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10/07/1997 - City Council Regular
AGENDA EAGAN CITY COUNCIL - REGULAR MEETING EAGAN MUNICIPAL CENTER BUILDING OCTOBER 7,1997 6:30 P.M. L ROLL CALL & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE IL ADOPT AGENDA & APPROVAL OF MINUTES (BLUE) III. VISITORS TO BE HEARD (10 MINUTE TOTAL TIME LIMIT) IV. DEPARTMENT HEAD BUSINESS (BLUE) A. SELECTION of construction manager, second sheet of ice V. CONSENT AGENDA (PINK) A. PERSONNEL ITEMS - B. RESOLUTION, Highway 55 Redevelopment District, findings regarding acquisition of adjacent P properties in redevelopment area C. PURCHASE AGREEMENTS, Highway 55 Redevelopment District, John and Mary Neska, 908 D. Lawrence Avenue, and Merle and Sandra Duff, 916 Lawrence Avenue RECOMMENDATION, Economic Development Commission, County directional road signage program for hotels J E. PROCLAMATION, Eagan Manufacturers Week, October 13-17,1997 P/ • r F. LOAN AGREEMENT, Professional Plastics Incorporated, Minnesota Investment Fund and Eagan Revolving Loan Fund 1 G. RECOMMENDATION, Airport Relations Commission, Metropolitan Aircraft Sound Abatement Council membership criteria �. H. APPROVAL of plans and specifications for Fish Lake dosing project and authorization to proceed with construction I. RESOLUTION authorizing execution of agreement, Community Oriented Policing (COPS) Grant (Overtime) P.4 J. RESOLUTION approving exemption from lawful gambling license - ARC Suburban, raffle to be �• held on November 22,1997 at Riverpark K. EXTENSION to recording the approved Final Subdivision for Safari at Eagan 3rd Addition, ' Fortune Realty y qL. PROCLAMATION observing October 20-24,1997 as Telecommute America Week in Minnesota I.M. PROJECT 713, receive final assessment roll/order public hearing, Denmark Avenue, • Timbershore Add. & Pilot Knob Heights - Street Overlay N. PROJECT 714, receive final assessment roll/ order public hearing, Donald Avenue - Street •' Resurface PROJECT 715, receive final assessment roll/ order public hearing, Heine Strasse - Street • .3 Resurface 3P. r RECEIVE PETITION/ order public hearing - easement vacation, Eagandale Corporate Center No.2 Q. RECEIVE PETITION/order public hearing - easement vacation, Hawthorne Woods 2nd Addition �R R. RECEIVE PETITION/ order public hearing - easement vacation, Rahncliff 3rd Addition J S. APPROVE 1998 Landfill Abatement Grant application 4 9 T. CONTRACT 96-T, acknowledge completion/authorize City maintenance, Timberwood Village Addition - Utilities CONTRACT 96-11, approve Supplemental Agreement #3, Yankee Doodle Road - Street • Improvements ' CONTRACT 96-12, approve Change Order No. 3, Northwoods Drive - Street & Utility • Improvements 17 W. CONTRACT 96-Y, acknowledge completion/authorize City maintenance, Blackhawk Acres 4th • Addition - Street & Utilities r X. CONTRACT 97-06, approve final payment/authorize City maintenance, Denmark Ave., Donald p. 7 Ave., Heine Strasse - Street Resurface; Denmark Ave. - Sidewalk A. NORTH RUBY COURT, reconsideration of No Parking sign installation NEW BUSINESS (TAN) A. 0 f0. 1&0 C. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT - Nationwide Group, to allow a pylon sign on Lot 2, Block 1, Eagandale Center Industrial Park No. 10, located at 2935 Lexington Avenue (Acorn Mini Storage) in the SE 1/4 of Section 3 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT - Northstar Fleet Services, Inc., to allow the sale of trucks on Lots 17,18, and 19, Block 4, Eagandale Center Industrial Park No. 4, located on Mike Collins Drive in the SE 1/4 of Section 11 APPEAL - Ikon Office Solutions, regarding allowable signage for the office warehouse building located at 915 Blue Gentian Road in the NE 1/4 of Section 2 IX. LEGISLATIVWINTERGOVERNMENTAL AFFAIRS UPDATE (GREY) X. ADMINISTRATTVE AGENDA (GREEN) XI. VISITORS TO BE HEARD (for those persons not on agenda) XII. ADJOURNMENT XIII. EXECUTIVE SESSION The City of Eagan is committed to the policy that all persons have equal access to its programs, services, activities, facilities and employment without regard to race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, disability, age, marital status, sexual orientation, or status with regard to public assistance. Auxiliary aids for persons with disabilities will be provided upon advance notice of at least 96 hours. If a notice of less than 96 hours is received, the City of Eagan will attempt to provide such aid. Updated 10/2/97 -12:00 p.m. Y. CONTRACT 96-05, approve final payment/authorize City maintenance, North Ridge Drive & ` Poppler Lane - Street & Utility Improvements Z. SENECA HILLS ADDITION, approve amendment to development agreement AA. RENEW contract for snow removal services for 1997-98 �+� BB. M CONFIRMATION of Findings of Fact, Conclusions & Resolution of Denial, Christopher 4 Gabrysh, variance and building move permit -1405 Oster Drive CC. PROJECT 688, amend pending assessment roll, Eagandale Corporate Center (Skyline Displays) �+ DD. REQUEST for public hearing - certification of delinquent utilities - November 4, 1997 EE. PREMISES PERMIT APPLICATION, Mendota Heights Athletic Association `oltFF. CONSIDER PETITION/authorize feasibility report - Greensboro 2nd Addition - Drainage I Improvements VI. 7.00 - PUBLIC HEARINGS (SALMON) (� T A. MULTI -FAMILY Housing Revenue Refunding Bonds - Cinnamon Ridge Project B. VARIANCE, Dorothy Baker, 5' to the required 30' building setback from public right-of-way for SC. Lot 9, Block 4, Cedar Grove No. 1 located at 4196 Diamond Drive VARIANCE, Kevin & Holly Landauer, F to the required 10' side -yard building for Lot 6, setback Block 1, Blackhawk Oaks Addition located at 3812 Riverton Avenue D. VARIANCE, Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company, for a reduction in the amount of mitigation required by the Tree Preservation Ordinance for Lot 3, Block 1, Eagandale Office Park 3rd Addition rQ E. PROJECT 700, final assessment hearing - Hall Street/TH3 Service Road - Sanitary Sewer & P Watermain F. PROJECT 717R, Country Home Heights - Street Surfacing I&G. PROJECT 615R, final assessment hearing - Meadowview Road - Utilities ' PROJECT 718, final assessment hearing - Deerwood Reservoir - Trunk Watermain PVILOLD BUSINESS (ORCHID) A. NORTH RUBY COURT, reconsideration of No Parking sign installation NEW BUSINESS (TAN) A. 0 f0. 1&0 C. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT - Nationwide Group, to allow a pylon sign on Lot 2, Block 1, Eagandale Center Industrial Park No. 10, located at 2935 Lexington Avenue (Acorn Mini Storage) in the SE 1/4 of Section 3 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT - Northstar Fleet Services, Inc., to allow the sale of trucks on Lots 17,18, and 19, Block 4, Eagandale Center Industrial Park No. 4, located on Mike Collins Drive in the SE 1/4 of Section 11 APPEAL - Ikon Office Solutions, regarding allowable signage for the office warehouse building located at 915 Blue Gentian Road in the NE 1/4 of Section 2 IX. LEGISLATIVWINTERGOVERNMENTAL AFFAIRS UPDATE (GREY) X. ADMINISTRATTVE AGENDA (GREEN) XI. VISITORS TO BE HEARD (for those persons not on agenda) XII. ADJOURNMENT XIII. EXECUTIVE SESSION The City of Eagan is committed to the policy that all persons have equal access to its programs, services, activities, facilities and employment without regard to race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, disability, age, marital status, sexual orientation, or status with regard to public assistance. Auxiliary aids for persons with disabilities will be provided upon advance notice of at least 96 hours. If a notice of less than 96 hours is received, the City of Eagan will attempt to provide such aid. Updated 10/2/97 -12:00 p.m. MEMO TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCILMEMBERS FROM: CITY ADMINISTRATOR HEDGES DATE: OCTOBER 2,1997 SUBJECT: AGENDA INFORMATION MEMO FOR THE OCTOBER 7, 1997 EAGAN CITY COUNCIL MEETING After approval of the October 7, 1997 City Council agenda and the regular City Council meeting minutes for the September 16, 1997 regular Council meeting, the following items are in order for consideration. A. SELECTION OF CONSTRUCTION MANAGER SECOND SHEET OF ICE The supporting information will be included in the Additional Information packet on Monday. MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE EAGAN CITY COUNCIL Eagan, Minnesota September 16,1997 A regular meeting of the Eagan City Council was held on Tuesday, September 16,1997 at 6:30 p.m. at the Eagan Municipal Center, Presen -wiere... w�T` 0-4hd Councilmembers Wachter, Awada, Masin and Blomquist. Also present were. t4dr: 8-'041(:Administrator Holly Duffy, Senior Planner Mike Ridley, Director of Public Works Talt(Colbert, and City Attorney Jim Sheldon. City Administrator Hedges arrived during the Round Table 4isCussion. Boy Scout Troop 446 led the Pledge of Allegiance. Mayor Egan noted that City Administrator Hedges was at an ICMA Conference and that Assistant to the City Administrator Du*:. puld be taking his place at tonight's meeting. He also noted that there would be an Executive Sessiori:'f'0'�'fiowm'g:*jjjj regular meeting. Councilmember Wachter moved'-- xC- -" econded a motion to approve the agenda as presented. Aye: 5 Nay: 0 -MINUTES OF THE SEPTEMBER 2,1997 REGULAR MEETING Councilmember Masin moved, Councilmember WachtRr seconded a motion to approve the minutes as presented. Aye: 5 Nay: 0 M1NUTES,OFT1�T.0C-W9-V2 97 SPECIAL MEETING Councilmember Blomquist requesf6d--:that:.b,:R-page three, the last part of the first paragraph should read, "and that consideration be given to g,6*nef-gil} fees or more revenue in the Park Department for programming." Councilmember Awada moved, Councilmember Masin seconded a motion to approve the minutes as amended. Aye: 5 Nay: 0 VISMQRS TO BE HEARD Chris Daniels, 4225 Daniel Drivo,':T*-,e'- 's -'e-1 n -f -mi. "s, R-6, I V*ing a commercial real estate site at the comer of Diffley and Lexington. He saiAi�'at resid0'*'ft'*'t"§'.'in the Wildflower neighborhood and Daniel Drive area are concerned about what commercko.activity.;p4y be proposed for this site and the impact on the residential area and traffic. He asked if i# would N:'�issible to rezone this piece of property. Senior Planner Ridley indicated that the CoMnU= r fev q`*%"""* fak9partrnent has not received any application for this property yet. He explained the cUft6t zUriffig bf6 Mr. Daniels stated that he and the other neighbors would like to be proactive in the development of this site. Councilmember Blomquist noted that there is a subcommittee that has been formed to review the Comprehensive Guide Plan and it would be well b0he.neighbors to submit their ideas in writing for this site and the committee will review their S4 W**':-':--Vb ailmember Wachter said that the subcommittee should keep the City Couw-*d16rmeda`n`* staff should also keep the Council informed if they hear of any proposals fiii?-tliis site. EAGAN CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES; SEPTEMBER 16,1997 PAGE 2 jaEPA1it- VIENT HEAD BUSINESS AMENDMENT OF JOINT POWER :A R)~ 11E FOR GUN CLUB WMO Water Resource Coordinator Braschyrovided a brief overview on this item. Councilmember Masin moved, Cb&cilmember Wachter seconded a motion to approve a request to amend the Gun Club Lake Watershed Management Organization Joint Powers Agreement. Aye: 5 Nay: 0 ,ION'S CLUB DONATION TO EAGAN FIRE DEPARTMENT Mayor Egan presented Fire Chief -....fol sen wi}lt:a $5,000 check from the Lion's Club to be used for the purchase of a Cairns IRIS thermal im4&g syster i;for the Eagan Fire Department. Fire Chief Jensen expressed appreciation to the Lion's Club and stated -that their donation brings the Fire Department within $5,000 of being able to purchase th ei k tz� ii OONSENT AGENDA In regard to Item B, Approve the resolution calling for a public hearing on bonds to be issued to refinance the Cinnamon Ridge multi -family rental housing 12rojgSt, Councilmember Blomquist asked how many times the City has refinanced these bonds and if there:�:any liability to the City. Assistant to the Cih, Administrator Duffy said that the informatio�t u�quicf :# piovided to the Council prior to the public hearing. Councilmember Blomquist indiGRtecdki:pvoiiIti:istain from voting on this item. In regard to Item E, Approve correctir 'to the Atrgust iy iyyi 5peciai %.rr}• %.vuiiui uuiiuMb Councilmember Blomquist questioned the practici�of:p cItig.minutes that have already been approved by the Council on the consent agenda in order to approv :4k� s that were made after the Council's ratification. She requested that in the future any minutes that'have been changed following Council approval be placed under the approval of minutes on the agenda and not on consent. In regard to Item H, Confirmation of Findings of Fact, Conclusions & Resolution of Denial City of communication monopole on the Parkview. ' urse si ' :Cifj Attorney Sheldon noted that Councilmember Blomquist had provided.':gb ie7ev:i.ioils:tv�strehgthen the findings. Councilmembers agreed to approve the revised Findings pffoct. In regard to Item I, Final Subdivhion Uak a:t-ounr-V riKA ror Lagan =Peniur nuu:1ui$ auu a uiai Planned Development for Lot 1, Block1; Cti etz b Y �5?r?:asked why it would be appropriate for the City to be named on the contractor's foriiiaitet 6oi el : hior Planner Ridley explained that this is for the good of the City and will insure that the contractor hired by the HRA complies with the City's standards. In regard to Item L, Applicatio Councilmember Masin asked for an ex City Administrator Duffy provided an pertaining to this use. Assistant to the In regard to Item M, Contract 97.:15, receive bids/ awRIA conrracr t muicanv tiuuiumI oc iviuL ��. Pkwy. - UtilitiesL Councilmember Wac)Ri�.r stated he was coriedtned about the impact this project could have on the trees. Director of Public Works:Colbt:SRic;€itai;Ii• Murphy's letter has been responded to and he explained that Mr. Murphy did rtint:4jf lergtartcl:tt e:lotuition of the proposed improvement. He added that only minor shrubs will be impacted. EAGAN CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES; SEPTEMBER 16,1997 PAGE A. Personnel Items Item 1. It was recommended to accept an..Agr.. bot..readwd:between the Fire Relief Association and City Council to change from a defined benefition pension plan subject to the following conditions: The amount available per firefighter per year, assuming 100 firefighters, is $3,385. The agreement will be for eight years The City will continue to pay 100% of the State Approved Administration Expenses. (It should be noted that this cost should be less given the fact that an actuarial report is no longer necessary on an annual basis.) Item 2. It was recommended to accept the Agreement Between the City and the clerical bargaining group relative to a three year contract for 1997-199.9. Item 3. It was recommended to approvet ie itb� g of leiWi� i:Ntsinger and T.J. Simon as part-time temporary high school clerical interns with''the'I'ail 4h' ' I ecir aliion and Fire Departments. Item 4. It was recommended to accept the resignation of Part-time Building Maintenance Worker Richard Johnson. B. Approve the resolution calling for a publi Ridge multi -family rental housing_ project. It public hearing on bonds to be issued to refin project. (Councilmember Blomquist absla-.' e C. On -Sale Liquor License - Nue and Torgersoii Addition. It was recommended to approve an on -sale liq Hilton -Eagan, to be located at Lot 1, Block 1, Rahncliff 3rd glcls.to be issued to refinance the Cinnamoi cided'to approve the resolution calling for a mon Ridge multi -family rental housing on this item.) Ea an Lot 1 Block 1 Rahncliff 3rd for Nue and Torgerson, LLP, dba D. Wine, Sunday Wine and Strong Beer License, D'Amico Catering, Inc., dba D'Amico & Sons 3324 Promenade Avenue. It was recommended to approve a wine, Sunday wine and strong beer license for D'Amico Catering, Inc., dba D'Amico & Sons, to be located at 3324 Promenade Avenue. E. Approve corrections to the Au ug st 19,:!., 97-&*t*a*6j: it ':Council minutes Councilmember Blomquist moved, Councilmember Awada secondgcl: motiori: approve corrections to the August 19, 1997 Special City Council minutes. F, Request for footings and foundationraer+iatit r:S3cy Jrksrdgys, Inc. It was recommended to approve a footing and foundation permit for Skyline' ispiay§ C.. 6.�ii}g site work on property preliminarily platted as Eagandale Corporate Center 2nd Addition located at the northeast intersection of Yankee Doodle Road and Lexington Avenue. G. Final Planned Development for Lot 1, Block 1,„Ralwcli Hilton Garden Inn. It was recommended to:4pires*:a;f~ 100 -unit hotel with liquor on Lot 1, Block.; cliff 3rd' Cliff Court south of Cliff Road in the NW -:'sof Section 32. H. Confirmation of Findings of Fact denial of a conditional use 12ermit re on the Parkview Golf Course site. It ed Development to allow a four story, located east of Rahn Road, on Rahn of Eaean rela revised Findings of Fact relating to EAGAN CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES; SEPTEMBER 16,1997 PAGE 4 the denial of a Conditional Use Permit requested by AT&T Wireless Services for a communication monopole on the Parkview Golf Course site.•:• I. Final Subdivision, Dakota County HRA &? Eagan Senior Housing and Final Planned Development for Lot 1, Block 1. It was recommended to appfo v.e,tlic: inat.$vbdiv.ision for the Eagan Senior Housing Addition consisting of one lot and one ouff4ta*:p>Oppi 16C- -:ten the south side of Town Centre Drive, east of Denmark Ave. and north of O'Leary.-Lake in the NE '/,4 of Section 15 and to approve a Final Planned Development for a 65 unit senor.: using building on Lot 1, Block 1, Eagan Senior Housing Addition located on the south side of Toi �r Centre Drive, east of Denmark Ave. and north of O'Leary Lake in the NE 1/4 of Section 15. J. Final Subdivision Horne Develo ment for Kingswood Ponds Second Addition. It was recommended to approve a Final Subdivision for the Kingswood Ponds Second Addition located west of the Pilot Knob Road and Wescott Road intersection. K. Contract 97-07 approve change order. Ea an:$usiness Commons (frontage road and utili extension). It was recommended to approve Change Order #1 to Contract 97-07 (Eagan Business Commons - Frontage Road and Utility E�c>nsioit} i;rtdauihoiizethe Mayor and City Clerk to execute all related documents. L. Application for use of a golf cart on Cit, streets (mobility impairment). It was recommended to approve a permit to operate a motorized golf cart on designated streets for Michael Krolick. M. Contract 97-15 receive bids . ini award contract Mulcahyon & MurphPk« - Utilities). It was recommended to receive the bids for Contract 97-15 �Nlu-k0y:-Xddition/Murphy Parkway - Utilities), award the contract to the lowest responsible:bii i: -4r `ild.... orize the Mayor and Cit} Clerk to execute all related documents. N. Contract 97-10 approve 121ans, order ad for:7ids'.i: -:149.& Lone Oak Parkway - Si alization . It was recommended to approve the plans for Contract 97-10'('I' ' 1:4 4iid Lone Oak Parkway - Signalization) and authorize the advertisement for a bid opening to be held at'10:30 a.m., Friday, October 17,1997. O. Project 668 receive feasibili ., report/order public hearing a rove cost Participation agreement with Dakota County - Lone Oak Road (Lexington Ave. to TH 55). It was recommended to receive the feasibility report for Project 668 (Lone Oak Road - Utility and Street Improvements), schedule a public hearing to be held on October 21,1997, and:apg . t the,co9.t,pz%tticipation agreement with Dakota County. .. . P. Contract 94-F, acknowledge completion -/authorize Cite maintenance (Pond View Townhomes). It was recommended to acknowledge the comoletion of Cog#act 94-F (Pond View Townhomes - Utilities) and authorize perpetual City maintenance suctitf:'iauthy:o� i6ions. Q. Contract 97-02 approve final pg�Ment/ authorize Cite maintenance, repairs and improvements for Coachman Road Water Treatment Fa� It was recommended to approve the third and final payment for Contract 97-02 (Coachman Road Water Treatment Facility - Repairs and Improvements) in the amount of $15,710.00 to Shank Mechanical, Inc. and accept the:iTnprovement for perpetual City maintenance subject to warranty provisions. Councilmember Blomquist mov"Zouncilmembei ? dada seconded a motion to approve the consent agenda and the revised Findings,of Fact for Item H. "A e: 5 Nay: 0 In regard to Item F, Request foi f&tWo:e d:fd4hA4ft permit - Skyline Displays, Inc„ Mayor Egan mentioned that Mayor Elizabeth Kailfj:aiNh6:.ir- ville was present in support of the applicant. He noted that Skyline Displays will be moving from the City of Burnsville to Eagan and he EAGAN CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES; SEPTEMBER 16,1997 PAGE added that this business will enhance the quality of life in the City. He recognized the applicants in the audience and said that the new facility will.bq spectacular. Councilmember Blomquist moved; Cbuncilmember Awada seconded a motion to approve the corrections to the August 19, 1997 Specia.I.C..-C-6twcye: 5 Nay: 0 &BLIC` HEARINGS VARIANCE - TIM T146MPSON,1073 TICONDEROGA TRAIL Assistant to the City Administrator Duffy provided a brief overview on the item. Senior Planner Ridley gave a staff report and noted that the applicant submitted a petition in support of the variance. Councilmember Masin asked forto why the Planned Development indicated no variances were to be granted. Senior Plariher Ridley;povided an explanation. Councilmember Blomquist stated that these requests shouid.: ontinuo: be reviewed on an individual basis by the City Council. ... Mayor Egan opened the public hearing toriine'isiFig to speak. There being no one, he turned the discussion back to the Council. Councilmember Wachter moved, Councilmember Blomquist seconded a motion to approve a 11.5 foot Variance request to construct a third car garage addition to the existing two -stall attached garage on Lot 13, Block 5, Lexington Square at 1073 Ticonderoga Trai1,.:,�k$ 5 Nay: 0 VARIANCE - Assistant to the City Administrator. Ridley gave a staff report. He noted that sty to this site. 1405 OSTER DRIVE an overview on this item. Senior Planner ition in opposition to the house being moved Ed Gabrysh, representing his son Christopher Gabrysh, stated that they chose this lot to match the house. He added that this lot is not buildable and the only difference between this home and the others in the neighborhood is that this house has a detached garage. Councilmember Awada asked City,Afti i�ey Sheldop:W:hat criteria has to be met with regard to this request. Councilmember Blomquist st6Wd-i taf :i iderAf nds the concerns of this neighborhood, particularly since they have already had lineal wit :.Pi6blems associated with the school building that was moved into their neighborhood. She asked if the.applicant could provide the neighborhood with reassurance that the structure will be brc t ght into BitHiding Code compliance. Councilmember Awada referencedt'C€y Cad:Rs it gelates to denial of a moving permit. City Attorney Sheldon stated that if all the provisions are in place to protect the health and safety of the neighborhood and the structure meets the requirements of the building code then letter G of City Code Chapter 4, Section 4.10, is not a viable provision. Councilmember Wachter asked if thi :fiib' e iii pections Division had approved this structure. Senior Planner Ridley noted that a site' t oii has been: baducted of the house and garage and the applicant has been informed that the houS :reeds to be up&wded to current Building Code standards but both buildings are structurally sound. City, Attorney Sheldori•ifidicated that the Council can require strict compliance with the building code. Ed Gabrysh added that they haN66*3��r: ?f:c ..ir*jh* 'tOentifies all of the upgrades that will be made to the house. He further added that the house is structurally sound. EAGAIN CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES; SEPTEMBER 16,1997 PAGE 6 Councilmember Awada questiongd;.whether this lot is unbuildable• Senior Planner Ridley stated that the lot is not unbuildable but there is meted buildable area given the City's setback requirements and that the lot to the south developed witft'a similar setback variance. Mayor Egan opened the public headogg d:ail3+oiie:i'vishi� g to speak. Ron Beranek, 1412 Oster Drive, gjiestioned the square footage of this house and said it does not fit in with the rest of the neighborhood duL''hi its size. He noted that this house was built in 1962 and does not belong in this area. Councilmember Awada said she believes the lot is buildable. Mayor Egan stated that the expectations of the people in this neighborhood were that homes in the area would be of a compatible age. He added that moving this structure:ftifo this riEkhborhood would be a real change to what is already there. Nicole Liebl, presented a home ddiagram that she was told by a realtor could be built on this site without a variance. Daniel Zarich,1404 Oster Drive, stated that his house is five years old and he is opposed to this house being moved to his neighborhood because he did not anticipate that a house this old would be located in the area. He said it is not aesthetically compatible with the other houses. Councilmember Wachter noted that the house des.ign:0*sented by Ms. Liebl would require a variance in front and/or back. Mr. Zarich stated, at. uilt his house on was of similar size to the lot the Gabrysh's want to move a house:Ot;aiidaie'did:tot need a variance. There being no one else wishing to �peaC;.Iklayor'Bgan turned the discussion back to the Council. Councilmember Wachter said he did not think it'was:fzi: ;say. that this house would not look nice on this lot. He further said that this lot has been vacant for'm`4l*:jrears due to the size restrictions and he felt that this house would be appropriate on this lot. Mayor Egan stinted that this lot has gone tax forfeit and he thinks that perhaps someone is trying to take advantage of a windfall. He added that most of the homes in this neighborhood have been built since 1984 and he did not believe that in this situation it would be appropriate to grant a variance. Councilmember Blomquist moved.,:jQcs &iimeinbet.:A- W-'.ada seconded a motion to deny a 15' building setback Variance to the required:5Q':setb'g 7s: ff"' :Pi:l�i knot Road right-of-way for Lot 6, Block 1, Oster Addition (1405 Oster Drive) and aixtXibrize th:7fparation of Findings of Fact. Aye: 4 Nay: 1 (Councilmember Wachter opposed) Councilmember Blomquist stator U!*E:i ie::reaso �t pporting denial are that there is no real perceived hardship, the lot is buildable a4tf e'liou5i t6ti6::ti�iited onto the lot is not in keeping with the nature of the neighborhood with regard to years of age. Councilmember Blomquist moved, Councilmember Awada seconded a motion to deny a Building Move Permit to relocate a 36' X 24' one-slpry.hquse and a 24'X 24' detached garage from Richfield, Minnesota to 1405 Oster Drive. A�X";::?�;::1t7�# �:1::Xouncilmember Wachter opposed) •. EAGAN CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES; SEPTEMBER 16,1997 PAGE 7 LDLD BUSINESS APPOINTMENTS TO THt:APVISORY PARKS COMMISSION AND THE ADVISORY-11LANNING COMMISSION Assistant to the City Administrate rk:D.iffy.-*.p `qJ?erview on this item. Councilmember Blomquist stated that she would prefer that.the openings be advertised and felt that since there were so many applicants interested in serving on teicommissions the vacancies should be opened up to the general public. Councilmember Wachter-: ita Mayor Egan stated they did not feel that was necessary and the direction given to staff by the Council was to contact individuals who had expressed an interest in serving on a commission in the past and not to advertise in the local media. A ballot vote was taken for the v4qAncy on the Advisory Planning Commission. Charles Thorkildson received two votes. Counci i tuber A)."..Aa indicated she would be willing to change her vote to Charles Thorkildson which gave Wjii the ma" . . itv of the votes. Mayor Egan moved, Councilmei r Wachidiifi`*seconded a motion to appoint Charles Thorkildson as an alternate member to the Advisory e: 5 Nay: 0 By ballot, Michael Zwiefel was appointed as an alternate member to the Advisory Parks Commission. VIEW BUSINESS ORDINANCE AMENDMENT TO. 'CHAPTER 11 ENTITLED "LAND USE REGULATIONS (ZONING. -)::BY -:;k * %"** G SECTION 11.21 SHORELAND ZONING Assistant to the City Administrator: an overview on this item. Councilmember Wachter asked if the Advisory- .94s-'.c.b4nmission has reviewed and commented on this amendment to the ordinance. Senior Planner Ridley stated that staff has worked with Water Resource Coordinator Brasch and the DNR. He added that the APrC may have received this information but they did not take any action on it. Councilmember Wachter moved to defer the amendment to the Shoreland Zoning Ordinance to the Advisory Parks Commission for revieNv.,.-:C,6iiAcilmember..Blbmquist stated that she would also like this item placed on a Council work' She questioned why there were so many changes and why so much langua... being:�':[lived. Mayor Egan stated that he did n..:eel there:w"ere that many changes and that the changes were directed by the Council. He said that the.'kb was archaic and the amendment is so the ordinance will be in sync with theDIR ..... . changes have been done by the .... direction of the Council. He commented that he did not feel there was any need for the Council to further review this amendment. Councilmember Blomquist stated that ordinance, but she said she was concerned wit explained that the City adopted a model oidj� City of Eagan and caused conflict betwe0v.. e and land use control. He said that the puFpos( with the City's Zoning Code. Councilmember Masin stated background information. she realized the Council directed staff to review this ti tie .. of changes. Senior Planner Ridley ......... .. iKe if '661-: V. e s request and that model did not fit the Shoreland ZOig Ordinance and the existing Zoning Code for the chan6&'§:a're so that the ordinance will coincide the Council to receive the previous EAGAN CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES; SEPTEMBER 16,1997 PAGE 8 Councilmember Awada seconder] �Councilmember Wachter's motion. Aye: 5 Nay: 0 Councilmember Blomquist requested that the comments from the Advisory Parks Commission be forwarded to the City Council as soon as "MM.:::,.,.:: RDWMSTRATIVE AGENDA FINAL SUBDIVIkiON - LONE OAK THIRD ADDITION Councilmember Awada moved, Councilmember Wachter seconded a motion to approve a final subdivision for Lone Oak Third Addition located east of Highway 149 and south of I-494. Aye: 5 Nay: 0 E HEARD Charlotte Sommers, 2135 Wutheri�g Heights:Poad, stated that her property serves as drainage for Wuthering Heights Road and the gravel.has.been Hashing onto her property. Director of Public Works Colbert explained that Wutheringaglzts Rparl: is,i;riproved gravel road which does not meet the current City standards. He recalled' pteviotis discussions regarding this problem. The area lacks adequate drainage facilities and the upgrading of these streets was waived during past subdivisions and lot splits, Mayor Egan noted that in the Egan Avenue area of the Country Home Heights subdivision the City has had a history of difficulty in trying to maintain the-grti.y l that would constantly wash away onto the park land and other private property. Directoz-ofT.u. ] :-Works Colbert stated that staff would look into the problem on Wuthering Heights RQa: ADMIMS'> RATIVEAGENDA PROJECT 707 (TH 149 & LONE OAki kiR." ,�►Y - SIGNALIZATION) Councilmember Blomquist moved, Councilmember Awada seconded a motion to approve plans and specifications for Project 707 (TH 149 & Lone Oak Parkway - Signalization). Aye: 5 Nay: 0 (See first item under "Roundtable" for further action.) -:it?Ci!VNDTABLE:•:•::: Director of Public Works Colbeffst&ted tha :X"as not necessary for the Council to take action approving the plans and specifications fgr,Proiect 70'7 under the Administrative Agenda since that action was taken as part of Letter N of the const'V agenda -, ::Mayor Egan noted that the action would be rescinded. Director of Public Works Colbert stated that Wescott Road at TH 149 will be closed from September 17 through September 20 so that the railroad tracks can be lowered to alleviate problems that have been experienced by construction equipment trying to navigate a 9" to 12" bump. He said that the major employers in the area have been notified and..advanced signage has been installed. Assistant to the City Administrat4i:1hi fy stafed'$kt:. nformation would be provided to the Council prior to the public hearing regaxdixg the bonds to lie: lS�ued to refinance the Cinnamon Ridge multi -family rental housing project. She.noted that there would be an Executive Session following the regular meeting. Councilmember Wachter asked:aliau€:il '*tdrtuig:dint :bf Project 668. Director of Public Works Colbert explained that they would like to start construction on this project as early as possible in 1998. He EAGAN CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES, SEP'T'EMBER 16,1997 PAGE 9 stated that an agreement has not been reached with the railroad company and that could delay the project to 1999. Councilmember Wachter stated thiflie has observed concrete being placed under bus benches in the City and he is opposed to that practice:: .mo:Vod:;to:dixectataff to enforce existing code provisions as they relate to boulevard bus benches.He S;ia:s:#31t':iis fiches serve as billboard advertisements. Councilmember Awada stated that Councilmember Wachter's motion should also include direction to staff to explore what provisions under the Si ' Ordinance might be violated as they relate to boulevard bus benches. Mayor Egan concurred. Senior Planner Ridley stated that the code prohibits the placement of structures in the public right-of-way and the only off-site signage allowed are billboards as listed on Exhibit A of the Sign Code. He said that the original direction to staff -was to work with the other MVTA cities to try and draft a bus bench policy. He further said it was deter ned thai?Ous was not feasible since each city has different zoning ordinances. He added that they have been go#€iering information from other cities on how they regulate bus benches. Councilmember Masin stated that :heti> bt ;; tie;tiClt coiitpany has put up benches in the City and they have not worked with the MVTA. CouiiCilYtieiiYler V1�aciiter stated that since winter is fast approaching he is concerned that the snowplow equipment may be damaged if it hits the bus benches. Mayor Egan reiterated that this situation needs to be corrected through enforcement of the City Code. Councilmember Blomquist seconded the motion to provide direction to staff to enforce existing code provisions and explore what provisions under theSight Qi:dinance might be violated as they related to boulevard bus benches. Aye: 5 Nay: 0 Councilmember Blomquist requested' that this matter be addressed at the earliest possible work session. Councilmember Wachter raised a concern with'gaMO:5' a signs and stated there should be some communication with the public and possible enforcement regariiing the removal of these signs following garage sales. He asked Councilmember Masin about the Burnsville Transit Station and the construction of residential housing nearby. Councilmember Masin said that the adjacent property was intended for residential housing. Councilmember Wachter commented)q�::tbe clay..lhat: as found underneath the blacktop tennis court at Rahn School. He asked about th�:Ciivi&C-e' tet:CaiEig s'master plan and stated that this should not be delayed too long and Councilmei ifts conctk that City Administrator Hedges should coordinate this process. Councilmember Masin stated tha#t11AjCS:?rl:be this weekend. She asked when City Administrator Hedges had last received -a:4 �'r'i'etiOb4r ftiil ditb tieI Committee. Councilmember Awada said that this could be added to the list of items to be addressed by the Personnel Committee. She requested a copy of his last review. Councilmember Wachter stated that with Councilmember Blomquist. Councilmember Blomquist cor excellent job she did in filling in for Cit Blomquist requested that old copies of meeting to be held on Thursday. She r regarding the dangerous intersection n to request a Public Works Committee meeting e City Administrator Duffy on the Mayor Egan concurred. Councilmember Plan be provided for the subcommittee appeared in the This Week Newspaper hat staff should address this matter. EAGAIN CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES; SEPTEMBER 16,1997 PAGE 10 Mayor Egan noted that a letter was sent to Development/ Design Engineer Gorder and staff is addressing the safety issue. ..... Councilmember Blomquist commented on another newspaper article debating the price of progress. She asked about the trees that w�ffelQundj4i 'the.pQndnear property owned by Thomas `':-:-:-:-:': Pederson in the Blackhawk Forest subdivig on-Ah- 41-"""' .... . .... . 80 9 toberemoved. Senior Planner Ridley T. stated that the developer claims he did not put the tre'e's`th'er'e%.%'14'e added that he and City Forester Hove were at the site and City Forester Hove bei 6es the trees were probably dead and scattered on the site and that when the site was cleared the tr6694vere pushed down the hill. He stated that City Forester Hove's opinion was that with the slope of the lots he would keep the trees there for erosion control from the pond. He added that the homeowner did not ask the realtor about these trees when he purchased the lot. He further added that the City does not have the option of forcing the developer to remove the trees. He noted that Water Resource Coordinato ' r.' Prash also visited the site and indicated that the trees are a natural amenity. Councilmember Blomqiiisi requeste4 that the homeowner be sent a letter explaining the rationale for not removing the trees. Cou:'n:'c:'ilmemb�'t':*"'Wachter stated that individuals should be responsible for checking on these matterspitior to ptOqhasing a lot. ... ...... ... ....... .... Councilmember Wachter moved, Mayor Egan seconded a motion to approve the check register dated September 11, 1997 in the amount of $1,458,415.92. Aye: 5 Nay: 0 ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 8:20p an m. to Execui64*9ii��ion for the purpose of discussing pending litigation. Present were Mayor Egan and Qpu n- -ibhem, er!:: Yachter, Awada, Masin and Blomquist, City Administrator Tom Hedges, Assistant to:44:0ty Adminipitator Duffy, Director of Public Works Colbert and City Attorney Jim Sheldon. X MLK Date -X ...... City Clerk If you need these minutes in an alternative f :such as-1kV'-"--'p-*rmt, Braille, audio tape, etc., please contact the City of Eagan, 3830 Pilot Knob Road, Eagan, MN 682(TDD phone: (612) 454-8535). The City of Eagan is committed to the policy:06it all perg.6.'f4 have equal access to its programs, services, activities, facilities and employment without regard to national origin, sex, disability, age, sexual orientation, marital status or status with regdf lo pu61fe 8rssisice.- Agenda Information Memo October 7, 1997 Eagan City Council Meeting E11 T AG MA The following items referred to as consent items require one (1) motion by the City Council. If the City Council wishes to discuss any of the items in further detail, those items should be removed from the Consent Agenda and placed under Old or New Business unless the discussion required is brief. A. PERSONNEL ITEMS Item 1. Resignation/Fire Department Secretary— ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: To accept the resignation of Karen Kelly, Secretary for the Fire Department and authorize filling the position. Item 2. Part-time Dispatcher— ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: To approve the hiring of a person to be recommended for the part-time Dispatcher vacancy. FACTS: Interviews were held on Friday, October 3, 1997, for this position. References and background checks are currently being processed. It is possible that a name can be furnished by Tuesday night for the person to be recommended for hire for this position. If not, approval is sought for a person to be recommended. Item 3. Part-time Building Maintenance Worker— ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: To approve the hiring of a person to be recommended for the part-time Building Maintenance Worker vacancy. FACTS: Interviews were held on Thursday, October 2, 1997, for this position. References and background checks are currently being processed. It is possible that a name can be furnished by Tuesday night for the person to be recommended for hire for this position. If not, approval is sought for a person to be recommended. Agenda Information Memo October 7, 1997 Eagan City Council Meeting PERSONNEL ITEMS CONTINUED: Item 4. Contract/State Electrical Inspector— ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: To approve a contract with Mark Anderson as the State's Electrical Inspector for the City of Eagan. Item 5. Fire Inspector— ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: To authorize filling the vacant Fire Inspector position. FACTS: The position of temporary Fire Inspector has been vacant for approximately three years. For 1997, a regular Fire Inspector position was approved in the 1997 budget process. As a reminder to the City Council, some of the key reasons that this position was approved as a budget item by the Council were the fact that most cities are sized at 2 – 2'/z persons performing fire inspections, the Fire Marshall is not able to inspect existing buildings because of time constraints and the inspection of existing buildings in necessary in order to protect the residents/occupants of those buildings to prevent liability exposure to the City. Therefore, authorization to fill this budgeted position is being sought. Item 6. Reorganization/Finance/Administration— ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: To approve a reorganization in Administration and the Finance Department by eliminating the Administrative Assistant/Deputy Clerk position, increasing a current half-time position to full- time and assigning some of the duties of the eliminated position to this position, adding some of the duties from the Administrative Assistant/Deputy Clerk position to that of the Administrative Secretary position, and filling the vacant half-time Clerical Technician position in the Finance Department. FACTS: Since the retirement of the Administrative Assistant/Deputy Clerk in the Finance Department, City Administrator Hedges and Director of Finance VanOverbeke have been investigating various scenarios for having the duties previously performed by the person in that position. It is Agenda Information Memo October 7, 1997 Eagan City Council Meeting PERSONNEL ITEMS CONTINUED: their recommendation that the position as it existed be eliminated and the duties performed by the person in that position be reassigned to the Administrative Secretary and to a half time position in the Finance Department which would then become full-time. Both the Administrative Secretary and the new full-time position would assume the title of Deputy Clerk in instances when the City Clerk is not available. In addition, a budgeted half-time Clerical Technician position in the Finance Department is recommended to be filled in order to back up the receptionists at the main counter and the upstairs Finance/Administration counter and to assist other departments with clerical duties as needed. Item 7. Reorganization/Protective Inspections— ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: To Approve a reorganization in the Protective Inspections Division by changing the title of one Senior Inspector to Assistant Chief Building Official and reclassifying that position from Pay Range J Non -Exempt to Pay Range J Exempt. FACTS: During the years 1975 to 1994, the position of Assistant Chief Building Official existed in Protective Inspections. In 1994, when the then current Assistant Chief Building Official resigned, a reorganization eliminated that position and created a position of Senior Inspector. After analyzing the effectiveness of the reorganization, it is the recommendation of the City Administrator and Chief Building Official that the reorganization be reversed. There would not be an additional employee in the division; there would be a title change for an existing position. The TSP for the Assistant Chief Building Official has been run and indicates a change from J Non -Exempt to J Exempt. The exempt range is slightly above the non-exempt range; however, the position would no longer be eligible for time and one-half overtime pay. Therefore, the financial effect should be negligible. Item 8. Part-time Seasonal Ice Skating Coach -- ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: To approve the hiring of Patricia Brown-Jaros as a part-time seasonal Ice Skating Coach. Item 9. Part-time Seasonal Ice Skating Instructor -- ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: To approve the hiring of Crystal Stichter as a part-time seasonal Ice Skating Instructor. Agenda Information Memo October 7, 1997 Eagan City Council Meeting PERSONNEL ITEMS CONTINUED: Item 10. Part-time Seasonal Street Maintenance Worker -- ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: To approve the hiring of Thomas Zimmerman as a part-time seasonal Street Maintenance Worker. Item 11. Part-time Seasonal Basketball Scorekeepers— ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: To approve the hiring of Bruce Barry and David Schomburg as part-time seasonal Basketball Scorekeepers. Item 12. Part-time Seasonal Preschool Program Assistant -- ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: To approve the hiring of Jeanne Finlon as a part-time seasonal Preschool Program Assistant. Item 13. Part-time Seasonal Concession Stand Worker -- ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: To approve the hiring of Kim Dyer as a part-time seasonal Concession Stand Worker Item 14. Part-time Seasonal Parks Maintenance Worker -- ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: To approve the hiring of Michael Elam as a part-time seasonal Parks Maintenance Worker. Item 15. Part-time Seasonal Park Attendant— ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: To approve the hiring of Robert Rausch as a part-time seasonal Park Attendant. 4 Agenda Information Memo October 7, 1997 Eagan City Council Meeting B. RESOLUTION HWY 55 REDEVELOPMENT DISTRICT FINDINGS REGARDING ACQUISITION OF ADJACENT PROPERTIES IN REDEVELOPMENT AREA ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: To approve a resolution making findings regarding acquisition of residential property on Lawrence Avenue as part of the Hwy 55 redevelopment program. FACTS: ♦ Minnesota statutes defining tax increment redevelopment areas permit the acquisition of substandard properties as defined by the law and properties adjacent to the substandard properties if their acquisition is necessary to permit the redevelopment of the substandard property. ♦ The Airliner and Spruce Motel properties meet the statutory definition of substandard and, due to changes in setback requirements and other subdivision standards, cannot be redeveloped themselves without substantial variances for the incorporation of adjacent property. ♦ All of the residential properties in the area are adjacent to either the Airliner or the Spruce with the exception of 908 Lawrence Avenue which is one lot removed. The houses in this area do not themselves meet the statutory substandard test. ♦ In consultation with the City Attorney and Bond Counsel, it was determined that the City Council could make findings regarding the need to redevelop the area as a whole rather than in a piecemeal fashion and the Council could interpret the facts in this case to define all residential properties in the Airliner and Spruce area as eligible for acquisition under the statute. ATTACHMENTS: ♦ Resolution on pages through. CITY OF EAGAN RESOLUTION FINDINGS FOR ACQUISITION OF ADJACENT PROPERTIES HIGHWAY 55 REDEVELOPMENT TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT WHEREAS, the City of Eagan has created the Highway 55 Tax Increment Financing Redevelopment District for purposes of encouraging the orderly and effective redevelopment of substandard properties in the area of Highways 55 and 149 in northeast Eagan, and WHEREAS, Minnesota Statutes 469 defines the acquisition of properties adjacent to substandard structures as eligible redevelopment expenses if the acquisition of the properties is necessary for the redevelopment of the substandard property, and WHEREAS, the Airliner and Spruce Motel properties meet the statutory requirements for substandard structures and cannot be redeveloped under current codes and subdivision standards without the acquisition of adjacent properties, and WHEREAS, five residential properties are located in the Kollofski's Addition in the vicinity of the Airliner and Spruce Motel properties, four of which are immediately adjacent to the motels, and WHEREAS, the fifth property, located at 908 Lawrence Avenue, is only one lot removed from the motel properties and would not be logically excluded from a redevelopment of the general area, and WHEREAS, the property is guided as Business Park (BP) in the City's Comprehensive Guide Plan and the City has included policies in this designation indicating that preexisting residential areas within Business Park areas cannot be redeveloped in a piecemeal manner, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of Eagan finds that the acquisition of property located at 908 Lawrence Avenue is consistent with Minnesota Statutes 469 and is an eligible expense for the redevelopment of the Airliner and Spruce Motel area. Motion made by: Seconded by: Those in favor: Those against: CITY OF EAGAN CITY COUNCIL 0 Attest: CERTIFICATION Its Mayor Its Clerk I, E.J. VanOverbeke, Clerk of the City of Eagan, Dakota County, Minnesota do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the City Council of the City of Eagan, Dakota County, Minnesota in a regular meeting thereof assembled this 7th day of October, 1997, E.J. VanOverbeke, City Clerk Agenda Information Memo October 7, 1997 Eagan City Council Meeting C. PURCHASE AGREEMENTS HWY 55 REDEVELOMENT DISTRICT JOHN & MARY NESKA 908 LAWRENCE AVENUE AND MERYL & SANDRA DUFF, 916 LAWRENCE AVENUE ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: To approve purchase agreements as part of the Hwy 55 redevelopment district for John & Mary Neska in the amount of $126,000 for property at 908 Lawrence Avenue and Meryl & Sandra Duff in the amount of $97,500 for property at 916 Lawrence Avenue. FACTS: t In response to a petition by the residents, the City Council authorized staff to contract with the Dakota County HRA to acquire residential properties on Lawrence Avenue and Linde Lane in Kollofski Addition as part of the Hwy 55 redevelopment district. The HRA has coordinated the preparation of appraisals and has entered negotiations with property owners in the area. Based upon the appraisals, the purchase agreements for the properties at 908 Lawrence Avenue and 916 Lawrence Avenue are in order for consideration by the Council at this time. t Purchase agreements have been prepared by the City Attorney's office. ♦ In addition to the sale price of the homes, the City is obligated to provide relocation assistance in conformance with the Federal Relocation Act as was the case with the homes on Lexington Avenue. Such payments shall be made at the time of the occupant's closing on the replacement housing. 0 Agenda Information Memo October 7, 1997 Eagan City Council Meeting D. RECOMMENDATION ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION COUNTY ROAD DIRECTIONAL SIGNAGE PROGRAM FOR HOTELS ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: To approve a recommendation by the Economic Development Commission requesting that Dakota County consider a directional signage program on county roads similar to the MnDOT logo signage program for hotel uses. FACTS: ♦ Earlier this year, the Economic Development Commission received a request from the Eagan Convention & Visitors Bureau for consideration of a City program of directional signage for hotels and visitor facilities. In reviewing the request, it was determined by the Commission that most of the locations identified are actually county road intersections and would involve county highway standards. ♦ At its meeting of September 22, the Commission completed its review of this issue and forwarded a recommendation for Council consideration. ♦ If the recommendation is approved by the City Council, staff will work with Dakota Counh- and other communities to further develop a proposal. Staff has already received informal feedback from several communities and the county that such a program may be positively received. ATTACHMENTS: ♦ Staff memo on pages through (;L . �'l MEMO city of eaga n TO: Tom Hedges, City Administrator FROM: Jon Hohenstein, Assistant to the City Administrator DATE: October 2, 1997 SUBJECT: Visitor Information Roadside Signage Proposal At its meeting of September 22, the Economic Development Commission formally recommended that the City Council consider requesting that Dakota County consider a program of directional signage on county roads to assist visitors from outside the City in finding hotels within the community. The program would build on the established freeway logo sign program operated by MNDOT and provide an additional trailblazing sign where necessary to direct visitors to a specific hotel. If the proposal is adopted by the City Council, we will approach other Dakota County cities with similar interests, including Burnsville, Lakeville, West St. Paul, Inver Grove Heights and possibly Apple Valley and South St. Paul, to attempt to bring a concerted position to the County Board. County Road Hotel Logo Signage Proposal Introduction and Background ound Dakota County is well served by a system of interstate highways, state and county roads and local streets. While this system is well designed and efficient, visitors from outside of Dakota County communities often find the need for additional directions to specific visitor locations. This is at least partially because the county road system limits direct access to individual properties and encourages traffic generators of a certain scale to be served from an internal, city street system. As services to visitors and tourists are an increasingly important aspect of the County's economy, we propose that the County road standards make provisions for a system of directional signs to direct out of town, over -night visitors to hotels and visitor information locations. This will serve an important public purpose for the County and its cities by making the County a more attractive, user-friendly destination for its visitors. 10 Program Definition The program is intended to provide continuity from existing supplemental signage programs administered for the state and interstate highway systems by the Minnesota Department of Transportation. Under these programs, directional signage can be posted on the nearest highway and on the nearest exit serving a County road or local street. All costs of such signage are the responsibility of the requesting party and location should be dependent upon spacing standards for ordinary road side signage. While MNDOT directional signage programs provide for a number of uses, the proposed program would limit signage to hotels, motels, other lodging facilities and visitor information locations such as local convention and visitor bureaus and chambers of commerce. Operational Guidelines 1. Eligibility Criteria a. Types of facilities: - Hotel, motel or similar facility that has at least 50 rooms for short- term, overnight lodging and currently participating in the MNDOT logo signage program. - Visitor Information facility such as a convention and visitors bureau or chamber of commerce, staffed during normal business hours and providing information to the public on a 24 hour basis. b. Located not more than three miles from the County road intersection to be signed. 2. Signing Location, Size and Cost Criteria a. Not more than one supplemental guide sign per attraction in each cardinal direction along the nearest County Road. b. Location and placement of all signing is dependent upon the availability of longitudinal spacing of existing traffic control devices. c. In designing and selecting locations for sign installation, the County retains the right to specify the size and design of the sign in accordance with acceptable signing practice. The County retains the authority to deny requests for signing where acceptable standards cannot be upheld. d. Where more than one eligible facility requests a supplemental sign for a particular location, they will be co -located on a single sign board. e. All signing costs shall be paid by the requesting party. 3. Sign Format The sign color, legend, size and design shall be the same as prescribed in the guidelines for the Minnesota Department of Transportation interstate freeway logo signage program. Af istant to the City Administrator 1a Agenda Information Memo October 7, 1997 Eagan City Council Meeting E. PROCLAMATION EAGAN MANUFACTURERS WEEK OCTOBER 13 -17,1997 ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: To proclaim October 13 - 17 to be Manufacturers Week in the City of Eagan. FACTS: ► Governor Carlson has proclaimed October 13 - 17 to be Minnesota Manufacturers Week and has invited communities around the State to recognize this event as well. * At the recommendation of the Economic Development Commission, a proclamation has been prepared in this regard. ♦ In addition, staff has tentatively scheduled a manufacturers plant tour with Lull Industries to be held on Thursday, October 16 from 3:30 to 5:00 p.m. The plant tour corresponds with a tour being hosted by Lull for vendors and construction industry officials. If Lull is able to move forward with the tour, invitations will be forwarded to the City Council, County Commissioners, State Legislators, the Economic Development Commission and Chamber of Commerce Board. ATTACHMENTS: ♦ Proclamation on page 4 13 City of Eagan, Minnesota Proclamation WHEREAS, manufacturing has the second largest total payroll of any business sector in Minnesota, providing $15.1 billion in wages in 1995; and WHEREAS, manufacturing produces $25 billion for the state economy and is the largest single share (20 percent) of our gross product; and WHEREAS, manufacturing exports brought $8.9 billion into the Minnesota economy in 1996; and WHEREAS, manufacturing provides high skill, high wage jobs which significantly contribute to Minnesota's high standard of living and economic vitality; and WHERAS, manufacturing contributed nearly $210 million in corporate income taxes in Minnesota more than any other sector and almost 30 percent of total corporate income taxes in 1996. NOW THEREFORE, We, the City Council of the City of Eagan, Minnesota do . hereby proclaim the week of October 13 - 17, 1997 to be Motion by: Seconded by: Those in Favor: Those Against: Dated: Eagan, Minnesota Manufacturers Week CITY OF EAGAN CITY COUNCIL By: Its Mayor Attest: Its Clerk CERTIFICATION I, E. J. VanOverbeke, Clerk of the City of Eagan, Dakota County, Minnesota, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the City Council of the City of Eagan, Dakota County, Minnesota, in a regular meeting thereof assembled this 7t' day of October 1997. E. J. VanOverbeke, City Clerk Agenda Information Memo October 7, 1997 Eagan City Council Meeting F. LOAN AGREEMENT PROFESSIONAL PLASTICS INCORPORATED, MINNESOTA INVESTMENT FUND & EAGAN REVOLVING LOAN FUND ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: To approve loan agreements between the City and Professional Plastics, Incorporated to implement the $100,000 loan approved from the Minnesota Investment Fund and the $25,000 loan approved for the Eagan Revolving Fund. FACTS: The City Council previously authorized staff to prepare and submit an application to the Minnesota Investment Fund on behalf of Professional Plastics, Incorporated to assist the firm in its relocation and expansion within the City of Eagan. The application was approved contingent upon the City making a companion loan from its Revolving Loan Fund. ♦ The City Attorney's office has prepared loan agreements and security agreements for the Minnesota Investment Fund loan in the amount of $100,000 and the Eagan Revolving Loan Fund loan in the amount of $25,000. Funds will be disbursed under these agreements upon presentation of documentation by the firm that the covered equipment anticipated by the loans has been purchased. + In exchange for the interest considerations provided by these loan funds, PPI is obligated to create 40 new jobs over the next two years. The City will monitor the fir -m's progress on a bi- annual basis. If this action is approved by the Council, the agreements themselves will be executed at the time of loan closing with PPI. Agenda Information Memo October 7, 1997 Eagan City Council Meeting G. RECOMMENDATION, AIRPORT RELATIONS COMMISSION, METROPOLITAN AIRCRAFT SOUND ABATEMENT COUNCIL MEMBERSHIP CRITERIA ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: To approve a recommendation by the Airport Relations Commission concerning the membership criteria for Metropolitan Aircraft Sound Abatement Council (MASAC) providing additional representation for the City of Eagan. FACTS: ♦ MASAC, the sound abatement advisory body for the Metropolitan Airports Commission, is in the process of considering restructuring its membership to better reflect noise impacts in communities under the current operating configurations. ♦ MAC staff has prepared a number of analyses using different criteria to adjust memberships such that the communities of Minneapolis, Mendota Heights and Eagan, which experience the brunt of the parallel runway operations, receive additional representation while the City of St. Paul, which receives very little traffic, would be reduced. ♦ The Airport Relations Commission is endorsing a proposal which would reallocate two of St. Paul's three representatives to Minneapolis and provide an additional representative each for Mendota Heights and Eagan. Because MASAC is equally balanced between the industry and public representatives, the Eagan and Mendota Heights representatives would be offset by two additional representatives from Northwest Airlines. ♦ The matter is still under consideration by the MASAC Executive Board. Due to the timing of the September Airport Relations Commission meeting, the MASAC Executive Board meeting and staff schedules, comments in this regard have been forwarded to MASAC and are being brought for Council ratification at this time. ATTACHMENTS: + Correspondence on pages Aathrough t'—. l�0 M. atv of crag n At the most recent MASAC Executive Committee meeting, you asked that cities review the information provided and submit specific suggestions to the Committee for revisions in MASAC's membership. I will be unable to attend the next Committee meeting, but the Eagan Airport Relations Commission reviewed the staff analysis and community comments and has asked that the following be passed on for the Committee's consideration: • The Commission reiterates the City's previous comments outlined in the letter dated July 28. • The Commission appreciates the efforts by MAC staff to analyze impact using a variety of means including parcel counts, over flights, average DNL's and other data. The Commission believes that this data does not reflect all aspects of community noise exposure and endorses none of the scenarios outlined in the staff data. Specifically the data presented makes no allowance for communities that have purposely limited the number of residential parcels by providing noise compatible land uses within the noise impact area. As was requested at the last Committee meeting, a measure of that effort, such as an analysis of acreage within the contours in each community, would be meaningful, This would show the potential for residential impact that has been avoided through the City's actions. While it is understood that MASAC intends to review its membership more frequently than it has in the past, the City also believes that, for planning purposes, current membership should reflect the potential impacts of the planned north -south runway. If not, MASAC should commit itself to reapportion its membership again when the north -south runway is built. MUNICIPAL CENTER THE LONE OAK TREE MAINTENANCE FACILITY EAG EPILOT KNOB ROAD THE SYMBOL OF STRENGTH AN ROWTH IN OUR COMMUNITY 3501 COACHMAN POINT AGAN, MINNESOTA 55122-181-7 THE EAGAN, MINNESOTA 55122 PHONE: (612) 681-4600 PHONE: (612) 681-4300 FAX: (612) 681-4612 Equal Opportunity/ ffir ,Dtive Action Employer FAX: (612) 681-4360 TDD: (612) 454-8535 TDD (612) 454-8535 THOMAS EGAN September 5, 1997 Mayor PATRICIA AWADA BEA BLOMQUIST Metropolitan Aircraft Sound Abatement Council SANDRA A. MASIN THEODORE WACHTER Attn: Melissa Scovronski Council Members 6040 28th Avenue South THOMAS HEDGES Minneapolis, MN 55450 City Administrator E. J. VAN OVERBEKE Dear Chair Johnson: City Clerk At the most recent MASAC Executive Committee meeting, you asked that cities review the information provided and submit specific suggestions to the Committee for revisions in MASAC's membership. I will be unable to attend the next Committee meeting, but the Eagan Airport Relations Commission reviewed the staff analysis and community comments and has asked that the following be passed on for the Committee's consideration: • The Commission reiterates the City's previous comments outlined in the letter dated July 28. • The Commission appreciates the efforts by MAC staff to analyze impact using a variety of means including parcel counts, over flights, average DNL's and other data. The Commission believes that this data does not reflect all aspects of community noise exposure and endorses none of the scenarios outlined in the staff data. Specifically the data presented makes no allowance for communities that have purposely limited the number of residential parcels by providing noise compatible land uses within the noise impact area. As was requested at the last Committee meeting, a measure of that effort, such as an analysis of acreage within the contours in each community, would be meaningful, This would show the potential for residential impact that has been avoided through the City's actions. While it is understood that MASAC intends to review its membership more frequently than it has in the past, the City also believes that, for planning purposes, current membership should reflect the potential impacts of the planned north -south runway. If not, MASAC should commit itself to reapportion its membership again when the north -south runway is built. MUNICIPAL CENTER THE LONE OAK TREE MAINTENANCE FACILITY EAG EPILOT KNOB ROAD THE SYMBOL OF STRENGTH AN ROWTH IN OUR COMMUNITY 3501 COACHMAN POINT AGAN, MINNESOTA 55122-181-7 THE EAGAN, MINNESOTA 55122 PHONE: (612) 681-4600 PHONE: (612) 681-4300 FAX: (612) 681-4612 Equal Opportunity/ ffir ,Dtive Action Employer FAX: (612) 681-4360 TDD: (612) 454-8535 TDD (612) 454-8535 It would appear that a substantial portion of the opposition to a realignment arises from communities which currently receive relatively little noise impact, but prefer not to have their representation reduced. While St. Paul clearly has very little impact and practically is unlikely to have more in the future, Richfield and Bloomington are among the larger cities adjacent to the airport and they have specific concerns regarding not only current operations, but the planned north -south runway as well. It may be reasonable to consider an option that combines realignment with expansion of membership to reach an acceptable scenario. • Based on the considerations above, the City of Eagan endorses a plan which would reallocate two St. Paul positions to Minneapolis, add one representative each for Eagan and Mendota Heights, add two representatives for the industry, Northwest Airlines in particular, and leave all other members at their current levels. The alterntive would give additional representation to Minneapolis, Eagan and Mendota Heights to recognize the current concentrations on the parallels and will give comparable representation to the suburbs immediately adjacent to the airport. The only decrease adjacent to the airport is for St. Pual that enjoys very little noise impact due to airport layout, operations levels and meteorology. If the addition of industry representatives is not acceptable to the group, then the City endorses the realignment plan proposed by the City of Minneapolis, reallocating current positions such that Minneapolis would have six members, Eagan and Mendota Heights would have two each and all other cities would have one. Minneapolis Alternative Current Plan Plan Minneapolis 4 6 6 Eagan 1 2 2 Mendota Heights 1 2 2 Bloomington 2 1 2 Richfield 2 1 2 St Paul 3 1 1 Inver Grove 1 1 1 Burnsville 1 1 1 St. Louis Park 1 1 1 Sunfish Lake 1 1 1 Northwest 2 2 4 Thank you again for the opportunity to comment in this regard. Please feel free to call me if you have questions about any of these comments. Sincerely, Jon Hohenstein Assistant to the City Administrator Cc: John Richter and Jan DelCalzo, City of Minneapolis Kevin Batchelder, City of Mendota Heights John Nelson, City of Bloomington Dawn Weitzel, City of Richfield Tom Hueg, City of St. Paul Jennifer Sayre and Mark Salmen, Northwest Airlines 11 Agenda Information Memo October 7, 1997 H. APPROY'AL_0-F PLANS/SPECIFI.CATIONS_FORFISHLAKE DO -SING PROJECT -AND AUTHORIZATION TO -PROCEED WITH CONSTRUCTION. ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: To approve the plans and specifications prepared for the Fish Lake alum dosing station and authorize staff to proceed with construction. FACTS: • The Fish Lake Diagnostic/Feasibility Study and Implementation Plan (September 1994) identified construction and operation of an alum dosing station to treat inflows to Fish Lake from the mainstem of the storm drainage system as the most cost-effective alternative for significantly decreasing phosphorus loadings to Fish Lake. • Staff have reviewed the overall project, and specifically the dosing aspect of the project, on numerous occasions with both the Advisory Parks Commission and the City Council. • In June 1997, the City received approval from state regulatory agencies to operate a dosing facility for an experimental period of not more than five years, provided certain water quality criteria are met. It appears these criteria will allow operation of the facility at dosage levels high enough to achieve target pollutant removal efficiencies. • At its July 1, 1997 meeting, the City Council authorized staff to proceed with design of the Fish Lake dosing station. • The plans and specifications for the dosing station have been prepared and reviewed, and staff requests authorization from the City Council to proceed with construction of the project. The engineers estimate for the construction cost of the dosing station is $54,500. Staff propose to combine the use of outside contractors with in-house work forces to minimize construction cost to the extent practicable. The dosing station is expected to be operational next spring. Construction of the alum dosing facility will be financed with a zero interest loan awarded to the City from the State of Minnesota's Clean Water Partnership Program for the Fish Lake project. ATTACHMENTS: None Agenda Information Memo October 7, 1997 Eagan City Council Meeting I. RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT, COMMUNITY ORIENTED POLICING COPS GRANT OVERTIME ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: To approve a resolution authorizing the execution of the Cooperative Agreement with the Minnesota Department of Public Safety for the project entitled Community Oriented Policing (COPS) Grant (Overtime) and authorizing Chief of Police Patrick Geagan to execute such agreements and amendments as are necessary to implement the project on behalf of the Eagan Police Department. FACTS: The Eagan Police Department has been awarded a grant from the State of Minnesota Department of Public Safety pertaining to Community Oriented Policing. At this time, it is necessary to approve a resolution before the agreement can be processed. The resolution must state that the City Council has voted and approved this agreement and must also state whom from the City has authority to sign and enter the City into this contractual agreement. The grant will be used for overtime payments to current police officers in order to provide more patrol coverage in areas that are identified as "big crime areas." ATTACHMENTS: * Resolution attached on pages ,23L"4? RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT Be it resolved that The Eagan Police Department enter into a cooperative agreement with the Minnesota Department of Public Safety for the project entitled Communitv Oriented Policing -COPS) Grant Overtime during the period from 10/1/97-9/30/98. Chief of Police Patrick J. Geagan is hereby authorized to execute such agreements and amendments, as are necessary to implement the project on behalf of The Eagan Police Department I certify that the above resolution was adopted by the The Eagan Cite Council of The Cite of Eagan on October 7. 1997 SIGNED: � - J (Signature) (Title) (Date) WITNESSETH: (Signature) (Title) (Date) Community Oriented Policing Grant for Overtime Eagan Police took a bigger "bite out of crime" since being awarded $37,000 in block grant funding from the State of Minnesota between October 1, 1996 to September 27, 1997. With this funding, efforts were implemented for officers to work overtime to expand coverage into areas that needed more patrol to reduce juvenile crime and work in "high crime areas". It gave us the flexibility to try more creative methods of solving problems that, to date, have been difficult to solve. An operation using juveniles to attempt to purchase tobacco products at all licensed establishments in Eagan resulted in 40% of the stores selling tobacco to under age youths. The operation was repeated in January, 1997 with 23% of the stores selling tobacco products to youths. We also conducted an operation involving the sale of alcohol to minors at licensed liquor establishments which resulted in 4 of 12 stores selling alcohol to minors. This will be monitored in 1998. From January, 1996 to March, 1996 and January, 1997 to March, 1997 showed encouraging statistics relating to enforcement areas the Eagan Police Department focused on. Officers working these details found a lot of overlap in their enforcement duties. In addition to traffic contacts that resulted in many arrests, they also came upon many suspicious persons which may have deterred criminal activity. Eagan Police again were awarded a grant under the 1997 Omnibus Crime Bill - Community Oriented Policing Grant For Overtime. The amount awarded was $40,000. Our police department knows that the majority of all our calls are coming from rental property of some form such as apartments, townhouses and condos. Our goal is to work closely with owners, managers, citizens and provide more patrol and guidance as to how to bring the calls for service down in high crime areas. To accomplish this, we want to increase patrol in the rental property areas. This additional funding will add an element to our patrol efforts that we currently cannot always count on because of time and manpower. We plan on training each officer in Crime Prevention Techniques. Uniformed officers will then make contact with all our businesses during the daytime and speak with the managers(s). The goals will be: Personal contact with managers, survey of needs or wants by the business of the police and educate the business in burglary prevention, theft reduction. assault prevention, curfew issues and other issues. a3 1996 1997 Curfew 7 13 +12% Theft from Vehicle 13� 81 -26° 0 Tobacco 10 23 ;-21 % Dui's 84 100 r-1600 Alcohol Consumption 16 17 Officers working these details found a lot of overlap in their enforcement duties. In addition to traffic contacts that resulted in many arrests, they also came upon many suspicious persons which may have deterred criminal activity. Eagan Police again were awarded a grant under the 1997 Omnibus Crime Bill - Community Oriented Policing Grant For Overtime. The amount awarded was $40,000. Our police department knows that the majority of all our calls are coming from rental property of some form such as apartments, townhouses and condos. Our goal is to work closely with owners, managers, citizens and provide more patrol and guidance as to how to bring the calls for service down in high crime areas. To accomplish this, we want to increase patrol in the rental property areas. This additional funding will add an element to our patrol efforts that we currently cannot always count on because of time and manpower. We plan on training each officer in Crime Prevention Techniques. Uniformed officers will then make contact with all our businesses during the daytime and speak with the managers(s). The goals will be: Personal contact with managers, survey of needs or wants by the business of the police and educate the business in burglary prevention, theft reduction. assault prevention, curfew issues and other issues. a3 Agenda Information Memo October 7, 1997 Eagan City Council Meeting J. RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXEMPTION FROM LAWFUL GAMBLING LICENSE — ARC SUBURBAN ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: To approve an exemption from the lawful gambling requirement for the Arc Suburban organization for a raffle to be held on November 22, 1997 at Riverpark. FACTS: ➢ Staff is in receipt of an application from Joan Fawcett on behalf of Arc Suburban for this exemption due to the group's nonprofit status. The application has been reviewed by staff and is in order for consideration by the City Council. ATTACHMENTS: ➢ Resolution on pagi_C ➢ Application enclosed without page number. a �f RESOLUTION CITY OF EAGAN APPLICATION FOR EXEMPTION FROM LAWFUL GAMBLING LICENSE WHEREAS, Arc Suburban has applied for an exemption from Lawful Gambling License; and WHEREAS, the Eagan Police Department has reviewed the application and has not identified any reason to deny; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of Eagan, Dakota County, Minnesota, hereby approves the Exemption from Lawful Gambling License for Arc Suburban. Motion made by: Seconded by: Those in favor: Those against: CERTIFICATION CITY OF EAGAN CITY COUNCIL Attest: Its Mayor Its Clerk I, E.J. VanOverbeke, Clerk of the City of Eagan, Dakota County, Minnesota do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the City Council of the City of Eagan, Dakota County, Minnesota, in a regular meeting thereof assembled this 71' day of October, 1997. EJ VanOverbeke, City Clerk as Agenda Information Item October 7,1997 Eagan City Council Meeting K. EXTENSION OF RECORDING FINAL SUBDIVISION - SAFARI AT EAGAN 3RD ADDITION ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: To approve a request for an extension to filing and recording the approved Final Subdivision for Safari at Eagan 3dAddition until April 1, 1998. FACTS: Safari at Eagan 3ra Addition was approved at the April 1, 1997 City Council Meeting. Two extensions have been approved for this item: June 3, 1997 an extension was approved until August 1, 1997 and August 5 the City Council extended the recording until October 1, 1997. The applicant, Mr. Watschke, stated the reason for the extension is the delay in the production of the exterior concrete panels that will be used in the construction of his buildings. The exterior finish of the building is brick veneer and stucco. ISSUES: • If approved the following dates should replace the current dates: Pond Easement Boundary Signs November 1, 1998 Erosion & Sediment Control Measures April 30, 1998 Site Grading June 30, 1998 All lot corners Utilities (sanitary, water, storm sewer) Parking Lot (Concrete curb & gutter, gravel base) Boulevard Restoration Street Lights Concrete Sidewalk - Thomas Center Drive Thomas Center Drive - Turn Lane Improvements BACKGROUND: (2) Letter from Byron Watschke - page aq. Exterior elevation plan - page_ V. May 30, 1998 July 30, 1998 August 30, 1998 October 30, 1998 October 30, 1998 October 30, 1998 October 30, 1998 September 26, 1997 Mayor Thomas Egan City Councilmembers City of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, MN 55122 HAND DELIVERED qrp 6 Subject: Final Subdivision Approval - Final Plat E:;tension to April 1, 1998 Dear Nor. Mavor and Councilmembers: In our brief meeting today, I discussed the status of the Safari @ Eagan 3rd Addition final plat filing, which was e:: - tended by Council action to September 30, 1997. We have two tenants that will lease all of the space in our first office building, a Daycare Center and E::ecutive Office Suites. Both tenants do not need the space until July or August of 1998. Also, affecting the immediate start of construction for the Office buildings is the delay in production of exterior con- crete panels, which we are using. At the present time, delivery of prestressed concrete panels is in :larch and April due to the tremendous increase in commercial construction in the Twin Cities area. It would therefore be realistic for us to start construction in April of. 1998 to fit the schedule, which would eliminate additional expenses we would incur in Letter of Credit fees, carr ring costs, etc. Under the circumstances, I request approval of you and the City Council for extension of filing the final plat to April 1, 1998, at which time everything should be in place and on schedule. If you need a representative from this office at the City Council meeting, please advise Carl Dale on 738-0154 since I will be out of town the week of October 5th. Sincerely, "ron atschke 1 Pi'e. i�dee Forte e alty, Inc., General Partner Eagan 30.7C, A Minnesota Limited Partnership t PENTAGON PARK TOWER • 4940 VIKING DRIVE • MI NEAP IS, MINNESOTA 55435 • (612) 835-3363 I Agenda Information Memo October 7, 1997 Eagan City Council Meeting L. PROCLAMATION OBSERVING OCTOBER 20 - 24,199 AS TELECOMMUTE AMERICA WEEK IN MINNESOTA ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: To proclaim October 20 - 24 to be Telecommute America Week in the City of Eagan. FACTS: ♦ As a part of a national campaign to encourage alternative means of providing products and services, Governor Carlson has joined other governors around the country in proclaiming October 20 - 24 to be Telecommute America Week. ♦ In consideration of the mobility of our society and the substantial segment of Eagan's economy which is information -based, it is appropriate to consider observing this event in Eagan as well. ATTACHMENTS: ♦ Proclamation on page -5_9 PROCLAMATION CITY OF EAGAN TELECOMMUTE AMERICA WEEK October 20 - 24, 1997 WHEREAS, telecommuting is a work location alternative that allows employees to meet customers needs; and WHEREAS, the benefits of telecommuting include maintaining or increasing productivity, attracting and retaining a skilled work force, reducing traffic congestion, pollution and fuel consumption, encouraging development of Minnesota communities as people remain in, and become more involved in, their communities, and increased time for families to spend together; and WHEREAS, experimentation and expansion of telecommuting should be encouraged; and WHEREAS, organizations that offer telecommuting can better handle weather and road emergencies and continue service to customers; and WHEREAS, Telecommute America Week 1997 is an annual national public-private program initiated to educate employers and employees on the benefits of telecommuting; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Eagan proclaims October 20 - 24, 1997 to be Telecommute America Week in the City of Eagan. Motion made by - Seconded by: Those in favor: Those against: Dated: CITY OF EAGAN CITY COUNCIL By: Its Mayor Attest: Its Clerk CERTIFICATION I, E. J. VanOverbeke, Clerk of the City of Eagan, Dakota County, Minnesota, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the City Council of the City of Eagan, Dakota County, Minnesota, in a regular meeting thereof assembled this 7`h day of October, 1997. 5)E. J. VanOverbeke, City Clerk Agenda Information Memo October 7, 1997 M. PROJECT 713 DE.N.MARK AVENUE,TIMBERSHORE ADDITIONS. & PILOT KNOB HEIGHTS ADDITIONS — FINAL ASSESSMENT ROLL ACTION FOR COUNCIL CONSIDERATION: To receive the Final Assessment Roll for Project 713 (Denmark Ave., Timbershore Add., Pilot Knob Heights Add. — Street Overlay) and schedule a public hearing to be held on November 4, 1997. FACTS: • Project 713 provided for the construction of a new bituminous surface on Denmark Avenue (from Wescott Road to a point 200 feet south of Duckwood Drive), Denmark Court, Denmark Trail, Timbershore Lane, Kolstad Lane, and Kolstad Road. • This project, constructed under Contract 97-06, has been completed, all costs tabulated and the final assessment roll prepared. • This roll is now being presented to the Council for their consideration of scheduling a public hearing to formally present the final costs to be levied against the benefited properties. N. PROJECT 714, DONALD AVENUE - EU AL ASSESSMENT ROLL ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: To receive the Final Assessment Roll for Project 714 (Donald Avenue — Street Resurface) and schedule a final assessment hearing for November 4, 1997. FACTS: • Project 714, as constructed under Contract 97-06, provided for the removal and recycling of the existing pavement and placement of neve bituminous pavement on Donald Avenue, from Yankee Doodle Road to Letendre Street. • This project has been completed, all costs tabulated and the final assessment roll prepared. • This roll is being presented to the City Council for their consideration of scheduling a public hearing to formally present the final assessment obligations for this public improvement to the benefiting properties. ISSUES: On September 30, 1997, a Special Council Workshop was held, in part, to address the assessments for this project. The assessment roll has been prepared by city staff according to the direction of the city council at this workshop. 3\ Agenda Information Memo October 7, 1997 O PROJECT 71 HEINE STRASSE - FINAL ASSESSMENT ROLL ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: To receive the Final Assessment Roll for Project 715 (Heine Strasse — Street Resurface) and schedule a final assessment hearing for November 4, 1997. FACTS: • Project 715, as constructed under Contract 97-06, provided for the removal and recycling of the existing pavement and placement of new bituminous pavement on Heine Strasse, south of Diffley Road. • This project has been completed, all costs tabulated and the final assessment roll prepared. • This roll is now being presented to the Council for their consideration of scheduling a public hearing to formally present the final costs to be levied against the benefited properties. ISSUES: • On September 30, 1997, a Special Council Workshop was held, in part, to address the assessments for this project. The assessment roll has been prepared by city staff according to the direction of the city council at this workshop. 3a Agenda Information Memo October 7, 1997 P. EAGANDALE CORPORATE CENTER NO.2 — EASEMENT VACATION ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: To receive the petition to vacate drainage and utility easements, as well as a portion of Challenger Drive, within Eagandale Corporate Center No. 2 and schedule a public hearing to be held on November 4, 1997. FACTS: • On September 22, 1997, City staff received a petition requesting said vacations in conjunction with a development proposal by Skyline Displays, Inc. A replat of Eagandale Corporate Center No. 2 is also being requested in the interest of the proposed development. • The purpose for the request to vacate the easements is to avoid future title problems with underlying easements. • Because the proposed development requires a replat, a typical plat review will be completed and any necessary or required easements will be dedicated at the time of final plat. Final approval of this easement vacation should be contingent on the recording of the revised plat. ATTACHMENTS: • Legal description graphic, pages 3,(hrough 3 3 _Z' "(6) ni� ii� 8030 Cedar Avenue South Suite 228 Bloomin ton, MN 55425 Phone 612) 854-4055 Fax (612) 854-4268 r- A / 1 n A / rn A WCOOROW A. SRCWN, R.LS. President Sketch And Description: Showing proposed vacation of Challenger Drive. NORTH 6� r vU1 \r U1 L 0=3412'01" R=55.00 51556(98" E C7 �Dp j C� `L, vvJc_UJ AREA=11,302± Sq.Ft. Or 0.259- Acre. / f -A 1TrL) n C� S`GG ?�U ��? JC`�:A � �� o v,C 60 t� Most Ecsteriy Corner Of Challenger c° 00 o�oo Drive, Ecgcndcle Corporate Center. �}l N89S6181"W South Line Of Chc;lenger Drive, Eagandale Corporate Center. DESCRIPTION FOR VACATION OF CHALLENGER DRIVE Scale: 1"=100' That part of Challenger Drive as shown on the record plat of EAGANDALE CORPORATE CENTER, Dakota County, Minnesota, according to the recorded plat thereof, described as follows: Beginning at the most easterly corner of said Challenger Drive; thence on an assumed bearing of North 89 degrees 36 minutes 11 seconds West, along the south line of said Challenger Drive, 60.18 feet; thence northerly 84.04 feet, along a non-tangential curve, concave to the west, having a central angle of 17 degrees 50 minutes 01 second and a radius of 270.00 feet, the chord of said curve bears North 13 degrees 19 minutes 03 seconds West; thence westerly 93.62 feet, along a compound curve, concave to the south, having a central angle of 97 degrees 31 minutes 38 seconds and a radius of 55.00 feet; thence northeasterly 126.97 feet, along a tangential curve, concave to the northwest, having a central angle of 21 degrees 23 minutes 50 seconds and a radius of 340.00 feet, the chord of said curve bears North 49 degrees 32 minutes 24 seconds East; thence southerly 32.83 feet, along a non-tangential curve, concave to the east, having a central angle of 34 degrees 12 minutes 01 second and a radius of 55.00 feet, the chord of said curve bears South 15 degrees 56 minutes 18 seconds East; thence southerly, along a reverse curve, concave to the west, having a central angle of 29 degrees 30 minutes 41 seconds, a radius of 330.00 feet and an arc distance of 169.97 feet, to the point of beginning. I hereby certify that this sketch, plan or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Registered Land Surveyor under the laws of the State of Minnesota. W. BROWN LAND SURVEYING, INC. Dated: -7 tember 19, 1997 — — - - - Woodrow A. Brown, R.L.S tlfj 15230 GR_a"/ W. o ]BROWN LAND 8030 Cedar Avenue South Suite 228 WOODROW A. BROWN, R.L.S. Bloomington, MN 55425 / President Phone (9612) 854-4055 Fox (612) 854-4268 Sketch And Description: / d'0 NORTH Showing proposed vacation of easements on Outlot A.AREA OF DRAINAGE EASEMENT=137,398± Sq.Ft. Or 3.154± Acres. a / DODO / v / 2 / Scoie: 1"=100' I � I OR r A A A /n A / r- I 4;1 1 )`-1 1 A Tc - VL -,'/-1 r— V LJ/ -I L_ L_ ( i V l/�\ 1J�1 /-I 1 L o O -M O J:-.39.03 I to �` o V caO I�' I (n I M7T �3 9- W ` 0.03- 0 0^ l 1 a �A-,CV / 1 6'0 ° // 0 UTLOT 11 A Oro o �! `^ C'4 N 1�tor / II COCO Z (P Drainage And Utility Easement To Be Vacated —' O �wL� ` 1 00 0 0 t0 C) 11 a c�D 1 f*t 60 `----------------- i CHALLENGER DRIVE 450.77 N89'36'1 1"W DESCRIPTION FOR VACATION OF EASEMENTS The drainage and utility easement, and the drainage easement, on Outlot A, as shown on the record plot of EAGANDALE CORPORATE CENTER, Dakota County, Minnesota, according to the recorded plat thereof. I hereby certify that this sketch, plan or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Registered Land Surveyor under the lows of the State of Minnesota. W. BROWN LAND SURVEYING, INC. Dated: September 19, 1997. 98-97 Woodrow A. Brown, R.L.S N0. 15230 1 0f 1 Agenda Information Memo October 7, 1997 Q. HAWTHORNE WOODS, 2" ADDITION — EASEMENT VACATION ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: To receive the petition to vacate a portion of the drainage and utility easement within Lot 34, Block 2, Hawthorne Woods, 2nd Addition and schedule a public hearing to be held on November 18, 1997. FACTS: • On September 15, 1997, City staff received a petition from Donald Sachs, property owner at 521 Hawthorne Woods Drive, requesting said vacation. The request stems from the owner's efforts to construct an in -ground swimming pool and patio. • The easement was originally dedicated with the Hawthorne Woods, 2nd Addition plat for the purpose of containing back yard drainage. • It will be necessary to determine if the thirty-foot wide easement dedicated at the time of the plat recordation was in excess of what is actually needed and the extent, if any, of the fifteen foot wide easement vacation requested which is appropriate. ATTACHMENTS: • Legal description graphic, pages � through 3� as�s� T �-� J That part of =e d according t, :lie i Commenc . & i 3f_ 05 ':.Notes 74;6y t, 08 '� s --- _ de ,:i d.le L description of a part of the drainage and utility easement dedicated within Lot 34, Block 2, Hawthorme Woods 2nd Addition and utility easement within Lot 34, Block 2, Hawthorne Woods 2nd Addition, Plat, Dakota County, Minnesota described as follows: at the southeast corner of said Lot 34; thence on an assumed bearing of South 70 nutes 08 seconds West along the southerly line of said Lot 34, a distance of 110.00 orth 29 degrees 02 minutes 34 seconds West 70.88 feet; thence South 83 degrees seconds West 16.19 feet; thence South 29 degrees 02 minutes 34 seconds East �c intersection of said southerly line of Lot 34; thence North 70 degrees O1 minutes st 15.19 feet to the point of beginning, except the southerly 5.00 feet of the aboi e went. Frank Rhos Associates, Flil 23Tc Are. N P .,ri Mti SSN^ P7s-�o,a s�NeTo PREPARED FOR: DON SACHS 521 H2WthOme Woods Drive _ Eagan, Nr 55123 u el l 1 \1 t 1 1 l,M1� 1 1 1 Agenda Information Memo October 7, 1997 R. RAHNCLT F 3RD ADDITION — EASEMENT VACATION ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: To receive the petition to vacate a portion of the drainage and utility easement within Lot 1, Block 1, Rahncliff, 3rd Addition and schedule a public hearing to be held on ?November 4, 1997. FACTS: • City staff received a petition requesting said vacation in conjunction with a proposal for the construction of a Hilton hotel. The location of the proposed hotel is on Rahncliff Court, southwest of the intersection of Cliff Road and Interstate 35E. • A water main exists within the easement that was intended to serve an alternate development proposal. The existing water main will be relocated to an existing drainage and utility easement as part of the improvements for the new Hilton hotel. • The development proposal has been reviewed by the city engineering staff and the relocation of the water main is proposed for an acceptable area. ATTACHMENTS: • Legal description graphic, pages through 3I June 26, 1997 MCWO 970515 EASEMENT VACATION DESCRIPTION That par, of dedicated drainage and utility easement in Lot 1, Block 1, Rahncliff 3rd Addition, according to the recorded plat thereof, Dakota County, Nfinnesota described as follows: Commencing at the northwest corner of said Lot 1; thence North 89 degrees 17 minutes 07 seconds East, plat bearing, a distance of 121.58 feet along the north line of said Lot 1. thence South 0 degrees 42 minutes 53 seconds East a distance of 74.83 feet to the point of beginning of the drainage and utility easement to be vacated: thence continuing South 0 degrees -42 minutes 53 seconds East a distance of 63.06 feet to the platted easement lime !saving a bearing of North 29 degrees 14 minutes 24 seconds East: thence North 29 degrees 14 minutes 24 seconds East a distance of 72.78 feet along said easement line: thence South 89 degrees 17 minutes 07 seconds West a distance of 36.34 feet to the point of beginning. D^KOr-A CoVt►.)rr Dpe,vi%t'}-1r NV ism : i q 4% O5 4o � I H rl I I !A rz L U LF 1-. 1 E L : --, 'y I - C; 7 !- 1 EXHBIT C; Cj 4 r0 3 u n 2, 7 0. S e9417' 07" W 15700 - `x21.58 �, #' T -ta ; /52 92 co 61 'Pao Vdva, (V -J. V 61045'36"W N t 2CO� 8L� I h In 4m .j N 29014'24" joN * 7, .57 S C'. 45 5 890 17'07 58.00w 00 128.57 5 w "'A o S 89-17 C7' W 991 ' ' "Y ,7 f2 -W D 92.99 (4 Agenda Information Memo October 7, 1997 Eagan City Council Meeting S. AUTHORIZATION 1998 COMMUNITY LANDFILL ABATEMENT FUND APPLICATION ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: To approve submission of the application for 1998 funding under Dakota County's Community Landfill Abatement Program. FACTS: + Dakota County provides funding derived from landfill surcharges and refuse service sales taxes for local waste abatement activities. The City uses these funds to support its recycling and waste abatement communications activities. + The funding application for 1998 is in order for consideration by the Council at this time. ATTACHMENTS: + Grant application on pages %Oi-o through . ATTACHMENT A 1998 CO_ILIIU ITT L -V DFILL ABATEMENT BASE FUND APPLICATION City of Eagan Date Submitted: October 1, 1997 3430 Pilot Knob Road Program Period: January 1, 1998 to Eagan.. 55122 December 31, 1998 Contact: Joanna Foote. Communicatio4iRecyciing Coordinator Attached is a copy of the Official Resolutiort/Proceedings (an official action from the governing body requesting the funding allocation or a certified copy of the official proceedings). Attachment 1 I. A. Please provide a brief overview of expected 1998 abatement actitiities. During funding year 1998, the city plans to; 1) continue the successful curbside recycling program it has in place, 2) study the need for the addition of materials to the curbside recycling program, 3) produce and distribute city wide publications, 4) make school/community group presentations for educational initiatives in waste reduction. recycling, yard waste, household hazardous wastes, and additional problem materials, and 5 ) monitor multi -family recycling opportunities for city residents. 6) continue the successful reuse and recycling program and processing of waste from municipal facilities. B. Single Family Recycling Program 1. Total number of households to be served: 20.000. 2. Frequency of collection: Weekly . 3. Materials collected include all materials listed under Target Community Program. JILxed mail is collected in addition to the required items. 4. Estimated abatement from curbside collection: 5,000 tons. C. JlultiFamiluRt--etclingProgram 1. Total number of units served: 10.000 . 143 2. Total number of buildings served: 3. Frequence of collection/collection methods and materials collected: Multi -family buildings are generally served weekly collection, administered by properly management. Materials collected include: newspaper, beverage cans, magazines, mixed paper, glass containers, cardboard, food and beverage cans, plastic bottles «ith a neck. 4. Estimated abatement from multi -family curbside: 1.500 tons. D. Describe your communitv`sJIulti-FamilvFocus plan to improire multi-familrreev cling - opportunities in 1993. Please be specific. Attachmant 1 (cont.) The cit.- plans to implement programs to continue to identify current recycling practices to determine which educational materials can be produced to increase recycling tonnage. Targeted ads, independent mailings, and promotional pieces NNU be developed as deemed necessary. We also plan to work with haulers, property management, and residents of multi -dwelling units to establish these goals. E. Drop-off center %r Reef clable Materials 1. For each drop-off center please provide; a. Operator: Cub Foods Address: Cliff Lake Road, Eagan Hours: same as store hours Materials collected: aluminum cans, plastic (LDPE) and paper bags and Telephone Directories b. Operator: Rainbow Foods Address: Town Center Drive, Eagan Hours: same as store hours q—+ Materials collected: Plastic (LDPE) bags 2. Expected abatement from Drop-offs: 100 tons. F. 1. Please provide a brief description of the communirz-s role in yard baste collection. Estimate expected yard haste abatement tons in 1997. The community's role in yard waste collection is requiring all licensed haulers t� provide pick-up of yard waste in some manner separate from refuse and recyclables. The City of Eagan has also protides a conditional use permit to Empire S_AIC Compost Serviees tc locate a compost site here -,vithin the City of Eagan, to fulfill a Dakota County Contract. for use by Eagan residents and residents from other communities. Backyard composting is a'_so practiced by mann residents and this seems to be an option that is on the increase. In 1-097 and 1995 the City has worked -,ith T«in City Tree Trust to provide Backyard Compost enelosures to residents, at cost. Attachment 1 (con't) 2. ExT eeted yard Nvast e abatement from yard waste collection: 1.000 tons. G. Dt scribe y our communim:s public education/promotional activities that will be tldiilrPtah"�i1 In � �a �7. Community: In 1997 Cite staff plans to make community reeycling presentations to at least seven school or community groups. Residential: Eagan publishes and distributes four city-ivide newslettersper year. Each newsletter has a three -to -four-page section on recycling information. The City will also produce at least one city %vide brochure for the year which -'vill coverrecyeling materials reminders. Other pieces, or sections of pieces, will be based on identified needs ,, ithin the -NIulti-Family and business recycling focuses. an Earth Dai- community event trill be lield in 199*, similar to the events in 1994-1997. Included are an earth -walk, a no garbage picnic, and other waste reduction, reuse, and recycling; activities. K Describe z our community- in house recz clingprogram and reduction program. ColleC?tion of six items at all city buildings is available. 'Materials collected include office paper, magazines/catalogs, cardboard, aluminum, plastic bottles, and glass containers. Recycling containers for aluminum cans are placed in several community parks. Through ari employee newsletter. City staff is continually encouraged to reduce, reuse, recycle, buy 3 45 n-eyclEd, etc. The city continues to increase its purchase of recycled materials. In 1996 we began implementing a new desk -side office paper recycling system. The program provides a hanging basket, w1lieh is attached to the side of each wastebasket. The wastebasket is nog; - used for paper recycling and the small basket is now used for garbage. This is not only a more risible sign of waste reduction, since so much more paper and reevelables are generated than garbage, but it also cuts down on the size and quantity of plastic garbage liners utilized throughout the four �Zunieipal buildings. 1. Describe anticipated efforts to promote implementation ofpolicies that require all residences to IMT -e T;mste collection sen ce. Residents of Eagan are required by ordinance to have waste collection, which is concurrent with State requirements. Attachment 2 II. 1998 Landfill Abatement Funding Application 1998 Work Plan Date Program. Element 1/98 Community Annual Report due 1/98-6/98 Continued program promotion -multi-family- promotion -2 to 4 school presentations -2 city %6de newsletter distributions with sections on reevelirng/waste reduction, water quality, forestry, tree preservation and other environmental issues. -Newspaper display advertisements -Advertisements and waste abatement informational pages in community telephone directory. advertisement in city map 2/28/9, Payment one disbursed 4/97 Earth Day Celebration 4 qu 7/97-1n,'97 Continued program promotion -Multi-family promotion -2 to 4 school presentations -CityNNide distribution of informational flyer -2 newsletter distributions NNith sections on reeyclingAvaste reduction information. etc. -Newspaper display- ads 7/97 Progress Report Due 8/1/97 Payment ttN•o disbursed 10/97 America Recycles Day acti-6ties Note: Public Education Team Project aill be completed as PET need or availability arises III. Des rlbc tlje eialuation metliod tc be used in 199S to measure the effectjTeness of ,t,)ur conLnluniti-slandfill abatement program. The city will work with other communities in Dakota County to recommend and design arnsida t survey to measure the effectiveness of our program. 9 Budget - Base Fund Administrative Costs: County Grant: City Match: Total: Direct Salaries & Benefits - -1/3 time Coord. 13,742.00 43,972.00 57,714.00 Direct Mileage 500.00 500.00 Direct Membership/ training/subscripts. 400.00 F400.00 800.00 Consult Svcs/Temp Help 9 mo. Intern @ 20hrs./wk. 8,400.00 2,000.00 10,400.00 Software 300.00 400.00 700.00 Other Printing Costs 7,500.00 7,500.00 Distribution Costs 3,000.00 3,000.00 Advertisements 1,500.00 500.00 2,000.00 Videos/Billboards 200.00 200.00 Promotional Items 1,500.00 1,500.00 Special Events/Displays /Performances Other 1,500.00 196.00 1,500.00 196.00 Total 138,738.00 47,272.00 86,010.00 Agenda Information Memo October 7, 1997 T. CONTRACT 96-T TIMBERWOOD VILLAGE ADDITION ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: To acknowledge the completion of Contract 96-T (Timberwood Village Addition -- Utilities) and authorize perpetual City maintenance subject to warranty provisions. FACTS: Timberwood Village Addition was constructed at the southwest corner of the intersection of Lone Oak Road and Pilot Knob Road. This development required the installation of sanitary sewer, water main, and storm sewer, which was performed privately by the developer under the terms and conditions of the development contract agreement. • These improvements have been completed, inspected by representatives of the Public Works Department and found to be in order for favorable Council action for acceptance for perpetual maintenance subject to warranty provision. ( I Agenda Information Memo October 7, 1997 O'_ 1 00 ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: Approve Supplemental Agreement/Change Order No. 3 to Contract 96-11 (Yankee Doodle Road — Street Improvements) and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute all related documents. FACTS: • Contract 96-11 provided for the widening of Yankee Doodle Road (from Federal Drive to Denmark Avenue), in addition to ramp improvements to I -35E and signal installations/modifications. • A separate contract, Contract 96-20, was approved for lighting along Yankee Doodle Road. The lighting project was constructed during the summer of 1997. • Boulevard restoration under Contract 96-11 was not completed until after the lighting contract was constructed. • The widening of Yankee Doodle Road required the acquisition of right-of-way from the Loral Corporation (Lockheed Martin), the revision of a stair/walkway leading to their property and the relocation of one of their driveways. • The driveway relocation impacted the electronic perimeter security fence for the Loral Corporation. • As part of the right-of-way acquisition and right -of -entry agreement, the Loral Corporation required the relocation of one security pylon for the electronic fence and the removal and relocation of the stair/walkway. • The Loral Corporation has agreed to share the cost of the stairway removal and new stair construction for the portion of work outside of the newly acquired permanent and temporary right-of-way. Dakota County will also share in the cost of this Supplemental Agreement. • This Supplemental Agreement provides for an additional cost of $15,999.30, of which the City of Eagan is responsible for $6,089.30. The funding' of the $6,089.30 will be the responsibility of the Major Street Fund. ATTACHMENTS: I Supplemental Agreement No. 3, pages _ %�Jthrough s o Sty., DOT TP -02134-43 , 5;88, STATE OF NIINNNESOTA DEPARTN E`"T OF TRANSPORTATION Contrac or aaaress SLTPLENIE.N TAL AGREEIffiN T NO. 3 Shafer Contracting Co.. Inc. 30405 Regal Avenue P.O. Box 128 Shafer, Citi 55074 location- Feaerai P-otect: No Federal Funds Supp. to Contract No. Sheet ' - State Project No: SAP 195-t_;2-06 ET AL Loral Entrance off Pilot Knob Road. Stair Walkway at Washington Avenue and Yankee Doodle Road Eagan Project No. 695 Eagan Contract No. 96-11 Pro.No. Ft' Accoumi.D. Dept.DA Sequence Yo. Suf x Obect Venaor ?cpe Amount 0: y Purcnase Term Asset No. CCD f C.CD.Z C CD 3 CCD.4 CCD 5 000NET Type of A40 ( 1 A41 r 1 Datee Number Eraerec by Transaction: A44 (j A45 [ 1 A46 [ j Dared Number Entered by This contract is amended as follows: WHEREAS: The City of Eagan separate contract for lighting (Contract No. 96-20) was not completed by June 15. 1997; and WHEREAS: The boulevard restoration under this contract could not be completed until the separate lighting contract was completed, and WHEREAS: The City of Eagan required right-of-way from the Loral Corporation (Lockheed Martin); and WHEREAS: The proposed driveway relocation off Pilot Knob Road will impact the Loral Corporation's (Lockheed Martin) electronic perimeter security fence, and WHEREAS: The Loral Corporation (Lockheed Martin) has required, as part of the Right -of -Entry Agreement, that the City of Eagan provide for the relocation of one security pylon of their electronic perimeter security system, near the driveway; and `'WHEREAS: The Loral Corporation (Lockheed Martin) has also required, as part of the right -of -entry agreement. that their existing stairfwalkway (Station 17+185 between their parking lot and Yankee Doodle Road) be removed entirely and a new stair/walkway be constructed from their parking lot to the pedestrian crossing at the new signal at Washington Drive; and WHEREAS: The Loral Corporation (Lockheed Martin) has agreed to share the cost of the stainvav removal and ne«• stair construction. The Loral Corporation's share will be limited to costs for that portion of the work outside of the permanent and temporary easements granted to the City under this project. The Loral Corporation further authorizes the City and the Contractor right -of -entry access to areas outside of the permanent and temporary easement areas previously granted to the City under this project. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS MUTUALLY AGREED AND UNDERSTOOD THAT: 1. The Contractor shall make the modifications as requested by the Engineer and shovm in the drat - ings of which the Contractor acknowled-es receiving a copy by his signature on this Agreement. M.Ni DOT TP -02134-03 15,88) STATE OF �llN-.NESOTA DEPARTMENT OF TRAtiSPORTATIOti SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT NO.3 2. Payment shall be made at the following unit prices. Supp. to Contract No. 3. The final contract completion date will be extended to September 20, 1997. Sheet _ of 4. The Contractor shall not make claim of any kind or character whatsoever for any other costs or expenses which he may have incurred or which he may hereafter incur in performing the work and furnishing the materials required. ***INCREASE*** Item No Item Description ink Unit Pric Ou2nfity By By Amount 0550.601 Revise Security System Lump Sum S 889.30(N) Dated Dated City of Eagan Mayor Dated 5 889.30(N ) SUBTOTAL City of Eagan Clerk S 889.30 Dated _ The above item to be funding 55% County/45% City Dakota County Engineer Dated City Share = $400.18 Contractor Dated County Share = 5489.12 Dated Item No. Item Description 'nit Unit Pric Quantitv Amount Total City/Coun Loral Citv/Coun Loral 2021.501 Mobilization Lump Sum S 1,370.00(N) .55 .45 S 753.50 S 616.50 S 1.370.00(-N, 2104.501 Remove Concrete Steps and m S 66.00 12.0 8.0 5 792.00 $ 528.00 5 1.320.00 Handrail 0105.601 Site Grading Lump Sum S 1,940.00(N) .55 .45 S 1,067.00 S 873.00 $ 1,940.001' 0411.602 Concrete Stairway (Set of 3 Steps) Each S 1,390.00(N) 6.0 0.0 5 8,340.00 S 0.00 S 8,340.00i� 0412.603 F&I Railing m S 61.00(N) 20.0 0.0 S 1,220.00 S 0.00 S 1,220.00(1 2521.501 100 mm Concrete walk m= S 24.00 5.25 18.75 S 126.00 S 450.00 S 576.00 2521.501 150 mm Concrete Walk m= S 43.00 8.0 0.0 S 344.00 0.00 S 34-1.0 SUBTOTAL 512,642.50 S 2,467.50 515,110.00 Amounts based upon lengths as measured from the temporary easement location. The City/County portion to be funded 55% County/451,16 City. City Share = S5,689.12 County Share = $6,953.38 Loral Share W $2,467.50 TOTAL INCREASE THIS AGREEMENT: 515,999.30 (N) Negotiated Amount APPROVED: Commissioner of Administration APPROVED: Commissioner Commissioner of Finance Original Contract Dated rf /� t ! , : G f Ij SRF�onsultingcoup, Inc Datedq�2`1 q f L•r, I rw L Approved as to form and execution By By City of Eagan Engineer Dated Dated Dated City of Eagan Mayor Dated Assistant Attorney General City of Eagan Clerk Dated _ Dakota County Engineer Dated Contractor Dated District Engineer Dated _ Agency Head vliginai IU J1ate Auuitor--t.opy to ,vgency 5w:� Agenda Information Memo October 7, 1997 ' CONTRACT 96-12. NORT W O S DRIVE STREET & UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: Approve Change Order No. 3 to Contract 96-12 (Northwoods Drive — Street and Utility Improvements) and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute all related documents. FACTS: • Contract 96-12 provided for the construction of the street and utilities for Northwoods Drive, from Denmark Avenue to Lexington Avenue, behind the Promenade development. • A series of ponds was included in the storm sewer design for the project to enhance water quality and provide adequate storage capacity. • The improvements detailed in the change order address the addition of a storm sewer pipe connection between two ponds in lieu of overland flow. The ponds involved are the ones on the south side of Northwoods Drive near the apartment entrance and Pond DP -6, southeast of the intersection of Northwoods Drive and Promenade Avenue. • The improvements will lower the outflow elevation of the upstream pond and preserve the existing trees adjacent to the pond. • This change order has been reviewed by the Engineering Division and found to be in order for favorable Council action. • The change order provides for an additional cost of 522,119.00 (2.6% of original contract). The associated cost will be assessed to the benefited property owners and the Storm 'Vater Trunk Fund, as appropriate. ATTACHMENTS: Change Order No. 3, pages through 53 SRF No. 0962430 CITY OF EAGAN CONTRACT #: _ 96-1 PROJECT #: 694 CHANGE ORDER #: PROJECTNAME. -- Eagan Promenade Area Improvements Grading, watermain, storm sewer, paving, curb and gutter and walks for the construction of Northwood Drive west of Lexington Avenue and the widening of Lexington Avenue between Yankee Doodle Road and Northwood Drive. CONTRACTOR: McNamara Contractine. Inc. ENGINEER: —SRF Consulting Group. Inc. I RPM M UV1 .. Additional storm sewer pipe and appurtenances are necessary to direct storm water runoff from the pond on the south side of Northwood Drive near the apartment entrance to Pond DP -6, located in the southeast quadrant of Northwood Drive and Promenade Avenue. Access to the project area described in this change order will be via Northwood Drive. Any damage done to Northwood Drive and the adjacent bituminous trail will be repaired by the Contractor and paid for on a time and materials basis. The additional storm sewer is necessary to maintain water levels in the pond that will help preserve existing trees adjacent to the pond. S� Change Order No. 3 - 2 - September 10, 1997 DESCRIPTIOV OF WORK ITE VI Item No. Item Description 2021.501 Mobilization 2101.511 Clearing and Grubbing 2104.523 Salvage Concrete Apron (600 mm) 0105.601 Temporary Pumping 2501.515 375 mm RC Pipe Apron 2501.573 Install Concrete Apron (600 mm) 2503.541 375 mm RC Pipe Sewer Lump Sum Design 3006 Class V 2503.541 600 mm RC Pipe Sewer Each Design 3006 Class III 2506.502 Construct Drainage Structure Each Design CC (1,200 mm) 0506.602 Construct Pond Outlet Skimmer In Structure (1,200 mm) 2511.505 Hand Placed Riprap 2573.502 Silt Fence Type Heavy Duty 2575.501 Seeding 2575.502 Seed Mixture 50A 2575.511 Mulch Material Type 1 2575.523 Erosion Control Blankets Type Wood kg Fiber 1 S 2575.532 Commercial Fertilizer Analysis S 60.00 (c) 10-20-20 Total Increase Change Order No. 3 (c) indicates contract unit price (n) indicates negotiated unit price r ft Unit Price Quantity Lump Sum $ 5,000.00 1.0 ha $ 5,500.00 0.1 Each $ 343.85 1.0 Lump Sum $ 2,846.25 1.0 Each $ 1,020.05 1.0 Each $ 592.25 1.0 In $ 74.00 54.7 In S 94.00 9.7 Each $ 1,120.00 2.0 Each $ 1,897.50 1.0 Amoun S S 5,000.00 (n) $ 550.00 (c) $ 343.85 (n) $ 2,846.25 (n) $ 1,020.05 (n) $ 592.25 (n) $ 4,047.80 (c) S 911.80 (c) $ 2,240.00 (c) $ 1,897.50. (c) m3 S 53.00 8.0 $ 424.00 (c) In $ 6.56 50.0 $ 328.00 (c) ha $ 425.00 0.2 $ 85.00 (c) kg $ 7.00 10.0 $ 70.00 (c) t $ 225.00 0.9 $ 202.50 (c) m2 $ 1.50 1,000 $ 1,500.00 (c) kg $ 0.60 100 S 60.00 (c) S400" S 22.119.00 Change Order No. 3 - 3 - September 10, 1997 Original Contract: Change Order No. 1: Change Order No. 2: Change Order No. 3 Subtotal of Previous Change Order: This Change Order: New Subtotal of All Change Orders: Revise Contract: Percent Increase or Decrease for this Change Order to Original Contract Amount: Percent Increase or Decrease for Total of All Change Orders to Original Contract Amount: RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL: By: �• Date:9 97 RF Consulting Gro4p, Inc. By: City Department City of Eagan Council Action: Mayor: Clerk: Approval Date: DISTRIBUTION 1 - City 2 - Contractor 1 - Engineer AVOUN . 853,935.66 46,862.30 1 • 11 n By: /Date: McNamara ontracting, Inc. 5(o Agenda Information Memo October 7, 1997 W CONTRACT 2¢-Y BLACKHAWK ACRES - 4TH ADDITION ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: Acknowledge completion of Contract 96-Y (Blackhawk Acres — Utility Services) and authorize acceptance for perpetual City maintenance subject to warranty provisions. FACTS: • The construction of sanitary sewer and water services and associated street repair to serve the development was performed privately by the developer under the terms and conditions of the development contract agreement for the Blackhawk Acres - 4 1 Addition. These improvements have been completed and inspected by representatives of the Public Works Department and found to be in order for Council acceptance for perpetual City maintenance subject to warranty provisions. X. CONTRACT 97-06, DENMARK AVENUE, DONALD AVENUE HEINE STRASSE, WESCOTT ROAD STREET & SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENTS ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: Approve the final payment for Contract 97-06 (Denmark Avenue, Donald Avenue, Heine Strasse, Wescott Road — Street & Sidewalk) in the amount of $177,280.01 to Mc'`amara Contracting Inc., and accept the improvement for perpetual City maintenance subject to warranty provisions. FACTS: • Contract 97-06 provided for the construction of the street improvements on Denmark Avenue (from Wescott Road to a point 200 feet south of Duckwood Drive), Denmark Court, Denmark Trail, Timbershore Lane, Kolstad Lane, Kolstad Road, Donald Avenue (from Yankee Doodle Road to Letendre Street), Heine Strasse (south of Diffley Road), and Wescott Road (from Denmark Avenue to Westbury Drive). Also completed was the construction of sidewalk on Denmark Avenue, north of Duckwood Drive. This work has been completed, inspected by representatives of the Public Works Department and found to be in order for favorable Council action of final payment and acceptance for perpetual maintenance subject to warranty provisions. S% Agenda Information Memo October 7, 1997 Y. CONTRACT 96-05, NORTH RIDGE DRIVE STREET & UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: Approve the final payment for Contract 96-05 (North Ridge Drive — Street & Utility) in the amount of $49,019.62 to McNamara Contracting Inc., and accept the improvement for perpetual City maintenance subject to warranty provisions. FACTS: • Contract 96-05 provided for the construction of the street improvements for North Ridge Drive, from Wescott Road to Northview Park Road, and the construction of street and storm sewer on Poppler Lane, south of Lone Oak Road. This work has been completed, inspected by representatives of the Public Works Department and found to be in order for favorable Council action of final payment and acceptance for perpetual maintenance subject to warranty provisions. Z. SENECA HILLS ADDITION ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: Approve an amendment to the development agreement for the Seneca Hills Addition revising public improvement completion dates. FACTS: * The Seneca Hills Addition is a multi -family residential development located on the southeast side of TH 13 near the Seneca Road intersection. The final plat was approved on September 17, 1996. • Under the terms and conditions of the development contract agreement, the developer elected to privately install the public improvements. The development agreement stipulated a completion date for these public improvements and other related development obligations. * The staff has received a request from the developer to extend the completion date for the final street wearing surface and boulevard trail construction. ATTACHMENTS: • Letter of request, page • Development agreement excerpt, page g V . :M1 Mr. Stan Lexvold City of Eagan Engineering Department 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, MN 55122-1897 Dear Mr. Lexvold, RECENEO SEP 15 M7 GM tA H O M E S Since 19:9 September 12, 1997 Please accept this letter as my request to the City of Eagan for an extension of time for the completion of certain activities at the Seneca Hills Development as required by the Development Agreement signed September 17, 1996. I wish to extend to July 15, 1998 the completion of the following items: 1. Apply bituminous wearing course to Burgundy Drive. 2. Finish the remaining 2/3rd of the bituminous walking path. Since construction and heavy equipment are still using the street, it is typical in my developments that the wearing course is held off until the majority of the construction is completed, thus eliminating damage to the final coat. In order to give our customers the best looking and cleanest project possible, please consider this request and grant approval. Gene Shellerud President 15025 Glazier Ave.. Suite Valley, MN 55124 Phone: (612) 431-4900 axe (612) 431-4921 uuprovements necessary for this development. These improvements shall be completed in accordance with approved plans and specifications on file in the office of the Public Works Department, which are hereby made a part of this Contract, as follows: ITEM Pond Easement Boundary Signs ........................................ Erosion & Sediment Control Measures .............................. SiteGrading....................................................................... AllLot Corners................................................................... Utilities (sanitary, water, storm sewer) .............................. Streets (Concrete curb & gutter, gravel base, and the first lift of blacktop) ............................................ Boulevard Restoration....................................................... StreetLights....................................................................... Street (MnDOT 2341 Modified Wearing Course)............ COMPLETION DATE Pave, August 1, 1997 September 1, 1996 October 15, 1996 September 1, 1997 November 30, 1996 July 15, 1997 August 1, 1997--� f'v l y ! r ,,j9j September 1, 1997 September 15, 1997 --p S411 15', 141 except as this period of time is extended by resolution of the City Council. It is understood and agreed that failure of the City to promptly take action to enforce this Contract after expiration of time in which the work is to be completed, will not waive or release any rights of the City, and the City can take action at any time thereafter and that the terms of the Contract shall be deemed to be automatically extended until such time as the City elects by appropriate resolution of its Council to declare the Developer in default hereunder pursuant to the provisions of paragraph 11, "Default by Developer". A. Streets and Trails. The Developer shall grade all public streets, boulevards, driveways, trailways, if any, and other lands as established in the grading plan to City approved grades and cross sections, with required backslopes to be performed outside of the public right-of-way at a maximum slope of 3:1 as required by the City Public Works 4 Agenda Information Memo October 7, 1997 AA. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES, 'STREET & TRAIL SNOW REMOVAL ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: Authorize the renewal of the private street snow and ice control contract with Gallagher, Inc., and the sidewalk/trail snow removal contract with Kieger Enterprises for the 1997-98 season at the same rates as the 1996-97 season contract. FACTS: • Annually, the City contracts for private snow removal services on a portion of our City streets and sidewalks/trails. The contract for both services have been set up to allow for annual renewals subject to Council concurrence. Both contractors have agreed to maintain their same rates as the previous year. ATTACHMENTS: • Sidewalkitrail contract districts, pages . . through . • Street and cul-de-sac contract routes, pages - through. Winter Trail Maintenance Area 1 kevi�--c j%j Property Owner Responsibility IV City/Contractor Plowed Trail N "roll, A City of Eagan 400 0 400 Feet Date. November 22, 1996 Created by: TRW File Location: J.1trw/trlplow.apr C% I 4b� Oty of Eagan Winter Trail Maintenance Area 2 (Diffley Road) j City/Contractor Plowed Sidewalk City/Conractor Plowed Trail N 400 0 400 Feet Date: November 18, 1996 Created by: TRIV File Location: %/tmVtrlplow.apr '�i I LItiE PLOJ,�7 ROUE 12 y F/ '✓1 Tri. �^..� I C.-... �.Gr Z I - Y OR!VE ROLLIN HILLS °L. G C ti44 S (" ROLLING JR S OLUNG CR. HIL YANKEE COO LE C7.5 R5. wA� 1 � .r Ski L3L8,— LE%MOTON wAr y- 1 T,PR TOPR n CT � M 4 F, �I c� 3Ati1� GSRAL'• AR 2 17 > �y = ff T If � 1. TERR. g ch 4y o� cNseoRo I o cry < coi C) H—a AE o �- r 0 O O BRADDOCK TR. r+OVp�, U PEW p�,,_ y� 1 YORK AVE � � O t L IND r m STATSBE'R'RY e7 r M' 1E.� F SOUT� � h B ROW x wxz cT = h B WAYAf a3 9 s�q x c �y 0 NAV ` 0 •y tis l V �b CR. u CD L,,. f \�Rt , 4 •y $° —HAMESag / AVE _> 3NNQ Man �J y, P . r i f ST.K y "t'7Rr K x� r� MAINLINE PLOtiy ROUTE ;� 1 ?C CONTRACTOR Loode-/Plow 0 500 1000 z SUN D _Z -� CT.SE`S, OOQ Z OVERLOOK PL. SOUTH CpTr�' S.N. WA HILL a o CROSS r uj p rn G' �� 4 e1iQ S.H. cni i, �O WESCOTT ROAD � sc TONY - °0ii� �•� HIDDEN T p ; rEANY GF- �p 10-10-96 /TAM/mL-RTE-12C-96 H. CT. T� WND CIR. �L o: V SgpO� f B C � J MILL RUNOR�I'E' m e• MAINLINE ROUTE #112C �-C7'7- SO. c Ix r '- J WESCCTT RC. TR. TRAIL tn CT. IVY CT. _ Z H OAKS T C12 R 0 OQ� w 3 P WOODLAND GQ .GREAT OAK D�ND O LN. WOO C1,�•9,�, Z c^ BETTY �O LN. T� C1 a AR o� GRT. OAKS Oti1py CIR. SUNCRST C, T. oU �0 Op I< Q. ARBOR 9Ss, ELRENE , CT. �P CT. z SUN D _Z -� CT.SE`S, OOQ Z OVERLOOK PL. SOUTH CpTr�' S.N. WA HILL a o CROSS r uj p rn G' �� 4 e1iQ S.H. cni i, �O WESCOTT ROAD � sc TONY - °0ii� �•� HIDDEN T p ; rEANY GF- �p 10-10-96 /TAM/mL-RTE-12C-96 H. CT. T� WND CIR. �L o: V SgpO� f B C � J MILL RUNOR�I'E' m e• MAINLINE ROUTE #112C CLL DE SAC ROUTE 13 CONTRACT ROUTE #725 0 500 100C WESCOTT ROAD ��I 10-8-96 /TAM/CDS-RTE-13_96 1 ( CO. RD. 30 )) ' CUL DE SAC RG,,s T E #'? Agenda Information Memo October 7, 1997 Eagan City Council Meeting BB. FPNDINGS OF FACT, CONCLUSIONS & RESOLUTION OF DENIAL — CITY OF EAGAN ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: To confirm the Findings of Fact, Conclusions and Resolution of Denial of a setback variance and building move permit for Lot 6, Block 1, Oster Addition, located on the west side of Pilot Knob Road, north of Skyline Drive, in the SE quarter of Section 4. FACTS: • At its regular meeting of September 16, 1997, the Eagan City Council denied a 15' building setback variance to the required 50' setback from Pilot Knob Road right-of-way and denied a building move permit to relocate a 36' x 24' one-story- house and a 24' x 24' detached garage from Richfield, Minnesota to 1405 Oster Drive. BACKGROUND/ATTACHMENTS: (1) Findings of Fact, Conclusions and Resolution, pages through. BEFORE THE CITY COUNCIL CITY OF EAGAN, DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA In Re: Application of Christopher Gabyrsh for a Variance and Building Move Permit FINDINGS OF FACT for Property Located at 1405 Oster Drive CONCLUSIONS AND (Lot 6, Block 1, Oster Addition). RESOLUTION This matter came before the Eagan City Council at its September 16, 1997 meeting. The Council received, considered and discussed input from staff and residents, the planning report and the input of the applicant's representative. Based upon all the files, records, proceedings and input which was presented at the meeting, the City Council makes the following Findings of Fact, Conclusions and Resolution. FINDINGS OF FACT 1. A request for a Variance from the setback requirement from Pilot Knob Road for Lot 6, block 1, Oster Addition is properly brought before the Eagan City Council. 2. A request for a Building Move Permit which would allow the relocation of a 36' by 24' one-story house and a 24' x 24' detached garage to Lot 6, Block 1, Oster Addition is properly before the City Council. 3. The City's protective inspections division conducted a site inspection of the house and garage and determined they are structurally sound. However, the house will "10 need to be brought into compliance with the Uniform Building Code by being rewired, repairing the plumbing, new furnace installation, new egress windows, new smoke detectors and a new attic access. 4. The other eight houses on Oster Drive are at least 20 years newer than the house to be relocated. All the other houses have attached garages, and each has significantly more square footage than the proposed house to be moved to Lot 6, Block 1, Oster Addition. 5. Oster Addition was subdivided and platted in 1982. 6. Lot 6, Block 1, Oster Addition is a buildable lot of record since a dwelling can be reasonably located on it without a variance. 7. The proposed location for the relocated house requires a variance to the setback from Pilot Knob Road. CONCLUSIONS 1. These matters are properly brought before the Eagan City Council. 2. Lot 6, Block 1, Oster Addition is a buildable lot of record. 3. The house with detached garage proposed to be relocated is at least 20 years older than other houses in Oster Addition; has a detached garage while other houses on Oster Drive have attached garages; has significantly less square footage than the other houses in Oster Addition; and is not proposed to be situated within the buildable area of Lot 6, Block 1, Oster Addition. 4. The applicant has established no hardship. 5. By the greater weight of the record and information presented, it is determined by the City Council that approval of the Variance is not warranted. 6. By the greater weight of the record and information presented, it is determined by the City Council that approval of a Building Move Permit to situate a building on Lot 6, Block 1, Oster Addition as proposed would violate the City's zoning code in so far as the relocated buildings would not meet the setback provisions of the City's zoning code. RESOLUTION The City Council of the City of Eagan does hereby resolve that the applicant's request for a Variance and a Building Move Permit on Lot 6, Block 1, Oster Addition are hereby denied. Dated at Eagan, Minnesota this 7th day of October, 1997. CITY OF EAGAN By: Thomas A. Egan Its: Mayor By: E.J. VanOverbeke Its: City Clerk I a Agenda Information Memo October 7, 1997 CC. PROJECT 688, EAGANDALE _!CORP CTR — REVISED PENDING ASSMT ROLL ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: Amend the pending assessment roll for Project 688 (Eagandale Corporate Center — Streets & Utilities). FACTS: • Project 688 provided for the installation of streets and utilities to the Eagandale Corporate Center Addition located in the northeast corner of Lexington Avenue and Yankee Doodle Road. • A feasibility report was prepared incorporating a pending assessment roll and was presented at a public hearing held on September 20, 1995, at which time this public improvement was officially approved by Council action. • At the time of the public hearing, the project provided for the installation of streets and utilities to serve the entire 180 acre industrial development. Subsequent to that public hearing, the developer scaled back the scope of the development and platted only the northerly 100 acres. Correspondingly, the detailed plans and specifications and contract award were revised to compliment the requirements of the scaled back development plans. • The original pending assessment for the entire 180 -acre public improvement has not been revised to reflect the reduction in the scope of the project being constructed. • The City has received an application for subdivision of the southerly 80 acres to accommodate the Skyline Displays Corporate headquarter development. They have requested the City to formally revise the scope of the original Project 688 and remove the pending assessments from the southerly 80 acres to avoid the requirement to post an escrow at the time of title transfer to accommodate the new Skyline Displays development. • Staff has reviewed this request and found it to be in order for favorable Council action. ATTACHMENTS: • Revised pending assessment roll, page. J3 C4 01 N Z W C7 N l7 N 1� C O N F, 80800HO J88�� ayy�� •�► 0� o00 LLI F Zm� W �I . LO �rt W Q N N P m m N m N m M m O aND W M cc W co � NIA N !N V M N N N N M 1A W N y Z m w a °ag i+S in w QriWnrdad6ro6 cc; aimoW co W N N Q�pVpp82�gM�y�opo�� W e lh to N M N l� N N N N N N Y a M M a' co Q N 10 n i0 ad 0 0 0 ad M w G m W co co O CA CD O O O N f P N N h M �a+ N�a+ppff N Nca Q N a0 N IAfJ_ N O NN O W O aD aD O N' m Z W M Q co co ZQw Zm0:NQ in ad ao wi min mai fC OO�Z E- N W F co N N U W W Z co LLIZ N N m ad 10 m N m M m O p as Z WJ C! cl IL W J N x z N H CD N Y Z J J m W U a J {Zy Q N M .- N M V N M r- N Q z IL J Q ` pW Z W O M 4000? N J H 0 Agenda Information Memo October 7, 1997 Eagan City Council Meeting DD. REQUEST FOR PUBLIC HEARING CERTIFICATION OF DELINQUENT UTILITIES - NOVEMBER 4. 1997 ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: To schedule a public hearing for November 4, 1997 to consider certification of delinquent utility balances to Dakota County for collection with property taxes. FACTS: • On a semi-annual basis, the City reviews and considers delinquent utility balances for certification to property tax statements for collection. • The City currently has 452 delinquent accounts in the amount of $60,512.31. Additional information will be provided at the time of the public hearing. Agenda Information Memo October 7, 1997 Eagan City Council Meeting EE. PREMISES PERMIT APPLICATION MENDOTA HEIGHTS ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: To approve a resolution approving the application for a gambling premise permit application for the Mendota Heights Athletic Association to conduct pull -tab operations at LaFondas. FACTS: ➢ The City is in receipt of an application from the Mendota Heights Athletic Association to allow fundraising through charitable gambling at LaFondas. ➢ The application has been reviewed by staff and is in order for consideration by the City Council. LaFondas has been a location of a pull -tab permit for the Minnesota Valley Humane Society. ATTACHMENTS: ➢ Resolution on page ➢ Application enclosed wit out page number. RESOLUTION CITY OF EAGAN GAMBLING PREMISES PERMIT FOR MENDOTA HEIGHTS ATHLETIC ASSOCATION WHEREAS, the Mendota Heights Athletic Association has applied for a gambling premises permit to conduct a pull -tab operation at LaFondas, 3665 Sibley Memorial Highway; and WHEREAS, the Eagan Police Department has reviewed the application and has not identified any reason to deny; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of Eagan, Dakota County, Minnesota, hereby approves the Mendota Heights Athletic Association application to conduct a pull -tab operation at LaFondas, 3665 Sibley Memorial Highway. Motion made by: Seconded by: Those in favor: Those against: CERTIFICATION CITY OF EAGAN CITY COUNCIL U, a Attest: Its Mayor Its Clerk I, E.J. VanOverbeke, Clerk of the City of Eagan, Dakota County, Minnesota do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the City Council of the City of Eagan, Dakota County, Minnesota, in a regular meeting thereof assembled this 7t' day of October, 1997. E.J. VanOverbeke, City Clerk Agenda Information Memo October 7, 1997 FF DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENT PETITION — 3738 GREENSBORO DRIVE ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: To consider a petition from 3738 Greensboro Drive and authorize/deny the requested feasibility report. FACTS • City staff has received a letter and petition from Julie Hermann Casey, property owner at 3738 Greensboro Drive. The petition is requesting that the City resolve a drainage problem in the rear lot of the property. • The property description is Lot 1, Block 4, Greensboro 2nd Addition and was developed during the summer of 1987. • In the Spring of 1988, the builder, Joe Miller, regraded the rear portion of the lot. About one month later drainage problems occurred for the first time. • By 1989, most of the neighboring lots were built upon and landscaping was completed by many of the new residents within the drainage and utility easement. • In the Fall of 1989, the developer and builder coordinated the regrading of the rear of the lot once again. • Since 1990, the petitioner has had water in her basement every year. The petitioner has made improvements to the house and yard each year in an attempt to correct the problem. • In 1997, the petitioner contacted a contractor to discuss corrective options. Suggestions involved the placement of drain tile within the drainage and utility easements to the south or to the east. The petitioner set up a neighborhood meeting and sent permission request forms to the affected neighbors. She has not been successful in obtaining her neighbors' permission to work within the easement in their yards. ISSUES • A potential resolution to the drainage problem noted in the petition would involve special assessments to the properties adjacent to the improvement. As noted in the petitioner's letter, many of the neighbors, all of whom could be included in an assessment roll, have not been cooperative in the petitioner's efforts to do the work privately. ATTACHMENTS * Property owner's letter/petition, pages —through Y OL, • Location map, page ! i � V i� 7•��.i .�. :.. � � �' :.kyr Julie A. Herrmann Case-, 3738 Greensboro DriveY Eagan, M -N 55123 HOME: 688-2394 WORK: 673-3905 Crain Knudsen Cite of Eaean 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan. lvIN 55122 Dear Mr. Knudsen: Enclosed you swill find a copy of the petition requesting the City of Eagan start a feasibility- studN to resolve the rear yardgrading issue in the Block 4, Greensboro 2nd Addition. Please note that only two households have signed the petition. An explanation of the lack of signatures is including in this letter. Please allow me to explain the history of our grade problem and current attempts to remedy the problem. The Greensboro 2nd addition was developed in the Spring of 1987. Our home at 8 Greensboro Drive was started one week before the superstorm in 1987. We moved into our first home in October. NNo problems were noticed with our property- in 1987. In the Spring of 1988, our builder, Joe Miller. stopped at our property and told us not to landscape because the property had been improperly graded. This seemed unusually to us since rain drain off the property with ease. At the time, the grade was going forward with the rear yard at a higher elevation than the front yard. Around one month later, large equipment came onto the rear yards and removed a large amount of dirt. Our neighbors, two doors down, sodded the back yard and started watering the sod. All of the water from their yard backed up into our yard and the Ryan's yard causing a lake to form. This is when the written complaints to the builder, developer and City of Eagan started. Letters we received from the developer indicated that our house was set at the wrong elevation (around 1/2 feet below where it was supposed to go). The developer and our builder arranged for a regrade in the Fall of 1989. The regrade placed the rear grade level at a.08% grade. I think you will remember that you and I had a long conversation that this was not the most adequate grade. In the spring of 1989, I called you to report that several neighbor were placing landscaping in the rear drainage easement. At this time, you pointed out that the only resolution to the inadequate grade would be drain tile. My husband and I could not afford the price of drain tile so we did not pursue the effort. We had some lack of drainage in our yard in 1989 but no further damage. In 1990. "e Lot water in our basement. We handled this by putting in a sub pump. In 199 1. w•e got water in our basement again. We handled this by raising the grade around our home. In 1992. we got more water in our basement and started to have further standing water issues in our yard. In 1993. Steve Dowling moved into the property at 3728 Greensboro Drive and placed eight inches of wood bark and trees and bushes into the drainage easement. This caused a flood in the rear of our yard and Rvan's yard. We began to get water in our basement after every rainfall. We again filled the grade around our house. In 1994 and 1995, we had water in our basement after every rainfall. I attempted to call several engineers looking for a solution but could not afford the resolutions they came up with. In 1996, we attempted to sell our home and had to disclose the water problem. The only bid we got was for twenty thousand dollars below the actual estimated property value. We then had the basement floor torn up and had the draintile replaced. Our drain tile was incorrectly installed. This cost several thousand to replace. We had a dry basement the rest of 1996. In 1997, the problem started all over. We had water in our basement almost immediately when the spring thaw started. Brad Wendel, next door, had an entire lake that had backed up into our yard. We had started to add an addition to our house when the water problem became apparent once again. I discussed the situation with you early in the summer and once again you advocated draintile. We contacted Friedge Landscaping 's for solutions. Friedge's said that a regrade of our yards would not resolve the problem. Draintile was the only course of action to take. Friedge's pointed out that a .08% grade is a non standard grade and is like asking for problems. Friedge's said no landscaping company would ever advocate this type of grade. Friedge also pointed out that the amount of landscaping material placed in the rear yards in the drainage easement was affecting the water flow and that is why the problem kept growing. We started to explore putting drain tile from Wendel's yard to Cross Road. This plan resulted in a $600 bill and severe property damage. The neighbors between us and Cross Road did not want to have a backhoe come through their yard so this option was scraped. The next option was to run the drain tile with the grade. This solution involved eight different properties. We sent literature to our neighbors and attempting to hold a neighborhood meeting. Only two households showed for the meeting. We sent permission slips to dig through yards. The response we got was that allowing us to put draintile in their yards would cause damage to the trees and brushes in their yards. I reminded all the neighbors that the rear ten feet was a drainage easement and that landscape material was never to have been put in the easement in the first place. Adding the tile would allow them to continue the landscaping without effecting our property. I argued that their decision to put landscape material in the drainage easement was causing damage to our yards and homes. No one would cooperate. �� o The petition has only two names because our neighbors will not cooperate in the , enture to resolve the water problem. The Wendels and I have tried to resolve our problem. Both of us will be regrading our yards in the next two weeks but will not be able to resolve the water issue. As you can tell by my letter. I have spent alot of money trying to resolve our problem. We have added dirt. changed the landscape material, replaced the drain tile in our basement. and regarded the yard several times. I have run out of solutions. We now have no use of the rear yard. We are getting damage to our home with all the water coming into the basement. Our only resolution is drain tile and our neighbors won't cooperate. Please take action to help us. Thank t-ou for your assistance - Sincerely, Julie A. Heirnann Casey License Inspector, City of :Minneapolis FOR CITY USE ONLY Petition # f Date Received SAY,— 17 197 Presented to Council PETITION LOCATION/SUBDIVISION 2 �/;+j/-� - I/We, the unders'gned, owners of the real property ad ja n to je Sborr D�-iVi" (Street) or within/� ¢� a /p 2 J Subdivision, hereby petition for: Street Improvements Sanitary Sewer Water Supply (Check requested items and please enclose sketch of Storm Sewer requested improvements) Streetlights Other (Explain) 1. 4d' drel- #i Z?'yx I/We understand that this petition does not in itself request the installation of these improvements, but rather, request the preparation of a feasibility report in which the estimated costs of these improvements will be tabulated. J/We understand that upon receipt of this petition and the preparation of the requested feasibility report, a public hearing will be held at which time we may voice our support or opposition based on the costs as prepared in said feasibility report. Signature of Land Owner Address of Propegy 1. Q. irti✓t �7�i C�f`2�/YJ j FJ��/UC. 2. 7 -5 ^ , 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. r� 10 lts#lfeasres.fm ;nda Information Memo ober 7, 1997 Eagan City Council Meeting A. MULTI -FAMILY HOUSING REVENUE REFUNDING BONDS CINNAMON RIDGE PROJECT ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: The public hearing providing for public input is scheduled for the refinancing of the Cinnamon Ridge Multi -Family Rental Housing Project. Staff is asking that no action be taken, however, the public hearing should be closed. Official action will be scheduled for a future City Council meeting. FACTS: ➢ The City has been asked by representatives of the Cinnamon Ridge Limited Partnership to assist in the restructuring of the Multi -Family Housing Revenue Refunding Bonds $8,000,000 Series 1992 Cinnamon Ridge Project. ➢ The bonds for this project were originally issued in 1985 and were first refunded in 1992. ➢ The City Administrator and Director of Finance have met with representatives of Cinnamon Ridge as well as City Attorney Sheldon and Bond Counsel Rosholt to review and better understand the implications of the potential refunding in relationship to the tax increment note related to this project. The City has also engaged Springsted as the City's fiscal advisor to complete a detailed review of historical and pro forma financials. ATTACHMENTS: ➢ Public hearing notice on page Ir PUBLIC NOTICE Notice of Public Hearing on the Proposed issuance by the City of Eagan, Minnesota of Bonds to Refund the City's Multifamily Housing Revenue Refunding Bonds (Cinnamon Ridge Project) Series 1992 and the City's Multifamily Housing Revenue Second Mortgage Note of 1992 (Cinnamon Ridge Project) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Eagan, Minnesota (the "City") will meet on October 7, 1997 at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chamber in the City Hall, 3830 Pilot Knob Road, Eagan, Minnesota for the purpose of conducting a public hearing on a proposal that the City issue bonds, in one or more series, to refund and prepay in their entirety the City's $8,000,000 Multifamily Housing Revenue Refunding Bonds (Cinnamon Ridge Project), Series 1992 (the "1992 Bonds") and the City's $3,245,000 Multifamily Housing Revenue Second Mortgage Note of 1992 (Cinnamon Ridge Project) (the "1992 Note") (together, the "1992 Obligations"). The principal amount of the bonds to be issued (the "Refunding Bonds") will not exceed the outstanding principal amount of the 1992 Obligations. The 1992 Obligations were issued to refinance bonds issued by the City in 1985 to finance the acquisition, construction, construction and installation of multifamily rental housing units in the Cinnamon Ridge Project located at the intersection of Cedar Avenue and Cliff Road in the City. The Refunding Bonds will be special, limited obligations of the City, payable solely from the revenues of the Project. The Refunding Bonds and the interest thereon will not constitute or give rise to a charge against the general credit or taxing powers or constitute a pecuniary liability of the City, the State of Minnesota or any other political subdivision thereof. Anyone desiring to be heard during the public meeting on the foregoing subject matter will be afforded an opportunity. All others who are interested may file written comments on or before October 7, 1997 by letter addressed to the City at 3830 Pilot Knob Road, Eagan, Minnesota 55122. CITY OF EAGAN, MINNESOTA By its City Clerk 1576052 Agenda Information Memo October 7,1997 Eagan City Council Meeting B. VARIANCE - DOROTHY BAKER ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: I o approve/ deny a 5 toot variance request to the 30 foot building setback along a public right-of-way for the addition of a porch on Lot 9, Block 4, Cedar Grove First Addition, at 4196 Diamond Drive. FACTS: The proposed porch addition will be 20' in length and 5' in width. The steps will be 5' in length and 2' in width. In addition to the porch, a replacement window will be installed as part of the project. + The proposed porch addition, along with the existing structure, will not exceed the maximum allowed lot coverage of 20 percent. ISSUES: None B ACKG ROUND%ATTACHEMENTSr ;staff report, pages -" through _,U-. PLANNING REPORT CITY OF EAGAN REPORT DATE: September 26, 1997 APPLICANT: Dorothy Baker PROPERTY OWNER: Dorothy Baker REQUEST: Variance LOCATION: 4196 Diamond Drive CASE: 19-V-15-9-97 HEARING DATE: October 7, 1997 PREPARED BY: Becky Robertson COMPREHENSIVE PLAINT: D -I, Single -Family Residential (0-3 units/acre) ZONING: R -I, Single -Family Residential SUMMARY OF REQUEST The applicant is requesting a 5 foot Variance to the required 30 foot building setback for a dwelling unit along a public road right-of-way in a single-family residential district for Lot 9, Block 4, Cedar Grove First Addition (PID# 10-16700-090-04) located at 4196 Diamond Drive in the SE 1/4 of Section 19. AUTHORITY FOR REVIEW City Code Chapter 11, Section 11.40, Subdivision 3C states that the Council may grant a variance and impose conditions and safeguards therein if: 1. The Council shall determine that the special conditions applying to the structures or land in question are peculiar to such property or immediately adjoining property and do not apply generally to other land or structures in the district in which said land is located, and that the granting of the application is necessary for the applicant. 2. The granting of the proposed variance will not be contrary to the intent of this Chapter and the Comprehensive Guide Plan. 3. That granting of such variance will not merely serve as a convenience to the applicant, but is necessary to alleviate demonstrable hardship or difficulty. PLANNING REPORT CITY OF EAGAN REPORT DATE: September 26, 1997 APPLICANT: Dorothy Baker PROPERTY OWNER: Dorothy Baker REQUEST: Variance LOCATION: 4196 Diamond Drive CASE: 19-V-15-9-97 HEARING DATE: October 7, 1997 PREPARED BY: Becky Robertson COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: D -I, Single -Family Residential (0-3 units/acre) ZONING: R -I, Single -Family Residential SUMMARY OF REQUEST The applicant is requesting a 5 foot Variance to the required 30 foot building setback for a dwelling unit along a public road right-of-way in a single-family residential district for Lot 9, Block 4, Cedar Grove First Addition (PID# 10-16700-090-04) located at 4196 Diamond Drive in the SE 1/4 of Section 19. AUTHORITY FOR REVIEW City Code Chapter 11, Section 11.40, Subdivision 3C states that the Council may grant a variance and impose conditions and safeguards therein if: The Council shall determine that the special conditions applying to the structures or land in question are peculiar to such property or immediately adjoining property and do not apply generally to other land or structures in the district in which said land is located, and that the granting of the application is necessary for the applicant. 2. The granting of the proposed variance will not be contrary to the intent of this Chapter and the Comprehensive Guide Plan. 3. That granting of such variance will not merely serve as a convenience to the applicant, but is necessary to alleviate demonstrable hardship or difficulty. CODE WQ!JREMENTS City Code Section 11.20, subd. 6, requires a thirty (30) foot from city street right-of-way and fifty (50) foot setback along a Dakota County right-of-way for a building in a single family residential district. EXISTING CONDITIONS Cedar Grove First Addition was platted in June 1959. The applicant's lot is 90 feet wide by 120 feet deep and 10,800 square feet in area. The lot is located on the NE corner of Diamond Drive and Diffley Road. The Cedar School and playground are located to the west of the property. Cedar Pond Park is immediately behind the property, to the east. The other side of Diffley Road, which is south of the property, contains single family homes. Single family homes are also located to the north of the property. The subject lot is located on the corner of two public streets. City Code requires a 30 -foot building setback along a public street in residentially zoned districts. The existing house meets setback requirements because it is setback approximately 32 feet off of Diamond Drive. The City Code also requires a 50 -foot setback along a county road. The house is setback approximately 30 feet from the Diffley Road right-of-way. The house was built in 1960 prior to the improvement of Diffley Road and apparently was built in accordance with City requirements at that time. The house is considered a legal, existing non -conforming use. The proposed addition does not increase the non -conforming setback from Diffley Road. The property also has a two -stall garage that complies with setback requirements for accessory structures in an R-1 zoning district. EVALUATION OF REQUEST The applicant is proposing to construct a porch on the front of the house. The proposed porch will be 20 feet in length and 5 feet in width, excluding the steps. The steps will be 5 feet in length and 2 feet in width. In addition to the porch, a replacement window also will be installed. A variance for 5 feet is needed to accommodate the porch and porch steps. APPLICANT'S ESTIMATE OF HARDSHIP Dorothy Baker has submitted the attached letter explaining her proposal and reasons for the variance. In addition, because the house is located on a corner lot, it is required to have a front yard setback on two sides of the property. The proposed placement of the porch is the only place for an addition of this type. A deck is currently located in the rear of the house and the driveway is to the north of the house. SUMMARY/CONCLUSION The applicant is requesting a 5 foot variance to the 30 foot building setback to a public right-of- way along Diamond Drive. The variance would allow the homeowner to build a porch that is 100 square feet in area. The proposed site plan shows that a total of 80 percent of the porch and all of the porch steps will encroach in the required 30 foot building setback from the public right- of-way for Diamond Drive. ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED Approve/deny a 5 foot variance to 30 foot building setback along public right-of-way for the addition of a porch on Lot 9, Block 4, Cedar Grove First Addition. Baker: Addendum A Rationale for Improving House/Neighborhood. As stated previously, the proposed porch will be used to improve the appearance of my house and, thus, the neighborhood. My request for a variance is based on the following supportive data: - The porch which I am proposing is similar to one that was recently attached to the front of a house at 1785 Carnelian Lane. A variance was granted for this addition (See attached pictures). - My house and many others in the Cedar Grove area are rambler style homes with a box -like quality that is no longer viewed as desirable. Many home owners have changed the appearance of their homes by attaching a garage which is set back from the house, creating a less square look. I am unable to do this because my house was built too far to the left of the lot, leaving too little room for even a single car garage. The porch which I am proposing would change the box -like appearance of the house without the use of an attached garage. - The Cedar Grove area is aging and everything that can be done, should be done to help residents improve and update their property. In my opinion, the next 20 years will determine whether or not this area will remain a desirable place to live. - Variances and other incentives may be necessary in order to help compensate for surrounding land uses which detract from the desirability of Cedar Grove neighborhoods. For example, there is a four -lane highway which runs through the development - in some cases, directly in front of homes. The area is surrounded by multiple dwellings and hotels. Finally, roads were constructed which isolated our shopping center such that it is now nearly empty. Baker: Addendum F Soled Drawing_ of Existing Structures and Prposed Porch seal e • I,'= «f f Center 4 boo-momd Dr, 0 (rb4o.l cu►�`d�l,32't1N Agenda Information Memo October 7,1997 Eagan City Council Meeting C. VARIANCE - KEVIN & HOLLY LANDAUER ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: + To approve/deny a 5' building setback Variance to the required 10' side yard building setback for Lot 6, Block 1, Blackhawk Oaks Addition, at 3812 Riverton Avenue. FACTS: + The applicants are proposing to construct an addition to the rear of the garage to allow for a mud room on the first floor. The mudroom will consist of an area that is 8 feet by 12 feet of existing garage space plus an addition of 6 feet by 12 feet to the rear of the garage. The project will also include the addition of living space to the home above the new garage addition. The addition is designed to complement the existing house and lot coverage would remain within the allowable limit of 20 percent. �9 ISSUES: so The Landauers submitted a letter signed by the neighbor located to the west of their property indicates that the neighbor most directly affected by the addition does not have an objection. B ACKG ROUND/ATTACHEMENTS: Staff report, pages m through '6 . The letter PLANNING REPORT CITY OF EAGAN REPORT DATE: September 26, 1997 APPLICANT: Kevin Landauer PROPERTY OWNER: Kevin and Holly Landauer REQUEST: Variance LOCATION: 3812 Riverton Avenue CASE: 20-V-14-9-97 HEARING DATE: October 7, 1997 PREPARED BY: Becky Robertson COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: D -I, Single -Family Residential (0-3 units/acre) ZONING: R -I, Single -Family Residential SUMMARY OF REQUEST Kevin and Holly Landauer are requesting approval of a five foot Variance to the required ten foot side yard building setback for Lot 6, Block 1, Blackhawk Oaks Addition (PID# 10-14387- 060-01) located at 3812 Riverton Avenue in the NE 1/4 of Section 20. The Landauer's are requesting the variance to construct a second level addition to their home in conjunction with the construction of a mudroom, located between the garage and the home. AUTHORITY FOR REVIEW City Code Chapter 11, Section 11.40, Subdivision 3C states that the Council may grant a variance and impose conditions and safeguards therein if: The Council shall determine that the special conditions applying to the structures or land in question are peculiar to such property or immediately adjoining property and do not apply generally to other land or structures in the district in which said land is located, and that the granting of the application is necessary for the applicant. 2. The granting of the proposed variance will not be contrary to the intent of this Chapter and the Comprehensive Guide Plan. That granting of such variance will not merely serve as a convenience to the applicant, but is necessary to alleviate demonstrable hardship or difficulty. I `� CODE REQUIREMENTS Citv Code Section 11.20. subdivision 6 requires a minimum 10 foot setback from the side property line for a dwelling unit in a single-family residential zoning district. A five-foot side vard setback is allowed for a garage. BACKGROUNDIHISTORY The Blackhawk Oaks Subdivision was platted in 1984 and is zoned R-1. The single-family lots contained in the subdivision meet or exceed the minimum 12,000 square foot area requirement of the R-1 District. EXISTING CONDITIONS The lot is 85 feet wide by approximately 240 feet deep (approximately 20,400 square feet in area). The existing house has a two -stall attached garage that meets R-1 setback standards. The house is set back approximately 20 feet from the east side lot line, and the garage is set back five feet from the west property line. The zoning that immediately surrounds the house is also R-1, single family residential. EVALUATION OF REQUEST The applicants are proposing to construct an addition to the rear of the garage to allow for a mud room on the first floor. The mudroom will consist of an area that is 8 feet by 12 feet of existing garage space plus an addition of 6 feet by 12 feet to the rear of the garage. The project will also include the addition of living space to the home above the new garage addition. The addition of the mudroom and living space would encroach 5 feet into the 10 foot side yard setback required for principal structures. The 72 square foot first floor addition would result in 7.3 % building coverage on the lot, which is substantially less than the 20% maximum allowed. The applicants also propose to replace the exterior of the house with stucco, thus the addition will match the rest of the existing house. APPLICANT'S ESTIMATE OF HARDSHIP The applicants' written narrative states that there is no other side of the house that can be used for this addition. It also states that they would only be able to create a space that is seven feet wide without the variance and that would not create adequate space for their needs. The Landauer's also have submitted a letter signed by the neighbor located to the west of their property. The letter indicates that the neighbor most directly affected by the addition does not have an objection. qS SUMMARY/CONCLUSION The Landauer's are requesting a five-foot setback variance to construct a first level mud room and a second level addition to their home. The proposed construction would encroach five feet into the required ten -foot side yard setback. The addition is designed to complement the existing house and lot coverage would remain within allowable limits. The proposed addition, per the submitted site plan, will use part of the existing garage as well as the newly constructed area. The mudroom and second floor addition will remain in line with the existing west garage wall. The addition will not increase the building coverage beyond the maximum allowed. ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED Approve/deny a five foot Variance to the required ten foot principal building set back from a side lot line for a first level mud room addition and a second level living space addition. The variance is requested for Lot 6, Block 1 o Blackhawk Oaks Addition. [IN a n N � O of v1 ` V 1_ y �� �inJ l♦ V 1 Y _A V n � ` a [IN a n Agenda Information Memo October 7,1997 Eagan City Council Meeting D. VARIANCE - NORTHWESTERN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: + To approve or deny a Variance request for the reduction in the amount of mitigation required by the Tree Preservation Ordinance for the removal of trees on Lot 3, Block 1, Eagandale Office Park 3rd Addition in the NE 1/4 of Section 3. FACTS: + The Eagandale Office Park 3rd Addition was subdivided and platted in 1986. The site is located on the northwest corner of Corporate Center Drive and Trapp Road. The lot is 7.6 acres in size and is heavily wooded with a variety of tree species, particularly Oak. + NML has received an offer from MEPC American Properties to purchase the site. They are intending to construct an office -warehouse facility. The proposed site development results in 100% tree removal. Since all trees are proposed to be removed from this site, mitigation for significant tree/ woodland removed was calculated as follows: 1) Cash mitigation of $85,200; or 2) Reforestation mitigation of 284 Category B trees— 21/i deciduous trees or 6 foot coniferous trees, or an equivalent combination of Category A or C trees per the City of Eagan Tree Preservation Ordinance Tree Replacement Schedule. + The applicant has submitted a letter outlining the reason for the request in the reduction of the mitigation required for the site. The applicant is proposing to mitigate the 30% balance instead of 70% which would reduce the mitigation fee to $36,500, however, the City Forester has calculated this amount to be $48,600. According to the applicant, in order to construct a building on the site, it is necessary to remove the trees. In accordance to Section 11.10, Subsection 15.1(D)(1) of the City Code, in no case shall the amount of removal of significant tree or woodland exceed 30 percent. When practical difficulties or practical hardship results from strict compliance, the City may permit removal in excess of allowable limits subject to mitigation. According to the Tree Preservation Ordinance, mitigation can occur in the form of reforestation or cash mitigation. ISSUES: The president of R2 Corporation, which is located to the north of the site, has submitted a letter opposing Northwestern's request for the reduction in the tree mitigation. BACKGROUND/ATTACHEMENTS: Staff report, pages1� through La- 19 PLANNING REPORT CITY OF EAGAN REPORT DATE: September 26, 1997 APPLICANT: Dale Huber PROPERTY OWNER: Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company REQUEST: Variance CASE: 3-V-13-9-97 HEARING DATE: October 7, 1997 PREPARED BY: Tamara Pregl LOCATION: Northwest corner of Corporate Center Drive and Trapp Road COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: IND, Limited Industrial ZONING: I-1, Limited Industrial SUMMARY OF REQUEST Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company is requesting approval of a Variance for a reduction in amount of mitigation required by the Tree Preservation Ordinance for the removal of trees on Lot 3, Block 1, Eagandale Office Park 3`d Addition in the NE'/o of Section 3. AUTHORITY FOR REVIEW Variance City Code Chapter 11, Section 11.40, Subdivision 3C states that the Council may grant a variance and impose conditions and safeguards therein if: The Council shall determine that the special conditions applying to the structures or land in question are peculiar to such property or immediately adjoining property and do not apply generally to other land or structures in the district in which said land is located, and that the granting of the application is necessary for the applicant. 2. The granting of the proposed variance will not be contrary to the intent of this Chapter and the Comprehensive Guide Plan. 3. That granting of such variance will not merely serve as a convenience to the applicant, but is necessary to alleviate demonstrable hardship or difficulty. Planning Report – Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company October 7, 1997 Page 2 Tree Preservation City Code Chapter 11, Section 11. 10, Subdivision 15.1 states that it is the intent of the City of Eagan to protect, preserve, and enhance the natural environment of the community and to encourage a resourceful and prudent approach to the development and alteration of wooded areas. In the interest of achieving these objectives, the City of Eagan has established a comprehensive Tree Preservation Ordinance. CODE REQUIREMENTS Section 11. 10, Subsection 15.1(D)(1) of the City Code states that the removal of specimen tree, significant tree and significant woodland shall be in accordance with the city -approved tree preservation plan and in no case shall the amount of removal exceed 30 percent for commercial and multiunit residential. When practical difficulties or practical hardships result from strict compliance, the city may permit removal in excess of the allowable limits subject to mitigation. According to the Tree Preservation Ordinance, staff shall make the decision as to the form of mitigation, either reforestation by the applicant on the property being developed, or in the form of cash mitigation. The cash mitigation option will be exercised when there is not suffidient space for additional trees on the applicant's property. Tree replacement is in addition to any landscape requirements. Monies from the Cash Mitigation will be dedicated to a separate fund intended to be use for tree preservation and/or reforestation efforts on public land within the City of Eagan. Cash Mitigation is determined by calculating the amount of replacement trees, then multiplying the number of replacement trees by the caliper size per tree, then multiplying this total inch amount by $120.00 per diameter inch. The $120.00 per diameter inch figure was calculated by averaging both purchase and installation cost of replacement trees. Since all trees are proposed to be removed from this site, mitigation for signific nt tree!woodlwid removal in excess of allowable limits for the MEPC American Properties proposal was calculated to: 1) cash mitigation of $85,200 or 2) reforestation mitigation of 284 Category B trees -2 '/Z deciduous tress or 6 foot coniferous trees, or an equivalent combination of Category A or C trees (per City of Eagan Tree Preservation Ordinance Tree Replacement Schedule). EXISTING CONDITIONS The site is part of the Eagandale Office Park 3`d Addition which was subdivided and platted in 1986. The site is located on the northwest corner of Corporate Center Drive and Trapp Road. The lot is 7.6 acres in size and is heavily wooded with a variety of tree species, particularly Oak. (o ( Planning Report — Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company October 7, 1997 Page 3 Surrounding land uses: North — R2 Corporation South — under construction East — SMI Sales Marketing West — Blue Cross & Blue Shield (formerly the Unisys bldg.) EVALUATION OF RE UEST The applicant is proposing to mitigate 30% removal instead of 70% removal which according to the applicant would reduce the cash mitigation to $36,500. According to the attached letter that was submitted by Mr. Huber, the reasons for the requesting a reduction of the assessed fee for this site includes: 1. The fee of $85,000 is equivalent to 25 cents per square foot of land area. This is an extremely heavy penalty for land zoned light industrial with a present market value of $2.00 per square foot. 2. The development of light industrial land requires a building with a large foot print with heavy parking requirements. Therefore, utilization of the site and conforming to the demands of its zoning prohibits the retention of the existing trees. 3. Without the removal of the existing trees, the site is unusable or saleable. 4. Northwestern has held the land since 1968, hoping to eventually use this site in a similar fashion to the former Unisys building. A facility that retains most of the trees has not materialized. Northwestern cannot continue to hold this tract and must sell it for a highest and best use that the market sustains. In addition, an offer has been received from MEPC American Properties to purchase the site. They are intending on constructing an office -warehouse facility on the site. Unfortunately, according to Mr. Huber, the construction of the proposed facility will necessitate the removal of all the existing trees. A copy of a conceptual drawing of the proposed facility for this site has been attached. City staff has received a letter from R2 Corporation, a business directly across/adjacent to the site, opposing the request for a reduction in the tree mitigation requirement. A copy of the letter has been attached. SUMMARY/CONCLUSION The applicant is requesting a reduction in the Cash Mitigation fee assessed to the site from $85,000 to $36,500. This would allow the applicant to mitigate 30% removal instead of 70% removal. A comparison based upon an allowable removal of 70%, ,vvhich has been requested by the applicant, versus 30% removal allowable by City Code is summarized below. Planning Report — Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company October 7, 1997 Page 4 30% allowable Total Trees on the site 153 trees Allowable removal 45 trees Number of trees to be replaced 108 trees Mitigation Trees 284 trees (Category B) Cash $85,200 * 162 trees X 2.5"/tree X $120/ind = $48,600 70% allowable 153 trees 107 trees 46 trees 162 trees (Category B)* $48,600* ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED A. To approve or deny a request for a Variance for the reduction in the tree preservation requirements of 70% tree savings to 30% tree savings. JU3 •:0 00 I I IC 10 kli x:10 BOUNDARY LOCATION, TOPOGRAPHIC, AND UTILITY SURVEY FOR: JBL COMPANIES NORTHWESTERN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY 122u. -To RECEIVED `7D \-- -_ .: 1 5 T7 JBLCompanies Commercial Real Estate Services, Inc. September 8, 1997 The Honorable Thomas Egan, Mayor Eagan City Council Members City of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, MN 55121 Dear Mr. Mayor and Council Members: 1380 Corporate Center Curve — Eagan, Minnesota 55121 Phone (612) 686-0212 Fax (612) 686-6113 I hereby request, on behalf of The Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company, a reduction in the amount of the fee assessed by the tree preservation ordinance. The assessed fee is $85,200 against Lot 3, Block 1, Eagandale Office Park 3rd Addition. This lot consists of 7.6 acres and is adjacent and southeast of the five story office building in the Eagandale Industrial Park occupied by B1ueCross (formerly the Unisys building). This property is zoned light industrial and has a number of oak trees on it. Northwestern acquired this property in 1968. It has been offered for sale since its acquisition. An offer to purchase has now been received from MEPC American Properties, Inc. who intends to construct an office -warehouse facility on it. The intended use is in compliance with the property's zoning and will merge with existing uses in the Eagandale Industrial Park. Unfortunately the construction of the proposed facility will necessitate the removal of all the existing trees. The reasons for this request are as follows: 1. Without the removal of existing trees, this site is essentially unusable or saleable. 2. The fee of $85,200 amounts to 25 cents per square foot of land area. It is an extremely heavy penalty for land zoned light industrial with a present market value of $2.00 per square foot. 3. The development of light industrial land requires a building with a large foot print with heavy parking requirements. Therefore, utilization of the site and conforming to the demands of its zoning prohibits the retention of the existing trees. 4. Northwestern has held this land since 1968, hoping to eventually use this site in a similar fashion to the B1ueCross building. A facility that retains most of the trees has not materialized. Northwestern can not continue to hold this tract and must sell it for a highest and best use that the market sustains. ion The Honorable Thomas Egan Page 2 September 8, 1997 Northwestern makes the above request for the stated reasons. We suggest a reduction in the fee to allow us to remove 70% of the existing trees and to mitigate the 30% balance. This would result in a fee of approximately $36,500. This seems to be a reasonable solution to a heavy development penalty under its intended zoning use caused by the tree preservation ordinance. Thank you for considering this request. SineeXely, Dale E. 1 .bber Consultant hAword10908.004 ECeNED SF° 1 5 199? Io 9 SE? -08—'97 MON _5:13 ILi: 612 831 6470 TEL NO: 612 831 6470 4211 m0' w�li!!1llI�I�I6��4���II/•++1 I IIffII IIII I oll PROPOSED OFFICE/WAREHOUSE FACILITY © RECF!Vrn Cr:c R2CORPORATION September 24, 1997 Ms. Tamara Pregl Community Development Department 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, MN 55122 Dear Tamara, D"-, 2i0,�� Earning Your Business... Every Day This letter is in response to your notice of public hearing for property owners within 350 feet of Corporate Center Curve and Trapp Road. My company is R2 Corporation which is located at 1301 Trapp Road and directly across/adjacent to the subject property. Simply put, I am in favor of development of the property, however not at any cost. The tree growth on the subject property contains one of the largest groupings of hardwood trees in the area and every effort should be made to preserve as many trees as possible in conjunction with the development of the site. Personally speaking, I went to great lengths to preserve as many trees both hard and softwood when building my facility. Not only is preservation of trees important for the overall presentation of the area, but large hardwoods are a true asset of the city of Eagan and should be treated as such. Therefore, I would like this letter to serve as my formal notice of opposition to granting a variance of fee reduction in the Eagan tree preservation ordinance on the subject site. Should you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me. Thank you for the advance notice and for the opportunity to voice my position. Best regards, David R. Hoeffel President R2 Corporation cc: Council members 1301 Trapp Road - Eagan, Minnesota 55 17 1 Branch Offices in: Chicago, IL - Collingwor x612) 454-0383 - (888) 828-8201 11 0 n, MA - Dallas,TX Agenda Information Memo October 7, 1997 E. PROJECT 700, HALL STREET/TH 3 SERVICE ROAD FINAL ASSESSMENT HEARING ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: To close the public hearing and approve the final assessment roll for Project 700 (Hall Street/TH 3 Service Road) and authorize its certification to Dakota County for collection. FACTS: • Project 700 provided for the extension of sanitary sewer and water main within the Hall Street right-of-way and along the TH 3 service road south of the Red Pine Lane intersection. • The final assessment roll was presented to the City Council on August 19 with a public hearing being scheduled for September 16 to formally present the final costs associated with this public improvement to the affected benefiting properties. • The publication deadline for notification of the September 16 Public Hearing was missed. Subsequently, based on publication dates and statutory time frames, the Final Assessment Hearing was rescheduled for October 7. • All notices have been published in the legal newspaper and sent to all affected property owners informing them of this public hearing. In addition, an informational meeting was held on September 25 at 4:30 p.m. to present the final costs to the property owners and provide any additional information of interest to the property owners. Of the parcels being assessed, the owners of one property attended the informational meeting. ISSUES: • Dave and Heide Kolhoff, 4880 Dodd Road, were the only property owners who attended the informational meeting. They appeared before the council previously at the public hearing to discuss their opposition to the improvements and any associated assessments. It appears as though they are going to object to the proposed assessments either in writing or at the assessment hearing. ATTACHMENTS. • Final Assessment Roll, page • Neighborhood information sheet, map, and sign -in sheet, pages 2 through Ilo IINAL ASSESSMENT HEARIN PROJECT NUMBER: 700 ASSESSMENT HEARING DATE: OCLnber 7. 199 SUBDIVISION/AREA: _ n1_3 Service Dr & Hall Street PUBLIC HEARING DATE: __May 7. 1996 IMPROVEMENT INSTALLED AND/OR ASSESSED: Utility Improvements F.R. = Feasibility Report SANITARY FINAL F.R. STORM FINAL F.R. SEWER RATES RATES SEWER RATES RATES ❑ Trunk 11 Trunk [Laterals $43.83/A.F. 556_�5/A.F. ®, ❑Laterals/C.O #3 ❑ Service Lat. Benefit/Trunk ❑ Lat. Benefit/Trunk WATER ❑ Trunk ❑ Laterals 522.82/A.F. 525.82/A.F. ❑ Service 1 inch ❑ Service 6 inch ❑ WAC ❑Lat. Benefit/Trunk SERVICES $1,257.16/SVC ❑ Water & San. Sewer$1.337.76/SVC $1500/SVC 4" & 1" ❑ Gravel Base ❑ Surfacing ❑ Res. Equivalent ❑ Multi Equivalent C/I Equivalent Trail " 1 ❑ Installation ❑ Energy Charge CONTRACT # OF I INTEREST NO PARCELS TERMS RATE - 96 -16 6 15 Yrs. 7 % CQMMENTS: AMOUNT CITY ASSESSED R ANCED $ 132,050.00F.R. $ 0 F.R. 111.314,21 0 PROJECT 700 HALL STREET/TH 3 SERVICE ROAD UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS Process • January 2, `96 Petition requesting Sanitary Sewer & Water Main received by City • January 16, `96 Council orders preparation of Feasibility Report • April 25, `96 Informational neighborhood meeting held • May 7, `96 Council holds public hearing and orders project to proceed • August/September `96 Contract awarded/Construction begins • November '96 Construction completed • September 25, '97 Informational neighborhood meeting to review project and final costs • October 7, '97 Final assessment public hearing • December 1, '97 Unpaid assessment balances certified to Dakota County • May 15, 1998 1" installment payment due with real estate property taxes Costs • $43.83/$22.82 per F.F. • $51.74/$23.50 per F.F. • $1257.16/$1337.76 per SVC • $1,500/$1,800 per SVC • $111,314 • S111,314(100%) Financing of Special Assessments Final assessable cost (Sanitary Sewer/Water Main Lateral) Original Feasibility Report estimate (Sanitary Sewer/ Water Main Lateral) Final assessable cost (4 -inch sanitary & 1 -inch water service/6-inch sanitary & 1 -inch water service) Original Feasibility Report estimate (4 -inch sanitary & f- inch service/6-inch sanitary & 1 -inch water service) Total project cost Assessed to property owners • 30 -day prepayment option with no interest available from October 7 to November 7, 1997 • Any payment from November 8 to December 1, 1997, will include interest pro -rated from October 7 at the rate of 7%/year • Any unpaid balance as of December 1 is certified to Dakota County to be collected with property taxes spread over 15 years • Interest rate is 7.0% calculated on any remaining unpaid balance at the end of each year GAUS&NISCELLANEOUS/Projea 7DO Ili I ASSESSMENT LEGEND X 6"x 1" SERVICE - $ 1,337.76 D R A T ;k 4"x 1" SERVICE -- $ 1,257.16 S 22.82/ A.F. WATER LATERAL 43.83/ A.F. SANITARY SEWER 5/5/97 700ASSESS C /L CORNER LOT CREDIT �ASS T.F r, Drive & Hall Street CITY OF EAGAN Util, �v�E� Project 700 N 1. 2. 3. INFORMATIONAL MEETING PROJECT 700 TH 31HALL STREET THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 25,1997,4:30 P.M. ADDRESS 4. 5. -- 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. H:FORMS/Sign-In/jj liq Agenda Information Memo October 7, 1.9:7 E PROJECT 717R, COUNTRY HOME HEIGHTS ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: To close the public hearing and approve/deny Project 717R (Country Home Heights — Street Improvements) and, if approved, authorize the preparation of detailed plans and specifications. FACTS • Country Home Heights Addition was platted in 1949 and includes 59 single-family residential homes that have direct access onto unimproved streets. Sanitary sewer and water main were constructed in 1970 to serve the subdivision. Storm sewer and street improvements were not constructed at that time, except for the addition of 4" of gravel to the street section. • The Public Works Department grades the streets and adds supplemental gravel as required. A chloride treatment is added on an annual basis to minimize the dust and erosion of the gravel. This is the last subdivision in the city with gravel surfaced streets. • The City Council has previously denied two public improvement proposals to upgrade streets within the Country Home Heights Addition. Both projects were denied by the Council based on large project costs versus the potential benefit to assessable properties. • On August 5, 1997, a Special Council Workshop was held to discuss options for the improvement of the streets in Country Home Heights. The City Council directed staff to prepare a feasibility report considering two options of street surfacing. • On September 2, 1997, the feasibility report for Project 717R was presented to the City Council and a public hearing was scheduled for October 7, 1997. An informational meeting was scheduled to discuss the feasibility report with the neighborhood. • All notices have been published in the legal newspaper and sent to all affected property owners informing them of this public hearing. The informational meeting was held on September 25 at 6:30 p.m. Of the parcels proposed to be assessed, 38 owners representing approximately 25 properties attended the informational meeting. • Additional notices for the public hearing were mailed to Country Home Heights Addition property owners not proposed to be assessed on an informational basis. ISSUES: Two petitions were circulated at the Neighborhood Meeting and, it is assumed, around the neighborhood after the meeting. One petition requested the full city standard street option be constructed with assessments at $3000 per lot and the second petition requested the 2" bituminous overlay be constructed with assessments at $2000 per lot. ATTACHMENTS: • Minutes from Neighborhood Meeting, pages through 0 . • Neighborhood map, page Mt... (n' CITY PROJECT NO 717R COUNTRY HOME HEIGHTS STREET IMPROVEMENTS INFORMATIONAL NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1997 6:30 P.M. COMMUNITY ROOM MINUTES Attendance: Russ Matthys, Tom Colbert, Arnie Erhart, John Gorder, City of Eagan; approximately 38 people (see attached sign -in sheet) A. Welcome and Introduction • City Engineer Matthys welcomed the residents and introduced staff personnel. B. Street Improvement Options • City Engineer Matthys reviewed the executive summary provided to attendance. - Two options for street improvements presented to the City Council direction: 1) full City standard streets and, 2) 2" bituminous overlay. - Advantages of each option - Disadvantages of 2" bituminous overlay - Project costs — both options - Proposed assessments — both options - Balance between project costs and proposed assessments - Potential assessment payment schedules — both options - Advantages of each option those in at their • Summary by City Engineer Matthys. City staff is here to get feedback to the City Council. C. Questions/Comments 1. Who pays for the cost shortfall between assessments and project costs: The shortfall will be the responsibility of the City's Street and Storm Sewer Funds, if the project is ordered. 2. Do the streets have to be 32 feet in width with the full City standard street option? The 32 foot width is the current City standard given the amount of traffic. 3. Who pays for trees which may need removal as part of the project? Trees that would need to be removed as part of the project would be a project cost and not assessed directly to homeowners. 4. What will happen to the existing storm sewer in front yards along Egan Avenue. It will likely remain in place with additional storm sewer within Egan Avenue handling street drainage. 5. A resident questioned the service life anticipated with the 2" bituminous overlay. Are there any others to compare to? A 2" overlay can be expected to function adequately for approximately 10-15 years given the good subgrade soils in the area. Dodd Rd south of Cliff Rd had an overlay installed in 1989 over lower grade subsoils. Page 1 of I 6. Are the roads in Country Home Heights the last gravel roads in the City? It is the last subdivision but there are other individual gravel roads throughout the City, such as Blue Gentian Road, Gun Club Road, Lawrence Ave. and Linde Lane. 7. What is the current maintenance schedule/policy for Country Home Heights? Regular maintenance includes periodic grading, ditch cleaning, gravel supplements and calcium chloride treatments as well as grading and clean up after major storm events. About $7,500/year is spent on each dust control application of the streets in Country Home Heights. Other maintenance costs average about $5-$7, 000/mile. 8. What is the project schedule? Public hearing October 7, 1997, bid in winter, 1998, construction in 1998 construction season, if approved by City Council. 9. Will there be access to homes during construction? Yes. Although is may be restricted for short periods of time during the day (i.e., utility repairs, driveway aprons, etc). 10. When is design work accomplished? Final design is completed after Council approval of the project, if they approve the project at the public hearing. 11. What happens to the existing hydrants if they conflict with the new streets? They will be relocated to 4 feet from the road or curb edge, if necessary. 12. One resident brought up the assessment dispute on the Rahn Road project in 1990. The dispute was due to the assessment method on a front foot basis of a community collector State Aid street. This local street project is proposed to be assessed on a per lot basis. 13. How does the appraisal system work? The City solicited preliminary pre project appraisals to determine maximum value benefit anticipated with each street improvement which caps the proposed assessments calculated according to the City's Assessment Policy. More detailed appraisals would be performed 10% (6) of the properties within Country Home Heights to more specifically determine the benefits of the street improvements if the project is approved. 14. How does this affect home valuation appraisals by the County for tax purposes? Dakota County's valuations usually assume standard City streets regardless of the condition of the street in front of someone's home, so it should not affect it. 15. Two residents mentioned that they like the gravel streets and it provides aesthetic and historic benefits to the City and the neighborhood. 16. One resident mentioned that they would like to see the current gravel streets maintained better, especially in the driveway approaches. 17. Does the current property owner have to pay the assessment if they sell their house? The seller usually pays all pending and levied assessments at time of sale unless a private agreement is reached between buyer and seller. 18. Who pays to connect driveways to the new streets — driveway aprons? Driveway restoration will be completed with like materials as the existing driveways and will be a project cost. 19. Would the City be willing to pick up one-half of the project costs of the full City standard streets? The other one-half would need to come through assessments of about $6,100. Property owners would have to sign waivers of appeal for assessments that exceed the appraised benefit (currently estimated at about $3,000). Page 2 of 20. One resident mentioned that it is the job of the residents who are in favor of the street improvements to convince the Council to build full City standard streets with a $3,000 assessment with the City picking up the remaining balance. 21. One resident mentioned that Egan Avenue will become a "freeway" for through traffic if it is paved. Traffic "calming" options were mentioned. One option is to reduce the width of the streets to 28 feet wide. Parking problems may arise with a reduced width. 22. One resident mentioned that if the project is to be done, it should be done right with the full City standard street. 23. Have taxes been used to fund other street projects within the City? The City has subsidized portions of other reconstruction projects in accordance with the adopted assessment policy, but not new construction to the extent identified with the full City street option. Examples of past projects include street reconstruction projects in the Cedar Grove, Wilderness Run and Timberline neighborhoods. 24. One resident stated that two petitions will be available for signatures. One is in favor of Option 1 — full City standard streets, and the other is in favor of Option 2 — 2" bituminous overlay. These petitions will be presented to the City for their consideration. 25. What is the maintenance schedule after the streets are constructed? The City's Pavement Maintenance Program was explained. 26. One resident mentioned that traffic counts should be taken before and after the project. Staff will conduct the counts. 27. Does the City post streets for load restrictions in the spring? No. It would be very difficult to enforce. Most City streets and subdivisions connect with County roads that are posted with load restrictions. Option 1 would provide a 7 -ton per axle load capacity and Option 2 would provide a 4-5 ton per axle load capacity. 28. Are streetlights proposed with this project? No. If a petition with the required number of signatures in favor of streetlights were received, they could be added as a separate project. 29. One resident mentioned that three options should be presented to the Council: 1) Full City standard streets 2) 2" bituminous overlay 3) Do nothing The meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m. JG/j j Attachments: . Sign -in Sheet • Location Map of Attendees GJJIJG/Ml S ClProj .717 R -Minutes Page 3 of 3 INFORMATIONAL MEETING PROJECT 717R COUNTRY HOME HEIGHTS THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1997, 6:30 P.M. NAME / ADDRESS 2. " ^ 3.4. Z2p�-z l 'J 5. 6. 8. 9. r 1 i c J q� 57 13. 14. .� r� ZJ%L L S 15 16 17 18. 19. 20� H:FORMS/Sign-In/jj I NAME 4 �1 22. 9 \ `- Kj circ: L 1� 24. 25. or r, r ✓f�G�ll 26.E �c.Gc s7 27. `.<L lei- 28. v\b �BN 29. / 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. ADDRESS Ll L I I S,� �ti aCi 1�a ?>"4' 4 C\ .c { a L(S fC_rAAjl _Zg 3 FO P4 w (L�=e Cr? /tec LEGEND o Assessable Lot Rl o ,ccc 8/27/97 PROPERTY OWNERS ATTENDING INFORMATIONAL MEETING 8/25/97 717ASSESOWG COUNTRY HOMES HEIGHTS STREET IMPROVEMENTS CITY OF EAGAN Fig. 2 Agenda Information Memo October 7, 1997 G. PROJECT 615R, MEADOWVIEW RD — FINAL ASSESSMENTS ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: To approve the final assessment roll for Project 615R (Meadowview Road — Utilities) and authorize its certification to Dakota County for collection. FACTS: As a result of a public hearing held on April 16, 1996, the Council authorized the installation of public utilities within Meadowview Road from TH 13 northwest to the railroad tracks under Project 615R. These improvements, as constructed under Contract 96-15, have been completed and the final assessment roll prepared. On September 2, 1997, the roll was presented to the City Council and a public hearing subsequently scheduled for October 7 to formally present the final costs associated with this project. All notices have been published in the legal newspaper and sent to all affected property owners informing them of their final assessments and the date of the final assessment public hearing. While staff has had conversations with various affected property owners, no formal objections have been received as of this date. Any written objections received by staff will be forwarded to the City Council either prior to or at the public hearing. ISSUES: • Project 615 was originally identified in the City's 5 -Year CIP for improvements in 1991. On May 23, 1991, the Council authorized the feasibility report for these public improvements and at a public hearing held on August 20, 1991, subsequently denied the improvements due to objections raised at the hearing. Council directed staff to revise the feasibility report for reconsideration at a later date. • As a result of Lull Industry's desire to expand its existing facilities located at the northwest quadrant of Meadowview Road and TH 13, additional storm sewer improvements were necessary to accommodate the increased runoff. In October of 1995, a meeting was held with Lull Engineering and affected adjacent property owners to discuss storm sewer alternatives. At that meeting, the property owners suggested that the stone sewer be constructed within Meadowview Road and that the reconstruction of the gravel Meadowview Road be considered along with the storm sewer under one project. • At an informational neighborhood meeting held on February 20, 1996, the only attendee (Lull Industries) supported the upgrade of Meadowview Road and the related storm sewer construction within the roadway. On August 28, 1995, Lull Industries signed a Waiver of Objection and Consent To Assessments for Project 615R. • At the public hearing held on April 16, 1996, due to objections from several property owners, the Council reduced the scope of revised Project 615R and authorized the installation of utilities only. • The final assessments for Project 615R very closely matched the estimates contained in the feasibility report with two exceptions; 1) the easement acquisition costs significantly exceeded the estimate in the feasibility report, and 2) all costs associated with the earlier feasibility report preparation and preliminary designs (including interest) were included. The result of these two exceptions is a proposed final assessment that exceeds the feasibility report estimate by approximately 45%. ATTACHMENTS: • Waiver of Objection, page. • The final assessment summation. p3ge AV • Project cost summary, page CITY OF EAGAN WAIVER OF OBJECTION & CONSENT TO ASSESSMENTS PROJECT 615R, MEADOWVIEW STORM SEWER EXCAVATION PERMIT NO. EX -09-224 WHEREAS, Lull Industries, Inc., has requested the City of Eagan to issue Excavation/Grading Permit No. EX -09-224 affecting the topography and surface water runoff for Parcel No. 10-00900- 010-26 (part of Governmental Lot 2 located between TH 13 and railroad property); and, WHEREAS, there presently does not exist adequate storm sewer facilities to handle the excess surface water runoff associated with this grading/excavation permit; and, WHEREAS, the City Council has authorized the preparation of a feasibility report for Project 615R for the installation of storm sewer facilities to service an area incorporating a portion of Parcel 10-00900-010-26 owned by Lull Industries, Inc.; and, WHEREAS, as a- condition of issuing the referenced excavation/grading permit, the City Council requires Lull Industries, Inc., to waive their objection to and agree to accept its proportionate share of costs associated with the installation of related storm drainage facilities. NOW, THEREFORE, Lull Industries, Inc., hereby agrees to accept without objection its proportionate share of the costs of storm drainage facilities as determined and approved by formal Council action as a result of a formal public hearing process. Lull Industries, Inc., further waives objections to any technical defects and any proceedings related to these future assessments and further waives the right to object to or appeal from these assessments made pursuant to this agreement. Lull Industries, Inc. Dated: d - 9By: I _&_,04,1 By:,.,e Its: 143 FINAL ASSESSMENT HEARIN PROJECT NUMBER: Phi 15R _ ASSESSMENT HEARING DATE: October 7-1997 SUBDIVISION/AREA: dow View Road PUBLIC HEARING DATE: April 16 1296 IMPROVEMENT INSTALLED AND/OR ASSESSED: F.R. = Feasibility Report SANITARY FINAL F.R. STORM FINAL F.R. SENVE RATES RATE SEWER RATES RATES ❑ Trunk 1 ❑ Trunk ❑Laterals $14.060.43/Stub $10,480./Stub ❑Laterals $14.764.95/AC *9.740/AC ❑Service ❑ Lat. Benefit/Trunk ❑ Lat. Benefit/Trunk WATER ❑ Trunk ❑ Laterals ❑ Service S7,245.83/Stub $5.755/Stub ❑ Service 6 inch ❑ WAC ❑ Lat. Benefit/Trunk SERVICES ❑ Water & San. Sewer CONTRACT #OF _ __ NO PARCELS TERMS 96-1" 9 15 Yrs. COMMENTS: Gravel Base _ Surfacing ❑ Res. Equivalent ❑ Multi Equivalent ❑ C/I Equivalent ❑ Trail STREET LIGHTS ❑ Installation ❑ Energy Charge INTEREST AMOUNT CITY RATE ASSESSED FINANCED $127,591.00 $34,674.00 F.R. —i-0/0 $184.980.34 $54.428.44 PID PROJECT 6'15R EASEMENT COSTS Owner Easement Area 10-80220-010-01 United Stationers 10-00900-010-26 Lull Industries 10-00800-030-04 Goldsworthy 10-00800-010-04 Leitner 10-00800-020-04 Foreston Oil Co. Subtotal REPORT Legal, appraisal, hearing costs etc. TOTAL EASEMENT COSTS IMPROVEMENT Sanitary Sewer Lateral Water Lateral Storm Sewer Lateral Sanitary Sewer repair TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COST $17,876.66 6,141.64 76,653.91 1,067.18 $101,739.39 700 Sq. Ft. 17,424 Sq. Ft. 11,326 Sq. Ft. 3,920 Sq. Ft. 6,098 Sq. Ft. Pavment $1,400.00 17,600.00 11,500.00 4,000.00 6,100.00 $40,600.00 11,553.98 $52,153.98 EASEMENT AND OTHER IMPROVEMENT FEASIBILITi COSTS COST REPORT $24,304.64 $421181.30 $31,440 8,350.01 14,491.65 11,510 104,870.60 180,870.60 119,315 898.05 1,965.23 0 $137,769.39 $239,508.78 $162,265 �a� Agenda Information Memo October 7, 1997 H PROJECT 718, DEERWOOD RESERVOIR TRUNK WATER MAIN FINAL ASSESSMENT HEARING ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: To close the public hearing and approve the final assessment roll for Project 718 (Deerwood Trunk Water Main) and authorize its certification to Dakota County for collection. FACTS: • Project '718, as constructed under Contract 97-05, provided for the installation of a trunk water main along Deerwood Drive near the Deerwood Reservoir and Interstate 35E. The final assessment roll was presented to the City Council on September 2, 1997. A public hearing was scheduled for October 7 to formally present the final assessment roll to the affected benefiting properties. • All notices have been published in the legal newspaper and sent to all affected property owners informing them of this public hearing. ATTACHMENTS: •Final Assessment Roll, page 417. • Letters from Leo Murphy and Springbrook, pages and —A4 E ❑ Trunk I ❑ Trunk ❑Laterals ❑ Service ❑ Lat. Benefit/Trunk ❑ Trunk $1.810.00/AC $1.810.00/AC ❑ Laterals ❑ Service 1 inch ❑ Service 6 inch ❑ WAC ❑hat. Benefit/Trunk $20.80/F.F. 420.80/F.F. SERVICES ❑ Water & San. Sewer ❑Laterals/C.O #3 ❑ Lat. Benefit/Trunk ❑ Gravel Base ❑ Surfacing ❑ Res. Equivalent ❑ Multi Equivalen ❑ C/I Equivalent ❑ Trail STREET LIGHTS ❑ Installation ❑ Energy Charge CONTRACT # OF INTEREST AMOUNT CITY NQ— PARCELS TERMS RATE ASSESSED FINANCED $128,669.00 F.R. $220,511.00 F.R. 97-05 3 15 Yrs. 7 % $ 69.942,01 1 1) S232,23 8.99 COMMENTS• (1) City collected $39,973 as connection charges from the developers of the Murphy Farm subdivision.. FINAL ASSESSMENT EMUN Y PROJECT NUMBER: 71 S ASSESSMENT HEARING DATE: October 7. 1997 SUBDIVISION/AREA: Deerwood Reservoir Trunk Water Main PUBLIC HEARING DATE: %larch 4. 1997 IMPROVEMENT INSTALLED AND/OR ASSESSED: F.R. = Feasibility Report SANITARY FINAL F.R. STORM FINAL F.R. SEWE TES RATES SEWER RATES RATES ❑ Trunk I ❑ Trunk ❑Laterals ❑ Service ❑ Lat. Benefit/Trunk ❑ Trunk $1.810.00/AC $1.810.00/AC ❑ Laterals ❑ Service 1 inch ❑ Service 6 inch ❑ WAC ❑hat. Benefit/Trunk $20.80/F.F. 420.80/F.F. SERVICES ❑ Water & San. Sewer ❑Laterals/C.O #3 ❑ Lat. Benefit/Trunk ❑ Gravel Base ❑ Surfacing ❑ Res. Equivalent ❑ Multi Equivalen ❑ C/I Equivalent ❑ Trail STREET LIGHTS ❑ Installation ❑ Energy Charge CONTRACT # OF INTEREST AMOUNT CITY NQ— PARCELS TERMS RATE ASSESSED FINANCED $128,669.00 F.R. $220,511.00 F.R. 97-05 3 15 Yrs. 7 % $ 69.942,01 1 1) S232,23 8.99 COMMENTS• (1) City collected $39,973 as connection charges from the developers of the Murphy Farm subdivision.. To: Eugene Van Overbeke, Eagan City Clerk From: Leo Murphy Rei'.: Fagan City Assessmrnt Project # 1OF718 Date: C9-26-97? Realestate PID,# 10-02100-010-29 was sold to Springbrook Corp. Aug. 8, 1997. I checked with Dakota Co. Gov. Center 9-26-Q7 and this parcel is still in our names, Leo and Ardelle Murphy. I called Tom Murray of Springbrook Corp., 10640 Lyndale Av., Suite 6, Bloomington, Mn. 55420 and he said they would check it out and further stated that the assess- ment, $3,674.30 should be billed to Springbrook Corp. for payment. I am making this written statement of objection to the City Clerk and Mayor before City Council Meeting, Oct.7, 1997 as required by City. Thank you, SPRINGPROOK CORPORATION REAL ESTATE DEVELOPMENT AND MARKETING September 30, 1997 Mr. Eugene J. Van Overbeke City of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, Minnesota 55122 Dear Gene: I am in possession of a copy of a memo to you from Leo Murphy in which he objects to an assessment for Project #10P718 against a 2 -acre parcel with ID# 10-02100-010-29. Mr. Murphy's objection is based on the fact that the parcel was sold to Springbrook Corporation on August 8, 1997. Springbrook agrees with Mr. Murphy and will accept responsibility for the assessment on that parcel when levied. I have so informed Jerry Wobschall. There was a delay in recording the deed from the Murphys to Springbrook for that parcel because all the involved parties were waiting for a deed from the State of Minnesota returning a portion of that property to the City of Eagan and then to the Murphys. That series of deeds is now complete and all have been submitted to Dakota County for recording by Network Title. Sincerely, SPRINGBROOK CORPORATION Thomas H. Murray cc: Leo Murphy 10640 LYNDALE AVENUE SOUTH, SUITE 6, BLOOMINGTON, MN 55420 612-881-1800 / ,.. FAX 612-884-8766 Agenda Information Memo October 7, 1997 OLD BUSINESS A. NORTH RUBY COURT, NO PARKING ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: To approve/deny the request to rescind the No Parking zone designation for North Ruby Court. FACTS: • At the June 3, 1997 Council meeting, in response to a request from the management company for the homeowners association, the City Council authorized the restriction of onstreet parking for North Ruby Court and South Ruby Court. • Since that action, staff has received several calls, and a petition objecting to the installation of the No Parking signs and requesting the Council to rescind their previous action as it pertains to North Ruby Court. • In accordance with previous Council direction, all requests regarding onstreet parking restrictions are to be handled directly by the City Council. ATTACHMENTS: • Original request for No Parking, page IJV • Parking restriction removal etition, pages :)!30Z through YJY • Location map, page • Letter of support, pag%.Z J and AW. GIr. -N tA,_\ CONSMU(7710N. %Li.\AGE\IENT SER\10ES GITTLE>L\.\ .%Lk.X:\GE\1E\T CORPORNTIOV • GITTLE\1A.\ CONSTRUCTION CORPORATTO\ May 9, 1997 Mr. Arnie Erhart City of Eagan - Street Maintenance Dept. 3501 Coachman Point Eagan, Mn. 55122 Dear Mr. Erhart: I am writing on behalf of the Diffley Common II Villa and Garden Homes Association which represents 144 homeowners . within the City of Eagan. There are children and adults that walk through the property and we have experienced problems with vehicles speeding through the property. Although most of the streets in the- Association are privately owned, there are 2 streets which are city streets, ' 0`' -Ind South Ruby Court. The Association has 15 MPH signs and no parking signs on the private streets and will be installing speed bumps in the near future. While they have. these controls on the private streets, there is still a problem with speeding on North and South Ruby Court which the Association does not have control of and requests the City of Eagan to consider limiting the speed on these roads. The other issue is parking on the city streets. North Ruby Court has a curve in the street and when vehicles are parked on the street we have had near accidents, especially in the winter season. It is requested that the City also consider no parking on these streets. Please call me at 831-2505 to discuss these issues in further detail. Yours very truly, GITTL. ' IAN MANAGEMENT CORPORATION Ja Bristow Association Manager JB/car cc: Board of Directors ]910 NORTI I\CESTERN FINANCl:\L CF\'IFR • -c)oo NERNI''S S01 "Il 11NNFSOT:\ 55-431 • (612) ti31 2;115 -FAX (6)[2) 831 lS;.ti DOVNIOWN( TICE.'1'111-1t)\(HI"-1;,UI"Ill FIRS I'�"iREE Ii. S )T\ 5i 01- I i)l_') 331--;-4-13\ • 0-.. r F?eCMED SEF 18 1991 September 2, 1997 Mayor and Council Members, City of Eagan In care of Thomas Colburt, Public Works Director 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, Minnesota 55122 Mayor Egan and City Council Members: aI�'s �_..•., •'. k The residents ofortliRu> Court, Eagan, Minnesota request that the no parking signs recently _.. installed on our street be removed.~ It is our understanding that the board of directors of Diffley Commons, a townhouse association in which we are homeowners, sent a request to the city of Eagan to install no parking signs on North Ruby Court following complaints they had received from two residents and two guests of the association. In doing so, the board did not inform residents of problems on the street nor of the impending city council meeting at which this decision was made. Thus, we feel we were not informed and not able to take the necessary action to voice our opinion until after the no parking signs were installed on North Ruby Court. Following the installation of the no parking signs, residents attended the July 23 board meeting of our association at which the board agreed to send a survey to residents regarding the no parking issue. However after the meeting we attended, the board reconsidered and on August 27 we received a letter stating that we should take up this issue with the city of Eagan instead. To the best of our knowledge, there have been no accidents or parking violations seen by residents or per the report requested and obtained from the Eagan Police department. As residents, and for our guests, it is a hardship for we have no place else to park. Other than our driveways, the only parking is located in a small guest lot or on Beaver Dam Road, both located approximately two blocks away. Therefore the above facts withstanding, we do not feel the no parking signs are necessary on North Ruby Court. We only wish that as homeowners and residents of this community we could have been more involved in the decision making process from the beginning rather than after the fact. Thank you for your consideration. We would also like to thank Arnold Erhart, Eagan Streets Superintendent, for his time and direction in this matter. If you have any questions please contact Christine Nelson during the day at phone 340-7319. Sincerely, North Ruby Court homeowners & residents Diffley Commons Townhouse Association Eagan, Minnesota 13Z al 1� I /33 1939 19 37 19 35 1933 193i 1929 mc 4+ z 3 2 AL �L 'O xk lopuj�o 1 OP ;14 :IRCON I � p O Z 0 G cn Z O N Z _ Q � N J Q GOLD <��5 1— CITY OF EAGAN L.J � rCIRO UN T . Al Qo S� PE INC DR. < C GODN U , 'J�4•P DA�V� OR C A V. Q DEER1 TACON �C�41(�I -CA qN LA. PARI WLA, SECTION 20 6123407373 10/02/97 THU 07:47 FAX 6123407373 LUTHERN BTHD Q002 QRS ; . 2u3U U: r a■:e1 t moi► `. i. i► . �� fir► �'_ �� i - - t/l/'y 7 136 G12374073773 10/02/97 r8c 07:48 FAX s/cz«urura �DToomw oToU � 9V»» ` - -�- ` --- ,-�- ` ' _ . -- ____---_---_-_' '------_ -- ~ --_--_--'---'__--_- ---__''_--�-_-----__-_-'-- --- -- __ _-� Agenda Information Memo October 7, 1997, Eagan City Council A. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT – NATIONWIDE GROUP ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: > To approve or deny a Conditional Use Permit to allow a pylon sign for the Acorn Mini - Storage facility which is under construction at 2935 Lexington Avenue (Lot 2, Block 1, Eagandale Center Industrial Park No. 10) on the northwest corner of Lexington Avenue and Lone Oak Road in the SE 1/4 of Section 3. FACTS: > The property is 14.29 acres in size and the west half of the site contains a large wetland and thick woodlands. The storage buildings are located on the eastern portion of the site. > The proposed pylon sign meets the size and height restrictions of the City Code. The sign is proposed to be located on the west side of the property, along the I -35E frontage. > The Advisory Planning Commission held a public hearing on September 23, 1997, and recommended approval of the Conditional Use Permit, subject to conditions. ISSUES: > Knox Lumber to the north also has a pylon sign and before installing the proposed sign, the applicant would need to provide documentation verifying that the required 300 foot setback between pylon signs is satisfied. ATTACHMENTS: September 23, 1997 AP Minutes, W ge Xntllr —_ Staff Report, pages[ hrough Page 2 September 23, 1997 ADVISORY PLANNING CONMSSION PUBLIC HEARINGS CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NATIONWIDE GROUP Commission Chair Heyl opened the first public hearing of the evening regarding a Conditional Use Permit to erect a pylon sign for the Acorn Mini -Storage facility which is under construction at 2935 Lexington Avenue (Lot 2, Block 1, Eagandale Center Industrial Park No. 10) on the Northwest corner of Lexington Avenue and Lone Oak Road in the SE'/4 of Section 3. Senior Planner Mike Ridley introduced this item. Mr. Ridley highlighted the information presented in City staffs planning report dated September 16, 1997. Mr. Ridley noted the background and history, the surrounding uses and the existing conditions of the subject property. The applicant was present and available for questions. No members of the public were present for comment. Member Burdorf moved, Member Frank seconded, a motion to recommend approval of a Conditional Use Permit to erect a pylon sign for the Acorn Mini -Storage facility which is under construction at 2935 Lexington Avenue (Lot 2, Block 1, Eagandale Center Industrial Park No. 10) on the Northwest corner of Lexington Avenue and Lone Oak Road in the SE'/4 of Section 3, subject to the following conditions: 1. A sign permit must be obtained from the City prior to installation of the sign. 2. Prior to issuance of the sign permit, the applicant must provide documentation from a registered land surveyor verifying that the. 300 foot distance from the existing Knox pylon sign and other setbacks area satisfied. All voted in favor. /3Y PLANNING REPORT CITY OF EAGAN REPORT DATE: September 16, 1997 APPLICANT: Nationwide Group PROPERTY OWNER: Nationwide Group REQUEST: Conditional Use Permit for Pylon Sign LOCATION: 2935 Lexington Avenue CASE: 3 -CU -20-8-97 HEARING DATE: September 23, 1997 PREPARED BY: Pamela Dudziak COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: IND, Limited Industrial ZONING: I-1, Limited Industrial SUMMARY OF REQUEST Nationwide Group is requesting approval of a Conditional Use Permit to erect a pylon sign for the Acorn Mini -Storage facility which is under construction at 2935 Lexington Avenue (Lot 2, Block 1, Eagandale Center Industrial Park No. 10) on the northwest corner of Lexington Avenue and Lone Oak Road in the SE I/4 of Section 3. AUTHORITY FOR REVIEW City Code Chapter 11, Section 11.40, Subdivisions 4C and 4D provide the following. Subdivision 4C states that the Planning Commission shall recommend a conditional use permit and the Council shall issue such conditional use permits only if it finds that such use at the proposed location: A. Will not be detrimental to or endanger the public health, safety, or general welfare of the neighborhood or the City. B. Will be harmonious with the general and applicable specific objectives of the Comprehensive Plan and City Code provisions. C. Will be designed, constructed, operated and maintained so as to be compatible in appearance with the existing or intended character of the general vicinity and will not change the essential character of that area, nor substantially diminish or impair property values within the neighborhood. /qc) Planning Report — Nationwide Group (Acorn Mini Storage) September 23, 1997 Page 2 D. Will be served adequately by essential public facilities and services, including streets, police and fire protection, drainage structures, refuse disposal, water and sewer systems and schools. E. Will not involve uses, activities, processes, materials, equipment and conditions of operation that will be hazardous or detrimental to any persons, property or the general welfare because of excessive production of traffic, noise, smoke, fumes, glare or odors. F. Will have vehicular ingress and egress to the property which does not create traffic congestion or interfere with traffic on surrounding public streets. G. Will not result in the destruction, loss or damage of a natural, scenic or historic feature of major importance. Subdivision 4D, Conditions. states that in reviewing applications of conditional use permits, the Planning Commission and the Council may attach whatever reasonable conditions they deem necessary to mitigate anticipated adverse impacts associated with these uses, to protect the value of other property within the district, and to achieve the goals and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan. In all cases in which conditional uses are granted, the Council shall require such evidence and guarantees as it may deem necessary as proof that the conditions stipulated in connection therewith are being and will be complied with. BACKGROUND/HISTORY The property was platted in 1988 with the subdivision of Eagandale Center Industrial Park No. 10. Indoor storage facilities are a permitted use in the I-1 zoning district. Construction of the Acorn Mini Storage facility began earlier this summer. EXISTING CONDITIONS The west half of the 14.29 acre site contains a large wetland and thick woodlands. Access to the site is provided from Lexington Avenue via a shared driveway with the adjacent Knox Lumber store to the north. SURROUNDING USES The following existing uses, zoning, and comprehensive guide plan designations surround the subject property: North — Knox Lumber, Zoned I-1 (Limited Industrial), Guided IND (Limited Industrial) South Homestead Village hotel (under construction), Zoned PD (Planned Development) Guided IND (Limited Industrial) East - Two residences, Zoned A (Agricultural), Guided IND (Limited Industrial) West - I -35E Planning Report — Nationwide Group (Acorn Mini Storage) September 23, 1997 Page 3 EVALUATION OF REQUEST Comratibility with Surroundim Area — The construction of a pylon sign along the I -35E frontage is consistent with some other developments in the City that have freeway frontage. This proposed sign also satisfies the spacing standards from other existing pylon signs. Site Plan — The proposed pylon sign is 27 feet in height and the message area is 121 square feet in area per side. The color scheme is black and yellow. The existing Knox pylon sign is estimated to be between 200 and 235 feet north of the common property line. This property contains about 200 feet of frontage along I -35E that has fairly level topography on which the pylon sign could suitably be located. The applicant initially proposed to locate the sign 85 feet south of the north property line and 25 feet east of the west property line adjacent to I -35E. The exact location would be determined after verifying that the 300 -foot spacing from the existing Knox sign is satisfied. Before a sign permit is issued, the applicant should verify and document to the City the locations of the existing Knox pylon sign and the proposed Acorn Mini Storage pylon sign and that the 300 foot sign separation is satisfied. Landscaping — Except as necessary to construct the sign, the existing natural vegetation will remain undisturbed. No additional landscaping is proposed around the sign. Wetlands/Water Quality — The wetland area on the property is not being disturbed by the construction of this facility. The pylon sign is proposed to be located north of the wetland area. Access/Street DesiLm — Access to the site is provided from Lexington Avenue via a shared driveway with the adjacent Knox store to the north. The existing vegetation along the south perimeter of the site adjacent to Lone Oak Road will remain in its natural state. Tree Preservation — No significant trees are proposed to be removed to accommodate the sign. SUMMARY/CONCLUSION The proposed pylon sign appears to meet the standards in the Sign Code for size, height, and setbacks. The pylon separation requirement can be verified before the sign is installed. ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED To recommend approval or denial of a Conditional Use Permit to allow construction of a pylon sign at 2935 Lexington Avenue (Lot 1, Block 1, Eagandale Center Industrial Park No. 10) on the northwest corner of Lexington Avenue and Lone Oak Road in the SE '/a of Section 3. Approval should be subject to the following conditions. A sign permit must be obtained from the City prior to installation of the sign. Jq2 Planning Report — Nationwide Group (Acorn Mini Storage) September 23, 1997 Page 4 2. Prior to issuance of the sign permit, the applicant must provide documentation from a registered land surveyor verifying that the 300 foot distance from the existing Knox pylon sign and other setbacks are satisfied. FINANCIAL OBLIGATION — 3 -CU -20-8-97 Lot 2, Block 1, Eagandale Center Industrial Park #10 There are pay-off balances of special assessments totaling $0 on the parcel for which the conditional use is requested. At this time, there are no pending assessments on the parcel for which the conditional use permit is requested. The estimated financial obligation presented is subject to change based upon areas, dimensions and land uses contained in the final plat. Based upon the study of the financial obligations collected in the past and the uses proposed for the property, the following charges are presented. The charges are computed using the City's existing fee schedule and availability of the City's utility. Improvement Use Rate Quantity Amount None Jq3 SO • �► „l3all ■7 �► ,... # 5555555ESIS ' -, ���222R2`2y�2�2 5-s-W, S2� (�iJJJPS .�rar r rrr 1: lu tj 1 • r )AD) Zoning Map C.S.A.N. NO.26 (LONE OAK Current Zoning I-1 Limited Industrial N N Nationwide Group Case No. 03 -CU -20-08-97 �000 o ,000 ty of Eagan Community Development Deaartmont ad� Comprehensive Plan Map>-,(— Crtyo�Eagon Guide Plan Designation IND Limited Industrial Nationwide Group Case No. 03 -CU -20-08-97 City of Eagan Community Development 93 1000 0 1000 Feet -7wp 1 -AYW MIN VreLLOM 3SV801S 114114 NWOV CYALS" NV -W ajiS cn� 'C"I I Mvau-, rill, -A N A6 SITE PLAN L L C u C. 10' -1 CV .� RAG E i3 ACL -i!Ac4(6eou&1D Vc-kLow (,ErrEV-S JE (,(.OW- B'gck-6r&Lt iVb t3-4Ck- L,e X195 (ONE) DOUBLE FACED ILLUMINATED PYLON SIGN WITH PANAFLEX 945 FACES & VINYL GRAPHICS FOR EAGAN LOCATION SCALE: 1/4" - 1'-0" (4i �ce � THS DE5�3N B THE FRD?8: TY OR =i✓�E3�GE SG+V :.Ll P4�5 .76Ei��/ED SIGN ELEVATION Agenda Information Item October 7,1997 Eagan City Council Meeting B. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT - NORTH STAR FLEET SERVICES ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: • To approve or deny a request for a Conditional Use Permit for North Star Fleet Services to allow the sales of trucks (no trailers) at its facility located on Lots 17, 18 & 19, Block 4 Eagandale Center Industrial Park No. 4 (3321 Mike Collins Drive) subject to the conditions listed in the APC minutes. FACTS: + At its regular meeting on September 23, 1997 the Advisory Planning Commission (APC) held a public hearing on this item. No one from the public appeared for this item. The APC recommended approval of this item subject to the conditions listed in the planning report. • In 1994, Field Maintenance received a Conditional Use Permit allowing the service and rental of trucks at the facility. North Star Fleet Service purchased the site in late summer to use the facility for the same, but also wanted the ability to sell trucks from the site. Truck sales are listed as a Conditional Use Permit in the City Code. • The proposal includes an expansion of the parking area in the rear yard of the site to increase current parking. BACKGROUND: Minutes from September 23, 1997 APC meeting - page Planning Report - pages - . I q1 Page 3 September 23, 1997 _ ADVISORY PLANNING CONMSSION CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NORTH STAR FLEET SERVICES INC. Commission Chair Heyl opened the next public hearing of the evening regarding a Conditional Use Permit to allow the sales of trucks at its facility located at 3221 Mike Collins Drive, west of Mike Collins Drive, north of Yankee Doodle Road in the SE1/4 of Section 11. Planner Tyree introduced this item. Ms. Tyree highlighted the information presented in City staffs planning report dated September 16, 1997. Ms. Tyree noted the background and history, the surrounding uses and the existing conditions of the subject property. The applicant, Mike Gleeson, stated that their goal was to expand the current facility so that they could service more trucks. Mr. Gleeson noted that the facility would be completely secured and all repair would be done off of the street. Mr. Gleeson also noted that Condition No. 2 seemed to be appropriate for his business. Member Burdorf moved, Member Frank seconded, a motion to recommend approval of a Conditional Use Permit to allow the sales of trucks at its facility located at 3221 Mike Collins Drive, west of Mike Collins Drive, north of Yankee Doodle Road in the SE'/4 of Section 11, subject to the following conditions: 1. This Conditional Use Permit shall be recorded with Dakota County within 60 days of approval by the City Council. 2. The number of trucks available for sale shall not exceed 10 and shall be located on the site according to the site plan dated September 11, 1997. 3. The number of trucks available for rent shall not exceed 15 and shall be located on the site according to the site plan dated September 11, 1997. 4. The number of rental truck parking spaces shall not exceed 15 and shall be located on the site according to the site plan dated September 11, 1997. 5. Prior to any expansion of the parking lot, a grading permit must be obtained from the City. 6. A landscape plan in accordance with City Code shall be submitted with the building permit for the proposed building addition. All voted in favor. 41 149+ PLANNING REPORT CITY OF EAGAN REPORT DATE: September 16, 1997 APPLICANT: North Star Fleet Services Inc. PROPERTY OWNER: Michael T. Gleeson REQUEST: Conditional Use Permit - Truck Sales CASE: l I -CU -22-8-97 HEARING DATE: September 23, 1997 PREPARED BY: Shannon Tyree LOCATION: Lots 17, 18, 19, Block 4, Eagandale Center Industrial Park No. 4 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: IND - Limited Industrial ZONING: I-1, Limited Industrial SUMMARY OF REOUEST North Star Fleet Services has requested a Conditional Use Permit to allow the sales of trucks at its facility located at 3221 Mike Collins Drive, west of Mike Collins Drive, north of Yankee Doodle Road in the SE 1/4 of Section 11. AUTHORITY FOR REVIEW City Code Chapter 11, Section 11.40, Subd. 4, C states: The Planning Commission shall recommend a conditional use permit and the Council shall issue such conditional use permits only if it finds that such use at the proposed location: A. Will not be detrimental to or endanger the public health, safety, or general welfare of the neighborhood or the City. B. Will be harmonious with the general and applicable specific objectives of the Comprehensive Plan and City Code provisions. C. Will be designed, constructed, operated and maintained so as to be compatible in appearance with the existing or intended character of the general vicinity and will not change the essential character of that area, nor substantially diminish or impair property values within the neighborhood. D. Will be served adequately by essential public facilities and services, including streets, police and fire protection, drainage structures, refuse disposal, water and sewer systems and schools. �So Planning Report - North Star Fleet Services, Inc C.U.P. September 23, 1997 Page 2 E. Will not involve uses, activities, processes, materials, equipment and conditions of operation that will be hazardous or detrimental to any persons, property or the general welfare because of excessive production of traffic, noise, smoke, fumes, glare or odors. F. Will have vehicular ingress and egress to the property which does not create traffic congestion or interfere with traffic on surrounding public streets. G. Will not result in the destruction, loss or damage of a natural, scenic or historic feature of major importance. BACKGROUND/HISTORY In 1994, Field Maintenance, a truck and trailer repair company, was granted approval of a Conditional Use permit allowing service of and outdoor storage of rental trucks in a Limited Industrial District. This past summer, North Star Fleet Services purchased the site. EXISTING CONDITIONS Currently the site contains a 10,767 s.f. building. Fourteen parking spaces located along the north property line are designated for Ryder rental truck parking. These designated parking spaces were approved on the 1994 site plan for Field Maintenance's Conditional Use Permit. Northstar Fleet Services currently operates a truck service and repair facility, according to the existing Conditional Use Permit at the site. SURROUNDING USES The following existing uses, zoning, and comprehensive guide plan designations surround the subject property: North - A & H Cartage, zoned I-1; guided IND. South - PBBS Equipment; zoned I-1; guided IND. East - Opus Corp. Shop; zoned I-1; guided IND. West - Hoovestol; zoned 1-1; guided IND. EVALUATION OF REQUEST The applicant is proposing to use a portion of the existing facility for the sales of Navistar Medium and Heavy Duty Trucks, parts and service. The company also intends to be an Idealease and Ryder One -Way Dealer, leasing and renting trucks from this location. Site Plan - The approved Conditional Use Permit at this location showed fourteen 10' wide rental vehicle parking spaces along the north property line. The applicant is proposing to relocate the rental spaces to the south property line and increase the spaces by one for a total of fifteen rental spaces (12 at 10' x 18', and 3 at 15' x 25'). r� Planning Report - North Star Fleet Services, Inc C.U.P. September 23, 1997 Page 3 Fifteen 15'x 25' parking spaces have been identified on the west portion of the property for "Customer Parking". These spaces are to park vehicles that are being serviced. The applicant has shown new vehicle parking to be located along the north property line, formerly the rental parking spaces. Ten 16'x 25' parking spaces have been identified. To accommodate this parking the applicant has indicated a parking lot expansion of approximately 21,750 s.f. The parking lot meets all setback requirements. For security purposes the entire site will be fenced with a chain link fence and three sliding gates. Two 15' gates are located on the south (exit) side and one 30' gate on the north (enter) side. Access into the building is from the two north side doors and existing from the single south door. Twelve employee spaces are provided. Approximately 866 s.f of the existing building is comprised of office space, requiring 5 parking stalls. Another 866 s.f of space is parts storage (warehousing) requiring 2 additional spaces. The city code does not address truck repair facilities in it parking requirements. When the Conditional Use permit was approved for Field Maintenance a total of 20 parking spaces were provided to accommodate both customer and employee parking. According to the applicant approximately 7 employees are at the building during a shift. It appears that adequate employee parking has been provided. The proposed 1,804 s.f. building addition is related to the service portion of their business, not the sales portion. Access/Street Design - Access is provided to the site from Mike Collins Drive where two 30' driveway openings are located, one at the north end of the site and one on the south. Landscaping - As part of the proposed building expansion, a landscape plan will be reviewed by the City at the time of building permit. Grading - A requirement for the building permit will be an approved grading plan prior to the commencement of the building construction. SUMMARY/CONCLUSION The proposed site has been operated as a truck repair facility for approximately three years (Field Maintenance). Its location in an area of various trucking businesses appears to be compatible. The area completely surrounding this site is zoned and guided industrial. The proposal appears to meet the standards as set forth in the City Code for a Conditional Use Permit. �s� Planning Report - North Star Fleet Services, Inc C.U.P. September 23, 1997 Page 4 ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED To recommend approval or denial of the Conditional Use Permit allowing sales of on Lot 17, 18, and 19, Block 4, Eagandale Center Industrial Park 44 in the SE 1/4 of Section 11 subject to the conditions listed below: 1. This Conditional Use Permit shall be recorded with Dakota County within 60 days of approval by the City Council. 2. The number of trucks available for sale shall not exceed 10 and shall be located on the site according to the site plan dated September 11, 1997. 3. The number of trucks available for rent shall not exceed 15 and shall be located on the site according to the site plan dated September 11, 1997. 4. The number of rental truck parking spaces shall not exceed 15 and shall be located on the site according to the site plan dated September 11, 1997. 5. Prior to any expansion of the parking lot, a grading permit must be obtained from the City. 6. A landscape plan in accordance with City Code shall be submitted with the building permit for the proposed building addition. X53 FINANCIAL OBLIGATION—11-CU-22-8-97 Lots 17, 18, 19, Block 4, Eagandale Center Industrial Park #4 There are pay-off balances of special assessments totaling $1,866 on the parcel for which the conditional use is requested. At this time, there are no pending assessments on the parcel for which the conditional use permit is requested. The estimated financial obligation presented is subject to change based upon areas, dimensions and land uses contained in the final plat. Based upon the study of the financial obligations collected in the past and the uses proposed for the property, the following charges are presented. The charges are computed using the City's existing fee schedule and availability of the City's utility. Improvement Use Rate Quantity Amount None 14s4 SO _ C�C�I� ■C,� '"'„�►�, - rte, . '�►ILA 23v _ Ts' a all. , ,,cam � []■■■ Mee" ■ r7 f ��' L LJijr 1-1♦ Northstar Fleet Services, Inc. Conditional • 1. Case No. 11 -CU -22-08-97 City OF Eagan Community Development Department Zoning Map mass ,,.. rI ARM ��► Ill1RIK Current Zoning I-1 Limited Industrial Northstar Fleet Service, Inc. Case No. 11 -CU -22-08-97 .T E.g.n 000 0 1000 .� �OrEn-, Comprehensive Plan Map W IND IND IND IND IND h IND IND V IND IND IND 4 f CO. HWY. NO. 28 YANKEE DOODLE RD.) D411 Im � ® Pd� W D -IV PF IND I Guide Pian Designation IND Limited Industrial Northstar Fleet Services Case No. 11 -CU -22-08-97 City of Eagan Community Development Department E A 000 0 1000 Fwt V Ila3�c3 CL 0 gc;y�p�all 5RSyp� A I;I •�; I :sf o g o s E, 3A18C7 SNI1100 SAM MIX I. s 40) I, W 3 p scar. ac. It I �k Agenda Information Memo October 7, 1997 C. APPEAL —IKON OFFICE SOLUTIONS, 915 BLUE GENTIAN ROAD ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: > To approve or deny an appeal to an administrative decision regarding allowed signage on the office warehouse building at 915 Blue Gentian Road (Lot 2, Block 1, Robins 2nd Addition) in the NE'/4 of Section 2. FACTS: > IKON leases approximately 1/3 of the 96,000 square foot office/warehouse building. IKON proposes to install two signs on the north elevation of the building facing I-494. On the west end of IKON'S space would be the individual non -illuminated brown letters to match the signs of the other building tenants. On the east end of their space would be IKON's corporate identity signage consisting of a 25 square foot internally -illuminated cabinet sign. > IKON's application for signage was determined to be inconsistent with the numerical restriction and design similarity requirements of the City Sign Code. > The building owner has submitted a letter indicating he supports IKON's request for both signs to be located on the building. ISSUES: > The Advisory Planning Commission reviewed this appeal on September 23, 1997. The APC discussed the proposed signage, and opinions differed on the proposal. The APC recommended recommended on a 4-2 vote that the corporate signage requested by IKON be allowed on the building at least temporarily, to help the corporation to build name recognition in the community. Following the APC meeting, IKON reiterated to staff its request to have the corporate cabinet sign as a permanent sign in addition to the individual letters matching the signs for the other tenants. ATTACHMENTS: September 23, 1997 APC minutes, pa es ((�_ through Letter from building,oN er, page Staff memo, pages M through 0 I Go Page 9 September 23, 1997 ADVISORY PLANNING CON IISSION NEW BUSINESS IKON OFFICE SOLUTIONS Commission Chair opened this item regarding IKON Office Solutions request for an appeal to an administrative decision regarding allowed signage on the office warehouse located at 915 Blue Gentian Road in the NEV4 of Section 2. IKON proposes to install its corporate standard signage on the north elevation of the building in addition to the individual letters which match the other tenant signs on the building. Senior Planner Mike Ridley introduced this item. The applicant, Rick Nelson of Landmark Partners, stated the importance from the IKON prospective of the sign being the corporate logo as it is trying to increase name recognition. Commission Chair Heyl noted that although the sign on the north is already consistent with the patterns of the other signs used on the building, there could be a sign on the south in corporate letters. Mr. Nelson stated that the desire for the sign was on the north as that was where the traffic flow was much higher. Member Miller stated that the idea for the policy was to keep pylon signs and scattered signs from popping up. Mr. Miller noted that this was neither a billboard nor a pylon sign but rather just out of character with others already on that side of the building. He stated that this was not really going outside of the boundaries and it is a major company so his suggestion would be to let this go through. Member Carlson noted that she would like to hear from the landlord and suggested that he come to the City Council meeting or draft a letter if he was not able to be present at the meeting. Commission Chair Heyl noted her disagreement with Member Miller in that Eagan had this ordinance to create an image of high quality and standards in signage and where all signs on the north side of the building are consistent, she would like to remain with that policy. Member Bakken suggested that since the purpose of this sign is to build name recognition there may be something temporary that the City Council could recommend to the company since it has already ordered the sign. Member Burdorf noted his agreement with Member Bakken's proposal of a temporary solution. I (to) Page 10 September 23, 1997 ADVISORY PLANNING COhMSSION Member Miller noted that this sign would be allowed under the City Code if the other signs on the north side were consistent with it to which Commission Chair Heyl responded that the landlord may wish to change the other signs. Member Miller moved, Member Bakken seconded, a recommendation to allow the IKON sign at least on a temporary basis for signage on the office warehouse building at 915 Blue Gentian Road in the NE'/4 of Section 2. In further discussion, Member Bakken noted that the City should be doing what they can to help this Corporation build its presence in the community and also stated that he did not feel this sign was obnoxious. All voted in favor, except Member Carlson and Commission Chair Heyl opposed. [ (a INDUSTRIAL EQUITIES L.L.P. D e v e l o p m e n t a n d I n v e s t m e n t s TEL 612 332 1122 September 29, 1997 321 First Avenue North, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401 Pam Dudziak City of Eagan - Planning 3830 Pilot Knob Road 55122 Dear Pam: FAX 612 332 0241 C C CEO1�61 SEP � 0 1997 Please be advised that Industrial Equities, L.L.P. strongly supports the Ikon Office Solutions proposal for signage located at our Flagship Business Campus II, 915 Blue Gentian Road, Eagan, Minnesota. I understand that this appeal goes to the City Council on October 7`h. I am uncertain, to date, as to whether or not I will be able to attend the meeting. I request that this letter be duplicated and distributed to the City Council members for that scheduled hearing. Thank you in advance for all of your time and consideration. Yours very truly, ?JohnN. Allen Managing Partner JNA:bmo city of eagan To: City Administrator, Mayor and City Council From: Pamela Dudziak, Associate Planner Date: October 2, 1997 Re: Appeal to Administrative Decision on Allowed Signage 915 Blue Gentian Road (NE'/4 of Sec.2) REQUEST MEMO IKON Office Solutions is requesting an appeal to an administrative decision regarding allowed signage on the office warehouse building at 915 Blue Gentian Road in the NE 1/4 of Section 2. IKON proposes to install its corporate signage on the north elevation of the building in addition to the individual letters which match the other tenant signs on the building. The applicant has submitted a letter explaining the reasons for their request. CODE REQUIREMENTS City Code Section 4.20, Subdivision 5, states in part: A. Number permitted. No more than one business sign for each major street frontage shall be permitted on a building for each business located within such building. B. Design Similarity. All business signs mounted on a building shall be similar in design. BACKGROUND AND ANALYSIS IKON is an international corporation locating a 37,000 square foot facility in the newly constructed 96,000 square foot office/warehouse building at 915 Blue Gentian Road. IKON selected this site because of its freeway visibility. IKON's application for a sign permit included two signs to be placed on the north elevation of the building facing I-494. One sign was individual non -illuminated letters matching the other tenant signage for the building, and the other was a cabinet sign consisting of IKON's corporate logo and colors. IKON's proposal to locate two signs on the same building elevation was denied. Additionally, staff determined that the corporate cabinet sign proposed by IKON did not meet the design similarity criterion for the north elevation because the other three signs on that building elevation were individual letters and were the same color and letter size. Staff Memo — IKON Office Solutions APC Meeting September 23, 1997 Page 2 Ultimately, two signs consisting of individual letters were approved for IKON 24" letters on the north elevation and 12" letters on the south elevation, both colored to match the other building signage. The applicant is appealing the determination on the signage and requesting approval to install both their corporate cabinet sign and the letters matching the other tenant signage on the north elevation of the building. Exhibit A shows the proposed 25 square foot cabinet sign which consists of a black background with illuminated red "IKON" and non -illuminated gray "Office Solutions." The applicant is asking that this cabinet sign be allowed on the north elevation of the building in addition to the non -illuminated individual letters in brown which match the other signage on the building. Exhibit B shows an example of signage approved for the other tenants of this building. ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED To approve or deny an appeal to the administrative determination regarding allowed signage for the office warehouse building at 915 Blue Gentian Road (Lot 2, Block 1, Robins 2nd Addition) in the NE'/4 of Section 2. Office Solutions September 18, 1997 Ms. Pamela Dudziak Associate Planner City of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, MN 55122-1897 RE: Signage for IKON Office Solutions, 915 Blue Gentian Road Dear Ms. Dudziak: John C. Hey President IKON Office Solutions. ]nc. UPpC7- Midwest 2740 Weq 80th Street Minneapolk. \1\ 55,4,1-1'_0, Telephone 612 881S 8000 Fax 612 88; ;666 IKON Office Solutions, Inc. is an international corporation involved in the sales and service of office automation services and equipment. Formerly known as Alco Standard, IKON is engaged in a major public campaign to increase the awareness of the IKON name. In addition to radio, television, and printed media advertising, IKON is careful to locate all of its new facilities in properties that offer exception visibility. IKON selected the Eagan location for a 37,000 square foot facility that employs approximately 90 people. Although the location was farther East than our initial location boundaries, the property offered excellent freeway visibility. For this reason, IKON selected the Eagan location. Initially, we were planning to install our own signage. We were later notified that the City of Eagan required uniform signage on multi -tenant buildings. To remedy the situation, the building owner suggested that a second sign, the IKON corporate standard sign, in addition to the approved lettering would be acceptable. We now understand that the City will not approve this solution because there is an ordinance limiting signage to one sign per street frontage on multi -tenant buildings. At this time we are asking the City of Eagan to grant a variance to its signage ordinance. Our intention is to be as flexible as possible working out a solution acceptable to all parties. IKON is willing to install the building standard signage as well as our corporate signage, or our corporate signage in lieu of the standard signage. We understand that it is important for cities to have the ability to establish regulations governing programs such as building signage. We realize that under certain circumstances variances to the standards may be approved. If this were not an important matter to the local and national IKON operations, we would not make this request. This is a matter of significance to our business; therefore, we are hopeful the City of Eagan will grant this request. We look forward to your response. Respectfully, IKON Office Solutions John Hey President VMS d 1171'ri C' 1 ' SIGNS Inc. 310 N.E. John�,oii St1�rt_ Minneapolis, MN 55413 1j'A (612) 379-1845 Cabinet Sign is available in two sizes being 50-25 Square Feet. The word IKON is illuminated red with the word Office Solutions non -illuminated gray first surface vinyl. R L UW I I tF Alii 1 9 1997 MOM Q 50 S.F. Sign 4.- j..51, d _c5 S.F. C 1 -41, EXH I BIT A E ■ 0 C) cc) cn CN N, 6z r- C3 EXHIBIT S 0 Z uj Z �� L�270 For Board Use Only iRev=96 Minnesota Lawful Gambling y Application for Authorization for an Fee Paid Exemption from Lawful Gambling License Check # Initals Date Recd Drganization Information Organization Name _ . _ _. _ .. _ _ .-Previous. lawful -gambling exemption number Arc Sit bLM-L" . 2 Street City State Zip Code County 15 Z& . !ZZnct S-free+t�U,01C3 f Mti - 5533 �:)Apc A - Name of Chief Executive Officer of organization ( CEO) Daytime Phone number of CEO First Name Last Name J t P iJ rA W 4 6- Z�f (L �z) yc e, - 30 6.7 Name r st Name Last Name Y o Organization reasurer First Daytime Phone Number of Treasurer 2 - Type. Type of Nonprofit organization Check the box below which best describes Check the box that indicates the type of proof attached to this application your organization by your organization: 0 Fraternal IRS letter indicating income tax exempt status 0 veterans Certificate of good standing from the Minnesota Secretary of State's office 0 Religious 0 A charter showing you're an affiliate of a parent nonprofit organization Other nonprofit 0 Proof previously submitted and on file with the Gambling Control Board Gamblfrrg f�rernises Infornmat%n Name of Establishment where gambling activity will be conducted t u f f 0. r(� CToS 1t Le Street City State Zip Code County 3g00 avk ke e Zz_ Date(s) of activity (for raffles, indicate the date of the d wing) N0L' A/t6C-r Aa , 17 5 - Check the box or boxes which indicate the type of gambling activity your organization will be conducting 0 *Bingo (1I Raffles *Paddlewheels *Pull -tabs *Tipboards *Equipment for these activities must be obtained from a licensed distributor Be sure the Local Unit of Government and the CEO of your organization sign For Board Use Only the reverse side of this application. Date & Initials of Specialist _Local iln t of Government Jurisdiction Is this gambling premises located within city limits?[ Yes M No If Yes, write the name of mthe Ci City Nae If No, write the name of the County and the Township: County Name Check the appropriate status of the Township: Q Local Unit Of Government Ack Township Name organized C] unorganized El unincorporated nowledgr»ent 1. The city must sign this application if the gambling 3. DO NOT submit this application to the Gambling Control premises is within city limits. Board if it is denied by the local unit of government. 2. The county and township must sign this applica- 4. NOTE: A Township may not deny an application. tion if the gambling premises is not within city limits. Upon submission of this application to the Gambling Control Board, the exemption will be issued not more than 30 days (60 days for cities of the 1st class) from the date the local unit of government signed the application, provided the application is complete and all necessary information has been received, unless the local unit of government passes a resolution to specifically prohibit the activity. A copy of that resolution must be received by the Gambling Control Board within 30 days of the date filled in below. Cities of the first class have 60 days in which to disallow the activity. City or County Acknowledgment of Receipt of Application Uofpe nreng plication 4M. D Received: q Title of person receiving application 911'i -.'-L- I C. A_.' C p -A Oath: of Executive: OM Township Acknowledgment of Awareness of Application Signature of person acknowledging application Date Signed: Title of person acknowledging application I have read this application and all information is true, accurate and complete. Date: Submit the application at least 45 days prior to your scheduled date of activity. Be sure to attach the $25 application fee and a copy of your proof of nonprofit status. Mail the complete application and attachments to: Gambling Control Board 1711 W. County Rd B Suite 300S Roseville, MN 55113 This publication will be made available in alternative format (i.e. large print, braille) upon request Questions on this -form -should-be directed to.the Licensing Section of the -Gambling Control Board at (612)639-4000. Hearing impaired individuals using a TDD may call the Minnesota Relay Service at 1-800-627-3529 in the Greater Minnesota Area or 297-5353 in the Metro Area. The information requested on this form will be used by the Gambling Control Board (GCB) to determine your compliance with Minnesota Statues and rules governing lawful gambling activities. All of the information that you supply on this form will become public information when received by the GCB. P. „" 1. Mendota Heights Athletic Association Sept. 29, 1997 Mr. Gene VanOverbeke Administration Department City of Eagan Municipal Building EAGAN, MN 55122 Dear Mr. VanOverbeke, Attached is our application for a premise permit at La Fonda's, 3665 Sibley Memorial Hwy, Eagan, 55122. The lease of the organization presently in La Fonda's has expired and the owner wishes to change organizations. Our organization information contained in the applic_ ati,,n submitted in Feb 1997 is the samt _ r ` If you have any questions or need more information, please tall mf,e dL SincereK, 4UM'."' Norm Getlerman Executive Director Mendota Hts Athletic Association -77 LG214 uiinnesota ZAXWful Gambling Premises Permit Application - Part 1 of 2 FOR BOARD USE ONLY BASE # PP # FEE CHECK W)T(ALS DATE +�•^------ ems- --- ��+� .....eaeror +r • .i ..... kxo 'ycy ,r y r � � ,$ ,...y�X drgdrazctfio;n �'r�formaiiar� � � F� � � , �, � G Name of Organization �rlbaTes %ctj-Ts 4T1+9,n C_ SSOC.r a: O,J Business Address of Organization - Street or P. O Box (Do not use the address of your gambling manager) t R Li 8 b C) h�b Z.oAk-b c:Iry stare zip Uooe county i Vayt'me phone number RF_9b 0T(.+4_c, M. �&) 5S -11a 2)4 ko7A I 4G tb ry-o Vv Name of chief executive officer (cannot be your gambling manager) Tide Daytime phone number ..T_Mo•rf� T. MA�AhAA) FESfbE (d/2)gCa oOSP7 If applying for a class A or C permit. SII in days and beginning & ending hours of bingo occasions: No more than seven bingo occasions may be conducted by your organization per week Day Begiruiing/Ending Hours Day Begirsning/Ending Hours Day Beginning /Ending Hours to to to to to to If bingo will not be conducted. check here :.:...::.:.......:.:::: :.: ;,..:,.,...;.....::...,....:........:.: , ...:,...:.....,: ;........ .;,.......,., .....,...... ,............... ..:.... ...:....... ,::: Gam ng Premises Information Name of establishment here ambling MI be con Street Address ( not use a post office box number LA O►.1bR e. ha �v,� 34GS JISAty HA402(44/ '404, 046A�.,�,�1�t!SS/a� Is the premises located within city limits? Yes O No If no. is township p organized iM unorganized p unincorporated City and County where gambrmg premises is located OR Township and County where gambling premises is located if outside of city limits EAc,F�tt,3 I IDAIV.o-r+c� Name and address 6f legal owner of premises City State Zip Code Cu i . � 3L(05 Sr IRS MUK t� j E4GJqA) /M� sssia� Do" Doyour organization own the buildng where the gambling will be {conducted? Q YES ; NO N no. attach the following: • a copy of the lease (form LG202) with terms lir at least one year. • a copy of a sketch of the floor plan with dimensions, showing what portion is being leased. A lease and sketch are not required for Class D applications. Address of stone space of jTnbU equipm6ft "no nen use a Po mx nurnber ..:::. Address r' City State Zip code 3G(P S Sia (c� 07m. hlL)y E7,9-64ti MJ_— ArInnesota Lawful Gambling Premise Permit Application - Part 2 of 2 _ 142 L 7(o S ow E a AIEJIlDd7A 146 Al-, 55118, V"-Qsf oiau"T lZiT. A0A.Vr1%J MO WAC_WrL &W_ MCA;C�vr.► P43 S 91Ae Est .DEArT- 6t;:.Q.T G•5 t¢2 1037 1**)F1AW v`WolbarA %tis Adn-1% TacteoMyrsr�oN�2, I hereby consent that local law enforcement officers, the board or agents of the board, or the commissioner of revenue or public safety, or agents of the commissioners, may enter the premises to enforce the law. Bank Records Information The board is authorized to inspect the bank records of the gambling account whenever necessary to fulfill requirements of current gambling rules and taw. ..- Oath 1 declare that: •1 have read this application and all information submitted to the board is true, accurate and complete; e squired information has been fully disclosed; Si a of chief a officer 1. The city *must sign this application if the gambling prem- ises is located within city limits. 2. The county "AND township" must sign this application it the gambling premises is located within a township. 3. The local unit government (city or county) must pass a resolution specifically approving or denying this application. City `County Name of P*sog►oceivina nodication I nDate Received V0 IL "f -1b- Refer w tris irishxbons for squired anadurneats. Mail to: Gambling Control Board Rosewood Plaza South, 3rd Floor 1711 W. County Road a Roseville, li1N 55113 -1 am the chief executive officer of the organization; -1 assume full responstbTity for the fair and lawful opera- tion of all activities to be conducted; •1 will familiarize myself with the laws of Minnesota governing lawful gambling and rules of the board and agree, if licensed, to abide by those laws and rules, including amendments to them; -any changes in application information will be submitted to the board and local unit of government within 10 days of the change; and -1 understand that failure to provide required information or providing false or misleading information may result in the denial or revocation of the license. S. If this application is denied by the local unit of government it should not be submitted to the Gambling Control Board. Township: By signature below, the township acknowledges that the organization is applying for a premises permit within township limits. Township Nam Signature of person receiving application Tide bate Received LG214(Part 2) 11ft- r19f1) Minnesota Lawful Gambling Lease for Pull -Tab, Paddlewheel, Tipboard, and/or Raffle Activity - LG221 Name of Legal Owner of Premises Street Address City Zip Daytime Phone Cu LNC. 3(0(o5 SLIBLCY HEkOaLAc -4W11 EAGAN)SS122( Gla ) q52 -133y Name of Lessor Street Address City Zip Daytime Phone (If same as legal owner, write in "SAME") QY7s rRkA'iLL(n ILIgG VIOLET- LN AE:lAr) �Srla3 ( (oIa- )62(0-9S39 Name of Leased Premises Street Address City Zip Daytime Phone L,Vk VaWbA clo- I,es L Bos 3669'SoBL 14EK-14wy FA6A1JJS1A2 ((iii )40b;,2 -033Y N me of Lessee (name of organization leasing the premises) GCB license no. of organization Daytime Phone RA OT- - t I4T14-C TI ZAA 6-024-70 (61;-- ) L4 V-0 433 Rent information • Total rent cannot exceed $1,000 per month for all non -bingo activity for this premises. • For bingo activity, use lease form LG222. • For pull -tab dispensing machines, use lease form LG223. Sketch and Dimensions of Leased Area • An organization may not pay rent to itself or to any of its affiliates for space used for the conduct of lawful gambling. Rent to be paid per month $ (D 0 O.O O (If no rent is to be paid, indicate -0-) Sketch: For all areas being leased for the conduct For.Premises Permit Renewal Applications Only: If no of gambling and storage of gambling product at this :changes have`been made at1he.site,youu do. nothaveto premises, attach a sketch (drawing) showing: (1) the sernplete this section or°provide a sketch. leased area(s), and (2) the dimensions. Dimensions The leased areas are: Storage 3 feet by feet for a total of /Z square feet. 3 feet by feet for a total of 12- square feet. 41 feet by feet for a total of yf5 square feet. .2 feet by Al feet for a total ofsquare feet. Storage feet by Lawful Gambling Activity feet for a total of square feet. Combined total 72— square feet. Type of gambling activity that will be conducted at this gambling premises. Check all that apply. _,X_ Paddlewheels Pull -Tabs _.X.._Raffles _�L`Tipboards Term of Lease Amended Lease Only The term of this lease agreement will be concurrent with the If this is an amended lease showing changes occurring dur premises permit issued by the Gambling Control Board, ing the term of the current premises permit, write in the unless terminated sooner by mutual consent of the lessor date that the changes will be effective ! and lessee. Both parties that signed the lease must initial and date all. changes. Questions on this firm should be directed to the Licensing Section of the Gambling Control Board at (612) 639-4000. This publication will be made available in alternative format (i.e. large print, Braille) upon request. Hearing impaired individuals using a TTY may call the Minnesota Relay Service at 1-800-627-3529 and ask to place a call to (612) 639-4000. The information requested on this form will be used by the Gambling Control Board (Board) to determine your compliance with Minnesota statutes and rules governing lawful gambling ' activities. All of the information that you supply on this form will become public information when received by the Board except, if required, your Social Security number, which remains private. Page 1.of 2 Rev. 6/97 Lease for Pull -Tab, Paddlewheel, Tipboard, and/or Raffle Activity - LG221 LESSOR P IT ROHIB IONS Managementof Gambling Prohibited nee owner of the premises or the lessor will not manage the conduct of gambling at the premises. Participation as Players Prohibited The lessor, the lessors immediate family, and any agents or gambling employees 4 of the lessor will not participate as players in the conduct of lawful gambling on the premises. Illegal Gambling 1. The lessor is aware of the prohibition against illegal gambling in Minnesota Statutes, section 609.75, and the penalties for illegal gambling violations in Minnesota Rules, part 7861.0050, subpart 3. 2. To the best of the lessors knowledge, the lessor affirms that any and all games or devices located on the premises are not being used, and are not capable of being used, in a manner that violates the prohibitions against illegal gambling in Minnesota Statutes, section .609.75, and the penalties for illegal gambling violations in Minnesota Rules, part 7861.0050, subpart 3. 3. Notwithstanding Minnesota Rules, part 7861.0050, subp. 3, an organization must continue making rent payments, pursuant to the terms of the lease, if the organization or its agents are found to be solely responsible for any illegal gambling conducted at that site that is prohibited by Minnesota Rules, part 7861 .0050, subpart 1, or Minnesota Statutes, section 609.75, unless the organization's agents responsible for the illegal gambling activity are also agents or employees of the lessor. The lessor shall not modify or terminate the lease in whole or in part because the organization reported to a state or local law enforcement authority or the board the occurrence at the site of illegal gambling activity in which the organization did not participate. Other Prohibitions 1. The lessorwill not impose restrictions on the organization with respect to providers (distributors) of gambling - related equipment and services or in the use of net profits for lawful purposes. 2. The lessor, the lessors immediate family, and any agents or employees of the lessor will not require the organization to perform any action that would violate statute or rule. 3. If there is a dispute as to whether any of these lease provisions have been violated, the lease will remain in effect pending a final determination by the Compliance Review Group (CRG) of the Gambling Control Board. 4. The lessor shall not modify or' terminate this lease in whole or in part due to the lessor's violation of the provisions listed on this lease. Arbitration Process The lessor agrees to arbitration when a violation of these lease provisions is alleged. The arbitrator shall be the CRG. ACCESS TO PERMITTED PREMISES State of Minnesota and Law Enforcement The board and its agents, the commissioners of revenue and public safety and their agents, and law enforcement personnel have access to the permitted premises at any reasonable time during the business hours of the lessor. Organization The organization has access to the permitted premises during any time reasonable and when necessary for the conduct of lawful gambling on the premises. LESSOR RECORDS MAINTAINED The lessor shall maintain a record of all money received from the organization, and make the record available to the board and its agents, the commissioners of revenue and public safety and their agents upon demand. The record shall be maintained for a period of 3-1/2 years. OTHER OBLIGATIONS AND AGREEMENTS - Attachment All obligations and agreements between the organization and the lessor are contained in or attached to this lease. (Attach additional sheets if necessary. Any attachments to this lease must be dated and signed by both the lessor and the lessee.) . U-boDS RIS PrTI+C.ETtC 4S -=0c ra-7-Zo j 1ict2IFIEL5 To ❑Qv A =,o c24TZ LatLvcqzq- GF -i'H-E wnk-y 79- 4am- Qicktt,ro r" f}�vo T RE,o1r4c61 I .700Cuu cc-Ep"J€t �r�v -1-64,7'awe e, &,v Al�vra ,e;A-cH- This lease is the total and only agreement between the lessor and the organization conducting lawful gambling activities other than bingo and pull -tab dispensing devices. There is no other agreement and no other consideration required between the parties as to the lawful gambling and other matters related to this lease. Any changes in this lease will be submitted to the Gambling Contra Board ten days prior to the effective d ange. 44*- Ttie%sor /! _ g 141 -Nn Official (Lessee) Date a and Title of Lessor Print Name and Title of Lessee Page 2 of 2 Rev. 8/97 -:a cis. J W W �J A r2 LL ids Q as-Wa7 Q-35+57 Sial ArGe D rJqCL' 5.-;FU6�q 73W449 Ir 1997 MHAA MEMBERSHIP LIST MHAA BOARD APPROVED USSES. AS OF: SUMMER 1997 UPDATED: 7/14/97 YR PD LAST MOTHER FATHER NO STREET CITY ZIP PHONE 96 ABBOTT KARLA WILLIE 526 LONE OAK RD EAGAN 55121 452-5126 97 ARTTUS DEBBIE TOM 3320 ROLL LANE EAGAN 55121 405-8091 97 BARTUSCH JOYCE RICK 1541 NCCARTHY RD EAGAN 55121 687-0016 97 BECKMAN KAREN KENNETH 2940 INLAND RD EAGAN 55121 452-7653 97 BERANEK LYNN RON 1412 OSTER DR EAGAN 55121 686-6355 97 BERWALD BRUCE 3147 FARNUM DR EAGAN 55121 456-0433 97 BINGHAM BETH EDWARD 3434 ROLLING HILLS DRIVE EAGAN 55121 688-6789 96 BLECHINGER MARY 3326 WREN LANE EAGAN 55121 454-9086 96 BOHLIG RANDEE THOMAS 2899 FAIRLAWN PL EAGAN 55121 452-8288 96 BOLDUC PAULA TERRY 1363 MY RD EAGAN 55121 454-0633 96 BOODY LADENE FRANK 1649 DONALD CT EAGAN 55121 454-6348 96 BROWN BEATRIS DONALD 1656 RIVER BLUFF CT EAGAN 55121 452-2340 97 CAMPOS MARINA RAMON 3216 RANDOM RD EAGAN 55121 686-6990 96 CARLIN DEBBIE THOMAS 1597 WESFORD CIRCLE EAGAN 55122 686-5489 96 CARLSON PEGGY MICHAEL 1426 HIGHVIEW EAGAN 55121 454-7830 96 CHAPURAN KATHERINE JOHN 1460 RED CEDAR RD EAGAN 55121 452-2743 97 COLON MICHELE BRUCE 4312 ARIES CT EAGAN 55123 452-2346 96 COTRONEO VICKI FRANK 3060 CHERRYWOOD CT EAGAN 55121 452-8222 97 COWNIE TAMMY DAVID 1542 LAKEVIEW CURVE EAGAN 55122 456-0685 96 CUMMINGS KAREN DON 2960 INLAND RD EAGAN 55121 452-7838 97 CUNNINGHAM ELAINE GARY 2935 EAGAN AVE EAGAN 55121 454-0050 96 DEPREY ANNE DAN 807 PROMONTORY PL EAGAN 55123 454-6154 97 DUNN KIM JOHN 640 RITA CT EAGAN 55121 452-5782 97 EDGERTON MARY BETH SCOTT 1504 RED CEDAR RD EAGAN 55121 452-8814 96 ERICKSON SANDRA MARTIN 3652 WOODTHRUSH CT EAGAN 55123 452-6184 96 FELICELLI KATIE JERRY 1465 RED CEDAR RD EAGAN 55121 454-5456 97 FISCHER NARY BETH GREGORY 3697 ASHBURY RD EAGAN 55122 452-6105 97 FLUG CHRISTINE DAN 1590 STEPHANIE CIR EAGAN 55121 686-8461 97 FORTNAN MARY MIKE 1475 SKYLINE ROAD EAGAN 55121 683-9615 97 GIESCHEN TERI- RICH 645 HILLSIDE DR EAGAN 55121 454-8852 97 GILBERTSON SUE JIM 4475 WHITETAIL WAY EAGAN 55123 452-0494 97 GILLEN TERESA DAN 1608 PACIFIC AVE EAGAN 55122 686-7152 96 GOAR JODY DENNIS 3301 HILL RIDGE EAGAN 55121 688-6509 97 GOLDSTEIN DONNA JACK 3068 CHERRYWOOD CT EAGAN 55121 452-3662 97 GROSE LORRAINE GREG 1448 HIGHVIEW AVE EAGAN 55121 452-2853 96 HACKER BARBARA 3335, COACHMAN RD EAGAN 55121 681-8246 96 HANES CYNTHIA GREGORY 1480 MCCARTHY RD EAGAN 55121 688-7080 97 HANSON KAY JIM 1000 BLUE GENTIAN RD EAGAN 55121 452-0755 96 HOLUPCHINSKI DAWN- 3336 AMEN POND LANE EAGAN 55121 452-6331 96 JACKSON SHIRLEY LARRY 3523 FEDERAL DR EAGAN 55122 452-6325 96 JOHNSON CAROL TODD 3324 ALDON POND LANE EAGAN 55121 452-6830 97 JOHNSON LISA DAVE 1471 BRIDGEVIEW EAGAN 55121 454-7021 96 KLEASON MICHELE ROBERT 1319 RASPBERRY LANE EAGAN 55123 454-2803 97 KOLESAR NANCY WILLIAM 3321 ROLLING HILLS DR EAGAN 55121 686-9334 97 KRAFCIK MARY JAMES 3204 VALLEY RIDGE DR EAGAN 55121 688-9033 97 KRALL BEV TONY 673 HILLSIDE DR EAGAN 55121 686-7921 97 LAWN LYNN DWIGHT 3225 RANDOM RD EAGAN 55121 454-8982 97 LEMERS KATHY KEN 3247 HILLSIDE'CT EAGAN 55121 683-9731 96 LEMIEUX JOHN 1535 VIOLET LANE EAGAN 55123 688-2205 97 LINDEMANN SHARI PAUL 4294 WEXFORD WAY EAGAN 55122 683-1183 97 LOSER 4881 WINDSOR CT EAGAN 55122 454-9132 97 LOSTETTER MARGARET PAUL 1600 BLACKHAWK LAKE DR EAGAN 55122 687-0523 97 MALLINGER LYNN PETER 3571 WOODLAND TR RAGAN 55123 687-9446 97 MALONEY DIANE PATRICK 3291 HERITAGE LANE EAGAN 55121 454-2282 96 KATZ ANN KURT 1643 ASHBURY PLACE EAGAN 55122 687-0238 96 METZ MARTHA MEL 1439 HIGHVIEW AVE EAGAN 55121 452-4020 97 HEM LYNN STEVE 2838 VILAS LANE EAGAN 55121 688-0477 97 MEYERS DIANE BRUCE 3244 HILLSIDE COURT FAGAN 55121 452-6969 96 MOHWINKEL JOHANNA WAYNE 3069 CHERRYWOOD CT EAGAN 55121 452-7579 96 MURPHY COLLEEN KEVIN 1483 RED CEDAR RD EAGAN 55121 452-4796 97 McSHANE BRENNA 626 WILDFLOWER WAY EAGAN 55123 452-2329 97 NAATJES SUZANNE DALE 1455 LONE OAK RD EAGAN 55121 452-2087 96 NELSON SUE TAD 3902 MERSEY PT EAGAN 55123 454-3479 97 KISTLER TAMMY MICHAEL 3288 DODD LANE EAGAN 55121 683-0396 97 O'BRIEN MONICA MIKE 3284 DODD LANE EAGAN 55121 686-7925 97 OLSON RENEE JAY 2893 FAIRLAWN PL EAGAN 55121 452-2119 96 OTIS MATT 1743 YANKEE DOODLE RD EAGAN 55121 688-0565 97 PARKER JENNIFER JERRY 2861 HIGHRIDGE TERR EAGAN 55121 454-1947 96 PARTRIDGE KARYL BRAD 3575 WOODLAND TR EAGAN 55123 456-5729 97 PETERSON DEBORAH STEVEN 1508 McCARTHY RD EAGAN 55121 456-9160 96 PIERSON ANDREA GARY 573 COVENTRY PWY EAGAN 55123 686-8528 96 PUDELL DEBRA ROD 1366 QUARRY LANE EAGAN 55121 456-9482 96 QUINLAN MARY 1502 McCARTHY RD EAGAN 55121 454-6126 97 ROTH KAREN STEVE 654 HILLSIDE DR EAGAN 55121 454-7592 96 SCALIA LEAD GEORGE 1620 ASHBURY PLACE EAGAN 55122 456-9261 97 SCHRABER PAULA DAVID 3774 WESCOTT HILLS DR EAGAN 55123 454-2708 97 SCHULTZ CINDY DAVID 1600 SKYLINE PATH EAGAN 55121 686-5719 96 SEALEY JUDITH LYNN 1532 McCARTHY RD EAGAN 55121 452-8540 96 SIEGEL MICHELLE DAVID 1765 GABBRO TR EAGAN 55122 452-5538 96 SIRES SHANNON MICHAEL 3148 QUARRY CT EAGAN 55121 688-7418 96 SMITH LINDA DAVID 1537 SKYLINE CT EAGAN 55121 688-0154 96 SODERHOLM MAUREEN JEFFREY 4254 WEXFORD WAY EAGAN 55122 452-0303 96 SOLBERG PAT DALE 1461 HIGHVIEW AVE EAGAN 55121 454-0451 97 SPRICK SUE DANIEL 1589 McCARTHY RD EAGAN 55121 688-2093 96 STARKMAN THERESA GARY 2976 BURNSIDE AVE EAGAN 55121 452-4184 97 STOCKTON KAREN MIKE 3211 HWY 55 EAGAN 55121 456-9549 96 SWARD SHANNON JEFF 4204 VALLEY FORGE PLACE EAGAN 55123 454-9289 96 SWENSEN SOOK STUART 1475 WOODVIEW AVE EAGAN 55122 405-0908 97 SWENSON JANE MIKE 1650 FOUR OAKS RD EAGAN 55121 452-8909 96 SWENSON ROSE DARYL 1038, KENNETH ST EAGAN 55121 452-4073 97 TERRY FRANCES MICHAEL 820 O'NEILL DRIVE EAGAN 55121 454-4651 96 TREJO ELIZABETH MICHAEL 693 N HAY LAKE RD EAGAN 55123 686-8956 97 VOLK JOANNA MICHAEL 4386 NYBRO CIRCLE EAGAN 55123 686-5165 97 VON WALD NANCY BRUCE 1657 BOARDWALK EAGAN 55122 688-8101 97 WEIL BARB DAVID 3817 FAIRHAVEN ROAD EAGAN 55123 688-7398 96 WEINHANDL GERALDINE GEORGE 1015 BLUE GENTIAN RD EAGAN 55121 683-0517 96 WHITE ANDREA DAVID 1410 SKYLINE RD EAGAN 55121 681-0205 97 WILLS KATHY TOM 3120 JOYCE CRT EAGAN 55121 452-9429 97 WILLS KATHY MICHAEL 3107 JOYCE CT EAGAN 55121 454-2205 97 WILLS PAT PETER 3118 JOYCE CRT EAGAN 55121 688-6140 97 WILSON LISA TOM 1476 ENGLERT RD EAGAN 55122 454-3516 97 WOODFIN JACKIE MIKE 4263 WEXFORD WAY RAGAN 55122 405-8729