09/02/1997 - City Council RegularAGENDA EAGAN CITY COUNCIL - REGULAR MEETING EAGAN MUNICIPAL CENTER BUILDING SEPTEMBER 2,1997 6:30 P.M. I. ROLL CALL & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE IL ADOPT AGENDA & APPROVAL OF MINUTES (BLUE) III. VISITORS TO BE HEARD (10 MINUTE TOTAL TIME LIMIT) IV. DEPARTMENT HEAD BUSINESS (BLUE) A. CONSIDERATION for land banking/future Fire Station #6 V. CONSENT AGENDA (PINK) . 4, A. 4 PERSONNEL ITEMS for Pinetree Forest B. FINAL SUBDIVISION - Royal Oaks Realty, Inc. 8 C. MODIFICATION to sign package for Promenade Oaks (Eagan Promenade 2nd Add.) (� D. PROJECT 700, reschedule final assessment hearing (Hall St./TH 3 Service Rd. - Utilities) C 8 E. CONTRACT 97-16, receive bids/award contract (Slater Rd. - Sidewalk) F. PROJECT 724, approve consultant, Southern Lakes water tower ' G. 2 PROJECT 717R, receive feasibility report/order public hearing (Country Home Heights - Street Surfacing) t 1 H. PROJECT 689, delete pending assessments (Hayes & DeLosh Add. - Trunk Storm Sewer) a I. CONTRACT 97-05, approve change order #1; Deerwood Reservoir (Trunk Watermain) aJ.PROJECT 615R, receive final assessment roll/order public hearing (Meadowview Rd. - Utilities) J-q K. PROJECT 718, receive final assessment roll/ order public hearing (Deerwood Reservoir - Trunk ♦ Watermain) Z C j L. CONTRACT with Lifeworks M. CONTRACT 97-17, Lexington/Diffley athletic. fields -parking lot ♦ N. CONTRACT 95-T, acknowledge completion/authorize City maintenance (Rahncliff 41h Add. - ,2� O. Utilities) CONTRACT 96-15, approve final payment/authorize City maintenance (Meadowview Rd.) �a P. 00- CONTRACT 95-GGG, acknowledge completion/authorize City maintenance (Town Centre 100- �Q. 16th, 16th 'Allina - Utilities) CONTRACT 96-W, acknowledge completion/authorize City maintenance (Duckwood Bluff - P Z� R. Utilities) PROJECT 725, authorize feasibility report (Oak Chase Add. - Street Resurfacing) VI. 7-00- PUBLIC HEARINGS (SALMON) A. ALLINA HEALTH SYSTEM and ALLINA MEDICAL GROUP, issuance and sale of up to $4,750,000 Variable Rate Demand Revenue Notes, Series 1997 1p. B. VACATE drainage & utility easement, Lots 3 & 4, Block 1, Verdant Acres ,,45'c. C. PROJECT 723, Southern Lakes (Trunk Utilities) D. PROJECT 702 & 703, final assessment hearing - Woodgate 2nd & Mallard Park 2nd Add. (Street Replacement) VII. NEW BUSINESS (TAN) CERTIFICATION of the preliminary 1998 property tax levy, approval of the preliminary 1998 PA. General Fund Operating Budget and approval of the Truth -In -Taxation hearing dates B. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT - AT&T Wireless Services, to allow a wireless communication antenna on the Parkview Golf Course located at 1310 Cliff Road in the NW 1/4 of Section 34 o Q 3 C. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT - Mary Mother of Mercy & Good Hope Shelter, Inc., to allow an j emergency shelter and transitional living center for homeless women and children located in ♦ \� "' D. Section 14 CONSIDER claim for driveway repair - Briar Creek Road P 1,ZE. CONTRACT 97-13, approve plans/order ad for bids (Southern Lakes - Trunk Utilities) VIII. LEGISLATIVWINTERGOVERNMENTAL AFFAIRS UPDATE (GREY) A. DAKOTA COUNTY, Northern Service Center siting decision IX. ADMINISTRATIVE AGENDA (GREEN) X. VISITORS TO BE HEARD (for those persons not on agenda) XI. ADJOURNMENT XII. EXECUTIVE SESSION The City of Eagan is committed to the policy that all persons have equal access to its programs, services, activities, facilities and employment without regard to race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, disability, age, marital status, sexual orientation, or status with regard to public assistance. Auxiliary aids for persons with disabilities will be provided upon advance notice of at least 96 hours. If a notice of less than 96 hours is received, the City of Eagan will attempt to provide such aid. Updated 8/29/97-10:30 a.m. MINUTES OF A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE EAGAN CITY COUNCIL Eagan, Minnesota ..August 19, 1997 A special meeting of the Ea W***:P. J1y.0giim0:'W%'sA 00 on Tuesday, August 19, 1997, at 5:00 p.m. in the lunchroom of the Eagan Municipal Center':.' *Miii§":::'i3.t,,i.�'iik'.'w.'ere Mayor Egan and City Councilmembers Awada, Blomquist, Masin and Wachter. Also..present were Director of Finance VanOverbeke, Director of Parks & Recreation Vraa, Park Planner Lilly, Chief of Pae Geagan and City Administrator Hedges. VOLUNTEER FIRE RELIEF ASSOCIATION PENSION City Administrator Hedges stated that staff is responding to a request by the City Council at the August 5 meeting to prepare funding scenarios for a defined contribution plan that includes the $3,650 as proposed by the Relief Association, as well as other nwYA.*rs less than that amount, and also to compare these numbers with various examples of a Jump sum benefit undii-ltiO defineif:tonefit plan. Director of Finance VanOvfttke presiiilid a comparison of benefit plans from the cost side and from the projected benefit side, as requeste*d::: There several examples presented for the defined benefit pension plan, which included a lump sum pvymo0:0f:$4;R0JDJ4-5W,$4 :. 700, $5.000, $5,250 and $5,500. These were compared to an amount available p*::.fJW!A, W"'ji:.-issurning 100 firefighters under a defined contribution pension plan; those amounts being $2-,400,-V,i66, . $2:660, $3,200, $3,650 and $3,700. Director of Finance VanOverbeke noted that the $3,650 should actually be $3,450, stating that the actuary discovered an error in their report which has changed the annual total cost from $365,000 to $345,000 under the defined benefit pension plan scenario of $5,250 for lump sum payment per year of service. City Councilmember Wachter stated that the..fgefij*hters certainly deserve an increase in the pension for the service they provide the City and also th.q..pe in attracting new members. He further stated that the amount of the pension needs become burdensome for the taxpayers. City Councilmember Blomquist asked how many Ordf it'Ve partfdipating in the pension program. City Administrator - Hedges stated that the Fire Department has .-9p . p royAl for up. 150 firefighters; however, the average number of firefighters has rarely exceeded 100. City CodiQiwinber.Amada suggested that the City consider the defined contribution at the amount required to be equivaie'6'f'**t'b';**';*I*:*:I'U'*'r'r't*o*,':Igmdefined benefit of $4,700 per year of service. With a 3% adjustment per year used for the assumption, th e%bdtljk4-#te of increase would be based on the salary increase of non-union personnel with a 6.2% interest assumption on,061 earnings. City Councilmembers discussed the proposal and generally agreed that the amount suggested would be a reasonable pension amount for the firefighters. Mayor Egan stated that the City Administrator will present this information to the Fire Relief Association for their consideration. City Administrator Hedges stated that the Fire Relief Association was told at their last meeting that they would have an opportunity to present information at the August 26 work session. MUNICIPAL *R CA�RpCJ'3 SITE PLAN REVIEW Greg Ingraham, Ingraham X:.Wss, pre�;Jed five concept plans for the Municipal Center Campus site. The first four concepts (A through D) i"..�.e...qr.t.mfdtsor-municipal swimming pool and additional parking. Mr. Ingraham presented Concept E, Which in*ji. and additional parking. Concept D also included a concert plaza. The proposals inab did-a-'66n&OfM-would relocate the Old City Hall to the Municipal Center site. City Councilmember Wachter stated that the History Committee reviewed the possibility of the Old City Hall moving to the Municipal Campus. It is their recommendation that it not be relocated, but remain on its original site. City Councilmembers raised M:Aqch of the concepts as to how the parking would best serve the civic arena and the other recreau.,o."n*A'I:"w""**"Nldis::::::::::::-... Mr. Paul Dahlberg, represe4ithb A.C.C. Architectk-.*gresented options for locating the second sheet of ice, stating that those plans have been.jFt*grated with the master planning performed by Mr. Ingraham. Mr. Dahlberg explained that options are limitec(:O*:to how far the secdM: sheet of ice can be shifted in the proposed drawings due to the location for storage of Page 2/Eagan Special City Council Meeting Minutes August 19, 1997 Mr. Ingraham stated that his:&16ice of the five concepts is Concept C, which locates the municipal swimming pool adjacent to the internal drive as•a :%cat.poipt to;thp.Municipal Center Campus. He further stated that the parking lot surrounds the pool, providin :; ;:g t};:j o: fgr "iple parking their cars to that facility. City Councilmembers concurred that a concept witti•i3:'rliiitiicip44wi'iifif'rigOool is favored, however, preferred Concept B, stating that moving the pool further to the:;ebtst provides more parking opportunities for the civic arena during winter months. City Councilmembers and Mr.':'43graham concurred that the plans are not definite and more detail would be needed to determine a final concept:'''"' Recognizing that it was approximately 6:30 p.m., City Councilmember Wachter proposed that the meeting be suspended until after the regular City Council meeting at which time the Council could further discuss the second sheet of ice and the concept plans for the Municipal Center Campus Master Pian. "GOND SfL*tT OF ICE Mayor Egan resumed the Special Ciiy: Council meeting at 9:10 p.m. to further discuss the alternative plans for the Municipal Center Cai pus site arid'meet with Paul Dahlberg regarding the second sheet of ice. Mr. Dahlberg reviewed various plans that include a changing/restroom for the wading pool. City Councilmembers stated that in most of the concepts, the wading pool will be moved, reducing the need for a separate exterior changing/restroom facility. Mr. Dahlberg also asked for direction from the City Council relative to the intention of the City Council to bid for a general contractor, contractor/construction manager or straight construction manager. After discussing the pros and cons, it was determined that it would be to the benefit of the City and the project to utilize acontractor/construction manager, ...City'. stated that they would prefer the contractor/construction manager as providing greate.rgptspriuriities'for a cost effective project. Mayor Egan thanked Mr. DaliItaei'g 6f his pri pantation and was pleased as to how the project is progressing for the second sheet of ice. City Counritmember 1l1lit hter stated that he would like the Municipal Center Master Plan to be further refined by Mr. Inge*4*p.': fid: �lsq. include an outdoor swimming pool and parking expansion as a part of the 1997 Part I CIP with a fundini'tsjiifep for the use of Community Investment Funds. After discussing this matter further with the City Council, Mayal5l' ' i:0roposed the City Administrator include as a project and funding consideration, the municipal swimming pool and ez0anded parking as a part of the five-year CIP to be considered for 1998. ADJOURMENT There being no further business ti,!�e.meeting adjourned at approximately 10:00 p.m. Date City Clerk TLH MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE EAGAN CITY COUNCIL Eagan, Minnesota August 19,1997 A regular meeting of the Eagan Cifyouncil was held on Tuesday, August 19,1997 at 6:45 p.m. at the Eagan Municipal Center. Present w67'�Mayor Egan and Councilmembers Wachter, Awada, Masin and Blomquist Also present were City A x:T�t :Hv4ges, Senior Planner Mike Ridley, Director of Public Works Tom Colbert, and City Atkgi :#ietil;::: ... �GEht1 Councilmember Masin moved, Councilmember Wachter seconded a motion to approve the agenda as presented. Aye: 4 Nay: 0 (Councilmember Awada was not present) I MUTES flF TH$ AMGUST�,,1997"itEGULAR MEI±rN Councilmember Blomquist mover Councilxi� nber Masin seconded a motion to approve the minutes as presented. Aye: 4 Nay: 0 (C4i cihneji" Awada was not present) MINUTES OF T" �4f Z '3^i, . SrPiyCIAL WET1K Councilmember Blomquist moved, Councilmember Masin seconded a motion to approve the minutes as presented. Aye: 4 Nay: 0 (Councilmember Awada was not present) Councilmember Awada arrived at 6:47 p.m. NIIIITUTES OF THE JULY 9i: 99f;$.P CIAL MEETING Councilmember Blomquist moven;Couitcijmemist Wachter seconded a motion to approve the minutes as presented. Aye: 5 Nay: 0 FISIII ORS TO' R tD Pastor Jim Borschatz of Easter Lutheran Church introduced Lois Pallmeyer as the new Associate Pastor at Easter Lutheran Church. P-t)MAIUNM RECOGNM- -O' j City Administrator Hedges proviO&;aii oi+riei v oir item. The following individuals/organizations were recognia, and pro d certificates for their service to the community: Boy Scout Troop 510, Eagan Convention &'`visitors 9 au., Eagan Lions Club, Knights of Columbus, Raleigh Seelig and Pat Thomas for theirributioa:4.nd commitment to the Fourth of July celebration; the Friends of the Farm in recognition of ji 1X.b:Fi ��.R-wt#nd Hoe Down held at Holz Farm; and Larry Lundberg for planning and coordit#�",��.��i.: EPARTMENT i AUBPIMMSS BOULEVARD TREES City Administrator Hedges providi _3[ii ovi'vietii+iithis item. Councilmember Blomquist stated that staff did a great job in putting togethiiidie supporting "fi4j,' smation on this item. She requested the visual aid used in conjunction with the irif6hnation be shared'-ivith the rest of the City Council. Councilmember Blomquist mov. ',' uncilr�c�eoybet.:y ae ter seconded a motion to direct staff and the City Attorney's office to make th15:LxX1IR?t3i{ttd3nance modification that would assess the EAGAN CITY COUNCEL MEETING MINUTES; AUGUST 19, 1997 PAGE 2 property owner for the cost of trimming:or removal of boulevard trees, and further, that staff adopt a practice of notifying the affected hom&u'mer of identified problems before taking corrective action based on a standard for interpreting the probL6& Aye: 5 Nay: 0 Councilmember Wachter askdid.'g- a pig ip t�k eing made to C.R. 42 will impact Eagan residents. City Administrator Hedges s.tated that what design criteria and construction standards may be imposed by the Metropolitan Council,; ki C.R. 42 could affect Cliff Road in Eagan which has the same functional classification. Councilmember Wachter said he observed a City of Eagan dump truck and the dump body was encased in rust. He suggested that employees who utilize certain pieces of equipment could compete in a pride contest to try and keep the equipment in good condition. Councilmember Awada askea-' if; the plac*ii►ent of a monopole at Parkview Golf Course will affect the widening of Cliff Road. Senior PI"er RidlOy Mated it should not have any effect on the widening since it will have to meet the building' setback requirements and future right-of-way requirements have also been anticipated. rZONSENT AGENDA In regard to Item G, Recommendation, Airport Relations Commission request for current and projected noise level comparisons for North-South Runwa Rublic information Councilmember Blomquist said she would like to see how the 60 DNL cp4toik impacts the City. In regard to Items H and I, Resi f&*"': PC -466 Resi ation APrC Councilmembers concurred that standard past practice should be itiflow'ecl in fillirj#he vacancies. A. Personnel Items Item 1. It was recommended to approve the hiring of Johii'ViinDiver as a seasonal equipment maintenance worker. Item 2. It was recommended to approve the hiring of Steve Dykstra as a part-time seasonal supervisor at the Civic Arena. B. ExemRtion from Lawful Gambling - - - to approve an exemption from the lawful" m Unlimited for a raffle to be held in coijunctior C. Kern DeWenter, Viere, Ltd., enga„yertagM. ;-& -:N It was recommended to approve the eh gA'p' " iif #eite auditing services for the year ended December 31, 1997. It was recommended e requirement for the Eagan Chapter of Ducks annual event on September 6,1997. DeWenter, Viere, Ltd., to provide D. Project 700, receive final assessment roll/order public hearing Mi 3 Service Rd. & Hall St. -Utilities]. It was recommended to receive the final assessmept roll for Project 700 (TH 3 Service Road & Hall Street - Utilities) and schedule a public hearing ta_12:#► a &Ap mber 16,1997. E. Recommendation Airport KelatioM: `ommission ivterronouran rtucran wunu avinum it. `vtul— Representation. It was recommended. to. approve a recomviie dation by the Airport Relations Commission ratifying comments conGsing possible chanS:in the representation on the Metropolitan Aircraft Sound Abatement Council EAGAN CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES; AUGUST 19, 1997 PAGE 3 F. Final Subdivision, Opus Northwest, LLC for Eagandale Center Industrial Park No. 13. It was recommended to approve a Final Plat (Eagandale Center Industrial Park No. 13) for 1 lot on 6.69 acres located south of Lone Oak Road, east of Lexington Avenue in the NW IV4 of Section 11. G. Recommendation, Airport Relations Commission, request for current and2r2rojected noise level comparisons for North-South Runway public information. It was recommended to approve a recommendation by the Airport Relations Commission to formally request that MAC provide a map depicting current noise levels out to the 50 and 60 DNL contour for purposes of comparison with the 50 and 60 DNL contours previously generated for the north south runway addition. H. Resignation, APC. It was recommended to accept the resignation of Kurt Augustin, alternate member, from the Advisory Planning Commission and staff was directed to contact remaining candidates and others who have expressed an interest in serving on an advisory commission regarding the alternate position. If no response is received, advertisements will be placed in the local media. I. Resignation, APrC. It was recommended to accept the resignation of Guy Kohlnhofer from the Advisory Parks Commission and appoint alternate member Steven Knutson to a full member. Staff was also directed to contact remaining candidates and others who have expressed an interest in serving on an advisory commission regarding the alternate position. If no response is received, advertisements will be placed in the local media. Councilmember Wachter moved, Councilmember Awada seconded a motion to approve the consent agenda. Aye: 5 Nay: 0 PUBI3C:11EARINGS PROJECT 721, MULCAHY ADD. - SANITARY SEWER City Administrator Hedges provided an overview on this item. Development/Design Engineer Gorder gave a staff report. Mayor Egan opened the public hearing to anyone wishing to speak. Ed Kerschke, President of Bernard -Mulcahy Company, said they are concerned about the $77,000 it will cost for this project. He said it would be more economical if they were to get a single contractor to accomplish the work in one project rather than break it into two separate projects. Director of Public Works Colbert explained that staff is proposing to combine it with the Muphy Parkway project in order to reduce costs. There being no one else wishing to speak, Mayor Egan turned the discussion back to the Council. Councilmember Wachter moved, Councilmember Blomquist seconded a motion to close the public hearing and approve Project 721, Mulcahy Addition (Sanitary Sewer). Aye: 5 Nay: 0 PROJECT 722, MURPHY PKWY. - WATERMAIN City Administrator Hedges provided an overview on this item. Development/Design Engineer Gorder gave a staff report. Mayor Egan opened the public hearing to anyone wishing to speak. He noted that one written objection was received. Director of Public Works Colbert explained that the objector has already waived his right to object by signing the development agreement for the Murphy Farms Addition. He also explained that the objector thought the assessment was $50,000, but he noted that the assessment to the property owner will only be $12,500. Mayor Egan opened the public hearing to anyone wishing to speak. There being no one wishing to speak, he turned the discussion back to the Council. EAGAN CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES; AUGUST 19, 1997 PAGE 4 Councilmember Awada moved, Councilmember Wachter seconded a motion to close the public hearing and approve Project 722, Murphy.:i?arkway (Watermain) acknowledging one written objection to be considered at the time of the final asses�tnt. Aye: 5 Nay: 0 VARIANCE]; CES, INC City Administrator Hedges provided an overview on this item. Senior Planner Ridley gave a staff report. Councilmember Awada asked if the six foot fence would be removed. Tena Buell, representing REM -Metro Services, Inc., indicated the fence would be removed. Mayor Egan opened the public hewing to anyone wishing to speak. Carl Hayle, 3811 Alder Lane, askg,'why the ? eed an eight foot fence. Ms. Buell explained that one resident tends to climb over the fence:td run a*Ay from the group home. She said that the six foot fence has some gaps that provide foot holds.that.tnaCe it easy to climb over. Mr. Hayle questioned whether the teenagers belong in the group#ia;i#:ii �eec;�ei:pe restrained by an eight foot fence. He asked if the City of Eagan pays for the care of # :t'esu#eitts'iirid-'also if the City will pay the cost of the fence. Ms. Buell explained that the funding is through Dakota County Human Services. Ms. Buell stated that they have had two incidences in the past four years and that it has been one youth who has gotten over the fence both times. He said the eight foot fence would provide youth. Mr. Hayle stated that if the neighbors nem belong in this home. Councilmember Wacbter:sw Mr. Hayle would have to discuss his cone - `*ith Awada said that the youth have the right to:�is :ft(: statute governs this use and the City Council does -i is mainly for the protection of the youth. otfton for the neighbors as well as the t -*from the youth perhaps they do not is not for the Council to decide and said that :ounty Human Services. Councilmember tial neighborhood. She added that state .ulrol over it. Ms. Buell added that the fence Doris Donnelly, an adjacent neighbor, stated that the youth has been over the fence more than twice. She further said that perhaps this individual needs to be relocated to a more secure facility. She added that an eight foot fence would look atrocious next to her property. She noted that this one individual climbs over the six foot fence by stepping on top of a raised flower bed. She said she did not think the two foot variance is necessary. There being no one else wishing;f{�i;0peak, I i Egan turned the discussion back to the Council. Councilmember Blomquist statd&t an ei�,#}�foot fence may not be the solution, but rather the child may have to be removed. Mayor Ir&;gtifioerty owner requesting the variance has not met with the adjacent neighbors regard rigt e'dppl eatiidtt:� tl:lKas not answered the Council's questions about this request very well. He added that it is not the operation of the home that is in question, but rather the need for an eight foot fence. Councilmember Blomquist commented that she could not approve this request when a hardship has not been proven. Councilmember Wachter suggested that the gaps in the six foot fence be filled with other boards. Councilmember Blomquist moved;; iticilmeiiiSi66-Avada seconded a motion to deny a two -foot Variance for fence height to allow an eig>ii7446t fence in a resi.%tial district at 3820 Alder Lane, legally described as Lot 1, Block 10, Langhoven. Athe NW 1/4 of Sectiq 20. Aye: 5 Nay: 0 EAGAN CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES; AUGUST 19, 1997 PAGE 5 D -05 -Bl- -- CONTRACT 97-15, (MULIr&IY ADD. & MURPHY PKWY. - UTILITIES) City Administrator Hedges pro item. Director of Public Works Colbert gave a staff report Councilmember Awada moved, CA-tincilmember Wachter seconded a motion to approve the plans for Contract 97-15 (Mulcahy Additidrv& Murphy Parkway - Utilities) and authorize the competitive advertisement for a bid opening to be held at 10:30 a.m., on September 12, 1997. Aye: 5 Nay: 0 RECONSIDERATION, PRELIMINARY SUBDIVISION (EAGAN PROMENADE 3RD ADD.) :-PPUS NORTHWEST City Administrator Hedges provi& an oviriew on this item. Senior Planner Ridley gave a staff report. Councilmember Wachter asked 2tbP.'#t: for this property. City Administrator Hedges explained that the'. ta. i -6i ffito be applied for by Opus and the action before the Council tonight is to approve the Preliminary Subdivision only. Senior Planner Ridley noted that Opus has revised this request from their earlier subdivision request. City Attorney Sheldon clarified that it would not be necessary for the Council to approve a separate motion for reconsideration since the Council is fat rgisidering their original application but are considering a revised application. Councilmember Masin moved, C,84iteihiiember k vada seconded a motion to approve a revised Preliminary Subdivision (Eagan Promenade-3ti'Mdjtiony consisting of one lot located on the south side "IX.... of Northwood Drive in the SE quarter of Sectio n 5 -N.4y: 0 REZONING (KENNETH &JANE GREENE) & PRELIMINARY SUBDIVISION (VERDANT HILLS) City Administrator Hedges provid.ed:*i ;;qyprvi!W.!:qkth'.ts item. Senior Planner Ridley gave a staff report. Director of Public Works Co& -:'i:':*:*-'-' 61:""i kit'ibinale for extending the 16" watermain to Wescott Hills Drive. Councilmember Wachter said he "uld hke see the watermain looped because it helps make X - the water taste better. Councilmember -.4xbftt.the costs would be to the developer if the watermain was looped. Director of Publit-W.d 6Tbi*.w. ii*bt know the exact costs. Roger Anderson, Civil Engineer for the applicant, stated that Mr. Greene has worked hard at combining parcels and working with the topography. He said they are concerned about the substantial assessment for storm drainage. He requested additiorW information be provided to them with regard to what adjoining properties and areas have bpi a5S4torm drainage He added that their primary concern is with the need for the watermain. o:lse ektefTd&4-tts.Wescott Hills Drive. He said they feel this extension is premature. He noted that a .. "oper is comm&:'*'*­:wAh a proposal and they would like to avoid constructing the watermain twice., He stated they wouihike the land to remain unplatted and allow the normal development process "' !oceed and make #i;icomection at the appropriate time. .... .............. EAGAN CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES; AUGUST 19, 1997 PAGE 6 Ken Greene, applicant, reiterated Mr. Anderson's comments. He added that the cost of extending the watermain and assessments for storm sewer would make this project unfeasible. Senior Planner Ridley explained why the applicant is bei�i�:'::asked to plat the remaining three acres. Mayor Egan said that Mr. Greene ha$ worked a JQtwitb .the design of this property and added that only six trees need to be removed. He; a4f.:" t is iie;t tree acre Stricker parcel is unnaturally connected to the rest of the property and it is'il7ogical't0'3iit7iide it with the other parcels. He stated that the watermain is carried to a logical termiiA and he also said he is confident that development will occur to the west in the near future. He said th*tie felt the watermain should terminate at the eastern portion of the newly platted lots. Councilmember Awada stated that the watermain should be extended to the west side of the platted lots of Verdant Hills and Lot 5 should be excluded from the plat and an easement should be provided, in a feasible location, to Wesco�" Drive;. Councilmember Blomquist move4;`.Councilfiiie * r Awada seconded a motion to approve a Rezoning of 5.92 acres from A (Agriculture1:to R-1 le Family) located east of Wescott Hills Drive, west of Woodland Court in the NE V4 of Councilmember Blomquist moved, Councilmember Awada seconded a motion to approve a Preliminary Subdivision for Verdant Hills consisting of 11 lots on 9.2 acres located east of Wescott Hills Drive, west of Woodland Court in the NE 1/4 of Section 14 subject to the following conditions: Standard Conditions 1. The developer shall comply .xxi h-ffiesL--:. and conditions of plat approval as adopted by Council on February Al, B1, B2, B3, B4, C1, C2, C3 Fi3�;1x: 1.G1, and H1. 2. The subdivision shall be platted. Airport Noise 3. Architectural designs and construction methods for new construction within the development will incorporate:sos�nd attenuaasufficient gjk standards sucient to achieve an interior sound level of 45c}V;A;1gg:wcxltx7uiie an inside noise level reduction of at least 20 dBA. 4. A notice shall be recorded-,qn the dQed;for each lot and/or condominium unit indicating that it is in the MetropolW Coo d'*"* craft Noise Zone IV. Utilities 5. An easement by document shall be provided for a 16 -inch trunk wafter main from the west edge of the plat to Wescott Hills Drive, where feasible, as part of this development as identified in the City Water. ltd Distribution Plan. Easements 6. The drainage and utility.:ftsements dedicated:*nth the previous platting of this property, with the exception of thq:eicistinondi>.ea g 5gMent on Lots 1, 2, and 3, shall be vacated :$.�: at time of final subdivisWK-4 SSQY;4:1:,:",":,.:::*:::.:,:.:.: EAGAN CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES; AUGUST 19, 1997 PAGE 7 Park Dedication 7. The developer shall be re4dhsible for a cash parks dedication. 8. The developer shall bere�&' tion. MEWS dedication. Tree Preservation 9. Individual Lot Tree Preservation Plans will be required for Lots 2 through 12 at the time ,of building permit application. 10. Tree Protective measures 4 foot polyethylene laminate safety netting) shall be installed at the Drip Lind':O ::at the po eter of the Critical Root Zone, whichever is greater, of significant ' �voodl" to be preserved during both initial site development and indivi"id' lot de ent 11. The applicant shall contat-T-Ow0khPOx a -Division at least five days prior to the issuance of the grading with the approved Tree Preservation Plan. Water Quality 12. The developer shall be subject to a cash quality mitigation. The amount of thea and development density.9f:J43!n0i�*s 13. Filling or draining of prohibited. Aye: 5 Nay: 0 ;4twn in lieu of on-site ponding for water '"c*ation shall be based on the total area area of the existing developed lot (Lot 1). along the southern border of the site is COMPREHENSIVE GUIDE PLAN AMENDMENT & REZONING - CITY OF EAGAN (LEXINGTON ADDITION) City Administrator Hedges provided .4Lnq Verview c?n.tMs item. Councilmember Wachter move Blomquist seconded a motion to approve a Comprehensive Guide Plan Amendment ti& approxiiStely 42 acres from Industrial to Business Park, contingent upon Metropolitan Council rdView and approval. Aye: 5 Nay: 0 di. t seconded a motion to approve a Councilmember Wachter move 0 , V...... ....... ... ..... 1. P ....... -W .quis Rezoning of approximately 42 acres from Limited Indus'@" iio:"tusmiess Park for approximately 42 acres located north of Northwood Drive and west of Lexington Avenue in the southeast quarter of Section 10, contingent upon Metropolitan Council approval of the Comprehensive Guide Plan Amendment. Aye: 5 Nay: 0 COMPREHENSIVE GUIDV:NT - CITY OF EAGAN (EAGANDAORPO R NO. 2) City Administrator Hedges proykkd an overview on.tjos item. ........... X.*........................ mov ftal'm daseconded a motion to approve a Councilmember Blomquist Comprehensive Guide Plan Amendment'tUW from Industrial to Business Park for EAGAN CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES; AUGUST 19, 1997 PAGE 8 approximately 80 acres preliminarily platted as Eagandale Corporate Center No. 2 located north of Yankee Doodle Road and east of Lexington Avenue in the southwest quarter of Section 11, contingent upon Metropolitan Council review and appyal. Aye: 5 Nay: 0 ORDINANCE AMENDMENT - C.H :ER•3kVI A -NR- [SE REGULATIONS" (ZONING) City Administrator Hedges provided an overview on t7iis item. He said that it is also being recommended that the City Council adopt�xesolution authorizing publication of a summary ordinance. Councilmember Blomquist asked who did the work with regard to the proposed amendments. Senior Planner Ridley stated that the work was a joint effort by the legal staff, planning staff and'the Advisory Planning Commission members. Councilmember Blomquist stated that the change appears to be a stylized change in how it is written. Q9uncilmember Wachter said he is concerned with being able to enforce these codes. He further said the Cgtie should:pot be amended until the changes are enforceable. Councilmember Blomquist added that shQ tiled to fii i :the appropriate language that makes the amendments enforceable and the changesfat have jun made seem more like style changes and the actual content of the code appears to be th2'same. She -.f u-ther added that she is concerned with enforceability also. Senior Planner Ridley noted that these codes will be enforceable and the amendments strive to achieve goals through performance standards and the changes will make the code more efficient Mayor Egan stated that reason for the amendments to the Code is because the Council is trying to create a level playing field and a more user-friendly environywit~ Councilmember Wachter moved, Co 11O i,€iei wada seconded a motion to adopt an ordinance of the City of Eagan amendinggaiCity Codhapter Eleven entitled, "Land Use Regulations (Zoning)" by amending: Section.1..ff3:regardirig definitions; Section 11.10, Subdivision 14 regarding off-street loading areas; Section 11.1fl :Si; visiQn.15 (C), (D), (E) and (F) regarding landscape requirements; Section 11.10, Subdivision 29 regazding'6titt#WS. grage, sales and events; Section 11.20, Subdivisions 16,17,18,19, 20, 21 and 22 regarding industrial*ait4'by reference Eagan City Code Chapter 1 and Section 11.99. Aye: 5 Nay: 0 Councilmember Wachter moved, Councilmember Awada seconded a motion to approve a resolution authorizing publication of a summary ordinance. Aye: 5 Nay: 0 Councilmember Blomquist stated t# a?t niir # e.siti�i :;ordinance is the Councilmembers should receive the changes to be includecj: :Their Codi:Woks. . JOY-- RISTRAti E AGENDA Councilmember Wachter indicata:iii�. }.�;&e"io: f further with Councilmembers to discuss the second sheet of ice that was discussed earlier at the Special City Council meeting. City Administrator Hedges stated that the Special City Council meeting held at 5:00 p.m. could be suspended and resumed following the regular City Council meeting and the Executive Session. INVER GROVE HEIGHTS - NOTICEO";i��Ni i.G/EXCAVATION APPLICATION (NORTH OF A�R�s,�#fX* ER COURT) Councilmember Blomquist asked "at impact this proposal will have on the homes and churches in the area with regard to the dust that %%'9 -:be generated. Direr of Public Works Colbert explained that the according to the application they are . • W.4-d4m.s.-& dust factor via a number of measures. He said there will be some dust associatet#ji#i ##te:coistiaiiciiXkctivity. EAGAN CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES; AUGUST 19, 1997 PAGE 9 ROUNDTABLE Director of Public Works Colbert � and that Councilmembers will be receiving a letter from a property owner on Briar Creek Road and ff ii item will be presented at the September 2 City Council meeting. City Administrator Hedges remindpd Councilmembers that the budget information will be distributed on Friday and he noted that a 1 ii f work went into the preparation during the past three to four months. He said that the Council may'vvant to consider appointing Councilmembers to a committee to serve with appointed Planning Commission members for the purpose of discussing the details involved with the Comprehensive Guide Plan review. Councilmembers Blomquist and Awada indicated they would like to serve on this committee. Mayor Egan appointed Councils Council Comprehensive Guide Plan Rev: Councilmember Wachter moved, Cound Blomquist and Awada as members of a J Committee and Councilmember Masin a uist and Awada as members of a Joint APC/City :ilmember Masin serving as an alternate member. 1 seconded a motion to appoint Councilmembers Council Comprehensive Guide Plan Review esitbeX:: lye: 5 Nay: 0 Councilmember Wachter stated that he was concerned about some of the results of the 1997 Business Survey relating to comments about our public school system. He added that he appreciated the effort that went into the survey. Councilmember Masin requested that have so she can pass them along to the "Count her with any comments they may e Steering Committee. Councilmember Blomquist distriDiiieii copies of the advertisement for the upcoming Airport Days. She presented City Administrator Hed&:With some questions on the bill's list. She asked if the Parks Department would be replacing the bumne* -bW :a lk;Y y,.14sed for bow and arrow target practice. Director of Parks and Recreation Vraa indicated they wdi ttld'*-Oplaced. Councilmember Blomquist asked why there is no trail on the 300 foot stretch between Tir bdiline Park and Pilot Knob Road. City Administrator Hedges stated that staff will check into the matter. Councilmember Wachter asked about the roof leak located at the roof drain. Director of Parks and Recreation Vraa indicated that the leak was fixed, but he noted that a few other leaks have been discovered. Councilmember Wachter asked-ftb ad%(. the re well pump on the biII's list. Director of Public Works Colbert stated that there was M&W , :th by .fi'iitit of commission this summer and it had to be repaired. He said it was scheduled:f * rep aif Text year but had to be done a year early. .HECK -SISTER Councilmember Wachter move Ni gait'kitiecl a motion to approve the check register dated August 14,1997 in the amount of $1,544,051.52. Aye: 5 Nay: 0 �ITOtJit11TME��TIC tiu 6;Session for the purpose of discussing clerical The meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m. t*4i6X* negotiations. Present were Mayor Egan aro:;i�-oiihciliii t iarrsWachter, Awada, Masin and Blomquist, City Administrator Tom Hedges, and Cit i:�ittorney Jim She�t#pi�. The Special City Council meeting held at 5:00 p.m. was suspended to be resumed following the Execiiiive Session. EAGAN CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES; AUGUST 19, 1997 PAGE 10 Date City Clerk If you need these minutes in an alternative formi:&�:a�#$e i ei ie, audio tape, etc., please contact the City of Eagan, 3830 Pilot Knob Road, Eagan, MN 55122'(6i)'fi$ifiliEl;'{'F%1j phone: (612) 454-8535). The City of Eagan is committed to the policy tk t: U persons have equal access to its programs, services, activities, facilities and employment without regard to race,*color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, disability, age, sexual orientation, marital status or status with regard to public assistance. Agenda Information Memo September 2, 1997 Eagan City Council Meeting DEPARTMENT HEAD BUSINESS A. CONSIDERATION FOR LAND BANKING/ FUTURE FIRE STATION #6 ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: To provide direction to the City Administrator and Fire Chief regarding 1) proceeding ahead with acquisition/condemnation of the McCarthy property located in the northwest quadrant of the Lexington Wescott intersection for a future fire station or 2) designating the site for a future fire station and acquiring the property through land dedication when the McCarthy parcel is developed in the future. FACTS: • During December, 1996, action was taken by the City Council to approve the acquisition of property for future Fire Station #6. The Fire Department had identified a two acre parcel near Lexington Avenue and Falcon Way; however, after reviewing the site and examining the topography, the Engineering Department recommended that an alternate site be chosen. • Recent approval and future installation of the signal preemption has delayed the actual need to construct Fire Station #6; however, for planning purposes, it was determined that a site should be landbanked for the future. CONCERNS: Attempting to acquire a two acre parcel at the northwest quadrant of Wescott Road and Lexington Avenue will more than likely lead to condemnation and the City could incur some large expense. • Designating the site for a fire station, similar to how the City has acquired reservoir sites, could include the land as a part of a future land dedication to the City. ATTACHMENTS: • Enclosed on page 3 is a copy of the map indicating both the old location and new location for considering a land banking for Fire Station #6. MEMO TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS FROM: CITY ADMINISTRATOR HEDGES DATE: AUGUST 29,1997 SUBJECT: AGENDA INFORMATION FOR SEPTEMBER 2, 1997 CITY COUNCIL MEETING ADOPT AGENDA/APPROVE MINUTES After approval is given to the September 2, 1997 City Council agenda, the minutes of the August 19., 1997 regular City Council meeting and the minutes of the August 19, 1997 Special City Council meeting, the following items are in order for consideration. 13 rp p' 8P�0 2 . I3A.5� _! 14.1''a« • �,, amar • j to t • 4 Q —_-- • 14 •p131m, 13 �19•� P t 1� %1 7.2A' 71S' 3it L�]� � 4 . ^, . 73rJp7a FALCON WAY z 131 zo27 23 � , , , „ ,• z . r :, - k _ 8 d 22 60' 157.4g' 1DA00• 133.00' 107.01' 67.00' 9E.00' 1 116.99' ILQ _ \ Z E.4 / � / . ice• I i �I �I - �, t 013-76 I 1 ! I ,ala We 30, D? I I 0 I � • M � t g N I 3dE 94• 869,%M WESCOTT RD. I 32.70 Sr I 'ON 22 / T}6 UAP a To eE ,tSFD o►Lr / FOR P s7RDICE PIRPOSM T}E / + ' ' ' KVVmSigLE WW FOR P"CCOF UI.RA�CE"bS NOT HUC c 1/4 ( 1 Agenda Information Memo September 2, 1997 Eagan City Council Meeting CONSENT AGENDA The following items referred to as consent items require one (1) motion by the City Council. If the City Council wishes to discuss any of the items in further detail, those items should be removed from the Consent Agenda and placed under Old or New Business unless the discussion required is brief. A. PERSONNEL ITEMS Item 1. 911 Dispatcher— ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: To approve the hiring of a person to be recommended by the Chief of Police as a part-time 911 Dispatcher. FACTS: Preliminary interviews have been held for the above position. Background checks are being performed on the two finalists. The Chief of Police will interview the two finalists and make a recommendation to the City Council for hire. It is possible that a name will be available at the City Council meeting on Tuesday; however, if not, approval is needed for the person that the Chief of Police will recommend. Item 2. Resignation/Administrative Intern— ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: To accept the resignation of Administrative Intern of Lorenzo Davis, Jr. Item 3. Part-time Seasonal Touch Football Officials— ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: To approve the hiring of Guy Dawson, Jeff Freeman, Ken Freeman and Mark Samstad as part-time seasonal touch football officials. Agenda Information Memo September 2, 1997 Eagan City Council Meeting Item 4. Part-time Seasonal Basketball Scorekeepers— ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: To approve the hiring of Bruce Barry and David Schomburg as part-time seasonal basketball scorekeepers. Item 5. Parks and Recreation Undergraduate Intern— ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: No action is required on this item. FACTS: For the Council's information, Parks and Recreation will host an undergraduate internship for Cynthia Fitzsimons this fall. An undergraduate intern is not an employee; therefore, no action is required for this item. Agenda Information Item September 2, 1997 B. FINAL SUBDIVISION (PINETREE FOREST) - ROYAL OAKS REALTY, INC. ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: > To approve a Final Subdivision (Pinetree Forest, formerly Evergreen), consisting of 54 single-family lots and one outlot on 40 acres located east of Gun Club Road and south of Red Pine Elementary School in the SE'/4 of Section 36. FACTS: > The City Council gave preliminary approval for this subdivision at their regular meeting on March 18, 1997. > The Development Contract is signed and in order for execution. ISSUES: > The preliminary approval required one lot to be designated an outlot to allow for the possibility of a future street extension. This change was incorporated into the final plat. > The preliminary approval required a revised tree preservation plan for the entire site in lieu of individual lot tree preservation plans. The developer has opted not to submit the revised tree preservation plan and instead, individual lot tree preservation plans will be required at the time of building permit. ATTACHMENTS: Plat drawing, page till E i� till EWA it lit JUL 1 1 t s 0. lit Jill A hd �Si �R i !! I 8 G rfS a t i C`. 5 a 7t 45 1511 .r t 3 3 � S l oil! •nssaA 7ss. Nra A-1-1 7� Agenda Information Memo September 2, 1997 C. MODIFICATIONS TO THE SIGN _PLANS FOR PROMENADE OAKS fEAGAIN PROMENADE 2-4D ADDITION'S ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: > To approve or deny modifications to the sign package for the Promenade Oaks development, Eagan Promenade 2°d Addition. FACTS: > Last year the City Council approved a Planned Development for Eagan Promenade 2' Addition. The approval included a sign package. > The approved signs were brick with painted wood letters attached to the brick on the gateway signs and painted text on a wood panel for the intersection monument sign. The intersection monument sign also included decorative lighting. > The developer has made some modifications to the sign package which are outlined in the attached memo. Staff feels that these modifications are consistent with the original sign package. ATTACHMENTS: Staff memo, page/ 7 Revised Site Plan, page Proposed sign package, ages through./V. Original sign package, pages - /f through &:;, . N6 MEMO city of eagan To: Tom Hedges, City Administrator From: Pamela Dudziak, Associate Planner Date: August 29, 1997 Re: Promenade Oaks, Sign Modifications Eagan Promenade 2°d Addition BACKGROND Last year the City Council approved a Planned Development for Eagan Promenade 2°d Addition. The approval included a sign package for gateway entrance signs and an intersection monument sign. The signs were brick with painted wood letters attached to the brick on the gateway signs, and painted text on a wood panel for the intersection monument sign. The intersection monument sign also include decorative lighting. The developer has made modifications to the sign package and adjustments to sign locations on the site plan. PROPOSAL The proposed changes include the following: • Replace the brick element with stone, and include mounded stone at the base of the sign. • The gateway sign panel would be a precast panel with sandblasted letter instead of the painted wood. • The gateway signs at the north entrance to the development would be 2 foot square stone pillars. • The intersection monument sign would be located further north on the site because of the topography nearer the intersection. The design would be the same as the gateway signs for the west entrance, and the decorative light fixtures would not be included. • Eliminate temporary directional sign from southwest corner of Northwoods Drive and Lexington Avenue. EVALUATION The sign area and overall sign design appear consistent with the Planned Development. Staff is requesting the Council's review and approval this modified sign package for the Promenade Oaks development. 11 th — - - 0 9 : W aF n C] � a I t C) r Z Al ° k to i •_ o J, U e% n" crn 47 [frJNGION v Ci ,� •�.� °"f4�0 �°i�'':it ,1 'i+ 1„q�. ue � � � f 5 LN La log ..a w C C.. wisA lad[ fall afafctalfa. IfC i••.a ERGAM MtOMEM ” 21O tn01 T I OM W LET Wn [owmy SITE PLAN UCS-6EE (3 4OSS-6EE ZI9 S,tSS MW 'SrjodV-� .0 Q- -_ __ SL�3IIHJ?IV PZVIWH9 NCISN--MS S^SarMg 7F--- TS , s31oN _- -Ae NMvaa –—� :(5)31ao -n38 [(3>vo OOZ'66LZ ewnN awwo�j (ajoaH sasnoyu oo apouawo�d 1�3road 338 'OMO — 3�v3s – -- - �{ T " /�C :3wVN JMO n i t7 C z 3 0 z Z m -n c p„ s fir_ a c 2. me n 2 m� 'moos -V V', Z: m m ) S M � 7o j -�'n.¢ c 3 Z. rn fir_ a c 2. me n 2 m� 'moos -V V', Z: m m I SU s z 9nb 03AI3038 P— ro vZP ti a E fi "f DWG NAME: �_�—Y�i��L�_C.6 �.L�l�-$/ 11 SCALE: DWG. REF—i/-1? �=JZ--- PROJECT: Promenade Townhouses Healey^-Ramme - �----.—� NUMB: 2799ZOO DATE: �y� 1 - / I REV.•DATE(s): __..—..-_-.-----. - ---- — DRAWN BY: — I NOTES: EL_NFSS SWENSON GRAHAM ARCHITECTS, INC. 700 THMD ST. SO. A1INNEApOLIS, MN 55415 612 339-5500 7-339-5382 a OWC NAME: —a E�fo PROJECT. Promenade v . -Lsa - SCALE: DWC. REF de lownhoqse-q----I[��-qLey- cioLme Nulla: ?aq.zoo DA TE: REV. DATE(s): NOTES: DRAWN 13y., ARCHrrECT,S, INC. ELNESS SWr-NSON GRAHAM 700 THIRD ST. So. MrNl"'EAPOLIS, MN 55415 612 339-550o M 339-5332 I _ MeOPIrIVt L 4Nlir i 1 P)4wrpv Wei BRW ELNESS A Thresher Square. Minneapol I PPIN*CO 1 612/339-5508 .w F +-otmv Wv ,/,\z 3r4lr jlt�� Gorr. G.� vaJ 2'x2' JV I it 1'farCK+j ( ltNir ® Ya+�r oovLt ¢?• -- CXK' '•`50 S '�iG Ttu: Lf " I„ ' y rfrlf�u Sl f�.Y Nnnq. Ph 1204i 9A-2::- It�f. A tr )r Agenda Information Memo September 2, 1997 ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: To reschedule the Final Assessment Hearing from September 16 to October 7, 1997. FACTS: • Project 700 provided for the extension of sanitary sewer and water main within the Hall Street right-of-way and along the TH 3 service road south of the Red Pine Lane intersection. • The Final Assessment Roll for Project 700 was presented to the City Council on August 19 with a Final Assessment Hearing scheduled for September 16. • The City staff inadvertently missed the publication deadline for notification of the September 16 Public Hearing. Subsequently, based on publication dates and statutory time frames, the Final Assessment Hearing must be rescheduled to October 7. �7 Agenda Information Memo September 2, 1997 E. CONTRACT 97-16, SLATER ROAD — SIDEWALK ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: To receive the bids for Contract 97-16 (Slater Road --- Sidewalk), award the contract to the lowest responsible bidder, and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute all related documents. FACTS: + On July 1, the City Council authorized the installation of a sidewalk along the west side of Slater Road from Wall Street to Cliff Road and directed the preparation of detailed plans and specs. & On August 5, the Council approved these plans and authorized the advertisement for solicitation of competitive bids. At 10:30 a.m. on August 29, formal bids were received for this project. • All bids will be reviewed for compliance with the bid specifications and accuracy on unit price extensions and additions. Any deviations resulting from this evaluation. will be addressed at the Council meeting on September 2. ATTACHMENTS: # Bid tabulation, page HIUG ,q—I Dc7 11: 1:' Howard R. Green Company CONSULTING ENGINEERS SLATER ROAD SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENT CITY PROJECT NO. 97-10 Bid Date: Friday, August 29, 1997 Bid Time: 10:30 a.m. CONTRACTORS 1. fAN State Curb and Gutter Corporation 2. !_indahl & Carlson Low Bid Feasibi-ity Report Estimate Percent: Over (+) Under (-) Engineer's Estimate Percent Over (+) Under (-) P. 0-:,, IMSt,!,. iUMMK IDUM Formerly MSA Consumng Engineers TOTAL BID $107.204.50 $134,057.50 $107,204.50 $106,500.00 +0.6% $104,260.00 +0.3% 0Aproj1800 TGG V 00-2906. aug 1326 Enargy Pa[K D ve • St Paul, MN 55108 • 612J64 •4389 fax 612/644.9445 toll free 800,888-2923 ,1 i �1-PL Agenda Information Memo September 2, 1997 ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: To approve the firm of Bonestroo, Rosene, Anderlik & Associates, Inc., to provide design and construction engineering services for Project 724 (Southern Lakes Water Tower). FACTS: • Project 724 provides for the installation of a 1.0 Million Gallon water tower to be located within Inver Grove Heights to serve the eastern portion of the City of Eagan's high pressure zone. • Due to the specialty services associated with this unique public improvement project, on April 15, 1997, the City Council authorized staff to solicit Statement of Qualifications (SOQ) and Request for Proposals (RFP) from several consulting firms. • On August 8, the City staff received SOQ's/RFP's from five interested firms. The Utility Superintendent, City Engineer, and Director of Public Works along with Inver Grove Heights have reviewed these proposals and are recommending the firm of Bonestroo, Rosene, Anderlik & Associates, Inc., for favorable Council consideration to be retained to provide design and construction engineering services for this water tower. Agenda Information Memo September 2, 1997 ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: To receive the feasibility report for Project 717R (Country Home Heights — Street Surfacing) and schedule a public hearing to be held on October 7, 1997. FACTS: • On December 26, 1996, City staff received a petition from four property owners along Rainier Lane requesting street improvements. Subsequently, the City Council authorized the preparation of a feasibility report on January 7. • On May 6, the Council received staff's preliminary findings of economic unfeasibility and subsequently canceled Project 717 from further consideration. However, in response to a request from a property owner, the Council directed staff to evaluate various alternatives other than standard street improvements for both Rainier Lane and the entire Country Home Heights subdivision. • At a Special Council Workshop on August 5, the City Council was presented with five options for stabilizing the existing gravel streets and subsequently directed staff to prepare a formal feasibility report with two options of street surfacing for the entire Country Home Heights subdivision. This feasibility report has now been completed and is being presented to the City Council for their consideration of presenting these. findings to the affected property owners at a formal public hearing. An informational neighborhood meeting will be held prior to the formal public hearing. ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: To delete the pending assessments associated with Project 689 (Hayes & DeLosh Addition — Trunk Storm Sewer) and authorize the cost to be transferred to Project 663, Valley View Plateau (Street & Utility Reconstruction). FACTS: • On November 21, 1995, the City Council closed the public hearing and approved the installation of storm sewer improvements within the Hayes & DeLosh ravine. Subsequently, a pending assessment has been recorded against all benefited properties associated with that public improvement. • At a Special Council Workshop meeting on August 5, 1997, the City Council considered the schedule for adoption of the final assessment roll for this project. After reviewing the coordination of this project's final assessment hearing with the pending public improvements associated with Project 663 (Valley View Plateau), the City Council recommended that the pending assessments associated with Project 689 be deleted and combined with Project 663. • This action is being presented to the City Council to formally delete the pending assessments currently recorded against the benefited properties under Project 689. DI Agenda Information Memo September 2, 1997 I. CONTRACT 97-05, DEERWOOD RESERVOIR - TRUNK WATER MAIN ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: Approve Change Order #1 to Contract 97-05 (Deerwood Reservoir -Trunk Watermain) and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute all related documents. Contract 97-05 provided for the installation of the trunk watermain along the south side of Deerwood Drive near 35E and the connection to the recently constructed Deerwood Reservoir. In 1994 when the Council authorized the initiation of the Deerwood Reservoir project, it was anticipated that the development of the adjacent land would have been well under way by 1997 based on the pending development applications by Good Value Homes and/or Pulte Development. It was anticipated that the storm sewer improvements associated with this adjacent land development would have provided a storm sewer drainage system, which would provide a connection and an ultimate outlet for the reservoir overflow piping. Due to the recent moratorium delaying development of the adjacent property, it is necessary to modify the original reservoir overflow system and provide for a temporary outlet. This Change Order pro-7des for an additional cost of $2,750 which will be the responsibility of the Water Utility Supply and Storage Fund. J. PROJECT 615R. MEADOWVIEW ROAD - FINAL ASSESSMENT ROLL ACTION FOR COUNCIL CONSIDERATION: To receive the Final Assessment Roll for Project 615R (Meadowview Road - Utilities) and schedule a public hearing to be held on October 7, 1997. FACTS: • Project 615R provided for the installation of sanitary sewer, water main and storm drainage facilities along with related right-of-way acquisition along Meadowview Road from TH 13 towards the Minnesota River. • This project, constructed under Contract 96-15, has been completed, all costs tabulated and the final assessment roll prepared. • This roll is now being presented to the Council for their consideration of scheduling a public hearing to formally present the final costs to be levied against the benefited properties. m4w Agenda Information Memo September 2, 1997 !&ITD11113 11 --- MITUNT-ITGUR ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: To receive the Final Assessment Roll for Project 718 (Deerwood Reservoir — Trunk Water Main) and schedule a final assessment hearing for October 7, 1997. FACTS: • Project 718, as constructed under Contract 97-05, provided for the installation of a trunk water main along Deerwood Drive near the Deerwood Reservoir and 35E. • The assessment to properties benefiting from the lateral equivalent of this trunk water main is based on the City's fee schedule. While the contract has not been fully completed, sufficient costs are available to allow the preparation of the final assessment roll based on the fee schedule rate. • This roll is being presented to the City Council for their consideration of scheduling a public hearing to formally present the final assessment obligations associated with this public improvement to the benefiting properties. Agenda Information Memo September 2,1997 Eagan City Council Meeting L. Approve Contract With Lifeworks Services Inc ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: To approve the renewal of a contract with Lifeworks Services, Inc for providing various janitorial services to the City Parks and Recreation Department. FACTS: + The City has had a contract with Lifeworks for the past eight years to provide various janitorial services for parks. + Lifeworks employs individuals with development disabilities to perform the tasks. + Lifeworks provides all transportation, training and supervision of staff. + The department provides all supplies necessary to perform the task involved. + Lifeworks Services Inc. assumes all liability for injury or accident. • Lifeworks is the employer of record and maintains all records, billing the City on a monthly basis. The contract remains in effect for one year but may be terminated after 30 day written notice. ATTACHMENTS: + None 0� Agenda Information Memo September 2, 1997 Eagan City Council Meeting M. Contract 97-17 Receive Bids / Award Contract Lexington / Diffley Parking lot Expansion ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: To receive the bids and award contract 97-17 in the amount of $145,530.00 to Bituminous Roadways Inc. FACTS: • The Council previously approved the plans and specifications and advertisement for bids for contract 97-17 for the construction of parking and roadway at Lexington/Diffley Athletic Fields. • The additional parking will accommodate the needs associated with the expansion of the youth soccer program. • The work is scheduled to begin immediately and be completed this year enabling it to be used for next spring/summer. * Funding for the project will come from the approved CIP Parks Site Acquisition and Development Fund. • Four bids were received, the lowest of which was approximately 4.9 % over the engineer's estimate of $138,765, or $6,765. • Staff is of the opinion that this bid is reasonable ATTACHMENT: The bid tabulation is attached on page numbers'~ (o . a' Lexington/Diffley Athletic Site Parking Lot Expansion City Contract No. 97-17 Bid Results August 26, 1997 Bidder MacNamara, Inc. Bituminous Roadways, Inc. Frattalone Paving, Inc. Daily & Sons, Inc. 5% Bid Bond Bid Yes $1632218.50 Yes $1452530.00 Yes $149,220.20 Yes $191,134.50 Low Bidder — Bituminous Roadways, Inc. $145,530.00 EnOneers's Estimate Low Bid % Deviation_ $138,765 $145,530 4.9 Agenda Information Memo September 2, 1997 ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: To acknowledge the completion of Contract 95-T (Rahn Cliff 4th Addition - Utilities) and authorize perpetual City maintenance subject to warranty provisions. FACTS: • Rahn Cliff 0 Addition provided for the expansion of the Holiday Inn Express Hotel located between Bakers Square and Green Mill Restaurants. This expansion required the installation, relocation and/or modification of public utilities which were performed privately by the developer under the terms and conditions of the development contract agreement. • These improvements have been completed, inspected by representatives of the Public Works Department and found to be in order for favorable Council action for acceptance for perpetual maintenance subject to warranty provision. ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: Approve the second and final payment for Contract 96-15 (Meadowview Road - Utilities) in the amount of $7,125.38 to Brown & Cris, Inc., and accept the improvement for perpetual City maintenance subject to warranty provisions. FACTS: Contract 96-15 provided for the installation of sanitary sewer, water and storm sewer improvement within Meadowview Road. This work has been completed, inspected by representatives of the Public Works Department and found to be in order for favorable Council action of final payment and acceptance for perpetual maintenance subject to warranty provisions. a�7 Agenda Information Memo September 2, 1997 P. CONTRACT 95-GGG, TOWN CENTER 100 -16TH ADDITION ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: Acknowledge completion of Contract 95-GGG (Town Center 100 -16th Addition, Allina - Utilities) and authorize acceptance for perpetual City maintenance subject to warranty provisions. FACTS: • The extension and modification of public utilities to serve the new Allina Medical Facility were performed privately by the developer under the terms and conditions of the development contract agreement for the Town Center 100 - 10h Addition. These improvements have been completed and inspected by representatives of the Public Works Department and found to be in order for Council acceptance for perpetual City maintenance subject to warranty provisions. Q. CONTRACT 96-W, DUCKWOOD BLUFF UTILITIES ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: Acknowledge completion of Contract 96-W, Duckwood Bluff - Utilities and authorize acceptance for perpetual City maintenance subject to warranty provisions. FACTS: The extension and modification of public utilities to serve the Fairfield Inn were performed privately by the developer under the terms and conditions of the development contract agreement for Duckwood Bluff Addition. These improvements have been completed, and inspected by representatives for the Public Works Department and found to be in order for Council acceptance for perpetual city maintenance subject to warranty provisions. Agenda Information Memo September 2, 1997 ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: To authorize the preparation of a Feasibility Report for Project 725 (Oak Chase Addition -Street Resurfacing). Representatives of the Oak Chase neighborhood held a meeting with City staff on August 21, to discuss the history, current condition and options for street improvements within their neighborhood. The resurfacing of the streets within the Oak Chase Development is programmed for 1998 in the 1997-2001 5 -Year CIP. Based on this CIP schedule and the neighborhood interest, it would be appropriate for the City Council to authorize a preparation of a Feasibility Report to further refine the scope, cost, schedule and method of financing the resurfacing of the streets within this neighborhood Q19 Agenda Information Meme September 2, 1997 Eagan City Council Meeting 1PUBLIC HEARINGS A. ALLINA HEALTH SYSTEM AND ALLINA MEDICAL GROUP ISSUANCE AND SALE OF VARIABLE RATE DEMAND REVENUE NOTES ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: To close the public hearing and approve or deny the resolution providing for the issuance and sale of up to $4,750,000 variable rate demand revenue notes, series 1997 (Allina Health System and Allina Medical Group) and authorizing execution and delivery of the notes, a loan and note purchase agreement and assignment. FACTS: ➢ At the August 5, 1997 City Council meeting, a resolution was approved calling for a public hearing to consider this financing. ➢ City approval will assist in the financing of the new clinic located in Eagan. ➢ The City's bond attorney, Steve Rosholt of Faegre & Benson has been reviewing all documents and proposed transactions on behalf of the City. ➢ Allina will be represented at the public hearing, if there are questions. ATTACHMENTS: ➢ Original letter requesting consideration on page and ➢ Copy of the resolution on pages _33,-, through 3� 5601 Smetana Drive P.O. Box 9310 Minneapolis, MN 55440-9310 612-992-2000 July 11, 1997 aA1.1 NA HEALTH SYSTEM Mr. Gene VanOverbeke Finance Director City of Eagan City Hall 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, MN 55122 RE: Proposed City of Eagan, Minnesota Variable Rate Demand Revenue Notes (Allina Health System and Allina Medical Group), Series 1997 Dear Mr. VanOverbeke: On behalf of Allina Health System and its wholly controlled nonprofit subsidiary, Allina Medical Group, we hereby notify the City of Eagan (the "City") of our proposed financing of a new medical office facility and related items under the Minnesota Municipal Industrial Development Act, Sections §469.152 to §469.165, Minnesota Statutes (the "Act"). We request that the City issue revenue bonds to undertake and finance the capital improvements in Eagan (the "Project"). As a first step, we request that the City Council call for a public hearing by adopting a resolution at its Tuesday, August 5, 1997 meeting and to give preliminary and final approval to the Project, after published notice and public hearing on Tuesday, September 2, 1997. We will provide a completed application to the Department of Trade and Economic Development and a check in the amount of $500 in payment of the Application fee, prior to the August 5, 1997 meeting. Allina has been actively seeking clinic locations which provide convenient access to health care. Certain new clinics were recently financed through tax exempt bonds. Allina adopted an official declaration of reimbursement in February of 1996 with the intention of financing clinic projects, including the Project, through tax exempt bonds. Construction of the Project commenced in February, 1996 and was placed into service in May, 1997. The Project is located at 110 Yankee Doodle. We agree to pay any and all reasonable costs incurred by the City in connection with the Project whether or not such Project is carried to completion. Should we pay any portion of the costs of the Project in excess of the proceeds of the bonds, we shall not be entitled to any reimbursement therefor from the City. 3� Mr. Gene VanOverbeke July 11, 1997 Page 2 We understand that the City is reviewing its bond financing needs for calendar year 1997 and the City may issue bonds for its own purposes. We would like to borrow between $4,000,000 and $4,750,000. We agree to work with the City to ensure that the City bonds are eligible for Section §265 bank deductibility under the Internal Revenue Code. We understand that the bonds shall be limited obligations of the City, and that principal and interest on the bonds shall be payable solely out of the revenues derived from amounts payable to the City by Allina Health System and Allina Medical Group pursuant to the provisions of a Loan Agreement. Please let me know if you need any additional information at this time. 22 W\.�i F11 ALLINA HEALTH SYSTEM on behalf of itself and ALLINA MEDICAL GROUP LarryA. KryzaniaTc Vice President, Treasu Consolidations Extract of Minutes of Meeting of the City Council of the City of Eagan, Minnesota Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Eagan, Minnesota was duly held at City Hall in said City on Tuesday, September 2, 1997 at 6:30 o'clock P.M.. The following members were present: and the following were absent: Member resolution and moved its adoption: then introduced and read the following written RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE AND SALE OF UP TO $4,750,000 VARIABLE RATE DEMAND REVENUE NOTES, SERIES 1997 (ALLINA HEALTH SYSTEM AND ALLINA MEDICAL GROUP) AND AUTHORIZING EXECUTION AND DELIVERY OF THE NOTES, A LOAN AND NOTE PURCHASE AGREEMENT, AND ASSIGNMENT M1:0206203.02 3 3 RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE AND SALE OF UP TO $4,750,000 VARIABLE RATE DEMAND REVENUE NOTES, SERIES 1997 (ALLINA HEALTH SYSTEM AND ALLINA MEDICAL GROUP) AND AUTHORIZING EXECUTION AND DELIVERY OF THE NOTES, A LOAN AND NOTE PURCHASE AGREEMENT, AND ASSIGNMENT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAGAN: 1. Ci_yt . This City is, by the Constitution and Laws of the State of Minnesota, including Sections 469.152 to 469.165, Minnesota Statutes, as amended (the "Act"), authorized to issue and sell its revenue bonds and notes for the purpose of financing the cost of acquisition of authorized projects and to enter into contracts necessary or convenient in the exercise of the powers granted by the Act and to pledge revenues of the project and otherwise secure the bonds and notes. 2. Authorization of Notes. The City hereby determines that it is necessary and expedient to authorize, and the City does hereby authorize, the issuance and sale of the City's Variable Rate Demand Revenue Notes, Series 1997 (Allina Health System and Allina Medical Group) (the "Series 1997 Notes" or the "Notes") pursuant to the Act to provide money to be loaned to Allina Health System and Allina Medical Group, each a Minnesota nonprofit corporation (together, the "Borrower"), in the aggregate maximum principal amount of Four Million Seven Hundred and Fifty Thousand ($4,750,000) to finance costs of acquisition, construction, equipping and installation of a medical office building and related facilities (the "Project") to be owned and operated by Allina Medical Group. The Notes shall be issued as a single promissory note in the maximum principal amount of $4,750,000 (the "Note"), shall be dated the Closing Date (as defined in the Agreement hereinafter referred to), and shall be payable in quarterly or semiannual installments of interest as shall be acceptable to the Borrower, Purchaser and Finance Officer. The Note shall mature not later than July 1, 2027, shall bear interest at the variable rate to be determined by a remarketing agent, not to exceed 15% per annum, and shall be subject to optional redemption on any interest payment date, in whole or in part at a redemption price consisting of the principal amount to be redeemed and interest then due. The Notes bear interest which are subject to adjustment, at specified times and manner, to reflect different interest rate modes. 3. Documents Presented. Forms of the following documents relating to the Notes and the Project have been prepared or reviewed by Faegre & Benson LLP, as bond counsel, and submitted to the City and are now on file in the office of the City: (a) Loan and Note Purchase Agreement (the "Agreement"), dated as of September 1, 1997, by and among the City, the Borrower and Norwest Investment Services, Inc. (the "Purchaser") whereby, among other things, the City agrees to sell and the Purchaser agrees to purchase the Notes, the City agrees to make a loan to the 3`F Borrower of the proceeds of the sale of the Notes, and the Borrower covenants to complete the Project and to pay amounts sufficient to provide for the prompt payment of the principal of and interest on the Notes. (b) Assignment of Loan Repayments and Rights (the "Assignment") to be dated as of September 1, 1997, whereby the City assigns to the Purchaser all of its interest in the Loan Repayments of the Borrower under the Agreement and all of its interest in the Agreement, for the purpose of securing the Notes, with certain exceptions as set forth therein. (c) Combination Mortgage, Security Agreement and Fixture Financing Statement (the "Mortgage") to be dated as of September 1, 1997 from Allina Medical Group to the City of Allina Medical Group's interest in the Project and assigned by the City to the Purchaser. 4. Findings. It is hereby found, determined and declared that: (a) The Project furthers the purposes and policies of the Act. (b) The City held a public hearing on September 2, 1997 relating to the Project, and in.the opinion of bond counsel, based on representations of the Borrower, the Series 1997 Notes will be qualified Section 501(c)(3) bonds within the meaning of Section 145 of the Code the interest on which will be exempt from Federal income tax. (c) The Purchaser has presented a proposal to purchase the Series 1997 Notes at a price below the par amount of the principal of the Notes on the terms and conditions set forth in the Agreement, this Note Resolution and the Notes (and thereby receive an underwriting compensation of not more than 2.00%). (d) Under the Agreement, the Purchaser represents that it has not sold and agrees that it will not sell the Notes or any interest therein except in denominations of $100,000 or greater to "financial institutions" or "institutional buyers" within the meaning of Section 80A.15, Subd. 2(g) of the Minnesota Securities Act and regulations thereunder ("Investors"). The Purchaser has agreed to execute and to cause each Investor to execute an Investment Letter substantially in the form of Exhibit B to the Agreement, representing among other things that the Purchaser or Investor is purchasing the Notes or interest therein for investment and not with a view to redistribution thereof and that the Purchaser or Investor is a financial institution or institutional buyer and has received all information deemed by it necessary and relevant to its decision to purchase the Notes or interest therein. (e) The representations of the City in Section 2.01 of the Agreement are true and correct. (f) The Agreement provides for payments by the Borrower to the Purchaser for the account of the City of such amounts as will be sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on the Notes when due. No reserve funds are deemed necessary for this purpose. The Agreement obligates the Borrower to provide for the operation and maintenance of the Project Facilities, including adequate insurance, taxes and special assessments. The Agreement further provides for the payment of application fees to the City as set forth therein. The Notes may be tendered for purchase on certain dates upon the terms and conditions described in the Agreement. The Purchaser has agreed to act as remarketing agent and tender agent. (g) The Borrower has approved and requested the City to accept the proposal of the Purchaser to purchase the Notes on the terms set forth herein and in the Agreement, and the proposal appears feasible and reasonable. 5. Approval and Execution of Documents. The forms of Agreement, Assignment and Mortgage assignment referred to in paragraph 3 are approved and upon approval of the Project by the Commissioner of Trade and Economic Development shall be executed in the name and on behalf of the City by the Mayor and attested by the Clerk and Finance Director or the officers authorized to act on behalf of the foregoing officers, in substantially the form on file, but with all such changes therein, not inconsistent with the Act or other law, as may be approved by the officers executing the same, which approval shall be conclusively evidenced by the execution thereof. 6. Approval of Terms and Sale_ of Notes. The City shall proceed forthwith to issue its Series 1997 Notes, in the amounts, maturing, bearing interest, payable upon maturity and otherwise containing the provisions set forth in paragraph 2 hereof and in the form of Note attached to the Agreement as Exhibit A-1, which terms and provisions are hereby approved and incorporated in this Note Resolution and made a part hereof. A single Note, substantially in the form of Exhibit A-1 to the Agreement, shall be issued and delivered to the Purchaser, and principal of and interest on the Note shall be payable at the office of the Purchaser in Minneapolis, Minnesota. 7. Execution, Authentication and Delivery of Notes. The Note may be in typewritten or printed form and shall be executed by the manual or facsimile signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk and Finance Director (only one need be manual) and the official seal of the City may be affixed thereto. When so prepared and executed, the Note shall be delivered to the Purchaser for payment of the purchase price, upon satisfaction of the conditions specified on the Agreement, including receipt of the signed legal opinion of Faegre & Benson LLP, of Minneapolis, Minnesota, bond counsel. 3� 8. Registration Records. The Notes shall be registered in the name of the Purchaser on behalf of Investors. The principal of and interest on the Notes shall be paid to the Purchaser for the account of the Investors entitled thereto in Federal or other immediately available funds. 9. Mutilated Lost. Stolen or Destroyed Note. If a Note is mutilated, lost, stolen or destroyed, the City may execute and deliver a new Note of like amount, date, unpaid principal amount and tenor as that mutilated, lost, stolen or destroyed; provided that, in the case of mutilation, the mutilated Note shall first be surrendered to the City, and in the case of a lost, stolen or destroyed Note, there shall be first furnished to the City and the Borrower evidence of such loss, theft or destruction satisfactory to them, together with indemnity satisfactory to them. The City and the Borrower may charge the Purchaser with their reasonable fees and expenses in replacing any mutilated, lost, stolen or destroyed Note. 10. Person Treated as Holder. The person in whose name the Note shall be issued shall be deemed and regarded as the absolute Holder thereof for all purposes, and payment of or on account of the principal of and interest on the Note shall be made only to the Purchaser as the registered owner, and neither the City nor the Borrower shall be affected by any notice to the contrary. All such payments shall be valid and effectual to satisfy and discharge the liability upon the Note to the extent of the sum or sums so paid. 11. Amendments. Chan es and Modifications to Agreement. Assi mn and Note Resolution. Except pursuant to Section 3.03, 4.01 or 9.05 of the Agreement, the City shall not enter into or make any change, modification, alteration or termination of the Agreement, the Assignment or this Note Resolution. 12. Pledze to Holder. Pursuant to the Assignment, the City shall pledge and assign to the Purchaser and its successor Holders of the Notes all interest of the City in all Loan Repayments to be made by the Borrower under the Agreement and moneys derived from enforcement of the Agreement and Mortgage other than moneys received by the City as indemnity or reimbursement of advances by the City. Other than such indemnity and advance reimbursement payments, all collections of moneys by the City in any proceeding for enforcement of the obligations of the Borrower under the Agreement and Mortgage shall be received, held and applied by the City for the benefit of the Holders of the Notes. 13. Covenants with Holders; Enforceability. All provisions of the Notes and of this Note Resolution and all representations and undertakings by the City in the Agreement are hereby declared to be covenants between the City and the Purchaser and its successor Holders of the Notes and shall be enforceable by the Purchaser or any Holder in a proceeding brought for that purpose. 14. Escrow Account. The proceeds of the Series 1997 Notes shall be deposited into the Escrow Account to be invested and to be withdrawn by the Borrower upon 5 1 order of the Authorized Borrower Representative for payment of Project Costs as provided in the Agreement. 15. Prior Action Ratified. The terms and provisions of the Agreement, the Assignment, the Mortgage and each resolution of the City heretofore adopted by the City relating to the Series 1997 Notes or the Project and the application relating thereto are all hereby incorporated by reference and adopted, ratified and confirmed; the City shall file an application for approval with the Commissioner of Trade and Economic Development; and the officers of the City and Faegre & Benson LLP as bond counsel are hereby authorized and directed to execute and deliver all closing documents and do every other thing necessary or convenient to carry out the terms and provisions of the Agreement and each exhibit thereto (including this Note Resolution) to the end that the Project shall be acquired and that the Series 1997 Notes shall be delivered, secured and serviced and carry out the purposes and provisions of the Act with respect thereto without further resolution or other action by this City. 16. Definitions and Note Interpretation. Terms not otherwise defined in this Note Resolution but defined in the Agreement shall have the same meanings in this Note Resolution and shall be interpreted herein as provided therein. Notices may be given as provided in Section 9.01 of the Agreement. In case any provision of this Note Resolution is for any reason illegal or invalid or inoperable, such illegality or invalidity or inoperability shall not affect the remaining provisions of this Note Resolution, which shall be construed or enforced as of such illegal or invalid or inoperable provision were not contained herein. 17. Certifications. The officers of the City are authorized and directed to prepare and furnish to Faegre & Benson LLP, bond counsel, to the Borrower, to the Purchaser and to counsel for the Borrower, certified copies of all proceedings and records of the City relating to the Project and the Notes, and such other affidavits and certificates as may be required to show the facts appearing from the books and records in the officers' custody and control or as otherwise known to them; and all such certified copies, certificates and affidavits, including any heretofore furnished, shall constitute representations of the City as to the truth of all statements contained therein. M1:0206203.02 The motion for adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Member and upon vote'being taken thereon the following voted in favor thereof and the following voted against the same: whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted. M1:0205203.02 &I STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) SS. COUNTY OF DAKOTA ) I, the undersigned, being the duly qualified and acting City Clerk of the City of Eagan, Minnesota do hereby certify that the attached extract of minutes of a regular meeting of the City Council of the City held September 2, 1997, is a full, true and correct transcript therefrom insofar as the same relates to a project to be undertaken pursuant to Sections 469.152 to 469.165, as amended, Minnesota Statutes, by the City and Allina Health System and Allina Medical Group. WITNESS My hand and seal officially as said City Clerk this day of September__, 1997. (Seal) M1:0206203.02 City Clerk -Treasurer and Finance Director Agenda Information Memo September 2, 1997 B. VACATE EASEMENT, VERDANT ACRES ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: To close the public hearing and continue consideration of vacating a drainage and utility easement over Lots 3 and 4, Block 1, Verdant Acres, to a future Council meeting concurrent with the final plat of the Verdant Hills Addition. FACTS: On August 5, the City Council received a petition from the owners of Lots 3 and 4, Block 1, Verdant Acres, requesting the vacation of a previously dedicated drainage and utility easement to accommodate the replat into the Verdant Hills Addition. The City Council scheduled a public hearing to be held on September 2 to formally consider the merits of this request. On August 19, the City Council approved the preliminary plat of the Verdant Hills subdivision subject to the vacation and rededication of the subject drainage and utility easement. All notices have been published in the legal newspaper and sent to all affected property owners informing them of this public hearing. ISSUES: • No objections have been received regarding this requested vacation with the exception that this easement should not be vacated prior to the final plat of the Verdant Hills Addition and the related rededication of required easements. Therefore, it is recommended that the City Council hold the public hearing, receive and consider any comments or concerns that may be expressed, close the public hearing and continue consideration of approval to a future Consent Agenda concurrent with the final plat approval of the Verdant Hills Addition which is expected within the next 30-60 days. ATTACHMENTS: 0 Staff report with location map and legal description graphic, pages q.1—through. 4� ENGINEERING REPORT CITY OF EAGAN REPORT DATE: August 28, 1997 REQUEST: EASEMENT VACATION LOCATION: LOTS 3 AND 4 VERDANT ACRES PETITIONED BY: KEN GREENE REPORT BY: CRAIG E. KNUDSEN, ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN Backo--round Ken Greene, the property owner of Lots 3 and 4, Verdant Acres has petitioned the City to vacate the drainage and utility easements as described on the enclosed attachment. This petition has been submitted by Mr. Greene as a part of the replat of these lots into Verdant Hills. As with most replats it is necessary to vacate the underlying easements in order to prevent future title problems. Sense Verdant Hills is a replat of Lots 3 and 4, Verdant Acres, this project will go through the standard review process given to all new development. As a part of the review any necessary easements will be dedicated as a condition of the plat. It is anticipated that Verdant Hills will dedicate 10 foot drainage and utility easements centered on all common lot lines and adjacent to private property or public right-of-way. Notifications_ and Responses Public notice for the vacation of this easement was published in the City's legal newspaper. Additional notices were provided as standard procedure to parties who may have an intrust in the easement vacation. The City has not received any objections based on the notices. Recommendation It is recommended that the City approve the attached described easement vacation subject to the concurrent recording of the plat of Verdant Hills. Attachment: Location Map Legal & graphic I� YANKEE OCCOLE ROAD - - - - FJcoT - -SO. l W �--_ 0. W C ix CARRIACF HILLS s� SCOTT END DR. i off. GOLF COURSE TR - CA R' TRAIL C 0I� C`�"� � /VY CT. I CLFVfL� rel 4? _.EARY PARK -`�� ` t "� oononccn ver%ATInN l ~ OAKS BCW 00 0 TR. =i DUCKWOOCD)� FAL Y AVANNA city of eagan PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT C -.7- z SECTION 14 LOCATION MAP ELRENE ARBOR j CT. CT. OVERLOOK PL. sou 2 S.N. iWAY MLL S•H• SC � iCIR. J _ NIooEN 7Ol�k �rf( W x W Z W r`ui W Q W U Q cm .Es 4 A A • 0 `$A5 o� Z3 m Y 12 yl �y a aemoani� en,9,nn p45oc3 ot4glr".inTyyn� 1 J > G .G F=- -3 3 c H W - H N W 0 m h 0 N W 1•`N Z W N ODW QO z 0 O _ Z O W Z W ul p�i 2 i mxr � ~� Z 2 0 W y 2 N =Q 0 am WO- W I.. U F.. zam z 0 • I I I I I Il _ 1 rt 0 U > m ti <'n 8£ 'LZ£ - - 1 7 a LU W z i O01 / .SC.Ob.JN / msN p M„ 1 £,9Za0 S S0'ibl r I 9566911 ON 3.t.O.M.90" R I :00 yid 031^09A- ZL 5 _ `. . - lo - - -Ob LZL-.- -'• N O O N^ I n ! gl f n•nn1..l N �_-----__—J 1 1 .11,60.6.7 W c 66' SI . 1 I IA Zi,49.09N 2.0 5 S .L MrT5F.OS-7;11-"; I 1 ?,SZ 4yW i r I � I n: ai I 1 � J AI 1 I 10 0 O 0 l0 f U')1 �0 t t 1 b m 3 I O'OSI.a I 3 o + _ _!£,60.6+7 f 1 •' CVi 66'52 =� -�• j M Z£,LL.t ' 90a. 6 I I i M „9b.S7.05 LL Obl I I I I I Il _ 1 rt 0 U > m ti <'n 8£ 'LZ£ - - 1 7 a LU W z i O01 / .SC.Ob.JN / msN p R ? Q O = M.SO.Ob.06 9b SZ1 -'• N O O N^ I n ! gl f n•nn1..l N 1 1 .11,60.6.7 I 66' SI . 1 I IA Zi,49.09N 2.0 5 S .L — ?,SZ r� M.LO,£S.OS 6!'941 i r I � I n: ai I 2� 1 1 AI 1 I r /> m t t r•� + 1 ml � „I n I 3 o + _ QI 1 •' CVi l j -j 3„90,540S 28132 -• - W h'7 cn 00 In P_ Q M LO tD Z O Q U Q W cn0 a. 0 cr CL 0 i R r / 00 r to r /> m r•� I I 3 M, nj I� -j 3„90,540S 28132 -• - W h'7 cn 00 In P_ Q M LO tD Z O Q U Q W cn0 a. 0 cr CL 0 i Agenda Information Memo September 2, 1997 ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: To close the public hearing and approve/deny Project 723 (Southern Lakes — Trunk Utilities) and, if approved, authorize the acquisition of all related easements including condemnation if necessary. FACTS: • On July 1, 1997, the City Council entered into a joint powers agreement with the city of Inver Grove Heights which provides for the extension of Eagan utilities to service selective development within Inver Grove Heights. • On July 1, the City Council also received a petition/resolution from the city of Inver Grove Heights requesting the extension of trunk utilities to serve the proposed Southern Lakes development located on the north side of Cliff Road within Inver Grove Heights. The City Council subsequently authorized the preparation of a feasibility report to identify the scope, cost, financing, schedule and benefited properties associated with this public improvement. This feasibility report was presented to the City Council on August 5 and a public hearing was scheduled for September 2 to formally present and discuss the merits of this project. • Individual meetings have been held with the two benefiting properties within Eagan who are proposed to be assessed under this project. ISSUES: • The City Attorney's Office has reviewed the Special Assessment Public Improvement Statute 429 and has determined that since this public improvement is being initiated without a petition of at least one-third of the affected benefiting property owners, it will require a four- fifths vote of approval by the City Council in order to sustain any special assessments against property located within the City of Eagan. The participation by Inver Grove Heights is assured under the terms and conditions of the Joint Powers Agreement and cannot be considered as a petitioning property owner to meet the one-third requirement. ATTACHMENTS: • Feasibility report, pages through • Response from Woodcrest Church, pages tLd ��. Y lot 1' city vF czagan Report for - Southern Lakes Trunk Utility Improvements City Project No. 723 Eagan, Minnesota July 1997 File No. 49584 August 19, 1997 Honorable Mayor and Council City of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, MN 55122 Re: Southern Lakes Trunk Utility Improvements City Project No. 723 Our File No. 49584 Dear Mayor and Council: Attached is our report for Southern Lakes Trunk Utility Improvements. The report presents and. discusses the proposed utility improvements and includes a cost estimate. We will be pleased to meet with the Council and other interested parties at a mutually convenient time to discuss this report. Yours very truly, BONESTROO, R SENE, ANDERLIK & ASSOCIATES, INC. /I 44S -V Mark A. Hanson MAH:la Attachment I hereby certify that this report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly registered Professional Engineer under the laws of State of MMignesota. Mark A. Hanson Date: August 19, 1997 Registration No. 14260 k%406" L Reviewed by: Reviewed by: Department of Public Works Finance Department i.\4949584\report.doc Page 1 Table of Contents Pale No. Letter of Transmittal................................................................................... I Tableof Contents....................................................................................... 2 Scope.......................................................................................................... 3 Feasibility and Recommendation............................................................... 3 Discussion A. Water Main............................................................................... 3 B. Storm Sewer............................................................................. 4 Easements and Permits............................................................................... 4 CostEstimate............................................................................................. 5 Area to be Included.................................................................................... 5 Assessments............................................................................................... 5 Revenue Sources........................................................................................ 6 ProjectSchedule......................................................................................... 7 Appendix A — Preliminary Cost Estimate Appendix B — Preliminary Assessment Roll Appendix C — City of Eagan Trunk Water Main Oversize Cost Figure No. 1— Location Plan Figure No. 2 — Trunk Water Main, Eagan Figure No. 3 — Water Main Assessments Figure No. 4 — Trunk Water Main Location Figure No. 5 — Storm Sewer f:WW958fteport doc Page 2 Scope The 241 residential -lot development known as Southern Lakes is located just east of Eagan (in the City of Inver Grove Heights) on the north side of Cliff Road. In order to provide utilities to serve the development, trunk water main must be extended and trunk storm sewer installed. Figure 1 at the back of this report shows the approximate location of the necessary trunk improvements. Public utilities and streets within the plat and the sanitary sewer from Cliff Road at Trunk Highway 3 are proposed to be constructed privately by the developer. Feasibility and Recommendations The project is feasible from an engineering standpoint and is in accordance with the objectives established in the City's Comprehensive Utility Plans and the Joint Powers Agreement (JPA) between Eagan and Inver Grove Heights. The project is necessary to satisfy the requirements in Eagan's adopted Comprehensive Utility Plans. The improvements are cost effective based on the proximity of existing utilities. The project can best be carried out as one contract. Discussion Trunk Water Main Two trunk water main extensions are proposed to serve Southern Lakes as shown on Figure 2. The two trunk water main extensions are also required to serve the proposed 1.0 million gallon elevated storage reservoir in Inver Grove Heights. The trunk water mains and elevated storage are identified and recommended as part of Eagan's 1996 Water Supply and Distribution Plan. The 12 -inch trunk water main loop in Southern Lakes will be constructed privately by the developer. The construction of the 1.0 million gallon storage reservoir is proposed to be completed in the fall of 1998. Therefore, provided the trunk water main for Phase 2 of Southern Lakes is completed as scheduled, the elevated reservoir would be in service by the spring of 1999. The proposed elevated storage reservoir will be constructed to serve the development in Inver Grove Heights and Eagan's high-pressure zone. The trunk main loop in Southern Lakes and the elevated storage reservoir are shown on Figure 4. The southerly extension, along Cliff Road, includes a 12 -inch water main jacked under Trunk Highway 3 and the C.P. Railroad tracks. In addition, a 12 -inch jacking under Cliff Road is necessary east of the railroad tracks. The new main will extend from East Greenleaf Drive to C.P. Rail on the south side of Cliff Road and from C.P. Rail to Southern Lakes on the north side of Cliff Road. The northerly trunk water main extension has a 12 -inch main connecting to three 8 -inch mains on the Saint Thomas Becket property. The 12 -inch main will extend east to Trunk Highway 3 and be jacked under T.H. 3 and C.P. Rail. It is proposed that the 12 -inch main be iA49149584\report.doc Page 3 extended east from C.P. Rail to the west line of the Southern Lakes development across Outlot A of St. Thomas Becket Addition. The alignment is shown across a proposed future residential subdivision. Outlot A is owned by Saint Thomas Becket Church and an easement is required. Trunk Storm Sewer As part of the Comprehensive Storm Sewer Plan for Eagan, Pond LP -30 will drain to Pond LP -47. There is currently no outlet for LP -30 and with the development of Southern Lake plat on its east side, a storm sewer outlet is required. A 12 -inch storm sewer will be jacked beneath the C.P. Rail tracks and beneath the Trunk Highway 3 road surface, as shown on Figure 5. The pipe will be set at the Normal Water Level (NWL) of 908.0 for Pond LP -30, with a discharge rate of approximately 1 cfs as stated in Eagan's 1990 Comprehensive Storm Water Plan. The DNR has established the Normal Ordinary High Water Level (NOHW) for Pond LP -30 at 910.8. A permit will be required from the DNR to construct the outlet for Pond LP -30. It is anticipated that through the DNR review process, the NWL for Pond LP -30 may have to be raised to 909.3 because the DNR does not typically allow. the controlled outlet elevation to be set more than 1.5 feet below their NOHW. Theimpact to the 100 -year HWL will have to be reviewed with the developer if the NWL is raised 1.3 feet. The outlet for Pond LP -47 is currently in place, with discharge to Pond LP -31 (Hay Lake) through an outlet structure and concrete pipe. The outlet structure for Pond LP -30 will be a concrete intake -type structure with a grate to -accept high water flows and an inlet pipe below the normal water level to provide water quality and skimming. This will be set in the west bank of Pond LP -30 next to the C.P. Rail tracks. Easements and Permits All water main and storm sewer construction is proposed within existing MnDOT, Dakota County, and C.P. Rail System rights-of-way with the exception of the water main in the St. Thomas Becket property on the east and west side of Trunk Highway 3. Permanent and temporary easements are required over each parcel owned by St. Thomas Becket Church as shown on Figure 2. Each parcel and the estimated area for utility easement are presented below. Parcel Utility Easement Area Identification (Width) Sq. Ft. SE 1/4. Section 25 St. Thomas Becket Addition Lot 1, Block 1 20 ft. 7,100 Oudot A 20 ft. 8,400 M491495841report.doc so Page 4 Permits or an irrevocable license are required from MnDOT, Dakota County, and C.P. Rail Systems for utility construction within their rights-of-way. Permits are also required from the Minnesota Health Department for extensions to the water system. A permit will be required from the DNR to construct the storm sewer outlet from Pond LP -30. Cost Estimate A detailed cost estimate is presented in Appendix A located at the back of this report and is summarized below. Trunk Water Main — Cliff Road Extension $172,380.00 St. Thomas Becket Extension 138,230.00 Trunk Storm Sewer 61.810.00 TOTAL $372,420.00 The total estimated project cost is $372,420.00, which includes contingencies and indirect costs. Indirect costs are estimate at 35 percent and include legal, engineering, administrative, and bond interest. These estimates do not reflect any cost for drainage and utility easement acquisition. Area to be Included SE 1/4, Section 25 Parcel 010-77 Parcel 010-78 Assessments St. Thomas Becket Addition Lot 1, Block 1 Outlot A Utility improvements proposed herein are considered trunk with lateral benefit to various properties. Therefore, assessments are to be levied in accordance with Eagan's Assessment Policy for trunk utilities in the City of Eagan. In addition, the Cities of Eagan and Inver Grove Heights have entered into a Joint Powers Agreement (JPA) for constructing and financing trunk utilities within Eagan and Inver Grove Heights consistent with assessment policies in Eagan. The JPA states that property served by utilities from Eagan in Inver Grove Heights will be assessed trunk area assessments similar to properties in Eagan. In addition, the JPA states that Southern Lakes will be assessed 100 percent of the cost to construct water mains from existing water main in Eagan to serve their development with the exception of the following: • Eagan will assume all trunk oversize costs (8 -inch to 12 -inch) and the full cost for water mains constructed in T.H. 3 and C.P. Rail right-of-way including the 901 crossing in Cliff Road. L\49W95841report.doc S1 Page 5 • Southern Lakes will not be responsible for lateral costs assessed to abutting properties along the trunk water main alignment in Cliff Road and across St. Thomas Becket Addition. Trunk area and lateral benefit from trunk assessment rates are in accordance with Eagan's 1997 Fee Schedule. Appendix C details Eagan's trunk water main oversize cost. A preliminary assessment roll is presented in Appendix B located at the back of this report. The Preliminary Assessment Roll shows lateral benefit from trunk and area assessments for trunk water main and storm sewer. Figures 3 and 5 show the parcels proposed to be assessed. Parcels proposed to be assessed are guided Public Facility (PF) on Eagan's Comprehensive Plan. Therefore, they are proposed to be assessed the commercial/industrial rates. The assessment rates in accordance with Eagan's 1997 Fee Schedule are summarized below. Trunk Water Main Trunk Area Lateral Benefit from Trunk Commercial/Industrial Trunk Storm Sewer Oversize Commercial/Industrial Revenue Sources $1,810 / acre $26.25/front foot (Public Facility) $0.121 / square foot (Public Facility) Revenue sources to cover the cost of this project in the City of Eagan are listed below. Proiect Cost Revenue Balance Water Main Trunk $310,610 Trunk Area Assessments $27,150 Lateral Benefit from Trunk 26,543 Inver Grove Heights 90,770 Subtotal $310,610 $144,463 -$166,147 Storm. Sewer Trunk $61,810 Trunk Area Assessments S74.568 Subtotal $61,810 $74,568 +$ 12,758 TOTAL BALANCE -$153,389 M49W95841report.doc S Page 6 The expected project deficit is $153,389, which will be the responsibility of the respective trunk funds. Project Schedule Present Feasibility Report Public Hearing Approve Plans and Specifications Open Bids / Award Contract Substantial Completion Completion Assessment Hearing First Payment Due with Real Estate Taxes August 5, 1997 September 2, 1997 September 2, 1997 October 7, 1997 Fall 1997 Spring 1998 Summer 1998 May 1999 M49W958,Areport.doc � � Page 7 APPENDIX A PRELIlVIINARY COST ESTIMATE SOUTHERN LAKES TRUNK UTILITY EVIPROVEMENTS CITY PROJECT 723 A. Trunk Water Main 1. Cliff Road Extension 20 Lin. ft. 6" DIP water main in pl. @ $25.00%a. $ 500 1,200 Lin. ft. 12" DIP water main in pl. @ 32.00/ea. 38,400 280 Lin. ft. Jack or auger 12" water main @ 200.00/11 56,000 4 Each 12" butterfly valve & box @ 1,100.00%a. 4,400 1 Each 6" gate valve @ 500.00%a. 500 2 Each Hydrant @ 1,200.00/ea. 2,400 2 Each Connect to existing water main @ 1,000.00%a. 2,000 1,200 Lin. ft. Mechanical trench compaction @ 1.00/1.f. 1,200 6,000 Lbs. Fittings @ 1.50/lb. 9,000 200 Cu. yd. Topsoil borrow @ 8.00%.y. 1,600 1.1 Acre Seed w/ mulch & fertilizer @ 1,000.001ac. 1,100 1,000 Lin. ft. Silt fence @ 2.00/11 2,000 100 Sq. yd. Patch street @ 25.00/s.y. 2.500 Subtotal $ 121,600 + 5% Contingencies 6.080 Subtotal $ 127,680 + 35% Indirect Costs 44.700 TOTAL CLIFF ROAD WATER MAIN $172,380 2. St. Thomas Becket Extension 870 Lin. ft. 12" DIP water main @ $32.00/11 $ 27,840 175 Lin. ft. Jack or auger 12" water main @ 200.00/11. 35,000 4 Each 12" butterfly valve & box @ 1,100.00%a. 4,400 2 Each Hydrant @ 1,200.00%a. 2,400 1 Each Connect to existing water main @ 1,000.00%a. 1,000 870 Lin. ft. Mechanical trench compaction @ 1.00 870 5,600 Lbs. Fittings @ 1.50/lb. 8,400 200 Cu. yd. Topsoil borrow @ 8.00%.y. 1,600 1.0 Ac. Seed w/ mulch and fertilizer @ 1,000.00 1,000 2,000 Sq. yd. Sod @ 2.50/s.y. 5,000 500 Sq: yd. Patch driveway @ 20.00/s.y. 10,000 Subtotal $ 97,510 + 5% Contingencies 4,880 Subtotal $ 102,390 + 35% Indirect Costs _ _ _ 35.840 TOTAL ST. THOMAS BECKET WATER $138,230 Sys B. Trunk Storm Sewer (LP -47 to LP -30) 20 Lin. ft. 12" storm sewer in pl. @ $50.00/11 80 Lin. ft. Jack or auger 12" under T.H. 3 @ 200.00/1.f. 50 Lin. ft. Jack or auger 12" under RR tracks @ 200.00/11 1 Each Outlet structure @ 5,000.00%a. 1 Each 12" storm sewer apron @ 500.00%a. 20 Cu. yd. Rip rap @ 50.00%.y. Lump Sum Clearing and grubbing @ 2,000.00/l.s. 100 Cu. yd. Topsoil borrow @ 10.00%.y. 1 Acre Seeding w/ mulch & fertilizer @ 1,000.00/ac. Lump Sum Erosion control @ 2,000/l.s. Lump Sum Traffic control @ 4,000.00/l.s. Subtotal + 5% Contingencies Subtotal + 35% Indirect Costs TOTAL TRUNK STORM SEWER �sS $ 1,000 16,000 10,000 5,000 500 1,100 2,000 1,000 1,000 2,000 4,000 $ 43,600 2.180 $ 45,780 16,030 $ 61,810 APPENDIX B PRELI IINARY ASSESSMENT ROLL SOUTHERN LAKES TRUNK UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS CITY PROJECT 723 A. Water Main 1. Trunk Area Parcel Parcel Se 1/ Section 25 Assessable Parcel 010-77 337.5 F.F. $26.25 Total Descrintioa Area Credit Area Rate / Acre Assessment SE 1/ Section 25 $26,543 Inver Grove Heizhts Southern Lakes - N/A N/A $90.770 Parcel 010-77 13.4 ac. Pond 3.5 ac. 7.9 ac. $1,810.00 $14,299 Street 20% Parcel 010-78 1.2 ac. -- 1.2 ac. 1,810.00 2.172 St. Thomas Becket Addition Outlot A 9.9 ac. Pond 2.5 ac. 5.9 ac. 1,810.00 10,679 Street 20% TOTAL $27,150 2. Lateral Benefit from Trunk Parcel Descri2tion Assessable Footace Rate / F.F. Total Assessment Se 1/ Section 25 Parcel 010-77 337.5 F.F. $26.25 $ 8,859 Parcel 010-78 208.7 F.F. 26.25 5,478 St. Thomas Becket Addition Outlot A 465.0 F.F. 26.25 12.206 TOTAL LATERAL BENEFIT FROM TRUNK $26,543 Inver Grove Heizhts Southern Lakes - N/A N/A $90.770 TOTAL SOUTHERN LAKES $90,770 Assessment equals 100% water main cost ($172,380 + $138,230) minus Eagan Trunk Water Main Oversize (Appendix C = $109,150 + $72,860) minus lateral benefit from trunk assessments which are included in this project (Project 723: $26,543)4and previously assessed to Majestic Oaks ($11,287). `B-1 V B. Storm Sewer — Trunk Area Parcel Parcel Assessable Total Description Area Credit Area Rate /Acre Assessment SE 1/a Section 25 Parcel 010-77 530,770 S.F. Pond 152,460 S.F. 302,650 SF $0.121 $36,621 Street 20% Parcel 010-78 54,704 S.F. — 54,704 SF 0.121 6,620 St. Thomas Becket Addition Outlot A 432,960 S.F. Pond 109,330 S.F. 258,900 SF 0.121 31,327 Street 20% TOTAL B-2 .p / T,.JVU SUNEVIARY PRELE"I NARY ASSESSMENT ROLL SOUTHERN LAKES CITY PROJECT NO. 723 nmmmmm— Parcel Description SE 1/ Section 25 Parcel 010-77 Parcel 010-78 St. Thomas Becket Add'n Outlot A Water Main Trunk Lateral Ben. Area from Trunk $14,299 2,172 10,679 $8,859 5,478 12,206 Storm Sewer Trunk Area $36,621 6,620 31,327 Total Assessment $59,779 14,270 54,212 Inver Grove Hei zhts 90,770 90,770 TOTALS $27,150 $117,313 $74,568 $219,031 APPENDIX C ST. THOMAS BECKET CHURCH EQUIVALENT WATER MAIN ASSESSMENT SOUTHERN LAKES TRUNK UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS CITY PROJECT NO. 723 A. Trunk Water Main 1. Cliff Road Extension 1,200 Lin. ft. 8" —12" DIP water main in pl. @ $10.00%a. $12,000 280 Lin. ft. Jack or auger 12" water main @ 200.00/11 56,000 4 Each 8" —12" butterfly valve & box @ 600.00%a. 2,400 2 Each Connect to existing water main @ 500.00%a. 1,000 3,000 Lbs. Fittings @ 1.50/lb. . 4,500 50 Cu. yd. Topsoil borrow @ 8.00%.y. 400 0.5 Acre Seed w/ mulch & fertilizer @ 1,000.00/ac. 500 100 Lin. ft. Silt fence @ 2.00/11 200 Subtotal $77,000 + 5% Contingencies 3.850 Subtotal $80,850 + 35% Indirect Costs 28.300 TOTAL CLIFF ROAD WATER MAIN $109,150 2. St. Thomas Becket Extension 870 Lin. ft. 8" —12" DIP water main @ $10.00/l.f. $8,700 175 Lin. ft. Jack or auger 12" water main @ 200.00/11 35,000 4 Each 8" —12" butterfly valve & box @ 600.00%a. 2,400 1 Each Connect to existing water main @ 500.00%a. 500 2,800 Lbs. Fittings @ 1.50/lb. 4,200 50 Cu. yd. Topsoil borrow @ 8.00%.y. 400 0.2 Ac. Seed w/ mulch and fertilizer @ 1,000.00 200 Subtotal $51,400 + 5% Contingencies 2,570 Subtotal 53,970 + 35% Indirect Costs 18.890 TOTAL ST. THOMAS BECKET WATER $72,860 a 0 300 ,000 Scd. In fmt LOCATION PLAN mmwi7win ow. -, - - •����!=jaw 06- N a EAGAN OSEMOU EAGAN, MINNESOTA FIGURE 1 SOUTHERN LAKES TRUNK UTILITY EXTENSIONS CITY CONTRACT No. 97-13, CITY OJE No. 723 K:\49\49584\49584F01 AUGUST 1997 co . ) Bonestroo Rosene e0 Anderlik & Associates -------------------------------------- LAKESID -- -- ST. l CONGT 1 N}E W.M. 0 200 400 Seale in feet I I I 1 C IF istin 8" .M. D CT TO at. W.M. ,r -PROPOSED 12" WATER MAIN w/JACKING UNDER T.H. 3 & C.P. RAIL •'`�- -�--„.�.? 2” BY OTHERS RAINAGE�iI'� ASEME T -r--'� ---in1 W. I e�K �3 1 0lLnQ' A pR`O�bsIED 01 ADD. -------- '� -: -SWTH N Majestic I ---------- I I `�-- I : w rAl i :p iii -- I I 010-77 I 42'`I W.M>' 'By -IoTHET-tsI I I z \, PROPOSED 12' , IW ' '�' , Oa.ksjN ATER MAIN 1 w/JACKING T.H. 3 & C.P. RAIL I t� ' 010-78 LAKES IQ i 1 1 I — — i Mi4NOR „ vV LA E .EST --------1---------- ° A IT OI xist'� TRUNK WATER MAIN IMPROVEMENTS Sonestroo A" IV Rosene EAGAN, MINNESOTA FIGURE 2 Anderiik d SOUTHERN LAKES TRUNK UTILIT E NS Associates CITY CONTRACT No. 97-13, ITY PRO CT No. 723 K:\49\49584\49584F02 AUGUST 1997 C M� 495 &�w ---------------------------------- -- -- -- ------------------------- C ESID ST. THOMAS I I N T BECKET I LOT 1 BILK. 1 I I 0 200 400 f Seel. In feet II I r' Majestic -Oaks-,. .5•A H 32 G J ROAD — -r----- — ---Previously Previously Assessed ASSESSMENT LEGEND Lateral Benefit Lateral Benefit 3375• Trunk - 8%287 from Trunk Trunk Area WATER MAIN ASSESSMENTS EAGAN, MINNESOTA FIGURE 3 SOUTHERN LAKES TRUNK UTI EXTE ONS CITY CONTRACT No. 97-13, QZY PR JECT No. 723 K:\49\49584\49584F05 AUGUST 19 e4 u4, 4 84 413 Sonestroo Rosene Anderlik d Associates 0 450 SOD Sods In" feet ST, THOMAS BECKET LOT 1, BLK.1 Majestic i ! { ! 1 ! 'Oak,- ------ ak ------i 12' \ 1 1 r r-- LLOUT�oT A cin ADD. - J 010-77 EAGAN CITY PROJECT 724 Includes 1 MG Reservoir d 16" Trunk Water Main on Reservoir Site Reservoir Site ;♦PHASE\\,jam 161 \\ - -P.- QPOSED; I IN � \moi --- PHASE-------- "I I _ \y!_ -C \� °S/O1�T ER \ ♦ 1 f I \ Y j �`,/ / `r-1'-`\ - i `y �_ /TWO\\ I IN >�1 1\ , x\ ��,i'� moi'♦\' �\ / ! I °\ i yr' ,� °/. C' i k6 N IN '`y�-�/ `�• / i �♦ �_i ice' _ IN/ / 'r'�.`♦`♦l�♦�1-'�; Ir�T \\\♦`\ ♦------- 11 11 it ��'--�-�" AKS i %� `'y LA C] C) 12' ADD. st" 12' TRUNK WATER MAIN LOCATION LEGEND W.M. EAGAN CITY PROJECT 723/724 W.M. BY OTHERS EAGAN, MINNESOTA FIGURE 4 SOUTHERN LAKES TRUNK UTJ ENSIONS CITY CONTRACT No. 97-1 CITY PROJECT No. 723 K:\49\49584\49584F04 AUGUS 199' 0 49584 Sonestroo Rosene Anderlik d Associates 0 400 400 iiia Scale In 9"t Ex ii orrr POND ,LP -31 I l� ����THOMA'S I 1 LOQ,1 = 01 AA i I` L, rEMQKi5,T P�4QPOPED 12" I STO SEWER - ' 12" WJACKING UNDER, Sew .H. 3 8 C&RAIL I :w i> 1 i �or qP-47 N WL=908.0 HWL=910.6 Ma'es '�,' I 1 II , I I ; III I r I �Q STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENTS --r--r--r---r-- 1 1 I I I 1 DA0P,08,ED I , '196_-- - ASSESSMENT LEGEND Trunk Area..... EAGAN, MINNESOTA FIGURE 5 SOUTHERN LAKES TRUNK07M. ENSIONS CITY CONTRACT No. 97—PROJECT No. 723 K:\49\49584\49584F03 AUGUS 49584 Bonestroo Rosene Anderlik d Associates AUG Z � X97 August 28, 1997 Mr. Tom Hedges City Administrator City of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, Minnesota Re: Woodcrest Church Eagan, Minnesota Dear Tom: I am writing this letter over concerns that Woodcrest Church has for the proposed City Project #723. This project is to extend utilities into Inver Grove Heights to the Southern Lakes Development. We have been in contact with the City of Eagan and the developer to discuss this project. We were told this extension was to be paid for by the developer and that we would not be assessed for this project. With the exception of the public hearing notice, no one from the City has talked to us about participating in the cost of constructing these utilities. If we are to be assessed for a portion of this project, we feel it would have been appropriate that the City meet with us to explain our involvement before going to Council. There are several items which we take issue with in the report for Project #723 prepared by Bonestroo, Rosene, Anderlik & Associates dated August 19, 1997. The first is why, are we being assessed for a lateral benefit of water trunk line? Woodcrest Church currently has water stubbed to its site. Extending that line to Inver Grove Height does not benefit our property or any of the other Eagan properties. This is for the sole benefit of Southern Lakes Development. This is where the revenue should come from. The second item is, why are Woodcrest Church and St. Thomas Becket being assessed $12,758.00 more than the total cost to reconstruct storm water drainage when neither property is contributing any additional storm water run-off to the existing storm water pond. Again, Southern Lakes has increased their run-off making it necessary to modify the storm water system. The third item of contention has to do with how assessed fees were calculated. The Woodcrest properties are approximately 1.5 acres smaller than what is stated in the report. This has a significant affect on our proposed fees. In addition, the properties we own are currently zoned R1 and Ag. The comprehensive guide plans has been changed to public use on one of these properties. We are questioning why are we being assessed commercial rates when we are not zoned public use or commercial. Does this mean our zoning has already been changed? CSS Woodcrest Church 2 August 29, 1997 The last issue with this project has to do with an assessment search on Parcel 010-78. This property was purchased from Dakota County on July 31, 1997. Dakota County was to pay all pending assessments. Woodcrest Church, Dakota County and Dakota County Abstract were told that no assessments were pending; yet five days later, the public hearing notice was issued for these assessments. This project report is titled "..July 1997..." so the City must have been aware of the assessments. Woodcrest Church acknowledges that we must pay our fair share of City fees when we build the first unit for our building. We are a new and growing church, and our first building will be approximately 12,000 square feet and cost approximately $1,000,000.00. Based on Eagan's fee structures, our fees would be over $100,000.00. This is more than 10% of the total cost of the church. The reason for this disparity is that the fees are based on total land owned not total land used or impervious surface constructed on the site. Since we have purchased enough land for future growth for a building six times as big as our initial first building, our fees become astronomical. We are asking the Council to consider allowing Woodcrest Church to divide our fees over three equal phases coinciding with the initial building and two future additions. This would apportion our fees to coincide with the actual use of storm, water and sewer. We would be willing to start payment on the first 1/3 assessment of fees beginning in May of 1999, at the commercial rates, assuming the typical financing over 15 years. We have been trying to work with the City of Eagan and the Southern Lakes to help make this project happen. We ar easement to the City of Eagan to allow sanitary sewer to cu property thereby reducing the construction costs by hundreds c dollars. We are asking for your help in apportioning our fees in coincides with our use. Thank you for your help in this matter. Very truly yours, v Barry E. Jaeger Land and Building Task Force Woodcrest Church BJ/tb cc. Tim Pawlenty developer of granting an through our F thousands of a manner that THE CATHOLIC COMMUNITY OF ST. THOMAS BECKET August 29, 1997 Mayor Thomas Egan Councilmember Patricia Awada Councilmember Bea Blomquist Councilmember Sandra Masin Councilmember Theodore Wachter City of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, Minnesota 55122 Re: City Project No. 723 ("the Project") Dear Mayor and Councilmembers: HAND DELIVERED St. Thomas Becket Church ("the Church") is willing to cooperate with the City of Eagan ("the City") regarding the temporary and permanent easement acquisitions required for the Project. We are ready to negotiate this matter. However, in regard to the assessments proposed for the Project, the Church needs additional time and information to study the costs and benefits associated with the improvements. The Church preserves its right to object to the assessments if the improvement costs substantially exceed the benefits to our property. The Church has hired an engineering firm to analyze the Project, and will have an appraiser look at the benefit side of the improvements. After their review, we will present our findings to the City. Upon receipt of the proposed Project improvements on August 27, 1997, several items caused the Church immediate concern which requires that additional information be provided. We respectively request the following: 1. The City provide the Church a thorough analysis of the improvements proposed for Ponds LP -30 and LP -47 and their impacts on Outlot A and the developed Church property. 2. The City run the northern most 12" watermain pipe along Outlot A's property line rather than through the property. 4455 South Robert Trail Eagan, Minnesota WOL 551223683-9808 Fax (612) 683-0361 3. The City assess the Church at single-family residential rates as opposed to commercial/industrial rates. Findings to follow. 4. The City defer assessments to the Church until development occurs on Outlot A. Findings to follow. 5. The City provide the Church with an estimated time table as to the completion of the access road and sewer connections to Outlot A from the Southern Lakes development, and the construction of the water tower. 6. The City reimburse the Church for all its engineering and appraisal costs and expenses incurred for the Project. Sincerely, _r Fr. Thomas M. Kommers Pastor 1-' �A Agenda Information Memo September 2, 1997 ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: To close the public hearing and approve the final assessment roll for Project 702 (Woodgate 2nd Addition) and 703 (Mallard Park 2nd Addition) and authorize its certification to Dakota County for collection. FACTS: • Project 702 and 703 provided for the recycling and replacement of the street surface within the Woodgate 2nd and Mallard Park 2nd Additions under Contract 96-13. The final assessment roll was presented to the City Council on August 5 with a public hearing being scheduled for September 2 to formally present the final costs associated with this public improvement to the affected benefiting properties. • All notices have been published in the legal newspaper and sent to all affected property owners informing them of this public hearing. In addition, an informational meeting was held on August 21 at 6:30 p.m. to present the final costs to the property owners and provide any additional information of interest to the property owners. Of the 167 parcels being assessed, four property owners attended the informational meeting. ATTACHMENTS: • Final Assessment Roll, page (D 4 . • Neighborhood information sheet and map, pages and I FINAL ASSESSMENT HEARING PROJECT NUMBER:7020 ASSESSMENT HEARING DATE: September 2. 1997 SUBDIVISION/AREA: _Mallard Pk. 2°d & Woodgate 2°d - Street Reconstructi.Qn PUBLIC HEARING DATE: IMPROVEMENT INSTALLED AND/OR ASSESSED: F.R. = Feasibility Report SANITARY FINAL F.R. STORM FINAL F.R. SEWEB RATES RATE SEWE BATES RAI ❑ Trunk I ❑ Trunk [Laterals ❑ Service ❑ Lat. Benefit/Trunk ❑ Laterals ❑ Service 1 inch ❑ Service 6 inch ❑ WAC ❑Lat. Benefit/Trunk SERVICES ❑ Water & San. Sewer CONTRACT #OF NO PARCELS TERMS 96-13 7_---L5----Yrs. COMMENTS: [Laterals/C.0 #3 ❑ Lat. Benefit/Trunk STREETS ❑ GraveI Base $1,302.38/Unit $2,067.53/Unit ❑ Surfacing $ 1,736.50/Lot $2.756.71/Lot ❑ Res. Equivalent ❑ Multi Equivalent ❑ C/I Equivalent ❑ Trail STREET .I HT ❑ Installation ❑ Energy Charge INTEREST .ATE 7.0% 101 AMOUNT CITY ASSESSED FINANCED $421,776.00 F.R. $187,083.00 F.R. $265.684.78 $160,921.20 PROJECT 702 & 703 WOODGATE 2" ADDN & MALLARD PARK 2ND ADDN STREET RECONSTRUCTION • November, `91 • February 6, `96 • March 25 & April 22, `96 • May 20, `96 • August/September `96 • November '96 • August 21, '97 • September 2, '97 • December 1, '97 • May 15, 1998 costs • $1,736/$1,302 per lot/unit • $2,757/$2,067 per lot/unit • $426,606 • $265,685 (62.3%) • $160,921 (37.7%) First identified in City's 5 -Year Capital Improvement Program Council orders preparation of Feasibility Report Informational neighborhood meetings held Council holds public hearing and orders project to proceed at estimated cost of $2,759/per single-family lot and $2,067/per townhome unit Contract awarded/Construction begins Construction completed Informational neighborhood meeting to review project and final costs Final assessment public hearing Unpaid assessment balances certified to Dakota County 1St installment payment due with real estate property taxes Financing of Special Assessments Final assessable cost (Single Family/Townhome unit) Original Feasibility Report estimate (Single Family/ Townhome unit) Total project cost Assessed to property owners Financed by the City of Eagan • 30 -day prepayment option with no interest available from September 2 to October 2, 1997 • Any payment from October 3 to December 1, 1997, will include interest pro -rated from September 2 at the rate of 71/o/year • Any unpaid balance as of December 1 is certified to Dakota County to be collected with property taxes spread over 15 years • Interest rate is 7.0% calculated on any remaining unpaid balance at the end of each year • Assuming no prepayment, annual cost: • $23.14/$17.35 per month 1St year (S.F./T.H.) • $9.64/$7.23 per month 15th year (S.F./T.H.) G TOMIMISCELLANEOUS/Project 702&703 Q LKJ NO SCALE H:\ASSES702 CITY OF EAGAN • X MS D il-vr T xx ., I LEGEND S 1,302.38 PER UNIT STREET CONSTRUCTION S 1,736.50 PER LOT STREET CONSTRUCTION WDODGAT MALLARD". STR ADD. PROD, No, 702 d ADD. PROJ, No. 703 'RUCTI❑N ASSESSMENT Agenda Information Memo September 2, 1997 Eagan City Council Meeting tgEW BUSINESS A. CERTIFICATION OF THE PRELIMINARY 1998 PROPERTY TAX LEVY, APPROVAL OF THE PRELIMINARY 1998 GENERAL FUND OPERATING BUDGET AND APPROVAL OF THE TRUTH -IN -TAXATION HEARING DATES ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: To approve the preliminary 1998 property tax levy as follows: City Operations $12,463,516 Debt Service 1,243,000 MVTA Opt -Out Transit 1,826,247 Cedarvale Special Services District 16,792 2. To approve the preliminary 1998 General Fund Operating Budget balanced at $16,461,800. 3. To approve the Truth -in -Taxation hearing dates and to reschedule the regular City Council meeting date as follows: 1. Initial Hearing - Wednesday, December 3, 1997 2. Continuation Hearing - Tuesday, December 16, 1997 3. Regular City Council meeting of December 2, 1997 is rescheduled to Wednesday, December 3, 1997 FACTS: • The City Council is required by law to certify the proposed levy, proposed 1998 budget and truth -in -taxation hearing dates to the County on or before September 15, 1997 for the 1998 payable taxes and budget. • The City Council reviewed the proposed budget at a special meeting on August 26, 1997. The County will use the certification information to mail truth -in -taxation notices between November 10 and November 24, 1997. • Both the levy and budget will continue to be reviewed prior to final adoption in December. The property tax levy can be decreased but cannot be increased while the budget can continue to be adjusted after this certification. I I Agenda Information Memo September 2, 1997 Eagan City Council Meeting • The preliminary levy for City operations is $50,200 below the State determined levy limit. ATTACHMENTS: General Fund Comparative Summary of Revenues - 1998 on page 73 General Fund Comparative Summary of Expenditures - 1998 on page . 98revsum 1998 BUDGET GENERALFUND COMPARATIVE SUMMARY OF REVENUES General Property Taxes Licenses Permits Intergovernmental Revenues Charges for Services Recreation Charges Fines & Forfeits Other Revenues Program Revenues Transfers 828/97 1995 1996 1997 1998 812,975 1,120,278 594,300 % Increase Actual Actual Budget Estimate '97 to '98 $ 9,272,291 $ 10,158,869 $ 10,908,300 $ 11,210,900 105,591 119,581 118,900 163,100 812,975 1,120,278 594,300 514,400 2,082,154 2,209,315 2,045,400 2,150,700 757,268 967,678 620,700 592,000 320,436 345,722 326,600 341,800 240,710 209,685 200,000 200,000 501,236 527,608 289,400 358,800 721,640 924,362 717,600 761,500 121,246 153144 130.900 168.600 TOTAL GENERAL FUND $ 14.935.547 $ 16.736.242 $ 15.952.100 $ 16.461.800 '13 2.8% 37.2% -13.4% 5.1% -4.6% 4.7% 0.0% 24.0% 6.1% 28.8% 3.2% 98budexp 8/28/97 1998 BUDGET GENERALFUND COMPARATIVE SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES GENL GOVERNMENT 01 Mayor & Council 02 Administration 03 Data Processing 05 Finance/City Clerk 06 Legal 07 Community Development 10 Cable TV 263,201 Gen Govt Total PUBLIC SAFETY 11 Police 12 Fire 28.203 Public Safety Total PUBLIC WORKS 21 Public Works Engineering 22 Streets & Highways 24 Central Svices. Maint. 842.661 Public Works Total PARKS & RECREATION 31 Parks & Recreation 32 Forestry Parks & Rec Total GENL GOVT BLDG MAINT 33 Building Maintenance OTHER 41 Contingency—designated Contingency—undesignated Contingency Total Total Expenditures- 5,999,900 xpenditures- 19951996 1997 Actual Actual Budget 105,136 $ 96,177 $ 104,600 601,844 639,424 657,100 365,974 417,373 496,200 801,046 858,907 890,200 263,201 305,189 315,800 1,130,654 1,190,110 1,338,600 3.390 28.203 15,700 3,271,245 3,535,383 3,818,200 5,085,732 5,530,963 5,711,800 844 525 842.661 878.200 5,930,257 6,373,624 6,590,000 1998 Proposed $ 107,900 686,000 498,300 905,700 330,000 1,268,500 39,100 3,835,500 5,999,900 906.900 6,906,800 °% Increase '97 to '98 3.2% 4.4°% 0.4°% 1.7°% 4.5°% -5.2°% 149.0°% 0.5°% 5.0°% 3.3°% 4.8% 859,211 817,273 925,000 926,400 0.2°% 990,504 1,116,050 1,045,600 1,100,900 5.3% 329,853 357.000 365.500 373 900 2.3°% 2,179,568 2,290,323 2,336,100 2,401,200 2.8% 1,956,729 2,054,659 2,184,200 2,259,700 3.5°% 187,469 212,622 212.900 210,100 -1.3% 2,144,198 2,267,281 2,397,100 2,469,800 3.0% 323,728 448,369 497,100 534,900 7.6°% - - 114,500 - -100.0°% - - 199,100 313,600 57.5°% - - 313,600 313,600 0.0% General Fund $ 13.848.996 $ 14.914.980 $ 15.952.100 $ 16.461.800 3.2% Agenda Information Item September 2,1997 Eagan City Council Meeting B. AT&T WIRELESS SERVICES - CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT ACTIONS TO BE CONSIDERED: 1. To approve or deny a Conditional Use Permit to allow a 100' communications tower and equipment building located at 1310 Cliff Road (Parkview Golf Course) in the NW 1/4 of Section 34 subject to the conditions listed in the staffs planning report. 2. To approve or deny a request by the Advisory Planning Commission (APC) to reconsider the placement of communication towers in a PF - Public Facility districts and direct the APC to study the issue. FACTS: The Advisory Planning Commission held a Public Hearing at its August 26, 1997. meeting where it recommended approval of the Conditional Use Permit The Advisory Planning Commission approved a motion to recommend that the City Council reconsider the Communications Ordinance with respect to placing antennas in PF - Public Facility zoning districts, and that the City Council direct the Advisory Planning Commission to study the issue. ISSUES: Four neighboring property owners spoke at the public hearing in opposition to the proposed tower expressing their concern that the 100' monopole would be a visual intrusion and is not a necessary utility. ATTACHMENTS: (2) August 26, 1997 APC Minutes pages Staff Report pages - I_through-,� 7s-- Page 2 August 26, 1997 ADVISORY PLANNING CON IISSION PUBLIC HEARINGS CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT AT&T WIRELESS SERVICES Commission Chair Heyl opened the first public hearing of the evening regarding a Conditional Use Permit to allow a communications tower to be located at 1310 Cliff Road in the NE comer of Parkview Golf Course, one quarter mile east of Pilot Knob Road, south of Cliff Road in the NWV4 of Section 34. Planner Tyree introduced this item. Ms. Tyree highlighted the information presented in City staffs planning report dated August 19, 1997. Ms. Tyree noted the background and history, the surrounding uses and the existing conditions of the subject property and indicated that the proposal met the City's communication tower zoning code requirement. Peter Beck, attorney of the applicant, described the use of a cell system and the applicant's need to provide adequate coverage and capacity for the southeastern part of the City of Eagan. Mr. Beck stated that the City's antenna ordinance only provided for such uses in the public and industrial zoning districts and that in this area of the. City there were no industrial zoning districts. Additionally, Mr. Beck noted that the location of the tower is further restricted by the change in elevations in the area. Several residents spoke in opposition to the proposal expressing their concern that the pole is a visual intrusion, cell towers are not a necessity and that AT&T should find different altematives not as close in proximity to homes as the proposal. Commission Chair Heyl closed the public hearing and further noted that the Commissions responsibility is to review the application in light of the zoning requirements and also noted that the recent antenna ordinance was adopted to preclude towers in residential districts and to provide for a buffer from residential districts through a setback requirement which the applicant has met. Several Commission Members concurred with Commission Chair Heyl's statement. Member Carlson asked the applicant if the tower could be located further away from the residences in Cliff Road and Mr. Beck responded that the grade change on the property becomes dramatic and that as you go to a lower elevation; the tower needs to be higher as its functional use requires it to be visible. Member Burdorf moved, Member Miller seconded, a motion to recommend approval of a to allow a communications tower to be located at 1310 Cliff Road in the Page 3 August 26, 1997 ADVISORY PLANNING CONnvIISSION '- NE corner of Parkview Golf Course, one quarter mile east of Pilot Knob Road, south of Cliff Road in the NWl/4 of Section 34, subject to the following conditions: 1. The Conditional Use Permit shall be recorded at Dakota County within 60 days of City Council approve. 2. The Conditional Use Permit provides for a 100 -foot tall communication monopole and a 336 s.f. equipment building as shown on the site plan dated July 8, 1997. No equipment or antennas may exceed 100' in height. 3. A building permit shall be obtained for the erection of the monopole and equipment building. 4. The applicant shall provide the City documentation, from a structural engineer, confirming the structural integrity of the proposed monopole. 5. No signage other than for public safety warnings or equipment information shall be affixed to the tower or equipment building. 6. No artificial illumination shall be allowed on- the tower except when reuqired by law or by a governmental agency. 7. Landscaping as shown on the plan shall be completed by November 1, 1997. 8. The applicant shall provide co -location opportunities, if technologically feasible to other wireless service providers. Member Segal noted that antennas are a commercial use and that the City may want to reconsider its antenna ordinance. Additionally, Member Segal stated that the orange barrels on Cliff Road are an eyesore and hazard and suggested that the City Council take action to remove them. All voted in favor. Member Carlson moved, Member Miller seconded, a motion to recommend to the City Council that it reconsider the antenna ordinance with respect to the placement of antennas in public facility zoning districts and that the Council direct the Advisory Planning Commission to study the issue. All voted in favor, except Commission Chair Heyl opposed. Page 4 August 26, 1997 ADVISORY PLANNING CONIIvIISSION 1 Commission Chair Heyl noted that the Advisory Planning Commission has studied the towers and antenna recently and through a lengthy process. Chair Heyl noted that the present ordinance allows the antennas to be placed upon the City's water towers which are in public facilities zoned district. PLANNING REPORT CITY OF EAGAN REPORT DATE: August 19, 1997 CASE: 34 -CU -19-7-97 APPLICANT: AT&T Wireless Services HEARING DATE: August 26, 1997 PROPERTY OWNER: Donald & Ann Larsen PREPARED BY: Shannon Tyree REQUEST: Conditional Use Permit - Communications Tower LOCATION: 1310 Cliff Road - Parkview Golf Course COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: PF - Public Facilities ZONING: P - Public SUMIIZARY OF REQUEST AT&T Wireless Services Inc. has requested a Conditional Use Permit to allow a communications tower to be located at 1310 Cliff Road in the NE corner of Parkview Golf Course, one quarter mile east of Pilot Knob Road, south of Cliff Road in the NW 1/4 of Section 34. AUTHORITY FOR REVIEW City Code Chapter 11, Section 11.40, Subd. 4, C states: The Planning Commission shall recommend a conditional use permit and the Council shall issue such conditional use permits only if it finds that such use at the proposed location: A. Will not be detrimental to or endanger the public health, safety, or general welfare of the neighborhood or the City. B. Will be harmonious with the general and applicable specific objectives of the Comprehensive Plan and City Code provisions. C. Will be designed, constructed, operated and maintained so as to be compatible in appearance with the existing or intended character of the general vicinity and will not change the essential character of that area, nor substantially. diminish or impair property values within the neighborhood. D. Will be served adequately by essential public facilities and services, including streets, police and fire protection, drainage structures, refuse disposal, water and sewer systems and schools. Planning Report - AT&T Wireless Services August 26, 1997 Page 2 E. Will not involve uses, activities, processes, materials, equipment and conditions of operation that will be hazardous or detrimental to any persons, property or the general welfare because of excessive production of traffic, noise, smoke, fumes, glare or odors. F. Will have vehicular ingress and egress to the property which does not create traffic congestion or interfere with traffic on surrounding public streets. G. Will not result in the destruction, loss or damage of a natural, scenic or historic feature of major importance. BACKGROUNDMISTORY The site has been operated as a golf course since 1969 and owned and operated by Don Larsen since 1981. In July the City Council denied AT&T's proposed communication tower on City owned property on the north side of Cliff Road just north and west of this proposed site. Since that time AT&T has evaluated other locations near that service area. EXISTING CONDITIONS The site is located on the south side of Cliff Road. The parking lot area for the golf course is located at the north portion of the site along Cliff Road. A retaining wall (approx. 3.5 feet in height) is located along the east portion of the parking lot. Two out buildings are located in the northeast portion of the site. A paved cart path provides access to these buildings. SURROUNDING USES The following existing uses, zoning, and comprehensive guide plan designations surround the subject property: North - City of Eagan Well #10 and booster station site; zoned P; guided PF. South = Lebanon Hills Regional Park; zoned P; guided P. East - Single family residential (ParkcliffAddition); zoned R-1; guided D -I. West - Single family residential; (Fairway Hills Addition); zoned R-1; guided D -I. EVALUATION OF REQUEST Compatibility with Surrounding Area - The site is adjacent to County Road #32 - Cliff Road. Across Cliff Road to the north is the City's Well #10 and booster station and residential development. The site is bordered on the north, east, and the west by single family homes. 7o Planning Report - AT&T Wireless Services August 26, 1997 Page 3 Site Plan - The plan shows an area 20'x 46'(920 s.f.) that AT&T will be leasing from Mr. Larsen. The proposed 100' monopole will provide support for the cellular antennas and related cabling necessary to connect it to the equipment building. The tower is located at an approximate ground elevation of 1028.5'. It is located west of the existing maintenance buildings and abuts the east parking lot line, approximately 250' from the nearest residential property line to the east. The tower is proposed to be a light blue color to blend in with the sky. Building Design - The proposed 12'x 28' (336 s.f.) equipment building is constructed of brick to match the existing buildings located on the site. The purpose of the building is to enclose radio, computer, and climate control equipment for the cellular operation. Landscaping - The proposed landscape plan shows a mixture of plant material consisting of yew, juniper, dogwood, potentila, and barberry to be located around the building and the base of the tower. Three ash trees are to be located along Cliff Road north of the building location. Access/Street Design - Access to the tower and antenna site is from Cliff Road through the existing golf course parking lot. SUMMARY/CONCLUSION The Advisory Planning Commission's review of the CUP is to ensure compatibility with the surrounding uses in the area. The granting of a CUP for a communication tower is based on the following: The designated location and height of the communication tower should not be obtrusive to the area. • The proposed design and appearance of the tower appears to be compatible appears to be compatible with the intended character of the general area, The conditions of the operation do not appear hazardous or detrimental to health or property of surrounding properties. The 100' communication tower is proposed to be located at Parkview Golf Course meets all applicable Communication Tower zoning code requirements. ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED To recommend approval or denial of the Conditional Use Permit allowing a 100' communications monopole and equipment building on a portion of the property at 1310 Cliff Road in the NW 1/4 of Section 34 subject to the following conditions. Y I Planning Report - AT&T Wireless Services August 26, 1997 Page 4 1. The Conditional Use Permit shall be recorded at Dakota County within 60 days of City Council approval. 2. The Conditional Use Permit provides for a 100 -foot tall communication monopole and a 336 s.f equipment building as shown of the site plan dated July 8, 1997. No equipment or antennas may exceed 100' in height. 3. A building permit shall be obtained for the erection of the monopole and equipment building. 4. The applicant shall provide the City documentation, from a structural engineer, confirming the structural integrity of the proposed monopole. 5. No signage other than for public safety warnings or equipment information shall be affixed to the tower or equipment building. 6. No artificial illumination shall be allowed on the tower except when required by law or by a governmental agency. 7. Landscaping as shown on the plan shall be completed by November 1, 1997. 8. The applicant shall provide co -location opportunities, if technologically feasible to other wireless service providers. 62 FINANCIAL OBLIGATION — 34 -CU -19-7-97 10-03400-010-25 There are pay-off balances of special assessments totaling $0 on the parcel for which the conditional use is requested. At this time, there are no pending assessments on the parcel for which the conditional use permit is requested. The estimated financial obligation presented is subject to change based upon areas, dimensions and land uses contained in the final plat. Based upon the study of the financial obligations collected in the past and the uses proposed for the property, the following charges are presented. The charges are computed using the City's existing fee schedule and availability of the City's utility. Improvement Use Storm Sewer Trunk P.F. Water Trunk P.F. Storm Sewer Trunk P.F. Lateral Benefit Water Trunk P.F. Total Rate Quantity Amount $1,730/Ac 64 Ac $110,720 1,810.Ac 64 Ac 115,840 .079/sq ft 2,787,840 sq ft 220,239 20.80/ff 1,320 ff 27.456 $474,255 This financial obligation is presented for informational purposes. The approval of the conditional use permit does not cause the collection of this financial obligation. The connection to one of the City's utilities will cause collection of the financial obligation. 83 OAT ot4opIHCa■l'i �wois r *]Aisle 1 F rj 0 i w �a-r Emi ■ cu ` ■vIrClft ase Ne_ 3d.1 11 f a oft - IN "/���� VWX GrVIUt 9_07.9 *) 1 ["m mr: :I0 74 HE P-5 i i ■ �- __.aY---r-___-__.i_------------ 1 ---a`•1 I-----__ ------ 1----------'------- II n R la 'Q Y K 7A A NI --a/. = A 7/I on • [fie 1' 1 •.4: 1 1 1 - � 1 1.1 � I c. �• 1 YY333 �' I � 0 • • • 4� �7 ' 1 1 ' •' t pp C ka LU • j - 1 1 1 I ; f\ 1 C y /T dI - 1aJ 1 1 r * N 1 � I IFI 1 SF 1 O � H ' ° i 1 r , 1 I 1 ! N V- II , j -' '-`....y +• Y` .� � fO��� II I WQ'3211 �ZZ F0 1 I 1 ,1 ' I 1 1 Q , qjln •�It1I 1 I ,-,• • la 1 I 1 M I 1 ; 1 I - I 1 I 1 , j , 1 1 1 1 � 1 I 1 t 1 1 1 Yi O 2 i _ 1 1 1 V W •Odn 1 t -�- • «nai� I- � 1 I ULTEIG ENGINEERS, INC. 5201 EAST RIVER ROAD, SUITE 308 ULTEIG fNIXNftAS MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55421 JEJ PHONE (6 12) 571-2500 FAX (6 12) 571-1168 AT&T WIRELESS SERVICES OF MINNESOTA, INC. CLIFF ROAD/GOLF COURSE SITE EAGAN, MINNESOTA CELVAVE ANTENNA (T NOTE: GAMMA SECTOR ELEVATION AND AZIMUTH TO BE DETERMINED. 12'-0"z 28'-0" EQUIPMENT SHELTER ARCHITECTURAL PRECAST CONCRETE FINISH TO SIMULATE BRICK. - 7 GROUND LINE SCALE: 1" - 20'-0" RECEIVED JUL 1 1 ANTENNA SIZES SECTOR ANT. NO, H W D ALPHA & BETA PD10177 86" 10.375 5" NOTE: GAMMA SECTOR ELEVATION AND AZIMUTH TO BE DETERMINED. 12'-0"z 28'-0" EQUIPMENT SHELTER ARCHITECTURAL PRECAST CONCRETE FINISH TO SIMULATE BRICK. - 7 GROUND LINE SCALE: 1" - 20'-0" RECEIVED JUL 1 1 [V ULTEIG ENGINEERS, INC. UL EIG rNawcrRs 5201 EAST RIVER ROAD, SUITE 308 MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55421 h7i PHONE (6 12) 571-2500 FAX (6 12) 571-1168 AT&T WIRELESS SERVICES OF MINNESOTA, INC. CLIFF ROAD/GOLF COURSE SITE EAGAN, MINNESOTA NOTE GAMMA ELEVATION & AZIMUTH TO BE DETERMINED. 1600 GAMMA PD10177D101o177 10 + 1 ALPHA 4 200° BETA PD10177 160- 2006 60°200° PD10177 10177 SCALE: 1/4 " = 1' —0" 4543107 AUG-18-97 MON 12:27 PIETIG CONSTRUCTION 4543107 elle-2 vo/ , 'J-4� 0 P. 61 6128880146 08/20/1997 177:14 6128880141; GEOFF EBELING PAGE 01 ' (-am ,� ij Oevel,� 7t 34— _ PeP C u - r 9 0-7_ � '_7 DPVe (o i J�t►� i1k��� - /I 1 �T 1V# ✓e )e5'S �rv��PS 0m,. l.�'n�'— - i rWa //,-/Is ate% QX.e5q ( Q A)SC10_,M t /r)rlr r'O t+ S /L Q4- Q ee C/� C 1` o Y dol A SahnQ Tv'i`►q C' %� C3UP/L q �� y J �4 /0 0 L (Q ,r�r A A 14h �,Pf in Q 15 Q5 wP g l/ now r05h1e VevN LA Y\. Q jA5- r 7�e r� sP sire is h � � e r�A /,Vk ooh 74eil ), a A Ir o c ioG 5 Za.-,CP— O,� ,Q ,bare 15 0^ r11�""� • �a0 /U,,�� / ,de hG3'.�y A-51y/e/,c Ole rl;-� v e o ZCIStv `n� � IVP- %i? G A �4n o , 61-58801 16 08/20/1997 17:14 6128880146 GEOFF EBELING PAGE 02 Ale are &W, ;A dy A X, 4 QS OAN Ole: 5 46- 5i 7 - A came. ex qho 0, � Ir 4�1 . 'ee�� -�- --� 4 X1570 4AC, 77e5^ 7;?q7 e5 l'f4v GU C>44/o/ L' /1pki �j w►/ q,o L 9A l aAC;� tour / IV eec4 Or 9v.Q (71 - g cn S f� t 4� Q --M —7& k-. %c,- YOC4-.,- �a /-, A5-1 �2k4 -�-- ;��IetV4,V /�/I//S q September 2,1997 City Council Meeting Agenda Information Item C. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT - MARY MOTHER OF MERCY & GOOD HOPE INC. ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: To approve or deny a Conditional Use Permit to allow an emergency shelter and transitional living center for homeless woman and children in Dakota County located at 3430 Wescott Hills Drive in the NE 1/4 of Section 14. FACTS: • In 1971 the Orvilla Home (the original occupant of the) received a Special Use Permit that was renewed annually until a Conditional Use Permit was approved in 1976 for the use as a home for the developmentally handicapped. • Mary's Shelter has been leasing this facility for approximately two years. It is their desire to purchase the property for its permanent location. In order for the shelter to be consistent with the LB - Limited Business zoning district a Conditional Use Permit is required. The Advisory Planning Commission (APC) conducted a public hearing regarding this item at its August 26, 1997 regular meeting where it recommended approval of the permit. ISSUES: A representative from Steven Scott Management, manager of 36 townhomes east of the shelter, spoke in opposition to the issuing the permit. The concern raised was the number of police calls and additional density that would result from issuing the permit. ATTACHMENTS: Minutes from AuMit 26, I7 C meeting page to. Staff Reportpage t0T / Additional information as requested by AP t7J 9-/5 Page 5 August 26, 1997 ADVISORY PLANNING ColvMSSION CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT MARY MOTHER OF MERCY & GOOD HOPE SHELTER, INC. Commission Chair Heyl opened the next public hearing of the evening regarding a Conditional Use Permit to allow an emergency shelter and transitional living center for homeless Dakota County women -and children located at 3430 Wescott Hills Drive, south of Yankee Doodle Road, east of Wescott Hills Drive in the NEV4 of Section 14. Planner Tyree introduced this item. Ms. Tyree highlighted the information presented in City staff s planning report dated August 21, 1997. Ms. Tyree noted the background and history, the surrounding uses and the existing conditions of the subject property. Ms. Tyree also noted that the City had issued a conditional use permit in 1976 for the property in connection with the facility for developmentally handicapped persons. The applicant's transitional living center has been located on the site since 1995. Jim Walston, attorney for the applicant, stated that the applicant would be interested in answering any questions by the Commission. A representative of Steven Scott Management Company, which manages 36 Wescott Trails Townhomes located directly to. the east of the property, spoke in opposition to the granting of the permit. The Management Company noted that his property and the immediate surrounding area has a high frequency of police calls and expressed concern over the additional density that would result from the granting of the approvals. Discussion ensued about the amount of existing and/or additional traffic associated with the applicant's proposal. In response to a Commission Member's question, Mr. Walston indicated that the applicant is operating at approximately 75% capacity and that at full capacity, 45 individuals would be residing at the property. Deb Jones, Executive Director for the applicant, stated that the facility is fully secured and that children may be outdoors only with adult supervision. Commission Chair Heyl closed the public hearing. Member Bakken inquired whether the property is on the County property tax rolls. Mr. Walston indicated that in the past the property has been taxed but that the County Assessor had acknowledged that the facility is exempt for property taxation beginning in 1998. Member Miller moved, Member Segal seconded, a motion to recommend approval of a Conditional Use Permit to allow an emergency shelter and transitional living center for homeless Dakota County women and children located at 3430 Wescott Hills Drive, Page 6 August 26, 1997 ADVISORY PLANNING CO1vMSSION south of Yankee Doodle Road, east of Wescott Hills Drive in the NEIA of Section 14, subject to the following conditions: 1. The Conditional Use Permit shall be recorded at Dakota County within 60 days of approval by the City Council. Member Bakken asked the applicant if it would provide the City Council with information regarding the applicant's client screening process and detail of its security measures for the property prior to the City Council's action on this item. Mr. Walston agreed to make the information available through City staff. All voted in favor. Planning Report - Mary's Place August 26, 1997 Page 2 E. Will not involve uses, activities, processes, materials, equipment and conditions of operation that will be hazardous or detrimental to any persons, property or the general welfare because of excessive production of traffic, noise, smoke, fumes, glare or odors. F. Will have vehicular ingress and egress to the property which does not create traffic congestion or interfere with traffic on surrounding public streets. G. Will not result in the destruction, loss or damage of a natural, scenic or historic feature of major importance. BACKGROUND/HISTORY A determination has been made by the City that this proposed use and similar uses require a Conditional Use Permit in the Limited Business District. Mary's Shelter has been located in the City for approximately 2 years. Prior to Mary's Shelter, OPAL Inc., a home for developmentally disabled occupied the home. The original occupant of the facility was Orvilla Home, a facility for developmentally handicapped persons. The original Special Use Permit was approved for this facility August 25, 1971. Since that time there are records showing periodic renewals and in 1976 a Conditional Use Permit was granted. Mary's Shelter is an Emergency Shelter and Transitional Living Center specifically for woman and children who are homeless in Dakota County. Mary's Shelter has provided this service from 1982 to 1995 at its West St. Paul location, before moving to Eagan in 1995. Approximately 1,500 woman have utilized this service. In calendar year 1996 Mary's Shelter served 138 woman and 178 children. In 1995, a total of 123 individuals were served. There are 17 staff members and additional volunteers. In addition to providing housing the shelter offers a variety of programs for its residents. On-site programs include: mental health therapy and Stress Management provided by Lifespan, a Battered Woman's support group sponsored by the Lewis House, three different parent support groups, a Nurturing Beginnings Program for new mothers, WIC services, Immunization and Well Child Clinics, Early Childhood Education Programs, GED and Adult Education programs, Occupational Therapy services provided by St Catherine's College, and many other programs. There are 49 partnerships providing these types of services. EXISTING CONDITIONS The site includes a two-story building, which is designed with three wings. Parking lots are located on the north and south sides of the building providing approximately 45 spaces. Three garages and one storage shed are on site to provide storage for automobiles and maintenance equipment. A wood privacy fence is located along the east side connecting the garage on the north side of the building to the garages and shed on the south portion of the site. A chain link fence is located on the west portion of the site wrapping around the building. Planning Report - Mary's Place August 26, 1997 Page 3 Currently there are 18 separate living quarters within the building to house both families and single adult women. Five of these units are strictly utilized for woman and children with specific health concerns that prevent them from residing in quarters on the second floor. Additional space on the first floor contains the kitchen and dining area, three food storage areas, a tutoring/educational services room, two classrooms, three general storage areas, seven bathrooms, a donations storage room, four offices and a meeting room. The second floor contains 13 living quarters for families, a television room, play room, five rest rooms, four storage areas, the resident "store" and one office. The second floor also contains a wing of offices currently utilized by OPAL, Inc., a company who provides group homes for the developmentally disabled. OPAL, Inc. will vacate this space on or before February 1, 1998. The site contains many mature trees. The northeast comer of the site slopes down toward the Wescott Hills Townhomes. SURROUNDING USES The following existing uses, zoning, and comprehensive guide plan designations surround the subject property: North - Dakota Electric Sub Station; zoned R-2; guided D -M. South - Large lot single family; zoned R-1 and A; guided D -I. East - Wescott Apartments; zoned R-4; guided D -M. West - Carriage Hills Golf Course; zoned P; guided PF. EVALUATION OF RE!2UEST The proposed conditional use permit will not change the existing use of the site. The conditional use permit is being requested in order for the facility to be in compliance with the zoning ordinance. Mary's Shelter is proposing to purchase the property from OPAL Inc. This will clear up any future confusion as to the status of the property. Access/Street Design - Three separate access points from Wescott Hills Drive serve the site. The southern most access is the main access to the main parking area for the site. It provides access to the secured front door and access to the two garages and shed, as well as 20 parking spaces. The middle access serves the garage located on the north side of the building. The northernmost access point provides direct access to the overflow parking lot. Airport Noise Considerations — The City of Eagan considered airport noise as a factor in its Comprehensive Land Use Guide Plan. With the State's decision to expand the airport at its current location, the Metropolitan Council has adopted a revised Aviation Chapter, which anticipates the impacts from the continued operation of the airport at its current location. The noise policy contours in northern Eagan place the subject property within Noise Zone IV. Planning Report - Mary's Place August 26, 1997 Page 4 Because this is an application for a conditional use of an existing facility, which does not contemplate additional development or construction, no additional conditions for airport noise are appropriate. Since it is a multi -family residential use, if the applicant anticipates any construction or remodeling activity in the future, it is suggested that they consider aircraft noise exposure and attenuation in the designs for those improvements. Compatibilit-v with Surrounding Area - The use appears compatible with the neighborhood and surrounding land uses. The facility is fairly secluded. The golf course is located on the west side and an unmanned electric substation is located north of the facility. East of the site is the Wescott Hills Townhomes and south of the site is large lot single family residential. The facility has a residential character to it, appearing like an apartment with children's play equipment and toys in the yards. SUMMARY/CONCLUSION Mary's Shelter has been operating at this location for several years and is seeking to purchase the property for a permanent location. The proposed use requires a conditional use permit and therefore, subject to conditional use permit findings listed on pages 1 & 2 of this staff report. ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED To recommend approval or denial of the requested Conditional Use Permit to allow an emergency shelter and transitional living center for homeless women and children subject to the following conditions. If approved the Conditional Use permit shall be subject to the following conditions: 1. The Conditional Use Permit shall be recorded at Dakota County within 60 days of approval by the City Council. 11 FINANCIAL OBLIGATION—14-CU-18-7-97 10-01400-020-02 Mary's Shelter There are pay-off balances of special assessments totaling $0 on the parcel for which the conditional use is requested. At this time, there are no pending assessments on the parcel for which the conditional use permit is requested. The estimated financial obligation presented is subject to change based upon areas, dimensions and land uses contained in the final plat. Based upon the study of the financial obligations collected in the past and the uses proposed for the property, the following charges are presented. The charges are computed using the City's existing fee schedule and availability of the City's utility. Improvement Use Rate Quantity Amount None (03 K 3- �.O!`:14to] IIk1l:1• 3iner nT mercy ano &Norm uor_ anrM-11rip unanivnai vse vermix ase Mn. 14 -CU -18- M gal J Eon romwit I K otner Mary of Mercy a and Hope Shelter Inc. ase No. 14 -CU -I8-07.9 C I I I I to 0 N � 10 Mob LIM "11L LC P-kd Ri w mWAR11 I RA 0- 0* 1111111112 uume via 11-111 Mime-ri Rimmirle vzner Mary OT nrrercy 6 god Hope Shelter Inc. ase Nn_ i A.cu.i R.n7A C ffi moon �.lrz,. EN 40 Q@51gnatic ial (R-12 u `.I"az E w •� �_ ��" Egg`s **TT as .. = tig� !a N MARY'S SHELTER 3430 Wescott Hills Drive Eagan MN 55123 Security The building has a six foot wooden fence on the east side of the property. The remainder of the yard is encased in a six foot high chain link fence. There are six entrances into the Shelter building. Five of these doors are locked at all times and connected to an alarmed security system. The administrative assistant office is adjacent to the main door. This door is unlocked during regular business hours. To gain entrance through the front door after-hours, one must press a buzzer which is wired to surveillance screens through -out the building. Staff must electronically release the locked door prior to anyone gaining entrance into the building. New residents private property is searched during the admittance process and upon discharge. Room searches are conducted if there is a reason to believe alcohol or any illegal substance are on the premises. If these substances are found on the property a resident will be evicted immediately or within 24 hours. Violence Policv Mary's Shelter has a zero tolerance for violence. If violence should occur a resident will be asked to leave the premises immediately. If there is a chance that one of the residents is in danger from someone in the community the Shelter is put on immediate "lock down" status. This means the front door remains locked at all times, telephones are monitored and staff is on full alert. If an assessment is made that a resident is in danger due to a domestic violence situation they are immediately transferred to one of the Robert B. Lewis Shelters for Battered Women. Once the situation stabilizes she may return to the Shelter until time of discharge. Resident Screening Process Dakota County Social Services has established a centralized housing unit. All individuals who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless are referred to the Housing Coordinator from this specialized unit. The Housing Coordinator screens all the potential residents with a face-to-face interview. In the event an individual or family needs admission after hours or on weekends, a trained county social worker from the Crisis Unit conducts the face-to-face interviews. The Housing Coordinator makes the determination of eligibility for entering Mary's Shelter. The Coordinator checks out each families story, whether they have had any criminal or drug charges, number of evictions and characteristics of any family members who may put other residents at Mary's Shelter at risk. If there are any questions about the resident, Mary's Shelter staff are notified of any risk. At times, due to special needs, the Mary's Shelter Executive Director and the Housing Coordinator meet to discuss relevant issues. 1 C)5' Agenda Information Memo September 2, 1997 ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: To consider a claim from 1058 Briar Creek Road and authorize/deny requested driveway replacement. FACTS • City Council has received a letter from Thomas and Jean Ervin, property owners at 1058 Briar Creek Road. Their letter is requesting that the City resurface the entire driveway as a result of a patch performed by the Public Works Department around the water service shut off valve. • The property description is Lot 8, Block 2 Lexington Square addition and was constructed during the summer of 1986. Building permit application site plan shows the driveway being constructed over the water shutoff valve. • The modification to the water shut off valve and subsequence patch performed by the Public Works Department are part of a preventative maintenance program minimizing the number of water service leak repairs saving major repair bills to either the City or the Property owner depending upon which side of the water valve the leak occurs. A memo from the Superintendent of Utilities further explains this program. • The staff has responded several times to the property owners reviewing the patch and replacing it. There is no further action available within City staff resources. KV IIIA 11ulwlV • Property owner's letter/claim, pages and • Staff s report, pages�� through_JA • Photos (available at the Council meeting). August 1, 1997 Eagan City Council 3830 Pilot Knob Rd. Eagan, MN 55122 Re: Driveway Dear Council Members, I am writing in regards to our asphalt driveway. I have talked with Wayne Schwanz on several occasions and he referred me to the council. We have a water pipe in our driveway which is approximately 2 feet in from the side of the drive and 5 feet up from the bottom of the drive. Approximately 3 years ago the pipe rose up above the driveway. We called the City of Eagan and it was lowered to the - height of the driveway without any problems. In April of this year we called the city again regarding the pipe. During the winter the pipe rose up again. We were concerned for safety because visitors have tripped over the pipe. I was told the city would come out "in a few weeks" and take care of it. I was told a lid would be put over the pipe and we would no longer have problems. It wasn't until June and another phone call that anyone came out. We were at work when the pipe in our driveway was repaired. The lid was put on the pipe but part of our drive was cut out. The driveway looked terrible. The black top patch around the lid wasn't the same height as our drive, it was a different texture from our drive and was a total eyesore. We tried to sealcoat the drive to improve it but it did not work. I made more phone calls to the city and my phone calls were not returned. Finally a worker came out and admitted the job was poor quality. It was repaired again the exact same way. I again called the city several times and finally talked with Tom from the street department. I told him of our concerns and didn't get any satisfaction. He told me the blacktop patch was probably better quality asphalt then our driveway. That really doesn't help us. Tom said he realized the patch didn't match but that was how the City of Eagan repairs the pipes. I asked for the supervisor and spoke with Wayne Schwartz. He looked at the driveway. I told him of our concerns and he referred us to the council. The city should have told us that a patch would be cut in our drive and that it would not match the rest of our drive. The patch is not estectically pleasing and decreases the value of our property. We had numerous asphalt companies come out and give us advise. All the companies have told us that the patch was poorly done. It is not the same texture as our drive, it was 1�� not rolled in, and it is not the correct level. The only solution to correct this eyesore is to resurface the drive. A company called Asphalt Specialties gave us an estimate of $2050 for the repair of the drive. Other asphalt companies have giving us estimates of $1400 to $1800. Let us know if you would like to obtain your own estimate. We feel the city is liable for our problem and would like to know what steps we need to take. Sincerely, Thomas and Jean Irvin 1058 Briar Creek Rd. Eagan, MN 55123 688-0654 In I- 4 MEMO S city of eagan TO: TOM COLBERT, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS FROM: WAYNE SCHWANZ, SUPERINTENDENT OF UTHTIES DATE: AUGUST 28,1997 SUBJECT: DRIVEWAY CURB BOX COVER, 1058 BRIAR CREEK ROAD INTRODUCTION: Water services to individual homes are controlled at the property line by a curb box. This valve allows the Utility Division to shut water on and off to the home in the cases of emergencies or when other plumbing work needs to be done. Usually, these curb boxes reside somewhere within the front yard. However, at times, because of the type of construction.of the home, the curb box inevitably ends up residing within the driveway. In the winter, when the driveway has been cleared of snow, the frost is able to drive deeper into the ground. As the frost expands on the driveway, it lifts the driveway. As the driveway lifts, it also pulls up on the curb box through the winter. In the spring, when the frost goes out, the driveway settles down with the ground. However, the curb box usually remains one to three inches above the existing driveway pad. In the past, the Utility Division would go out and drive these curb boxes back down flush with the driveway. However, after years of this cycle of lifting and being put back into proper position, curb boxes have a tendency to leak. At this time, depending on whether the leak is on the street side or the homeowner side of the curb box, the driveway needs to be exposed, dug, and the curb box repaired at the copper service line. This results in an expense upward of $2,000 for the excavation, repair, and replacement of the driveway. In 1989, the Utility Division standardized the specification requiring all new homes, where curb boxes would be residing in the driveway, to have what is known as a driveway cover placed over them. The driveway cover appears to be a small manhole which is embedded in the asphalt or concrete around the curb box. In the winter, as frost lifts the driveway, the driveway cover will ride up and down with the driveway as the frost either raises or lowers throughout the year. The curb box underneath the driveway, no longer being attached to it, stays at its normal level and is protected from damage and or movement. In 1992, as residents began calling the Utility Division to request curb box in driveways be lowered, the Utility Division started to install curb box covers in existing driveways over the curb box at no cost to the residents. To be able to accomplish this, the Utility Division would cut an approximate 16" square in the driveway, place a driveway cover over the curb stop and resurface the driveway back to its original level. Since the initiation of the program, over 259 driveways have been repaired this way by the Utility Division on existing homes. R M-N�XMMGIINM In the spring of 1997, Jean Irving of 1058 Briar Creek Road, contacted the Utility Division to report that the curb box in her driveway had been raised through the winter. She stated that this was not the first time that this happened. The Utility Division informed her they could resolve the problem by placing a driveway cover within the driveway, to which Jean Irving agreed to. In June, the Utility Division, in its normal routine of replacing driveway covers, repaired the curb box problem at 1058 Briar Creek Road. Shortly thereafter, Jean Irving called the Utility Division complaining that the repair was unsightly and that the blacktop was poorly patched around the newly installed driveway cover. At this time, the Utility Division again went out and removed the blacktop, replaced another patch around the cover, sealing the edges and tamping the asphalt to original grade. Jean Irving made numerous other calls to the Utility Supervisor, Kelley Janes, complaining that the patch was not adequate. At this time, Kelley Janes approached the Street Supervisor, Tom Struve, to review the situation and to advise him as to the technical aspects of the patch which was completed. Tom Struve inspected the patch July 14th, 1991, and informed Jean Irving that the patch was of the standard the City uses in all of its repairs not only around driveway covers that are being placed by the Utility Division, but also as standard practice to street repair and that the integrity of the patch was of high quality. However, at this point, Jean Irving was still not satisfied with the quality of the patch and contacted the Superintendent of Utilities, Wayne Schwan. I personally went out and inspected the patch in approximately mid-July. I found the patch to be of quality standard and not unlike other patches which have been done in the past five years. I then contacted Jean Irving and, after a lengthy discussion, was able to discover that it was not the quality of the patch that she was concerned about, but the aesthetics of the patch. Her main concern was that the color of the blacktop did not match the existing driveway blacktop color and that you could indeed see that a repair had been made in the driveway. At this time, I informed Mrs. Irving that the Utility Division could not go any further in regards to eliminating her concerns about the aesthetics of the patch. I suggested to her to write a letter and direct it to myself and that I would forward it to Tom Colbert, Director of Public Works, and he would then have to review and pass it on to the City Council for review of the situation. CONCLUSION: I again inspected the patch on August 20th, 1997. I didn't observe any problems with the patch as far as integrity or quality of work were concerned. I have noticed that the driveway at the residence 1058 Briar Creek Road has, over the years since construction, seemed to have settled approximately 1/2 to 1 inch both at the curb and the garage, and the existing driveway has extreme weather cracking throughout its surface. I believe that the driveway cover and patch which was installed by the Utility Division was not unusual for the quality of work which has been performed. Again, this work has been performed over 250 existing driveways, and to this date, Jean Irving is the only complaint we have ever received as to the quality or aesthetics of the work which had been done. I believe that this is a good program and should be continued in the future. The benefits of the program far outweigh the possibility of damage being done to driveways and to public right-of- way streets. I am also of the opinion that after approximately one year of weathering that the color of the patch and the existing driveway will be very similar due to fading which is caused by the sun, traffic, etc. Wayne Schwanz Superintendent of Utilities WS/cm L-145wdlcolbe274 13\ Agenda Information Memo September 2, 1997 ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: To approve the plans for Contract 97-13 (Southern Lakes - Trunk Utility Extensions) and authorize the advertisement for a bid opening to be held at 10:30 a.m. Friday, October 3, 1997. FACTS • Contract 97-13 provides for the extension of trunk utilities to the Inver Grove Heights border to service the Southern Lakes Development. If Project 723 (Southern Lakes Trunk Utilities) is approved as a result of the Public Hearing earlier on the agenda, it would be appropriate for the City Council to approve the plans and authorize the solicitation of competitive bids for this public improvement. ® The preparation of these plans was initiated simultaneously with the feasibility report at the request of Inver Grove Heights on behalf of the developer to facilitate construction yet this Fall. Agenda Information Memo September 2, 1997 Eagan City Council Meeting LEGISLATIVEANTERGOYERNMENTAL AFFAIRS UPDATE A. DAKOTA COUNTY NORTHERN SERVICE CENTER SITING DECISION ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: To provide direction to the City Administrator regarding sites in the City of Eagan to be considered for the new Dakota County Northern Service Center. FACTS: • Dakota County is proposing a Northern Service Center for the purpose of consolidating several community service departments into one facility, adding a court facility, an information service desk and some other related services that are currently provided at several locations throughout Northern Dakota County. • The project timeline is to identify sites in November 1997; proceed with the purchase, selection of an architect and design during 1998; construction in 1999; and building occupancy in the year 2000. • Staff from the Dakota County have met with the Cities of Eagan, Mendota Heights, Inver Grove Heights, South St. Paul and West St. Paul to discuss potential sites. • The client center of the Northern Service Center search area is located at Robert Street and I-494. The search area includes a 2'/s mile buffer around the Center location, which includes Northeast Eagan. County staff have indicated that sites north of Yankee Doodle Road and generally east of Pilot Knob Road could be given consideration. • City staff have suggested two possible locations: 1) a 15-25 acre site adjacent to the redevelopment area in the Highway 55/149 area & 2) a site adjacent to the Eagan Promenade shopping area. CONCERNS: The City Council should determine whether sites in the City of Eagan should be considered by the Dakota County Board of Commissioners for the Northern Service Center. • The funding, site negotiation and all other aspects of locating the Northern Service Center would be a function of the Dakota County Board of Commissioners. ATTACHMENTS: • Enclosed on pages L through A is a copy of the project scope and maps identifying the generalized service areas and search area provided by Dakota County. 113 Northern Service Center Current Assumptions Project Scope Minimum Site Size. 6 acres Preferred Site Size: 12-25 acres Projected Building Size: 110,000 - 160,000 sq. ft. Projected Budget: $17-24 million Construction $14-21 million FF&E $875,000 Anticipated Land Cost: $1.8 million //51 ATTACHMENT 2 Generalized Service Areas //s L —1 Western Service Center Government Center Prepared by the Dakota County Office of Planning. 1997. ATTACHMENT 3 Search Area //6 Prepared by the Dakota County Office of Planning, 1997.