Newspaper Clipping - Newspaper Clipping Scan - EAgan Permits Are Largest in History - 12/12/1968t J f n )f R s s s n it o- �s e !s h td �n A .e n r )t Eagan Permits Are Largest In History Eagan township has issued building permits totaling $14,- 999,645 through November, a record breaking figure, accord- ing to Clerk Alyce Bolke. About $1,000,000 has b e e n issued in December permits al- so, so the total will be consider- ably higher for 1968. Figures in 1967 were $4,819,940. A large share of the permits were issued in November when the Blue Cross building cost- ing $5,740,259 upped the total considerably. Other November permits were 14 houses, $312,200; 3 indus- trial, $747,000; 3 garages, $7,- 544; 2 non residential buildings, $5500; 1 addition to house, $200; I and an additional amount to the Pilot Knob elementary school, $432,556, totaling $7,245,259. Several apartment complexes have been built in Eagan this year, two new elementary schools are under construction, and sev- eral industrial parks are rapid- ly expanding, plus expansion of housing projects, Cedar Grove and Cedar Crest additions pro- viding the most growth.