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02/06/1996 - City Council Regular
VIZ. OLD BUSINESS (ORCHID) .`t [ A. MSA, INC. ENGINEERING SERVICES Fee Schedule B. EXTENSION OF PRELIMINARY SUBDIVISION Approval for Remo Caponi (Vantage f% Pointe) located south of Diffley Road and abutting the Lexington - 1, Diffley Athletic fields C. 1996-2000 CAPITAL Improvements Program 'VIII. NEW BUSIMSS (TAN) NO A. REQUESTS FROM Small Business Association B. PRELIMINARY SUBDIVISION, Town Centre 70 Eighteenth Addition (Dairy �.� Queen), and CONDITIONAL USE PERMITS, to allow construction of a Class II restaurant, a drive-through window, and a pylon sign on property located at the intersection of Denmark Avenue and Duckwood Drive AQatIDA mAGAN CIT! COUNCIL - RXGULAR NZZTING MUNICIPAL CENTER BUILDING rZM ARZ 6, 1996 6:30 P.M. I. ROLL CALL i PLEDGE OF ALLLGIANCZ II. ADOPT AGENDA i APPROVAL OF KQNUTES (BLUE) III. VISITORS TO BE HEARD (10 MXN TE TOTAL TZMS LIMIT) IV. DEPARTMENT HEAD wonm88 (BLUE) v. CONSENT Kamm (Pnm) I A. � B. ' C. D. E. P •�o F. G. H. P Q0J. K. L. J3 M. P 2a N. 9 0. P 3 P. Q. .3� R. P7 �7 S. PT. 3 U. PERSONNEL ITEMS RESOLUTION, GAMBLING PREMISES PERMIT Renewal Application, Eagan Lions Club, Cedarvale Lanes, 3883 Beau d'Rue Drive TEMPORARY BEER LICENSE, West Publishing Employees Club Men's Party ORDINANCES ADDING Section 6.47 and amending Section 10.10 Regarding special hunting permits RETIREMENT OF Police. Canine PROJECT 701, Authorize Feasibility Report, South Hills Addition Overlay PROJECT 702, Authorize Feasibility Report, Woodgate 2nd Addition Overlay PROJECT 703, Authorize Feasibility Report, Mallard Park 2nd Addition Reconstruction PROJECT 704, Authorize Feasibility Report, Wescott Road and Lexington Avenue Signal CONTRACT 95-04, Approve Change Order #2, Deerwood Townhomes Utilities VACATE PUBLIC POND EASEMENT, Receive petition, Set Public Hearing, Proposed Promenade Development AUTHORIZATION TO CONDUCT Aerial Deer Survey FINAL SUBDIVISION, Deerwood Townhomes 2nd Addition, located north of Deerwood Drive and abutting the east side of I-35E 90 DAY contract Ffor�Town C ntreSION of m100tFourt Fourteenth Addistipulated (Big WheellRossi) located on the south side of Yankee Doodle Road and west of O'Leary Lane next to Valvoline RESOLUTION, FY 1996 CDBG Application CHANGE ORDERS, Municipal Center Expansion and Police Facility CONTRACT 96-09, Award Contract, Blackhawk Park Shelter Building AUTHORIZE Cable Commission to administer transfer of ownership proceedings AUTHORIZE Preparation of a Code Change Relating to Liquor Licenses and Request Legislative Approval of Five Additional Licenses FINAL SUBDIVISION, Bob Martin Phase II, located on the west side of Lone Oak Circle and north of Lone Oak Road AUTHORIZATION, Airport Relations Commission, Position on Proposed Change in Corridor Tower Order CONTRACT 94-W, Acknowledge Completion Authorize City maintenance, St. � VI. 7:00 Charles Wood Addition Streets and Utilities - PUBLIC HEARINGS (SALM0K) VIZ. OLD BUSINESS (ORCHID) .`t [ A. MSA, INC. ENGINEERING SERVICES Fee Schedule B. EXTENSION OF PRELIMINARY SUBDIVISION Approval for Remo Caponi (Vantage f% Pointe) located south of Diffley Road and abutting the Lexington - 1, Diffley Athletic fields C. 1996-2000 CAPITAL Improvements Program 'VIII. NEW BUSIMSS (TAN) NO A. REQUESTS FROM Small Business Association B. PRELIMINARY SUBDIVISION, Town Centre 70 Eighteenth Addition (Dairy �.� Queen), and CONDITIONAL USE PERMITS, to allow construction of a Class II restaurant, a drive-through window, and a pylon sign on property located at the intersection of Denmark Avenue and Duckwood Drive C. PRELIMINARY PLANNED DEVELOPMENT, Hedlund Engineering, and PRELIMINARY SUBDIVISION, Rahn Ridge 2nd Addition, for an office building and future development, located on the west side of Rahncliff Road, north Pof Pin Oak Drive D. • PRELIMINARY PLANNED DEVELOPMENT Agreement to allow a Midas Muffler facility on the west side of Pilot Knob Road, north of Phillips 66. E. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT, Diffley Square Partners, LLP, to allow an on- site area identification pylon sign north of Diffley Road, east of Blackhawk Road, and west of Tom Thumb IZ. Z.RGXBLATIVZ/ "TAIRS VVDATZ (GWZY) X. ADNWISTRATIVZ AGMNM (GWZId) ZZ. VISITORS TO BZ HZMW (for those persons not on agenda.) ZII. XIII. Z=CUTIVZ SZSSIoti The City of Eagan is committed to the policy that all persons have equal access to its programa, services, activities, facilities and employment without regard to race, color, creed, religion, aationaI origin, sex, disability, age, marital status, sexual orientation, or status with regard to public assistance. Auxiliary aids for persons with disabilities will be provided upon advance notice of at least 96 hours. If a notice of less than 96 hours is received, the City of Eagan will attempt to provide such aid. MEMO TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCILMEMBERS FROM: CITY ADMINISTRATOR HEDGES DATE: FEBRUARY 29 1996 SUBJECT: AGENDA INFORMATION ?MEMO FOR FEBRUARY 6, 1996 CITY COUNCIL MEETING After approval of the February 6, 1996 City Council agenda and the January 16,. 1996 regular City Council meeting minutes, the following items are in order for consideration. MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE EAGAN,' CITY COUNCIL Eagan, Minnesota :;:4anuary 16, 1M A reguiar meeting c4 the Eagan CitV"Obuncii was held on Tuesday, January 16, 1996 at 6:30 p.m. at the Eagan Municipal Center. Present wereofi: k;qW Clrnembere Wachter, Awada, Masan, and Hunter. Also present were City Administrator�,i*6k: ►Ky Development Director Peggy Reichert, Director of Pudic Works Tom Colbert, Rm" Director Gene VanOverbske and City Attorney Jin Sheldon, WHO ,Administrator Hedges noted that Item C and Old Business needs to be continued. Mayor Egan noted the addition of the approval of a contract with Eifec"Golf Course Systems, and the update on the 4th of JUy celebration. Hunter moved, Masin seconded.a motion+ to adopt the agenda as amended. Aye: 5 Nay: 0 Counclimember Wachter requestdff lurther C Aficatlon on page 2, paragraph 2 mating to the cost participation agreement with Dakota Cour y lad: *-.MNt lt:i Rmemt Awada moved, Hunter seconded a motion to approve the minutes as arnenkW=:i4ji::::::#'Jay::0::: Wachter moved, Hunter seconded a motion to approve the minutes as presented. Aye: 5 Nay: 0 Awada moved, Masan seconded a# tY iii -to appro s the minutes as presented. Aye: 5 Nay: 0 ...:.............. . DONATION FROM LIONS CLUB TO POLICE li'kR,ikRTMENT FOR DEFIBRILLATOR Doug Kane, of the lions Club, preserted a check to the City in the amount of $15,000 for the purchase defibrillator. Police Chief Pat Geagan and Police Officer Duane Pike sq)lained the debrillator and ed Its use. COMMUh .ff.VP SAOF JULY Pollee Chief Geagan reviewed t6i::0ob1en4-: `lth finding a place for the 4th of July celebration and reviewed the recommendation of the comrdtee whIc consisted of keeping the fireworks at the Blue Cross Blue Shield eke, that the city continue to fund ti(reyocks; tit the Lions pub handle the parade, and that the 4th of July committee handle the carnival, bs*,-* i Id $0 : He noted that If something happens to any of these components, the other camas can Hunter noted that the Councii had hoped to use the Promenade property for this celebration, but Blue Cross Blue Shield was a good location for the fireworks last year. He supports all three component. Other Coixilmembers concurred. Wachter moved, Masin isoonded a motion to approve the recommendation of the 4th of July Committee. ,dye: 5 Nay: 0 In regard to Item A, Personnel o rris. Administrator ilgas announced the name of the Parks and Recreation Intern as Darren Jabionsky, w)0.0* Associate Pianrter as Pamela Dueziak. He noted that they are In the process of offering the position �.... trative Ic et! :$ ld therefore coed not r, se the name. EAGAN CiTY COUNCIL MINUTES; JANUARY id, 196 PAGE 2 In regard to Item C, R Rftws Commission, Off -Peak Corridor Crossing gym, Councilmember Wachter rimed further clarification im7d Assistant to the Administrator Hohenstein reviewed the recommendation. In regard to Item H, Bayo T! er : member Wachter expressed a concern that ttwe have been a lot of these licenses appFoated for the same low. Police Chief Geagan indicated he wV1 be kx*Ing Imo It In regard to Item L, M Ing. Counclimernber Wachter questioned s' of tttie fees, stating he feels they are high and should be negotiated. Councilmember Hunter r"ed that the dry does evaluate these every five years. Discussion followed. A. Personnel Items Item 1. It was recommended to approve 0�#rfng af:Deuren Jablonsky as a temporary Intern in the Parks and Recreation Department. Rem 2. It was recommended to approve' tS6*:'hifi ...................u1`:-'in to be named as a temporary intern in Administration. Rem 3. R was recommended to approve the hiring of Jul Posin, Natalie Moreau, Christine Vadi and Jonathan Herseth as part-time seasonal skating instructors at the Civic Arena. Rem 4. R was recommended to approve ft. kiT1 : tif: a rel Thome as a part-time seasonal rink guard/assistant skating instructor at the f u erareation for submission to the Rem S. R was n3commended to approve thy:• Si�6,pay � Ih+ Minnesota Department for Employee Relatioii:li: B. .Licenses. R was recommended to approve licenses listed in Exhibit A as presented. =�R•.i 114= 1 • • .• • �• • �� 1•.1L• • a - ,• Z 7 • 1Xethe off-peak departure procedure from the n�rth parallel rurrway at the Inteffatlonal airport. � R : F•�Al;l9.= ! `�f •�11<�i • �.t�i�..�l�a•`�#r-��iii�i!iti��ci _ h• -. • :• • : • ••' - _••• •x:11 • • F - • - _ •-_ h - 1 off I v .1.'�T"_�*'.-Z�e�i•�i��.�iiTiil,n�+T1�� = ,.,_+�e?.�;��Si r • - = 1• : • • • M 1 • 1 •.•.l / ' • =7 .•111 - L I to approve change orders for the F. RMdlgLQn DenAng McG's Conditional Use Perm to an= motor fuel sales. R was recommended to ratify the resolution as presented. G. AMgjmIgnations,rr�rrl yi ecommended to accept the resignations of Roy Wallace from the Advisory Planning Comq*$on, Sherie VVI from the Advisory Parks, Recreation & Natural Resources Commission, and Doug Dahl from the BuffWAle'"igen Cable Communications Commission. iifernan• R was recommended to approve of the Police Investigation. EAGAN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES; JANUARY 16, I= PAGE 3 Preliminary 12-31-95 Fund Clo".d Fund Bilence 447 1979 Fire Station and Equipment 335 Equipment Revolving $29,709 487 1990 Equipment Certificates 335 Equipment RevdMN (1,0831 Subtotal 128, 460 Consolidated Debt Service Bond 337 Community Investment $328,450 454 1978-8 Special Assessment 337 Community Investment 6,019 465 1979-A Special Assessment 337 Community Investment 871,679 466 1979-8 Special Assessment .33?-.-QpmmUn`l Investment 450,907 457 19W Special Assessment 337Tommunity Investment 962,683 461 1982 Special Assessment 33j-.tiDmmUnity Investment 18,471 ... Subtotal 12M8.209 377 Park Trail Dedication & CwWnctiod':':'-*-'"*-"*-"*.":'3*lt:-Miw:tiki4 fS278,91 1) Subtotal (S278,911) Grand TOW S2,M-7.924 J. Vacate Easement. Ponder Homestead Addition, it was recommended to rec&9 a petition to vacate a utility easement for Poppler Homestead Addition and schedule at pmW hearing for February 20, 1996. K PEWed 700, Carol jHail Street Utilities. ft.vw.; . - o receive a petition for Project 700, Carol/Hall . #00 Wed to Sum Sanitary Sewer and Watermaln al.-* di adzethe � ..0paration of a feasibility report. L MSA. Inc. Engineering Services Fee W&h W. m oved Hurter seconded a motion to continue this to the next Council meeting. Aye-' 5 Nay: 0 M. Contract 202. Well No. 18. it was recommended to approve the plans and specifications for Contract w 02, Well No. 18 Pumping Facilities and Site Improvements and authorize an advertisement for bid solicitations. N. Approve Final Agreement with Gopher Smelting. agreement between the City and Gopher. Rewroes agreement. AW a Alle rt7; I -'s L --J T—T-1 T"T FJF2--7-W17-E9-7-M 05 i i ir-M r7ri-ilef -M iTM I @: 111 V-1 WX 7 -P,7 -A 1-7—i it was recommended to approve the final exchange u*.a4d in the Mayor and City Clerk to sign the Aann Thwter it was recommended to acknowledge City maintenance subject to warranty provisions. wended to approve a final subdivision for Road, west of Ledngton Avenue. Q. igird Powers -Agreement, SloW Markl!3aa and Mainterkano. it was recommended to approve the joint powers agreement for pavement marldngs, sweeping and seals oating and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execiAs all related documents. R. Eggftigs and Foundation Permit. agbWn Trucki, ndrM'= .' staff Issuance of a footings and foundatld6-ormlt for Bob Mi*'j at the February 6, 1996 City Council T g .. . .... It was recommended to approve or deny king prior to final plat approval anticipated EAGAN ttrY COUNCIL MINVES; JANUARY 18, IM PAGE 4 Wachter moved, Awe& seconded .tt.modon to approve the consent a0enda as presented. Aye: 5 Nay. 0 1999 CALENDAR YEAR IZATIONAL BUSINESS A. ADViS©RY Ci MMISSION APPOIENTS:: . 1. Burnsvilie/Eagan Cable Co�ilriunlcstions Commission: Jim Blair and Bob Cooper were appolrrted to three year terns; Bill Ista and Maggie Jensen were appointed to one-year terms; and Jeff May was appointed to a one year alternate term. 2. Airport Relations Commisslafg. ;Steve Sodeding and Jane Vanderpoel were reappointed to three year terns; Joseph Harrison w&:appointed to a two year term; and Ted Gledhill was appointed to a one year alternate tern. s. Solid Waste Abatonwnt Cori ssion: 'fin Breva and John Tapper were reappointed to three year terms as resident t s;;: iii~ elrace tei..-was reappointed to a three year term as a hauier representative; and Rick:ifatrvir vvas4e0ptltttiad to a one year alternate term. 4 'Economic Development Commission: Eldon Johnson was reappointed to serve one year of a three year term; and Julie Stackhouse and Dave Vogt were appointed to serve three year terms. S. Advisory Parks, Rec riotion do Natural Rest tr .PommhWon: George Kubik and Michael Vincent were reappointed to three year tgrms; # tk Ahem was appointed to a three year term; Tim Callister and Daryle Peterscln.ww.es..* iO� to serve two year terms; and Guy Kohinhvfer was appointed to serve a one yeat*eilxtia'term. OL Advisory Planning Commission::'fi, *Hq 0,VMs reappointed to serve a three year term; Dee Richards was appointed to a three year terfi#;: ;frank was appointed to a one year term; and Don Schindle was appointed to a one year alteiri 4' erm. B. ACTING MAYOR: Mayor Egan appointed Councilrnember Hunter to serve as Acting Mayor In his absence at qty Council meetings and ether activities pertaining to the qty of Eagan. C. ,LEGAL NEWSPAPER: Wachter.nasrad, Awada,sonded a motion to approve the retention of Dakota County Tribune/This Week Nswsapss aahe cctal legal newspaper. Aye: 5 Nay: 0 D. CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS:: Wachter hired, Awada seconded a motion to approve the 1996 Sdneduie of Council Meetings, designafing:#te first and third Tuesdays of the month at 6:30 p.m. for regular City Council meetings, with the exception # march Sr:tay 21 and November 5, wherein the dates March 4, May 20 and November 4 were approved as a :;}$ .:$ flay: 0 E. C TY_ COUNCIL NEETihIG PROCEDURES: Masin moved, Awada seconded a motion to approve the guidelines/handout for public presentations and public participation In City Council meetings as presented. Aye: 5 Nay. 0 F. COUNCIL HANDING COMM 3 PFtESENTATIYE APPOINTMENTS• Mayor Egan reconvronded the following Co a cllmerr :t serve on' Ing committees as follows: Finance Committee: Hun qr.:( Wr) and Egan Public Works Committee: lik8chter (Chir),and."da Personnel Committee. Mwoo-I. : f X EAGAN MY COUNCL-MINUTES; JANUARY W 1998 PAGE 5 Hurter moved, Masin seconded wftllon to approve the following CounrO representative positions: Minnesota Valley Tranaft Au*...9 School District #191: Masln'.*-.*-.-....'.'...*.,:,::....:.-.-,-,."*,**-.*- 80110011 District #196: Hurter..,... School District #197: Egan Dakota County League of Gornerft: Masin History Committee: Wachter Municipal Legislative Committee Board: Egan Dakota County Economic Development PadwOlp: Wachter (Hunter alternate) Aye: 5 Nay. 0 Wachter moved, Hunter seoordW a Councilmembw Masin Indicated she Is opposed a going. Counclimernber Wachter stat concurred, noting that the committee can 2 (Awada, Man opposed.) L�ff 9) 1ill .1 :12 10 to disband the Caponi Art Park Subcommittee. Ing this committee. She feels It is Important to keep la'A * WA s ...a at a stalemate. Councimember Hunter ;6ii'y. Some discussion followed. Aye: 3 Nay: 1. MASAC Representatives. Wachter moved, Mas(4:9atcyded a motion to approve the appointment of Mayor Egan as a member; Jon Hohenstein as 8111.00Q.k:Ad Mike Schlax and Lance Staricha to share X.. the other altenate position. Aye: 6 Nay;.. a Z City Representative to Eagan ConverAW orad Inshors Bureau Board of Dir torn. Community Development Director Reichert reviewed the W-dilk iti-.".Jboard. Hunter moved, Wachter seconded a motion to approve the appointment of Community DeveIopifi6ft::0'.kJ"- Reichert and the Economic Development Chair to serve on this board for a one year term. Aye: 5 .0 S. Special Advisory Committees. Counclimember Masin stated she would like to have a task force to review the public versus private road construction Issue. Discussion followed miming a capital budget committee. Councilmernber Masin suggested that some of the people who weren't selected for appointment to boards and commissions be used for theswcornmittew-Wachtermoved, Hunter seconded a motion to ........... X11:11 direct the City Administrator to draft a pu. ii. s;$i ti[is line for special study committees for further consideration. Aye: 5 Nay: 0 PR ENADE Director of Public Works Colbert gave a staff report noting that they have been wormed by Opus Corporation that they would like to request that the project be modified to allow the Denmark Avenue and Promenade Avenue portions to be constructed privately. Jim Dvorak, of SRF Consulting Group, reviewed the project and assessments. Mayor Egan lndk*.t.e0.,. to nuke sLue that Dart Transit has been notified of is :sol recently purchased the adjacent property. these special assessments In light of nodW of these changes. Mr. Dvorak Councilmember Wachter asked whet responded that they have been meeting*'fi9gularly vw&k this and other projects. Mayor Egan then operwd the public hearing to anyone wMft to speak. EAGAN CflY OOUNCiL M14JTES; JANUARY 16, 1666 PAGE 6 Ron Goedken, 3420 GoHvlew Drift;Asked about lighting along the bike' paths. Jim Dvorak reviewed the lighting :proposal, rooting that not all peidWyian trals will have lighting. Mr. Goedken noted that having pedestrians and bicyclists sharing the same trail wrill present a liab lity issue. Mr. Dvorak responded that this has been the city's policy in the past. Michelle Foster, of Opus Corporafi, relterated their intention to construct Denmark Avenue and Promenade Avenue privately. Mayor €1;0i axrted that the design must be done by the city's costing engineer, and that all construction inspeciofis be performed by the c ky's authorized personnel. There befrg no one else wishing to speak, Mayor Egan turned the discussion back to the Council. Counclimember Wachter asked about the Council's preference for a full-service hotel on the nix *dy portion. Michelle Foster responded that the plan Op%� 60,000 feet of retail, but the Land Use Plan authorizes either hotel or retail. She noted that Is not l '; t this tease, but they will continue to market It for a hotel. Discussion followed. Co uncilmember Masin asked abouj ,MYTA;condems about transit stops In the development. Community Re~ n Development Director Re~ tfw t w I # Bled at the design stage. They are working with the MVTA on those Issues. Awada moved, Wachter seconded a rrootion to dose the public hearing and approve Project 694, and auhorize the preparation of detalled pians and specifications, and acquisition of rights-of-way through condemnation If necessary. Aye: 5 Way: 0 Hunner moved, Wachter seconded a the reduced scope of the project. Aye: 5:J PROJECT 665, YANKEE to prepare a revised feasibility report on IMPROVEMENTS Director of Public Works Cert and Jim Dvof kC 4 �j gave a staff report. 0Duncciimember Masin noted that the MVTA asked for a 12 foot wide bus lane on Not Knob Road and hasn't reoeiv'ed a response. Mr. Dvorak indicated he is aware of the request and has been working with the MVTA on this issue. Peter Sorenson, of Dakota County, Indicated that It would be dif#icult to have a bus lane In that area, but they are still working on It. Councilmember Hunter asked whether the requests for additional signals have been analyzed. Director of Public Works Colbert responded that the only additional signal he Is aware of Is at the Intersection of Washington Drive and Yankee Doodle Roq#r ;Tare have .bean preliminary discussions with Dakota County about Mduding It with this project but the*:�aris l ii»dt�i�Oil h,fts report. They are continuing to analyze It. Considerable discussion followed condo t. traffic':?Wli the area and ttoe Issues raised at the open house. Mayor Egan then opened the public heaftto anyo rie'wishing to speak. Coleen Aknol, Facilities Mena*..- ...Lor*-* p fuse. Systems, asked whether this project incudes changing the entrances to their facility on'ktteid;::kia-D;rorak reviewed the proposed changes to their entrances. Ms. Attnol indicated they are concerned about'ttie' impact on their property value and ability to expand I, the future. .Jim Broil, representing the O'Neil Estates, fnanded out a istter oudhkng the position of the O"Nell family in support ext this project. Kathy Haman, 3205 Marlos Coo{ icated she k::- *-y concerned about traffic flow through that residential area. She would like the strsret' dead ended ed'ifiay don't get Promenade traffic through their residential area. EAGAN MY OOUNCL WNUTES; JAN WW 16. 1906 PAGE 7 There being no one else wishing Wa"k, Mayor Egan turned the discussion back to the Counep. Wachter moved, Awada seconded a motkxitadose the public hearing, approve Project WS, and authorize the preparation of detailed plans and and acquisition of rights—cel-way through condemnation I necessary. Aye: 5 Nay. 0 ... ......::....:.. PROJW 535R, POPPLER LANE Director of Pubik: Works Colbert jW6.the history of this project, and Mark Hanson, of Boonestroo, Rosene, Anderlik Associates, gave a staff report. Larry Poppler Indkoated that the Issue Is the platting of two additional lots that was requested over six years ago. During that time, a dispute arose over the location or the boundaries and the street Itself. A faulty survey formed the basis for this contention by a neighbor, however, the surveyor was fined by the sU te,.Js out of business, and lost his license. His father's surveyor was always In compliance with the monument�ign, the comity surveyor maps, and the 1992 and 19% feasibility reports done by the city. He noted that th�er wuWAstalled by the city about 30 years ago, without a state permit and without good future planning. f preseri.0 foot permanent easement was too small, yet over the years, a 100 foot temporary construction easement e!A's left on. Requests to remove it were Ignored by dry staff. Because of this, Lots 4 and 5 were ptiaQd 3wt;favt:arketable. Opportunity costs and holding costs were unjustly paid by his father. His fallthe adension of the permanent easement which would correct a mistake made from poor planning done 30 years ago. The Planning Department requires an eriarged easement around the lift station to the north. The huge cost Increase of the street knprovement, along with ongoing requirements and fees, make this platting of two lots financially unsound. He proposed to plat the road to match the county surveyor's otic and city map. The lot line will be platted without any dispute for plat approval. He also propoW to waive the roadway requirement upgrade for financial reasons. This roadway Issue can be looked :st:..Vo future and the Improvement made when it is needed. The city would be granted the pro -.4 is for servicing an ill-conceived sewer line in the Interest of the community at large. Cote dli;CuisattQn followed on the history of this property and the condition of the road. Mr. Poppler acknowiiled9ed that thlixeQuest would not be an indefinite postponement of the roadway Improvement. He feats ttta#::$sF'a 4�5 years of good use left. He requested that this roadway improvement be postponed until it is needft:::CoreYmember Hunter stated that his concern Is that I this improvementn Is delayed, he doubts the city will be• sluts V. -prove benefit and assess the property owners. After homes are built, it is difficult to prove benefit. Counncilriiember Wachter concurred, Indicating that Mr. Poppler should make sure the new property owners are Informed of the assessments before they purchase It. Mike Ekblad, 3070 Poppler Lane, Indicated he doesn't feel the Council should approve any of this until the survey Issue Is resolved. He Is not opposed to the roadway Improvements, but he wants the property issue resolved so the city doesn't put a road on bis:ow arty.:pirw1 of Public Works Colbert reviewed the survey error and property line dispute. He noted1mj-W.- i10 gvt:proeaeid with awarding the contract until the Poppler Addition 2nd Addition plat has been recon #. whict6wAl provide the drainage easements for the storm sewer t•. outlet and recomecting the other easements. They'vviil design the public Improvement to ft the new or reaffirmed right-of-way. Considerable A4=lon f Owed concerning the property dispute. Cotncilmember Hunter indicates :#} -ft*' Is for any other developer and doesn't favor doing it for this devetopmem He favors going ahead tivkfi tfie improvement as proposed. Counclimember Awada asked whether Mr. Poppler would be wiling to sign a waiver of objection to aamsrtments for the road improvement. Mr. Poppler responded that a provision could be put In the pwdiase agreemerd that at some time In the future there will be a roadway assewsnment.. Considerabie more discussion follcowed. Coundmember Hunter questioned the legality of having thw n;;u i, Fib;;Aver of objection to. assessments. City Attorney Sheldon responded that the action tonigtK..-W10 ilii k# a Improvement. The waiver could be done In "unction with the final plat, but only foi:#�Sse properti ..... n the plat. Considerable discussion followed con,oaming what lots are Included In ft'plel, who owns the ]#els, and who waterers could be obtained from. Director of Public Works Colbeit.:O ted that fF th@, t improvement is not approved as part of this proja, the cost of the utility Inproverrml it8 # ei ¢ # justed because there wotid have to be street EASAN CITY CW40L MINUTES, JW -AW 16, IM PAGE 8 rests, tion associated with that When thQ::SVeet improvement would be done In the future, it would be for besicaJly the same - cost, ecoW for any mWon factor. He is unsure how valid a waiver of objection to assessments would be for what might be cotWered an unreasonable Cost, and k might still be disputed at to titre. ff the waiver Is looked into a specft*4AW:.'0MqWt-'-- ..t.d.ty runs the risk of having to cover any costs exceeding the waiver amount. He noted thA* ... 0-t"W."i, W'be to order the improvement, but delay the assessments for five years. Mr. Poppler lrxticated he would"aigree to that After more discussion Concerning financing of ft assessments, Wachter nx)4:- Hunter seconded a motion to continue this to the nod Meeting. M 03uncllmerriW Awada reviewed the options available to the Popplers. The Popplers Indicated they would be wiling to have the street Improvement done, with the assessments deferred for five years. Counclimembers Wachter and Hunter then withdrew their motion. Wachter moved, Hunter seconddd::4 motk30JP Close the Public hearing and approve the project, deferring the assessments for five years ioig� lrpter*-e*'s't Aye: 5 Nay: 0 NACATEURM ROAD Awada moved, Masin seconded .........F a to February 20. Aye: 5 Nay: 0 I RECEIVE PETITION, AUTHORIZE FEASIBILITY REPORT, SAFARI @ EAGAN 3R6 ADDITION Director of Public Works Colbert reviewed the project consists ci construction of a right turn lane, which Is a requirement of the subd1v1sIM.-AI`4WW of the property, and the development of a ponding area that serves as a oommun04W'PorWhg:bas1n. The majority of the Safari @ Eagan surface water runoff Is being directed Into a pond Q;its * with earlier phased development Mr. Watschke wants the city to pay for the feasibility report,, 4 - W Qoit.,pf which Is normally allocated proponlonately to the cost of the Improvements. The major cost of the Im'0600".will. be the public ponding basin. Coumlimember * ... iii ::;Wachter , Hunter seconded a motion Wachter Indicated he doesn't agree with the city paying- -1h**:::Wac moved to mosive a petition and authorize the preparation of a fsasl6l� for street and ponding Improvements associated with Safari @ Eagan 3rd Addition. Councimember Awada questioned whether Mr. Watschke Is sqxv-19d to pay for the entire feasibility report. The City would have had to do a feasibility report anyway for the ponding basin. Director of Public Works Colbert noted that he Is only expected to pay the proportionate share for the right -turn lane. Mayor Egan noted that this Is a matter of policy. Mr. Watschke petitioned for this report and he doesn't am any reason to dervlaWlrom the.pollo followed. Aye: 5 Nay: y. Some discussion f 0 RESOLUTION AMEN W&NT, "&-ft*-'&'d,� GREAT OAKS ADDITION Hunter moved, Awada seconded.44xtion toApprove an amended resolution authorizing the combina- tk.)n co Oudot C, Great Oaks Addition, w6'L . AAW- 7, Block 1, Great Oaks Addition. Aye: 5 Nay. 0 RECOMMENDATION, SOLID WAS66iMISSION, CITY CODE AMENDMENT, SECTION &37, RESIDENTIAL REFUSE AND RECYCLING COLLECTION REQUIREMENTS Hunter moved, Awada seconded a me don to oontirvue this to February 20 and "w)d the moratorium on Issuance of additional residential or combkx0w:t*4Jrg licenses urd March 1, 1995. Aye: 5 Nay* 0 APPROVE CONTRAMWrrH EFFECTIMOOLF COURSE SYSTEMS Hunter moved, Masin s000nded.-a.tnotion to authorVO..gffectIve Golf Course Systems to Complete an analysis to help the city make Informal # iCisions Ind of a municipal golf course at a cost of X X: $6.000. Aye: 5 Nay. 0 EAGAN CITY COUNM AMNVrM JANLWW 16, 1996 PAGE 9 REZONING AND PRELJPAIWW SUBDIVISION, FOX FOREST ADDITION ........... Community Development Dkwor: Wachter moved, Awada seconded a motion to approve a rezoning of 5.5 aares..ftorn Agrlmral to R-1 ShVe Family. Aye: 5 Nay. 0 Wachter moved, Awada seooncl"notlon to approve to preilirkguy subdivision at 4135 Lexington Way, subject to the following conditions: 1. The developer shall comply with ownciar-d wndWis of plat approval Al, 131, 62, C1, C2,04, D1, El, F1, G1 and HI as adopted by Council on February 3, 1993. 2. The property shall be pIatted.*-*'..'.-*. 3. The applicant shall provide:* iced OW -Ls and specification for all retaining walls to be condnx:ted. .... ......... 4. Any house constructed on Lot 2 sh4l bi . equipoed with a fire protection sonider system In - accordance with Uniform Fire Code standards or the applicant shall provide a fire hydrant and 20 foot wide driveway access, from Lexington Way to serve the future house on Lot 2. S. The applicant shall prepare and submit a Private Ingress/egress easement document for the shared driveway access on Lot 2 to the City for review and approval prior to Councl action on the final subdivision. Prior to any site grading, theA.Ap"PlIcant shall PWMG tree protection measures Installed at the drip line or at the perimeterzone of the 4% *'"Ichever Is greater, of significant tress/woodlands W to be preserved. 7. Upon completion of the tree protection measure WWWlation, but at least five clays prior to any site grading, the applicant shall contact the City Forestry Division. Aye: 5 Nay. 0 REZONING, PRELIMMARY SUBDIAMON AND VARIANCE, WOMEN, * A.'N Q:?jqf!W ARCHITECTS Community Development Dlrectct'helchert`'�ivs a staff report. Hunter moved, Awada seconded a motion to approve a rezoning from R-1.*--nititiple W y to R-2 Duplex on 1.07 acres previously platted as Wescott Hills Revised 3rd Addition, Lcts.* 19.4n.1fig:lxtheascquarer d Section14. Aye: 5 Nay : 0 Wachter moved, Awada seoondidiai" 1 preliminary subdivision for Wescott Hills 5th Addition, Including variances to allow one lot to be 92.5 feet wide and 13,875 square feet In area, subject to the following conditions: 1. The developer shall comply with and G1 as adopted by C4Lnwj.-; 2. The developer shall submit aftAsed grading construction of -retaining w*.4o obtain the of PIM approval 131, B2, C1, C2, DI, El, F1 reflects slope grades of 3:1 or gentler or the 3:1 slopes. EAGAN CffY COUNCIL MANUrES; JANUARY 1% IM PAGE 10 3. Driveways to Lots 16 and 17 frM:Trals End Road shall be constructed at a longitudinal slope of 10% or less. 4. Ail drainage and Laity as Wescott Hillis plats "I be maintained with this replat. S. The developer shall plat the p"," and rename the proposed subdivision to wescott Hills 5th Addition, Lots 1-4 on the final s" - ^ IvIslon. Aye: 5 Nay: 0 REQUEST BY BEA BLO149tYIST TO ADDRESS MN H.F. 833 REGARDING COMPREHEWSP/E GUS PLAN/ZONING MAP Sea Blomquist reviewed the legislaft and Wproblematic it becomes for cities. She found out that the Minnesota Property Rights Associationiii0esentitt:proposals hoping to amend and rescind this tAl. She feels this bill Is violating Fifth Amendment righm:*W.fts. teen inking with our local legislators. One of the "'- A* things being worked on IS the Corripensatk)Mjq: pie: devalued due to a zoning change. She presented the first draft of the bill that will be presented Ito and Senate. Counclimember Hunter applauded Ms. Blomquist for taking this on. He agreed that this s1vuid not have been adopted. He feels this Is a further attempt at social engineering In the metropolitan area He feels this should be done on a dual track to arnwid or rescind the legislation at the same time. Other CouixAmembers concurred, suggesting a task force be formed to study this. Administrator Hodges added that this issue could be presented to the A.M.M. Board. Some discussion followed. Ms. Blomquist Indicided:*46 will stay Involved with this and will keep the Council updated on this issue. `. ..... . . . . . . . . A"Aim Counclimember Masin reported on ftAdtU*dV* Dakota County Healthy Communities Committee. Mayor Egan reminded Councilmembers ol the MLC lQk0m:�eeting on January 31. Community Development Director ReW*rt reviewed UpCOMIng issues that outside consultants will be working on. Mnlon on what criteria can be used for denying Councillmember Hunter Indicated hd,.*W* -.ti * dilk rrj9M.::- he will put that In a memo to the a. Comp(ehensive Guide Plan amend Aftbo. Coumo. Administrator Hedges wiewed t*:fc ..WJ.Q*.the Carriage Hills law. The oonsensus of the Council was to hcid the public hearings for the Ad.**.;Fish bi UW4sion and City Council ooroxmntly at an off eke location. Administrator Hodges noted'fW 3bii 144R:ed In processing his Comprehensive Guide Plan amendment as well, and it Is really part of the entire study on a golf course/community center. After some discussion, the consensus of the Counci was to deal with the golf course issue first, and Mr. MWler's application latter. Counckmember Wachter asked the G64N*--j"ft#ouid like to do with the Meade bell. Dismmlon followed with direction that it be GndoSed:�Wjkiki &'06-04 Chambers. MasIn moved, Hunter s9oonded..4.vxWon to have #Q -'p4 Administrator write a strong letter to the attorneys who IrwWritently Included the:.'.. ' In a lawsuit again ...;he Florin's, requesting an explanation as to how the city came to be Included, and t .sent to all parties. Aye: 5 Nay: 0 EAGAN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES; JANUARY 16, 1996 PAGE 11 Wachter moved, Egan seconded &-*#oaW:$q:.* v Mists dated January 11, 1996 In the _qffie dw amountsf $1,161,222.48 and $253,799.1 *-' Nay: 0 The meeting adjourned at 11:25 p.rrL to an wcocutin w9slon. OLP Date Oty Clerk If you need these minutes In an aftema"*wm suehis large pdn4 braille, audio tape, etc., please contact the City of Eagan, 3830 Pilot Knob Road, Ea 881-4600, (TDD phone: (612) 454-8535). The City of Eagan Is committed to the policy dint ail persons:&i e equal access to Its programs, services, activities, facilities and employment without regard to race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, disability, age, marital status or status with regard to public assistance. Agenda Information Memo February 6, 1996 Eagan City Council Meeting The following items referred to as consent items require one (1) motion by the City Council. If the City Council wishes to discuss any of the items in further detail, those items should be removed from the Consent Agenda and placed under Old or New Business unless the discussion required is brief. Item 1. Part-time Clerics Technician III/Police Department -- ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: To approve the hiring of MaryJo Eilers as a part-time Clerical Tech III for the Police Department. Item 2. Winter Recreation Season/Contractual Providers -- ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: To approve contracting with the following persons for the following positions: Chris Larson, Ryan Picek, Jason Schwamb and Scott Merkley as boot hockey officials; Sara Selikowitz and Kim Nowicki as naturalists; Jerry Korba for the basketball officials group; Bruce Berry and David Schomurg as basketball scorekeepers; Vince Mergens, Tim Campbell, Wayne Fox, Greg Neumann, Dan Smith and Dan McManus as broom ball officials; and John Glynn and °m Hopkins as skating instructors. Item 3. Retirement/Police Dispatcher -- ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: To accept the letter of resignation of Nancy Ingerson, Eagan Police Dispatcher. .ATTACHMENTS: Attached on page 4;L,-, is a copy of Nancy Ingerson's letter of resignation.. TO: CHIEF PATRICK GEAGAN FROM: NANCY A. INGERSON DATE: JANUARY 22, 1996 DEAR CHIEF GEAGAN, I HAVE MADE THE DECISION TO RETIRE FROM THE POSITION OF CIVILIAN POLICE DISPATCHER WITH THE CITY OF EAGAN; THEREFORE, IT IS WITH MIXED EMOTIONS THAT I TENDER MY RESIGNATION TO YOU. AS OF SUNDAY, MARCH 31, 199E, AT 1700 HOURS. THE PAST 23 YEARS WITH THE EAGAN POLICE DEPARTMENT HAVE BEEN MOST REWARDING. I APPRECIATE YOUR TRUST AND CONFIDENCE IN MY ABILITIES. I AM GRATEFUL FOR THE OPPORTUNITIES AND EXPERIENCES AFFORDED ME AND FOR THE MANY FRIENDS I HAVE MADE ALONG THE WAY. THANK YOU, SINCERELY, ) ) R-n'L4 yy NANCY A.oINGERSON Agenda Information Memo February 6, 1996 Eagan City Council Meeting B. RESOLUTION, GAMBLING PREMISES PERMIT RMEWAL APPLICATION. EA AN LI;INS CLUB, CEDARVALE LANES, 3883 BEAU,d"RUE DRIVE ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: To approve a resolution renewing the gambling premises permit for the Eagan Lions Club to operate its Cedarvale Lanes at 3883 Beau dRue Drive. ATTACHMENTS: • Resolution of Renewal on pages Z/ tla"Ql -. • Application enclosed without page number. ra� CITY OF EAGAN PREMISE PERMIT RENEWAL FOR EAGAN LIONS CLUB ON CEDARVALE LANES PREMISES WHEREAS, the Eagan Lions Club has applied for a premise permit renewal for a pull tab operation at Cedarvale Lanes, 3883 Beau drRue Drive; and WHEREAS, the Eagan Police Department has reviewed the application and has not identified any reason to deny; and WHEREAS, this is a renewal of an existing premise permit; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Eagan, Dakota County, Minnesota, hereby approves the Eagan Lions Club application for premise permit renewal at Cedarvale Lanes, 3883 Beau d'Rue Drive. CITY OF EAGAN CITY COUNCIL By: Its Mayor Attest: Its Clerk Motion made by: Seconded by: Those in favor: Those against. I, E. J. VanOverbeke, Clerk of the City of Eagan, Dakota County, Minnesota, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the City Council of the City of Eagan, Dakota County, Minnesota, in a regular meeting thereof assembled this 6th day of February, 1996. E. J. VanOverbeke, City Clerk Agenda Information Memo February 6, 1996 Eagan City Council Meeting C. TEMPORARY BEER LICENSE, WEST EUBLLSUING EMPLOYEES CLUB MEN'S PARTY ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: To approve a temporary beer license for the West Publishing Employees Club for the men's party on February 17, 1996. ATTACHMENTS: • Application enclosed without page number. Agenda Information Memo February 6, 1996 Eagan City Council Meeting ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: To approve amendments to the City Code adding Section 6.47 and amending Section 10.10 to allow administrative review and approval of special hunting permits. FACTS: • The City Council directed the preparation of an amendment to the City Code to permit administrative approval of special hunting permits by the Police Chief. To affect this modification, City Code amendments to add Section 6.47 relative to licensing and amending Section 10.10 concerning discharge of firearms were prepared. ATTACHMENTS: • Draft ordinance amendments on pages rz- through. ORDINANCE NO. 2ND SERIES AN ORDINANCE OF THE CTTY OF EAGAN, MINNESOTA, AMENDING EAGAN CITY CODE CHAPTER TEN ENTITLED "PUBLIC PROTECTION, CRIMES & OFFENSES" BY AMENDING SECTION 10.10 REGARDING DANGEROUS WEAPONS; AND BY ADOPTING BY REFERENCE EAGAN CITY CODE CHAPTER 1 AND SECTION 10.99. The City Council of the City of Eagan does ordain: Section 1. Eagan City Code Chapter 10 is hereby amended by amending Section 10. 10, Subd. 4(E) to read as follows: E. Any person participating in a special hunting season, which season may not conflict with State law or regulations, established by the Council for purposes of wildlife management: provided that person has obtained a special hunting.penmit. Any person under 18 years of age participating in a special hunting season organized by the DNR and established by the Council, for purposes of wildlife management, must be accompanied by an adult selected to participate. Section 2. Eagan City Code Chapter 10 is hereby amended by adding clause "G" to Section 10. 10, Subd. 3 to read as follows: G. Fire or discharge any cannon, gun, pistol or other firearm, firecracker, sky rocket or other fireworks, air gun, air rifle, or other similar device commonly referred to as a B -B gun. Section 3. Eagan City Code Chapter 1 entitled "General Provisions and Definitions Applicable to the Entire City Code Including Penalty for Violation"' and Section 10.99, entitled "Violation a Misdemeanor" are hereby adopted in their entirety by reference as though repeated verbatim. Section 4. Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect upon its adoption and publication according to law. ATTEST: CITY OF EAGAN By: E. J. VanOverbeke Its: Clerk Date Ordinance Adopted: Date Ordinance Published in the Legal Newspaper: City Council By: Thomas A. Egan Its: Mayor ORDINANCE NO. 2ND SERIES AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EAGAN, MINNESOTA, AMENDING EAGAN CITY CODE CHAPTER SIX ENTITLED "OTHER BUSINESS REGULATIONS & LICENSING" BY ADDING SECTION 6.47 REGARDING SPECIAL HUNTING PERMITS; AND BY ADOPTING BY REFERENCE EAGAN CITY CODE CHAPTER 1 AND SECTION 6.99. The City Council of the City of Eagan does ordain: Section 1. Eagan City Code Chapter 6 is hereby amended by adding Section 6.47, to read as follows: Section 6.47. Special Hunting Permit. It is unlawful for any person to participate in any special hunting season, which is established by the City Council for purposes of wildlife management and conflict with any State law or regulation without first obtaining a permit therefor from the Police Chief or designee. All applications for a permit for special hunting within the City shall be made on a form famished by the City and accompanied with the required permit fee, the amount of which shall be set by City Council. No permit shall be transferable between persons and it shall be unlawful to make any transfer in violation of this Section. Section 2. Eagan City Code Chapter 1 entitled "General Provisions and Definitions Applicable to the Entire City Code Including Penalty for Violation"' and Section 6.99. entitled "Violation a Misdemeanor" are hereby adopted in their entirety by reference as though repeated verbatim. Section 3. Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect upon its adoption and publication according to law. ATTEST: CITY OF EAGAN City Council By: E. J. VanOverbeke Its: Clerk Date Ordinance Adopted. By: Thomas A. Egan Its: Mayor Date Ordinance Published in the Legal Newspaper: Agenda Information Memo February 6, 1996 Eagan City Council Meeting AC'T'ION TO BE To approve the retirement of Tex, the Police Department's canine, by declaring him to be surplus property and authorizing the department to give him to an interested party. The Police Department has already identified two pubes who may be interested in taking the dog. FACTS: While there may be some liability associated with giving the dog away, it is a humane alternative and the City has coverage through its current fim m ee for any such liability. Agenda Information Memo February 6, 1996 F. PROJECT 701, SOUTH HILLS ADDN ACTION FOR COUNCIL CONSIDERATION: To authorize the feasibility report for Project 701 (South Hills Addition - Overlay). FACTS: In accordance with the approved 1996-2000 5 -Year CIP, a pavement life -extending maintenance overlay for the South ITills Addition is programmed for 1996. In order for this programmed improvement to be formally considered through the public improvement hearing process, the City Council must authorize the preparation of a detailed feasibility report. During the feasibility report preparation process, informational neighborhood meetings will be held with affected property owners with the results presented to the City Council for their consideration of continuing the process to the formal public hearing stage. ATTACHMENTS: Location map, page 0J L o� I �j� -I — . fit PROPOSED PROMCT 701 - SOM HILLS ADD. PROPOSED PROJECT 704 - COTT RDA LEXINGTON AVE. SIGNAL Agenda Information Memo February 6,1996 G. PROJECT 702 WOODGATE 2ND ADDITION ACTION FOR COUNCEL CONSIDERATION: Authorize the preparation of a feasibility report for Project 702 (Woodgate 2nd Addition - Overlay). FACTS: In accordance with the approved 1996-2000 5 -Year CIP, a pavement life -extending maintenance overlay for the Woodgate 2nd Addition is programmed for 1996. In order for this programmed improvement to be formally considered through the public improvement hearing process, the City Council must authorize the preparation of a detailed feasibility report. During the feasibility report preparation process, informational neighborhood meetings will be held with affected property owners with the results presented to the City Council for their consideration of continuing the process to the formal public hearing stage. ATTACHMENTS: • Location map, page• PROPOSED PROJECT 702 — WOODGATE 2nd ADD. PROPOSED PROJECT 703 — MALLARD PARK 2nd ADD. Agenda Information Memo February 6,1996 H. PROJECT 703, MALLARD PARK 2ND ADDPI O ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: To authorize the feasibility report for Project 703 (Mallard Park 2nd Addition - Street Reconstruction). FACTS: • In accordance with the approved 1996-2000 5 -Year CIP, a structural surface reconstruction for the Mallard Park 2nd Addition is programmed for 1946. • In order for this programmed improvement to be formally considered through the public improvement hearing process, the City Council must authorize the preparation of a detailed feasibility report. • During the feasibility report preparation process, informational neighborhood meetings will be held with affected property owners with the results presented to the City Council for their consideration of continuing the process to the formal public hearing stage. ATTACHMENTS: Location map, page —4::__. PROPOSED PROJECT 702 — WOODGATE 2nd ADD. PROPOSED PROJECT 703 — ,,M ARD PARK 2nd ADD. Agenda Information Memo February 6, 1996 L PROJECT 704, WESCOTT ROAD & LEXINgTON AVENUE SIGNALIZATION ACTION FOR COUNCIL CONSIDERATION: To authorize a feasibility report for Project 704 (Wescott Road & Lexington Avenue - Signalization). FACTS: In accordance with the approved 1996-2000 5 -Year CEP, the signalization and intersection improvements to Wescott Road at Lexington Avenue is programmed for 1996. In order for this programmed improvement to be formally considered through the public improvement hearing process, the City Council must authorize the preparation of a detailed feasibility report. During the feasibility report preparation process, informational neighborhood meetings will be held with affected property owners with the results presented to the City Council for their consideration of continuing the process to the formal public hearing stage. ATTACHMENTS: • Location map, page I � h A CT. N . _ I ALDFM OR. IjjLSMCT. I r r all Mr. "O l o I r � Mi pRIE�T- .�. KV.° me w. I I I I •yti, � I � I — � I s I I i ro —I Lj Mr-71 r LKi PROPOSED PROJECT 701 - SOUTH SLS ADD. PROPOSED PROJECT 704 - WESC7 RD.& LEXIGTON AVE. SIGNAL Agenda Information Memo February 6, 1996 J. CONTRACT 95-04, DEERWOOD TOWNHOMES ACTION FOR COUNCIL CONSIDERATION: Approve Change Order #2 for Contract 95-04 (Deerwood Townhomes - Utilities) and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute all related documents. FACTS: Contract 95-04 provided for sanitary sewer and watermain service to serve the proposed Deerwood Townhomes located at the northeast comer of Deerwood Drive and I -35E. • Part A of the Change Order proposes a completion date extension from November 15, 1995 to June 15, 1996. • Part B of the Change Order provides for a sanitary sewer service wye and service pipe to serve the Henry Franz and Earl Doehling parcels and water service to the Earl Doehling parcel. • Part A of the Change Order has no affect on the contract amount. • Part B adds $2,973.25 to the contract and is to be assessed to the Franz and Doehling parcels. I� Agenda Information Memo February 6, 1996 K, VACATE PUBLIC POND EASEMENT. PROPOSED PROMENADE DEVELOPMENT ACTION FOR COUNCIL CONSIDERATION: To receive the petition to vacate a public pond easement as described (within proposed Promenade development) and schedule a formal public hearing to be held on March 4, 1996. FACTS: The proposed Eagan Promenade development requires the relocation of City Pond DP -4. Subsequently, the previously dedicated public ponding easement must be formally vacated prior to or concurrent with the final platting of this new development. • A replacement ponding easement will be dedicated with the final plat of the Eagan Promenade Addition. • In order to vacate a public ponding/utility easement, a formal public hearing must be held with notice mailed to all potentially affected parties. • All application materials have been received by 94 reviewed and found to be in order for favorable Council action of scheduling a public hearing to formally consider this request. ATTACHMENTS: • Location plan, page 0 l� PONDING EASEMENT TO BE VACATED 7� C 5. 402 12 )1 LS) - U fNRTE TENRNi IDENTIFICATION MON., SIGN L41 IB r----------- -- A-- .0 LLnI RS VIDEO 7500 S.F. to iTu G G --------------------- 1 1,, ft IDENTIFICR71ON MON. SIGN BAN flTu s, esoo 128 CAR & �_ ._e., Y,Z.; , • � ;` ;� i•.. • .. _ ig • - ��in -- rk n Fl II144 CRR Agenda Information Memo February 6, 1996 Eagan City Council Meeting L. AUTHORIZATION TO CONDUCT AERIAL DEER SURVEY ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: To authorize contracting with the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources to perform an aerial survey of the City's deer population. FACTS: • The City has regularly performed aerial surveys of its deer population in cooperation with the Department of Natural Resources to assist the planning of deer control activities. The City has budgeted $700 for this purpose in 1996. ATTACHMENTS: • DNR correspondence on page _ �n^SnTATEE OF DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESC PHONE NO. (612) 772-7981 1/16/96 File:EADG.wr Area Wildlife Office Metro Region Headquarters 1200 Warner Road Saint Paul MN 55106 Mr. Ren Vraa, Director of Parks S Recreation 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan MN 55122 Dear Mr. Vraa: Pursuant to our telephone conversation, I am requesting the City's authorization to conduct and aerial deer survey this winter. In 1995 the survey was completed in 9.7 hours. At the current cost of helicopter rental, $156.32, I would estimate the cost at $750. The surveyed portion of Fort Snelling State Park in Eagan will be State -funded. Dodge Nature Center and Lebanon Hills Regional Park will be funded by the managers of those sites. The City of Sunfish Lake and the Dodge Nature Center have authorized a survey this year, we hope to survey Mendota Heights, Burnsville and Apple Valley in the same time period. I would recommend that this survey be done. Tl -.e City has been participating in the Minnesota Valley Deer Management Task Force. This group will be meeting this winter to discuss its future and final reports and recommendations. In addition, deer population control has been initiated in Lebanon Hills and archery deer hunting has be allowed in Eagan. This survey will allow us to make better decisions regarding the future of deer management in this area. I would expect future surveys might be done every 2 or 3 years, depending on State and local actions on deer control. We plan to do surveys in the next two weeks. Thank you for considering this request. Sincerelyy; ) �t��'�` r�- don Parker, Area Wildlife Manager �; 4r -?- AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER Agenda Information Memo February 6, 1996 Eagan City Council Meeting ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED To approve or deny a Final Subdivision for the Deerwood Townhomes 2nd Addition located north of Deerwood Drive, east of I -35E. FACTS ► The Final Subdivision for Deerwood Townhomes Addition was approved in September 1995. + Two portions of the site, containing a total of six lots, were excluded from the original Final Subdivision because of ownership irregularities. ► The two areas were excess right-of-way associated with the construction of I -35E and Deerwood Drive realignment and were owned by the State of Minnesota. ► Good Value Homes has now acquired fee title to the two remnant parcels and they are requesting Final Subdivision approval. ► Final plans and financial guarantees are in order. BACKGROUND/ATTACHMENTS (1) Final Plat Map, page62� a3 it T it S f IM4WTA bPhff WOO OF TR N MATM me vF wAT KAT w? ism. FARM OA 1 i r WIWsr.,-- \ %%Ir (!! so / 1s r y %�' % % O /a d JA 14 \ l -rte i ice` i'� • � / ' � ` �n Ji •t% = r `--1 TA bD jr con 'It 0111 A ti� �;A r. ter^ ; � �V r' /' \ \ air �h tet• `7' • t i ` 1�p n�,., . 1 'a� Iall ar s ! MI � Iall ■ ' X co iF i s ■ ' X co iF i Agenda Information Memo February 6, 1996 Eagan City Council Meeting : M 1� 1 Iul' 1► 1: a 1 1 1 &.I' ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED To approve or deny a 90 -day extension for construction completion dates for the Big Wheel Rossi auto parts store on Lot 1, Block 1, Town Centre 100 Fourteenth Addition, located south of Yankee Doodle Road and west of O'Leary Lane. FACTS The Town Centre 100 Fourteenth Addition was approved in February 1995. The construction completion dates addressed within the development contract stipulated specific items to be completed between June 1995 and September 1996. Due to the impending improvements to Yankee Doodle Road, the developer is requesting a 90 -day extension to allow completion of his site improvements to coincide more closely with the completion of the Yankee Doodle Road improvements. BACKGROUND/ATTACHMENTS (2) Letter from Steve Shaller, page rn Exhibit from Development Contract, paged r` v WRIPLE IN ENV BT NWN L.L.P. 2300 PILO" SOS RCUI D sll1111INDOWA H ZUN N,.. 39N is 120 �J� ANKLLAM hanowmUG January 11, 1996 LIS Mr. Mike Ridley City of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, MN 55122 Dear Mike: (sing.,." rXX (M)OMM. After attending the meeting on January 8th, detailing the Yankee Doodle Road reconstruction, we find that the timing of the road construction will severely and negatively impact the opening of our new Big Wheel Rossi store in the Town Centre 100 Fourteenth Addition. For this reason, we are asking that the city amend the development agreement to allow us to delay construction by ninety (90) days. This accommodation would enable us to time our opening closer to the completion of the road construction. We appreciate your attention and cooperation on this matter, and look forward to hearing from you soon. Sincerely, Steven J. Shaller Managing Partner SJSIssl removal and replacement; lot corners; and other improv described in this paragraph and subparagraphs. Seven (7) comp sets of all required detailed plans and specifications as require shall be prepared by a registered professional engineer and shall be submitted and approved by the Public Works Department prior to final plat approval. Steve Shaller, (612) 452-7484 is hereby determined to be the Project Engineer or Manager of the improvements necessary for this development and is authorized by the Developer to address any and all concerns of the City in regard to the improvements necessary for this development. These improvements shall be completed in accordance with approved plans and specifications on file in the office of the Public Works Department, which are hereby made a part of this Contract, as follows: IM COMPLETION RATg Erosion & Sediment Control Measures.......... July 31, 1996 Site Grading.................................September 30, 1996 Subdivision Monuments ........................ June 30, 1995 Utilities (sanitary and water, services)..... July 31, 1996 Private Driveway and Parking Lots (Concrete curb & gutter, gravel base, and blacktop)..September 30, 1996 Boulevard Restoration........................September 30, 1996 except as this period of time is extended by resolution of the City Council. It is understood and agreed that failure of the City to promptly take action to enforce this Contract after expiration of time in which the work is to be completed, will not waive or release any rights of the City, and the City can take action at any time thereafter and that the terms of the Contract shall be deemed to be td�� -4- '27 ~�q r T7 �J-4 pa 00 O - it Agenda Information Memo February 6, 1996 Eagan City Council Meeting it ORN 51 R -Tall oh'sWfeR12 W in ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED ► To approve or deny a resolution approving the application of the City of Eagan for Fiscal Year 1996 Dakota County Community Development Block Grant funding. FACTS The City's annual application for the Community Development Block Grant program is to be submitted to Dakota County Housing and Redevelopment Authority by February 9, 1996. Fiscal Year 1996 CDBG funding appropriation is still under consideration by Congress, but the application process needs to be completed on its normal time line in anticipation of an appropriation. The HRA staff has indicated that there is a possibility this program could be eliminated; however, they are optimistic that it will be funded again in 1996. The anticipated funding level for the upcoming fiscal year is about $231,240. In addition, the City should reprogram $10,000 from the Wescott Townhome Management Study; therefore, the total funding allocation to consider for 1996 is about $241,240. ► At the January 30, 1996 special City Council workshop, the following 1996 funding allocations were recommended: 1) Senior Housing Project - $100,000; 2) Single Family Housing Rehabilitation - $101,240; 3) Junior -At -Risk Program - $10,000; and 4) acquisition of Wescott Townhome unit - $30,000. ► If the City Council approves the recommended funding allocations, staff will prepare the required application for submittal to the HRA. If the 1996 CDBG funding allocation is reduced, or eliminated, this application will be brought back to the City Council for consideration. BACKGROUND/ATTACIii11IENTS (1) Resolution, page �. CITY OF EAGAN DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE APPLICATION OF THE CITY OF EAGAN FOR FISCAL YEAR 1996 DAKOTA COUNTY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUNDING BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Eagan as follows: 1. The City Administrator is authorized to submit the attached application to Dakota County for a Community Development Block Grant in Fiscal Year 1996. 2. The application is approved by the City Council and the Mayor and Deputy City Clerk are authorized to execute it on behalf of the City of Eagan. 3. That the Dakota County HRA be designated as the administrative entity to carry out the program on behalf of the City. ADOPTED by the City Council of Eagan this 6th day of February 1996. Ayes: Nayes: ATTEST: Eugene VanOverbeke, Deputy Clerk resolud.cdb Tom Egan, Mayor can CDBG Applications: 1. Senior Housing Project - $100,-000 2. Single Family Housing Rehabilitation - $101,240 3. Junior Youth -At -Risk Program - $10,000 4. Acquisition of Wescott Townhome unit - $30,000 Agenda Information Memo February 6, 1996 Eagan City Council Meeting CHANGE ORDERS, MUNICIPALCENTER-EXPANSION POLLPOLLCE, FACILrff ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: To approve change orders in the amount of $267.50 for the Police Department and $2,548 for the Municipal Center expansion as presented. FACTS: • As the projects are being closed out, a substantial number of changes that are the responsibility of other contractors are being backcharged, thus reducing the City's obligation for those items. Staff hopes to have the entire project closed out in the near future. The final Police Department pay book has been received and is being processed for payment. ATTACHMENTS: • Staff memoranda concerning change orders on pages&2--through . 31 TO: CITY ADMINISTRATOR HEDGES FROM: ASSISTANT TO THE CITY ADMINISTRATOR HOHENSTEIN DATE: JANUARY 19, 1996 SUBJECT. POLICE DEPARTMENT CHANGE ORDERS The City is in receipt of three change orders for the Police Department in the net amount of $267.50. These items were previously noted on the project budget as changes pending and represent the close out of these items. The change is described below: I. Swanson and Youngdale - Change Order #4/pco #110 - Finishing gun lockers and dean up (Partially backcharged) - $180.00. 2. Swanson and Youngdale - Change Order #5/poo #119 - Prepare and paint door frames and finish wood door (Partially backcharged) - $222.50. 3. Primary Equipment - Change Order #4/pco #111 - Backcharge for gun locker finish - ($135.00). This item has been reviewed in detail by the staff and consultants. It is in order for consideration by the City Council at this time. If any Council member wishes to review the change in more detail, please let me know. 7111 Lt d7 •� —city of eagan TO: CITY ADMINISTRATOR HEDGES FROM: ASSISTANT TO THE CITY ADMINISTRATOR HOHENSTEIN DATE: JANUARY 31, 1996 SUBJECT: MUNICIPAL CENTER EXPANSION CHANGE ORDERS MEMO The City is in receipt of four change orders for the municipal center remodeling in the amount of $3,098.00. The changes are described below: 1. The Builders - Change Order #12/pco #80 - Elevator fire stop additions, additional door frame finishing and premium time required because of glass company delays (Backcharged to Gateway) - $1,774.00. 2. The Builders - Change Order #13/pco #81 - Deduct for carpeting backcharge, additional work in existing skylights, change door hardware on Community Room and Council Chambers and additional vestibule insulation (Backcharged to Mulcahy .$621.00. 3. The Builders - Change Order #15/poo #83 - Preparation of door frame heads for original hardware (Backcharged to Glewwe) - $153.00. 4. The Pink Companies - Change Order #2/pco #71 - Additional preparation for carpet installation (Charged back to various contractors) - $153.00. These changes have been reviewed in detail by the consultants and staff. If any Council member wishes additional information, please let me know. 53 EAGAN CITY COUNCIL - REGULAR MEETING FEBRUARY 6, 1996 CONSENT AGENDA Q. CONTRACT 96-09, Award Contract, Blackhawk Park Shelter Building ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: To award contract 96-06 for the construction of the Blackhawk Park Pavilion to Thor Construction in the amount of $262,639.00. FACTS: • The Council approved, upon recommendation of the Advisory Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Commission, the plans and specifications for this project on November 6, 1995. • The architect's estimate for construction was $317,000. This estimate did not include well, septic, metal roof or fire ring. • There were 7 bidders for this building. Their bids are as follows: • Bid Alternate #1 is for a standing seam metal roof in place of asphalt and Alternate #2 is for a fire ring. • Staff is recommending the base bid and Alternate #2. • The contract provides for a penalty if the building is not ready for use by July 15, 1996 and an incentive if completed prior to that date. • Funding for the project was first approved for 1995 from the Park Site Fund but construction was delayed until 1996. ASSOCIATED ISSUES • The Council awarded the contract for well and septic in 1995 to service this building. This bid ($262,639) and those previously awarded ($14,300) totals $276,939 which is approximately $58 ,000 under the 1995 C.I.P. CONCERNS Richard Schwarz, the chief designer and architect for this building, was being treated fc cancer during the design process. Mr. Schwarz succumbed to the cancer and recently away. An associate is now carrying out the remaining work effort. c6\96-06.cc 5q Alt. #1 Alt. #2 Company Base Metal Roof Fire Ring Thor Construction 249,969 38,160 12,670 Loeffel Engstrand Corp 259,000 28,500 15,300 CM Construction 295,163 35,562 17,364 Viking Construction 298,800 27,500 19,900 Copeland Bldg. Corp 299,900 30,000 20,000 Shehe Construction 304,300 35,800 11,200 M R & R 335,757 35,850 16,250 • Bid Alternate #1 is for a standing seam metal roof in place of asphalt and Alternate #2 is for a fire ring. • Staff is recommending the base bid and Alternate #2. • The contract provides for a penalty if the building is not ready for use by July 15, 1996 and an incentive if completed prior to that date. • Funding for the project was first approved for 1995 from the Park Site Fund but construction was delayed until 1996. ASSOCIATED ISSUES • The Council awarded the contract for well and septic in 1995 to service this building. This bid ($262,639) and those previously awarded ($14,300) totals $276,939 which is approximately $58 ,000 under the 1995 C.I.P. CONCERNS Richard Schwarz, the chief designer and architect for this building, was being treated fc cancer during the design process. Mr. Schwarz succumbed to the cancer and recently away. An associate is now carrying out the remaining work effort. c6\96-06.cc 5q Agenda Information Memo February 6, 1996 Eagan City Council Meeting R, AUTHORIZE CABLE COMMISSION TO ADMINISTER TRANSFER OF OWNERSHIP PROCEEDINGS ,ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: To authorize the BurnsvilleA&gan Cable Communications Commission to administer the transfer of ownership from Meredith Cable to Continental Cablevision. FACTS: • The Cable Commission and membership cities are in receipt of a Letter of Intent for Meredith Cable to sell the cable system to Continental Cablevision. The actual transfer of ownership is controlled by the cable franchise and federal law. • The member cities will need to approve a final transfer as an amendment to their cable franchise ordinances. The Cable Commission can manage the statutory and other regulatory reviews necessary to recommend such a change. ATTACHMENTS: • Staff memorandum on page . TO: Is=: DATE: xt"=CT: ASSISTANT TO THH CITY ADMIXISTRATOR CABLE COORDINATOR REARDON�. JIUMARY 300 1996 COUNCIL AUTHORIZATION FOR CABLE C+01Q[ISSIOW TO AD.KINiISTBR TRANSFER Or OWNERSHIP PROCEEDINGS Backmrauad As you are aware, Meredith Cable has signed a Letter of Intent to sell the cable system to Continental Cablevision. It is expected, based on the most recent report from Continental, that the purchase agreement should be executed by mid-February. Once the Member Cities receive the 394 Form, which provides the federally required information concerning a sale, the Cities have up to 120 days to either approve or deny the transfer. The 1992 Cable Act shortened the review period and requires strict compliance; therefore, the review period will be shorter than the two previous transfers. In the previous transfers, (Group W to Cable TV North Central in 1986, and CTVNC to Meredith Cable in 1992), the Commission handled the transfer review process on behalf of the Member Cities. The review process includes the review/analysis of the prospective buyers finances, technical, legal and character qualifications, as well as public notices and hearings. In both situations, the Commission administered all of the required processes, and provided final recommendations for Council action. aisausaion At the Commissionfs January 25 meeting, the Commission considered its role in the probable transfer of ownership. As the transfer of ownership review period is on a strict 120 days schedule, as the sale announcement is imminent, and as the Commission has acted as the Member Cities official advisor on the two previous transfers, the Commission has recommended that it should again provide the same reviewal and advisory services. In the event the sale does not happen, then any authority granted to the Commission would be rescinded. Action Recommendegi The Cable Commission recommends i Commission to conduct, on behalf o: of ownership proceedings and to regarding the same for Council's that in the event the purchase authority is rescinded. the Member Cities authorize the E the Member Cities, the transfer provide final recommendations action, with the understanding agreement is not executed, all Agenda Information Memo February 6, 1996 Eagan City Council Meeting S. AUTHORIZE PREPARATION OF CODE CHANGE RELATING TO LIQUOR LICENSES AND REQUEST LEGISLATIVE APPROVAL OF FIVE ADDITIONAL ON-5j&LE LICENSES ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: To direct staff to prepare a City Code amendment removing distribution requirements from the on -sale liquor license provisions and to request special legislation to increase the number of available on -sale licenses. FACTS: The City currently has five on -sale liquor licenses available, two of which are designated for hotels in the current City Code. Opus Corporation, the developer of the Eagan Promenade, has suggested that they will be including a variety of restaurant users which will require liquor licenses. They are anticipating a need for five licenses. To permit flexibility and to have licenses available, this item is before the Council. Staff has exchanged voice mail messages with Representative Tim Pawlenty regarding the tight timeframe to request special legislation. We have asked him to prepare the special legislation and withdraw it if the Council does not approve the request at the meeting on Tuesday. We have not been assured yet that even this request will allow enough time. ATTACHMENTS: • City Code page illustrating current designations on page. • Staff memo covering available licenses on pages � through 37 9 5.52 7. No licensee shall display liquor to the public during hour hen the sale of liquor is prohibited. Source: City Code fective Date: 1-1-83 Bubd. S. No ease shall be granted any building within 300 feet of any n ery, elementary secondary school structure, day care center s cture or _h structure. Source: Ordz c o. 103, 2nd Series Effective Date- -27-90 Subd. 9. No more one lic shall be held by any Person. For the purpose his Subdivisi any person owning a beneficial interest o ve percentor mo of any licensed establishment shall considered a licensee. Source: City Code Effective Date: 1-1-83 Subd. 10. On-sale licenses shall be granted on to ho restaurants and clubs. Source: Ordinance No. 103, 2nd Series fforriyrr nnra- 1_1D7_0n subd. 11. Eighteen (18) on -sale licenses may be authorized as of June 5, 1990. All on -sale licenses shall be for Premises situated in a commercial or industrial use district under a conditional use permit. The eighteen (18) licenses shall be distributed as follows: A. Three (3) licenses for hotels; S. Seven (7) licenses for restaurants with at least $350,000.00 building valuation (exclusion of leasehold improvements, equipment or common areas); and, C. Eight (8) for other restaurants. Source: Ordinance No. 173, 2nd Series Effective Date: 1-14-94 A. Off -sale license applications will be reviewed by t e Department. If an off -sale license is not issued within nine s after Council approval, the approval shall automatically lap R. Each appfT2?M1M satisfaction that it has at least an 113 11 display to the City's MWjjjL_a specific site for -1-94) oj� _city of Wawa" TO: CITY ADMINISTRATOR HEDGES FROM: FINANCE DIRECTOR/CITY CLERK VANOVERBEKE DATE: JANUARY 29, 1996 SUBJECT: ON -SALE LIQUOR LICENSES MEMO I am providing the following information In response to the letter of January 9, 1996 from OPUS regarding the reservation of five (5) on -sale liquor licenses. The City currently (1996 renewals) has sWeen (16) on -sale liquor licenses issued and being actively used. A complete list of license holders Is attached for reference. The following table Illustrates the status of licenses relative to the City Code distribution: City Code ed &allable Hotels 3 1 2 Restaurants with at least $350,000 building valuation (excluding leaseholder improvements, equipment or common areas) 7 70) 0 Other Restaurants A �"_' 2 Totals 48 16 2 r)The breakdown between these two (2) classifications Is not real dear from the list of active licenses. The Red Robin Restaurant was previously noted as a potential applicant, although the latest information, which Is not formal, is that they will not be building in Eagan at this time. In addition to the eighteen (11B) licenses referenced to In the City Code, the special legislation of 1994 authorizes the City to Issue an additional three (3) on -sale liquor licenses. These three (3) have not been designated by the City Council and are not referenced in the City Code. The City cannot issue more than the twenty-one (21) licenses until after the 2000 census which will increase the limit by one license for each 2,500 population over 45,000, or through additional special legislation. When the special legislation was passed in 1994, the original request was to increase the Imit by ten (10). Concem from the existing license holders at that time was a factor in reducing the request for additional licenses to three (3). Please let me know if you would like any additional information or if you would like to discuss this matter. . M o Fi a Director/City Clea cc: Administrative Assistant Witt Director of Community Development Reichert EJVMnd 4 t Agenda Information Memo February 6, 1996 Eagan City Council Meeting ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED To approve or deny a Final Subdivision for Bob Martin Addition located north of Lone Oak Road and west of Lone Oak Circle. FACTS Final plans, development contracts, and financial guarantees are in order. BACKGROUND/ATTACHMENTS (1) Final Plat Map, page. L4 .0-� ----� I IID lCd,[ I . i NORTH 30000 L----i-----�---- 1 r- <0,;N j ss { r � g —+ 18 ► gig; .0-� ----� I IID lCd,[ I . i NORTH 30000 L----i-----�---- 1 <0,;N j ss { r � g —+ 18 r ====LEEMH 30000-- Ip == 1 it O I I -, .I, 1 a- -L-1- I L------------� F --- — — — — -- ' — — — — — --- SOUTH 300.00 — - --' = RR•' RR t! ¢ i} if_ s l t t i �_{ m a3 ss r � a- -L-1- I L------------� F --- — — — — -- ' — — — — — --- SOUTH 300.00 — - --' = RR•' RR t! ¢ i} if_ s l t t i �_{ m a3 ss Agenda Information Memo February 6, 1996 Eagan City Council Meeting U. AUTHORIZATION. AIRPORT RELATIONS COMMISSION, POSITION ON MODIFICATION OF CORRIDOR TOWER ORDER ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: To authorize the Airport Relations Commission to formulate a position consistent with previous policy regarding a proposed modification of the FAA Tower Order concerning corridor procedures. FACTS: The Metropolitan Airports Commission is considering a modification of the tower order procedure for the Eagan/Mendota Heights corridor in response to a request by the City of Inver Grove Heights for earlier turns in corridor operations. MAC staff and FAA staff indicate that the language reflects current practice, it is a change which suggests that aircraft be turned more quickly over Eagan neighborhoods which are closer to the runway and to satisfy residents at a greater distance from the runway end in Inver Grove Heights. • This proposal is being forwarded without any environmental review or public input and is scheduled for the MAC meeting which precedes the next regularly scheduled City Council meeting. Since the City has previous policy regarding the corridor, staff is recommending the unusual step of authorizing the Airport Relations Commission to receive a briefing from the MAC and formulate the City's position in this regard. Any position taken would be returned to the City Council for ratification. ATTACHMENTS: • Staff memorandum onpag� gh throw k ? . �3 '-�5,.,. _city of eagan TO: CITY ADMIN FROM: ASSISTANT TO THE CITY ADMINISTRATOR HOHENSTEIN DATE: JANUARY 311 1996 SUBJECT: PROPOSED MODIFICATION OF FAA TOWER INSTRUCTIONS - CORRIDOR TURN PROCEDURES MASAC and its Operations Committee have forwarded to the full Commission a MAC staff recommendation which would change the wording of the current FAA Tower Order with respect to the turning of aircraft after three miles. City representatives have opposed the proposed change to date because it is inconsistent to modify language which may worsen the current corridor compliance problem without any environmental review or opportunity for input from potentially affected homeowners. r:a The proposed modification is a response to a longstanding request by the City of Inver Grove Heights for aircraft to tum earlier due to a perception that many aircraft proceed farther east than necessary before turning to their destinations. The MAC has performed no statistical or environmental review of the extent to which this occurs. Monthly tracking data dearly indicates that aircraft diverge dramatically beginning at three miles and that as many as twenty percent of all departures from the south parallel tum before three miles and unnecessarily impact Eagan's residents. Without correcting the immediate compliance problem and without identifying any actual problem downrange, the MAC staff is proposing to modify the Tower Order language pertaining to the corridor as outlined in the excerpt from the MAC staff report attached. MAC staff indicates that the FAA already operates in this way, assigning "on -course headings as soon as practical after the 3 -mile point." As such, they suggest that it will not result in any change in operations while being a positive public relations effort for the City of Inver Grove Heights. This change should not be implemented for the following reasons: 1. It may, in fact, have a practical impact on operations resulting in increased overflights of eastern Eagan neighborhoods. It will likely result in operations 44 changes at altitudes less than 3000 feet, the federal criteria for an environmental review. 2. It will have a negative public relations impact for thousands of residents in eastern Eagan neighborhoods regardless of whether it has an impact or.not. The affected population in Inver Grove Heights is dramatically smaller than the affected population In eastern Eagan. 3. Most aircraft have turned to their destinations long before they would reach the populated portions of Inver Grove Heights. Most aircraft traveling east at that point have eastern destinations. There is no problem to correct. 4. Until corridor compliance problems are corrected, nothing should be done which has the potential to make the situation worse. 5. This proposal is being shepherded to the MAC without any effort to educate or engage the public. Because this item was raised after the last ARC meeting and because it will be presented to MAC prior to the next Council meeting, it will not be possible to prepare a Commission recommendation for Council consideration. Since the City has taken policy positions on maintaining the integrity of the Corridor before and because MAC staff will present a briefing to the ARC on the proposed change at its meeting of the 13th, staff is recommending that the Council authorize the Commission to formulate a position on behalf of the City to be presented to the MAC at its meeting of February 20 and ratified by the City Council that evening. Ansi to the City Administrator Proposed M M.ASAC Objectives MASAC Communications. City of Inver Grove Heights Proposal. Anacbed is an Inver Grove Heights (IGH) City Resolution p vsmmd to MAC's Ranning and Environment C enmittee in Dec cmba 1495. Also attached are supporting documents from bath IGH and MAC staff as presented to the comomissioncsa. The MASAC Operatives Coaunittee was tasked to review the resolution, dcvck g a proposal, aad report beck to PSE in 64 days. John Foggia, Marsager ANSP, briefed the IGH airport reMons committee cuensively on 10 January 1496, clearing up a number of ftctutl miscconceptions. IGH's resolution can be distilled to request that MSP's TRACON use best efforts to turn aircraft heading south,. southwest or west, on -course as soon as possible after passing the 3 -mile turn restriction area. Though it is undamod that it is already in the best interests of both air carriers and ATC to tarn eligible aircraft on -course as soon as possible, MAC staff recommend a change to tower order warding in MSP AT 7110.40, paragraph 7JL(lXc) from: J buy is 4LASAC SbNWM i om W ADP Radkt€oAs JUe 25 y3atiorn 1 ; . r dt1lS.�AC :�io� r�€ F�ual �adt D1�ctip� i'rom .. if available September 24 OCUAxr 2.2 rest•Sla=d 0MASA+Mvcdng Novemba.? oar t,�aatt�ee FoCuS.Aclivides 1br Upcoming Ytat' Dcc=3 � ti t+lan MASAC Communications. City of Inver Grove Heights Proposal. Anacbed is an Inver Grove Heights (IGH) City Resolution p vsmmd to MAC's Ranning and Environment C enmittee in Dec cmba 1495. Also attached are supporting documents from bath IGH and MAC staff as presented to the comomissioncsa. The MASAC Operatives Coaunittee was tasked to review the resolution, dcvck g a proposal, aad report beck to PSE in 64 days. John Foggia, Marsager ANSP, briefed the IGH airport reMons committee cuensively on 10 January 1496, clearing up a number of ftctutl miscconceptions. IGH's resolution can be distilled to request that MSP's TRACON use best efforts to turn aircraft heading south,. southwest or west, on -course as soon as possible after passing the 3 -mile turn restriction area. Though it is undamod that it is already in the best interests of both air carriers and ATC to tarn eligible aircraft on -course as soon as possible, MAC staff recommend a change to tower order warding in MSP AT 7110.40, paragraph 7JL(lXc) from: Agenda information Memo February 6,1996 V,CONTRACT 94-W, ST CHARLES WOOD ADDITION ACTION FOR COUNCIL CONSIDERATION: To acknowledge completion of Contract 94-W (St. Charles Wood Addition - Streets & Utilities) and authorize perpetual City maintenance subject to all appropriate contractual warranty provisions. FACTS: • The installation of public streets and utilities within the St. Charles Wood Addition (located between Cedar Freeway and Slaters Road north of James Street) was installed privately by the developer under the terms and conditions of the development contract agreement (94-W). • All inspections were performed by City authorized personnel and verified to be in conformance with City codes, standards, and City reviewed plans and specifications. • It is appropriate for the Council to formally acknowledge the satisfactory completion of these public improvements and formally authorize perpetual City maintenance and the release of the related financial securities subject to the warranty provisions. Kell "proceed on the beading ass4ned until at beast 3 miles from the departure end of the nm - way." to "proceed on the be -:ding assigned until at least 3 mile ftm, the departure end of the run- way, and wssign or+-ccA .headings as som as practical after the 3 -mile point" This wording change retains the spirit of the existing order, but clarifies an important point to downstream communities. Agenda Information Memo February 6, 1996 1996 ENGINEERING SERVICES FEE SCHEDULE ACTION FOR COUNCIL CONSIDERATION: To approve/modify/deny the requested adjustment for the 1996 Fee Schedule for engineering services provided by MSA, Inc. FACTS: On January 18, the City Council received a request from MSA, Inc., to adjust the ongoing engineering services contract to provide for a change in the Fee Schedule for services provided in 1996. • The Council continued consideration of this request directing staff to provide a comparison of proposed fee schedules for other City approved consulting firms. • The past services provided by MSA, Inc., have been periodically monitored, reviewed and evaluated by City staff and found to be very favorable for services rendered. • Representatives of MSA, Inc., and City staff will be available for any questions by the Council. ATTACHMENTS: • Comparative fee schedule a P �eP8 'Al 67D d a LL r y H rrr uj xLL to co a U v„ ,,,,,,,,,,, $6� Bug 8888 8 a � L y p 88 Q 8 p p p Q Q p p8Q `*wl p Q a g R pp Qp 8 8 88 8 8 8S, , , , , , , , ,O C , , 09 i W N _ _gy�pp 6�pp pp pp pp pp S pp_ S W W N Pi N 6119 W N 1 a w W W W W s W 8q�sysRQg8�ppn Q u�v~�n1�N X800 8V!i N e« CD1� w w a 198 RW 68 g8 g - , q- g �pp M , pv�f g M , , N g , , , a WW w w w w W w w w w a 999 IM: IT oo ate. 4040Www 403, ww U 88 888 88 88 �W �w a Www ww co J a f � V LL � C C ,gC C t U W.W. C. W a 8 �W W W��•g �'§aa • o UL fA (J! aI-(KIL � � �U acnmlco�eV� 67D d a LL r y H rrr uj xLL to co Agenda Information Memo February 6, 1996 Eagan City Council Meeting ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED To approve or deny a 90 -day extension for the Vantage Point Preliminary Subdivision located south of Diffley Road, west of the Lexington-Diffley Athletic Fields. FACTS It is the recommendation of the Department Heads and City Attorney's Office that the City deny this extension and request that the revised Vantage Point Preliminary Subdivision application be resubmitted and brought back through the public hearing process. ► Due to the reconfiguration of the access and the impact to the grading, tree preservation, etc., many of the original conditions of subdivision approval may not be applicable. Staff has determined that these changes warrant a new application and public hearing prior to Council action. BACKGROUND/ATTACHMENTS (1) Letter from Remo and Karen Caponi's Attorney, page 61 S. TODD RAPP ADMITTED TO PRACTICE IN MINNESOTA AND WISCONSIN CERTIFIED AS REAL PROPERTY LAW AND CIVIL TRIAL SPECIALIST BY MINNESOTA STATE BAR ASSOCIATION Mike Ridley Senior Planner City of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, MN 55122-1897 LAW OFFICES OF S. TODD RAPP A PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION 1035 INTERNATIONAL PLAZA 7900 INTERNATIONAL DRIVE BLOOMINGTON, MINNESOTA 55425 TELEPHONE (812) 854-5602 FACSIMILE (612) 654-5609 January 22, 1996 RE: Vantage Point/ Remo and Karen Caponi My File No. 1137/01 Dear Mike: TIMOTHY A. NETZELL OF COUNSEL ADMITTED TO PRACTICE IN MINNESOTA AND ARIZONA VIA FACSIMILE AND AND U.S. MAIL (681-4612) Mr. and Mrs. Caponi have requested that I forward to you a formal written request for a further extension regarding the Vantage Point preliminary plat. As you may know, it was only a few days ago that the Dakota County District Court denied the Caponi's application for a Writ of Mandamus allowing them public street access to serve the Vantage Point subdivision through the Lexington/Diff ley Athletic site. As a consequence of this denial, Mr. and Mrs. Caponi's engineers have advised them that it will take some time to prepare revised final plans for the subdivision providing public street access directly from Diffley Road as the City Council desires. To accommodate this, a further extension of the effectiveness of the preliminary plat is requested, and we respectfully request that such an extension be granted by the City Council at its earliest opportunity. I understand this would be on the occasion of its February 6, 1996 regular meeting. If you require anything further to process this request, please contact me at the telephone number referenced above. STR/tkg cc: Remo and Karen Caponi Very truly yours, d d Rapp 6�- � � �� • � � � ���� �\ ___ � f � . /,./�• •� / fir. 980 / 8.0 1 log dd Yw lilt 16 10 lei I _�� _, . ;L1'` ,J . ; , I , ,+ :a r lam, �- ,�.1 ►!, • • � ° - �...` .,� �;�� � pyo � r / j f 1i � j i � •j � � i �_� �Tt I� 1"t / �l i rt, r ' e ' i too 14oqb IF Nb r ♦ � � � \\\�� � \� � \ � � � � � `" - ` ' � ..s .• ,fie dO Iwo. Agenda Information Memo February 6, 1996 Eagan City Council Meeting C. 1996 - 2000 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: To approve or deny the 1996 - 2000 Capital Improvements Program as presented and authorize expenditures consistent with the 1996 Capital program. ATTACHMENTS: • Summary memorandum on pagesthrough / TO: HONORABLE MAYOR 9, CITY COUNCILMEMBERS FROM: CITY ADMINISTRATOR HEDGES DATE: JANUARY 30, 1996 SUBJECT: 1996-2000 CIP Status of Draft 1996-2000 CIP MEMO The CIP was presented for consideration by the City Council at a workshop meeting held on October 24, 1995. At that meeting, Part I and Part II were presented for review. The City Administrator was directed to prepare a memo to the Holz Farm Task Force and Advisory Parks, Recreation & Natural Resources Commission regarding the proposed funding of improvements to Holz Farm. Direction was also given to prepare a memo to the Volunteer Fire Department asking that a strategy for a cost benefit analysis be prepared for the construction of future fire stations, Fire Administration building and fire training facility. Both memos were prepared and distributed shortly after that work session by the City Administrator. it was generally concluded that land banking would be approved by the Council for 1996. Also, a copy of a fifteen year equipment replacement and new equipment schedule was presented by the Director of Public Works as a long-range planning document. It was determined at that meeting that 1996 needs to be firm for the departments based on the $500,000 allocation and work would continue during 1996 for the final four years of the CIP. A second meeting was held on November 28 to review the memos written by the City Administrator regarding Holz Farm and additional analysis on the funding allocation for Part II, which totals $500,000. At the December 12 meeting, there were presentations regarding parkland acquisition and development and the street signals, streetlights and utilities as provided under Part Ili. Summary of Three City Council Work Sessions Part I The Holz Farm Task Force and APRNRC were given direction by means of a memo from the City Administrator to reevaluate the types of improvements necessary for Holz Farm to become a public attraction within the community. A copy of that memo is attached on page o for your review. Similarly, the Fire Department was directed to prepare a strategy regarding the construction of future fire stations, Fire AdrZinistration building and fire training facility. A copy of that memo is attached on pages through . It is the understanding of the City Administrator that the Fire Department will complete this task during April/May, 1996. Final action to be considered regarding Part'l is to approve the following: 1. Land Banking, Fire Station #6 (3 acres) $100,000 2. Land Banking, N.W. Quadrant (3 acres)100,000 Total ,$,00,Q00 Funding for both of these acquisitions is through the Community Investment Fund; both are programmed for 1996. Part II As previously stated, the departments were given direction to further analyze the funding allocation, new equipment requests and prepare for future consideration, the 1996-2000 capital improvements request for vehicles and related equipment. This will take place during the next few months as an introduction to the 1997-2001 CIP request for Part II. There was direction given by the City Council to allow vehicles and equipment to be purchased under Part II at a funding level allocation not to exceed the present funding allocation in the amount of $500,000. Since departments have banked or borrowed against the allocation on an annual basis, there will be some variance between actual requests and the allocation. Action to be considered on Part II is to approve the following list as presented for each of the departments: 1996 Department Part II CIP Data Processing mount Novell Lan Network Hardware $13,000 Novell Lan Network Software 10;000 City Computer Software 2,000 GIS Mapping Workstation Hardware & Software 10,000 5 $35,000 Community Development Vehicle - Replacement for #503 $14,000 14-000 Police 6 Marked Vehicles - Replacements $97,000 (an additional $15,500 is being charged to the 97,000 General Fund - the total cost is therefore $112,500) Fire (Total allocation committed to pumper ordered in 1995) Enaineerina HPX - Terminal Workstations with GIS license $ 7,500 Inspection vehicle (4X4 utility) with mobile radio - 20,500 replace old squad car 28,000 treets Single Axle Dump Truck - replaces vehicle #139 $87.000 Central -Services Copy Machine 17,400 Parks & Recreation * ton Pick-up - replaces vehicle #309 $14,500 * ton 4X4 with plow package - replaces vehicle #307 20,000 Toro Frontmount Mower - replaces unit #339 16,500 Utility Truckster - new 14,500 Vehicle Lift Gate 2.500 Total 87,000 7,400 The funding sources for the 1996 spending allocation are as follows: 1995 Ad Valorem Tax Levy Collections $150,000 1996 Equipment Certificates 350.000 Total $500,000 In addition to the above -referenced equipment Part II, acquisitions programmed in the Utility Fund are as follows. These acquisitions do not count against the $500,000 allocation but are subject to the same criteria for purchase: VVlater 1500 Series Pickup - replaces vehicle #211 $16,000 GIS Monitor and Printer 35M0 $51,000 Sanitary Sewer Bubbler Upgrade 115 300 15,300 Storm Drainage Street Sweep - replaces unit #139196,000 96.10-00 Total L=300 4 Department detail information is attached on pages through g /& Part III The proposed Part III Public Works CIP was presented and di d at the De mbar 12, 1995 Special City Council meeting. Enclosed on pages"?3 through is the summary information by major improvement classification along with alis of 1996 projects resulting in Council direction at the December 12, 1995 meeting. At the same meeting, the City Council provided direction to the Advisory Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Commission to prioritize land banking over development, that the 1996 capital needs be reprioritized to not exceed $500,000 and the balance of.needs would be reconsidered after the June 1996 bond referendum. That prioritization is not yet complete, so no priority list or project list is available. Action to be Considered on Part III is to approve the Part III Public Works CIP as presented in summary form and to approve the Parks & Recreation allocation at $500,000 to be financed from the Park Site Acquisition and Development Fund for 1996. sff ummaly Despite staff and Council efforts, the completion of the neatly bound Capital Improvements Program has remained a difficult goal to achieve. Given other priorities, the complete package is not finished at this time. However, approval of the information as presented will allow for the implementation of the 1996 Capital Budget without compromising options for future years. Work will oontinue and be incorporated into what will hopefully be a complete 1997-2001 CIP completed in a timely manner. City Administrator Attachments TLH/vmd s y s c MEMO_cHy of eagan T0: DIRECTOR OF PARKS b RECREATION VRAA FROM: CITY ADMINISTRATOR HEDGES DATE: NOVEMBER 2. 1995 SUBJECT: HOLZ FARM PARKICAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS The City Council, at its work session on October 24, removed all reference to capital building Improvements to Holz Farm Park from the Five -Year Part I CIP. The City Council takes great pride In its decision to preserve a small piece of Eagan history with the acquisition of Holz Fane Park; however, they also expressed a concern that, had they known there were numerous capital building needs In the hundreds of thousands of dollars, the farm may not have been purchased. It is important that the Holz Farm Task Force and/or the Advisory Parks, Recreation R Natural Resources Commission prepare a strategic plan/prog ram for Holz Farm Paris with respect to various Improvements and funding scenarios. There will be no allocation/appropriation for 1996; however, it is recommended that the plan/program be presented in the next several months so the City Council can make its review and consider future funding alternatives. IL qi%7.T Mir 171-71 :. _tTj iii'i- 4 l� f a tea. _city of ea an TO: FIRE CHIEF NELSON FROM: CITY ADMINISTRATOR HEDGES DATE: OCTOBER 31, 1995 SUBJECT: CAPITAL BUDGETIGENERAL GOVERNMENT FACILITIES A special thanks for your attendance and participation at the City Council workshop on Tuesday, October 24. Regarding the capital budget Items proposed for 1996, the City Council seemed to be in general agreement with land banking for the training facility, Fire Station 06 and land for the northwest quadrant. We also loomed from the Director of Finance that the city has received a title conveyance for the land adjacent to the shooting range and can now be used for public purpose. He did qualify public purpose as non -structure until either six years has elapsed and the former owner cannot reclaim the property or the former owner waives his right to the property or we go through some type of court action. The property can be used for storage and training operations that do not require an actual structure. It will be necessary to coordinate Public Works and Fire Department needs for this property. It will also be necessary for Community Development and Public Works Engineering to determine the best use of the property, any. permitting requirements, access, utilities, etc. In terns of land banking for Fire Station 06 and an area in the northwest quadrant, I would suggest that we work with Community Development to Identify specific sites and whether those sites have access to either city or county roads, research the cost for the land, other pertinent information or eventually City Council approval. It would be helpful E one person be designated to negotiate land prices, options and other issues relative to land acquisition. Regarding construction of the training facility and construction of the Fire Administration building, the City Council is asking for additional information before these items will be given further consideration In the Part I CIP. Regarding the training facility, there is a definite need to develop a program addressing the following Issues. Why the Fire Department is proposing a training facility? How are those training needs being met at the present time without a facility? The needs require quantification beyond a matter of convenience and frustration. What will be the components of the training facility? Is it feasible for other communities to share in the mse of the training facility as a revenue producer? Could a training facility be built in Eagan as a partnership with other communities similar to the police and shooting range that was a joint cooperative partnership with Apple Valley or the fire training tower that Eagan. Burnsville and Apple Valley jointly constructed In the City of Burnsville? Regarding the operation of a training facility, will there be necessity for specialized equipment and are there numbers associated with an operating budget? Construction of the Fire Administration building was also discussed at the work session. There Is a question In the City Council's mind as to exactly what program needs the Fire Department has for the Fire Administration building. City Councitmember Wachter has asked for an analysis of the square footage for both the existing Fire Administration property and 40 acre municipal campus to help the City Council determine how and what public facilities might be expanded on those particular sites. That Information has been completed by Engineering and will be shared with the Fire Department and Councilmember Wachter. There was also a question at the work session as to how we envision ambulance service In future years and whether that facility should be upgraded as part of Fire Administration and, If so, who will pay for that capital construction? 1 would .suggest that a program be drafted for the Fire Administration building that discusses reasons for expanding the present Fire Administration building and any altematives to constructing a new building. In other words, is the community room or new City Council Chambers adequate for Monday evening and Tuesday morning training needs? Could the community room space at the present Fire Administration building be remodeled to accommodate an additional conference room and office space, etc.? Some of these thoughts were examined at the time the City Council gave consideration to the new Police facility project and Municipal Center remodeling. There were various scenarios, including adding on to the south of the Police facility, using the lower level space of the Municipal Center building as Fire Administrator offices, etc. 1 'am certain some of the information exists and could be re -presented as a program for City Council review. I commend the Executive Committee for the work they have done to date on the long- range planning for the Fire Department facility needs. On behalf of the City Council, I would *be happy to attend an Executive Committee meeting to discuss further with its members the type of information and program needs the Council would like to further analyze construction of a training facility and Fire Administration building as a part of our capital improvement budget. Although the City Council did not specifically discuss construction of Station 06 and equipment, i would suggest that a program also be developed for that capital request. The project cost needs to be substantiated along with reasons for constructing Station N. Eventually, the same need for information will exist for Fire Station 03 expansion and construction and equipment for the northwest station. Since those are future facilities beyond the five year CIPS energy .should be concentrated on the first five years. I 'look forward to working with you and the Executive Committee to help prepare Information for a future City Council work session. City Administrator TUiMnd s -65 F-. 8$8 8 888 8 888 8 8888 8 8885 0 0 IL w6N IA to NN Om1AN 000f0i1� Y! �7N00 le! Ifs r r r CO) r V- r r j r q r r !7 r - V. w W W W Ir a a a 0 0 0 r co V1 VA N a a a W a W W W W Q W a 5 a a !E as a aa�a as a aacoo a LXZ oto= Hwzx owc z Q wz � awz io*g *OWo Qomo a03C<C m F= S v� Q H S to Q P S to p< F= YYC t � YY�� YYIf � YYa� . . t 00012 oOQY 0OOY 00=pY EEM06 Hwxg H2=6 w3 LU w3 15 z gsa 3gsa ggsa 5� IL 2 CL �:18 :8! 8 8� W zcr) co 9�e 99H z 0 �gg' C'3 zzCUO z z 8 0 �i �iVi !i!i tE���!i Z�� WWW W 0 W W W W 0 W W W W J W w w W W 222 Q 2 Q 2222 Q 22222 a-aaa aaaa f- a_a_aa aaaan. 5888 > > >>>> > > > > O 55555 Q W W W W W W W W W W W W M W W W W W CA ca gill I igr r 1 1111 1 11111 W � a gWg F� W W N Z. - LU 0w 0 < zc i a. IL (LCD WQS 3acn Z. I o �aC�z �WOO� U_OO �Szz8 !E � � �i� -i ui aaaaa 0 G 55555 m m~ 00000 n W w w W w N N $$$ N Q OR z 0 We can took for less expensive printing techniques and also hope that grants can • • supplement; however, we do need to begin printing an entirely new Comprehensive Plan as we update it. $36,265 total reductions 1996-2000 C.I.P. REQUEST In 1994, and again this year, we have delayed the purchase and replacement of vehicles pending development/clarification of our Citywide vehicle policy. 1 would still prefer to see this policy fully developed before I submit a detailed plan for particular vehicles. However, we have two inspection trucks that are well over 100,000 total mileage, as well as three vehicles that will exceed ten year, of age in 1996. We should probably replace these vehicles next year using rollover funds from 1994 and 1995 and an allocation for one vehicle in 1996. While it looks like we may still need to replace a vehicle each year, I would like to discuss our approach to vehicle utilization and rotation on an inter- departmental basis. For preliminary planning purposes, I would suggest we go with the following C.I.P. request subject to further discussion (see memo from Doug Reid): 1994 rollover #508 1995 rollover 0`'�er� 2 1996 �� 1997 1998 1999 2000 #5D3 #509 #506 #505 #510 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION 13,000 13,000 14,000 4v�� 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 pp pp o In summary, we hope we can. find a way to fund the electronic file system. At a minimum, we believe that the +2.8% budget request is reasonable given our workload. We have attempted to restructure the department to do more with the some amount of funding and we feel that we have developed a solid approach to do so. We look forward to discussing this budget material with you in the near future. Community Development Director PARls attach. Vi EAGAN POLICE DEPARTMENT 1996-2000 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM A. Vehicles 1996 6 marked replacements @ $18,950/car= $113,700 1997 6 marked replacements @ $18,950/car I marked additional hires @ $18,950/car 2 unmarked replacements @ $15,435/car $163,520 1998 7 marked replacements @ $20,500/car 2 unmarked replacements @ $16,052/car I unmarked additional detective @ $16,052/car $191,656 1999 6 marked replacements @ $21,320/car I marked additional hire @ $21,320/car I unmarked replacement @ $16,695/car $165,935 2000 8 marked replacements @ $22,170/car I unmarked replacement @ $17,360/car I unmarked additional detective @ $17,360/car $212,080 Total = $846,891 Adlh,6 dtV of aC1+C an 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD EAGAN, MINNESOTA 55122-1897 PHONE: (612)681-4700 TDD: (612) 454-8535 FAX: (612) 681-4738 January 23, 1996 police department PATRICK GEAGAN Chief Of Police RICHARD SWANSON Captain Administration & Investigation JAMES SEWALD Captain Patrol THOMAS EGAN Mayor PATRICIA AWADA SHAWN HUNTER SANDRA A. MASIN THEODORE WACHTER Council Members THOMAS HEDGES TO: Gene VanOverbeke, Finance Director City Administrator E. J. VAN OVERBEKE FROM: Patrick J. Geagan, Chief of Police City Clerk SUBJECT: Verification of C.I.P. Numbers for 1996 I have reviewed our 1996 C.I.P. numbers which were distributed in a packet late 1995. I have had the opportunity to revise the amounts to equal our 1996 figure of $80,700. Below is the revised budget items and their individual amounts. Hewlett Packard PC (153) $2,500. Squad Video Camera (153) $6,500. Digital Line Cards (6) (155) $2,800. MDT/PC (153) $5,500. Software (156) $1,000. Visabars/Lights (5) (153) $12,500. GIS Memory Upgrade(156) $1,000. Push Bumpers (4) (153) $1,200. Shelving (4) (156) $ 600. Shotgun (153) $ 300. BP486DX66 PC (Evidence) $3,000. HeadSets,SWAT (2) (153) $1,000. Bar Code Reader (Evidence) $ 900. Motorola Portables(2)(153) $1,900. Hewlett Packard PC (15 7) $2,500. Hewlett Packard (2) (154) $5,000. Upgrade UPS System (150) $5,300. Surveillance Camera (154) $ 400. Radar Units (4) (153) $6,800. Surveillance Recorder (154) $ 900. Squad Radios (2) (153) $3,600. Marked Squad(CIP Balance) $15,500. Total Of Above Listed C.I.P. Items = $80,700. We have already ordered and received our Squads for 1996. We have used our annual allocation of $97,000 plus approximately $6,000 from the previous year allocation plus the above $15,500 out of our budget for our 1996 purchase. We worked this out with you and Tom Pepper late last year. Tim Sewald has been working with you and Tom Pepper concerning these items, so if you have any questions in this area, please contact Tim. Patrick J. Gea ' n THE LONE OAK TREE ... THE SYMBOL O D GROWTH IN OUR COMMUNITY Equal Opportunity/Affirmaflve Action Employer a z 11 CA H w Z � Z Wo N N Cs v ow W V a z 11 � 01 Z v Q z C �' Lr ji [ar O G V L41 COQ W M 0 8 V r H 0 u h � U 1 a F F Ch V co � � V O � O 19LZ.lC u h V > U fs. v a QC U � �1 u A. .9 d. U IL h I h o+ a a ism t e S. a •r rd e u w �D E L W G u iy� c 99.E � Z 19 h I h I '� city of eagan DATE: January 30, 1996 TO: Tom Hedges, City Administrator 14 FROM: Ken Vraa, Director of Parks and Recreation SUBJECT: 1996 C.I.P. Equipment MEMO On January 19, 1 met with Superintendent of Parks Olson and Supervisors Taylor and Graham to critically review the Equipment C.I.P. for Parks for 1996-2000. With the transition in personnel in the parks division over the past year, this was the first real opportunity for the division to meet as a unit to review and make recommendations on the departments Capital Equipment Needs. We are reviewing two recommendations for equipment in years beyond 1996, this review should be completed in time for the finalization of our departments 5 year Equipment C.I.P. 1997-2001. The 1996 needs remain unaffected by future needs. They are as follows: Replacement of Unit #309: This is a 1988 S-10 Pick-up previously assigned to the parks operation supervisor. The vehicle has an excess of 100,000 miles and is in only fair to poor condition. This vehicle was scheduled for replacement in 1995, but was deferred until 1996. This will be replaced with a 1/2 Ton Pick-up. Old 309 will be retained until the fall of 1996 and then sold at auction. $14,500 Replacement of Unit #307: Unit 307 was a 314 Ton 4x4 and was disposed of last year. The new 314 Ton 4x4 will be equipped with a plow package. $20,000 Replacement Unit #339: Unit 339 is a 1989 Toro Frontmount Mower with over 3,000 hours; Well beyond the optimal time of effective service life. Cost for replacement, with trade $16,500. Utility Truckster. With the opening of Lexington/Diffley Athletic Fields the department is reviewing the best option for a utility truckster for field dragging/trash hauling at this athletic site. This unit was identified in the 1995-1999 C.I.P.; Recognizing the needs of a new athletic site. Estimated Cost $14,500. I ( 1996 CIP Equipment January 30, 1996 Page two New: Vehicle Lift Gabe: The City has one vehicle in its entire fleet with a "lift gate". This vehicle is loaned frequently to other departments when transporting of equipment and supplies are required. This unit was used intensively during the office relocations of 1995 and for elections (voting machines), supplies (government building), furniture etc. Staff is recommending that a second lift gate be purchased to be mounted on an existing 1 -Ton vehicle. Cost $2,500. Total 1996 - 68 000 Final Summary: Balance as of 1/1/96 $ 88,000 1996 Allocation 89.000 $177,000 Less 1996 Expenditure 68.000 Estimated Balance on 1/1/97 109.000 a8lapaquip.kv d 60 INAr C � •p Qom u = a= _ h E 0 � u 8 e w.l r •y h h h V! I u E V u gag 1' u E I N M a y b I qo� h 4 I N M a y b i Uw 9 S S G O OOGe p e� E� w n �N Ml H H H U rn w�'+ w S O S-00 OOGe p e� E� w n �N Ml Vl H U rn w�'+ w OOGe cr w H H k O� U rn w�'+ w k O� U rn w�'+ w I b I N N N O !- ro w .► I b I ro I b I � § § 11 k k k B a a i a i y .n 5 fib w w 5 fib N N » 5 fib C.I.P. 1995-1999 STREET SEALCOAT DEPT. 22 Yaar Constructed 1996 Sealeoat 1991 Trial Square Yards 163,041 Cost at i .50 a Square Yard 1984 195299 1977 33,397 Sul -Total 391,737 S 195,868.50 1997 Sealcoat 1992 57,576 1985 200,399 1978 49,655 Sub -Total 307,630 S 153,815.00 1998 Sealcoat 1993 164,908 1986 315,559 1979 63,280 Sub -Total 543,747 S 271,873.50 1999 Sealcoat 1994 377,643 1987 291,137 1980 352,846 Sub -Total 1,021,626 S 510,813.00 2000 Sealcoat 1995 82,922 1988 456,738 1981 1 147,368 Sub -Total 687,048 3 343,524.00 GRAND TOTAL . rip 2,451,788 Rev. "Wa(aw2i $1,475,894.00 144 144 144 144 i!I 18I} '214 215 218 217 �21M » 31110 m 41s. 116 416 416 742 90:1 9W 901 604 804 35 35 35 35 338 As 439 6?8 as 756 755 755 755 755 755 10 0*3 MAR DRIVE WILDERNESS CURVE OAK LEAF CIRCLE 110 CNEB MAR DRIVE OAK LEAF CIRCLE CHES MAR LANE 30 ONES MAR DRIVE CHES MAR LANE DUNBERRY LANE 40 ONES MAR DRIVE DUNBERRY LANE CUFF ROAD 10 ONES MAX LANE RIDGEVEW .DRIVE CHES MAR DRIVE 10 COUNTRY CREEK WAY LODESTONE LUNE OWC LODESTONE LANE 10 DENMARK COURT E DENIMARK AVE CUL-DES11C 10 DENMARK COURT W CUL.DESAC l3ENMARKA 10 DENMARK TRAIL E DENMARK AVE CUL4X 10 VDA ARK TRAL W CULrDESAC AVE 10 FEDERAL DRIVE YANKEE DOODLE ROAD HEIGM DRIVE BO FEDERAL DRIVE SURREY HEIGHTS- OLET LANE 100 JOHNNY CAKE RIDGE RO CLIFF ROAD COVINOTON LANE 110 JOHNNY CAKE RIDGE RO COVIN SHERWOOD WAY 120 JOHNNY CAKE RIDGE RO AY S. COURTY LMTS 10 LODESTONE CIRCLE C LODESTONE LANE 10 LODESTONE LANE BELL ROAD COUNTRY CREEK WAY 20 LODESTONE COUNTRY CREEK WAY ( LODESTONE CIRCLE 30 LODESTONE LODESTONE CR= SERPENTINE DRIVE 10 WASHIN RNE YANKEE DOODLE ROAD FEDERAL DRIVE 10 COURT WOODGATE LANE CUL DE SAC 10 GATE LANE WOODGATE COURT WOODGATE POINT OODGATE LANE WOODGATE POINT MALLARD COURT - 30 WOODGATE LANE MALLARD COURT JOHNNY CAKE RIDGE RO 40 WOODGATE LANE JOHNNY CAKE RIDGE RO CUL-0E4AC 10 BALSAM TRAIL E 20 BALSAM TRAIL E 30 BALSAM TRAIL E 40 BALSAM TRAIL E 10 HEINE STRASSE 20 MALMO LANE N 30 MALMO LANE N 10 RIDGEVIEW DRIVE 20 *=E VIEW DRIVE 130 WESCOTT ROAD 140 WESCOTT ROAD 150 WESCOTT ROAD IW VPACOTT ROAD 170 WESCOTT ROAD ISO WESCOTT ROAD 1110 WESCOTT ROAD 10 01 ST STREET W 10 ANDROMEDA WAY 10. A ZJARIUS LANE 20 AQUARIUS LANE 30 AQUARIUS LANE 10 ARMS COURT 10 BIRCKPOND PLACE 10 BOCCHPOND ROAD 20 SIRCHPOND !200 10 W RIVE CARLSON LAKE LUNE N NYSRO LANE N MALMO LANE N DUNROVIN LANE DIFFLEY ROAD EASTER LANE NYBRO LANE N LAKESIDE DRIVE CHES MAR LANE SOUTH HILLS DRIVE ELRENE ROAD SADDLE WOOD DRIVE RIDGE WOOD DRIVE DRUM RIDGE ROAD CHATHAM ROAD DODD ROAD WASHINGTON DRIVE WAY ORION LANE ANDR OMEDA WNAY KtAUFMANIS WAY fQ%UFMAN13 WAY � 111RCHPOND PLACE WOOOGATE LANE N WOODGATE LUTE N NY8RO LAVE N MALMO LANE N DUNROVIN LUNE CARLSON LAKE LANE CUL DE SAC NYBRO LANE N tALS+ M TRAIL E CHES MAR LANE CUL DE SAC ELRENE ROAD SADDLE WOOD DRIVE RIDGE WOOD DRIVE &R.IDLE RX" RQAD CHATHAM ROAD DOOD ROAD MVNY 149 END AA,IARIUS LANE ANDROMEDA WAY C t�tC COURT L DE SAC .CUL DE SAC WRCHPOND PLACE SLACKHAWK COVE CUL DE SAC CUL DE SAC �� 187�e 1=,0110 4sDo 11,100 17J50 15.720 41, .1^G — 17= — 1#�3 f 15.017 �727- 33,702 am i1.024— n4m.m M,046— 20,692aw 1a,16a� 10.ZT1 !!7.071 Z1,257+� 10ZI2� 13,920 2,248 do- 211,013- 9.7w- 14,070- 1011404& o.26,013 9,750 - 14,07010,1404& 3800- 33,173w- 8,750- 21.41110 800- 33,17'3w - 21.4!10 — 15,960 15.113 30,450 m 79'S.l77 �� X3,397 32,eso ds• req. SX0 38.750 6,010 34.210 8,270 !1,750 1,750 14.813 19,793 32,250 10.410+- 14x513 .m 2,638 + . - 324 4c) SOWN MAY LAKE ROAD MAY LAKE R (2}000 OVERHLLL ROAD ply 1s 10 HEATHER DRIVE SILVER' ROAD WILLOW WAY -.am 20 HEATHER DRIVE WILL AY CUL DE SAC w SO LENORE LANEFf NOK4A WAY 307 *30 LENORE LANE !i0 WAY KARIS WAY 1553 40 LENORE LANE S WAY' SEN.IA COURT W ISI LENORE LANE COURT FLORA DRIVE - W 40 LENORE LANE FLORA DRIVE NARVIK DRIVE 405 10 LYNIC COURT N CUL DE SAC COUGAR DRIVE AN 20 LYNX COURT H COUGAR DRIVE WILDERNESS MM ROAD 426 10 MACLAREN E VALLEY FORCE PLACE TRENTON TRAIL 514 10 OSTER D SKYLINE ROAD CUL-DE-SAC 11,115 w NORTH MAY LAKE ROAD GREENLEAF 1520 20 P E DRIVE PARKCLIFF DRIVE (SACT PA *1CO 1560 10 LIFE ROAD CUFF ROAD Rl�WNCLJFF RT MI m 20 CLIFF ROAD RAHNCLIFF COURT (t) RAHN WAY BSZ 10 HN WAY ItAHNCLIFF ROAD DEAD E m 1 ECCA LANE RICHARD$ LANE ERIKS VD 691 REBECCA LANE ERIKS BLVD PL OB ROAD W4 10 Rr> ARD LANE DELORES LANE ECCA LANE 15/4 20 RICHARD LANE REBECCA LANE LDESAC 10 ROGERS COURT TRENTON TRAIL CUL DE SAC 10 SHEFFIELD CIRCLE CUL DE SAC SHEFFIELD LANE 6Z2 10 SHEFFIELD LANE CUL DE SAC NORWOOD DRIVE m 10 SHEVUN COURT CUL DE SAC SHERWOOD WAY 53e 15 SKYLINE ROAD END Of N VEMENT OSTER DRIVE Xie 20 SKYLINE ROAD OSTER D PILOT KNOB ROAD da 10 SLATER ROAD RIVE CINNAMON RIDGE TRAIL w 10 THOMAS LANE CUFF Ali RICHARDS COURT Is 20 TrIomAS LANE RI RDS COURT WALDEN DRIVE as 30 THOMAS LANE EN DRIVE END 714 10 TRAPP ROAD ORPORA12 CENTER D EAGAN INDUSTR A 714 20 TRAPP ROAD EAGAN INDUSTRIAL ROA TRAPP POINT 714 30 TRAPP ROA= TRAPP POINT E+►W►NDALE 717 10 TRENTON ROAD OIFFLEY ROAD YORKT CE T1a 10 TRENTON MACLAREN PLACE MACKMO RIVE 718 20 TRENTON MACKMORE DRIVE GOLD ROA 716 30 TRENTO L GOLDEN MEADOW ROAD ROA RNS TO NORTH ?16 40 TRAIL ROAD TURNS TO NORTH R RS COURT 718 s0 N TRAIL ROGERS COURT GTON POINT PKW 726 10 V FORGE PLACE CUL DE SAC RKTOWN PLACE 726 20 FORGE PLACE YORKTOWN PLACE MACLAREN PLACE 721 ALLEY FORGE PLACE +AACUMN PLACE CUL DE SAC ?36 WALDEN DRIVE 'THOMAS LANE CUL -01 -SAC $14 10 Y[MKTOWN PLACE MADDOCK VALLEY FORGE PLACE I 20 YORKTOWN PLACE VALLEY PLACE TRENTON ROAD p YCIatlCMM PLAICE SUNSET DRNE W 10 CORNWALLM COURT CUL OLOOEN WEADOW COU 25 10 AUGUSTA LANE YORKTOWN PLACE MACKMORE DRIVE 64 10 BERKSHIRE COURT CUL DE SAC BERKSHIRE DRIVE 56 10 itO;R MIRE DRIVE COVINGTON LANE BERKSHIRE COURT a 20 BERKSHIRE DRIVE SERii3HIRE COURT BERKSHIRE WAY 56 30 apmMIRE DRIVE BERKSHIRE WAY GALAME AVE 56 10 SHIRE WAY avom#m DRIVE COVINtiTON LANE 11.2150 22,140 7XI0 10.640 5,570 7.020 111,ISa 5,630 10.740 km 10,CS0 1SAW 1tas40 PK3,103 16,663 11.213 22,733 3,670 11.220 44,406 tw 27,630 5,700 #.730 25,no 134.620 ITAW 11.310 SA 14,250 11,000 tm 19,713 1,000 Km 25,103 6,100 0,130 20.640 16,133 400 ass $4.40 1.=110,197 �q�y 71 290 RLACIWAWK ROAD BEAR PATH TRAIL CUFF LAME ROAD 1864 4+�OD0 71 800 RLACI04AWK ROAD CUFF LAO ROAD 35E BRIDGE 1864 11A00 71 306 41ACKNAWKROAO 35E BRIDGE BEECHER DRIVE 1164 13,166 71 310 BLACKHAWKROAD BEECHER DRIVE CUFF ROAD 1664 42rin 80 10 BLUE JAY WAY DUCKWOOD DRIVE (EJC DUCKWOOD DRIVE (WJ 1964 43,300 434 • 10 BRIAR CREEK ROAD GIBRALTER TRAIL KETTLE CREEK ROAD 1864 43 W CENTURY POINT END COACHMAN ROAD .11104 1B,800 1:9 10 CLAD DRIVE lIICDLS ROAD CLIFF ROAD 111164 31,716) 158 W COACHMAN ROAD DOUR OAKS ROAD LETENDRE STREET 1164 42= 166 30 COACHMAN ROAD LETENDRE STREET CENim P1',101T 1064 04,247 1686 30 COACI.1M N ROAD CENTURY POINT VANKI*,.E DOODLE PAW 1864 1.40!0 106 40 COACHMAN ROAD YANKEE DOODLE ROAD ST CHARLES PLACE 1164 31111471? 143 W COVWGTON LANE SAFARI TRAIL BERKSHIRE DRIVE 1864 34,110 166 20 COVINGTON LANE BERKSHIRE DRIVE BERKSHIRE WAY 1166 10160 w 30 COVWGTONLANE 1EN3K5HIREWAY GALAXIEAVE 1914 11.180 1811 40 COVINGTON LANE GALAXIE AVE PONDVIEW DRIVE 1664 111310 ' 165 50 COVINGTON LANE PONDVIEW DRIVE RIDGE WINO TRAIL 1864 ISS 00 COVINGTON LANE RIDGE WIND TRAIL NARVIKDRIVE 1864 10,560 500 10 ;DEER MILLS TRAIT. !LEAVER DAM ROAD SUNRISE ,ROAD 1964 16,200 232 140 DUCKWOOD DRIVE LEXINGTON AVE BLUE .SAY WAY 1964 10=0 31D 50 FALCON WAY CANARY WAY LEXINGTON AVE 11264 191590 27Z 10 FOUR OAKS ROAD SIBLEY MEMORIAL 14WY FARNUM DRIVE WEST) 1064 64,= 272 2D FOUR OAKS ROAD FARNUM DRIVE (WEST) COACHMAN ROAD 1984 12,320 208 10 GIBRALTAR TRAIL BRIAR CREEK ROAD KETTLE CREEK ROAD 1084 91000 288 2D GIBRALTAR TRAIL KETTLE CREEK ROAD SAVANNAH ROAD 1954 91030 264 30 GIBRALTAR TRAIL SAVANNAH ROAD DANBURY TRAIL 1964 9.240 265 40 GIBRALTAR TRAIL DANSURY TRAIL BOSTON WILL ROAD 1964 11,850 268 50 GIBRALTAR TRAIL BOSTON HILL ROAD TICONDEROGA TRAIL 1964 8,640 294 10 HOLDEN MEADOW COU CUL DE SAC GOLDEN MEADOW R OA 1054 13,313 310 10 NACKMORE DRIVE TRENTON TRAIL DEAD END 1054 4,050 310 20 NACKMORE DRIVE BEGIN GRAVEL, AUGUSTA LANE 'INA 4,050 310 30 NACKMORE DRIVE AUGUSTA LANE STIRRUP LANE 1964 2,720 355 30 JAMES STREET BUR R OAK STREET OAK CLIFF DRIVE 1964 12.9010 356 40 JAMES STREET OAK CUFF DRIVE SLATER ROAD 1qµ 7,770 372 10 KETTLE CREEK ROAD GIBRALTER TRAIL BRIAR CREEK ROAD IMM _ 25,690 381 10 KIRSTEN COURT HACKMORE DRIVE CUL DE SAC 1864 20,873 303 10 KNOB DRIVE PLOT KNOB ROAD SIGNAL POINT 1864 2040 393 2D KNOB DRIVE SIGNAL POINT DIFFLEYROAD 1964 '=AM 384 40 KNOLL RIDGE DRIVE ' KYLLO LANE CUL OE SAC 1664 25,103 co W MAHOGANY WAY WHITE OAK COURT "R OAK STREET 1184 11,170 430 ZD MAHOGANY WAY OURR OAK STREET OAK CLIFF DRIVE 1164 10,710 473 10 NARVIK COURT NARVIK DRIVE CUL DE SAC 1864 17,2N32 474 10 NAIM 4RIVE GAO AXLE AV NARVIK COURT 1064 442D 474 20 NARVIK DRIVE NARVIK COURT LENORE LANE 1864 15,510 474 30 NARVIK DRIVE LENORE LANE COVINGTON LANE 1064 16,352 417 10 NORWEST COURT - PILOT KNOB ROAD 640' EAST OF PILOT KNO 1864 16.740 40- 10 OAK CLIFF DRIVE OLATER ROAD -b"OGANY WAY 1864 11,500 - AIN 20. OAK CLIFF DRIVE hVXOGANY WAY *W MES STREET 1864 19,000 I= 10 PARXRIDGE COURT CUL-DE- AC PAIRKIVDGE DRIVE 1434 16,4373 52G 10 PARKRIDGE DRIVE CLIFF ROAD PA1RKr~LII•F 0ItIVE (SJCT iS114 32,4343 545 10 PONDVIEW DRIVE WEST WINO TRAIL COVINGTON LANE 1864 10,260 1450 10 PRINCETON CIRCLE SAVANNAH ROAD CUL DE SAC 1164 15.+.463 31 10 PRINCETON TRAIL SAVANNAH ROAD 73COMMOGA TRAIL 1664 34,435 177 W RVW WMD TRAIL WEST WIND TRAIL (NJC WEST WIND TRAIL (SJC 1864 31,740 B77 20 ROW WIND TRAIL WEST WIND TRAIL (SJC COVINGTON LANE 1164 9.750 513 10 ROBOT LANE BLACKHAWK ROAD &LACKMAWK ROAD rl tC 1264 43,E 011 10 SAVANNAH ROAD - LEXINGTON AVE sINCETON TRAIL 1154 ;, IMI 70 SAVANNAH ROAD PRINCETON TRAIL WBRALTER TRAIL 1804 O,MO OST 10 SUDBERRY LANE WILDERNESS RUN ROAD WILDERNESS RUN ROAD 1104 44,191 073 10 SUNME COURT SUNRISE ROAD CUL DE SAC 1154 skm 474 10 SMISE ROAD DEER }ILLS TRAIL SUN CLIFF ROAD 1804 11,100 074 - 20 SUNRISE ROAD SUN CUFF ROAD TRABERWOLF TRAI: 1114 11,810 074 30 DISE ROAD TM RRWOLF TRAIL SUNRISE COURT 1044 1%110 674 40 ISE ROAD SSE COURT BEAR PATH TRAL 11154 O.s70 07s 10 SUNSET DRNE YORKTOWN PLACE W YORKTOWN PLACE E !SM 404180 ■d 10 TAMPERE CIRCLE COVINGTON LANE CUL 0E SAC 1014 12',143 IIS 10 7== 00" TRAIL PRINCETON TRAIL' GIBRALTER TRAIL 1104 0.370 OBI = TICONDEROGA TRAIL OIBRALTM TRAIL CLINTON TRAIL 1014 12,570 700 30 ThGER WOLF TRAIL N BEAVER DAm ROAD SUNRISE ROAD 1154 7.124 708 10 WEST WIND TRAIL GALAME AVE RIDGE WIND TRAIL (NJC 111+4 7.350 753 20 WEST WIND TRAIL RIDGE WIND TRAIL (NJC PONDVIEW DRIVE 18" 15.780 750 30 WEST WIND TRAIL PONDVIEW DRIVE RIDGE WIND TRAIL M JC 1054 14.430 780 10 WESTBURY DRIVE WESCOTT ROAD WESTBURY LANE (N JCT 1004 7.100 700 20 WESTBURY DRIVE WESTBURY LANE (N ,ICT WESTBURY DRIVE MAO 1054 0,000 700 30 WESTBURY DRIVE WESTBURY DRIVE (ELBO WESTBURY PATH 1154 IS$= 7110 40 WESTBURY DRIVE WESTBURY PATH WESTBURY TRAIL =4 =AM - 700 11D WESTBURY DRIVE WESTBURYTRAIL WESTBURY WAY 1904 ,pig 700 0D WESTBURY DRIVE WESTBURY WAY WESTBURY LANE (S JCT 1064 0,570 MID 70 WESTSURY DRIVE WESTBURY LANE (S JCT) LEXINGTON AVE 1954 5,750 782 10 WESTBURY LANE WESTBURY DRIVE (N.JC WESTBURY LANE (ELBO) 1984 6,540 702 2D WESTBURY LANE WESTBURY LANE (ELBO) WESTBURY PATH 1984 13,081 753 10 WESTBURY PATH WESTBURY DRIVE WESTBURY LINE 1084 131am 7711 70 WIDGEON WAY WOODTHRUSH COURT END 1984 Z3,730 796 10 WINDSOR COURT SHERWOOD WAY CUL DE SAC 1984 a 23,903 319 40 VORKTOWN PLACE SUNSET DRIVE W YORKTOWN DRIVE W 1984 0.x00 na 50 YORKTOWN PLACE YORKTOWN DRIVE W YORKT01M+1 DRIVE E 1984 13,200 ! • J Ms 00 YORKTOWN PLACE YORKTOWN DRIVE E SUNSET DRIVE E 1954 44000 Sts 70 VORKTOWN PLACE SUNSET DRIVE E AUGUSTA COURT 1064 8,730 1,767,M 2t 30 ASHBURY ROAD SALTIC AVE ASHBURY COURT 1085 1 21 40 ASHBURY ROAD ASHBURY COURT ASHBURY PLACE 1991 21 50 A>i MRY ROAD ASHBURY PLACE SLAC*IAWK HILLS ROA 47 30 WAR. PATH TRAIL SUNRISE ROAD SUN CLIFF ROAD 23= 47 40 TEAR PATH TRAIL SUN CUFF ROAD EAGLE CREST MM 1955 7,012 40 00 TEAR PATH TRAIL EAGLE CREST DRIVE FOX RIDGE ROAD 1805 5,170 47 10 BEAR. PATH TRAIL FOX RIDGE ROAD B «'OW• WK R 1855 0100 80 20 BLUE JAY WAY DUCKWOOD DRIVE (WJ BLUE JAY - 1805 10.020 00 _ 30 1WE JAY WAY SI,.UE JAY COURT F Y 1991 X500 83 50 BRADDOCKTRAIL DIFFLEY ROAD OWN PLACE 1155 21.190 33 N ORACOOCK TRAIL YORKTOWN PLACE III. DRIVE M." "a Is= 1W 10 BURR OAK STREET MAHOGANY JAMES $TRW 11e5 22MO Its 10 CANARYWAY FALCON CARDINALWAY 190,5 MAO - - m 10. CARDO"L WAY FAL AY CANARY WAY 1005 37,740 170 10 CORPORATE CENTER C ORATE CENTER D CORPORATE CENTER 0 1905 $1,404 179 10 COUGAR DRIVE YNX COURT WILDERNESS RUN ROAD 1105 20,610 194 10 CROSSROAD DUCKWOOD DRIVE CUL 0E SAC INS 13,001 203 20 DEER L SUNRISE ROAD EAGLE CREST DRIVE 1905 !3.130 +� 403 30 TRAIL EAGLE CREST DRIVE FOX RIDGE ROAD '1985 0,490 •i a R. HILLS TRAIL FOX RIDGE ROAD SLACFMWK ROAD 1955 5.070 DEERRIDGE COURT DENMARK AVE CAJL-DESAC 190., 14.W 80 CEIRWOOD DRIVE DENMARKAVE M 1995 11.700 m- 672 ( 577 977 884 .w !01 wi 703 71!!i ?BO 775 775 cis 826 434 4 30 38 31 51 51 31 51 Al 102 102 102 104 113 113 113 114 114 125 125 151 1112 237 Z6 270 2:00 >0 510 325 333 547 . '0 434 435 0 SUMMER DIME 10 CREW COURT 10 KIUNWOOD TRAIL 20 SUNWOOD TRAIL 0 TAMIE AVE 10 THAMES AYE 0 THAMES AVE 30 THAMES AYE 40 7NAMES AVE 10 THAMES CIRCLE 10 'TILBURY WAY 10 TRAVELERS TRAIL 10 WELLAND COURT 10 WHISPERING 50 WHLSPERlNG !0 KINGS UK 10 000 LANE 1 PAL008A TRAIL SL MMER PLACE SUNW00D TRAIL WOODLAND TRAIL SUNCREST COURT BEGINNING OF BUBBLE ESK LANE THAMES CIRCLE EDEN CIRCLE IN JCT) EDEN CIRCLE (3.no CUL DE SAC J 'FOUR SEASONS DRIVE TRAVELERS TRAILAIL CUL DE SAC CUL DE SAC CLIPPERS ROAD SUMMER COURT CUL DE SAC SUNCREST COURT WESCOTT HILLS DRIVE ALLEN LANE THAMES CIRCLE EDEN oe ED IS XT) NTRY PAKCKWY THAMES AVENUE C#MBERNIELL DRIVE N WHISPERING TRAIL CUL DE SAC TRAVELERS TRAt AIL. WHISPERING COURT KINGS WOOD ROAD KINGS WOOD ROAD CUL DE SAC 10 A1JW4Y CIRCLE CUL DE SAC CAMBERWELL DRIVE N 10 BARROW COURT CUL DE SAC (N) CAMBERWELL DRIVE 0 BARROW COURT CAMBERWELL DRIVE DEAD END (S) 10 BEAVER DAM ROAD DIFFLEY ROAD (W.JCT) GLENFIELD COURT 20 BEAVER DAM ROAD GLENFIELD COURT DURHAM COURT 30 BEAVER CAM ROAD DURHAM COURT N RUBY COURT 40 BEAVER DAM ROAD N RUBY COURT S RUBY COURT 50 BEAVER DAM ROAD S RUBY COURT DIFFLEY ROAD (E.JCT) 70 BRADDOCK TRAIL DANIEL DRIVE (EJCT) POINTE WAY 10 BRIDGEWATER DRIVE WESCOTT ROAD QUAIL RIDGE ROAD E 2D SRIDGEWATER DRIVE QUAIL RIDGE ROAD E BRIDLE RIDGE ROAD 30 IMIDGEWATER DRIVE BRIDLE RIDGE ROAD QUAIL RIDGE ROAD W. 10 BRIDLE RIDGE ROAD BRIDGEWATER DRIVE MILL RUN LANE 10 CAMBERWELL DRIVE STATES AVE KINGSTON COURT 20 CAMBERWELL DRIVE KINGSTON COURT IRARROW COURT 30 CAMBERWELL DRIVE BARROW COURT OXFORD ROAD 10 CAMBERWELL DRIVE N STATES AVE ALBANY CIRCLE 20 CANIBERWELL DRIVEN ALBANY CIRCLE TILBURY WAY 0 CARDINAL WAY CANARY WAY WILLBROOK COURT 30 CARDINAL WAY WiLLSROOK COVRT CUL DE SAC 10 CRWSON LEAF COURT HACKMORE DRIVE CUL-DE SAC 10 C AEON LEAF TRAIL DEAD END NACKMORE DRIVE 10 DURHAM COURT CUL DE SAC BEAVER DAM ROAD 30 ESK LANE MERSEY WAY KENNET CIRCLE 10 FROMME COURT CUL DE SAC MERSEY WAY 10 GUIIFIELD COURT CUL DE SAC . BEAVER DM ROAD 10 GREAT OAKS CIRCLE #LRENE ROAD ELRENE ROAD 10' GREAT OAKS LANE CUL DE SAC ELRENE ROAD 70 01IICK MORE DRIVE CRWSON LEAF WUR77T BENT TREE LANE (Sin 10 HAZELTINE LANE KNTERLACHEN DRIVE PEBBLE $EACH WAY 10 HIDDEN MEADOW TRAIL QUAIL RIDGE ROAD CUL DE SAC 10 HUNTERS OVERLOOK CUL DE SAC QUAIL RIDGE ROAD 10 KENNET CIRCLE CUL DE SAC ESK LANE 10 IONGSTON COURT CAMBERWELL DRIVE CVL DE SAC 10 MALLARD PLACE MAILARD TRAILAIL NOR CUL DE SAC 0 MAWRD TRAIL N MALLARD PLACE DRIVE 14040 15,441 15.050 ".10 Iw 14?m 54008 1+1.700 15,700 15,!1+8 r,7Klo 10.OBG IA157 5'8,117 24AID 10.963 14,473 4,264 11,350 7,470 22.290 10,320 16,680 23,8W 21,554 4,160 23,322 7,748 15,800 12.450 19,,670 14250 18,080 8,680 14.525 10,843 23,100 22,447 10,350 13AM 13,747_ 18.1 80 25,410 17./00 13,615 21.441 isms 13,543 17,504 1,4N 443 53 10 BENT TREE LANE s' 1002 20,090 1 �5-v 16141 501. ti's. 1. U,U7 • 404 10 MERSEY WAY TYNE LANE FROMME COURT 1851 13.830 454 20 MERSEYWAY FROMME COURT ESK LANE 1oo1 10= 459 10 ANDIM LANE MANOR LANE TAMIE AVE 101 12,025 5`12 10 OPPERMAN DRIVE D00D ROAD DELAWARE TRAIL l"I 54,590 517 10 OXFORD ROAD CAMBERWELL DRIVE DODD ROAD "I" 9Z220 $32 20 PEBBLE BEACH WAY HAZELTINE LANE CYPRESS POW 11151 111.330 542 10 PLAZA DRIVE GALA= AVE (N JC7) GALAIQE AVE (S JC7) =I 28.848 ilii 10 PRANK RIDGE ROAD WITHAM LANE THAMES AVE 1801 11015170 1115 20 PRAIRIE RIDGE ROAD NAMES AVE PRAIRIE CIRCLE 18111 311960 m 10 GLIAL RIDGE ROAD WESCOTT ROAD HIDDEN MEADOW TRAL 1801 12,578 566 2D QUAL RIDGE ROAD HIDDEN MEADOW TRAIL HUNTERS OVERLOOK lal 1L'I,0lf0 M 30 QUAL RIDGE ROAD HUNMS OVERLOOK BRIDGEWATER DRIVE W 1!'01 7.170 m 40 OWL RIDGE ROAD BRIDGEWATER DRIVE W .BRIDGEWATER DRIVE E 1091 5,40 on oo RAMROAD BEAU DE RUE DRIVE VALLEY VIEW DRIVE (NJ 1101 31,110 al 40 RAHN ROAD VALLEY VIEW DRIVE (N.J VALLEY VIEW DRIVE (SJ 1881 23,m BLIT 1110 RAHN ROAD VALLEY VIEW DRIVE (SJ TUROUIOSE TRAIL 11151 17.272 881 MLO RAHN ROAD TUROUIOSE TRAIL BLUESTONE LANE 1f91 11,28 SN .70 RAHN ROAD BLUESTONE LANE FLINT LANE 141 11AW 881 W RAHN ROAD FLINT LANE CARNELIAN LANE (NJCT 1991 4,182 881 10 RAHN ROAD CARNELIAN LANE (NJCT CARNELIAN LANE (SJCT) 1801 7,378 al 100 RAHN ROAD CARNELIAN LANE (S-JCT) JADE LANE (NJCT) 1091 10.200 51511 110 RAHN ROAD JADE LANE (NJCT) JADE LANE (SJCT) loci 7,242 561 120 RAHN ROAD JADE LANE (SJCT) ZIRCON LANE 11491 324M 561 130 RAHN ROAD ZIRCON LANE DIFFLEY ROAD 1!751 11,248 561 140 RAHN ROAD DIFFLEY ROAD CHIPMUNK COURT 1091 7.980 Bel 150 RAW ROAD CHIPMUNK COURT BADGER COURT loci 40,740 661 160 RA1 N ROAD BADGER COURT JASPER DRIVE 1591 23,898 S61 170 RAHN ROAD JASPER DRIVE SHALE LANE 11991 36,330 J53 10 STATES AVE CAMBERWELLAVE PENNSYLVANIAAVE 1091 101860 on 10 SUMMER COURT SUMMER LANE CUL DE SAC 1091 14,473 M1611 30 SUMMER LANE SUMMER COURT DODD ROAD 1891 10AB2 04 30 TAIEAVE ALLEN LANE MIDDLE LANE 1291 101800 al 50 THAMES AVE DEAD END PRAIRIE RIDGE ROAD tool 4.320 725 10 TYNE LANE DODD ROAD MERSEY WAY 1091 5,100 725 20 TYNE LANE MERSEY WAY DEAD END 111191 ; 11,400 758 90 WILDERNESS RUN ROAD CAPRICORN COURT LEXINGTON AVE 1991 47.314 7W 100 WILDERNESS RUN ROAD LEXINGTON AVE WEDGEWOOD DRIVE loot 2B,644 786 110 WILDERNESS RUN ROAD WEDGEWOOD DRIVE WATERFORD DRIVE (W J 1091 20.592 786 120 WILDERNESS RUN R= WATERFORD DRIVE (W J WATERFORD DRIVE (E J 1091 11.286 ':LMB 130 WILDERNESS RUN ROAD WATERFORD DRIVE (E J OAKWOOD NEIGNTS CLR 19ol =113 786 140 WILDERNESS RUN ROAD OAKWOOD HEIGHTS CIR SUDBERRY LANE (W JCT 1091 27.510 788 160 WILDERNESS RUN ROAD SUDBERRY LANE (W JCT PARK KNOLL DRIVE W 15191 16,m 786 1M10 WILDERNESS RUN ROAD PARK KNOLL DRIVE W SUDBERRY LANE (E ,ICT) 1091 4422 788 170 WILDERNESS RUN ROAD SUDBERRY LANE (E JCT) PARK KNOLL DRAT (E J 1oo1 4.534 706 loo V LDERNESS RUN ROAD PARK KNOLL DRIVE (E JC LYNX COURT tool 44,715 788 1!0 WILDERNESS RUN ROAD LYNX COURT FAWN RIDGE TRAIL _ t891 13,683 in 370 WILDERNESS RUN ROAD FAWN ROW TPJUL - COUGAR DRIVE 18171 10.43 786 210 • V&DERNESS MIN ROAD COUGAR DRIVE SE R LANE !801 02M 7186 220 VLDERNESS MMM ROAD SUMMER LANE RM,0EER LANE 111011 SAM 786 230 WILDERNESS RUN ROAD REINDEER LANE DODD ROAD ' 1oo1 8,240 78l 10 WILLBROOK COURT CUL DE SAC CARDINAL WAY 1091 14,759 MM • 10 WITNAM LANE CUL DE SAC 1tAiRIE RIDGE ROAD• 1!91 1o,3e1 53 10 BENT TREE LANE s' 1002 20,090 1 �5-v 16141 501. ti's. 1. U,U7 v a a A a A O M N 1T O A A irk A a s A 8 R A M a A A A $ VQ� N fA N N h A A irk A a s A 8 R A M a A A A $ h� Q 4 41 F R k O� M M N O M N O h h fl! h 4 41 F R k O� f� M M N O 4 41 F U ;p �o b 11 DRi R R �i epi N N N N N � §. R 11 N N N N N N N N N i M. I a 'T N N h iR H h h + O h h h N h 6^ 'T N N h iR H h h 6^ + O �1 h V! h N H 6^ 5 N N N N N N N N N N N 8 § rr, as �o • 8 II � # �FS� •� epi r� rr vi �c e� od o� � c+ N N N N N N N h N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 8 § rr, as �o • 8 II � # �FS� •� epi r� rr vi �c e� od o� � c+ N N N N N N N h N N N N N N N N N N N N N 8 § rr, as �o • 8 II � # �FS� •� epi r� rr vi �c e� od o� � Ill i aq w g H cii � N h h h a �s �o N � 09 a� v V vj f/1 h h h N a E H M ul. r i g i OR 1 1 11 44 1 � 1 1 1 1 414 OR 1 1 11 44 � I� I� I� OR 1 1 11 44 OR POO LT7 z a Q QccZo WWI ' 0 0'" %D Ch CK r V �l �1 it 44 4 4 4 4 14 lu �F C w H � % �� ma I O F 9 Cie ag 00 0 0 0 0 CD h 1O M tzrz M ONi N M M M N 0 0 w CD o 0 .n w t- en M CD M M C C 0 0 0 p0 0 0 Ll a N� fl9 0 f19 n N H wl� F F C F W c � a z � a Wo H d' a E O u V W Q W c w q O u C u Q M E m tt U �+ U 0 o p N D a W c o 0 0 M N N 0 M g o �c M E�- w q a u C Q M m tt �+ u u .o w w ami Q o o 0 0 M N N 0 M g o �c M E�- Agenda Information Memo February 6, 1996 Eagan City Council Meeting A. REQUESTS FROM SMALL BUSINESS ASSOCIATION ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: To receive a presentation by representatives of the Eagan Small Business Association and to direct an appropriate process for review of the issues raised. FACTS: • The City has an ongoing dialogue with its business community and the various organizations that businesses participate in. The Eagan Small Business Association has requested time on the Council agenda to address their interest in Commission meetings and workshops and the City's non -conforming use ordinance. • If the Council wishes to direct a review of the non -conforming use issue, one alternative would be to refer the item to the Advisory Planning Commission for additional study and input for a recommendation to the City Council on the maintenance or modification of this item. ATTACHMENTS: Al Martinson correspondence on pages through Z � 1-26-1996 9:17AM FROM EAGAN SMALL BUS.ASSO 6124325818 P.2 EACAN SMALL BUSINESS ASSOCIATION 3432 DenwaA ,Avenue #'111 8apn, MN 55123 1hu: 612-432-6601 Fez 612432-5818 January 23, 1996 Mayor and Council members Municipal Colter 3830 Pilot Knob Rd. Fagan, MN 33122 Dear Mayor and Council members, At our January board meeting, the Eagan Small Business Association decided upon . bringing two issues to your attention for discussion. First, we would like to receive, via fax or Emil, all upcoming agenda's for Commission meetings and workshops. Secondly, we are requesting to revisit the current non -conforming use ordinance. We have confirmed that there was no public input at either APC or Council meeting when this amendment to the ordinance was approved. We regret that Otis ordinance change without the community aware of how the changes would impact Eagan properties. We have received input from both home and business property own= regarding the changes to the original ordinance, and would appreciate your considering a steering committee to provide the Council with feasible rem9W*Qns for the problems we feel this ordinance presents as it stands today. We have requested to be placed on tw Council's meeting agenda and look forward to speaking with you regarding ihese issues on February 61h.. 5iticerely, .Filen Martinson Pftsident Eagan Small Business Association. dol 1-26-1996 9:18AM FROM EAGAN SMALL BUS.ASSO 6124325818 p t2 A -I LOU N cu Ty aw tk OrlQL tu cu M U \d P. 3 b w M 1-26-1996 9:19AM FROM EAGAN SMALL BUS.ASSO 6124325818 I P. 4 MAWR-MMO-IMAAW=•AC=NMVAUMV=AOGi"AOM N" _ w " ` � � ~ h F sa li '•g°g ��� �yr~,5-'csa 1 -fig �8�,3�x�yv•v5 �3oH,� r.��o��o�`G ' cc C4 A Its o „ p�.,.,G y •i3 ��aQ `tea w .o 'C oO ra •o .5 .5 z3 a�5 c a w s.,' �,}}, tri , ""to! ja y. L .•� .A n3 M �R I P. 4 MAWR-MMO-IMAAW=•AC=NMVAUMV=AOGi"AOM N" _ w " ` � � ~ h F sa li '•g°g ��� �yr~,5-'csa 1 -fig �8�,3�x�yv•v5 �3oH,� r.��o��o�`G ' cc C4 A Its o „ p�.,.,G y •i3 ��aQ `tea w .o 'C oO ra •o .5 .5 z3 a�5 c a w s.,' �,}}, tri , ""to! ja y. L .•� .A n3 1-26-1996 9:20AM FROM EAGAN SMALL BUS.ASSO 6124325818 `1 � � 'may • , � � � � M . •� �: o S a u 42 P. 5 Q r am K A 0 C aA a` SCL CL LO 2 fir, cn zw�a. L 1.2 m a a N v� in, Co VE Jag q'; .` �t 1. 1-26-1996 9:21AM FROM EAGAN SMALL BUS.ASSO 6124325818 P.6 Naga moo • •r - . _.. _.. _ .. - .—.. v ti Tb Q ems+ '�+ 3 1✓, •� d •tel N d "^' p ya) vW O W a7 p tCAiE/l +' �r b' aQ. N w OA a' y S' 3 a p w•'.. ar7 v .O w O �G O O A N O i�. '" Ll m 6C'p p [ Q ay ss O 3 CA o u•d v`oa " H �°• �'-� aai �i 4o�: Sit+ o oyQ, _ "mo44 o °J �' PC A o �'.:: w.Wr° m a�,'� 8s�.d 5h'v%lwioz r 03 ��dL- 300 04—kv vy IS 10 TobNO 79 A FL �° w9 791 W, 'o r- " ts ° �.?n•5 •c3�x� 3 3b �d�� w \ OS a a FG f Agenda Information Memo February 6, 1996 Eagan City Council Meeting B. PRELIMINARY SUBDIVISION AND THREE CONDITIONAL USE PERMITS - KOOL TYME. LLC (DAIRY QUEEN) ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: ► To approve or deny a Preliminary Subdivision (Town Centre 70 Eighteenth Addition) consisting of one lot and two outlots in the NW 1/4 of Section 15, subject to the conditions recommended by the Advisory Planning Commission and further modified by staff. ► To approve or deny a Conditional Use Permit to allow construction of a Class H restaurant (Dairy Queen) on Lot 1, Block 1, Town Centre 70 Eighteenth Addition subject to the conditions recommended by the Advisory Planning Commission. ► To approve or deny a Conditional Use Permit to allow a drive-through window on a Class H restaurant on Lot 1, Block 1 Town Centre 70 Eighteenth Addition in accordance with the site plan submitted and received on 1/5/96, subject to conditions. ► To approve or deny a Conditional Use Permit to allow a pylon sign on Outlot A of Town Centre 70 Eighteenth Addition subject to the conditions recommended by the Advisory Planning Commission. FACTS: ► The proposed subdivision consists of one lot and two outlots. Only Lot 1, Block 1 is currently being considered for development as a Dairy Queen restaurant. Outlot A is proposed for future development and Outlot B consists of an existing detention pond. Staff suggests that Outlot B be incorporated into Lot 1 to guard against tax forfeiture. ► The developer proposes to access the Dairy Queen site from two locations. One, from a new entrance on Denmark Avenue proposed to be constructed through Outlot A and used as a shared access. And the other, from the existing service drive along the west side of the property which currently handles delivery traffic to Wal-Mart and Kohl's. ► The Advisory Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on this proposed Preliminary Subdivision and three Conditional Use Permits at its regular meeting on January 23, 1996. ► The Commission, on a 5-2 vote, recommends approval of the proposed Preliminary Subdivision (Town Centre 70 Eighteenth Addition) subject to the conditions in the staff report amended as follows: #A5. Change 10 -foot to 5 -foot. (Staff notes that since the APC meeting, the �oc� developer provided documentation of an existing 15 -foot sidewalk, trailway and snow storage easement. Therefore, this condition is moot. Staffs intent was to ensure that a 5 -foot wide area clear of landscaping be provided to accommodate a future sidewalk. The developer agrees to shift the planting accordingly.) #A6. Delete. ► The Commission, on a 7-0 vote, recommends approval of a Conditional Use Permit to allow construction of a Class II restaurant on Lot 1, Block 1 Town Centre 70 Eighteenth Addition subject to the conditions in the staff report. (Staff notes that condition #B2 is intended to prohibit planting in the eastern 5 -feet of the easement only.) ► The Commission, on a 7-0 vote, recommends approval of a Conditional Use Permit to allow a drive-through window on a Class II restaurant on Lot 1, Block 1 Town Centre 70 Eighteenth Addition in accordance with the site plan submitted and received on 1/5/96. ► The Commission, on a 4-3 vote, recommends approval of a Conditional Use Permit to allow a pylon sign on Outlot A of Town Centre 70 Eighteenth Addition subject to the conditions in the staff report. ISSUES: As a result of the discussion at the APC meeting, the Directors of Community Development and Public Works have taken a closer look at these proposed subdivision and conditional use permits. They have prepared a separate memo outlining their concerns and recommendations to manage the development of this infill site. Please refer to that memo. The City received a letter from Daryl Blowers, 1297 Crestridge Lane, stating his opposition to the requested conditional use permit to allow a Class II restaurant. BACKGROUND/ATTACHMENTS: Memo from Directors of Community Develqpment and Public Works, pagesathrough Y.;L APC minutes of Jan 3, 1996, pages through&�. Staff report, pages Z I through go( . Letter from Daryl Blowers, page —city of eagan TO: MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS C/O THOMAS L. HEDGES, CITY ADMINISTRATOR FROM: THOMAS A. COLBERT, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS PEGGY A. REICHERT, DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DATE: FEBRUARY 2,1996 SUBJECT: TOWN CENTRE 70 EIGHTEENTH ADDITION (DAIRY GUEEN) MEMO Based on comments and concerns raised during the public hearing before the Advisory Planning Commission and further detailed review by staff, the following additional comments and concerns are being presented to the City Council for their information during consideration of the above referenced application for preliminary subdivision and conditional use permit. GENERAL COMMENTS ON IN -FILL DEVELOPMENT The staff is very supportive of Dairy Queen locating in the Town Centre area. We agree that this will be a great addition to the City's major commercial node. The Advisory Planning Commission members were supportive of.this proposed location because they envision families living to the east and south walking and biking to the Dairy Queen on summer evenings. Staff's concern is not so much with this particular single use at this location. We believe Dairy Queen can probably be designed to fit in with the surrounding neighborhood given some modifications to the site plan for access and internal circulation. The Dairy Queen owners have also agreed to construct the building of a brick, similar in color to Kohl's, with a bronze standing seam room. This will be similar to the Dairy Queen recently approved on Rahn Cliff Road. Staff believes this will provide a higher quality appearance than the prototypical orange roof Dairy Queen. Nevertheless, the staff is concerned with the longer range development contemplated for the entire subdivision parcel. This strip of land along Denmark Avenue has served for several years now as a buffer area between the residential and the commercial activities. Town Centre itself has always faced to the north and west, turning its back to the residential on the east and south. Earlier plans for Town Centre included a potential movie theater on this southeast corner with the parking lot to the north. Now, as envisioned by this proposed subdivision, Denmark Avenue will be developing in character as a major front door and face of the Town Centre area While the property owner is requesting approval of a subdivision of one lot with two outlots at this time and has no specific further plans beyond Dairy Queen, Mr. Colon has provided a conceptual development plan for the overall parcel. This concept indicates the potential for further small lot development of the area and appears to envision convenience - oriented services. This property is zoned Community Shopping Center (CSC) which permits a wide variety of retail uses in a center: medical and general business offices; Class 1 restaurants; and banks without drive-thrus. The more intense convenience -oriented uses are only permitted as conditional uses - including auto service stations; Class II restaurants; and banks with drive through tellers. Any development of this parcel will constitute a major change for the area given its buffer use over the past several years. This sense of change will be even more heightened if development occurs with intense convenience -oriented uses. Therefore, staff suggests that the Council consider carefully the future course of development aloes Denmark Avenue and give some direction regarding its future development. The key to making this in -fill development work will be to consider carefully the design of the overall area so that it works as an integrated development. Following are a number of individual factors that we suggest for consideration by the City Council: 1. ACCESS AND INTERNAL CIRCULATION - ENTIRE SITE The proposed subdivision provides for two primary access points: one from the existing service drive for Walmart/Kohls at Duckwood Drive and one new entrance on Denmark Avenue. The ultimate build out of the remaining undeveloped property proposes two access points on Denmark in addition to the existing service drive between Kohls and the Town Centre strip mall. With the recent completion of the Central Area Transportation Plan and a necessity for the Ring Road concept, the City must increase the sensitivity to protecting the community collector status (Ring Road) of Denmark Avenue. Serious consideration should be given to both the number and the location of any additional access points from the remaining undeveloped land abutting Denmark Avenue. Staff strongly recommends that only one additional driveway access be provided to Denmark, located directly opposite Forrest Ridge Trail. Furthermore, the existing access from Duckwood Drive should be utilized as a second major access for ingress/egress for the entire parcel in order to minimize increased traffic concentrations at any one location. The potential conflict with delivery trucks will not outweigh the benefit of the second access. This would become very similar to the loading dock situation for Rainbow foods and the major access drive between Rainbow and Walgreens just to the north. A master plan and agreement should be prepared insuring that all future developments will have integrated parking lots with cross easements and a dedicated, internal circulator driveway that will parallel both Denmark Avenue, and the rear service drive to Walmart/Kohls. This master plan should be designed so that all future subdivisions & site development will conform to this requirement. By designing the internal circulation among the individual parking areas, the situation we now have on Town Centre Drive should be avoided. 2. INTERNAL CIRCULATION - DAIRY QUEEN SITE The drive-thru lane for Dairy Queen should be increased to a minimum 18 feet to provide for a by-pass/emergency exit lane. This can be accommodated by increasing the lot width 8-10 feet. 3. SIDEWALKS With this first phase development fronting Denmark Avenue, an eight -foot concrete sidewalk should be installed from Duckwood Drive to the northern boundary of this development. This proposal and future development will significantly attract increased pedestrian movement along a busy community collector roadway. Consideration should be given to providing a pedestrian crosswalk at the proposed new singular access at Forest Ridge Drive. 4. DRAINAGE Due to the increased impervious surface and the directional drainage of the grading plan, additional catch basin inlets must be installed at the entranoe of the existing Walmart service drive at Duckwood Drive to prevent adverse flooding of Duckwood Drive, another significant community collector Ring Road street. 5. PYLON SIGN Town Centre has a pylon sign agreement originally approved by the City Council in 1986. This agreement permitted a total of 16 pylon signs in Town Centre 70 Addition and 12 pylon signs in Town Centre 100 at specific locations (See attached map). This agreement has been amended twice with the consent of the City Council. Each amendment involved modifying the location of a future sign, not increasing the number of signs. At this time, the applicant is requesting another amendment, to move the pre -approved pylon sign from Duckwood to Denmark. The APC voted 4-3 to recommend this relocation. The APC is generally concerned about putting pylon signs on Denmark but at the time of the APC meeting, staff was suggesting that there should be no customer access to the Dairy Queen site from the rear service drive. The APC realized that because of the Pylon Sign Agreement, one pylon sign must be permitted. The APC seemed to look on this as which location would pose the least negative impact. So on a 4-3 vote, they supported moving the sign to Denmark because the Duckwood location would encourage customer access to the site from the rear. L lD Now that we are suggesting using the rear service drive off Duckwood for access to this entire area and converting it to a defined internal drive aisle, it would be appropriate to keep the 27 foot pylon sign at its previously pre -approved location on Duckwood. Wall signs and appropriately scaled ground signs would be more appropriate for developments fronting on Denmark. SUMMARY Staff is concerned that the in -fill development now proposed for the back of Town Centre, unless carefully designed, could create a significant negative impact on the function of Denmark as a collector street as well as the long standing character of the surrounding residential area. In order to address these concerns, staff requests Council consideration of the following conditions in addition to those received by the APC: A. Preliminary Subdivision ■ Revise condition 4 as follows: The applicant/owner/developer shall acquire and /or enter into a cross easement for ingress/egress at the Duckwood Drive access. ■ Revise condition 5 as follows: The developer shall dedicate a ten -foot wide sidewalk trailway and snow storage easement and construct an eight -foot concrete sidewalk along the entire east edge of the proposed plat. ■ New condition 6 as follows: The developer shall revise the plans to provide for only one additional access to Denmark Avenue opposite Forest Ridge Trail. ■ Add condition 6a as follows: The developer shall prepare and submit an overall master site plan showing an internal circulator drive providing full and cross access to this and future developments within the proposed plat. ■ New condition 9 Drainage: The development shall install additional catch basin inlet structures on the existing service drive entrance from Duckwood Drive. B. For the CUP for the drive-thru window, revise the approval statement to state: To approve/deny a CUP... in accordance with a revised site plan providing for a minimum drive-thru window access lane of 18 -feet. C. For the CUP for the pylon sign, staff suggests the relocation to Denmark from Duckwood be denied on the ground that it does not conform to previously approved Pylon Sign Agreement and is not compatible with the residential character of the adjacent area. Respectively submitted. Director of Public s 'Director of Community Development TAC/cb 7� '°` I 1 , 11 ':'""" III// Page lu January 23, 1996 ADVISORY PLANNING COMMISSION PRELIMINARY SUBDIVISION & THREE CONDITIONAL USE PERMITS KOOL TYME, LLC Chairman Miller opened the next public hearing of the evening regarding a Preliminary Subdivision (Town Centre 70 Eighteenth Addition) to create one lot and two outlots, on 8.77 acres currently platted as Outloi A, Town Centre 70 Fifteenth Addition; a Conditional Use Permit to allow construction of a Class II restaurant; a Conditional Use Permit to allow a drive-through window; and a Conditional Use Permit to allow a pylon sign on property located at the intersection of Denmark Avenue, and Duckwood Drive, in the NW'/o of Section 15. Planner Farnham introduced this item. Ms. Farnham highlighted the information presented in the City staffs planning report dated January 16, 1996. Ms. Farnham noted the background and history, the existing conditions and the surrounding uses of the subject property. Ms. Farnham further outlined the City staff s evaluation of the applicant's requests. With respect to the pylon sign, Ms. Farnham noted that a pylon sign was preapproved under the Town Centre 70th Addition Pylon Sign Agreement at the south comer of the property. Bruce Miller representing Federal Land Company, the property owner, opined that the proposed use, a Dairy Queen, fits the Town Centre concept. Mr. Miller stated that the applicant agrees with all conditions in the staff report except Condition No. 6 requiring the service drive access to be eliminated. The applicant's engineer, Dwight Jelle of Westwood Engineering, stated that the applicant would not need the service -drive access if the Dairy Queen did not require semi -truck delivery. He stated that semi -truck delivery to Wal-Mart and Kohls is very limited (Wal-Mart receives four trucks per day and Kohls receives six trucks per week) and it will not be used as a customer access but only delivery to the site and they would be willing to sign it "trucks only". Mr. Jelle further stated that without the service access, there is not enough space for the semis to turn around on the lot. Chairman Miller stated that it is the main issue with the proposal is the service access drive. He felt the applicant's need for service truck access is reasonable and he suggested staff work with the applicant to resolve Condition No. 6. Community' Development Directory Reichert stated that the Commission needs to consider the proposal as a whole keeping in mind there will be future development on the outlot north of the subject site. Ms. Reichert explained that it is desirable to have an internal access drive between all uses and it is not recommended that a delivery/service drive be used by customer traffic. Member Heyl commented regarding the pylon sign conditional use permit request. Ms. Heyl stated that she could not recommend approval because (1) the location of the 1 Pap I January 23, 1996 ADVISORY PLANNING COMMISSION pylon sign would face a residential area and therefore is not a compatible use; (2) a pylon sign would be detrimental to the area; and (3) a pylon sign would change the character of the vicinity. Ms._Heyl further commented on the deliveryl'service access stating that this area would be pedestrian hostile. Ms. Heyl stated that the subject property needs to create circulation to serve its delivery trucks. Member Isberg concurred with Member Heyl. Development Design Engineer, John Gorder, stated that there is sufficient turn -around room for delivery trucks on Oudot A if there is access between the properties. Mr. Miller stated that the relocation of the pylon sign to the Denmark access location would remove the preapproved pylon sign location at the service drive location which would deter customers from using that location as its site access. In response to Member Frank's inquiry, the applicant stated that a ground/monument sign would not be preferable to a pylon sign because it may encroach on vehicular traffic visibility at the driveway entrance. Discussion ensued with the Commission Members and the applicant's representatives of an alternative to gate off the delivery/service access as an alternative. The applicant opposed this suggestion due to logistical difficulties in monitoring the gate. In response to Member Segal's .inquiry, Mr. Gorder stated that the existence and use of the delivery/service access, while creating a potential conflict with service and customer traffic, does not create an unsafe condition given the stated existing truck traffic. Member Segal moved, Member Frank seconded, a motion to recommend approval of a Preliminary Subdivision (Town Centre 70 Eighteenth Addition) to create one lot and two outlots on 8.77 acres currently platted as Outlot A, Town Centre 70 Fifteenth Addition; Standard Conditions 1. The developer shall comply with these standard conditions of plat approval as adopted by Council on February 3, 1993: Al, B12 B2, B3, B4, Cl; C2, C4, D1, E1, F1 Gradin 2. The developer shall submit detailed plans and specifications for retaining wall construction prior to final plat approval. Easements 3. The developer shall prepare an ingress/egress easement for the entrance across Outlot A for review and approval by the City Attorney prior to final plat approval. 4. If the access to the service drive is allowed to remain, the developer shall prepare an ingress/egress easement for that access. 5. The developer shall dedicate 5 -foot wide sidewalk, trailway and snow storage along the entire east edge of the plat for future sidewalk construction. 1� Page 12 January 23, 1996 ADVISORY PLANNING COMMISSION Wetlands 6. No filling of draining of the wetland associated with Pond JP -66 is allowed. r �J Pagc 13 January 23, 1996 ADVISORY PLANNING COMMISSION Platrina 7. The developer shall plat the property. The final plat shall indicate Outlot B as a platted lot. _ All approved in favor, except Members Burdorf and Isberg opposed. Member Segal moved, Member Heyl seconded, a motion to recommend approval of a Conditional Use Permit to allow construction of a Class H restaurant on Lot 1, Block 1 Town Centre 70 Eighteenth Addition, subject to the following conditions: 1. Building materials shall consist of brick walls of a color consistent with other buildings in Town Centre and a bronze colored standing seam metal roof. 2. Landscaping proposed in the yard abutting Denmark Ave. shall not encroach in the eastern 5 -feet of the trail and sidewalk easement. 3. Any rooftop mechanical equipment shall be screened from view. 4. The trash enclosure and exterior cooling area should be constructed of materials consistent with the primary building. The site plan and building elevations should be revised to accurately reflect the size and materials of these areas. All approved in favor. Member Segal moved, Member Heyl seconded, a motion to recommend approval of a Conditional Use Permit to allow a drive-through window on a Class 11 restaurant on Lot 1, Block 1 Town Centre 70 Eighteenth Addition in accordance with the site plan submitted and received on 1/5/96. All approved in favor. Member Segal moved, Member Frank seconded, a motion to recommend approval of a Conditional Use Permit to allow a pylon sign on Outlot A of Town Centre 70 Eighteenth Addition subject to the -following conditions: I. The sign support column consist of materials to match materials used on the Dairy Queen building, including anodized bronze colored aluminum or brick. 2. Sign area on the sign face shall be evenly distributed between the tenants utilizing the sign.. l� Pagc 14 January 23, 1996 ADVISORY PLANNING COMMISSION 3. Approval of this pylon sign shall constitute an amendment to the Town Centre 70 Pylon Sign Agreement for relocation of one of the 16 pre-lipproved pylon signs and shall not be considered approval of an additional sign under the T.C. 70 Pylon Sign Agreement. All approved in favor, except Members Isberg, Heyl and Richards opposed. lid PLANNING REPORT CITY OF EAGAN REPORT DATE: January 16, 1996 APPLICANT:' Charles Oestreich (Kool Tyme, LLC) PROPERTY OWNER: Martin F. Colon CASE: 15 -PP -36-12-95; 15 -CU -35- 12-95; 15 -CU -1-1-%; 1S -CU -2-1-96 HEARING DATE: Jan. 23, 1996 PREPARED BY: Julie Farnham REQUEST: Preliminary Subdivision, Conditional Use Permits (3) for a, Class U Restaurant, a drive-through window, and a pylon sign LOCATION: In the northwest quadrant of the intersection of Denmark Ave. and Duckwood Drive (Eagan Town Centre) in the NW 1/4 of Section IS. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: CA - Central Area ZONING: CSC - Community Shopping Center Fdww I id , • Kool Tyme, LLC is requesting approval of a Preliminary Subdivision to create one lot and two oudots on 8.77 acres of property currently platted as Outlot A, Town Centre 70 Fifteenth Addition; a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) to allow construction of a Class H restaurant; a Conditional Use Permit to allow a drive-through window; and a Conditional Use Permit to allow a pylon sign on property in the NW quadrant of the intersection of Denmark Ave. and Duckwood Drive in the NW 1/4 of Section 15. �lt�Mlia�r1�Ti • , City Code Section 13.20 Subd. 6 states that "In the case of platting, the Planning Commission and the Council shall be guided by criteria, including the following, in ,approving, denying or establishing conditions related thereto:" A. That the proposed subdivision does comply with applicable City Code provisions and the Comprehensive Guide Plan. B. That the design or improvement of the proposed subdivision complies with applicable plans of Dakota County, State of Minnesota, or the Metropolitan Council. C. That the physical characteristics of the site including but not limited to, topography, vegetation, susceptibility to erosion and siltation, susceptibility to flooding, water storage, and retention are such that the site is suitable for the type of development or use Planning Report - Kool Tyme, LLC January 23, 1996 Page 2 contemplated. _ D. That the site physically is suitable for the proposed density of the development. E. That the design of the subdivision or the proposed improvements is not likely to cause environmental damage. F. That the design of the subdivision or the type of improvements is not likely to cause health problems. G. That the design of the subdivision or the improvements will not conflict with easements of record or with easements established by judgement of court. H. That completion of the proposed development of the subdivision can be completed in a timely mamer so as not to cause an economic burden upon the City for maintenance, repayment of bonds or similar burden. I. That the subdivision has been properly planned for possible solar energy system use within the subdivision or as it relates to adjacent property. (Refer to City Handbook on Solar Access). J. That the design of public improvements for the subdivision is compatible and consistent with the platting or approved preliminary plat on adjacent lands. K. That the subdivision is in compliance with those standards set forth in that certain document entitled "City of Eagan Water Quality Management Plan for the Gun Club Lake Watershed Management Organization" which document is properly approved and filed with the office of the City Clerk hereinafter referred to as the "Water Quality Management Plan". Said document and all of the notations, references and other information contained therein shall have the same force and effect as if fully set down herein and is hereby made a part of this Chapter by reference and incorporated herein as fully as if set forth herein at length. It shall be the responsibility of the City Clerk to maintain the Water Quality Management Plan and make the same available to the public. City Code Chapter 11, Section 11.40, Subd. 4, C states: The Planning Commission shall recommend a conditional use permit and the Council shall issue such conditional use permits only if it finds that such use at the proposed location: A. Will not be detrimental to or endanger the public health, safety, or general welfare of the neighborhood or the City. B. Will be harmonious with the general and applicable specific objectives of the Comprehensive Plan and City Code provisions. Planning Report - Kool Tyme, LLC January 23, 1996 Page 3 C. Will be designed, constructed, operated and maintained so as to be compatible in appearance with the existing or intended character of the general vicinity and will not change the essential character of that area, nor substantially diminish or impair property values within the neighborhood. D. Will be served adequately by essential public facilities and services, including streets, police and fire protection, drainage structures, refuse disposal. water and sewer systems and schools. E. Will not involve uses, activities, processes, materials, equipment and conditions of operation that will be hazardous or detrimental to any persons, property or the general welfare because of excessive production of traffic, noise, smoke, fumes, glare or odors. F. Will have vehicular ingress and egress to the property which does not create traffic congestion or interfere with traffic on surrounding public streets. G. Will not result in the destruction, loss or damage of a natural, scenic or historic feature of major importance. BACKGROUND/HISTORY A movie theater was previously proposed for this site as part of an overall concept for Town Centre. However, the movie theater was built further north now Yankee Doodle Road and this property has remained undeveloped. When Town Centre was initially developed, an overall plan for pylon signs was adopted - the Town Centre Pylon Sign Agreement. The agreement identified pre -approved locations for pylon signs throughout Town Centre. Pylon signs placed in the pre -approved locations did not require a separate conditional use permit; however, signs proposed in other locations are required to obtain a CUP. The site is undeveloped with the southern most portion occupied by a detention pond QP -66). The property has frontage on Denmark Ave. and a service road along the west edge of the property which provides service and delivery access to Wal-Mart and Kohl's. The property is somewhat mounded and appears to have been used to store excess soil from development on surrounding properties. & MUUNDING USES The following existing uses, zoning, and comprehensive guide plan designations surround the subject property: North - Kohl's/Eagan Town Centre; Zoned - CSC Community Shopping Center; Guided - CA Central Area /aQ Planning Report - Kool Tyme, LLC January 23, 1996 Page 4 South - Townhomes; Zoned - PD Planned Development; Guided - CA Central Area East - Forest Ridge Apartments; Zoned - R-4; Guided - D -IV West - Wal-Mart, Eagan Town Centre; Zoned - CSC; Guided - CA 4Y.VV Cola A. Preliminary Subdivision (Town Centre 70 Eighteenth Addition): L= - The proposed preliminary subdivision consists of one lot (43,396 s.f.) and two outlots (A = 269,632 s.f.; B = 68,913 s.f.). Outlot A consists of property for future development. Outlot B contains an existing detention pond. Only Lot 1, Block 1 is currently being considered for development. Staff suggests that Outlot B be incorporated into Lot 1 to guard against the property going tax forfeit. The applicant raised concerns about assessments for roadway improvements, given that Oudot B frontage is unusable. Subdivision 6 of the City's Special Assessments Policy states: "Pond Easements - Area Credits- When calculating net assessable area or frontage in determining assessments, all land that lies within or abuts a defined, dedicated ponding easement of a designated Comprehensive Storm Sewer Pond/Lake shall be deleted from area or frontage calculations. No area or frontage deduction, credit and/or refund would be allowed without the dedication of a pond easement." As such, Oudot B would not be subject to roadway improvement assessments. Therefore, the preliminary subdivision should be revised to incorporate the detention pond as part of Lot 1. Setbacks - All building and parking setbacks have been met according to the site plan submitted. Access/Street Design - The developer proposes to access the site (Lot 1, Block 1) from two locations; one from a new entrance on Denmark Avenue and the other from the existing 36 -foot wide service drive which leads to the rear of Wal-Mart and Kohls from Duckwood Drive. The new entrance on Denmark Avenue is proposed to be constructed through Outlot A just north of proposed Lot 1. The developer shall prepare an ingress/egress easement for this entrance for review by the City Attorney prior to final plat approval. The existing service drive currently handles delivery truck tiffc to the east side of Wal-Mart and Kohl's. The applicant has stated that they do not believe there is a significant amount of truck traffic. However, staff has concerns about potential conflicts with service vehicles and delivery trucks in this are, and sugests that this access be eliminated. Qg&g - The preliminary grading plan is ,acceptable. The site is open and generally slopes from north to south with an existing stormwater detention pond, Pond JP -66, in the southeast corner. The site was graded as part of previous development and excess 511 was placed on this site making it higher than surround road grades. Proposed grading will extend to the north into Outlot A to maintain the City standard of a maximum 3:1 slope. Planning Report - Kool Tyme, LLC January 23, 1996 Page S The developer is proposing to construct a retaining wall south of the drive-through lane. The top of the wall will be flush with the landscaping along the drive-through lane. Four to 8 feet of wall face will be exposed and visible from the south. The wall face is proposed to be constructed of modular concrete units. The developer should submit detailed plans and specifications for retaining wall construction prior to final plat approval. Storm Draina¢e - Storm water runoff from the site will drain through as internal storm sewer system to Pond JP -66 in the southeast corner of the development then through existing storm sewer to Fish Lake (Pond JP -1). Pond JP -66 is classified as a Class.6 Sediment Basin and Fish Lake is classified as a Class 1 Direct Contact waterbody (highest quality) in the City Water Quality Management Plan(1990). Water OualilX - Pond JP -66 is a sediment basin that was modified and enlarged as part of the development of the Town Centre 70 Fifteenth Addition. It was designed to provide adequate stormwater treatment for the Dairy Queen site as well as development on Outlot A. Thus, the stormwater treatment requirements have already been met for this site. Wetlands - There are no jurisdictional wetlands within the site that will be drained or filled by the proposed development activity, .although there is a small wetland associated with JP -66. Utilities - The preliminary utility plan is acceptable. Sanitary sewer and water main of sufficient size, depth and capacity were constructed along the west edge of the site as part of previous development and are available for connection by this development. EasemenwIti¢hts of Way - The preliminary plat submitted identifies the area covered by Pond JP -66 as Outlot B. The plat should be revised to reflect Outlot B as a platted lot with drainage and utility easements dedicated over Pond JP -66 to three feet above the high water level. The preliminary plat also identifies a 15 -foot wide sidewalk, trailway and snow storage easement on Lot 1 along Denmark Avenue. This easement may be reduced to 10 feet in width and shall be dedicated along the entire east edge of the plat for future sidewalk construction along Denmark Avenue. Tree Preservation - There are no significant trees on the property. Pfd Recreation - This development is subject to cash parks and trails dedication. L G aditional Use Permits The applicant is proposing three conditional use permits: 1) to show construction of a Dairy Queen restaurant with; 2) a drive-through window; and 3) a pylon sign. The site is large enough /aa Planning Report - Kool Tyme, LLC January 23, 1996 Page 6 to provide ample on-site parking, drive-through stacking and outdoor seating areas. C&MRadbilily with Surrounding Area - In addition to the proposed Dairy Queen, Federal Land Inc., current property owner and owner of the remainder of the property in the proposed subdivision, submitted a conceptual development plan indicating adjacent properties will be developed with permitted or conditional uses allowed under CSC zoning. Staff has some concerns about the intensity of uses in this location of Town Centre directly across the street from residential development. Class II restaurants are conditional uses in the CSC zoning district, primarily due to their potential to generate high turnover traffic, noise, smells and their tendency toward excessive signage treatments. The key to making these, and other conditional uses, compatible with surrounding residential uses is providing attractive landscaping and building design, adequate control of signage and lighting, and safe and logical traffic circulation. Staff believes the proposed Dairy Queen development achieves many of these things, however, some concerns remain about the proposed exterior building materials and potential conflicts with service and delivery traffic for Wal-Mart and Kohl's. These concerns are addressed below. With regard to proposed future development of Federal Land's property, whether the actual uses are permitted or conditional CSC uses, attractive landscaping and building design, restrained signage and lighting, and safe traffic access will be important considerations to ensure compatibility with the adjacent residential development. Building Design - The proposed Dairy Queen is 2400 st in area with a seating capacity of 60. Most of the building is 13'-8 1/2" tall except for a portion of the mansard roof with the sign/logo which is about 15 feet in height. The exterior building materials consist of a 3 foot brick base with 6'-6" of the walls covered with white aluminum lap siding up. The mansard roof which wraps ,around the top of the building will be of red aluminum shingles. Staff recommends that the exterior building materials for this Dairy Queen be similar to those used on the Dairy Queen recently approved in Rahncliff Center which has brick walls with a bronze colored, standing seam metal roof (Exhibit A). The color of the brick should complement the brick used within Town Centre (e.g. Kohl's). Staff has discussed the exterior building treatment with the applicant who concurs with this suggested change. Trash Enclosure - An 11' x 34' exterior cooling area and 15' x 15' trash enclosure are attached to the west side of the main building. These building extensions are proposed to be constructed Of materials to match those of the main building. &= - One building sign is proposed on the east facade facing Denmark Avenue. The sign consists of the Dairy Queen logo approximately 5'-6" x 8'-6" (46.75 s.f.) in area This represents 9.7% of the facade area; 20% is allowed by Code. The sign copy will be in Dairy Queen red and white logo colors. The sign will be internally illuminated. A menu board is proposed at the entry to the drive through. No other directional signage is proposed. Planning Report - Kool Tyme, LLC January 23, 1996 Page 7 A pylon sign is proposed on Oudot A. Federal Land is proposing to relocate a pylon sign that was approved as part of the Town Centre 70 Pylon Sign Agreement. That sign was approved for a location on the west side of the property along the service drive (see Exhibit B). The Sign Agreement basically gave pro -approval to 16 pylon signs. However, because this sign does not conform to the location approved in the Sign Agreement, a conditional use permit is required. Approval of this pylon sign will constitute an amendment to the Sign Agreement to reflect the new sign location. The pylon sign is intended to provided adverdsing for the Dairy Queen and the future business that locates on the adjacent property. The sign will be installed at the edge of the proposed driveway access off Denmark. It will be setback 10 feet from property lines as required by Code. The sign is proposed to be 27 feet in height with 125 st of sign face per side. The sign face will be evenly divided for use by the two businesses. An additional 2'x 10' sign advertising the drive-through is also shown on plans submitted. However, this additional 20 s.f. of sign area would require a variance as it would result in total sign area greater than the maximum 125 s.f allowed by Code. As such, staff recommends that the drive-through sign be eliminated. The sign will be supported by a single column. The proposed height and sign area, excluding the drive- through sign, meet the standards in the City's Sign Code. Parkin Ci culation - The proposed site plan indicates 42 parking spaces, including 2 for handicapped access. Code requires 20 parking spaces. All stalls. and drive aisles meet Code requirements for width and length. A 12 foot wide drive through lane is proposed to wrap around the west and south sides of the building. There will be space for 6 cars to stack behind the car at the service window. The primary mss to the Dairy Queen will be from a shared driveway off Denmark Avenue. A secondary entry/exit is proposed from the service drive running along the west side of the property. Staff has concerns about potential conflicts with truck and service vehicle traffic also using this drive. While conflicts may not be initially significant given Dairy Queen's location near Duckwood Drive, additional traffic generated from other future developments on Outlot A could create congestion and safety problems on the service drive. As such, future development on Oudot A may need to be restricted from ,accessing the service drive or improvements to upgrade the drive may be required. To encourage consistency, and because this access does not appear to be crucial to the functioning of the Dairy Queen site, staff suggests that this access be closed. Instead, ,another driveway connection could be made to Outlot A to provide through circulation. Lm4 inn - The proposed landscape plan will provide good screening and utilizes a variety of evergreen and deciduous trees and shrubs. A solid screen of evergreen trees and deciduous shrubs will be planted along Denmark. However, to wwmmodate a required 10 foot trail and Planning Report - Kool Tyme, LLC January 23, 1996 Page 8 sidewalk easement, this planting will need to be shifted to the west. The applicant should consider shifting the entire site layout 8-10 feet west since it appears there is space to do that, particularly if the west access drive is closed. A solid hedge row of shrubs will be planted along the drive through lane. Trees and shrubs are also proposed along the north and west property edges and in lawn areas within the site. An irrigation system will be installed to cover all planting beds and sod ares. Lighbg - No free-standing light poles are proposed in the parking lot. The only building lighting indicated on plans submitted is over the back door which leads into the outside storage/trash enclosure area. SUMMARY/CONCLUSION The proposed preliminary subdivision will create one lot and two oudots. Only Lot 1 is currently being considered for development. Outlot A is proposed for future development with uses consistent with CSC zoning. This outiot will need to be resubdivided to accommodate future development. Outlot B contains an existing detention pond. Staff suggests that the area proposed as Oudot B be platted as part of Lot 1 to guard against tax forfeiture. The proposed site plan and landscape plan indicate sufficient parking and good screening. This will set a good precedent for future site development on Outlot A. However, to accommodate a 10 foot trail and sidewalk easement, the landscaping and/or site plan will need to be shifted west. Staff recommends that the exterior building materials consist of brick walls with a bronze colored metal roof. Staff also has some concerns about use of the service drive as a secondary entry/exit and recommends that the plans be revised to eliminate this access. If this access is permitted, consideration should be given to placing a condition on the subdivision restricting additional access to the service drive from Outlot A. The proposed drive-through lane provides adequate stacking and should not disrupt traffic circulation through the site. The proposed pylon sign meets the Sign Code requirements for size and height if the proposed 20 st drive-through sip is eliminated However, the location was not approved in the Town Centre Pylon Sign Agreement. Approval of this sign will constitute an amendment to the Sign Agreement that would replace the sign approved on the western property edge with the new sign located on the eastern property edge. r. 116N till mels]-l~'i c A. To approve orrdeny a Pveliminary Subdivision (Town.Centre 70 Eighteenth Addition) consisting of one lot and two oudots (A and B) in the'NW 1/4 of Section 15, subject to the following conditions: gas Planning Report - Kool Tyme, LLC January 23, 1996 Page 9 Standard Conditions 1. The developer shall comply with these standard conditions of plat approval as adopted by Council on February 3, 1993: Al. B1, B2, B3, B4, C1, C2, C4, D1, E1, F1 Grading 2. The developer shall submit detailed plans and specifications for retaining wall construction prior to final plat approval. Easements 3. The developer shall prepare an ingress/egress easement for the entrance across Outlot A for review and approval by the City Attorney prior to final plat approval. 4. If the access to the service drive is allowed to remain, the developer shall prepare an ingress/egress easement for that access. S. The developer shall dedicate 10 -foot wide sidewalk, trailway and snow storage along the entire east edge of the plat for future sidewalk construction. Access 6. The developer shall revise the plans to eliminate the access to the service drive along the west property edge. Wetlands 7. No filling of draining of the wetland associated with Pond JP -66 is allowed. Platting a. The developer shall plat the property. The final plat shall indicate Outlot B as a platted lot. B. To approve or deny a Conditional Use Permit to allow construction of a Class II restaurant on Lot 1, Block 1 Town Centre 70 Eighteenth Addition subject to the following conditions: 1. Building materials shall consist of brick walls of a color consistent with other buildings .in Town Centre and a bronze colored standing seam metal roof. 2. landscaping proposed in the yard abutting Denmark Ave. shall not encroach into the trail and sidewalk easement. 3. Any rooftop mechanical equipment shall be screened from view. /d� Planning Report - Kool Tyme, LLC January 23, 1996 Page 10 4. The trash enclosure and exterior cooling area should be constructed of materials consistent with the primary building. The site plan and building elevations should be revised to arxurately reflect the size and materials of these areas. C. To approve or deny a Conditional Use Permit to allow a drive-through window on a Class H restaurant on Lot 1, Block 1 Town Centre 70 Eighteenth Addition in accordance with the site plan submitted and received on 1/5/96. D. To approve or deny a Conditional Use Permit to allow a pylon sign on Outlot A of Town Centre 70 Eighteenth Addition subject to the following conditions: 1. The sign support column consist of materials to match materials used on the Dairy Queen building, including anodized bronze colored aluminum or brick. 2. Sign area on the sign face shall be evenly distributed between the tenants utilizing the sign. 3. Approval of this pylon sign shall constitute an amendment to the Town Centre 70 Pylon Sign Agreement for relocation of one of the 16 pre -approved pylon signs and shall not be considered approval of an additional sign under the T.C. 70 Pylon Sign Agreement. FINANCIAL OBLIGATION - Town Centre 70th 18th There are pay-off balances of special assessments totaling $17,593 on the parcels proposed for platting. The pay-off balance will be allocated to the lots created by the plat. At this time, there are no pending assessments on the parcel proposed for platting. The estimated financial obligation presented is subject to change based upon areas, dimensions and land uses contained in the final plat. Based upon the study of the financial obligations collected in the past and the uses proposed for the property, the following charges are proposed. The charges are computed using the City's existing fee schedule and the connections proposed to be made to the City's utility system based on the submitted plans. Improvement Use lute Quantity Ammm Water Availability Charge CII $2,785/Ac 1 Ac 12,7E f Jai co RD 2a 94 J , CO D 26 J L Rp� S PLOT^ I 5. s T �g i J u 26 �. I. . n CLUBVEW OR ►x'«.1.0 " I TOwERVEw R0. s I ARRT aM [c '- " cEw Ito. I g P &1 " TMWAC PT. OUARRT c " - PT. ' �7]PARK I - NORWAY PT. I FOREST RIDGE TR. RONWOOD LA. REDWOOD PT. SPRUCE PT. YANKEE DOODLE ROAD YANKEE DOODLE ROAD i ANCEE PL. 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TOM CENTRE 70 HAS A TOTAL OF 16 PYLON SIGN LOCATIONS. TOWN CENTRE 100 HAS A TOTAL OF 12 PYLON SIGN LOCATIONS. •'�" i'`l L Q a..: ` ��� ~'� - F—K I� =_- .1, is—i I l.�u I _ y C I LL_ sem. ���g'e _ 'a i ;e \ 77- 4L .Q C I rr ► e'-�� 14�s _ .••%ii::� � y. '/ ! :; '.:." -' •--� = �� -�1= °`'=T' 00'ODUlu c017V0-0D0IOD0 •� t -=_t __ 9 +�� f � • •_ ice= �� .�.. � � �� � � � Q r,, .�. I ......r •s existing n■ proposed fmvift4l Apried Phlpv% ldcah'a EAGAN TOWN CENTR 170 ACRE RETAIL COMMERCIAL AND BUSINESS DEvE_OPM: DEVELOPER FEDERAL LAND COMA ta•e.on - .6.84w ..` Tet N .pons alwetlw 544.941LS.9.a. X11 II 1 �+ � \�� � � � M~ra•iie IIII ��� \� • .1 rrt•a9ro � naq>• I I Owray? �IiI till ISI ben �•46rr9 0 �r awww t•r / I IN 1 I4 RNANCIAL OBUGATION LEGEND Water AvaxabUlty Charge ............... noon.. 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Meta =gena" 14» wM(wa• Ott"Tel.. ef2.7f44 O.t.ea..r....11ler b1e. 4l7.7N) nese M s t ...ens Nl)fl W TOM? toe ' .1.4w1a. anlifq ar oow 0 g ammeas Own to smissaft Amove sal=1w. i �wnw.w wean ss raiwiwr`.ww�.... •woe •r Slow M L woe 1 41.309 04.1%. 14.94614 oerw Owls a MAN .eon. 1 4.19946 ween 4wtw 9 49.912 ".at. / 1.!4)47 ween Msl 741.961 woes. / 4.14.74 tyres food won=t .n. $1.913 01.01. 1 1.40414 .erne Nralft ml "AT N .roto 41. � .r4w1 �4a fMta*T�tt1 K. i January 12, 1996 Advisory Planning Commission Fagan City Hall 3830 Pilot Knob Rd. Eagan, Mn 55122 ,V JA Tm writing to express my opposition to application for a conditional use permit for Kool Tyme, LLC to build a second class restaurant at the intersection of Denmark and Duckwood Drive. There are several reason I am opposed to the granting of this permit. . 1. I am concerned about the increase in traffic that will accompany a fast food restaurant. This restaurant will directly border a residential area. 2. I am concerned about the smell that accompanies a food service business. Again this restaurant will border a residential leaving area and there will be no distance to defuse the odor. 3. I am concerned about the potential run off of pollutants into the adjacent holding pond that will accompany the restaurant and the additional traffic. 4. I am concerned about the noise pollution that will accompany a restaurant. The hours of service will extend well into the PM. 5. There is amble land available that does not border a residential area where businesses of this type can be located. I purpose that the Planning Commission recommends against granting this conditional use permit unless an environmental study proves that the above concerns are not valid and that no negative efforts will accrue to the adjacent residential area and the individuals that live there. Sincerely; , Wr trg � ry 4 Daryl Blowers 1297 Crestridge Lane Eagan, Mn 55123 Agenda Information Memo February 6, 1996 Eagan City Council Meeting ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED To approve or deny a two-phase Preliminary Planned Development consisting buildings on 3.84 acres currently platted at Outlot F, Rahn Ridge Addition To approve or deny the Rahn Ridge Preliminary Subdivision consisting of two 3.84 acres located south of Rahn Way and west of Rahn Cliff Road subject to conditions listed in the Advisory Planning Commission minutes. The 3.84 acre site is the only undeveloped portion remaining in the Mission Hills South Planned Development and was designated to develop with Limited Business uses. The developer is proposing to construct a 12,000 sq. ft. (approx.) office building on Lot 1, Block 1, Rahn Ridge 2nd Addition and a 20,000 sq. ft. (approx.) office/clinic on Lot 2, Block 1, Rahn Ridge 2nd Addition. Specific users have not been identified for Lot 2; however, the applicant is proposing to construct an office building on Lot 1 and move the Hedlund Engineering Company (currently located in Bloomington) into that facility. The proposed subdivision is consistent with City regulations and the proposed land uses are consistent with that approved as part of the Mission Hills South Planned Development. The preliminary site and landscape plans will provide compatible development to this area; specifically, the Lot 1 development plans are sensitive to the adjacent residential development which will allow this office use to be compatible at this A public hearing was held by the Advisory Planning Commission at their regular meeting on January 23, 1996 and it is their recommendation that approval be given subject to the 13 conditions listed in the staff report. BACKGROUND/ATTACHMENTS (2) % IAPC minutes of Jan 2 , 1996, p es through/yt Staff Report, pages through 14 � Page 22 January 23, 1996 ADVISORY PLANNING COMMISSION PRELIMINARY PLANNED DEVELOPMENT & PRELIMINARY SUBDIVISION - HEDLUND ENGINEERING Chairman Miller opened the next public hearing of the evening regarding a Preliminary Planned Development and a Preliminary Subdivision (Rahn Ridge 2nd Addition) consisting of two lots on 3.84 acres with one lot for an office building and one lot for future development on previously platted Outlot F, Rahn Ridge Addition located on the west side of Rahncliff Road, north of Pin Oak Drive, in the NE%4 of Section 31. Senior Planner Ridley introduced this item. Mr. Ridley highlighted the information presented in the City staffs planning report dated January 10, 1996. Mr. Ridley noted the background and history, the existing conditions and the surrounding uses of the subject property. Mr. Ridley further outlined the City staffs evaluation of the applicant's request. Mr. Ridley concluded that the proposed subdivision is consistent with the City's subdivision regulations and the proposed uses are compatible with the surrounding area. The applicant was present but gave no comment. Member Isberg moved, Member Frank seconded, a motion to recommend approval of a Preliminary Planned Development consisting of two lots on 3.84 acres with one lot for an office building and one lot for future development on previously platted Outlot F, Rahn Ridge Addition located on the west side of Rahncliff Road, north of Pin Oak Drive, in the NEV4 of Section 31, subject to the following conditions: PD Agreement 1. The applicant shall execute a Preliminary Planned Development Agreement. The Planned Development shall expire 5 years from the date of Council approval. 2. The City approves the preliminary site, grading, and utility plans dated January 5, 1996 and the elevation drawings dated December 19, 1995. 3. The preliminary site plan provides for the following: a. 11,808 SF office building on Lot 1, Block 1, Rahn Ridge 2nd Addition. b. 20,250 SF office/clinic building on Lot 2, Block 1, Rahn Ridge 2nd Addition. 4. The preliminary landscape plan shall be revised to incorporate plant material with a minimum diameter of 2-1/2 inches. 5. A Final Planned Development Agreement for each phase shall be executed prior to final subdivision and Final Planned Development approval. The following exhibits are necessary for this Agreement: l L/ Pagc 23 January 23, 1996 ADVISORY PLANNING COMMISSION * Final Site Plan * Final Building Elevation Plan * Final Sign Plan * Final Landscape Plan * Final Lighting Plan Upon submission of these final plans, provided they are in conformance with the Preliminary P D, the Final PD may proceed to the City Council for approval. Trash Enclosure/Rooftop Mechanical 6. All trash/recycling containers shall be stored within the building or in an enclosure attached to the principal building and constructed with a brick exterior to match the principal building. 7. All rooftop mechanical equipment shall be screened from view. Signage 8. All signage shall comply with the City Code standards. Maintenance 9. All building, parking/drive aisle, and landscaped areas shall be properly maintained. 10. All landscaped and green areas shall be served by an underground irrigation system. All approved in favor. Member Isberg moved, Member Burdorf seconded, a motion to recommend approval of a Preliminary Subdivision (Rahn Ridge 2nd Addition) consisting of two lots on 3.84 acres with one lot for an office building and one lot for future development on previously platted Outlot F, Rahn Ridge Addition located on the west side of Rahncliff Road, north of Pin Oak Drive, in the NEV4 of Section 31, subject to the following conditions: Standard Conditions 1. The developer shall comply with these standard conditions of plat approval as adopted by Council on February 3, 1993: Al, B13. B2, B3, C1, C22 C4, D1, E1, F1, G1, and H1. 2. The developer shall plat the property. ��J Page 24 January 23, 1996 ADVISORY PLANNING COMMISSION Easements 3. The developer shall provide private ingress/egress easement documents for ieview and approval by the City Attorney's office prior to Final Subdivision approval. All approved in favor. PLANNING REPORT CITY OF EAGAN REPORT DATE: January 10, 1996 APPLICANT: Rmdall Hedlund PROPERTY OWNER: Same CASE 0: 31 -PP -35-12-95 RLkRING DATE: January 23, 1995 PREPARED BY: Mike Ridley/S. Dorgan REQUEST: Preliminary Subdivision (Rahn Ridge 2nd Addition) LOCATION: NE 1/4 Section 31 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: LB - Limited Business ZONING: PD - Planned Development SUMMARY OF REQUEST Randall Hedlund is requesting approval of a Preliminary Planned Development and a Preliminary Subdivision consisting of two lots on 3.84 acres (currently platted as Outlot F, Rahn Ridge Addition). The property is located south of Rahn Way and west of Rahncliff Road in the NE 1/4 of Section 31. City Code Section 13.20 Subd. 6 states that "In the case of platting, the Planning Commission and the Council shall be guided by criteria, including the following, in approving, denying or establishing conditions related thereto:" A. That the proposed subdivision does comply with applicable City Code provisions and the Comprehensive Guide Plan. B. That the design or improvement of the proposed subdivision complies with applicable plans of Dakota County, State of Minnesota, or the Metropolitan Council. C. That the physical characteristics of the site including but not limited to, topography, vegetation, susceptibility to erosion and siltation, susceptibility to flooding, water storage, and retention are such that the site is suitable for the type of development or use contemplated. D. That the site physically is suitable for the proposed density of the development. qT Planning Report - Rahn Ridge 2nd Addition January 23, 1996 Page 2 E. ?hat the design of the subdivision or the proposed improvements is not likely to cause anvironmental damage. F. That the design of the subdivision or the type of improvements is not likely to cause health problems. G. That the design of the subdivision or the improvements will not conflict with easements of record or with easements established by judgement of court. H That completion of the proposed development of the subdivision can be completed in a timely manner so as not to cause an economic burden upon the City for maintenance, repayment of bonds or similar burden. I. That the subdivision has been properly planned for possible solar energy system use within the subdivision or as it relates to adjacent property. (Refer to City Handbook on Solar Access). L That the design of public improvements for the subdivision is compatible and consistent with the platting or approved preliminary plat on adjacent lands. X That the subdivision is in compliance with those standards set forth in that certain document entitled "City of Eagan Water Quality Management Plan for the Gun Club Lake Watershed Management Organization" which document is properly approved and filed with the office of the City Clerk hereinafter referred to as the "Water Quality Management Plan". Said document and all of the notations, references and other information contained therein shall have the same force and effect as if fully set down herein and is hereby made a part of this Chapter by reference and incorporated herein as fully as if set forth herein at length. It shall be the responsibility of the City Clerk to maintain the Water Quality Management Plan and make the same available to the public. B&C&JROUNDIR (STORY The subject site was originally a part of the Mission Hills South Planned Development (approved June 1977 for a term of 15 years) that consisted of mixed residential and commercial land uses. Although the PD has expired, the City has not taken action to terminate the agreement. The southern portion of the PD consists of single family and duplex development. On September 3, 1985, the City Council approved the Rahn Ridge preliminary plat for the Cedar Ridge Church and 25 duplex lots within the PD. The only remaining undeveloped property within the PD (3.84 acre Oudot F) was designated for Limited Business uses and this portion of the PD is currently guided Limited Business in the City's Comprehensive Plan. Planning Report - Rahn Ridge 2nd Addition January 23, 1996 Page 3 The site has previously been graded, which has resulted in the property being a relatively flat open grassland that does not contain any wetlands or significant trees. SURROUNDING USES The following existing uses, zoning, and comprehensive guide plan designations surround the subject property: North - Vacant land; zoned PD (Planned Development) and guided LB (Limited Business) South - Kettle Park; zoned and guided Park East - Holiday Inn expansion/Rahncliff Dairy Queen; zoned PD and guided CPD West - Cedar Ridge Church; zoned PD and guided PF (Public Facility) EVALUATION OF REOUEST A. Preliminary Planned Development Phasing - The developer is proposing a two-phase approach for development of this outlot. ComRatibilily with Surrounding_ Area - The proposed office/clinic uses will be compatible at this specific location and with the area in general. Site Development Plan - This Preliminary Planned Development will designate uses that conform to those allowed in the Limited Business Zoning District. Proposed Lot 1, Block 1, Rahn Ridge 2nd Addition is designated to develop as a 11,808 SF office building with 53 parking spaces and Lot 2, Block 1, Rahn Ridge 2nd Addition is proposed as future development of a 20,250 SF officelclinic building and corresponding parking of 108 spaces. Specific users have not been identified for Lot 2; however, the applicant will be requesting Final Planned Development approval for the 11,808 SF office building on Lot 1 in conjunction with the Rahn Ridge 2nd Addition Final Subdivision. Parking - The City Code requires 1 parking stall for every 150 SF of net leasable office space. The proposed office building on Lot 1 will have 7,926 SF of leasable building area which requires 53 parking spaces. The plan provides 53 parking spaces. The preliminary development plan calculates net leasable space for the office building on Lot 2 as 16,200 SF, which requires 108 parking spaces. The plan provides 108 stalls. Setbacks - All building and parking/drive aisle setbacks are met. Buffering between the office building and the adjacent residential subdivision will be increased with the construction of a 4' tall berm in the southwest comer of the site. Planning Report - Rahn Ridge 2nd Addition January 23, 1996 Page 4 - The developer is proposing a single story structure with a face brick exterior, pre - finished siding accents, and an asphalt shingled roof. The building architecture will have a certain residential appearance that should be compatible with surrounding development. Tyc - All , trash and recycling containers should be stored within the principal building. RQQAW Mechanical - Rooftop mechanical equipment should be screened from view. Signa¢e - The developer is proposing a monument sign for Lot 1 that is consistent with City Code requirements; however, the actual location has not been determined at this time and no monument signage has been shown on Lot 2. Additionally, building signage has not been proposed for either building at this time but the City Code will allow this type of signage only on the east and south side of the building on Lot 1 and the north and east sides of the building on Lot 2. Landscaping - With minor modifications, the preliminary landscape plan is acceptable. The applicant should revise the plan to provide plant material with a minimum diameter of 2-1/2 inches. The proposed perimeter landscaping in conjunction with the berming, will. provide adequate screening of all parking areas and the building foundation plantings will accent the single story buildings. In particular, the landscaped berm proposed at the southwest corner of the property will provide excellent screening from the adjacent residential twin -home. i tin - The developer is proposing security lighting attached to the buildings only. This lighting should be reviewed and approved as part of the Final Planned Development Agreement for each lot. B. Preliminary Subdivision ComRolflity with Surrounding Area - The proposed subdivision is consistent with the designated densities of the specific area and the general vicinity as well. L= - The applicant is proposing to subdivide the 3.84 acre oudot into two lots: Lot 1, Block 1 - 1.42 acres and Lot 2, Block 1 - 2.42 acres. t*irradin elands - The preliminary grading plan is acceptable. The site generally slopes from north to south and minimal grading will be necessary to prepare the site for this development. There are no wetlands on site. Storm Drainage/Water Quality, - The preliminary storm drainage plan is acceptable. Storm water run-off generated by this development will be conveyed via new storm pipe across Rahncliff lS� Planning Report - Rahn Ridge 2nd Addition January 23, 1996 Page 5 Road to Pond AP -44, which is located in MNDOT right-of-way along I -35E. Construction of the storm sewer system to serve the development on Lot 1- will also require extension of a storm line to serve the future expansion area for the Cedar Ridge Church parking lot. Staff is recommending a cash water quality dedication to the Advisory Parks, Recreation, and Natural Resources Commission because the run-off from this relatively small site will discharge to AP -44 which already receives direct nm -off from approximately 6 acres of MNDOT right-of- way .and 14 acres of commercial development. Utilities - The preliminary utility plan is acceptable. Sanitary sewer and water main services were stubbed to the site previously as part of the Rahncliff Road construction. ,&ccessUrculation - The access to the site and the internal circulation proposed for this subdivision is acceptable. The developer is proposing to take public street access to Lot 1 at two points; one from Rahncliff Road to the east and the other from Pin Oak Drive to the south. The proposed entrance to the east will also provide access from Rahncliff Road for Lot 2. The developer is also proposing to construct an access drive from this entrance to the west property line through an ingress/egress easement centered between Lots 1 and 2. This drive will provide access to Rahncliff Road for the future parking lot expansion area of Cedar Ridge Church. The developer has also shown two future public access locations to Lot 2; one from Rahn Way and the other from Rahncliff Road directly across from Rahncliff Court EasementsMiehts of Way/Permits - The developer should provide private ingress/egress easement documents for review and approval by the City Attorney's office prior to Final Subdivision approval. Tree Preservation - There are no significant trees on site. Parks and Recreation - Staff is recommending a cash park and trail dedication to the Advisory Parks, Recreation, and Natural Resources Commission. 4 4Z 16' Fj AV'XoRfol The proposed subdivision is consistent with City's subdivision regulations and the proposed office building on Lot 1 will allow Hedlund Engineering Company to move their offices from Bloomington to Eagan. The proposed land uses are consistent with that approved as part of the Mission Hills South Planned Development. The proposed site and landscaping plans will provide a compatible development to this area and specifically, the Lot 1 development plans are sensitive to the Planning Report - Rahn Ridge 2nd Addition January 23, 1996 Page 6 adjacent residential development to the southwest which will allow this office use to be compatible at this transitional location. ANION TO BLCONSMERED To recommend approval or denial of a two-phase Preliminary Pined Development consisting of two buildings on 3.84 acres currently platted as Outlot F. Rahn Ridge Addition. To recommend approval or denial of the Rahn Ridge Preliminary Subdivision consisting of two lots on 3.84 acres located south of Rahn Way and west of Rahncliff Road. Approval subject to the conditions listed below. PmHminw7 Planned Development Pl) AgMMent 1. The applicant shall execute a Preliminary Planned Development Agreement. The Planned Development shall expire 5 years from the date of Council approval. 2. The City approves the preliminary site, grading, and utility plans dated January 5, 1996 and the elevation drawings dated December 19, 1995. 3. The preliminary site plan provides for the following: a. 11,808 SF office building on Lot 1, Block 1, Rahn Ridge 2nd Addition. b. 20,250 SF office/clinic building on Lot 2, Block 1, Rahn Ridge 2nd Addition. 4. The preliminary landscape plan shall be revised to incorporate plant material with a minimum diameter of 2-1/2 inches. 5. A Final Planned Development Agreement for each phase shall be executed prior to final subdivision and Final Planned Development approval. The following exhibits are necessary for this Agreement: * Final Site Plan * Final Building Elevation Plan + Final Sign Plan 4 Final Landscape Plan ' Final Lighting Plan Upon submission of these final plans, provided they are in conformance with the Preliminary P D, the Final PD may proceed to the City Council for approval. Planning Report - Rahn Ridge 2nd Addition January 23, 1996 Page 7 Tmt Fncrlosure/Ro f g Mechanical 6. All trash/recycling containers shall be stored wt-thin the building or in an enclosure attached to the principal building and constructed with a brick exterior to match the principal building. 7. All rooftop mechanical equipment shall be screened from view. Signue S. All signage shall comply with the City Code standards. Maintenance 9. All building, parking/drive aisle, and landscaped areas shall be properly maintained. 10. All landscaped and green areas shall be served by an underground irrigation system. Preliminary Subdivision Standard Conditions 1. The developer shall comply with these standard conditions of plat approval as adopted by Council on February 3, 1993: Al, B1, B2, B3, Cl, C2, C4, Dl, El, Fl, GI, and Hl. 2. The developer shall plat the property. Easements 3. The developer shall provide private ingresslegress easement documents for review and approval by the City Attorney's office prior to Final Subdivision approval. / r,3 FINANCIAL OBLIGATION • Rahn Ridge 2nd There are pay-off balances of special ents totaling $18,741 on the parcels proposed for platting. The pay-off balance will be allocated to the lots created by the plat. At ibis time, there are no pending assessments on the parcel proposed for platting. The estimated financial obligation presented is subject to change bLwd upon areas, dimensions and laced uses contained in the final plat. Based upon the study of the financial obligations collected in the past and the uses proposed for the property, the following charges are proposed. The charges are computed using the City's e fisting fee schedule and the connections proposed to be made to the City's utility system based on the submitted plans. Improvement Use Rate Quaontity Amount Lateral Benefit Water CA $20.301ff 232.20 ff $4,714 Lateral Benefit Sanitary Sewer CA Total $20.20/ff 296.1 ff 3,942 ^� L-rte.,' I I a J C� ARNELIAN �y SAWI w � w PARK 4 �► I ,. r r!y Z cT. CED 3 narw y s. r og POND 7. ZRcON A I - OF EY RD. 6 GS L CORAL A. - - TRK . T F c a Da y � �a � �O. Y r IIAM CEDAR x A PAT TL M3 A A L/ o AK L/$ $4400 67W1 4;. 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I�-------------------- I f I 1 { VC ___——I j --------------------- 1 1 Agenda Information Memo February 6, 1996 Eagan City Council Meeting I D W 99 51 silo 105" W MICRO 04 13 11 VA 51 Ks)401 - O W4,161 01 61_ 61 1XVIN ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED To approve or deny a Preliminary Planned Development Amendment to allow a Midas automobile service center on Outlot A, George W. Giles Addition subject to the 12 conditions listed in the January 23, 1996 Advisory Planning Commission minutes. FACTS In May 1995, the subject site was'approved for an Indy Lube oil change facility and also received Preliminary Plat approval. Due to an organizational change, Indy Lube has decided not to move forward with development at this location. This small odd -shaped parcel is surrounded by a major thoroughfare right-of-way on three sides. The Midas proposal includes a 4,500 sq. ft. 8 -bay service building which is approximately double the size of the facility proposed by Indy Lube. To accommodate the Midas proposal, the applicant is requesting variances to the 50' building setback from the north property line and to the 20' parking and drive aisle setback along the west, north, and east property lines. The Advisory Planning Commission held a public hearing on this item at their regular meeting of January 23, 1996. On a 4:3 vote, the Commission recommended approval of the Preliminary Planned Development Amendment subject to the 12 conditions listed in the staff report. ISSUES ► The Advisory Planning Commission was divided 4:3 on this proposed development. The minority voting members felt strongly that the proposed development was too big for this small lot and required too many variances, especially the variance from the required 20' landscaped setback requirement along Pilot Knob Road. Commissioner Larry Frank, who voted in support of the project, has asked staff to relay to the City Council his feelings that upon further reflection, he does not support the proposal because of its reduced setback on Pilot Knob Road. The Public Works Director is concerned about the potential access control that will be needed if and when the Duckwood Drive overpass is constructed. He has submitted a memo requesting an additional condition be added if the project is approved requiring the owner to waive his right to any further objections to these improvements. BACKGROUND/ATTACHMENTS (2) Memo from Public Works Director, page _&f APC minutes of Jan , 1996, p� through/'70 Staff Report, page through TO: MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS C/O THOMAS L. HEDGES, CITY ADMINISTRATOR FROM: THOMAS A. COLBERT, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS DATE: JANUARY 31, 1996 SUBJECT: PRELIMINARY PLAN DEVELOPMENT AMENDMENT (MIDAS) MEMO With the addition of this retail business, access will be obtained through the existing internal circulation for the Phillips 66 service station to Duckwood Drive. With the recent completion of the Central Area Transportation Plan and the Ring Road concept which provides for the westerly extension of Duckwood Drive and a proposed future interchange with 1-35E, it should be noted that access to the existing Phillips 66 service station and the proposed Midas facility may be restricted to a right in/right out movement only due to the necessity to construct a raised center median along Duckwood Drive from Pilot Knob Road to the proposed new northbound exit ramp. The City staff strongly recommends that a condition of approval be the requirement for the proposed new property owner/applicant/developer to execute a waiver of objection to the proposed future roadway improvements if, and when they are constructed. Respectively submitted. Dire or of Public Works TAC/cb cc: Peggy Reichert, Director of Community Development Page 25 January 23, 1996 ADVISORY PLANNING COMMISSION PRELIMINARY PLANNED DEVELOPMENT AMENDMENT - MIDAS Chairman Miller opened the next public hearing of the evening regarding a Preliminary Planned Development Amendment to allow a Midas Muffler facility on Outlot A of the George Giles Addition located on the west side of Pilot Knob Road, north of Phillips 66, in the NE%4 of Section 16. Senior Planner Ridley introduced this item. Mr. Ridley highlighted the information presented in the City staffs planning report dated January 11, 1996. Mr. Ridley noted the background and history, the existing conditions and the surrounding uses of the subject property. Mr. Ridley further outlined the City staffs evaluation of the applicant's request. Mr. Ridley concluded that because the site is unusually small, it is impacted by setback requirements; however, the proposed use is compatible with the surrounding land uses. Joe Stranik, a representative of the applicant, stated that he owns and operates several Midas stores in the Twin Cities area. He further stated that the applicant revised its black and gold color scheme to meet the City staffs request with respect to exterior building materials. In response to Member Burdorf s inquiry, Mark Stranik, also a representative of the applicant, stated that the hardships suffered by the applicant to justify the variance is that the operation of the Midas business requires the proposed building size, which in turn interferes with it meeting the setback requirements. Mr. Stranik stated that it is not so much the size of the lot which impacts the setbacks with the building size, rather the shape of the lot. Mr. Stranik acknowledges that the applicant could purchase a bigger lot to meet the businesses building size requirements and that it purchased the subject property with knowledge of its building size and the subject property's .size. Member Segal moved, Member Isberg seconded, a motion to recommend approval of a Preliminary Planned Development Amendment to allow a Midas Muffler facility on Outlot A of the George Giles Addition located on the west side of Pilot Knob Road, north of Phillips 66, in the NEV4 of Section 16, subject to the following conditions: Planned Development Agreement 1. 'A 4,510 SF, 8 -bay Midas automobile service center is approved for the future Lot 1, Block 1, Midas Addition. 2. All parking stalls shall be 10 feet wide. 3. The following Variances are approved: A 20' variance to the required 50' building setback from the north property line, 10' variance to the required 20' parking/drive aisle setback from public right-of-way/east property line, and a 20' variance to the required 20' parking/drive aisle setback from public right-of-way/north and west property lines. Page 26 January 23, 1996 ADVISORY PLANNING COMMISSION 4. A Final Planned Development Agreement shall be executed prior to final subdivision and Final Planned Development approval. The following exhibits are necessary for this Agreement: * Final Site Plan * Final Building Elevation Plan * Final Sign Plan * Final Landscape Plan * Final Lighting Plan Upon submission of these final plans, provided they are in conformance with the Preliminary PD, the Final PD may proceed to the City Council for approval. Trash Enclosure/Rooftop Mechanical 5. All trash/recycling containers shall be stored within the building or in an enclosure attached to the principal building and constructed with a brick exterior to match the principal building. 6. All rooftop mechanical equipment shall be screened from view. Signage 7. All signage shall comply with the City Code standards. Maintenance 8. All building, parking/drive aisle, and landscaped areas shall be properly maintained. 9. All landscaped and green areas shall be served by an underground irrigation system. Landscaping 10. The Landscape Plan shall be revised to incorporate a planting bed around the ground sign similar to that provided around the Phillips monument sign to the south and the landscaping shall be placed outside of the county trail easement. 11. The applicant shall construct a retaining wall along the east property line to act as a berm to screen the parking/drive aisle area from Pilot Knob Road 12. The applicant shall be required to landscape in MnDot right-of-way to screen the west edge of the site. All approved in favor, except Chairman Miller and Members Heyl and Burdorf. coo PLANNING REPORT CITY OF EAGAN REPORT DATE: January 11, 1996 CASE N: 16-RZ-21-12-95 APPLICANT: Stranik, Inc. HEARING DATE: January 23, 1996 PROPERTY OWNER: Phillips Petroleum Co. PREPARED BY: Mike Ridley/S. Dorgan REQUEST: Preliminary Planned Development Amendment (Midas) LOCATION: Northeast 1/4, Section 16 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Central Area (CA) ZONING: Planned Development (PD) u- Stranik, Inc. is requesting approval of a Preliminary Planned Development Amendment to allow an 8 -bay Was automobile service facility on approximately 0.6 acres (currently platted as Outlot A, George W. Giles Addition) located north of Duckwood Drive and west of Pilot Knob Road, just north of the existing Phillips 66 station at 3575 Pilot Knob Road. BACKGROUNDIHISTORY The George W. Giles Planned Development (PD) was created in 1989 (5 year term) without specific uses identified other than General Business (OB) uses. The two lot Giles Addition was platted in 1990 and the Phillips 66 station was also constructed in 1990. The original development plan for the Phillips 66 gas station called for a north -south orientation with a remnant parcel west of the station as opposed to the existing east -west configuration and the remnant parcel to the north. Phillips Petroleum Co. received Preliminary Planned Development approval for an Indy Lube oil change facility and Preliminary Plat approval (Indy Lube Addition) for Outlot A, George W. Giles Addition from the City Council on May 15, 1995. Due to an organizational change, Indy Lube relinquished its plans to develop at this location. The small, odd shaped, parcel is surrounded by major thoroughfare right-of-way on three sides. The flat, grassy site contains a number of evergreen trees that were planted in conjunction with the development of the Phillips station in 1990. &,RRO WD1 (; USES The following existing uses, toning, and comprehensive guide plan designations surround the subject property: (�I Planning Report - Midas Preliminary PD January 23, 1996 Page 2 North - Interstate 35E South - Phillips 66 station; zoned PD/GB; guided CA - East - Pilot Knob Road/ Eagan Auto Mall; zoned CSC; guided CA West - Interstate 35E Indy Labe - The previously approved preliminary planned development for Indy Lube included a 2,100 SF, 3 -bay quick lube building and 8 - 10' wide parking stalls. The site was also approved for a pylon sign along I -35E and a monument sign along Pilot Knob Road. The plan included an 8' building setback variance from the north property line and a 10' variance to the parking/drive aisle setback from the west property line. Midas - The Midas proposal includes a 4,510 SF 8 -bay service building and 22 - 9' wide parking stalls. In addition, a pylon sign is proposed along both the west side (I -35E) of the property and the east side (Pilot Knob Road). The applicant is requesting 20' building setback variance from the north property line, a 20' parking/drive aisle setback variance from the west property line, and a 10' parking/drive aisle setback variance from the east property line. Compatibility with Surrounding Area - The proposed motor vehicle service use is consistent with the development in this area which includes the auto mall and two gas stations. Motor vehicle service and repair operations are allowed via Conditional Use Permit (CUP) in the GB zoning district. Within a PD, a formal CUP is not required; however, conditions that would normally: be placed on the CUP can be incorporated as conditions in the PD agreement. Setbacks - A 20' variance to the required 50' building setback from the north property line is requested. Also, variances to the required 20' parking/drive aisle setback from public right-of-way are requested: 10' variance along Pilot Knob Road and 20' along MnDot right-of-way on the north and west. The City Code also requires a 5' parking/drive aisle setback from common lot lines and the applicant will revise the plans to provide this setback from the south property line. All other building, parking/drive aisle setbacks are met. The setback variances requested to the north and west will have no discemable impact to adjacent properties because I -35E right-of-way surrounds the site on these two sides. The nearest hard surface to the site is the north -bound I -35E Yankee Doodle/Pilot Knob exit ramp which is, at its nearest point, over 55' away; however, pushing the parking/drive aisle area to the west edge of the site does not leave any room for screening the site from the interstate. The 10' parking/drive aisle setback variance request from the east property line is largely due to Dakota County's required right-of-way and trail easement dedication totaling 20' in addition to the existing 75' half right-of-way. This variance will result in only 10' along the east side of the site being available for landscaping and screening. Parkin¢ - The Site Plan provides a total of 22 parking stalls shown 9' wide. The applicant has agreed to revise the plans to provide 10' wide stalls which will reduce the number of stalls to 19 plus the eight Planning Report - Midas Preliminary PD January 23, 1996 Page 3 stalls provided in the service bays. The City Code does not provide specific parking requirements for this type of motor vehicle service; however, the 27 combined parking spaces should be adequate for the proposed use. Lwdscaoing - Revisions are necessary to the Preliminary Landscape Plan. The plan should be revised to include notes regarding the transplanting of the evergreen trees planted on the site in 1990 and to incorporate a planting bed around the sign located along Pilot Knob Road that is similar to that provided around the Phillips monument sign to the south. The landscape materials proposed along the berm on the east side property line should continue the landscape theme previously established on the Phillips 66 site. To provide appropriate screening and landscaping along Pilot Knob Road, the applicant should construct a retaining wall along the east property line that will provide the effect of a 3' tall berm that cannot be accommodated in the 10' setback proposed. Also, the applicant should be required to receive authorization from MnDOT to allow landscaping in MOOT right-of-way along the west edge of the site that cannot be provided with the parking/drive aisle setback variance requested. Ughting Plan - Prior to Final Planned Development approval the applicant should submit a Lighting Plan for review and approval. Sigu" - With modifications, the proposed Sign Plan is acceptable. Proposed building signage on the north and east building elevations is acceptable. The Site Plan calls for pylon signage along I -35E and also along Pilot Knob Road. The City Code allows only one pylon sign per lot; however, property located directly adjacent to freeway right-of-way is allowed a pylon sign along the freeway frontage and an additional free-standing ground sign to be located on the side of the property opposite the freeway. Proposed directional signage exceeds the minimum size allowed by Code and should not include the business logo. The directional signage should be revised to reduce the size to three square feet and remove the business logo. r�y►clina - The Site Plan provides an ,acceptable trash/recycling enclosure attached to the southwest corner of the building. The plan calls for the enclosure to be constructed with materials the same as those to be used for the principal building. Architecture - The developer is proposing a building exterior including a "champagne" colored brick on the lower elevation of the building and pre -finished white metal panels accented with black metal seams on the upper elevation. The two-tone color scheme should be complimentary to the existing exterior materials used for the Phillips store, car wash, and canopy. $QQft Mechanical - All rooftop mechanical equipment should be screened from view. Easement Right -Of -Way and Permits - On March 27, 1995, the Dakota County Plat Commission recommended a variance to provide 10 feet of right of way dedication .and 10 feet of trail easement instead of the 25 feet required by guidelines for the Indy Lube Addition. The recommendations are subject to City approval of a variance. The current applicant is showing 10 feet of right of way dedication, however, a trail easement is not shown on the current plan. �3 Planning Report -Midas Preliminary PD January 23, 1996 Page 4 U I U- KIAIN0 t The small site is impacted by setback requirements from major thoroughfare right-of-way on three of the four sides of the property and the additional Pilot Knob Road right-of-way/trail easement dedication required by Dakota County further complicates development the site. The proposed use should be compatible with the surrounding land uses in the area; however, the Was development plan requires several setback variances. To recommend approval/denial of a Preliminary Planned Development Amendment to allow a Was immobile service center use on Outlot A, George W. Giles Addition. Approval subject to the conditions listed below. Prelimivary Planned Development Planned Development Agreement 1. A 4,510 SF, 8 -bay Midas automobile service center is approved for the future Lot 1, Block 1, Midas Addition. 2. All parking stalls shall be 10 feet wide. 3. The following Variances are approved: A 20' variance to the required 50' building setback from the north property line, 10' variance to the required 20' parking/drive aisle setback from public right-of-way/east property line, and a 20' variance to the required 20' parking/drive aisle setback from public right-of-way/north and west property lines. 4. A Final Planned Development Agreement shall be executed prior to final subdivision and Final Planned Development approval. The following exhibits are necessary for this Agreement: * Final Site Plan • Final Building Elevation Plan * Final Sign Plan * Final Landscape Plan Final Lighting Plan Upon submission of these final plans, provided they are in conformance with the Preliminary PD, the Final PD may proceed to the City Council for approval. TrLsh Enclosure/Rooftop Mechanical 5. All trash/recycling containers shall be stored within the building or in an enclosure attached to the principal building and constructed with a brick exterior to match the principal building. 6. All rooftop mechanical equipment shall be screened from view. o4 Planning Report - Midas Preliminary PD January 23, 1996 Page 5 7. All. signage shall comply with the City Code standards. Maintenance S. . All building, paddng/drive aisle, and landscaped &Fess shall be properly maintained. 9. All landscaped and groan areas shall be served by an underground irrigation system. min¢ 10. The Landscape Plan shall be revised to incorporate a planting bed around the ground sign similar to that provided around the Phillips monument sign to the south and the landscaping shall be placed outside of the county trail easement. 11. The applicant shall construct a retaining wall along the east property line to act as a berm to screen the parking/drive aisle area from Pilot Knob Road 12. The applicant shall be required to landscape in MnDot right-of-way to screen the west edge of the site. FINANCIAL OBLIGATION • Midas There at pay-off balances of special assessments totaling SO on the parcels proposed for platting. The pay-off balance will be allocated to the lots created by the plat. At this time, there are no pending asses=ents on the parcel proposed for platting. The estimated financial obligation presented is subject to change based upon arm, dimensions and land uses contained in the final plat. Based upon the study of the financial obligations collected in the past and the uses proposed for the property, the following charges are proposed. The charges are computed using the City's existing fee schedule Lnd the connections proposed to be made to the City's utility system based on the submitted plans. Improvement Use Rate Quantity Lateral Benefit Water CA 525.90/ff 115.26 ff $2,985 Water Availability Charge CA $2,785/Ac .574 Ac 1,599 Storm Sewer Trunk CA 5.077/sq ft 9,459 sq R 728 Storm Sewer Trunk CA 5.041/sq ft 24,987 sq ft 1.024 Total y C'P�N , r r v UkEnTOWERVEW W dE W RD A A I �gRYEr(, RD. � , JPf F � � , M1RY • ` L o+ucS Ro. PA L DR. & i c ► 27QUARRY p ' PARK a+ I YANKEE DOODLE ROAD t WATERTREAUM& 10 FACLJTY Y Kofi �gl�' Q CITY cK i WWT. IFACILITY ' L ® t W oAtc K 'LAK• P � .. i � T EST! �I w+ = In TAMARAC PT. - OWN PT. NORWAY PT. FOREST FtME TR I MONWOOD LA. REDWOOD PT. SPRUCE PT. Q LNU _DOODLE 'MISE PL. o CA 24--Q-LEARY GOL NEW PARK i I , wmv��;, 7 r w+ = rl 1, m A � I i i \0� _ —7 if • �` `` 1 --mss �� �J7 y� • I zoy�,, (do do 'Of � 0 fIr do , / , of do do cls/�dodo / A i le do od ' r /A A r do r 1 ' , /' j %.00 f 1 / I, 1011d p /,/ j do do / do j/do / /� 'OUTLOT A I� 01 ' do ,%,;; AREA / do do rA,�do UNDER RUCTIdo / 'jr-piefflaw DR.t PAR NG III � �p I� � it I� �. IrE trt II � — _ _ I •) �` i►I 11 it 1140K I 11 r N _ II . 2 �� r ui I�ARK INf, toI,--t ;I .+►� i •� OUTLOT A i /i it 'r u avoa eon 1011d t i • IV s EAGAN - M a IIN11��14y� Yr YwW Ir.w� 11.1. NL14� IN I Wr1a no m 3 STRANI, ENC. General Omce Exhaust System Specialists • Sm University Avenue Shock Absorbers S6 Paul, Minnesota 55103 Wheel Alignment IW FFLJ: R Tel. 224.2821 Brake Service BRAKES 4200 Excelsior Blvd. 520 University Avenue 9211 Lyndale Avenue South 601 East Lake Street St. Louis Park, MN 55416 St. Paul, Minnesota 55103 Bloomington. Minnesota 55420 Minneapolis. Minnesota 5540.7 Tel. 920-4920 Tel. 222-6835 Tel. 8844781 Tei. 827-4628 15455 Cedar Avenue South 4415 Central Avenue N.E. 2168 Snelling Avenue N. 14053 Grand Avenue 1697 W. 7th Street Apple Valley. Minnesota 55124 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55421 Roseville. Minnesota 55113 Burnsville. Minnesota 55337 St. Paul, Minnesota 55116 Tei. 431-5454 Tel. 788-9459 Tel. 636-2221 Tei. 435-6030 Tel. 699.0220 December- 22, 1995 To Wham it May Concern - Please fired attached a color diagram of the proposed Midas Mu ffl er Shop to be located at out lot A George W. Giles Addition (35 E and Pilot Knob Road nexi to Phillips 66). At the suggestion of the City Staff we have altered our traditional red bre ck, yellow panel design to Tan bpI ck with neutral colored panels. The City Staff felt the new colors would more closely match the buildings surrounding the site. I thought some background on both Midas and our Company would be helpful. Midas Muffler opened it's first repair shop in 1956. A subsidiary of Whitman, Inc. it's headquarters are in Chicago with over 29,000 shops nation wide. There are 30 Midas shops in the Mpls/St. Paul area. Like the vast maty of Midas shops nation wide, all 30 Twin City shops are franchisee owned and operated. My coo any, started by my father, has owned and operated Midas Mu ff1 Tor shops in the Twin City area since 196a The Eagan 1 ocati on would be our 10th shop. My office is just north of Eagan at 520 University Avenue in St. Paul. The 9 existing shops are listed above please feel free to Vi si t them. To help determine traffic impact. I've enclosed copies of M&O forms we send Midas Corporation every month. The highlighted area is the amount of vehicles which visited our shop that month. The two shops averaged 18 and 15 vehicles a day. If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at my office 2,52.14 -28,211 or my home 490-5817. Sincerely, STRANIK, INC. /00 Jo eph. L. Stranik President JLS/pk Encl. ERVICE CENTER est 7th Street .= QI.!! MPJ 5511 Recion Ccde: ` Shc•p Code: 376 Month: 11 Year i 0: - Col. ea.r- Cul. A ! Bic I D E i ► to F.- 1 70PE-OF R VAS GHCP SALES 1- 9- 1 REGULAR .O S I WARRANTY OBS; TOTAL 0E,=. PRODUCT & CERVICES i 10 1 NO. AMOUNT I •NO. AMOUNT I NO. AMOUNT -------------------------1 -----l----- --------I----- --------I --------------- jXHAUST PRODUCTS AND SERVICES ! 1 I _-'.W.141jfl-Domestic 1 1 ! 54 1 rrCt,y1 13 3171 67 ijK- r W. Muf!-Foreinn ! ! 41 64841 2 Eli 42 0536 : her ••ruff 1 ers ! _ 1 2 5051 0 ?i c: =05 other Exhaust I =i ! 27 iS60 ! 27 iE&._ -------------------------- I -- -- I ----^ -------- f ----- --------; ------ ------ - -- �WSPENSION/STEERING PRODUCTS ! ! AND - R„ CESZt�,ock ! Absorbers y e `. J�J t.J! 5 'i r of s c+ t $ 1+431 ! 0 01 E 14S 1 ;isc Swap/Sterr'ihp 7 1 E 164! 1 C c m f c rt Cc, i l s I t3 ! r :thee Sprines 4 9 1 4: CERT. I F / CAW ON "a undersigned certifies on behalf of the Franchisee that this is a true and mplete report of all information required by the fora, in ccr.formity with -s Midas Franchise and Trademark Agreement in farce for thi= shop and all :i=ies ani reg jpkjb,r+-9r9Wulgated by Midas International torpor. ti. r. e d e Specs Actual LF LF RR Region Ccde: E NmIDA= SERVICE.CENTER Shop Code: E215 15,55 CEDAP AVE SOUTH Month: 11 -PLE VALLEY MN 55124 ��J Year 95 ' ;Z4-22�T��►13 a� ----Col A --___--__-- 1.B/C I L E I r G i +i I ?E OF MIDAS EHOP SALES ! - 9- 1 PEGULAR j;SS ! WARRANTY JOBS! TOTAL JOBS PRODUCT & SERVICES 10 ! NO. -------- AMOUNT I -NO. ! ----- AMOUNT 1 -------- I NO. ------ AM_UNT ------ --- ------------------------ t - ----1------ WnUST PRODUCTS AND SERVICES I t I I } W. Mufl-DoQest is I 1 1 114 137831 lit 7531 128 1452.. . .d.Mufl-Foreign I t 1 46 79411 7 3061 53 8247 -erg Mufflers i 3 ! 8 7121 0 01 6 712 nerg Exhaust I 4 1 28 22981 1 as 21258 ----------------------l----- ! -------------1----- --------I------ --------- SPENSION/STEERING PRODUCTS I t ! ND SERVICES I 1 I 1 ock Absorbers 1 5 1 15 15511 1 01 16 1551 ruts 1 6 1 10 25341 0 81 10 2534 _sc Suspn/Steerng 1 7 1 13 17071 1 13 17+7 Wort Coils 1 8 1 1 1191 0 01 1 119 i her Springs 1 9 1 0 01 1 0 0 -cel Alignment 110 1 17. --------I----- 6941 1 --------1------ 17 694 ---------- -----------------------1-----i----- ' PRODUCTS AND SERVICES ! 1 1 ! 1 I was - Domestic 1 11 1 122 1 255411 12 7891 134 26330 kts - Foreign i 12 1 21 --------1----- 41061 4 --------I-.----- 1421 25 --------- 424E -----------------------!------l----- SEP PRODUCTS AND SERVICES ! t 1 ! ! I ive Train 1 13 1 4 3821 1 4 382 be, Oil & Filter 1 14 1 0 01 I R 0 ler• Prod & Serv. 1 15 I 29 7141 I 29 714 _ TAL OF LINES 1-17 1 18 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 428 620621 38 19901 466 64072 t al Shop Sales 119/221 64072 alty Payment Due I E3 j 6402.20 -ta! No. of ESTIMATES 1 24 1 478 •cal No. of MUFFLERS Installed 1 25 1 191 .:al No. of PIPES Installed 1 26 1 267 CERT. I F / CAW ON "a undersigned certifies on behalf of the Franchisee that this is a true and mplete report of all information required by the fora, in ccr.formity with -s Midas Franchise and Trademark Agreement in farce for thi= shop and all :i=ies ani reg jpkjb,r+-9r9Wulgated by Midas International torpor. ti. r. e d e -71 Specs Actual LF LF RR RR LR LR -71 of I- i 4P.y^ so Y �•� t.,l r � r tx ('- it ; i l �li�'i OV08 BONX 1011C71, of I- i p1 ,!t! .1 SII. is -ell Od021 soxx 1071d' .' I I 10 �t Agenda Information Memo February 6, 1996 - Eagan City Council Meeting 01 1 W DI "o I = 1 1 c :4 q ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: ► To approve or deny a Conditional Use Permit to allow a pylon sign on Lot 6, Block 1, Blackhawk Plaza subject to the 4 conditions recommended by the Advisory Planning Commission. FACTS: ► The applicant has recently acquired Lots 1, 2, 6, and 7 Blackhawk Plaza and has changed the name of the center to Diffley Square. They propose to take down the existing pylon sign at the Tom Thumb site and put a new 27' high 124 SF pylon sign at the described location on Diffley Road. The Advisory Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on this proposed Conditional Use Permit at its regular meeting on January 23, 1996, and recommends approval of the Conditional Use Permit subject to the 4 conditions in the staff report. BACKGROUND/ ATTACHMENTS: (2) APC minutes of Janupy 23, 1996, a es l�hrnnoh — Staff Report, pagesthrough SP. lel Page 30 January 23, 1996 ADVISORY PLANNING CONMSSION CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT - DIFFLEY SQUARE PARTNERS, LLP Chairman Miller opened the next public hearing of the evening regarding a Conditional Use Permit to allow an on-site area identification pylon sign on Lot 7, Block 1, Blackhawk Plaza located north of Diffley Road, east of Blackhawk Road, and west of Tom Thumb, in the SEV4 of Section 20. Associate Planner Dorgan introduced this item. Mr. Dorgan highlighted the information presented in the City staffs planning report dated January 18, 1996. Mr. Dorgan noted the background and history, the existing conditions and the surrounding uses of the subject property. Mr. Dorgan further outlined the City staffs evaluation of the applicant's request. Mr. Dorgan concluded that the applicant's request involves simply the relocation of an existing pylon sign to an undeveloped parcel of the Blackhawk Plaza site and the proposed location appears compatible with the site and surrounding uses. Maggie Linville, a representative of the applicant, explained that Blackhawk Plaza has been purchased and is under new management by Diffley Square Partners. She further explained that Blackhawk Plaza will be renamed to Diffley Square in an effort to revitalize the development. She concluded that the uses in the new Diffley Square will be service oriented, rather than retail. Member Heyl moved, Member Burdorf seconded, a motion to recommend approval of a Conditional Use Permit to allow an on-site area identification pylon sign on Lot 7, Block 1, Blackhawk Plaza located north of Diffley Road, east of Blackhawk Road, and west of Tom Thumb, in the SE'/4 of Section 20, subject to the following conditions: 1. A one time sign fee of $2.50/ SF must be paid upon application for the sign permit. 2. The Conditional Use Permit shall be recorded at Dakota County within 60 days of City Council approval with receipt to the City. 3. The existing sign must be completely removed prior to the construction of the new pylon sign. 4. The entire pylon and sign shall meet the 10' setback from all property lines. All approved in favor. /70 PLANNING REPORT CITY OF EAGAN REPORT DATE: January 18, 1996 CASE M APPLICANT: Diffley Square Partners, LLP PROPERTY OWNER: Diffley Square Partners, LLP REQUEST: Conditional Use Permit LOCATION: Southeast 1/4, Section 20 22 -PP -32-11-95 HEARING DATE: January 23, 1996 PREPARED BY: Steve Dorgan COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Neighborhood Business (NB) ZONING: Neighborhood Business (NB) Diffley Square Partners, LLP is requesting approval of a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) to allow an on-site area identification pylon sign on the north side of Diffley Road east of Blackhawk Road on Lot 6, Block 1, Blackhawk Plaza. The applicant has recently acquired Lots 1, 2, 6 and 7 of Blackhawk Plaza and has changed the name of the center to Diffley Square. A Tom Thumb convenience store currently owns and occupies Lots 4 and 5, Blackhawk Plaza where the center's existing pylon sign is presently located. City Code Chapter 11, Section 11.40, Subd. 4, C states: The Planning Commission shall recommend a conditional use permit and the Council shall issue such conditional use permits only if it finds that such use at the proposed location: A. Will not be detrimental to or endanger the public health, safety, or general welfare of the neighborhood or the City. B. Will be harmonious with the general and applicable specific objectives of the Comprehensive Plan and City Code provisions. C. Will be designed, constructed, operated and maintained so as to be compatible in appearance with the existing or intended character of the general vicinity and will not change the essential character of that area, nor substantially diminish or impair property values within the neighborhood. D. Will be served adequately by essential public facilities and services, including streets, police and fire protection, drainage structures, refuse disposal, water and sewer systems and schools. Planning Report - Difiley Square CUP January 23, 1996 Page 2 E. Will not involve uses, activities, processes, materials, equipment and conditions of operation that will be hazardous or detrimental to any persons, property or the general welfare because of ,excessive production of traffic, noise, smoke, fumes, glare or odors. F. Will have vehicular ingress and egress to the property which does not create traffic congestion or interfere with traffic on surrounding public streets. G. Will not result in the destruction, loss or damage of a natural, scenic or historic feature of major importance. Blackhawk Plaza was built in 1987 and comprises 30,077 square feet of retail space. The center is currently 72% occupied and has experienced difficulties filling space since its construction. Twenty three percent (6,956 SF) of the center's available space. has never been occupied. On August 4, 1987, the City Council approved the request by Blackhawk Plaza, Inc. for a CUP to construct a 26' high 68 square foot pylon sign located along Diffley Road at the entrance to the Blackhawk Plaza Shopping Center. The conditions of the CUP provide that no additional pylon sign will be allowed on lots 5 and 6 and that the sign shall be lighted only during operating hours of the shopping center. The center's pylon sign (currently located on the Tom Thumb site) includes a reader board not previously approved by the City. The sign is 26' tall and contains 68 SF of sign face per side. The proposed pylon sign does not contain a reader board. SURROUNDING USES The following existing uses, zoning, and comprehensive guide plan designations surround the subject property: North - Single Family homes; zoned Agriculture guided Mixed Residential South - Single Family homes; zoned General Business and guided Mixed Residential East - Tom Thumb; zoned and guided Neighborhood Business and an undeveloped parcel which is zoned and guided Roadside Business West - Single Family homes; zoned Agriculture and guided Mixed Residential EVALUATION OF REQUEST The Difrley Square Partners is working to reposition the center from its retail use to a service-oriented center. The applicant is changing the name of the center and is proposing to increase the size of the current 68 SF sign to 124 SF. The applicant is also proposing to move the sign from the present location on the Tom Thumb site to a vacant parcel west of the current location (Lot 6). C mt ilily - The proposed pylon sign is within City Code requirements of 27' in height and 125 SF in area and is consistent with area identification signs of similar shopping centers. Planning Report - Diflley Square CUP January 23, 1996 Page 3 - The subject site has 307 feet of street frontage along Diffley Road. The requested pylon sign is proposed to be placed 135 feet from the west property line. The pylon and sign must meet the 10' setback from all property lines. Slgg - The City Code allows a shopping center one freestanding or pylon sign for the purposes of area identification for each major adjacent street. The City Council may determine the maximum size of area identification sign after reviewing the applicable conditions including terrain, safety factors, etc. If approved, no additional pylon signs will meet the 300' required spacing on the subject lot or the lot to the west (Lot 7). The applicant is requesting to relocate and change an existing pylon sign to an undeveloped parcel of the Blackhawk Plaza site. The proposed 27' high 124 square foot sign meets the City Code requirements for a pylon sign. The pylon sign at this location appears compatible with the site and surrounding uses. Recommend approval/denial of a Conditional Use Permit to allow a pylon sign on Lot 6, Block 1, Blackhawk Plaza with the following conditions: 1. A one time sign fee of $2.50/ SF must be paid upon application for the sign permit. 2. The Conditional Use Permit shall be recorded at Dakota County within 60 days of City Council approval with receipt to the City. 3. The existing sign must be completely removed prior to the construction of the new pylon sign. 4. The entire pylon and sign shall meet the 10' setback from all property lines. /73 FINANCIAL OBLIGATION - Lot 79 Block 1, Blackhmwk Plug 21 -CU -34-12-95 There are pay-off balances of special assesments totaling $5,214 on the parcel for which the conditional use is requested. At this time, there are no pending ame ents on the parcel for which the conditional use permit is requested. The estimated financial obligation presented is subject to change based upon ares, dimensions and land uses contained in the final plat. Based upon the study of the financial obligations collected in the pest and the uses proposed for the property, the following charges are proposed. The charges are computed using the City's existing fee schedule and the connections proposed to be made to the City's utility system based on the submitted plans. Iinprovement Use Rahe Quantity Ama:xt NONE JL llqj \ J _ ljr t i \ - - - '- �� \ til-.-„-- t ` ` `• r Rw � 1 •2 larAr /, I 3 — ' -.-- =. ;..... ' ...............•• Q�IN. -PARK ING Xj f .................. If 4 1 + U MEAGAN TA Y• 7 'I �/ ' RY I al iF ar MOE_, — -- --- u' tl 010-05 �" �,. -••` l �y 20 05 71 ......GA .. i � i GAP r - _ q� �r )lr� 070.01 I GAP ... �JsA wt a I� �IFFLEY��SQUARE :G :.O Gil it age g fail ISO, [rr �� '• fr of t � � L ? I �t is P. 3) pp �t 0 `PN Oil 0 0 �>o> ! r L i r it age g fail ISO, [rr �� '• fr of t � � L ? I �t is P. f4 pp �t N • • `PN Oil it age g fail ISO, [rr �� '• fr of t � � L ? I �t is P. t� N • • it age g fail ISO, [rr �� '• fr of t � � L ? I �t DIFFLEY SQUARE RE "xm ECwfalai — CJIY 00"W Qi104@ M/EdYAt ]" liME 'y11�. M EiOu ! PASCHILE I121 M MBOI t IME. K 1610 E. CIi1 M. 5WA Dam OAIE �11E R1014i!f07 f�7tK 1 RIa1R/i1249Mt/nl Ifd06ri6 RAX / !07.147.261! FAX 1612494-27 !L I Northwest STATS OF MZNNSSOTA IFOR BOARD USE ONLY GAMBLING CONTROL BOARD IMff PAID PM MISZS PSRMIT RRNSWAL APPLICATION JCRECK NO. LG214PPR PRINTED:11/30/95 JDATE LICENSE NUMBER: B-02228-001 EFFECTIVE DATE: 06/01/94 EXPIRATION DATE: 05/31/96 NAME OF ORGANIZATION: Lions Ragan Club GAMBLING PREMISES INFORMATION NAME OF ESTABLISHMENT WHERE GAMBLING WILL BE CONDUCTED Cedarvale Lanes 3883 Beau D'Rue Dr Ragan 55122 COUNTY Dakota IS THE PREMISES LOCATED WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS?: Y LESSOR INFORMATION DOES YOUR ORGANIZATION OWN THIS SITE?: No IF NO, LIST THE LESSOR: Cedarvale Bowl Inc 3883 Beau D'Rue Dr Ragan MN 55122 NAME OF PROPERTY OWNER (WHEN NOT LESSOR): DCRA Partnership SQUARE FEET PER MONTH: 60 SQUARE FEET PER OCCASION: 0 AMOUNT PAID FOR RENT PER MONTH: 1000 AMOUNT PAID PER OCCASION: 0 BINGO ACTIVITY BINGO IS CONDUCTED ON THIS PREMISES: No IF YES, REFER TO INSTRUCTIONS FOR REQUIRED ATTACHMENT STORAGE ADDRESS 3101 Sibley Memorial Hwy Ragan MN 55121 BANK INFORMATION Dakota County St Bank 750 S Plaza Dr Mendota Hgts MN 55120 GAMBLING BANK ACCOUNT NUMBER: 300111200 ON THE LINES PROVIDED BELOW LIST THE NAME, ADDRESS AND TITLE OF AT LEAST TWO PERSONS AUTHORIZED TO SIGN CHECKS AND MAKE DEPOSITS AND WITHDRAWALS FOR THE GAMBLING ACCOUNT. THE ORGANIZATION'S TREASURER MAY NOT HANDLE GAMBLING /GAMBLI�N} G FUNDS. �/ �J A %ICA" A=D j3.91, 0 1`Y i1' Ui@74 ajej. •M`s _ ��.1��1./ !" A • J r..l l+ .�.Gi (BE SURE TO COMPLETE THE REVERSE SIDE OF THIS APPLICATION) THIS FORM WILL BE MADE AVAILABLE IN ALTERNATIVE FORMAT (I.E. LARGE PRINT, BRAILLE) UPON REQUEST 9 GALLING PREMISES AUTHORIZATION I HEREBY GIVE CONSENT TO LOCAL LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS, THE GAMBLING CONTROL BOARD, OR AGENTS OF THE BOARD, OR THE COMMISSIONER OF REVENUE OR PUBLIC SAFETY, OR AGENTS OF THE COMMISSIONERS, TO ENTER THE PREMISES TO ENFORCE THE LAW. BANK RECORDS INFORMATION THE GAMBLING CONTROL BOARD IS AUTHORIZED TO INSPECT THE BANK RECORDS OF THE GAMBLING ACCOUNT WHENEVER NECESSARY TO FULFILL REQUIREMENTS OF CURRENT GAMBLING RULES AND STATUTES. I DECLARE THAT: • I HAVE READ THIS APPLICATION AND ALL INFORMATION SUBMITTED TO THE GAMBLING CONTROL BOARD; • ALL INFORMATION IS TRUE, ACCURATE AND COMPLETE;; • ALL OTHER REQUIRED INFORMATION HAS BEEN FULLY DISCLOSED; • I AM THE CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER OF THE ORGANIZATION; • I ASSUME FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE FAIR AND LAWFUL OPERATION OF ALL GAMBLING ACTIVITIES TO BE CONDUCTED; • I WILL FAMILIARIZE MYSELF WITH THE LAWS OF MINNESOTA GOVERNING LAWFUL GAMBLING AND RULES OF THE GAMBLING CONTROL BOARD AND AGREE, IF ISSUED A PREMISES PERMIT, TO ABIDE THOSE LAWS AND RULES, INCLUDING AMENDMENTS TO THEM; • ANY CHANGES IN APPLICATION INFORMATION WILL BE SUBMITTED TO THE GAMBLING CONTROL BOARD AND LOCAL UNIT OF GOVERNMENT WITHIN TEN DAYS OF THE CHANGE; • I UNDERSTAND THAT FAILURE TO PROVIDE REQUIRED INFORMATION OR PROVIDING FALSE OR MISLEADING INFORMATION MAY RESULT IN THE DENIAL OR REVOCATION OF THE PREMISES PERMIT. LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACKNOWLEDGMENT 1. THE CITY* MUST SIGN THIS APPLICATION IF THE GAMBLING PREMISES IS LOCATED WITHIN CITY LIMITS. 2. THE COUNTY** AND TOWNSHIP** MUST.SIGN THIS APPLICATION IF THE GAMBLING PREMISES IS LOCATED WITHIN A TOWNSHIP. 3. FOR TOWNSHIPS THAT ARE UNORGANIZED OR UNINCORPORATED, THE COUNTY** IS REQUIRED TO ATTACH A LETTER TO THIS APPLICATION INDICATING THE TOWNSHIPS STATUS. 4. THE LOCAL UNIT OF GOVERNMENT (CITY OR COUNTY) MUST PASS A RESOLUTION SPECIFICALLY APPROVING OR DENYING THIS APPLICATION. 5. A COPY OF THE LOCAL UNIT OF GOVERNMENT'S RESOLUTION APPROVING THIS APPLICATION MUST BE ATTACHED TO THIS APPLICATION. 6. IF THIS APPLICATION IS DENIED BY THE LOCAL UNIT OF GOVERNMENT, IT SHOULD NOT BE SUBMITTED TO THE GAMBLING CONTROL BOARD. TOWNSHIP: BY SIGNATURE BELOW, THE TOWNSHIP ACKNOWLEDGES THAT THE ORGANIZATION IS APPLYING FOR A PREMISES PERMIT WITHIN TOWNSHIP LIMITS. CITY* OR COUNTY** CITY OR COUNTY NAME L 17Y 01c SIGNATURE OF PERSON RECEIVING APPLICATION A TOWNSHIP** TOWNSHIP NAME SIGNATURE OF PERSON RECEIVING APPLICATION TITLE'? DATE RECEIVED I TITLE DATE RECEIVED AdMl�, 4557- ©t(��w REFER TO THE CHECKLIST FOR REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS MAIL TO: GAMBLING CONTROL BOARD c 1711 W COUNTY RD B - SUITE 300 S ROSEVILLE, MN 55113 DATE CITY OF EAGAN NEW _ON SALE FEE 3&V PILOT KNOB ROAD RENEWAL OFF SALE FEE EAGAN, MINNESOTA U122 TEMIPORARY 77 TEMPORARY FEE $MOD APPLICANT We- P APPUCATION FOR jNON414TOWCATING MALT UOUOR 'UC/ENSE rm (� Grvl P/ o -`Zs t/i OWNER'S NAME w /'" (Last) A dress (6 0 First) N t^ o (Mi le) (Cart) (First) (Middle) Address _ (o 16 t; r !v Lr �4 It is set) /0 A) S5 / a-3 ET G A n.) ,I VI street) �� � 1 a-3 (may)(State) Phone�(� 1 a6'2"7 -70c1(7 Birthdate (Zp) , (Crty) () (rip) phone�lo 1 (D g % -7060 Birthdate TRADE NAME wddress . (Street) (may) (State) (Zip) Phone MANAGER'S NAME (last) (Prat) (Middle) Address (StRest) (may) (fie) (ap) Phone Birthdate ,:rrte:Ys►PNLi,cSFUR Nc7rN-rNWlut;AirriGLl4UUr7UCceiStfortrieyew 1°19100 pf b 11-7_ to in A �_ �„ . (month) (date) (month) temporary license) Location: (Address) STRONG BEER: Yes >< No Applicants who have an on4ale wine license, and have 50% gross earnings from food, may sell strong beer without an additional license. Applicants who elect to $ett strong beer must carry liquor liability Insurance. Are you the actual proprietor? Yes (7- No ( ) Are you the owner of the property of the business location? Yes (-f No ( ) Has any other license of this kind been granted to you? Yes (cf No () Where F. -6 (City) (Year) Are any taxes, saserssments or utility bills for the permises unpaid or deliquent? Yes () No (+J)' If yes, give reason. During the past year, has a summons been issued under the Liquor Civil Liability Law MS 304.A902? Yes () No (f I yes, attach summary copy. Have you eve► been convicted? Yes ( ) No (411bly (Other than a traffic offs rise) Is this a joint ownership or silent partnership? Yes ( ) No ( N yes, please attach a listing of complete names, dates of birth, addresses and telephone numbers fo everyone involved. I HEREBY VERIFY THAT THERE HAS BEEN NO CHANGE IN OWNERSHIP OR MANAGERS IN THE PAST YEA". THE LICENSEE HEREBY AGREES TO INDEMNIFY AND HOLD EAGAN HARMLESS FROM ANY AND ALL CLAIMS OR SUITS INCLUDING ATTORNEYS FEES AND OTHER DEFENSE COSTS, WHICH THE CITY OF EAGAN MAY INCUR BY REASON OF ANY ACTIVITIES ARISING FROM THE GRANTING OF THIS - - BEER LICENSE I (we) HEREBY AGREE TO OPERATE SUCH BUSINESS IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LAWS OF MINNESOTA AND THE ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF EAGAN. THE FOREGOING STATEMENTS ARE TRUE AND CORRECT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF. AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE A L R NLY POLICE APPROVAL- YESANO O SIGNED a "- -DATED_ t )� CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL- - YES () NO () SIGNED DATED C:f- 6 a a59