Newspaper Clipping - Newspaper Clipping Scan - 911 call problems persist - 3/29/2012?0( • Ire call aura Ad THISWEEK NEWelmani2 dicat er SPAP c Frustrated ERs ell phone. calls in Dakota that some 911 His call rip in Count °uta went throe Val - ringing g throe Y are not O problem, and Apple With_ officials are through to dispatchers y firefighters pple ed native Publicizin ' About Fere dispatched. number g an alter- hen 60 seconds after h in bothThenthe umber, 322-2323, wor ter ung hung up. Af codes 911 o 0 seconds, he said s but unlike 91a 651 area Teens operators returned automatically display does not emergent Kath - formation p1aY certain in had been routed Y call' which location ' including the c to the hang-up caller's queue. However operator's hescreens. ed DCC of pears t number °perators have instruct_ tion to diligently to a technical a t mporary solo_ tor the abandoned c Y moUe Plagued g itch that has °n their screens and all queue tions Dakota CO back quickl Center Executive munica- those dropped calls y call Kent Therkelsen for Director Apple Valley Weeks. about six Chief Ndealon 1 Deputy Fire The cuttin he was ispatched°mpson said dis cutting-edge cou and was at 7:26 patch system has ntYwide the first firefi p.m ' Ing some 911 been arrive at 7: ghter to that stores calls t0 rout- 31 p.m hang_ ll calls. queue for ThOmps n credited Men the son Keith caller proble keep neighbors trainin hears unansweredm °ccurs, the arrived bu bort safe g to help and the dis ringin found their anti] they there's patcher doesn't s g' no sign of smoke a call corrin Keith said moke n cal] disconnects gin until the he w or fire. on the dispatch and it appears Cued that w deeply con scree a dela there was s0 Last weekend, n. Yin getting throe much was con fide Therkelsen °perators. through to 911 been resolved t the issue had fe noted that an Apple Valley on March 23, eource, a fire doubles in With a fuel unanswered. y fire call Went ry 60 seconds, n size ev- Kathleen Haskell "Four minutes to re called 911 1 -foot fire is means your shooting ou i og S feet of flames Soot fire is now 2p feet; �y°ur S - of a nei a roofto aid. feet, Keith around ghboring townho vent "I've been about SS ' log • b• She c°anted gation and s curi�nvate investi- up, before hanging ] ve called 9 Y for 20 Years. ging times in 11 well over 1, Her husband, Keith my life. Three 000 a certified firefiHaskell, rings is not or four 911 dispatcher ghter and for my wife started oo °n . was Outside, mer but iei evacuation instruct ogiv nobody he got concerned, that toWghome of the Unoccupied mind, it had was answerin 1. that unit ped g' as Y seen Where they had to 65 times " tO nng at least 60 He then ens. never Keith said. Pied tO tered the unoccu_ they called backhe hung phey wnhome unit vent was located where the On March 13 An - the electica] and turned Off derson of ' Coleen An- Afterle p°veer, took a halfApple Valley said it arning that throughhour before calls weren't Kathleen's to 911 she got the count _ being answered Port a strap °perators to re - y wide joint dispatch although D ger lurking outside, -,.----center Keith called 9 patch took less than CC records show it ] 1 from his an 10 DeSpite the he timin _,_ gA• discrep_ ,