10/16/1990 - City Council RegularAGENDA REGULAR MEETING EAGAN CITY COUNCIL EAGAN, MINNESOTA MUNICIPAL CENTER BUILDING OCTOBER 16, 1990 6:30 P.M. I. 6:30 - ROLL CALL & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE (BLUE) II. 6:35 - ADOPT AGENDA & APPROVAL OF MINUTES (BLUE) III. 6:45 - DEPARTMENT BEAD BUSINESS (BLUE) A. DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Q 1. Direction, Woodlands North/Robert Engstrom B. POLICE DEPARTMENT S 1. Humane Society of Dakota County Q IV. 6:55 - CONSENT AGENDA (PINK) zoA. PERSONTNEL ITEMS P-20 B. PROCLAMATION, Red Ribbon Week, October 22 - 28, 1990 �.=C. LICENSES, PLUMBERS Za,D. LICENSE, Water Softner p Z 3 E. RECEIVE Request for Reconsideration/Schedule Public Hearing, Crown Coco, Inc., Denial 1 .0� of Conditional Use Permit/Variance for Pylon Sign p,a S F. VACATE Public Right of Way, Receive Petition/Order Public Hearing (Wescott Garden Lots r - Cedar Street, Birch Street and Rodger Street) VACATE Public Right of Way, Receive Petition/Order Public Hearing (Rustin Road) H. CONTRACT 90-12, Receive Bids/Award Contract (Elrene Road - Streets & Utilities) P ]� I. CONTRACT 90-16, Receive Bids/Award Contract (Woodlands North - Streets & Utilities) J. LICENSE, Beer & Wine, Cactus Flats Restaurant/2113 Cliff Road P' K. CONSIDERATION, Change Name of Street from Mike Collins Drive (South of Yankee Doodle P3 Road only) to Ivy Lane RRL. AGREEMENT, 1991 Joint Powers for South Metro Drug Task Force V, V. 7:00 - PUBLIC HEARINGS (SALMON) A. RESOLUTION, for the Issuance of Industrial Development Revenue Bonds for Park Nicollet Clinic in an Amount not to Exceed $3,225,000 VI. OLD BUSINESS (ORCHID) ,% &ADAMS OUTDOOR ADVERTISING, Refund of Conditional Use Permit Application Fee U ` SB. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT, Safety Kleen, to Allow Outdoor Storage in a LI (Light Industrial) District on Lots 3 and 4, Block 1, Sibley Terminal Industrial Park Located �+ in the SE 1/4 of Sec 8 (Request to Continue to the November 8, 1990, Regular City Council Meeting VII. NEW BUSINESS (TAN) ( &/A. COMPREHENSIVE GUIDE PIAN AMENDMENT, City of Eagan, Area E/Multifamily Residential Land �/ Study, to Change the Land Use Designation of Approximately 105 Acres from D-II (Mixed Residential, 0-6 Units Per Acre) to R 6 D (Research & Development). The Subject Property is Bounded by Lone Oak Road, Highway 55, and the Eastern Corporate Boundaries in the NE and NW 1/4 of Sec 12 B. RESOLUTION, Comprehensive Guide Plan Consistency with Metropolitan System Plans C. SPECIAL HUNTING PERMIT, Jerry Thomas, 4889 Pilot Knob Road D. SPECIAL HUNTING PERMIT, Ronald G. Cornwell/5200 Willson Road, Mpls E. SPECIAL USE PERMIT, Peace Reformed Church/2180 Glory Drive, to Allow the Temporary �1 Sale of Christmas Trees, Located in the NW 1/4 of Section 30 F. SPECIAL USE PERMIT, Bill Brabec, to Allow the Temporary Sale of Christmas Trees, Lot 12, Block 1, Knob Hill Professional Park, Northwest Corner of Knob Drive and Pilot Knob Road OOG. VARIANCE, John Vaughn/1670 Mallard Drive, for 3' to Previously Approved Variance of 13' to the Established Side Yard Setback of 38' from Public Right of Way, Located in the SW 1/4 of Section 28 C) PRELIMINARY PLAT, Heller Addition, Consisting of a Four-Lot Subdivision of • Approximately 2.6 Acres of R-1 (Single Family) Residential-Zoned Land North of Skyline �1] Road in the SE 1/4 of Section 4 l{4 WAIVER OF PLAT, City of Eagan, in Order to Split Tax Parcel 10-02200-010-02 and a p}. REZONING of Approximately Four AG (Agricultural) Acres to a PF (Public Facilities) C District Located Along the West Side of Lexington Avenue in the East One-Half of ^� Section 22 CONTRACT 90-14, Receive Bids/Award Contract (Stafford Place - Drainage Improvements) Y VIII. ADDITIONAL ITEMS (GOLD) Ix. ADMINISTRATIVE AGENDA (GREEN) R. VISITORS TO BE HEARD (for those persons not on agenda) AI. ADJOURNMENT MEMO TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNfEAIEMBERS ••. • �� t. •• • DATE: OCTOBER 11, 1990 SUBJECT: AGENDA INFORMATION FOR THE OCTOBER 16, 1990 CITY COUNCIL. MEETING After approval is given to the October 16, 1990 City Council agenda and the October 2, 1990 City Council meeting minutes, the following items are in order for consideration. A. DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Item 1. Direction, Woodlands North/Robert Engstrom—The Community Development Department is seeking direction from the City Council concerning Woodlands North. Enclosed on pages a through Y is a memo from Director of Community Development Runkle explaining the situation. ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED ON THIS ITEM: To provide the Community Development Department with direction concerning Woodlands North. M E M O R A N D U M T0: TOM HEDGES, CITY ADMINISTRATOR DALE RUNKLE, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR FROM: JIM STURM, CITY PLANNER DATE. OCTOBER 10, 1990 RE: WOODLANDS NORTH ADDITION During the technical review stage of the Woodlands North Addition, it was noted that an additional single family lot could be incorporated into the Final Plat. The City is currently doing the public improvement contracts for the Woodlands North Addition, as well as Elrene Road. The single family area would increase from 12 to 13 lots and the newly -created lot would be over an acre in size. Noting this, utility services are being incorporated into the final plans and specifications. This is a common practice when it appears a further subdivision could occur. One condition of plat approval stated that no driveways would be permitted directly onto Elrene Road. It was my intention that this was for the duplex style area to the north, not the single family area. There is a single family home in the South Hills Addition that has driveway access onto Elrene Road. It would be my suggestion that this additional lot be incorporated into the Final Plat and Planned Development Agreement. The overall Woodlands North Addition will increase in density from 284 to 285 units on approximately 58- acres and the 13 single family lots would have a density of approximately 1.2 units per acre. If you desire additional information, please advise. eo_` L_ CityPlanner JS/j s R -N CII �•, II _. 41 ; I41� 1 �p It n � IlaIJ i' rJr, 2` •rr�; `, � 3 l • I i' 4 1/fir +•� I •� .mil �ll� 111�� t PI I ' t � ounoT E ?,P.:'! 52.37 S 09.5598' E la I A 1 I 1 .` ... . .w.. ,-_ _ - • �'.; ter. f vl1 4 1 t GSR 1' - - - -- 618.17 - N 89.51'44' E REVISED EXHIBIT 3 1 1 11 r9 I= , ,� , 1• a � g , / QP • •.a' OAKS ✓\ W 1� 11 r ' •� i /, ��" '' • � I« I •� I I 111 , al rtl •' �r lsn ,rr�- I�,' I b 51 I OU1? GT E •5 i" i.�l,� ii 1j1 ` • • \� � �I I�I�! 1 I 111 1 � 1G EIR:H SIRFn S 89'55'28' E i ra'1•i 1 •� I II M 1 1 cw•Ilc .cue T ORIGINAL EXHIBIT N 88.51'1" E m Agenda Information Memo October 16, 1990 City Council Meeting B. POLICE DEPARTMENT Item 1. Minnesota Valley Humane Society Request --The Minnesota Valley Humane Society is requesting consideration by the City Council to release a per capita funding allocation in the amount of $21,278 during 1990. It was the decision of the City Council in 1989 that the 1990 annual budget consider as a part of its contingency fund a per capita allocation for the Humane Society with the understanding the if there were no unforeseen emergency expenditures during calendar year 1990, those dollars would be fully funded to the Humane Society. It was necessary for the City Council to authorize a reduction in General Fund expenditures as a result of a reduction in HACA aid. by the State Legislature earlier this year. The reductions were allocated throughout various departments in the City; however, the commitment to the Humane Society under contingency was not a reduction. The Humane Society would also like an opportunity to provide a brief update on the progress it is making to raise capital and acquire a location for the first Humane Society building. For additional information, refer to a letter sent to the City by Dean Weigel, Executive Director of the Minnesota Valley Humane Society which includes attachments relative to their proposed capital fund drive and other information regarding acquisition of a building for the animal shelter. This letter with attachments is enclosed on pages _, through _4. Dakota County has ]eased its funding to the Humane Society while other cities are holding the allocation until an actual site for a building is chosen for the animal shelter. City Council has two alternatives: 1) to release the funds to the Minnesota Valley Humane Society in the amount of $21,278 or 2) provide a renewed commitment to the Humane Society with the understanding that funding will be released once a decision is finalized on a location and building for the shelter. ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED ON THIS ITEM: To consider one of the aforemen- tioned alternatives relative to an allocation of funding by the City of Eagan for the Minnesota Valley Humane Society Animal Shelter project. S October 2, 1990 Mr, Thomas Hedges City Administrator City of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, Minnesota 55122 Dear Tom: The Minnesota Valley -Humane Society of Dakota County has spent the past nine years pursuing the goal of an animal shelter for Dakota County. We are now in a position where that Cream can become a reality. We have found two, well situated, 5,000 square foot sites that have existing buildings that can be renovated to accommodate 60 to 100 animals per day. We are ready to rr,a':e offerb on either property and would like to come before your city council to request the release of the per capita appropriation. This appropriation will provide the down -payment (seed money) for the shelter. The choice of the two sites will -be dependent upon the best grace and type of financing available. Both sites are highly visible to the community and are appropriately zoned for the animal shelter. Both buildings are in the S250,000 range and both sites have the potential to be e,P@:,ded to accommodate growth and expansion in the future. Our .apital Campaign for equipment and improvements will co^tinue and be greatly enhanced with an` actual shelter providing on-going services, 1 have enclosed a proposal for you and the city council members to review and am hopeful that -we can come before the city as soon as possible. The proposal indicates the two available sites, proposed floor plan, start-up costs, operating budget proforma, and a comparison with other metro area humane societies. We have not formally submitted the renovation work for bid yet, however, we do have a local construction company owner on our board that is willing to donated most of the labor, as well as materials at cost. Minnesota Valley Humane Society • 14451 County Road 11, Suite 174, Bumsville, MN 55337 9 (612) 891-5150 I will call you witfii-n the next few days to discuss this matter -Further. If you have any' -questions I can be reached at 891-5155. I am looking forward to- meeting with you and the city council. Sincerely, Dear: Weigel Executive Director cc: Mayor Thomas A. Egan TABLE DS CONTENTS Summary of Proposed Project A. Apple Valley Site D. 'Ru,-nsvi 1 l e Site ta:. Campaign status :. riosc d f I gor p l an f or upera t.: ons I'. . _o-:Parison of ot`e!- Metro Area Humane Societies. S•'F�rt-up Costs �z.t Ye=ar Operations Pudget :)mparison budget with other Metro Area Humane D MIr\JNES07A VALLEY HUMANE SOCIETY OF DAKOTA COUNTY PROPOSED OPERATION SUMMARY Location: 7640 - 146th Street Apple Valley, Minnesota 55.124 Opening Date: December 1, 1990 Sual--iro Size: (2) 5,000 square feet (10,000 total). a^--' Size: .75 acres Zor,,rg: General Business # 04, AIimals: Monthly Annually Dc_T./PUDE- 211 - 272 2,530 - :,263 Cats/ t<:ttens- 131 - 196 1,577 - 2,353 742 - 468 4,107 - 5,616 1st ;--ne- n �perati`_- ButcEt : $1,89, 104 F -.?.E. (^ - 1 1-T./,,-6 P.T. ) `•Jc:� 'ee�� r .,y 25 P.T.E. test. Proposed Hou—s. Monday - 12:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. T -Fri- - 12:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. Sat. - 10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Sun. - 12:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. /U Mit',INESOTA VALLEY HUMANE SOCIETY OF DAKOTA COUNTY PROPOSED OPERATION SUMMARY Location: 1309 East Highway 13 Burnsville, Minnesota 55337 Opening Date: December 1, 1990 8ulding Size: 4,800 square feet. La -i:; S;: e: 1.25 acres Commercial/B-3 (Conditional Use) of A-,in'al Monthly Annually 2-2-2� s- 211 - �72 2, 5J0 - 3,263 Cat--/ h.; �-t -ns- 17.1 - 196 1,577 - 2.-Z,53 Tst�'•- 342 - 468 4.107 - 5,616 ' st Yew: ^L'=qet : $189,104 # _+_{; F.T.E. (2-3 F.T./4-6 P.T.) # c Mo^th_ti• - 25 P.T.E. (est. Prcposed Hours: Monday - 12:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. T - Fri- 12:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. Sat. - 10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Sun. - 12:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. CAMPAIGN STATUS I. pities and Eounty commitments Inver Grove Heights Apple Valley Eagan Burnsville Mendota Heights Rosemount Dakota County Burd of Director's ;_lPcges, foundations, etc. Corr.rrun i ty Gilt taped on 50'):; $225,000 .r.ort. eta' S 10,739 15,B37 21,276 2 3,-7 -744 4,340 3,710 10.000 $89,248 �,8 , 5''U $127.768 $112,500 $240.26B "D 0D Ole �^ s cam.O� "D 300. �rC S" s is /3 m L.. d � "D M t Zh I = r "D 0D Ole �^ s cam.O� "D 300. �rC S" s is /3 m COMPARISON OF METRO AREA HUMANE SOCIETIES Henn. Ramsey Anoka Wash. 1589/90 Co. Co. Co. Co. # OF ANI I MA`S RECEIVED: 20.,890 9,376 6,474 2,864 ## OF ANIMALS ADOP T i D : 4,7B2 9, 180 1,905 1,645 DP Pa,T J !`lam PLDGET : Y1 . 4 Mi 1 . X780, 000 $567->,000 $250,000 05 F.T.E. 16 F.T.E. 12 F.T.E 4 F.T.E. 9 P.T.E. 7 P.T.E 4 P.T.E. 4C')0 Volun. 200 Volun. 48 Volun. 20 Volun. to, - Tn. M - F M - F M,W,F,S,S ._r•� _�':: 9:-70-5 9 - 6 10 - 6 9 - 5 Fridays Sat./Sun Saturday T & Th. 9:30-9:00 10 - 6 10 - 4 9 - 6 Sat./Sun. Sunday 12:00-6 12 - 4 t`r # of animals received = 2406 "• pro A ra # of animals adopted = 1845 Budget: 2134,000 Tri -Count\,/ ## of Staff: 2 F.T.E./6 P.T.E. =t. 'sour # of Volun.. 60 - 75 Hours of Oper. !h - F: 12 - 6 S & S: 12 - 5 )4 Start-up Casts: Dog KenneIs-(16 @ $150/ea.;- Concrete or sheet metal dividers with chain-link fencing S 2,400 Cat/Kitten Cages (20 @ $300/ea.)- Stainless Steel stacked cages 6,000 Lower Dividers for cages 3,000 Puppie Cages (20 @ $300/ea.)- Stainless Steel stacked cages 6,000 Lower Dividers for cages ;,000 Equipment - Appliances (washer/dryer, -freezer, refrigerator, etc.) 2,000 Office furniture/equipment 1,000 Phone system 500 Retail storage 500 Cleaning (hoses, garbage cans, etc.) 500 Maintenance 1,000 C>l.lpp! iPs- O l l i c e 500 Retail 1,500 Cleaning 1,000 Maintenance 500 Medical 500 Food 500 Animal 500 Rencvation- $25,000 Total Start-up Costs $55,900 k5 OTHER COUNl Y HUMANE SOCIETY COMPARISON BUDGET- 10T YEAR OPERATION REVENUE CHARITABLE GAMBLING DONATIONS -COMMUNITY FUND-RAISERS PETS FOR PEOPLE MEMBERSHIPS MEMORIALS-BEOUESTS CORPORATIONS FOUNDATIONS INDIVIDUALS/DIRECT MAIL INTEREST INCOME ANIMAL RE CEI'JIhJu IMPOUNDING (EST- IST YEAR) BOARDING FEES- PUBL I C EUTHAN- . - _ ^'C- C', ADOPT IONr;1L'CG @ 2717.50 AVER, FEE) CEMETARY MANAZEMENT RETAIL 7 0 R E CITY CONTROL CITIES OF A" IMALS MI SC ELLAIN EOL -- r TOTAL FXPENTE-c a q E° M. V. H. S. 1990-1991 110N7HLY ANNUAL $0 $0 0.0% $3,312 $39,750 20.9% $0 $0 0.0% $417 $5,000 2.6% 2458 $5,500 2.9% $417 $5,000 2.6% $625 $7.500 3.9% $2,083 $25,000 13.2% $175 $2,100 1.1% $1,200 $14,400 7.6% $417 $5,000 2.6% $167 $2,000 1.1% $120 $1,4'6 .B% $5,625 $67,500 35.5% $0 $0 0.0% 2375 $4,500 2.4% $0 $0 0.0% $(1 $0 0.0% 91312 $3,750 2.0% $125 $1,500 .8% 21x,,828 $189,936 100.0% SALAR:ES(f, -. ._.) 27.087 $85,000 45.8% PAYR^L_ ^_ ;8'. $567 $6,800 3.7,. EMP�u _� ^�._ _._- _. 212 $�^,55U 1.4% IN-SERv: CE ',;:'';-- $83 $1,000 . 5;. STAFF DE�'=;.T 42 $500 .31% CO^•;S iL . ? .= SE-.. =CS O. FOES $rI2 $500 . 3 M0RT'.A3E (F. -5.225p :a 12% $2,'68 428,416 15. 3% .,1TILITIEE-'cLE=.'GH $575 $6,900 3.7% PHONE $333 241000 2.2% I NEURANCLE -L,-r- :. L I AB . 'f- BOND $325 $3,900 2.1% WORK.MANS C' -"-!P. 2.1V) 2149 $1, 785 1.0% ASSESSMENT ,�-X S $U $0 0.0% VET SZPk)ICES-- SPAY/NEUTER $100 $1,200 .6% 'JET SERVICES $100 $1,200 .6% EMERGENCY SERVICES $188 $2,250 1.2% ANIMAL Cr=.E- "^,EDI CAL (EUTHANI Z I NG/ F 7') $125 $1,500 .8% V E H I CLE V: T"NANrE $0 $0 0. 0% RETAIL . ,'.'E'vT^_,Y $292 $3,500 1.9% EQUIPME%T $125 $1,500. .8% 16 BUDGET 1990/91 ADMINISTRATIVE/FUND--RAISING OFFICE SUPPLIES PRINTING POSTAGE COPYING PUBLIC RELATIONS SPECIAL PROMOTIONS CLEANING SUPPLIES MAINTENANCE MISC. SUB -TOTAL EXPENSE TOTAL EXPENSES SURPLUS/(DEFICIT) $15,467 $185,603 100.0% $15,467 $185,603 100.0% $361 $4,333 2.3% l;.V.H.S. 1990/91 MONTHLY ANNUAL $333 $4,000 2.2% $33 3 $4,000 '' .2% $500 $6,000 3.2% $292 $3,500 1.9% $167 $21000 1.1% $333 $4,000 2.2% $0 $0 0.0% $300 $3,600 1.9% $300 $3,600 1.91/ $200 $2,400 1.3% $15,467 $185,603 100.0% $15,467 $185,603 100.0% $361 $4,333 2.3% 7-7 . . . . . . . . .. . . . 7c: I 'It', E, 5 7, J 10 r" 1 c 7 2 04 14 x7' 11%, $87r $1 Ai -7r cc" Inc1 r 75'r 17 -, , CN.'. 7 7 t7— OV s z D Cc; 4 7 7 . . . . . . . . .. . . . m -7r cc" 7 t7— OV s z m B D DEE T S. ANCKA A. M. S E ST, u-.7.-L,:Y L MONL T' AN�UAL "' �IVI INHL 4NNjp- 1. ADM Ki— Tp.A7 �.'j: Q Q F IN: .... H,000 2 Tz, 11,417 117,000 3,2% NVICE SWULIES SW SQ01 2.T', S1,075 S12,900 2.4% S20 12,0:4 1.5 WONE SO S6,000 Z . 2 S2;2 $3,500 S625 17,500 1.0 009 17,31Z 1S S167 S2,000 1.0 S2,167 12S,000 60% . L A TB L ': 3. -L P -- 133 3 S4,00l 2.2% 1500 spoo 1.1% 1744 $807 4.7 SPE::k FWPH& so 50 0. 7, $1,000 $12, ON 2M $09 Woo 1C CLEAMS __%f r_.__ 1300 lz,boo 1,91 1750 19,110 2.3Z 1750 19,006 wx $414 W567 16 m m N w �i � N 2 1:00 11,60; lax sloo S3,600 Xx $1,667 150,000 3.2% Sol S5,90 1.1 051 1290 $2,401 1.31 5100 51,200 .3% 1033 lumol 1,9Z 1266 qsz 1,7 *7 in% MV 100,OX S27532,22 2 S.- 6 4 1 5 2 7 67 - " 0 7 AK E "7 Oi?L E SEF 5 1, so Ly 011% 11,002 losm 5m NE77E.,- PAQU VIES 0% i? to ch 0% SIF S2,00, LEW :,5 100. $0 $0 fn 0% 1900 $13560 20% C17Y LKEVING 'EH so So vk1% $42 S500 f1scs f"0% 5190 Th2oc Gam: uill 2040 - E"hH- U ;0 1,0% t4,5;5 j%,137 14, Us 0.77 171 KOW17505) WO Wa QTQ SO WS ELKO ::W .-V:� AWK& A"ju 6 E R . ENO ATHIE 07 YEAR QOQG WHOLE ONALLY 107 NOMA!? PKAW, Agenda Information Memo October 16, 1990 City Council Meeting There are twelve (12) items on the agenda referred to as Consent Items requiring one (1) motion by the City Council. If the City Council wishes to discuss any of the items in further detail, those items should be removed from the Consent Agenda and placed under Additional Items unless the discussion required is brief. A PERSONNEL, ITEMS: Item 1. Seasonal Recreation Instructors—Due to the starting date of the preschool recreation programs, it was necessary for City Administrator Hedges to approve the hiring of the following seasonal instructors and assistants: Judy Forde, Recreation Program Instructor; Marilynn Grant, Recreation Program Instructor; Kathleen Haag, Recreation Program Assistant; Cynthia Olson, Recreation Program Assistant; and Patricia Soldner, Recreation Program Assistant. These instructors are hired for the fall recreation season as seasonal workers. This item is informational and no action is required on the Council's part. RED RIBBON WEEK PROCLAMATION B. Proclamation, Red Ribbon Week, October 22 - 28, 1990—A national campaign has been established to create awareness of the drug problems facing communities in the United States, to establish effective parent/community teams across the country, and to support drug free, healthy lifestyles. This campaign is called the "Red Ribbon Campaign". The campaign has established the week of October 22 - 28, 1990 as Red Ribbon Week. As they did last year, various organizations across the nation will be holding activities and programs in order to help transform America into a healthy, drug free nation. Locally, the Community Action Council and other organizations are promoting this very important campaign. They are asking local communities to declare the week of October 22 - 28, 1990 as Red Ribbon Week in each community and actively support programs and activities which would support chemically free youth in specific and all citizens in general. Attached on page L is a copy of a proclamation for Red Ribbon Campaign Week in the City of Eagan. During the Red Ribbon Campaign Week, the various schools will be presenting various programs. In addition, red ribbons and brochures will be furnished to all gas stations in the Eagan area to be handed out to drivers as they purchase gas. Organizations are planning other types of programs, such as tying red ribbons on street signs. The City is planning to decorate the front of the Municipal Center, the Fire Administration Building and the Central Services Maintenance Building with a large red ribbon and signage. ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED ON THIS ITEM: To proclaim the week of October 22 - 28, 1990 as Red Ribbon Campaign Week in the City of Eagan. a (D PR4ZEWiTION CrrY OF • ED REBBON CAWAIGNE1 OCrOBER A i•1 alcohol and other drug abuse in this nation have reached epidemic stages, and the 15 - 24 year old age group is dying at a faster rate than any other age group, and it is imperative that visible, unified prevention educational efforts by community members be launched to reduce the demand for drugs, and the National Federation of Parents for Drug Free Youth and local area parents communications networks are sponsoring the National Red Ribbon Campaign, offering citizens the opportunity to demonstrate their commitment to the decrease in demand for drugs, and WHEREAS, the National Red Ribbon Campaign will be celebrated in every community in America during 'Red Ribbon Week", October 22 - 28, 1990, and WHEREAS, business, government, law enforcement, schools. religious institutions, service organizations, youth, physicians, senior citizens, military, sports teams and indi-Oduals will demonstrate their commitment to drug free, healthy lifestyles by wearing and displaying red ribbons during this week long campaign, and the City of Eagan further commits its resources to ensure the success of the Red Ribbon Campaign, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Eagan does hereby support October 22 - 28, 1990 as Red Ribbon Week and encourages its citizens to wear red ribbons and to participate in drug prevention education acd%ides. making a visible statement that we are strongly committed to a drug free community. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City of Eagan encourages citizens to pledge: "My choice .... drug free." Dated: a I CITY OF EAGk,Nl CITY COLTi CIL Its Mayor Attest: Its Clerk Agenda Information Memo October 16, 1990 City Council Meeting PLUMBER'S LICENSE C. License, Plumber's—City Code regulations require that plumbers' licenses be renewed on an annual basis. The license application which is in order for consideration at this Council meeting is that of Leon Duda Plumbing Services, Inc. ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED ON THIS ITEM: To approve a plumber's license for Leon Duda Plumbing Services, Inc. WATER SOFTENER LICENSE D. License, Water Softener --City Code regulations require that water softener licenses be renewed on an annual basis. The water softener license application of Milbert Company is in order for consideration at this Council meeting. ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED ON THIS ITEM: To approve the water softener license for Milbert Company,. Agenda Information Memo October 16„ 1990 City Council Meeting RECEIVE REQUEU FOR MCONSIDERATION SCHEDU E PUBLIC HEkRING/CROWN COCO INC. E. Receive Request for Reconsideration/Schedule Public Hearing, Crown Coco, Inc., Denial of Conditional Use Permit/ Variance for Pylon Sign --The City has received a letter from Crown Coco, Inc. requesting an appeal of the decision by the Eagan City Council to deny the conditional use permit to Crown Coco, Inc. for a pylon sign and a variance of twenty-three (23) feet to the allowed pylon sign height for their gas station t 4195 Nicols Road. For a copy of the letter requesting the appeal, refer to page The appropriate action is to receive the request for an appeal and schedule a public hearing for sixty (60) days from receipt of the request for appeal which is the November 20 City Council meeting. ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED ON THIS ITEM: To authorize a public hearing for the Board of Appeals and Adjustments at the November 20, 1990 City Council meeting to consider an appeal by Crown Coco, Inc. regarding the recent denial of a conditional use permit for a pylon sign and a variance of twenty-three (23) feet to be allowed in pylon sign height for a gas station at 4195 Nicols Road. a 3 September 25, 1990 CER'T'IFIED MAIL CROWN COCO., INC. DISTRIBUTORS OF - GASOLINES - GREASES - MOTOR OILS 331-9344 319 ULYSSES N E MINNEAPOLIS. MINNESOTA $$613 !-]r. James Sturm City of Eagan 3R?n Pilot Ynob Road F cyan, Minnesota 55121 RE: Variance/Pylon Sign Application, Appeal of Conditional Use Permit/Crown CoCo, Inc. August 7, 1990 Tear Mr. Sturm: Fleace accept this letter as a request for appeal of the r�nr i i orl 1,y the Eagan City Council to deny the Conditional Y'sc permit tc Crown CoCo, Inc., for a pylon sign and a •••aTiance of twenty-three (23) feet to the allowed pylon sign height for our gas station at 4195 Nicols Road in ='�^gin. 1f you have any questions in regard to either this request -r the sign/variance itself, please contact David Miller at 331-2928. Sincerely, R P 77emck Robert P. Macy: President. r'r-„ I). Miller MARKETERS OF 6UA )ROLEUM PRODUCTS Agenda Information Memo October 16, 1990, City Council Meeting VACATION/WESCO'IT GARDEN LOTS F. Vacate Public Right-of-Nk'ay, Receive Petition/Order Public Hearing (Wescott Garden Lots - Cedar, Rodger & Birch Streets) --The staff has received a petition from the owner and developer of the Woodlands North Addition requesting the vacation of the public right-of-way for portions of Cedar Street, Rodger Street and Birch Street located within that portion of the Wescott Garden Lots which is being replatted into the Woodlands North Addition. With the platting of the Woodlands North Addition, adequate replacement public right-of-way is being provided. Therefore, it would be appropriate for the Council to receive this petition and schedule a public hearing to formally receive any comments regarding this request. ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED ON THIS ITEM: To receive the petition to vacate public right-of-way (Wescott Garden Lots - Cedar, Rodger & Birch Streets) and order a public hearing to be held on November 8. 1990. VACATIONIRUSTEN ROAD G. Vacate Public Right -of -«'ay, Receive Petition!Order Public Hearing (Thomas G. Slater Addition - Rusten Road) --Prior to the platting of the Thomas G. Slater Addition. the prc)p crty owner had dedicated an easement for public right-of-way to accommodate the cul-de-sac extension of Rusten Road to service the future lot split related to the final platting. With the recent approval of the Thomas G. Slater Addition on October ?, 1990, the final dedicated right-of-way is slightly different than the original dedicated easement document conveyance. Therefore, it would be appropriate to receive this petition and schedule a public hearing to consider the vacation of the underlying right-of-way easement conveyance which has been replaced by the public right-of-w=ay dedicated with the final plat. ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED ON THIS ITEM: To receive the petition to vacate public right-of-way (Thomas G. Slater Addition - Rusten Road) and schedule a public hearing to be held on November 8, 1990. F� Agenda Information Memo October 16, 1990, City Council Meeting RECEIVE BIDS/AWARD CONTRACT (ELRENE RD) H. Contract 90-12, Receive Bids/Award Contract (Elrene Road - Streets & Utilities) --At 10:00 a.m., on Friday, October 12, formal bids were received for the installation of streets and utilities to accommodate the upgrading of Elrene Road from Yankee Doodle Road to South Hills Addition. Enclosed on page, is a tabulation of the bids received with a comparison of the low bidder to the estimate contained in the feasibility report presented at the public hearing held on July 17, 1990. All bids will be reviewed for accuracy and compliance with bid specifications and any deviations will be so noted and discussed at the Council meeting. All easements necessary to accommodate this contract have been acquired by the City. ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED ON THIS ITEM: To receive the bids for Contract 90- 12 (Elrene Road - Streets & Utilities) and award the contract to the lowest responsible bidder and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute all related documents. a ( ELRENE & ;GRAILS END ROAD PROJECT #589 CONTRACT NO. 90-12 EAGAN, MN. CONTRACTORS 1. Danner, Inc. 2. Brown and Cris 3. Alexander Construction 4. Widmer, Inc. LOW BID Feasibility Report Estimate Engineer's Report Estimate - Project =589-Elrene Road Pond CP -8 Outlet Control Structure % Over (+) Under (-) F.R. % Over (+) Under (-) E.E. BID TIME: 10:00 A.M. BID DATE: OCTOBER 12, 1990 a% $ 850,000.00 15,000.00 TOTAL BASE BID $ 920,162.67 950,763.36 985,199.16 999,872.21 $ 920,162.67 $ 725,000.00 865,000.00 + 24.2* + 5.9% Agenda Information Memo October 16, 1990, City Council Meeting RECEIVE BIDSIAWARD CONTRACT (WOODLANDS NORTH) i. Contract 90-16, Receive Bids/Award Contract (Woodlands North - Streets & Utilities)- -At 11:00 a.m., on Friday, October 12, formal bids were received for the installation of streets and utilities necessary to service the Woodlands North Addition. Enclosed on page is a tabulation of the bids received with a comparison of the low bid to the estimate contained in the feasibility report presented at the public hearing held on September 18, 1990. All bids will be reviewed for accuracy and compliance with bids specifications and any deviations will be so noted at the Council meeting. In order for this contract to be awarded, it is necessary for the final plat to be approved by Council action to ensure dedication and conveyance of the necessary easements and public rights-of-way to accommodate the installation of these improvements. Therefore, if the final plat is not approved earlier on the October 16 agenda, consideration of this contract award should be continued to November 8. ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED ON THIS ITEM: To receive the bids for Contract 90- 16 (Woodlands North Addition - Streets & Utilities) and award the contract to the lowest responsible bidder and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute all related documents; or, continue consideration of contract award until final plat approval. X5' 7 WOODLANDS NORTH ADDITION STREET, UTILITIES AND APPURTENANT WORK PROJECT NO. 596R CONTRACT NO. 90-16 FOR R THE CITY OF EAGAN MN. CONTRACTORS 1. Brown & Cris. Inc. 2. Northdale Construction 3. Ceca Utilities 4. Burschville Const., Inc. 5. Arcon Construction Co., Inc. 6. Barbarossa & Sons, Inc. 7. Landwehr Heavy Moving, Inc. 8. S.J. Louis Construction, Inc. 9. Fredrickson Excavating LOW BID Feasibility Report Estimate Engineer's Estimate % Over (+) Under (-) F.R. % Over (+) Under (-) E.E. BID TIME: 11:00 A.M. BID DATE: FRI.. OCT. 12, 1990 TOTAL BASE BID $ 323,826.60 342,808.29 348,484.35 350,450.50 353,849.99 358,530.50 359,305.85 377,464.59 388,140.00 $ 323,826.60 $ 412,000.00 $ 391,000.00 - 21.4% - 17.2% Agenda Information Memo October 16, 1990 City Council Meeting :1V Lr J. License, Beer and Wine, Cactus Flats Restaurant/2113 Cliff Road—Itamex Foods in the name of Cactus Flats Restaurant has applied for a wine and strong beer license and will occupy the space in Cedar Cliff Center recently vacated by Broadway Pizza. The City Code was amended approximately two (2) years ago to allow the sale of strong beer as long as the required food/liquor ratio was met; the applicant had a wine license and liquor liability insurance. If Cactus Flats is approved, there will be six (6) restaurants with strong beer licenses in Eagan. The Police Department is reviewing the application and will submit a separate report which will be included as a part of the Administrative Agenda on Monday. A copy of the license application is included for your review without page number. ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED ON THIS ITEM: To approve a wine and beer application for Cactus Flats Restaurant (formerly Broadway Pizza) at 21131 Cliff Road. ,30 Agenda Information Memo October 16, 1990 City Council Meeting NAME CHANGE FROM MIKE CQUJNS DRIVE TO IVY LANE K. Consideration, Change Name of Street from MAe Collins Drive to Ivy Lane—Robert Engstrom Companies is requesting a street name change from Mike Collins Drive, south of Yankee Doodle Road, to Ivy Lane. For a copy of a letter and other attach regarding the request for a street name change, refer to pages , through men Since Mike Collins Drive does extend north of Yankee Doodle Road into the in ustrial park, the change in name is being reviewed by both Police and Fire and, if either of those departments have a concern, information will be shared in the Administrative Agenda on Monday, October 15. ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED ON THIS ITEM: To approve the street name change from Mike Collins Drive, south of Yankee Doodle Road, to Ivy Lane as requested by Robert Engstrom Companies. SPECIAL ?NOTE: There are no addresses affected by this name change. 31 Planning Staff The City of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, MN 55123 Re: Street Name Change Dear Sirs: Attached is a request for smxt name change as follows: Mike Collins Drive smith of Yankee Doodle Road to Ivy Lane. We submit the following rationale for such a change. 1) Land use north of Yankee Doodle Road is primarily industrial and south is residential. Ivy Lane has a rustic, pleasing sound befitting a residential neighborhood. Mike Collins Drive can denote the industrial sector. 2) Mike Collins Drive south is aligned directly at Trails End Road with Ivy Lane in the Country Home portion of The Woodlands North. Changing the name would simplify directions and eliminate confusion. Road. 3) There are no addresses affected on Mike Collins Drive south of Yankee Doodle Yours truly, ROBERT ENGSTR011d COMPANIES waw K /4 Howard R. Kyllo HRK/ejo ... LAND SPECIALISTS ... 4801 West 81st Street • Suite 101 • 0eapolis, Minnesota 55437 • (612) 893-1001 r■ i7111— 1279.TRAILS END ROAD ' ,^ S 00007'04' E t x rr� ES ---- 45 ---- -- Y.� I ■ I I /� I / \ 14 o�"`' Is *j� ~• • * WE • �•wi`' L' E C.&LI'NS :etODul a Alk .4 IOU 'I b it LA of yitL'_ ' � I•'i _� —1 ;, 1 ,•,.•:: ; � �tRIP of R I N OQ'113E 6 5.64 ...+.� .. �' '•� v. �j , �'�$- _ CIDITL •IG •/°, ~ - / • !/,f y`. _� (. 1 N / 411 co Aw zI*1 1 Pape t • ++ i r ;:'1 »— � ♦c `moi , '�i `�' "• '' ' I • !, ! r- I N 00'15'52• E o vlt._�'car__ rv_� �i+_: •' 190.00 n ---- ------ _ ,- -- — I ELRENE ROAD J 9— ELR2 RDAr3 314.52 • t1iZ'6Z9Z a )11-02 :)1f 1- 03 w is r i -i { i-7777�Y NO 28 ..- ' -- """"''■ •m M - - - - • i ( YANKEE DOODLE - ROAD 1 `�"» � • i S OTT HILLS F R O H A p DT T10hj . # .,..., ' 01 4 -- .•_ - .■4{MMM, ..•I R +i � ' MIN )11-02 :)1f 1- 03 w is r i Agenda Information Memo October 16, 1990, City Council Meeting SOUTH METRO TASK FORCE JOINT, POWERS L Agreement, 1991 Joint Powers for South Metro Drug Taste Force—The proposed agreement for 1991 to empower the South Metro Drug Task Force is in order for consideration. There are a few changes since the original 1988 agreement and they are marked accordingly throughout the document. This is the proposed agreement for 1991 and includes the Cities of Burnsville, Eagan, Apple Valley, and Lakeville, and Dakota County. For a copy of the agreement, refer to pages through ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED ON THIS ITEM: To approve the 1991 Joint Powers Agreement for the South ?Metro Drug Task Force as modified. 3S 1991 JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT SOUTE METRO TASK FORCE THE PARTIES TO THIS AGREEMENT are units of government responsible for the enforcement of controlled substance laws in their respective jurisdictions. This Agreement is -made pursuant to the authority conferred upon the parties by Minnesota Statutes 471.59. NOW THEREFORE, the undersigned governmental units, in the joint and mutual exercise of their powers agree as follows: 1. Name. The parties did establish in 1988 and hereby maintain the South Metro Task Force. 2. General Purpose. The purpose of this joint powers agreement is to establish an organization to coordinate efforts to apprehend and prosecute drug offenders. 3. Members The members of this Agreement shall consist of the fallowing units of government: City of Burnsville City of Eagan City of Apple Valley City of Lakeville Dakota County 4. State and Local Assistance for Narcotics Control Program. The City of Burnsville, acting on behalf of the South Metro Task Force and its members, shall apply for funding under the State and Local Assistance for Narcotics Control Program ("grant funds"). The Burnsville City Manager shall be the ."authorized official" as defined in the general policies and procedures for the program. 5. Administrative Board. 5.1 The governing body of the Task Force shall be a Hoard �;vc consisting of six members. The police chief or sheriff of each Page 1 3(9 party shall appoint one board member to serve at the chief's or tjtw St-,At„rc sheriff's pleasure. [The Dakota County Attorney shall appoint one board member to serve at the County Attorney's pleasure] Board members must be full-time supervisory peace officers of the jurisdiction or office that appoints the Board member. 5.2 Board members shall not be deemed employees of the Task Force and shall not be compensated by it. 5.3 In January of each year, the Board shall elect from its members a chair, a vice -chair, a secretary/treasurer, and such other officers as it deems necessary to conduct its meetings and affairs. The Board may adopt rules and regulations governing its meetings. Such rules and regulations may be amended from time to time at either a regular or a special meeting of the Board provided that at least ten (10) days' prior notice of the meeting has been furnished to each Board member. The Board shall operate by a :majority vcte of all members present. A quorum of four (4) members shall be regjired for all meetings. 6. Powers and Duties of the Board. 6.1 The Board will formulate a program to carry out its purpose. 6.2 The Board will coordinate intelligence between the members and the Task Force. 6.3 The Board shall appoint and supervise the Agent -In - Charge of the Task Force. 6.4 The Board may cooperate with other federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies to accomplish the purpose for which it is oresnized. Page 2 6.5 The Board may make contracts, incur expenses and make expenditures necessary and incidental to the effectuation of its purpose and consistent with its powers. 6.6 The Board shall cause to be made an annual audit of the books and accounts of the Task Force and shall make and file a report to its members which includes the following information: (a) the financial condition of the Task Force; (b) the status of all Task Force projects; (c) the business transacted by the Task Force; and (d) other matters which affect the interests of the Task Force. 6.7 The Task Force's books, reports, and records shall be open to inspection by its members at all reasonable times. 6.8 The Board may recommend changes in this Agreement to its members. 6.9 The members may not incur obligations or enter into contracts that extend beyond the terms of this Agreement. 6.10 The Board may decide to purchase liability insurance which shall be payable from Task Force funds. 7. Finances. 7.1 The members itend to fund the 1991 cost of operation 0)20 rw-,n nn � Qr, f--, .,n of the Task Force totaling $336,040.00 as follows: (1) $180,500.00 tIgO oriso,000.00 from 1991 grant funds, and (2) $155,540.00 in matching funds from member cities and County. The matching funds shall fund the continued cost of maintaining the replacement officers hired during 1988 for the officer assigned by each member to the Task Force.All Nt"►� St Aehw funds will be spent in federally authorized program areas Page 3 0"Irlln" MMrMMMMPM" 7.2 The Task Force's funds may be expended by the Board in accordance with this Agreement in a manner determined by the Board. The Board shall designate the City of Burnsville to act as depository for the Task Force's funds. In no event shall there be a disbursement of Task Force funds from the City of Burnsville depository without the signature of the Task Force secretary/treasurer. 7.3 The Board shall receive a monthly financial report of all expenditures and receipts, and current fund balances from the secretary,/treasurer. 7.9 The members shall contribute their grant funds and required matching funds to operate the Task Force. The required snatching funds from each member will be used to pay the 1991 salary of the officer hired in 1988 to replace the officer assigned to the Task Force. 7.5 The Board shall adopt a budget based upon grant funds, member snatching funds and money made available from other sources. he Board may amend the budget from time to time. 7.6 The Board may not incur debts. 7.7 The Task Force's obligation to reimburse members for any expense, furnish equipment, and the like is contingent upon the i FO. o0o.0a i990 Task Force receiving at least $180,500.00 in grant funds in 1993. If grant funds less than that amount are received, the Board may reduce the level of expense reimbursement and cut back on equipment and other purchases otherwise required by this Agreement. E. Agents. 8.1 Each member shall assign one experienced, licensed peace officer to serve on the Task Force on a full-time basis. Page y 39 8.2 Agents shall not be employees of the Task Force. Agents shall. remain employees of the member that has assigned them to the Task Force and shall be paid by that member, not the Task Force. 8.3 Agents will be responsible for drug investigation, including intelligence management, case development, and case charging. Agents will also assist other agents in surveillance and undercover operations. Task Force agents will work cooperatively with assisting agencies. 8.9 Agents will be supervised by the Agent -in -Charge. 8.5 The member appointing the Agent shall furnish the agent a weapon and a vehicle and pay any lease payments, insurance, maintenance, and operating costs of the vehicle. 8.6 The members shall maintain the officer positions hired in 1,988 to replace the officer assigned to the Task Force. 9. Agent -In -Charge. 9.1 From the agents assigned by members, an Agent -In - Charge shall be appointed by the Board and serve at its pleasure. The Agent -In -Charge must be a full-time, licensed peace officer of a member and shall be paid a supervisor's salary by that member. The difference between the rate of pay, if any, the Agent -In -Charge would norm-zlly have received from the member and the rate of pay for the member's first line supervisor, however, will be paid by the Task Force. The Agent -In -Charge shall remain an employee of the member city or County. 9.2 The Agent -In -Charge shall be in charge of the day-to- day operation of the Task Force, including supervising the Task Force's assigned personnel, subject to direction received from the Page 5 Board. The Agent -In -Charge is responsible for staffing, scheduling, case assignment, case management, record keeping, informant management, buy fund management, petty cash management, and intelligence management. The Agent -In -Charge will be responsible to keep the Board updated as to the Task Force's activity, which would include major case development within member jurisdictions. The Agent -In -Charge will supervise the drafting and execution of all search warrants initiated by the Task Force Unit and will work cooperatively with the agencies with venue over the case. The Agent -In -Charge will be responsible for all buy fund monies and petty cash funds and will provide Board members with a monthly accounting of all funds disbursed and a written summary of activity with the unit. 9.3 The Agent -In -Charge may exclude agents from further Task Force involvement subject to review by the Board and approval of the me.,ber that assigned the agent to the Task Force. 10. Forfeitures, Seizures and Fines. Items that are seized by the Task Force may be used to support Task Force efforts. The use of these items must be approved by the Board. In the case of Federal forfeiture actions, established Federal Rules shall be followed. All remaining forfeited items shall be divided equally among Task Force members. Fine or restitution monies ordered paid to the Task Force by Court Order shall be used to off set equipment cr operating costs of the Task Force not funded by grrant or matching funds. 11. Headquarters. The City of Eagan will furnish the Task Force, without cost, office space at 3830 Pilot Knob Road, Eagan, Minnesota 55122. All utilities, including electricity, heat, air Page 6 conditioning, and the like shall also be furnished to the Task Force by Eagan without cost. 12. Indemnification. Each member shall fully indemnify and hold harmless the other members against all claims, losses, damage, liability, suits, judgments, costs and expenses by reason of the action or inaction of its employees assigned to the Task Force. This agreement to indemnify and hold harmless does not constitute a waiver by any member of limitations on liability provided by Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 466. 13. Duration. 13.1 This Agreement shall take full force and effect when all five potential members, listed in paragraph three of this Agreement, sign it. All members need not sign the same copy. The signed Agreement shall be filed with the city clerk of the City of Eagan, who shall notify all members in writing of its effective date. With the exception of paragraph 4 of this Agreement, implementation is also contingent upon receipt of grant funds. Prior to the effective date of this Agreement, any signatory may rescind its approval. 13.2 This Agreement shall terminate twelve (12) months from its effective date unless extended by further written agreement of the parties. 1.3.3 This Agreement may be terminated at any time by the Board (W" d< 1.4 Aea) written agreement of 3/5 of theTmembers. 13.4 Upon termination of this Agreement, all property of the Task Force shall be sold or distributed to the members in proportion to the contributions of each member of this Agreement. Page 7 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned governmental units, by action of their governing bodies, have caused this Agreement to be executed in accordance with the authority of Minnesota Statutes § 471.59. Approved by the City Council ,1990. Approved by the City Council ,1990. Approved by the City Council ,'_990. Approved by the City Council ,1990. Approved by Dakota County Board Res3_ut'.3n No. Dakota County Attorney's Office Dakota Ccunty Government Center 1560 Highway 55 Hast_n_=, Minneslta 55033 Teleph ne: (612) 438-4438 C K -9 - Page 8 43 CITY OF LAKEVILLE By Date of Signature Attest Date of Signature CITY OF BURNSVILLE By Date of Signature Attest Date of Signature CITY OF EAGAN By Date of Signature Attest Date of Signature CITY OF APPLE VALLEY By Date of Signature Attest Date of Signature COUNTY OF DAKOTA By Rod Boyd, Sheriff Date of Signature Approved as toForm,, By k".4 V . 1, �..'..�- y.v Asq! tant County At or ey Date 'o Signature Approved as to Execution by County By Assistant County Attorney Date of Signature Agenda Information Memo October 16, 1990, City Council Meeting IDB' .1PARK NICOi 7 FT CLINIC A. Resolution for the Issuance of Industrial Development Revenue Bonds for Park Nicollet Clinic in an Amount not to Exceed $3,225,00D—At a previous City Council meeting.. a public hearing was authorized to consider the issuance of industrial development revenue bonds for the new Park Nicollet Clinic facility that will be constructed on Galaxie Avenue south of Cliff Road. In a previous packet, the City Administrator explained the use of industrial development revenue bonds and answered questions regarding how the bond is structured and the type of debt that will be amortized. The resolution to be considered by the City Council approves the issuance of revenue bonds to finance the Park Nicollet clinic facility and also to issued on behalf of the City by the City of St. Louis Park pursuant to a joint powers agreement between the cities of St. Louis Park and Bloomington. As previous stated, Park Nicollet is expanding facilities in St. Louis Park, Eagan, Bloomington and Minnetonka. The Minnetonka project was dropped from the bond issue because the project has not as yet received the necessary planning approvals from that City. For a copy of the resolution and joint powers agreement, refer to pagesthrough ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED ON THIS ITEM: To approve or deny a resolution for the issuance of industrial development revenue bonds for Park Nicollet Clinic in an amount not to exceed $3,225,000 and provide execution of the joint powers agreement resolution to allow the City of St. Louis Park to act as the issuer of the industrial development revenue bonds. CERTIFICATION OF MLVUTES RELATING TO HEALTH CARE FACILITIES REVENUE BONDS (PARK NICOLLET MEDICAL CENTER PROJECT), SERIES 1990 Issuer: City of Eagan, Minnesota Governing Body: City Council Kind, date, time and place of meeting: A regular meeting, held on October 16, 1990, at o'clock P.M., at the City Hall. Members present: Members absent: Documents Attached: Minutes of said meeting (pages): MIN'UTES OF PUBLIC HEARL`TG ON PROPOSED PROJECT and RESOLUTION GIVE�G APPROVAL TO A PROJECT ON BEHALF OF PARK NICOLLET'MEDICAL CENTER AND ITS FP ANCING L :N DER THE ML's NESOTA MI L� ICIPAL LNDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT ACT; REFERRING THE PROPOSAL TO THE MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF TRADE AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT FOR APPROVAL; AN D AUTHORIZLNTG THE PREPARATION OF NECESSARY DOCUMENTS I, the undersigned, being the duly qualified and acting recording officer of the public corporation issuing the obligations referred to in the title of this certificate, certify that the documents attached hereto, as described above, have been carefully compared with the original records of the corporation in my legal custody, from which they have been transcribed; that the documents are a correct and complete transcript of the minutes of a meeting of the governing body of the corporation, and correct and complete copies of all resolutions and other actions taken and of all documents approved by the governing body at the meeting, insofar as they relate to the obligations; and that the meeting was duly held by the governing body at the time and place and was attended throughout by the members indicated above, pursuant to call and notice of such meeting given as required by law. WITNESS my hand officially as such recording officer and the seal of the City this — day of . 1990. (SEAL) L1s City Clerk -Treasurer 0 The Mayor stated that this was the time and place fixed by a resolution of this Council, adopted on September 18, 1990, for a public hearing to be held on the proposal that the City undertake and finance a project (the Project) on behalf of Park Nicollet Medical Center, a Minnesota business trust (the Borrower), pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.152 through 469.165. The City Clerk -Treasurer presented an affidavit showing publication of the notice of public hearing at least once not less than 14 nor more than 30 days prior to the date fixed for the public hearing, in the Dakota County Tribune the official newspaper of the City and a newspaper of general circulation in the City. The affidavit was examined, found to be sat-,sfactory and ordered placed on file with the City Clerk -Treasurer. T he Mayor then opened the meeting for the public hearing on the proposal to undertake and finance the Project on behalf of the Borrower. The purpose of the hearing was explained, the nature of the Project and of the proposed revenue bonds was discussed, the draft copy of the Application to the Minnesota Department of Trade and Economic Development with draft copies of all attachments and exhibits were available, and all persons present who desired to do so were afforded an opportunity to express their views with respect to the proposal to undertake and finance the Project, in response to which the following persons either appeared,, were recognized and made statements, or filed written comments .cith the Citi- Clerk -Treasurer before the date set for the hearing, summaries of which appear opposite their respective names: 4 (0 RESOLUTION GIVNG APPROVAL TO A PROJECT ON BEHALF OF PARK I�,"ICOLLET MEDICAL CENTER AND ITS FINAIvCINI G UNDER THE MINNESOTA MUNICIPAL LN'DUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT ACT; REFERRIi -G THE PROPOSAL TO THE MINTNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF TRADE AND ECONOMIC DE=VELOPMENT FOR APPROVAL; AND AUTHORIZLNIG THE PREPARATION OF NECESSARY DOCUMENTS BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Eagan, Minnesota (the Municipality), as follows: SECTION 1 Recitals and Findings 1.I. This Council has received a proposal that the Municipality finance a portion or all of the cost of a proposed project under Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.152 through 469.165 (the Act), on behalf of Park Nicollet Medical Center, a Minnesota business trust (the Borrower), consisting of financing the acquisition of land and the construction and equipping of a facility thereon to be used as a medical clinic, pharmacl- and medical retailing facility. The Project is to be located at the southeast corner of Interstate 35E and Cliff Road (Galaxy Cliff Development) in the Municipality-. 1.2. At a public hearing, duly noticed and held on October 16, 1990, in accordance with the :pct and Section 147(1) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, on the proposal to undertake and finance the Project, all parties who appeared at the hearing were given an opportunity to express their views with respect to the proposal to undertake and finance the Project and interested persons were given the opportunity to submit written comments to the Citv Clerk -Treasurer before the time of the hearing. Based on the public hearing, such written comments (if anv) and such other facts and circumstances as this Council deems relevant, this Council hereby finds, determines and declares as follows: (a) The welfare of the State of Minnesota requires the provision of necessary health care facilities to the end that adequate health care services be made available to residents of the State of Minnesota at reasonable cost, and the State of Minnesota has encouraged local government units to act to provide such facilities. (b) The undertaking of the Project would further the general purposes contemplated and described in Section 469.152 of the Act. (c) The existence of the Project would further promote the public purposes and legislative objectives of the Act by providing an inducement for the y7 expansion of health care operations and providing health care services at the lowest possible cost in the Municipality and surrounding area. (d) This Council has been advised by representatives of the Borrower that conventional, commercial financing to pay the cost of the Project is available only at such high costs of borrowing that the economic feasibility of constructing and operating the Project would be reduced from that resulting with the aid of municipal borrowing, and its resulting lower borrowing cost. (e) This Council has also been advised by representatives of the Borrower that on the basis of their discussions with potential buyers of tax-exempt bonds, revenue bonds of the Municipality (which may be in the form of a revenue rote or notes) could be issued and sold upon favorable rates and terms to finance the Project. (f) The ?Municipality is authorized by the Act to issue its revenue bonds to finance capital projects consisting of properties used and useful in connection with a revenue producing enterprise engaged in providing health care services, such as that of the Borrower, and the issuance of the bonds by the Municipality would be a substantial inducement to the Borrower to construct the Project. SECTION 2 Determination To Proceed with the Pro'ect and Its Financin 2.1. Orhe basis of the information given the 'Municipality to date, it appears that it would be desirable for the Municipality to issue its revenue bonds under the provision: of the Act to finance the Project in the maximum aggregate face amount of S3,773,,000. 2.2. It is hereby determined to proceed with the Project and its financing and this Council hereby declares its present intent to have the Municipality issue its revenue bends under the Act to finance the Project. The issuance of such revenue bonds shall be subject to approval of the Project by the Minnesota Department of Trade and Econornic Development (the Department). The revenue bonds, if issued, shall not constitute a charge, lien or encumbrance, legal or equitable, upon any property of the Municipality, except the revenues specifically pledged to the payment thereof, and each bond, when, as and if issued, shall recite in substance that the bond, including interest thereon, is payable solely from the revenues and property specifically pledged to the payment thereof., and shall not constitute a debt of the Municipality within the meaning of any constitutional or statutory limitation. 2.3. The Application to the Minnesota Department of Trade and Economic Development (the Application), with attachments, is hereby approved, and the -2- qJ Mayor and City Clerk -Treasurer are authorized to execute said documents on behalf of the Municipality. 2.4. In accordance with Section 469.154, Subdivision 3 of the Act, the Mayor and City Clerk -Treasurer are hereby authorized and directed to cause the Application to be submitted to the Department for approval of the Project. The Mayor, City Clerk -Treasurer, City Attorney and other officers, employees and agents of the Municipality are hereby authorized and directed to provide the Department with any preliminary information needed for this purpose. The City Attorney is authorized to initiate and assist in the preparation of such documents as may be appropriate to the Project, if approved by the Department. SECTION 3 Proposed Joint Powers Action 3.1. The Borrower has informed this Council that the Borrower is requesting the cities of St. Louis Park and Bloomington (collectively, the "Other Cities" and, with the Citv, the "Participants") to issue similar bonds in order to finance similar projects on behalf of the Borrower located in each of the Other Cities. The Borrower has proposed that the City and each of the Other Cities enter into a joint powers agreement pursuant to the Act authorizing one of the Participants to issue revenue bonds under the Act to finance each of such projects, including the Project. In particular, the Borrower has proposed that the joint powers agreement Provide that the City of St. Louis Park issue the bonds authorized by each of the Participants in order to finance each of said projects. 3.2. The Cite is authorized, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section "71.9 and the Act, to enter into and perform such contracts and agreements with other municipalities as this Council may deem proper and feasible for or concerning the planning, purchase, acquisition and financing of a project whereby one city issues its revenue bonds on behalf of one or more other cities. The City is authorized by 'Minnesota Statutes, Section 471.59 and the Act to enter into the joint powers agreement proposed by the Borrower as described in Section 3.1 hereof. 3.3. A form of Joint Powers Agreement has been prepared and submitted to this Council and is hereby directed to be filed with the City Clerk - Treasurer. 3.4. The issuance of bonds by the City of St. Louis Park on behalf of the City and each of the Other Cities for the purpose of financing the Project and the other projects described above, pursuant to the Act and the Joint Powers Agreement, is hereby approved. The form of the Joint Powers Agreement referred to in Section 3.3 is approved subject to such modifications as are deemed appropriate and -3- Z/i L approved by the City Attorney and the Mayor, which approval shall be conclusively evidenced by the execution of the joint Powers Agreement by the Mayor and the City Clerk -Treasurer. The Mayor and the City Clerk -'treasurer are hereby authorized and directed to execute the Joint Powers Agreement on behalf of the City. The Mayor and the City Clerk -Treasurer are also authorized and directed to execute such other instruments as may be required to give effect to the transaction herein contemplated. 3.5. The Mayor and City Clerk -Treasurer and other officers of the City are authorized and directed to furnish to the Borrower and the attorneys rendering an opinion on the issuance of the bonds, certified copies of all proceedings and records of the City relating to the bonds and such other affidavits and certificates as may be required to show the facts relating to the legality and marketability of the bonds as such facts appear from the books and records in the officer's custody and control or as otherwise known to them; and all such certified copies, certificates and affidavits; including any heretofore furnished, shall constitute representations of the Cit -N, as to the truth of all statements contained therein. Adopted by the City Council of the City of Eagan on this 16th day of October, 1990. Attest: City Clerk -Treasurer 52 ,moo Mayor The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Councilmember the following voted in favor thereof: and the following voted against the same: and, upon vote being taken thereon, whereupon the resolution was declared duly passed and adopted and was signed by the Mavor, whose signature was attested by the City Clerk -Treasurer. -5- 57 JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF HEALTH CARE FACILITIES REVENUE BONDS UNDER MINNESOTA STATUTES, SECTIONS 469.152 THROUGH 469.165 TO FINANCE PROJECTS ON BEHALF OF PARK NICOLLET MEDICAL CENTER This JOIN' POWERS AGREEMENT is entered into as of the day of ,1990 between the City of St. Louis Park, Minnesota ("St. Louis Park"), the City of Eagan, Minnesota ("Eagan"), and the City of Bloomington, Minnesota ("Bloomington"). St. Louis Park, Eagan and Bloomington are hereinafter together referred to as the "Cities". 1. Statement of Purpose and Powers to be Exercised. 1.1. Under Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.152 through 469.165 (the "Act"), each of the Cities is authorized to (i) issue its revenue bonds to finance properties, real or personal, whether or not now in existence, used or useful in connection with a revenue producing enterprise, including revenue producing enterprises whether or not operated for profit, engaged in providing health care services, and (ii) enter into and perform contracts and agreements with other cities concerning planning, purchase, acquisition and financing of a project and whereby one city issues its revenue bonds in behalf of one or more other cities. 1.2. The Act recites that the welfare of the State requires the active promotion: attraction, encouragement and development of economically sound industry and co.rnmerce to prevent, as far as possible, the emergence of blight and areas of chronic unemployment and to prevent economic deterioration and that the welfare of the State requires adequate health care facilities so that adequate health care ser,. ices are available to residents of the state at reasonable cost. 1.3. Park'_`icollet Medical Center, a Minnesota business trust (the "Borrower"), has proposed that the Cities enter into a joint powers agreement under Minnesota Statutes; Section 4^1.59 and the Act, pursuant to which St. Louis Park, acting for and on behalf of itself and Eagan and Bloomington will issue a series of revenue bonds in an amount not in excess of $ (the "Revenue Bonds") and loan the proceeds thereof to the Borrower to finance the costs of the Projects shown on Schedule I attached hereto. 1.4. The undertaking of the proposed Projects and the issuance of the Revenue Bonds to finance the cost thereof will promote the public purposes and legislative objectives of the Act by providing substantial inducement for the Borrower to acquire and construct the Projects, and each of the Projects constitute a "°project" within the meaning of the Act. Each of the Cities has approved the financing of the Project to be located within such City. �L� 2. Manner of Exercising Power. Each of the Cities has adopted a resolution authorizing the joint issuance of the Revenue Bonds in an aggregate principal amount not in excess of $ . St. Louis Park shall exercise the powers of the Act on behalf of itself and Eagan and Bloomington by adopting, approving and executing such resolutions, documents, and agreements as shall be necessary or convenient to authorize, issue and sell the Revenue Bonds and such other resolutions, documents and agreements as shall be necessary or required in connection with the issuance of the Revenue Bonds and giving effect to or carrying out the provisions of this Agreement and documents under which the Revenue Bonds are issued and/or secured. 3. Source and Contribution of Funds; Allocation of Funds. The source of funds for the Projects shall be the proceeds of the Revenue Bonds and, if necessary, a contribution to be made by the Borrower. The funds shall be deposited and applied as provided in an Indenture of Trust between St. Louis Park and Norwest Bank Minnesota, National Association as trustee, and the Loan Agreement between St. Louis Park and the Borrower. 4. Nature of Revenue Bonds. The Revenue Bonds shall be special, limited obligations of St. Louis Park, payable solely from proceeds, revenues and other amounts pledged thereto and more fully described in the Indenture. The Revenue Bonds and the interest thereon shall neither constitute nor give rise to a pecuniary liability, general or moral obligation or a pledge of the full faith or loan of credit of St. Louis Park or any of the other Cities, within the meaning of any charter, Constitutional or statutory provisions. 5. Term of Agreement. Termination. Unless otherwise provided by concurrent action of the Cities, this Agreement shall terminate upon the retirement of the last outstanding Revenue Bond, and this Agreement may not be terminated in adyan:e of such retirement. 6. Amendments. This Agreement may be amended by the Cities at any time by a writing signed by each. No amendment may impair the rights of the holders of the Revenue Bonds, unless the Trustee shall have consented to such amendment in the manner provided for an amendment of the Indenture. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, each of the Cities has caused this Agreement to be executed on its behalf by its duly authorized officers, all as of the day and year first above written. -2- 53 ATTEST: m Its City Clerk CITY OF ST. LOUIS PARK, MINNESOTA By Its Mayor And Its City Manager CITY OF EAGAIN, MLN.NIESOTA 30 Its Mayor Its City Clerk -Treasurer CITY OF BLOOMINGTON, MWNESOTA By Its Mayor And Its City Manager -3- Scr/ SCHEDULE I PROJECTS City in Which Located Description of Proect Bloomington Acquisition of clinic facility located at 5320 Hyland Greens Drive and acquisition and installation of items of equipment therein Eagan Purchase of land and construction thereon of clinic facility and acquisition and installation of items of equipment in such clinic facility St. Louis Park Leasehold improvements and code compliance items and acquisition and installation of items of equipment, including magnetic resonance imaging and computerized tomography equipment -4- SS Agenda Information Memo October 16, 1990 City Council Meeting ADAMS -OUTDOOR ADVERTISING A. Adams Outdoor Advertising, Refund of Conditional Use Permit Application Fee -- Adams Outdoor Advertising presented an application for a conditional use permit to allow a billboard sign and was proceeding to the Advisory Planning Commission public hearing in August when the application was placed on hold due to an anticipated review by the City Council at their September 4 meeting. At that City Council meeting, a moratorium was placed in effect for up to one year for any billboard sign applications within the community. Adams Outdoor Advertising is requesting a refund of the $150 application fee in their letter referenced as page _::rZ. According to the Finance Department, $36.48 in out-of-pocket costs have been incurred as a result of processing the application and, therefore, the City Council could either consider: 1) a refund of $150 with the understanding that there is no application of record or 2) refund the difference in the amount the City has incurred in publication and other expenses. If it is the wish of the City Council to refund only the difference between expenses and the application fee, there should be a determination made as to whether the sign application is a pending application of record. ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED ON THIS ITEM: To approve or deny a refund of the fee paid to the City of Eagan by Adams Outdoor Advertising for a conditional use permit application process. S� ADAM September 27, 1990 Mr. Dale Runkle City Planner City cf Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, MN 55122 Dear Mr. Runkle: Since the hillboard advertising sign moratorium was passed by the city courcii -n September 4, 1990, we are requesting a refund on our cond;_ional use permit application. The adv:scry planning commission placed the application on hold during the Rug::st ?^, 1990 meeting. The application was never processed. Please ref,,nd cur $150.00 fee. Thank you. Sincere' .• , john r . -;,d ger Adams Outdoor Ad,, ertising Agenda Information Memo October 16, 1990 City Council Meeting CONDITIONAL USE PERMITISAFE7Y KLEEN B. Conditional Use Permit, Safety Kleen, to Allow Outdoor Storage in a LI District on Lots 3 and 4, Block 1 --Community Development is requesting a continuance of the conditional use permit for Safety Kleen until the November 8 City Council meeting. The reason this item was originally continued at the October 2 meeting was to allow staff to address a number of environmental issues with the applicant relative to any problems that might occur if a tank should leak or be struck by a tornado or some other natural disaster. The City Attorney has raised a number of excellent questions which Community Development is coordinating with the applicant. For a copy ofuestions that wer raised by the City Attorney for coordination by staff, refer to pages -0 through4V ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED ON THIS ITEM: To continue further consideration of the Safety Kleen conditional permit application until the November 8 City Council meeting. SEVERSON, WILCOX & SHELDON, F.A. LARRY S.SEVERSON• JAMES F. SHELDON J. PATRICK WILCOX* TERENCE P. DURKIN MICHAEL G. DOUGHERTY MICHAEL E MOLENDA•• PAUL J. STIER •ALSO LICENSED IN IOWA ••ALSO LICENSED IN WISCONSIN --ALSO LICENSED IN NEBRASKA October 5, 1990 Dale Runkle City of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road P.O. Box 21199 Eagan, NN 55121 Dear Dale: A PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION ATTORNEYS AT LAW 600 MIDWAY NATIONAL BANK BUILDING 7300 WEST 147TH STREET APPLE VALLEY, MINNESOTA 55124 (612) 432-3136 TELEFAX NUMBER 432-3780 KENNETH R H U,I_ "'SCOTT D JOHNSTON JOSEPH F EARLEY LOREN Al SOLFEST CHRISTINE S1 SCOT1LLn ANNETTE 1.1 MARGARIT DANIEL M SHERIDAN OFMIN-F.I, JOHN F. %UKF:I.k'H I am listing below an outline of items which are necessary to reviei the Safety Kleen conditional use permit application for the additiol of 12 storage tanks and 240,000 gallons of waste. Some of these item! may have already been covered by Safety Kleen, but it seemed that th( Council wanted a complete review. 1. What are the soils and geology of the area? What is the hydrolog! of the area? 2. What specifically are the liquids to be stored? What chemicals are involved? What are the expected amounts and volumes? What is the period of storage? How are the materials classified with respect to hazardous or nonhazardous? (commercial, industrial or residential?) 3. What is the facility design, the tank design, the retention holding design, the length of life of the construction materials? What are the liner and vault designs, if any? 4. What are the acceptance and handling procedures? What are the testing procedures for the facility? What are the record procedures for the facility? What is the security for the facility? What is the outside testing capacity for the City at the facility? 5. With respect to the Storm Water Management Plan, what is: a. the collection and containment system; b. the testing system; Page Two C. the discharge system; and d. the outside monitoring system? 6. What are the safety and emergency operations procedures? 7. What are the environmental impacts of construction, operation, and closure of the facility? S. What provisions are made for tank replacement, repair and maintenance? 9. What are the closure and post -closure care plans? 10. What financial responsibility and assurances does the City receive from Safety Kleen and how are those implemented? 11. What violations, citations or notices of deficiency has Safety Kleen or any of its subsidiaries received from any state, federal or foreign government or agency? 12. What is the expected traffic volume and safety record of carriers? I think these would be reasonable questions to start and the people to whom I'm copying this letter may have additions or revisions to the list either now or after the responses from Safety Kleen. Please let me know how you would like to proceed in this matter. Very truly yours, SEVERSON, WILCOX & SHELDON, P.A. James F. Sheldon JFS/djk cc:,.Tom Hedges Jim Sturm Tom Colbert Mfol Agenda Information Memo October 16, 1990 City Council Meeting I t #a COMPREHENSIVE GUIDE PLAN AMENDMENT ZONING MULTI -FAMILY RESIDENTIAL, LAND STUDY AREA E A. Comprehensive Guide Plan Amendment, City of Eagan, Area E/Multi-Family Residential land Study, to Change the Land Use Designation of Approximately 145 Acres from D -II to R & D. The Subject Property is Bounded by Lone Oak Road, Highway 55 and the Eastern Corporate Boundaries in the Northeast and Northwest. Quarter of Section 12 --At its regular meeting of August 28, 1990, the Advisory Planning Commission considered two (2) areas from the Multi -Family Residential Land Study. One of these was Area E located between Lone Oak Road, Highway 55 and the eastern boundary of the City in the northeast and northwest quarters of Section 12. For additional information concerning Area E, please refer to the Community Development Department report which is enclose on pages "through for your review. Also enclosed on pages through _Wis a copy of the Advisory Planning Commission minutes related to this item. The Commission is recommending approval of the comprehensive guide plan amendment as presented. This item was scheduled for the September 18 City Council meeting; however, subsequent to the Advisory Planning Commission meeting, several of the affected property owners contacted the Community Development Department with questions regarding the comprehensive guide plan amendment and its potential effects on their properties. The Community Development Director recommended that a continuance, if granted, be to the October 16, 1990 meeting allowing for staff time to address issues such as the impact of property taxes and other related issues. For a copy of a memo pre ared by the CQnimunity Development Director addressing these issues, refer to pages through Other information available on this agenda item includes a letter that was hand -delivered by Pauline Keene to each member of the City Council. Ms. Keene is requesting on behalf of those residents who reside within the land area footprint described as Area E that the City Council consider a continuance and that an informational meeting be provided so that they can hear a presentation by the appropriate Dakota County staff and ask questions of the Community Development Department pertinent to this agenda item. ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED ON THIS ITEM: 1) To approve or deny a further request to continue to the November 8, 1990 City Council meeting or 2) to approve or deny the comprehensive guide plan amendment for Multi -Family Residential Land Study Area E as presented. SUBJECT: CONIPREHENSWE GUIDE PLAT' AMENDMENT MULTI-FANULY RESIDENTIAL LAND STUDY AREA.E APPLICANT: CITY OF EAGAN LOCATION: PROPERTY BOUNDED BY LONE OAK ROAD, EIGHWAY SS AND THE EASTERN CORPORATE BOUNDARY NE AND NK' 1/4s SECTION 12 EXISTLNG ZON-rgG: R•4 MULTIPLE RESIDENTIAL AND A A GRI CULTURAL DATE OF PUBLIC HE.ARI'\G: AUGUST 28, 1990 DATE OF REPORT: AUGUST 21, 1990 CO'MPILED BI': COMMUT'ITY DVVELOPNIENT DEPARnIEN'T & CITY ATI'ORJNT1'S OFFICE BACKGROUND: Over the past year, the Community Development Department has been s:ud.:r g m�l;•fa-�:il} residential land use in Eagan. Multi -family residential development was des:gna,led bN the City Council as a topic for review for two primary reasons: one, the laqe a-.no-jnt of undeveloped multi -family zoned/designated land currently available in Saga- . and two, Eagan's higher -than -average percentage of existing multi -family units. Th ee repo ,s h2Ve been prepared as pan of this comprehensive review of multi -family res d,tnija' - _ These reports, entitled "Multi -Family Residential Land Study Draft Repo: i7�9), "Update Report" (December 1989), and "Comment Report" (March 1993), Lre supplementary to this Advisory Planning Commission staff report and should be used for complete information regarding study background and methodology. Each of the three "Multi -Family Residential Land Study" reports were presented to the Cin- Council for review and discussion. Based on the study reports, comments from affected property owners, and Council discussion, the City Council recommended Comprehensive Guide Plan amendments and/or rezonings for 16 of the 23 study areas. S'1Bf W2s directed to schedule public hearings for those study areas recommended for plan amendments and!or rezonings. STM' AREA E: Study Area E itself consists. of one parcel, P.I.D. 10-01200-010-01 ar%r-o) .—Mate' 25 acres in size. However, the recommended change for Area E was to also include all property within the triangle bounded by Lone Oak Road on the north, T.H. 55 on the south, and the Eagan./Inver Grove Heights common corporate boundaries. As such, this application involves 27 separate parcels, including the one parcel in Area E, for a total of approximately 105. acres. This area is currently designated for D -II Mixed Residential (0 to 6 units per acre) in the Comprebensive Land Use Guide Plan and zoned R4 Multiple Residential (Area E) and A Agricultural (all except Area E). Study Area E is currently vacant. Of the remaining 26 parcels, approximately 10 have existing single-family dwellings on them. The attached data sheets from the 'Draft Report" (July 1989) and exhibits provide additional descriptions of Study Area E. CITY COLT CIL RECO)•5MNDATION: The City Council recommended consideration of a Comprehensive Guide Plan amendment such that Area E and all of the property within the triangle bounded by Lone Oak Road on the north, T.H. 55 on the south and the Eagan Inver Grove Heights common boundary would be designated R & D Research and Development. The City Council also recommended consideration of a rezoning to R- D Research and Development for this entire area. However, only the plan amendment is being considered with.this application. Inclusion of all of the property within the above descnbed "triangle" with changes made to Area E was considered for several reasons. The analysis contained in the Multi -Family Resident -Jai Land Study indicated that the existing residential land use designation was inapp,op,iate, not only for Area E but for all similarly designated land within the triangle, given su-rounding uses and aircraft noise impacts. The City Council has concurred with this analysis, and recommended consideration of a change in the land use designation. A change to the Comprehensive Land Use Guide Plan from the existing D -Il Mixed Residential (0 to 6 units per acre) will ultimately lead to a rezoning of the property in accordance u. th hsinnesota law. Provided that the land use change is to R & D Research and Development, the consistent zoning district is R -D Research and Development. The rnini.�� -= Lize for an R -D zoning district is 40 acres, but Area E itself is approximately 25 acres. As such, consideration of all of the property within the triangle along with Area E alle%fates inappropriate land use designations and provides an area of sufficient size for future rezorings. PREVIOUS STLMS'/PROPOSAL: This application deals solely with a change in the Comprehensive Land Use Guide Plan for the subject area. No forma.] applications for speci5c development are included with this application. However, future uses for the subject area have been discussed previously, which provide a framework for consideration of the change proposed with this application. In 1988, City of Eagan Planning Consultant John Voss conducted a Iand use designation study of this triangular area because of inquiries at that time about commercial and/or indus*mal development for portions of the area. This study presented three alternative land use plans sho%�ing combinations of limited business uses with residential uses, limited business uses with limited industrial uses, and mixed commercial uses with limited nl� industrial uses (exhibits attached). Most recently, the owner of the western portion of the triangular area bas discussed development concepts which indicate mixed commercial/research and development uses for his property. Both the 1985 study and the Multi -Family Residential Land Study agree that the existing residential land use designation is inappropriate, but differ in the recommended types/mix of commercial and industrial uses. This difference can be explained in that the. 198$ study was in response to inquiries specifically about commemial/industrial development, and concentrated on one area. The Multi -Family Residential Land Study, on the other hand, is a city-%*ide comprehensive review of the appropriateness of all undeveloped property designated for multi -family residential land uses. Its purpose was not to propose specific plans for any particular parcel, but to propose alternative land uses if the eurTent multi- family residential land use was determined to be inappropriate. In the case of the triangular area including Study Area E, an R & D Research and Development designation was suggested as an appropriate land use because research/development type uses could pro%ide an appropriate transitional use buffer between the existing residential uses to the south (rescarch/development uses are intended to be compatible with residential uses) and the mixed cor..mercial/industrial uses to the north. It should be noted that development of the entire 105 acre triangular area under an R & D Research and Development designation may not occur, but rather a combination of cornrn:rcia' and industrial land use designations may be appropriate as actual development is app-oved. A change from the existing D -II Mixed Residential designation to an R & D Resea-ch and Development designation does, however, indicate that the City has de -,e= -.'-ed that residential development of the area is inappropriate, and that co-: ^ercial.' dustrial land uses which would be compatible with surrounding uses is the most apr-op.;ate guide for future development. PROPERTY OWNER CONLMEATS RECEIVED: All property owners within the des:ri�_ed tr,2ngular area, plus those within 350 feet of the boundary of this area, were mailed notice of this public hearing before the Advisory Planning Commission. In earlier stages o` the 1`:ulti-Family Residential Land Study, comments were solicited by staff and receive" from the property ov,mers of the one parcel within Area E. Comments contained in the most recent correspondence received from these property owners (copy of letter, dated April 6, 1990, attached) indicate that they are not opposed to a change in the land use designation from residential to some form of commercial/industrial. However, the prope-n ovvners have concerns with a change to R & D Research and Development because of the limitations it may place on their ability to develop their property. In addition, as noted above, the property owner of the western parcel within the triangular area has expressed an interest in a mix of commercial and industrial uses for his property. LEGAL ISSUES: The application under consideration at this time is for a Comprehensive Guide Plan amendment only. However, it should be kept in mind that since the action beim re ;;,ested deals v41th a change in a comprehensive plan, that Minnesota law requires the City to bring its zoning into compliance with the change in the comprehensive plan within nine months from the date of the change. Therefore, any zoning issues would have to be preliminarily assessed at this time if a Comprehensive Guide Plan amendment is to be effectuated. As to the affect of rezoning property beyond the study area boundaries, much greater detail is needed in the findings justifying the reasons for rezoning those parcels, since those areas were not originally contained within the Multi -Family Residential Land Study. Moreover, additional information concerning recent history of the parcels including the affects of assessments, if any, need to be evaluated prior to a legal opinion from the City Attorney's Office. As to Study Area E alone, the site has been levied assessments for storm sewer trunk improvements at the multi -family rate. The rezoning of the property albeit to an increased intensity, in this case Research and Development, needs to be reviewed in light of the landowner's investment back expectations. Titus, if the landowner has significantly invested in the R-4 use classification, a rezoning could lead to a taking despite the fact that the property is rezoned to a higher use. Such a case of taking may in the end be moot if damages cannot be proven, but the fact that a potential lawsuit may exist is important to be kept in mind. AMOK TO BE CO''SIDERED ON TMS ITEM: To recommend approval or denial of a Cc..r: c' ersive Guide Plan amendment to change the land use designation of arpr;:x'r ,L:el� 10- acres of land bounded by Lone Oak Road on the north, T.H. 55 on the so: -.h. ar,6J the Eagan.'Irver Grove Heights common corporate boundaries from D -II Affixed Residential (0 to 6 units per acre) to R & D Research & Development. C'F7 XrLTI-PAMILY RESIDENTIAL LM STUDY AREA £ GENERAL LOCATION: SIZE: 202iING : COMPREHENSIVE PLAN LA.N-D VSE DESIGNATION: EXISTING LAND USE: ErRRO N`D: G LAND VSE, ZONING, AN -D COMP PLAN LAND VSE DESIGNATION: TOPOGRAPHY: Area E consists of one parcel Between -Lone Oak Road and T.H. 55 along the eastern corporate boundary, in the NE 1/4 of Section 12 25.5 acres Area E is of sufficient size to support a variety of development - intensity options. R-4 D -II vacant North - vacant; zoned PD; designated CPD South - "rural" residential; zoned R-1 and A; designated D -I East - (Inver Grove Heights) "rural" residential; zoned A; designated A until sewer available, then R -II (3-6 units/acre) West - "rural" residential; zoned A; designated D -II With the exception of the property to the north, the surrounding properties either have or propose to have low -intensity uses. The property to the north, however, is designated for high-intensity uses. As such, come type of transitional use may be appropriate. The site consists of rolling terrain throughout, with low areas adjacent to Highway 55. - PAGE E.1 - The topography of Area E should be suitable for most development intensities, although extensive grading may be necessary for more - intense development on the steeper areas of the site. VEGETATION: Area E contains scattered groupings of dense vegetation throughout the site, with most of the mature trees on the northern part of the site. Less -intense developments could be sensitive to the existing vegetation, although careful site design of more -intense developments may alleviate extensive removal of the densely -vegetated areas. In addition, landscaping requirements for any proposed development may mitigate the loss of existing vegetation. ACCESS: Area E has access to Lone Oak Road, a MINOR ARTERIAL, and T.H. 55, an INTERMEDIATE ARTERIAL. Access ample to serve all development intensities is available, although direct land access to T.H. 55 and Lone Oak Road would be prohibited. D?ILITIES: Sanitary sewer, storm sewer and water service lines are not currently located immediately adjacent to Area E. However, this area could potentially be served by proposed lines nearby. Utility service to Area E should not be an issue, although extension of services to this area would be necessary prior to any type of development. AssEss*:EN'Ts: Area E has been assessed at multi- family rates for storm sewer trunk improvements. SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS: Area E is within Aircraft Noise Zone IV as identified in the - PAGE E.2 - cP � Metropolitan Development Guide and is likely impacted by aircraft noise. Residential and certain types of educational/cultural uses are conditional or provisional uses in Noise Zone IV. As such, these types of development must comply with specific standards imposed by the Metropolitan Council, including structure performance standards for noise attenuation and restrictions on associated outdoor activities. Future occupants of development in Area E should be informed of potential aircraft noise. In addition, Area E may receive noticeable traffic noise from both Highway 55 and Lone Oak Road. Although the noise levels received from these roadways may be not consistently severe, development design should be sensitive to traffic noise generated by minor and principal arterials. PAGE E.3 - 4b- MULTI -FAMILY RESIDENTIAL LAND STUDY N N STUDY AREA E kC PARCEL b I .k. MULTI -FAMILY RESIDENTIAL LAND STUDY N STUDY AREA E NC 51- .E EXISTING COMP LAND USE GUIDE PLAN 7c) 1 444%.l_ 411k�. MULTI -FAMILY RESIDENTIAL LAND STUDY W� N STUDY AREA E PROPOSED COMP LAND USE GUIDE PLA" 7� :Y ...... i 0 D �J7 � o :fit D '• Q j'LU O L W !� 7a000 Z 900 wwss" �3 Wu I" -N rr� `L ROBINS, KAPLAN, MILLER 8 CIRESI ATTORNEYS AT LAW .7l•M7•. ar C= a"• 1500 LANDMARK TOWERS t�&L1.S,+i PAS 345 SAINT PETER STREET -'MMcs07• SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102-1638 rc.+rer., er•c- c•Loropwa TELEPHONE M2)224-8000 TELECONEK (612) 224-4563 S.w+ 1P•UL.Y1MMLSD7A S-4 ro...L-:ac C. C•ur0.M1w "Ar.-Ma70w D C +rrLLcsLc 7, M•ss•c.+usc++s April 6, 1990 Dale C. Runkle Director of Community Development City of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, MN 85122-1897 SOLLY ROBINS Re: Proposed Amendment to Eagan Comprehensive Guide Plan and Proposed Re -Zoning of Area E Dear Mr. Runkle: Since my letter to you of February 7, 1990 concerning the above- caFticned subject, I have obtained further detailed information regarding the limitations on the land uses under the R&D/R-D FroFcse� re -zoning for the triangle land which was the subject of rr:y letter of February 7, 1990. With this information in mind, the partners}ip of RES Investment Co. has come to the conclusion that the prepose4- R&D/R-D development zoning would not be realistic to acco,m,p i -ch the anticipated objectives of providing a practical commercially planned development for that triangle of land. We have come to this conclusion because we believe that the zoning is more appropriate to larger tracks of land under one ownership and that the entire neighborhood area would be better served by the approach that John Voss contemplated in the study made by your office and John Voss in April 1988 of the land (Alternative 1112) within the triangle. We were under the impression that the R&D/R-D zoning would be more consistent with that type of approach than the approach we learned is contemplated by the RSD/R-D present proposal. Pursuant to the discussion I had with Kristy Marnin today, I now wish to inform you that this letter will serve to document our chanae of position for the record. we are still supportive of a re -zoning for the entire triangle which: would hermit commercial development uses for the triangle mere in keeping with limited business uses and light industrial -7s Dale C. Runkle April 6, 1990 Page Two uses, John Voss Alternative N2, consistent with the obviously changing character of the use of the land in recent years. We sincerely believe that a R&D/R-D zoning as presently contemplated would practically eliminate this triangle area from commercial use consideration by prospective current buyers because of the conficuration of the triangle and the many different landowners involved. TL- type of zoning that would blend limited business usage and licht industrial uses compatible with the area would preserve the present rate of orderly development in the area without denying the owners economically viable use of their land. It is our position, therefore, that adopting a less restrictive zoning than R&D/R-D land use for the triangle would be a more F--actical way of accomplishing both the city and the landowners' aoals for the triangle. We wish: to thank you in anticipation of your usual courtesy and cot e:ation in resolving this matter to the betterment of the com-.,.:-:ity anA the landowners involved. Sincerel , So lly bins cr,/F,aU CC : Yristy Marnin, Planner I Howard Stacker M. Rodney Effress Page 10/EAGAN ADVISORY PLANNING COMY,:SSION MINITPES August 30, 1990 All voted in favor except Member Gorman voting against. Markley roved, Voracek seconded, the motion to recommend approval of a rezoning of 16 acres from A (Agricultural) to R-2 (Duplex) residential. The subject property being located on the west side of Federal Drive along Violet Lane in the northeast quarter of Section 16. All voted in favor except Member Goruan voting against. CITY OF ZAGAN - AREA E IC7LTI-lA2:ILY RESIDENTIAL LAND STUDY Cha:rr,an Graves opened the last public hearing for the evening regarding a Comprehensive Guide Plan amendment to change the land use designati:.n of approximately 105 acres from D -II to R & D, the s:;tject property being bounded by Lone Oak Road, Highway 55 and the eastern cc�rp:.rate bo-ndaries in the northeast and northwest quarter of Se:ti=n i2 and being designated by the City as Multi -Family Res:dentia_ Land Study Area E. Yr -'sty Karnin provided background on the parcel and reviewed the staff rer:rt with the Planning Co=,ission. Stan r^ecarski, an ourner of a parcel within Area E, stated he tarter: a s;.ater.ent notarized that his taxes would not go up due to the C =;ra':ensive Guide Plan change. City Attorney Dougherty stated that the Ccunty collected the taxes and that the taxes were based on the use. He further stated that the Green Acres would continue to art=y if the conditions were met. Mr. Pacarski asked if this was only a Ccrr:ehensive Guide change or if this was a rezoning also. Chairman Graves re!_ie4 that this was only a Compre.".ansive Guide change at tris stage. Solly PcbbIns, another owner within Area E, rescinded the Planning Ccr=dssicn that if changes were,made to the Comprehensive Guide Plan, that rezoning rust take place within nine months of the change. He stated that his partnership owned 45 acres in the arra and had been assessed on a D -II basis. He further stated that his parcels were not contiguous. He stated that R i D use would be a quantum leap frog D -II and was incorpatible with the property. He reviewed his participation in the development to the north and further explained that he felt Limited Industrial use mould be more appropriate as a transitional use for this property. He concluded that the land couldn't be easily marketed to an R & D buyer due to the comfigu_aticn and location. Member - Kerkley asked what Light Industria_ uses consisted of. Ms. Marnin described these uses. Page II/EAGAh ADVISORY PLANNING COWISSION MINUTES August 30, 1990 Marlo Illig, 540 Lone Oak, had concerns regarding his property value upon rezoning. Irvin Langer, 600 Lone Oak, stated he was concerned about the homeowners. He said that Lone Oak would be upgraded with sewer and water and that the rezoning would *rod* the property values and that this was unfair. He stated his property was for sale. Kathy Weinert agreed with Langer and asked for a clarification of R t D uses. Chairman Graves the current Comprehensive Guide classification. Tike Gehr stated he represented Douglas Decoster, an owner in the area. He presented a brief summary of a concept favoring Mixed Conamercial Industrial ,and R 4 D uses. He proposed a Mixed Commercial use east, and R & D use west, of a designated line. Jercr..e Weinert, 610 Lone Oak, asked why the Comprehensive Guide Plan was being changed if no current development was proposed. He suggested that the problem be addressed when the developrents come fort).-.. T:ari:yn La%ler, 510 Lone Oak, stated that City Hall was tasking away : er r i ghts. Willie Abott, 526 Lone Oak, again reg -jested clarification of R D uses. T:s . Tsar n in read the perritted uses from the Code which consist of the following: I. R & D labs. 2. General offices. 3. Light manufacturing. 4. Agricultural uses. S. Any combination of the previous four. Mr. Illig asked if they would be noticed of any development in the futuro. Chairman Graves replied that they would. Hc_ly Koonan, 640 Lone Oak, asked what the present zoning allowed. Cha rmrn Graves explained that the present zoning allowed Duplex and R-4 uses. Ms. Koonan stated ahe preferred R & D to Page 12/EAGAN ADVISORY PLANNING COMISSION MINUTES August 30, 1990 Duplexes. Mir. Kaparski reiterated that he wanted to be protected from rezoning. Member Hoeft asked if Agricultural uses were allowed in an LI zoning. City Attorney Dougherty stated that he would review the Code but in any event, current uses would be grandfathered. Member Hoeft asked if Light Industrial classification had been considered. Ms. Marnin stated that it had and explained the process Whereby R & D was settled on. Member Voracek asked Ms. Lakler for clarification as to why she felt her rights were being taken away. Ms. Lakler stated she had lived in the area and emotionally invested in the property. She felt she couldn't change the City's decision. Member Voracek stated that the Planning Cormission's specific action wouldn't pr&vant general developrent of the property in any event. Chairman Graves asked Ms. Marnin for clarification as to why Resde.-.tial was not appropriate. Ms. Marnin stated the traffic noise, surrc.:r.ding land uses, and airport noise all led to the conclusion that Residential uses were not appropriate. Ke -be. Merk ey stated that this area would be better served if it was nct guided for Residential 'uses and that R & D would buffer the Residen:ial areas. He suggested that perhaps a portion of the western part of Area E could be Cormercial. Nenber Staehli asked if a D -II use would pass the Airport Standards due to its location in the noise corridor. Ms. Marnin stated she was unsure. Ms. Staehli reiterated that R & D use would be prsferab'e and better for the residents. Member Gorman agreed and suggested that Industrial uses wouldn't be precluded but that they could be weighed at the time of development. Member Voracek had concerns that the property would have to be rezoned within nine months cf, the Comprehensive Guide plan amendment. Merkley moved, Hoeft seconded, the motion to recommend approval of a Conprehensive Guide Plan azendment to change the land use designation of approximately 105 acres from D-11 (Mixed Residential - 0 to 6 units per acre) to R & D (Research and Development). The subject property is bounded by Lone Oak Road, Highway 55 and the eastern corporate boundaries in the northeast and northwest quarters of Secticn 12. Approval was recommended for the following reasons: 1. Reduction of density in the area. 2. Traffic would be lessened with the resultant decrease in noise an;: bc11'.:6. Page 13jEAGAN ADVISORY PLANNING COM41SSION MINUTES Aug.ast 30, 1990 3. R & D would provide a transition and buffer for the area. 4. R i D would be more appropriate duo to the airplane noise. All voted in favor. 1DDITIONn ZTZXS Member Graves moved, Voracek seconded, the motion to request that the City Council review the trail location for Woodlands North and cor.s'de: moving the trail from the east side of Elrene Road to the Vest Side. All voted in favor. ADJOURNMENT Vcracek roved, Gorman, seconded, the motion to adjourn the August 28, 1990 Ad�•isory Planning Coamission meeting at 10:37 p.m. All voted in f aver. Secretary - Eagan Advisory Planning Commission r6i M E M O R A N D U M TO: Tom Hedges, City Administrator FROM: Dale Runkle, Community Development Director DATE: September 12, 1990 SUBJECT: City Council Agenda - September 18, 1990 Meeting Request for Agenda Item Continuance Study Area E Based on action taken by the Advisory Planning Commission (APC) at its August 28, 1990, meeting, Area E of the Multi -Family Residential Land Study was scheduled for the September 18, 1990, City Council meeting. Since the APC meeting, several of the affected property owners have contacted staff with numerous questions related to the Cor.,prehensive Guide Plan amendment proposed for their properties. These residents have requested a continuance of this item to allow then, time to further research some of the issues involved in the proposed change. As such, I would suggest that action on Study Area E be continued to the October 16, 1990, City Council meeting. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please advise. �l MEMORANDUM TO: Tom Hedges, City Administrator FROM: Dale Runkle, Community Development Director DATE: October 10, 1990 SUBJECT: Multi -Family Residential Land Study - AREA E: Tax Questions Area E of the Multi -Family Residential Land Study is scheduled for consideration at the October 16, 1990 City Council meeting. The action to be considered will be whether to amend the Comprehensive Land Use Guide Plan from D -II (Mixed Residential, 0 to 6 units per acre) to R&D (Research and Development). Since the public hearing was held at the August 28, 1990, Advisory Planning Commission meeting, 18 of the 21 property owners within Area E have submitted a letter to the CAN, Council requesting the Comprehensive Land Use Guide Plan not be amended. One of the main issues raised by these property owners was the impact that the proposed amendment might have on their property values and taxes. These property owners indicated that they intend to live in the area for some time, but may be forced to sell if their taxes go up (as a result of the land use amendment). The issue of the impact of Comprehensive Land Use Guide Plan amendments and rezonings on property values and taxes has been raised throughout the public hearing phase of the Multi -Family Residential Land Study. As such, staff met with a representative of the Dakota County Assessor's Office in order to get some answers regarding the issue of property values and taxes. According to Bill Peterson of the Assessor's Office, there is no definite rule -of -thumb for determining the impact of a change in the land use designation or zoning of a property. Each parcel is reviewed on a case-by-case basis. Generally, when a re -valuation of a parcel is done, the assessor uses the Comprehensive Land Use Guide designation to aid in determining the "highest and best use" of the parcel, and therefore its value. Many other factors are also considered in calculating the parcel value, such as availability of sewer and water, existing uses, surrounding uses, and marketability of the parcel. The zoning of a parcel is not a major consideration in determining the value of a parcel. Mr. Peterson indicated that every individual parcel is re -valued every 4 to 6 years, and that each parcel in Eagan was re -valued within the last two years. Parcels are usually re- valued only during this cyclical re -valuation. Generally, the County Assessor's Office is not made aware of changes to the Comprehensive Land Use Guide Plan or zoning. As such. Agenda Information Memo October 16, 1990 City Council Meeting RESOL-UrIgNAMMOPOLITAN SYSTEM PLANS B. Resolution for Comprehensive Guide Plan Consistency with Metropolitan Systems Plans The City Council's requested to approve a letter of transmittal and resolution indicating the determination that an amendment to the Eagan Comprehensive Guide Plan will not be necessary to insure conformity with Metropolitan Systems plans. For additional information on this item, refer to a memo, a draft letter to the Chair at the Metropolitan Council and a resolution affij g consister of the Eagan Comprehensive Guide Plan as referenced on pages , through , S ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED ON THIS ITEM: To authorize a letter of transmittal and resolution indicating the determination that an amendment to the Eagan Comprehensive Guide Plan will not be necessary to insure conformity with Metropolitan Systems plans. a Iand use plan amendment does not ordinarily impact the value of a parcel at least until the cyclical re -valuation takes place. With regard to Area E specifically, Mr. Peterson indicated that a change in the Comprehensive Land Use Guide Plan designation to R&D (Research and Development) has the potential to change the value of the affected parcels. However, he indicated that several other factors, such as the unavailability of sewer and water to the parcels and the abundance of vacant commercial land immediately north of the area, would be considered, which may lead to no change in the value of the affected parcels. In other words, all factors considered, when the parcels in Area E are re -valued, the "highest and best use" at that time may still be considered residential, regardless of the land use designation, and therefore the valuation may not be raised. Also, Mr. Peterson noted that it should be kept in mind that property taxes can increase, even if the property value remains unchanged or decreases, as a result of tax credit changes, bond referendums, etc. In summary, the impact of a change in the Comprehensive Land Use Guide Plan on property valuation can only be determined on a case-by-case basis. Changes to the land use plan would ordinarily be reviewed only during the cyclical re -valuation, therefore the impact of such changes on property valuation (if any) may be several years in coming. Many other factors are considered, in addition to the land use designation, in determining the "highest and best use" of a property, and therefore its value. Property values may remain unchanged or decrease, but property taxes can still increase. If you have any questions regarding this issue, please advise. DCR:kcm 2 MEMORANDUM TO: Tom Hedges, City Administrator FROM: Kristy Marnin, Planner I jet y --, DATE: October 9, 1990 SUBJECT: City Council Agenda Item - October 16, 1990 Meeting Resolution Re: Comprehensive Guide Plan Consistency with Metropolitan System Plans The City Council is requested to approve a letter of transmittal and resolution indicating the determination that an amendment to the Eagan Comprehensive Guide Plan will not be necessary to ensure conformity with metropolitan system plans. A copy of the letter and resolution is attached. The City received the Metropolitan Council's annual statement of changes to metropolitan system policy plans in May 1990. This statement indicated that the Metropolitan Council had adopted a new Aviation Policy Plan and had amended the light rail transit section of the Transportation Development Guide/Policy Plan. The statutes governing metropolitan land planning require local governmental units to review their comprehensive plan within nine months after receiving a system statement to determine if an amendment is necessary to ensure continued conformity with metropolitan system plans. Staff review of the new and amended policy plans has indicated that the Eagan Comprehensive Guide Plan is basically consistent with the changes in the metropolitan system plans. As such, an amendment to the Comprehensive Guide Plan will not be necessary. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please advise. cc: Dale Runkle Jim Sturm Jon Hohenstein L 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD EAGAN, M NNES0 A H22-',897 PHONE (62,454-610C FAX (612; 454.6363 October 17, 1990 Steve Keefe, Chair Metropolitan Council Mears Park Centre 230 East 5th Street St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 Dear Chair Keefe: THOMAS EGAN W VO, DAVID K GUSTAFSON PAMELA WCRFA TIM PAWLENTY THEODORE WAC -:EP Council Wrnbe•s THOMAS HEDGES Cay Adminisr,mr EUGENE VAN OVEREIEKE Crty Cim The City of Eagan has reviewed the Metropolitan Council's annual Metropolitan Systems Statement, received in May 1990. This statement indicated that the Metropolitan Council had adopted a new Aviation Policy Plan and had amended the light rail transit section of the Transportation Development Guide/Policy Plan. In our review, we have determined that the Eagan Comprehensive Guide Plan is consistent with the changes to metropolitan system policy plans as noted in the Systems Statement. As such, an amendment to the Eagan Comprehensive Guide Plan to ensure continued conformity with metropolitan system plans will not be necessary as a result of this year's Metropolitan Systems Statement. A copy of the adopted resolution regarding this determination is enclosed. If you have questions regarding this matter, please call Kristy Marnin, Planner I, at 454-8100. Sincerely, Thomas A. Egan Mayor kcm cc: Margaret Schreiner Enclosure THE LONE OAK TREE ... THE SYMBOL OF STRENGTH AND GROWTH IN OUR COMMUNITY Equal Opportunity/Affir ti Aad P) Employer RESOLUTION NO. 90- A RESOLUTION AFFIRMING CONSISTENCY OF THE EAGAN COMPREHENSIVE GUIDE PLAN WITH METROPOLITAN SYSTEM PLANS THEREBY NEGATING THE NEED FOR A COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Eagan is the official governing body of the City of Eagan; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Eagan adopted the Comprehensive Guide Plan on April 19, 1983, pursuant to the requirements of Minnesota Statues Section 473.858; and WHEREAS, the Metropolitan Council transmitted its annual statement of changes in the metropolitan system policy plans on May 25, 1990; and WHEREAS, this statement indicated that the Metropolitan Council had adopted a new Aviation Policy Plan and amended the light rail transit section of the Transportation Development Guide/Policy Plan; and WHEREAS, the City has determined that the Eagan Comprehensive Guide Plan is consistent with the changes in the Aviation Policy Plan and light rail transit section of the Transportation Development Guide/Policy Plan, and as such an amendment to the Eagan Comprehensive Guide Plan is not necessary; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAGAN IN REGULAR MEETING ASSEMBLED, that the City Council hereby resolves as follows: 1. The Eagan Comprehensive Guide Plan is consistent with the changes in the Aviation Policy Plan and light rail transit section of the Transportation Development Guide/Policy Plan, and as such an amendment to the Eagan Comprehensive Guide Plan to ensure conformity with the k7 aforementioned policy plans is not necessary. THIS RESOLUTION passed this day of by the City Council of the City of Eagan, Minnesota. BY: Thomas A. Egan, Mayor ATTEST: E.J. VanOverbeke, City Clerk , 1990 Agenda Information Memo October 16, 1990 City Council Meeting SPECIAL HUNTING PE9M1TlJERRY THOMAS C. Special Hunting Permit, Jerry Thomas—An application was received from Jerry Thomas requesting a special permit for deer hunting with bow and arrow for the remainder of October through December 31 on property that he owns and the John Brown farm that he leases adjacent to his property. Mr. Thomas is also requesting authorization to Subd. 4 of Chapter 10 that would allow the hunting of geese. This action requires the Council to tablish this special hunt for purposes of wildlife management. Enclosed on page is a copy of a letter that was sent by Mr. Thomas requesting the special hunting license. ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED ON THIS.rI'EM: To approve or deny a request by Jerry Thomas for a 'special hunting permit for property owned by Mr. Thomas and adjacent property the Diamond T Ranch leases from John Brown for bow hunting of deer for the remainder of October through December 31, 1990 and use of a firearm for purposes of wildlife management. ► ~ o - O T O w M C 4889 pilot knob Rd. EAGAN MPJ. 55122 (6 12) 454.1454 DIAMOND T RANCH INC. TA *f ,toto,l "Y—� Agenda Information Memo October 16, 1990 City Council Meeting SPECIAL HUNTING PERMIT ONALD CORNWELL D. Special Hunting Permit, Ronald G. Cornwell—An . application was received from Ronald Cornwell requesting a special permit for deer hunting with bow and arrow for the remainder of October through December 31 for roperty he owns at the NE quadrant of I -35E and Diffley Road. Enclosed on page, &is a copy of a letter sent by Mr. Cornwell that includes the names of the people or it to be authorized for hunting on his property. ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED ON THIS I'T'EM: To approve or deny a request by Ronald Cornwell for a special hunting permit for property he owns for bow hunting of deer for the remainder of October through December 31, 1990. R / Ronald G. Cornwell Bieter Company 5200 Willson Road, Suite 201 Minneapolis, MN 55424 October 4, 1990 Mayor Thomas Egan & City Council Cite of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, MIN 55122 Dear Mayor Egan & Council Members: I am the ou.-ner of 92 acres located at 35E and Diffley and would like to request a special permit for a party of four to hunt the property for deer during the Bow and Arrow season which opened September 15 and goes into December. The names of the people in the party are: Darrell Hyndman, Ralph Freudenberg, Judy Freudenberg and Curtis Freudenberg. Their vehicle license numbers are PGC 507, 189 ATM, 357 ATG. Please send the permit to me at the address above. Very truly yours, Ronald G. Cornwell RGC/pms Agenda Information Memo October 16, 1990 City Council Meeting SPECIAL USE PERMITIPEACE REFORMED CHURCH SALE OF CBRLSTMAS TREES E. Special Use Permit, Peace Reformed Church to Allow the Temporary Sale of Christmas Trees, Located in the NW 1/4 of Section 30—A special use permit application was submitted by Peace Reform Church to allow the temporary sale of Christmas trees beginning November 24, 1990. For additional information on this ite r fer to a copy of a report prepared by Community Development enclosed on page 071. ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED ON THIS ITEM: To approve or deny a special use permit to allow the temporary sale of Christmas trees by Peace Reform Church beginning November 20, 1990. q3 SUBJECT: SPECIAL USE PERMIT APPLICANT: PEACE REFORMED CHURCH LOCATION: 2180 GLORY DRIVE EXISTING ZONING: PF (PUBLIC FACILITIES) DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING: OCTOBER 16, 1990 DATE OF REPORT: OCTOBER 9, 1990 COMPILED BY: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT APPLICATION SUMMARY: An application has been submitted requesting a Special Use Permit to allow the temporary sale of Christmas trees beginning November 24, 1990. COMMENTS: The applicant Aishes to operate a temporary Christmas tree sales as a church fund raiser. The proposal includes fencing in a tree sales area of approximately 150' x 150' just east of the existing church parking lot. Tree sales will take place from November 24, 1990 through December 20, 1990. The operation will run seven days a week and will not be open past 9:00 p.m. If approved, this Special Use Permit shall be subject to the following: 1. The permit is temporary and shall expire December 20, 1990. 2. All applicable Code requirements. i' 4200 -t- 3 0 L: ) Agenda Information Memo October lb, 1990 City Council Meeting SPECIAL USE PERMITIKNOB HILL PROFESSIONAL PARK SALE OF CHRIMILAS TREES F. Special Use Permit, Bill Brabec, to Allow the Temporary Sale of Christmas Trees, Lot 12, Block 1, Knob Hill Professional Park—A special use permit application was submitted by Bill Brabec requesting approval to allow temporary Christmas tree sales at the NW corner of Knob Drive and Pilot Knob Road. For additional information on this item and a location mak, please refer to the report prepared by Community Development enclosed on pages through ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED ON THIS ITEM: To approve or deny a special use permit application for Bill Brabec to allow temporary Christmas tree sales at the NW corner of Knob Hill and Pilot Knob Road. CITY OF EAGAN SUBJECT: SPECIAL USE PERMIT APPLICANT: BILL BRABEC LOCATION: LOT 12, BLK 1, KNOB HILL PROFESSIONAL PARK EXISTING ZONING: LB (LII*IMD BUSINESS) DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING: OCTOBER 16, 1990 DATE OF REPORT: OCTOBER 4, 1990 COMPILED BY: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT APPLICATION SUMMARY: An application has been submitted requesting a Special Use Permit to allow temporary Christmas tree sales at the northwest corner of Knob Drive and Pilot Knob Road. CO'NIME'\TS: The applicant, Bill Brabec, has sold Christmas trees for the past several years in the City of Apple Valley and would now like to sell in Eagan. Mr. Brabec intends to set up the operation during the week of November 19, 1990 and will commence sales of the Christmas trees on November 23, 1990. Hours of operation are: Monday through Friday 1:00 PM - 9:00 PM Saturday 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM Sunday 10:00 AM - 9:00 PM The applicant will be cutting and raking the weeds on the lot and placing a 100' x 100' snow fence around the trees. A 5' x 6' building will be placed on-site to be used as the sales office. Seven 300 -watt halogen light fixtures will be used to illuminate the tree lot at night. None of the lights will be facing Pilot Knob Road. Signage for the lot is taken care of by a 3' x 8' sign which reads "Fresh Christmas Trees." Parking is provided on the west portion of the site and on the private drive. The applicant expects to have between 400 and 500 trees in stock. Sales will run through December 23, 1990. Following this date, the applicant is proposing a Christmas tree recycling program whereby persons who purchase a Christmas tree at his lot will receive a ticket or coupon to bring the tree back to the lot to be chipped. Landfills are beginning to not accept trees and the applicant believes this may be a possible solution. 0 If approved, this Special Use Permit shall be subject to the following conditions. 1. This Special Use Permit is temporary and shall be valid from November 19, 1990 to January 11, 1991. 2. No parking shall be permitted on Pilot Knob Road. 3. The lighting shall not shine directly onto Pilot Knob Road. 4. All other applicable code requirements shall be met. q7 U 1• w (� � f r 11 . role 10 ('� • i e•r'rri� tib,- ` �.. �• t. ._ k � y -I ...%/.n boo ff f• 1: �n IM11 91.V�Q ism "ftilb got .6 Location ; �• �.. a t01 Ir eM1eN •n1 •'e'N •1 • , • Noel r BEAUTIFUL SAVIOR t tt flit, FIRST ADDITION 1 w x \' . e •►a or 1 •.• N Ca., .° �. N I LIL T O P 1 -4141 4t • tj j PLAZA . 032-01 031-01 � r i'WIN 1 1 • 001,01 t ff. if .rw 011 uM t♦ L / , ;p COUNTY _ — Agenda Information Memo October 16, 1990 City Council Meeting VARIANC"FJJOHN VAUGHN G. Variance, John Vaughn/1670 Mallard Drive, for 3' to Previously Approved Variance of 13' to the Established side Yard Setback of 38' from Public Right of Way—Mr. John Vaughn of 1670 Mallard Drive, Lot 9, Block 2, Mallard Park 2nd. Addition, is. requesting a variance of three additional feet to the previously approved variance of 13' to the established side yard setback of 38' from public right of way. For additional information on this item which includes the original variance approval that occurred on Au st 7, 1990, refer to a report prepared by Community Development enclosed on pages through 10)�- ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED ON THIS ITEM: To approve or deny a variance for an additional three feet to the previously approved variance of 13' to the established side yard setback of 38' from public right of way for John Vaughn/1670 Mallard Drive. (DID Al v 11 2 1 11 SUBJECT: VARIANCE APPLICANT: JOHN VAUGHN LOCATION: 1670 MALLARD DRIVE L9, B2, MALLARD PARK 2ND ADDITION EXISTING ZONING: R-1 (SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL) DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING: OCTOBER 16, 1990 DATE OF REPORT: OCTOBER 3, 1990 COMPILED BY: COMA'fUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT APPLICATION SU11INIARY: An application has been submitted requesting a Variance of three additional feet to the previously -approved Variance of 13' to the established side yard setback of 3S' from public right-of-way. BACKGROUND: On August 7, 1990 the applicant was granted approval for a Variance of 1 V to his side vard setback in order to add an additional garage stall to his existing two -car garaee. Since that time, Mr. Vaughn has decided that an additional 3' Variance is necessary. CONINIENTS: The site in question is located at the southeast corner of Johnny Cake Ridge Road and Mallard Drive. Mr. Vaughn's initial Variance request of 13' was arrived at when lie measured the absolute minimum width that would allow him to back a boat trailer into the ne«, garage stall. This situation will provide Mr. Vaughn a 6" cushion from his trailer wheels on either side. Therefore, Mr. Vaughn is seeking an additional 3' Variance to ease leading and unloading maneuvers in his third garage stall. li approved, this Variance shall be subject to the following: The building expansion/addition shall match the materials and appearance of the existing structure. All applicable City Ordinances. Variance Request fr,on. It Mai• Concern, I am making another request concerning the Variance that I asked for previously, and that is to have an extension added to the variance that was granted by the city council members. I reluctantly do this but two major considerations make it necessary for me to re -approach the city council. I originally was told by my* contractor that he needed 16 feet to properly construct a useful garage addion that was both functional and attractive. I was informed that when applying for a variance, the greater the amount asked for the greater t e chances of being denied. Because my need for a garage stall was so acute, I measured the absolute minimum that I could live w2 t-'-, and still back a boat trailer into it. As it turns out, I will have C inches to spare per side on the wheels of my trailer as a 1C fo t door is all I can install in a 13 foot addition. At. -he city council meeting I was pleasantly surprised by relative ease at which my variance passed. After the fact 1 -eEretted not asking for a bit more footage to make the addition rot. cuite so restrictive on space. I dare say that in approving ori t:r.al : e ;nest that the council would not have had much hesitance a:�'rov_ng +:^e ertire sixteen feet as this would most rot �e a significant visual change but would make a s_gr.i_i_art change in the utility of the addition to me as the I reluctartly opposed approaching the city again for fear hat I _ a 7 Tear greedy and frankly did not want to hassle witri another V_r_arce re::-,�est..* that was until my contractor submitted a bid t; -;a- v;a twice as much as the original "off the cuff" figure. I asf.e contractor what the additional 3 feet would cost and it ' - -ale: an a;uiti Jr_onal 450 dollars over the 12500 original tid. � lY c -:-.e_ words the extra cost for the extra 3 feet is negligible, -..e extra 3 feet would keep me from having to thread the nee: e each t; -e I backedmy boat 'on the trailer into the garage. ::s is a selfish request but for a very small extra cost to ne ani I believe an insignifcant difference to the sightlines of tris project considering the practical nature -of the widened taraze door I felt I must reapproach the city and ask the council tc ccrs:er this request. Respectfully, /T'1:7n S. Vaughn 1670 Mallard Drive Eagan, Mn. 55122 Agenda Information Memo October 16, 1990 City Council Meeting H. Preliminary Plat for Heller Addition, Consisting of a Four Lot Subdivision of Approximately 2.6 Acres of R -1—A public hearing was held by the Advisory Planning Commission at their last regular meeting held on September 25, 1990, to consider a preliminary plat application submitted by Phillip and Valerie Heller for the Heller Addition. The APC is recommending approval. One neighbor was present and stated that she had no objections to the plan that was proposed. Please note that three (3) conditions were added to the original conditions by the APC and those are as follows: 3. All well and septic systems shall be abandoned according to City specifications. 4. All lots will be required to connect with City sewer and water. 5. The driveway for Lot 2 shall be reconstructed so as to be on that lot only. Public Works Engineering is suggesting that the City add a condition to the preliminary plat that would require the Hellers to waive any right to object to the assessments associated with City Project #543, Sibley Hills Drive and Skyline Road. The recommendation for this condition was added after the APC meeting. The City has ongoing litigation with the Hellers regarding condemnation for Skyline Drive and in the condemnation action, the City has taken possession of the easements required for the construction of the City project and the parties are going forward to determine the appropriate award for damages to the Hellers. One major concern having to deal with a City project is with the levying of the special assessments against the Heller property for the benefit received. It is the recommendation of staff that since the Hellers are now in the process of platting the property and taking advantage of the utilities and streets as installed by the City that a condition to the preliminary plat for Heller Addition require that the Hellers waive any right to object to the assessments associated with City Project. #543. For a copy of the Advisory Parks a d Rocreation Commission recommendations, refer to the attachment enclosed on page For a copy of the report prepared by Community Development, refer to pages through 4 -3 - For a copy of the APC minutes on this item, refer to pages Wand ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED ON THIS TI'EM: To approve or deny the preliminary plat for Heller Addition, consisting of a four lot subdivision of approximately 2.6 acres of R-1 with those conditions as modified. X03 I„iM,• C s MlR UVI TO: TOM HEDGES, CTrY AD TOR FROM: KEN VRAA, DIRECTOR OF PARKS AND RECREATION DATE: NOVEMBER 10, 1990 The Advisory Parks and Recreation Commission reviewed the above referenced proposal at its October 4, 1990 meeting and made the following recommendations: 1. That Lots 1, 3 and 4 be subject to a cash parkland dedication. I That Lots 1, 3 and 4 be subject to a cash trailway dedication. KV:cm cc: Ed Kirscht, Engineering Technician Marilyn Wucherpfennig, Planning Aide SUBJECT: PRELIMINARY PLAT APPLICANT: PHILLIP & VALERIE HELLER LOCATION: NE CORNER OF SKYLINE DRIVE & SKYLINE ROAD (LOT 12, TREFFLE ACRES) EXISTING ZONING: R-1 (SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL) DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING: SEPTEMBER 25, 1990 DATE OF REPORT: SEPTEMBER 19, 1990 COMPILED BY: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT APPLICATIO'\ SUMNIARY: An application has been submitted requested a Preliminary Plat consisting of a four lot subdivision of approximately 2.6 acres. The site is located north and east from the Prettyman Heights Addition. BACKGROUND: This 2.6 acre parcel is part of the Treffle Acres Addition. The proposed Single Family Residential development is consistent with the existing zoning, as well as the Land Use Guide Plan which calls for D-1 Single Family with a density of 0- 3 units per acre. Eh0STING CONDITIONS: The site in question currently has only the house of the applicant's located in the southwest portion of the site which will be on Lot 2 of the subdivision. The rest of the site is in a natural state with a rolling topography and a few trees scattered throughout. SITE PLAN: The site is served by both Skyline Road on the south and Skyline Drive on the west. The lots vary in size from 22,800 sq. ft. to 34,200 sq. ft. The average lot size is 28.848 sq. ft. and the minimum lot width and frontage is 90 ft. The density of the project is 1.5 lots per acre. hof GRADINGZDRAINAGE/ EROSION CONTRQL: The preliminary grading plan proposes a minimal amount of grading to provide house pads for the three buildable lots. The maximum fill is proposed to be 7' and the maximum cut is 21. The drainage from the lots in the front yards is proposed to go to the street and the drainage in the backyard area of the lots is proposed to drain northwesterly, as it currently does. Before any grading of the lots is to occur, silt fencing shall be placed to control erosion along the backyards. Also, the development will be responsible for preparing an erosion control plan to be submitted to the City for review and approval and the developer will be responsible for installing and maintaining erosion control measures in accordance with the City's Erosion/Sediment Control Manual Standards. WATER QUALITY: The proposed development is located in the upstream end of Subdistrict H-5 in District H as shown in the City's Storm Water Management Plan. The Minnesota River is the direct and final outlet for this district. The development is subject to a cash dedication in accordance with the City's Comprehensive Water Quality Management Plan based on areas identified on the Final Plat/Development Plan. The cash dedication is estimated at $1,588,.but subject to revision. UTILITIES: Sanitary sewer service for the single family residential lots is readily available from an existing 8" sanitary sewer on Skyline Road. Adequate services have been provided to the proposed lots from City Project #543R and from the Prettyman Heights development to the west. water main service is also readily available to serve the proposed lots from the existing 6" water main along Skyline Road. Individual water services have also been provided to each lot. The water system in this area is in the intermediate level pressure zone. Therefore, houses with first floor elevations at 875 and lower will require pressure reducing valves. Adequate hydrants have been provided around the site to meet minimum fire protection requirements. All existing wells and septic systems on this site shall be plugged and abandoned according to the Department of Health and City requirements. All lots will be required to connect to City sewer and water. STREETS/ACCESS/CIRCULATION: Street access has been provided to this development with the upgrading of Skyline Road to a 34' wide street with concrete curb and gutter under City Project #543R. Traffic circulation can now travel to Pilot Knob Road to the east or to Trunk Highway #13 to the west. The driveway for Lot 2 shall be reconstructed to shift the driveway so it is completely on Lot 2. �o� EASEMENTS/RIGHT-OF-iWAY/PERMITS: Sufficient drainage and utility easements shall be dedicated along the proposed lot lines. Skyline Road along the west and south side of the proposed development currently has 601 of right-of-way which is adequate for the 32' wide street. This development shall be responsible for ensuring that all regulatory agency permits are acquired prior to final plat approval. FINANCIAL OBLIGA'T'ION - IM1.ER ADDITION Based upon the study of the financial obligations collected in the past and the uses proposed for the property, the following charges are proposed. The charges are computed using the City's e)asting fee schedule and connections proposed to be made to the City's utility system based on the submitted plans. Improvement Project Use Rate Quantity Amount San. Sewer Trunk 10 S.F. $690/Lot 3 Lots $2,070 Water Trunk 14 S.F. $695/Lot 3 Lots 2.085 TOTAL $4,155 NOTE: This parcel has a pending assessment of $37,868 related to Project 543, Sibley Hills Drive and Skyline Road, street and utility improvements. HELLER ADDITION CONDITIONS: 1. These standard conditions of plat approval as adopted by Council action on July 10, 1990 shall be complied with: Al, 131, 131, B3, C2, E1, F1, G1 and H1 2. The development is subject to a cash dedication fee in accordance with the City's Comprehensive Water Quality Management Plan. STANDARD CONDITIONS OF PLAT APPROVAL A. Finapeial obligations 1. This development shall accept its additional financial obligations as defined in the staff's report in accordance with the final plat dimensions and the rates in effect at the time of final plat approval. B. Easements and Rights -of -W&_ 1. This development shall dedicate 10' drainage and utility easements centered over all common lot lines and adjacent to private property or public right-of-way. 2. This development shall dedicate, provide, or financially guarantee the acquisition costs of additional drainage, ponding, and utility easements as required by the alignment, depth, and storage capacity of all required public utilities and streets located beyond the boundaries of this plat or outside of dedicated public right-of-way as necessary to service this development or accommodate it. 3. This development shall dedicate all public right-of-way and temporary slope easements for ultimate development of adjacent roadways as. required by the appropriate jurisdictional agency. 4. This development shall dedicate adequate drainage and ponding easements to incorporate the required high water elevation necessitated by City storm water storage volume requirements. C. Plans and Specifications 1. All public streets and utilities necessary to provide service to this development shall be designed by a registered professional engineer in accordance with City codes, engineering standards, guidelines and policies. 2. A detailed grading, drainage, erosion, and sediment control plan must be prepared in accordance with current City standards prior to final plat approval. 3. This development shall insure that all temporary dead end public streets shall have a cul-de-sac constructed in accordance with City engineering standards. �o� STkNDARD CONDITIONS OF PLAT APPROVAL PAGE TWO 4. A detailed landscape plan shall be submitted on the proposed grading plan. The financial guarantee shall be included in the Development Contract and not be released until one year after the date of installation. 5. All internal public and private streets shall be constructed within the required right-of-way in accordance with City Code and engineering standards. D. Public Improv meets I. If any public improvements are to be installed under a City contract, the appropriate project must be approved at a formal public hearing by Council action prior to final plat approval. E. Permits 1. This development shall be responsible for the acquisition of all regulatory agency permits in the time frame required by the affected agency.. F. Parks and Trails Dedication I. This development shall fulfill its parks dedication req,;irenents as recommended by the Advisory Parks and Recreation Corsnission and approved by Council action. G. water Ouality Dedication 1. This development shall be responsible for providing a cash dedication in addition to/in lieu of ponding requirements in accordance with the criteria identified in the City's Water Quality Management Plan. H. Other 1. All standard platting and zoning conditions shall be adhered to unless specifically granted a variance by Council action. Advisory Planning Commission Approved: August 25, 1987 Revised: plataprv.con L:S --2 J(0 City Council September 15, 1987 July 10, 1990 1, o 6,wrl t) 04 eVN lk Gr 61AIt>C PLAW (15 7� .1 d9 S" - 2 N w NE w � 404", L EDAM W "KD al. p AD .. 3% mw CE"Tto euwvt AVAL , ENOOTA IP W. CLUB &AMC F2 X27 R& D I O 'D z 2N yl I.LLNILqMV 77 . . ....... ...... Y. tr1 I PRELIMINARY PLAT SITE PLAN GRADING, DRAINAGE a EROSION CONTROL PLAN HELLER ADDITION SATHRE-SERGOUIST. INC. PHIL & VALERIE HELLER O z PRELIMINARY PLAT SITE PLAN GRADING, DRAINAGE a EROSION CONTROL PLAN HELLER ADDITION SATHRE-SERGOUIST. INC. PHIL & VALERIE HELLER r ;T-1 R a FINANCIAL OBLIGATION SANITARY SEWER TRUNK 3 LOTS WATER TRUNK PRELIMINARY PLAI SITE PLAN GRADING.ORAINAG.F. & EROSION CONTROL PLAN HELLER ADDITION w SATMAE-SERGOUIST. INC. PHIL A VALERIE HELLER t Page 5/EAGAN ADVISORY PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES September 25, 1990 4. The developer will be required to upgrade the parking lot to current City standards and to convey all surface was runoff from the new parking lot improvements to the City storm sewer. All voted in favor. PRELIMINATY PLAT - KELLER ADDITION Chairman Graves opened the next public hearing for the evening regarding a preliminary plat consisting of a four lot subdivision of approximately 2.6 acres of R-1 (Single Family) Residential zoned land north of Skyline Road in the Southeast Quarter of Section 4. City Planner Jim Sturm presented the staff report to the Planning Commission. Valerie Heller, 1475 Skyline Drive, (owner) briefly described the project and stated that the assessments were forcing development. Chickie Broman had questions regarding easement restrictions. Assistant City Engineer Mike Foertsch explained the restrictions. Member Merkley said that it looked like a fine development and requested that three additional conditions be added as referenced in the staff report. Member Voracek had questions regarding building pad compaction. There was more discussion concerning soil stability and developer liability for inadequate building pads. Member Voracek stated that he was concerned with future purchasers. He then asked if there would be any extra standards required of the homes as they were in the flight pattern of the airport. City Planner Sturm stated that these extra standards were only required in multi -residential units. Miller moved, Trygg seconded, the motion to approve a preliminary plat consisting of a four lot subdivision of approximately 2.6 acres of R-1 (Single Family) Residential zoned land north of Skyline Road in the Southeast Quarter of Section 4, subject to the following conditions: 1. These standard conditions of plat approval as adopted by Council action on July 10, 1990 shall be complied with: Al, Bl, B2, B3, C2, El, F1, G1 and H1. Agenda Information Memo October 16, 1990 City Council Meeting WAIVER OF PLATICTI'Y OF EAGAN L Waiver of Plat, City of Eagan, in Order to Split Tax Parcel 10402200-010-02 and a Rezoning of Approximately Four AG Acres to a PF District—A hearing was held by the Advisory Planning Commission at their last regular meeting held on September 25, to consider the waiver of plat and rezoning of the McCarthy property to a public facilities district. Both applications were considered and recommended for approval. It was also determined that a comprehensive guide plan amendment will be necessary and that application will be processed through the APC at their October meeting. For a cop of the report prepared by Community Development, refer to pages i through . Enclosed on pageis a copy of the minutes from the September 25 Advisory Planning Commission meeting. Typically, a comprehensive guide plan amendment precedes a zoning action or any other applications, however, in order to escape property taxes for 1991 on the parcel, this action is required. It is suggested that the rezoning and waiver of plat be acted upon subject to a recommendation for approval for the comprehensive guide plan amendment by the APC at their October 23 meeting. ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED ON THIS ITEM: To approve or deny a rezoning from AG to PF and a waiver of plat in order to split tax parcel 10-02200-010-02 subject to a favorable action by the Advisory Planning Commission for the comprehensive guide plan amendment at their next regular meeting to be held on October 23. I � Page 6/EAGAN ADVISORY PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES September 25, 1990 2. The development is subject to a cash dedication fee in accordance with the City's Comprehensive Water Quality Management Plan. 3. All existing wells and septic systems on the site shall be plugged and abandoned according to the Department of Health and City requirements. 4. All lots will be required to connect with City sewer and water. 5. The driveway for Lot 2 shall be reconstructed to shift the driveway so it is completely on Lot 2. All voted in favor. WAIVER OF PLAT AND REZONING - CITY OF RAGAN Chairman Graves opened the final public hearing for the evening regarding a waiver of plat in order to split a tax parcel and a rezoning of approximately four agricultural acres to a public facilities district, located along the west side of Lexington Avenue in the East One -Half of Section 22. City Planner Sturm reviewed the staff report with the Planning Commission. Chairman Graves asked when the City acquired this property. City Attorney Dougherty stated that acquisition had taken place within the last month or two and that this action was necessary in order to avoid paying taxes for the second half of the year. Voracek moved, Merkley seconded, the motion to approve a waiver of plat in order to split tax parcel 10-02200-010-02. All voted in favor. Voracek moved, Miller seconded, the motion to approve a rezoning of approximately four AG (Agricultural) acres to a PF (Public Facilities) district, located along the west side of Lexington avenue in the East One -Half of Section 22. All voted in favor. Miller moved, Voracek seconded, the motion to adjourn the September 25, 1990 Advisory Planning Commission meeting at 8:20 p.m. All voted in favor. Irretary-Eagan Advisory Planning Commission SUBJECT: WAIVER OF PLAT, REZONING APPLICANT: CITY OF EAGAN LOCATION: SE 1/4 SECTION 22 EXISTING ZONING: AG (AGRICULTURAL) DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING: SEPTEMBER 25, 1990 DATE OF REPORT: SEPTEMBER 20, 1990 COMPILED BY: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT APPLICATION SUMMARY: An application is being processed by the City of Eagan to split the tax parcel of an approximately four acre Agriculturally -zoned parcel located along the east side of Lexington Avenue, just south of Advent Methodist Church. The City acquired the property from Lillian McCarthy and during the process, it was agreed upon that she would be proAded with life estate allowing her to stay in the home. She would be responsible for the maintenance of the property and the taxes. To split the tax parcel, the Waiver of Plat process is necessary. Rezoning to a Public Facilities district should be acted on as soon as possible since the City owns the entire property. The Comprehensive Plan designates the area D-1 Single Family (0-3 units per acre), Therefore an Amendment to that plan will be necessary and staff will prepare the legal notices so the public hearing can be held before the Advisory Planning Commission in October. If approved, the Waiver of Plat shall be subject to recording with the County within 60 days of Council action. I I? FINANCIAL OBLIGATION - WA VER OF PLAT - 1 Q-027.00✓D 10-02 Based upon the study of the financial obligations collected in the past and the uses proposed for the property, the following charges are proposed. The charges are computed using the City's existing fee schedule and connections proposed to be made to the City's utility system based on the submitted plans. Improvement Project Use Rate Quantity Amount None $0 LOCATION ZONING GUIDE PLAN WAL ex Oly 04AL L Q R-1 is pop o W081 T14 VIC W 11 MMr 101 11 -AN- P Z ftrR CAGAN A;h . F D ftw* ScMPooL R A rl'Ft -Z Cyt{v �� .1. WC1. t owl Sm"4 pt "I , -27 '. Fill lo &DO ?1.s1v% D71 r).j 1 SCHMID K 1 s� � F• � ..q� L.rK. � r^•,1. . •VIP .02..• . .. r1 " 11 11 • w� . 1 �w • r t 71' L—�- -634-1 IMS 110�� -t -• '' �•. .r o� f A�� ~ ' wi •- IrY 4oil- If C � ' p � 71 i •,. HH y 11 ,• � 1 , i I W ilt- �'Atk) COMM TY OFJOY CFCH5ITIOM 1 1 ' !w EA* "�► . • E iNNmwI WAI r 1c ISO m J 7 `Tcy m t z 9 h� cq BS 5 89°55 td'w 470 60= U' GJO- 02 � �c�-; io;•:22 S'J3 a Drown Ey u 2PD'owinG Titft Dat! v of aagm FIGURE M0. S•urvly for: e'Parks Department RG - Pe:: LillianLMcCarthy parcel DELMAR H. SCHWANZ :uK 9t.6e.e. s dw— M+— r ti a.. a ftp %svw &ouTm P*KP r TRAIL ' mussowl. aelMeESOTA UM L423 -11N "VEroR't CERTIFICATE V if_T GrHlop 400.00 N W55'411 "E / - 34500 - s5 DD 1 \ North line Of the South 16 Ac. of E1/2 of NEI/4 Sec. 22 NK 147 ao 49 C SCALE: 1 inch - 50 ft. Z o Denotes set iron pipe N e9°55 A:' E w W D ' M i Z 3 E W AD c � r Z Qr _2 h 6 Q Y O %eet ..r. r.. the East 400.0 ft. Z 2 c! E..; c:FE.:,4 Sec. 22 O H Z ! 6 I X a J V F a NK 147 ao 49 C SCALE: 1 inch - 50 ft. Z o Denotes set iron pipe N e9°55 A:' E ' M i c E °o N O N e Z O u is /J! Q Y _ CrO p Cr O ! 6 I V F East line of E1/2 of NE1/4 Sec. 22 � = 1 Se5.00 5500 ' 'o♦ 40000 M 09655'41 "E I I GRtYE. ROAD 8 EP N—.__ s South line of E1/2 of NEI/4 Sec. 22 SE. corner of EI/2 of NEI/4 Sec. 22 (Dak. Co. Monument) .c:a. ;arse: Descnptacn: The East 400.00 feet of the South 16.0 acres of the East Half of the %:r --)east quarter, Section. 22, Township 27, Range 23, EXCEPT the South 66.0 feet thereof. SuDlect L:f- Fetate Parcel: The East 400.0 feet of the South 16.0 acres of the East Half of the Northeast Quarter, 5--t::- 22. Township 27, Range s3, EXCEPT the South 66.0 feet thereof and EXCEPT the North 265.0 feet thererf. t- eaEP"-'tr of record. w•. e. a ,,r nr rwh $—" cov a "W -91 6�a•rr e. n* a v"er 6,1611 Wvv�ml1, Ewe e,h skweG .One a,...T. 048' M lew e' 1'. Stno e' wowme" Dn6e Ade'- •.000 •De1616r M �..lael,r +� abl,naeau Re91wM+^ eee aax Survilly for: Eagan ParksDepartment Re: Lillian McCarthy parcel DELMAR H. SCHWANZ so .LAD eU*VrV r K a�a w r er+ree 147+,0 SOVTN ROOERT TRAIL � RO6EMOUNT, MINNESOTA Baia 4RL4731TN SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE n^1•iE: 1I�II j I'^I • r --•L nrilCT UCI(^ rl N1 ISI -r:7 [,I Iv1C..i�:L.1. 1 �H..1 �i 400.00 N 09055'41 "E - 345.00 55.00 1 ' North line of the South 16 Ac. of E1/2 of NEI/4 Sec. 22 3 m °o n r O N O — Iceet 1 cf the East 400.0 ft. 2 of E; 2 of NE1/4 Sec. 22 40000 N89055'41"E O O N �7777 r 1345.00 w1•l SK. 147 PG 49 W D Z W 3 Q g n u N Z 00 SCALE: 1 inch - 50 ft. O z o Denotes set iron pipe Z X� e. W = J Iz v 4 i a �1 pK oc IF f� =i E O O N Z e f u 0 C I.L 8 a, L� r Z D O V SS.00 1• • p K 400.00 N99055'41"E I - •'i � cc Ig GRtvEL ROAD o South line of E1/2 of NEI/4 Sec. 22 SE. corner of E1/2 of I •e NEI /4 Sec. 22 (Dak. Co. Monument) .cta: Farce: Description: The East 400.00 feet of. the South 16.0 acres of the East Half of the I:crtheast Quarter, Section 22, Township 27, Range 23, EXCEPT the South 66.0 feet thereof. Subject I:fe Estate Parcel: The East 400.0 feet of the South 16.0 acres of the East Half of the Northeast Quarter, S<r',Ione 22, Township 27, Range 23, EXCEPT the South 66.0 feet thereof and EXCEPT the North 265.0 feet therer-f ?ect tc easements of record. East line of E1/2 of NEI/4 Sec. 22 I herb, de•idr Met this rYn,e,, alert a Aeon fie{ dew rd e, me a Anda ^tl dIACI Supe l". dna Z, 1,r r dUI, ReVIOW00 Lana SHtAYW Yhae1 Ir el dt IM Siete of Mmneeap aimed SeFt. 21, 1090 r;9 • Daiwa, M Sena.? M -480a Reyarkman No 11tta ! Page G!EAGAN ADVISORY PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES September 25, 1990 2. The development is subject to a cash dedication fee in accordance with the City's Comprehensive Water Quality Management Plan. 3. All existing wells and septic systems on the site shall be plugged and abandoned according to the Department of Health and City requirements. 4. All lots will be required to connect with City sewer and water. 5. The driveway for Lot 2 shall be reconstructed to shift the driveway so it is completely on Lot 2. All voted in favor. WAIVER OF PLAT AND REZONING - CITY OF RAGAN Chairman Graves opened the final public hearing for the evening regarding a waiver of plat in order to split a tax parcel and a rezoning of approximately four agricultural acres to a public facilities district, located along the west side of Lexington Avenue in the East One -Half of Section 22. City Planner Sturm reviewed the staff report with the Planning Commission. Chairman Graves asked when the City acquired this property. City Attorney Dougherty stated that acquisition had taken place within the last month or two and that this action was necessary in order to avoid paying taxes for the second half of the year. Voracek moved, Merkley seconded, the motion to approve a waiver of plat in order to split tax parcel 10-02200-010-02. All voted in favor. Voracek moved, Miller seconded, the motion to approve a rezoning of approximately four AG (Agricultural) acres to a PF (Public Facilities) district, located along the west side of Lexington avenue in the East One -Half of Section 22. All voted in favor. QVIX Met X11, 0.4 I'M Miller moved, Voracek seconded, the motion to adjourn the September 25, 1990 Advisory Planning Commission meeting at 8:20 p.m. All voted in favor. Sec etary-Eagan Advisory Planning Commission Agenda Information Memo October 16, 1990, City Council Meeting RECEIVE BIDS/AWARD CONTRACT (STAFFORD PLACE) j. Contract 90-14, Receive Bids/Award Contract (Stafford Place - Drainage Improvements)­At10:30 a.m., on Friday, October 12, formal bids were received for the drainage improvements proposed within the Stafford Place development. Enclosed on page is a tabulation of the bids received with a comparison of the low bid to the estimate contained in the feasibility report presented to the City Council on August 21, 1990. All bids will be reviewed for accuracy and compliance with bid specification documents and any deviations will be noted and discussed at the Council meeting. When this project was approved by Council action on August 21, it was stated that it would require the cooperation of many of the residents within the Stafford Place if the City were to proceed with these drainage improvements. Subsequently, there have been numerous neighborhood informational meetings both at City Hall and at the affected residents' property to review the concept and detailed plans and explain how it may affect their property. 'These meetings were held in late afternoon, early evening and some even on Friday evenings to accommodate the residents' schedules. As a result of these neighborhood meetings, individual property owners' specific concerns were taken into account and the final plans were modified (berms lowered, ponding areas reduced, restoration areas increased, etc.). Once the detailed plans were approved by Council action on September 18, formal easement descriptions and rights -of -entry documents were prepared by the City Attorney's Office and then presented to all of the affected property owners requesting their concurrence and consent to allow the City to proceed with this project to help this neighborhood. It was explained that the City cannot award a contract and allow the work to be completed this fall without 100% cooperation from all affected property owners. Enclosed on pages ` through is a summaryfrom the City Attorney's Office indicating that of the 19 property owners needed to cooperate in this project, only 5 have formally consented to allowing the City to proceed with this project. On page is a map showing the relationship of those property owners within the Stafford Place improvement area. As can be seen from several of the comments, many property owners want to receive compensation for their consent or are requiring additional work beyond the scope of the project. Due to the sensitivity with the estimated costs of these drainage improvements, staff has continually informed these property owners that this project is for the benefit of the neighborhood and, as such, it was felt inappropriate to compensate some property owners and not others. Based on the staff's inability to obtain the necessary concurrence from the affected property owners, the following options should be evaluated on their own merits: /a� Agenda Information Memo October 16, 1990, City Council Meeting 1. Reject the bids and delay the project until such time as 100% of the affected property owners consent. 2. Authorize additional funds to meet property owners' demands for compensation and/or additional property improvements. 3. Reduce the scope of the project to eliminate the backyard drainage improvements within Block 4, eliminate the intersection reconstruction of States Avenue at Pennsylvania Avenue and authorize the installation of the Braddock Trail storm sewer overflow along with the required intersection reconstruction of Ventnor Avenue and Braddock Trail. 4. Reject the bids and reinitiate the project as a special assessment improvement to the entire Stafford Place and initiate the required public hearing process. The consulting engineering firm, City staff and City Attorney's Office have become very disappointed and discouraged in the lack of cooperation by the people within this subdivision to allow the City to respond to their concerns and correct these problems. Consideration should be given to weighing the expense, effort and possible bad will by forcing a project on a neighborhood that is not receptive in relationship to the minimal probability that past problems will reoccur in the future as the development builds out. ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED ON THIS ITEM: To reject the bids for Contract 90- 14 and provide direction to staff as to how to proceed. STAFFORD PLACE STORM SEWER PROJECT 602 CONTRACT 90-14 EAGAN, MN. CONTRACTORS 1. Brown and Cris 2. Burschville Const. 3. G.L. Contracting 4. Barbarossa & Sons LOW BID Feasibility Report Estimate Engineer's Report % Over (+) Under (-) F.R. % Over (+) Under (-) E.E. BID TIME: 10:30 A.M. BID DATE: OCTOBER 12, 1990 I a7 TOTAL BASE BID $ 147,403.53 167,146.00 174,226.90 174,797.00 $ 147,403.53 $ 113,500.00 $ 125,000.00 +29.9% +17.9% LCL : 1 LI 7L. i 0 i 10 1- mv Z-114 rurC X 3 X 0 R A N D V X TO: Mike Foertsch, Assistant City Engineer FROM: Joe Earley, Assistant City Attorney DATE: October 10, 1990 RE: Stafford Place Rights of Entry and Easements Eagan City Project No. 602 Our File No. 206-8799 Mike: The following is a status report on the various rights of entries and easements required for the Stafford Place project. I have contacted the majority of the property owners by phone and have met with several on site. 1. Lot 41, Block 4 - June Rahman. I have been unable to contact Ms. Rahman. I have left various messages on her answering machine. The City requires a Right of Entry. 2. Lot 15, Block 4 - Hendrick Olson and Mary Jo O'Leary. I have been unable to contact these property owners. Their phone number is unlisted and they were not at home when I visited the neighborhood. The City requires a Right of Entry. 3. Lot !9, Block 4 - Robyn and Mary Olson. I spoke to Ms. Olson. She said they would sign the Right of Entry. I delivered it on October 5 and it has not yet been returned by the Olsons. 4. Lot 20, Block 4 - John Perrier. The City requires both a Right of Entry and Easement from Mr. Perrier. Mr. Perrier has several concerns he wants addressed before he will sign anything. He wants to see the final plan. He is afraid his property will be devalued. He wants reimbursement for the easement. He feels the burden of the problem is being shifted to him and he wants to know the affect on his insurance of having a pond in his back yard. 5. Lot 21, Block 4 - John and Catherine Griggs. The City requires a Right of Entry and Easement from the Griggs'. Mr. Griggs had several concerns he wished to be addressed before signing any documents. He wants the road work at the intersection of States and Pennsylvania to be completed before the berms are done. He wants to be compensated for the easement. He wants Frontier's job to be finished in the back IM! OC7 10 'G0 16:19 MAS yard. He wants the city to buy the cottonwood tree He wants to be able to plant in the easement. He ponding easement regraded after its initial grading. 514 P03 that may be lost. doesnft want the 6. Lot 23, Block 4 - Daniel and Sandra Cournega. The City requires a Right of Entry on this property. I spoke to Mr. Cournega. He stated that Rabine Construction had taken out fifteen trees during past repair work and that he wanted the City to replace these trees consisting of five Norway Pines and ten Maples, all in the $30 to $40 range. 7. Lot 24, Block 4 - Timothy and Monica Barrett. The City requires a Right of Entry on this property. I spoke to Mr. Barrett and he requested further engineering information. I contacted Craig Larson who said he would contact Mr. Barrett. S. Lot 34, Block 4 - Duc Nguyen. The City requires a Right of Entry on this property. Mr. Nguyen is willing to grant the right of entry with an indemnification clause and a detailed description of what the City will be doing on the property. 9. Lot 35, Block 4 - Steven and Pamela Barr. The City requires a Right of Entry on this property. Mr. Barr stated he will not sign any documents and has contacted a lawyer. He wishes to have 'compensation for any easements needed by the City. 10. Lot 36, Block 4 - Dave and Leanne Adkins. The City requires an Easement and Right of Entry on this property. Mr. Adkins wants to be compensated for any easements taken by the City and fools it would be foolish to grant an easement for nothing. 11. Lot 37, Block 4 - The City requires a Right of Entry and Easement on this property. The home has recently been sold and I have been unable to contact the new owner. 12. Lot 38, Block 4 - Michael and Patricia Glass. I have been unable to reach these homeowners by phone and they were not at home when I was in the neighborhood. 13. Lot 4o, Block 4 - Joseph and Shauna Trombley. The Trombleys have executed a Right of Entry. 14. Lot 48, Block 4 - Darryl and Ann Reinhardt. The City requires a Right of Entry. I have been unable to contact these property owners. 15. Lot 10, Block 2 - Frontier Development. This is an undeveloped lot owned by Frontier. The City requires a Right of Entry. 0,--T 10 ' q-0 16: 20 MAS 514 PO4 16. Lot 1, Block 3 - John and Jean Garvin. The City requires a Right of Entry. Ms. Garvin stated they will not sign it. They donrt want to park outside during reconstruction. They are worried about their sprinkler system and the damage the work will do to their property. She wants guarantees from the City. 17. Lot 2, Block 3 - Bruce and Carla Kent. I spoke to Mr. Kent and he stated he was concerned with water getting into his basement as a result of the changes. He also did not want a seam in his driveway and wanted the entire driveway replaced if the work was to be done. we have executed Rights of Entry from Duxburys on Lot 39, Block 4 and the fergusons on Lot 33, Block 4. JPE/djk CC: Tom Colbert ,7udy Jenkins 130 10 6 q ..� � Tey 16 1 46 176 r 16 6 SZN� ery,1DR� �rNE \� v 4 6 � 7 6 7 6 5• r 6 10 6 I! V1 L c I T 11 I�O 17 li I. sl• r 6 ! 9L 1 ® 16 s.• ?rE S � J • AVE 1 2 0 I 4 S• S6 , J 26 .4 — S7 71 i .1 N 6 17 - -- a6 I - 7 26 / 26 27 a 26 34 AVE 6 32, SS 6 23D 10 I52 22 - II i �/ \\ 12 =I 20 ```., l�3+s I• e�