4875 Steeplechase Way - Zoning Permits & Plans For Of— Use----------i } I City Eap Permit#:,-- -�?�-_ 3830 Pilot Knob Road RECEIVED 5EP 02 2W Eagan MN 65122 l Date Received:. l Phone:(651)675-5685 `----- --- --- Fax:(651)675-5694 Email;ianrrir cit ofar art.corr 201`6 ZONING PERMIT APPLICATION ❑ Please identify improvements on a scaled site plan drawing that shows lot lines, structures and existing conditions. Property Site Address: 4875 STEEPLECHASE WAY Information Owner Name: NORTON HOMES Name: ERIC OCONNOR Phone: 612-328-5088 Address: 14284 NEWTON AVE S city/State2ip: BURNSVILLE, MN 55 1 Contact j Applicant Signa�...�-- --� ----. . Date:9!1/16 Email address: ERIC a}TPCLANDSCAPE.COM Retaining Wall<4 feet a Driveway ❑Other: ©Ratio ❑Sport Court' Type of Work ©Sidewalk ©Fence Description of work: fnc.6)t f) 4 AS S 4 Planning Setbacks,�hard sut#ace,coverage,shoreland'zoning, bluff ' e/setbacks, etc. Pproved I D` Hied Date: (P Staff: r C �. ✓ .t�GU l ,�-'��:>G�!/ ���S�c� i/L�a 11 � � %//�- Revised Plans .` +C-' f .-4'Vti 1S Approved: Yes I No Date: Staff: Engineering Grading,drainage, utility easements,wetlands, erosion control,improvements in the Right-elf Way, etc. Approved t Denied Date: Staff: Notes: Revised Plans Approved: Yes/No Date: Staff: Comments CALL BEFORE YOU DIG. Gall Gopher State One Call at(651)454-0002 for protection against underground utility damage. Call 48 hours before you intend to dig to receive locates of underground utilities. wwvv.aovherslaLeonec li.or G:Ouilding InspeclionslPERMITAPPLICATIONS 30aAtEewNt J to be verified intractorlowner. p� KA0.F02vaFER6MYr '' �AV :..fGS b'111dt AA'D.l65MfA. Y9im5 EYflIA DAYLLY j j. 4L[WYtfS:9f�N:A: :� � .� 4(RttJ lYA2£HAPLE f 9 \ l.FC891td@i The owner/a1pplicant is responsible for compliance with applicable construction codes. 4875 STEEPLECHASE HAY EAGAN ELANDSCAPE LANDSCAPE