07/15/1997 - City Council Regular/.Tel:i`.ia7:11 EAGAN CITY COUNCIL - REGULAR MEETING EAGAN MUNICIPAL CENTER BUILDING JULY 15,1997 6:30 P.M. ROLL CALL & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE II. ADOPT AGENDA & APPROVAL OF MINUTES (BLUE) III. VISITORS TO BE HEARD (10 MIIWn TOTAL TIME LIMIT) IV. DEPARTMENT HEAD BUSINESS (BLUE) V. CONSENT AGENDA (PINI) y A. PERSONNEL ITEMS B. FINAL PLAT - Maplewood Acres, Inc. for Eagandale Corporate Center No. 3 C. RESOLUTION for the Comprehensive Guide Plan Grant Application J t D. REQUEST from the HRA to waive the fees on the Eagan Senior Housing development iA.E. COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT with Dakota County HRA for Eagan Senior Housing project Q F. CONFIRMATION of Findings of Fact, Conclusions & Resolution of Denial, AT&T Wireless Services RECOMMENDATION, Airport Relations Commission, Congressional correspondence, Federal 21$G. legislation 2- jH. CONTRACT 97-01A, receive bids/award contract (Signal Emergency Vehicle Pre-emption - AInstallation) 2. I. •p J CONTRACT 97-14, approve final payment/authorize City maintenance (1997 Sealcoat) FINAL SUBDIVISION, Karen Fjeld for Moose Ridge Addition r" l^ " �� yl L. PROJECT 721, present feasibility report/order public hearing (Mulcahy Add. - Sanitary Sewer) PROJECT /12, feasibility preri. report/order public hearing (Murphy Parkway - Watermain) y IM. PROJECT 702, receive final assessment r-0/order public hk-Aring (Woodgate 2nd - Street Reconstruction) N. PROJECT 703, receive final assessment roll/ order public hearing (Mallard Par"x ZO " '',41- Street Reconstruction) O. APPROVE plans and authorize bids for the construction of additional parking at Lexington/Dif ley athletic fields . COP. RECOMMENDATION, Airport Relations Commission, support for MAC upgrade of automated noise and operations monitoring system 3 Q. �VI. FINAL SUBDIVISION, Herb Wensmann for Galaxie Cliff Plaza 3^d Addition 7:00 - PUBLIC HEARINGS (SALMON) PA. 1 B. VACATE utility easement, Lots 4 and 5, Block 3, Eagandale Corporate Center DAKOTA COUNTY Housing and Redevelopment Authority - Housing Revenue Bonds (Eagan ` ` Senior Housing project) VII. OLD BUSINESS (ORCHID) F6 '53 A. APPOINTMENT to the Airport Relations Commission 111 VIII. NEW BUSINESS (TAN) A. PRELIMINARY SUBDIVISION - Tri -Land (Forest View) consisting of five single family lots on 2.65 acres located at the intersection of Blackhawk Road and Blue Cross Road in the NE 1/4 of Section 17 COMPREHENSIVE GUIDE PLAN AMENDMENT, changing the land use from Limited Business to Commercial Planned Development, a PRELIMINARY SUBDIVISION (Rahn Ridge Third Addition) consisting of two lots on 2.42 acres and a PLANNED DEVELOPMENT AMENDMENT to allow a 38 unit motel for property legally described as Lot 2, Block 1, Rahn Ridge 2nd Addition located at the southwest corner of Rahn Way and Rahn Cliff Road in the NE V4 of Section 31 PRELIMINARY SUBDMSION - Opus Northwest, consisting of two lots on 6 acres and a PLANNED DEVELOPMENT AMENDMENT to allow a 85 -room Studio Plus Hotel and one lot for future retail development for property legally described as Lot 9, BIock 2, Eagan Promenade, located on the'south side of Northwood Drive and Denmark Avenue behind Byerly's in the SE Vi of Section 10 IX. LEGISLATIVE/INTERGOVERNMENTAL AFFAIRS UPDATE (GREY) A. PUBLIC ACCESS Committee Liaison Member X. ADMINISTRATIVE AGENDA (GREEN) XI. VISITORS TO BE HEARD (for those persons not on agenda) XII. ADJOURNMENT XIII. EXECUTIVE SESSION The City of Eagan is committed to the policy that all persons have equal access to its programs, services, activities, facilities and employment without regard to race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, disability, age, marital status, sexual orientation, or status with regard to public assistance. Auxiliary aids for persons with disabilities will be provided upon advance notice of at, least 96 hours. If a notice of less than 96 hours is received, the City of Eagan will attempt to provide such aid. Updated: 7/10/97 11:50 am MEMO TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCILMEMBERS FROM: CITY ADMINISTRATOR HEDGES DATE: JULY 11, 1997 SUBJECT: AGENDA INFORMATION MEMO FOR THE JULY 15,1997 EAGAN CITY COUNCIL MEETING ADOPT AGENDA/APPROVE MINUTES After approval of the July 15, 1997 City Council agenda and the regular City Council meeting minutes for the July 1, 1997 regular Council meeting and special minutes from the June 24 and July 1 meetings, the following items are in order for consideration. 0 0 • MINUTES OF A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE EAGAN CITY COUNCIL Eagan, Minnesota June 24, 1997 A special meeting of the EaganCiti Council was held on Tuesday, June 24, 1997, at 6:00 p.m. in the Eagan Municipal Center Community Roor.6?-' . �reseitt iere kltsty it jean, City Councilmembers Awada, Blomquist and Masin. Absent was City Councilmember illl-:Asa-:k' #e W1k'* ice were Civic Arena Manager Mark Vaughn, Director of Parks & Recreation Vraa, Senior Plwer Ridley, Director of Finance VanOverbeke and City Administrator Hedges. OSTENSON PROPERTY City Administrator Hedges stated that the Ostenson property, which is located adjacent and directly north of the Eagan Promenade and generally south of the bulk mail facility, is zoned industrial and guided central area. He stated that at the direction ef1he City Council, Senior Planner Ridley has contacted Jim Ostenson to discuss the present and future use of his:rerty, sfWg that it has been the City Council's desire to have the property rezoned to a business park status.:.;After further: -*0i mments by the City Administrator, Mayor Egan stated that it is his preference that the Ostenson Or$*pArty be de"nated a business park status. Jim Ostenson appeared and stated that he has concerns about the miaAetability*16f=a completely pure office park for his property. He further stated that it has been his idea that the land ?oicbLi3d: tfe p ;al?.e .X*e_d:-use of industrial and business park with the understanding that the industry would be a 1109 -in l4by- irytJj:2lr itt d:�utdoor storage. Mr. Ostenson further stated that it has been his understanding that the City felt his property was a reasonable industrial site. City Councilmember Blomquist agreed that the site is reasonable for industry, as long as there is no heavy industrial use. However, she supported the concept of a mixed business park usage. City Councilmember Awada stated that she is supportive of business park for the entire property with the exception of the 13 acres that was sold to the bulk mail facilo':by Mr. Ostenson. City Councilmember Masin asked why the property was rezoned from R-3, multi -family ressderitibl to L-1, industrial in the early 1990's. Mr. Ostenson stated that it was his understanding theca v�AS::s%ort3'�e of industrial property. City Administrator Hedges stated that the City initiated the rezoning becmase:4het re'was 0r effort to limit the amount of multi -family residential zoning which was a consideration of the City':af ill at:time. Mr; Ostenson stated that he would like to work with the City. Before the property i5 rezoned, he needsn:uiiQ"anding of the development opportunities if the zoning is changed to business park. After further direction and by consensus of the Cf -Council, staff was directed to place direction for a rezoning of the Ostenson property from industrial to business park on the City Council's July 1, 1997 agenda for consideration by the Advisory Planning Commission at a public hearing on July 22. CMC ARENA/SECOND SHEET OF ICE City Administrator Hedges statli: :the City;flii�::mceived an announcement from the Minnesota Amateur Sports Commission that it will reces` � :a-'secont the Mighty Ducks funding in the amount of $125,000. He further stated that the idifb4ering publi&;policy questions will need to be addressed including: 1) authorization to complete the contract agre nt..with:tit :Stgte:of Minnesota to proceed ahead with the second sheet of ice subject to the $250,000 funding* iii1 direction regarding the financing alternatives for the balance of the project; 3) authorization is necessary-io-ped with the architectural services provided by A.C.C. to complete the detailed plans and specs; and 4) direction is needed regarding financing of a unisex bathroom proposed for an exterior entrance to accommodate the outdoor wading pool. City Councilmember Blomquist asked when the City would be able to address the layout plans for the second sheet of ice. Director of Parks and. edP Vr _ stated that as soon as authorization is given to A.C.C. to proceed with the detailed plans and sjstioiis .' ii�E:iivill be opportunities for the City Council to review the plans in detail before they are finalized bK.o�bial City Courigl'-*iiilion. He further stated that a rather aggressive schedule will be necessary if construction of ttWcivic arena is to oejKcc+i with a grand opening scheduled for the fall of 1998. City Councilmember AwadA::Btat4:*et- "........ present at the March 4 Special City Council Page 2/Eagan Special City Council Meeting Minutes June 24, 1997 meeting and asked for an explanation on they0ous revenue bond issues presented in the staff report. Director of Finance VanOverbeke explained all four fundfhjO.options, City Councilmember Awada asked specifically what the risk is to the City with the various options. Diiector of Finance VanOverbeke stated that the risk to the City is if the second sheet of ice does not cash flow and further., if.the, H94.eyAssociation does not fulfill its $50,000 annual appropriation for the ten year period as agreea :::.""'tIomquist asked about the estimated interest rate for the revenue bond sale issue. Director'-of' viance'Vi3rit- 46ft Ce compared an outside sale with an internal sale, stating that the interest rate could be ;baler for an internal, private placement. He stated that an outside placement for sale would view the issue witli::SQme level of risk due to the good faith commitment by the Hockey Association which is not backed by any specifiC'collateral. He further stated that if bonds are placed internally, the money would come from the City's investment pool. City Councilmember Awada stated that the capital project as proposed is good for the City, emphasizing that the funding is a combination of a grant, financial commitment by the Hockey Association and the sale of revenue bonds that will be financed t}i; user fee/cash flow. She further stated that the next step is for the City to evaluate the overall site plan and defiiOne the i48t use of the municipal center site. City Councilmember Blomquist agreed with City Councilmember A"da, stati""'ihat the financing proposal should reduce any risk to the City. Mickey Sparks and Bill Ost�i *:*:r�pre tit O::U%:: agan Hockey Association, appeared. Mr. Sparks stated that during the past four years �4fte gists:t AClieyi:#egZ.Wm has been growing, causing a substantial need for ice time. He further stated that at a recent Hockey Association Board meeting, approval was given to spend $170,000 during the 1997/1998 calendar year to purchase ice time. He stated that while the boys program may stabilize, the girls program will continue to place a greater need for ice time and facilities. City Councilmember Blomquist stated that it has been her understanding that the interest in figure skating is growing, especially with girls in the community. Director of Parks & Recreation Vraa stated that the Learn to Skate program has blossomed in the past year. Mr. Sparks stated that the first $50,000 has alreadybeettet for payment to the City to meet the Hockey Association's first year obligation. Mr. Bill Osborne, speaking::On.:6' ilf of thd: Eagan Hockey Association, also thanked the City Council for their support and invited membert'of the .Council tor'JOin the community members who are participating in the Third Annual Hockey Booster Club Golf Toi1M' a-tJ%W' :*oh►eduled for Friday, June 27, at Crystal Lake in Lakeville. He stated that dinner will begin at approximately 6:30'p.th:':1' tar tial St :who would like to attend. Mayor Egan stated that acknowledgement and acdeptance of the Mighty Ducks grant will be scheduled for consideration on the July 1 regular City Council agenda. City Administrator Hedges stated that the other issues will be addressed at a later regular City Council meeting, which includes direction to the architect for proceeding with detailed plans and specifications. COLLABORATIVE MEETING Mayor Egan welcomed appo-ta(rriately;iitiClptrl'ts to the second annual collaborative meeting. He specifically commented that there are rifle bens of*:Jaith community, all three school districts, Community Action Council, County services, State Senator Wiener, our County Commissioners and many other officials in the audience. He specifically welcomed Kurt John's'on, Chait olihe Metropolitan Council, for taking the time to join in the dialogue. There were presentations by Diane Andersori;'re{iresenting the Dakota County Attorney's office; Chief of Police Pat Geagan; Mary Ajax, President of the Community Action Council; Gene VanOverbeke and Bruce Endler, representing Independent School District 196; and a history and review of the survey results from the 1996 collaborative meeting by City Councilmember Masin. Chief Geagan, Diane Anderson and Independatlt:$cfiW(:;firi;tttt Representative Endler provided an update on successful collaborative initiatives at the city r: p}intV'arici'-p�i`s O.Tia( level. Gene VanOverbeke and Bruce Endler provided an update on a comprehensive studY*g ing a vote tiy�":pistrict 196 School Board. Mary Ajax provided a summary of the June 10 collaborative meeting'sponsored by the munity Action Council, the Eagan Foundation and the Chaplain's Group. Page 3/Eagan Special City Council Meeting Minutes June 24, 1997 Mayor Egan facilitated a, , ane hour discussion by all participants. Former District 191 Superintendent Jim Rickabaugh suggested t*... vision of learning alternatives to students prior to academic failure rather than providing learning alternatives onfy:461hose students who have already failed courses because this may reduce student failure/dropout rates and juvenile truanjzX/delinquency issues. Representatives from the Community Action Council, the Eagan Foundation, Chief' ag tl: lid: OM:*I* ^�0 officials stated their surprise at the growing number of transient youth existing in Eagan; 6"nt:*-*"hili* it*:ti�rifitive*r ratios. Mayor Egan, County Commissioner Patrice Bataglia and State Senator Deanna., -Wiener reaffirmed the value of each participant's effort in creating healthy communities in Eagan. In conclusion, City Councilmember Masin asked if the group would like to meet on a more regular basis, such as quarterly, semi-annually or an annual meeting. There was a strong consensus that the collaborative meetings continue and that they be held on a semi-annual basis. There were also suggestions by the participants that every person attending the next collabor0l; is meeting bring questions or an idea to the meeting and further, that the next collaborative meeting should include -i' -¢me peri6dfor brainstorming, possibly by dividing the group into five strong groups with various issues chosen and... gdWated. Mayor Egan thanked everyori� for atteiiding and for their excellent participation. tMi4jli1fv1':::::' Date There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:30 p.m. City Clerk TLH MINUTES OFIk'S# tA>E-.-':WETING OF THE EAt;dN iv1# Y i OUNCIL Eagan, Minnesota July 1, 1997 A special meeting of the Eagari"'dV.*Cti p.m., at the Eagan Municipal Center Buil Counciimembers Awada, Blomquist, Masin and and Recreation Vraa, Director of Public Works C MASTER P'LAN19CO FOR MUNICIPAL Subject to Approval alas hellion Tuesday, July 1, 1997 at 5:00 Preset#t; were Mayor Egan and' City iter. AI$o present were Director of Parks andiy:Administrator Hedges. SITE City Administrator Hedges stated that, at the direction of the City Council, staff has begun coordination of a scope of services to develop a master plan for the 40 acre Municipal Center site that currently is occupied by the Dakota County Library facility, Police facility, Municipal Center and Civic Arena/wading pool. He sJ6. ::that there have been several proposals discussed ranging from the amphitheater project• prcipQsci;.by the Eagan Rotary Club, swimming pool, second sheet of ice and space for additional ^0 rk g:::::The::City Administrator further stated that in response to the City Council's direction, Mr..1 eorge VVstson,.gf Brauer and Associates has been contacted and, along with the Director of Parks and.•Recr:�tion prepared a draft of a scope of services for the development of a site rrltor''further stated that Mr. Watson is a principle planner with Brauer and Assgi iej sk..' ►kio' has familiarity with the City of Eagan having performed some consulting work with ttie"biehtral Area Task Force and was retained to review the Unisys site for a central park. The City Administrator stated that there has been no commitment made to Mr. Watson, only a request that he assist in developing a draft "scope of services" to complete the master plan for the Municipal Center site. Director of Parks and Recreation.. Vraa...stated ;that the program elements that were identified at this time include 1) second:. t .,0.0*t; .2 :gwitr}friii g pool, 3) amphitheater, 4) parking and access, 5) extension of parkway to easf, and.6)''polii&eXpansion. He stated that Mr. Watson has outlined two levels for the study. He stater.that IevQl:::; includes a project focus meeting, preparation of existing conditions base plan, preparation R'altemate schematic concepts and preparation of a final concept plan at a cost ran�it�g from $x;300 - 7,200. He further stated that the second level of services includes a preliminary'master:{ and final master plan at a cost of $5,800. Director of Parks and Recreation Vraa provided a brief explanation of the scope of services including both levels of services as outlined by Mr. Watson of Brauer and Associates. City Councilmember Wachter stated that the program elements identified by the Director of Parks and Recreation are consistent with previous 0. ussions the City Council has had regarding the Comprehensive Site Master Plan for 16i: Municipal Center campus. City Councilmember Blomquist raised concerns, about receiving' bnly one estimate and, further, that the cost for the scope of services appergt<li:3iisjftteirgrijfcant. City Councilmember Wachter stated that he is in agreement that anot'l14*ftiixi siiaiitd b :66ritacted with a proposal received no later than the July 15 City Council workshop. City Adminjptrator Hedges stated that he has had some dialog with Greg Ingram, principle Planner for Ingraitfand Voss, who might be available to provide a proposal for a scope of services. Special City Council Minutes July 1, 1997/13age 2 City Councilmember Awada prppr i dat ::thk:uWhitM discuss the program elements. She stated that the City should berJ prarcii - :I rk its evaluation of what components will fit on the Municipal Center site wit<ttvut huge developr costs and further minimize any expense of parking. She further stated .1 at there are some *6i lamental questions regarding the extreme elevation and ability to develop ftliz..southeast quadfAt?t of the Municipal Center site. City Councilmember Awada further stated•: --'ik4 the metriq:;::hi m Brauer and Associates is comprehensive and provides the scope 6V;W i -. ::pity needs to prepare and present a sound master plan for the Municipal Center site:' S�ie%tated that the cost and services identified in level 1 of the proposal seem appropriate, however, would agree to a second request for proposal from Ingram and Voss. Mayor Egan stated that he would.Ift-to•separate the program elements addressed by the Director of Parks and Recreation i ;: +►4 i t c s.*.Wo: the second ice sheet, swimming pool, amphitheater and parking and ac6iiiis4.tj.?i''p�iorit;r�d the extension of the parkway to the east from the Municipal Center site and Polio expansidn as a low priority. After further discussion, there was a consensus by the City C�ncil that the City Administrator and Director of Parks and Recreation contact Ingram and Voss::*i :.provide-: i:second proposal for the scope of services to consider a master plan for.:a: ft : ai4:f.Pa140elopment of the Municipal Center campus. PROJECT 709R, T.H.131BLACKHAWK ROAD SIGNAL Director of Public Works Colbert stated that in order to signalize the intersection of Blackhawk Road and T.H. 13, MnDOT..design criteria requires the construction of a super two lane improvement from Seneca Roaa-.16 Pnkee Doodle Road at an estimated cost of $1.2 million. He further stated that the maxilhctrii.:"SOT funds currently available are approximately $350.000. Director of Public Works Colbert as(ce foi?:direction from the City Council as to how the remaining balance of $850,000 should be.bnanced: r Director of Public Works Colbert prq it#e¢ a4rt -background stating that Project 709 was originally proposed for the signalizatiorte-:5f lil'"k Road at T.H. 13, -the extension of Kennebec Drive from Blackhawk Road to the kie•"Cross/Blue Shield properties and the reopening of Yankee Doodle Road northwest of Terminal Drive. He stated that as a result of objections received at a public hearing held on August 6, 1996, the City Council approved only the modifications to Yankee Doodle Road deleting the proposed Kennebec Drive extension and the Blackhawk Road signalization due to lack of supplemental funding through special assessment. He further stated that under the originsf:prpjectr tite:ity.wa�planning on financing $350,000 from the major street fund. Director of Public Works Colbert furthW:stated that during the fall of 1996, the City submitted an application for MnDOT funding for:tie signa#ation of Blackhawk Road at T.H. 13 through MnDOT's local initiative municipal agrenents pitifam. He stated that the City was informed during early 1997 that this project was eligible for•:approximately $250,000 in MnDOT funding subject to a corridor study addressing access management and signal spacing needs. He further stated that MnDOT also informed the City of a proposal to install a structural preservation overlay on T.H. 13 through the limits of the proposed signalization project. He then stated that through the concerted effort of the business community and local/state elected officials, MnDOT agreed to defer the overlay through this arlsa and contribute the equivalent value of approximately $100,000 towards the super two lane d '.. Director of Public Works Colbert stated that this is how MnDOT arrived at.the .$.350,000 funding. He further stated that at the May 6 regular City Council meeting,tle;:;tseS2M:;t::: fR authorized the signalization of Blackhawk Road and T.H. 13 and tfi 'p'i�eEi'arat&::bVdiWded plans and specifications for the super two which was approved at the June 17 meeting. Special City Council Minutes July 1, 1997/Page 3 City Councilmember Wachter s atiefl: :: . Iti:ahipft(d move ahead and commit to the entire project as previously discussed,::...:*ttt :*t#itt:- i'e:Cliy'�::balance of the project should be allocated from the street construction hiii#. There being nAirther discussion, the consensus of the City Council was to authorize funding.. of 50% of the costs do to $650,000 and direct the Public Works Director to negotiate an acceptablis;_ qst participatiok-' eement. Director of Public Works Colbert atsc?.0pori iRhitt:{fia City has been informed that there will be no federal funds available for the Duckwood`b&e interchange which is part of the long range Ring Road transportation improvements for the Town Centre area. He stated that the proposed local improvements do not meet standards for federal funding. City Councilmember Awada stated*thaf slse:}ias'iieiitd:�rom a number of residents about how much the community is enjoying the wadin�:j bol. SFib,::3urther stated that a question has been raised as to whether there will be additior3al wading.p.wls constructed similar to the pool located adjacent to the Civic Arena. Director t .qcreation Vraa stated that there are no current plans to locate additionsl viRg::Rvols.:a of the CIP. City Councilmember Wachter suggested that consideration ofi4fttiona! W dtr g pools be redirected to the APrC for their consideration City Administrator Hedges stated that the City's wading pool has only been open a total of four months which includes three months of operation in 1996 and one month in 1997 and that staff are reviewing operations that include whether an attendant should be required at the wading pool to assure a proper capacity in the pool, monitor chlorine levels, determine what type of water toys are permissible..within the complex and other related issues. He stated that the public is requesting consideratit i y -:the City to develop some regulations as well as the City's need to comply with the State Heialtii .-be" Ment regulations for operating a wading pool facility. City Councilmember Blomquist stated ttat:if:(s;slble that the wading pool in its present location may be relocated as a result of the 66-uncil's revlew,.and acceptance of a final master site plan for the Municipal Center campus. City -.ouncil b r VVachter stated that it has been his opinion that a pool is still desirable at this:%3iiott aiitl'a wading pool would be compatible. Mayor Egan expressed concern about: tl ::b' jtdoor unisex bathroom. Director of Parks and Recreation Vraa stated that it would Ee''a single bathroom facility that is not intended to be a changing room. Councilmembers expressed their concurrence with the unisex bathroom based on that description. City Councilmember Masin stated that she has received calls about why the City is considering a second sheet of ice befDte::e sW"M--mg:�pg(:4s.given further consideration. Other Councilmembers expressed similar cll;:::[r:: Cruitiimefiaber Awada stated that we should inform the community that the second sheet of ice will be .funded and operated through a state grant, user fees and a contribution by the Hoc dy Assoi igtion. She stated that there 'is no financial commitment from any City funds, includikg:the ge01*1 fund, making the second sheet of ice a good investment for the community at this tii. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 6:10 p.m. for an Executive Session. Present were Mayor Egan and City Councilmembers Awada, Blomquist, Masin and Wachter, along with City Administrator Tom Hedges. The purpose of the Executive Session ltiki to discuss the status of clerical bargaining negotiations. Date • City Clerk TLH MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE EAGAN CTTY COUNCIL Eagan, Minnesota July 1, 1997 A regular meeting of the Eagan City..Council was held on Tuesday, July 1, 1997 at 6:30 p.m. at the Eagan Municipal Center. Present were Wyy r Egan and Councilmembers Wachter, Awada, Masin and Blomquist. Also present were City Admii6iiator Tom Hedges, Senior Planner Mike Ridley, Director of Public Works Tom Colbert, and City Attorae3r jiat:Sheld!x�.::•:•::•:•:. GENDA City Administrator Hedges explained why the City Council holds Executive Sessions. Councilmember Wachter moved, Councilmember Masin seconded a motion to approve the agenda as presented. Aye: 5 Nay: 0 MINUTES PFIVOUNE 7,x;1997 REGULAR MEETING Councilmember Awada moved, Cpuncilme�iWachter seconded a motion to approve the minutes as presented. Aye: 5 Nay: 0 Councilmember Blomquist requesteca''iati :iiiige*18:'I ider Visitors To Be Heard, the reference to APrC Member should be deleted. Councilmembers Awada and Wachter agreed to amend the motion and the minutes were approved as amended. Aye: 5 Nay: 0 NIINLTTES Of THE JUNE 37;:f 1` ECTAL MEETING Councilmember Awada requested:. Von page otjf , the first sentence in the fifth paragraph should read, "City Councilmember Awada statedthat sazi6ig money by coordinating construction time is essential and should be a determining factor ziiifii iigdg:rvinier vs. spring construction." She also requested on page two, the first sentence in the fourtfi'p j!,r--'5 is should read, "City Councilmember Awada suggested closing Slater Road, on the Burnsville bordeer; &refore, eliminating many of the traffic problems." Councilmember Awada moved, Councilmember Blomquist seconded a motion to approve the minutes as amended. Aye: 5 Nay: 0 10MR.- MAD Maxine Piekarski, 3350 Highway s5, stated 64E Northern States Power is proposing to install a transmission line within 50 feet of her pzi*` y. She4&ked if the City was aware of this installation. Director of Public Works Colbert explairOd:,that-tho. ity-was Aware of NSP's intent to install the power lirie because of the need for NSP to acquire.*. Vii# . #k:indicated that a utility company has the authority to install the line and the City is not involved in that decision. Ms. Piekarski asked about the removal of trees in the easement and whether it will meet the requirements of the Tree Ordinance. Director of Public Works Colbert stated that there is a certain allotment of trees that can be removed for a public improvement. Ms. Piekarski asked how close the line could be installed to their house. Director of Public Works Colbert said that the City ordina...... oftjWt:have a setback requirement for a public utility. He explained that the condemnation proces: alitiw t�:�Oaneowners to present their case in court. Rollie Crawford, representing Home Development, stated they were concerned about the construction of the Fire Administration tiUding and the poterjUal impact on the Kingswood development. He requested a meeting vft;Ci stal#, ci:theatchitect. City Administrator Hedges X. stated that staff would be willing to arra g��---- EAGAN CITY COUNCIL MEETING MRZ=; JULY 1, 1997 PAGE 2 [5EI!AR .HEAD. BUSINESS CONSIDERATION OF SECOND SHEET OF ICE/MIGHTY DUCKS GRANT City Administrator Hedges provid.q4,,=.pv.!Zrs!*gw..(?jR.this item. .......... A-! T)A' Director of Public Works Col. d that after review of the bids submitted for Contracts 97-07 and 97-11, Items 0 and P, a discrepancy was found in the low bid amount and the new bid amounts are slightly higher. In regard to Item B, Agreement, Cost Participation and Indemnification, Environmental Remediation, 855 Lone Oak Road Counamember Blomquist asked about the estimates for management and remediation. Assistant to the City Whenstein explained that the extent of remediation costs will not be known untilOe build'a...g."i"' is removed. He mentioned that with regard to the TIF development by Roseville Properties-6rt Highway:55 it is necessary to approve an assignment agreement since the owner has now formp4:tWp;.jx�#-w &...-He added that the assignment agreement included a clause releasing the initial de ....... :a. legal counsel it was suggested that the V* Peyi:- MA4-01�40 ... clause be removed. This item was added to the consent agenda as Item BB for approval. In regard to Item 0, Authorize preparation of 121ans and specifications, Fire Administration Building Project Boarman, Kroos, Pfister, Vogel & Associates and approve construction financing plan including resolution for use of Cable Franchise Fees CounciluwMber Blomquist stated that she disagreed with the statement that other cities are criticized by, thg:0*d4stTy:in its efforts to remove franchise fee authority from local units of government. S.h,.g:FdV1htthe resolution be strengthened and re- worded. She noted that the training 64' franchise fees being allotted and the City will also be contributing funds. A. Personnel Items Item 1. It was recommended to accept the resignation of Elizabeth Riel as a part-time Building Maintenance Worker. Item 2. It was recommended to approve the hiring of Richard Johnson as a part-time Building Maintenance Worker. ............ Item 3. It was recommended to approve'A"A"hiring-:9-Mil. Whiseand and Karl Ulfers as part-time seasonal Skate Guards. Item 4. It was recommended to approve*...hiring :6fAaron Fitz1off and Aaron Hunter as part-time seasonal Civic Arena Supervisors. Item 5. It was recommended to approve the hiring of Ben Anderson and Jeff VanOverbeke as seasonal Street Maintenance Workers. Item 6. It was recommended to approve the 4ift:dcyan. Newmann as aseasonal arkainte anc e Worker. Item 7. It was recommended to approve�•tfte hiring of Judy V&de as a part-time seasonal Program Instructor. .......... Item S. It was recommended to approvtht.tmp :"berg as a seasonal intern in the Planning Division. EAGAN CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES; JULY 1, 1997 PAGE Item 9. It was recommended to approve the hiring of Michael Mootz as a part-time seasonal Basketball Official/Referee. Item 10. It was recommended to approve:tl hiring of Meghan Doherty and Jake Groff as part-time seasonal Recreation Leaders. Item 11. It was recommended to approve the filii4'6i'l5a6"IbI nson as a part-time seasonal Recreation Assistant. Item 12. It was recommended to approve the hiring of John LeMieux as a Street Maintenance Worker, contingent on successful completion of the City's physical examination requirement. B. A eement Cost ParticiRation and Indemnification Environmental Remediation 855 Lone Oak Road. It was recommended to approve an afire (ont betw.gen the City and RPMC Development Company and Terminal Eagan III for an equal participaljpFi in the its of remediation of contaminated soils at 855 Lone Oak Road in the Highway 55 redevelops i district;::::: C. Transfer of property, 855 845 835 Properties Hwy. 55 Redevelopment District. It was recommr of property at 855, 845, 835 and 821 Lone Oak Road, acquired as a part of the redevelopment activity associated with the Highway 55 redevelopment district to Roseville Properties and its successors, RPMC Development Company, LLC and Terminal Eagan III, LLC, common developers of the Eagan Business Commons. D. Final Subdivision, Roseville Properties for Eagan Business.Coinmons. It was recommended to approve a Final Subdivision (Eagan Business Commorm).:�&` tin' of four (4) lots on 26 acres located at the northwest corner of Lone Oak Road and :�tiI3;,i}ii;SW 1/4 of Section 2. E. between the City and the Dakota County HRA for Lane properties for incorporation in a commercial redevelopment tax increment district. Authority, acquisition of Lawrence Avenue -t. It was recommended to approve a contract Wition-of the Lawrence Avenue and Linde phidg associated with the Highway 55 F. Recommendation, Economic Development Commission, Amendment of Revolving Loan Fund Guidelines, Application Deadlines. It was recommended to continue consideration of an amendment to the City's revolving loan fund guidelines to eAt Nb3 app4%#9p.deadlines as presented. G. Prosect 68Z, approve assessment defer 2a izree t� (Deerwood Townhomes - Utilities). It was recommended to approve the assessment:d4erral agreements (Deerwood Townhomes - Utilities). (Linder Francis Franz properhi.) H. Delete condition of approval for Eagandale Center Industrial Park No. 12 - MEPC. It was recommended to approve a deletion of Condition #2 of the Development Contract for the Eagandale Center Industrial Park No. 12 Addition. I. Final Subdivision, Tri -Land for Majestic (? :::Tf-Wa's:*!: ended to approve a Final Subdivision (Majestic Oaks) of 9 single family lots and:dhi�*outlot consist## Af 19 acres located north of Cliff Road, west of Highway #3 in the SE 1/4 of Sectfoi 25. J. Approval to proceed with design to Eft -lake alum dosjnjiii_�tion. It was recommended to authorize the preparation of detailed designs andspii WD!,tS. bt#+oe; $id documents for Contract No. 97-12 (FishLake alum dosing station). EAGAN CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES; JULY 1, 1997 PAGE 4 K. Contract 94 -ZZ acknowled a com letion authorize Cily maintenance own Centre 100 -14th). It was recommended to acknowledge completiori.pf Contract 94 -ZZ (Town Center 100 -14th Addition) and authorize perpetual City maintenance suljeet to warranty provisions. L. Contract 96-U acknowledge completi2rt/aut 2rize C,) - tenance Wrecision Tune) It was recommended to acknowledge completioi:of:Cision Tune Addition) and authorize perpetual City maintenance subject to warrAnty provisions. M. Contract 95-HHHacknowled eco ''%tion authorize Ci maintenance Galaxie Cliff Add. - No. 1). It was recommended to acknowledge completion of Contract 95 -1 -HH (Galaxie Cliff Addition) and authorize perpetual City maintenance subject to warranty provisions. N. Contract -96-13, approve final paymentlacknowledge completion/ authorize City maintenance ,(Mallard Park 2nd & Woodgate 2nd - Streecons on). It was recommended to approve the 6th and Final payment for Contract 96-13 (Mallar4:Park 2nd:$ Woodgate 2nd Addition - Street Reconstruction) in the amount of $18,233.11 to Danner, Inc.,4hd accep k#ie improvements for perpetual City maintenance subject to warranty provisions. O. Contract -97-07, receive bids/award cont act aagan Bifsit esitommons - Streets & Utilities)_ It was recommended to receive the bids for Contract 97-07 (Eagan Business Commons - Streets & Utilities), award the contract for the base bid without alternate no.1 to the lowest responsible bidder and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute all related documents. P. Contract 97-11, receive bids/ award contract (Old Sibley Hwy; - Streets & Utilities)It was recommended to receive the bids for Contract 97-11 (Old. ik� Highway - Streets & Utilities), award the contract to the lowest responsible bidder ad:au#iii je #YtMayor and Clerk to execute all related documents. Q. Authorize Preparation of plans and speciiicat oits�; %-,e Administration Building Project Boarman Kroos. Pfister Vogel &Associates and aMrove constructs iiancing elan including resolution for use o Cable Franchise Fees. It was recommended to authorize the ptVaration of plans and specifications for the Fire Administration Building project, to approve a construction financing plan and to approve a resolution (as modified) for the utilization of cable franchise fees as a part of the financing plan. (Councilmember Awada opposed) R. Contract, City of Eagan and Healt instructions. It was recommended to Transportation, Inc. to provide pre-ai the City of Eagan and Healtheast instructions. S. Findings of Fact, City of Eagan, rezod-W of ap o dmately 80 acres from 1-1 (Limited Industrial) to B] f Business Park). It was recommended t6.4 . re.ttii ;l~ i %, ,.pf Fact relating to the rezoning of approximately 80 acres from I-1(Limitedl[:� u *J):to:#Y': $ti5iitess Park) initiated by the City of Eagan for property located at the NE intersection of Lexington Avenue and Yankee Doodle Road, T. Contract 97-12, approve final gaymentl authorize City maintenance (Deerwood Res. - Logo) It was recommended to approve the 2nd and final payment of $500 for Contract 95-12 (Deerwood Reservoir - Logo) to Tight Rope, Inc., and authorize thei:ecttt:fgr perpetual maintenance subject to warranty provisions. U. Contract 97-01 a122rove MnDOT cost ] ' hiticj ation agreehi6ht (EmergenEy Vehicle Pre -em tion - Signal Modifications). It was recommeri&d to approve a Cosi;x'articipation Agreement with MnDOT for City Contract 97-01 (Emergency Vehicle?i.v*mpopxx-,Sign461:MOdifications) and approve a resolution authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk td:i*xttt Wm�eii iioitiments. EAGAN CM COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES, JULY 1, 1997 PAGE 5 V. Amend access easement Lot 1 Block 1 Eagan Convenience Center. It was recommended to approve an amendment to an access easement from .Lot 1, Block 1, Eagan Convenience Center, to Duckwood Drive and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk t6:&ecute all related documents. W. Vacation of ota nding easement cancel.pubW-bn�,;t;, •.$,lock 1, Tara Ct 1 It was recommended to cancel the public hearing scheduled forUdy is iCJ iie:i isiila' on of a vacation of a ponding easement over Lot 3, Block 1, Tara Court, not refund tf►e-application fee. X. for west of Lexin on Avenue. It was recommended to direct staff to initiate a Rezoning process from I-1 to BP for approximately 42 acres located north of the Eagan Promenade and west of Lexington Avenue in the southeastern quarter of Section 10. Y. Tree Contractor Licenses River Tunc to approve a tree contractor license for Z. Fertilizer Applicator License, Gua recommended to approve a fertilizer It was recommended Service as presented. v Road, Eden Prairie. It was Turf Care as presented. AA. Project 712, receive final assessment roll/set public hearing (Surrey Heights - Streetlights) It was recommended to receive the final assessment roll for Project 712 (Surrey Heights Addition - Streetlights) and schedule a public hearing to be held on August 5,1997. BB. Assig=ent and Consent Agreement D.P. Commers to_RPMC Development Co recommended to approve the assignment Development Agreement from D.P. Corm Eagan III, LLC excluding the clause releas fersz3fnal Eagan III, LLC. It was ,went for the Roseville Properties TIF ,elopment Company, LLC and Terminal from obligations under the agreement. Councilmember Wachter moved, Councilmeritdo seconded a motion to approve the consent agenda. Aye: 5 Nay: 0 OLD 'BUSINESS SLATER ROAD SIDEWALK PROPOSAL City Administrator Hedges provid :ftn r q e -*Q.�'" item. Kurt Denson, 4750 Oak Cliff Drive, 'stated tha#'there is a safety concern due to the traffic coming out of Burnsville. He said he would like 1:4ee the roW closed. Jeff Skochil, 2223 James Street, saideieviedk is necessary to address the safety issue. He requested that the size of the sidewalk and setback from the curb be reduced. He noted that Otis would reduce the number of trees that would have to be removed in the boulevard. He further said that he was concerned about the proximity of the sidewalk to the pond. Doug Hultberg, 2243 James Street, MJW1h65 # 0.iAV:bR is also concerned with safety. He presented a petition containing signatures requesting.0ie C•ltq,�'oi i :6'omtruct a sidewalk along the west side of Slater Road. He stated that the reason for . ifing the sidew4k:jbn the west side is because more residents live on the west side and there is already a sidewalk there. Joe Repya, 4813 Slater Road, statWUAt•he.�grged x:s Walk needs to be installed, but he said it should be located on the east side so childiitififiass a road four times, as would happen with a sidewalk on the west side. He noted Shat the west side has numerous driveways that back onto EAGAN CTTY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES; JULY 1, 1997 PAGE Slater Road. He also noted that the east side has two large pieces of land that could accommodate the sidewalk and not affect residents' property..,,He added that numerous trees will be destroyed and residents' privacy lost if the sidewalk is iAis Hed on the west side. He requested that the City Council approve a smaller setback and sidewalk.:*He:presented a petition with signatures supporting the installation of a sidewalk on the east side. Slat".RgaLd,...I:ie.sh4wed pictures of sidewalks in other areas of Eagan that are smaller in size and haVE*A::;:0*i� #let Alia"' s:'; :stated that putting a sidewalk on the west side will jeopardize children's safety..,He mentioned"lliaOie brought a video to the meeting to show the proposed sidewalk, as staked on the easy side, which would result in the limited disturbance of vegetation. Councilmember Wachter noted that he would not support a four foot wide sidewalk, but would agree to reducing the setback. Mayor Egan explained that the City has standards for sidewalks. Mr. Denson stated that more thaii.0% of the•irees along Slater Road were previously removed from the boulevard and not replaced. Janie Edwards, 4778 Slater Road, stated tha€:& sidewalk is currently on the west side and if it is moved to the east side it will result in ki4.'he ' ":titi eross;ttt� street which would create the need for a stop sign to ensure safe crossing. She add6d:thi.t:tlithat access Slater Road on the east side. She further added that the majority of the residents live on the west side. Councilmember Wachter noted that the east side of the road has mainly commercial development. He said that the possibility of residential development on the east side may result in more driveway accesses in the future. Deb Repya, 4813 Slater Road, stated;that:3;�d6*'1tc.on the east side could be connected with the trails in the park. She said that the west:siife:-`hh 'more raids that intersect with Slater, creating more safety concerns. She further said that the envk-oMental *66struction should be taken into account. Discussion occurred among the City Council"ari��;garding the appropriate size for the sidewalk, the setback and signage. Councilmember Wachter asked about the impact that would occur to the townhomes as a result of the removal of trees. Director of Parks and Recreation Vraa stated that some mature trees were identified to be removed; however, he did not know if that would be considered a significant number given the length and width of the project. He;:jndicated that staff would follow up on the mitigation status of the trees that were removed along Sli wapadVeiiii usly. Director of Public Works Colbert discussed the speed study that was condp.. d on S Road. Mayor Egan stated he was willin',lb supporta four foot setback and a six foot concrete sidewalk. Councilmember Blomquist suggested t1t ; fKlewallc; ttl :sg#back be reduced further. Councilmember Awada said that the logic for installing t#i ;s id ii ilX;dh:t side is that itis easier to construct a sidewalk before there are residents adjacent to it. Councilmember Wachter moved, Councilmember Awada seconded a motion to direct staff to locate a six foot sidewalk with a four foot setback on the west side of Slater Road. Mayor Egan explained that the stafoifct'tieterift a if the warrants are met for the placement of a stop sign at Wall Street. CouncilmembetS':Wachter and AiKada agreed to amend their motion to include directing staff to review the feasibility of a stop sign at Wall street and Slater Road. Councilmember Blomquist said she still felt the sidewalk-*Nbuld be five feet afid:the setback should be three feet. Mayor Egan noted that is the current city of Bu sv�l]e•standa .—wt is idt Eagan's and he would only support a six foot trail for safety reasons. EAGAN CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES; JULY 1, 1997 PAGE 7 A vote was taken on the motion. Aye: 4 Nay: 1 (Councilmember Blomquist opposed) Councilmember Wachter moved,:0. 4ncilmember Awada seconded a motion to direct the preparation of plans and specifications foF&t Slater Road sidewalk project Aye: 5 Nay: 0 ORDINANCE AMEN`;';2;2;;C#IANGING TITLE OF ADVISORY PARKS, RECREATION,— TO ECREATION,ATO ADVISOR: PARKS COMMISSION (APrQ City Administrator Hedges provided an overview on this item. Councilmember Awada moved, Councilmember Wachter seconded a motion to approve an amendment to City Code, Section 2.52, changing the title of Advisory Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources to Advisory Parks Commission ; :P,ye: 5 Nay: 0 ' fiEW V$INESS CONDITIONAL USS;g���RELESS SERVICES City Administrator Hedges provided an overview on this item. Senior Planner Ridley gave a staff report. Peter Beck, representing AT&T Wireless, explained that locating a monopole on the Cliff Road reservoir water treatment site will allow AT&T to provide adequate coverage and capacity. He stated that the ordinance they worked on with the City directed them to locate monopoles in industrial and public facility districts. He further stated that public facility -districts are located around the City and provide the opportunity for use on the larger sites that:bav a ci�ttain amount of existing vegetation. He went on to explain their need for this site. He-noft l: tti t dere are no industrial sites to locate a pole on within this search area. He also noted tha:t:ata'other. 7ublic facility sites, but the elevation is not as high and would require a taller pole. He commented that:the existing trees on the site will screen the view from the majority of the surrounding homie.::addressed the perceived health impacts and said that it has been Congress's and the FCC's judgment. staltaions such as this do not raise a potential health issue. He also said that the low wattage being utiliz&tiviill not create any health problems. He noted that this is an opportunity for the City to make some money should the City enter into a lease with AT&T in the future. Councilmember Blomquist said she was concerned about the use of this property. She noted that the unsightly water tower was finally removed -and she did.not feel a freestanding pole would be appropriate on this site. She further noted:t# t: * CityCQifti _ should possibly look at the idea of selling the property for R-1 development. She sad:tliat the:?-3tgCouncil needs to establish the locations where these poles are acceptable. She added thiit4here areiiiple places to locate the poles in the City. Mr. Beck stated that they would:�Ot,be .ahle:tQ:deliver the appropriate signal without the necessary infrastructure. He added that'itig:riit[tpQgt3g:Iand zoned public facility has been accepted by other cities. He further added that the ordinance adopted by the City narrows down the available sites more than ordinances in other communities. Mayor Egan asked if the monopole could be located on the golf course site. Mr. Beck said that the golf course site would serve their needs, but be: 4 ddd.�at 8ffie same objections may be raised if they propose locating the monopole there. Frank Condon, 1308 Dunberry Lai� said he was opd to commercial use on land zoned public facilities. He stated he was coned about potential Ilth problems. Paul Cook, 1304 Dunberry Lane.* fid tpc1e should not be located in a residential area. EAGAN CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES; JULY 1, 1997 PAGE 8 Mike Bukovich, 4557 Ches Mar, commented that this monopole would be obtrusive on this site and he was concerned that it may serve as, a..4ghtning rod. Alex Cook, 1304 Dunberry Lane,:iaded that placing the pole on this site will reduce the aesthetic value of the land. He mentioned that the residents,in.the.w. A.hAve already had to deal with their share of . i�:&. ' . " , , :.:.: ction of this pole. land disturbances and they shouldn't have::' W1. Dan Meridan, 1296 Dunberry Lai�':stated that the residents are uniformly opposed to the ....n. construction of the monopole. He said th6in► is an active debate about the possible health concerns. He noted that the pole will be unsightly and will result in no benefit to Eagan residents. He stated that other potential sites have not been explored. Councilmember Blomquist moved to deny a Conditional Use Permit to allow a 100' tall communication monopole on Lot 1, Block:2-Joseph Connolly Addition, located north of Cliff Rd., east of Ches Mar Drive in the SW 1/4 of Section. - Z-7`,and iuidw directed the City Attorney to prepare Findings of Fact. Councilmember Awada stated should deal with the issue in the same manner as the Advisory Planning C d .pTpved the conditional use permit, but denied issuance of the lease agreement with AT&T. Mayor Egan seconded Councilmember Blomquist's motion noting that the APC's action recognized the fact that this application technically meets the ordinance criteria; however, their recommendation was to direct staff to not enter into a lease agreement with AT&T. He added that he believes the City Council has a valid basis for denying the CUP since the City is the landowner and does not want to enter into a lease .4 ' . ..... S-r:pement with the applicant. He stated that the use is inappropriate for this site and the Cit Ons .y shftild:k ider alternative uses for this land. He further stated that he did not want to get lo.cWI-:ii":.-4:t-UP- or a wireless tower that runs with the land whereby the City could be forced to enter -iii W-relitions* with a party they do not want to enter into a relationship with. He said he wants to niaintawthe flexiliiJity of looking into other land use policies for this site in conjunction with the Comprehens ..".'.plananalysis. ... . .... Councilmember Blomquist stated she would like sWf.--dkected to further define what public properties these uses would be allowed on. She further stated that she did not feel the City's ordinance was intended to include every parcel of public facilities for such uses and she said that the ordinance may need to be amended. Councilmember Wachter stated that..&i< 4y should.be done with regard to this property and should be considered for use by the Park.. &rtMOnt.P*FT-..i$$j !� sold for R-1 development. ... .... Councilmember Awada said sh4W`Iialis gom-g:'t-'h:i-:'irote against the motion with the understanding that she does not feel the City has the lego-Oght to duty this request since it fits the current ordinance and she felt the City Council should deal wit# :kexeq st in Ihe.*Wje manner as the APC. e' with Councilmember Masin noted that the City was ai:id with a similar situation before when they denied a CUP that met the criteria and she asked the City Attorney if action the Council was considering regarding this request was legally enforceable. City Attorney Sheldon stated that the issue before the City Council is a request for a CUP and the Council has to make a determination on the facts and information and whether it meets the criteria of the ordinAnce.':.-':W.`Wded that the majority of the City Council apparently had reached the conclusion that:&Ae8:Ihe-Q�ra, CitgoEagan .1agan is the landowner and has no intentions of enteringinto a lease it would be imprd&.16 issue the dW.4nd that tying up the land for a long period of time would have adverse effects on tlfO'City. Councilmeatiei Wachter stated that he agreed with the way the APC handled the request. Coutt�*Jember BlomquistMid that she believes the City Council should consider zoning this property to:14*1 the.Pixyk Depai6int is not interested in it and the Council should clarify if parks should binclude 0. nimg classification. EAGAN CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES; JULY 1, 1997 PAGE 9 A vote was taken on the motion. Aye: 4 Nay: 1 (Councilmember Awada opposed) Councilmember Blomquist and hf� r Egan agreed to amend their motion to include providing direction to staff to study all surplus pubIk*V'1*r*operties to determine the future public purpose, including the former Cliff Road reservoir site. PRELIMINARY PLANNED DEVELO" >31l%I NT; VARTAga & PRELIMINARY SUBDIVISION DAKOTA CO (EAGAN SENIOR HOUSING) City Administrator Hedges provided an overview on this item. Senior Planner Ridley gave a staff report. Councilmember Wachter moved,.CQuncilmember Masin seconded a motion to approve a Preliminary Planned Development for a �or Housing Campus up to 235 units of senior housing or 130 units of senior housing and a two story 60.00 squari4*6ot office building on property located on the south side of Town Centre Drive, east of Derma:} :'Avenue.*ftd north of O'Leary Lake in the NE 1/4 of Section 15 subject to the following conditions: 1. The proposed campus shiffiidt;dcE .:235:��rooms of senior housing or care facilities or the campus shall not exceed 130 units of senior housing and a 65,000 square foot office building. The height of the office building shall not exceed two stories. 2. All residential buildings shall be constructed to meet interior noise level of 45 dBA for aircraft noise attenuation purposes. 3. The developer shall install mpme"-- �-: en. for year round screening and to break up vertical elements behind: and 2 -i. -provide additional parking lot screening for building 3 along the Town. Drive &ntage and irrigate all maintained landscape and lawn areas on the site. ... 4. A Final Plan Development Agreement shall i4:e*'*k`ecuted with the construction of each building and shall consist of the following exhibits: Final Site Plan; Final Building Elevations, Final Lighting Plan and Final Landscape Plan. 5. Future Buildings shall be compatible in design, color scheme and building materials utilized for proposed bui1dip.&2.-..-. ........ X 6. The developer shall provw- an emq*'y g' vehicle access to the rear of Building 2 along ..... em . the west side in compliaikeii-with thL&:*-'C*.f*'ty fire code. 7. Any signage shall comp 8. Dumpsters stored on the exterior shall be ari attached enclosure matching the building materials of the building. Aye: 5 Nay: 0 Councilmember Wachter moved, Q. &`dffi` a seconded a motion to approve a Y Variance to the Shoreland Ordinance (sectibh-11.21, Subd. fQ;P.Ze) to allow density transfers to a tier: closer to the water body on property locaWd-*on the south siMbf Town Centre Drive, east of Denmark Ave. and north of O'Leary Lake in the NE -4. -d to the following conditions. of Section 15 suW :X: EAGAN CITY COUNCIL MEETING MDRTM; JULY 1, 1997 PAGE 10 1. The proposed campus shall not exceed 235 units/rooms of senior housing or care facilities or the campus sh.all. not exceed 130 units of senior housing and a 65,000 square foot office building. 2. The land between 200 and. Wfeat frowbeQUM in the proposed outlot must remain as permanent open spac6.:jai ZPAst-lb0Riatained or planted with native grasses. Aye: 5 Nay: 0 Councilmember Wachter moved, Councilmember Masin seconded a motion to approve the Preliminary Subdivision consisting of one lot and one outlot on property located on the south side of Town Center Drive, east of Denmark Avenue and north of O'Leary Lake in the NE 1/4 of Section 15 subject to the following conditions: 1. The developer shall corm l** with ftik standard conditions of plat approval as adopted by Council on February 3:1993: B1, B2, B4, C1, C2, D1, Et. ......... 2. The property shall be platted. 3. Runoff from the western portion of the development be treated via on-site ponding prior to the discharge to Pond DP -23. The pre-treatment basis shall have a minimum wet volume and mean depth of .8 acre feet and 3 fee respectively, and shall meet the City's Standards for Detention Basin Design 4. Runoff from the eastern :of -die site all be direction to Pond DP -20. The City shall require a cash dedication -in lieu of 6­bi:site ponding for this portion of the site, the proceeds of which should 154 Pollutant removal efficiencies in Pond DP 20. 5. An ungraded buffer at least 50 feet in width back from the ordinary High water level of O'Leary Pond shall be preserved. This buffer should be left in an unmainti-Lined condition after development to filter overland runoff and provide buffer. 6. Filling or draining of wetland;areas within.thV.. development parcel shall be prohibited, 7. Tree Protective measure&##. . 4 foot"*.!ybthyI.ene safety netting) shall be installed at the Drip Line or at the peri"id"'r of thetiiiiical Root Zone, whichever is greater, of significant trees/ woodlands to be pM*erved. 8. The developer shall conte lj'� f .'.,p . di�:k at least five days prior to the ...... .... issuance of the grading permit to ensure . compliance mpuance with the approved Tree Preservation Plan. 9. The developer shall be responsible for additional park dedication at the residential rate at the time of building permit for-e&&l W*Mm unless waived by the City Council. 10. The developer shall be resisible for ]M'Wfiri a sidewalk along Town Centre Drive. 11. The developer shall obtdM:ia modification to IM: Eagan Heights Commercial Park Indirect Source Permit for this d��' n XXI: ! X., EAGAN CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES; JULY 1, 1997 PAGE 11 12. The slope behind buildings 1 and 2 shall be planted with native trees and grasses and plantings in unmaintainedAreas shall be approved by City staff. Aye: 5 Nay: 0 PLANNED DEVELOP ... 3 .... * .".'-:- E -Z AIR PARK, INC. ........ .... ................... . City Administrator Hedges provid:-'-, an overview on this item. Senior Planner Ridley gave a staff report. Councilmember Awada moved, Councilmember Wachter seconded a motion to approve a Planned Development Amendment allowing the property owner at 2804 Lexington Avenue S. to remove and replace an existing garage and add ah.00 square foot office to the north side of the new garage on Lot 7, Plainview Addition, in the SW 1/4 of Sion 2 sul�j ct to the following conditions: 1. The new building shall of be useif*-6r office use and as an accessory residential garage. 2. The exterior of the newting residence, match the existing 3. The applicant/owner shall be responsible for assuring that the existing lines can accommodate the additional use and also that this general utility layout is functional. 4. The new building shall be constructed with noise attenuation measures that achieve a maximum indoor noise level of 50 dBA. -X Aye: 5 Nay: 0 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT Si VAR L"CE - CLS. WEST NEW VECTOR GROUP INC. City Administrator Hedges provided an ove*r"'d`:ni:':'"':'!b0�. Senior Planner Ridley gave a staff report. David Larson, applicant, explained the need for the variance. Councilmember Blomquist moved, Councilmember Awada seconded a motion to approve a Conditional Use Permit allowing a 120' comp u'jktion to 4orzated at 3659 Kennebec Road subject to the following conditions: ...... . ...... 1. The Conditional Use Pefttdf shall be�fkorded at Dakota County within 60 days of City Council approval with rp*"M'.-.'pt prov:pgd to the City. .... ... 2. The Conditional Use Peifpiid communication monopole. No equipment or antennas may be in excess of 120'. 3. A building permit shall be obtained for the erection of the monopole. 4. The applicant shall provide th6-,Q4`a" m 0 -ntation, from a structural engineer, confirming the structural � psed monopole. 5. No artificial iHumination':shall be allowed ori -the' tower except when required by law or another governmental ao*Zcy. ..... ..... 6. No signage other than ft-:p**q'.:bJ:jd'F*t* — i�* ,v.. ..... !gs or equipment information shall be affixed to the tower or the equi . pme iif building.- EAGAN CITY COUNCIL MEETING MUq=; JULY 1, 1997 PAGE 12 Aye: 5 Nay: 0 Councilmember Wachter moved,:Obuncilmember Awada seconded a motion to approve a Variance to the c6 -location requirement f&44ower exceeding 100'. Aye: 5 Nay: 0 ORDINANCE CITY CODE SECTION 11.20, ENTITLED "LAND USE RFGULATIOgw"((ZONING) REGARDING COMMUNICA,70N TOWERS AND ANTENNAE City Administrator Hedges provided an overview on this item. He noted that the ordinance states commercial towers are not allowed in residential zoning districts. Councilmember Awada moved to approve an Ordinance Amendment to the City of Eagan Code, Chapter 11, entitled Land Use Regulatioiis Zoningj,key, amending Section 11.20 regarding Antennae, Satellite Dishes, Wind Energy Conversioo:$stems, *W Towers and by adopting by reference Eagan City Code, Chapter 1, Section 11.99. Councilmember Blomquist stated:#�#:st4-.tbmu was another ordinance that clearly indicated towers and antennas were to b6 .... il:iv4.. r:: kKgs and in obscure places. Mayor Egan said that the City Council did not intend to restrict &* towers and antennas to water towers. Councilmember Blomquist noted that she would not support this ordinance. Councilmember Wachter seconded the motion. ......... m; .t this ordinance could be misinterpreted. Councilmember Blomquist stated she was cm-A&.M .6 She suggested that this ordinance should be ed. Councilmember Awada said that the action being taken by the City Council is## :pMepi a clen'CW misunderstanding. She added that she was willing to further examine property zones ubjjc facilitywith regard to the location of towers and ow antennae. Senior Planner Ridley said that one.' .'ea&qnto all a s for requiring a CUP freestanding u discretion in determining what is an tower is so the City Council could review the requeg:-* appropriate site. Mayor Egan said he would like staff to co2itir tiO to refine the ordinance and establish criteria for determining the location of monopole sites. A vote was taken on the motion. Aye: 4 Nay: 1 (Councilmember Blomquist opposed) Councilmember Blomquist moved, Counc' membeTAW4da seconded a motion to direct staff to find suitable criteria to determine cellular .. CSA ole ious zoning districts where CUP's are applicable. Aye: 5 Nay: 0 LEGISLAT M'_ #R4TERGQYERNMENTAL - AFFAIRS Councilmember Masin comment...46C rative meeting held at the City of Eagan. . . .�& She stated that representatives from fricts were present. She noted that the main focus of the meeting was youth and juvenile crime. Mayor Egan commended Councilmember Masin for coordinating this meeting for ,the second year. ._%.-AGENDA APPROVAL OF GR 1. EMENT,A­N',"'N'*-ESOTA DEPARTMENT OF TRADE & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT,PROFES"AL PLASTICS BUSINESS LOAN City Administrator Hedges pro*Wd an overview poifts item. EAGAN CITY COUNCIL MEETING M NUTFS; JULY 1, 1997 PAGE 13 Councilmember Awada moved, Councilmember Wachter seconded a motion to approve the contract consistent with the grant agreement, Minnesota Department of Trade & Economic Development, Professional Plastics Business Loan. Aye:::S::* lay: 0 PROJECT 723, SO ITH 8111 LANES.TR.t,UNK UTILITIES Director of Public Works Colbert provitiect this item. Councilmember Awada moved, Mei*or Egan seconded a motion to receive the petition/resolution from the City of Inver Grove Heights and authorize the preparation of a feasibility report and detailed plans and specifications for Project 723/Contract 97-13 (Southern Lakes - Trunk Utilities). Aye: 3 Nay: 2 (Councilmembers Blomquist and Wachter opposed) 1997 COUNW.'.* ROAD OVERLAY PROGRAM Director of Public Works Colbert:-`- ded a�i:overview. Director of Public Works Colbert commented on a traffic calming experiment being undertaken on Deerwood Drive between Riverton and Blackhawk Road. City Attorney Sheldon stated that with regard to Project 682 the City condemned the water tower parcel and the court has already transferred title and possession -of that property to the City. He explained that since the court moved so fast the City w1}L d td:reassess the property. Councilmember Awada moved, eQ>i� '6h" ber Wachter seconded a motion to delete a part of the assessment for Project 682 from $116,987 tp.$104,304 aid schedule a new public hearing for August 5, 1997 for the Francis Franz property. Aye: Councilmember Wachter moved, Councilmember Bfoiiiquist seconded a motion schedule Special City Council meetings for July 15 and July 29 at 5:00 p.m. Aye: 5 Nay: 0 City Administrator Hedges noted that Police Chief Geagan has been elected President of the Minnesota Chiefs of Police Association. Councilmember Wachter commenter j%iit:a c jii +rit:fltiit will be monitoring traffic by 35-E and Cliff Road. He requested a copy of a repOt-with ts from a meeting held at the Captain Dodd Park. He asked about the status of the diiiM tg of a $4 Bench Ordinance. He also asked about the total assessments the school previously paid 1014� regard ;the sewer and water assessments on Deerwood. Councilmember Masin stated the#'teuid::l tion for departing School Superintendent Jim Rickabaugh. She commented that sl ii 'afiteiicled a portion of the Eagan Hockey Booster fundraiser and noted that it was nice to see staff members take the time to attend as well. She said that she received her real estate license and will be associated with Century 21. Councilmember Blomquist commented .*g4(ft:�nitation to Northwest Airlines' 501h Anniversary celebration that will be held on July 9 recopift.-5fly #i t cE;air service to the Pacific. She asked the City Council to approve a resolution acknowlitig the celebrant Councilmember Awada moved,-Opuncilmember Wacjhftr seconded a motion to approve a resolution recognizing fifty years by Nortl xy ... Airli . s.for .4*rvice to the Pacific. Aye: 5 Nay: 0 EAGAN CTrY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES; JULY 1, 1997 PAGE 14 CHECK REGISTER Councilmember Wachter moved;:Mayor Egan seconded a motion to approve the check register dated June 26, 1997 in the amount of $2,074;P.67.60. Aye: 5 Nay: 0 Councilmember Blomquist asked -if:ii-**m�@d-�-:"M"P"*�j'z':!"K*OnomicaI to buy certain pieces of equipment instead of renting them. She M-` -'Aglit . " �f ment on the bill's list. The meeting adjourned at 9:40 p.m. Date City Clerk ii;iille, audio tape, etc., please contact the City of If you need these minutes in an alternative form iia " �" Eagan, 3830 Pilot Knob Road, Eagan, MN 55122,(612) 681-4600, (TDD phone: (612) 454-8535). owl The City of Eagan is committed to the policy that all persons have equal access to its programs, services, activities, facilities and employment without regard to race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, disability, age, sexual orientation, marital status or status with regard to public assistance..... Agenda Information Memo July 15, 1997 Eagan City Council Meeting ONSENT AGENDA The following items referred to as consent items require one (1) motion by the City Council. If the City Council wishes to discuss any of the items in further detail, those items should be removed from the Consent Agenda and placed under Old or New Business unless the discussion required is brief. A. PERSONNEL ITEMS Item 1. Retirement/Detective-- ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: To approve the retirement of Detective Larry Billmeyer from the Eagan Police Department. Item 2. Retirement/Administrative Assistant/Deputy Clerk -- ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: To approve the retirement of Administrative Assistant/Deputy Clerk Liz Witt from the City of Eagan Finance Department. Item 3. Temporary Planning Intern— ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: To approve the hiring of Tamara Pregl as a temporary intern in the Planning Division. Item 4. Part-time Seasonal Skating Instructor— ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: To approve the hiring of Gretchen Kirpach as a part-time seasonal Skating Instructor. Item 5. Part-time Seasonal Skating Pro— ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: To approve the hiring of Renee Sorenson and Amanda Helebrant as part-time seasonal skating pros. �I Agenda Information Memo July 15, 1997 Eagan City Council Meeting Item 6. Part-time Seasonal Skate Guard— ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: To approve the hiring of Ryan Darwitz as a part-time seasonal skate guard. Item 7. Part-time Seasonal Referees— ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: To approve the hiring of Bryant Parks, Wayne Peterson and Stephanie Welberg as part-time seasonal referees. Item 8. Seasonal Park Attendant— ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: To approve the hiring of Holly Flood as a seasonal Park Attendant. Item 9. Seasonal Park Maintenance Worker— ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: To approve the hiring of Kimberly Dyer as a seasonal Park Maintenance Worker. 3 Agenda Information Memo July 15,1997 Eagan City Council Meeting B. FINAL PLAT AGANDALE CORPORATE CENTER NO. 3 MAPLEWOOD ACRES INC. ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: To approve a Final Plat consisting of two lots on approximately 18 acres in the northeast corner of Eagandale Corporate Center V Addition located in the southeast quarter of Section 11. FACTS: • This proposed Final Plat is a replat of Lots 4 and 5, Block 3, Eagandale Corporate Center. A replat is required because the common property line between the two lots is being shifted approximately 200 feet to the west to accommodate a larger development on the proposed Lot 2, Block 1, Eagandale Corporate Center No. 3. BACKGROUND/ATTACHMENTS: (1) Final Plat Plan, page S� s 3 At _Baia s �sii OfI 9V1�J 1 ^/1A\ 11 �J 1 1 \ 11n �•ly/7\ IV[\V1 I ' 1.1/.71 v'1 IVI Al I.1 AJ\/ , 1 Y VI\ f \/ ► j I I = • 3. , Sly I �► »>.•11 ..n..l WAS ti ole- rl I ^�.T r 7tl.clan LIJ 10 1 ls W Apert` S' � s LIJ $ I i 31 � If �{ N IrC s 4c I � •W > ILIJ 2 1 Ld •in�r wn rw "—,a aft a of ---J $nl (j� J C3 V � � I ' si [� C) I s I LIJ I 3J LSIDp — r <( �f LLIJ I Y I I uc _ W Ie m Ii I � C I I IR • 1 I ;� � s LIJ ff a 11 1-110 11 b LJIry I-- ----_ ---_ — IT f } " sss I,i • 3 tiS S%AN Io In Agenda Information Memo July 15,1997 Eagan City Council Meeting C. RESOLUTION FOR COMPREHENSIVE GUIDE PLAN GRANT APPLICATION ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: To approve a Resolution authorizing submittal of a grant application for Comprehensive Plan update assistance from the Metropolitan Council. FACTS: The City has been mandated by the State Legislature to update its Comprehensive Plan as a result of 1995 legislation. This update must be complete by December 31, 1998. As a part of this mandate, the Legislature has allocated funding to the Metropolitan Council for technical and financial assistance in preparing updated plans. The Metropolitan Council is making this money available in the form of loans and grants to metropolitan area communities. In order to be eligible for this funding, an application must be submitted along with a resolution of the local governing body. The Metropolitan Council has targeted this planning assistance funding to reinforce the regional objectives that are a part of the recently -adopted regional blueprint. Staff is completing an application to address those objectives and is prepared to submit it by the July 18 application deadline. BACKGROUND/ATTACHMENTS: (2) Resolution, pages through 9 - Metropolitan Council Grant Program Description, pages -1 through D RESOLUTION NO. 97- A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING SUBMITTAL OF AN APPLICATION TO THE METROPOLITAN COUNCIL FOR A LOCAL PLANNING ASSISTANCE GRANT WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Eagan is the official governing body of the City of Eagan; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Eagan adopted the Comprehensive Guide Plan on April 19, 1983, pursuant to the requirements of Minnesota Statutes, Section 473.864 and approved a major update in 1988 and other smaller amendments over the past decade; and WHEREAS, the Metropolitan Land Planning Act requires communities within the metropolitan area to develop comprehensive plans in conformance with the regional systems plans; and WHEREAS, in 1996 the Minnesota Legislature passed amendments to the Act requiring communities to update their comprehensive plans and official controls by December 31, 1998; and WHEREAS, in 1996 the Legislature authorized the Metropolitan Council to transfer up to $1 million from solid waste bond proceeds to the planning assistance grant and loan program to assist local communities in meeting comprehensive planning requirements; and WHEREAS, the Metropolitan Council will distribute planning assistance funds based on communities' efforts to meet the Metropolitan Council's regional goals and policies, and on the communities' demonstrated need and available financial resources (up to a maximum of $20,000); and WHEREAS, the grant application must be submitted to the Metropolitan Council by 4:30 p.m., Friday, July 18, 1997 to be considered eligible for planning assistance funds; and WHEREAS, the Metropolitan Council's Regional Blueprint and State legislation will require revisions to the transportation, sewer, water quality and land use elements of the plan; and WHEREAS, the City has prepared a budget and work program for the update; and WHEREAS, the grant will be used to off -set the costs of preparing and producing the new comprehensive guide plan, including consultants, city staff time (including interns), materials and printing. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAGAN, DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA, hereby authorizes submission of an application to the Metropolitan Council for a local planning assistance grant. THIS RESOLUTION passed this day of , 1997 by the City Council of the City of Eagan, Minnesota. ATTEST: E.J. VanOverbeke, City Clerk �� Cl Thomas A. Egan, Mayor LOCAL PLANNING ASSISTANCE GRANT GUIDELINES PURPOSE The purpose of the planning assistance grant and loan program is to assist local governmental units in the Metropolitan Area in implementing the Metropolitan Land Planning Act. The fimding is intended to provide communities with incentives to review and amend local comprehensive plans, fiscal devices and official controls, to reinforce regional goals and to create more livable communities. These grant program guidelines outline the Council's fimding objectives, criteria and the disbursement schedule. These grant guidelines also are intended to implement the provisions of 1996 Minnesota Law chapter 464, article 1, section 9, subdivision 2. AUTHORITY The Metropolitan Council is authorized to prepare and adopt guidelines establishing uniform procedures for the award and disbursement of planning assistance grants under Minnesota Statutes, sections 473.854 and 473.867. Amendments to the Metropolitan Land Planning Act require local communities to update their comprehensive plans and official controls by December 31, 1998. In 1996, the Legislature authorized the Council to transfer up to $1 million from solid waste bond proceeds to the planning assistance grant and loan program to assist local communities in meeting comprehensive planning requirements. The planning assistance fiord includes this $1 million available for grants and approximately $770,000 available for interest free loans. FUNDING OBJECTIVES The Council will distribute planning assistance fiords based on communities' efforts to meet the Council's regional goals and policies, and on the communities' demonstrated need and available financial resources. Funding priority will be directed toward communities located within the Illustrative 2020 Metropolitan Urban Service Area (MUSA) which are expected to have the highest growth and redevelopment. The Council will utilize the planning assistance funding to reinforce the following regional objectives: • Target planning dollars to communities that include the Illustrative 2020 MUSA and are projected to have high growth or redevelopment. • Provide incentives to communities to implement comprehensive planning activities that reinforce the Regional Blueprint (December, 1996) goals which reduce sprawl, preserve agricultural areas, revitalize the urban core and target job growth. • Encourage effective planning that creates more livable communities and implements the Council's Metro 2040 policy goals. FUNDING APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS The following criteria are tailored to meet the Council's Metro 2040 Regional Strategy goals. Applications must describe: the activities for which the grant will be used; the persons which the applicant plans to use in performing the grant contract; the services and activities which will be paid for by funds of the applicant; and the applicant's need and ability to pay for the contract services. ,q Council staff will evaluate funding requests using these criteria in order to target funding to the priority areas and to achieve the regional objectives. The Council encourages communities to take a proactive approach to these planning issues as a part of their contlnive plan update process. FUNDING CRITERIA 1. Regional Blueprint and Growth Strategy Criteria • Location includes the Illustrative 2020 MUSA • Location includes the Urban Reserve • Redevelopment Area within the Urban Core and Suburbs* (*Refers to Minneapolis, Saint Paul and adjacent suburbs.) 2. Regional Systems Issues Criteria • Wastewater Inflow and Infiltration Reduction Goals • Local Water Management Plan • Transportation Initiatives 3. Innovative and Creative Planning Criteria • Compact Urban Design and Mixed Use Development • Life Cycle Housing 4. Economic Development Criteria • Transportation and Transit Corridor Planning • Redevelopment • Brownfield Restoration 5. Life Cycle Housing Criteria • Life Cycle Housing Plan, or Livable Communities Act Participation • Modify Ordinances to provide Life Cycle Housing • Rural Area Densities Consistent with Blueprint and Growth Strategy b. Intergovernmental Coordination Criteria • Shared Services with 1 to 3 Jurisdictions • More than 3 Jurisdictions 7. Cluster Planning Criteria • Cooperative Transportation, Sewer, Water and Housing Planning 2( D 30 Points 30 Points 30 Points 2 Points 2 Points 2 Points 4 Points 4 Points 4 Points 4 Points 4 Points 2 Points 2 Points 2 Points I Point 3 Points 2 Points Agenda Information Memo July 15,1997 Eagan City Council Meeting D. REQUEST FROM DAKOTA COUNTY HRA TO WAIVE FEES — EAGAN SENIOR HOUSING DEVELOPMENT ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: To waive City development fees associated with the first 65 -unit building of the senior housing project in Town Centre. FACTS: • At a City Council workshop held earlier this year on the senior housing project in Town Centre, the Council indicated a desire to waive City fees normally charged for developments. The rationale for this waiver of fees was a desire to keep rents of the project as low as possible. In order to clarify the fees that will be waived, it would be appropriate to have the Council take formal action on the waiver of fees. The Council also indicated that past assessments and trunk changes uncollected resulting from the tax forfeiture status of the property should not be incorporated into the senior housing project cost. The following table estimates all city fees that will be waived or refunded. These fees are the same fees that were waived with the Oak Woods of Eagan Senior project. The project would still be responsible for metropolitan and state fees. Cite Fee Estimated Cost Preliminary Planned Development & Subdivision Application Fee/Escrow $3,250.00 Final Planned Development & Subdivision Alication Fee/Escrow $2,206.00 Park Dedication $392780.00 Building Permit/Plan Review $25,671.00 Ci SAC/WAC $5,200.00 Contract Management $3,000.00 Staff is recommending that the water quality dedication fee of $6,373 not be waived in order to use the fees for off-site improvements to Pond DP -23. The drainage from the eastern portion of the senior housing site goes to this pond prior to discharging into O'Leary Pond and improvements to Pond DP -23 are necessary to improve water quality of O'Leary Pond. • Installation by the HRA of a sidewalk along Town Centre Drive is required in lieu of a cash trail dedication. • This request relates only to the first building. Waivers of future fees should be considered on a case by case basis at final plan approval for each building. BACKGROUND/ATTACHMENTS: (0) Agenda Information Memo July 15,1997 Eagan City Council Meeting E. COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT WITH DAKOTA COUNTY HRA FOR SENIOR HOUSING PROJECT ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: To authorize the execution of a cooperative agreement with the Dakota County Housing and Redevelopment Authority for the purpose of developing a senior housing project on the south side of Town Centre Drive east of Denmark Avenue and north of O'Leary Lake in the northeast quarter of Section 15. FACTS: In past housing projects with Dakota County HRA, the City has entered .into intergovernmental agreements specifying the responsibilities of the HRA and the City with regard to these projects. The HRA has prepared a similar agreement for the Eagan Senior Housing project in Town Centre. This agreement is similar in format and content to agreements previously executed between the HRA and the City. Planning staff and the City Attorney have reviewed this agreement and it is in order for execution. BACKGROUND/ATTACHMENTS: (1) Cooperative Agreement, pages through. COOPERATION AGREEMENT By and between DAKOTA COUNTY HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY and CITY OF EAGAN 13 COOPERATION AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT is entered into this day of , 1997, by and between The Dakota County Housing and Redevelopment Authority (herein called the "Authority") and the city of Eagan (herein called the "Municipality"); WHEREAS, the Authority has recommended a senior housing project to the Municipality and has requested the Municipality to approve an acceptable site for the Authority to use for the location of the senior housing development; and WHEREAS, the Municipality approved the Preliminary Planned Development and Preliminary Subdivision at the July 1, 1997 City Council meeting for the following site: South side of Town Centre Drive, east of Denmark Avenue and north of O'Leary Lake in the NE 1/4 of Section 15 as shown in Exhibit A. In consideration of the mutual covenants hereinafter set forth, the parties hereto do agree as follows: 1. Whenever used in this Agreement: (a) The term "Project" shall mean a rental housing development for low or moderate income persons with a family member aged 55 or older hereafter developed or acquired by the Authority pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.017. (b) The term "Taxing Body" shall mean the State or any political subdivision or taxing unit thereof in which a Project is situated and which would have authority to levy real or personal property taxes or to certify such taxes to a taxing body or public officer to be levied for its use and benefit with respect to a Project if it were not exempt from taxation. (c) The term "Shelter Renter" shall mean the total rentals of a Project exclusive of any charge for utilities and special services such as heat, water, electricity, gas, sewage disposal or garbage removal. 2. The Authority shall endeavor to develop or acquire and administer a Project located within the corporate limits of the Municipality containing, in the aggregate, 120 rental units. The first building constructed will contain 65 units and the second such building will contain 55 units. The obligations of the parties hereto shall apply to each such Project. l� 3. Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.040: (a) the project shall be exempt for all taxes of the Municipality, Dakota County, the State of Minnesota or any potential subdivision thereof, provided however, that when any obligations issued by the Authority to assist in financing the development of a Project have been retired, then the exemptions from taxes shall terminate and appropriate taxing jurisdictions so notified and; provided further, that the Authority hereby agrees to pay when due any special assessments levied for improvements benefiting the property; and (b) notwithstanding the provision set forth in (a) above, after the Project has become occupied, either in whole or in part, and before the Authority retires any obligations issued by it to assist in financing such Project, the Authority shall file with the property assessor, on or before May 1 of each year, a statement of aggregate shelter rentals of that project collected during the preceding calendar year; and five percent (5%) of such rentals (but in any event not exceeding the amount which would be payable in taxes if the Project were not exempt from taxation) shall be charged to the Authority and collected from is as a service charge for the services and facilities to be furnished with respect to that Project, collected in the manner provided by law for the assessment and collection of taxes. The amount so collected shall be distributed to the several taxing bodies in such proportions as the tax rate of each bears to the total tax rate of those taxing bodies that would be levied against such Project if it were not exempt from taxation. 4. During the period commencing with the date of the acquisition of any part of the site of the Project and continuing so long as any bonds issued in connection with such Project remain unpaid, the Municipality without cost or charge to the Authority or the tenants of such Project (other than the payments set forth in 3 above ) shall: (a) Furnish or cause to be furnished to the Authority and the tenants of such Project public services and facilities (not including heat, water, electricity, gas, sewage disposal or garbage removal) of the same character and to the same extent as are furnished from time to time without cost or charge to other dwellings and inhabitants in the Municipality; (b) Vacate such streets, roads, and alleys within the area of such Project as may be necessary in the development thereof, and convey without charge to the Authority such interest as the Municipality may have in such vacated areas; (c) In so far as the Municipality may lawfully do so, (i) grant such deviations from the building code of the Municipality as are reasonable and necessary to promote economy and efficiency in the development and administration of the Project, and at the same time safeguard health and safety; 2 1' J (d) Accept grants of easements necessary for the development of such Projects; and (e) Cooperate with the Authority by such other lawful action or ways as the Municipality and the Authority may find necessary or convenient in connection with the development and administration of such Project. 5. In respect to the Project, the Municipality further agrees that within a reasonable time after receipt of a written request therefore from the Authority: (a) It will accept necessary dedications of land for, and will grade, improve, pave, and provide sidewalks for all streets bounding the Project necessary to provide adequate access thereto (in consideration whereof the Authority shall pay to the Municipality such amount as would be assessed against the Project site for such work if such site work were privately owned); and (b) It will provide, or cause to be provided, water mains, and storm and sanitary sewer mains, leading to such Project and serving the bounding streets thereof(in consideration whereof the Authority shall pay to the Municipality such amount as would be assessed against the Project site for such work if such site were privately owned). 6. The municipality agrees to waive standard city development fees for the first building including: preliminary and final subdivision/planned development application fees and escrow; park dedication fees; construction permits including building, sewer, water and so forth; plan review fees; contract management fees; city SAC fees; water connection fees; and treatment plant fees. The municipality agrees to not collect assessments previously assessed and uncollected at the time of the HRA's acquisition of the property. The project shall be responsible for water quality fees and construction of a sidewalk in the public right-of-way in Town Centre Drive. The project shall also be responsible for any state and metropolitan council fees and surcharges. 7. No Cooperation Agreement heretofore entered into between the Municipality and the Authority shall be construed to apply to a Project covered by this Agreement. 8. No member of the governing body of the Municipality or any other public official of the Municipality who exercises any responsibilities or functions with respect of the Project during his tenure or for one year thereafter shall have nay interest, direct or indirect, in the Project or any property included or planned to be included in the Project, or any contracts in connection with such Project or property. If any such governing body member or such other public official of the Municipality involuntarily acquire or had acquired prior to the beginning of his tenure of any such interest, he shall immediately disclose such interest to the Authority. i� 9. This Agreement shall not be abrogated, changed, or modified without the written consent of the parties hereto. The privileges and obligations of the Municipality hereunder shall remain in full force and effect with respect to the Project so long as the beneficial title of such Project is held by the Authority. IT WITNESS WHEREOF the Municipality and the Authority have respectively signed this Agreement and caused their seals to be affixed and attested as of the day and year first above written. c:ladmindatlwplcdlcoop 4 17 CITY OF EAGAN (Mayor) (City Clerk) THE DAKOTA COUNTY HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Chairperson Secretary 0 C) Q Z _ cn 0 r rr LLr O Z W Cn Q V W Q J a r a z_ J W cr CL 4 Qi O? �7- LL W W cr EXHIBIT A V: LL' c l s1 . ----- 4 Qi O? �7- LL W W cr Agenda Information Memo July 15,1997 Eagan City Council Meeting F FINDINGS OF FACT — CITY OF EAGAN ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: To approve the Findings of Fact relating to the denial of a Conditional Use Permit to allow a 100' tall communication monopole on Lot 1, Block 2, Joseph Connell Addition, located north of Cliff Road and east of ChesMar Drive in the SW quarter of Section 27. FACTS: At its regular meeting of July 1, 1997, the Eagan City Council denied a Conditional Use Permit request to allow a 100' tall communication monopole and equipment building on Lot 1, Block 2, Joseph Connelly Addition BACKGROUND/ATTACHMENTS: (1) Findings of Fact, pages 4?0 through C2-9-. 0 BEFORE THE CITY COUNCIL CITY OF EAGAN, DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA In Re: Application of AT&T Wireless Services ("AT&T") FINDINGS OF FACT, CONCLUSIONS AND RESOLUTION On June 24, 1997, a public hearing was conducted upon appropriate notice before the Advisory Planning Commission of the City of Eagan for a proposed Conditional Use Permit to allow a monopole communication tower with an equipment building on Lot 1, Block 2, Joseph Connolly Addition (the "Property"). At its June 24, 1997, meeting, the Advisory Planning Commission recommended approval of the Conditional Use Permit subject to conditions. The Advisory Planning Commission also recommended that the City not lease the Property to AT&T for use as a monopole and equipment building site. The matter came on before the Eagan City Council on July 1, 1997 at its regularly scheduled City Council meeting. The applicant was represented by Attorney Peter Beck who 'spoke in favor of the application. Residents spoke and urged denial of the request. Based upon all the information presented at the hearing and Council meeting, the records, staff report and all prior proceedings, the City of Eagan does hereby make the following Findings of Fact, Conclusions and Resolution: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. This matter is properly before the Eagan City Council. ;�p 2. The City of Eagan is the fee owner of the Property. The City recently removed a water tower from the Property. 3. The applicant has no legal or equitable interest in the property. 4. The applicant acknowledges that land across Cliff Road directly to the south of the Property would accommodate its needs (Parkview Golf Course). 5. The applicant proposes to lease the Property from the City for use as allowed in the proposed Conditional Use Permit. 6. The City Council expressed its intention to keep the Property free from any commercial utility uses. 7. Based on the location and the surrounding R-1 land uses, the City Council believes that the Property may have a better long-term use than public facilities. 8. The City Council believes that committing use of the Property to a long- term use as proposed by the applicant will reduce the City Council's ability to effectively plan or change land use of the Property. 9. The City Council directed staff to review PF sites to determine suitability for communication sites. CONCLUSIONS 1. This matter is properly before the Eagan City Council. 2. The applicant has the burden of persuasion. 3. The applicant has no legal or equitable interest in the property. 4. The City has expressed its intention not to lease the Property for commercial utility purposes. g ( SENT BY: R-94% 7-11-97 ; 11:09 ; SEYERSON SELDON- 612 681 4612; 2/ 2 S. 'Me City Council believes that public Solities may not be the best long- term for this site and has directed review of this and other public facility sites in the City. 6. Use of this site as proposed in the Conditional Use Permit will hamper the City's long-term plan 4 and land use decisions far this site. RESULUMN The City Council of the City of Eagan does hareby deny the issuance of a Conditional Use Permit to aeidw 8 monopole communication tower and equipment building on the Property. Dated at Eagan, Minnesota, this 15th day of July,1997. CITY OF EAGAN By: Thomas A Egan Its: Mayor By: E.J. VanOverbeke Its: City Clerk 612 432 3780 07-11-97 11:17AM P002 #28 Agenda Information Memo July 15, 1997 Eagan City Council Meeting G. RECOMMENDATION AIRPORT RELATIONS COMMISSION CONGRESSIONAL CORRESPONDENCE, FEDERAL LEGISLATION ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: To approve a recommendation by the Airport Relations Commission to forward correspondence to the City's congressional delegation and Congressman Oberstar concerning Federal Aviation Administration standards and airport noise legislation. FACTS: At its workshop of June 19, the Airport Relations Commission discussed the City's federal legislative program and requested that correspondence be prepared to follow-up on several federal issues. At the commission's meeting of July 8, it reviewed the correspondence and unanimously recommended that the Council authorize forwarding it to the City's congressional delegation. In addition, the commission recommended that a copy of the correspondence be forwarded to Congressman Oberstar because of his close association with aviation issues and his long membership on the House Transportation and Aviation Committees. ATTACHMENTS: # Draft letter on pagesc2l through C . a3 DRAFT Date Mail Merge Addresses for Senators Wellstone and Grams and Congressmen Luther and Oberstar Dear Senators and Congressmen: As you know, the City of Eagan has been and remains extremely active in issues pertaining to the Minneapolis -St. Paul International Airport, both because of its proximity to our community and because we are home to the headquarters of Northwest Airlines, the airport's home-based carrier. This situation requires us to balance the interests of our residents who are affected by airport operations and noise, and the airline and its employees, many of whom live in the City. In this regard, we would very much appreciate your perspective concerning the best means of achieving such a balance. In some respects, this represents the classic dilemma of community development, an economic asset which also has environmental impacts. As a community, we have attempted to do our part in planning noise compatible land uses in the immediate airport vicinity. Unfortunately, rather than protecting our residents from noise impacts, the presence of this area has led to a concentration of air traffic over our community such that Eagan residents outside of the noise compatible area are exposed to over half of all operations from the airport and a significant majority of all night operations. We believe that there are better ways for the airport and, more specifically, the FAA to manage operations to better contain noise within the compatible area. In that regard, there are two aspects of aircraft operations which could be improved to better use the noise compatible corridor. The first is in the area of selection and control of flight tracks. On average, ten percent of all departures to the southeast and twenty percent of all departures from the south parallel runway leave the corridor early and overfly neighborhoods which would not be impacted if the aircraft stayed on the appropriate flight tracks. Are there technological or legal means used by airports elsewhere in the country to improve compliance with operating procedures or increase accountability of the appropriate parties when those procedures are not followed? Is there anything that could be done at a federal level to insure that operations utilizing noise compatible areas do so with acceptable levels of precision? a� The second area relates to the altitude of aircraft over the ground. In an effort to reduce the number of different departure profiles at airports around the country while still maintaining alternatives for different environmental circumstances, the FAA issued Advisory Circular 91-53A which called upon airlines to develop two departure procedures for each aircraft type and permits airports to pick one of the two for each runway end. The two procedures are intended to create different noise impacts for residents close to the runway end as opposed to those at a distance from the runway end. The procedures which have been developed by the airlines are extremely similar in noise impact. It seems that there could be a procedure which could take better advantage of a noise compatible area such as the corridor in Eagan to get aircraft higher sooner and reduce their impact on residential areas down range. We have specifically asked the Federal Interagency Committee on Aviation Noise (FICAN) to study whether such an alternative exists. Any support you can give to FICAN or encouragement you could give to the FAA in this regard would be appreciated. We are also interested in the relationship of technological improvements and the capacity of airports to manage air traffic more efficiently. In particular, we understand that tools such as precision runway monitoring and geographic positioning satellite systems will allow controllers to more precisely place aircraft over the ground. What is your understanding of how this will affect the capacity of noise compatible areas and of airports themselves? We realize that some of the questions we have asked are technical in nature and may require responses from other agencies. To the extent that you can use your contacts to pursue this information on our behalf, we would appreciate it. More specifically related to your activities in Congress, the City has previously taken positions supporting certain legislation regarding air traffic management and the environment. We would appreciate an update on the status of, and your position on, the Aviation Noise Limit Act and the legislation calling for the refunding of the EPA Office of Noise Abatement and Control. Thank you for your help in keeping us current on these issues. We look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely, Tom Egan Mayor as Agenda Information Memo July 15,1997 ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: To receive the bids and award Contract 97-01A (EVP — Signal Installation) to the lowest responsible bidder and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute all related documents all subject to MnDOT's execution of the Cost Participation Agreement. FACTS: * At 10:30 a.m. on Friday, June 6, 1997, formal bids were received for the installation of the Emergency Vehicle Pre-emption equipment recently purchased by Council authorization under Contract 97-01B. A summary tabulation of the bids received with a comparison to the engineer's estimate is enclosed. * All bids will be checked for accuracy in their extension and addition and any changes will be addressed at the July 15 meeting. ATTACHMENTS: * Bid tabulation, page C� I 612 490'2150 07%10:97 THU, 12:05 F.0 612 190 2150 SEH 002 AAAwr 3= VADNAIS CENTER DR1VE. 200 SEN CENTER, Sr PAUL. MN 53110 612I90,VW e00 323-1058 eti ARCHITECTURE 0 fWrNEERING ENVIRONMENTAL TRAWPORTATION Fifty-six (56) Emergency Vehicle Preemption Systems State Project No. 8825-17 State Aid Project Nos. 140-020-04,195-010-03, 195-020-03 and 195-030-02 Eagan City Project No. 97-01A Bid Date: Thursday, July 10, 1997 Bid Time: 10:30 a.m. CONTRACTORS TOTAL BID 1. Egan McKay Electrical Contractors $239,196.00 2. Ridgedale Electric Inc. $253,888.00 Low Bid $239,196.00 Feasibility Report Estimate Not Applicable Percent Over (+) Under (-) Not Applicable Engineer's Estimate $242,200.00 Percent Over (+) Under (-) -1.2% SNORTELUOTT HENDRICKSON INC MINNEAPOLIS. MN ST CLOUD. MN CHIPPEWA FADS, W/ MADISON, W/ LAKE COUNTY, IN EOUAL OPPORTUNITYEMPLOYER Q7 Agenda Information Memo July 15,1997 ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: To approve the 1St and final payment in the amount of $112,473.00 to Allied Blacktopping, Inc., for Contract 97-14 (1997 Sealcoating) and authorize perpetual City maintenance subject to warranty provisions. FACTS: ■ Through a Cooperative Joint Powers Agreement with several communities south of the Minnesota River, the City of Eagan entered into a contract with Allied Blacktop to perform the sealcoating street maintenance program for 1997. This work has now been completed in accordance with the City prepared plans and specifications, inspected by representatives of the Public Works Department and found to be in order for favorable Council action of final payment and perpetual maintenance. Agenda Information Item July 15 ,1997 J. FINAL SUBDIVISION (MOOSE RIDGE) - MARK AND KAREN FJELD ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: > To approve or deny a Final Subdivision consisting of one lot for property located at 3635 Wescott Hills Drive in the southeast'/. of Section 14. FACTS: > The Development Contract is expected to be signed and in order for execution at the regular City Council meeting on July 15, 1997. ISSUES: > Part of the required drainage and utility easement is being provided by separate document which will need to be executed and recorded prior to the City releasing the plat for recording. ATTACHMENTS: Final Plat (Moose Ridge), page 30 r - Agenda Information Memo July 15,1997 ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: To receive the feasibility report for Project 721 (Mulcahy Addition — Sanitary Sewer) and schedule a public hearing to be held for August 19, 1997. FACTS: The City has received an application to plat the remaining undeveloped property located between Tesseract School and the Dallas Development Center north of Highway 13 and south of Silver Bell Road. In response to a petition submitted by the developer, the City Council authorized the preparation of a feasibility report which has now been completed and is being presented to the Council for their consideration of scheduling a public hearing to formally present and discuss the merits of this requested public improvement. ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: To receive the feasibility report for Project 722 (Murphy Parkway — Watermain) and schedule a public hearing to be held on August 19, 1997. FACTS: On June 17, 1997, the City Council authorized the preparation of a feasibility report for the extension of a watermain along Murphy Parkway to connect the Blackhawk Ponds Addition with the proposed Murphy Farms Addition. This feasibility report has now been completed and is being presented to the City Council for their consideration of scheduling a public hearing to formally present this proposed public improvement. 1 . • 11Colo ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: Receive the final assessment roll for Project 702 (Woodgate rd Addition — Street Reconstruction) and schedule a public hearing to be held on August 19,1997. FACTS: + As a result of a public hearing held on May 20, 1996, the City Council approved the reconstruction of the local residential streets within the Woodgate 2°a Addition. + This project was constructed under Contract 96-13 which has now been completed. All costs associated with this contract have been tabulated and the final assessment roll prepared. This roll is being presented to the Council for their consideration of scheduling a final assessment public hearing to formally present the final costs to all affected property owners. ATTACHMENTS: + Final assessment roll summary, page 3 2--' 31 FINAL ASSESSMENT HEARING PROJECT NUMBER: ASSESSMENT HEARING DATE: August 19. 1997 SUBDIVISION/AREA: Mallard Pk. 2nd & Woodgate 2nd - Street Reconstruction PUBLIC HEARING DATE: NLY20, 192 IMPROVEMENT INSTALLED AND/OR ASSESSED: F.R. = Feasibility Report SANITARY SENVE B ❑ Trunk ❑Laterals ❑ Service FINAL F.R RATES BATES ❑ Lat. Benefit/Trunk ❑ Trunk ❑ Laterals ❑ Service 1 inch ❑ Service 6 inch ❑ WAC []Lat. Benefit/Tnmk SERVICES ❑ Water & San. Sewer STORM MAL F.R. SEWER RATE 5 SES ❑ Trunk ❑Laterals/C.O #3 ❑ Lat. Benefit/Trunk ❑ Gravel Base $1,302.38/Unit ❑ Surfacing $_1,736.50/Lot ❑ Res. Equivalent ❑ Multi Equivalent ❑ C/I Equivalent ❑ Trail STREET LIGHTS ❑ Installation ❑ Energy Charge $2,067.53/Unit $2,756.71/Lot CONTRACT # OF INTEREST AMOUNT CITY NO PARCELS TERMS RATE ASSESSED FINANCED $421,776 F.R. $187,083 F.R. 96-13 _ 167 15 Yrs. 7.0% $265,684.78 $160,921.20 Agenda Information Memo July 15,1997 ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: Receive the final assessment roll for Project 703 (Mallard Park 2nd Addition — Street Reconstruction) and schedule a public hearing to be held on August 19,1997. FACTS: As a result of a public hearing held on July 2, 1996, the City Council apTroved the reconstruction of the local residential streets within the Mallard Park 2° Addition. This project was constructed under Contract 96-13 which has now been completed. All costs associated with this contract have been tabulated and the final assessment roll prepared. This roll is being presented to the Council for their consideration of scheduling a final assessment public hearing to formally present the final costs to all affected property owners. ATTACHMENTS: Final assessment roll summary, page 3q. 3� FINAL. ASSESSMENT HEARING PROJECT NUMBER:7029 ASSESSMENT HEARING DATE: August 19. 1997 SUBDMSION/AREA: Mallard Pk. 2nd & Woodgate 2°d - Street Reconstruction PUBLIC HEARING DATE: - May -20,1996 IMPROVEMENT INSTALLED AND/OR ASSESSED: F.R. = Feasibility Report SANITARY FINAL F.R. STORM F UAL F.R. SEWS RATES RATES SEWER RATE RATES ❑ Trunk ❑ Trunk [Laterals ❑ Service ❑ Lat. Benefit/Trunk ❑ Trunk ❑ Laterals ❑ Service 1 inch ❑ Service 6 inch [hat. Benefit/Trunk SERVICES ❑ Water & San. Sewer # OF PARCELS 167 TERMS 15 Yrs. ❑Laterals/C.O #3 ❑ Lat. Benefit/Trunk STREETS ❑ Gravel Base $1,302.38/Unit $2,067.53/Unit ❑ Surfacing $ 1.736.50/Lot $2.756.71/Lot ❑ Res. Equivalent ❑ Multi Equivalent ❑ C/I Equivalent ❑ Trail STREET LIGHTS ❑ Installation ❑ Energy Charge INTEREST RATE 7.0% AMOUNT ASSESSED $421,776 F.R. $265,684.78 CITY FINANCED $187,083 F.R. $160.921.20 EAGAN CITY COUNCIL MEETING DULY 15, 1997 CONSENT AGENDA O. APPROVE Plans and Authorize Bids for the Construction of Additional Parking at Lexington/Diffley Athletic Fields FOR COUNCIL ACTION: Approve the pians and authorize bids for the construction of additional parking at Lexington/Diffley Athletic Fields. BACKGROUND: Because of the growth of youth soccer, and In particular the demand for small size fields, the four large soccer fields at the Lexington Diffley Athletic Fields have been reconfigured to accommodate 11 small fields. Parking, however, has become a serious problem with this many fields In use. Efforts to administratively lessen the congestion have not been successful. Another parking area off the Diffley Road access was originally planned with the first phase development of the park but was not constructed. This new parking lot can accommodate an additional 126 cars. This item will appear on the APrC agenda for July 14 for additional review and comment. Staff hopes to bid the project for fall construction in order to have this parking lot available for program use in May of 1998. FACTS: • Existing parking at Lexington/Diffley can accommodate 321 vehicles. • Originally planned to accommodate four soccer games at one time, eleven soccer games, are being played at one time. Six additional softball games are also programmed. Parking has flowed out of the park onto the adjoining park and commercial property across the street. • Planned, but not constructed with first phase development, is a parking lot to accommodate 126 additional cars. This parking lot was considered to be necessary to accommodate future park improvements. • Funding would come from the Park Site Acquisition and Development Fund. • A cost projection puts the project at about $125,000. Detailed engineering Is being completed to refine that number at this time. • Staff has tried, in cooperation with youth soccer and softball, to regulate the parking to minimize the problem. This has not made a significant improvement to the situation. • Use of the soccer fields as small fields Is likely to continue for several years given the demographics and interest In youth soccer. • This item appears on the July 14 APrC meeting for formal recommendation. (See attachments for additional information) CONCERNS: None ALTERNATIVES: Youth soccer could be restricted to having fewer games played at one time, limiting them to perhaps seven or eight games. Additional sites would have to be found elsewhere for the remaining games or the games would not be played if other sites were not available. There is also a benefit In having all of the youth games at one location from an administrative and maintenance perspective. ATTACHMENTS: Memo to APrC and site map. (� 3S 0b MEMOdty of DATE: June 27, 1997 TO: Advisory Parks Commission FROM: Ken Vraa, Director of Parks and Recreation Dorothy Peterson, Superintendent of Recreation SUBJECT: Acceleration of Development at Lexington Diffley Athletic Fields For Commission Action To recommend/deny to the City Council that the Department of Parks and Recreation accelerate development of the northwest parking lot and the informal ball field at Lexington Diffley Athletic Fields consistent with the Master Plan for the park. Issue The extensive use by youth soccer at Lexington Diffley has surpassed the amount of available parking space resulting in associated problems and the pressing need to construct the "future" parking area sooner than expected. Background The features named are all elements of the Master Plan for Lexington Diffley Athletic Fields. The Master Plan provided for 6 softball fields; 3 full sized soccer fields and one full size overlay soccer field, access road and parking lots. A 7`h softball field and an additional parking area were not constructed with the first phase construction. Soccer activity has been held at Lexington Diffley since the fall of 1996. However, the full sized fields are now needed by the Eagan Athletic Association youth soccer program. Full sized field needs can be accommodated at Northview Athletic, Ohmann Park and Eagan High School in the fall. Full size field space is available at Northview and Ohmann in the summer to meet the "summer soccer" program needs. Consequently, Lexington Diffley has been designated and used for youth grades K-4, for soccer last fall and again this summer. The expanse of the park has enabled Parks and Recreation to stripe 6 fields sized to the needs of grades K-1, 3 fields for 2" graders and 2 fields sized for grades 3 & 4; for a total of 11 fields. Parking was somewhat of a problem in the fall of '96, until soccer stagger -started the games so that not everyone was arriving or leaving at the same time. The softball fields wereotot in use in the fall. 3G Page two This summer, the 6 softball fields are fully scheduled, as are the 11 soccer fields. Parking, and in particular entering and leaving the south parking lot, has been a less than desirable situation. A "temporary lot" was opened on the space where the proposed parking lot is to be located. This helped alleviate the problem somewhat, but the "temporary" action is not useful when the ground is wet from heavy rains, nor is it obvious that parking is available at this temporary location. Facts: • Eagan Athletic Association has registered 1600 youth for fall soccer. One additional registration session is planned and late sign ups are allowed. Three hundred youth were registered late in 1996. « The current grade breakdown is: K-186, 1 • — 363, 2°d —311, V-246, 4"-202, 5"&6"-240 All grade levels except 5 & 6 utilize fields of the size now provided at Lexington Diffley. • A strong potential exists that actual numbers will exceed EAA projections of 1860 youth soccer players this fall. • Youth soccer frequently produces 3 cars per child. One parent comes with the child, the second parent arrives later and grandma and grandpa come separately. • The proposed parking lot will accommodate 126 vehicles. 321 spaces are now available at Lexington Diffley. Summer access to soccer fields at school sites is limited to one small space at Thomas Lake Elementary and one regulation sized field at Eagan High School. • The most efficient use of maintenance is to cluster small fields together rather than spread out all over the City creating drive and trailer on and off loading time for the field marking equipment. • The informal softball field was originally intended to be used for challenge games/picnics for which there is no current dedicated available site. Dozens of these games are processed each summer. • The potential exists to utilize the beams from the Fire Administration Building for a picnic shelter near the informal ball field. • The needs of programs in place indicate that this development proposal merits action prior to completion of the CIP. • Final design and bid documents could lead to fall construction and use of the parking lot and field in 1998. 3 i Page three Costs: The proposed development would be funded by the Park Site Fund. Estimated costs: Parking lot/roadway $125,000 Ball field 5,000 Summation The continual use of Lexington Diffley by youth soccer is likely to continue for an indefinite period of time, as will the parking problem. Staff recommends that the Commission approve the acceleration of development of the parking lot, roadway and informal ball field at Lexington Diffley Athletic Fields to meet this problem. Attachment: Site Plan Cs13/LA=-difi9oc6=Lon ofd"opman.dp 1 1 1 1 FM / . H I m - X Z'I' co C3) a. Z a � 1 0 :.-y. • .- - - - 1 It } x,111,. 1 `b f ' L, � 111`j1 1111,I,j i• ® 1 Fill r I 3na3�1AV �0+ N�l�JN1X a� .I `b .Y Agenda Information Memo July 15, 1997 Eagan City Council Meeting P. RECOMMENDATION, AIRPORT RELATIONS COMMISSION SUPPORT FOR MAC UPGRADE OF AUTOMATED NOISE AND OPERATIONS MONITORING SYSTEM (AINOMS) ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: To approve a recommendation by the Airport Relations Commission urging the MAC to expedite its upgrade of the Automated Noise and Operations Monitoring System (ANOMS) to be compatible with newer FAA technology and permit continued reports on airport operations to the communities. FACTS: • At its meeting of July 8, the Airport Relations Commission discussed the effects of a recent upgrade of FAA radar equipment that makes it no longer compatible with the MAC's current ANOMS system. The ANOMS system provides monthly reports of airport activity, flight operations and noise measurements. • Because the FAA implemented a visual reader technology for their radar information storage earlier than had been anticipated by the MAC, the noise abatement office was not in a position to purchase similar hardware for ANOMS use. • Because the ANOMS reports and information provide the best source of data for airport operations and noise monitoring information, the prompt upgrade of MAC's ANOMS system to provide such information will be essential. • To the extent that Eagan and other communities indicate the importance of this information for monitoring and planning purposes, it may encourage the MAC to upgrade its equipment more quickly. ATTACHMENTS: • Resolution on page!' qZ 4o CITY OF EAGAN RESOLUTION SUPPORTING THE METROPOLITAN AIRPORTS COMMISSION'S PROMPT IMPLEMENTATION OF UPGRADES FOR ITS AUTOMATED NOISE AND OPERATIONS MONITORING SYSTEM (ANOMS) WHEREAS, the Metropolitan Airports Commission has invested in an Automated Noise and Operations Monitoring System (ANOMS) that is reliant upon radar tracking information provided by the Federal Aviation Administration Minneapolis Air Traffic Control Office, and WHEREAS, the FAA has recently upgraded its radar tracking information storage system hardware in a manner which requires similar upgrades in ANOMS for the system to function effectively, and WHEREAS, the City of Eagan and other communities have come to rely on ANOMS information for operations and aircraft noise monitoring information, and WHEREAS, such information is essential for purposes of planning and responding to constituent questions regarding the operation of the airport, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Eagan encourages the Metropolitan Airports Commission to move promptly to acquire the equipment and implement the changes necessary for the upgrade and reactivation of ANOMS at its full capacity for noise and operations monitoring purposes. CITY OF EAGAN CITY COUNCIL By: Its Mayor Attest: Its Clerk Motion made by: Seconded by: Those in favor: Those against: CERTIFICATION I, E.J. VanOverbeke, Clerk of the City of Eagan, Dakota County, Minnesota do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the City Council of the City of Eagan, Dakota County, Minnesota in a regular meeting thereof assembled this day of , 1997. E.J. VanOverbeke, City Clerk 4 a Agenda Information Memo July 15,1997, Eagan City Council Q. FINAL SUBDIVISION (GALAXIE CLIFF PLAZA THIRD ADDITION) - HERBERT WENSMANN AND LOUIS OLSON ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: A. To approve or deny a Final Subdivision, Galaxie Cliff Plaza Third Addition, to create three lots on property currently platted as Lot 1, Block 1 and Outlot A, Galaxie Cliff Plaza Second Addition. FACTS: > The Advisory Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on the Preliminary Subdivision (Galaxie Cliff Plaza. Third Addition) in conjunction with a Final Planned Development for the proposed Lot 2 at its regular meeting on April 22, 1997. > The Development Contract is expected to be signed and in order for execution at the regular City Council meeting on July 15, 1997. ATTACHMENTS: Final Plat (Galaxie Cliff Plaza Third Addition), pageq � -4 3 z 0 0 Q N L6 L6 :i w u •ass w ,. d /// J / v Barry 4. y: tit,; /, ^ �' •� � � f� �.pY r 1 e Y?, % r :*,• ao r( to `i Q o a r 9 00 • j� � r F Z 2 r at �' � Z rr nZ r � O • 1 IL < e Y 7 f� P O r� Q; r• i� 1 ''A �< E e J •ass ,. /// J / / A. f v 1 4. y: tit,; /, ^ �' •� � � f� �.pY r 1 Y?, % r :*,• ao r( to `i Q 1 sem•, \ \;• v S• :. I r� Agenda Information Memo July 15,1997 PUBLIC HEARING ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: To close the public hearing and approve the vacation of the common lot line drainage and utility easement as described for Lots 4 & 5, Block 3, Eagandale Corporate Center and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute all related documents. FACTS: • On June 17, the City Council received a petition from the developer requesting the vacation of a common lot line drainage and utility easement as described and scheduled a public hearing to be held on July 15. • All notices were published in the legal newspaper and sent to all potentially interested parties informing them of this request and scheduled public hearing. As of this date, staff has not received any objections and, subsequently, favorable Council action would be in order. ATTACHMENTS: • Staff report, location map and easement description/graphic, pages through, ENGINEERING REPORT CITY OF EAGAN REPORT DATE: JULY 2,1997 REQUEST: EASEMENT VACATION LOCATION: LOTS 4& 5, BLOCK 3, EAGANDALE CORPORATE CENTER PETITIONED BY: MAPLEWOOD ACRES, INC. REPORT BY: CRAIG E. KNUDSEN, ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN SUMMERY OF REQUEST John G. Hoeschler, representing Maplewood Acres, Inc. has submitted a petition to vacate all drainage and utility easements within Lots 4 & 5, Block 3, Eagandale Corporate Center. This vacation is due to the proposed plat of Eagandale Corporate Center No. 3 that is within the parent parcel and therefore contains the existing easements dedicated at the time of the original plat. In an effort to eliminate the underlying easements, the property owner is requesting the vacation. Sinse the proposed Eagandale Corporate Center No. 3 is a new plat, it is has gone through the review process. All necessary easements required to replace those currently being vacated will be dedicated with the final plat. NOTIFICATIONS AND RESPONSE Public Notice for the vacation of this easement was published in the City's legal newspaper. Additional notices were provided to other parties who may have an interest in the vacation of this easement. No objections or concerns were raised in response to this notice. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City vacate all drainage and utility easements within Lots 4 & 5, Block 3, Eagandale Corporate Center, as proposed with the concurrent recording of Eagandale Corporate Center No. 3. Q O ' W Z CO.RD. 26 J LONE OAK ROAD \ CLUEMEW ' ( r J DR.1APOLLO :YN DR > ( �� Q 01 W--4 --LL4---'— PROPOSED VAC, ALDRIN DR. U W :. r _ _-- - YANKEE DOODLE ROAD • S�orr so. � W 01� z 0 x URSE 0!d } :2! C c .c ]DR. pp(.F p WESCOTT END >—j R0. uj TRAIL r-1 r --� f m O,p city of eagan C PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SECTION 11 LOCATION MAP X11 O P OA z ' �Vi1J I ^r1r7Arr r r 1u.�.st 1♦.Ir \13 r Ai1r\ •1'1VrlArV�1V"1 I I vl aJ.LI vJ..r a 3.r LS L.ON a$ l O U � o c1. / 1 \ ♦ 'OOSC►t •tNi �0 �•d t�I+••p3 / i� // / 1 W a.. �"O U o= U a OW eC W .J z 0 Q W LO P OA ' �Vi1J I ^r1r7Arr r r 1u.�.st 1♦.Ir \13 r Ai1r\ •1'1VrlArV�1V"1 I I vl aJ.LI vJ..r a 3.r LS L.ON a$ l O -- C C C / 1 \ ♦ 'OOSC►t •tNi �0 �•d t�I+••p3 / i� // / 1 • 1 \ \ �"O • OW PW •6pun14 irl i j n o• g M S0.£ZLN � -$ • • •�_� p I 59 C. 3y, — r tc•6as — : a Ee`P W e 1 g A a g`r pR Q -W F > 7 >' _L _j 't �1=N 5 ca. • -.2 c J ep �,= � II to o I U-1qr a 5-: i I e 1``C= •� W � Q • W • VIP eLLO N at -41 = • �� O• is ^r•. • I I 0I 1 INV 1 N I m ACH LQ/ . i M.: 11 1 I / 1 .e�� Pw . All «.� •PLN 7i at o w l CO � � c • — o� 1 --- 1 t 3.*s.slmN m I� I LO r Zvi r Al : C ' �Vi1J I ^r1r7Arr r r 1u.�.st 1♦.Ir \13 r Ai1r\ •1'1VrlArV�1V"1 I I vl aJ.LI vJ..r J 3.r LS L.ON a$ l -- - / 1 \ ♦ 'OOSC►t •tNi �0 �•d t�I+••p3 / i� // / 1 1 \ \ —1 P- a -MPOOI •PIM •ii at --l OW PW •6pun14 irl i j n o• g M S0.£ZLN � 1 1 o`dc°I _ -ZL'Ot1�- l cc — r tc•6as — / �y^gib —ted II to o I U-1qr (moo \ CR N I i I H p� I O i l N 1 I I¢z I p p e W I Jo 1 Wall I I 0I 1 INV 1 N I m I" s LQ/ . i M.: 11 1 I / 1 .e�� Pw . All «.� •PLN 7i at o w l CO — — — o� 1 --- 1 3.*s.slmN m I� I Of el ZI a 0 � 1 l --- \) 1� 1 3.f t.S t ON KC LO Agenda Information Memo July 15, 1997 Eagan City Council Meeting B. DAKOTA COUNTY HRA — HOSING REVENUE BONDS (LAGAN SENIOR HOUSING PROJECT) ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: To approve or deny the resolution approving the issuance by the Dakota County Housing and Redevelopment Authority of its Governmental Housing Development bonds (City of Eagan, Minnesota, General Obligation) Series 1997 in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $2,500,000 and pledging the full faith and credit of the City of Eagan thereto. FACTS: • At the June 3, 1997 City Council meeting, a public hearing was set for July 15, 1997 to consider this financing. • Financing alternatives have been considered at special meetings on December 16, 1996, February 17, 1997 and May 19, 1997. • The cooperative agreement with the Dakota County HRA for the Eagan Senior Housing project is being considered as part of the Consent Agenda. ATTACHMENTS: Letter from Mark Ulfers summarizing financing package and public hearing requirements on page 5 O Proposed approving resolution on pageg!S L and S.L Hou:im, & Redevelopment Authnrit\ July 8, 1997 Thomas L. Hedges City Administrator/Manager City of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, MN 55122 Dear Tom: As you are aware, the Dakota County HRA has been working in collaboration with the City on the financing of a second HRA -owned independent living senior housing facility in Eagan. This 65 unit facility will be located near Town Centre Mall, south of Town Centre Drive and have 43 one -bedroom units and 22 two-bedroom units, with rents averaging $425 and $525 respectively. The financing package of this facility includes the issuance of approximately $2.5 million of housing development bonds. It is proposed that these bonds have the additional security of having the pledge of the City of Eagan's general obligation. It is anticipated that the principal and interest of the bonds would be paid from the pooled gross rents and other operating revenues of the Common Bond Fund. Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.034, Subd. 2(b), a public hearing must be held on the issuance by the HRA and the City. The HRA will hold a public hearing on August 12, 1997. It is proposed that the City approve the principal amount of the issue and pledge its general obligation as additional security for the bonds. Respectfully yours, M&kkau Mark S. Ulfers Executive Director cc: Eugene VanOverbeke .AN EQUAL OUORTL_\S, LOVER CITY OF EAGAN, MINNESOTA Resolution No. Approving the issuance by The Dakota County Housing And Redevelopment Authority of its Governmental Housing Development Bonds (City of Eagan, Minnesota, General Obligation) Series 1997 in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $2,500,000 and pledging the full faith and credit of the City of Eagan thereto. WHEREAS, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.017, the Dakota County Housing and Redevelopment Authority (the "Authority") is authorized to undertake housing development projects and to acquire and construct multifamily rental housing for the purposes of providing housing for low and moderate income persons and families; and WHEREAS, the Authority proposes to develop a 65 unit multifamily rental housing development project to be located in the City of Eagan and to be occupied by low and moderate income seniors; and WHEREAS, to finance the Project the Authority proposes to issue its housing revenue bonds; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.034, Subd. 2, the Authority is authorized to issue bonds backed by full faith and credit of the City to finance a housing development project following (a) a determination by the Authority that pledged revenues will equal or exceed 110% of the principal and interest due on such bonds for each year, and (b) approval by the City of the principal amount of the Bonds following a public hearing; and WHEREAS, the Authority has determined that it is in the best interest of the public health, safety and welfare that it issue its Governmental Housing Development Bonds (City of Eagan, Minnesota, General Obligation), Series 1997 (the "Bonds") in an aggregate principal amount not exceeding $2,500,000 to finance the acquisition and construction of the Project; and WHEREAS, the Project constitutes a "qualified housing development project", which is defined under Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.034, Subd. 2, as a housing development project providing housing either for the elderly or for individuals and families with incomes not greater than 80% of the median income for the standard metropolitan statistical area in which the project is located, with certain limited exceptions defined in Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.034, subd. 2(e); and WHEREAS, on the date hereof, the City has conducted a public hearing following publication of notice pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.034, subd. 2, 1554783 5 I NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Eagan, Minnesota, as follows: 1. That the City hereby approves the issuance by the Authority of up to $2,500,000 aggregate principal amount of the Bonds, to which the full faith and credit of the City will be pledged. 2. That such approval is subject to final determination by the Authority to be made in the Authority's resolution approving the sale of the Bonds that the projected revenues pledged to the payment of the Bonds will equal or exceed 110% of the principal and interest due on the Bonds for each year of their term. 3. That the City hereby approves the uses of the proceeds of the Bonds to acquire and construct the Project. Passed and adopted on this th day of July, 1997. ATTEST: C LE M, 1554783 rn*yoR Agenda Information Memo July 15, 1997 Eagan City Council Meeting QLD BUSINESS A. APPOINTMENT TO THE EAGAN AIRPORT RELATIONS COMMISSON ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: To appoint an individual to fill the remaining term of the Airport Relations Commission alternate. FACTS: • Upon the resignation of Joe Harrison from the Airport Relations Commission, the Commission alternate, Mike Steenberg was appointed by the Council to fill the remainder of Mr. Harrison's term, thereby, creating a vacancy in the alternate position. • The alternate term will expire in January, 1998. • Staff has contacted individuals who have previously expressed an interest in serving on City commissions and has received responses from Jason Fabio and Ronald Hanson. ATTACHMENTS: • Applicant background information forms on pages S-4through 53 CITY OF EAGAN BACKGROUND INFORMATION FORM *Please type or print clearly in ink ?AS ON FAaIo EILI/97 Name Date In order that the Mayor and Councilmembers have a better understanding of your background and interests, please provide the following information: (Attach extra sheets if necessary). Home Address 7 y 3 10 Ye M OP, E OR, Phone (H) 6 1 L- 6 PL Y Y 33" F.Akha. Mh% S.St23 How long have you lived in Eagan? 3 years Employer tI E SA R R 41kt I ti,FS Occupation A I A L I ME AIL b T Phone(W) Please indicate which Committees/Commissions you are applying for. List only those you would be seriously interested in serving on. 1st Choice 1 A Ar RELA776IU5 2nd Choice 3rd Choice 4th Choice Prior experience on City Commissions, City Boards, etc. C ygg 611rl-'I S 09M N Z2LE A4Kd7-11- Cdyw 222 Pd AfM VW) ry Cy� � c�.r✓s .44 tJ/-r01 y 44 . ryrf WAr 49V A W d /N 7L" &V i/oar' � �' a�u�-r�f1'�' ��✓",t�4 IO�T.�./ftp Q�`i.�6 L��#- . Sq Provide a short paragraph summarizing why you are seeking an appointment to a Commission in the City of Eagan. 2 *q PI AM A C Tt _ u 1 � A/ 1.41 rj9F t0A-4tfj ry Uf ALL L ! v rn IAt, rRPf LZ ELATtn6/- CdN)rh101 of.J h'201-Ac.6 'd E: 4-Al021Cit" tn% W C C O V L rv1 C 0 M hI Briefly describe your background, experience and any other information not previously given which you believe should be considered regarding the appointment you are seeking. HA V MPL / qr- r!✓' 6 VI 64 v w 1 d � 6 A a R � T AlZf �r 14AVF- U� Oh V -r- D M 0C L A14L•r+y -' IV 4 Pl La T L NA va M4 T 6 t Tf " Ft q l iylc D r- M #4 L S /A/ 77"fM%AA e -G 141 t4047 T1 -'E or-Ah4c Tl VC S 19MQ /<*.* *61' 14CIOL E - Return to: City Administrator City of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan MN 55122 Telephone: (612) 6814600 Date Received (For Office Use Only) CITY OF EAGAN BACKGROUND INFORMATION FORM *Please type or print clearly in ink d �i Dt NS - -c� -� - q-7 _ Name Date In order that the Mayor and Councilmembers have a better understanding of your background and interests, please provide the following information: (Attach extra sheets if necessary). Home Address L14 7q 13,. ; t ya ( !31,, d Phone (H) _ 072 7 How long have you lived in Eagan? — Z n� years Employer r`' Occupation Wgc Phone(W) 'ZA C y Please indicate which Committees/Commissions you are applying for. List only those you would be seriously interested in serving on. 1st Choice .-A,"-0srf 'Fe U n„ it 0.3mm 1 2nd Choice 3rd Choice 4th Choice Prior experience on City Commissions, City Boards, etc. SG Provide a short paragraph summarizing why you are seeking an appointment to a Commission in the City of Eagan. Briefly describe your background, experience and any other information not previously given which you believe should be considered regarding the appointment you are seeking. r /kk e N r Return to: City Administrator City of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan MN 55122 Telephone: (612) 6814600 Date Received (For Office Use Only) S '7 Agenda Information Item July 15,1997 Eagan City Council Meeting A. PRELIMINARY SUBDIVISION - FOREST VIEW - TRI -LAND CO. ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: To approve or deny a Preliminary Subdivision for Forest View Addition of 5 lots on 2.65 acres located south of the intersection of Blackhawk and Blue Cross Road and north of Red Fox Road in the NE 1/4 of Section 17 subject to the conditions listed in the staff report. FACTS: At its regular meeting on June 24, 1997 the APC recommended approval of the Preliminary Subdivision for Forest View subject to the conditions listed in the staff report. ISSUES: A neighboring property owner raised a concern regarding the accuracy of property lines at the public hearing. ATTACHMENTS: (2) June 24, 1997 APC Minutes pages --!0---6D Staff Report pages-throug Page 7 June 24, 1997 ADVISORY PLANNING CONMSSION ` 1� PRELIMINARY SUBDIVISION: TRI -LAND Commission Chair Heyl opened the next public hearing of the evening regarding a Preliminary Subdivision (Forest View) consisting of five single family lots on 2.65 acres located 3595 Blackhawk Road, north of Red Fox in the NWV4 of Section 17. Planner Tyree introduced this item. Ms. Tyree highlighted the information presented in City staffs planning report dated June 13, 1997. Ms. Tyree noted the background and history, the surrounding uses and the existing conditions of the subject property. The applicant was available for questions. Robert Brown, a resident at 3595 Blackhawk Road noted that he had a concern with the number of problems they were having in dealing with lot lines and also that a number of surveyors and each had plotted the land differently and was worried about property lines. He also stated that he was concerned about the area beneath the new development as there is no way to get to the park other than the long way around on Fox Road. Bill Cardinell, a resident a 3635 Blackhawk Road stated that he also had concerns over the problems they had had with surveyors marking lot lines and just wanted to express that concern to the APC. Brad Swenson, the applicant, noted that the problems with the lot lines due to a history of specific reasons to which he explained the reasons for the discrepancy. Member Miller noted that the lot lines may shift but the owner's land mass will stay the same. Member Bakken stated that given the current stage of development, he would like to know if there is anyway to make a motion to insure that the middle property owner would not be encroached on. Mr. Swenson noted that the development to the west was already going up and that his lot had all been monumentated and the County had already checked it. Member Burdorf moved, Member Bakken seconded, a motion to recommend approval of a Preliminary Subdivision (Forest View) consisting of five single family lots on 2.65 acres located 3595 Blackhawk Road, north of Red Fox in the NW'/4 of Section 17, subject to the following conditions: S� Page S June 24, 1997 ADVISORY PLANNING CONMSSION .f Standard Conditions 1. The developer shall comply with these standard conditions of plat approval as adopted by Council on February 3, 1993: Al, B1, Cl, C2, C3, D1, El, Fl, G1, and H1 Tree Preservation 2. To require that Tree Protective measures (i.e. 4 foot polyethylene laminate safety netting) be installed at the Drip Line or at the perimeter of the Critical Root Zone, whichever is greater, of significant trees/woodlands to be preserved. 3. To require that the applicant contact the City Forestry Division at least five days prior to the issuance of the grading permit to ensure compliance with the approved Tree Preservation Plan. 4. To acknowledge that Individual Lot Tree Preservation Plans will be required for Lots 2, 3, and 4 at the time of building permit application Street/Access .5. Revisions to the existing roadway striping on Blackhawk Road will be necessary to accommodate the Silver Fox intersection and shall be the responsibility of the developer. Easements 6. The developer should dedicate sufficient drainage and utility easement over the proposed sanitary and storm sewer lines between Lot 3 & 4, Block 1. Park Dedication 7. This developer shall be subject to a cash park and a cash trail dedication. 8. The property shall be platted prior to development. All voted in favor. PLANNING REPORT CITY OF EAGAN REPORT DATE: June 13, 1997 CASE: 17 -PP -145-97 APPLICANT: Brad Swenson, Tri -Land Co. HEARING DATE: June 24,1997 PROPERTY OWNER: Brad Swenson PREPARED BY: Shannon Tyree REQUEST: Preliminary Subdivision - Forest View Addition LOCATION: 3595 Blackhawk Road (Parcel No. 10-01700-011-02) COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: D-1, Single Family Residential ZONING: R-1, Single Family SUMMARY OF REQUEST Tri Land Co. is requesting a Preliminary Subdivision (Forest View) consisting of five single family lots on 2.65 acres located at 3595 Blackhawk Road, north of Red Fox Road in the NW 1/4 of Section 17. AUTHORITY FOR REVIEW City Code Section 13.20 Subd. 6 states that "In the case of platting, the Planning Commission and the Council shall be guided by criteria, including the following, in approving, denying or establishing conditions related thereto:" A. That the proposed subdivision does comply with applicable City Code provisions and the Comprehensive Guide Plan. B. That the design or improvement of the proposed subdivision complies with applicable plans of Dakota County, State of Minnesota, or the Metropolitan Council. C. That the physical characteristics of the site including but not limited to, topography, vegetation, susceptibility to erosion and siltation, susceptibility to flooding, water storage, and retention are such that the site is suitable for the type of development or use contemplated. D. That the site physically is suitable for the proposed density of the development. E. That the design of the subdivision or the proposed improvements is not likely to cause environmental damage. Planning Report - Forest View June 24, 1997 Page 2 F. That the design of the subdivision or the type of improvements is not likely to cause health problems. G. That the design of the subdivision or the improvements will not conflict with easements of record or with easements established by judgment of court. H. That completion of the proposed development of the subdivision can be completed in a timely manner so as not to cause an economic burden upon the City for maintenance, repayment of bonds or similar burden. I. That the subdivision has been properly planned for possible solar energy system use within the subdivision or as it relates to adjacent property. (Refer to City Handbook on Solar Access). J. That the design of public improvements for the subdivision is compatible and consistent with the platting or approved preliminary plat on adjacent lands. K. That the subdivision is in compliance with those standards set forth in that certain document entitled "City of Eagan Water Quality Management Plan for the Gun Club Lake Watershed Management Organization" which document is properly approved and filed with the office of the City Clerk hereinafter referred to as the "Water Quality Management Plan". Said document and all of the notations, references and other information contained therein shall have the same force and effect as if fully set down herein and is hereby made a part of this Chapter by reference and incorporated herein as fully as if set forth herein at length. It shall be the responsibility of the City Clerk to maintain the Water Quality Management Plan and make the same available to the public. BACKGROUNDMISTORY On November 6, 1985, the City Council approved a Waver of Plat, which split this 2.65 acres from the 2 acres abutting this site to the west. A condition of that Waiver stated that the property must be platted and in 1992, an application to subdivide the property was approved for Wilson Addition. An extension was granted in 1993, but the Preliminary Subdivision expired in 1994. Wilson Addition included four lots all with direct access to Blackhawk Road. A neighborhood meeting was held Monday, June 9, 1997 to discuss the proposed Forest View Addition; six neighboring property owners attended the meeting. EXISTING CONDITIONS The property is located south of Blackhawk Road and is characterized by a steady moderate to steep slope from North to South. The southern area of the site is wooded with significant size trees. Planning Report - Forest View June 24, 1997 Page 3 SURROUNDING USES The following existing uses, zoning, and comprehensive guide plan designations surround the subject property: North - Blue Cross/ Blue Shield; zoned PD; guided LB. South- Blackhawk Forest; zoned R-1; guided D-1. East - Single Family residential & Sky Hill Park; zoned R-1 & Parks; guided D -III & P. West - Single Family residential; zoned R-1; guided D -I. EVALUATION OF REQUEST Preliminary Subdivision Compatibility with Surrounding Area - The proposed development is similar in density to surrounding development and should be compatible with the existing residential development in the surrounding area. Lots - The proposed subdivision consists of five lots for single family development. All lots meet R-1 code requirements for new proposed single family development. The sizes of the lots range in size from 12,194 s.f. to 24,585 s.f. with an average lot size of 17,176 s.f. Density - The five lots on 2.65 acres represent a gross density of 2.35 units per acres. Setbacks - All of the proposed lots are of sufficient size and shape to be developed without setback variances. _Grading/ Wetlands - The preliminary grading plan is acceptable. The site generally wooded and slopes toward the south away from Blackhawk Road with very steep slopes along the south edge of the site. The site is approximately 25 to 30 feet above Red Fox Road within the Blackhawk Forest subdivision to the south. The developer is proposing to grade the cul-de-sac street right-of-way only with builders/ homebuyers custom -grading the individual lots at time of their respective building permits. The developer should be responsible for installing and maintaining erosion control measures in accordance with the City's Erosion/Sediment Control standards. There are no jurisdictional wetlands located on site. Storm Sewer/Water Quality: The preliminary storm drainage plan is acceptable. Storm was stubbed to the south edge of the site with the Blackhawk Forest Addition and is available for connection.. This existing storm sewer drains to an existing storm water basin within Blackhawk Forest adjacent to Robin Lane. (-03 Planning Report - Forest View June 24, 1997 Page 4 Utilities: The preliminary utility plan is acceptable. A sanitary sewer stub was provided with the Blackhawk Forest Addition and is available for connection along the south edge of the site. Water main was stubbed to the north property line from Blackhawk Road with its reconstruction in 1994 and is readily available for connection by the development. Streets/Access/Circulation: Public street access is proposed for all five lots from a 180 -foot long cul-de-sac, Silver Fox Circle, extended south from Blackhawk Road. Blackhawk Road in this area is a 36 -foot wide community collector roadway. Revisions to the existing roadway striping on Blackhawk Road will be necessary to accommodate the Silver Fox intersection and should be the responsibility of the developer. Easements/Permits/Right-of-Way: The developer should dedicate sufficient drainage and utility easement over the proposed sanitary and storm sewer lines between Lots 3 and 4, Block 1. Storm Drainage/Water Quali- This development is located north of the Blackhawk Forest subdivision and drainage basin A. Forest View will generate runoff that will be discharged to an existing storm sewer south of the site. Because of the small size, steep topography, and heavily wooded nature of the site, a cash dedication in lieu of on-site ponding was recommended by the Parks, Recreation, and Natural Resources Commission at its regular meeting on June 16, 1997. Tree Preservation - The tree preservation inventory indicates that current significant vegetation consists of 43 significant trees (oak, elm, ash, maple, and an apple tree). These trees range in diameter from 6" to 22". One 16" spruce tree is also included in the inventory. Initial development of this project as proposed will result in the removal of one tree (2.3% of the total). This is a ten -inch oak tree, which will be removed through construction of the proposed cul de sac. Allowable removal for the initial stage of this type of development (residential, single lot) is set at 25%. With a significant tree removal less than allowable limits there is no tree preservation mitigation for this development. Parks and Recreation - This item was heard at the June 16, 1997 Advisory Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Commission where it recommended a cash park and cash trail dedication. SUMMARY/CONCLUSION The subdivision meets the findings required by ordinance and is generally consistent and compatible with the surrounding area's development. (Oq Planning Report - Forest View June 24, 1997 Page 5 ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED To recommend approval or denial of a Preliminary Subdivision consisting of five lots on 2.65 acres located at 3595 Blackhawk Road, north of Red Fox Road in the NEIA of Section 17 subject to the following conditions. Standard Conditions 1. The developer shall comply with these standard conditions of plat approval as adopted by Council on February 3,1993: Al, Bl, C1, C2, C3, D1, El, F1, G1, and H1 Tree Preservation 2. To require that Tree Protective measures (i.e. 4 foot polyethylene laminate safety netting) be installed at the Drip Line or at the perimeter of the Critical Root Zone, whichever is greater, of significant trees/woodlands to be preserved. 3. To require that the applicant contact the City Forestry Division at least five days prior to the issuance of the grading permit to ensure compliance with the approved Tree Preservation Plan. 4. To acknowledge that Individual Lot Tree Preservation Plans will be required for Lots 2, 3, and 4 at the time of building permit application Street/Access 5. Revisions to the existing roadway striping on Blackhawk Road will be necessary to accommodate the Silver Fox intersection and shall be the responsibility of the developer. Easements 6. The developer should dedicate sufficient drainage and utility easement over the proposed sanitary and storm sewer lines between Lot 3 & 4, Block 1. Park Dedication 7. This developer shall be subject to a cash park and a cash trail dedication. STANDARD CONDITIONS OF PLAT APPROVAL A. FinancialObliyations 1. This development shall accept its additional financial obligations as defined in the staffs report in accordance with the final plat dimensions and the rates in effect at the time of final plat approval. B. Easements and Rights -of -Way 1. This development shall dedicate 10 -foot drainage and utility easements centered over all lot lines and, in addition, where necessary to accommodate existing or proposed utilities for drainage ways within the plat. The development shall dedicate easements of sufficient width and location as determined necessary by engineering standards. 2. This development shall dedicate, provide, or financially guarantee the acquisition costs of drainage, ponding, and utility easements in addition to public street rights-of-way as required by the alignment, depth, and storage capacity of all required public utilities and streets located beyond the boundaries of this plat as necessary to service or accommodate this development. 3. This development shall dedicate all public right-of-way and temporary slope easements for ultimate development of adjacent roadways as required by the appropriate jurisdictional agency. 4. This development shall dedicate adequate drainage and ponding easements to incorporate the required high water elevation plus three (3) feet as necessitated by storm water storage volume requirements. C. Mans and Specifications All public and private streets, drainage systems and utilities necessary to provide service to this development shall be designed and certified by a registered professional engineer in accordance with City adopted codes, engineering standards, guidelines and policies prior to application for final plat approval. 2. A detailed grading, drainage, erosion, and sediment control plan must be prepared in accordance with current City standards prior to final plat approval. 3. This development shall ensure that all dead-end public streets shall have a cul-de-sac constructed in accordance with City engineering standards. 4. A separate detailed landscape plan shall be submitted overlaid on the proposed grading and utility plan. The financial guarantee for such plan shall be included in the Development Contract and shall not be released until one year after the date of City certified compliance. D. Public Improvements I. If any improvements are to be installed under a City contract, the appropriate project must be approved by Council action prior to final plat approval. E. Permits 1. This development shall be responsible for the acquisition of all regulatory agency permits required by the affected agency prior to final plat approval. F. Parks and Trails Dedication 1. This development shall fulfill its park and trail dedication requirements as recommended by the Advisory Parks, Recreation and Natural Resource Commission and approved by Council action. G. Water Quality Dedication 1. This development shall be responsible for providing a cash dedication, ponding, or a combination thereof in accordance with the criteria identified in the City's Water Quality Management Plan, as recommended by the Advisory Parks, Recreation and Natural Resource Commission and approved by Council action. H. Other All subdivision, zoning and other ordinances affecting this development shall be adhered to, unless specifically granted a variance by Council action. Advisory Planning Commission Approved: August 25 1987 LTS#5 STANDARD.CON City Council September 15. 1987 Revised: July 101990 Revised: February 2, 1993 col 0 FINANCIAL OBLIGATION — Forest View There are pay-off balances of special assessments totaling $3,372 on the parcels proposed for platting. The pay-off balance will be allocated to the lots created by the plat. At this time, there are no pending assessments on the parcel proposed for platting. Thd estimated financial obligation presented is subject to change based upon areas, dimensions and land uses contained in the final plat. Based upon the study of the financial obligations collected in the past and the uses proposed for the property, the following charges are proposed. The charges are computed using the City's existing fee schedule and the connections proposed to be made to the City's utility system based on the submitted plans. Improvement Use Rate Storm Sewer Trunk S.F. .079Isq ft Total Quantity Amount 50,343 sq ft $3,977 K,977 SAY et: IIIola mill 0.:1s 01. looms � �I mum =0 .�MMOMM I NI M .,.. :461 G"AR*lI I I IIs wc-7 binuie Fe7117im Residanti2 Fliana-wrest view ase Nn_ 17.PP-IA.J-q-t] 11 �4�168 �L'a&f s 40 FD -11""" roiana-rvresz view ase Ne_ 17.PP.Id.S.A r7crF 'juke Tian vesignatic D -i Sinaie Fami1v Rasidanfial in.,- roiana-rvresz view ase Ne_ 17.PP.Id.S.A r7crF tM UMARY fALAT GF: FOREST VIEW LOT LOT 1 16.747 / a•� ` OJd saes � j .�~ EXCEPTION ` ` , Cj /LOT 5 ey� % LOT2 12.416 sq It. / \ \ / 079 saes A / LOT 2 /� -� LOT 5 16.603 sq if L--------�� /v 0.30 `o LOT 3- 19,60 sq.11. .w 045 stns z • 26.. LOT 3..- .. -r / f LOT 4 / 20!64 sq 11. / 0./7 rues LOT 4 559'• OMEg : FRIAO"05 CLff i1AEMEOR ` E / E E-EEO40" / "GAR, NL W92 .. .. ...... a. / AMMON :7t NAS CLFF ROAD 601lAN1' aheo^ ML SEW r! 0111"MM LOT SM LAMONT LOT AVERAGE tot -via A.TtE ss. PFRAMAART.LATCF: FOREST VIEW DIVISION I Is / t / GVMR : ORAD O1tlgON w I / TNI "" ROAD / OAOAM. am � ttII2 t / Oi1R11lTOR : M"w COW"" ra awl e& -n ORAD..�T t -a0 OACAaI w "m LOT tmMAOIST LOT �TI.HS 4F. MELMMRY RAT M FOREST VIEW RECEIVED JUN — 4 iaa? I fi r ANvdpo* OrcTpl t�ssyg yo ! roN ia*4SMM 1SMOd .ao trw fr+rwiu4 r�- E \ CD / n: CD N \ �l� `•jam.+ off• Q � �� r• i� � 1. ri t' .��ti Z � All.�` Toy � LU �• civ: •:L�.. : •;• W� :,';,,,gip ''•::•'• •'•''::'•::' / X �(.-•-�� •�6£ fes'` �1 1• . r • aim f' mail .s iq Is %; e: ISO j�63 Kh e�.s�; ass .04 . 4044i N 1....,----r.r_n.r... Agenda Information Memo July 15, 1997, Eagan City Council B. COMPREHENSIVE GUIDE PLAN AMENDMENT PLANNED DEVELOPMENT AMENDMENT AND PRELIMINARY SUBDIVISION — RAHN RIDGE THIRD ADDITION ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: A. To approve or deny a Comprehensive Guide Plan Amendment changing the land use designation from LB (Limited Business) to CPD (Commercial Planned Development) for Lot 2, Block 1, Rahn Ridge Second Addition. B. To approve or deny a Preliminary Subdivision (Rahn Ridge Third Addition) consisting of two lots on 2.42 acres currently platted as Lot 2, Block 1, Rahn Ridge Second Addition. C. To approve or deny a Planned Development Amendment to allow construction of a two- story, 38 -unit motel on proposed Lot 2, Block 1, Rahn Ridge Third Addition. Approval of the Preliminary Planned Development Amendment will create a new Preliminary Planned Development for both Lots 1 and 2 and grant Final Planned Development approval for a motel on Lot 2 of the proposed Rahn Ridge Third Addition. FACTS: > The proposed CPD land use designation allows for a greater diversity of commercial uses and intensities than the LB designation, with the specific use for each property determined by the planned development agreement. > The proposed subdivision would create two lots of 1.48 acres (Lot 1) and .94 acres (Lot 2). A 38 -unit motel is proposed for construction on Lot 2, the northerly lot of the subdivision, and a future office building of 12,250 square feet is proposed for Lot 1. > The motel proposed for Lot 2 is quasi -residential in architecture with a gabled roof, steel siding, and asphalt shingles. The office building proposed for Lot 1 will be of the same architectural style and exterior materials as the existing office building to the south of this site. Both buildings meet typical setback and other standards which would be applied to these uses in other zoning districts. > The Advisory Planning Commission held a public hearing on April 23, 1997. The APC recommended approval of the Comprehensive Guide Plan Amendment, the Preliminary Subdivision and the Planned Development Amendment to allow a two-story motel, subject to the conditions outlined in the APC minutes. ISSUES: > Residents in the area submitted a petition opposing the Guide Plan Amendment and the Planned Development Amendment which would allow the motel. The petition contains 12 names representing 10 addresses. > Outstanding items include execution of a cross easement for joint access between the proposed Lots 1 and 2, revisions to the landscape plan in particular to provide additional screening between the motel and the residences to the southwest, and submission of detailed site lighting plans for the motel. ATTACE31ENTS: June 24, 1997 APC ' tes, pages through Q� Staff Report, pages,through Petition, page�''�Q-- Page 15 June 24, 1997 ADVISORY PLANNING CON%flSSION COMPREHENSIVE GUIDE PLAN AMENDMENT, PLANNED DEVELOPMENT AMENDMENT & PRELIMINARY SUBDIVISION - RAHN RIDGE THIRD ADDITION Commission Chair Heyl opened the next public hearing of the evening regarding a Comprehensive Guide Plan Amendment changing the land use from Limited Business to Commercial Planned Development, a Preliminary Subdivision (Rahn Ridge Third Addition) consisting of two lots on 2.42 acres and a Planned Development Amendment to allow a 38 -unit motel for property legally described as Lot 2, Block 1, Rahn Ridge 2nd Addition located at the southwest corner of Rahn Way and Rahn Cliff Road in the NEI/4 of Section 31. Associate Planner Dudziak introduced this item. Ms. Dudziak highlighted the information presented in City staffs planning report dated June 18, 1997. Ms. Dudziak noted the background and history, the surrounding uses and the existing conditions of the subject property. A representative of the applicant, Randy Hedlund, gave a background on this issue. David Hemminger with Wickland Building gave a short presentation and noted that they were looking at franchising this hotel and also stated that they wanted a residential feel for the motel. The owners, Mr. and Mrs. Bhakta, stated their interest in staying in Eagan and working with the City. Member Segal questioned whether there would need to be changes in the Planned Development if the other office building was to be built, to which Ms. Dudziak stated that there would not need to be any changes but rather just a Final Planned Development. Member Segal moved, Member Carlson seconded, a motion to recommend approval of a Comprehensive Guide Plan Amendment from LB to CPD for Lot 2, Block 1, Rahn Ridge 2nd Addition. All voted in favor. Member Segal moved, Member Carlson seconded, a motion to recommend approval of a Preliminary Subdivision (Rahn Ridge 3rd Addition) consisting of two lots on 2.42 acres currently platted as Lot 2, Block 1, Rahn Ridge 2nd Addition, subject to the following conditions: Page 16 r� June 24, 1997 ADVISORY PLANNING CONMSSION V Standard Conditions 1. The developer shall comply with these standards conditions of plat approval as adopted by Council on February 3, 1993: Al, Bl, Cl, C2, C4, D1, and El. 2. The property shall be platted. Access/Street Desire 3. A cross easement for joint access between Lots 1 and 2 shall be prepared and submitted to the city attorney for review and approval prior to final subdivision approval. The easement shall be recorded with the plat. Parks and Recreation 4. Water quality mitigation shall be met through a cash dedication in lieu of on-site ponding. 5. Parks and trails dedications shall be fulfilled through a cash dedication. All voted in favor. Member Segal moved, Member Carlson seconded, a motion to recommend approval of a Planned Development Amendment to allow a 38 -unit motel at the southwest corner of RahnCliff Road and Rahn Way. Approval of the Planned Development Amendment will create a new Preliminary Planned Development for both Lots 1 and 2, Rahn Ridge 3rd Addition, and grant Final Planned Development approval for a motel on Lot 2, Rahn Ridge 3rd Addition, subject to the following conditions: 1. A Preliminary Planned Development Agreement amending the existing Final Planned Development for this site, and a Final Planned Development Agreement for the proposed Lot 2, Block 1, Rahn Ridge 3rd Addition shall be executed prior to final subdivision approval. The Agreements shall be recorded at the County Recorder's office with the plat. 2. The term of the Preliminary Planned Development shall be five years. 3. The following exhibits are required for the Planned Development Agreements: Preliminary Planned Development: Final Planned Development: Site Plan Final Site Plan Grading Plan Final Grading Plan Page 17 June 24, 1997 ADVISORY PLANNING CONMGSSION Landscape Plan Building Elevations Signage Plan L4 Final Landscape Plan Final Building Elevations Final Signage Plan Final Site Lighting Plan 4. All building, parking/drive aisles, and landscaped areas shall be properly maintained. Trash Enclosure 5. The trash enclosure for the motel on Lot 2 shall have vinyl slats in a color to match the building in the chain link gate to provide screening, or the gate shall be of different materials which provide greater opacity. 6. All trash/recychng containers shall be stored within the office building on Lot 1, or shall be within an enclosure attached to the principal structure and made of materials to match the principal structure, with gates that screen the interior. Landscaping 7. Additional landscape screening shall be installed south and west of the motel to screen it from the residential neighborhood. 8. A landscape plan revised based on the comments in the staff report shall be submitted for staff review and approval prior to execution of the Final Planned Development Agreement. Architecture/Building Elevations 9. The motel on Lot 2, Block 1, Rahn Ridge 3rd Addition shall be constructed with exterior materials of brick, steel siding and asphalt shingles with a gabled roof as shown on the building elevation plans dated May 12, 1997. For consistency within the Planned Development, the brick shall match that of the office building on Lot 1, Block 1, Rahn Ridge 2nd Addition. 10. The proposed office building on Lot 1, Block 1, Rahn Ridge 3rd Addition shall be of similar architecture and utilize the same exterior materials as the existing office on adjacent Lot 1, Block 1, Rahn Ridge 2nd Addition. 11. Any rooftop mechanical equipment shall be screened from view from the public right of way and adjacent properties. Page 18 June 24, 1997 ADVISORY PLANNING COIvMSSION Signage 12. All signage shall comply with City Sign Code provisions for size, location and setbacks. Li tin 13. A photometric lighting plan shall be submitted prior to Final Planned Development approval. For security reasons, lighting shall not be less than one footcandle throughout the parking lot. Parking lot light fixtures shall be shielded and directed away from adjacent property. Access/Street Desis�n 14. A cross easement for joint access between Lots 1 and 2 shall be prepared and submitted for review and approval by the city attorney prior to final subdivision approval. The easement shall be recorded with the plat. All voted in favor. a! PLANNING REPORT CITY OF EAGAN REPORT DATE: June 18, 1997 APPLICANT: Rahn Ridge Associates PROPERTY OWNER: Rahn Ridge Associates CASE: 31 -CG -3-5-97 31 -PP -13-5-97 31-RZ-14-5-97 HEARING DATE: June 24, 1997 PREPARED BY: Pamela Dudziak REQUEST: Comprehensive Guide Plan Amendment from LB to CPD Preliminary Subdivision (Rahn Ridge and Addition) Planned Development Amendment LOCATION: Southwest Corner of Rahn Way and R.ahnCliff Road (NE'/. of Sec. 31) COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: LB - Limited Business ZONING: PD — Planned Development SUMMARY OF REQUEST The applicant is proposing a Comprehensive Guide Plan Amendment to change the land use designation from LB, Limited Business, to CPD, Commercial Planned Development. A Preliminary Subdivision of the 2.42 acre parcel into two lots and a Planned Development Amendment to allow construction of a 38 -unit motel are also proposed. AUTHORITY FOR REVIEW Comprehensive Guide Plan Amendment The city's Comprehensive Guide Plan was prepared pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 473.864. As defined by statute, the Land Use Plan is a guide and may be amended from time to time as conditions change. The city's Guide Plan is to be implemented by official controls such as zoning and other fiscal devices. The creation of land use districts and zoning is a formulation of public policy and a legislative act. As such, the classification of land uses must reasonably relate to promoting the public health, safety, morals and general welfare. When a change to a city's Comprehensive Guide Plan is requested, it is the city's responsibility to determine if the change is in the best long-range interests of the city. The standard of review of a city's action in approving or denying a Comprehensive Guide Plan amendment is whether there exists a rational Planning Report — Rahn Ridge 3" Addition June 24, 1997 Page 2 basis. A rational basis standard has been described to mean having legally sufficient reasons supportable by the facts which promote the general health, safety and welfare of the city. f reliminary Subdivision City Code Section 13.20 Subd. 6 states that "In the case of platting, the Planning Commission and the Council shall be guided by criteria, including the following, in approving, denying or establishing conditions related thereto: A. That the proposed subdivision does comply with applicable City Code provisions and the Comprehensive Guide Plan. B. That the design or improvement of the proposed subdivision complies with applicable plans of Dakota County, State of Minnesota, or the Metropolitan Council. C. That the physical characteristics of the site including, but not limited to, topography, vegetation, susceptibility to erosion and siltation, susceptibility to flooding, water storage and retention are such that the site is suitable for the type of development or use contemplated. D. That the site physically is suitable for the proposed density of development. E. That the design of the subdivision or the proposed improvement is not likely to cause environmental damage. F. That the design of the subdivision or the type of improvements is not likely to cause health problems. G. That the design of the subdivision or the improvements will not conflict with easements of record or with easements established by judgment of court. H. That completion of the proposed development of the subdivision can be completed in a timely manner so as not to cause an economic burden upon the City for maintenance, repayment of bonds, or similar burden. I. That the subdivision has been properly planned for possible solar energy system use within the subdivision or as it relates to adjacent property. (Refer to City Handbook on Solar Access). J. That the design of public improvements for the subdivision is compatible and consistent with the platting or approved preliminary plat on adjacent lands. Planning Report — Rahn Ridge 3" Addition June 24, 1997 Page 3 K. That the subdivision is in compliance with those standards set forth in that certain document entitled "City of Eagan Water Quality Management Plan for the Bun Club Lake Watershed Management Organization" which document is properly approved and filed with the office of the City Clerk hereinafter referred to as the "Water Quality Management Plan". Said document and all of the notations, references and other information contained therein shall have the same force and effect as if fully set down herein and is hereby made a part of this Chapter by reference and incorporated herein as fully as if set forth herein at length. It shall be the responsibility of the City Clerk to maintain the Water Quality Management Plan and make the same available to the public." Planned Development: Chapter 11.20, Subd. 8, B., Determination, states: "In considering any petition for such district, the Planning Commission and the Council in the interests of carrying out the intent and purpose of this Subdivision, shall determine whether or not such planned development will: (1) better adapt itself to its physical and aesthetic setting and that of surrounding lands than does development of the underlying zoning district; (2) be feasible for the owner and developer economically to complete according to proposed plans; (3) benefit the community at large to a greater degree than would development of the underlying zoning district." BACKGROUND/HISTORY The subject site was originally a part of the Mission Hills South Planned Development (approved June 1977 for a term of 15 years) that consisted of mixed residential and commercial land uses. Although the PD has expired, the city has not taken action to terminate the agreement. The southern portion of the PD consists of single family and duplex development. On September 3, 1985, the City Council approved the Rahn Ridge preliminary plat for the Cedar Ridge Church and 25 duplex lots within the PD. The only remaining undeveloped property within the PD (2.42 acre Lot 2, Block 1, Rahn Ridge 2nd Addition) was designated for Limited Business uses and this portion of the PD is currently guided Limited Business in the city's Comprehensive Guide Plan. In May of 1996, an amendment to the Mission Hills South PD was approved. The amendment called for two office buildings. As a result, a, 11,800 s.f. office building was constructed on Lot 1, Block 1, Rahn Ridge 2nd Addition, and a 20,250 st office building was approved for this site (Lot 2, Block 1, Rahn Ridge 2" Addition) but has not been constructed. Planning Report — Rahn Ridge 3rd Addition June 24, 1997 Page 4 EXISTING CONDITIONS The site is flat and the majority slopes gently to the south. The site was graded with previous development and is open with no significant vegetation. SURROUNDING USES The following existing uses, zoning, and comprehensive guide plan designations surround the subject property: North — Rahncliff Learning Center, pond, and Walgreens, zoned Planned Development (PD_ and guided Commercial Planned Development (CPD) South - Office building, zoned Planned Development (PD) and guided Limited Business (LB); Residential, zoned Planned Development (PD) and guided D -II Mixed Residential (0-6 units/acre); Kettle Park, zoned Public Facilities and guided Public. East - Commercial including Dairy Queen, Holiday Inn Express and Green Mill, zoned Planned Development (PD) and guided Commercial Planned Development (CPD). West - Cedar Ridge Church, zoned Planned Development (PD) and guided Public Facilities. EVALUATION OF REQUEST Description of Request The applicant is proposing a Comprehensive Guide Plan Amendment to change the land use designation from LB, Limited Business, to CPD, Commercial Planned Development. A Preliminary Subdivision of the 2.42 acre parcel into two lots and a Planned Development Amendment to allow construction of a 38 -unit motel are also proposed. The Planned Development Amendment amends the existing Final Planned Development on this site by creating a new Preliminary Planned Development for both proposed Lots 1 and 2 and a Final Planned Development for the motel on Lot 2. Comprehensive Guide Plan Amendment The evaluation of the proposed development in relation to environmental impacts and infrastructure are addressed in the Preliminary Subdivision section of this report. This section addresses the proposed land use change as it relates to the commercial land supply, and the city's policies and goals. The Limited Business (LB) designation is inteilded for those areas that are particularly exposed to residential neighborhoods and thus, suitable only for businesses compatible with nearby residential use. The Commercial Planned Development (CPD) land use designation was established in 1988 to provide flexibility in commercial development. The CPD designation E Planning Report — Rahn Ridge 3' Addition June 24, 1997 Page 5 allows for a diversity of commercial uses and intensities, with the specific use and intensity for each property determined by a planned development agreement. The proposed land use of this 2.42 acres would remain commercial, however, the CPD designation allows more flexibility and a greater range of use options than the LB designation, while allowing site specific controls through the Planned Development Agreement. With the accompanying development proposal, the approved use for a single office building would shift to a smaller office building and a 38 -unit motel. Since both proposed uses are commercial, no additional demand on the school system would be generated with this proposed change in land use designation. The Commercial Land Use Study accepted by the Council in May, 1994, identifies hotels and motels as an emerging industry in Eagan which should be accommodated based on location and scale as opposed to specific commercial land use category. The study established working policies to guide commercial development. The study noted that hotels and motels would be appropriate in Neighborhood Commercial and Major Commercial nodes if adjacent to a principal arterial or interstate freeway and if the scale of the development is compatible to adjacent land uses. The area along Cliff Road between I -35E and Hwy. 77 is a major commercial node. This particular site is a transitional area between the commercial developments along Cliff Road and adjacent to I -35E and the residential development further south. This site is near, but does not does not directly abut, the interstate freeway or Cliff Road. The proposed motel would be approximately 430 feet from the nearest residential structure. Traffic generation for the proposed 12,816 square foot office and 38 -unit motel is estimated to be about 721 average daily trips. Traffic generation for the previously approved 20,250 square foot office building with no motel is estimated to be about 425 average daily trips. Under these two scenarios, the office/motel combination would result in about 296 more daily trips than the office use alone. Preliminary Subdivision and Planned Development Amendment A Preliminary Planned Development for this site was approved in 1996 and it amended the Mission Hills South Planned Development. The 1996 Preliminary Planned Development identified a 20,250 st office building to be constructed on this site. Subsequently, a Final Planned Development Agreement was executed for this site, but construction has not occurred. The applicant's Preliminary Subdivision proposal divides the property into two lots. The requested Planned Development Amendment amends the previously approved Final Planned Development for this site by creating a new Preliminary Planned Development for both proposed lots (12,816 st office on Lot 1 and a 38 -unit motel on Lot 2), and a Final Planned Development for Lot 2 (the motel). Planning Report — Rahn Ridge 3" Addition June 24, 1997 Page 6 Compatibility with Surrounding Area — The adjacent properties east of this site are developed with commercial uses including a hotel, restaurants and various retail and service facilities. South of the site is an office building, park and single- and two-family residential development. To the west is a church. For this site between higher intensity commercial development to the east and the church and nearby residential uses west and south, the office and 38 -unit two-story motel appear appropriate in scale for transition with the motel located on the northerly portion of the site and the office building closer to the residential neighborhood. The motel would be approximately 430 feet from the nearest residential structure. Lots — The proposed subdivision consists of two lots and a total of 2.42 acres. The southerly lot, Lot 1, is proposed to be 1.48 acres in area and Lot 2, the northerly lot, is proposed to be .94 acres. Site Plan — The site plan shows a future office building on Lot 1, and a 38 -unit motel on Lot 2. The motel is proposed for construction at this time. The proposed office establishes a site layout and building size of 12,250 square feet for the Planned Development, but specific plans for the proposed office building have not been submitted at this time. The applicant has indicated that the office building will be of the same architectural style and the same exterior materials as the existing adjacent office on Lot 1, Block 1, Rahn Ridge 2" Addition. Trash Enclosure — An attached trash enclosure is proposed on the south side of the motel. The enclosure is 6.5 feet high, 13.5' wide and 10 feet deep. Materials are steel lap siding to match the building with a chain link gate. The APC may consider whether a brick enclosure to match the building is more appropriate since the building elevations also include brick. The gate should provide screening of the dumpsters. Therefore, vinyl slats in a color to match the building should be used in the chain link gate, or the gate should be of a different material which provides greater opacity. Trash storage for the office building was not shown on the site plan. If the office trash dumpsters are stored outside, they should be within a similar enclosure, made of materials to match and attached to the principal structure. Setback s — Although the Zoning Code does not have specific setback requirements for a Planned Development, both buildings appear to meet or exceed standard setback requirements which would be applied to the motel and office uses in other zoning districts. The proposed office building is set back about 105 feet from RahnCliff Road, 40 feet from the south property line, about 90 feet from the west property line, and about 25 feet from the north property line except at the northeast comer of the building where the setback is 15 feet. The motel is setback 49 feet from RahnCliff Road, about 90 feet from Rahn Way, and ten feet from the south and west property lines. Parking areas satisfy the minimum 20 foot setback from the public right of way and five feet from side and rear property lines. Landscaping — The grading plan shows berming between the parking lots and the public right of way. The landscape plan makes use of evergreen trees (Norway Pine and Black Hills Spruce) for screening along the property boundaries. The applicant may wish to consider replacing some of Planning Report — Rahn Ridge 3'd Addition June 24, 1997 Page 7 the evergreen trees on the perimeter of the site with shrubs to add variety while still providing the required screening for the parking lot. Some adjustments to the plant materials may also be required in areas around the signs. There is an open view of the motel site from the residences to the southwest and visibility of the motel will be more obscured once the office building is constructed. However, since there are no immediate plans to construct the office building at this time, additional landscape screening should be installed south and west of the motel to screen it from the residential neighborhood. Building Elevations/Architecture —The proposed two-story motel has a quasi -residential architecture consisting of brick and steel lap siding, a gabled roof, and asphalt shingles. The plans did not indicate colors of the brick, siding or shingles. For consistency within the Planned Development, the brick should match that of the office building on Lot 1, Block 1, Rahn Ridge 2°d Addition. The proposed future office building would be similar to the existing office building south of the site. Construction of the office is not proposed at this time and consequently, elevation drawings were not provided for the office building. The applicant has indicated the proposed office building will be the same architecture and exterior materials as the existing adjacent office on Lot 1, Block 1, Rahn Ridge 2°d Addition. No rooftop equipment was shown on the plans, but any rooftop equipment should be screened from view from the public right of way and from adjacent properties. Parking — Standard parking requirements are one stall for every 150 square feet of leasable office space, and one stall per room plus one stall for every eight rooms for the motel. Based on a leasable area of 10,253 square feet, 68 parking stalls are required for the office building and 71 are provided. For the 38 -room motel, 43 parking stalls would be required and are provided. The majority of the parking stalls are 10 feet wide, but about half of the stalls serving the motel are proposed to be nine feet wide. Although the city's zoning code does not reference a minimum parking stall width, the City has typically required stalls to be ten feet wide. Signage — A pylon sign for the motel is proposed to be located at the northeast corner of the site. The proposed pylon sign is 25 feet in height and 96 square feet in area. The pylon base is brick and steel lap siding to match the building. The message area is vinyl and internally lit. •The "Rodeway Inn" name shown on the plans is conceptual. No building wall signage is proposed. A monument sign at the south side of the northerly entrance to Lot 1 is proposed for the office building. The monument sign should be constructed of materials to match the principal building and the sign should comply with all city Sign Code including size and setbacks. Site Lighting — Detailed site lighting plans were not included with this submittal. A photometric lighting plans should be submitted prior to Final Planned Development approval. For security reasons, lighting should not be less than one footcandle throughout the parking lot. Parking lot light fixtures should be shielded and directed away from adjacent property. Planning Report — Rahn Ridge 3" Addition June 24, 1997 Page 8 Streets/Access/Circulation - Access for Lot 1 is proposed through two shared accesses onto RahnCliff Road; one at the north boundary of the lot shared with Lot 2, and one at the south boundary of the lot shared with Lot 1, Block 1, Rahn Ridge 2" Addition. The southerly shared access will also provide driveway access for the future expansion of the existing church parking lot directly to the west. Access to Lot 2 is also proposed to the north onto Rahn Way. A cross easement for joint access between proposed Lots 1 and 2 should be prepared and submitted to the city attorney for review and approval prior to final subdivision approval. The easement shall be recorded with the plat. Utilities - The preliminary utility plan is acceptable. Sanitary sewer and water main are readily available for this development from RahnCliff Road. Grading/Wetlands - The preliminary grading plan is acceptable. A majority of the site gently slopes toward the south. The site was graded with previous development and is open. Storm Drainage - The preliminary storm drainage plan is acceptable. Storm sewer was stubbed to serve this site with the Rahn Ridge 2nd Addition development. Storm water runoff from the development will drain through a storm sewer system to Pond AP -44 located on the east side of RahnCliff Road. Wetlands/Water Qualm, — This development is located in drainage basin A, upstream of Cliff Lake. A portion of the development will discharge runoff to an existing detention basin north of the proposed development, with the remainder discharged to a storm water pond to the south that already receives runoff from I -35E. Because of the small size of the development, a cash dedication in lieu of on-site ponding is recommended. There are no jurisdictional wetlands within the development site. Tree Preservation — There are no significant trees or woodlands on the property. Parks and Recreation — Park and trail dedications should be fulfilled through a cash dedication. SUMMARY/CONCLUSION The applicant is requesting a change in the land use designation from Limited Business (LB) to Commercial Planned Development (CPD), a preliminary subdivision for two lots on 2.42 acres, and an Planned Development Amendment to allow construction of a 38 -unit motel at the southwest comer of RahnCliff Road and Rahn Way. The CPD land use designation is consistent with the designation of the surrounding commercial development and provides flexibility with the specific use and intensity for each property determined by a planned development agreement. The proposed motel use appears to be Planning Report — Rahn Ridge 3'd Addition June 24, 1997 Page 9 consistent with the Commercial Land Use Study recommendations, policies and goals. The site is located at a major commercial node and the 38 -unit size and quasi -residential architectural design appear to be appropriate for this transitional area. The motel and office development plans appear to meet standard zoning requirements which would be applied to these uses in other zoning districts. Outstanding issues include some nine foot parking stalls and minor modifications to the landscape plan. ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED A. To recommend approval or denial of a Comprehensive Guide Plan Amendment from LB to CPD for Lot 2, Block 1, Rahn Ridge 2 Addition. B. To recommend approval or denial of a Preliminary Subdivision (Rahn Ridge 3`d Addition) consisting of two lots on 2.42 acres currently platted as Lot 2, Block 1, Rahn Ridge 2" Addition. If approved, the following conditions should apply. Standard Conditions 1. The developer shall comply with these standards conditions of plat approval as adopted by Council on February 3, 1993: A 1, B 1, C 1, C2, C4, D 1, and E 1. 2. The property shall be platted. Access/Street Desitin 3. Across easement for joint access between Lots 1 and 2 shall be prepared and submitted to the city attorney for review and approval prior to final subdivision approval. The easement shall be recorded with the plat. Parks and Recreation 4. Water quality mitigation shall be met through a cash dedication in lieu of on-site ponding. S. Parks and trails dedications shall be fulfilled through a cash dedication. C. To recommend approval or denial of a Planned Development Amendment to allow a 38 - unit motel at the southwest corner of RahnCliff Road and Rahn Way. Approval of the Planned Development Amendment will create a new Preliminary Planned Development for both Lots 1 and 2, Rahn Ridge 3`d Addition, and grant Final Planned Development approval for a motel on Lot 2, Rahn Ridge 3`d Addition. If approved, the following conditions should apply. III Planning Report — Rahn Ridge 3"d Addition June 24, 1997 Page 10 2. 3. 4. A Preliminary Planned Development Agreement amending the existing Final Planned Development for this site, and a Final Planned Development Agreement for the proposed Lot 2, Block 1, Rahn Ridge 3rd Addition shall be executed prior to final subdivision approval. The Agreements shall be recorded at the County Recorder's office with the plat. The tern of the Preliminary Planned Development shall be five years. The following exhibits are required for the Planned Development Agreements: Preliminary Planned Development: Site Plan Grading Plan Landscape Plan Building Elevations Signage Plan Final Planned Development: Final Site Plan Final Grading Plan Final Landscape Plan Final Building Elevations Final Signage Plan Final Site Lighting Plan All building, parking/drive aisles, and landscaped areas shall be properly maintained. Trash Enclosure 5. The trash enclosure for the motel on Lot 2 shall have vinyl slats in a color to match the building in the chain link gate to provide screening, or the gate shall be of different materials which provide greater opacity. 6. All trash/recycling containers shall be stored within the office building on Lot 1, or shall be within an enclosure attached to the principal structure and made of materials to match the principal structure, with gates that screen the interior. Landscaping 7. Additional landscape screening shall be installed south and west of the motel to screen it from the residential neighborhood. 8. A landscape plan revised based on the comments in the staff report shall be submitted for staff review and approval prior to execution of the Final Planned Development Agreement. Architecture/Building Elevations (a Planning Report — Rahn Ridge 3rd Addition June 24, 1997 Page 11 9. The motel on Lot 2, Block 1, Rahn Ridge 3`d Addition shall be constructed with exterior materials of brick, steel siding and asphalt shingles with a gabled roof as shown on the building elevation plans dated May 12, 1997. For consistency within the Planned Development, the brick shall match that of the office building on Lot 1, Block 1, Rahn Ridge 2" Addition. 10. The proposed office building on Lot 1, Block 1, Rahn Ridge 3`d Addition shall be of the similar architecture and utilize the same exterior materials as the existing office on adjacent Lot 1, Block 1, Rahn Ridge 2nd Addition. 11. Any rooftop mechanical equipment shall be screened from view from the public right of way and adjacent properties. Signage 12. All signage shall comply with City Sign Code provisions for size, location and setbacks. Lighting 13. A photometric lighting plan shall be submitted prior to Final Planned Development approval. For security reasons, lighting shall not be less than one footcandle throughout the parking lot. Parking lot light fixtures shall be shielded and directed away from adjacent property. Access/Street Desi, n 14. Across easement for joint access between Lots 1 and 2 shall be prepared and submitted for review and approval by the city attorney prior to final subdivision approval. The easement shall be recorded with the plat. 13 A. B. STANDARD CONDITIONS OF PLAT APPROVAL FinanclalObligations 1. This development shall accept its additional financial obligations as defined in the staffs report in accordance with the final plat dimensions and the rates in effect at the time of final plat approval. Easements and Rights -of -Way 1. This development shall dedicate 10 foot drainage and utility easements centered over all lot lines and, in addition, where necessary to accommodate existing or proposed utilities for drainage ways within the plat. The development shall dedicate easements of sufficient width and location as determined necessary by engineering standards. 2. This development shall dedicate, provide, or financially guarantee the acquisition costs of drainage, ponding, and utility easements in addition to public street rights-of-way as required by the alignment, depth, and storage capacity of all required public utilities and streets located beyond the boundaries of this plat as necessary to service or accommodate this development. 3. This development shall dedicate all public right-of-way and temporary slope easements for ultimate development of adjacent roadways as required by the appropriate jurisdictional agency. 4. This development shall dedicate adequate drainage and ponding easements to incorporate the required high water elevation plus three (3) feet as necessitated by storm water storage volume requirements. C. Plans and Specifications 1. All public and private streets, drainage systems and utilities necessary to provide service to this development shall be designed and certified by a registered professional engineer in accordance with City adopted codes, engineering standards, guidelines and policies prior to application for final plat approval. 2. A detailed grading, drainage, prepared in accordance with approval. erosion, and sediment control plan must be current City standards prior to final plat 3. This development shall ensure that all dead-end public streets shall have a cul-de-sac constructed in accordance with City engineering standards. 5 4. A separate detailed landscape plan shall be submitted overlaid on the proposed grading and utility plan. The financial guarantee for such plan shall be included in the Development Contract and shall not be released until one year after the date of City certified compliance. D. Public Improvements 1. If any improvements are to be installed under a City contract, the appropriate project must be approved by Council action prior to final plat approval. E. Permits 1. This development shall be responsible for the acquisition of all regulatory agency permits required by the affected agency prior to final plat approval. F. Parks and Trails Dedication 1. This development shall fulfill its park and trail dedication requirements as recommended by the Advisory Parks, Recreation and Natural Resource Commission and approved by Council action. G. Water Qualify, Dedication 1. This development shall be responsible for providing a cash dedication, ponding, or a combination thereof in accordance with the criteria identified in the City's Water Quality Management Plan, as recommended by the Advisory Parks, Recreation and Natural Resource Commission and approved by Council action. H. Other 1. All subdivision, zoning and other ordinances affecting this development shall be adhered to, unless specifically granted a variance by Council action. Advisory Planning Commission Approved: August 25, 1987 LTS05 -STANDARD:CON City Council September 15, 1987 Revised: July 1 o, 1990 Revised: February 21993 FINANCIAL OBLIGATION — Rahn Ridge 3rd There are pay-off balances of special assessments totaling $8,269 on the parcels proposed for platting. The pay-off balance will be allocated to the lots created by the plat. At this time, there are no pending assessments on the parcel proposed for platting. The estimated financial obligation presented is subject to change based upon areas, dimensions and land uses contained in the final plat. Based upon the study of the financial obligations collected in the past and the uses proposed for the property, the following charges are proposed. The charges are computed using the City's existing fee schedule and the connections proposed to be made to the City's utility system based on the submitted plans. Improvement Use Rate Quantity Amount None $0 3rn E • :M* edge Associates (Rahn Ridge 3rd unary Subdivision ,ehensive Guide Plan Amendment td Development Amendment 4o. 31 -PP -13-5-97, 31.1rG-3-5-97 140 ,rew4F 2b m C0111to0VlPOO l0 %ourrent toning P13 Punned !]rovia-Inme Kann Ridge Associates (Rahn Ridge arc Case No. 31 -PP -13-5-979 31 -CG -3-5-97 7 147 -D7-4 d_9_0 F._ g i . u all � ��QN7r�1�►�i o 11 ae Pian aesignati 3 Limi#pd Rucinacs Rahn Ridge 3rd -CG -3-5-97 �,..� Ridge Associates (Rahn Case No. 31 -PP -13-5-97, 31 '24_oT_4A-AM_027 R Af r-----,—..�-- IT — RAHN RIDGE 3RD ACO DON p PREL Y COVER9IEET —i .7— - i RArN RIAS RICfX ASSOC:FOES F' v w qqv v � n 70os �.: D•. 71aV[ [►L..:. w 55:77 (Y.7; •75-i5M CC S F .zi r a ; 19 y 0 v V O u r R Af r-----,—..�-- 9 ,/OE) PRELIMINARY PLAT t IT — RAHN RIDGE 3RD ACO DON p PREL Y COVER9IEET —i .7— - i RArN RIAS RICfX ASSOC:FOES V Lii 0 70os �.: D•. 71aV[ [►L..:. w 55:77 (Y.7; •75-i5M m�r., o.. �O:�oac sr -+r. i 4GA wtwi. u:a 1 Liv: R:7•.cs-wa 9 ,/OE) PRELIMINARY PLAT t I? I ----------------------------J ------- - ----------------- LOT 3F N ri 1 S T. \\\ / ..�`� .. .. .. .. .. Yom• �aaea a h a >6�eAg� EE1i�; RAHN MO SITE 3RD ADDITION OrrM .--- d RAN RDGE ASS00ATES �� NJFAMIIND Erj ws ON CAN CMA wr.s e. www st m— I Q +.or.. 55122 sea — ae. w -K (4121405-49M = w e II II II II II 1 � I s f/D / SITE PLAN gasaala w !c 1 Hill M y eii eAi 'rP�zV� • � T< I� ii t�yn n� s f/D / SITE PLAN WALHJv il(4111PLAN 1i La Q RAiN RIDGE ASSOGdiES�D��i� lone SIN OaN 7o,% [AGAN4 M 76177 jM R�,pYpi si ar rr007 Eei I Y wt� �r .$o AP 44 i� t V y 0 rn z PRELIM. UTILITY �EPIII GRADING/ PLAN a -------------------- I� CM ---J a S Z X n �jm i 2 1 ti I� —+ — C, 114M -!N1 QC GSS:c4tld --- — arm � Exs•••r• •�.«�..�or. WALHJv il(4111PLAN 1i La Q RAiN RIDGE ASSOGdiES�D��i� lone SIN OaN 7o,% [AGAN4 M 76177 jM R�,pYpi si ar rr007 Eei I Y wt� �r .$o AP 44 i� t V y 0 rn z PRELIM. UTILITY �EPIII GRADING/ PLAN a 2 � a S Z X n �jm i 2 1 ti I� WALHJv il(4111PLAN 1i La Q RAiN RIDGE ASSOGdiES�D��i� lone SIN OaN 7o,% [AGAN4 M 76177 jM R�,pYpi si ar rr007 Eei I Y wt� �r .$o AP 44 i� t V y 0 rn z PRELIM. UTILITY �EPIII GRADING/ PLAN _—.-------------.------------� �' --- i- ..r.±nns ILOn Lnin if O;S dCbdLCT ff f I 0 _ i- ♦ TIM IV 01 di iyL 1 1[117,{ A RAMII RIDGE ASSDpATES I rrr Q 700 hr e►■ �K I w r..e �s IM EAr rr •3177 fees `,. (i 1I) r05—{700 1I VM. W�iL aw t)-5 I LANDSCAPE W 00 C+ 3 O lr+ r0 Ln C+ ImO O T O 7 m co C+ 3 O c -F rp rU Q 0 O 5 a Z`i XA ARCXlTICT'S !NC o ,r,,, "som , NEW MOTEL BUILDING t ' . 1l in u Ir.l�ls�ns �- EGAN, MINNESOTA P N 3 RI 7 n 0 Ln �o W 00 C+ 3 O lr+ r0 Ln C+ ImO O T O 7 m co C+ 3 O c -F rp rU Q 0 O 5 a Z`i XA ARCXlTICT'S !NC o ,r,,, "som , NEW MOTEL BUILDING t ' . 1l in u Ir.l�ls�ns �- EGAN, MINNESOTA D �SIGNAGE/FLOOR PLAN/ELEVATIONS June 10, 1997 City of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, MN 55122 Advisory Planning Commission Members, This letter is concerning the proposed Planned Development (DP) changes to Lot 2, Block 1, Rahn Ridge 2nd Addition, at the southwest corner of Rahn Way and Rahn Cliff Road. I strongly disagree with the proposal for a 38 room motel. I would not enjoy sitting on my deck looking in the back windows of this motel or visitor to the motel looking in my backyard. There is already more than enough hotel/motel development in this neighborhood. Additional motels should be directed to areas already designated for that use. The present PD (Office Building), of the proposed land, is the proper use for the land. This type of development is very much desired by the neighborhood. I hope this type of business is given a chance to continue to grow in the area. When citizens are considering moving to Eagan, we are told to research the area and look at the land use of the neighborhood (PD, zoning, Comprehensive Guide Plan). The present PD calls for an office building. Residents have used this information to make educated decisions about locating in Eagan. The proposal for the motel does not meet, nor is it an improvement of, the present PD. A development such as the proposed motel would not be a benefit to our neighborhood or the city. If more motel space is needed in the city, it should be directed to locations where land has the proper PD/zoning for that use. Please to not allow the proposal for the motel to be approved. Thank you. Sincerely, Dale Klossner 2025 Pin Oak Drive Eagan, MN 55122 �� j RECEivEn .iuN 1 2 1997 RECEIVED JUL - Q ;997 - Neighborhood Petition To: Mayor and City Council members { This petition is concerning the proposed Comprehensive Guide Plan Amendment, for Rahn Ridge 3rd Addition (Case # 31-PP-13-M97):= Agenda Information Memo July 15, 1997 Eagan City Council Meeting C. PRELIMINARY SUBDIVISION AND AMENDMENT TO PRELIMINARY PLANNED DEVELOPMENT — OPUS (LOT 9 BLOCK 2. EAGAN PROMENADE) ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: 10- To approve or deny a Preliminary Subdivision (Eagan Promenade Yd Addition) consisting of two lots on property currently platted as Lot 9, Block 2, Eagan Promenade, subject to the conditions recommended by the Advisory Planning Commission. To approve or deny an Amendment to the Preliminary Planned Development Agreement to allow a hotel and retail development on Lots 1 and 2, Block 1, Eagan Promenade 3rd Addition, subject to the conditions recommended by the Advisory Planning Commission. FACTS: The proposed preliminary subdivision will consist of two lots on 6.7 acres currently platted as Lot 9, Block 2, Eagan Promenade. The property directly east of the proposed subdivision is also part of Lot 9, Block 2, Eagan Promenade, but its proposed to be combined with Lot 8, Block 2, which contains the main shopping center. An Amendment to the Preliminary PD Agreement is requested to allow construction of both a hotel and retail development on this property, rather than either a hotel or retail development as stipulated in the Preliminary PD Agreement. In addition to the use deviation, the applicant is requesting deviations from the approved signage standards and architectural design guidelines. The Studio Plus hotel proposed for Lot 1 will be a 3 -story, 85 -room extended stay facility. The hotel design is consistent with the Preliminary PD Agreement with the exception of an additional building wall sign proposed on the west fagade over the main entrance, a monument sign (in addition to a previously approved pylon sign), a detached trash enclosure, and building height over 30 feet. These design standards were developed for retail development, not a hotel. > No plans have been submitted for the retail portion of the development. It should be noted that the signage and architectural design deviations requested for the hotel do not apply to the retail development. > The Advisory Planning Commission reviewed the request at their regular meeting on June 24, 1997 and recommend approval subject to the modified conditions presented by staff at the APC meeting (attached to staff report) with the following modifications: Condition #3 under the Preliminary Subdivision was modified to require detailed plans for the retaining walls with the building permit application, rather than the final subdivision application. Condition #10 under the Amendment was deleted based on assurances from Studio Plus that the hotel could provide adequate 24-hour, on-site security that does not require front desk staffing. ISSUES: > Several commission members expressed frustration that Opus continues to request deviations from the approved PD Agreement and thereby continue to erode the "vision" for the overall development. > Concerns were raised about the proliferation of smaller -scaled, extended stay type hotels throughout Eagan. Representatives of Opus and Studio Plus stated that the hotel market has changed over the past decade. Full-service hotels are rarely built anymore and require locations offering much more densely developed surroundings (e.g. downtown, mega -mall, office parks). > The APC did not take a stand on the suggestion in condition #6 under the Amendment to allow either the monument sign or the pylon, but not both as proposed. If the Council determines that both forms of signage are merited, condition #6 should be deleted. > There was some discussion about the issue of security and providing 24-hour front desk staffing. As stated above, based on information provided by with the applicant, the APC decided not to make 24-hour front desk staffing a requirement of approval. However, since the APC meeting, staff reviewed a memo from Police Department staff who reviewed how other cities are dealing with security at extended stay hotel facilities. They concluded that other metro -area cities are requiring 24-hour front desk staffing. (see attached memo from Officer Duane Pike) BACKGROUND/ATTACHMENTS: > Minutes of June 24, 1997 APC meetin , pages through > Staff report, pages throughLS > Revision I a'f report page 6" CTION TO BE CONSIDERED"pagesthroh(p > Memo om Officer Duane Pike, pagei,57 throug Page 21 June 24, 1997 ADVISORY PLANNING CONSlISSION PLANNED DEVELOPMENT & PRELIMINARY SUBDIVISION OPUS NORTHWEST Commission Chair Heyl opened the next public hearing of the evening regarding an Amendment to the Eagan Promenade Preliminary Planned Development to allow construction of a hotel and retail building. Opus is also requesting a Preliminary Subdivision (Eagan Promenade 3rd Addition) to create two lots from property currently plated as Lot 9, Block 2, Eagan Promenade. Planner Farnham introduced this item. Ms. Farnham highlighted the information presented in City staffs planning report dated June 19, 1997. Ms. Farnham noted the background and history, the surrounding uses and the existing conditions of the subject property. Ms. Farnham also passed out recommendations made by the City Attorney after the packets had been prepared. Michelle Foster with Opus Northwest stated some of the background with previous meetings with the APC and City Council and also discussed some of the restraints of this site. Ms. Foster noted that the area suggested to be retail was still indefinite as to what exactly that would be. Ms. Foster noted that she feels the deviations by Studio Plus from the City guidelines are warranted and she supports their deviation for the signage but would like to include that the pylon sign is the most important. Ms. Foster expressed her concern with Condition No. 3 regarding submittal of specifications for retaining walls, stating that it is possible that the retail development configuration could change. She feels that it is not appropriate to deal with this now, but to deal with it when there is a final planned development or with the building plans for the retail development. Kathy Smalley, a representative of Studio Plus stated that she thought they had reached the best agreement possible. She reiterated the point about the height and signage deviations and how important that was and she also recommend that Condition No. 10 regarding 24-hour staffing be deleted, as this hotel was primarily for business travelers and they do not operate the front desk 24 hours per day. They have on-site managers who are always available but not at the front desk. Customers have entry keys and this has worked well for them in the past. Security has not been an issue and they ask that this condition be removed. Member Carlson questioned whether the keyed entry was just into the building or to specific rooms and also wanted to know if there was a call phone in case the keys did not work. Ms. Smalley replied that there was a key for the outside of the building which also serves as the key for each individual room. They have a phone outside the door for those who need to use it to reach the on-site manager. r6i Page 22 June 24, 1997 ADVISORY PLANNING CONMSSION In response to Member Carlson's inquiry regarding why they would have an outdoor pool in Minnesota, the applicant stated that they are trying to convince their management that covered pools are appropriate for certain areas, but they have not yet accepted this idea. In response to Member Burdorfs inquiry, the applicant stated that she believes that most of the businesses around this location would use the hotel to bring people in for training which usually lasts about a week to two weeks and also for people who are relocating to the area and would like to spend some time here before they decide where to purchase a residence. Member Miller and Member Burdorf brought up some discussion about the vision that was initially proposed for this property. Member Miller expressed concern that the developer was simply responding to the current market trend and could therefore be limiting the long-term vision for this area by putting something there that would limit the potential of having a full service hotel in the future. Ms. Foster stated that she did not believe that Opus was responding to today's market pressures but rather felt that full service hotels need an incredible amount of immediate office and industrial development and that they would never be attracted to this site. Member Frank stated that full service hotels are a tremendous investment and are not being developed much anymore. He sees a different vision for this area and does not have a problem with the proposal. Member Miller stated his concern that this area would appear disjointed as it is still unclear as to what type of retail and whether that will still be developed as retail for the other portion of the property. There was further discussion regarding the vision for this area. In further discussion, Commission Chair Heyl stated that what was originally envisioned is not possible and she suggested that they work with what they have. She also stated that she would have like to have known more definitely what was going next to the hotel so that it does not seem disjointed. Member Segal stated that initial discussions about the vision included talk about a partnership with the City. If the City was going to partner they would have had to put up some money. That option was not followed, nor was another option for the City to be the owner of the property which would have provided the most control over how it develops. To that extent, he feels that Opus has done an excellent job and feels that the City is lucky to have a developer with such quality and experience and the ability to develop within this time span. He believes that the APC should not lose sight of their dreams but also encourage developers to continue to upgrade and build in these areas. Page 23 June 24, 1997 ADVISORY PLANNING COI MSSION In response to the question about Condition No. 10, Ms. Farnham stated that the condition was added solely for security purposes in response to recent suggestions from the police department and that this has not been previously required of other hotels. Member Bakken moved, Member Frank seconded, a motion to recommend approval of a Preliminary Subdivision (Eagan Promenade 3rd Addition) consisting of two lots on property currently platted as Lot 9, Block 2, Eagan Promenade, subject to the following conditions: Standard Conditions: 1. The developer shall comply with these standard conditions of plat approval as adopted by Council on February 3, 1993: Bl, B2, $4, C1, C2, C4, DI, El 2. All retaining wall construction shall be located outside all drainage and utility easements on the subdivision plat. 3. Detailed plans and specifications covering the construction of the proposed retaining walls should be submitted with the building permit application. 4. The temporary drainage Swale on Lot 2 shall be removed and storm sewer piping constructed from the normal water level of Pond DP -4.2 across Lot 2 to accommodate runoff from Lot 1 prior to issuance of a building permit for Lot 2. 5. The driveway access on the common lot line between Lots 1 and 2 shall be directly aligned with the future extension of Denmark Ave. north of Northwoods Drive. 6. Sufficient drainage and utility easement for the future storm sewer line across Lot 2 to accommodate storm water runoff from Lot 1 shall be provided on the final plat for the subdivision. 7. The developer shall provide cross -easements for the shared driveway access for review by the City Attorney prior to final subdivision approval. 8. The developer shall plat the property. All voted in favor, except Member Burdorf who opposed and then changed his vote in favor stating that he thought they were voting on the Amendment. Page 24 June 24, 1997 ADVISORY PLANNING CONIIvIISSION Member Bakken moved, Commission Chair Heyl seconded, a motion to recommend approval of an Amendment to the Preliminary Planned Development to allow a hotel and retail development on property currently platted as part of Lot 9, Block 2, Eagan Promenade, subject to the following conditions: 1. Development on Lot 1, Block 1 shall consist of a three-story, 85 -room hotel. 2. Development on Lot 2, Block 1 shall consist of 42,280 s.f. of retail development. 3. All development shall be consistent with the attached site plan, labeled "PSI Site Plan — Phase 4". 4. Development of the hotel on Lot 1, Block 1 shall include deviations from the approved signage standards and architectural design guidelines regarding building signage, trash enclosure, and building height. 5. All rooftop mechanical equipment shall be screened from view per the approved design guidelines. 6. Site signage should be limited to either a shared pylon sign or one monument sign per lot. Other signage (building, directional) shall be consistent with the proposed hotel plans. 7. Execution of a written Amendment to the Preliminary Planned Development Agreement 8. Execution of a Final Planned Development Agreement for each lot per the original Preliminary PD Agreement and any subsequent amendments. 9. Recording of the Final Subdivision and Final Planned Development Agreement(s) with Dakota County. All voted in favor, except for Member Burdorf and Member Miller who opposed. PLANNING REPORT CITY OF EAGAN REPORT DATE: June 19, 1997 CASE #: 10 -PP -16-5-97 APPLICANT: Opus Northwest, LLC HEARING DATE: June 24, 1997 PROPERTY OWNER: Opus Northwest, LLC PREPARED BY: Julie Farnham REQUEST: Amendment to Preliminary Planned Development and Preliminary Subdivision LOCATION: Lot 9, Block 2, Eagan Promenade COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: CA — Central Area ZONING: PD —Planned Development SUMMARY OF REQUEST Opus Northwest, LLC is requesting an Amendment to the Eagan Promenade Preliminary Planned Development to allow construction of a hotel and retail building. Opus is also requesting a Preliminary Subdivision (Eagan Promenade 3rd Addition) to create two lots from property currently platted as Lot 9, Block 2, Eagan Promenade. AUTHORITY FOR REVIEW The Preliminary Planned Development Agreement for Eagan Promenade, approved April 8, 1996 sets forth the requirements for development of individual lots within Eagan Promenade. Section II of the Agreement, entitled General Provisions, states `Bach Lot Owner agress that development of its Lot shall be subject to the development conditions for approval of a final planned development plan as the same may effect development of each respective Lot." The Agreement stipulates development conditions to guide development on individual lots. If development plans for individual lots substantially comply with the Agreement, a Final Planned Development Agreement can go directly to the City Council for approval. Plans that substantially deviate from the development conditions require an amendment to the Preliminary Planned Development Agreement which requires a public hearing before the Advisory Planning Commission and approval by the City Council. If an amendment is approved, the Final Planned Development Agreement can then be forwarded to the City Council for approval. I (3 Planning Report — Eagan Promenade/Studio Plus Hotel June 24, 1997 Pap,e 2 ACKGRO ND/HI RY Opus' proposal for Lot 9, Block 2, Eagan Promenade consists of both a hotel and retail development. The Preliminary PD Agreement stipulated that development on this lot could consist of either a hotel or retail development. One of the desires of the task force working on the Eagan Promenade was to have this development offer an array of services so that it functioned as a community gathering place. A full-service hotel and/or other entertainment facilities were part of the original "vision". It was intended that a hotel on this site include a restaurant, bar, and conference facilities. Staff believes the proposal deviates enough from the intent of the development conditions in the Preliminary PD Agreement to warrant review as an amendment. In addition, the applicant is requesting deviations from the signage standards and architectural design guidelines in the Preliminary PD Agreement. EXISTING CONDITIONS The subject site is 6.74 acres in area. It is located north of the main shopping center, on the south side of Northwoods Drive. The 7 acre property directly to the east is also currently part of Lot 9, Block 2, Eagan Promenade, but is proposed to be combined with Lot 8, Block 2 which contains the main shopping center. That property contains several ponds and a wetland. SURROUNDING USES The following existing or proposed uses, zoning and comprehensive guide plan designations surround the subject property - North — vacant; zoned I-1; guided — CA South — Eagan Promenade; zoned PD; guided CA East — vacant (Eagan Promenade) and townhomes; zoned PD; guided CA West — vacant; zoned PD; guided CA EVALUATION OF REQUEST Planned Development Amendment Proposed Use — Studio Plus Hotel$, Inc. is proposing to construct a 3 -story, 85 -room hotel on the western portion of this property (proposed Lot 1, Block 1, Eagan Promenade Yd Addition). Studio Plus Hotels offers a mid -priced, extended stay facility. The hotel will also include an outdoor swimming pool and patio area. To ensure proper security, staff suggests that the hotel provide staff at the front desk 24 hours per day. The eastern portion of this property (proposed Lot 2, Block 1, Eagan Promenade aid Addition) is proposed for 42,280 s.f of retail development. Prospective retail tenants have not been identified yet. lt4 Planning Report — Eagan Promenade/Studio Plus Hotel June 24, 1997 Page 3 Setbacks — The hotel is proposed to be setback at least 100 feet from the front (Northwoods Drive), 57 feet from the sides, and 132 feet from the rear lot lines. The retail building is proposed to be setback at least 235 feet from the front, 65 feet from the sides and 29 feet from the rear lot lines. All proposed building and parking setbacks exceed code requirements for commercial development and are consistent with the Preliminary PD Agreement. Parking/Access — The proposed site plan indicates a total of 316 parking spaces; 96 for the hotel and 220 for the retail. According to the parking rates in the zoning code, 95 stalls are needed for the proposed hotel and 244 for the retail development. With other retail development in Eagan Promenade, Opus used a flat rate of 5 spaces per 1000 s.f. of building area. This calculates to a need for 212 stalls. If that flat rate is used on this retail development, the proposed 220 stalls appear adequate. All stalls are proposed to be 9' x 18' which is consistent with other retail development in Eagan Promenade. Public street access to both the hotel and retail development is proposed at two locations onto Northwoods Drive. The eastern most access will be primarily used by the retail development on Lot 2. The other access will be shared by the hotel and the retail development and will be located along the common lot line between Lots 1 and 2. This driveway will be directly aligned with the future extension of Denmark Ave. to the north of Northwoods Drive. Cross -easements for the shared driveway access should be provided by the developer for review by the City Attorney prior to final subdivision approval. Landscaping/Pool/Patio — The landscape plan submitted is acceptable will some minor modifications. Staff suggests that the shrubs located next to the entry driveway be shifted north to allow for snow storage adjacent to the driveway. An outdoor swimming pool is proposed to be located on the south side of the building within a 40' x 50' patio area. The entire patio area will be enclosed with a solid, 4 -foot fence. A pool house (12'x20'xl 1') will be located in the northeast quadrant of the patio. The pool house will be constructed of brick to match the hotel. Buildina Design — The hotel will be 3 -stories and 38'-4" tall. The Preliminary PD Agreement stipulates a maximum height of 30 feet for all freestanding buildings. Consequently, a deviation from this architectural design guideline will be needed to allow the proposed building height. The exterior materials will consist of two shades (darker and lighter) of reddish brick. Most of the roof will be covered with dark fiberglass shingles, however, a blue standing seam metal roof will cover the canopy protruding over the main entry. Lot coverage is proposed to be 18% for the hotel site and 22% for the retail site. No building elevations are proposed for the retail site at this time. Planning Report – Eagan Promenade/Studio Plus Hotel June 24, 1997 Pae 4 D—ashaecycling Enclosure – A 10'x14', 7 -foot tall trash enclosure is proposed to be constructed of brick to match the building. The proposed trash enclosure will be located 10 feet from the south property line. It will be separated from the hotel by about 110 feet. According to the applicant, detaching the trash enclosure from the building allows easy access by service trucks. The applicant also states that a detached location would also be less disruptive to occupants of near -by rooms. The Preliminary PD Agreement architectural design guidelines requires trash enclosures to be attached to the principle building. As such, the applicant is requesting a deviation from these guidelines. Signage - Several types of signs are proposed for this development. A 25 -foot tall pylon sign is proposed to be shared between the hotel and the retail uses. It will be located near the main entrance off Northwoods Drive. A 25 -foot tall pylon for this property was approved in the Preliminary PD Agreement. The pylon design will be consistent with other pylon signs throughout Eagan Promenade. Building signage is proposed on the north and west facades of the hotel. The west fagade has the main entry to the hotel. The Preliminary PD Agreement stipulates building signage is only allowed on the north fagade. Consequently, a deviation from the Preliminary PD Agreement signage standards is requested to allow signs on both the north and west facades. A 7 -foot tall, 24 s.f. monument sign is proposed near the northwest corner of Lot 1. The Preliminary PD Agreement does not allow for a monument sign on this property because a pylon was preferred. However, monument signs on each of the proposed lots may be more effective than one shared pylon. Given the relatively short pylon height and the distance from the freeway, a pylon may not provide any additional visibility. Staff suggests that the applicant be given the choice between one shared pylon or two monuments signs (one per lot), but not both. In addition, a 4 -foot tall, 2.9 s.f. directional "entry" sign is proposed where the hotel driveway branches off the main entry. While the Preliminary PD Agreement does not provide for directional signs, such a sign may be warranted due to the shared entry drive. In addition, the entry drive is on the east side of the building and the hotel office/main entry is on the west side. Staff notes a similar request was granted for TCF which is also located off a shared entry drive. This proposed directional sign is smaller than the one allowed at TCF. Staff suggests that the directional sign message be changed from "entry" to "office" with an arrow pointing to the west. No signage plans have been submitted yet for the retail building(s). As for the hotel, the Preliminary PD Agreement specifies building signage is only allowed on the north fagade of the retail buildings. i tin – Wall -mounted lights are proposed on the hotel. Parking lot lighting will consist of 5, 35 -foot tall pole lights that match those used in other parking lots within Eagan Promenade. Planning Report — Eagan Promenade/Studio Plus Hotel June 24, 1997 Pa -e 5 a:idewalks and Trails — An 8 foot wide concrete sidewalk was installed along the south side of Northwoods Drive when it was constructed. A 5 foot wide sidewalk is proposed to provide through access between the hotel and the retail development. Preliminary Subdivision Lot Area — The proposed subdivision consists of two lots on 6.7 acres. Lot 1 will be 2.3 acres and Lot 2 will be 4.4 acres. GradinEfWetlands - The preliminary grading plan is acceptable with some modifications. The site it open, generally flat and was graded with the previous Eagan Promenade development. There are no jurisdictional wetlands within the proposed subdivision. The preliminary grading plan shows proposed retaining walls located within existing drainage and utility easements in the souteast comer of Lot 2. All retaining wall construction should be located outside any drainage and utility easements on the property. Detailed plans and specifications covering the construction of these retaining walls should be submitted at time of final subdivision application. Storm Drainage/Water Quality_ — The preliminary storm drainage plan is acceptable. This development will generate runoff that discharges to Pond DP -4.2 and eventually to Lemay Lake. Pond DP 4.2 was designed and constructed to accommodate the runoff from the proposed development, so water quality treatment requirements have already been met for this parcel. The storm drainage plan shows runoff from Lot 1 discharging to a temporary drainage swale to be constructed across Lot 2 and draining west to Pond DP -4.2. This temporary swale should be removed and storm sewer piping constructed from the normal water level of Pond DP -4.2 across Lot 2 to accommodate runoff from Lot 1 prior to issuance of a building permit for Lot 2. Utilities — The preliminary utility plan is acceptable. Sanitary sewer and water main lines were stubbed along the south edge of the site with the Eagan Promenade shopping center development and are available for connection. Easements/Permits/Right-cif--Way — The developer should be responsible for obtaining all regulatory agency permits prior to final subdivision approval. Sufficient drainage and utility easement for the future storm sewer line across Lot 2 to accommodate` storm water runoff from Lot l should be provided on the final subdivision plat. Planning Report — Eagan Promenade/Studio Plus Hotel June 24, 1997 Pae e 6 SUMMARY/CONCLUSIONS Opus Northwest, LLC is requesting an Amendment to the Eagan Promenade Preliminary Planned Development to allow construction of a hotel and retail buildings, rather than a hotel or retail buildings as stipulated in the Preliminary PD Agreement. A full-service hotel and/or other entertainment facilities were part of the original "vision" for the development articulated by the task force working on the Eagan Promenade. It was intended that a hotel on this site include a restaurant, bar, and conference facilities. The proposed Studio Plus hotel will be a 3 -story, 85 -room extended stay facility. The proposed hotel design is consistent with the Preliminary PD Agreement with the exception of an additional building wall sign proposed on the west fagade over the main entrance, a proposed detached trash enclosure, and building height over 30 -feet. As such, the proposed hotel plans include deviations from the signage standards and architectural design guidelines approved with the Preliminary PD Agreement. No plans have been submitted for the retail development at this time. When submitted, provided they are consistent with the Preliminary PD Agreement, the retail development plans may constitute the Final Planned Development for Lot 2, Block 1, Eagan Promenade 3rd Addition. It should be noted that the signage and trash enclosure deviations requested for the hotel do not apply to the retail development. Opus is also requesting a Preliminary Subdivision (Eagan Promenade Yd Addition) to create two lots from property currently platted as Lot 9, Block 2, Eagan Promenade. The 7 -acre property directly to the east is also currently part of Lot 9, Block 2, but is proposed to be combined with Lot 8, Block 2 which contains the main shopping center. The proposed subdivision is consistent with City code requirements. ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED A. To recommend approval or denial of an Amendment to the Preliminary Planned Development to allow a hotel and retail development on property currently platted as part of Lot 9, Block 2, Eagan Promenade. If approved, this amendment shall be subject to the following conditions: 1. All rooftop mechanical equipment shall be screened from view per the approved design guidelines. 2. The hotel shall staff the front desk 24 hours per day. 3. Site signage should be limited to either a shared pylon sign or one monument sign per lot. Other signage (building, directional) shall be consistent with the proposed hotel plans. 4. Execution of a Final Planned Development Agreement for each lot per the Preliminary PD Agreement. Planning Report — Eagan Promenade/Studio Plus Hotel June 24, 1997 Pap -e 7 5. Recording of the Final Subdivision and Final Planned Development Agreement(s) with Dakota County. B. To recommend approval or denial of a Preliminary Subdivision (Eagan Promenade 3rd Addition) consisting of two lots on property currently platted as Lot 9, Block 2, Eagan Promenade, subject to the following conditions: I. Standard Conditions: The developer shall comply with these standard conditions of plat approval as adopted by Council on February 3, 1993: B1,B2,B4,Cl, C2,C4,D1,El 2. All retaining wall construction shall be located outside all drainage and utility easements on the subdivision plat. 3. Detailed plans and specifications covering the construction of the proposed retaining walls should be submitted with the final subdivision application. 4. The temporary drainage swale on Lot 2 shall be removed and storm sewer piping constructed from the normal water level of Pond DP4.2 across Lot 2 to accommodate runoff from Lot 1 prior to issuance of a building permit for Lot 2. 5. The driveway access on the common lot line between Lots 1 and 2 shall be directly aligned with the future extension of Denmark Ave. north of Northwoods Drive. 6. Sufficient drainage and utility easement for the future storm sewer line across Lot 2 to accommodate storm water runoff from Lot 1 shall be provided on the final plat for the subdivision. 7. The developer shall provide cross -easements for the shared driveway access for review by the City Attorney prior to final subdivision approval. 1(7 ►l� B. _ C. STANDARD CONDITIONS OF PLAT APPROVAL financial Obli ations 1. This development shall accept its additional financial obligations as defined in the staffs report in accordance with the final plat dimensions and the rates in effect at the time of final plat approval. Easements and Richts-of-Wav 1. This development shall dedicate 10 -foot drainage and utility easements centered over all lot lines and, in addition, where necessary to accommodate existing or proposed utilities for drainage ways within the plat. The development shall dedicate easements of sufficient width and location as determined necessary by engineering standards. 2. This development shall dedicate, provide, or financially guarantee the acquisition costs of drainage, ponding, and utility easements in addition to public street rights -of --way as required by the alignment, depth, and storage capacity of all required public utilities and streets located beyond the boundaries of this plat as necessary to service or accommodate this development. 3. This development shall dedicate all public right-of-way and temporary slope easements for ultimate development of adjacent roadways as required by the appropriate jurisdictional agency. 4. This development shall dedicate adequate drainage and ponding easements to incorporate the required high water elevation plus three (3) feet as necessitated by storm water storage volume requirements. Plans and Specifications 1. All public and private streets, drainage systems and utilities necessary to provide service to this development shall be designed and certified by a registered professional engineer in accordance with City adopted codes, engineering standards, guidelines and policies prior to application for final plat approval. 2. A detailed grading, drainage, prepared in accordance with approval. erosion, and sediment control plan must be current City standards prior to final plat 3. This development shall ensure that all dead-end public streets shall have a cul-de-sac constructed in accordance with City engineering standards. 4. A separate detailed landscape plan shall be submitted overlaid on the proposed grading and utility plan. The financial guarantee for such plan shall be included in the Development Contract and shall not be released until one year after the date of City certified compliance. D. Public Improvements 1. If any improvements are to be installed under a City contract, the appropriate project must be approved by Council action prior to final plat approval. E. Permits 1. This development shall be responsible for the acquisition of all regulatory agency permits required by the affected agency prior to final plat approval. F. Parks and Trails Dedication 1. This development shall fulfill its park and trail dedication requirements as recommended by the Advisory Parks, Recreation and Natural Resource Commission and approved by Council action. G. Water Quality Dedication This development shall be responsible for providing a cash dedication, ponding, or a combination thereof in accordance with the criteria identified in the City's Water Quality Management Plan, as recommended by the Advisory Parks, Recreation and Natural Resource Commission and approved by Council action. H. Other 1. All subdivision, zoning and other ordinances affecting this development shall be adhered to, unless specifically granted a variance by Council action. Advisory Planning Commission Approved: _ August 25, 1987 LTSOS STANDARD.CON City Council September 15, 1987 Revised: July 10,J990 Revised: February 2, 1993 lay FINANCIAL OBLIGATION — Eagan Promenade 3rd There are pay-off balances of special assessments totaling $28,256 on the parcels for which the conditional use is requested. At this time, there are pending assessments in the amount of $331,443 on the parcel proposed for platting. These pendings are related to Projects 694 and 695. The estimated financial obligation presented is subject to change based upon areas, dimensions and land uses contained in the final plat. Based upon the study of the financial obligations collected in the past and the uses proposed for the property, the following charges are proposed. The charges are computed using the City's existing fee schedule and connections proposed to be made to the City's utility system based on the submitted plans. Improvement Use Rate Quantity Amount None l�a- LO 41 Cagan rromenade 3rd ACICI C Preliminary Subdivision Preliminary Planned Developr Case Mn_ in -PP -IR. -R-07 • 121111 N o l e 411�- � c -w of Earn Zoning Map iM COUNTY RC Current Zoning PD Planned Develpment Eagan Promenade 3rd Case No. 10 -PP -1+6-5-97 do Fc--�7 R-4 R- a z 0 -4 R- x w J Tao 0 700 1400 Fed CA �.{�. Comprehensive Plan Map Guide Plan Designation CA Central Area Eagan Promenade Case No. 10 -PP -15-5-97 City of Eagan Community Development Department �,000 0. _ 1000 MW Feet ••i �� +iF:{ it tjediiii u�l �sTini# O O CZ ztQ W ! i t j11h mi �I >< i i$! ilt �I ►_fie i!a'3_� E x' it is i isf i ! 'F ij it i " .'•� trl i . 1 F :� �a{ �� agx i'' i ' f [iS � /ttf ii �i E `` i!!F• !_ �1 t�y i. a [ �}i �' i � fy{�='�• � Is, i�+� �� l�i !�P •� � i i}Y� ��• �� �• �i iit �i � � L)Fs i +� j +i. s �� ��/ •. ��\\�--���.'�-� .� � � —rad S -L L, _J r i•M�•eu•v�� �i IVB ilY �rl�Y lob� Fo } IL z U irr . I II1 T eine! Ihl��i;i 33Rrc- Z i�i� ei• t =ce ell S • . {i€lei .i i� �: tt4�i�2EssFil[�i:i �leeaSaeg$sEi€!id:„e_NB.i!_i�e � w-�►w � win-tn �_.. �.. �t �. ...�..• t 35rNd - Nd 3115 � ® r10MIhY) ..,,, Lq0 �. •- -On It mnw• . r r+e� ww.•. a far • "1/F� - Ht/�JY3 ...... O c" o 3Q y i lL i .0 LU c u!IIIIINIIIIIIr I o�` illllllii I Ililllilllll � 6 IIIIIII'Illlllll II II IIIIIIIIIIII III 3 r 6 !lii!IIIIIIIIIII! - .- -� - n f --'- X11 pI• illllil ��� ii IIS ��_ v:•.-.111/ILLI 1 !!!L :LLW�J� 1!1!' .. A 16T6f -------------------- y I II I o II II �Ofl II Ili nil fl b:l IIII IIII :II Irti II nlll 11 S it tw M.ov3mm , —�:� P sn w CKrU9 x W" � ou 30r'► GAG i4'd SAM CDOAV-WM P wry orrus I • ..—.tet md *at qm" •u EE .�►arnonnr�d 0 77 �. `•��. —V—• *365 e r � , r r CL WE n H w a LU ow -we" -, w.wttn �•• am�.. %— . t 3SYNd — NJIS NOIAd .... SIA 4m1�� .2-fta •��. �� X10; •� f ►Yy IV��Y�� •� � •�.�...� w 1�gt�R1� ���� w'vK li/�O�i � 7V�IV IVW'�•7�� 17�.� ......• ... 3/ b I GENERAL B I O N Co. MEMlER _ Q, � � Iraq q�.li 1� :.I'�'I�r „•...I 1 •..II 11 no 11111 11 1 1 " IIf,s z� u LU Oa N N r� wEGIRMOuu,iioiiiaw .. DESIGNED FOR: STUDIOPLUS >~ Rcarr AVE MF n. Loup, YG njoS PROJECr LOCATION: EAGAN, MN apppAnap�n po. • oAp p pR VW WK IL pppN SALESPERSON: S. TURNER GATE: 6/12/p7 appy way peppw _ PROJECr NO: DRAWN BY: J. EMMETT ---' 621207-R3['-- sAV SCALE: SHOWN IevlNorq STPL0212 Y a avia vo,s„ra eowpa.ew w a`.a- _ w hpa .,.pn pi. 4+Co, he/. -&"*d k. b ribad'o 0�a.aO41a+W Gaw7 or Co, K. I Erol ayer� a1R1. Rv oOvip...n m Y. b mOMOa rtay Moatowaft. -1, b am.nv p Gabq so, C'. W MIN hO W r Wm gnH Z z z z� z a; 'r-�. GENERAL 8 1 0 N C O. MEMEER � � o ------------- b �1-17 CAPE lIMRDEAU,YO E7701-0MW STUDIOPLU$a«~Roo, * AvE fTE.ERr LoyyYoa+a kDEISI*GN�FOR:EO OCJITION: EAC . MNoRo.•oMwER .rEMlOMRON: S. TURNER GATE: 6(fYrE7 Ma Lmn"oRE RD., NM NO: DRAWN BY: J.!.MMETT SCALE: 1R' 1' •,'"°` .87-R3 aAYwAs: ! $TPLeM !ft:7b CO.WnT oa+�cMTYhIlyp d9. Yro b +�•.bOyprr yyy\1'�-pon\tlbt no \bbd wd.�4o0YCetl. caWaa Mepy PatlM WinR�-O+'�.eE .0 A- PYYMy tl GwMtl qT fa.. K- Z wilp lu S2 N L t• \ { ate, �Y .- •� �N7COUNTY g0A0l1 {{� t � . GENERAL ,,4"? c' � ; B1ON CO �! r FAw+Eto IND. • a►arEe t;p AM 1, •,rlt" i,. 1 {, It —TglVi - max off DESIGNED fOR: STUDIO PLUS Y0 �f14 Pf10JECT LOCATION: EAQAN, MN — - sALESPERYON: !. TURNER DATE: S/Y4/Y7 CT NO: DRAWN BY: J. EMMETT SCALE: 3/4• -1 M 212BT -R SAvEoAs: STPL6212 a.wn,e ba�oltd bt►p m.+aaraacwra cpn co., . nd tl10i. alAOt Yat agvttlbn, iv ►1 b d .ttl, �POQe.0. Cgtetl a ..btM ti Yy btrAsi.{ppyr. M O VY p>A tlM /b�«pp..p �.►t�bti M pgf" tl REVISIONS TO P. 6 OF STAFF REPORT DATED 6/19/97 ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED A. To recommend approval or denial of a Preliminary Subdivision (Eagan Promenade 3`d Addition) consisting of two lots on property currently platted as Lot 9, Block 2, Eagan Promenade, subject to the following conditions: L Standard Conditions: The developer shall comply with these standard conditions of plat approval as adopted by Council on February 3, 1993: B1, B2, B4, Cl, C2, C4, D1, E1 2. All retaining wall construction shall be located outside all drainage and utility easements on the subdivision plat. 3. Detailed plans and specifications covering the construction of the proposed retaining walls should be submitted with the final subdivision application. 4. The temporary drainage swale on Lot 2 shall be removed and storm sewer piping constructed from the normal water level of Pond DP -4.2 across Lot 2 to accommodate runoff from Lot 1 prior to issuance of a building permit for Lot 2. 5. The driveway access on the common lot line between Lots 1 and 2 shall be directly aligned with the future extension of Denmark Ave. north of Northwoods Drive. 6. Sufficient drainage and utility easement for the future storm sewer line across Lot 2 to accommodate storm water runoff from Lot 1 shall be provided on the final plat for the subdivision. 7. The developer shall provide cross -easements for the shared driveway access for review by the City Attorney prior to final subdivision approval. 8. The developer shall plat the property. B. To recommend approval or denial of an Amendment to the Preliminary Planned Development to allow a hotel and retail development on Lots] and 2, Block 1, Eagan Promenade 3'd Addition. If approved, this amendment shall be subject to the following conditions: 1. Development on Lot 1, Block I shall consist of a three-story, 85 -room hotel. 2. Development on Lot 2, Block 1 shall consist of 42,280 sf. of retail development. 3. All development shall be consistent with the attached site plan, labeled "PSI Site Plays — Phase 4 ". 4. Development of the hotel on Lot 1, Block 1 shall include deviations from the approved signage standards and architectural design guidelines regarding building signage, trash enclosure, and building height. 5. All rooftop mechanical equipment shall be screened from view per the approved design guidelines. 6. Site signage should be limited to either a shared pylori sign or one monument sign per lot. Other signage (building, directional) shall be consistent with the proposed hotel plans. /3� REVISIONS TO P. 6 OF STAFF REPORT DATED 6/19/97 7. Execution of a written Amendment to the Preliminary Planned Development Agreement 8. Execution of a Final Planned Development Agreement for each lot per the original Preliminary PD Agreement and any subsequent amendments. 9. Recording of the Final Subdivision and Final Planned Development Agreement(s) with Dakota County. 10. The hotel on Lot 1, Block 1 shall provide staff at the front desk 24 hours per day. 3�7 DATE: July 2, 1997 TO: Chief Patrick Geagan FROM: Officer Duane Pike SUBJECT: Extended Stay Motels City of Eagan POLICE DEPARTMENT MEMO Per your instructions, I checked with Bloomington Police Department and Eden Prairie Police Department regarding their extended stay motels. Both departments informed me that they do not have any extended stay motels without 24 hour management present. Both departments also stated that they do not have a significant problem with the extended stay motels in their city. Bloomington did advise me that they would most likely not approve an extended stay motel without 24-hour management because of criminal activity concerns and fire safety concerns. Bloomington did receive a request from a corporation called Extended Stay Motels that wanted to put in a motel in their city. The fire marshall specifically asked if their would be 24 hour staff due to concerns about sprinkler system monitoring. This corporation stated that they would have 24-hour staff. The officer that spoke with expressed concerns of criminal activity involving drugs and prostitution since a motel without night management could be a magnet for these types of persons. 1 have also enclosed the' print outs for the Residence Inn. We have approximately 41-46 calls per year. From my experience, most of these calls are from management who observed the criminal activity. Without 24 hour management, residents of the motel would be forced to call the police for even minor incidents that management would normally handle. Also, the motel will be located next to 1-35E and this location makes 137 i a prime location for prostitution and drug distribution. Without 24 hour staff, person(s) who commit these crimes would be able to conduct their business without worrying about management calling the police or making them leave. We also see at the Residence Inn that kids obtain rooms and throw large juvenile parties with alcohol and drugs involved. Management routinely discovers the parties and the police are called in to remove the parties. Without 24-hour management, no one will be around to prevent this activity. In a city of our size, this type of motel should not be allowed to operate without 24-hour staff. The owners of the motel are putting a great liability upon themselves and a burden upon the police department.