20 87.38 0.002 12/31/98 786.00 786.28 0.28 87.39 0.003 03/25/99 786.10 786.37 0.27 87.43 0.003 06/08/99 785.97 785.81 -0.16 87.15 -0.002 12/14/99 787.41 786.63 -0.78 87.56 -0.009 06/21/00 787.01 786.9 -0.11 87.69 -0.001 10/10/00 786.59 786.67 0.08 87.58 0.001 02/27/01 786.54 786.6 0.06 87.55 0.001 05/14/01 787.33 787.38 0.05 87.93 0.001 08/14/01 786.26 786.32 0.06 87.41 0.001 11/26/01 786.58 786.63 0.05 87.56 0.001 05/29/02 785.74 786.78 1.04 87.64 0.012 11/21/02 786.27 787.1 0.83 87.80 0.009 05/20/03 787.09 787.14 0.05 87.81 0.001 11/11/03 787.34 787.39 0.05 87.94 0.001 04/13/04 787.11 787.15 0.04 87.82 0.000 10/04/04 786.08 786.14 0.06 87.31 0.001 04/19/05 787.02 787.08 0.06 87.79 0.001 10/12/05 785.70 785.76 0.06 87.13 0.001 04/12/06 785.81 785.86 0.05 87.18 0.001 10/23/06 784.64 784.7 0.06 86.60 0.001 Average iv 0.002 Page 4 of 9 Date Table 2 Vertical Hydraulic Gradient Heritage Amoco Service Station No. 2950 McKee/Convoy Site Eagan, Minnesota Delta Project No. G01ZF DMW-21 DMW-22 Water Water Elev. Elev. dh dz Iv 06/01/95 784.92 785.03 0.11 68.07 0.002 09/25/95 784.89 784.93 0.04 68.02 0.001 12/22/95 785.22 785.33 0.11 68.22 0.002 03/21/96 785.28 785.39 0.11 68.25 0.002 04/10/96 786.01 786.15 0.14 68.63 0.002 06/26/96 785.20 785.32 0.12 68.22 0.002 09/26/96 784.95 784.81 -0.14 67.96 -0.002 12/19/96 784.97 784.7 -0.27 67.91 -0.004 07/24/97 784.49 784.61 0.12 67.86 0.002 10/07/97 785.30 785.26 -0.04 68.19 -0.001 01/28/98 785.88 785.91 0.03 68.51 0.000 07/20/98 786.20 786.35 0.15 68.73 0.002 03/25/99 786.99 787.25 0.26 69.18 0.004 06/08/99 786.39 786.59 0.20 68.85 0.003 09/21/99 786.78 786.83 0.05 68.97 0.001 06/21/00 787.07 787.21 0.14 69.16 0.002 10/10/00 786.66 786.92 0.26 69.02 0.004 02/27/01 786.74 786.89 0.15 69.00 0.002 05/14/01 787.44 787.58 0.14 69.35 0.002 08/14/01 786.41 786.58 0.17 68.85 0.002 11/26/01 786.77 786.82 0.05 68.97 0.001 05/29/02 791.54 786.53 -5.01 68.82 -0.073 11/21/02 786.75 786.73 -0.02 68.92 0.000 05/20/03 787.27 787.33 0.06 69.22 0.001 11/11/03 787.53 787.58 0.05 69.35 0.001 04/12/04 787.26 787.32 0.06 69.22 0.001 10/04/04 786.28 786.32 0.04 68.72 0.001 04/19/05 787.19 787.26 0.07 69.19 0.001 10/12/05 785.91 785.96 0.05 68.54 0.001 04/12/06 785.98 786.02 0.04 68.57 0.001 10/23/06 784.86 784.9 0.04 68.01 0.001 Average iv -0.001 Page 5of9 Date Table 2 Vertical Hydraulic Gradient Heritage Amoco Service Station No. 2950 McKee/Convoy Site Eagan, Minnesota Delta Project No. GO1ZF DMW-13 DMW-15 Water Water Elev. Elev. dh dz ry 08/19/92 780.41 782.81 2.40 83.77 0.029 11/06/92 781.15 783.16 2.01 83.94 0.024 01/20/93 781.87 783.76 1.89 84.24 0.022 03/10/93 782.30 784.06 1.76 84.40 0.021 04/20/93 782.13 783.96 1.83 84.35 0.022 06/11/93 781.66 783.85 2.19 84.29 0.026 07/15/93 781.89 784.05 2.16 84.39 0.026 08/31/93 782.14 784.43 2.29 84.58 0.027 10/14/93 782.92 784.97 2.05 84.85 0.024 11/26/93 783.37 785.34 1.97 85.04 0.023 01/06/94 783.64 785.58 1.94 85.16 0.023 02/16/94 783.45 785.45 2.00 85.09 0.024 06/07/94 782.83 785.08 2.25 84.91 0.027 09/27/94 783.08 785.18 2.10 84.95 0.025 10/18/94 783.60 785.27 1.67 85.00 0.020 06/01/95 783.93 785.76 1.83 85.24 0.021 09/25/95 783.83 785.83 2.00 85.28 0.023 12/22/95 784.65 787.80 3.15 86.26 0.037 03/21/96 784.69 786.49 1.80 85.61 0.021 04/10/96 785.39 787.03 1.64 85.88 0.019 06/26/96 784.29 786.16 1.87 85.44 0.022 09/26/96 784.02 785.54 1.52 85.14 0.018 12/19/96 783.90 785.51 1.61 85.12 0.019 03/21/97 784.88 786.59 1.71 85.66 0.020 07/24/97 783.40 785.47 2.07 85.10 0.024 10/07/97 784.06 786.21 2.15 85.47 0.025 01/28/98 785.32 787.27 1.95 86.00 0.023 07/20/98 784.98 787.25 2.27 85.99 0.026 06/08/99 785.96 787.81 1.85 86.27 0.021 06/21/00 786.25 788.13 1.88 86.43 0.022 10/10/00 785.84 787.71 1.87 86.22 0.022 02/27/01 786.45 788.27 1.82 86.50 0.021 05/14/01 786.90 788.60 1.23 86.67 0.014 08/15/01 785.49 787.65 2.22 86.19 0.026 11/26/01 786.15 787.85 2.12 86.29 0.025 05/29/02 785.43 788.00 3.17 86.37 0.037 11/21/02 785.67 788.28 1.98 86.50 0.023 05/20/03 786.72 788.23 1.13 86.48 0.013 11/11/03 786.92 788.52 1.08 86.63 0.012 04/12/04 786.82 788.14 1.46 86.43 0.017 10/04/04 785.67 787.20 2.56 85.96 0.030 04/19/05 786.70 788.11 1.82 86.42 0.021 10/12/05 785.36 786.90 2.78 85.81 0.032 04/12/06 785.50 786.84 1.70 85.79 0.020 10/23/06 784.47 785.79 3.64 85.26 0.043 Average iv 0.024 Page 6 of 9 Date Table 2 Vertical Hydraulic Gradient Heritage Amoco Service Station No. 2950 McKee/Convoy Site Eagan, Minnesota Delta Project No. GO1ZF DMW-15 DMW-14 Water Water Elev. Elev. dh dz IV 08/19/92 782.81 784.18 1.37 61.92 0.022 11/06/92 783.16 784.66 1.50 62.16 0.024 01/20/93 783.76 785.37 1.61 62.52 0.026 03/10/93 784.06 785.75 1.69 62.71 0.027 04/20/93 783.96 785.53 1.57 62.59 0.025 06/11/93 783.85 785.43 1.58 62.55 0.025 07/15/93 784.05 785.65 1.60 62.66 0.026 08/31/93 784.43 786.09 1.66 62.88 0.026 10/14/93 784.97 786.57 1.60 63.12 0.025 11/26/93 785.34 786.97 1.63 63.31 0.026 01/06/94 785.58 787.22 1.64 63.44 0.026 02/16/94 785.45 787.10 1.65 63.38 0.026 06/07/94 785.08 786.67 1.59 63.17 0.025 09/27/94 785.18 786.79 1.61 63.23 0.025 10/18/94 785.27 787.24 1.97 63.45 0.031 06/01/95 785.76 787.53 1.77 63.59 0.028 09/25/95 785.83 787.43 1.60 63.55 0.025 12/22/95 787.80 787.77 -0.03 63.72 0.000 03/21/96 786.49 787.83 1.34 63.75 0.021 04/10/96 787.03 788.54 1.51 64.10 0.024 06/26/96 786.16 787.64 1.48 63.65 0.023 09/26/96 785.54 786.95 1.41 63.30 0.022 12/19/96 785.51 786.98 1.47 63.32 0.023 03/21/97 786.59 788.01 1.42 63.83 0.022 07/24/97 785.47 785.07 -0.40 62.37 -0.006 10/07/97 786.21 787.87 1.66 63.77 0.026 01/28/98 787.27 788.85 1.58 64.26 0.025 07/20/98 787.25 789.01 1.76 64.33 0.027 06/08/99 787.81 789.15 1.34 64.41 0.021 06/21/00 788.13 789.55 1.42 64.60 0.022 10/10/00 787.71 789.17 1.46 64.42 0.023 02/27/01 788.27 789.58 1.31 64.62 0.020 05/14/01 788.60 789.84 0.95 64.75 0.015 08/15/01 787.65 789.15 1.52 64.41 0.024 11/26/01 787.85 789.30 1.73 64.48 0.027 05/29/02 788.00 788.37 1.84 64.02 0.029 11/21/02 788.28 789.08 0.87 64.37 0.014 05/20/03 788.23 789.66 1.07 64.66 0.017 11/11/03 788.52 790.01 -0.15 64.83 -0.002 04/12/04 788.14 789.50 0.94 64.58 0.015 10/04/04 787.20 788.66 2.46 64.16 0.038 04/19/05 788.11 789.42 1.90 64.54 0.029 10/12/05 786.90 788.40 2.60 64.03 0.041 04/12/06 786.84 788.27 1.82 63.97 0.028 10/23/06 785.79 787.32 3.63 63.49 0.057 Average iv 0.024 Page 7 of 9 Table 2 Vertical Hydraulic Gradient Heritage Amoco Service Station No. 2950 McKee/Convoy Site Eagan, Minnesota Delta Project No. GO1ZF DMW-22 DMW-24 Water Water Date Elev. Elev. dh dz iv 06/01/95 785.03 785.90 0.87 61.66 0.014 09/25/95 784.93 786.33 1.40 61.87 0.023 12/22/95 785.33 786.83 1.50 62.12 0.024 03/21/96 785.39 786.76 1.37 62.09 0.022 04/10/96 786.15 787.65 1.50 62.53 0.024 06/26/96 785.32 786.52 1.20 61.96 0.019 09/26/96 784.81 786.23 1.42 61.82 0.023 12/19/96 784.70 786.07 1.37 61.74 0.022 07/24/97 784.61 785.93 1.32 61.67 0.021 10/07/97 785.26 786.64 1.38 62.03 0.022 01/28/98 785.91 787.66 1.75 62.54 0.028 07/20/98 786.35 787.51 1.16 62.46 0.019 03/25/99 787.25 788.55 1.30 62.98 0.021 06/08/99 786.59 788.37 1.78 62.89 0.028 09/21/99 786.83 788.15 1.32 62.78 0.021 06/21/00 787.21 788.40 1.19 62.91 0.019 10/10/00 786.92 787.98 1.06 62.69 0.017 02/27/01 786.89 788.27 1.38 62.84 0.022 05/14/01 787.58 788.70 1.12 63.06 0.018 08/14/01 786.58 787.81 1.23 62.61 0.020 11/26/01 786.82 788.01 1.19 62.71 0.019 05/29/02 786.53 787.61 1.08 62.51 0.017 11/21/02 786.73 788.46 1.73 62.93 0.027 05/20/03 787.33 788.55 1.22 62.98 0.019 11/11/03 787.58 788.85 1.27 63.13 0.020 04/12/04 787.32 788.46 1.14 62.93 0.018 10/04/04 786.32 787.56 1.24 62.48 0.020 04/19/05 787.26 788.41 1.15 62.91 0.018 10/12/05 785.96 787.26 1.30 62.34 0.021 04/12/06 786.02 787.25 1.23 62.33 0.020 10/23/06 784.90 786.20 1.30 61.81 0.021 Average iv 0.021 Page 8 of 9 Table 2 Vertical Hydraulic Gradient Heritage Amoco Service Station No. 2950 McKee/Convoy Site Eagan, Minnesota Delta Project No. GO1ZF NOTES: dh = the difference in head elevations between the two wells, calculated by subtracting the head of the shallower well from the head of the deeper well. dz = (for fully submerged well nests) is calculated by subtracting elevation of the midpoint of the screen for the deeper well (MOSd„p) from arithmetic average of the head elevation and the mid -point of the screen of the shallower well (MOSshapow): dz = ((head + MOSshanow)/2) - MOSdeep. vertical gradient, iv = dh/dz A positive vertical gradient denotes an upward gradient, and potential for upward vertical flow of ground water. A negative vertical gradient denotes a downward gradient, and potential for downward vertical flow of ground water Well Screen Elevations (top (TOS) and bottom of screen (BOS) in feet, msl): Well ID TOS BOS DMW-11 769.14 759.14 DMW-13 665.19 655.19 DMW-14 754.88 744.88 DMW-15 710.11 700.11 DMW-16 720.51 710.51 DMW-17 668.23 658.23 DMW-18 713.87 703.87 DMW-21 677.68 667.68 DMW-22 701.47 691.47 DMW-24 735.35 725.35 Page 9 of 9 0 Lo 0) a4 N ▪ O y Z mN Le O_ ca e' as U 46 O y M >+ 0 0 , z m c _ U = m Q m m 2 21- Y 'o m • O 0 IId ) 3 O W 6 c Q m m O = O 0) m 2 THC-G/GRO w m F 2 Total Xylenes 0 a m R E o 0) 0) 0 0 t, - 0 0 0 0 Q Q Q Q Q Q Q 0) 0) CO V v v v Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z <00 Z v v O O O Q Q Q Q Q Q v v v Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Q O CO N CO r (n V V Z v v v v v 0 o 00 00 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O o O O O O O O O o O O O 0c)c'00000000 (.0 u) o 00 00000000 0 (oto Qo0oMM O O O O O V 0) 07 .1 M (n O Z Z O O O Da da da coo N 0 0 • O. 60 Z Z Z V V V V V ('� N N N N N V V N N N M Cn N N N M (D (n V In ,I- ,' r N N 0 O 0 0 CD Z N a o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 U) Q Q o Q Q o 0 0 0 0 0 0 (o 01 n (A (A Q v f? 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Conductivity Well Sample Date DO, ppm millivolts oC pmhos/cm pH MW -1 1/13/1988 MW -1 6/28/1988 MW -1 10/21/1988 MW -1 1/26/1990 MW -1 9/17/1990 MW -1 7/20/1998 MW -1 12/31/1998 MW -1 3/25/1999 MW -1 6/8/1999 MW -1 9/21/1999 MW -1 12/14/1999 MW -1 5/14/2001 MW -1 8/15/2001 MW -1 11/27/2001 MW -1 5/29/2002 MW -1 11/21/2002 MW -1 5/20/2003 MW -1 11/11/2003 MW -1 4/12/2004 MW -1 10/4/2004 MW -1 4/19/2005 MW -1 10/13/2005 MW -1 4/12/2006 MW -1 10/23/2006 MW -2 12/1/1987 MW -2 1/13/1988 MW -2 6/28/1988 MW -2 10/21/1988 MW -2 7/20/1998 MW -2 12/31/1998 MW -2 3/25/1999 MW -2 6/8/1999 MW -2 9/21/1999 MW -2 12/14/1999 MW -2 5/29/2002 MW -2 11/21/2002 MW -2 5/7/2003 MW -2 11/11/2003 MW -2 4/12/2004 MW -2 10/4/2004 MW -2 4/19/2005 MW -2 10/13/2005 MW -2 4/12/2006 MW -2 10/23/2006 NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM 1.00 -095 NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM 0.33 -167 NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM 1.67 -067 NM NM NM 1.45 -011 NM NM NM 3.77 -105 NM NM NM 2.00 -113 NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM i able 4 Natural Attenuation Data Heritage Amoco Service Station No. 2950 McKee/Convoy Eagan, Minnesota Delta Project No. GO1ZF MPCA Leaksite # 4992 Redox, Temp. Conductivity Well Sample Date DO, ppm millivolts oC pmhos/cm pH MW -3 1/13/1988 MW -3 1/13/1988 MW -3 6/28/1988 MW -3 10/21/1988 MW -3 7/20/1998 MW -3 12/31/199,8 MW -3 3/25/1999 MW -3 6/8/1999 MW -3 9/21/1999 MW -3 12/14/1999 MW -3 5/14/2001 MW -3 8/15/2001 MW -3 5/29/2002 MW -3 11/21/2002 MW -3 5/20/2003 MW -3 11/11/2003 MW -3 4/12/2004 MW -3 10/4/2004 MW -3 4/19/2005 MW -3 10/13/2005 MW -3 4/12/2006 MW -3 10/23/2006 MW -4 8/25/1988 MW -4 1/26/1990 MW -4 9/17/1990 MW -4 3/18/1991 MW -4 12/12/1991 MW -4 6/8/1992 MW -4 5/31/1995 MW -4 6/27/1996 MW -4 7/25/1997 MW -4 7/20/1998 MW -4 12/31/1998 MW -4 3/25/1999 MW -4 6/8/1999 MW -4 9/21/1999 MW -4 12/14/1999 MW -4 2/28/2001 MW -4 8/14/2001 MW -4 11/26/2001 MW -4 5/29/2002 MW -4 11/21/2002 MW -4 5/20/2003 MW -4 11/11/2003 MW -4 4/13/2004 MW -4 10/4/2004 MW -4 4/19/2005 MW -4 10/12/2005 MW -4 4/12/2006 MW -4 10/23/2006 NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM 1.10 -202 NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM 1.20 -120 NM NM NM 0.24 -093 NM NM NM 1.52 003 NM NM NM 3.82 -105 NM NM NM 1.50 -104 NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM 10.00 880 7.30 NM NM 13.70 690 7.20 NM NM 10.40 690 7.10 NM NM 10.00 730 7.70 NM NM 12.50 605 6.90 2.40 NM NM NM NM 2.30 NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM 3.40 083 14.60 1182 7.10 NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM 5.34 040 13.10 908 7.05 2.00 -101 NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM 2.16 -014 NM NM NM 2.34 -033 NM NM NM 3.50 -029 NM NM NM 4.48 -007 NM NM NM 4.09 -050 NM NM NM 6.20 006 NM NM NM 2.90 005 NM NM NM 4.50 NM 11.50 NM NM 4.80 NM 12.00 NM NM 4.90 119 14.20 1100 7.40 1.87 288 11.53 1331 6.87 0.78 267 11.29 981 6.98 2.96 039 10.85 1146 7.08 Table 4 Natural Attenuation Data Heritage Amoco Service Station No. 2950 McKee/Convoy Eagan, Minnesota Delta Project No. GO1 ZF MPCA Leaksite # 4992 Redox, Temp. Conductivity Well Sample Date DO, ppm millivolts oC pmhos/cm pH MW -5 MW -5 MW -5 MW -5 MW -5 MW -5 MW -5 MW -5 MW -5 MW -5 MW -5 MW -5 MW -5 MW -5 MW -5 MW -5 MW -7 MW -7 MW -7 MW -7 MW -7 MW -7 MW -7 MW -7 MW -7 MW -7 MW -7 MW -7 MW -7 MW -7 MW -7 MW -7 MW -8 MW -8 MW -8 DMW-8 DMW-8 DMW-8 DMW-8 DMW-8 DMW-8 DMW-8 DMW-8 DMW-8 DMW-8 DMW-8 DMW-8 DMW-8 8/25/1988 1/26/1990 9/17/1990 3/18/1991 12/12/1991 6/8/1992 5/31/1995 6/27/1996 7/25/1997 7/20/1998 12/31/1998 3/25/1999 6/8/1999 9/21/1999 12/14/1999 Abandoned in 2000 8/25/1988 1/26/1990 9/17/1990 3/18/1991 12/12/1991 6/8/1992 5/31/1995 6/27/1996 7/25/1997 7/20/1998 12/31/1998 3/25/1999 6/8/1999 9/21/1999 12/14/1999 Abandoned in 2000 10/13/2005 4/12/2006 10/23/2006 9/17/1990 3/18/1991 12/12/1991 6/8/1992 9/15/1992 1/20/1993 4/20/1993 12/16/1993 2/16/1994 2/16/1994 6/13/1994 10/18/1994 6/1/1995 NM NM NM NM NM NM NM 9.50 800 7.40 NM NM 12.50 480 7.60 NM NM 10.00 480 7.00 NM NM 10.50 675 7.30 NM NM 11.90 405 7.20 2.20 NM NM NM NM 1.80 NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM 139 14.80 1506 6.83 NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM 9.50 1200 7.40 NM NM 11.60 475 7.60 NM NM 11.00 690 7.50 NM NM 11.00 555 7.30 NM NM 11.50 690 7.00 1.90 NM NM NM NM 2.30 NM NM NM NM 2.30 NM NM NM NM 3.10 007 14.10 928 7.33 NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM 14.80 450 7.70 NM NM 10.80 395 7.50 NM NM 11.10 410 7.70 NM NM 10.10 275 7.50 1.80 NM 12.00 435 7.70 2.10 NM 11.10 440 7.60 4.90 NM 11.00 445 7.60 8.80 NM NM NM NM 4.70 NM NM NM NM 1.60 NM NM NM NM 1.80 NM NM NM NM 0.10 NM NM NM NM Table 4 Natural Attenuation Data Heritage Amoco Service Station No. 2950 McKee/Convoy Eagan, Minnesota Delta Project No. GO1ZF MPCA Leaksite # 4992 Redox, Temp. Conductivity Well Sample Date DO, ppm millivolts oC pmhos/cm pH DMW-8 9/25/1995 DMW-8 12/22/1995 DMW-8 6/27/1996 DMW-8 7/25/1997 DMW-8 7/20/1998 DMW-8 12/31/1998 DMW-8 3/25/1999 DMW-8 6/8/1999 DMW-8 9/21/1999 DMW-8 12/14/1999 DMW-8 2/28/2001 DMW-8 5/14/2001 DMW-8 8/14/2001 DMW-8 11/26/2001 DMW-8 5/29/2002 DMW-8 11/21/2002 DMW-8 5/20/2003 DMW-8 11/11/2003 DMW-8 4/13/2004 DMW-8 10/4/2004 DMW-8 4/19/2005 DMW-8 10/12/2005 DMW-8 4/12/2006 DMW-8 10/23/2006 DMW-9 9/17/1990 DMW-9 3/18/1991 DMW-9 12/12/1991 DMW-9 6/8/1992 DMW-9 9/15/1992 DMW-9 1/20/1993 DMW-9 4/20/1993 DMW-9 12/16/1993 DMW-9 2/16/1994 DMW-9 6/13/1994 DMW-9 10/18/1994 DMW-9 5/31/1995 DMW-9 6/27/1996 DMW-9 7/25/1997 DMW-9 7/20/1998 DMW-9 12/31/1998 DMW-9 3/25/1999 DMW-9 6/8/1999 DMW-9 9/21/1999 DMW-9 12/14/1999 DMW-9 8/15/2001 DMW-9 Abandoned in MW -10 10/12/2005 MW -10 4/12/2006 MW -10 10/23/2006 2000 0.50 NM NM NM NM 1.20 NM NM NM NM 0.40 NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM 0.40 -115 15.00 739 7.70 NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM 4.80 057 13.00 389 6.97 1.00 -200 NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM 0.08 -252 NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM 0.15 -186 NM NM NM 0.15 -110 NM NM NM 2.04 -087 NM NM NM 3.74 -143 NM NM NM 1.50 -103 NM NM NM 1.30 077 NM NM NM 1.60 NM 12.30 NM NM 2.50 199 13.00 NM NM 2.50 199 12.80 500 8.40 NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM 12.20 432 7.40 NM NM 10.70 530 7.50 NM NM 10.50 550 7.50 NM NM 11.50 345 7.30 1.60 NM 12.80 595 7.30 1.00 NM 12.10 590 7.40 3.20 NM 12.50 600 7.50 5.20 NM NM NM NM 3.80 NM NM NM NM 2.60 NM NM NM NM 1.90 NM NM NM NM 0.30 NM NM NM NM 0.40 NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM 0.80 036 16.00 644 8.55 NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM 0.08 -218 NM NM NM 5.15 370 11.30 1325 7.00 1.84 295 11.23 1242 7.19 3.70 049 11.09 1057 7.16 Table 4 Natural Attenuation Data Heritage Amoco Service Station No. 2950 McKee/Convoy Eagan, Minnesota Delta Project No. G01 ZF MPCA Leaksite # 4992 Redox, Temp. Conductivity Well Sample Date DO, ppm millivolts oC pmhos/cm pH DMW-10 9/17/1990 DMW-10 3/18/1991 DMW-10 12/12/1991 DMW-10 6/8/1992 DMW-10 9/15/1992 DMW-10 1/20/1993 DMW-10 4/20/1993 DMW-10 12/16/1993 DMW-10 2/16/1994 DMW-10 6/13/1994 DMW-10 10/18/1994 DMW-10 5/31/1995 DMW-10 6/27/1996 DMW-10 7/25/1997 DMW-10 10/7/1997 DMW-10 7/20/1998 DMW-10 12/31/1998 DMW-10 3/25/1999 DMW-10 6/8/1999 DMW-10 9/21/1999 DMW-10 12/14/1999 DMW-10 6/20/2000 DMW-10 10/10/2000 DMW-10 2/28/2001 DMW-10 5/14/2001 DMW-10 8/15/2001 DMW-10 5/29/2002 DMW-10 11/21/2002 DMW-10 5/20/2003 DMW-10 11/11/2003 DMW-10 4/13/2004 DMW-10 10/4/2004 DMW-10 4/19/2005 DMW-10 10/13/2005 DMW-10 4/12/2006 DMW-10 10/23/2006 DMW-11 9/17/1990 DMW-11 3/18/1991 DMW-11 12/12/1991 DMW-11 6/8/1992 DMW-11 9/15/1992 DMW-11 1/20/1993 DMW-11 4/20/1993 DMW-11 12/16/1993 DMW-11 2/16/1994 DMW-11 6/14/1994 DMW-11 10/19/1994 DMW-11 6/2/1995 DMW-11 9/25/1995 DMW-11 12/22/1995 DMW-11 3/21/1996 NM NM 13.30 700 7.70 NM NM 10.80 720 7.10 NM NM 11.30 720 7.20 NM NM 11.00 418 6.80 1.60 NM 12.20 800 7.10 1.40 NM 11.90 800 7.10 5.00 NM 11.70 800 7.20 6.50 NM NM NM NM 4.00 NM NM NM NM 2.50 NM NM NM NM 2.50 NM NM NM NM 1.40 NM NM NM NM 1.40 NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM 1.60 NM 13.00 819 9.03 0.60 -115 14.90 1354 6.95 5.00 -826 5.00 NM 1.00 0.62 014 10.90 711 7.99 4.50 -067 14.90 711 6.95 NM NM NM NM NM 3.20 -035 NM NM NM 0.63 -055 NM NM NM 0.61 163 NM NM NM 0.48 -147 NM NM NM 0.94 -182 NM NM NM 0.66 -106 NM NM NM 1.52 -063 NM NM NM 4.61 -067 NM NM NM 1.80 -095 NM NM NM 1.00 015 NM NM NM 1.80 NM 12.20 NM NM 1.40 NM 12.00 NM NM 2.80 208 12.10 1000 7.80 0.79 109 11.25 1278 7.14 NM NM NM NM NM 1.11 -108 10.65 1163 7.18 NM NM 11.80 700 7.40 NM NM 11.90 780 7.10 NM NM 12.00 800 7.50 NM NM 13.00 420 7.30 1.20 NM 13.90 810 6.70 0.80 NM 12.10 800 7.30 1.30 NM 13.00 800 7.20 2.80 NM NM NM NM 3.40 NM NM NM NM 2.00 NM NM NM NM 2.70 NM NM NM NM 0.30 NM NM NM NM 0.20 NM NM NM NM 0.80 NM NM NM NM 0.80 NM NM NM NM Table 4 Natural Attenuation Data Heritage Amoco Service Station No. 2950 McKee/Convoy Eagan, Minnesota Delta Project No. G01ZF MPCA Leaksite # 4992 Redox, Temp. Conductivity Well Sample Date DO, ppm millivolts oC pmhos/cm pH DMW-11 6/27/1996 DMW-11 9/26/1996 DMW-11 12/19/1996 DMW-11 3/21/1997 DMW-11 7/25/1997 DMW-11 10/7/1997 DMW-11 1/29/1998 DMW-11 7/20/1998 DMW-11 12/31/1998 DMW-11 3/25/1999 DMW-11 6/8/1999 DMW-11 9/21/1999 DMW-11 12/14/1999 DMW-11 6/21/2000 DMW-11 10/11/2000 DMW-11 2/28/2001 DMW-11 5/14/2001 DMW-11 8/15/2001 DMW-11 11/27/2001 DMW-11 5/29/2002 DMW-11 11/21/2002 DMW-11 5/20/2003 DMW-11 11/11/2003 DMW-11 4/13/2004 DMW-11 10/4/2004 DMW-11 4/19/2005 DMW-11 10/13/2005 DMW-11 4/12/2006 DMW-11 10/23/2006 DMW-12 3/18/1991 DMW-12 12/12/1991 DMW-12 6/8/1992 DMW-12 9/15/1992 DMW-12 1/20/1993 DMW-12 4/20/1993 DMW-12 12/16/1993 DMW-12 2/16/1994 DMW-12 6/14/1994 DMW-12 10/19/1994 DMW-12 6/1/1995 DMW-12 9/25/1995 DMW-12 12/22/1995 DMW-12 6/27/1996 DMW-12 7/25/1997 DMW-12 7/20/1998 DMW-12 12/31/1998 DMW-12 3/25/1999 DMW-12 6/8/1999 DMW-12 9/21/1999 DMW-12 12/14/1999 DMW-12 6/20/2000 0.30 NM NM NM NM 0.30 NM NM NM NM 1.60 NM NM NM NM 1.40 NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM 1.50 NM 15.70 1019 7.58 2.40 NM NM NM NM 0.20 -089 16.20 1245 7.12 NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM 4.64 071 13.80 683 6.81 1.20 -103 NM NM NM 3.20 051 NM NM NM 0.09 -124 NM NM NM 0.10 -126 NM NM NM 0.06 -203 NM NM NM 0.30 -212 NM NM NM 0.19 -158 NM NM NM 0.06 -106 NM NM NM 1.93 -028 NM NM NM 3.55 -109 NM NM NM 1.60 -141 NM NM NM 1.10 -141 NM NM NM 1.10 NM 13.50 NM NM 0.70 NM 16.00 NM NM 1.60 210 12.90 700 8.10 0.27 044 11.64 1320 7.27 NM NM NM NM NM 0.40 -145 11.26 1107 7.33 NM NM 10.70 600 7.30 NM NM 11.00 700 7.40 NM NM 11.00 379 6.90 1.70 NM 12.80 695 7.70 0.80 NM 12.20 590 7.70 1.60 NM 12.00 700 7.70 3.40 NM NM NM NM 3.20 NM NM NM NM 1.80 NM NM NM NM 3.40 NM NM NM NM 0.30 NM NM NM NM 0.60 NM NM NM NM 0.90 NM NM NM NM 0.60 NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM 0.30 -135 14.70 1090 8.02 NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM 4.88 -072 13.40 602 6.99 1.10 -130 NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM Table 4 Natural Attenuation Data Heritage Amoco Service Station No. 2950 McKee/Convoy Eagan, Minnesota Delta Project No. GO1 ZF MPCA Leaksite # 4992 Redox, Temp. Conductivity Well Sample Date DO, ppm millivolts oC pmhos/cm pH DMW-12 2/28/2001 DMW-12 8/15/2001 DMW-12 5/29/2002 DMW-12 11/21/2002 DMW-12 5/20/2003 DMW-12 11/11/2003 DMW-12 4/13/2004 DMW-12 10/4/2004 DMW-12 4/19/2005 DMW-12 10/13/2005 DMW-12 4/12/2006 DMW-12 10/23/2006 DMW-13 6/8/1992 DMW-13 9/15/1992 DMW-13 1/20/1993 DMW-13 4/20/1993 DMW-13 12/16/1993 DMW-13 2/16/1994 DMW-13 6/13/1994 DMW-13 10/18/1994 DMW-13 6/1/1995 DMW-13 6/27/1996 DMW-13 7/25/1997 DMW-13 7/20/1998 DMW-13 12/31/1998 DMW-13 3/25/1999 DMW-13 6/8/1999 DMW-13 9/21/1999 DMW-13 12/14/1999 DMW-13 2/27/2001 DMW-13 8/15/2001 DMW-13 11/26/2001 DMW-13 5/29/2002 DMW-13 11/21/2002 DMW-13 5/20/2003 DMW-13 11/11/2003 DMW-13 4/13/2004 DMW-13 10/4/2004 DMW-13 4/19/2005 DMW-13 10/12/2005 DMW-13 4/12/2006 DMW-13 10/23/2006 DMW-14 6/8/1992 DMW-14 9/15/1992 DMW-14 1/20/1993 DMW-14 4/20/1993 DMW-14 12/16/1993 DMW-14 2/16/1994 DMW-14 6/13/1994 DMW-14 10/18/1994 0.03 -251 NM NM NM 1.73 -166 NM NM NM 1.83 -033 NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM 1.10 -180 NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM 1.70 NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM 1.40 123 13.60 1000 8.30 0.68 -023 11.22 1157 7.75 NM NM NM NM NM 0.69 -199 10.80 1014 7.60 NM NM 11.00 355 7.40 1.50 NM 11.90 595 7.60 1.00 NM 11.70 600 7.60 2.00 NM 11.90 595 7.60 3.80 NM NM NM NM 4.20 NM NM NM NM 2.00 NM NM NM NM 1.70 NM NM NM NM 0.20 NM NM NM NM 0.50 NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM 0.30 -137 15.20 919 7.09 NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM 4.57 -080 12.90 432 7.02 NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM 0.04 -245 NM NM NM 0.12 -200 NM NM NM 3.24 -122 NM NM NM 1.83 -064 NM NM NM 3.23 -104 NM NM NM 1.10 -185 NM NM NM 0.40 -144 NM NM NM 2.60 NM 10.20 NM NM 2.00 NM 12.00 NM NM 1.40 205 11.70 600 8.30 NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM 11.90 370 7.00 1.40 NM 12.20 610 7.10 1.00 NM 12.10 680 7.20 1.70 NM 12.20 650 7.20 3.20 NM NM NM NM 3.80 NM NM NM NM 1.80 NM NM NM NM 1.70 NM NM NM NM apse 4 Natural Attenuation Data Heritage Amoco Service Station No. 2950 McKee/Convoy Eagan, Minnesota Delta Project No. GO1ZF MPCA Leaksite # 4992 Redox, Temp. Conductivity Well Sample Date DO, ppm millivolts oC pmhos/cm pH DMW-14 6/1/1995 DMW-14 6/27/1996 DMW-14 7/25/1997 DMW-14 7/20/1998 DMW-14 12/31/1998 DMW-14 3/25/1999 DMW-14 6/8/1999 DMW-14 9/21/1999 DMW-14 12/14/1999 DMW-14 2/28/2001 DMW-14 8/15/2001 DMW-14 11/26/2001 DMW-14 5/29/2002 DMW-14 11/21/2002 DMW-14 5/20/2003 DMW-14 11/11/2003 DMW-14 4/13/2004 DMW-14 10/4/2004 DMW-14 4/19/2005 DMW-14 10/13/2005 DMW-14 4/12/2006 DMW-14 10/23/2006 DMW-15 6/8/1992 DMW-15 9/15/1992 DMW-15 1/20/1993 DMW-15 4/20/1993 DMW-15 12/16/1993 DMW-15 2/16/1994 DMW-15 6/14/1994 DMW-15 10/19/1994 DMW-15 6/2/1995 DMW-15 9/25/1995 DMW-15 12/22/1995 DMW-15 3/21/1996 DMW-15 6/27/1996 DMW-15 9/26/1996 DMW-15 12/19/1996 DMW-15 3/21/1997 DMW-15 7/25/1997 DMW-15 10/7/1997 DMW-15 1/28/1998 DMW-15 7/20/1998 DMW-15 12/31/1998 DMW-15 6/8/1999 DMW-15 9/21/1999 DMW-15 12/14/1999 DMW-15 6/21/2000 DMW-15 10/11/2000 DMW-15 2/28/2001 DMW-15 5/14/2001 DMW-15 8/15/2001 0.30 NM NM NM NM 0.60 NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM 0.90 042 17.00 598 8.77 NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM 4.59 -083 12.80 435 6.80 NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM 0.04 -096 NM NM NM 0.13 -100 NM NM NM 0.15 -082 NM NM NM 1.94 -078 NM NM NM 2.85 -090 NM NM NM 1.70 -020 NM NM NM 0.50 -045 NM NM NM 1.20 NM 11.80 NM NM 4.10 NM 10.20 NM NM 2.80 229 12.10 800 7.80 0.59 106 11.54 1022 7.21 NM NM NM NM NM 0.71 -072 10.73 891 7.25 NM NM 11.20 386 7.10 1.70 NM 12.10 705 6.90 0.90 NM 11.60 700 7.50 1.30 NM 12.20 700 7.30 2.10 NM NM NM NM 3.00 NM NM NM NM 2.10 NM NM NM NM 2.10 NM NM NM NM 0.20 NM NM NM NM 0.60 NM NM NM NM 1.00 NM NM NM NM 1.30 NM NM NM NM 0.40 NM NM NM NM 0.40 NM NM NM NM 1.60 NM NM NM NM 0.40 NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM 1.90 NM 13.70 1070 7.38 NM NM NM NM NM 0.90 054 14.50 929 8.53 4.50 -841 4.80 NM 1.00 4.62 -082 12.70 585 6.82 1.00 -326 NM NM NM 3.40 055 NM NM NM 0.06 -214 NM NM NM 0.12 -183 NM NM NM 0.01 -220 NM NM NM 0.12 -226 NM NM NM 0.10 -196 NM NM NM Table 4 Natural Attenuation Data Heritage Amoco Service Station No. 2950 McKee/Convoy Eagan, Minnesota Delta Project No. GO1 ZF MPCA Leaksite # 4992 Redox, Temp. Conductivity Well Sample Date DO, ppm millivolts oC Nmhos/cm pH DMW-15 11/26/2001 DMW-15 5/29/2002 DMW-15 11/21/2002 DMW-15 5/20/2003 DMW-15 11/11/2003 DMW-15 4/14/2004 DMW-15 10/4/2004 DMW-15 4/19/2005 DMW-15 10/12/2005 DMW-15 4/12/2006 DMW-15 10/23/2006 DMW-16 6/8/1992 DMW-16 9/15/1992 DMW-16 1/20/1993 DMW-16 4/20/1993 DMW-16 12/16/1993 DMW-16 2/16/1994 DMW-16 6/14/1994 DMW-16 10/19/1994 DMW-16 6/2/1995 DMW-16 9/25/1995 DMW-16 12/22/1995 DMW-16 3/21/1996 DMW-16 6/27/1996 DMW-16 9/26/1996 DMW-16 12/19/1996 DMW-16 3/21/1997 DMW-16 7/25/1997 DMW-16 10/7/1997 DMW-16 1/29/1998 DMW-16 7/20/1998 DMW-16 12/31/1998 DMW-16 3/25/1999 DMW-16 6/8/1999 DMW-16 9/21/1999 DMW-16 12/14/1999 DMW-16 6/21/2000 DMW-16 10/11/2000 DMW-16 2/28/2001 DMW-16 5/14/2001 DMW-16 8/15/2001 DMW-16 11/27/2001 DMW-16 5/29/2002 DMW-16 11/21/2002 DMW-16 5/20/2003 DMW-16 11/11/2003 DMW-16 4/13/2004 DMW-16 10/4/2004 DMW-16 4/19/2005 DMW-16 10/13/2005 DMW-16 4/12/2006 0.06 -153 NM NM NM 1.64 -034 NM NM NM 2.43 -147 NM NM NM NM -148 NM NM NM 1.00 NM 12.80 NM NM 1.70 NM 14.00 NM NM 2.80 215 12.90 700 8.10 0.66 033 11.21 1089 7.41 NM NM NM NM NM 0.87 -171 10.65 921 7.64 NM NM 11.90 255 8.20 1.30 NM 12.70 415 8.00 1.60 NM 12.10 420 7.80 1.30 NM 12.10 430 7.70 3.10 NM NM NM NM 3.90 NM NM NM NM 1.90 NM NM NM NM 2.50 NM NM NM NM 0.20 NM NM NM NM 0.20 NM NM NM NM 1.00 NM NM NM NM 0.90 NM NM NM NM 0.60 NM NM NM NM 1.80 NM NM NM NM 1.50 NM NM NM NM 1.80 NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM 0.30 NM 13.50 600 8.48 NM NM NM NM NM 0.40 -149 15.80 722 7.88 5.40 -779 3.20 NM 1.00 0.67 098 11.90 388 7.08 4.34 NM NM NM NM 1.10 -210 NM NM NM 2.90 042 NM NM NM 0.06 -195 NM NM NM 0.05 -189 NM NM NM 0.01 -234 NM NM NM 0.13 -241 NM NM NM 0.11 -212 NM NM NM 0.06 -162 NM NM NM 1.27 -049 NM NM NM 2.09 -163 NM NM NM 1.00 -180 NM NM NM 0.90 169 NM NM NM 1.30 NM 12.40 NM NM 1.40 NM 14.00 NM NM 2.40 185 12.10 600 8.40 0.56 -010 11.30 754 7.72 NM NM NM NM NM lame 4 Natural Attenuation Data Heritage Amoco Service Station No. 2950 McKee/Convoy Eagan, Minnesota Delta Project No. G01 ZF MPCA Leaksite # 4992 Redox, Temp. Conductivity Well Sample Date DO, ppm millivolts oC pmhos/cm pH DMW-16 10/23/2006 0.55 -192 10.87 629 7.81 DMW-17 9/15/1992 1.30 NM 12.30 800 7.30 DMW-17 1/20/1993 1.00 NM 12.00 795 7.30 DMW-17 4/20/1993 1.30 NM 12.00 770 7.40 DMW-17 12/16/1993 3.70 NM NM NM NM DMW-17 2/16/1994 2.40 NM NM NM NM DMW-17 6/13/1994 1.70 NM NM NM NM DMW-17 10/18/1994 1.50 NM NM NM NM DMW-17 5/30/1995 0.00 NM NM NM NM DMW-17 6/27/1996 0.30 NM NM NM NM DMW-17 7/25/1997 NM NM NM NM NM DMW-17 10/7/1997 1.70 NM 16.90 643 9.17 DMW-17 1/29/1998 NM NM NM NM NM DMW-17 7/20/1998 0.60 151 18.10 961 8.35 DMW-17 12/31/1998 4.50 -843 5.10 NM 1.00 DMW-17 3/25/1999 0.54 027 12.20 548 7.99 DMW-17 6/8/1999 4.45 -084 15.00 520 7.04 DMW-17 9/21/1999 NM NM NM NM NM DMW-17 12/14/1999 3.20 041 NM NM NM DMW-17 6/21/2000 0.19 -205 NA NM NM DMW-17 10/10/2000 0.53 -179 NM NM NM DMW-17 2/27/2001 0.09 -229 NM NM NM DMW-17 8/14/2001 0.15 -203 NM NM NM DMW-17 5/29/2002 1.04 -041 NM NM NM DMW-17 11/21/2002 3.28 -160 NM NM NM DMW-17 5/20/2003 2.10 -122 NM NM NM DMW-17 11/11/2003 0.40 -145 NM NM NM DMW-17 4/12/2004 1.70 -131 12.10 NM NM DMW-17 10/4/2004 3.10 NM 11.00 NM NM DMW-17 4/19/2005 error 184 13.10 1000 7.80 DMW-17 10/12/2005 NM NM NM NM NM DMW-17 4/12/2006 0.55 020 11.35 1032 7.22 DMW-17 10/23/2006 NM NM NM NM NM DMW-17 Abandoned on 11/1/06 DMW-18 9/15/1992 1.70 NM 12.20 705 6.60 DMW-18 1/20/1993 1.10 NM 12.20 710 7.20 DMW-18 4/20/1993 1.50 NM 12.10 710 7.30 DMW-18 12/16/1993 3.20 NM NM NM NM DMW-18 2/16/1994 3.80 NM NM NM NM DMW-18 6/14/1994 2.00 NM NM NM NM DMW-18 10/18/1994 1.90 NM NM NM NM DMW-18 5/30/1995 0.50 NM NM NM NM DMW-18 6/27/1996 0.60 NM NM NM NM DMW-18 7/25/1997 NM NM NM NM NM DMW-18 10/7/1997 0.50 NM 15.40 840 7.79 DMW-18 1/29/1998 NM NM NM NM NM DMW-18 7/20/1998 0.50 037 16.30 1509 6.88 DMW-18 12/31/1998 4.20 -840 4.80 NM 1.00 DMW-18 3/25/1999 0.50 -007 12.10 636 7.77 DMW-18 6/8/1999 4.27 -079 14.80 644 6.85 Well Sample Date Table 4 Natural Attenuation Data Heritage Amoco Service Station No. 2950 McKee/Convoy Eagan, Minnesota Delta Project No. G01 ZF MPCA Leaksite # 4992 Redox, Temp. Conductivity DO, ppm millivolts oC pmhos/cm pH DMW-18 9/21/1999 NM DMW-18 12/14/1999 2.70 DMW-18 6/21/2000 0.41 DMW-18 10/10/2000 0.42 DMW-18 2/27/2001 0.31 DMW-18 8/14/2001 0.37 DMW-18 5/29/2002 2.09 DMW-18 11/21/2002 NM DMW-18 5/20/2003 1.98 DMW-18 11/11/2003 NM DMW-18 4/12/2004 2.40 DMW-18 10/4/2004 NM DMW-18 4/19/2005 error DMW-18 10/12/2005 NM DMW-18 4/12/2006 0.60 DMW-18 10/23/2006 NM DMW-18 Abandoned on 11/1/06 DMW-19 DMW-19 DMW-19 DMW-19 DMW-19 DMW-19 DMW-19 DMW-19 DMW-19 DMW-19 DMW-19 DMW-19 DMW-19 DMW-19 DMW-19 DMW-19 DMW-19 DMW-19 DMW-19 DMW-19 DMW-19 DMW-19 DMW-19 DMW-19 DMW-19 DMW-19 1/20/1993 4/20/1993 12/16/1993 2/16/1994 6/14/1994 10/19/1994 5/31/1995 12/22/1995 6/27/1996 7/25/1997 10/7/1997 7/20/1998 12/31/1998 3/25/1999 6/8/1999 9/21/1999 12/14/1999 6/20/2000 10/10/2000 5/14/2001 8/14/2001 5/29/2002 11 /21 /2002 5/20/2003 11/11/2003 NM NM NM NM - 074 NM NM NM - 089 NM NM NM 087 NM NM NM - 128 NM NM NM - 108 NM NM NM - 077 NM NM NM NM NM NM NM 015 NM NM NM NM NM NM NM 049 11.30 NM NM NM NM NM NM 198 13.10 800 7.80 NM NM NM NM 125 11.85 945 6.95 NM NM NM NM 1.10 NM 12.00 590 7.60 2.50 NM 12.20 510 7.40 2.90 NM NM NM NM 3.50 NM NM NM NM 2.20 NM NM NM NM 2.60 NM NM NM NM 0.30 NM NM NM NM 0.90 NM NM NM NM 0.40 NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM 0.40 NM 16.20 300 8.62 0.70 123 18.40 352 8.48 5.30 -868 3.50 NM 1.00 1.00 052 11.70 230 7.69 4.40 -086 16.60 245 7.10 NM NM NM NM NM 2.30 -068 NM NM NM 0.12 -095 NM NM NM 0.08 -108 NM NM NM 0.17 -110 NM NM NM 0.13 -118 NM NM NM 1.85 -076 NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM 3.56 -058 NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM Abandoned on 2/19/04 DMW-20 1/20/1993 DMW-20 4/20/1993 DMW-20 12/16/1993 DMW-20 2/16/1994 DMW-20 6/14/1994 DMW-20 10/18/1994 DMW-20 5/30/1995 0.90 NM 11.50 740 7.60 1.30 NM 12.00 660 7.40 4.20 NM NM NM NM 3.40 NM NM NM NM 2.70 NM NM NM NM 2.40 NM NM NM NM 0.30 NM NM NM NM Table 4 Natural Attenuation Data Heritage Amoco Service Station No. 2950 McKee/Convoy Eagan, Minnesota Delta Project No. GO1ZF MPCA Leaksite # 4992 Redox, Temp. Conductivity Well Sample Date DO, ppm millivolts oC pmhos/cm pH DMW-20 DMW-20 DMW-20 DMW-20 DMW-20 DMW-20 DMW-20 DMW-20 DMW-20 DMW-20 DMW-20 DMW-20 DMW-20 DMW-20 DMW-20 DMW-20 DMW-20 DMW-20 DMW-20 DMW-20 DMW-20 DMW-20 DMW-20 DMW-21 DMW-21 DMW-21 DMW-21 DMW-21 DMW-21 DMW-21 DMW-21 DMW-21 DMW-21 DMW-21 DMW-21 DMW-21 DMW-21 DMW-21 DMW-21 DMW-21 DMW-21 DMW-21 DMW-21 DMW-21 DMW-21 DMW-21 DMW-21 DMW-21 DMW-21 DMW-21 6/27/1996 0.50 NM NM NM NM 7/25/1997 NM NM NM NM NM 10/7/1997 2.00 NM 15.40 429 9.36 1/28/1998 NM NM NM NM NM 7/20/1998 0.20 -130 15.60 1002 7.24 12/31/1998 5.70 -857 5.40 NM 1.00 3/25/1999 0.63 042 11.10 396 7.88 6/8/1999 4.50 -075 13.90 446 7.09 9/21/1999 NM NM NM NM NM 12/14/1999 NM NM NM NM NM 5/14/2001 0.15 -226 NM NM NM 8/15/2001 1.56 -141 NM NM NM 5/29/2002 2.18 -078 NM NM NM 11/21/2002 NM NM NM NM NM 5/20/2003 0.70 -192 NM NM NM 11/11/2003 NM NM NM NM NM 4/13/2004 1.70 NM 11.40 NM NM 10/4/2004 NM NM NM NM NM 4/19/2005 4.50 182 14.50 450 8.80 10/12/2005 NM NM NM NM NM 4/12/2006 0.29 -114 11.40 649 8.16 10/23/2006 NM NM NM NM NM Abandoned on 11/2/06 6/1/1995 9/25/1995 12/22/1995 3/21/1996 6/27/1996 7/25/1997 10/7/1997 1/29/1998 7/20/1998 12/31/1998 3/25/1999 6/8/1999 9/21/1999 12/14/1999 2/27/2001 8/14/2001 5/29/2002 11/21/2002 5/20/2003 11/11/2003 4/12/2004 10/4/2004 4/19/2005 10/12/2005 4/12/2006 10/23/2006 0.20 NM NM NM NM 0.70 NM NM NM NM 1.00 NM NM NM NM 0.40 NM NM NM NM 0.50 NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM 1.90 NM 15.20 915 9.56 NM NM NM NM NM 0.30 -082 15.00 1298 7.08 NM NM NM NM NM 0.45 111 12.70 983 6.87 4.25 -069 15.70 983 6.88 1.00 -096 NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM 0.03 -201 NM NM NM 0.14 -174 NM NM NM 2.27 -103 NM NM NM 3.85 -152 NM NM NM 1.60 -132 NM NM NM 0.80 -083 NM NM NM 2.70 NM 11.10 NM NM 3.80 NM 10.60 NM NM 2.00 175 NM 800 8.10 NM NM NM NM NM 0.49 016 11.46 1405 7.13 NM NM NM NM NM Abandoned on 11/1/06 Well Sample Date Table 4 Natural Attenuation Data Heritage Amoco Service Station No. 2950 McKee/Convoy Eagan, Minnesota Delta Project No. GO1 ZF MPCA Leaksite # 4992 Redox, Temp. Conductivity DO, ppm millivolts oC pmhos/cm pH DMW-22 DMW-22 DMW-22 DMW-22 DMW-22 DMW-22 DMW-22 DMW-22 DMW-22 DMW-22 DMW-22 DMW-22 DMW-22 DMW-22 DMW-22 DMW-22 DMW-22 DMW-22 DMW-22 DMW-22 DMW-22 DMW-22 DMW-22 DMW-22 DMW-22 DMW-22 DMW-22 DMW-22 DMW-22 DMW-23 DMW-23 DMW-23 DMW-23 DMW-23 DMW-23 DMW-23 DMW-23 DMW-23 DMW-23 DMW-23 DMW-23 DMW-23 DMW-23 DMW-23 DMW-23 DMW-23 DMW-23 DMW-23 DMW-23 DMW-23 DMW-23 6/1/1995 0.20 9/25/1995 1.40 12/22/1995 0.10 3/21/1996 0.20 6/27/1996 0.60 7/25/1997 NM 10/7/1997 0.90 1/29/1998 N M 7/20/1998 0.60 12/31/1998 5.30 3/25/1999 0.53 6/8/1999 4.12 9/21/1999 1.00 12/14/1999 4.00 6/21/2000 0.13 10/10/2000 0.09 2/27/2001 0.05 8/14/2001 0.13 5/29/2002 2.40 11/21/2002 NM 5/20/2003 1.40 11/11/2003 NM 4/13/2004 2.00 10/4/2004 NM 4/19/2005 1.70 10/12/2005 0.86 4/12/2006 0.29 10/23/2006 0.85 Abandoned on 11/1/06 5/31/1995 9/25/1995 12/22/1995 3/21/1996 6/27/1996 7/25/1997 10/7/1997 1/29/1998 7/20/1998 12/31/1998 3/25/1999 6/8/1999 9/21/1999 12/14/1999 6/21/2000 10/10/2000 2/27/2001 8/14/2001 5/29/2002 11/21/2002 5/20/2003 11/11/2003 NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM 15.70 711 9.84 NM NM NM NM - 034 14.70 1163 6.94 -833 5.10 NM 1.00 089 12.90 646 7.35 - 070 15.50 640 7.04 - 123 NM NM NM 032 NM NM NM -100 NM NM NM - 133 NM NM NM -130 NM NM NM -105 NM NM NM - 080 NM NM NM NM NM NM NM -015 NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM 11.90 NM NM NM NM NM NM 164 14.00 1000 7.60 152 12.90 1310 6.79 101 11.76 1310 7.05 - 050 11.33 1094 6.98 0.30 NM NM NM NM 0.60 NM NM NM NM 1.90 NM NM NM NM 1.50 NM NM NM NM 0.70 NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM 1.40 NM 15.50 784 9.29 NM NM NM NM NM 0.50 136 17.20 1255 6.49 5.00 -852 4.90 NM 1.00 0.67 117 12.40 612 6.79 4.31 -068 14.90 576 7.12 1.00 -262 NM NM NM 2.60 020 NM NM NM 0.10 -132 NM NM NM 0.08 -134 NM NM NM 0.08 -096 NM NM NM 0.11 -111 NM NM NM 1.84 -031 NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM 1.30 -180 NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM lame 4 Natural Attenuation Data Heritage Amoco Service Station No. 2950 McKee/Convoy Eagan, Minnesota Delta Project No. GO1ZF MPCA Leaksite # 4992 Redox, Temp. Conductivity Well Sample Date DO, ppm millivolts oC pmhos/cm pH DMW-23 DMW-23 DMW-23 DMW-23 DMW-23 DMW-23 DMW-23 DMW-24 DMW-24 DMW-24 DMW-24 DMW-24 DMW-24 DMW-24 DMW-24 DMW-24 DMW-24 DMW-24 DMW-24 DMW-24 DMW-24 DMW-24 DMW-24 DMW-24 DMW-24 DMW-24 DMW-24 DMW-24 DMW-24 DMW-24 DMW-24 DMW-24 MW -25 MW -25 MW -25 MW -26 MW -26 MW -26 DMW-26 DMW-26 DMW-26 MW -27 MW -27 MW -27 MW -28 MW -28 4/12/2004 10/4/2004 4/19/2005 10/12/2005 4/12/2006 10/23/2006 2.80 NM 11.20 NM NM NM NM NM NM NM 1.90 066 14.70 800 7.50 NM NM NM NM NM 0.30 122 11.68 1150 7.08 NM NM NM NM NM Abandoned on 11/1/06 5/31/1995 9/25/1995 12/22/1995 3/21/1996 6/27/1996 7/25/1997 7/20/1998 12/31/1998 3/25/1999 6/8/1999 9/21/1999 12/14/1999 2/27/2001 8/14/2001 5/29/2002 11/21/2002 5/20/2003 11/11/2003 4/12/2004 10/4/2004 4/19/2005 10/12/2005 4/12/2006 10/23/2006 0.30 NM NM NM NM 1.50 NM NM NM NM 1.20 NM NM NM NM 1.80 NM NM NM NM 1.70 NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM 0.60 036 16.40 1094 6.97 NM NM NM NM NM 0.55 104 12.20 742 6.96 4.17 -065 15.40 800 6.87 1.20 -114 NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM 0.05 -069 NM NM NM 0.10 -088 NM NM NM 2.05 -068 NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM 1.90 037 NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM 1.90 040 12.00 NM NM NM NM NM NM NM 2.50 063 14.40 800 8.80 NM NM NM NM NM 0.21 083 12.26 1020 7.15 NM NM NM NM NM Abandoned on 11/1/06 10/12/2005 4/12/2006 10/23/2006 10/13/2005 4/12/2006 10/23/2006 10/13/2005 4/12/2006 10/23/2006 10/13/2005 4/12/2006 10/23/2006 10/13/2005 4/12/2006 NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM 1.07 344 11.79 862 7.43 NM NM NM NM NM 0.90 011 11.09 756 7.38 0.53 085 11.69 1039 7.11 NM NM NM NM NM 0.71 -152 11.07 900 7.31 0.89 242 11.70 1016 7.17 NM NM NM NM NM 0.78 001 11.22 918 7.30 NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM Well Sample Date Table 4 Natural Attenuation Data Heritage Amoco Service Station No. 2950 McKee/Convoy Eagan, Minnesota Delta Project No. GO1ZF MPCA Leaksite # 4992 Redox, Temp. Conductivity DO, ppm millivolts oC pmhos/cm pH MW -28 10/23/2006 MW -29 10/13/2005 MW -29 4/12/2006 MW -29 10/23/2006 MW -30 10/13/2005 MW -30 4/12/2006 MW -30 10/23/2006 DMW-30 10/13/2005 DMW-30 4/12/2006 DMW-30 10/23/2006 MW -31 10/13/2005 MW -31 4/12/2006 MW -31 10/23/2006 MW -32 12/1/2006 MW -33 12/1/2006 MW -34 12/1/2006 NM NM NM NM NM 3.11 205 11.15 1560 6.98 3.76 216 11.14 1620 7.11 5.00 037 11.00 1325 7.14 6.08 261 10.85 1458 7.37 NM NM NM NM NM 7.61 -002 10.61 1274 7.46 0.62 079 11.29 909 7.42 0.16 -010 10.75 905 7.61 0.81 -136 10.16 773 7.25 4.64 340 11.17 1410 7.45 NM NM NM NM NM 4.97 038 10.62 1239 7.47 3.50 158 11.41 1409 6.90 0.89 117 11.01 1020 7.67 0.74 -125 10.51 1251 7.51 NOTES: NM = Not Measured pmhos/cm = micromhos per centimeter ppm = parts per million °C = degrees Celsius DO = dissolved Oxygen REDOX = Reduction/Oxidation Potential TEMP = Temperature COND = Conductivity pH = Potential of Hydrogen Table 5 Free Product Recovery Heritage Amoco Service Station No. 2950 McKee/Convoy Eagan, Minnesota Delta Project No. G0-1 ZF Depth to Depth to Product Thickness Amount Product Bailed Cumulative Product Well Date Product Water (feet) (gallons) Removed (Gallons) MW -1 06/21/00 NP 40.85 0.00 MW -1 08/03/00 NP 41.38 0.00 MW -1 08/17/00 NP 41.16 0.00 MW -1 09/12/00 NP 41.15 0.00 MW -1 10/12/00 NP 41.02 0.00 MW -1 11/14/00 41.06 41.07 0.01 0.00 MW -1 12/20/00 NP 41.04 0.00 MW -1 01/23/01 41.48 41.49 0.01 0.00 MW -1 02/19/01 NP 41.50 0.00 MW -1 03/20/01 41.95 42.10 0.15 0.04 0.04 MW -1 04/26/01 NP 42.25 0.04 MW -1 07/20/01 41.23 42.22 0.99 0.25 0.29 MW -1 08/28/01 41.43 41.44 0.01 0.29 MW -1 09/25/01 NP 41.48 0.29 MW -1 10/30/01 NP 41.34 0.29 MW -1 11/27/01 NP 41.04 0.29 MW -1 01/16/02 41.24 41.59 0.35 0.29 MW -1 02/18/02 41.29 41.30 0.01 0.29 MW -1 03/18/02 41.83 41.84 0.01 0.29 MW -1 04/19/02 NP 42.14 0.29 MW -1 05/22/02 NP 41.88 0.29 MW -1 07/24/02 NP 42.11 0.29 MW -1 08/22/02 NP 41.74 0.29 MW -1 09/19/02 NP 40.72 0.29 MW -1 10/29/02 NP 40.52 0.29 MW -1 12/18/02 NP 39.36 0.29 MW -1 01/30/03 NP 39.92 0.29 MW -1 02/28/03 NP 40.44 0.29 MW -1 04/07/03 NP 41.14 0.29 MW -1 05/07/03 NP 41.08 0.29 MW -1 06/09/03 41.13 41.19 0.06 0.29 MW -1 07/11/03 41.18 41.24 0.06 0.29 MW -1 08/11/03 41.39 41.40 0.01 0.29 MW -1 09/16/03 41.12 41.15 0.03 0.29 MW -1 10/08/03 41.10 41.17 0.07 0.29 1 of 19 Table 5 Free Product Recovery Heritage Amoco Service Station No. 2950 McKee/Convoy Eagan, Minnesota Delta Project No. G0-1 ZF Depth to Depth to Product Thickness Amount Product Bailed Cumulative Product Well Date Product Water (feet) (gallons) Removed (Gallons) MW -1 11/07/03 41.74 41.80 0.06 0.29 MW -1 12/18/03 41.41 41.43 0.02 0.29 MW -1 01/08/04 41.80 41.84 0.04 0.29 MW -1 04/26/04 42.39 42.43 0.04 0.29 MW -1 05/21/04 NP 42.37 0.29 MW -1 06/28/04 42.44 42.47 0.03 0.29 MW -1 08/09/04 42.11 42.17 0.06 0.29 MW -1 09/02/04 42.11 42.15 0.04 0.29 MW -1 10/08/04 41.86 41.87 0.01 0.29 MW -1 11/10/04 NP 41.96 0.29 MW -1 01/12/05 41.39 41.40 0.01 0.29 MW -1 02/24/05 NP 42.42 EFR MW -1 03/17/05 42.61 42.63 0.02 EFR MW -1 04/20/05 42.68 42.69 0.01 EFR MW -1 05/17/05 43.05 43.08 0.03 EFR MW -1 06/15/05 43.27 43.31 0.04 Not EFR'd MW -1 07/20/05 43.30 43.35 0.05 Not EFR'd MW -1 08/17/05 43.38 43.46 0.08 EFR MW -1 09/22/05 43.05 43.05 Not EFR'd MW -1 10/12/05 43.07 43.07 Not EFR'd MW -1 12/15/05 42.28 42.33 0.05 EFR MW -1 01/19/06 42.43 42.46 0.03 EFR MW -1 02/16/06 42.86 42.88 0.02 EFR MW -1 03/23/06 42.99 43.00 0.01 EFR MW -1 04/13/06 42.93 42.99 0.06 Not EFR'd MW -1 05/18/06 42.68 42.70 0.02 Not EFR'd MW -1 06/15/06 42.67 42.70 0.03 Not EFR'd MW -1 07/13/06 42.60 42.65 0.05 Not EFR'd MW -1 08/17/06 42.60 42.66 0.06 Not EFR'd MW -1 09/21/06 42.39 42.39 0.00 Not EFR'd MW -1 10/26/06 42.53 42.55 0.02 Not EFR'd MW -1 11/21/06 42.45 42.45 0.00 Not EFR'd EFR, interphase probe problem, assumed MW -1 12/11/06 42.42 42.45 0.03 average for year MW -1 1/18/2007 42.65 42.68 0.03 Not EFR'd 2 of 19 Table 5 Free Product Recovery Heritage Amoco Service Station No. 2950 McKee/Convoy Eagan, Minnesota Delta Project No. G0-1 ZF Depth to Depth to Product Thickness Amount Product Bailed Cumulative Product Well Date Product Water (feet) (gallons) Removed (Gallons) MW -2 06/21/00 41.59 ND 11.66 6.00 6.00 MW -2 07/20/00 42.80 ND 10.40 13.00 19.00 MW -2 08/03/00 44.06 47.30 3.24 6.00 25.00 MW -2 08/17/00 44.28 46.51 2.23 4.25 29.25 MW -2 09/12/00 44.10 46.79 2.69 4.00 33.25 MW -2 10/12/00 44.00 47.06 3.06 4.75 38.00 MW -2 11/14/00 43.63 47.03 3.40 5.00 43.00 MW -2 12/20/00 43.53 47.28 3.75 4.50 47.50 MW -2 01/23/01 44.07 47.58 3.51 2.50 50.00 MW -2 02/19/01 44.16 46.97 2.81 3.00 53.00 MW -2 03/20/01 44.72 47.93 3.21 2.50 55.50 MW -2 04/26/01 44.69 48.61 3.92 5.00 60.50 MW -2 06/04/01 44.99 48.95 3.96 4.50 65.00 MW -2 07/20/01 44.67 48.99 4.32 3.50 68.50 MW -2 08/28/01 44.38 48.40 4.02 4.02 72.52 MW -2 09/25/01 44.69 48.40 3.71 3.12 75.64 MW -2 10/30/01 44.35 47.82 3.47 4.00 79.64 MW -2 01/16/02 43.23 50.30 7.07 5.50 85.14 MW -2 02/18/02 43.33 47.75 4.42 4.00 89.14 MW -2 03/18/02 44.09 47.70 3.61 4.00 93.14 MW -2 04/19/02 44.26 47.93 3.67 4.50 97.64 MW -2 05/22/02 44.46 48.25 3.79 4.00 101.64 MW -2 07/24/02 44.76 50.30 5.54 5.25 106.89 MW -2 08/22/02 44.52 48.57 4.05 3.50 110.39 MW -2 09/19/02 43.70 47.01 3.31 2.50 112.89 MW -2 10/29/02 40.19 43.82 3.63 1.25 114.14 MW -2 12/18/02 38.91 39.31 0.40 1.50 115.64 MW -2 01/30/03 39.64 42.00 2.36 1.50 117.14 MW -2 02/28/03 40.88 42.63 1.75 1.50 118.64 MW -2 04/07/03 42.03 45.50 3.47 3.00 121.64 MW -2 05/07/03 42.60 44.91 2.31 1.50 123.14 MW -2 06/09/03 43.09 45.53 2.44 1.45 124.59 MW -2 07/11/03 43.59 45.86 2.27 0.97 125.56 3 of 19 Table 5 Free Product Recovery Heritage Amoco Service Station No. 2950 McKee/Convoy Eagan, Minnesota Delta Project No. G0-1 ZF Depth to Depth to Product Thickness Amount Product Bailed Cumulative Product Well Date Product Water (feet) (gallons) Removed (Gallons) MW -2 08/11/03 44.07 46.37 2.30 1.06 126.62 MW -2 09/16/03 43.95 46.32 2.37 2.37 128.99 MW -2 10/08/03 44.12 45.92 1.80 0.92 129.91 MW -2 11/07/03 44.77 46.76 1.99 0.92 130.83 MW -2 12/18/03 44.37 46.96 2.59 1.58 132.41 MW -2 01/08/04 44.96 46.80 1.84 0.79 133.20 MW -2 04/26/04 45.15 49.99 4.84 2.51 135.71 MW -2 05/21/04 45.64 48.50 2.86 1.32 137.03 MW -2 06/28/04 46.03 48.74 2.71 1.39 138.42 MW -2 08/09/04 45.82 48.58 2.76 1.75 140.17 MW -2 09/02/04 46.01 48.04 2.03 1.75 141.92 MW -2 10/08/04 45.75 48.07 2.32 1.75 143.67 MW -2 11/10/04 45.81 47.95 2.14 2.00 145.67 MW -2 01/12/05 44.99 48.60 3.61 2.00 147.67 MW -2 02/24/05 45.90 48.90 3.00 EFR MW -2 03/17/05 46.27 47.51 1.24 EFR MW -2 04/20/05 46.35 47.85 1.50 EFR MW -2 05/17/05 46.80 47.85 1.05 EFR MW -2 06/15/05 46.71 48.19 1.48 EFR MW -2 07/20/05 47.00 48.40 1.40 EFR MW -2 08/17/05 47.20 49.10 1.90 EFR MW -2 09/22/05 47.00 48.32 1.32 EFR MW -2 10/12/05 47.25 48.13 0.88 EFR MW -2 12/15/05 46.28 48.42 2.14 EFR MW -2 01/19/06 46.37 48.10 1.73 EFR MW -2 02/16/06 46.75 48.48 1.73 EFR MW -2 03/23/06 46.69 48.82 2.13 EFR MW -2 04/13/06 46.63 48.35 1.72 EFR MW -2 05/18/06 46.48 48.71 2.23 EFR MW -2 06/15/06 46.78 48.45 1.67 EFR MW -2 07/13/06 46.67 48.75 2.08 EFR MW -2 08/17/06 46.72 49.09 2.37 EFR MW -2 09/21/06 46.54 48.70 2.16 EFR MW -2 10/26/06 47.64 48.30 0.66 EFR MW -2 11/21/06 46.54 48.18 1.64 EFR 4 of 19 Table 5 Free Product Recovery Heritage Amoco Service Station No. 2950 McKee/Convoy Eagan, Minnesota Delta Project No. G0-1 ZF Depth to Depth to Product Thickness Amount Product Bailed Cumulative Product Well Date Product Water (feet) (gallons) Removed (Gallons) EFR, interphase probe problem, assumed MW -2 12/11/06 46.48 48.30 1.82 average for year MW -2 01/18/07 46.43 48.33 1.90 EFR MW -3 06/21/00 41.45 42.32 0.87 0.13 0.00 MW -3 07/20/00 NP 42.02 0.00 MW -3 08/03/00 42.20 42.47 0.27 4.50 4.50 MW -3 08/17/00 41.97 42.88 0.91 0.50 5.00 MW -3 09/12/00 NP 42.17 5.00 MW -3 10/12/00 NP 42.00 5.00 MW -3 11/14/00 NP 42.02 5.00 MW -3 12/20/00 NP 41.86 5.00 MW -3 01/23/01 NP 42.29 5.00 MW -3 02/19/01 NP 42.14 5.00 MW -3 03/20/01 NP 42.69 5.00 MW -3 04/26/01 NP 42.67 5.00 MW -3 07/20/01 NP 42.52 5.00 MW -3 08/28/01 42.14 43.13 0.99 0.25 5.25 MW -3 09/25/01 NP 42.46 5.25 MW -3 10/30/01 NP 42.60 5.25 MW -3 11/27/01 NP 41.94 5.25 MW -3 01/16/02 42.03 42.72 0.69 1.25 6.50 MW -3 02/18/02 NP 42.11 6.50 MW -3 03/18/02 NP 42.51 6.50 MW -3 04/19/02 NP 42.79 6.50 MW -3 05/22/02 NP 42.61 6.50 MW -3 07/24/02 43.01 43.01 6.50 MW -3 08/22/02 42.78 42.78 6.50 MW -3 09/19/02 NP 41.95 6.50 MW -3 10/29/02 NP 41.82 6.50 MW -3 12/18/02 NP 40.55 6.50 MW -3 01/30/03 40.88 40.88 6.50 MW -3 02/28/03 NP 41.35 6.50 MW -3 04/07/03 NP 41.85 6.50 MW -3 05/07/03 NP 41.82 6.50 5 of 19 Table 5 Free Product Recovery Heritage Amoco Service Station No. 2950 McKee/Convoy Eagan, Minnesota Delta Project No. G0-1 ZF Depth to Depth to Product Thickness Amount Product Bailed Cumulative Product Well Date Product Water (feet), (gallons) Removed (Gallons) MW -3 06/09/03 41.81 42.48 0.67 0.06 6.56 MW -3 07/11/03 42.03 42.30 0.27 0.01 6.57 MW -3 08/11/03 42.31 42.51 0.20 0.01 6.58 MW -3 09/16/03 42.08 42.21 0.13 0.00 6.58 MW -3 10/08/03 42.07 42.21 0.14 0.00 6.58 MW -3 11/07/03 42.64 42.72 0.08 0.00 6.58 MW -3 12/18/03 42.28 42.34 0.06 0.00 6.58 MW -3 01/08/04 42.61 42.67 0.06 0.00 6.58 MW -3 04/26/04 43.13 43.19 0.06 0.00 6.58 MW -3 05/21/04 43.13 43.19 0.06 0.00 6.58 MW -3 06/28/04 43.33 43.38 0.05 0.00 6.58 MW -3 08/09/04 43.11 43.17 0.06 0.00 6.58 MW -3 09/02/04 43.13 43.19 0.06 0.00 6.58 MW -3 10/08/04 42.94 42.99 0.05 0.00 6.58 MW -3 11/10/04 43.00 43.04 0.04 0.00 6.58 MW -3 01/12/05 42.66 42.67 0.01 0.00 6.58 MW -3 02/24/05 43.27 43.31 0.04 EFR MW -3 03/17/05 43.38 43.43 0.05 EFR MW -3 04/20/05 43.39 43.43 0.04 EFR MW -3 05/17/05 43.75 43.85 0.10 EFR MW -3 06/15/05 44.04 44.04 0.00 Not EFR'd MW -3 07/20/05 44.20 44.20 0.00 Not EFR'd MW -3 08/17/05 44.41 44.41 0.00 Not EFR'd MW -3 09/22/05 44.20 44.20 0.00 Not EFR'd MW -3 10/12/05 44.23 44.23 0.00 Not EFR'd MW -3 12/15/05 43.36 44.45 1.09 EFR MW -3 01/19/06 43.63 43.63 0.00 Not EFR'd MW -3 02/16/06 44.00 44.00 0.00 Not EFR'd MW -3 03/23/06 44.02 44.02 0.00 Not EFR'd MW -3 04/13/06 43.99 44.00 0.01 Not EFR'd MW -3 05/18/06 43.83 43.83 0.00 Not EFR'd MW -3 06/15/06 43.86 43.86 0.00 Not EFR'd MW -3 07/13/06 43.83 43.83 0.00 Not EFR'd MW -3 08/17/06 43.86 43.86 0.00 Not EFR'd MW -3 09/21/06 43.66 43.66 0.00 Not EFR'd 6 of 19 Table 5 Free Product Recovery Heritage Amoco Service Station No. 2950 McKee/Convoy Eagan, Minnesota Delta Project No. G0-1 ZF Depth to Depth to Product Thickness Amount Product Bailed Cumulative Product Well Date Product Water (feet) (gallons) Removed (Gallons) MW -3 10/26/06 43.81 43.81 0.00 Not EFR'd MW -3 11/21/06 43.53 44.14 0.61 EFR LI -K, interphase probe problem, assumed MW -3 12/11/06 43.70 43.76 0.06 average for year MW -3 01/18/07 43.66 43.96 0.30 EFR MW -8 12/15/05 67.90 71.66 3.76 EFR MW -8 01/19/06 70.82 76.50 5.68 EFR MW -8 02/16/06 71.09 74.85 3.76 EFR MW -8 03/23/06 67.78 77.80 10.02 EFR MW -8 04/13/06 67.42 78.15 10.73 EFR MW -8 05/18/06 67.29 78.16 10.87 EFR MW -8 06/15/06 67.75 78.15 10.40 EFR MW -8 07/13/06 68.11 78.20 10.09 EFR MW -8 08/17/06 68.65 78.65 10.00 EFR MW -8 09/21/06 68.30 78.30 10.00 EFR MW -8 10/26/06 68.94 76.79 7.85 EFR MW -8 11/21/06 68.50 77.83 9.33 EFR EFR, interphase probe problem, assumed MW -8 12/11/06 68.71 77.69 8.98 average for year MW -8 01/18/07 68.45 77.12 8.67 EFR MW -25 04/26/04 42.30 49.64 7.34 7.25 MW -25 05/21/04 42.69 48.36 5.67 5.00 MW -25 06/28/04 42.74 49.53 6.79 7.00 MW -25 08/09/04 42.20 47.67 5.47 7.00 MW -25 09/02/04 42.50 48.03 5.53 7.00 MW -25 10/08/04 42.06 48.72 6.66 7.00 MW -25 11/10/04 42.18 47.91 5.73 5.00 MW -25 01/12/05 41.70 49.65 7.95 8.00 MW -25 02/24/05 42.79 48.60 5.81 EFR MW -25 03/17/05 43.25 46.09 2.84 EFR MW -25 04/20/05 43.20 48.30 5.10 EFR MW -25 05/17/05 43.80 47.60 3.80 EFR MW -25 06/15/05 43.83 47.66 3.83 EFR MW -25 07/20/05 44.00 48.30 4.30 EFR 7 of 19 7.25 12.25 19.25 26.25 33.25 40.25 45.25 48.25 Table 5 Free Product Recovery Heritage Amoco Service Station No. 2950 McKee/Convoy Eagan, Minnesota Delta Project No. G0-1 ZF Depth to Depth to Product Thickness Amount Product Bailed Cumulative Product Weil Date Product Water (feet) (gallons) Removed (Gallons) MW -25 08/17/05 44.20 48.60 4.40 EFR MW -25 09/22/05 43.76 47.35 3.59 EFR MW -25 10/12/05 43.94 46.80 2.86 EFR MW -25 12/15/05 42.30 48.00 5.70 EFR MW -25 01/19/06 42.68 46.68 4.00 EFR MW -25 02/16/06 43.25 46.40 3.15 EFR MW -25 03/23/06 43.43 46.44 3.01 EFR MW -25 04/13/06 43.55 45.95 2.40 EFR MW -25 05/18/06 43.40 46.55 3.15 EFR MW -25 06/15/06 43.58 46.23 2.65 EFR MW -25 07/13/06 43.47 46.05 2.58 EFR MW -25 08/17/06 43.56 46.52 2.96 EFR MW -25 09/21/06 43.27 46.13 2.86 EFR MW -25 10/26/06 43.22 46.08 2.86 EFR MW -25 11/21/06 43.31 45.50 2.19 EFR EFR, interphase probe problem, assumed MW -25 12/11/06 43.63 45.52 1.89 average for year MW -25 01/18/07 43.59 46.50 2.91 EFR MW -28 07/20/05 65.10 72.50 7.40 EFR MW -28 08/17/05 66.05 67.35 1.30 EFR MW -28 09/22/05 65.88 66.38 0.50 EFR MW -28 10/12/05 65.80 66.22 0.42 EFR MW -28 12/15/05 65.03 65.52 0.49 EFR MW -28 01/19/06 65.29 65.80 0.51 EFR MW -28 02/16/06 65.65 66.20 0.55 EFR MW -28 03/23/06 65.85 66.46 0.61 EFR MW -28 04/13/06 65.62 65.93 0.31 EFR MW -28 05/18/06 65.65 66.30 0.65 EFR MW -28 06/15/06 66.00 66.50 0.50 EFR MW -28 07/13/06 66.26 66.87 0.61 EFR MW -28 08/17/06 66.55 67.35 0.80 EFR MW -28 09/21/06 66.37 66.97 0.60 EFR MW -28 10/26/06 66.56 67.25 0.69 EFR MW -28 11/21/06 66.64 67.00 0.36 EFR 8 of 19 Table 5 Free Product Recovery Heritage Amoco Service Station No. 2950 McKee/Convoy Eagan, Minnesota Delta Project No. G0-1 ZF Depth to Depth to Product Thickness Amount Product Bailed Cumulative Product Well Date Product Water (feet) (gallons) Removed (Gallons) EFR, interphase probe problem, assumed MW -28 12/11/06 66.41 66.97 0.56 average for year MW -28 01/18/07 66.40 67.20 0.80 EFR EW -1 06/21/00 40.66 ND 14.69 12.00 12.00 EW -1 07/20/00 41.64 53.90 12.26 39.00 51.00 EW -1 08/03/00 43.07 45.98 2.91 15.00 66.00 EW -1 08/17/00 43.34 45.05 1.71 5.00 71.00 EW -1 09/12/00 43.03 45.48 2.45 8.00 79.00 EW -1 10/12/00 43.27 45.52 2.25 12.25 91.25 EW -1 11/14/00 42.95 45.62 2.67 14.00 105.25 EW -1 12/20/00 42.95 45.60 2.65 11.50 116.75 EW -1 01/23/01 43.27 45.94 2.67 9.50 126.25 EW -1 02/19/01 43.34 45.27 1.93 11.00 137.25 EW -1 03/20/01 43.76 45.87 2.11 5.50 142.75 EW -1 04/26/01 43.23 45.75 2.52 7.75 150.50 EW -1 06/04/01 43.42 45.91 2.49 12.00 162.50 EW -1 07/20/01 43.08 46.26 3.18 9.50 172.00 EW -1 08/28/01 43.08 45.37 2.29 7.50 179.50 EW -1 09/25/01 NP 45.48 2.00 181.50 EW -1 10/30/01 43.03 45.57 2.54 7.25 188.75 EW -1 01/16/02 42.69 46.59 3.90 9.50 198.25 EW -1 02/18/02 42.79 44.79 2.00 5.25 203.50 EW -1 03/18/02 43.31 44.92 1.61 5.00 208.50 EW -1 04/19/02 43.29 45.04 1.75 5.50 214.00 EW -1 05/22/02 43.73 45.30 1.57 5.00 219.00 EW -1 07/24/02 43.90 46.78 2.88 8.00 227.00 EW -1 08/22/02 43.81 45.64 1.83 7.00 234.00 EW -1 09/19/02 43.17 44.61 1.44 4.00 238.00 EW -1 10/26/02 42.72 44.90 2.18 5.00 243.00 EW -1 12/18/02 40.30 43.58 3.28 8.00 251.00 EW -1 01/30/03 40.71 43.66 2.95 9.20 260.20 EW -1 02/28/03 41.07 43.19 2.12 6.00 266.20 EW -1 04/07/03 41.80 44.20 2.40 8.00 274.20 EW -1 05/07/03 41.90 43.91 2.01 10.00 284.20 9 of 19 Table 5 Free Product Recovery Heritage Amoco Service Station No. 2950 McKee/Convoy Eagan, Minnesota Delta Project No. G0-1 ZF Depth to Depth to Product Thickness Amount Product Bailed Cumulative Product Well Date Product Water (feet) (gallons) Removed (Gallons) EW -1 06/09/03 42.24 44.26 2.02 3.85 288.05 EW -1 07/11/03 42.68 44.59 1.91 2.33 290.38 EW -1 08/11/03 43.15 44.94 1.79 2.66 293.04 EW -1 09/16/03 43.00 44.94 1.94 3.75 296.79 EW -1 08/10/03 43.09 44.47 1.38 2.20 298.99 EW -1 11/07/03 43.56 45.28 1.72 2.33 301.32 EW -1 12/18/03 43.17 45.27 2.10 3.00 304.32 EW -1 01/08/04 43.70 45.21 1.51 1.67 305.99 EW -1 04/26/04 43.72 47.25 3.53 6.50 312.49 EW -1 05/21/04 44.16 45.86 1.70 2.50 314.99 EW -1 06/28/04 44.50 46.33 1.83 3.25 318.24 EW -1 08/09/04 44.37 46.31 1.94 4.00 322.24 EW -1 09/02/04 44.53 46.04 1.51 4.00 326.24 EW -1 10/08/04 44.35 46.67 2.32 4.00 330.24 EW -1 11/10/04 44.45 46.14 1.69 3.00 333.24 EW -1 01/12/05 43.85 46.45 2.60 6.00 339.24 EW -1 02/24/05 44.55 46.70 2.15 EFR EW -1 03/17/05 44.79 45.53 0.74 EFR EW -1 04/20/05 44.92 45.90 0.98 EFR EW -1 05/17/05 45.24 46.10 0.86 EFR EW -1 06/15/05 45.30 46.17 0.87 EFR EW -1 07/20/05 45.70 46.80 1.10 EFR EW -1 08/17/05 46.10 47.50 1.40 EFR EW -1 09/22/05 45.92 47.01 1.09 EFR EW -1 10/12/05 46.20 46.97 0.77 EFR EW -1 12/15/05 45.35 47.40 2.05 EFR EW -1 01/19/06 45.40 46.94 1.54 EFR EW -1 02/16/06 45.71 47.02 1.31 EFR EW -1 03/23/06 45.55 46.82 1.27 EFR EW -1 04/13/06 45.22 46.80 1.58 EFR EW -1 05/18/06 44.85 46.20 1.35 EFR EW -1 06/15/06 45.18 46.24 1.06 EFR EW -1 07/13/06 45.08 46.27 1.19 EFR EW -1 08/17/06 45.16 46.49 1.33 EFR EW -1 09/21/06 45.03 46.14 1.11 EFR 10 of 19 Table 5 Free Product Recovery Heritage Amoco Service Station No. 2950 McKee/Convoy Eagan, Minnesota Delta Project No. G0-1 ZF Depth to Depth to Product Thickness Amount Product Bailed Cumulative Product Well Date Product Water (feet) (gallons) Removed (Gallons) EW -1 10/26/06 45.07 46.27 1.20 EFR EW -1 11/21/06 45.11 46.03 0.92 EFR EFR, interphase probe problem, assumed EW -1 12/11/06 45.13 46.39 1.26 average for year EW -1 01/18/07 45.12 46.40 1.28 EFR OP -1 06/21/00 41.68 47.47 5.79 OP -1 07/20/00 42.87 44.82 1.95 OP -1 08/03/00 43.31 44.66 1.35 OP -1 08/17/00 43.43 44.80 1.37 OP -1 09/12/00 43.20 44.17 0.97 OP -1 10/12/00 43.46 44.42 0.96 OP -1 11/14/00 42.94 44.26 1.32 OP -1 12/20/00 43.02 44.25 1.23 OP -1 01/23/01 43.40 44.35 0.95 OP -1 02/19/01 43.64 44.49 0.85 OP -1 03/20/01 43.90 44.91 1.01 OP -1 04/26/01 43.99 45.29 1.30 OP -1 06/04/01 44.17 45.65 1.48 OP -1 07/20/01 44.12 45.33 1.21 OP -1 08/28/01 43.84 44.89 1.05 OP -1 10/30/01 43.60 44.90 1.30 OP -1 01/16/02 42.85 44.97 2.12 OP -1 02/18/02 42.94 44.25 1.31 OP -1 03/18/02 43.33 44.54 1.21 OP -1 04/19/02 43.36 44.55 1.19 OP -1 05/22/02 44.03 45.15 1.12 OP -1 07/24/02 44.00 46.28 2.28 OP -1 08/22/02 43.96 45.28 1.32 OP -1 09/19/02 43.44 44.57 1.13 OP -1 10/29/02 40.02 41.60 1.58 OP -1 12/18/02 37.74 38.50 0.76 OP -1 01/30/03 39.03 39.99 0.96 OP -1 02/28/03 39.96 40.81 0.85 OP -1 04/07/03 41.31 42.01 0.70 11 of 19 3.50 3.00 3.50 2.25 1.50 2.50 2.50 1.50 0.25 2.00 1.25 1.25 2.00 1.00 1.00 1.25 2.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.00 2.00 1.00 1.50 1.75 1.50 0.30 2.00 1.00 3.50 6.50 10.00 12.25 13.75 16.25 18.75 20.25 20.50 22.50 23.75 25.00 27.00 28.00 29.00 30.25 32.75 34.25 35.75 37.25 38.25 40.25 41.25 42.75 44.50 46.00 46.30 48.30 49.30 Table 5 Free Product Recovery Heritage Amoco Service Station No. 2950 McKee/Convoy Eagan, Minnesota Delta Project No. G0-1 ZF Depth to Depth to Product Thickness Amount Product Bailed Cumulative Product Well Date Product Water (feet) (gallons) Removed (Gallons) OP -1 05/07/03 41.64 42.21 0.57 0.20 49.50 OP -1 06/09/03 42.32 42.86 0.54 0.08 49.58 OP -1 07/11/03 42.78 43.32 0.54 0.03 49.61 OP -1 08/11/03 43.22 43.75 0.53 0.04 49.65 OP -1 09/16/03 43.27 43.76 0.49 0.03 49.68 OP -1 10/08/03 43.33 43.87 0.54 0.08 49.76 OP -1 11/07/03 43.80 44.33 0.53 0.08 49.84 OP -1 12/18/03 43.63 44.15 0.52 0.07 49.91 OP -1 01/08/04 44.08 44.67 0.59 0.06 49.97 OP -1 04/26/04 44.65 45.90 1.25 0.53 50.50 OP -1 05/21/04 44.93 45.95 1.02 0.26 50.76 OP -1 06/28/04 45.26 46.26 1.00 0.59 51.35 OP -1 08/09/04 45.24 46.13 0.89 0.26 51.61 OP -1 09/02/04 45.29 46.11 0.82 0.26 51.87 OP -1 10/08/04 45.19 46.20 1.01 0.26 52.13 OP -1 11/10/04 45.15 46.20 1.05 0.25 52.38 OP -1 01/12/05 44.76 46.20 1.44 0.50 52.88 OP -1 02/24/05 45.17 46.65 1.48 EFR OP -1 03/17/05 45.17 46.95 1.78 EFR OP -1 04/20/05 45.36 46.69 1.33 EFR OP -1 05/17/05 45.67 46.59 0.92 EFR OP -1 06/15/05 45.65 46.80 1.15 EFR OP -1 07/20/05 46.10 47.10 1.00 EFR OP -1 08/17/05 46.35 47.55 1.20 EFR OP -1 09/22/05 46.20 47.30 1.10 EFR OP -1 10/12/05 46.43 47.31 0.88 EFR OP -1 12/15/05 45.58 47.61 2.03 EFR OP -1 01/19/06 45.35 47.67 2.32 EFR OP -1 02/16/06 45.70 47.70 2.00 EFR OP -1 03/23/06 45.80 48.10 2.30 EFR OP -1 04/13/06 45.49 47.77 2.28 EFR OP -1 05/18/06 45.55 47.80 2.25 EFR OP -1 06/15/06 45.93 47.56 1.63 EFR OP -1 07/13/06 45.74 47.33 1.59 EFR OP -1 08/17/06 45.72 48.14 2.42 EFR 12 of 19 Table 5 Free Product Recovery Heritage Amoco Service Station No. 2950 McKee/Convoy Eagan, Minnesota Delta Project No. G0-1 ZF Depth to Depth to Product Thickness Amount Product Bailed Cumulative Product Well Date Product Water (feet) (gallons) Removed (Gallons) OP -1 09/21/06 45.51 47.95 2.44 EFR OP -1 10/26/06 45.57 47.84 2.27 EFR OP -1 11/21/06 45.58 47.63 2.05 EFR EFR, interphase probe problem, assumed OP -1 12/11/06 45.63 47.77 2.14 average for year OP -1 01/18/07 45.56 48.14 2.58 EFR OP -2 06/21/00 41.51 62.40 20.89 OP -2 07/20/00 42.56 62.40 19.84 OP -2 08/03/00 43.45 55.26 11.81 OP -2 08/17/00 44.09 49.52 5.43 OP -2 09/12/00 44.19 48.81 4.62 OP -2 10/12/00 44.43 48.90 4.47 OP -2 11/14/00 44.22 48.95 4.73 OP -2 12/20/00 44.21 48.65 4.44 OP -2 01/23/01 44.53 49.00 4.47 OP -2 02/19/01 44.52 47.83 3.31 OP -2 03/20/01 44.99 48.40 3.41 OP -2 04/26/01 44.52 49.10 4.58 OP -2 06/04/01 44.59 49.91 5.32 OP -2 07/20/01 44.39 50.38 5.99 OP -2 08/28/01 44.47 49.65 5.18 OP -2 10/30/01 45.04 49.08 4.04 OP -2 01/16/02 44.03 51.73 7.70 OP -2 02/18/02 44.16 48.37 4.21 OP -2 03/18/02 44.79 48.14 3.35 OP -2 04/19/02 44.77 48.15 3.38 OP -2 05/22/02 45.01 47.93 2.92 OP -2 07/24/02 45.05 50.44 5.39 OP -2 08/22/02 45.29 48.42 3.13 OP -2 09/19/02 44.79 47.17 2.38 OP -2 10/29/02 44.88 48.32 3.44 OP -2 12/18/02 42.78 48.26 5.48 OP -2 01/30/03 42.73 48.46 5.73 OP -2 02/28/03 43.04 47.15 4.11 13 of 19 7.00 23.00 15.00 5.50 6.00 6.00 6.00 4.00 5.00 3.00 3.25 4.25 8.00 5.00 5.00 4.00 6.00 4.25 3.50 4.00 3.00 4.50 2.50 3.00 2.50 5.00 5.10 3.00 7.00 30.00 45.00 50.50 56.50 62.50 68.50 72.50 77.50 80.50 83.75 88.00 96.00 101.00 106.00 110.00 116.00 120.25 123.75 127.75 130.75 135.25 137.75 140.75 143.25 148.25 153.35 156.35 Table 5 Free Product Recovery Heritage Amoco Service Station No. 2950 McKee/Convoy Eagan, Minnesota Delta Project No. G0-1 ZF Depth to Depth to Product Thickness Amount Product Bailed Cumulative Product Well Date Product Water (feet) (gallons) Removed (Gallons) OP -2 04/07/03 43.46 47.91 4.45 6.00 162.35 OP -2 05/07/03 43.43 47.36 3.93 3.00 165.35 OP -2 06/09/03 43.67 47.39 3.72 2.44 167.79 OP -2 07/11/03 44.08 47.49 3.41 1.98 169.77 OP -2 08/11/03 44.60 47.82 3.22 1.76 171.53 OP -2 09/16/03 44.40 47.90 3.50 1.85 173.38 OP -2 10/08/03 44.60 47.06 2.46 1.45 174.83 OP -2 11/07/03 45.15 47.95 2.80 1.54 176.37 OP -2 12/18/03 44.61 48.00 3.39 1.94 178.31 OP -2 01/08/04 45.22 47.51 2.29 2.29 180.60 OP -2 04/26/04 44.89 50.39 5.50 3.56 184.16 OP -2 05/21/04 45.49 48.20 2.71 1.32 185.48 OP -2 06/28/04 45.87 48.46 2.59 1.58 187.06 OP -2 08/09/04 45.84 48.20 2.36 1.25 188.31 OP -2 09/02/04 46.14 47.78 1.64 1.25 189.56 OP -2 10/08/04 45.99 47.91 1.92 1.25 190.81 OP -2 11/10/04 46.07 48.18 2.11 2.50 193.31 OP -2 01/12/05 45.28 48.13 2.85 2.00 195.31 OP -2 02/24/05 46.10 48.80 2.70 EFR OP -2 03/17/05 45.87 49.65 3.78 EFR OP -2 04/20/05 45.77 50.42 4.65 EFR OP -2 05/17/05 46.40 48.35 1.95 EFR OP -2 06/15/05 46.50 48.35 1.85 EFR OP -2 07/20/05 46.90 48.20 1.30 EFR OP -2 08/17/05 47.25 48.60 1.35 EFR OP -2 09/22/05 46.93 48.88 1.95 EFR OP -2 10/12/05 47.37 48.30 0.93 EFR OP -2 12/15/05 46.70 48.71 2.01 EFR OP -2 01/19/06 46.61 49.44 2.83 EFR OP -2 02/16/06 47.03 49.92 2.89 EFR OP -2 03/23/06 47.00 50.05 3.05 EFR OP -2 04/13/06 46.97 48.76 1.79 EFR OP -2 05/18/06 46.70 48.70 2.00 EFR OP -2 06/15/06 46.95 48.95 2.00 EFR OP -2 07/13/06 46.94 48.85 1.91 EFR 14 of 19 Table 5 Free Product Recovery Heritage Amoco Service Station No. 2950 McKee/Convoy Eagan, Minnesota Delta Project No. G0-1 ZF Depth to Depth to Product Thickness Amount Product Bailed Cumulative Product Well Date Product Water (feet) (gallons) Removed (Gallons) OP -2 08/17/06 47.03 49.34 2.31 EFR OP -2 09/21/06 46.94 49.11 2.17 EFR OP -2 10/26/06 47.06 49.11 2.05 EFR OP -2 11/21/06 47.15 48.67 1.52 EFR EFR, interphase probe problem, assumed OP -2 12/11/06 46.50 48.73 2.23 average for year OP -2 01/18/07 46.84 49.61 2.77 EFR OP -3 06/21/00 40.54 43.75 3.21 OP -3 07/20/00 41.49 42.00 0.51 OP -3 08/03/00 41.79 41.88 0.09 OP -3 08/17/00 41.85 42.12 0.27 OP -3 09/12/00 41.69 41.81 0.12 OP -3 10/12/00 41.10 42.07 0.97 OP -3 11/14/00 41.66 42.05 0.39 OP -3 12/20/00 41.68 41.89 0.21 OP -3 01/23/01 41.75 42.57 0.82 OP -3 02/19/01 41.66 42.15 0.49 OP -3 03/20/01 42.44 42.67 0.23 OP -3 04/26/01 42.54 42.76 0.22 OP -3 06/04/01 42.51 42.92 0.41 OP -3 07/20/01 42.27 42.92 0.65 OP -3 08/28/01 42.12 42.72 0.60 OP -3 10/30/01 42.11 42.68 0.57 OP -3 01/16/02 41.95 42.60 0.65 OP -3 02/18/02 41.70 42.15 0.45 OP -3 03/18/02 42.02 42.70 0.68 OP -3 04/19/02 42.26 42.67 0.41 OP -3 05/22/02 42.36 42.78 0.42 OP -3 07/24/02 42.49 43.49 1.00 OP -3 08/22/02 42.34 42.98 0.64 OP -3 09/19/02 41.69 42.17 0.48 OP -3 10/29/02 41.93 41.98 0.05 OP -3 12/18/02 40.72 41.22 0.50 OP -3 01/30/03 40.40 42.38 1.98 15 of 19 2.50 3.00 0.50 0.25 0.00 0.75 0.10 1.50 0.25 0.10 0.25 0.75 2.00 1.75 1.25 1.00 1.25 0.25 1.00 1.00 0.25 2.00 0.25 0.10 0.10 0.75 0.30 2.50 5.50 6.00 6.25 6.25 7.00 7.10 8.60 8.85 8.95 9.20 9.95 11.95 13.70 14.95 15.95 17.20 17.45 18.45 19.45 19.70 21.70 21.95 22.05 22.15 22.90 23.20 Table 5 Free Product Recovery Heritage Amoco Service Station No. 2950 McKee/Convoy Eagan, Minnesota Delta Project No. G0-1 ZF Depth to Depth to Product Thickness Amount Product Bailed Cumulative Product Well Date Product Water (feet) (gallons) Removed (Gallons) OP -3 02/28/03 40.84 41.89 1.05 2.00 25.20 OP -3 04/07/03 41.20 42.33 1.13 2.00 27.20 OP -3 05/07/03 41.02 42.68 1.66 1.00 28.20 OP -3 06/09/03 41.20 42.73 1.53 0.20 28.40 OP -3 07/11/03 41.57 42.85 1.28 0.66 29.06 OP -3 08/11/03 41.88 42.77 0.89 0.39 29.45 OP -3 09/16/03 41.88 42.09 0.21 0.22 29.67 OP -3 10/08/03 41.76 42.25 0.49 0.02 29.69 OP -3 11/07/03 42.00 42.85 0.85 0.30 29.99 OP -3 12/18/03 42.06 42.16 0.10 0.00 29.99 OP -3 01/08/04 42.04 42.85 0.81 0.18 30.17 OP -3 04/26/04 42.43 43.56 1.13 0.92 31.09 OP -3 05/21/04 42.61 43.36 0.75 0.26 31.35 OP -3 06/28/04 42.77 43.72 0.95 0.53 31.88 OP -3 08/09/04 42.68 43.39 0.71 0.53 32.41 OP -3 09/02/04 42.78 43.45 0.67 0.53 32.94 OP -3 10/08/04 42.60 43.22 0.62 0.53 33.47 OP -3 11/10/04 42.62 43.10 0.48 0.25 33.72 OP -3 01/12/05 42.22 42.83 0.61 0.25 33.97 OP -3 02/24/05 42.75 43.75 1.00 EFR OP -3 03/17/05 42.77 44.00 1.23 EFR OP -3 04/20/05 42.99 43.68 0.69 EFR OP -3 05/17/05 43.25 43.85 0.60 EFR OP -3 06/15/05 43.37 44.10 0.73 EFR OP -3 07/20/05 43.60 44.50 0.90 EFR OP -3 08/17/05 43.81 44.91 1.10 EFR OP -3 09/22/05 43.64 44.54 0.90 EFR OP -3 10/12/05 43.82 44.20 0.38 EFR OP -3 12/15/05 43.20 44.20 1.00 EFR OP -3 01/19/06 43.26 44.10 0.84 EFR OP -3 02/16/06 43.53 44.50 0.97 EFR OP -3 03/23/06 43.49 44.68 1.19 EFR OP -3 04/13/06 43.49 44.36 0.87 EFR OP -3 05/18/06 43.25 44.58 1.33 EFR OP -3 06/15/06 42.50 44.34 1.84 EFR 16 of 19 Table 5 Free Product Recovery Heritage Amoco Service Station No. 2950 McKee/Convoy Eagan, Minnesota Delta Project No. G0-1 ZF Depth to Depth to Product Thickness Amount Product Bailed Cumulative Product Well Date Product Water (feet) (gallons) Removed (Gallons) OP -3 07/13/06 43.35 44.53 1.18 EFR OP -3 08/17/06 43.29 45.00 1.71 EFR OP -3 09/21/06 43.25 44.48 1.23 EFR OP -3 10/26/06 43.28 44.28 1.00 EFR OP -3 11/21/06 43.22 44.26 1.04 EFR EFR, interphase probe problem, assumed OP -3 12/11/06 43.31 44.51 1.20 average for year OP -3 01/18/07 43.21 44.50 1.29 EFR VP -1 06/09/03 41.86 42.55 0.69 0.03 0.03 VP -1 07/11/03 42.18 42.88 0.70 0.62 0.65 VP -1 08/11/03 42.43 43.07 0.64 0.04 0.69 VP -1 09/16/03 42.36 42.78 0.42 0.02 0.71 VP -1 10/08/03 42.43 42.79 0.36 0.03 0.74 VP -1 11/07/03 42.80 43.45 0.65 0.04 0.78 VP -1 12/18/03 42.69 43.01 0.32 0.00 0.78 VP -1 01/08/04 42.94 43.55 0.61 0.04 0.82 VP -1 04/26/04 40.70 40.97 0.27 0.00 0.82 VP -1 05/21/04 41.10 41.24 0.14 0.00 0.82 VP -1 06/28/04 42.17 42.49 0.32 0.02 0.84 VP -1 08/09/04 42.40 42.74 0.34 0.02 0.86 VP -1 09/02/04 42.75 43.30 0.55 0.02 0.88 VP -1 10/08/04 43.39 43.99 0.60 0.02 0.90 VP -1 11/10/04 43.56 44.40 0.84 0.25 1.15 VP -1 01/12/05 43.43 44.57 1.14 0.75 1.90 VP -1 02/24/05 43.70 44.70 1.00 Not EFR'd, obstruction VP -1 03/17/05 43.73 44.73 1.00 Not EFR'd, obstruction VP -1 05/17/05 44.00 44.75 0.75 Not EFR'd, obstruction VP -1 06/15/05 44.05 44.70 0.65 Not EFR'd, obstruction VP -1 07/20/05 44.30 44.70 0.40 Not EFR'd, obstruction VP -1 08/17/05 44.60 44.70 0.10 Not EFR'd, obstruction VP -1 09/22/05 44.48 44.68 0.20 Not EFR'd, obstruction VP -1 10/12/05 44.56 44.80 0.24 Not EFR'd, obstruction VP -1 12/15/05 44.22 44.84 0.62 EFR VP -1 01/19/06 44.11 44.80 0.69 EFR 17 of 19 Table 5 Free Product Recovery Heritage Amoco Service Station No. 2950 McKee/Convoy Eagan, Minnesota Delta Project No. G0-1 ZF Depth to Depth to Product Thickness Amount Product Bailed Cumulative Product Well Date Product Water (feet) (gallons) Removed (Gallons) VP -1 02/16/06 44.35 44.98 0.63 EFR VP -1 03/23/06 44.35 44.70 0.35 EFR VP -1 04/13/06 39.96 41.48 1.52 EFR VP -1 05/18/06 41.45 42.45 1.00 EFR VP -1 06/15/06 42.28 42.98 0.70 EFR VP -1 07/13/06 42.88 43.65 0.77 EFR VP -1 08/17/06 43.55 44.43 0.88 EFR VP -1 09/21/06 43.73 44.20 0.47 EFR VP -1 10/26/06 43.95 44.53 0.58 EFR VP -1 11/21/06 44.02 44.60 0.58 EFR EFR, interphase probe problem, assumed VP -1 12/11/06 43.79 44.53 0.74 average for year VP -1 01/18/07 44.17 44.73 0.56 EFR 18 of 19 Well Date Table 5 Free Product Recovery Heritage Amoco Service Station No. 2950 McKee/Convoy Eagan, Minnesota Delta Project No. G0-1 ZF Depth to Depth to Product Thickness Amount Product Bailed Cumulative Product Product Water (feet) (gallons) Removed (Gallons) EFR 02/24/05 60 gallons Product/Water, 20 gallons Product @ 33% EFR 03/17/05 75 gallons Product/Water, 25 gallons Product @ 33% EFR 04/20/05 335 gallons Product/Water, 111 gallons Product @ 33% (AST emptied EFR 05/17/05 45 gallons Product/Water, 15 gallons Product @ 33% EFR 06/15/05 45 gallons Product/Water, 15 gallons Product @ 33% EFR 07/20/05 60 gallons Product/Water, 20 gallons Product @ 33% EFR 08/17/05 60 gallons ProductlWater, 20 gallons Product @ 33% EFR 09/22/05 18 gallons Product, 8 Gallons Water EFR 10/12/05 24 gallons Product, 16 Gallons Water EFR 12/15/05 83 gallons Product, 84 Gallons Water EFR 01/19/06 112 gallons Product, 40 Gallons Water EFR 02/16/06 27 gallons Product, 97 Gallons Water EFR 03/23/06 61 gallons Product, 137 Gallons Water EFR 04/13/06 45 gallons Product, 137 Gallons Water EFR 05/18/06 66 gallons Product, 124 Gallons Water EFR 06/15/06 36 gallons Product, 94 Gallons Water EFR 07/13/06 55 gallons Product, 110 Gallons Water EFR 08/17/06 23 gallons Product, 82 Gallons Water EFR 09/21/06 37 gallons Product, 210 Gallons Water EFR 10/26/06 27 gallons Product, 110 Gallons Water EFR 11/21/06 21 gallons Product, 152 Gallons Water EFR 12/11/06 61 gallons Product, 137 Gallons Water EFR 01/18/07 32 gallons Product, 124 Gallons Water 60.00 75.00 335.00 45.00 45.00 60.00 60.00 26.00 40.00 167.00 152.00 124.00 198.00 182.00 190.00 130.00 165.00 105.00 247.00 137.00 173.00 198.00 156.00 Cumulative Product/Water Removed by EFR 3070.00 Cumulative Product Removed by EFR 954.00 Total Product/Water Recovered by Bailing and EFR 3896.09 Total Product Recovered by Bailing and EFR 1226.61 19 of 19 Cumulative Product/Water Bailed 826.09 Cumulative Product Bailed @ 33% 272.61 EFR 02/24/05 60 gallons Product/Water, 20 gallons Product @ 33% EFR 03/17/05 75 gallons Product/Water, 25 gallons Product @ 33% EFR 04/20/05 335 gallons Product/Water, 111 gallons Product @ 33% (AST emptied EFR 05/17/05 45 gallons Product/Water, 15 gallons Product @ 33% EFR 06/15/05 45 gallons Product/Water, 15 gallons Product @ 33% EFR 07/20/05 60 gallons Product/Water, 20 gallons Product @ 33% EFR 08/17/05 60 gallons ProductlWater, 20 gallons Product @ 33% EFR 09/22/05 18 gallons Product, 8 Gallons Water EFR 10/12/05 24 gallons Product, 16 Gallons Water EFR 12/15/05 83 gallons Product, 84 Gallons Water EFR 01/19/06 112 gallons Product, 40 Gallons Water EFR 02/16/06 27 gallons Product, 97 Gallons Water EFR 03/23/06 61 gallons Product, 137 Gallons Water EFR 04/13/06 45 gallons Product, 137 Gallons Water EFR 05/18/06 66 gallons Product, 124 Gallons Water EFR 06/15/06 36 gallons Product, 94 Gallons Water EFR 07/13/06 55 gallons Product, 110 Gallons Water EFR 08/17/06 23 gallons Product, 82 Gallons Water EFR 09/21/06 37 gallons Product, 210 Gallons Water EFR 10/26/06 27 gallons Product, 110 Gallons Water EFR 11/21/06 21 gallons Product, 152 Gallons Water EFR 12/11/06 61 gallons Product, 137 Gallons Water EFR 01/18/07 32 gallons Product, 124 Gallons Water 60.00 75.00 335.00 45.00 45.00 60.00 60.00 26.00 40.00 167.00 152.00 124.00 198.00 182.00 190.00 130.00 165.00 105.00 247.00 137.00 173.00 198.00 156.00 Cumulative Product/Water Removed by EFR 3070.00 Cumulative Product Removed by EFR 954.00 Total Product/Water Recovered by Bailing and EFR 3896.09 Total Product Recovered by Bailing and EFR 1226.61 19 of 19 Table 6 Residential Potable Well Sealing Summary Heritage Amoco Service Station No. 2950 McKee/Convoy Eagan, Minnesota Delta Project No. GO1ZF Map ID Number Resident Address Well Depth, Diameter Status: Accept/ Decline/ Planned MDH ID Pending Sealing Date Sealing Date Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Reymann Anderson Formanack Engebretson Lee Ouradnik Webb Peterson Linda Swenson Vanbeck Brunette Lessman Groshel Chilcott Dandurand Conveyors, Inc. Conveyors, Inc. Judy Peterson Schuch Tschida Renaud Brian/Rita Arndt Tim Cole Schindeldecker ABF Freight Huston Dart 27 Lundeen 28 Johnson 29 Burback _ 30 Otterness 31 D anderson 32 Bill Sampson 33 Heidi Fisk 34 Virgil Mack 35 Andy Davis 36 Rebecca Hanson 37 Mary Ratliff 38 Thomas Meyers 39 June Myhre 40 Patrick Carney 41 Hart Blakemore James Cameron Everett Oreilly David Stanford Judy Lindgren Kenneth Wavra 1068 McKee St. 150' (4") 1073 McKee St. 147' (4") 1077 McKee St. 150' (4") 1048 Keefe St. 1037 Beatrice St. 1077 Beatrice St. 1081 Beatrice St. 1041 Kenneth St. 1038 Kenneth St. 141' (4") 136' (4") 142' (4") 138' (4") 146' (4") 134' (4") 1078 Kenneth St. 134' (4") 2816 76' (4") A 2836 . 270 (4") A 1061 138' (4") A 2810 268' (4") A 1041 121' (4") A 2735 416' (4") A 2735 461' (16") A 1074 142' (4") A 1074 138' (4") A 1034 135' (4") A 1066 144 (4") A A A A A A A A A A A S. Lexington Ave S. Lexington Ave Beatrice St. S. Lexington Ave Keefe St. S. Hwy. 55 S. Hwy. 55 Kenneth St. Beatrice St. Kenneth St. Kenneth St. 1054 Beatrice St. 1030 Kenneth St. 2875 S. Lexington Ave. 2750 S. Lexington Ave. 2849 S. Lexington Ave. 2755 S. Hwy. 55 2767 S. Hwy. 55 2985 S. Lexington Ave. 1049 Beatrice St. 1038 Beatrice St. 1057 Kenneth St. 2842 S. Lexington Ave. 1033 Beatrice St. 1030 Beatrice St. 1049 Kenneth St. 1046 Kenneth St. 1049 Mckee St. 1045 Mckee St 1048 McKee St. 2876 Lexington Ave 1077 Keefe St 1058 Kenneth St. 1033,Kenneth St. 1053 Kenneth St 1065 Beatrice St. Justin Fredrick Kaci Chandi - Jul -04 Sep -04 Sep -04 Sep -04 Sep -04 Sep -04 Sep -04 Apr -05 Sep -04 Sep -04 Nov -04 Nov -04 Sep -04 Sep -04 Nov -04 Nov -04 Jan -05 Nov -04 Nov -04 Nov -04 Jan -05 H224813 H227558 H227559 H227556 H227555 H227560 H227561 H227557 H227562 H227553 H227563 H227564 H227565 H227554 H230019 H227566 H227567 H230020 H230021 H230022 H230023 Dakota County Advocacy with Homeowners 128"(4") A Dec -05 H243770 211'(4") A Nov -05 H243457 P P -- F Shared w/ 2755 S. Hwy 55 A Dakota County Advocacy with Homeowners Dakota County Advocacy with Homeowners Dakota County Advocacy with Homeow ners_ 175'(4") A Nov -04 H230049 135' (4") A Apr -05 H232841 A 2007 138' (4") A 143' (4") A 180, (4") A 194' (4") A 200 (4") A 153' (4") 145' (4") A 183' (4") A Dakota County Advocacy with Homeowners 2862 Lexington Ave Dakota County A 2868 Lexington Ave. Dakota County Advocacy with Homeowners Dakota County Advocacy with Homeowners Dakota County Advocacy with Homeowners Dakota County Advocacy with. Homeowners dvocacy with Homeowners Dakota .CountyAdvocacy with Homeowners 1057' Beatrice St. 1046 Beatrice St. Dec -05 Nov -05 Nov -05 Nov -05 Nov -05 Nov -05 Dec -05 Mar -06 H243467 H243459 H243468 H243456 H243478 H243455 H243458 H243807 To be sealed Sealed Unknown Not Interested 4 Z z - l z z z << < Z z z z z W -t •n •n .n •ri •n to a t •n •n •n •n K vi .r. .r, •n 0 0 0 •n •r, n •n ro t` l Z z 2¢� Z z z ' .n r C O rl rI M N rl N c 0 0 N 0 0 0 •r. 'r x •n kr. •n O O O .n c x n •n vi 0 0 0 ' to , •n •n --• 0 N N \C N a\ K O ,f.: 'C '00 'C 'C '0 0 0 0 c 0 K K K vl v, v1 cc) M M K K K M M M M M M 3 3 3 3 method detection fi _ .. L(. • yj • ; �1 wroasand GUA?RANGLE LOCATION w N E s 0 500 1,000 2,000 Feet St. Paul Southwest Quadrangle, Minnesota 7.5 -Minute Series (Topographic) FIGURE 1 Site Location Map - Heritage Amoco Station No. 2950 McKee/Convoy 2811 Highway 55 , Eagan, Minnesota Project Number GO1ZF Prepared By K. Miller Date 12/2/2004 Reviewed By G. Small AlEnstronmentad Consultants, Inc. Delta 2002 Aerial Photography - Metropolitan Council FIGURE 2 Site Vicinity Aerial Photograph - Heritage Amoco Station No. 2950 McKee/Convoy 2811 Highway 55 , Eagan, Minnesota Project Number GO1ZF Date 12/2/2004 Prepared By K. Miller Reviewed By G. Small Delta Conauttanta, tne. 0 N N N O Q Project Number G01ZF FIGURE 4 Site Vicinity Aerial Photograph - Residential Well Locations Heritage Amoco Station No. 2950 McKee/Convoy 2811 Highway 55 , Eagan, Minnesota 7J P b cn a 3 m L, Prepared By K. Miller A Delta COR941[311[�, fRC. (D o ,5m 0 o- �m �z m 0 m r D CO 0 CO 0 W 03 W co O A O O O Groundwater Elevation (feet MSL) 0o 03 O N O O O O 03 Crl 0 O w w WW O W OO O O Sc m g a d F N 33 0 > 3 rn d g� p N O (C G) Z 3 N D N 11 OZ c N 0 CO • d O 7 Groundwater Elevation (feet MSL) V W CO 0 0 CO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Groundwater Elevation (feet MSL) CO V CO VCO CO V V V N o..)-4.co co co a> co CO 0 O O O O O O O p Q 00 W Groundwater Elevation (feet MSL) CO CO CVO 00 -.I V N A co coo O o p p p 0O N A o p