06/20/2005 - Airport Relations Commission AIRPORT RELATIONS COMMISSION WORKSHOP JUNE 20, 2005 7:00 P.M. EAGAN ROOM – EAGAN MUNICIPAL CENTER A workshop of the Eagan Airport Relations Commission was held on Monday, June 20, 2005 at 7:00 p.m. Those present were Curtis Aljets, Valerie Dosland, Daniel Flanagan, Nathan Krahn, Tammy Mencel, Steve Nierengarten, Jack Prentice and Charles Thorkildson. Absent were Jason Bonnett and Dean Haehnel. Also present was Dianne Miller, Assistant to the City Administrator. Thorkildson opened the meeting by stating the purpose tonight, per request of the City Council, was to brainstorm a communications plan for post-runway opening. The Commission requested that the Council and ARC receive a written copy of the Baseline Noise Study results in advance of their presentation to the City Council on July 19, 2005. Open Houses  Conduct open house in September for all areas of Eagan. Give results from Wyle. Possible informal presentation – breakout into different rooms re: different issues; panel of cross- section of speakers, i.e., MAC, realtor, Northwest Airlines, Commission members; charts and map materials for residents prior to any type of presentation.  2 additional open houses after runway is operational – one in January and the second in May or June. Need to have enough data prior to meetings/open houses  Format of open house/presentation – MAC question and answer period, doctor and/or psychologist to discuss coping skills and reassurance, phobias and hearing loss and how residents can live with noise  Give residents time to vent  Leave residents with options, not just technical information on noise. Give handout re: window insulation, siding – vinyl vs. wood, doors, shingles, home remedies, window treatments, ceiling fans, weather stripping, advice on housing standards and codes.  Discuss “post study” at open houses  Continue to inform residents via cable TV, the City’s newsletter – one newsletter prior to new runway opening. Possible feature story of next newsletter will be results of noise study by Wyle. Advertise in newsletter, website, reader board outside City Hall, utility bill flyer, etc. the final open house before new runway opens.  Interview and film from the NOISE Conference to televise on cable channel  NOISE Conference – July 20 – 22 at the Community Center. Possibility of City paying entrance fees for Commissioners.  At open houses – promote MAC hotline, MAC’s quarterly meetings and MAC’s newsletter for additional information The Commissioners discussed additional issues, besides the communications plan, to be addressed in the upcoming year such as having a joint Commission meeting with EDC and invite Northwest Airlines to speak prior to the September ARC meeting. The meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m.