03/04/1997 - City Council RegularAGENDA RAGAN CITY COUNCIL - REGULAR MEETING RAGAN MUNICIPAL CENTER BUILDING MARCH 4, 1997 6:30 P.M. I. ROLL CALL & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE II. ADOPT AGENDA & APPROVAL OF MINUTES (BLUE) III. VISITORS TO BE HEARD 110 MINUTE TOTAL TIME LIMIT) IV. DEPARTMENT HEAD BUSINESS (BLUE) P A. FIRE DEPARTMENT - Selection of architect for Fire Administration building ' project V. CONSENT AGENDA (PINK) P , 1 A. PERSONNEL ITEMS B. PROJECT 707, Receive petition/determine financial obligations (Signal - TH 149 & Lone Oak Pkwy.) .lo C. CONTRACT 95-04, Approve change order #3 (Deerwood Add. - Utilities) D. VACATE Drainage and utility easement, receive petition/order public hearing (Lots 1 & 2, Block 1, Eagandale Center. Ind. Park #9) .qtr E. FINAL PLANNED DEVELOPMENT and final subdivision, ESA, Inc., Norwest 3rd Addition and license agreement for access to Sherman Court across City ! property F. RECOMMENDATION, Economic Development Commission representative to the Eagan T Convention and Visitors Bureau Board P G. PROCLAMATION, Proclaiming March 2 - 9, 1997 as Volunteers of America Week H. AMENDMENT to Massage Therapy Ordinance/approve resolution I. RELEASE Temporary street easement, Centex Vermillion Add. J. CONTRACT 95-04, Approve final payment (Deerwood Add. - Utilities) K. CONTRACT 95-03, Approve final payment (Red Pine Lane - Streets & Utilities) 3 OL. PROJECT 692, Receive amendment to feasibility report/order new public hearing (Old Sibley Hwy. - Streets & Utilities) 31M. AMENDMENT to Comprehensive Trails Plan/set public hearing 'l,N. 1997 LICENSE, Paintball Sport facility - The Adventure Zone, formerly Splatball Indoor, 3820 Sibley Memorial Highway .3tlA. WINE & BEER LICENSE, John Hardy's Bar -B -Q (formerly Q Burger), 1428 Yankee p ll Doodle Road PROJECT 713, Receive feasibility report/order public hearing (Denmark Ave., Ct., Trail, Kolstad, Timbershore Lanes) APPROVE mini -grant, DNR Division of Forestry {0 • R. VACATE Drainage & utility easements, receive petition/order public hearing 1 •� (Eagandale Center Industrial Park #4) .� `S. VACATE Drainage & utility easements, receive petition/order public hearing (Outlot A, Eagan Metro Center 2nd Add.) T. VACATE Drainage & utility easements, receive petition/order public hearing (Lot 1, Block 1, Eagan Promenade 2nd Add.) U. RESOLUTION Supporting exemption of local transportation improvements from Y state noise standards VI. 7:00 - PUBLIC HEARINGS (SALMON) .51 A. VACATE drainage & utility easements, Lot 17, Block 2, Suncliff 5th Add. B. VACATE drainage & utility easements, Lots 1 & 2, Block 3, Eagandale .J Corporate Center PROJECT 718, Deerwood Reservoir (Trunk Watermain) V I. OLD BUSINESS (ORCHID) A. REPORT by Eagan Lions Club regarding Fourth of July celebration DIII. NEW BUSINESS (TAN) A. CONTRACT 97-05, Receive bids/award contract (Deerwood Reservoir - Trunk Watermain) B. REZONING - Oak Hills Church, of 7.09 acres legally described as Lot 1 and ��D Outlot A, Hampton Heights, from Agriculture to Public Facility and a VARIANCE to the parking lot setback from the public right-of-way along Yankee Doodle Road located south of Yankee Doodle Road and east of Coachman Z Road in the NW 1/4 of Section 16 C. PLANNED DEVELOPMENT AMENDMENT - Derrick Investment No. 91, to eliminate the requirement for home buyers to be 55 years or older for property legally described as Timberwood Village located on the southwest corner of Lone Oak Road and Pilot Knob Road in the NE 1/4 of Section 9 D,tlD. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT - Synergy Construction, to allow for the outdoor storage of trucks, vans and finished products associated with the manufacturing of conveyor systems for property legally described as Lot 2, Block 1, S & W Industrial Acres located on Sibley Court in the SW 1/4 of Section 19 E. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT - Hoovestol, Inc., to allow the outdoor storage of trucks and trailers and a CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT to allow sales and service 1 of trucks and trailers for Lot 4, Block 2, Eagandale Corporate Center located north of Yankee Doodle Road and west of Mike Collins Drive in the SE 1/4 of Section 11 F. PRELIMINARY PLANNED DEVELOPMENT - Homestead Village, Inc., to allow a 133 D • unit, 3 story hotel for property legally described as Lots 1 and 2, Block 1, Eagandale Center Industrial Park No. 9 located on Denmark Avenue (Hampton Drive), south of Lone Oak Road in the NE 1/4 of Section 10 IX. LEGISLATIVE/ INTERGOVERNMENTAL AFFAIRS UPDATE (GREY) X. ADMINISTRATIVE AGENDA (GREEN) XI. VISITORS TO BE HEARD (for those persons not on agenda) XII. ADJOURNMENT XIII. EXECUTIVE SESSION The City of Eagan is committed to the policy that all persons have equal access to its programs, services, activities, facilities and employment without regard to race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, disability, age, marital status, sexual orientation, or status with regard to public assistance. Auxiliary aids for persons with disabilities will be provided upon advance notice of at least 96 hours. If a notice of less than 96 hours is received, the City of Eagan will attempt to provide such aid. MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE EAGAN CITY COUNCIL sm,N0immmmmta �::::..::February 18, 1997 d.6n Tuesday, February 18, 1997 at 6:30 p.m. at the Eagan Municipal Center. Preseni.-"re Mayor Egan and Councilmembers Wachter, Awada, Masin and Blomquist. Also present were City. -A inistrator Tom Hedges, Senior Planner Lisa Freese, Director of Public Works Tom Colbert, and City Attorney Jim Sheldon. City Administrator Hedges notid'':':J' ......that there. would be an Executive Session following the City Council meeting. Councilmember Wachter moved'-,::C-ouncilrYidrbber Awada seconded a motion to adopt the agenda as presented. Aye: 5 Nay: O Counoi|rnenlber Awado moved, Counoi|nnember Wachter seconded a motion to approve the minutes ompresented. Ave: 5 Noy: 0 WAMW P - - motion �the ninute000pnmmented. Ave: 5 Nay: ���� Councilmember ~=..q""" ..="=". Cowcm/en/oe, uxamn seconded a motion to approve the minutes as presented. Aye: 4 Nay: 0 (Councilmember Awada abstained) Mayor Egan commended the outg9M"""* ... for their dedication and service to the err Davis, Ken |sc�aand8baphenThon1 —'� City Council and the residents of the City..:. * � —^ `. Lowrensmpop9ler Sr., 3045 theCouncil and questioned the amount of his assessments on Pmooler Lone stating that he should not be charged twice for locating the vxmb*r extensions. City Administrator Hedges said that the Public VVorhm Cornmdioa reviewed Mr. Popp|er'm a000aannantm and their recommendation took his concern into account and adjusted the amount of the assessments. He added that the City Cadjustments when they approved the assessments. Counci/mambenmooncurms ``nc�nohad been addressed appropriately bythe City Council. EAGAN CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES; FEBRUARY 18, 1997 PAGE 2 City Administrator Hedges provided an overview on this item. Councilmember Wachter stated that this program has been successful. He retested residents contact the City and provide feedback on the success of the program. Councilmember B(omquist also requested that residents contact staff if they have not had success with the program. Forestry Supervisor Hove provided information on anticipated tree problems such as, Gypsy Moth defoliation and Ash Yellows and explained::how to properly identify infected trees. Councilmember Wachter suggest6d that a::six-month review of diseased trees be provided to the Council in mid -summer. In regard to Item I, Massage Therapist license application - Kristin Kastl-Kalland to practice at Body Wellness Center, 2121 Cliff Dr. #214. Councilmember Wachter asked why there has been so many applications for massage therapist licenses. Chief of Police Geagan stated that this profession has experienced a lot of growth. Councilmember Awada stated that the .aRplica.. ::requests should be handled administratively. Councilmembers concurred. The City Attorrtey:rs:#iieErd to prepare an Ordinance amendment to allow massage therapist license applications to:die 0' cessed �tiministratively. A. Personnel Items Item 1. It was recommended to approve the hiring of :fei*sa Pjoman as an Information Systems Technician. Item 2. It was recommended to ratify the hiring of Pamela Giles as a Police Dispatcher in the City of Eagan Police Department. Item 3. It was recommended to ratify the:tlWdio::df:NIaFfc'P.lpa ..ti , a Part-time Building Maintenance Worker. Item 4. It was recommended to accept t1ii"findings dffact and recommendation of an independent hearing officer and the resolution of the ExecutiA.:Board of:tl a Eagan Volunteer Fire Department that the service of David Sorby as a volunteer firefighter:;errs+fit,:...:.:.:.:.:...:.. B. Approve 1996 Budget a 'ustments to the General F'nd. It was recommended to approve the 1996 General Fund Budget adjustments. C. Final Planned Development Lot 1 Block Z Eaaa recommended to approve a Final Planned l�eai>fcpitiel.i.. Addition for JBL Companies to construct a: -1W' 4bry :2�i ¢C intersection of Pilot Knob road and Co7to Center Drive D. Final Subdivision, Acorn Pond - Da=7 Peters. It was (Acorn Pond) consisting of three lots o6.0_15 acres Jo.Qftc Ile Office Park. JBL Companies. It was Lot 1, Block 2, Eagandale Office Park 2nd q. ft., office building located at the southeast fended to approve a Final Subdivision Cliff Road in the SE 1/4 of Section 26. EAGAN CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES; FEBRUARY 18, 1997 PAGE 3 E. Project 692R. Cancel project designation and public hearing-- (Old Sibley ighwa) It was recommended to cancel Project 692R (Old:Sibley Highway Revised - Streets & Utilities) designation and ..... related public hearing. ... F. Prqiect 682 R. Cancel p[Wect desianii6i.i�i :--'�ai (Deerwood Townhome - Utilities). It was recommended to cancel Project 682R (r."--rwood Townhomes Revised - Utilities) designation and related public hearing. G. Project 718- Receive feasibility rel2ort/order public hearing (Deerwood Reservoir-- Trunk Watermain). It was recommended to receive the feasibility report for Project 718 (Deerwood Reservoir - Trunk Watermain) and schedule a public hearing to be held on March 4, 1997. H. Contract 95-13—Acknowledgg-comp Eii6niAuthfinal payment (North Ridge Drive - Utilities It was recommended to acknowledge completi6.h.*:bf ContT`*C`ti 95-13 (Northridge Drive - Utilities) and authorize the 5th and final payment to Ryan ContractiM*"'::in the ii&unt of $22,665.85 subject to all warranty provisions. I. Massage Therapist license -k 0*'�J liftlo nra _applicatio� , ' -:Jjj�" ctice at Body Wellness Center, 2121 CIffiff Dr. #214. It was recommended to':app -a age%*:�ffieirapist license for Kristen Kastl-Kalland to practice at Body Wellness Center, 2121 Cliff Drive #214, as presented. (The City Attorney was directed to prepare an Ordinance amendment to allow massage therapist license applications to be processed administratively.) J. Exemption from lawful gambling license - Metro %Afin Tgt Chapter NWTF. raffle to be conducted at Royal Cliff, March 15. 1997, It was recommendecl.to..'biih'i.'.ih'.'*:exemption from the lawful gambling license requirement for the Metro/Twin Tom Chaptaf:*6f-i6nal Wild Turkey Federation for a raffle to be conducted at Royal Cliff Banquet Centdi::Q-:-h:: March 15, .1-997. Councilmember Masin moved, Co'u h a seconded a motion to approve the consent ............... agenda. Aye: 5 Nay: 0 INVER GROVE HEIGHTS JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT City Administrator Hedges provided':."9*t'!'i:'�*oyerview::ibki::ghis item. .......... Director of Public Works Colbert gave a staff report. He outlined the re"*m***o'li"n't"n'*'g,iiis0.00::fd:*b6:'resolved. Councilmembers discussed the issues that had been previously resoIvq'*0::3iY the Ci*'!69 Eagan and Inver Grove Heights. Councilmember Masin asked if:.:�6 APRNi.10 has reviewed Inver Grove Heights' park proposal. Director of Parks and Recreation Vrai--*iiiW0:-*1ai.'1­ he.-APIRNRC has been apprised of their proposal but MberWasin asked if the proposed parks will serve they have not taken any action on this it*6*M­-:-: - ftntiii� the needs of the residents of this area. Vraa indicated that the ballfield and overlay soccer field proposed for youth should serve this area sufficiently. He added that additional parks and open space are being dedicated in conjunction with the proposed Southern Lakes development. Councilmember Masin said that she wants to ensure that Eagan activities can be.spbeduled on this field to avoid the situation that occurred with District 191 regarding the Metcalf fields.:-.-.. that an agreement would be in place to avoid that from happening. Mayor Egan read ....... 'idft6f'*66hi:--*6.y-.Howard Kyllo from Springbrook which states that park usage issues have been resWd by the inclus Southern Lakes of a youth ballfield which will be available for the scheduling of Ea 'an teams. Vraa stated that he feels confident that the ballfield will accommodate the youth of the pro**"*.*6d development. EAGAN CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES; FEBRUARY 18,1997' PAGE 4 Councilmember Wachter asked if;tftie proposed water tank could be built at the Cliff Road reservoir site instead of building on property located:n the City of Inver Grove Heights which would eliminate the problem of where to locate the water tower; Director of Public Works Colbert indicated that the Cliff Road reservoir that is being dismantled is at an::401prijpat:aeN s:.Fie intermediate pressure zone. He further indicated that the area in Inver Grove Fietglits'�is,fioc ed':in:-tii;r' high pressure zone and the water tower would need to be 150 feet taller at the: .Cliff Road reservoir site to service the high pressure area. He added that the Cliff Road reservoir site*. -three miles removed from the area that pressure needs to be provided to and booster pumps would have to be installed because of the pressure reduction associated with pipe friction. He noted that it is not practical to put the new tower where the old Cliff Road reservoir is located. He further noted that the City would have to buy a one -acre parcel of land near Highway 3 and Cliff Road to put the tower in Eagan; however, there is no elevation that is as high as the site in Inver Grove Heights. Councilmember Wachter;':;said that the City of Eagan should receive the antenna lease revenue if it builds the water tower. Councilmember Wachter stated:kiat the '::oversized the sanitary sewer pipes to accommodate Eagan residents and he added that the .City,Sbpuld be compensated for the oversizing if the City of Inver Grove Heights will be utilizing the pipes.::. 11m - tier: 0tl ed:th he wants to ensure that there is enough sizing left to accommodate the undevelopedJ.!hd'iri'Eagan thatwill need to utilize the same pipes. Director of Public Works Colbert noted that trunk area assessments will be collected as a condition of the plat approval through the Joint Powers Agreement which will pay for the oversizing of the pipes. He said the pipes have been sized to accommodate flows without any restrictions on any Eagan residents. Councilmember Wachter stated that he cannot see:goittg ahead with the JPA due to the uncertainty of the extension of Yankee Doodle Road. He added: ti'i, g:! 0:: as not received any information that the Inver Grove Heights' City Council is in favor of. tf3 eicfi?ieioit: 'Mayor Egan noted that the City of Eagan's position in regard to the extension of Yankee Q06dWR'oad is L:klear too. He said he does not feel it would be practical to tie the construction of Yankee-Dj t10 *Ie:.Road'in with the approval of the JPA since it is subject to a four jurisdictional review process. Direcf6f,:6of1Pbbllb::Works Colbert clarified the reason that Yankee Doodle Road was identified as an issue was because t`tJs::icfeijtified in the City's Comprehensive Capital Improvement Program and the Comprehensive Land Use Guide Plan and also the Dakota County Capital Improvement Program. He said that Inver Grove Heights has not included Yankee Doodle Road in their Capital Improvement Program and that is why it was identified as an unresolved issue. Councilmember Awada stated that this issue is unrelated and premature and the City of Eagan does not have a position with regard to the extension. Councilmember Awada stated thpf:#lae Citiy;of a i:thould own the land that the water tower is located on. City Administrator Hedges::h6ted that'lWCity of Inver Grove Heights will purchase the land and the City of Eagan will hold the title to lF 6 land, Gcuncilmember Awada stated that no City name should appear on the water tower. Councilmef la brs conwO.ed. Councilmember Blomquist stated::'trial ; priie ; ega31::'Wnguage should be included in the JPA acknowledging the extension of Yankee Doodle Road and that it should not be eliminated from the JPA. Director of Public Works Colbert said that at one time it was a condition that Yankee Doodle Road be extended for the Indirect Source Permit allowing West Publishing to continue with their phased development. He added that this condition was removed from the second phase and moved to the third phase. Mayor Egan reiterated that the extensw�V.tf=.W* nat be tied together with the JPA. Councilmember Masin said that tying the extension in with::,,. 'a'ppr'osf2il # f::the JPA will provide leverage to the City of Eagan with Inver Grove Heights to get the::extension in tlie:tuture. Councilmember Blomquist stated that the extension is included in the City of Ea jan's Comprehenslve Guide Plan and should be kept in the JPA regardless of how far into the future the::dxtension may occur -.:::Mayor Egan noted that it is still possible to move ahead with the extension of YangO:Pgpole.Roed..l:i4be added that it does not need to be tied in EAGAN CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES; FEBRUARY 18, 1997 PAGE 5 with the JPA. Discussion occurred reps#riding whether the issues should be dealt with piecemeal or addressed in a giobal agreement. Councilmember Blomquist asked:: lte�; GRY::} M 4?- f . nguage could be included in the JPA to address the possible future extension of Yi iAk66:l: 66dle:RbAd- Mayor Egan said the City of Eagan cannot compel another City Council to prejudge: the outcome of a public hearing process. Councilmember Blomquist stated that if the extension ii'.0iminated from the JPA, then the JPA retroactivity should be eliminated also and all the issues should 'tie dealt with piecemeal, which defeats the purpose of a global agreement. Mayor Egan disagreed. Councilmember Awada asked the City Attorney if the County could force Inver Grove Heights to build the extension if they do not want to. City Attorney Sheldon stated that Yankee Doodle Road is a County road and the County typically would ask for cost participation. He said if the County felt if was appropriate to bttilakthe road, they could build it and pay for the entire cost, but they cannot force the City to pay for the ass6ki'ments.::::: Councilmember Masin asked wh6i would #open if West Publishing wants to expand to the third phase. Director of Public Works Colberx.stated.th;3t.the Environmental Impact Statement and the resulting Indirect Source Permit requirements frtri:tkie:::f?Iiijgri:C;dtil�gl Agency would have to be reviewed to evaluate what the transportation impacf5 would tie: ''He%added that if the results of the corridor study identify the need for upgrading either the Yankee Doodle Road corridor or the TH 149/55 alignments to the extent that it could accommodate the increased traffic there may be no issue with the ISP requirement. He said that currently the roadway system cannot accommodate the next phase of West Publishing's expansion. He further said that the County has Yankee Doodle Road programmed for 1999 in their CIP. Mayor Egan noted that Inver Grove HeigNs;hh"6"':*gjvat".preliminary plat approval to Southern Lakes which has put more pressure on them tQ:e11>ei+:;itttp:a a#0bal JPA with the City of Eagan. He said that it would be in the City of Eagan's best in eresf to enter iff the JPA and he added that the Southern Lakes bord development would provide an aesthetically.:er between the two cities. Councilmember Wachter stated that the 6ty•of:Zt0ah.'ahould collect the road unit charge. Mayor Egan concurred. Councilmember Awads said that the City:6f:Eagan will not be constructing the streets. Director of Public Works Colbert noted that a letter from Springbrook Corporation requests that the City Council consider the potential economic benefit to Eagan retail and service businesses as a result of the residents in the Southern Lakes development patronizing those business, which means they will be travelling on the City of Eagan's streets. Councilmember Blomquist stated:#h(3f:iiy Ij fi'h... in items from the JPA it will not be a global agreement. She questioned whys the two a c.6tifig JPA's should be incorporated into the proposed JPA. Councilmember Masin asked how''the City --*of Eagan will collect and use the road unit charge. Director of Public Works Colbert indica:W: that the.,. PA would make Inver Grove Heights responsible for the road unit charge for each building pe it issmed::aiid they.could choose how to collect the fee; however, the money could be transferred to the::ji:::if: 0::added that the traffic generated from the developments along the border will be traveling primarily on TH 3 and TH 149 and the City of Eagan would have to contribute to the costs of having these roads upgraded. Mayor Egan and Councilmembers Wachter and Masin supported the road unit charge being included in the JPA. Mayor Egan summarized the Council's pg �tfli rr.p.n.some of the unresolved issues. In regard to the optional service area, Councilmember WaCljf:steteff:t#Fads should be included in the JPA and it should be reexamined at such time that Inver Ctijiye Heights wdUld be able to provide service. Councilmember Blomquist did not feel the optional service:efea should be incf66ed in the JPA. Mayor Egan stated it should be left in and the future City Council's::s})ould make the decision whether to leave it in the JPA or not. Councilmember Masin expressed her i wi i ern abqWt• the si1<i?tdon that occurred regarding Captain Dodd EAGAN CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES; FEBRUARY 18,1997- PAGE 8,1997•PAGE 6 Park and questioned if that situation could::Pccur again due to the fact that Inver Grove Heights would be solely responsible for making decisions pettaining to development applications. Mayor Egan noted that cooperation between the two cities is in the best interest of everyone and he further noted that Inver Grove Heights should have the autonomy to f their own property. Discussion continued regarding ..SPA retroactivity, Councilmember Awada asked if the new JPA would affect the existing two developmeiit� under the previous JPA's. Director of Public Works Colbert stated it could affect the previous JPA's t6the extent that any remaining vacant lots could be subject to the road unit charge. Councilmember Wachter added that existing lots, when developed, should conform to the standards set forth in the new JPA. Mayor Egan commented that the agreement could be modified if necessary. He also commented that some lots that have already been hooked up under a certain fee schedule should be grandfathered in arid:.the new JPA would only affect those vacant lots that have not received a building permit to date. Colbert asked lf:the road unit charge should apply to all vacant lots in previously platted developments or if it is buld apply;: only to future subdivisions. Mayor Egan stated he would like to see the road unit charge applied towi?d new subdivisions only and not existing vacant lots. The remaining unresolved issues were voted, on individually as follows: Mayor Egan moved, Councilmember+:Rwada:eeCo'iid ::i motion to delete Item 11, Yankee Doodle Road extension, from consideration in the Joint Powers Agreement. Aye: 3 Nay: 2 (Councilmembers Blomquist and Wachter opposed) Mayor Egan moved, Councilmember Masin seconded a motion to allow the City of Eagan to collect the Road Unit Charge. Aye: 3 Nay: 2 (Councilmembers.-Ain da and Blomquist opposed) Councilmember Wachter moved,. a motion to allow the City of Eagan to receive antenna lease revenue. Aye::::Ny: Councilmember Awada moved, Couhc"iii -*"e'M e*r.:Wachter seconded a motion to include the optional service area in the Joint Powers Agreement subject to.:ramoVal: at some point in the future by the City of Inver Grove Heights to service the area independently ''by* Aheir own systems. Aye: 4 Nay: 1 (Councilmember Blomquist opposed) Councilmember Awada moved, Mayor Egan seconded a motion to rescind all previous Joint Power Agreements with the understanding that the Road Unit Charge would apply only to new subdivisions and all other lots subject to existing fees woul0::be..grandfathered. in. Aye: 3 Nay: 2 (Councilmembers Blomquist and Wachter opposed) The City Council directed staff ta:proceed w ':1"he preparation of a Global Joint Powers Agreement with Inver Grove Heights subject to the:1erms and -.conditions set forth above. Councilmember Masin noted th;f tiiiY:'iiial::l5: i}greeing to the preparation of a global JPA to be a good neighbor to the City of Inver Grove Heightt'ali'd the only benefits to the City of Eagan are the aircraft noise planning, road unit charge and global agreement to incorporate all previous JPA's. Mayor Egan disagreed stating that the City of Inver Grove Heights is giving the City of Eagan a site for a new water tower and an aesthetically pleasing border that will occur with the development of Southern Lakes. Councilmember Wachter restated;:bits't4'.-m-::abr mt the oversizing of the pipes and the deletion of the Yankee Doodle Road extension fri*::tt e JPA. EAGAN CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES; FEBRUARY 18, 1997. PAGE 7 REZONING & PRELIMINARY SUBDIVISION - ROYAL OAKS REALTY City Administrator Hedges provided ark oirerView oto tkiis item. Senior Planner Freese gave a staff report. Mike Black, representing Royal Oaks Realty, addressed the City Council and discussed the accesses to the property. He stated that the best long term resolution of the access issue would be to provide another connection to TH 3 in the future, which would most likely be the extension of 120th Street. He said the access issue should not hold up their development. He expressed his appreciation for the excellent job staff did in providing a compromise regarding the tree issue. He further said they will try and save as many trees as possible. He said.*Ihat tho.:ivill pay the necessary assessments. He questioned the need for the Marotzkes to be assessed for the:two sewer and water charges and the storm water fee since they are not hooking up to sewer and water ioi are they developing the 20 acre parcel at this time. Director of Public Works Colbert stated that the Code requires that trunk area charges be collected at the time of development or the time of conni dk^ i:;; arl Ctiever'-bi pi;ire first. He said the Council would need to determine if the two large outlots are corisiderecl"to:'be"pai`f'of I ie development or whether they are being included for convenience of legal description. Mayor Egan stated that he understood the rationale that the outlots be included for the purpose of legal description. Councilmember Blomquist asked if the applicant would be agreeable to using a second access to avoid large construction trucks using residential streets..caciSjrig excess wear and tear and also creating a safety hazard through Pines Edge. Mr. Black -state df th?t*#6j would be willing to work with staff on that issue. He added that they could travelon-.t*w vel::eb through the industrial park to move in the heavy equipment. He further added that oncg:i oitisfruction sWFts it may not be prudent to continue to use the gravel road. He noted that at some point ttfey:4ill,.need46 go through the neighborhood, but he said they will make every attempt to work with staff td direbt:tiafffc-out.of the Pines Edge neighborhood. Howard Norris, 558 White Pine Way, commented'*t.htt many of the residents do support the Evergreen development but he added they are concerned with safety due to the increased traffic. He further added that they are concerned that there is only one access point and he said they support a secondary access and rerouting of construction equipment. He asked about enforcement measures to ensure the construction equipment would be hauled in via a temporary access. He said the residents support the extension of 120th Street to TH:.::::•:•. Tom King, 4800 Weston Hills [wijie, stated; tort the increased traffic will create a safety concern for the children. He added that last yeah*fhe City Council approved the installation of stop signs in the area even though the warrants were not met:cause the41tersection of Red Pine Lane and Weston Hills Drive is dangerous. He further added that ar ot# er..a=e t.:tQ.TH ;3. needs to be provided. Leonard Fields, 4725 Weston Hills Drive, stated } is concern with increased traffic and the speed of the traffic. He said that the construction equipment will not utilize a gravel road vs. travelling on a paved road. Chuck Wamert, 4724 Weston Hills Driy&;:steW:1hgit last summer the City Council imposed parking restrictions on Weston Hills Drive for safet :fleas b4::;arid he said that the safety problems will be compounded if a secondary access is n.O. f .available. Brian Nevanen, 555 White Pine:#tey, said that the gri tyel road will not be used unless it is paved. He noted that the only way to route traffic: through, the_,dearelts ament is to have a flag person available at EAGAN CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES; FEBRUARY 18, 1997 PAGE 8 the developer's expense. Jeff Rogers, 4812 Weston Hills drive, commented that it would be best to extend 120th Street to provide a second access. Randy Miller, 4838 Sycamore, reiterated that most of the neighbors do not oppose the proposed development, but they want to ensure tF.... a secondary access is provided to TH 3 by extending 120th Street. Deb Griffith, 542 White Pine Way, stated she was concerned for the safety of the children. John Young, commercial property,Qwner on Biscayne Avenue, discussed the access issue and said that 120th Street seems to be the most natural point for an intersection with TH 3. He suggested that the Cities of Eagan and Rosemount and tfj:: eighboss::discuss the issues and possible solutions at a joint meeting. Mayor Egan noted that this dev lopment:r iey serve as the catalyst to get the City of Rosemount to consider what they will develop on their northertl boundary. Councilmember Wachter reques4d ifie idaf fki de+ielopment be changed since there is already an Evergreen development in the City. He questioned where the City of Inver Grove Heights wants a stub located. He said the ideal situation would be for the owners of the property to develop the entire 40 acres. He further said that he would only support this development if 120th Street is improved. Councilmember Awada asked about extending Spruce Street to the north. Councilmember Wachter stated that this road would go through the Marotzke's property. Reid Hanson, attorney representing f f�e:Ali .�o.t. ees,' stated that they feel the Planning Commission arrived at the proper solution and would; riot: gtee to putting the road through their property. He said that paving Gun Club Road through the indusfriW.Wk would::not be an access used by most residents. He talked about the possible alternatives for a' and: cess. He added that the additional daily trips do not exceed the appropriate residential road limits. Councilmember Awada stated in regard to the extension of 120th Street it would not be possible to assess anyone in Rosemount for a street with curb and gutter. Mayor Egan noted that letters and phone calls were received from the residents and they appear to like the plat subject to the proper access,.....Hip reiterated that the Marotzke's ten acres they intend to remain on are included as part of the le l: GteSCI�IptiQP::a; ::A::matter of convenience. He said that to the extent that there are any utility services::inrrorpoi"�t3::iritd'*ffiis plat which do not service the Marotzke's property he would prefer to defer the ass essments `'ffe further said that if a road traverses their property, the road should be assessed against their. .property,,..He noted that the applicant has met the intent of the Tree Preservation Policy and he said he"'::W" ould 1: ;) filling to defer on any subsequent tree preservation requirements after the rough grading that a secondary road access is vitally necessary and he supported the extension' of 't 01 i Sti i . ' 'He explained the reasons he supported a second access. He stated that the developer should only pay a proportionate share of the cost of the second access. He added that the access issue needs to be discussed with the City of Rosemount to arrive at a viable solution. Councilmember Blomquist supported Mayor Egan's recommendation to extend 120th Street. Councilmember Awada stated sheis:iin'sure if Elie extension of 120th Street would be possible and she mentioned rerouting traffic through t#i:#illarotrke's property; Mayor Egan noted that condition 10 in the staff report anticipated another improved.street outlet be prouiaed in addition to White Pine Way. He said he did not have a preference as to �ftre it exists, but;::should bypass the area of the Marotzke EAGAN CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES; FEBRUARY 18, 1997 PAGE 9 homestead to the north. Director of PubliicRorks Colbert stated that MnDOT desires to remove all access points to TH 3 except for Cliff Road, Red::*e Lane, 120th Street and C.R. 38. Councilmember Masin said she rtttec$;tftCe::e:orad access to protect the area around Red Pine School. She stated that sidewalks: :#d::t :; t ..JO ensure the safety of the children and a policy should be adopted. Mr. Black stated that restricting development of the property until a second access is obtained will take a lot of planning and coordination with other agencies. Councilmember Awada said that some Councilmembers would be agreeable to another secondary access other than an access to TH 3. Mr. Black noted that the Marotzkes will not accept the option of putting a road through their property. He further noted that they could come up with;a plan for their cost of paving 120th and Gun Club Road. He stated that both options are only tempoiy and further development of the area will require a long-term solution. He added that it will take thzitiie to foci'f::years to complete the home construction in their development and full traffic movement yi I not occtfr: until that time. He said that requiring construction traffic to utilize the gravel road could be'accomplishttl by including it in the developers agreement. Councilmembers discussed othe(.::fit ssll;le::alte-matiiies:':: Councilmember Masin asked if the item could be continued to resolve the access issue. Mr. Hanson stated that the Marotzkes did not want the Council to rezone their property unless the access issue can be resolved. Councilmember Blomquist asked if the Council would have enough time for action within the 60 day timeframe. City Attorney Sheldon stated that the 60 days, unless extended by agreement of the City and the developer, would require action at tonight's meeting. Mr. Black said they would be willing to. ex# ft the timeframe. Councilmember Awada moved, Coune11r4rliAasin seconded a motion to continue rezoning and preliminary plat consideration to the Matcfi ::1$; 1'997 Citji:Council meeting, at the petitioner's request, to research with the property owner in RosemoLpt.the feasibility of extending 120th Street. Aye: 5 Nay: 0 Director of Public Works Colbert indicated that it will be necessary to close off Mike Collins Drive north of Yankee Doodle Road beginning tomorrow for two days to repair sewer service for Dominoes Pizza. Councilmember Blomquist stated that:she. found no supporting evidence in the minutes that the City Council directed proposals to be soliciteck:f6t::a::iiation& # E: nd professional airport consultant for cost consideration by the City Council. Maygr EOn re* ted'that the information be provided to the Council for review. Councilmember Blomquist:iaquested �islt the City Council include a fourth category in the budget format which would include zerca•i.ase less.a.certain percentage. Discussion occurred whether a fourth category should be included in tf :dget forr7 at.. Councilmember Masin said that Councilmember Blomquist should first become accustorr3ed:tv:-"Md::: cess with the zero base before suggesting any changes. Mayor Egan noted that tfie'Citiji'of'' 'ag'ati:ftas:'one of the lowest per capita expenditures in Dakota County and is rated 84th lowest out of 96 cities. Councilmember Awada stated that the City of Eagan does have one of the lowest budgets, but she added she would be willing to support the exercise of adding a fourth category. Mayor Egan said that the City Administrator and City staff have many more important things to do and this is not a high:pr4dty.:..,More discussion followed on the staff time and purpose for including a fourth budgetary scOrijfib Councilmember Blomquist moven;::�ouncilmember AWAda seconded a motion to direct staff to add a fourth category (zero base less another 5%) for all departments with the exception of Police in preparation of the 1998 General Fund liud t. Aye: 5 Nay.,.:-0 EAGAN CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES; FEBRUARY 18, 1997. PAGE 10 Councilmember Blomquist referred#o a letter sent by Lee Markel[ of the APRNRC and stated that the minutes from November 19 provided::hi? direction to the Commission and staff to pursue a study to determine the general suitability of variou's'sites within the community for aquatic, multi -use facilities and/or a central park. Mayor Egan noted that ttj,�:t4&r:wi!#;be:pcsted at a joint meeting of the APRNRC and the City Council in March. Councilmember Wachter said thaf:Leo Murphy's request for a tum back needs to be addressed. He read a favorable article from Standatd'-Xnd Pool's regarding the City of Eagan's bond ratings and what that means for the City, Councilmember Masin passed out copies of the Minneapolis/St. Paul Airport News which included information about the growth the airport:) ps experienced. Councilmember Wachter state&: was d ppointed that the City of Eagan was not listed in the tax plan regarding fiscal disparities. Councilmembers Wachter and 81sitic}ti#t:d:gia�5t:on the bills list. Councilmember Wachter moved, Mayor Egan seconded a motion to approve the check register dated February 14, 1997 in the amount of $1,254,010.62. Aye: 5 Nay: 0 The meeting adjourned at 10:26;"9*fii;'�to an Ex tive Session. MLK Date City Clerk If you need these minutes in an alternative tt".%'::sthch as l r$ print, braille, audio tape, etc., please contact the City of Eagan, 3830 Pilot Knob Road:-gagan;':I4tFit: 55f2, (612) 681-4600, (TDD phone: (612) 454- 8535). .. The City of Eagan is committed to the 00fty that 0:0ersons have equal access to its programs, services, activities, facilities and employment wjtflddt::iq .. Eti: i'i e:: olor, creed, religion, national origin, sex, disability, age, sexual orientation, marital stafiis of st.... .i �fi :'regard to public assistance. MEMO TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCILMEMBERS FROM: CITY ADMINISTRATOR HEDGES DATE: FEBRUARY 28,1997 SUBJECT: AGENDA INFO11MATION MEMO FOR THE MARCH 4,1997 EAGAN CITY COUNCIL MEETING ADOPT AGENDA/APPROVE MINUTES After approval of the March 4, 1997 City Council agenda and the regular City Council meeting minutes for the February 18 meeting, the following items are in order for consideration. DEPARTMENT HEAD BUSINESS A. SELECTION OF ARCHITECT/FIRE ADMINISTRATION BUILDING PROJECT ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: To recommend approval or denial of BKPV to provide architectural services for a new fire administration, training and ambulance facility. FACTS: • A decision was reached by the City Council during the spring of 1996 to demolish the existing Fire Administration Building and make room for a new two level Fire Administration Building that would accommodate office, training and space for the ambulance service. • Direction was given by the City Council to prepare an RFP for architectural services which was completed. There were six proposals received. • An RFP review and interview team consisting of City Councilmember Awada, City Councilmember Wachter, Fire Chief Jensen, Battalion Chief Adam, Fire Marshal Wegleitner and City Administrator Hedges reviewed the six proposals and narrowed the interviews to four including BKPV, Thorbeck Architects, Arthur Dickey Architects and BRAA. • The committee, with the exception of Fire Marshal Wegleitner, met on Tuesday, February 25 and interviewed each of the four architectural firms and is recommending that the City Council select BKPV. The fact that this firm has a change order percentage of/2 of 1% over the past decade, has designed five fire stations, all of which have been constructed under budget, were important considerations. Their bid for services was also one of the lowest; another consideration by the committee. This architectural firm had also done their homework in considering design elements that would complement the Municipal Center Agenda Information Memo March 4, 1997 Eagan City Council Meeting Building and the adjoining residential homes were sensitive to energy, and had suggestions for use of the existing beams and methods to salvage materials at the existing Fire Administration Building. ATTACHMENTS: • Copy of memo from City Administrator to City cilmembers Awada and Wachter in preparation for the interview on pages -� through Co97 • A copy of the RFP interview schedule and questions, pages S— through to R4W MEMO city of eagan TO: ✓CITY COUNCILMEMBER AWADA CITY COUNCILMEMBER WACHTER FROM: CITY ADMINISTRATOR HEDGES DATE: FEBRUARY 21, 1997 SUBJECT: ARCHITECT INTERVIEWS/TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 25 AT 2:15 P.M. A special thanks for reviewing the architectural proposals that were submitted for design of a new Fire Administration Building. In addition to your review of the proposals, Dale Wegleitner, Fire Marshal, Battalion Chief Mark Adam, Fire Chief Jensen and the City Administrator also reviewed the proposals. There was an all around consensus for BRA and BKPV. City Councilmember Wachter asked that Thorbeck be added and the Fire Department requested the addition of Art Dickey and Associates. As a result, four architectural firms will be interviewed beginning at 2:30 p.m., with the last interview concluding at 4:30. The time frame is tight but manageable. City Councilmember Wachter had raised concern about the apparent disparity and the bid by Art Dickey and Associates. After further research, the Art Dickey and Associates bid includes an $8,000 allocation for soil borings and a $4,000 amount for interior design. These amounts were not included in the other proposals. The Holabird and Root proposal was too high and the Lindberg proposal did not meet the time frame called for in the RFP and it did not include any provision for legal fees. In summary, BKPV has done the Bloomington station and their bid as adjusted with soil and office design would be approximately $108,000, Dickey provided architectural services for the Eagan Fire Stations 1, 4 and 5 and their total bid is $122,000 and Thorbeck's adjusted bid is approximately $115,000 and they performed the recent work on the Eagan Police and City Hall. BRA's adjusted bid is $114,000. They designed Fire Stations 2 and 3 for the City of Apple Valley. Again, the adjusted bid assumes an additional cost of $8,000 for soil borings and $4,000 for interior design. If anyone has any questions regarding the interview schedule for Tuesday or would like any additional information, please contact the City Administrator. 3 ARCHITECT INTERVIEWS FEBRUARY 21, 1997 PAGE TWO The plan is to meet at approximately 2:15 p.m. and discuss the format for the interviews and then each interview will last no longer than 30 minutes. The first 12 - 15 minutes will be presentation by the architect and the remaining time will be set aside for Q & A. The interview team will consist of City Councilmembers Awada and Wachter, Chief Jensen, Battalion Chief Adam and the City Administrator. ( 7\-i ( � M --- City Administrator TLH/jeh `E _ city of eagan DATE: February 25, 1997 T0: Tom Hedges, City Administrator Ted Wachter, Councilmember Pat Awada, Councilmember Mark Adam, Night Battalion Chief FROM: Craig Jensen, Fire Chief SUBJECT: RFP Interviews MEMO Please be advised that the following is the schedule for interviews on Tuesday, February 25, 1997 in the 2nd floor conference room at City Hall of architectural firms that have progressed through the selection process thusfar: 2:30 p.m. Boarman, Kroos, Pfister, Vogel & Associates 3:00 p.m. Thorbeck Architects 3:30 p.m. Arthur Dickey Architects, Inc. 4:00 p.m. Bonestroo, Rosene, Anderlike & Associates If you have any questions prior to our meeting, please page me via digital pager by calling 640-8662. Thank you. ;-z_ Craig Jepslen, Fire Chief CJ/kmk S Ir'�Li!t 2/25/97 FIRE ADMINISTRATION ARCHITECT INTERVIEWS QUESTIONS 1) What is your history on change orders? ') We are very budget minded, how can you give us confidence that the building will meet our cost estimates? 3) Do you feel we can save wood beams and other materials from the existing building to be used in the new building or other City facilities? ro Agenda Information Memo March 4, 1997 Eagan City Council Meeting CONSENT AGENDA The following items referred to as consent items require one (1) motion by the City Council. If the City Council wishes to discuss any of the items in further detail, those items should be removed from the Consent Agenda and placed under Old or New Business unless the discussion required is brief. A. PERSONNEL ITEMS Item 1. Assistant Civic Arena Manager— ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: To approve the hiring of Chadd Benson as Assistant Manager for the Civic Arena. Item 2. Temporary Part-time Recycling Intern— ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: To approve the hiring of Jessica Shefchik as a temporary part-time Recycling Intern. Item 3. Part-time Dispatcher/Police Department -- ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: To approve the hiring of Doris Marona-Fuhrman as a part-time Dispatcher in the Police Department. Item 4. Part-time Seasonal Skating Aide/Civic Arena -- ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: To approve the hiring of Amanda Helebrant as a part-time seasonal Skating Aide at the Civic Arena. Agenda Information Memo March 4, 1997 Eagan City Council Meeting Item 5. Forestry/Park Maintenance Worker— To approve the hiring of a person to be recommended as a Forestry/Park Maintenance Worker. FACTS: Interviews were held on Thursday, February 27, for the Forestry/Park Maintenance Worker position in the Parks Department. References and background are currently being checked. It is anticipated that a name as recommended to be hired will be furnished with the Administrative packet on Monday or at the Council meeting on Tuesday. Fol Agenda Information Memo March 4,1997 ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: To receive a petition from the United States Postal Service (USPS) for signalization of TH 149 at Lone Oak Parkway and determine the appropriate financial obligation (Option A, B, C, D, or E) in preparing the feasibility report and development contract agreement. FACTS: • On February 20, 1996, the City Council approved a preliminary planned development and preliminary subdivision for the United States Postal Service Information/Accounting Service Center. This 324,000 s.f. facility would be located east of TH 149 and north of Lone Oak Parkway. • Condition #6 of the preliminary subdivision approval states "the USPS will be responsible for the costs related to the traffic signal system at Lone Oak Parkway and TH 149". • Although this proposed signal will be located on a State Highway, it is not anticipated that any MnDOT funds will be available due to its low priority category of being a development driven improvement. The estimated cost of the signalization project is $208,400. If MnDOT were to participate, their typical share would be approximately $94,400 (45%). • A similar development driven signal on TH 149 was installed with the development of the West Publishing Campus under Project 600 in 1991. Because of no MnDOT participation, Project 600 assessed 5001'0 of the cost to West Publishing, 25°o to the Major Street Fund, and the remaining 25% assessed to the properties along Opperman Drive east of TH 149. The City was unable to sustain the area -wide assessment for the signal for those property owners who appealed to District Court. ISSUES: • When staff prepares the feasibility report and development contract agreement, the financing of this signal system should be identified. The following options are for the Council's consideration. A. 50% City's Major Street Fund, 50° o USPS B. 25% City's Major Street Fund, 75% USPS C. 25% City's Major Street Fund, 50% USPS, 25% other properties D. 0% City's Major Street Fund, 100% USPS E. Some combination of above. GI Agenda Information Memo March 4,1997 ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: To approve Change Order #3 to Contract 95-04 (Deerwood Addition - Utilities) and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute all related documents. FACTS: • Contract 95-04 provided for the extension of sanitary sewer and watermain westerly along the north side of Deerwood Drive to serve the new Deerwood Townhome Addition located in the northeast corner of Deerwood Drive and 35E. • The installation of streets and utilities within the Deerwood Townhome Addition was installed privately by the developer under the terms and conditions of the development contract agreement approved with the final plat on September 20, 1995. • The coordination of the construction between the public and private improvements was to provide the City's contract the opportunity to install their utilities first. Subsequently, the City's contract did not show any of the privately installed utilities as a pre-existing condition. • The developer proceeded ahead of schedule with the private improvements which resulted in the City's contractor having to remove and replace a 24" storm sewer line at an additional cost of $1,529.04. All costs associated with this change order will be assessed to the development. Agenda Information Memo March 4,1997 o 11.11 a Wei 101411W-1 I , ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: To receive a petition to vacate a common lot line drainage and utility easement over Lots 1 & 2, Block 1, Eagandale Center Industrial Park #9, and schedule a public hearing to be held on April 1, 1997. FACTS: The City has received a petition from the property owners requesting the vacation of a dedicated common lot line drainage and utility easement to facilitate the consolidation of lots so a building can be constructed over both lots. All application materials have been reviewed by staff and found to be in order for favorable Council action of scheduling a public hearing to formally present and discuss the merits of this request. ATTACHMENTS: Location map, page r .2- Legal description graphic, page. Nrras'ArE /; ! 494 ::� / C '} 'RAPD a0♦O .\`\ A; r LOST SPUR il I COLIVTRY EACAN^_ I c � 4 Q CLUB WOODS SL v0 = , i :ORPOP��`H / - ALAN 'NMTRIAI � l ! �/ '� l4•y � c� ROAD w� �/ MCNvEw ♦oll �M • a ST �\ eRocEve""" < HIGHVIEW I o r PARK COUNTRY 14 1 DOME o/ y� i� ATRICE ST. CA NS RD II�11 'v�i1FiRDEE OSTF1il;� \ y� �} ARMC?IQ g ' PROPOSED VACATION 9 �S' RD. .S II��L r PLOT ^; KNOB,I' < A PARK z I' o - til L.: OwERv -OWERVEW 90. f—il it ARPv i� ' LJ W� i1 27 QUARRY nvERn�3LuFP al PARK a 0=*u � t. 1 CNm ) = a, t YANKEE DOODLE ROAD I TER iATMENT ^'LTTY CrfY 96) MAINT. FAC UTY s L Si,ov DR. 3$ 1#TCNTSI Q �.. EN, ROYAL If OAK CR. i ARKI Ia I OUPdrw z �L"6jj - F vK)L•' i I LAW EDIMAJ 6NI city of eagan PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT '�E LMGTC " PARK i F-7 1 i�, - II U.S. POST OF o 1 gCE 4 I wU ij o! �I n , xUBVIEN :R IE 1 <il X1 XI` I WII a1I a IN T wN YANKEE PL ri � ^R II G6la4lACF I X. GOLF COL f�Ew 4—a LEAKY PARK , s i LAK 2 a' u ran�- MIWNCi�FD LK LOCATION MAP I.- TAMARAC PT. ,I 2- ORCM PT. J.- NORWAY PT �! -9- FOREST ROCS TR. 3.- WONWOOO LA. 6.- REDWOOD PT. 7.- SPRUCE PT, YANKEE DOODLE L Si,ov DR. 3$ 1#TCNTSI Q �.. EN, ROYAL If OAK CR. i ARKI Ia I OUPdrw z �L"6jj - F vK)L•' i I LAW EDIMAJ 6NI city of eagan PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT '�E LMGTC " PARK i F-7 1 i�, - II U.S. POST OF o 1 gCE 4 I wU ij o! �I n , xUBVIEN :R IE 1 <il X1 XI` I WII a1I a IN T wN YANKEE PL ri � ^R II G6la4lACF I X. GOLF COL f�Ew 4—a LEAKY PARK , s i LAK 2 a' u ran�- MIWNCi�FD LK LOCATION MAP Sande ]Land Surveying Inc. 9001 E. Bloomington Freeway (35W) Bloomington, MN 55420 Easement vacation Sketch (612) 881-2455 4-- GNE- AK — N89050'36"E 382.04 •73 ORMON ANo UTILITY 8 y �� EASEMENT PER PLaT OF ORAINACE k UTILJTY �X\• i�� a ' 7U6TCAU RIAL PARK o. p G ALi T PO ZEIt W '7 ' TO BE VACATED wousTlaAL PARx No a • r�ry�y �(" v ..I L� k TO BE VACATED '� LP-Af%AAInAI r p 1•'t\71'11 V VnL.L /`rA ITry •i ` t�! >r IAlr,l 1� Tt-)I A I %IVVv.:II\Ir1�. The drainage and utility easements dedicated in the plat of EAGANDALE CENTER INDUSTRIAL PARK N0. 9, Dakota County, Minnesota lying over, under and across Lots I and 2, Block I. said EAGANDALE CENTER INDUSTRIAL PARK N0. 9. 210-04-c 40540 r7,, A24 5/0 sW2oc=,re Wr i iv `JP11 \ 1+\ N' sem• � _ + �l SC7"AI'3>!"E �.�ep N33• ��"W �• �7' h Sk9 / SCALE: 1 INCH 100 FEET We hereby certify that this sketch, pion or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Registered Lend Surveyor under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Dated this 23rd day of January , 1997 SONDE LAND SURVEYING, NC. 13)r.s_ +► Edward H. Sunde, R.L.S. Minn. Reg. No. 86 ► 2 /.3 Agenda Information Memo March 4, 1997 Eagan City Council Meeting E. LICENSE AGREEMENT FOR ACCESS TO SHERMAN COURT ACROSS CITY PROPERTY ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: To approve a Final Planned Development to allow a three story hotel on 2.85 acres (proposed Lot 1, Block 1 Norwest 3'd Addition) located between Norwest Court and I -35E in the SW'/4 of Section 10. To approve a Final Plat (Norwest 3'd Addition) to create one lot on 2.85 acres located between Norwest Court and I -35E in the SW'/4 of Section 10. To approve a License Agreement to allow access to Sherman Court across City property. FACTS: At their meeting on October 1, 1996, the Eagan City Council approved a Preliminary Planned Development Amendment to Norwest 1 a Addition Planned Development to allow a three story hotel on this property subject to the conditions recommended by the APC which are included as Exhibit "A" in the Final Planned Development Agreement. In November 1993, the Eagan City Council approved a preliminary subdivision - Norwest 3'd Addition - of this property. The preliminary subdivision was reapproved on June 4, 1996 for one year. > The Final Planned Development Agreement, the Development Contract, and the License Agreement are signed and in order for execution at the regular City Council meeting on March 4, 1997. BACKGROUND/ATTACHMENTS: 30- Site Plan, page 10- Final Plat, page Q LL LU V5 z U- m x W D cc 6 `N� i E eC N 4 Dr a i+ k a J 4 D cc 6 `N� i E eC N 4 Dr J 4 M Q z 0 P a U O J fats;. tl � �e:#eis•'I Sin y - •wwa J 9F•_ ' 1:50000, n C -- C=) 0 0 LLt Lj U W I Vb•\ � � 4 s f ! j d I � �� s #'j i = ,�1 I i fj +�1� !i I �_ +si a► •! Nil s9J , s �✓�� r iA: � !1 salE a, i � I t�� i = � ' n C -- C=) 0 0 LLt Lj U W I Vb•\ � � 4 f n C -- C=) 0 0 LLt Lj U W Agenda Information Memo March 4, 1997 Eagan City Council Meeting F. RECOMMENDATION. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION REPRESENTATIVE TO EAGAN CONVENTION AND VISITORS BUREAU BOARD ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: To appoint Mark Reimer to be the Economic Development Commission representative to the Convention and Visitor's Bureau Board of Directors and appoint Ron Voracek as the alternate member. FACTS: • When the Eagan Convention and Visitors Bureau was formed approximately four years ago, the City was given two positions on the board of directors. At least one of the positions was designated for a member of the Economic Development Commission. • Karl Oestrich has served as the EDC representative to the CVB since that time. Karl has asked that another member fill his position at this time. At its meeting of February 13, the Economic Development Commission recommended the individuals above for consideration by the City Council. The other City position is currently being filled by City Administrator Hedges. G. VOLUNTEERS OF AMERICA WEEK PROCLAMATION ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: To proclaim March 2-9, 1997 As Volunteers Of America Week, FACTS: In the past, the City has participated in the National Volunteers of America program. This year the even occurs during the week of March 2 - 9. ATTACHMENTS: • Proclamation on pages lfthrough • Volunteers correspondence o unteers of America corresp ce on page througha3 1 1 PROCLAMATION CITY OF EAGAN VOLUNTEERS OF AMERICA WEEK March 2-9, 1997 WHEREAS, the Volunteers of America, a Christian human service organization, is celebrating its 101st year of service to the people of Minnesota and the nation; it is therefore certainly appropriate for us, the City of Eagan, to join in the observance of this milestone with the commemoration of March 2-9, 1997, as Volunteer of America Week; and, WHEREAS, the Volunteers of America is making a valuable contribution by providing these services to adults and the elderly: 9 homes for mentally disabled, mentally ill, chemically dependent and/or elderly adults; congregate dining for seniors at 43 sites in Anoka and Hennepin Counties; transitional housing for women and their families in Aitkin, Chisago, Isanti, Kanabec, Mille Lacs, and Pine counties; home delivered meals for persons 60 years of age and over, semi-independent living services and supported living services; 3 housing complexes for families, the handicapped, and the elderly; 3 assisted living communities; and 4 long-term health care facilities; and, WHEREAS, the Volunteers of America provides these services for children and youth: a children's daycare, programs serving autistic, autistic -like, and/or developmentally disabled youth; children's shelters; in-home services; 52 foster treatment homes and correction group homes; a residential treatment center for emotionally handicapped boys; a specialized behavioral program for boys with severe problems; short-term after care for youth with special needs: and WHEREAS, the Volunteers of America provides 2 correctional services: a pre- release and work -release correctional program serving men and a jail, workhouse and work - release correctional program serving women; and WHEREAS, the Volunteers of America through its dedicated staff and volunteers and the many people who help support their work through financial contributions make a significant impact on the lives of people in the City of Eagan; and, WHEREAS, the Volunteers of America is commemorating its founding in 1896 and urges others to join them in bridging the gap between human needs and the resources of the public and private sector; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that I, Tom Egan, Mayor of the City of Eagan, do hereby proclaim the week of March 2-9, 1997, as VOLUNTEERS OF AMERICA WEEK IN EAGAN, AND BE IT RESOLVED, that copies of this proclamation be transmitted to the Volunteers of America as evidence of our esteem. IN WTTNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Great Seal of the City of Eagan to be affixed this 26th day of February in the year of our Lord, One thousand nine hundred and ninety-seven. Motion made by: Seconded by: Those in Favor: Those Against: CERTIFICATION CITY OF EAGAN CITY COUNCIL By: Its Mayor Attest: Its Clerk I. E. J. VanOverbeke, Clerk of the City of Eagan, Dakota County, Minnesota, do hereby certify that the foregoing proclamation was duly passed and adopted by the City Council of the City of Eagan, Dakota County, Minnesota, in a regular meeting thereof assembled this 26th day of February, 1996. E. J. VanOverbeke, City Clerk lY VVolunteers of America :Minnesota February 10, 1997 The Honorable Thomas Egan Mayor of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, MNI 55122 Dear Mayor Egan: The Volunteers of America is excited to be celebrating its 10151 year, as we begin a second century of service. Volunteers of America Week, March 2 - 9, commemorates the founding of our organization on March 8, 1896. We are one of Minnesota's largest human service organizations, and annually more than 92% of every dollar we receive is spent directly on program services. Through the years, Volunteers of America has demonstrated it is a dynamic organization keeping pace with the ever changing world. We recognize the need for developing creative ways to solve problems and meet community needs for all members of our society. I hope you will recognize March 2 - 9, 1997, as Volunteers of America Week and ask that you join us in celebrating our 10151 year of service. Your personal proclamation acknowledging our service to the people in your community will be appreciated. Your proclamation, along with other proclamations and letters will be duplicated and put into booklet form. A booklet commemorating our 1015' birthday will be placed in the reception area of each of our programs and senior dining sites. Something wonderful is happening in Minnesota, because of you! Your interest and support makes a significant impact on the success of our organization. And, as you know our success is measured through the lives of those we touch. Respectfully yours, Lyle eyer, Chair Board of Directors .4 .I ntistri (!I Volumeers of Amerc.; Minnesota 2 Golder. Valiev Rt,.,,i f i y�,� � T � Nfinneapoh�. MLnt:c.sou 4=-,"--+- Te; �d1n.` � c.1►1 �� Fax �A 2.:it,_?--i The Volunteers of America is excited to be celebrating its 10151 year, as we begin a second century of service. Volunteers of America Week, March 2 - 9, commemorates the founding of our organization on March 8, 1896. We are one of Minnesota's largest human service organizations, and annually more than 92% of every dollar we receive is spent directly on program services. Through the years, Volunteers of America has demonstrated it is a dynamic organization keeping pace with the ever changing world. We recognize the need for developing creative ways to solve problems and meet community needs for all members of our society. I hope you will recognize March 2 - 9, 1997, as Volunteers of America Week and ask that you join us in celebrating our 10151 year of service. Your personal proclamation acknowledging our service to the people in your community will be appreciated. Your proclamation, along with other proclamations and letters will be duplicated and put into booklet form. A booklet commemorating our 1015' birthday will be placed in the reception area of each of our programs and senior dining sites. Something wonderful is happening in Minnesota, because of you! Your interest and support makes a significant impact on the success of our organization. And, as you know our success is measured through the lives of those we touch. Respectfully yours, Lyle eyer, Chair Board of Directors Volunteers of America Minnesota PROGRAM SERVICES Children & Teenagers Bar -None Residential Treatment Center serves boys who are emotionally/behaviorally disturbed. 612-753-2500 Children's Emergency Shelter social services in a protective environment for children in crisis. 612-753-2319 Children's Shelter Annex long-term care with social and educational services for children. 612-753-2500 Cornerstone Child Care Center for infants and preschool aged children. 320495-3345 Correction Foster Group Homes therapeutic homes for teenagers with a delinquent history. 612-546-3242 Emergency Shelter Foster Care Homes provide short-term care for children. 612-546-3242 Evaluation Shelter Unit determines appropriate treatment plans for troubled youth. 612-753-2500 Foster Homes for Children where traditional family care is provided for children. 612-546-3242 In -Home Respite Care for families of children who are autistic, autistic -like and/or disabled. 612-546-3242 Intensive Treatment Center for boys with severe behavioral problems in a secure setting. 612-753-2554 Out -of -Home Respite Care for families of children who are autistic, autistic -like and/or disabled. 612-546-3242 Settevig Center serves emotionally and;or behaviorally disturbed boys. 612-1753-2500 Short -Term Aftercare prepares a child for a successful transition from treatment to home. 612-753-2500 Specialized Behavioral Program serves emotionally/behaviorally disturbed boys and their families. 612-753-2500 Specialized Foster Homes for children who are physically andlor mentally challenged. 612-546-3242 Treatment Foster Homes provide a supportive. directive environment for children and youth. 612-546-3242 Adults Columbia Heights Board and Lodging services for mildly mentally ill adults. 612-574-1167 CornerStone Supportive Transitional Housing for homeless/high risk families. 320-495-3344 In -Home Supportive Living Services and Respite Services for disabled adults. 320-495-3550 Ponderosa Board and Lodging services for adults. 320-495-3371 Portland House Supportive Living Services for developmentally disabled adults. 612-644-0577. Princeton Supportive Living Services a home for mentally disabled adults. 320-389-9461 Regional Corrections Center a jail, workhouse and work -release program for women. 612-488-2073 Residential Center a pre-release and work -release correctional program for men. 612-721-6327 Semi -Independent Living Services learning opportunities for individuals with special needs. 320495-3550 Settevig Supportive Living Services it home for developmentally disabled adults in Mora. 320-679-2264 Stevencroft Apartment Supportive Living Services for developmentally disabled young adults. 612-644-2514 Stevencroft House Supportive Living Services for developmentally disabled young adults. 612-644-2514 Supported Independent Living Services for adults with special needs. 320-495-3550 White House Supportive Living Services for developmentally disabled adults near Wahkon. 320-495-3407 Senior Citizens Hennepin County Meals Coordination Program subsidy for home delivered & senior dining meals. 612-546-3242 Home Delivered Meals noon meals delivered to homebound seniors. 612-546-3242 Mora Senior Supportive Living Services for mentally disabled elderly who have special needs. 320-679-0243 Senior Dining noon meals in a community setting, to anyone 60 years of age or older. 612-546-3242 Social Services Coordinator for Senior Housing. 612-546-3242 VOLUNTEERS OF AMERICA... was founded March 8,1896 in New York City. On April 24, 1896 services began in Minneapolis. VOLUNTEERS OF AMERICA, a national Christian human service organization, has a 100 year history of serving people in need; regardless of their race, color or creed. It seeks to develop programs in areas where needs are not being met by existing services. VOLUNTEERS OF AMERICA staff is comprised of individuals who not only have administrative and/or professional social work expertise, but who also have a commitment to the Christian mission of the organization; the reaching and uplifting of all people. Last year, in addition to 300 staff, more than 2,100 persons volunteered their talents to help enrich program services in Minnesota. VOLUNTEERS OF AMERICA, a 501(c)(3) organization, is eligible to receive tax deductible donations. VOLUNTEERS OF AMERICA meets all regulatory standards, publishes an annual report, has a certified audit, and files with the Charities Division of the Minnesota Attorney General's Office. BOARD OF DIRECTORS W. Lyle Meyer, Chair James E. Hogie Jr, President Mary E. Adams Ronald L. Britz Sharol L. Enger Walter W. Faster James W. Feil Mark. T. Flaten Gordon M. Haga Peter L. Hauser Barbara A. King Ross E. Kramer William W. McDonald John T. Richter William F. Rieckhoff Erling W. Rockney William E. Sandvig Clayton W. Strandlie Renee J. Tait Robert E. Van Valkenburg Dr. Harm A. Weber VOLUNTEERS OF AMERICA MINNESOTA DISTRICT OFFICE administrative, accounting, and development offices are located at 5905 Golden Valley Road, Minneapolis, MN 55422-4490 (612) 546-3242 Agenda Information Memo March 4, 1997 Eagan City Council Meeting H. AMENDMENT TO MASSAGE THERAPY ORDINANCE ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: To approve a resolution amending a massage therapy ordinance to provide for administrative review of applications by the Police Chief. FACTS: At the direction of the City Council, the City Attomey has prepared an amendment to the massage therapy ordinance to permit administrative review and approval by the Police Chief. The ordinance provides a mechanism for appeal of the Chief s decision to the City Council if an applicant wishes. ATTACHMENTS: Ordinance on pages �throughg_!r Resolution on page -:S ORDINANCE NO. 2ND SERIES AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EAGAN, MINNESOTA, AMENDING EAGAN CITY CODE CHAPTER SIX ENTITLED "OTHER BUSINESS REGULATION AND LICENSING" BY AMENDING SECTION 6.39, SUBD. 4 REGARDING MASSAGE THERAPY ESTABLISHMENT AND AMENDING SECTION 6.40, SUBD. 3(A) REGARDING MASSAGE THERAPIST LICENSES; AND BY ADOPTING BY REFERENCE EAGAN CITY CODE CHAPTER I AND SECTION 6.99. The City Council of the City of Eagan does ordain: Section 1. Eagan City Code Chapter Six is hereby amended by changing Section 6.39, Subd. 4, to read as follows: Subd. 4. License Application. All initial applications for licenses to operate massage therapy establishments shall be accomplished by a non -returnable investigation fee . This fee shall also cover the investigation fee for one massage therapist. Applications shall contain the names and addresses of the owners, lessees and operators of the applicant, together with a description and location of the premises. The application shall also include information as to any convictions of any crime or offense committed by the applicant, together with such other information as the Cecil CC may require before consideration of the application. All applications by corporations shall include the names and addresses of all persons having a beneficial interest therein. An investigation by the Building Inspector shall be conducted of all premises proposed to be licensed before consideration by the Getme Ci!y. The Police Department shall conduct an investigation of all persons proposed to be licensed before consideration by the GeuaW Lily. All applications shall thereafter be considered by the Gouar. Qy. * * * Section 2. Eagan City Code Chapter Six is hereby amended by changing Section 6.40, Subd. 3(A), to read as follows: Subd. 3. Licensing Requirements. A. License Application. All applications for a license to practice as a massage therapist shall be accompanied by a medical certificate from a physician duly licensed to practice medicine in the State of Minnesota, stating that the applicant a� has no communicable disease. All initial applications shall be accompanied by a non- returnable investigation fee . . All initial applications shall also be accompanied by front and side view photographs. Applications shall contain such other information as the Eeuneil CLty may, from time -to -time, require. All applicants shall be at least eighteen (18) years of age. Section 3. Eagan City Code Chapter 1 entitled "General Provisions and Definitions Applicable to the Entire City Code Including Penalty for Violation"' and Section 6.99, entitled "Violation a Misdemeanor" are hereby adopted in their entirety by reference as though repeated verbatim. Section 4. Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect upon its adoption and publication according to law. ATTEST: Bv: E. J. VanOverbeke Its: Clerk Date Ordinance Adopted: CITY OF EAGAN City Council By: Thomas A. Egan Its: Mayor Date Ordinance Published in the Legal Newspaper: CITY OF EAGAN A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING ADMINISTRATIVE LICENSING OF MASSAGE THERAPY ESTABLISHMENTS AND MASSAGE THERAPISTS WHEREAS, the Council has previously considered license applications for massage therapy establishments and massage therapist. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Eagan, Dakota County, Minnesota: 1. That the Council deems it to be in the best interest of the City that massage therapy establishment licenses and massage therapist licenses be administratively issued. 2. That the City Clerk is authorized and directed to issue massage therapy establishments and massage therapist licenses on behalf of the City. Dated: , 1997. CITY OF EAGAN City Council ATTEST - E. J. VanOverbeke, Clerk Motion made by: Seconded by: Those in favor: Those against: Thomas A. Egan, Mayor Agenda Information Memo March 4,1997 ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: To approve a release and termination of temporary turn- around street easement within the Centex Vermillion Addition and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute all related documents. FACTS: • With the phased construction of the Centex Vermillion development, it was necessary to construct a temporary street cul-de-sac turn -around on private property until the street connection could be completed with future phases. • With the development contract agreement, such a document has been submitted to the City. • With the final completion and extension of Burgandy Drive with the 2nd Addition, this temporary turn -around easement is no longer necessary and should be formally released by Council action. • The documents have been reviewed by the City Attorney and Engineering Divisions and found to be in order for favorable Council action. ATTACHMENTS: • Location map, page C:�q . Q � TEMPORA R Y EA SEMENT ' SKETCH easterly rignt-o -way of Burgunoy Jri0e,, ll •9 southerly line of Lot 7 Block 12 --� C4outheost corner of 7, Block 2 - �f Proposed temporary easement -<< .x // 16+25 16+00 `N1 15+00 SS; �- westerly right-of-woy of Burgunay Drive �— Proposed 45' radius / Bituminous Cul-de-sac r southerly right-of-way of Burgundy Drive 7--KARov1kd STRer. 14+00 PROPOSED TEMPORARY lEASEMENT DESCRIPTION: r 1 , „ / , , , / , t < 1 f ! I Yf < A temporary easement for roadway purposes over and across that port of Outlot C, Lot T Block 1 and Lot 1, Block 2, CENTEX VERMILION, according to the recorded plat thereof, Dakota County, Minnesota, lying within the circumference of o circle having a radius of 55.00 feet, the center of which bears South 08 degrees 43 minutes 27 seconds East, a distance of 50.44_ feet from the southeast corner of said -Lot 1, Block 2, assuming the southerly line of said Lot 1, Block 2 bears North 71 degrees 52 minutes 26 seconds West, EXCEPT Burgundy Drive, as dedicated on said plat of CENTEX VERMILION. SA 1D TrMo,ZA TURNAROvnd -S7RE6 � 0ASE / j -r,,4 T' FX p1 ,Te VP"tr The <evlltW�Sfar%�i c�C ttz �F 13VA DY D,pI R£OUESTED BY.- CENTEX REAL ESTA TE COW. Westwood Professional Services, Inc 1 14180 West Trunk Hwy. 5 l Scale: 1'- 50 feet Bearings based on assumed datum. Eden Prairie, MH 55344 (612) 9J7-5150 Drown by. CWM Dote: 8/9/95 Job No: 94J98EA5 2 � - centerline of Right-of-woy centerline �;f rooa—,,,,3i2,3r I . �t 17+00� -- 16 5` x lK r ! !r ,t , easterly rignt-o -way of Burgunoy Jri0e,, ll •9 southerly line of Lot 7 Block 12 --� C4outheost corner of 7, Block 2 - �f Proposed temporary easement -<< .x // 16+25 16+00 `N1 15+00 SS; �- westerly right-of-woy of Burgunay Drive �— Proposed 45' radius / Bituminous Cul-de-sac r southerly right-of-way of Burgundy Drive 7--KARov1kd STRer. 14+00 PROPOSED TEMPORARY lEASEMENT DESCRIPTION: r 1 , „ / , , , / , t < 1 f ! I Yf < A temporary easement for roadway purposes over and across that port of Outlot C, Lot T Block 1 and Lot 1, Block 2, CENTEX VERMILION, according to the recorded plat thereof, Dakota County, Minnesota, lying within the circumference of o circle having a radius of 55.00 feet, the center of which bears South 08 degrees 43 minutes 27 seconds East, a distance of 50.44_ feet from the southeast corner of said -Lot 1, Block 2, assuming the southerly line of said Lot 1, Block 2 bears North 71 degrees 52 minutes 26 seconds West, EXCEPT Burgundy Drive, as dedicated on said plat of CENTEX VERMILION. SA 1D TrMo,ZA TURNAROvnd -S7RE6 � 0ASE / j -r,,4 T' FX p1 ,Te VP"tr The <evlltW�Sfar%�i c�C ttz �F 13VA DY D,pI R£OUESTED BY.- CENTEX REAL ESTA TE COW. Westwood Professional Services, Inc 1 14180 West Trunk Hwy. 5 l Scale: 1'- 50 feet Bearings based on assumed datum. Eden Prairie, MH 55344 (612) 9J7-5150 Drown by. CWM Dote: 8/9/95 Job No: 94J98EA5 Agenda Information Memo March 4,1997 ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: To approve the 5' and final payment for Contract 95-04 (Deerwood Townhome Utility Extensions) in the amount of $8,364.48 to Northdale Construction Company, Inc., and authorize perpetual City maintenance subject to warranty provisions. FACTS: • Contract 95-04 provided for the installation and extension of sanitary sewer and watermain facilities to serve the Deerwood Townhomes Addition located in the northeast corner of Deerwood Drive and 35E. • All work has been completed in compliance with City prepared plans and specifications, inspected by representatives of the Public Works Department and found to be in order for acceptance of perpetual maintenance subject to contractual warranty provisions. /._ ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: To authorize the 7" and final payment in the amount of $8,486 to Max Steininger, Inc., for Contract 95-03 (TH 3:Red Pine Lane - Street & Utilities) and accept for perpetual maintenance subject to warranty provisions. FACTS: • Contract 95-03 provided for the reconstruction of TH 3, the signalization with the new Red Pine Lane intersection and the installation of trunk utilities. • This work was completed in conformance to City prepared plans and specifications. inspected by representatives of the Public Works Department and found to be in order for favorable Council action of final payment and acceptance for perpetual maintenance subject to warranty provisions. m Agenda Information Memo March 4,1997 ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: To receive an amendment to the feasibility report for Project 692 (Old Sibley Highway - Streets & Utilities) and order a new public hearing to be held on April 1, 1997. FACTS: • The original public hearing for Project 692 (Old Sibley Highway - Streets & Utilities) was held on October 2, 1995. This provided for the extension of sanitary sewer and watermain along with upgrading Old Sibley Highway as necessary to service the Eagan Heights Townhome development located north of Diffley Road and west of Cedar Freeway. • Under the terms and conditions of the development contract agreement for the Eagan Heights To,,Amhomes 1 S` Addition approved by Council action on November 6, 1995, the developer was responsible for acquiring the necessary easements to allow the City to proceed with the installation of public utilities under a City contract. • Due to the developer's inability to provide the necessary easements, the City was not able to award a contract within the statutory timeframe of one year of date of project approval. Scheduling a new public hearing for the original project will allow the City to proceed as originally planned. • The amendment does not change the scope of the project but merely updates the cost estimates and legal descriptions of the property to be assessed. ATTACHMENTS: • Feasibility report amendment, enclosed without page number. 3a EAGAN CITY COUNCIL March 4, 1997 Meeting CONSENT AGENDA M. AMENDMENT to Comprehensive Trails Plan/set public hearing FOR COUNCIL ACTION To set a public hearing date for April 1, 1997 for the consideration of amending the Master Trails Plan to include a trail -sidewalk on Denmark Drive from Lone Oak to Northwood Drive. BACKGROUND The last revision to the Master Trails Plan was made in 1994 with the up date to the Parks System Plan in which a chapter was devoted to trails. Since that time, the Promenade development has occurred and with it the construction of Northwood Drive. Northwood Drive has a bituminous trail on the north side and a sidewalk on the south side. Northwood Drive plays a significant role In the transportation link In this area and the proposed road Improvements In the future. With the proposed extension of Denmark Avenue (formerly known as Hampton Drive) south connecting with Northwood Drive, and with the application for development of the Homestead development at the intersection of Lone Oak and Denmark, the issue of a sidewalk was raised. TRAILS AND SIDEWALKS IN PLACE In addition to the trails on Northwood Drive, Lone Oak has a trail in place extending West from Pilot Knob. A trail along Lexington Avenue extends from Lone Oak to Clubview Drive and the new post office. To the south, trails are on both sides of Yankee Doodle as well as the previously mentioned trails on both sides of Northwood Drive. Additional trails and sidewalks are within the Promenade PD connecting some of the buildings and the residential area now under construction. ADIACENT LAND USE To the east of the extension of Denmark is the U.S. Bulk Mail Center. To the west, the land is zoned limited industrial. There has been discussion about the possibility of a future hotel located north and west of the Byerly's. APRNRC REVIEW The Advisory Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Commission reviewed the Homestead Village Development at Its February meeting and also reviewed the trails plan for this particular development . They passed a motion recommending that the City Council consider revising the Master Trails Plan to include a sidewalk on Denmark. There motion left open which side the trail should be on, referencing the possible need for engineering review. ATTACHMENT Drawing of proposed trai. ., o v L,O N F- [3PtK z-2 o 0 0 0 0 o d o 7 z d rn 0 N Al O CLuevAF,w oR•I U.S. POST L0 OFFICE a Ell ;< 0 LLI A A. AA CON CRETE f 0 0 0 0 51 T O M ,,4 0 05 ~rRaiL- I I �pjZ'CH WoUJ oDo > Q' o O °ooa 0 0 0 0 o E o Oo 0 d 0 ,o, o A a YANKEE A D4OpLF. RQhD 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 p O o O 0 O o c� O `� D O 0 C. Agenda Information Memo March 4, 1997 Eagan City Council Meeting N. 1997 LICENSE/PAINTBALL SPORT FACILITY - THE ADVENTURE ZONE ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: To approve a paintball sport facility license for The Adventure Zone (formerly Splatball Indoor) located at 3820 Sibley Memorial Highway. FACTS: The license for the paintball sport facility located at 3820 Sibley Memorial Highway is in order for renewal. While the ownership remains the same, the facility has recently been renamed The Adventure Zone. • The application has been reviewed by staff and is in order for consideration by the Council. ATTACHMENTS: • Application enclosed without page number. Agenda Information Memo March 4, 1997 Eagan City Council Meeting O. WINE & BEER LICENSE, JOHN HARDY'S BAR -B -Q ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: To approve a wine and beer license for John Hardy's Bar -B -Q (formerly Q Burger) located at 1428 Yankee Doodle Road. FACTS: The City is in receipt of an application for the above referenced license. It has been reviewed by staff and the Police Department and is in order for consideration by the City Council. The location is the former site of the Q Burger restaurant in Yankee Square. ATTACHMENTS: m License application enclosed without page number. 3 `{ Agenda Information Memo March 4,1997 ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: To receive the feasibility report for Project 713 (Denmark Avenue, Court, Trail; Kolstad & Timbershore Lanes - Street Rehabilitation) and schedule a public hearing to be held on April 1, 1997. FACTS: • In the City's approved 5 -Year CIP (1997-2001), a structural overlay with miscellaneous improvements has been programmed to be performed in 1997. • On December 4, 1996, the City Council authorized the preparation of a feasibility report to identiA, the scope of the improvements required, estimated costs, method of financing and pending special assessment roll. • This feasibility report has now been completed and is being presented for the consideration of scheduling a public hearing to formally present this proposed public improvement to the affected property owners. • An informational neighborhood meeting was held on Thursday, March 27. ATTACHMENTS: • Draft feasibility report, enclosed without page number. • Informational neighborhood meeting minutes, pages through 3S 612 490 2150 02.26%97 FRI 10:45 FAX 612 490 2150 SEH ... EAGAN 2002 CITY PROJECT NO. 713 Denmark Avenue, Timbershore Additions and Pilot Knob Heights Addition SES No. A-EAGAN9705.00 Informational Neighborhood Meeting Thursday, February 27,1997 6:30 p.m. Council Chambers Attendance: Tom Colbert; Arnie Erhart; Tom Struve, City of Eagan; Tom Sohrweide, Ken Meister, John Lee, SEH; approximately 17 people (see sign -in sheet) A. Welcome and Introduction • Tom Colbert welcomed the residents and introduced staff people. • City of Eagan started street rehabilitation a number of years ago. • In 1989, a Pavement Management Program was developed. • Your streets are not the first needing improvements, nor the last. B. Community/Neighborhood History and City's Pavement Management Program *Arnie Erhart explained Pavement Management. In last 17 years, the City of Eagan has added about 80 percent of its streets. • Discussed aging of streets generally with a life of 18 to 25 years. Factors affecting the conditions of streets: Subgrade Traffic Weather (Freezing and Thawing) • In 1989 Braun Intertec developed computerized Pavement Management System for the City. Streets are field rated and a pavement condition index is developed for each street from 0 to 100. 0-35 Reconstruction 36-55 Rehabilitation - Overlay 56-100 Preventative Maintenance - Crack Filling, Seal Coat • Eagan streets have generally lasted longer than 20 years. By using the Pavement Management Program, the City can schedule the right maintenance at the right time. • Arnie displayed the map of Capital Improvements for 1997 - 2001. If nothing is done to these streets, they will need reconstruction in 5 to 7 years and will result in high maintenance costs. C. Eagan's Protective/Preventative Maintenance Program - (Tom Struve) The City of Eagan has 218 miles of streets. Tom explained the day -today operations and showed slides of patching and preparing streets for seal coating and overlays. In addition, slides were shown of last year's projects, South Hills Addition and Wilderness Run Road. 3� 612 490 2150 02/28/97 FRI 10:45 FAX 612 490 2150 SEH y-►-► EAGAN 12003 Meeting Minutes February 28, 1997 Page No. 2 D. Project No. 713 Details (Tom Sohrweide) • Described the proposed project as a mill and overlay. Explained what happens during this type of construction. In addition, a sanitary sewer and water service will be added to 1320 Kolstad Lane. • Discussed the project schedule. Formal public hearing at the April 1, 1997 City Council meeting. At this meeting the Council will decide if the project proceeds. If it proceeds, completion is scheduled for September 1, 1997. • The project is proposed to be combined with the mill and overlay of Wescott Road from Denmark Avenue to Westbury Drive. • Indicated that the estimated total project cost is $277,580 with a proposed assessment of $73,383 for the mill and overlay and $5,200 for the sewer and water service. • Discussed the City's assessment policy. The assessment is based on 50 percent of the mill and overlay cost for a typical residential street (32 foot wide) with a IV2 inch overlay. The cost is divided by all properties having driveway access to the project roadways. Townhomes are assessed at 75 percent of the assessment for a single family residence. - Single Family Residential Lot Assessment Estimate = $401 - Townhome Assessment Estimate = $300.75 • The City will participate in the assessment by being assessed for 2 lots for Fish Lake Park. • Because of its size and the potential to create a 2nd lot, 1320 Kolstad Lane is proposed to be assessed for 2 lots = $802, plus the sewer and water service = $5,200. • Payment of the assessments was discussed. E. Summary by Tom Colbert • The options for these roadways are 1) do nothing now and reconstruct in the future, or 2) proceed with the mill and overlay now. • The residents need to let their feelings on the improvement be known to the Council at the public hearing, by the minutes of this meeting, or in writing. F. Questions 1. Is the $401 assessment an estimate? Yes, it is based on last year's construction costs with an inflation factor. The final assessment will be based on actual project costs. 2. Will last year's maintenance patching be removed? Only the edges will be milled to accommodate the overlay. Most of the patching will remain. 3. Two people indicated that they were in favor of the project. 4. Will costs go up because Wescott Road is included? No. Assessment costs will be based on this area only. However, the size of the Wescott Road project should encourage good bid prices. If the assessment would increase by more than 10 percent, based on actual bid prices, the Council would order a new public hearing. 37 612 490 2150 02/28/97 FRI 10:46 FAX 612 490 2150 SEH 444 EAGAN 2004 Meeting Minutes February 28, 1997 Page No. 3 5. Is the 8.5 percent interest rate set? No. It is an estimate and will be based on the actual bond rate. 6. Tom Colbert indicated that the residents would receive notice of the Final Assessment Hearing. He also reiterated the need to inform the Council of their feelings on this project. 7. Shouldn't the townhome assessment be even lower, because of less roadway frontage? The Council had a lot of discussion on this in 1991. There are a lot of variables involved. You can offer your suggestions. 8. Will Contractor offer driveway repairs? As part of the project, driveways will only be affected if curbing needs to be replaced at the driveway. If that happens it will be replaced in kind. The Contractor is encouraged to work with the residents if they desire additional work on their property. The City will provide the name and phone number of the Contractor. 9. The City will provide updates to the residents during construction. 10. Why wasn't Crestridge Lane included? Although it's a little older, its condition isn't as bad. Streets are reevaluated every 3 years. 11. Citizen Comment - It's a pleasure to drive in Eagan after driving in pot hole city. Meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m. sah P-MCJECrJ%FAQAN0705W5C VAMMW.rU 612 490 2150 02/26,97 FRI 10:46 FAT, 612 490 2150 SEH 444 EAGAN INFORMATIONAL MEETING PROJECT 713 KOLSTAD, TIMBERSHORE, DENMARK AVE, DENMARK CT, DENMARK TR THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1997, 6:30 P.M. «,1� f "rI Ar.. r /1L s.X�", -f- ADDRESS J.3o 7 k-,stm Lome— !Q �.. l-t.�.�..�.�.r k 3 V �. tm w A -"t Zoos !3 / r? 3 3 7 z21� 7 y. 15. 16. 17. 1$. 19. 20. W: FORMWSIGNIKSHTNJ 51 612 490 2150 02/28/97 FRI 10:46 FAX 612 490 2150 SEH EAGAN Z006 CC ATTENDEE) PUBLIC 200 0 INFORMATIONAL MEETING MILL AND OVERLAY 100 FILE NO. DENMARK AVE, TASSISHORE ,DARN AA&SEAW EAGAN9705.00 AM PLOT KNOB HaWSAWTM EXHBrr N DATE: PROJECT NO. 713 No. 2 1/31/97 EAGAN, MINNESOTA 4 'D 612 490 2150 02%28%97 FRI 10:47 FA_T 812 490 2150 SEH r Lt a I1JJ[_JJMUV 1 mr\"m *ATTENDED PUBLIC INFORMATIONAL MEETING --4 EAGAN oumw000 IWVE MATCH LINE MILL AND OVERLAY 0.nn- G 11Z FILE N0, DENMAW AYE, TWERSHOW ADDffK)N 4w EAGAN9705.00 AND PLOT KNO® �g ADDTMAllow � A&ASEN DATE: PROJECT NO. 713 NO. 3 1/31/97 EAGAN, MINNESOTA 41 EAGAN CITY COUNCIL March 4, 1997 Meeting CONSENT AGENDA Q. APPROVE mini -grant, DNR Division of Forest FOR COUNCIL ACTION: To approve a mini grant with the Department of Natural Resources - Division of Forestry in the amount of $1,000 and authorize staff to execute the grant agreements. FACTS: • The DNR -Forestry Division provides mini grants for conservation purposes to local communities in the amount of $1,000. The City matches the grant on a 50/50 basis and may use an "in-kind" match for its share. The grant will be used to develop materials for educators, developers, builders, and homeowners on methods of tree preservation during development or construction projects. The estimated budget is $2,600. • Supervisor of Forestry Gregg Hove will be the Project Manage for the grant. CONCERNS: None. The grant will help supplement some costs already being incurred by the Forestry Division to carry out tree preservation measures with builders. Agenda Information Memo March 4,1997 ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: To receive a petition to vacate drainage and utility easements as described within Eagandale Center Industrial Park #4 and schedule a public hearing to be held on April 1, 1997. FACTS: The recent plat of Eagandale Corporate Center incorporated and replatted Lots 1 - 13 of Blocks 3 & 4, Eagandale Center Industrial Park 44. However, although the new plat properly dedicated all newly required drainage and utility easements, the underlying dedicated easements were not vacated as conditioned with the final plat approval of Eagandale Corporate Center Addition. Staff has reviewed all application materials and found them to be in order for favorable Council action of scheduling a public hearing to present this request for formal consideration and action. ATTACHMENTS: + Location map, page • Legal description graphic, page A-5 0. W Z O CO.RD. 26 '' LONE OAK ROAD CLUBvEW DR. I I :W R. Ij D > j I � I O c� I� LO rr GEMINI RD. I � a z I J APOLLO ROAD PROPOSED VACATION ! I 1N DR. : r p 0 I �� �t Z v I J J I O I I , � Y � I I YANKEE I DOODLE ROAD Corr —SO. i DR. GOLF CDURS '= WE=C©7T D RD. TR. 7TRAIL r 1 city of eagan MOM L'5%k PUBLIC 1 WORKS DEPARTMENT SECTION 11 Q LJV 4 '400 ATION MAP I � w l � I ' � I t AD JM am—. .11 L.�, L.0 W _ZVO99- L., /A "Cl.91.00 S— In —77 ---LT I Ila t _j Tr e3 p! HNS I � w l � I ' � I t AD JM am—. .11 L.�, L.0 W _ZVO99- L., /A "Cl.91.00 S— In —77 ---LT -001M. 00-09-=,- malsiobs 3N11 HOIVYI v JO C 133HS 00 11 Ato is 4F V) to A 16 -'636-w n: a ---='i Ls 40 06 -001M. 00-09-=,- malsiobs 3N11 HOIVYI v JO C 133HS 00 11 Agenda Information Memo March 4,1997 �4WVZTUOF474032 W41-130 I WN VA U I 3V I t1exej WN 131: 11 ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: To receive a petition to vacate drainage and utility easements over Outlot A, Eagan Metro Center 2" Addition, and schedule a public hearing to be held on April 1, 1997. FACTS: • Outlot A of Eagan Metro Center 2nd Addition has been replatted into the Seneca Hills Addition. However, the underlying drainage and utility easements have not yet been vacated resulting in a title conflict with several of the newly platted residential lots. All application materials have been submitted, reviewed by staff and found to be in order for Council consideration of scheduling a public hearing to formally present and discuss the merits of this request. ATTACHMENTS: • Location map, page • Easement description graphic, page \} b v j I i "Gr Z y W� zo - - _ - YANKEE OOCDLE R_D. I� G° I °p0 9 / 4 I n� PROPOSED VACATION f I ► I I . �flPO I g� GAO I I ASHgVRr SLACXHA jyHILL RK ,Q - '�' ORESTRIDGE LN. o C w ER ppN0 MONTEREY LN o I C1R. � ► SECTION 17 city of eagan PUBLIC WORKS j DEPARTMENT LOCATION MAP WAY WA TE TREA FAC;I N F ROAD I C". ` IRUI I ' 0� iAC 4* G.at-E- k :ETON E Q 4 r -\n Goa JAN. '996 r, F------•-� .�--- i 5 -.87.86 I -- •9e, , /!v 10 L or cc �• Q/ii `\ Imo-/ •+ //�• tom/ •1 - 7LO 0 i #. % `�� ` "Qw Braes F � ♦ i 3 2 Iw 41 10 418 At ( N ' 1 J i fC J AV �� '8 r �� 7 1� f J � s `?• l 1C tr L_ fI I g `� ,rl•'��,.lt ��+ i;°4�ofr I d� I S R � 8 / C,4 Of .00, WIMM Ntrow / I I \ « H/fir 1 t •!� 'CJ / �� N"� '/'. 55.06 city of eagan MffPUBLIC same PRPOSED VACATION WORKS DEPARTMENT �_Lv Agenda Information Memo March 4,1997 IL -VACATE EASEMENTS, EAGAN PROMENADE 2,D ADDIS ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: To receive a petition to vacate drainage and utiliv, easements as described within Lot 1, Block 1, Eagan Promenade 2nd Addition, and schedule a public hearing to be held on April 1, 1997. FACTS: • A modification to the building plans for the apartment complexes within the Eagan Promenade 2nd Addition resulted in a footing encroachment into dedicated drainage and utility easements. Subsequently, the applicant has requested consideration of vacating a portion of these easements to avoid conflict with the building foundations. • All application materials have been submitted, reviewed by staff and found to be in order for favorable Council consideration of scheduling a public hearing to formally present and discuss the merits of this request. ATTACHMENTS: nn • Location map, page V . r i • Easement description graphics, pages and EcR`/ICE m I W W 7 C ILIO �ERVIE RD. AIA I J �R } n�v 31st =S,. �a z) I,U.S. POST OF --ICE `+•�� W � I CC.RD I ,I CLUBVIEW OR. !I I al� O jl 0 ! Z! � x WI PROPOSED LOCATION i I 1 YANKEE DOODLE ROAD > YANKEE PL. K�i z DR. COL; C VIE,v SECTION 10 city of eagan LarPUBLIC LO MAP , WORKS DEPARTMENT W ! RA. AIS Cor �� c w LCNE OAK Wi EcR`/ICE m I W W 7 C ILIO �ERVIE RD. AIA I J �R } n�v 31st =S,. �a z) I,U.S. POST OF --ICE `+•�� W � I CC.RD I ,I CLUBVIEW OR. !I I al� O jl 0 ! Z! � x WI PROPOSED LOCATION i I 1 YANKEE DOODLE ROAD > YANKEE PL. K�i z DR. COL; C VIE,v SECTION 10 city of eagan LarPUBLIC LO MAP , WORKS DEPARTMENT 10 SCALE IN FEET city of eagan PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT n t REVISED DUILDTNG LOCATION 120 1 r EASEMENT LTNE f; \ • 1 " 1 A �- " A A A A " 1 " a A A i r� A. EXISTING'...ERSEMENT a y' A t \ S A A 1 A 1' HEALEY RAMME EAGAN PROMENADE 2ND ADDN. #11320- 1 D VACATION MAP n t REVISED DUILDTNG LOCATION 120 1 r EASEMENT LTNE f; \ • 1 " 1 A �- " A A A A " 1 " a A A i r� A. EXISTING'...ERSEMENT a y' A t \ S A A 1 A 1' HEALEY RAMME EAGAN PROMENADE 2ND ADDN. #11320- 1 D VACATION MAP I u CJ I SCALE IN FEET 4 v REV. EASEMENT LOCATION P L A Tr I EASEMEJA WRTFRMAIN SHIFTED 3' WEST "m If HEALEY RAMME EAGAN PROMENADE 2ND RD[' W- Agenda Information Memo March 4,1997 • • • • 793313 F4,11 Sain-3ME ACTION FOR COUNCIL CONSIDERATION: To approve a resolution supporting the exemption of local transportation improvements from State noise standards and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute all related documents. FACTS: • Minnesota Rule 7030.0030 "Noise Control Requirement" establishes standards for maximum noise levels associated with streets and highways near adjacent residential units. • The application of this rule to local street and transportation related improvements makes the construction of noise attenuation facilities economically unfeasible and impractical in a local urban setting. • The recently adopted Transportation Policy element of Dakota County's Transportation System's Plan requires the local municipalities to fund 100% of the cost for any required noise attenuation associated with County road improvements. • The Metropolitan Inter -County Association is introducing a bill at the State legislature providing for the exemption of local government roads from the noise abatement standards. • The legislative committee of the City Engineer's Association of Minnesota (CEAM ) and the Dakota County City Manager -Administrators Group recommend that all municipalities take an active role in supporting the legislation requesting exemption from City and County road ways from current state noise standards. ISSUES: • If the City Council is interested in supporting this legislation, the adoption of the enclosed resolution should be forwarded to the appropriate agencies and our legislative representatives in support of this exemption. ATTACHMENTS: • Resolution, page. • Draft legislation, pages through S3 • Italluffm 174 M-11 WHEREAS, current Minnesota rules establish maximum noise levels for highways on adjacent residential property; and, WHEREAS, many existing urban city and county collector and arterial roadways exceed these noise standards during various times of the day; and, WHEREAS, to construct the necessary noise mitigation along existing roadways or with new transportation related improvements would be economically, esthetically, socially and technically unfeasible; and, WHEREAS, local cities would be responsible for 100% of the cost for noise mitigation on County road improvements within Dakota County; and, WHEREAS, compliance with the current noise limit rules and requirements would in all likelihood prevent the expansion of local urban transportation related improvements needed to facilitate the economic development of the metropolitan region and safely manage the increasing traffic volumes; and, WHEREAS, it is impractical to provide sufficient noise mitigation and local access with local roadway improvements unlike major interstate freeways. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Eagan, Dakota County, hereby supports the enactment of legislation exempting towns, cities and counties from State noise standards for local roads and streets. CITY OF EAGAN CITY COUNCIL By: Attest: CERTIFICATION I, E.J. VanOverbeke, Clerk of the City of Eagan, Dakota County, Minnesota, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution as duly passed and adopted by the City Council of the City of Eagan, Dakota County, Minnesota, in a regular meeting thereof assembled this A�_ day of March. 1997. E.J. VanOverbeke, City Clerk 5� 02/07/97 [REVISOR ] RR/XS 97-1934 1 A bill for an act 2 relating to highways; exempting town roads, city 3 streets, and county highways from noise abatement 4 standards; amending Minnesota statutes 1996, sections 5 116.07, subdivision 2a; and 161.125, subdivision 1. 6 BE IT ENACTED BY TEE LEGISLATURE OF TEE STATE OF MINNESOTA: 7 Section 1. Minnesota Statutes 1996, section 116.07, 8 subdivision 2a, is amended to read: 9 Subd. 2a. [EXEMPTIONS FROM STANDARDS.] No standards 10 adopted by any state agency for limiting levels of noise in 11 terms of sound pressure which may occur in the outdoor 12 atmosphere shall apply to (1) segments of trunk highways 13 constructed with federal interstate substitution money, provided 14 that all reasonably available noise mitigation measures are 15 employed to abate noise, (2) an existing or newly constructed 16 segment of a road, street, or highway -provided -that -e-11 17 reeeonab�p-avai�abie-r�esae-mstigat#erg-3neaacreaT-as-etppreved-bp 18 the-eemmsasicners-of-the-depart:hent-of-traaspertatxon-aad 19 pe��ntioa-eentre�-agetseY;-are-es+pioped-te-abate-r�etae under the 20 jurisdiction of a road authority of a town, statutory or home 21 rule charter city, or county, (3) skeet, tra PL or shooting 22 sports clubs, or (4) motor vehicle race events conducted at a 23 facility specifically designed for that purpose that was in 24 operation on or before July 1, 1983. Nothing herein shall 23 prohibit a local unit of government or a public corporation with Section 1 1 02/07/97 [REVISOR ] RR/KS 97-1934 1 the power to make rules for the government of its real property 2 from regulating the location and operation of skeet, trap or 3 shooting sports clubs, or motor vehicle race events conducted at 4 a facility specifically designed for that purpose that was in 5 operation on or before July 1, 1983. 6 Sec,. 2. Minnesota Statutes 1996, section 161.125, 7 subdivision 1, is amended to read: 8 Subdivision 1. [IMPLEMENTATION.] The commissioner of 9 transportation shall implement a noise abatement study and noise 10 abatement measures within or along the perimeter of state trunk 11 hiahwaysi freewayst and expressways in incorporated areasi 12 contingent on the availability of funding, in accordance with 13 section 116.07, subdivision 2a. The commissioner shall report 14 to the legislature by July 1, 1998, on noise 15 abatement studies and measures undertaken during the 16 previous ea+endae fiscal year and planned for the next three 17 years under this subdivision. The study must.include a survey 1S of all applicable noise standards and feasible noise abatement 19 measures, and an evaluation of their ability to protect citizens. 20 Sec. 3. [EFFECTIVE DATE.] 21 Sections 1 and 2 are effective July 1, 1997. S� Agenda Information Memo March 4,1997 PUBLIC HEARINGS ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: To close the public hearing and approve the vacation of drainage and utility easements as described over Lot 17, Block 2, SunCliff 5' Addition. and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute all related documents. FACTS: • On February 4, the City Council received a petition and scheduled a public hearing for March 4 to formally consider the vacation of a 5' drainage and utility easement formally described over Lot 1, Block 5, SunCliff 2nd Addition. • With the replat of this parcel into the SunCliff 5th Addition, the underlying utility easement was never vacated. Subsequently, a house has been constructed over this underlying utility easement creating a cloud on the title. • All notices have been published in the legal newspaper and sent to all potentially affected users of this easement. As of this date, staff has not received any objections to this request. ATTACHMENTS: • Staff report, location map and legal description, pages _S? through S7 ENGINEERING REPORT CITY OF EAGAN REPORT DATE: FEBRUARY 24,1997 REQUEST: DRAINAGE & UTILITY EASEMENT VACATION LOCATION: LOT 17, BLOCK 2, SUNCLIFF 5TH ADDN PETITIONED BY: JIM MILINKOVICH - UNIVERSAL TITLE REPORT BY: CRAIG KNUDSEN, ENGINEERING TECH Background The City has recently received a petition to vacate a drainage and utility easement within Lot 17, Block 2, SunCliff 5' Addition. This easement was originally dedicated as the northerly 5' drainage and utility easement of Lot 1, Block 5, SunCliff 2nd Addition. With the development of SunCliff 5' Addition, the developer included a replat of Lot 1, Block 5, SunCliff 2nd Addition, and incorporated this lot into the 5" Addition. Unfortunately, the developer neglected to vacate the underlying easements of the parent parcel resulting in a home being constructed on the underlying easement. This is resulting in a cloud on the property title. Therefore, the title insurance company is now proposing a vacation of the northerly 5' drainage and utility easement as platted on Lot 1, Block 5, SunCliff 2"d Addition, Dakota County MN. All necessary and required easements were provided with the subsequent plat of SunCliff 5`h Addition. Notifications and Responses Public notices for the vacation of the easement was published in the City's legal newspaper as required. Additional notice was provided as standard procedure to other parties who may have an interest such as City staff and private utilities. The only concern returned to the City was with Meredith Cable who was confused with the location of the vacation. -No other objections were received. Recommendation Since all required easements were provided with the plat of SunCliff 5`h Addition, it is recommended that the City vacate the drainage and utility easement as proposed with no conditions. Attachments: Location Map Legal & Graphic H: VACATIONS/suncliff5th.rpdjj �oC. i �U$Y J �c IRCON LA. = GtE1ELD C1 CT. I ,�T r a CT• SsPou�7E �� c, 1 T DIFFLEY ROA Y I ;CHIPMUNK CT.- � W J HP , ., 7 Q Es�(OJT F`. TEAR.. v Z o �• TIMBER OOG� r� } n F- a �(,c• P -r ¢ ,- Z z ILI,7 Nr—c��P I n �� J I BADGER lc• o �(i. �y I DF RFlOPOSEO VACATION DRz I - TR '� T�� R15c v G a= J ay SUN v� `4. , WOOC)GATE v� TEAL <c! h v BEART PATHI Q 1 3 �� CA AS ACK c _� wI we F �QQ�'NEST�/NG dNn Rlnx 11'c 2 �_'..,�. ..��! f 4:GLEN, E' SGRAW 6 -KYLE V 7. NAPE4: RAHN' PAF .R o/ 0 ? CO. RD. .:2 I WAY rpKETTL ARK/ city of eagan PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT lz5 t6 12 73 ,� SECTION 29 LQTION MAP i DO PA Q 0 +coo JAN. 1996 x.322 rzw Rle� Q APo ao/ C. R. WINDEN & ASSOCIATES, INC. cl gultivey LAND SURVEYORS TOL 646-3646 1381 EUSTIS ST., ST. PAUL$ MINN. 53108 For: GRAND OAKS DEVELOPMENT I� 1 PROPOSED VACATION OF 5' DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT f AS PLATTED UNDER SUN CLIFF SECOND ADDITION Scale: 1"=30' �N o Denotes Iron Monument 40 Hearings Are Assumed 0 4 q\� 7 �d Io o S, � 49 N w \ lee- y ., -0m NOTE: /3 .0 \ 0040 G Denotes Wooden Stake 5 Proposed Garage Floor E1.=917.2 `C` \ '► (916.9) Denotes Proposed Finished Ground El. _ O �— Denotes Direction Of Surface Drainage _vertical Datum - N.G.v.D. I929- 4&\ ` Lot 17, Block 2, SUN CLIFF FIFTH ADDITION, I Dakota County, Minnesota. WE MEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS 13 A TRUE AND CORRECT REPRESENTATION OF A SURVEY OF THE ' 6OLIN0ARIES OF THE LAND AbjVE DESCRIBED AND OF THE LOCATION OF ALL BUILDINGS, IF ANY, THElEON, AND ALL VISIBLE ENCROACHMENTS. IF ANY, FROM on ON SAID LANG D904w ��I• —�+T A.O. 1005- C. A. WINOEN i ASSOCIATES, INC. Sv�.�rr, Minw��il! laii�tnfiiw N+. 7rI�C ws�s i� LEGAL DESCRIPTION Vacation of all drainage and utility easements within Lot 1, Block 5, SunCliff 2°d Addition, Dakota County, Minnesota, that lies beneath Lot 17, Block 2, SunCliff Fifth Addition, Dakota County, Minnesota Agenda Information Memo March 4,1997 B. VACATE EASEMENTS, EAGANDALE CORP CTR ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: To close the public hearing and approve the vacation of a drainage and utility easement as described and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute all related documents. FACTS: • On February 4, the City Council received a petition to vacate the common lot line drainage and utility easements over Lots 1 and 2, Block 3, of Eagandale Corporate Center and scheduled a public hearing to be held on March 4. This easement vacation is necessary to facilitate a lot combination for a large warehouse facility. • All notices have been published in the legal newspaper and sent to all potentially affected users. As of this date, staff has not received any objections to this proposal. ATTACHMENTS: 0 Staff report, location map and legal description, pages _(a through M ENGINEERING REPORT CITY OF EAGAN REPORT DATE: FEBRUARY 24,1997 REQUEST: DRAINAGE & UTILITY EASEMENT VACATION LOCATION: LOTS 1 & 2, BLOCK 3, EAGANDALE CORPORATE CTR PETITIONED BY: RICHARD UIHLEIN REPORT BY: CRAIG KNUDSEN, ENGINEERING TECH BackMund Eagandale Corporate Center is a recent plat developed by Maplewood Acres, Inc. Within this plat lie Lots 1 and 2, Block 3, which Uline is proposing to construct a warehouse facility which will lies on both lots. This applicant has recently recorded a lot combination agreement with Dakota County to the City's satisfaction and is requesting the City vacate the drainage and utility easement along the common lot line as shown on the attachment. Notifications and Responses Public notices for the vacation of this easement was published in the City's legal newspaper. Additional notices were provided as standard procedure to parties who may have an interest, such as City staff and local utilities. The City has not received any objection to this proposed easement vacation. I zfqq*TJ-T41-$ Mr, F14 56111 Since the applicant has already recorded the lot combination agreement to the City's satisfaction, it is recommended that the City vacate this easement as proposed with no further conditions. Attachments: Location Map- . - Legal & Graphic H: VACATIONS/Eagandale Corp Ctr, L. 1&2, BI. 3 �3 U Y Q OI W I Z — — — CO.RD. 26 LONE OAK ROAD > I J7 I z CLUBVIEW ' I I J s DR. I APOLLO I ROAD pL. .W DR. z w I O Q I V)cI') Z O < � I GEMINI RD. I I _z Lu _ J z o PROPOSES VACATION ALDRIN DR. C? Z J I 0 U i I W `1 I I YANKEE I DOODLE ROAD A DR. city of eagan PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SCOTT S0.z J oma$ r GOLF CORSE � �p WESCCOTT END J RD. W TRAIL /7 1 F-,) SECTION 11 �047CATION MAP I. 0 Lp�j 1000 JAN. 1996 F I city of eagan PUBLIC WORKS. r)=:)A, m-r&ACxrr a OPROPOSED VACATION OF DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT E PLAN �:� ............ a4'44'05" E 'I F 3 man et I I t .:• \$N i4p \t_ , IRM'a{' r J L W L ORIVE 71«n r-i- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2 me . . . . . . C4N 09'44*06" W 1- W vii Here is the legal description for the proposed vacation of easement through the property being purchased by ULine. Inc.: The utility easement that ties ten (10) feet on either side of rhe sideline between Lots I & 2. Block 3. Eagandale Corporate Center; Dakota County, Nfinnesota, except the -northerly and southerly ten (10) feet Ehereof. city of eagan PUBLIC WORKS. r)=:)A, m-r&ACxrr a OPROPOSED VACATION OF DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT E PLAN Agenda Information Memo March 4,1997 WN -W Tell)_ : 1 _ 1 11 R *3 51 NZITIANTIJKLIMMY31 tom ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: To close the public hearing and approve Project 718, Deerwood Reservoir - Trunk Watermain. FACTS: • Project 682 was approved at a public hearing held on March 21, 1995. This project provided for the extension of trunk watermain westerly along Deerwood Drive and under I -35E as necessary to provide service to adjacent properties and the newly constructed Deerwood Reservoir. • The acquistion of required easements was not completed within timeframe that would have allowed the City to award a contract within the statutory one year from date of formal approval. • Now that the easements have been defined, a contract can be awarded. However, a new public hearing must be held to meet the statutory time requirements. • All notices have been published in the legal newspaper and sent to all affected property owners informing them of this public hearing. Staff was contacted by Mr. Leo Murphy requesting that his original objection submitted under Project 682 be re-entered into the record under this project. ISSUES: • Project 718 presents a preliminary assessment roll using 1997 Fee Schedule rates. This results in a 7.2% increase for lateral benefit from trunk watermain assessments and 4.0% increase for trunk area water assessments over the 1995 rates presented at the original public hearing. If the Council feels the 1995 rates should be carried over, specific action should be taken with project approval to ensure that the final assessment roll is properly prepared. In any event, the special assessment will be limited by the increase in property value. ATTACHMENTS: • Feasibility report, pages through • Property owner objection, page. MWO city of ccgcn Report for Deerwood Reservoir Trunk water Main City Project No. 718. Eagan, Minnesota February 1997 File No. 49576 JU8onestroo Rosene Anderlik Associates Engineers Q Architects St. Paul, Minnesota Bonestroo Rosene Anderlik & Associates Engineers & Architects February 21, 1997 City of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, MN 55122 Re: Deerwood Reservoir Trunk Water Main Project No. 718 Our File No. 49576 Dear Mayor and City Council: 8onestroo, Rosene. Anderlik and Associates. Inc. is an Affirmative Action,,lEqual Opportunity Employer Principals., Otto G. Bonestroo. P.E. • Joseph C. Anderlik, P.E. • Marvin L. Sorvala, P.E. Richard E. Turner, PE. Glenn R. Cook, P.E. • Thomas E. Noyes, P.E. • Robert G. Schunicht. P.E. Jerry A. Bourdon. P.E. • Robert W. Rosene. PE. and Susan M. Eberlin, C.P.A., Senior Consultants Associate Principals., Howard A. Sanford, P.E. • Keith A. Gordon. P.E. • Robert R. Prefferle. P.E. Richard W. Foster, P.E. • David O. Loskota, P.E. • Robert C. Russek, A.I.A. • Mark A. Hanson, P.E. Michael T. Rautmann, P.E. • Ted K.Field, P.E. • Kenneth P Anderson, P.E. • Mark R. Rolfs, P.E. Sidney P Williamson. RE., L.S. • Robert F. Kotsmith Offices: St. Paul, Rochester, Willmar and St. Cloud, MN • Mequon, WI Attached is our report for Deerwood Reservoir Trunk Water Main. The proposed water main is presented and discussed within the report, along with a detailed cost estimate and a preliminary assessment roll. We will be pleased to meet with the Council and other interested parties at a mutually convenient time to discuss the report. Yours very truly, BONESTROO, ROSENE, ANDERLIK & ASSOCIATES, INC.. , lei Ma&A. Hanson Enclosure Reviewed by: pt. �PubfW ks 1, Reviewed by: ;� �� v 4- D . � Finance Department 2335 West Highway 36 ■ St. Paul, I hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under- my direct supervision and that I am a duly Registered Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Mark A. Hanson Date: February 21, 1997 Registration No. 14260 Date:, 98 ■ 612-636-4600 DEERWOOD RESERVOIR TRUNK WATER MAIN EAGAN, MINNESOTA PROJECT NO. 718 Table of Contents Pate No Letter of Transmittal 1 Table of Contents 2 Scope 3 Feasibility and Recommendations 3 Discussion Water Main 3 Easement and Permits 4 Cost Estimate 4 Area to be Included 4 Assessments 5 Revenue Sources 5 Project Schedule 6 � y REPORT FOR DEERWOOD RESERVOIR TRUNK WATER MAIN EAGAN, MINNESOTA PROJECT NO. 718 SCOPE This project provides for the extension of trunk water main in Deerwood Drive to serve the 4.0 million gallon Deerwood Reservoir constructed under Project 678 (See attached Figure 1). The trunk water main proposed herein was previously identified with Project 682 but was not able to be constructed within one year of the public hearing due to pending development proposals for the property abutting the Deerwood Reservoir. The trunk water main alignment and required easements have now been finalized and can proceed under Project 718. The properties abutting this trunk water main are identified and proposed to be assessed. Project 678 (Deerwood 4.0 MG Ground Storage Reservoir) identifies the project costs to construct the Deerwood Reservoir, site acquisition, and the driveway access/utility easements from Deerwood Drive to the reservoir site. FEASIBILITY AND RECOMMENDATIONS The project is feasible from an engineering standpoint and is in accordance with the objectives established in Eagan's Comprehensive Water Supply and Distribution Plan. The project is necessary to provide a looped connection to the City's Trunk Water Supply System, service the new water reservoir, and satisfy the requirements of Eagan's adopted Comprehensive Utility Plans. The improvements are cost effective based on the proximity of existing utiltities. DISCUSSION Water Main / Reservoir Access Road Trunk water main proposed herein is shown- on Figure 2 and will be constructed under Contract 97-05. Trunk water main previously constructed for °Project 682 (Contract 95-04) is also noted. Trunk water main proposed herein includes an 18 -inch diameter trunk water main in Deerwood Drive and 35-E and a 24 -inch diameter trunk water main to the Deerwood Reservoir. A 12 -foot wide paved access road is proposed to be constructed from Deerwood Drive to the reservoir over the 24 -inch trunk water main alignment shown on Figure 2. EASEMENT AND PERMITS Easement costs associated with the trunk water main and driveway access to the Deerwood Reservoir from Deerwood Drive are included with Project 678 (Deerwood 4.0 MG Ground Storage Reservoir). A utility easement is required from Parcel 012-50 west of I -35E as noted below. Parcel DescriDtion Permanent (Sq. Ft.) Temporary (Sq. Ft.) Parcel 012-50 6,000 10,000 It is assumed for purposes of this report that the easement from Parcel 012-50 will be acquired for no cost. Permits are required from MnDOT and MHD for water main extensions. Williams Pipe Line has been contacted to review crossing of their pipeline. COST ESTIMATE A detailed cost estimate is presented in Appendix A located at the back of this report and is summarized below. The total estimated project cost is $349,180.00, which includes 5 percent contingencies and 35 percent indirect costs. Indirect costs include administrative, engineering, interest, and legal expenses. Trunk Water Main Reservoir Access Road Total Estimated Project Cost AREA TO BE INCLUDED Section 21: Parcel 017-28 _ Parcel 016-50 Parcel 016-28 Parcel 012-50 Parcel 010-29 $303,750.00 - 45,430.00 $349,180.00 ASSESSMENTS Assessments are proposed to be levied against the benefited property in accordance with Eagan's assessment policy for utility work. The assessment will be spread over 15 years at an interest rate determined at the assessment hearing based on the bond sale used to finance this improvement. Water Main Water main proposed herein is considered a trunk line. Therefore, it is proposed to assess a six-inch lateral benefit from this trunk water main along Deerwood Drive on a front foot basis in accordance with Eagan's 1997 Utility Fee Schedule (as shown on Figure 3). Trunk area water main is also proposed to be assessed to those parcels not previously assessed and is also shown on Figure 3. The 1997 Area and Lateral Rates for Trunk Water are summarized below: Lateral Benefit from Trunk: Single Family: $20.90 / F.F. Trunk Area Single Family: $1,810 / acre REVENUE SOURCES Project Cost Revenue Balance Water Main Trunk — Project 718 $349,180 Lateral Benefit from Trunk $41,246 Trunk Area $87,423 TOTAL $349,180 $128,669 $220,511 The portion of the project balance relating to the costs of the 18 -inch main along Deerwood Drive will be the responsibility of the Water Trunk Fund. The portion of the project balance relating to the 24 -inch main to the Reservoir will be the responsibility of the Public Utility Fund (Water Division). (1) Cost includes water main and access drive. PROJECT SCHEDULE Approve Plans and Specifications January 21, 1997 Present Feasibility report February 18, 997 Public Hearing/Receive Easements/Award Contract March 4, 1997 Substantial Completion (Water in Reservoir) May 15, 1997 Contract Completion October 1997 Assessment Hearing October 1997 First Payment Due with Real Estate Taxes April 1998 '-00- ), 5 APPENDIX A PRELIMINARY COST ESTIMATE DEERWOOD RESERVOIR TRUNK WATER MAIN PROJECT NO. 718 A. Water Main 730 LF 24" DIP water main @ $52/l.f. $37,960.00 2,160 LF 18" DIP water main @ $37/1.f. 79,920.00 30 LF 6" DIP water main @ $24/l.f. 720.00 1 EA 24" butterfly valve & box @ $4,000/ea. 4,000.00 2 EA 18" butterfly valve & box @ $3,000/ea. 6,000.00 2 EA 6" gate valve & box @ $500/ea. 1,000.00 20 EA Field loc gasket @ $345/ea. 6,900.00 2 EA Hydrant @ $1,500/ea. 3,000.00 2 EA Connect to existing 18" water main @ $1,000/ea. 2,000.00 1 EA Connect to existing 24" water main @ $1,200/ea. 1,200.00 16,000 LB Fitting @ $2.80/lb. 44,800.00 1,000 LF Improved pipe foundation @ $2/11 2,000.00 2,395 SY Sod @ $2/s.y. 4,790.00 2 AC Seed @ $2,000/ac. 4,000.00 Lump Sum Traffic control @ $1,000 1,000.00 5,000 SF Remove/replace concrete walk @ $3/s.f. 15,000.00 Subtotal $214,290.00 + 5% Contingency 10.710.00 Total Construction Cost $225,000.00 + 35% Indirect Costs 78.750.00 TOTAL WATER MAIN $303,750.00 B. Reservoir Access Road 700 CY Common excavation @ $8/c.y. $5,600.00 500 CY Common borrow @ $6/c.y. 3,000.00 550 TN Class 5 aggregate base @ 49/tn. 4,950.00 185 TN Type 41 bituminous surface @ $32/tn 5,920.00 300 TN Topsoil borrow @ $10/tn. 3,000.00 1,340 SY Concrete driveway apron @ $50/s.y. 1,250.00 1 AC Seed @ $2,000/ac. - 2,000.00 25 SY Concrete driveway apron @ $50/s.y. 1,250.00 Lump Sum Bollards with chain @ $500 500.00 50 LF B618 concrete curb & gutter @ $15/1.f. 750.00 Lump Sum LS Erosion control 2.400.00 Subtotal $32,050.00 + 5% Contingency 1.600.00 Total Construction Cost $33,650.00 + 35% Indirect Costs 11.780.00 TOTAL WATER MAIN $45,430.00 APPENDIX B PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT ROLL DEERWOOD RESERVOIR TRUNK WATER MAIN PROJECT NO. 718 Water Main A. Lateral Benefit from Trunk Parcel Description Assessable F.F. Rate / F.F. Total Assessment Section 21 Parcel Parcel 016-50 (26.8 ac) 1,165 $20.80(l) $24,232.00 Parcel 012-50 550 20.80 11,440.00 Parcel 016-28 268 20.80 5.574.00 TOTAL Parcel 010-29 1.5 $41,246.00 (1) Rate from 1997 Utility Fee Schedule ($20.80 - single family) B. Trunk Area SUMMARY OF ASSESSMENT ROLL Parcel . - Description Water Main Lateral Trunk Service Pond Section 21 Assessable Parcel Area Credit Street Area 5,574.00 Total Description (Acres) (Acres) Credit (Acres) Rate/Acre Assessment Parcel 010-29 1.5 -- -- 1.5 $1,810.00 $2,715.00 Parcel 016-50 26.8 1.5 20% 20.2 1,810.00 36,562.00 Parcel 016-28 28.0 -- 20% 22.4 1,810.00 40,544.00 Parcel 017-28 5.3 -- 20% 4.2 1,810.00 7.602.00 TOTAL $87,423.00 SUMMARY OF ASSESSMENT ROLL Parcel . - Description Water Main Lateral Trunk Service Total Section 21 - Parcel 016-50 $24,232.00 $36,562.00 -- $60,794.00 Parcel 016-28 5,574.00 40,544.00 -- 46,118.00 Parcel 017-28 -- 7,602.00 -- 7,602.00 Parcel 012-50 11,440.00 -- -- 11,440.00 Parcel 010-29 -- 2,715.00 -- 2,715.00 TOTAL $41,246.00 $87,423.00 $128,669.00 ��� Rate from 1997 Utility Fee Schedule �I N 0 500 1000 Same In feet DEER WOOD =, RESER VOIR I 0C v LOCATION PLAN 8onestroo Posene EAGAN, MINNESOTAFIGURE 1 Anderlik d � DEERWOOD RESERVOIR Associates CITY PROJECT No. 718 L:\49\49576\49576FOl FEBRUARY 1997 COMM. 4957 016-28 — 017-28 — — PROF Ex. 8" 18" DIP W.M. � 010-2,9 .x. 18" )IP W.M. 012-50 / ASING 016-50 FUTURE (26.8Ae.) N. DEERWOOD011-51// ESERVOIR SITE CL Ex. OVERHEAD ELEC I VAR. 50'-75' 243 8' ' PROPOSED CL1 TRUNK o WATER MAIN REMOVE & RECONSTRUCT CONC. WALK SECTION A -A TRUNK WATER MAIN 010-08Ij i Ex. 18" 011-07 a Eg o DIP W.M.-7 '� C:, DEERWOOD RIVE �l; L Opo 1 R 109 015-50 Gr' _ LOT 1 TRUNK k8 / WATN SLOT 1 CONTR�bT�5-04 Sc�' SUTURE PROJ. 68 PRESSURE t�oN P REDUCING STATION So. R/W ±15' N 8" G. m. LOC. VAR. EAGAN, MINNESOTA FIGURE 2 DEERWOOD RESERVOIR --7 CITY PROJECT No. 718 L: \49\49576\49576F02.DWG FEBRUARY 1997 COMM.49576 0 250 500 Scale in feet JASonestroo ..� Rosene Anderlik b Associates I Cr DEERWOOC� RESERVOIR SITE 011-51 ASSESSMENT LEGEND LATERAL BENEFIT FROM TRUNK TRUNK AREA 1, ij C Llllio� P� LOT 1 / SLOT 1 00'l- /ZNa SOS Pp01'�\O14 00%'Oo � P � ®® ®EE i EK 0 250 500 AA I Scale in felt WATER MAIN ASSESSMENTS EAGAN, MINNESOTA FIGURE 3 DEERWOOD RESERVOIR CITY PROJECT No. 718 c 9 L: \49\49576\49576F02.DWG FEBRUARY 1997 COMM.49576 i Sonestroo Rosene Anderlik b Associates To: Eagan Mayor and City Council From: Leo Murphy Ref: City Project No. 682, Fardel 013-28 Assessment: Water Main Trunk: $48,024 it if Lateral:_ When Cedar Grove # 8 was developed along the west side of Murphy Farm, water and sanitary sewer stubs were installed large enough to service any future detielopement. As it is a farm and zoned Agriculture, I have no use for either. In my farming operation, I cannot use city water be- cause it has floride and chloride added. Floride has been used as the principle killing ingredient in rat poison. Giving my sheep city water would result in aborted and deformed lambs and breeding problems. Since I will continue to farm and my sons have expressed their desire to con- tinue farming, there isnot and will continue no use for city water and sanitary sewer. When I was at City Hall t the courts ruled that property can not be assess- ed if there is no benefit to the property. Since water and sanitary sewer are no benefit or use to land used in farming, the courts have ruled such assessments cannot be made. I am well aware of the length of Council meetings and for that reason I am giving you this information before the hearing. I ask that this letter be placed on file at City Hall. The bottom line: why should I nay interest indefinitel on$53 250.00 for something I will not use. Useing the rule of "7", $539550. wil� double in 7 years to $1069500., 14 years $213,000., 21 years $426,000,, 28 years $952 000. At what point does it stop being an assessment and become confiscation? In 1917, the Russian people lost their property at the end of the barrel of a gun. In this country it is done with a pen, making the pen mightier then the sword. It is with great sorrow to watch day by day and see my life work slowly erode away, while the Moverments equity keeps increasing. The solution: While Mayor, we had a policy of not entering on record the assessment against farmland until the land was no longer farmed and it was rezoned. At that time the assessment rate then in effect was levied. The City then recovered their money and the land owner saved thousands of dollars in interest. The George Ohman farm was one example. My request: That this assessment not he entered on the roll until the farm is rezoned and the rate at that time be applied.. Because of the ever increas- ing assessment rate over the years, we calculated that the City would ac- tually be financially better off by postponing; the assessment and multiple thousands of dollars in -interest would-be saved by the people of Eagan. "Green Acres" postpones the assessment payment but does not stop the inter- est meter which keeps going every hour of the day and every day of the year. Postponing the assessment roll entry does stop the interest meter. Agenda Information Memo March 4, 1997 Eagan City Council Meeting OLD BUSINESS A. REPORT BY EAGAN LIONS CLUB REGARDING FOURTH OF JULY CELEBRATION ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: There is no action to be considered regarding this item at this time. FACTS: Members of the Lions Club have requested time on this City Council agenda to discuss the Fourth of July Celebration in the City of Eagan. ATTACHMENTS: • Memo from Assistant to City Administrator Duffy, pages 4 ) through. • Letter from the July 4`' FunFest Committee and the Eagan Lions Club, page ins J .city of eagan TO: CITY ADMINISTRATOR HEDGES FROM: ASSISTANT TO THE CITY ADMINISTRATOR DUFFY DATE: FEBRUARY 28, 1997 SUBJECT: FOURTH OF JULY MEMO As you are aware, the Fourth of July Celebration in the City of Eagan has traditionally been sponsored and organized by the Eagan Lions Club with major assistance from the Lionesses. Both groups have volunteered untold hours of service over the years to provide this celebration for the residents of the City of Eagan. Originally, the celebration was held at Cedar Pond Park. However, with the growth of the population of Eagan and development in that area, the celebration was moved to Rahn Park and Rahn Elementary School in the early eighties. Basically, the celebration included a parade which began at Cedarvale and ended at Rahn Park, a carnival, food and activity booths including a beer tent, a bingo tent and the famous turtle races, one or two street dances and fireworks, all coordinated by the Lions and Lionesses. The revenue from the beer tent was a major funding source for all the events. The City of Eagan traditionally provided assistance in the form of a $1500 donation toward the event; furnishing satellites, picnic tables and trash containers for the site; mowing the park; arranging for electricity at the site; scheduling extra police officers for traffic and crowd control; ordering barricades; and following the horses in the parade with the street sweeper. In 1995, construction occurred at Rahn Elementary School over the summer which meant that the celebration could not be held there that year. In addition, there were beginning to be concerns about the safety of the fireworks presentation at that location due to development in that area. Because the Rahn site was unavailable, the Lions canceled the celebration for the 1995 Fourth of July. However, many residents were concerned about the loss of the celebration and approached the City Council requesting that the Council sponsor a fireworks display at an appropriate location for that year. The Council allocated $10,000 for the fireworks display. Staff surveyed various locations in the City taking into consideration safety concerns for the fireworks, sight lines for the fireworks and adequate and safe parking for those attending the display. The site chosen was Sky Hill Park overlooking the Minnesota River Valley. In addition to parking at the park, Blue Cross/Blue Shield allowed the City to use their parking lot, with the condition that there would not be a beer tent. �I Last year, the Lions and Ann Carlon of the Convention and Visitors Bureau organized the Fourth of July FunFest. Because of development in the Rahn Park area, it was impossible to safely have a fireworks display there. Therefore, the route for the parade was reversed, starting at Rahn Park and ending at Cedarvale. Booths and entertainment were set up at Cedarvale and the merchants were happy to have them there. A street dance was held, but there was no carnival. The fireworks display was again held at Sky Hill Park, arranged by City staff with a $10,000 allocation from the City Council. However, while people at Cedarvale could see the fireworks to some extent, they could not hear them and were disappointed about that. This year, Ann Carlon, members of the Lions and Lionesses and other interested parties have been meeting to plan the 1997 Fourth of July FunFest. As a result of the February 2, 1997 meeting of the "July 4th FunFest Committee," the City received a letter dated February 24, 1997 from Ann Carlon representing the committee requesting that the City again fund the fireworks display for approximately $10,000, along with the traditional police traffic control and picnic tables and trash containers. A copy of that letter is attached. Following that meeting, the Lions Club met on February 25 and voted not to participate in the 1997 event. Members of the Lions Club then requested time on the March 4 regular City Council agenda to discuss the Fourth of July event. A copy of a letter from the Lions Club is also attached. The item has been scheduled as the only item under "Old Business." The 4th of July Committee then met (minus the members from the Lions Club) on February 27 to discuss the feasibility of still holding the event. They also will be present at the March 4 City Council meeting. Appropriate staff members will also be present. If you need any further information prior to the Council meeting, please contact me. 6:1 Assistant t the City Administrator Attachments PMM1GAT EsoTA CO,NV p, &;VISITORS BURE9U February 24, 1997 TO: Mayor of Eagan and Eagan City Councilors FROM: July 4th FunFest Committee RE: City 4th of July Celebration Eagan's July 4th FunFest Committee is asking the City's help in the upcoming 4th of July celebration. This will be the 29th year of this celebration and city residents and civic clubs are organizing the popular annual parade, carnival, food and craft booths, beer tent, games and street dance which citizens are accustomed to enjoying during the 4th of July. The event will be held at Cedarvale Mall (for the second straight year) and the parade will culminate at the Mall festivities which include a carnival, booths and fun. The community citizens are asking the City of Eagan to again fund the 1997 fireworks (approximately $10,000) and provide police help with the parade and fireworks traffic. In the past, we have also utilized the Parks & Recreation picnic tables and trash containers. The committee pays for all other costs in relation to this city celebration. This is an important community event which helps rally the citizens together at a time to celebrate our country's independence day. This committee puts in long hours and a lot of effort to provide this event for the City's residents. Please help us keep this event for the citizens of the City of Eagan. Thank you. Sincerely, July 4th FunFest Committee: Joan Thomas, Joanna Foote, Trent Johnson, Judy Stewart, Carol Fuchs, Pat Thomas, John Willenburg, Kay Plautz, Jerry Marko, Ann Carlon, Roger Kippley, Larry Martin, Raleigh Seelig and other community volunteers. 1474 Yankee Doodle Road • Eagan, Minnesota • 55121-1801. 612-452-4188 • fax 612-452-8978. 1-800-EAGAN-20 Agenda Information Memo March 4,1997 NEW BUSINESS A. CONTRACT 97-05, DEERWOOD RESERVOIR - TRUNK WATERMAIN ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: Receive the bids for Contract 97-05 (Deerwood Reservoir - Trunk Watermain) and award the contract to the lowest responsible bidder and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute all related documents. FACTS: + Contract 97-05 provides for the westerly extension of a trunk watermain to the new Deerwood Reservoir and across I -35E towards Riverton Avenue. + At 10:30 a.m. on Thursday, February 27, competitively solicited bids were received. The alternate is the added cost to upgrade the watermain joints with a lock -tight type of joint. Staff will evaluate the economies of approving this alternate and make a recommendation at the Council meeting. + In order for the Deerwood Reservoir to be online for the 1997 sprinkling season beginning June 1, it is necessary for this contract to be awarded as soon as possible. However, Project 718 must be approved as a result of the previous public hearing before this contract can be awarded. All bids will be reviewed for compliance with the bid specification documents and accuracy on their extension and additions. If any deviations are discovered, they will be addressed at the time of Council consideration for contract award. ATTACHMENTS: + Bid tabulation, page _. of eagan Deerwood Drive Reservoir Trunk Water Main Improvements CITY PROJECT NO. 682 CITY CONTRACT NO. 97-05 File No. 49576 Bid Date: February 27, 1997 Bid Time: 10:30 a.m. Contractor Base Bid Alternate No.1 Widmer, Inc. $210,341.50 5,115.00 Ryan Contracting, Inc. 212,447.00 6,930.00 Burschville Construction, Inc. 221,284.00 6,457.00 Minger Construction, Inc. 232,792.50 8,760.00 Northdale Construction Co. 247,739.74 5,500.38 Kober Excavating 258,097.00 7,400.00 Ceca 259,199.00 6,879.00 Brown & Cris 263,370.35 945.00 Bonine Excavating 273,739.00 8,529.00 S.J. Louis 279,585.00 1,900.00 G.L. Contracting 286,612.94 9,721.40 Schurcon 314,033.00 10,749.00 Preliminary Report Estimate: $261,650.00 Over (+) Under (-) Preliminary Report: -19.6% Engineer's Estimate: $240,000.00 % Over (+) Under (-) Engineer's Estimate: -12.3% * Note Alternate Bid No.1 Alternate Bid No. 1 included the use of Field Loc Gaskets (thrust restraints) to restrain the pipe from movement due to the steep slopes and grade changes. Agenda Information Memo March 4,1997 Eagan City Council Meeting B. OAK HILLS CHURCH - REZONING AND VARIANCE ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: To approve or deny a Rezoning of 7.09 acres from A (Agricultural) to PF (Public Facilities) on property currently platted as Outlot A, Hampton Heights located at the southeast corner of Yankee Doodle Road and Coachman Road in the NE '/4 of Section 16, IN- To approve or deny a Variance to allow a 10 foot parking lot setback on property currently platted as Outlot A, Hampton Heights located at the southeast corner of Yankee Doodle Road and Coachman Road in the NE'/4 of Section 16. FACTS: The requested PF (Public Facilities) zoning is consistent with the Comprehensive Guide Plan designation that the City recently amended on this property to PF Public Facilities. The proposed development on the property will consist of a church (approximately 10,500 s.f.) and a 189 stall parking lot. The parking stalls are proposed to be 9' x 18' and 9' x 16'. Construction is not anticipated until Spring or Summer 1998. The parking lot is proposed to be setback 10 feet from the Yankee Doodle Road rather than 20 feet as required by Code. Due to the large County right-of-way, the parking lot will in effect be setback 60 feet from Yankee Doodle Road until the road is widened. At this time, no timeline for road improvement has been determined. The property must be platted and recorded at Dakota County before a building permit will be issued. > The Advisory Planning Commission, at their regular meeting on February 25, 1997, recommended approval of the rezoning and variance subject to conditions in the APC minutes. ISSUES: > Three residents of Coachman Road spoke in opposition to the proposed rezoning and development. Their primary concerns included: increased traffic and congestion, decreases in their property values, and the large size of the proposed church (3 stories facing south). V4 BACKGROUND/ATTACHMENTS: Minutes of February 25, 1997 APC meeting, pages 6v through? Staff report, pages _�L through 4 Page 6' February 25, 1997 ADVISORY PLANNING CONMISSION REZONING & VARIANCE OAK HILLS CHURCH Commission Chair Heyl opened the next public hearing of the evening regarding a Rezoning of 7.09 acres legally described as Lot 1 and Outlot A, Hampton Heights, from Agriculture to Public facility and a Variance to the parking lot setback from the public right-of-way along Yankee Doodle Road located south of Yankee Doodle Road and east of Coachman Road in the NW'/4 of Section 16. Planner Farnham introduced this item. Ms. Farnham highlighted the information presented in the City staffs planning report dated February 19, 1997. Ms. Farnham noted the background and history, the existing conditions and the surrounding uses of the subject property. Ms. Farnham concluded that the proposed PF zoning is consistent with the Comprehensive Guide Plan. Paul Page, the applicant's landscape architect, stated that the applicant is cognitive of the residential neighbors' concerns regarding the visibility of the church building. Mr. Page stated that a primary reason for requesting a 10 -foot parking lot setback variance from Yankee Doodle Road is to save the cluster of Boxelder trees on the south side of the building that will help screen the view. Mr. Page stated that if the applicant is required to meet the setback, approximately 12 trees will have to be removed. Mr. Page also noted that the applicant will provide substantial plantings on the west side of the property to screen the parking lot. In response to Member Frank's inquiry, Design Engineer John Gorder explained that the first -floor building elevation refers to the actual ground level floor which needs to be raised to allow for gravity sanitary sewer service. A resident of 3470 Coachman stated that he objects to the rezoning and the proposed site plan because it will adversely effect the residential properties which abut the pond to the south. The resident reasoned that the proposed use on the site will destroy the natural resources and views that the residents currently enjoy. The resident also stated that the proposed use will also increase traffic on Coachman which is already significantly high. The resident suggested that the City purchase the property as parkland, citing the subject property as a "real gem" for the City. Another resident whose property abuts the pond to the south objects to the proposed rezoning and use because it will decrease her property value. The resident reasoned that the proposed use will result in excessive noise, use and lighting, all of which will diminish the value which the undeveloped subject property currently provides her property. The resident also opposed the proposed use because it will increase traffic on Coachman and at the intersection of Yankee Doodle Road. M Page 7 February 25, 1.997 ADVISORY PLANNING C01vMSSION r•. A resident of 3490 Coachman also objected to the use citing increased traffic. The resident further stated that he and his neighbors are not as concerned with the loss of the natural resources such as the wetland and the old growth trees because, as the resident claimed, the applicant cannot touch or destroy the wetland or the "old growth" trees under State and local regulations. In response to the Commission's inquiry, Design Engineer John Gorder advised that Coachman Road is classified as a neighborhood collector street, designed for a capacity of 5,000 trips per day. Mr. Gorder advised that currently Coachman Road is at 1,800 trips per day. Mr. Gorder advised that the proposed development would increase traffic volume by an additional 850 trips per Sunday and 200 trips per week day. Mr. Gorder also advised that the distance from the site access to the Coachman Road/Yankee Doodle Road intersection is 200 feet which will provide sufficient stacking distance. Mr. Gorder concluded that the proposed Church use will provide off-peak traffic and therefore in all likelihood will not conflict with the City maintenance traffic on Coachman or the general rush-hour traffic at Coachman and Yankee Doodle Road. A pastor for another church, who was present for a different agenda item, noted that he drives by this site on Sundays and there is no traffic congestion. He further noted that the majority of traffic to and from a church is on Sundays with its Sunday services. A resident disagreed, stating that use of the Church building will not be limited to Sunday and/or Wednesday because the Church will need to rent out building space to pay for the building. In response to Member Burdorf s inquiry, Design Engineer Gorder advised that 5,000 trips per day is the standard traffic volume for neighborhood collector streets such as Coachman Road. Further, in response to Member Burdorf s inquiry, Mr. Page advised the Commission that the distance from the Church and the residential homes across the pond to the south is over 700 feet, measuring from the north shoreline of the pond and including the required setbacks for the residential homes. Member Frank stated that a church is an appropriate use in a residential neighborhood. He further noted that there will be no development on a large portion of the site and not within 700 feet of the neighboring residences. Member Frank also stated that any lighting of the site will be on the side of the site furthest from the residents and that the proposed two-story Church is not unlike many two-story houses. He therefore does not perceive any adverse effect to the neighboring residents. Member Frank further stated that it would not be feasible for the City to buy the land for park use because two- thirds of the site will remain in a park -like setting under private ownership and, because of the heavy traffic on Yankee Doodle Road, a park at that comer would not be in the best interest of public safety. Finally, Member Frank stated that he does not object to a 10 -foot variance for the parking lot setback at the Yankee Doodle right-of-way because Page 8 February 25, 1997 ADVISORY PLANNING MaESSION the 10 -foot variance will save the trees which can be used as a screen of the building and the likelihood that Yankee Doodle Road will be widened any time soon is low because there is no room to widen it without removing several existing structures such as the retaining wall. Member Burdorf stated that the proposed use on the subject site is a great use in the area and it is a much better use then apartment buildings as permitted under the previous Comprehensive Guide Plan land designation. Burdorf reasoned that a church is less dense and intense than any other possible use on the site. Member Burdorf moved, Member Carlson seconded, a motion to recommend approval of a Rezoning of 7.09 acres legally described as Lot 1 and Outlot A, Hampton Heights, from Agriculture to Public facility located south of Yankee Doodle Road and east of Coachman Road in the NW'/4 of Section 16. All voted in favor. Member Burdorf moved, Member Carlson seconded, a motion to recommend approval of a Variance to the parking lot setback from the public right-of-way along Yankee Doodle Road located south of Yankee Doodle Road and east of Coachman Road in the NWV4 of Section 16, subject to the following condition: 1. Additional landscape plantings shall be provided along the north edge of the parking lot to provide solid screening. All voted in favor. PLANNING REPORT CITY OF EAGAN REPORT DATE: February 19, 1997 APPLICANT: Oak Hills Church PROPERTY OWNER: Lyle J. Hay REQUEST: Rezoning and Variance LOCATION: 1570 Yankee Doodle Road CASE: # 16-RZ-4-1-97 HEARING DATE: February 25, 1997 PREPARED BY: Julie Farnham COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: PF Public Facilities ZONING: A - Agricultural SUMMARY OF REQUEST The applicant is requesting a Rezoning from A- Agricultural to PF - Public Facilities on 7.09 acres currently platted as Outlot A, Hampton Heights and, a Variance to allow a 10 foot parking lot setback along a public right-of-way, on property located at the southeast corner of Yankee Doodle Road and Coachman Road in the NE '/4 of Section 16. AUTHORITY FOR REVIEW City Code Chapter 11, Section 11. 40, Subd. 3, C states that the Council may grant a variance and impose conditions and safeguards therein if: 2. 3 The Council shall determine that the special conditions applying to the structures or land in question are peculiar to such property or immediately adjoining property and do not apply generally to other land or structures in the district in which said land is located, and that the granting of the application is necessary for the applicant. That granting of the proposed variance will not be contrary to the intent of this Chapter and the Comprehensive Guide Plan. That granting of such variance will not merely serve as a convenience to the applicant, but is necessary to alleviate demonstrable hardship or difficulty. 17( Planning Report - Oak Hills Church February 25, 1997 Pap.e 2 BACKGROUNDMISTORY The City approved a Comprehensive Guide Plan Amendment on February 4, 1997, to change the land use designation on this property, and the adjacent 7 acre lot, from D -III Mixed Residential to PF Public Facilities. Initially, the church intended to develop both the subject lot and the adjacent lot in a two phased development over the next 10 years. However, due to the amount of right-of-way requested by Dakota County (100 foot half ROW) and the resulting reduction of usable land on the adjacent lot, the church determined that it would not be financially feasible to purchase the adjacent lot. As such, their development plans are confined to the 7 acre lot at the southeast corner of Yankee Doodle and Coachman roads. EXISTING CONDITIONS The property contains the ruins of a farm structure (silo still standing) that was likely part of a farmstead that included the house on the adjacent lot. The site is slightly mounded and slopes to the south toward a large detention pond. The pond occupies most of the southern half of the site. Some significant vegetation exists around the pond and the ruins. SURROUNDING USES North - Commercial; zoned NB; guided NB East - Lot with residence; zoned A; guided PF (with recent amendment) South - Single family residential; zoned PD; guided D -I West - City water treatment plant; zoned P (Public); guided PF EVALUATION OF REQUEST Rezoning The requested rezoning to PF (Public Facility) is consistent with the recently amended Comprehensive Guide Plan. The adjacent lot is not part of the rezoning request and, for now, will retain its Agricultural zoning. Proposed Development - The site plan submitted indicates the footprint of the church will be about 10,500 s.f with an assembly area seating capacity of about 490. The church does not intend to construct the new facility until 1998. As such, their building plans are somewhat conceptual. The church will be built into the slope and will be a walkout design. The building elevation plan submitted illustrates the church will be two stories with a lower level walk out (three stories) facing south. The concept plan indicates the building exterior will be primarily brick. Planning Report - Oak Hills Church February 25, 1997 Paae 3 Parking and Circulation - The site plan includes a parking lot with 189 parking spaces which exceeds the 1 space per 3.5 seat ratio required by Code. The parking stalls proposed are smaller than the City's policy of 10' x 20' or 10'x18' around the perimeter. The proposed stalls are 9'x18' and 9'x16' around the perimeter. The drive aisles are proposed to be 24 feet wide. An emergency vehicle fire lane is proposed at the south edge of the parking lot adjacent to the church. The City's Fire Marshal reviewed the site plan and finds it sufficient for fire and emergency vehicle access. A 6-8 foot wide sidewalk will need to be provided to the side or rear of the building for additional emergency access. A single access to the church off Coachman Road is proposed. The amount of traffic generated by the proposed church will not overburden the capacity of Coachman Road or Yankee Doodle Road. Landscaping - The landscape plan submitted shows a mix of evergreen and deciduous trees and shrubs providing parking lot screening and building foundation plantings. The proposed plan will result in removal of 17 significant trees (34.7% of total). Allowable removal for this type of development id 30% (14 trees). Required mitigation is therefore 5 category A trees, 10 category B trees, or 20 category C trees. A revised landscape plan, to reflect the tree mitigation, will be required prior to issuance of a grading permit. The developer will also be required to use appropriate tree protective measures (i.e. 4 foot polyethylene laminate safety netting at the drip line or critical root zone) and to contact the City Forestry Division at least 5 days prior to issuance of the grading permit to ensure compliance with the approved Tree Preservation Plan. Drainage/Water Quality - The pond on the south half of the site (CP -1) is a 5 -acre state protected wetland, and is classified as a nutrient basin in the City's water quality management plan. Runoff from the proposed development will be discharged to this wetland. Because there is some existing residential development around the wetland, staff recommends that the runoff be treated through on-site ponding prior to discharge. The only jurisdictional wetland within the parcel is the one associated with Pond CP -1. This wetland has been delineated, and neither draining or filling of any portion of the wetland complex is proposed. Other than the grading necessary for the detention basin, staff recommends preservation of a minimum 30 foot wide ungraded and un -maintained buffer measured back from the delineated edge of the wetland. Utilities - Sanitary sewer is not readily available for connection by this development. Sanitary sewers are located within Coachman Road to the southwest near the City water treatment plant and across Yankee Doodle Road to the north. However, neither of these sewer lines is deep enough to serve the proposed first floor building elevation with gravity sanitary sewer. The first floor building elevation should be raised to allow the first floor to be served with gravity sanitary sewer. Any construction of sanitary sewer within Yankee Doodle Road will require a permit from Dakota County. Water is available along Coachman Road for connection by this development. 1�3 Planning Report - Oak Hills Church February 25, 1997 Page 4 Easements - A 100 foot wide Northern Natural Gas pipeline easement runs diagonally through the northwest corner of the site. The developer will have to comply with NNG regulations for construction within the easement, as well as bear responsibility for costs of relocation or lowering of the pipeline to accommodate new grades for the site. Variance The parking lot is proposed to be setback 10 feet from Yankee Doodle Road. City Code requires a 20 foot setback along a public right-of-way. The church is requesting a variance to the setback rather than shift the building and parking lot south which would result in additional tree removal and further encroachment into the pond area. Dakota County is requesting a 100 foot half right-of-way for future expansion of Yankee Doodle Road which further reduces the amount of usable land on this property. Currently, there is a 50 foot half ROW. Timing of any roadway expansion has not been determined at this time; however, it will likely be several years before any expansion occurs. The proposed landscape screening of the parking lot consists of a mix of evergreen and deciduous trees and shrubs that appear to meet the code requirement of 75% solid screening. Additional landscaping to achieve solid screening might be appropriate to compensate for the reduced setback. Platting City Code requires the property to be platted prior to issuance of a building permit. The applicant will need to submit a Final Plat for this property for approval by the City Council. The plat must be recorded at Dakota County before a building permit will be issued. SUMMARY/CONCLUSION Oak Hills Church is requesting rezoning of a 7.09 acre lot from A (Agricultural) to PF (Public Facility) to allow construction of a church. The proposed PF zoning is consistent with the recently amended Comprehensive Guide Plan which designates this lot, and the adjacent 7 acre lot, for Public Facilities land uses. The site plan submitted appears to meet most code requirements. However, a variance to allow a 10 foot parking lot setback from Yankee Doodle Road rather than 20 feet as required by Code, is requested. The property will need to be platted and the plat recorded at Dakota County prior to issuance of a building permit. Planning Report - Oak Hills Church February 25, 1997 Page 5 ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED A. To recommend approval or denial of a Rezoning of 7.09 acres from A (Agricultural) to PF (Public Facilities) on property platted as Outlot A, Hampton Heights located at the southeast corner of Yankee Doodle Road and Coachman Road in the NE '/4 of Section 16. B. To recommend approval or denial of a Variance to allow a 10 foot parking lot setback, rather than 20 feet as required in the Zoning Ordinance on Outlot A, Hampton Heights, located in the NE'/4 of Section 16, subject to the following conditions: 1. Additional landscape plantings shall be provided along the north edge of the parking lot to provide solid screening. �f S *r,ity ofEag- City of Eagan Community Development Department Location Map Oak Hills Church Rezoning Case No. 16-RZ-41-97 ?4 N 700 0 700 Feet 6WA9 MMlMlMlMlM MEMNON 0 0 .jaw a 40 sler.1110 Ah FA w •12112[6 IIu" -. �,�� �#fir � ■ �r•� PwPW logo r��l/��r'� a ►�i ilaw 1 �a lir ZIBIWASINIINIS LX AdnntiItl1rP. r MUU89Uf$E�9i688ai:�a3::-"�srarr:yrty $ �6 aaa any b a ■ m A Ho r � ~ srn Z o r MUU89Uf$E�9i688ai:�a3::-"�srarr:yrty $ �6 aaa any b a ■ r � ~ Z Z o y [ MUU89Uf$E�9i688ai:�a3::-"�srarr:yrty $ �6 aaa any b a ■ |� I §|�||■��|> m > � | III.V A § 2 $ q § � ! Ck)achmm er E fill! 11 ¥ �| � |�.|R■ e� A! � . §i C> M, & rMc = co If NZIN s's'e"a"s" ����1p�u2� 1�[li��a�i3i���223gaaasa:aa� $ ■O ���n%.4+'+�i99rit1i�f'.=R411�(41;i1�Sgi�R84r�94t g (DG o y � G i ., �ff �• l��ii S Ifni if I E� p g 0 t V1 Z D N IT N on F ► F � f mfm Dir �t t occ)z N on Agenda Information Memo March 4, 1997 Eagan City Council Meeting C. PLANNED DEVELOPMENT AMENDMENT - COTTAGE HOMESTEADS OF EAGAN, INC. (TIMBERWOOD VILLAGE) ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: > To recommend approval or denial of a Planned Development Amendment to remove the age restriction for residents of Timberwood Vidlage, located at the southwest comer of Lone Oak Road and Pilot Knob Road in the NE '/4 of Sec. 9. FACTS: > The Timberwood Village Planned Development was approved by the City Council in September 1996 consisting of 63 condominiums including an age restriction for older adults. > Timberwood Village was initially presented as a housing community specifically designed to meet the needs of older, active adults. The developer indicated they obtained a Federal exemption that allowed them to impose an age restriction. The developer also stated that there is market demand and need for this type of housing in Eagan. > Construction began in Fall 1996. Currently there are two buildings constructed, one of which is the model. The site has been rough graded and the main roadway through the development has been mostly completed. > The applicant is requesting the PD Amendment because they believe the age restriction is slowing sales, which in turn is lengthening their build out schedule. The applicant states that they will continue to target older adults in their marketing, but would like more flexibility to market to a broader population. > The Advisory Planning Commission, at their meeting on February 25, 1997, recommended denial of a Planned Development Amendment to remove the age restriction for residents of Timberwood Village. ISSUES: > APC members stated that they did not believe the project had been given enough time to succeed. They noted that fall/winter is the slowest time of the real estate cycle, only two units are built and the landscaping is incomplete so the development does not look very attractive now. It was suggested that they do not have to emphasize the age restriction in their marketing. X03 > Neighbors expressed concerns about possible increases in traffic if the residents are younger. Some also stated concerns with the developers sincerity, given they are requesting the change so soon after getting approval. BACKGROUND/ATTACHMENTS: > Minutes of February 25, 1997 APC m eting, pages ( � through > Staff report, pages � through it—i IID Page 9 February 25, 1997 ADVISORY PLANNING COMMISSION PD AMENDMENT - DERRICK INVESTMENT NO. 91 Commission Chair Heyl opened the next public hearing of the evening regarding a Planned Development Amendment to eliminate the age restriction for residents of Timberwood Village located on the southwest corner of Lone Oak Road and Pilot Knob Road in the NEV4 of Section 9. Planner Farnham introduced these items. Ms. Farnham highlighted the information presented in the City staffs planning report dated February 19, 1997. Ms. Farnham noted the background and history, the surrounding uses and the existing conditions of the subject property. Ms. Farnham requested that the applicant cite its reasons to the Commission for the removal of the age restriction on the development, specifically addressing what changes in the market have occurred to reduce the demand for housing communities earmarked for older adults and if the proposed amendment will impact the adjacent elementary school. Jim Palmer, a representative of Derrick Investments stated that the applicant had two independent marketing studies completed to determine the reason for the slow sales. Mr. Palmer explained that both studies revealed that while they are targeting the market of 55 to 65 year-old adults, they are not able to sell because the potential buyers perceive Timberwood Village to be a senior citizen community and many of the buyers do not want to be labeled as old people. Mr. Palmer committed that all of the aspects of the development will remain the same, including the community clubhouse, the number of units, etc. Mr. Palmer stated that the development will still target the same group of buyers, 50 to 65, but want to remove the age restriction. Mr. Palmer stated that the competition is able to sell to the same target group but Timberwood is not, based on the market study, Timberwood has the "senior" label. Mr. Palmer advised that of its nine developments with 55 or older restrictions, the applicant is requesting removal of the age limit on six of those developments. An adjacent property owner suggested that the developer was less than straightforward when originally presenting the proposal to the City for approval. He stated that traffic and population will increase if the development is opened up without any age limit. The resident concluded by noting that the models on the site for the development have only been open for two to three months and questioned whether the applicant has given it sufficient time to sell the properties. A resident of Pilot Knob Road questioned whether the applicant has made any showing of hardship requiring the removal of the age restriction. Mr. Palmer noted that the model has been opened approximately three months. Mr. Palmer further stated that the applicant in no way mislead the City when requesting approval for the project. Mr. Palmer stated that the traffic will not increase with the removal of the age restriction because the number of Page 10 February 25, 1997 ADVISORY PLANNING CONMSSION units will remain the same and the development will continue to be marketed to older citizens, but not just limited at 55 or older. In response to Member Carlson's inquiry, Mr. Palmer advised that the applicant was able to sell all the units built in the West St. Paul development, which sold at approximately $79,900.00. With respect to the Inver Grove Heights development, Mr. Palmer advised that of the 50 units, which sold between $110,000.00 and $160,000.00, only six are left. Member Carlson questioned whether the applicant has given it sufficient time to market and sell the development, noting that in real estate across the board this is a slow selling period. Member Burdorf noted that the Commission originally approved this development because it was to be targeted to empty nesters at 55 or older and because of that fact, the Commission overlooked the high density of the project. In response to Member Burdorf s inquiry, City Attorney Dougherty stated that with a planned development, the applicant has no requirement to establish a hardship, explaining that a planned development and any amendments thereto is merely pursuant to an agreement between the City and the developer. Commission Chair Heyl concurred with Member Burdorf that a major selling point for approval of the project was the 55 age restriction. She noted that the neighboring residents objected to the project on the grounds of the density and the resulting increase in traffic and school population. Chair Heyl stated that the Commission felt those concerns of the residents would not be realized because the development was for empty nester seniors and not families. Chair Heyl concluded that this planned development was approved by the City only last September. She concluded that the 55 plus age restriction on the development was an intricate part of the approval of the planned development and because only six months has elapsed since the original approval, she would not support the requested amendment. Member Burdorf moved, Member Carlson seconded, a motion to recommend denial of the Planned Development Amendment to eliminate the age restriction for residents of Timberwood Village located on the southwest corner of Lone Oak Road and Pilot Knob Road in the NE'/a of Section 9. Member Burdorf noted that his motion for recommendation of denial is on the grounds that the Planned Development Amendment request to lift the 55 age restriction is too soon after the original approval of the plan and the developer has not taken sufficient time to sell the project as approved. All voted in favor. PLANNING REPORT CITY OF EAGAN REPORT DATE: February 19, 1997 APPLICANT: Roger Derrick PROPERTY OWNER: Cottage Homesteads of Eagan, Inc. CASE #: 9-RZ-3-1-97 HEARING DATE: February 25, 1997 PREPARED BY: Julie Farnham REQUEST: Planned Development Amendment LOCATION: SW corner of Pilot Knob and Lone Oak Road COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: D -III (Mixed Residential 6-12 units per acre) ZONING: PD Planned Development SUMMARY OF REQUEST The applicant is requesting a Planned Development Amendment to remove the age restriction for residents of Timberwood Village, located at the southwest corner of Pilot Knob Road and Lone Oak Road, in the NE '/a of Section 9. BACKGROUND/HISTORY The Timberwood Village Planned Development was approved by the City Council in September 1996. The approved PD allowed for 63 condominiums including an age restriction, allowed by the Federal government, requiring residents to be older adults. Construction began in Fall 1996. Prior to the Timberwood Village PD, the property was zoned PD -R-3 which permitted townhome development. Currently, there are two buildings constructed, one of which is the model. The site has been rough graded and the main roadway through the development has been mostly completed. This road can be accessed from Towerview Road on the south or Lone Oak Road on the north. Planning Report - Timberwood Village February 25, 1997 Page 2 SURROUNDING USES: The following existing uses, zoning, and comprehensive guide plan designations surround the subject property: North- Single family residential; zoned R-1; guided D -I South - Unisys; zoned RD; guided R & D East - LeMay Lake Hills PD (townhomes); zoned PD; guided D -II West - Pilot Knob Elementary and Pilot Knob Park; zoned P and PK; guided PF and P EVALUATION OF REQUEST The applicant is requesting the PD Amendment because they believe the age restriction is slowing sales, which in turn is lengthening their build out schedule. The applicant indicates that they have had "numerous potential buyers 50-65 years old" who "are reluctant to buy because they perceive Timberwood Village to be only for "old people" and they don't think of themselves as old." The applicant states that they will continue to target older adults in their marketing, but they would like more flexibility to market to a broader population. The applicant submitted a letter signed by eight of their buyers (5 couples) stating that they are all over 55 years old but support removal of the age restriction (see Exhibit A). Timberwood Village was initially presented as a housing community specifically designed for older, "active", and "empty -nester" adults. The developer stated that there is market demand and need for this type of housing option in Eagan. Minutes of the City Council meeting reflect their support for housing options geared toward the specific needs of older adults. The applicant should address changes in the market that have apparently reduced demand for housing communities specifically earmarked for older adults. During the public hearing, concerns were raised about increases in traffic in the area and the compatibility of the proposed development with the adjacent elementary school. The developer indicated that because they anticipated a majority of residents to be retired, impacts on traffic and the school would be minimal. The applicant should address how these, and other impacts might change if the development also includes younger families and young adults. SUMMARY/CONCLUSION The Timberwood Village Planned Development was approved by the City in September 1996 with an age restriction for residents. Since that time, the applicant (developer) has conducted some further marketing studies that suggest the age restriction is a barrier that is slowing sales and may negatively impact resale. The applicant indicates that they intend to continue to target "adult buyers", however, want the flexibility to allow a broader mix of buyers. ti Planning Report - Timberwood Village February 25, 1997 Pap -e 3 The applicant should address changes in the market demand, how the residential mix might change if the age restriction is removed, and resulting impacts on traffic and surrounding development. ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED A. To recommend approval or denial of a Planned Development Amendment to remove the age restriction for residents of Timberwood Village, located at the southwest corner of Lone Oak Road and Pilot Knob Road in the NE '/4 of Section 9. City of Eagan Community Development Department iG - -rtY of EQ8 Location Map Derrick I nvestment No. 91 Planned Development Amendment Case No. 9-RZ-3-1-97 N 1 700 0 700 Feet Plan Mai ..:..... 93111k�i�'�:■: ■'M E= [1 41 11 am 00kli :1/ ■ �� #Ili � r • �►''"``��1. M w imi-q-0 FEI r • �� • u ■ ii��� _'. op Vq is MW 0 Z 1A ilii■ 1!■i•••�0 ♦♦•w • • • GLL1[■ IOi1f amino 7 a■ias s aua €*LONE OAK -f-r �WILW ;- •' � -ter_ �,: ���* ill 111111�16 Vic M, 11wif 77 !� TIN 134ARc'µ� Eso ILLAGE i�� �� �� PREPAREp fOli� OF EACAN, Big�5� TTAGE ti0iiESTEAOS INC. die � �!�il1;•��� g � rn o. p a Z. �O • 4 • • . 8 7t ■ �a - i� Ti � D � � / • • — •/S Z ca R R R A gF� RR 'Rs Z m / gie� r -- e `N 195.25 / / / - �! S89'56'19'E •' � -ter_ �,: ���* ill 111111�16 Vic M, 11wif 77 !� TIN 134ARc'µ� Eso ILLAGE i�� �� �� PREPAREp fOli� OF EACAN, Big�5� TTAGE ti0iiESTEAOS INC. die � �!�il1;•��� g •' � -ter_ �,: ���* ill 111111�16 Vic M, 11wif 77 !� TIN 134ARc'µ� Eso ILLAGE i�� �� �� PREPAREp fOli� OF EACAN, Big�5� TTAGE ti0iiESTEAOS INC. January 8, 1997 Mayor Thomas Egan & City Council Members THE CITY OF EAGAN 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, MN 55122 Dear Mr. Mayor and Council Members: We are writing to you in the hopes that our support will motivate you to approve the necessary changes at Timberwood Village in order to remove the Senior Citizen age restriction. We are all 55 years or older ourselves, however, we do concur with the developer's concern that the Senior Citizen designation is tending to limit interested buyers to the upper age groups, discourages younger buyers, and substantially lengthens the time that it will take to complete the development. Timberwood Village is designed for adults with an active lifstvie and it is our understanding that the marketing will be targeting that group. We appreciate your assistance and consideration. Sincerely, Name (signature/print)�/ tivR� 9 �n�� •i./�`iS ,%I aN Name (signatuielprint) L r Ahit 3. /' vw SoN' am' � � ./ Name (signature/print) Name (signature/print) Name (signature/print) j EXH I BT -A Agenda Information Memo March 4,1997, Eagan City Council D. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT - SYNERGY CONSTRUCTION ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: > To approve or deny a Conditional Use Permit for outdoor storage of partially finished and finished product and vehicles consisting of utility vehicles, vans, pick-up trucks, and flat bed trucks, associated with a proposed metal fabricating operation for property located at 2280 Sibley Court (Lot 2, Block 1, S & W Industrial Acres) in the southwest'/4 of Section 19. > To approve or deny a Variance to allow the height of the outdoor storage materials to exceed the height of the storage area enclosure. FACTS: > The property is approximately 7 acres in size and is triangular in shape. It lies in a low area south of Hwy. 13 and west of Old Sibley Memorial Highway. > Lovegreen Industrial Services proposes to construct a 36,000 sq. ft. metal fabricating facility with about 6,000 sq. ft. of supporting office space. Their primary product is conveyor and material handling systems. > The outdoor storage would be for partially finished products awaiting next stage of finishing, and finished products awaiting shipment; raw materials would be stored inside the building. Outdoor storage of vehicles associated with the operation would include utility vehicles, vans, pick-up trucks, and flat bed trucks. > The APC held a public hearing on February 25, 1997, and recommended approval of the Conditional Use Permit and Variance, subject to the conditions outlined in the APC minutes. ISSUES: The parking stalls are proposed to be nine feet wide. Although the City Code does not address parking stall width, the City typically requires parking stalls to be ten feet wide, but has allowed narrower stalls in some instances. ATTACHMENTS: February 25, 1997 APC Minutes, pag( through /19 Staff Report, pages through 9l I r � Ll • Page 18 February 25, 1997 ADVISORY PLANNING CONSUSSION CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT - SYNERGY CONSTRUCTION Commission Chair Heyl opened the next public hearing of the evening regarding a Conditional Use Permit to allow for the outdoor storage of utility vehicles, vans, pick-up trucks, flat-bed trucks and products associated with the proposed metal fabrication operation for property legally described as Lot 2, Block 1, S&W Industrial Acres located on Sibley Court in the SWV4 of Section 19. Planner Dudziak introduced this item. Ms. Dudziak highlighted the information presented in City staffs planning report dated February 20, 1997. Ms. Dudziak noted the background and history, the surrounding uses and the existing conditions of the subject property. The applicant or the applicant's representative was not present at the time the public hearing on the item opened. Commission Chair Heyl, wanting to address the question to the applicant, inquired with City staff as to what materials for metal fabrication are proposed to be stored outside. Planner Dudziak advised the Commission that the applicant is proposing to store portions or fmished product of the manufacturer, which are primarily conveyor systems for recycling plants. In response to Member Burdorfs inquiry, Planner Dudziak stated she did not know what amount of traffic would be generated from the proposed use. In response to Member Carlson's inquiry, Associate Planner Dudziak advised that the applicant is requesting proof of parking for the remaining 54 required stalls because it believes that there is not a need for 85 stalls at the site and could better use the space for the storage. Member Frank noted that the conditional use permit be conditioned that any slats in the required fence be of neutral color. In response to Member Burdorf s inquiry, Associate Planner Dudziak advised that the metal fabrication use on the site is a permitted use and the only issue before the Commission is a conditional use permit for outdoor storage of its partially finished or finished product. Associate Planner Dudziak advised the Commission, in response to Member Carlson's inquiry, that she does not have knowledge of the extent of excess height of the stored material over the enclosure height. At 9:00 p.m., the applicant's representative, Chuck Youngquist, arrived at the public hearing. In response to the Commission's questions, Mr. Youngquist advised that Lovegreen Industrial Services has 35 employees, 15 of which will be working in the fabrication shop. Mr. Youngquist also explained that currently the company produces conveyor systems which are approximately 40 feet long and may be stacked no higher than eight feet. Mr. Youngquist explained that the outdoor storage will actually be utilized as a production "staging yard" whereby as portions of the conveyor system is produced, the product will be stored outside until it is moved to the next production stage. Mr. Youngquist noted that the proposed six-foot fence was simply within the City Code Page 19 February 25, 1997 ADVISORY PLANNING COMNESSION requirements and the applicant would consent to a taller fence. He also noted that the applicant will use neutral color slats in the fence. Finally, Mr. Youngquist stated that there will be very little traffic generation from the site. Member Frank moved, Member Burdorf seconded, a motion to recommend approval of a Conditional Use Permit to allow for the outdoor storage of utility vehicles, vans, pick-up trucks, flat-bed trucks and products associated with the proposed metal fabrication operation for property legally described as Lot 2, Block 1, S&W Industrial Acres located on Sibley Court in the SWV4 of Section 19, subject to the following conditions: General Conditions 1. This Conditional Use Permit shall be recorded with Dakota County within 60 days of the date of approval and proof of its recording provided to the City. Parking 2. Parking stall width of nine feet is approved as shown on the Site Plan dated January 29,1997. 3. The developer shall enter into a Proof of Parking Agreement with the City. Grading/Storm Drainage 4. The developer shall be responsible for obtaining all necessary regulatory agency permits to drain storm water runoff into MnDOT right of way. Water Quality/Wetlands 5. The pond necessary to meet flood peak flow and volume control shall be excavated according to the City's detention pond design standards to provide some wet pond volume and pretreatment of storm water. A skimmer of acceptable design to the City shall be installed on the outlet. Tree Preservation 6. The developer shall install ten conifers, minimum six foot height with balled and burlapped root condition, as mitigation for tree removal in excess of allowable limits. Ill Page 20 February 25, 1997 ADVISORY PLANNING COMMISSION 7. Tree Protective Measures (i.e. 4 foot polyethylene laminate safety netting) shall be installed at the Drip Line or at the perimeter of the Critical Root Zone, whichever is greater, of significant trees/woodlands to be preserved. Parks and Trails 8. Parks and trails dedication shall be fulfilled through a cash dedication. All voted in favor. Member Frank moved, Member Burdorf seconded, a motion to recommend approval of a Variance to allow the height of the storage materials to exceed the height of the enclosure for property legally described as Lot 2, Block 1, S&W Industrial Acres located on Sibley Court in the SWl/4 of Section 19. Member Burdorf suggested to the Commission that a height restriction on the stored materials be added as a condition to the variance. The Members did not concur to add that condition. All voted in favor. ( cg PLANNING REPORT CITY OF EAGAN REPORT DATE: February 20, 1997 APPLICANT: Synergy Construction CASE: 19 -CU -3-1-97 HEARING DATE: February 25, 1997 PROPERTY OWNER: R.L. Johnson Investment Co., Inc. PREPARED BY: Pamela Dudziak REQUEST: Conditional Use Permit LOCATION: 2280 Sibley Court COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: IND, Industrial ZONING: I-1, Limited Industrial SUMMARY OF REQUEST Synergy Construction is requesting a Conditional Use Permit for outdoor storage of materials and vehicles associated with a metal fabricating operation proposed for Lot 2, Block 1, S & W Industrial Acres. The property consists of approximately 7 acres at 2280 Sibley Court located west of Old Sibley Memorial Hwy. on Sibley Court in the southwest '/4 of Section 19. AUTHORITY FOR REVIEW City Code Chapter 11, Section 11.40, Subd. 4C and 4D provide the following. Subd. 4C states that the Planning Commission shall recommend a conditional use permit and the Council shall issue such conditional use permits only if it finds that such use at the proposed location: A. Will not be detrimental to or endanger the public health, safety, or general welfare of the neighborhood or the City. B. Will be harmonious with the general and applicable specific objectives of the Comprehensive Plan and City Code provisions. C. Will be designed, constructed, operated and maintained so as to be compatible in appearance with the existing or intended character of the general vicinity and will not change the essential character of that area, nor substantially diminish or impair property values within Planning Report - Synergy Construction February 25, 1997 Page 2 the neighborhood. D. Will be served adequately by essential public facilities and services, including streets, police and fire protection, drainage structures, refuse disposal, water and sewer systems and schools. E. Will not involve uses, activities, processes, materials, equipment and conditions of operation that will be hazardous or detrimental to any persons, property or the general welfare because of excessive production of traffic, noise, smoke, fumes, glare or odors. F. Will have vehicular ingress and egress to the property which does not create traffic congestion or interfere with traffic on surrounding public streets. G. Will not result in the destruction, loss or damage of a natural, scenic or historic feature of major importance. Subd. 4D, Conditions, states that In reviewing applications of conditional use permits, the Planning Commission and the Council may attach whatever reasonable conditions they deem necessary to mitigate anticipated adverse impacts associated with these uses, to protect the value of other property within the district, and to achieve the goals and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan. In all cases in which conditional uses are granted, the Council shall require such evidence and guarantees as it may deem necessary as proof that the conditions stipulated in connection therewith are being and will be complied with. Section 11. 10, Subdivision C.1. states that in addition to the above standards for conditional use permit outdoor storage shall conform to the following standards: A. Outdoor storage items shall be placed within an enclosure B. All such enclosures shall be attached to the principal building except in the Limited Industrial District. C. The enclosure shall be made of material suitable to the building and the items to be stored. D. The enclosure shall not encroach into any established front building setback area or other required setbacks. E. The enclosure shall not interfere with any pedestrian or vehicular movement. F. The items to be stored shall not exceed the height of the enclosure. G. The display area shall not take up required parking spaces or landscaping areas. Planning Report - Synergy Construction February 25, 1997 Page 3 H. The display area shall be surfaced with concrete or an approved equivalent to control dust and erosion. The surface shall be properly maintained to prevent deterioration. I. The square footage of outdoor display area shall be included in the calculation of required off-street parking for the principal use of the property. BACKGROUND/HISTORY The property was platted in 1985. E -Z mini -storage, located north of this site, was constructed in 1978 and expanded in 1984-85. Access to E -Z mini -storage is gained from Old Sibley Memorial Hwy. rather than from Sibley Court. EXISTING CONDITIONS The site is approximately seven acres in size and is triangular in shape. It lies in a low area south of Hwy. 13 west of Old Sibley Memorial Highway. The site slopes gently to the north toward Sibley Court and Hwy. 13, and was previously graded. A 50 foot easement for Northern Natural Gas Company extends along the east side of the property adjacent to Old Sibley Memorial Hwy. The greatest exposure and visibility of this site is from Hwy. 13 to the west. SURROUNDING USES The following existing uses, zoning, and comprehensive guide plan designations surround the subject property: North- E -Z Mini -storage; Zoned I-1, Limited Industrial; Guided IND, Industrial South - Small industrial office building; Zoned I-1, Limited Industrial; Guided IND, Industrial East - Meredith Cable is southeast, vacant lots to the east; Zoned 1-1, Limited Industrial; Guided GB, General Business West - Hwy. 13 EVALUATION OF RE UEST Desgi tp ion of Proposal - Lovegreen Industrial Services proposes to construct a metal fabricating shop consisting of 36,000 square feet, with approximately 6,000 square feet of supporting office space. Lovegreen Industrial Services is requesting a Conditional Use Permit for the outdoor storage of product and vehicles associated with their operations and their primary product is conveyor systems. They specialize in material handling systems for the recycling industry. The outdoor storage area would be primarily for finished or partially finished product awaiting shipment. Steel materials would be stored inside the building to protect it from the elements. Outdoor vehicle storage associated with the operations would include utility vehicles, vans, pick- up trucks, and flat bed trucks. The applicant has indicated that these vehicles would be dispatched on an ongoing basis. iii Planning Report - Synergy Construction February 25, 1997 Page 4 Compatibility with Surrounding Area - The site is adjacent to a major state highway to the west and has street frontage along the east (Old Sibley Memorial Hwy.) and northeast (Sibley Court) portions of the property. Nearby development is also industrial and the proposed outdoor storage appears to be situated on the property to take advantage of the natural conditions and proposed building to screen the outdoor storage area from off-site visibility. Site Plan - The proposal includes a manufacturing facility of approximately 36,000 square feet and supporting office of approximately 6,000 square feet. Potential for a future building expansion of almost 20,000 square feet is shown on the plans. Access to the site is provided via Sibley Court, and the site plan shows two accesses to this cul-de-sac. The outdoor storage area is proposed to be located on the east side of the property, with the building to the west, and a wooded slope up to Old Sibley Memorial Hwy. to the east. Overhead doors are provided on the east and west elevations, with loading docks also on the east elevation. Parkins - Required parking for this allocation of uses is 85 stalls with the current development, and approximately 25 additional stalls with future 20,000 sq. ft. expansion for a total of 110 stalls. The developer proposes to provide 56 parking stalls at this time and shows proof of parking for an additional 54 stalls to total 110. Therefore, the developer should enter into a Proof of Parking Agreement with the City. Parking stall width is shown at nine feet. Although the City Code does not address parking stall width, the city typically requires parking stalls to be ten feet wide, but has allowed narrower stalls where there is little turnover in the parking. Building Elevations - The 26 foot high building is proposed to be constructed of painted precast concrete panels and prefinished metal, and windows are provided for daylighting. The portion of the building housing the office space will have colored rockface concrete block base, with tinted windows, and spandrel reflective glass above. The developer has indicated that the panels facing Sibley Court and Hwy. 13 will have decorative banding over a smooth face finish that will be scored and painted using earth tone paint to approximate the look of stone and that the south and east elevations would be a standard rake finish precast panel painted to match the other elevations. The proposed exterior is consistent with the architectural guidelines of the I-1 Zoning District. Landscaping - The landscape plan appears to be acceptable. A berm planted with a row of Black Hills Spruce trees is proposed in the northeast part of the site along Sibley Court which will serve to screen the storage area. The landscape plan emphasizes foundation plantings near the office portion of the building, and entrance plantings around the northeast parking lot. Various evergreen and overstory trees are proposed along the northwest and western perimeter area. Existing vegetation will remain in the areas not proposed to be graded, in particular along the east edge and southern portion of the property. GradinOStorm Drainage - The grading plan submitted with the application is acceptable. The site slopes gently to the north toward Sibley Court and Hwy. 13 and was previously graded. The I a a Planning Report - Synergy Construction February 25, 1997 Page 5 elevation of portions of the property to the south, Preusse Addition, is approximately 50 feet above this site. Storm water runoff from the site is proposed to drain through an internal storm sewer system to existing storm sewer within Sibley Court and also to MnDOT right-of-way on Hwy. 13. This storm water runoff eventually drains to Pond AP -6, an existing storm water basin within MnDOT right -way -way north of Lot 1, Block 1, S & W Industrial Acres. The proposed discharge of storm water runoff into Hwy. 13 right-of-way will require a permit from MnDOT. Water _Quality, /Wetlands - This development is located in drainage basin A and will generate runoff that will reach two constructed detention basins before discharging to the Minnesota River. There are no recreation classified water bodies downstream. The development will be required to provide on-site ponding for flood volume and peak flow control. The pond needs to fulfill these requirements and be excavated to provide wet pond volume consistent with the City's design standards. There are no jurisdictional wetlands within the parcel. Access/Street Desi} n - Public street access is available onto Sibley Court, an existing 800 foot cul-de-sac which extends west from Old Sibley Memorial Highway. The developer is proposing to take access at two locations. This would be the only lot with access onto Sibley Court, access to E -Z Mini -storage is provided from Old Sibley Memorial Highway. Tree Preservation - The site is mostly open grass and shrub land with some tree "regrowth" in the southwest corner. The development as proposed will result in the removal of four of the seven significant trees, and no significant woodlands will be removed. The city's Tree Preservation Ordinance allows removal of 30% of the existing significant vegetation (i.e. 5,400 sq. ft. woodlands, two significant trees). Mitigation for the removal of significant trees in excess of allowable limits calculates to four Category B trees. Ten conifers (6' height) will be installed as replacement for the excess removal. Parks and Recreation - Parks and trails dedication should be fulfilled through a cash dedication. Additional Standards for Outdoor Stora e - A six foot chain link fence with plastic slats is proposed to completely enclose the storage yard for screening and security. The fence attaches to the building and the buidling serves as screening on the west side of the storage area. The storage area meets all required setbacks, including the minimum 40 foot setback from the Sibley Court right of way. The storage area is separate from the parking lot and should not interfere with vehicular or pedestrian movement. Some vehicles and materials stored outside may exceed the height of the six foot fence enclosure and therefore, a Variance to this provision is required. However, the building serves to screen the storage area from the area of greatest off-site visibility, Hwy. 13 to the west. In addition, the topography and natural vegetation of the area is such that off-site visibility is also limited from the east and the applicant proposes to install landscape screening along the north edge of the storage area. The other provisions of the city's outdoor storage ordinance relate to outdoor display and are not applicable in this instance. � a 3 Planning Report - Synergy Construction February 25, 1997 Page 6 SUMMARY/CONCLUSION Synergy Construction is requesting approval of a Conditional Use Permit for outdoor storage of materials and vehicles associated with a metal fabricating operation. The storage area appears to be located in an area of the site which has the least off-site visibility and makes use of existing topography, vegetation and the proposed building for screening purposes. I-1 zoning standards appear to be met. The developer is proposing nine foot wide parking stalls as part of this site plan because the turnover of parking at this site will be minimal. ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED A. To recommend approval or denial of a Variance to allow the height of the storage materials to exceed the height of the enclosure. B. To recommend approval or denial of a Conditional Use Permit for outdoor storage of materials and vehicles associated with a metal fabricating operation for Lot 2, Block 1, S & W Industrial Acres consisting of approximately seven acres west of Old Sibley Memorial Highway on Sibley Court. If approved, the following conditions should apply: General Conditions This Conditional Use Permit shall be recorded with Dakota County within 60 days of the date of approval and proof of its recording provided to the City. Parkin 2. Parking stall width of nine feet is approved as shown on the Site Plan dated January 29,1997. 3. The developer shall enter into a Proof of Parking Agreement with the City. Grading/Storm Drainage 4. The developer shall be responsible for obtaining all necessary regulatory agency permits to drain storm water runoff into MnDOT right of way. Water Qualitv/Wetlands 5. The pond necessary to meet flood peak flow and volume control shall be excavated according to the City's dentention pond design standards to provide some wet pond volume and pretreatment of storm water. A skimmer of acceptable design to the City shall be installed on the outlet. Planning Report - Synergy Construction February 25, 1997 Page 7 Tree Preservation 6. The developer shall install ten conifers, minimum six foot height with balled and burlapped root condition, as mitigation for tree removal in excess of allowable limits. 7. Tree Protective Measures (i.e. 4 foot polyethylene laminate safety netting) shall be installed at the Drip Line or at the perimeter of the Critical Root Zone, whichever is greater, of significant trees/woodlands to be preserved. Parks and Trails 8. Parks and trails dedication shall be fulfilled through a cash dedication. FINANCIAL OBLIGATION - 19 -CU -3-1-97 Lot 2, Block 1, S & W Acres There are pay-off balances of special assessments totaling $386 on the parcels proposed for platting. The pay-off balance will be allocated to the lots created by the plat. At this time, there are no pending assessments on the parcel for which the conditional use permit is requested. The estimated financial obligation presented is subject to change based upon areas, dimensions and land uses contained in the final plat. Based upon the study of the financial obligations collected in the past and the uses proposed for the property, the following charges are proposed. The charges are computed using the City's existing fee schedule and the availability of the City's utility system. Improvement Use Rate Quantity Amount Water Trunk C/I $1,810/Ac 6.85 Ac. $12,398 Water Availability Charge C/I $1,855/Ac 6.85 Ac 19,557 Storm Sewer Trunk C/I .121 /sq ft 68,27.1 sq ft 8.261 Total $40.216 The financial obligation is presented for informational purposes only. Payment is not required as a condition for the approval of the conditional use permit. Its payment will be required as a condition for building permit issuance. I a 4 City of Eagan Community Development Department .� G* of Qg Location Map 4 34n e I IiCJ �� _ Synergy Construction, Inc. Conditional Use Permit Case No. 19 -CU -3-1-97 E �aEiiEEG�L'Fi0 3��� ■7 DD �Cr] Q® qg Cal:J � � k'a1S9 C21�J �1p CfO ��f '� 4`!!MJ G1l9 �9LdJ C7CL �G CpJ■9 C7fJ '!�l :7D CM �" r � CAISJ Ca6i LI�1 12�@J lr1�J E�r�:: Ya.��' �s dew � Q � 1J"�J /�7 "I N 700 0 700 Feet 910111le0V1 041• son %rim ,r �► * ' ;�� �''� *;iii: ■i a�rlNEI MG Nook all olm On mul mm um ■C004"1lrjmorin■ n■■■ a■■■■��:10 :i Ilk SEMI i ��� �/�� � ���I.� 1�►►rte sawn ■ ■ .�� ■■■w5L■■■■■ ■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■ so own ■■■■a�I --- In -m- -- -- -- -- � y�:•�■■rug -/.// ►4 �rsai -- ON -- -- ■i ■■I■■��♦ LMrl[] I ■ :is .■ RE ■�Y �� AIR Of X11 ■■ ■. ■t u.ME BE ME N .� ■■ .. f�/� rri ►rr ���I/�I ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■m :a M C: :►ri 'i� 11 ,� �1�.. ■C�r'�rrr rrr �i ■■■ rr�►rrr►rr ��i�. a ■■■■■■� M MWOMM I W" IV. - AW INN, SITE PLAN 51 ��-3 / GRADING/UTILITIES Vi •pN H i •$ I Me LANDSCAPE M. Z LU uj g g 3� r; s� nr n n� wn i ■rprrrr 3 � o a k A 6 y R t e ip Q[•7, f fFfF�t jqjq [ 1 3 z Y a Y (33 S _S S•: � � a � Stif• � z�= .Y.el�e !�T ELEVATIONS KS � �3 � FLOOR PLAN N < % ;7� r7l Jt! KS � �3 � FLOOR PLAN N < :::F. Agenda Information Memo March 4, 1997 Eagan City Council Meeting E. CONDITIONAL USE PERMITS AND VARIANCE - HOOVESTOL, INC. ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: > To recommend approval or denial of a Conditional Use Permit to allow outdoor storage of 50 trucks and/or trailers on Lot 4, Block 2, Eagandale Corporate Center in the SE '/4 of Section 11. > To recommend approval or denial of a Conditional Use Permit to allow sales/leasing and service of trucks and trailers on Lot 4, Block 2, Eagandale Corporate Center in the SE '/4 of Section 11. > To recommend approval or denial of a Variance to Section 11. 10, Subd. 29.C.1 to allow outdoor storage without an enclosure on Lot 4, Block 2, Eagandale Corporate Center in the SE '/4 of Section 11. FACTS: > Hoovestol, Inc. is a trucking company that hauls for the U.S. Post Office Bulk Mail Center and others. No freight product is stored or loaded at the proposed facility. Sales/leasing and service of the company fleet of trucks and trailers is proposed as a secondary use. All repair and maintenance will occur inside the proposed building. > The site and surrounding properties are zoned and guided for industrial development. The proposed .18,244 s.f building and storage area for 40-50 trucks and/or trailers behind the building, _appear compatible with the area. > The applicant does not believe an enclosure -is needed around the proposed outdoor storage area primarily because the storage area will be adequately screened from the street and security is not a major concern. > The Advisory Planning Commission, at their meeting ori February 25, 1997, recommended approval of both requested conditional use permits and the variance, subject to the conditions in the APC minutes. ISSUES: None BACKGROUND/ATTACHMENTS: rr > Minutes of February25-1997 APC meeting, pages /4through > Staff report, pagethrough 1-x-_7 1�q 13� Page 12 February 25, 1997 ADVISORY PLANNING COMMISSION Z— . CONDITIONAL USE PERMITS - HOOVESTOL, INC. Commission Chair Heyl opened the next public hearing of the evening regarding a Conditional Use Permit to allow the outdoor storage ,of 50 trucks and/or trailers and a Conditional Use Permit to allow sales and service of trucks and trailers for Lot 4, Block 2, Eagandale Corporate Center located north of Yankee Doodle Road and west of Mike Collins Drive in the SEV4 of Section 11. Planner Farnham introduced this item. Ms. Farnham highlighted the information presented in City staff s planning report dated February 19, 1997. Ms. Farnham noted the background and history, the surrounding uses and the existing conditions of the subject property. Ms. Farnham did note that although the site plan depicts a proposed canopy over the pump island, the applicant has advised that no canopy will be constructed. The applicant, Wayne Hoovestol, stated that he concurs with the planning report and noted that the concerns of the residents of his previous applications at different sites, e.g. traffic, noise, etc. are not an issue with this site. No persons from the public were present for comment. Member Frank stated that the applicant's proposed use on the site will be an improvement to the area, noting that the applicant's proposed landscaping will be more than all the landscaping utilized on the surrounding properties. Member Frank moved, Member Burdorf seconded, a motion to recommend approval of a Conditional Use Permit to allow the outdoor storage of 50 trucks and/or trailers for Lot 4, Block 2, Eagandale Corporate Center located north of Yankee Doodle Road and west of Mike Collins Drive in the SEV4 of Section 11, subject to the following conditions: 1. The exterior building materials shall conform to the City's Exterior Architectural Design Standards. 2. The developer shall revise the storm drainage plan to provide catch basin spacing and storm sewer pipe in accordance with the City standard of one catch basin and accompanying storm sewer per every 1.2 acres of drainage area. 3. The developer shall install a fire hydrant near the northeast corner of the proposed building to provide proper hydrant spacing for fire protection to the entire building. 1 3o Page 13 February 25, 1997 ADVISORY PLANNING COI�MSSION 4. All runoff from the site shall be directed to Pond EP -2.1 in accordance with the approved grading and utility plan for Eagandale Corporate Center. 5. Mitigation for filling of the jurisdictional wetland within this parcel shall be carried out as per the wetland mitigation plan approved for Eagandale Corporate Center. Replacement of the wetland as per this plan must occur prior to or concurrent with the filling of the wetland. 6. The developer shall submit a photometric lighting plan indicating light levels at the property perimeter prior to issuance of a building permit. All voted in favor. Member Frank moved, Member Burdorf seconded, a motion to recommend approval of a Conditional Use Permit to allow sales and service of trucks and trailers for Lot 4, Block 2, Eagandale Corporate Center located north of Yankee Doodle Road and west of Mike Collins Drive in the SE'/4 of Section 11, subject to the following conditions: 1. All repairs of vehicles must occur inside building 2. Sales and service is only allowed for vehicles owned or leased by the property owner. No retail sales or service is allowed. All voted in favor. Member Frank moved, Member Burdorf seconded, a motion to recommend approval of a Variance to Section 11. 10, Subd. 29, C.1. to allow outdoor storage without an enclosure, on Lot 4, Block 2, Eagandale Corporate Center, in the SE 1/4 of Section 11. All voted in favor. i 3-7 PLANNING REPORT CITY OF EAGAN REPORT DATE: February 19, 1997 APPLICANT: Wayne Hoovestol PROPERTY OWNER: Atlas of Minnesota REQUEST: Conditional Use Permits CASE: #11 -CU -4-1-97, 11 -CU 5-1-97 HEARING DATE: Feb. 25, 1997 PREPARED BY: Julie Farnham LOCATION: 920 Aldrin Drive, west of Mike Collins Drive. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: IND - Industrial ZONING: I-1 Light Industrial SUMMARY OF REQUEST The applicant is requesting two Conditional Use Permits, one to allow outdoor storage of trucks and trailers and another to allow sales and service of trucks and trailers, and a Variance to the outdoor storage enclosure requirements, on Lot 4, Block 2, Eagandale Corporate Center, in the SE '/4 of Section 11. klt 111:LI) t0Ira M M ti WAl .l City Code Chapter 11, Section 11.40, Subd. 4, C states: The Planning Commission shall recommend a conditional use permit and the Council shall issue such conditional use permits only if it finds that such use at the proposed location: A. Will not be detrimental to or endanger the public health, safety, or general welfare of the neighborhood or the City. B. Will be harmonious with the general and applicable specific objectives of the Comprehensive Plan and City Code provisions. C. Will be designed, constructed, operated and maintained so as to be compatible in appearance with the existing or intended character of the general vicinity and will not change the essential character of that area, nor substantially diminish or impair property values within the neighborhood. D. Will be served adequately by essential public facilities and services, including streets, police and fire protection, drainage structures, refuse disposal, water and sewer systems and schools. E. Will not involve uses, activities, processes, materials, equipment and conditions of operation that will be hazardous or detrimental to any persons, property or the general welfare because of excessive production of traffic, noise, smoke, fumes, glare or odors. ED Planning Report - Hoovestol February 25, 1997 Page 2 F. Will have vehicular ingress and egress to the property which does not create traffic congestion or interfere with traffic on surrounding public streets. G. Will not result in the destruction, loss or damage of a natural, scenic or historic feature of major importance. City Code Section 11.40, Subd. 4. D. Conditions, states: In reviewing applications of conditional use permits, the Planning Commission and the Council may attach whatever reasonable conditions they deem necessary to mitigate anticipated adverse impacts associated with these uses, to protect the value of other propertywithin the district, and to achieve the goals and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan. In all cases in which conditional uses are granted, the Council shall require such evidence and guarantees as it may deem necessary as proof that the conditions stipulated in connection therewith are being and will be complied with. Additional standards apply to the evaluation of a conditional use permit for outside storage. Section 11. 10, Subd. 29, C. 1. states that in addition to the standards for conditional use permits, outdoor storage shall conform to the following standards: a) Outdoor storage items shall be placed within an enclosure. b) All such enclosures shall be attached to the principal building except in the Limited Industrial District. c) The enclosure shall be made of material suitable to the building and the items to be stored. d) The enclosure shall not encroach into any established front building setback area or other required setbacks. e) The enclosure shall not interfere with any pedestrian or vehicular movement. f) The items to be stored shall not exceed the height of the enclosure. g) The display area shall not take up required parking spaces or landscaping areas. h) The display area shall be surfaced with concrete or an approved equivalent to control dust and erosion. The surface shall be properly maintained to prevent deterioration. i) The square footage of outdoor display areas shall be included in the calculation of required off- street parking for the principal use of the property. BACKGROUNWHISTORY Hoovestol, Inc. is currently located at 2950 Lone Oak Circle in the Roadway Trucking building. The applicant, hdr. Hoovestol, is looking to expand his business in Eagan. In the past 1 '/s years, he has made two other requests for conditional use permits; one on Mke Collins Road and Yankee Doodle Road and the other off T.H. 149. Both requests were denied due to concerns about incompatibility of the proposed use with adjacent residential development and roadway capacity. Planning Report - Hoovestol February 25, 1997 Paize 3 The site of the current request is within the Eagandale Corporate Center, a light industrial subdivision approved by the City on October 15, 1996. This subdivision includes the extension of Aldrin Drive to the west to connect to Neil Armstrong Boulevard, which extends south and west to connect to Lexington Ave. (See Exhibit A) EXISTING CONDITIONS This 6.41 acre site is undeveloped. The site is on the south side of Aldrin Drive, just west of A & H Cartage Inc./Transport Express, Ltd. MASA Midwest Air Freight. A mass grading project is currently underway within the Eagandale Corporate Center subdivision in conjunction with the construction of the roadway extension and a new detention pond on the north side of Aldrin Drive. SURROUNDING USES The following existing uses, zoning, and comprehensive guide plan designations surround the subject property: North - Industrial (undeveloped/detention pond); zoned I-1; guided IND South - Industrial; zoned I-1; guided IND East - Industrial; zoned I-1; guided IND West - Industrial (undeveloped); zoned I-1; guided IND EVALUATION OF REQUEST Proposed Use - Hoovestol, Inc. is a trucking company that hauls for the U.S. Post Office Bulk Mail Center and others. No freight product is stored or loaded at the proposed facility. The applicant is proposing to park his fleet of trucks and trailers on-site. He is also proposing sales/leasing and service of his truck tractors and trailers as a secondary use. All truck and trailer repair and maintenance will occur inside the proposed building. Com atp ibilitywith Surrounding Area - Surrounding developed and undeveloped land is zoned and guided for industrial development. The proposed use appears compatible with other existing and future industrial uses. Site Plan - The site plan submitted includes a new building, employee parking lot, truck/trailer parking, and two gas pumps for private company use. All building and parking setbacks meet or exceed City code requirements. Building coverage is also below the maximum 35% allowed in the I-1 district. The pump islands and fuel tank will be subject to review and approval by the State Fire Marshal. The City's Fire Marshal notes that the pump island may need to be moved further from the building to meet State setback requirements. Building Design - The proposed building will be 18, 244 s.f in area, including 5,400 s.f of office and 12,844 s.f for repair, maintenance and storage. The building will be one story with a height of 20'-8". The exterior materials will consist of insulated precast concrete wall panels. The lower portion of the building will be rock faced block and the upper portion will be smooth, painted and scored concrete block. The sides and rear sides of the building will consist of exposed aggregate textured pre -cast panels. The proposed building materials meet the City's Exterior Architectural Design Standards. Planning Report - Hoovestol February 25, 1997 Pia,Re 4 Signage - A 64 s.f wall sign is proposed on the north building facade at the main entry. No other signage is proposed at this time. However, Code would permit one monument sign up to 7 feet tall, provided it is setback 10 feet from property lines. Li tin - Proposed lighting will consist of five pole lights located in the employee and truck parking areas, a ground mounted light to illuminate the front building entry, and 9 wall mounted down cast lights on the building. The pole lights in the truck parking area will be 20 feet tall and those in the employee parking area will be shorter (i.e. 15-18 feet tall). The developer should submit a photometric plan that provides site lighting levels at the lot perimeter prior to issuance of a building permit. Parkin - A 60 car parking lot is located north of the building. The stall sizes and drive aisle widths meet code requirements. This lot is for employee and guest parking. Parking for 40-50 tractors and trailers will be located behind the building to the south. Both parking lots are paved with bituminous and will have curb and gutter. Landscaping - The landscape plan is acceptable. The plan includes a mix of evergreen and deciduous trees and shrubs. A nearly solid planted screen is proposed along the street frontage and the employee parking lot. A solid evergreen hedge is also proposed at the north edge of the outdoor storage area to screen views from the street. Gradin Wetlands - The preliminary grading plan is acceptable. The initial grading of the site will be completed in May 1997 under the Eagandale Corporate Center development contract. Storm Drainage/Water QIzalir - The storm drainage plan is acceptable with minor revisions. Storm sewer of sufficient size, depth and capacity will be stubbed to the site as part of current City Project 688 - Eagandale Corporate Center Streets & Utilities. The developer is proposing to connect an internal storm sewer system to this stub. The proposed internal storm sewer system does not provide for sufficient catch basin spacing and storm sewer pipe to accommodate drainage within the site. The developer should revise the storm drainage plan to provide catch basin spacing and storm sewer pipe in accordance with the City standard of one catch basin and accompanying storm sewer per every 1.2 acres of drainage area. Runoff from this development will eventually reach Pond EP -2, a 14 -acre lake classified for indirect contact recreation in the City's water quality management plan and located within proposed North Park. The treatment obligations for this site will be met by directing runoff to Pond EP -2.1. The requirements for design of this pond are identified in the approved grading plan for Eagandale Corporate Center. Wetlands - There is one jurisdictional wetland within the parcel, filling of which was approved as part of the Eagandale Corporate Center subdivision. Mitigation for this wetland impact is covered in the wetland mitigation plan for the subdivision, and the replacement of the wetland must take place before or concaurent with the filling action. Utilities - Sanitary sewer and water main stubs will be available for connection with completion of the current City Project 688 in June 1997. The applicant is proposing to install one fire hydrant near the northwest comer of the building. The applicant should install another hydrant near the northeast corner of the proposed building to provide proper hydrant spacing for fire protection to the entire Planning Report - Hoovestol February 25, 1997 Pate 5 building. Streets/Access/Circulation - Access to the site is proposed at one location from Aldrin Drive, which is under construction as part of City Project 688. Aldrin Drive should be completed in July 1997. Easements/Riots of Way/Permits - A 20 foot rail spur easement and 50 foot NSP utility easement exist along the eastern edge and southeast corner of the property. No development is proposed within this area. Tree Preservation - Tree preservation requirements for this property were satisfied with the final subdivision for Eagandale Corporate Center Addition. Parks and Recreation - Park and trail dedication requirements for this property were satisfied with the final subdivision for Eagandale Corporate Center Addition. Variance The applicant is requesting a variance to Section 11. 10, Subd. 29 C.1. that requires outdoor storage to be placed within an enclosure. The applicant states that an enclosure is not necessary because: • the proposed truck storage does not constitute long term permanent inventory (the number of trucks stored fluctuates); the surrounding area contains several other industrial facilities that do not have enclosures around their storage areas; the site is designed so the truck storage will be behind the building and therefore screened from the street; • site landscaping provides additional screening of the storage area from the street; • the site is not visible to residential development; and • a perimeter fence could create snow drifting on neighboring properties and constrict areas to be used for snow storage on-site. Staff notes that the enclosure requirements and related performance standards were originally developed to apply to commercial applications and are difficult to apply in industrial situations. City code only requires screening of outdoor storage areas where it abuts a public street or a different land use. The proposed landscaping and building placement will satisfy the screening requirements. The proposed truck parking area will not encroach into any required setbacks or interfere with pedestrian or vehicular movement. The primary purpose of an enclosure in this situation would appear to be for security- SUMMARY/CONCLUSION Hoovestol, Inc. is proposing to relocate their truck/hauling company to this site in Eagandale Corporate Center, a recently approved light industrial subdivision. The proposed trucking operation requires two conditional use permits: one to allow outdoor storage (parking) of truck tractors and trailers, the other to allow salesJleasing and services of the company's fleet. The proposed 18,244 s.f building includes 5,400 s.f of office and 12,844 s.f for repair, maintenance and storage. All repairs will occur inside the building. The site plan includes 60 parking spaces for employees and visitors and 1 �2-, Planning Report - Hoovestol February 25, 1997 Page 6 spaces for 40-50 truck tractors and trailers. Two fuel pump islands are located on site for use by the company fleet. The applicant is also requesting a variance to the outdoor storage enclosure requirement. The applicant states that an enclosure is not needed and the outdoor storage will be screened from the public street by the proposed building and landscaping. With the exception of the requested variance, the plans submitted meet all Zoning Code requirements for setbacks, building coverage, building materials, landscaping, tree preservation and grading. The site is surrounded by land developed or designated for industrial development. The use appears to be compatible with existing and future industrial development in the area. ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED A To recommend approval or denial of a Conditional Use Permit to allow outdoor storage of 50 trucks and/or trailers on Lot 4, Block 2, Eagandale Corporate Center, in the SE '/. of Section 11, subject to the following conditions: 1. The exterior building materials shall conform to the City's Exterior Architectural Design Standards. 2. The developer shall revise the storm drainage plan to provide catch basin spacing and storm sewer pipe in accordance with the City standard of one catch basin and accompanying storm sewer per every 1.2 acres of drainage area. 3. The developer shall install a fire hydrant near the northeast corner of the proposed building to provide proper hydrant spacing for fire protection to the entire building. 4. All runoff from the site shall be directed to Pond EP -2.1 in accordance with the approved, grading and utility plan for Eagandale Corporate Center. 5. Mitigation for filling of the jurisdictional wetland within this parcel shall be carried out as per the wetland mitigation plan approved for Eagandale Corporate Center. Replacement of the wetland as per this plan must occur prior to or concurrent with the filling of the wetland. 6. The developer shall submit a photometric lighting plan indicating light levels at the property perimeter prior to issuance of a building permit. B. To recommend approval or denial of a Conditional Use Permit to allow sales and service of trucks and trailers on Lot 4, Block 2, Eagandale Corporate Center, in the SE '/. of Section 11, subject to the following conditions: 1. All repairs of vehicles must occur inside building 2. Sales and service is only allowed for vehicles owned or leased by the property owner. No retail sales or service is allowed. 143 Planning Report - Hoovestol February 25, 1997 Paize 7 C. To recommend approval or denial of a Variance to Section 11. 10, Subd. 29, C.1. to allow outdoor storage without an enclosure, on Lot 4, Block 2, Eagandale Corporate Center, in the SE '/4 of Section 11. 1 4 FINANCIAL OBLIGATION -11 -CU -5-2-97 Lot 4, Block 2, Eagandale Corporate Center There are pay-off balances of special assessments totaling $25,013 on the parcel for which the conditional use is requested. At this time, there are pending assessments in the amount of $65,659 on the parcel for which the conditional use permit is requested. The estimated financial obligation presented is subject to change based upon areas, dimensions and land uses contained in the final plat. Based upon the study of the financial obligations collected in the past and the uses proposed for the property, the following charges are proposed. The charges are computed using the City's existing fee schedule and the availability of the City's utility system. Improvement Use Rate Quantity Amount None $0 City of Eagan Community Development Department *C.v of En- Location i II k1■ ■� rill., Hoovestal, Inc. Conditional Use Permit Case No. 11 -CU -4-1-97 F&r) I mom N 700 0 700 Feet GAIlilI 9, ,�wm■f if Hoovestal, I nc. Cttyof Eagan Case No. 11 -CU -4-1-97 Zoning Map N 500 0 500 1000 Feet Current Zoning 1-1 Limited Industrial City of Eagan Community Development DepartnwA N y ■ 04 ti I II I I I S ?d La K ••£3.9400 S er I na �•iisn... Z1'099 I W OOGS.1 Oh KNT .M(fl SON �tl IUI �% iOlwf10ro163-UMS A awn L5.3--'' •.• 1 1 Jn=. v W -- z vow, . . w w M ..£3.9400 s I u 4L'66S -1. � �O �'J r ....n••rv.nti �o-�:� - L� too o� J Sig gg a II iirr•••�lyyl •I •I �'p•�' C'c},yu IIsi, —� S133HS • Po F L33H5 3' / I ,__ _ �; 4 ! ID X 1. �I z' . . Ig a ^' I Ino I ,.. \ : I � •� I I I =�¢ z . Qi I Y I f I Mree! �. .k44 3 91.9600 M ' I -aroo.o- 3d ... I ..KsG.00 it II I I I S ?d La K ••£3.9400 S er I na �•iisn... Z1'099 I W OOGS.1 Oh KNT .M(fl SON �tl IUI �% iOlwf10ro163-UMS A awn L5.3--'' •.• 1 1 Jn=. W -- KKw '� .Y IN1w.1 It vow, . . w F , 8•I � a I ' 1 IJ � �O �'J _K.GL00 N erwc — — — — — — ±a I i' too o� J Sig gg a II z'�C' a: IIsi, —� S133HS • Po F L33H5 3' / I ,__ _ II I I I S ?d La K ••£3.9400 S er I na �•iisn... Z1'099 I W OOGS.1 Oh KNT .M(fl SON �tl IUI �% .,.n f(a?• O__ iOlwf10ro163-UMS A awn L5.3--'' •.• 1 1 Jn=. Iaa��— -- KKw '� .Y IN1w.1 It vow, . . w F , 8•I � a I ' 1 IJ � �O �'J _K.GL00 N erwc — — — — — — ±a I i' too o� J Sig gg a II z'�C' ...........V 3Nn'}IOIVW ........... m S133HS • Po F L33H5 3' / Z ,__ _ �; 4 ! ID X 1. �I z' . . .,.n f(a?• O__ iOlwf10ro163-UMS A awn L5.3--'' •.• 1 1 Jn=. I I o/ KKw '� .Y IN1w.1 It 10 . . w • 8•I � a I ' 1 IJ � �O �'J _K.GL00 N erwc — — — — — — ±a I i' too o� J 2 ...........V 3Nn'}IOIVW ........... m S133HS • Po F L33H5 3' / Z ,__ _ Ig a ^' I Ino I ,.. \ : I � •� I I I =�¢ z . ••• I II Dawe esus o>»n .c.,-.,. Mree! �. .k44 3 91.9600 M ' I -aroo.o- 3d .,.n f(a?• O__ iOlwf10ro163-UMS A awn L5.3--'' •.• 1 1 Jn=. I I o/ KKw '� .Y IN1w.1 It 10 . . w • 8•I � a I ' 1 IJ � �O �'J _K.GL00 N erwc — — — — — — ±a I i' too o� J 2 ...........V 3Nn'}IOIVW ........... m S133HS • Po F L33H5 3' / Z ,__ _ f gl D zs HOOVESTOL, INC. J EAGAR W#MOTA �S-b I� :u r= 4 T C, I� 8N =ao ti c s NEW FAC;LTY O.R.: HOOVESTOL_, INC' EAGAN, VN F 5 G ypY q P Y.s S`'i�n gill 1.�3 3 r_ R € a 'A - a` m v i T C, I� 8N =ao ti c s NEW FAC;LTY O.R.: HOOVESTOL_, INC' EAGAN, VN F 5 i li S`'i�n 1.�3 3 Y R € a 'A - a` � \\\� � i _ N I• � F 1 L I ji I — oz 4_p I _ T C, I� 8N =ao ti c s NEW FAC;LTY O.R.: HOOVESTOL_, INC' EAGAN, VN tK�nuv, a_Ms¢xs. --23528 4Y ©.. /3 i li S`'i�n «fttt!!!ccc IIL' I I I � \\\� � i _ N I• � F 1 L I ji I �I I _ tK�nuv, a_Ms¢xs. --23528 4Y ©.. /3 Y �� 1• j � Yit � R 1 1 _. I • •�,----------------- .. t I; 9 A HOOVESTOL, INC. EAGAK MNWS07 A Agenda Information Memo March 4,1997, Eagan City Council F. PRELIMINARY PLANNED DEVELOPMENT - HOMESTEAD VILLAGE ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: To approve or deny a Preliminary Planned Development to construct a three story 133 -unit extended stay hotel on 3.96 acres at the southeast corner of I -35E and Lone Oak Road on property currently platted as Lots 1 and 2, Block 1, Eagandale Center Industrial Park No. 9, located in the northeast '/< of Section 10. FACTS: The site is approximately 4 acres in size and consists of two platted lots. The developer will be replatting the property, vacating necessary easements and dedicating additional right of way for Lone Oak Road. The previous Planned Development approved in 1988 for this site included a 123 unit hotel and a Class 1 restaurant. The current proposal consolidates the two existing lots and eliminates the restaurant. The APC held a public hearing on February 25, 1997, and recommended approval of the Preliminary Planned Development, subject to the conditions outlined in the APC minutes. ISSUES: The proposed Preliminary Planned Development includes deviations from typical commercial development standards for parking stall width (nine feet), a detached trash enclosure, and building height exceeding 35 feet (46 feet is proposed). ATTACHMENTS: February 25, 1997 APC Minutes,_pa es /throughF F Staff Report, pages through ad �s¢ Page 14 February 25, 1997 ADVISORY PLANNING CONMSSION PD AMENDMENT - HOMESTEAD VILLAGE, INC. Commission Chair Heyl opened the next public hearing of the evening regarding a Preliminary Planned Development to allow a 133 unit, three-story hotel for property legally described as Lots 1 and 2, Block 1, Eagandale Center Industrial Park No. 9 located on Denmark Avenue (Hampton Drive), south of Lone Oak Road in the NEI/4 of Section 10. Planner Dudziak introduced this item. Ms. Dudziak highlighted the information presented in City staffs planning report dated February 19, 1997. Ms. Dudziak noted the background and history, the surrounding uses and the existing conditions of the subject property. The applicant's representative, Paul Crabtree, stated that he concurs with the planning report and that the applicant will work with staff regarding the redesign of the landscape plan. No persons from the public were present for comment. Member Frank suggested that if the sidewalk proposed to be developed with the development is not part of the City trail plan, then the applicant's park dedication fees should be credited for the sidewalk. Senior Planner Ridley noted that the applicant will not be required to install or pay the cost for the installation of the sidewalk along Denmark Avenue. Mr. Ridley explained that the applicant has agreed to install the sidewalk and may do so with the development of the property, but the City will ultimately pay for its cost. Member Burdorf moved, Member Carlson seconded, a motion to recommend approval of a Preliminary Planned Development to allow a 133 unit, three-story hotel for property legally described as Lots 1 and 2, Block 1, Eagandale Center Industrial Park No. 9 located on Denmark Avenue (Hampton Drive), south of Lone Oak Road in the NEI/4 of Section 10, subject to the following conditions: General Conditions 1. This Preliminary Planned Development approves a three-story, 133 -unit extended stay hotel. 2. The term of the Planned Development shall be five years. 3. A Preliminary Planned Development Agreement shall be executed which includes the following preliminary plans: s� Page 15 February 25, 1997 ADVISORY PLANNING COMMISSION * Site Plan * Signage Plan * Landscape Plan * Grading Plan * Utility Plan * Site Lighting Plan 4. The property shall be replatted as a single lot. Signage 5. One pylon sign and one monument sign are approved with this Planned Development in locations indicated on the Site Plan dated January 15, 1997, last revised January 29, 1997. 6. All signage shall satisfy City Sign Code requirements, including those for height, size and setbacks. Trash Enclosure 7. A detached trash enclosure is approved as per the Site Plan dated January 15, 1997, last revised January 29, 1997. Parking 8. Parking stalls shall be no less than nine feet wide and there shall be a minimum of 149 parking stalls provided. Landscaping 9. The landscape plan shall be revised to provide additional spacing, more growth room for plant materials, and more snow storage space. The revisions and final landscape plan shall be subject to City staff review and approval. 10. To minimize the possibility of future disease transmission (oak wilt) through grafted root systems, Red Oaks along Interstate Drive shall be planted no closer to each other than 50 feet and shall be alternated with other tree species. 11. Proper soil preparation shall be performed prior to the installation of the eight Sugar Maple north of the proposed parking lot, or a more vigorous maple cultivar or a different species should be considered for this area. SSG Page 16 February 25, 1997 ADVISORY PLANNING COhMSSION 12. All plant materials shall satisfy minimum size requirements specified in the City's landscape ordinance. Grading/Storm Drainage 13. Outflow from Pond DP -3.3 shall be restricted to one cubic foot per second as identified in the City Storm Water Management Plan so as not to overburden the existing storm sewer system. Wetlands/Water Quality 14. Water quality mitigation obligations shall be met through on-site ponding. The pond design shall be modified such that the mean depth of the pond is no less than three feet. A skimmer of acceptable design to the City shall be installed on the outlet. Utilities 15. To eliminate disturbance of the Lone Oak Road street section, the developer shall construct all required hydrants from the existing stubbed water service at Denmark Avenue. Access/Street Design 16. The developer shall remove the southerly existing driveway apron onto Denmark Avenue. 17. A six-foot concrete walk built in accordance with City engineering and park standards shall be provided along the entire length of the development adjacent to Denmark Avenue. Easements/Rights of Way/Permits 18. Prior to issuance of a building permit, the developer shall be responsible for obtaining all necessary regulatory agency permits such as from Dakota County and from MnDOT for grading within the public right of way. Airport Noise 19. Architectural designs and construction methods for buildings constructed within the development shall incorporate sound attenuation standards sufficient to achieve an interior sound level of 45 dBA. r�T Page 17 February 25, 1997 ADVISORY PLANNING COI 1MSSION Parks and Recreation 20. The developer shall be responsible for parks and trails dedication as recommended by the Advisory Parks and Natural Resources Commission. All voted in favor. l � PLANNING REPORT CITY OF EAGAN REPORT DATE: February 19, 1997 APPLICANT: Homestead Village, Inc. CASE: 10-RZ-2-1-97 HEARING DATE: February 25, 1997 PROPERTY OWNER: Eagan Limited Partnership PREPARED BY: Pamela Dudziak REQUEST: Preliminary Planned Development LOCATION: Southeast corner of I -35E and Lone Oak Road COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: IND, Industrial ZONING: PD, Planned Development SUMMARY OF REQUEST Homestead Village is requesting approval of a Preliminary Planned Development to construct a three story 133 unit extended stay hotel on 3.96 acres on the southeast corner of I -35E and Lone Oak Road at Denmark Avenue (previously named Hampton Drive and shown on the proposed plans as Interstate Drive). The site is located in the northeast ''/< of Section 10, and is currently platted as Lots 1 and 2, Block 1, Eagandale Center Industrial Park No. 9. AUTHORITY FOR REVIEW Planned Development: Chapter 11.20, Subd. 8, B., Determination, states: "In considering any petition for such district, the Planning Commission and the Council in the interests of carrying out the intent and purpose of this Subdivision, shall determine whether or not such planned development will: (1) better adapt itself to its physical and aesthetic setting and that of surrounding lands than does development of the underlying zoning district; - (2) be feasible for the owner and developer economically to complete according to proposed plans; (3) benefit the community at large to a greater degree than would development of the underlying zoning district." Planning Report - Homestead Village, Inc. February 25, 1997 Page 2 BACKGROUNDMISTORY The property was rezoned in December 1987 from Limited Industrial and General Business to Planned Development. A six lot subdivision and a Planned Development for three of the lots were approved in April of 1988. The Planned Development Agreement designated this site, Lots 1 and 2, Block 1 of ECIP No. 9, for RB (Roadside Business) uses. The site plan approved as part of the PD agreement indicates a 123 room hotel on Lot 2, and a Class 1 Restaurant on Lot 1. Conceptual plans showed a health club or high tech industrial uses south of the hotel, and office and/or retail east of the hotel and restaurant. The hotel intended for Lot 2, Block 1 was a Hampton Inn which has since been constructed on another nearby site west of I -35E. The current proposal consolidates the two lots and proposes construction of a 133 unit three story hotel and no restaurant. The applicant will be vacating necessary easements and replatting the property into a single lot. EXISTING CONDITIONS The property is currently platted as Lot 1 and 2, Block 1, Eagandale Center Industrial Park No. 9 and is undeveloped. An area identification sign for Eagandale Industrial Center is located on the northern part Lot 1 adjacent to Lone Oak Road. There is a drainage and utility easement in the southeast portion of the site. Two driveway accesses from Denmark Avenue are located in the central and southern part of the site. The site has previously been cleared and graded and there is no significant vegetation on this site. Sanitary sewer and water were stubbed to this site when Denmark Avenue was constructed. SURROUNDING USES The following existing uses, zoning, and comprehensive guide plan designations surround the subject property: North - Vacant lot with large pond, Zoned I-1 (Limited Industrial), Guided IND (Industrial) South - Zoned PD (Planned Development) and I-1 (Limited Industrial), Guided IND (Industrial) East - Vacant, Zoned PD (Planned Development), Guided IND (Industrial) West - 1-3 5E. hotel and vacant restaurant across I -35E, Zoned PD (Planned Development), Guided CPD (Commercial Planned Development) EVALUATION OF REQUEST Because this proposal is a Planned Development, the application of zoning code development standards is flexible. However, RB (Roadside Business) zoning standards, similar development within the City, and development surrounding this site, are all used in this report for the purposes Planning Report - Homestead Village, Inc. February 25, 1997 Page 3 of comparison and evaluation. Hotels are a permitted use in the RB zoning district and this site was designated for RB uses with the previous Planned Development. Compatibility with Surroundino Area - Most of the land surrounding this site is vacant and zoned for industrial or commercial/industrial uses. This site was previously approved for development of a hotel and restaurant with the original Planned Development in 1988. Term of Planned Development - A five year term for the Planned Development is suggested. Site Plan - The site plan shows parking around the perimeter of the building. Retaining walls are located. at the north and south corners of the western parking lot. The main building entrance is oriented to the northeast toward the intersection of Lone Oak Road and Denmark Avenue. The detention pond is located in the northeast corner of the property. Of the two existing driveway accesses to this site, only the northerly one is proposed to be used. A pylon sign and a satellite dish are proposed at the west corner of the site adjacent to I -35E, and a monument sign is shown at the northeast corner. Sidewalks are shown within the site and provide a connection to the public trail along the south side of Lone Oak Road. The developer also proposes a sidewalk within the Denmark Avenue right of way along the full length of the property. Setbacks - For comparative evaluation of proposed setbacks, the RB district allows buildings over 35 feet in height as a conditional use, subject to certain standards for additional green space and setbacks. This building is 46 feet in height. Required building setbacks in this instance would be 50 feet from Lone Oak Road and I -35E to the north and west, 23 feet from the adjacent lot to the south, and 34.5 feet from Denmark Avenue to the east. These building setbacks are satisfied with this proposal, including as measured from the proposed dedicated.right of way for Lone Oak Road. Parking setbacks for required for commercial districts (20 feet from the public right of way and 5 feet from side and rear lot lines) are also satisfied. Building Design/Materials - The building height is 46 feet, 51 feet at the peak of the tower above the entrance, which exceeds the maximum 35 foot building height for commercial districts. Building coverage is 13.2% which is less than the maximum allowed for commercial development. Building materials consist of an exterior insulation and finish system (EIFS) in beige and taupe with a brown asphalt shingle roof and white trim. Although the Zoning Code does not specify standards for exterior materials in most commercial districts, similar and surrounding development can be used for comparison. The Hampton Inn west of I -35E had a dryvit exterior without brick or stone. The U.S. Postal Service facility south and east of this site consisted of rockface block and is a more industrial building. The Extended Stay Americal hotel planned for a site northeast of Yankee Doodle and Pilot Knob Roads is dark split face block on the first story, with light colored face brick on the top two stories. Both the Hampton Inn and Extended Stay America were Planned Developments, the Postal Service is zoned Limited Industrial. (� l Planning Report - Homestead Village, Inc. February 25, 1997 Page 4 Signage - A pylon sign is proposed in the west comer of the site adjacent to I -35E. The plans show that the proposed pylon sign is forty feet in height and 180 square feet in area, however, the applicant has advised staff that those dimensions are in error. The developer intends to comply with the dimensional requirements of the City Sign Code (maximum 27 feet tall and 125 sq. ft. in area). Other signage includes a monument sign and building signage. The monument sign will be located in the northeast corner of the site. The proposed monument sign is 5'8" tall and approximately 25 square feet in area. Building signage consists of a wall sign on the north building elevation above the main entrance. The color scheme is blue background with white lettering, and the signs will be internally lit. All signage should comply with City Sign Code standards and setbacks. There is an existing area identification sign for Eagandale Industrial Center on the northwest portion of the site adjacent to Lone Oak Road. This sign is located in the area of the property proposed to be dedicated for additional right of way for Lone Oak Road and will need to be removed from the property. The developer should be responsible for ensuring the removal of this area identification sign from the property. Trash Enclosure - A detached trash enclosure is proposed at the west end of the building, the enclosure is six feet high and 18' by 15'4" in size. The gates of the enclosure are chain link with screening slats to match the building color. The detached trash enclosure deviates from the City Code which requires trash enclosures in commercial districts to be attached to the principal structure. The trash enclosure is landscaped with shrubs along the sides, and evergreen trees between the enclosure and the interstate highway. Satellite Dish - Because the city is currently in the process of reviewing a proposed ordinance which would regulate antennae, towers, satellite dishes and wind conversion systems, a discussion of the proposed satellite dish in relation to the proposed ordinance is warranted.. The proposed ordinance would allow freestanding satellite dishes located in the rear yard. The satellite dish would be required to be colored and screened to minimize off-site visibility. The satellite dish proposed with this development is three meters in diameter and ten to 12 feet in height. It is located on the west side of the property adjacent to I -35E. The proposed landscaping surrounding the base of the satellite dish consists of several shrubs, burning bush, which reach about 6 feet in height at maturity. Landscaping - With minor modifications, the landscape plan appears acceptable. The landscape plan appears to provide appropriate screening of the parking lot. Staff has some concerns about whether this landscape plan allows sufficient room for plant growth and snow storage. The landscape plan should be revised to relocate the evergreen trees from the parking lot islands to the perimeter of the parking lot, and locate some of the overstory trees from the perimeter of the site to the islands. Also, quantities of foundation planting and shrub materials should be reduced and spacing increased to provide more growth room and snow storage areas. Some other suggestions include the following. Because of the possibility of disease transmission (oak wilt) through grafted root systems, the Red Oaks along Interstate Drive should planted no closer to Planning Report - Homestead Village, Inc. February 25, 1997 Page 5 each other than 50 feet and should be alternated with other tree species. Finally, Sugar Maples perform very poorly in the compacted soil with limited root space which is typical of construction sites: Therefore, proper soil preparation should be performed prior to the installation of the eight Sugar Maple north of the proposed parking lot, or a more vigorous maple cultivar or a different species should be considered for this area. All plant materials should satisfy minimum size requirements specified in the city's landscape ordinance. Lighting - Six thirty foot tall light standards with 400 watt metal halide fixtures are proposed. The average lighting level within the parking lot is 1.2 footcandles and light levels at the property line appear not to exceed one footcandle. Parking - The City Code requires hotel parking to be provided in the amount of 1 stall for each room plus one for every eight rooms, amounting to 149 stalls for this 133 unit hotel. The site plan provides 149 parking stalls. The proposed parking stall width is nine feet. Although the zoning code does not reference a minimum parking stall width, the City has typically required stalls to be ten feet wide. Additionally, for parking lots exceeding 50 stalls, islands amounting to 5% of the parking lot area are required. Although a calculation of parking lot island area was not provided for this development, the islands provided appear to satisfy the intent by breaking up large expanses of parking lot area. Grading/Storm Drainage - The preliminary grading plan is acceptable. The preliminary grading plan shows grading within both Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) right of way and Dakota County right of way adjacent to the development. Permits from both MnDOT and Dakota County, respectively, will be required for this grading. At the south edge of this site, the grade drops to the adjacent lot. Because of this grade change, a retaining wall approximately five feet in height is shown at the southwest and southeast comers of the parking lot. The retaining wall will be an integrally colored segmental wall. With some modifications, the preliminary storm drainage plan is acceptable. The developer is proposing to relocate Pond DP -3.3 from its existing location in the southeast corner to the northeast comer of the site and drain the entire site to this pond. Outflow from this pond will drain to existing storm sewer within Denmark Avenue. Outflow from Pond DP -3.3 should be restricted to one cubic foot per second (I cfs) as identified in the City Storm Water Management Plan so as not to overburden the existing storm sewer system. Wetlands/Water Quality - This development will generate runoff that will eventually reach LeMay Lake. Though the development parcel is relatively small, the intensive nature of development, its location in a high priority drainage area, and the fact that some on-site ponding is needed for flood volume control make it appropriate to recommend on-site ponding for water quality mitigation. While the pond shown on the revised plans dated 2-3-97 contains sufficient wet volume for the development, its average depth is two feet whereas the City's pond design standards require a minimum depth of three feet. Thus, the grading for the pond should be modified to meet this depth requirement. /�3 Planning Report - Homestead Village, Inc. February 25, 1997 Page 6 There are no jurisdictional wetlands within the parcel. Utilities - With some modifications, the preliminary utility plan is acceptable. Water service was stubbed to this site when Denmark Avenue was constructed. To achieve proper hydrant spacing, the developer is proposing to extend a water line with hydrant from the existing water main within Lone Oak Road into the northwest corner of the site. This extension would require the removal and replacement of a portion of Lone Oak Road. To eliminate this disturbance of the Lone Oak Road street section, the developer should construct all required hydrants from the existing stubbed water service at Denmark Avenue. Sanitary sewer was also constructed with Denmark Avenue and is available for connection by the development. Access/Street Design - The developer is proposing to take public street access onto Denmark Avenue at the northerly of the two existing driveway aprons previously constructed. Since the southerly access is not proposed to be used, the developer should remove that existing driveway apron onto Denmark Avenue. With the possible future extension of Denmark Avenue to connect to existing Northwood Drive and Denmark Avenue near the Promenade development, the long-range transportation classification of Denmark Avenue is as a neighborhood collector street. With the future traffic anticipated to use Denmark Avenue, there will be a need for off-street pedestrian walkways. The developer should construct a six-foot concrete walk built in accordance with City engineering and park standards along the entire length of the development adjacent to Denmark Avenue . This walkway will be extended along the west side of Denmark Avenue upon its future extension. Easements/Rights of Wav/ Permits - The developer is providing for the dedication of an additional 25 feet of right of way along Lone Oak Road as required by Dakota County for future possible roadway expansion. Drainage and utility easements were dedicated over the existing location of Pond DP -3.3 and on the common lot line between Lot 1 and 2, Block 1 of the previous plat of this site. Since the lots will be combined and drainage and utility easements will be dedicated over relocated Pond DP - 3.3 with the proposed Homestead Village Addition replat, the previous easements can be vacated. The developer has petitioned the City for the vacation of the existing easements dedicated with previous platting of this site and the vacation will be processed with the final plat. This development should be responsible for ensuring that all regulatory agency permits are acquired, such as permits from Dakota County and MnDOT for grading within the right of way. Planning Report - Homestead Village, Inc. February 25, 1997 Page 7 Airport Noise - This site lies within the Metropolitan Council's Airport planning Noise Zone IV. In Noise Zone IV, lodging is provisional and should meet performance standards for indoor noise attenuation through architectural designs and construction methods. Tree Preservation - There is no existing significant vegetation on this site and therefore, a Tree Preservation Plan is not required. Parks and Recreation - The developer will be responsible for parks and trails dedication as recommended by the Advisory Parks and Natural Resources Commission. The APRNRC's recommendation will be available to the APC at the public hearing on February 25, 1997, SUMMARY/CONCLUSION The proposed Preliminary Planned Development consists of a three story 133 unit extended stay hotel. The hotel use appears to be compatible with surrounding development. The request includes deviations from typical development standards for the pylon sign, the detached trash enclosure and nine foot parking stall width. The property will need to be replatted as a single lot, existing easements vacated, and the area identification sign removed from the property. ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED To recommend approval or denial of a Planned Development Amendment to allow a 133 unit three story hotel to be constructed at the southeast corner of Lone Oak Road and I -35E, on property currently platted as Lots 1 and 2, Eagandale Center Industrial Park No. 9. If approved, the following conditions should apply: General Conditions 1.This Preliminary Planned Development approves a three-story, 133 -unit extended stay hotel. 2. The term of the Planned Development shall be five years. 3. A Preliminary Planned Development Agreement shall be executed which includes the following preliminary plans: i Site Plan • Signage Plan • Landscape Plan { Grading Plan • Utility Plan Site Lighting Plan 4. The property shall be replatted as a single lot. ( f Planning Report - Homestead Village, Inc. February 25, 1997 Page 8 Signage 5. One pylon sign and one monument sign are approved with this Planned Development in locations indicated on the Site Plan dated January 15, 1997, last revised January 29, 1997. 6. All signage shall satisfy City Sign Code requirements, including those for height, size and setbacks. Trash Enclosure 7. A detached trash enclosure is approved as per the Site Plan dated January 15, 1997, last revised January 29, 1997. Parkin o 8. Parking stalls shall be no less than nine feet wide and there shall be a minimum of 149 parking stalls provided. Landscaping 9. The landscape plan shall be revised to provide additional spacing, more growth room for plant materials, and more snow storage space. The revisions and final landscape plan shall be subject to city staff review and approval. 10. To minimize the possibility of future disease transmission (oak wilt) through grafted root systems, Red Oaks along Interstate Drive shall be planted no closer to each other than 50 feet and shall be alternated with other tree species. 11. Proper soil preparation shall be performed prior to the installation of the eight Sugar Maple north of the proposed parking lot, or a more vigorous maple cultivar or a different species should be considered for this area. 12. All plant materials shall satisfy minimum size requirements specified in the city's landscape ordinance. Grading,/Storm Drainage 13. Outflow from Pond DP -3.3 shall be restricted to one cubic foot per second as identified in the City Storm Water Management Plan so as not to overburden the existing storm sewer system. /G G Planning Report - Homestead Village, Inc. February 25, 1997 Page 9 Wetlands/Water QualitN 14. Water quality mitigation obligations shall be met through on-site ponding. The pond design shall be modified such that the mean depth of the pond is no less than three feet. A skimmer of acceptable design to the City shall be installed on the outlet. Utilities 15. To eliminate disturbance of the Lone Oak Road street section, the developer should construct all required hydrants from the existing stubbed water service at Denmark Avenue. Access/Street Desicn 16. The developer shall remove the southerly existing driveway apron onto Denmark Avenue. 17. The developer shall construct a six-foot concrete walk built in accordance with City engineering and park standards along the entire length of the development adjacent to Denmark Avenue. Easements/Rights of Wav/Permits 18. Prior to issuance of a building permit, the developer shall be responsible for obtaining all necessary regulatory agency permits such as from Dakota County and from MnDOT for grading within the public right of way. Airport Noise 19. Architectural designs and construction methods for buildings constructed within the development shall incorporate sound attenuation standards sufficient to achieve an interior sound level of 45 dBA. Parks and Recreation 20. The developer shall be responsible for parks and trails dedication as recommended by the Advisory Parks and Natural Resources Commission. City of Eagan Community Development Department .4, - Cry o(Ecg— nratinn Whin Homestead Village, Inc. Planned Development Amendment Case No. 1 O-RZ-2-1-97 N 700 0 700 Feet MMMMM=--- � Wk (R I IIIle0k11:1• l r, III k1 6;111! 9 0,!P-A,wx-w i :I• IP - �+ n. no ! fl, j �• eg dfi a b ¢ I:a>m z a LS •, de $afi�$$ o ata; 1.3 z.§ LL //�� � 6 $x I .6 EEt 086 3 -s j afi c: cr rV J- a° W cjJ _ srnsa 3sr.rr,os-orssz-� `� a \ R i _ W'I� I L II''� � ♦ r v cr � M Z / 3� IJ_ Q IL S o VLJ 2 ••I .�. I L, ^• /y \ 7 aid z LIJ O 9� ' , 5 � ° ° / 1wM� 011ltll 'i JAQI LI �7 ( PRELIMINARY PLAT 1 n ?Ia CL 9213UU9A lPW�0,1) j�j —+ 1 t 1 )••01 UO >•IOY O•fA Tl�p `` L--- seen— � Y ------ 1 all � I DO fL Qct• ! \ % ` \ \ a, ----- _ 41, nv 14"cIb V\ 1 c '--r-----�--, , III � 4 � � • I � � f,.%_/,. � , .Ks > g Y i I �' be I � � ; ,,` \, �` �• N = n \ \ - • / .� Y i W azo � O�RIrc�c��i� 3 JWIy �� dA b \ \ 31 y e."'ti D a a s o W Y = g e 4k e a (7� SITE PLAN }! a u ��� Nr�J`d3 r i II$ II 0�IIIIII® ® a 0� Jill l � � �iloA �� IHI � \1 I� \ .g.\ _ei rI� 3r f1 Ohl t ,..- - _ \ j \AX le,X \yN de \ Q i rIs li r • ..IpII�''ii ©L�..� I ■ ► a A f ?-3 PRELIMINARY I1a°aN ,'ISN -PAW, !C11' iFm;; � A,' ;o r r4,, 3n, GRADING/DRAINAGE Ilit vAosowmi j Es O NVDV3 ! 6 OPA P ]JI L stogy — my awe — — — - — — ' gi 3 !� W • i Y u Yy Yulo� . B R� PRELIMINARY � UTILITY PLAN ria•iw g r�_ ++ m NY°Jr3 i Q a a a I H NO lH;3 111 • �j a 9s �� i,l 11 u 111,111 11411 H d I . .. .. a . • f: 7 1 e t a J a � i ! f a � 1 � � a�® J ��� ��±����� �� i� ! i •iy s9 L _ 1 3AIa0 s 1 \ rf f .wvgg qt cr rr ¢ jr ol`ll e I �.7 • � } O 7 , % PRELIMINARY LANDSCAPE PLAN k. vl_ �UL, J 1 11 [-- i Dll L, W, I:\ \— kwo iol e -,I- /7 (o ELEVATIONS Z� wi ru w cr z w i uil w+ §i ` / '� — z Cr I$ e -,I- /7 (o ELEVATIONS ; i r ® LLML 3lij!i E s a �: 4 p►I�r1 - lQ! T ' t=L=Z2� -- - - 0 r'(P A I� m CL �t r °t10lp ill 00000 0 k§I�§,e 11'NR of rrkrr�r[Crr'rf� rr psl p�� $2 Rio, per za: OJ F- WW 4 JJ y o; =9 /"-7 7 ELEVATIONS PRELIMINARY ILANNED DEVELOPMENT PLANS AMENDMENT .w... . FOR HOMESTEAD VILLAGE EAGAN, MINNESOTA LONE OAK ROAD AND HAMPTON DRIVE �f1p17 � rt/�74 i�R4�K KLL11 �IY� IOl lMTS IIL 4Il 9AM CRY OF EA'GAN DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA *MnT + Or a "2w" MN 407 M sc L M4 aDy ow PWM IMV NO r=WA MT P" � ■uT IPf IIf,IlvJ" m RM lay Ilimpaw GWaM KIM /M NSA"" wfurf PLL IPI I AWAW UJIDWA I RM M411 4MAV JW alum tltam m" NtilMRt "m a"Amm IPM Iltaww" IST Pum r -M IPs 80=9 ROOM ft" ON zamm" OAMW nM I1aM qM Ian ra1011111tM u0no " IO or OA &m at A`y w 0"mu awM ngQJm~.64 N>mYl A !f /✓�6 w.r s0[0/ A.lOW fA/C .wIIOCOI M W wp *A wo: oK "A r &A".0" -D.0 Mdn�l •r ,Ip >4 ""i'mm " M �tmav'W -.MW :.IoW '&Off ~Wk I=Y r ,e• � �� �YnTiDffi�� i II WEEKLY STUDIOS .a: 3 ST.4L A ro w 107 It RECEIVED JAN 1997 E SIGN ELEVATION /7 �i ' NadE)d3 mtoffl Tdrwt4hl I- I, Illil¢ ill® • I il¢II(ii i I a lilAi %i� li ¢lli�i in lt3lllll PRELIMINARY LIGHTING Jan. 27, 1997 12 : l 3PM DATE: January 23, 1997 TO: City of Eagan PIanning Department FROM: Paul Crabtree, P. E. Development Manager No. 1559 P. 2/2 DRAFT SUBJECT: Background Information on Homestead Village Incorporated IIomestead Village Incorporated CHVI") is a publicly traded company (American Stock Exchange) and is a part of Security Capital Group ("SCG"). SCG is the majority share holder of HVI. The sister companies of HVI are Security Capital Industrial Trust (NYSE symbol "SCN"), and Security Capital Atlantic m)d Security Capital pacific Trust (NYSE symbol "PTR"). SCG -has assets in excess of $5 Mllion. Homestead Village has been operating for approximately 4 years and has 30 hotels currently in operation. Forty new projects are scheduled to open in 1997 in Texas, Arizona, Colorado, Alabama, California, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Kansas, Maryland, North Carolina, Ohio, Oregon, Tennessee, Utah, Virginia, Washington and Washington, D.C. HVI is currently undergoing a national roll-out and the chain expects to reach a critical mass of over 200 operating units. Homestead Village is an owner/operator. The hotel concept focuses on extended stays for the business trdveler. We market directly to companies to provide quality extended stay, limited service accommodations for people on temporary assignment, relocation, seminars, training and personnel transition. Each unit furnishes the guest with a mini -office set-up for laptop computer hook-up and a small kitchenette. We do not provide pool, rec room, restaurant or bar; but do try to locate our hotels near these services. We maintain a full-time security guard at night. This year we are planning 4 hotels for the Twin Cities area - two in the north metro and two in the south metro area. We would like to start construction of these hotels in the Summer of '97 for openings in the Summer of '98. /-;-, lf� R-95% 214 951 9286 01-27-97 12:18PM P002 #35 License $L50 CITY OF EAGAN 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, MN $3122-1897 PA_INTRALL S RT FACILITY APPLICATION FOR LICENSE Name of Paintball Sport Facility Zorn; " Address 9A i uJ Applicant: , Address: 0A0 ,Q Owner of Paintball Sport facility:rit --Cg re o I /Vo 2X213 -- A/ew HOHC, THIS YeiK— Telephone # 1083 -J18'0 Date of Birth l Telepbone # 22 R3 -11 rirq Address: VA'q V C- 'S—" I--,— ' Telephone # 7.24— Z 5 Operator of Paintball Sport facility: =T, A -+- CA/Zo ( 6rz49;3e2 Address: r c. Tekphow # CONDITIONS OF LICENSE: * Paintball games will be solely indoors. * All participants must be equipped with protective face gear as approved by International Paintball Players Association. * Paintball guns cannot be discharged except on licensed paintball field while engaged in a paintball game. * Persons under age 18 cannot participate in a paintball game or be in possession of any paintgun on the licensed premises. * Paintball guns must have the barrel plug engaged when taken off the paintball field. * Paint guns must be a gun from which .68 caliber paintballs are expelled by the use of CO2 pressure set for a maximum velocity of 250' per second. ' The paintball field shall be a minimum of 7000 square feet in size. ` The licensee shall provide all participants in a paintball game with protective gear as recommended and approved by the International Paintball Players Association. ` No alcohol is allowed on licensed premises and anyone who is reasonably believed to be under the .influence of alcohol or controlled substance must be prohibited from playing paintball on the premises. Failure to comply with any licensing requirements set forth in Section 6.47, or any other violation of the City Code, shall constitute sufficient cause for the termination of the license by the Council following a public hearing. I certify that I have read the application form for a paintball sport facility license. I understand the conditions of the license and have provided information that is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. Sgwture of Applicant Date WOO For City Use Only Approval: Fire Marshal Signature Date Police Dept Signature Date License issued by: Signature Date nATF _ON SALE FEE _ _OFF SALE FEE TEMPORARY FEE $25.00 CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD EAGAN, MINNESOTA 55122 APPLICATION FOR NON -INTOXICATING MALT LIQUOR LICENSE PLEASE PRINT APPLICANT AIV 1h 111V , (Last)(First)Middle) Let, ,n Ave Address Yt/ (street) ►1/ (city) X� Phone (State) Birthdate Z- Zip)�� -ZZ TRADE NAME � j S(i4r�/G� � d le Re J`f, Address ,iAI;,4J J (Street) a2AI .1012 1 (C� Phone LIS Q- / 2_Z Z. (State) (Zip) NEW RENEWAL TEMPORARY OWNER'!NAME _ ,` (Last) (First) (Middle) (Street) (city) (State) (zip) Phone Birthdate MANAGER'S NAME Vr41iJ DE UlrcOF -1e;-1 (Last) (First) (Middle) (Street) (City) (State) (Zip) Birthdate HEREBfrom %� �f APPLIES FOR NON -INTOXICATING LIQUOR LICENSE Mr the year /99 ,iA.rC I s� to (month) (date) (month) (date) (for temporary license) Location: (Address) STRONG BEER: Yes No Applicants who have an on -sale wine license, and have 50% gross earnings from food, may sell strong beer without an additional license. Applicants who elect to sell strong beer must carry liquor liability Insurance. Are you the actual proprietor? Yes (y No ( ) Are you the owner of the property of the business location? Yes ! ) No Wr 1-,95C Has any other license of this kind been granted to you? Yes ( ) No (Where (City) Are any taxes, assessments or utility bills for the permises unpaid or deliquent? Yes ( ) No VIf yes, give reason. During the past year, has a summons been Issued under the Liquor Civil Liability Law MS 304.AB02? Yes () No It yes, attach summary copy. Have you ever been convicted? Yes ( ) No N/CCity (Year) (Other than a traffic offense) Is this a joint ownership or silent partnership? Yes (. ) No ( ). If yes, please attach a listing of complete names, dales of birth, addresses and telephone numbers lo everyone involved. I HEREBY VERIFY THAT THERE HAS BEEN NO CHANGE IN OWNERSHIP OR MANAGERS IN THE PAST YEAR. THE LICENSEE HEREBY AGREES TO INDEMNIFY AND HOLD EAGAN HARMLESS FROM ANY AND ALL CLAIMS OR SUITS INCLUDING ATTORNEYS FEES AND OTHER DEFENSE COSTS, WHICH THE CITY OF EAGAN MAY INCUR BY REASON OF ANY ACTIVITIES ARISING FROM THE GRANTING OF THIS 3.2 BEER LICENSE. I (we) HEREBY AGREE TO OPERATE SUCH BUSINESS IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LAWS OF MINNESOTA AND THE ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF EAGAN. THE FOREGOING STATEMENTS ARE TRUE AND CORRECT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE AND RELIEF_ AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE (First) POLICE APPROVAL: YES 040 () SIGNE (Full Middle) (Last) Minnesota Department of Public Safety Liquor Control will not ftw pw) ® LIQUOR CONTROL DIVISION release any license'untii the $20 190 5th St. E., St. Paul, MN 55101 Retailers Identification Card fee (612) 296-6434 TDD (612) 297-2100 is received by MN i.i.;uor, Contrei. APPLICATION FOR COUNTY OR CITY ON -SALE WINE LICENSE NOT TO EXCEED 14% OF ALCOHOL BY VOLUME EVERY QUESTION MUST BE ANSWERED. If a corporation, an officer shall execute this application. If a partnership, a partner shall execute this application. rn�� S C 5 O� LICENSEE'S SALES & USE TAX ID NUMBER I To apply for sales tax number call 296-6181 or 1-800-657-3777 Applicants Name (Business, P nership,Corporation) C Q //VC (�,�+-c 'S f� Trade Name or DBA . p �,1. r . g _ 8 sines Address Business Phone Applicant's Home Phone city County state Zip Code Is thJuppliesiribri If a transfer, give name of former owner I License period 13?, E�Aew ❑ Renewal ❑ Transfer From j To /z If a corporation, give name, title, address and date of birth of each officer. If a partnership, give name, address and date of birth of each partner. f -'l% L id " -f -, W6 ' %x , -e Iz -, 4w S, Ef 3 Lel Partner/Officer and Title Address DOB N;7 e'/d� f r Partner/Officer Name and Title Address DOB Partner/Officer Name and Title Address DOB Partner/�cer Name and Title Address DOB CORPORATIONS Date of i ration �� State of incorporation Certificate number Is corporate uthorized to do business in Minnesota? /7 �'JN/ es ElNo If a subsidiary of another corporation, give name and address of parent corporation BUILDING AND RESTAURANT. Name of building owner((-) 1 a % / rtv— ci' R -(C - Owner's address Are Property Taxes del' ant? Has the building owner any connexion, dir erect, � with the applicant? Restaurant seating capacity -7 E] Yes No [:]Yes o 4 1; ,� X Hours food will be available No. of people restaurant employs No. of months per year restaurant Will food leDum be the principle business zz —/0 will be open Z es ❑ No Describe the premises to be licensed a 5C If the restaurant is in conjunction wit6 another business (resort, etc.), describe business OTHER INFORMATION 1. Have the applicant or associates been granted an on -sale non-intoxiIng malt beverage (3.2) and/or a "set- up" license in conjunction with this wine license? ❑ Yes ❑ No / r 2. Is the applicant or any of the associates in this _application a member of the county board or the city council which will issue this license? ❑ Yes 04N If yes, in what capacity? . (If the applicant is the spouse of a member of the governing body, or another family relationship exists, the member shall not vote on this application.) 3. During the past I' se year has a summons been issued under the liquor civil liability (Dram Shop) (M.S. 340,4802). 0Yes o If yes, attach a copy of the summons. 4. Has Che applicant onany of the associates in this application been convicted Vo past five years of any violation of federal, state or local liquor laws in this state or any other state? � es N yes, give date and details. 5. Does any person other than the lica�, have any right, title or interest in the furniture, fixtures or equipment in the licensed premises? Affes ZjJNo If yes, give names and details. F 6. Have the al? . ants any interests, directly or indirectly, in any other liquor establishments in Minnesota? El Yes o If 1 yes, give name and address of the establishment. p / I CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ THE ABOVE QUESTIONS ES ARE TRUE AND CORRECT TO THE BEST OF MY OWN KNOWLEDGE. z Siliparure of Applicant Date The Licensee must have one of the following: CH K ONE A. Liquor Liability Insurance (Dram Shop) — $50,000 per person; $100,000 more than one person; $10,000 property destruction; $50,000 and $100,000 for loss of means of support. ATTACH "CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE" TO THIS FORM. OR ❑ B. A Surety bond from a surety company with minimum coverages as specified above in A. OR ❑ C. A certificate from the State Treasurer that the Licensee has deposited with the State, Trust Funds having a market value of $100,000 or $100,000 in cash or securities. IF LICENSE IS ISSUED BY THE COUNTY BOARD, REPORT OF COUNTY ATTORNEY I certify that to the best of my knowledge the applicants named above are eligible to be licensed. ❑ Yes ❑ No If no, state reason. Signature County Attorney County Date REPORT BY POLICE OR SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT This is to certify that the applicant, and the associates, named herein have not been convicted within the past five years for any violation of Laws of the State of Minnesota, Municipal or County. Ordinances relating to Intoxicating Liquor, except as follows Polios, Sheriff pepain. ni Name Title Signature IMPORTANT NOTICE ALL RETAIL LIQUOR LICENSEES MUST HAVE A CURRENT FEDERAL SPECIAL OCCUPATIONAL STAMP. THIS STAMP IS ISSUED BY THE BUREAU OF ALCOHOL, TOBACCO AND FIREARMS. FOR INFORMATION, CALL 612-290-3496. New RenewedN_ License o. I, CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD EAGAN, MINNESOTA S5122 SUNDAY WINE SALE LICENSE L 4 � /' ) r�_ 16 (Name of person making application) as for and in (Individual owner, officer or partner) behalf of ! 1 �h �1i2 /3-- (Myself, names of partners, name of corporation or association) hereby submit this application for a special Sunday Wine Sale License to run coextensive with the license year of our on -sale wine license no. for the period from 2 through' In support of this application the information contained in our on -sale wine license application is hereby adopted. (Signature of person making application) FOR z /yc (Myself, names of partners, name of corporation or association)