01/13/2015 - Airport Relations CommissionMINUTES OF THE EAGAN AIRPORT RELATIONS COMMISSION MEETING JANUARY 13, 2015 A meeting of the Eagan Airport Relations Commission was held on Tuesday, January 13, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. Those present were Curtis Aljets, Steve Beseke, Charles Thorkildson, Carol Whisnant, Dan Johnson, Scott Johnson, Jeff Spartz and Assistant City Administrator Miller. AGENDA D. Johnson moved, Whisnant seconded a motion to approve the agenda as presented. All members voted in favor. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Whisnant made a motion to approve the minutes of the July 8, 2014 regular meeting of the Eagan Airport Relations Commission as presented, Aljets seconded the motion. All members voted in favor. VISITORS TO BE HEARD There were no visitors to be heard. OLD BUSINESS Communications Update Assistant City Administrator Miller noted that it is the practice of the Airport Relations Commission to discuss their communication initiatives each month, which include articles in the Experience Eagan Newsletter, stories aired on the City’s local access cable channels as well as social media avenues. Miller noted the Town Hall meeting regarding airport noise is currently airing on E-TV and is available by webstream on the City’s website. MAC Monthly Reports – Technical Advisor’s Report / Eagan/Mendota Heights Corridor Analysis / Runway 17 Departure Analysis Report / Crossing-In-The-Corridor Analysis Assistant City Administrator Miller introduced the November 2014 Technical Advisory’s Report, the November 2014 Eagan/Mendota Heights Corridor Analysis Report, the November 2014 Runway 17 Departure Analysis Report and the November 2014 Crossing-in-the-Corridor Analysis Report. Miller noted the December 2014 reports were also sent to Commission members. The Commission discussed the results of the November and December 2014 reports. NEW BUSINESS Feedback on Town Hall Meeting Assistant City Administrator Miller noted the Airport Relations Commission hosted a community town hall meeting on November 6, 2014 at the Eagan Community Center with the purpose of discussing airport issues. Approximately 55-65 people were in attendance to listen and dialogue with the 4-person panel consisting of John Nelson and Dan Nelson of the MAC, Elaine Buckner of the FAA, and Jon Erickson, who is a Chief Pilot with Delta. The meeting was recorded and is available to watch via the City’s website and is being aired on Eagan Television. Miller noted the Commission is encouraged to discuss the town hall meeting and provide feedback, lessons learned, takeaways to assist in planning for future public meetings related to airport issues. The Commission discussed the town hall meeting and provided the following feedback: • They liked the questions given to the panel. • They liked having all of the representatives present to answer the questions, giving their aspect of the question being asked and providing additional feedback. • They liked the questions that were asked afterward by residents; it promoted additional conversation. • They liked having the meeting at the Eagan Community Center. 2014 Eagan Residential Survey Results Regarding Airport Issues Assistant City Administrator Miller noted every two years the City of Eagan engages an independent research firm to conduct a residential survey. The Morris Leatherman Group was retained to conduct the 2014 residential survey, which surveyed 400 Eagan residents by phone who were randomly selected from every precinct within the City and represented ages from 18-65 and older. The Commission discussed the survey results. STAFF / COMMISSIONER REPORT Annual MSP Aircraft Fleet Mix Assessment Assistant City Administrator Miller introduced the Annual MSP Aircraft Fleet Mix Assessment for 2014. Miller noted this report is being provided as an informative item for the Commission. The Commission discussed the assessment. March 10, 2015 ARC Meeting The Commission discussed speaker ideas for the March 10 ARC meeting, noting their desire to bring in someone to speak on aviation technology and ideally someone familiar with aviation acoustics. 2015 Noise Oversight Committee (NOC) Work Plan Assistant City Administrator Miller introduced the 2015 NOC Work Plan, which has been formally adopted by the Metropolitan Airports Commission. Miller noted this report is being provided as an informative item for the Commission. ROUNDTABLE There were no roundtable items. ADJOURNMENT Upon motion by Whisnant, seconded by Johnson, the meeting adjourned at 7:45 p.m. All members voted in favor. __________________________ _________________________________ Date Secretary