796 Golden Meadow Rd - Zoning Permits & Plans A H r-ji(-,-1-- r' 6- City of Eaali I' s Io k 3830 Pilot Knob Road �y ,c4,26 f). Eagan MN 55122 R CE Vrr _ Phone:(651)675-5685 Karen Filloon Fax:(651)675-5694 Email:planninq(c citvofeagan.com MARL 3 An/ Direetor of Marketing&Business Development ADDRESS 2017 ZONING PERMIT APPLICATIOI S2t. P383 PilotaulMN Knob Rd.• , CE o Please identify improvements on a scaled site plan drawing that she D`g'S1.2o3.3004 and existing conditions. CELL 612.282.8834 E-MAIL kfilloon@southviewdesign.com /--� Property Site Address: /9 b 6-201c/ex) f'leC dct ) ,ed cfajT Information `J Owner Name: M 1 ke. -& --Q_ 0 2c)f Name: (106i1 ko,)/ .r Phone: ((Qi)2-0 3 -3aoo Address: 8 `P// . no/ Date: -49-' f f[� Email address: J ibile.r. CEJ,taft-=f� Vie-L s...al e Sl GI . CAYYI etaining Wall<4 feet CI Driveway 0 Other: ,J ❑Patio 0 Sport Court Type of Work 0 Sidewalk 0 Fence Description of work: \e-_:,L u.,1,4-22_.*LAU-9 •Planning Setbacks,hard surface coverage,shoreland zoning,bluff'` .0 . etbacks, Approve. /Denied Date: ti-/3 -/L Staff: 40/ / C% ��"v Notes: C3/07 - h e eci +O 19v ii;cL €4 ksh'n5 d f2 roos-e t'tvi l'w rb-�as + i..�a tI 'w ok� ,i 5 ' W�tis u ri,.10- t1 %" iv/9144 . ''el ` puoet + v ID �^‘ a e vvve�'t ' inriah aing,i ��Revised Plans 7Q'' i r 1 S S i1/1/� Approved: Yes/No Date: Staff: Engineering Grading,drainage,utility easements,wetlands,erosion control,improvements in the Right-of-Way,etc. Approved/Denied Date: Staff: Notes: Revised Plans Approved: Yes/No Date: Staff: Comments CALL BEFORE YOU DIG. Call Gopher State One Call at(651)454-0002 for protection against underground utility damage. Call 48 hours before you intend to dig to receive locates of underground utilities. www.gopherstateonecall.orq G:\Building Inspections\PERMIT APPLICATIONS CCHNANZ CAKE EXISTING HIGH WATER MARK EXISTING OAK , '4"EXISTING OAK ry�ti + EXISTING SPRUCE EXISTING FIRE PIT EXISTING OAKS , f ''EXISTING OAK EXISTING OAK EXISTING PINE To Be Located I .h ry® + .� EXISTING SPRUCE Woods ,6 Woods EXISTING OAK �2q♦ 9 I I EXISTING SPRUCE (3) 1875 EAST 50TH STREE INVER GROVE HEIGHTS MINNESOTA 55077 PHONE 651,45&8238 FAX 651.455,1734