06/13/2017 - City Council SpecialMINUTES SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING JUNE 13, 2017 5:30 P.M. EAGAN MUNICIPAL CENTER City Councilmembers present: Bakken, Fields, Hansen and Tilley. Mayor Maguire arrived at 5:35 p.m. City staff present: City Administrator Osberg, Assistant City Administrator Miller, Community Development Director Hutmacher, City Planner Ridley, Parks and Recreation Director Pimental, Finance Director Pepper, Fire Chief Scott, and City Clerk Scipioni. ROLL CALL AND ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA Councilmember Hansen moved, Councilmember Fields seconded a motion to adopt the agenda as presented. Aye: 4 Nay:0 VISITORS TO BE HEARD There were no visitors to be heard. FIRE STAFFING / EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES STUDY RESULTS Fire Chief Scott introduced the item noting across the nation it is becoming increasingly challenging to staff a fire department with all paid on-call staff. On November 15, 2016 the Council approved hiring CityGate to perform a study on the City's fire department staffing models, the response to emergency medical calls in Eagan, and Fire response times. Stewart Gary from CityGate gave a presentation on their findings. The City Council offered their observations and feedback with regard to the study results. It was the consensus of the Council to have the Finance Committee review and discuss the Fire Staffing Study Report. SURPLUS FIRE STATIONS REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS City Administrator Osberg introduced the item noting at the February 4, 2017 City Council workshop, staff was directed to conduct neighborhood meetings at Fire Station #1 and Fire Station #5. On May 15, a neighborhood meeting was held at Fire Station #1, and on May 18 a similar meeting was held at Fire Station #5. Both meetings had several people in attendance, who provided feedback regarding the two fire stations. Fire Chief Scott was available for questions. The Council discussed the Surplus Fire Stations Request for Proposals. It was the consensus of the Council to approve the Request for Proposals and authorize the receipt of proposals from qualified developers, individuals, groups or organizations for the reuse or redevelopment of properties that currently contain two fire stations. Special City Council Minutes June 13, 2017 Page 2 JESS LUCE, DAKOTA COUNTY COMMUNITIES FOR A LIFETIME UPDATE City Administrator Osberg introduced the item noting Dakota County's Communities for Lifetime Initiative is in the process of completing City Profiles for the 11 major cities in Dakota County. Osberg noted Jess Luce from Dakota County will provide an update on the Communities for a Lifetime program. Jess Luce, Dakota County Communities for a Lifetime Initiative Program Manager, provided an update on the Communities for a Lifetime program, specifically the profile completed for the City of Eagan. The Council discussed the Dakota County Communities for a Lifetime update and thanked Mr. Luce for his presentation. The Council took a 10 minute break. SPECIAL EVENTS ORDINANCE CHECK IN Community Development Director Hutmacher introduced the item noting feedback from Eagan Forward highlighted a need for more opportunities for community social and cultural interactions. While the City's Parks and Recreation Department offers many activities and events, the City Council has also encouraged privately organized entertainment and cultural events. Hutmacher noted at the 2017 City Council Retreat, the Council directed staff to research potential changes to the City Code to allow more outdoor or special entertainment events. Hutmacher walked through potential areas of additional flexibility in the existing City Code that could encourage privately organized entertainment and cultural events. The Council provided the following direction regarding the public policy questions/issues: 1. Should definitions for Cultural and Entertainment Events or Outdoor Food Sales be added to give additional flexibility to those specific uses? Yes. The Council directed staff to work with the City Attorney to draft language in Section 11 and elsewhere in the City Code, if necessary. 2. Should either the duration or total allowed days per calendar month or year for temporary outdoor events be increased? Yes, but with a limited timeframe. 3. Could Seasonal Outdoor Sales be approved administratively if certain criteria are met? No. 4. Should Research and Development (RD), Business Park (BP), and or Cedar Grove District (CGD) be added to the list of districts where Seasonal Outdoor Sales and Temporary Outdoor Events are allowed? Yes, but only for Temporary Outdoor Events. 5. Could sound amplification permits and/or renewal of sound amplification permits be approved administratively if certain criteria such as event set-up and distance from residential uses are met? Yes. 6. Should the special event permit regulations be amended to: a. Provide an exemption to the permit requirements for timed events that do not pose a public safety concern? Yes. Special City Council Minutes June 13, 2017 Page 3 b. Remove specific traffic control requirements and instead require traffic control provisions as determined necessary by staff? Yes. c. Change the limit to the number of permits that may be issued to two per location per month? Yes. REVIEW OF ALCOHOL LICENSE REGULATIONS PERTAINING TO CASUAL RESTAURANTS AND TO OUTDOOR PATIOS City Clerk Scipioni introduced the item noting in response to feedback from alcohol license holders regarding types of restaurants eligible to hold on -sale liquor licenses, the City Council directed staff to research methods for regulating which types of restaurants are eligible for on -sale liquor licenses and/or on -sale wine and beer licenses. Currently, City Code provides two types of restaurants that are eligible for alcohol licenses: full-service restaurants and casual restaurants. Scipioni noted full-service restaurants are eligible for on -sale liquor and on -sale wine and beer, and casual restaurants are eligible for on -sale wine and beer licenses. The Council discussed the policy question: 1. What types of restaurants should be eligible for on -sale liquor licenses and/or on -sale wine and beer licenses? It was the consensus of the Council to adopt the statutory definition of a restaurant with no further regulations. Scipioni noted the direction to amend the Code would be included on an upcoming Council agenda. Scipioni noted in light of Eagan Forward strategies, specifically Strategy 4: Eagan is a Destination and Strategy 2: Eagan is a Healthy Community with Strong Community Connections (i.e. al fresco dining, pocket parks, etc.), staff researched the issue of removing the fencing requirements from outdoor patios where alcohol is served. Scipioni noted the second policy issue to consider: 1. Should the City change its outdoor dining fencing requirements? a. If yes, what should the new regulation be? i. No fencing required ii. Fencing is required, but ingress to the patio can be allowed through a gate The Council discussed the policy question. The majority of the Council agreed to amend City Code to adopt State Statute language, which allows alcohol service in an outdoor area if the area was described on an approved license application, is compact and contiguous with the licensed building, and is included in the license holder's certificate of liquor liability insurance. Scipioni noted the direction to amend the Code would be included on an upcoming Council agenda. Special City Council Minutes June 13, 2017 Page 4 2018-2019 BUDGET UPDATE Finance Director Pepper noted in late April, staff began the 2018-2019 budget process. Department Directors are currently preparing a two-year operating budget, and focusing on just the first year of the 2018-2022 capital budgets. A year from now, staff will focus on the 2019-2020 capital budgets, and adjust, as necessary, the 2019 operating budget and levy. It was noted the Council will continue to formally adopt an annual budget and levy, per State law. The General Fund, Public Utilities and Recreation facilities proposals were submitted on June 2. Pepper noted the recommended budget is scheduled to be presented to the City Council for detailed review at the August 8, 2017 Special City Council workshop. There was no other business to be heard. OTHER BUSINESS ADJOURNMENT Councilmember Fields moved, Councilmember Tilley seconded a motion to adjourn at 9:28 p.m. Aye:S Nay:0 7- Date tom" �a Mayor N't &_/Jocl City Clerk