03/20/1990 - City Council RegularAGENDA REGULAR MEETING EAGAN CITY COUNCIL KAGAN, MINNESOTA MUNICIPAL CENTER BUILDING MARCH 20, 1990 6:30 P.M. I. 6:30 - ROLL CALL & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE (BLUE) II. 6:35 - ADOPT AGENDA & APPROVAL OF 14INUTE9 (BLUE) III. 6:45 - DEPARTMENT HEAD BUSINESS (BLUE) A. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT q� t 1. Receive Bids/Consider Disposition of Surplus Property (House on Northeast Corner of Cliff & Pilot Knob Roads 2. Request for Variance to Working Hour Restriction (Coventry Pass Grading Permit) �B. PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT 1. Trapp Farm Park, Land Acquisition 2. Dakota County Trails Proposal/Funding & Maintenance IV. 6:55 - CONSENT AGENDA (PINK) A. PERSONNEL ITE4S 1 B. DECLARE 1985 Ford Custom Victoria as Surplus Property and Authorize Sale 111C. DECLARE Two (2) K-55 Moving Radar Units as Surplus Property and Authorize Sale D. RECOGNIZE $700 Cash for Trash Winner, Malcolm Heinle lE. CONTRACT 90-2, Approve Plans and Specifications/Authorize Advertisement for Bids, Park Shelter Buildings - Ohmann, Bridle Ridge, and Notthview (Blackhawk Deleted) F. PURCHASE of Replacement Vehicles for Parks and Recreation Department through Hennepin County Pufchasing/Authorize Advertisement for $ids, Dump Box for 1 -Ton Chasis G. PROCLAMATION, Earth Day, April 22, 1990 I QH. RECEIVE Bids/Award Sale, Parks Maintenance Tractor j I. FINAL PLAT, Duckwood Square °S) J. FINAL PLAT, Frank's Nursery & Crafts Addition K. FINAL PLAT, Park Center L. PROJECT 452R, Receive Final Assessment Roll/Schedule Public Hearing (Pond AP -50, Storm + Sewer) M. PROJECT 542, Recei-e&-.Final Assessment Roll/Schedule Public Hearing (Alden Ponds - Streets and Utilities).: N. PROJECT 473, Receive Final Assessment Roll/Schedule Public Hearing (Pilot Knob Road, Trunk Storm Sewer - Miscellaneous Objections) 0. PROJECT 494, Receive Final Assessment Roll/Schedule Public Hearing (Wescott Road, Streets & Utilities - Miscellaneous Obj6eti6iti§) 7� P. PROJECT 491, Receive Final Assessment Roll/Schedule Public Hearing (Eagan Hill Farms, �• Trunk Utilities - Miscellaneous Objections) 1 Q. PROJECT 505, Receive Final Assessment Roll/Schedule Public Hearing (Country Hollow, Trunk Utilities - Miscellaneous Obj6ction6) R. CONTRACT 89-14, Final Payment/Acknowledgement of Completion (Coachman Water Treatment Plant - Dehumidification) S. CONTRACT 9044, Approve Resolution Restricting On -Street Parking (Rahn Road - Diffley to Beau De Rue) V. 7:00 - PUBLIC HEARINGS (SALMON) A. RESOLUTION/Development Program and Tax Increment Financing Plan for Development • District No. 3, Tri -Land Properties/Ice Arena Project and a RESOLUTION/Development Agreement for Development District No. 3 VI. OLD BUSINESS (ORCHID) EXTENSION, Preliminary Plat for Country Hollow 2nd Addition f-SPI B. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT, Xaviers Restaurant to Allow On -Sale Liquor in a CSC District, 1260 Town Centre Drive/Town Centre Shoppes LICENSE, On -Sale Liquor License Application, Xavier Incorporated V I. NEW BUSINESS (TAN) Final Plat \3 AEXTENSION of Eagan Evangelical elical Church, 581 Atlantic Hills Drive . g B. RECOMMENDATION, Airport Relations Committee, Appointments to Corridor Blue Ribbon Panel s 7 ' DETERMINATION of Similar Use, Blackhaw% Plaza/Haven Enterprises, Teen Club in NB (Neighborhood Business) District D. SPECIAL USE PERMIT, Praise Fellowship Church/Pastor Arden Loven, to Allow a Church in a LI (Light Industrial) District Located At 3103A Sibley Memorial Highway (Lot 1, C Block 1, Eagan 13 Industrial Park E. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT, Federal Land Company, to Allow an Automobile Rental Facility 1 in the Bicentennial Planned Development Located on Lot 1, Block 1, Bicentennial lst Addition and Lot 1, Block 1, Bicentennial 2nd Addition, South of Yankee Doodle Road \ an dEast of Federal Drive in NE 1/4 of Sec 16 �Q F. PRELIMINARY PLAT, Gopher Eagan Industrial Park 3rd Addition/Gopher Smelting Co, Inc, .1 V for Two Lots on 7.5 Acres of PD/LI (Planned Development/Light Industrial) Zoned Property Located North of Yankee Doodle Rd, East of Highway 149 in SE 1/4 of Sec 12 VIII. ADDITIONAL ITEMS (GOLD) f IX. ADMINISTRATIVE AGENDA `(GREEN) X. VISITORS TO BE HEARD (for those persons not on agenda) XI. ADJOURNMENT MEMO TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCILMEMBERS FROM: CITY ADMINISTRATOR HEDGES DATE: MARCH 15, 1990 SUBJECT: AGENDA INFORMATION FOR MARCH 20, 1990 CITY COUNCIL MEETING After approval is given to the March 20, 1990 City Council agenda and regular meeting minutes for the March 6, 1990 meeting, the following items are in order for consideration. �EF,�R.T1VI°'I` A. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Item 1. Receive Bids/Consider Disposition of Surplus Property (House on Northeast Corner of Cliff & Pilot Knob Roads) --Recently, the City acquired the house and related property located in the northeast corner of Cliff and Pilot Knob Roads from Dakota County for incorporation into the Joseph Connolly Addition which will accommodate the construction of the City's new Water Treatment Plant. In order to proceed with the construction of this facility, it is necessary to remove this house. Subsequently, the Council authorized staff to proceed with the formal advertisement for competitive bids for the disposal of this structure. At 10:00 a.m. on March 8, formal bids were received for the removal of this structure. Enclosed on page _jv is a bid tabulation for the only bid received. Although the bid is unusually low, it will at least produce some revenue for the City and eliminate the occurrence of any expense for the removal of this structure. This facility has been offered to all other City departments with no other alternative uses being identified. Therefore, it is recommended the Council accept this bid and award it to Otting House Movers. ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED ON THIS ITEM: To receive the bids for the removal of surplus property (house on northeast corner of Cliff and Pilot Knob Road) and award the contract to Otting House Movers for $375. BIDS FOR REMOVAL OF HOUSE LOCAM AT 4590 PILOT "On ROAD EAGAN Mt PROJECT 948 CONTRACTOR TOTAL BASE BID 1. n_'j'T IIJG ease Aowews A 375, by , 0 3. 4. to# bID 4 3 S, d a 21. Agenda Information Memo March 20, 1990, City Council Meeting Item 2. Request For Variance To Working Hour Restrict'on (Coventry Pass Grading Permit) --The City has received a letter enclosed on page from Enebek Construction Company requesting a Variance to City Code Section 4. i0, Subdivision 5B, which will allow them to continue their earth moving operations beyond the hours of 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. presently allowed by Code. Although the time frame to complete the entire operation will run from approximately April 16 through July 27, the extended working hours would incorporate 1-2 weeks in April and 1-2 weeks in late June. This schedule is necessary to comply with a very tight time frame for the reconstruction of the runway extension at the airport. Due to variables associated with weather and other construction operations at the airport, the contractor cannot be more specific to the time frame of the extended working hour request. Therefore, he is requesting that the City Council grant this Variance with the final approval to be issued administratively once detailed time frames have been determined. Enclosed on page is a map showing the route that the trucks will be using in transporting this excess material to the airport. The site of the excess material is located adjacent to the Inver Grove Heights corporate border and the haul route will bring empty trucks through Eagan to be filled and then exit the site through Inver Grove Heights onto T.H. 149 then to the airport. There should not be any impact to local City streets due to the fact that the trucks will be empty as they move through Eagan. Also, the location of the earth moving operation is fairly well distant from any existing residential property. ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED ON THIS ITEM: To approve a Variance to Subdivision Ordinance 4.30, 513 for Enebek Construction Company to allow 24-hour operations within the Coventry Pass for two separate two-week periods to be defined by City staff between April 16 and July 27, 1990. 3 March 7, 1990 RECEIVED MAR 7 1990 cuBan consTRUCTion company P.O. Box 458 . Northfield, Minnesota 55057 • 507-645-8962 612-333-1307 Mr. Tom Colbert City Engineer 3795 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, Minnesota 55122 RE: Coventry Pass Dear t1r. Colbert; We would like to request the approval of extended working hours on the Coventry Pass Project in the City of Eagan, for the purpose of removing excess material. We ask that working hours be extended to 24 hours per day, excluding Sundays, from April 16, 1990 to July 27, 1990. Our schedule at this time really only reflects one to two weeks in April and one to two weeks in late June of working 24 hours per day. The remaining work would be done during normal work hours of 7:00 A.M. to 7:00 P.M. The work during extended hours would be as follows: A. Truck haul route from Hwy 1149 south on Dodd Road, approximately one-half mile, to the Coventry Parkway entrance of Coventry Pass. Trucks would enter here and exit directly to Hwy #149. B. A truck loading operation in Coventry Pass located 1400' S.E. of the intersection of Dodd Road and Coventry Parkway and 1600' from the nearest resident. Thank you for your close attention and consideration of our request. Please feel free to call for any further information concerning our request. Sincerely, Dave Klee Project Manager "An Equ 1 Opportunity Employer" TWIN Oft SE .4* Agenda Information Memo March 20, 1990 City Council Meeting B. PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT Item 1. Trapp Farm Park, Land Acquisition --The Director of Parks and Recreation, Ken Vraa, and Brad Swenson of Tri -Land Development Corporation have been meeting to discuss possible alternatives for acquiring land adjacent to Trapp Farm Park which had been considered part of that park until a land survey was recently undertaken. The land in question concerns forested parcels at the top of the sledding hill in Trapp Farm Park. The Director of Parks and Recreation is planning to meet again with Mr. Swenson on Friday, March 16. Further information regarding this item will be furnished with the Additional Information packet on Monday. ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED ON THIS ITEM: To approve, deny or require further study for proposals for obtaining land for Trapp Farm Park. Item 2. Dakota County Trails Proposal/Funding and Maintenance --At its March 8 regular meeting, the Advisory Parks and Recreation Commission discussed a proposal with the Dakota County Board of Commissioners regarding the change in the current agreement for the construction and maintenance of county trails. The Director of Parks and Recreation is seeking a response from the Council which he can commun to to the Board of Commissioners by April 2. Attached on pages 7through is a memo from Director of Parks and Recreation Vraa regarding this item, including an attachment containing the information furnished the Advisory Parks and Recreation Commission for its March 8 meeting. ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED ON THIS ITEM: To provide direction to the Director of Parks and Recreation for a response to the Dakota County Board of Commissioners regarding a change in the current agreement for the construction and maintenance of county trails. A, MEMORANDUM TO: TOM HEDGES, CITY ADMINISTRATOR j FROM: KEN VRAA, DIRECTOR OF PARKS & RECREATION DATE: MARCH 13, 1990 RE: TRAILS - DAKOTA COUNTY TRAILS PROPOSAI,AGREEMENT REVISION BACKGROUND The Advisory Parks and Recreation Commission, at its March 8th meeting, discussed a proposal of the Dakota County Board of Commissioners regarding a change in the current agreement for the construction and maintenance of County trails. (For additional information - See attachment prepared for the commission packet). Dakota County is looking for a formal response from the different cities in the County regarding its suggestion for a change in the location/funding and maintenance formula currently in effect. The Commission discussed the County resolution and the various alternatives that are available for consideration - if a change were to come about. They had the following comments. The Commission was supportive of staff appraisal which had objected to changes in the plan. The following are some of the objections: 1. The County Bikeway Plan is just now coming together and is providing the transportation opportunities originally envisioned years ago. A change from off road trails to paved shoulders is premature in that the results of county trails construction have not been evaluated. 2. There is an issue of "fairness" between those communities that have had trails constructed under one formula and a change to a "new" formula for the remainder of trails construction for other communities. Commission members disagreed with the County's premise of having trails on road shoulders for use by accomplished bicyclists so that they can travel faster; because this would put the recreational bicyclists at a greater risk. 1 TRAILS PAGE TWO MARCH 13, 1990 It was reasoned that on high traffic County roads, shoulder trails would be used it would put younger, inexperienced bicyclists in a jeopardy; less as p allow younger family members to be placed at risk with fast moving trafficnot ant to probably not allow their children to use the shoulder trails. The non -experienced bicyclists would (the non -touring biker) prefers the off-road trails for safety reasons. The bike o lists user finds the off -trails slower than shoulders, and is comfortable merginginto traffic touring However, safe should take reference to s eed as the ob'ective of gik . Pro ram. e Trails Members felt that paved shoulders may work in rural areas in the Countyin which frequency of use by younger children was small and low traffic volumes h weret typical. the Here, shoulders may serve a role and purpose. However, in urbanized section tical. County, or where urbanization is eminent, or where there may be a hi s tof r the h bik generator; shoulder trails are not desirable. g e traffic In regards to changing "maintenance responsibility" several question arose. There should be clarification as to "who" (if the County were responsible), "how well" would the and "what" would be included in the maintenance, i.e., sweeping, seal coating, mowing it , boulevards? g g of The Commission recognized that there would be a need for additional discussion between cities and the county. They are recommending a shift in the costs and maintenanceto the County under the 2A alternative; (if changes are forthcoming) provided that ag's current Maintenance Plan for trails is kept in place. Eagan FOR COUNCIL ACTION The County is looking for a response to the resolution pertaining to trails; the should adopt a position and communicate this to the Coun Council best be done through the office of the City Administrator/Director i ofcParks n might Recreation, due to the likelihood that there will be a need for further discussions. and County is hopeful that all communities can respond by April 2nd, ns. The KV/bis MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT FOR SEPARATED COUNTY BIKE PATHS BETWEEN THE COUNTY OF DAKOTA AND THE CITY OF THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this day of 19 , by and between the County of Dakota, hereinafter referred to as the 'County•, and . the City of hereinafter referred to as the "City". WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the parties desire to tater into an Agreement relating to the maintenance of County bike paths located within the corporate limits of the City and constructed in'accordance with the Trails policy Plan for Dakota County as adopted by the County board of Commissioners on June 8, 1982, (hereinafter referred to as the Trails Policy.Plan) and as may be amended from time to time by the County upon the terms and conditions heieinafter set forth. Now$ TWE1 roxr, -the patltarf-&It" It - follows: 1. Tie County' '"i •ebhitruet �-Mp permit • t4e City to construct separsted County bike paths within the corporate limits of the City along County roads or City street@ in accordance with the Trails Policy Plan. 3. Following construction, the City will maintain such separtted County bine p&thi, iozvb .et within Ghe errpork.te limits of - the City in accordance wiri, the terms and con6itions of this 4greement. In regard to County built bite paths, the county will provide the City with a tlotiee of Completion and a set of plans pf each of the above County bike path segments, upon receipt of which the City's maintenance responsibilititt bertunder •hall commence. In regard to County bike paths oonstrupteo ky the City, the City's maintenance tfsponaibilities hereunder will oosnenee upon pompletion of such Capstruetion. �. -the uaint*asprt to, b_ 'Pi cloriaa4 t6y the- Cl'ty on the aforesaid aepit aEe bika paths iif - A. Surface patching, tdge rarpairs And cleaning of the bike path as necessary to provide a smooth, We and usuable surface. B. seal coating as necessaLr • structural deterioration. An alternative method may be used if approved by the County Highway Department. C. Maintaining visible pavement markings and Signs. ■aterials, supplies, D. furnishing all labor. lot the performance of all and any tools and other items necessary of the work provided for in this Agreement. 4. All materials used by the City in the p erfocmance of the work under this Agreement shall conform to the requirements of MN/DOT specifications• g a ree g, The County Engineer together with the City may as to the scope and time schedule of maintenance work that needs no ° of he be done to insure the safe condition bla timebikepath. the amount in agreement can be reached within a reasonable the City may have the dispute exceeds $2,000.00, the County ane!, which panel issue(s) in dispute heard by an arbitration p and make findings and recommendations shall hear the dispute ding to the Uniform concerning the dispute accorArbitration Act, Minnesota Statutes Chapter 572, provided that the City has presented its dispute to the County Board before invoking the arbitration be appealed to a provisions of this paragraph. The decision may court of competent jurisdiction. The County and the City shall each hoose one arbitrator. The two arbitrators chosen shall confer and e Anel. jointly select a third arbitrator to complete the p All costs associated with the arbitration process shall be borne equally by the parties unless the non -prevailing patty al from the arbitration fails to comply with or !ails to take appeal arty the #vent t panel's decision. hst the non-prevaiing P in eats from the arbi�tr�ation panel's neither cONgies with nor app decision, the non- decision within thirty (30) days of said prevailing Patty shall'be solely responsible for all reasonable but not limited costs associated with the arbittationdifcoiy`u�fi,arbitration. to, reasonable Attorney's fees ineurrlt page 2 of 4 ko All costs of maintenance shall be the responsibility of the City. 6. This Agreement shall be in force and effect for the life of the bikeway facilities, provided that its provisions may be reviewed at any time, but no later than fifteen (15) years, to determine if any changes are necessary. 7. Plans and specifications shall be approved by the - duly approved representative of the City or local township prior to construction of any trail covered by this Maintenance Agreement. 8. yor the purposes of this Agreement, the City shall be deemed to be an independent contractor and not an employee of the County. Any ,and all agents, servants or employees of the City or other persons, while engaged in the performance of any work or services required to be performed by the City under the terms of this Agreemnt, shall not be considered employees of the County and any and all claims that may or* might arise on behalf of the City, its agents, servants or employees as a consequence or any act or omission on the part of the City or its agents, servants, employees or other persons shall in no way be the obligation or responsibility of the County. 9. The City further agrees to defend and save the County harmless from any claims, demands, actions 'Or causes of action arising out of any act or omission on the part of the City or its agents, servants or employees in the performance of or with relation to any of the aiork or services provided to be performed or furnished by the City under the terms of this Agreement. 10. The County agrees to defend and save the City harmless from ariy claims, demands, actions or causes of action arising out of any act or omission on the part of the County -or ifs agents, servants or employees in the performance of or with relation to the County's design and'conatruction of the bike paths I. or to any other work or services perfoteed by the County under the terms of this Agreement. 11. Any alteration, variation, modification or waiver Page 3 of 4 of the provisions of this Agreement shall be valid only after it has been reduced to writing and signed by both parties. 12. This Agreement shall constitute ' the entire agreement between the parties and shall supersede all prior oral or written negotiations. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be duly executed. Approved as to form: COUNTY OF DAKOTA G. -f, -a ss stent County Attorney Date By Approved as to execution: Cane Atkins, C a rman Board of Commissioners Date of Signature Assistant County Attorney Date Approved by Dakota County Board Resolution No. This instrument drafted by: JCB Dakota County Attorney's Office Dakota County Government Center Hastings, Minnesota 55033 Telephone: (612) 437-0438 Attest Carl D. On sc u , Xuditor Date of Signature CITY OF By Mayor Date of Signature By - C ty Manager/A m n strator Date of Signature By clerk Date of Signature C-81-200 page 4 of 4 bm/m I LW AKOTA COUNTY JEFFREDIREC COONNELL D DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING A PROGRAM MANAGEMENT (612) 431-1158 7300 WEST 147th STREET, SUITE 4503 APPLE VALLEY, MINNESOTA 5! MEMORANDUM TO: Parks an Recreation Directors 'k may: Allen Moe, Program Manager DATE: February 1, 1990 SUBJECT: Meeting on Changing the County Funding Formula and Joint Powers Agreement for Bikeways I would like to invite you to a meeting on February 8, 1990 at 1:00 p.m, in the new Lakeville City Hall, 20195 Holyoke Avenue. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss funding options, joint powers agreement, and standards for bikeways in Dakota County. During 1989, the County Board requested a review of the County Bikeway System Plan by the County Planning Advisory Commission (PAC). The PAC conducted a review of the Plan and held two public informational meetings last summer. The PAC review concluded with recommendations to the County Board for the provision of both paved shoulders and off-road paths for bikers. Since receiving the PAC's recommendation, the County Board's Physical Development Committee has directed staff to review, with cities, a change in the County funding formula and joint powers agreement for bikeways on the County Bikeway System (see attached resolution). The County Board has also requested that we initiate discussions with cities concerning the development of standards for maintenance, signage and mapping of bikeways. At the last meeting with park directors an interest was expressed in pursuing these topics further. We would like .to, obtain reactions from the cities on the proposed funding options and methods to address consistent signage, mapping, and maintenance standards. We anticipate reviewing the input from cities with the PAC and Physical Development Board Committee in March. AM/keg M -L -PARKS cc: Dave Robley, Dakota County Transportation Engineer Barb Schmidt, Parks Assistant Director AN EQUAL OPPORTUNRY EMPLOYER 1 !0 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA DATE November 7, 1989 RESOLUTION NO. 89-822 Motion by Commissioner_-LoedinR _-SecondedbyCommissioner Cha delaine WHEREAS, the Planning Advisory Commission has completed a review of the County Bikeway System Plan; and WHEREAS, the adopted County Bikeway System Plan specifies 100% County funding of off-road paths on the County Bikeway System; and WHEREAS, cities within Dakota County have signed a Joint Powers Agreement to provide maintenance of off-road bikeways; and WHEREAS, the County desires to assure the provision of safe bikeways for County residents. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That County staff is directed to review the following funding options with cities concerning a change in the County funding formula and Joint Powers Agreement for bikeways: Emphasize paved shoulder construction - loot or cost share of paved shoulder by the County on the County Bikeway System - loot funding of off-road paths by cities - 100% city maintenance of off-road paths Cost share off-road oaths on C2gnty Bikewa_v__&ystmm - 55/45 cost share of off-road paths with cities on the County Bikeway System - loot or cost share of paved shoulders by the County on the County Bikeway System - 100% city or cost share of maintenance of off-road paths; and YES NO Harrb >Kaher x ujwser chapd table x cho"dw s Twntr 'Verner State of Minnesota County of DekoM t Jots L ieedall. Clerk to the Board of the C=* of DdWU 8babe of 00006 0W & bw* oerdh that I have ooarpartd the fore;otns am of a rawhrdaz with the original Minuses of the phi of tw sDokd od County coavdwoftm DADU County. idhanewta, at their "Na" hdd on the 7th - dey of November 1t 89ww on Bh in the County A&aln ion Dep++_rtent, and ba" found the am to be a trot and aorrsat a" Witseaa my hand and affieW Peal of Dekata Coaaty thinq-a I,, of r r Qtfgzd_�_ tr'Jetk b rd 14V BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That County staff undertake discussions with cities concerning the development of maintenancb standards, signage and mapping of bikeways. l� s Agenda Information Memo March 20, 1990 City Council Meeting There are nineteen (19) items on the agenda referred to as Consent Items requiring one (1) motion by the City Council. If the City Council wishes to discuss any of the items in further detail, those items should be removed from the Consent Agenda and placed under Additional Items unless the discussion required is brief. PERSONNEL ITEMS A. PERSONNEL ITEMS: Item 1. Proposals for Life, Short Term Disability and AD & D Insurance Coverage --As required by state law, the City recently requested proposals for the group benefit coverage for City employees which includes life, short term disability and AD & D coverage. The deadline for proposals was 10:00 a.m., March 16, 1990. Currently, those proposals are being studied and we are hopeful that a recommendation for approval will be furnished to the Council with the Additional Information packet on Monday. If that is not possible, due to the time constraints, that recommendation will be furnished to the Council at the City Council meeting on March 20, 1990. ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED ON THIS ITEM: To approve an insurance proposal for the City's life, short term disability and AD & D group insurance coverage. Item 2. Undergraduate Intern/Parks and Recreation Department --For the Council's information, the City will be cooperating with Mankato State University to provide an undergraduate student internship for Jennifer Peterson, a student majoring in recreation, parks and leisure services. The internship will last for three months. No action is required on this item. SURPLUS PROPERTYISALFJFORD CUSTOM VICTORIA B. Declare a 1985 Ford Custom Victoria as Surplus Property and Authorize Sale --The City has a 1985 Ford Crown Victoria which was originally a squad car and more recently used as a park ranger vehicle. The vehicle has 100,900 miles on it and is no longer cost effective to maintain. Given the nature of the vehicle, salvage yards were solicited to make an offer for purchase. Only one (1) bid was received, that being from Suburban Auto Sales in the amount of $1,016. It is the recommendation of the Finance Director/City Clerk VanOverbeke that this vehicle be declared surplus property and its sale to Suburban Auto Sales in the amount of $1,016 be authorized. /to Agenda Information Memo March 20, 1990 City Council Meeting ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED ON THIS ITEM: To declare the 1985 Ford Crown Victoria as surplus property and authorize its sale to Suburban Auto Sales in the amount of $1,016. SURPLUS PROPERTY/SALErRADAR UNITS C. Declare Two (2) K-55 Moving Radar Units as Surplus Property and Authorize Sale- -Chief of Police Geagan has notified City Administrator Hedges that two (2) K-55 Moving Radar Units which were purchased in 1983 be declared surplus property. He declared that these units are no longer state of the art. It is probable that the City will receive no more than $250 each for these units as surplus property. ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED ON THIS ITEM: To declare two (2) K-55 Moving Radar Units purchased in 1983 as surplus property and authorize their sale by the Police Department. CASH FOR TRASH WINNER D. Recognize $700 Cash for Trash Winner, Malcolm Heinle --Recycling Coordinator Hageman has announced that Mr. Malcolm Heinle, a resident of Donald Avenue in the City of Eagan is the Cash for Trash winner for the week of March 5, 1990. Because there had been no winners during the previous weeks, Mr. Heinle will be awarded $700 for his participation in the Eagan recycling program. Unfortunately, Mr. Heinle works during the evenings and will be unable to attend the prescheduled award presentation during the meeting of the Eagan City Council on March 20. Mr. Heinle has told Recycling Coordinator Hageman that he is "glad to participate and will recycle what he can." He also said he will "encourage his neighbors to do the same." Recycling Coordinator Hageman will mail Mr. Heinle his award along with a letter thanking him for his participation during the week of March 19. ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED ON THIS ITEM: To recognize Mr. Malcolm Heinle as a $700 Cash for Trash winner. APPROVE PLANS AND SPECSICONTRACT 90-2 E. Contract 90-2, Approve Plans and Specifications/Authorize Advertisement for Bids, Park Shelter Buildings - Ohmann, Bridle Ridge, and Northview (Blackhawk Deleted) -- The architectural firm of Schwarz Weber has completed plans for three park shelter buildings for Bridle Ridge Park, Ohmann Park and Northview Athletic Fields. The Advisory Parks and Recreation Commission will make a final review of these plans at a special meeting that is scheduled for Monday, March 19, 1990. Any additional 107 Agenda Information Memo March 20, 1990 City Council Meeting information will be forwarded to the Council at the Council meeting on March 20, 1990. All buildings are using similar designs from previously constructed park shelters. ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED ON THIS ITEM: To approve plans and specifications for park shelter buildings at Bridle Ridge Park, Ohmann Park and Northview Athletic Fields and to authorize advertisement for bids with a bid opening of April 24, 1990. APPROVE BIDS/PARK VEHICLES/AUTHORIZE BIDS F. Purchase of Replacement Vehicles for Parks and Recreation Department through Hennepin County Purchasing/Authorize Advertisement for Bids, Dump Box for 1 -Ton Chassis --The 1990 approved budget authorized replacement of park units #304 (a 1980 3/4 ton pick-up) and #310 (a 1981 1 -ton truck and box). These vehicles have been bid through Hennepin County joint purchasing and are available at a cost of $13,911 for the 3/4 ton pick-up and $14,651 for the 1 -ton chassis and cab. The City will need to go out for its own bids for the box for the latter vehicle. ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED ON THIS ITEM: To approve the purchase of replacement vehicles through Hennepin county purchasing for the Parks Department as listed above and to authorize advertisement of bids for the dump box for the 1 -ton chassis. EARTH DAY PROCLAMATION G. Proclamation, Earth Day, April 22, 1990 --The City's Recycling Coordinator and members of the Parks and Recreation Department have been working closely together to plan entertaining and educational activities in celebration of Earth Day. This year's celebration of Earth Day is the 20th anniversary of the first Earth Day. The day itself is scheduled for Sunday, April 22, with the celebration continuing through the week until April 29. Events planned include an Earth Day walk, a native prairie walk, the second annual community clean-up day, a backyard composting demonstration and other activities in conjunction with recreation programs. Many local and state levels of government will be participating in the Earth Day activities. It would be appropriate for the City Council at this time to issue a resolution proclaiming April 22 as Earth Day 1990 in the City of Eagan. A copy of the proposed proclamation is enclosed on page W for your information. ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED ON THIS ITEM: To proclaim April 22, 1990 as Earth Day 1990 in the City of Eagan. CITY OF EAGAN EARTH DAY PROCLAMATION WHEREAS, almost twenty years ago, more than twenty million Americans joined together on Earth Day in a demonstration of concern for the environment, and their collective action resulted in the passage of sweeping new laws to protect our air, water and land; WHEREAS, Earth Day 1990 is a local, national and international call to action for all citizens to join in a global effort to save the planet; WHEREAS, Earth Day 1990 activities and events will educate all citizens on the importance of acting in an environmentally sensitive fashion by recycling, conserving energy and water, using efficient transportation, and adopting more ecologically sound lifestyles; WHEREAS, Earth Day 1990 will educate all citizens on the importance of buying and using those products least harmful to the environment, NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Eagan designate and proclaim April 22, 1990 as Earth Day 1990, and that day shall be set aside for public activities promoting preservation of the global environment and launching the "Decade of the Environment." Motion made by: Seconded by: Those in favor: Those against: Dated: CITY OF EAGAN CITY COUNCIL By: Its Mayor Attest: Its Clerk CERTIFICATION I, E.J. VanOverbeke, Clerk of the City of Eagan, Dakota County, Minnesota, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the City Council of the City of Eagan, Dakota County, Minnesota, in a regular meeting thereof assembled this day of , 1990. E.J. VanOverbeke, City Clerk City of Eagan Iq Agenda Information Memo March 20, 1990 City Council Meeting AWARD SALELT CTOR H. Receive Bids/Award Sale, Parks Maintenance Tractor --The City Council authorized the solicitation of a replacement tractor for Parks Maintenance. The bid opening was scheduled for Thursday, March 15, 1990 at 4:00 p.m., after which time staff will review all bid proposals to insure compliance with specifications. A recommendation on the successful bidder will be provided with the Additional Information packet. ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED ON THIS ITEM: To award the bid for replacement tractor for Parks Maintenance. �o AA Agenda Information Memo March 20, 1990 City Council Meeting FINAL PLATIDUCKWOOD SQUARE I. Final Plat, Duckwood Square --All documents relative to the final plat for Duckwood Square, including the development agreement, have been processed by both the applicant and the Department of Community Development. Assuming the agreements are properly signed and all conditions have been met, the final plat will be presented for approval at the March 20, 1990 City Council meeting. If there are reasons that the final plat should be removed from the agenda, a recommendation will be made at the time the agenda is adopted for the meeting. Enclosed on page J4 is a copy of the final plat as it appears for signature and recording at Dakota County. ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED ON THIS ITEM: To approve the final plat for Duckwood Square. O�wz Agenda Information Memo March 20, 1990 City Council Meeting FINAL PLATTR.ANK'S NURSERY AND CRAFT'S ADDITION I Final Plat, Frank's Nursery and Crafts Addition --All documents relative to the final plat for Frank's Nursery and Crafts Addition, including the development agreement, have been processed by both the applicant and the Department of Community Development. Assuming the agreements are properly signed and all conditions have been met, the final plat will be presented for approval at the March 20, 1990 City Council meeting. If there are reasons that the final plat should be removed from the agenda, a recommendation will be made at the time the agenda is adopted for the meeting. Enclosed on page 4_� is a copy of the final plat as it appears for signature and recording at Dakota County. ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED ON THIS ITEM: To approve the final plat for Frank's Nursery and Crafts Addition. Z15 v 0 Q cc LU U) ccZ I I I �: > it c; a - - -.--- -- -- -- -- - -� LIJ f' - LL �'- �--- ----- --- �j <s I LU ,.. �: > it c; a - - -.--- -- -- -- -- - -� LIJ f' - LL �'- �--- ----- --- I LU ,.. �: > it c; a - - -.--- -- -- -- -- - -� LIJ U �• w i �j I 62 I P.M �.~AM � •wWiX.•i�;iii rI INV' -3rl11 3,MI._., N7.,b'3 Irl �i r Ec t�c� amu• •.�'rr � — 1�M�• - - -.--- -- -- -- -- - -� �j !f= 62 I P.M �.~AM � •wWiX.•i�;iii rI INV' -3rl11 3,MI._., N7.,b'3 Irl �i r Ec t�c� amu• •.�'rr � — le Agenda Information Memo March 20, 1990 City Council Meeting FINAL PLAT ARK CENTER K. Final Plat, Park Center --All documents relative to the final plat for Park Center, including the development agreement, have been processed by both the applicant and the Department of Community Development. Assuming the agreements are properly signed and all conditions have been met, the final plat will be presented for approval at the March 20, 1990 City Council meeting. If there are reasons that the final plat should be removed from the agenda, a recommendation will be made at the time the agenda is adopted for the meeting. Enclosed on page 02 (a is a copy of the final plat as it appears for signature and recording at Dakota County. ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED ON THIS ITEM: To approve the final plat for Park Center. 1. r Qk&,,j,,f a • a 3 � Molt aav sria:�:�s Hr;,e zc. f I a W C ; e __ �� �\ �'";N,re• x:111' _ - • _ tIYSa //I10 � S i■f� wM M �Mi.M I /. •1 � i . Qk&,,j,,f a • a 3 � Molt aav sria:�:�s Hr;,e zc. f I a W C ; e Qk&,,j,,f a • a 3 � Molt aav sria:�:�s Hr;,e zc. f I a W Agenda Information Memo March 20, 1990, City Council Meeting RECEIVE FINAL ASSMT ROL SCHEDULE PUBLIC HEARING LPOND AP -50 - TRUNK STORM SEWER) L. Project 452R, Receive Final Assessment Roll/Schedule Public Hearing (Pond AP -50 - Trunk Storm Sewer) --Project 452R provided for the trunk storm sewer outlet from Pond AP -50 located on the north side of Cliff Road across from the Drivers Training Center within the proposed Park Center development. All work has been completed, all costs tabulated and the final assessment roll prepared. Therefore, it would be appropriate to schedule a public hearing to formally present the final assessment information to all affected property owners. ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED ON THIS ITEM: To receive the final assessment roll for Project 452R (Pond AP -50 - Trunk Storm Sewer) and schedule the final assessment public hearing to be held on May 1, 1990. RECEIVE FINAL ASSMT ROLLlSCHEDULE PUBLIC HEARING ALDEN PONDS - STS & UTILITIES M. Project 542, Receive Final Assessment Roll/Schedule Public Hearing (Alden Ponds - Streets & Utilities) --This project provided for the installation of streets and utilities to service the Alden Ponds Addition located on the east side of Coachman Road just south of Four Oaks Road extended adjacent to the Unisys property. All construction has been completed, all costs tabulated and the final assessment roll prepared. It would be appropriate for the City Council to receive this final assessment roll and schedule a public hearing to formally present and discuss the final costs associated with this public improvement. ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED ON THIS ITEM: To receive the final assessment roll for Project 542 (Alden Ponds - Streets & Utilities) and schedule the final assessment public hearing to be held on May 1, 1990. .27 Agenda Information Memo March 20, 1990, City Council Meeting RECONSIDER FINAL ASSMT OBJECTIONS/SCHEDULE PUBLIC HEARING PILOT KNOB RD TRUNK STORM SEWER - MISC OBJECTIONS) N. Project 473, Reconsider Final Assessment Objections/Schedule Public Hearing (Pilot Knob Road Trunk Storm Sewer - Miscellaneous Objections) --On September 19, 1988, a final assessment hearing was held for the benefits received from the installation of trunk storm sewer facilities associated with the upgrading of Pilot Knob Road and the related drainage districts. At that public hearing, the following property owners submitted formal written objections and were subsequently deleted from the Council adopted assessment roll for that project: OWNER & PROPERTY Thomas I Rooney 10-02200-012-86 Anthony Caponi 10-02200-010-80 Anthony Caponi 10-02200-010-84 Mike Kohler 10-02200-016-54 Tom Bergin 10-02200-011-85 Bernard Fritz 10-0220-014-54 SPECIAL ASSMT AMT $17,160 $16,552 $16,552 $3,300 $3,300 APPRAISED VALUE OF BENEFITS $20,000 $20,000 $20,000 $3,300 $3,300 $3,300 Based on the written objections submitted at the final assessment hearing, these parcels were removed to allow the City to proceed with formal appraisal of the benefits associated with the improvements. As verified by the above listing, the benefit received from this improvement has been determined to equal or exceed the amount of the proposed assessment. Therefore, it would be appropriate to reschedule these parcels for reconsideration of adopting the final assessment at a formal public hearing. Agenda Information Memo March 20, 1990, City Council Meeting ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED ON THIS ITEM: To reconsider the final assessment for miscellaneous parcels under Project 473 (Pilot Knob Road Trunk Storm Sewer - Miscellaneous Objections) and schedule a new final assessment hearing for May 1, 1990. RECONSIDER FINAL ASSMT/SCHEDULE FINAL ASSMT HEARING O. Project 494, Reconsider Final Assessment/Schedule Final Assessment Hearing (Wescott Road Streets & Utilities - Miscellaneous Objections) --On September 19, 1988, the final assessment hearing was held for the improvements associated with the installation of streets and utilities for Wescott Road east of Lexington Avenue. At that hearing, two property owners submitted written objections and were subsequently deleted from the final adopted assessment roll to allow the City to perform appropriate appraisals to ensure that the benefit received equalled or exceeded the amount of the assessment. Those two properties are identified as follows: OWNER & PROPERTY Ed Kalal 10-01400-010-82 Robert Mueller 10-01400-020-82 SPECIAL ASSMT AMT BENEFIT $28,614.43 $18,379.93 APPRAISED VALUE OF $39,400 $30,000 Now that the appraisals have been completed and verified that the assessment is appropriate, it would be in order to reschedule the final assessment hearing for these two properties to formally adopt their final assessment. ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED ON THIS ITEM: To reconsider the final assessment roll for Project 494 (Wescott Road Streets & Utilities - Miscellaneous Objections) and schedule the final assessment hearing for May 1, 1990, for those affected parcels. -29 Agenda Information Memo March 20, 1990, City Council Meeting RECONSIDER FINAL ASSMT ROLL/SCHEDULE FINAL ASSMT PUBLIC HEARING (EAGAN HILL FARMS TRUNK UTILITIES - MISC OBJECTIONS) P. Project 491, Reconsider Final Assessment Roll/Schedule Final Assessment Public Hearing (Eagan Hill Farms Trunk Utilities - Miscellaneous Objections) --On September 19, 1988, the final assessment hearing was held for the installation of trunk utilities through the Eagan Hill Farms development (Bridle Ridge Additions). At that meeting, a written objection was submitted by the following property owner: OVNNER & PROPERTY MN7on Hanson 10-02400-010-78 SPECIAL ASSIVTI' AMT $11,007.17 APPRAISED VALUE OF BENEFIT $30,0000 As a result of this written objection, the Council deleted this parcel from the final adopted assessment roll and continued its consideration to a later date subject to the appropriate property appraisal being performed. Now that the appraisal has been completed and more than substantiates the amount of the assessments, it is appropriate for the Council to reconsider the adoption of this special assessment through a public hearing process. ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED ON THIS ITEM: To reconsider the final assessment roll for Project 491 (Eagan Hill Farms Trunk Utilities - Miscellaneous Objections) and schedule a final assessment public hearing for May 1, 1990. Agenda Information Memo March 20, 1990, City Council Meeting RECONSIDER FINAL ASSMT ROLL/SCHEDULE PUBLIC HEARING {COUNTRY HOLLOW TRUNK UTILITIES - MISC OBJECTIONS) Q. Project 505, Reconsider Final Assessment Roll/Schedule Public Hearing (Country Hollow Trunk Utilities - Miscellaneous Objections) --On September 19, 1988, the final assessment hearing was held for the installation of trunk utilities to service the Country Hollow development east of Dodd Road and north of Diffley Road. At that final assessment hearing, the following property owners submitted written objections: OWNER & PROPERTY George Doerfler 10-02400-010-60 James Mayer 10-02400-011-59 Lawrence Oldenburg 10-02400-020-60 SPECIAL ASSMT AMT $10,006.99 $ 7,132.82 $10,104.87 APPRAISED VALUE OF BENEFIT $10,007.00 $ 7,133.00 $10,105.00 As a result of these written objections, the City Council deleted those parcels from the final adopted assessment roll and continued it for further consideration subject to formal property appraisals being performed. As verified by the above listing, the benefit received from this improvement has been determined to equal or exceed the amount of the proposed assessment. Therefore, it would be appropriate for the Council to reconsider the adoption of the final assessment for this project as it pertains to those parcels. ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED ON THIS ITEM: To reconsider the final assessment roll for Project 505 (Country Hollow Trunk Utilities -Miscellaneous Objections) and schedule the final assessment public hearing for May 1, 1990. 51 Agenda Information Memo March 20, 1990, City Council Meeting FINAL PYMT/ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF COMPLETION COACHMAN WATER TREATMENT PLANT - DEHUMIDIFICATION R. Contract 89-14, Final Payment/Acknowledgement of Completion (Coachman Water Treatment Plant - Dehumidification) --City staff has received a request for final payment for the above -referenced contract from the consulting engineering firm along with a certification of compliance to City approved plans and specifications. All final inspections have been performed by representatives of the Public Works Department and found to be in order for favorable Council action. ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED ON THIS ITEM: To acknowledge completion and authorize the fourth and final payment for Contract 89-14 (Coachman Water Treatment Plant - Dehumidification) to Enviro-Con, Inc., in the amount of $3,000 and accept the project for maintenance subject to appropriate warranty provisions. APPROVE RESOLUTION RESTRICTING ON -STREET PIING (RAHN RD - DIFFLEY TO BEAU D'RUE DR) S. Contract 90-04, Approve Resolution Restricting On -Street Parking (Rahn Road - Diffley To Beau D'Rue Drive) --As a result of the public hearing authorizing the reconstruction of Rahn Road, the City Council approved its reduced street width of 36' which eliminates any potential for on -street parking according to MSAS Standards. In order for this reduced street width plan to be approved by MSAS and remain eligible for funding reimbursement, a formal resolution must be passed by the City Council prohibiting on -street parking. Enclosed on page is the resolution required by State Aid for this item. ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED ON THIS ITEM: To approve a resolution restricting on -street parking for Contract 90-04 (Rahn Road - Diffley To Beau D'Rue Drive) and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute all related documents. 3L CITY OF EAGAN NO PARKING RESOLUTION RAHN ROAD RECONSTRUCTION City Proj. 0584, Rahn Road Reconstruction Municipal State Aid Project (M.S.A.P.) 195-101-05 THIS RESOLUTION, passed the 20th day of March, 1990, by the City of Eagan in Dakota County, Minnesota, a Municipal corporation provides for certain parking restrictions on MSAS 101 (Rahn Road) between Diffley Road (CSAH 30) and Beau De Rue Drive (MSAS 104) in the City of Eagan. WHEREAS, plans and specifications have been prepared for improvements on MSAS 101 (Rahn Road) between Diffley Road and Beau De Rue Drive in the City of Eagan, Dakota County, Minnesota, and WHEREAS, in accordance with Municipal State Aid Standards the design of the street does not provide adequate width to allow parking on either side of Rahn Road between Diffley Road and Beau De Rue Drive, and WHEREAS, Municipal State Aid Standards require that certain parking restrictions be placed on MSAS 101 in order to assist in mitigating hazards which may be caused by the deviation from the width from Municipal State Aid Standards, and WHEREAS, the Minnesota Department of Transportation has proposed the parking restriction on MSAS 101 as a necessary prerequisite to the approval of the project as a Municipal State Aid Project in the City of Eagan. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Eagan, Dakota County, Minnesota, approve a restriction which bans parking on both sides of MSAS 101 (Rahn Road) between Diffley Road and Beau De Rue Drive at all times. Motion made by: CITY OF EAGAN Seconded by: CITY COUNCIL Those in favor: Those against: Dated: March 20, 1990 By: Attest: 3 CERTIFICATION I, E. J. VanOverbeke, Clerk of the City of Eagan, Dakota County, Minnesota, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution as duly passed and adopted by the City Council of the City of Eagan, Dakota County, Minnesota, in a regular meeting thereof assembled this 20th day of March, 1990. E.J. VanOverbeke, City Clerk J.5 Agenda Information Memo March 20, 1990 City Council Meeting �+'�siz�GzrGs RESOLUTION/DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM/TIF PLAN/DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT TRI -LAND PROPERTIES ICE ARENA A. Resolution/Development Program and Tag Increment Plan for Development District No. 3, Tri -Land Properties/Ice Arena Project and Resolution/Development Agreement for Development District No. 3 -- Development Program/Tif Plan Enclosed on pages through A you will find the revised tax increment financing application in this matter as presented to the City on February 6, 1990. To staff's knowledge, the only material change which has occurred since the submission of the application is a finding by Dakota County that the ice arena facility is not eligible for tax exempt status and, as a consequence, the developer is asking for an addition to the $1,890,000 amount so that the property taxes on the ice arena would be rebated to the developer and that the total amount of the tax increment including the ice arena property taxes would not exceed $2,250,000. Enclosed on pages through, you will find the tax increment financing plan prepared by the firm of Faegre and Benson reflecting the application and incorporating the above mentioned revision wespect to �rena property taxes. Also enclosed on pages through , you will find a resolution which would approve the new proposal as defined in the tax increment financing plan and development program for Development District No. 3. Information pertaining to the policy issues in this regard were distributed to the Council on February 6. Please refer to those packet documents for review of those items and the response of the i consultants and the developer in their regard. If any member of the City Council has misplaced the February 6 documents, please feel free to contact the City Administrator's office and a new set of copies will be provided. Also enclosed on pages —f t through _ you will find an updated fact sheet which summarizes the application and the chronology of its progress since its original receipt on November 9, 1989. In addition to being a brief re -cap for the City Council, this document will be made available to the public at the meeting on Tuesday evening. Also in response to direction by the Council, Parks and Recreation Director Vraa and Finance Director/City Clerk VanOverbeke Agenda Information Memo March 20, 1990 City Council Meeting coordinated a review of the operating performa. They met with the ice arena managers from the Cities of Apple Valley, St. Louis Park and Burnsville and the developer to provide outside analysis of the Tri -Land arena performa. Information pertaining to this meeting wa viousl stributed to the Council and is enclosed on pages � and for your review. At the close of the meeting, the developer indicated that he would review the performa for possible changes and resubmit a revised performa for City consideration. The City has yet to receive the updated performa, but in a telephone conversation with representatives of the developer, it was indicated that a revised performa would be made available to the City Council on Tuesday. It is not anticipated that staff will have access to this information prior to that time and, as such, will have difficulty responding to it at the Council meeting. The City Council also indicated a desire to receive an analysis of any pending legislative develop is in resp t to tax increment financing. Enclosed on pages through you will find a memorandum from Kristen Karls o Faegre & Benson outlining the current state of bit, House Senate bills. Finally, enclosed on pages through you will find copies of letters received at the City offices pertinent to this matter. Staff has included all letters received to date as well as a list of those individuals who have telephoned the City either in favor of or opposed to the project. Resolution/Development Agreement In addition to the February 6, 1990 City Council action setting a public hearing for the economic development district and TIF proposal presented by Tri -Land Properties, the City Council also directed staff, consultants and the developer to negotiate a development agreement to define responsibilities and protect the interest of the parties in the event that the proposal is approved. A draft development agreement was prepared by Steve Rosholt of Faegre & Benson shortly after the Council action. Upon receipt of the agreement, Tri -Land requested additional time for their attorney to review the contract. The first development agreement, dated February 19, was distributed to the developer and their consultants for review. The developer asked for time to review and respond to the initial agreement and a meeting was scheduled for Thursday, March 1, at which time the City consultants and developer met for the initial review. A second meeting was scheduled for Tuesday, March 6, at which time the developer's representatives identified a number of issues which are outlined in a memorandum from Kristen Karls of Steve Rosholt's office. This memo Waji previous rwarded to the Council and is enclosed on pages through � for your review. The first fourteen points in Karls memorandum have been responded to by modifications in the 3s . Agenda Information Memo March 20, 1990 City Council Meeting development agreement. In most cases, the developer's request can be accommodated with little or no modification. As a result of the March 6 meeting with the developer and March 8 meeting with the Finance Committee, several issues were identified by the City's fiscal consultant, Dave MacGillivray of Springsted, Inc., as being unagreeable by the developer. On Thursday, March 15, 1990, the developer and their attorney met with Dave MacGillivray and Parc ss was m d toward the resolution of those issues. On pages (6, hrough is a copy of the dev to went agreement dated 1990: lso enclosed on pages LA60 through ZalkXvis a letter from Dave MacGillivray outlining he progress ma a on those issues that were identified at the March 15 meeting. There was also an indication made at the March 15 meeting by the developer that there may be a request presented to the City Council that a continuance be granted to allow further negotiations on the development agreement and that that document be presented to the Council for ratification at a future meeting. The City Administrator has been in contact with the developer and it is staff's understanding that the developer desires a continuance of the development agreement; however, a letter indicating that request was not rcved in time,Opto go out with the packet. prepared by Faeg re & Benson. It is staff's understanding of the Council's direction that it would be inappropriate to take action to commit to the tax increment financing proposal without these issues being resolved and binding on the parties through the development agreement. If it is the City Council's desire to recognize the request of the developer to continue the development agreement, it would be appropriate to proceed with the public hearing allowing for public testimony, closing the actual public hearing and continuing action by the City Council on consideration of the resolution for the development program and tax increment financing plan for Development District No. 3 and the development agreement for Development District No. 3 until the April 3 City Council meeting or some other date agreed to with the developer. ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED ON THIS ITEM: To approve or deny the tax increment financing plan and development program for Eagan tax increment Development District No. 3 with the understanding that if approval is given to the development agreement between the City of Eagan and Tri -Land Partnership, it would be adopted according to the March 6 draft with modifications agreed to by the developer and Dave MacGillivray. Alternative Action: To open the public hearing, advise the audience that the project will be presented, public testimony heard, a period for discussion and questions by the City Council 304M Agenda Information Memo March 20, 1990 City Council Meeting and unless a motion is presented to defeat the project, the public hearing will be closed and a continuance will be granted to the developer to allow additional time to present alternative language to the development agreement for future consideration by the City Council. The tax increment financing plan, development program and development agreement would all be considered at that meeting. TABLE OF CONTENTS I. INTRODUCTION..........................................1 II. SUMMARY OF OPTIONS ......................... ..... ...... 2 III. DETAILS OF OPTION NO. 1 ...............................4 - Map of the Tax Increment District.................9 - Tax Increment Projections ........................10 - Ice Arena Operating Pro forma....................13 IV. DETAILS OF OPTION NO. 2 ..............................15 - Map of the Tax Increment District................19 - Tax Increment Projections ........................20 - Ice Arena Operating Pro forma....................23 V. OTHER ENTITIES' SUPPORT OF THE EAGAN ICE ARENA ....... 25 3,1 I. INTRODUCTION We appreciate your thoughtful consideration of the Eagan Center project and your support for an ice arena in Eagan. With the addition of Eagan High School, the increased popularity of hockey and figure skating clubs, and the growing need for recreational facilities for Eagan's citizens; an ice arena is becoming a necessity rather than simply a convenience. Tri -Land Partnership of Eagan is prepared to build an ice arena for the City of Eagan, however, the ice arena will become a reality only with the assistance of tax increment financing. We understand that any time the City participates in a community project, all options must be examined and all risks evaluated. Tri -Land Partnership of Eagan has listened to the citizens of Eagan, reviewed the City Council's gZsesticns about the ice arena project raised at the January 16 meeting, and explored dozens of details for the project with City staff and consultants during the past six months. We are presenting two options for the City to consider. Each option differs according to the ownership and size of the ice arena. A summary of the options are listed below and details of the timing, cost, ownership, and operation of the arena and the associated development have been included in each of the corresponding appendices attached. 31 II. SUM.#SARY OF OPTIONS OPTION NO. 1: PRIVATELY OWNED ARENA WITH ONE STANDARD SHEET OF ICE The ice arena would be privately owned by a 501 (c)(3) non- profit organization. Due to the financial restrictions imposed by the 25 percent test, one enclosed, standard -sized sheet of ice with seating for 1,200 people is possible. If additional seating capacity is desired by the City, portions of the residential development will need to be included in the tax increment district. As planned, however, the multi -family and single family developments will not be included in the tax increment district. The amount of commercial development to be included in the tax increment district would be limited to the retail r,:ali (excluding the theater), the bank/medical building, and one outlot. The remaining commercial development will be outside the tax increment financing district. The cost of the arena, including hard and soft costs, will be $1,850,000 plus the cost of the land to be negotiated with Tri -Land Partnership of Eagan. We are requesting tax increment in the form of land accfuisition;write-down. The present value amount of the request is $1,890,000 over eight years of tax increment. If fiscal disparities contribution is required from the district the arena could not be built. Page 2 OPTION NO. 2: PUBLICLY OWNED ARENA WITH TWO SHEETS OF ICE The City of Eagan owns the ice arena. The structure of the arena would include one enclosed sheet of ice with seating for approximately 2,800 spectators, one partially open sheet of ice for use during peak months, and locker rooms in between the two sheets. The hard and soft costs of the arena will be approximately $3,200,000 plus the type of payment to be negotiated with Tri -Land for land valued at approximately $1,288,000. The request for tax increment is $3,950,000 over eight years of increment. The tax increment district would include the adjacent retail mall development, the movie theaters, the bank/medical building, various outlots, single-family homes, and a multi- family development. If fiscal disparities contribution is required from the district the arena would be sized down to one sheet of ice. Page 3 III. OPTION NO. 1: PRIVATELY OWNED ARENA WITH ONE STANDARD SHEET OF ICE: A. DESCRIPTION OF THE SIZE, OWNERSHIP, AND MANAGEMENT OF THE ARENA AND THE ASSOCIATED DEVELOPMENT Under Option No. 1, Tri -Land Partnership of Eagan is prepared to build a 33,000 square foot enclosed ice arena. The arena will include one standard size sheet of ice, operational for 12 months a year, seating for 1,800 spectators, and attached locker rooms. 5kb 000 The ice arena will be owned and managed by a non-profit board to include representatives of entities with an interest in the arena. Non-profit status will exempt the arena from all state and federal income taxes as well as local property taxes. Without debt or tax payments, the arena will be able to operate with a profit. The tax increment requested will enable Tri -Land to cover the principle and interest payments on the arena's mortgage while maintaining an acceptable rate of return on the commercial portion of the development. Therefcre, the tax increment assistance will catalyze a cohesive cc^Jercial development and will enable the ice arena to be free of debt within ten years. On page 13 is the operating pro forma for the ice arena. The pro forma assumes that the tax increment will pay for the hard and soft construction costs plus an agreeable purchase price for the land currently held by Tri -Land Partnership of Eagan. The retail portions of the proposed development will be owned and operated by a separate general partnership known as the Lexington Diffley Building Partnership. DEVELOPMENT WITHIN THE TAX INCREMENT DISTRICT Ice Arena Building Size: 33,000 square feet Area (including parking): 3 acres Construction Completion: Fall, 1990 Expected Market Value: Exempt Area A: Use: Retail Mall with Grocery Store Building Size: 95,000 sq. ft. Area (including parking): 11.80 acres Construction Completion: Fall, 1990 Expected Market Value: $7,300,000 Page 4 Area B: Use: Bank/Medical Building Building Size: 28,000 square feet Area (including parking): 3.3 acres Construction Completion: Fall, 1990 Expected Market Value: $2,000,000 Area C: Use: Commercial Outlot Building Size: 10,000 square feet Area (including parking): 1 acre Construction Completion: Fall, 1990 Expected Market Value: $600,000 ASSOCIATED DEVELOPMENT OUTSIDE THE TAX INCREMENT DISTRICT Area D: Use: Multi -Screen Movie Theater Building Size: 28,000 square feet Area (including parking): 6.6 acres Construction Completion: Fall, 1990 Expected Market Value: $2,800,000 Area E: Use: Convenience Store Building Size: 10,000 square feet Area (including parking): 1.5 acres Construction Completion: Fall, 1990 Expected Market Value: $600,000 Area F: Use: Restaurant Building Size: 10,000 sq. ft. Area (including parking): 1 acre Construction Completion: Fall, 1990 Expected Market Value: $900,000 Area G: Use: Restaurant Building Size: 10,000 sq. ft. Area (including parking): 1 acre Construction Completion: Fall, 1991 Expected Market Value: $600,000 Area H: Use: Retail/Daycare Building Size: 10,000 sq. ft. Area (including parking): 1 acre Construction Completion: Fall, 1991 Expected Market Value: $600,000 Residential Fourth and Fifth Additions, Lexington Pointe Number of Lots: 38 Construction Completion: Fall, 1990 Average Square Footage: 1,300 sq. ft. Average Lot Value: $115,000 Page 5 Residential Sixth and Seventh Additions, Lexington Pointe Number of Lots: 73 Construction Completion: Fall, 1991 Average Square Footage: 1,300 sq. ft. Average Lot Value: $115,000 Residential Multi -Family Development Number of Units: 80 Square Footage: 80,000 Estimated Market Value: $5,600,000 B. NATURE OF THE REQUEST FOR TAX INCREMENT Tri -Land Partnership of Eagan is requesting $1,890,000 of tax increment assistance present valued at a rate of 12 percent. The tax increment captured from four parcels of property which will be identified upon final plat approval of the ice arena and the commercial development. An outline of the four parcels plus the parcel for the ice arena are outlined on the map on page 10. The tax increment would be in the form of a land write-down over time using a limited revenue note instead of a general obligation bond. The land write-down would be designated to help pay for the property within the tax increment financing district. The values cf the land are listed below: USE BLDG & PARKING AREA Ice Arena 132,420 sq. ft. Retail Mall 514,000 sq. ft. (excl. theater) Bank/Medical 143,750 sq. ft. Outlot 43,560 sq. ft. TOTAL WITH ARENA LAND COST TOTAL WITHOUT ARENA LAND COST TOTAL COST/SO,.FT. COST $3.50 $460,000 $3.50 $1,800,000 $3.50 $500,000 $3.50 $150,000 $2,910,000 $2,450,000 Therefce,, at a minimum the value of the land within the proposed tax increment district is worth approximately $2,500,000, exceeding the amount requested for tax increment assistance and eligble as a qualified cost under the tax increment law. Page 6 C. COMPLIANCE WITH EAGAN'S TIF POLICY Tri -Land Partnership of Eagan has reviewed the City of Eagan's Tax Increment Financing Policy and the questions raised over the projects compliance with the policy. We strongly believe that the Eagan Center projects qualifies under the TIF policy guidelines. First, Tri -Land Partnership of Eagan is a general partnership. Any other entity which may have an interest in either the ice arena or the commercial development will not be a limited partnership. Second, the commercial development will bring over 600 new jobs to the City of Eagan. These jobs are estimated to be 240 full-time equivalent positions. The type of jobs will range from management of the retail stores within the mall to skating instructors in the ice arena. Third, the Eagan TIF Policy indirectly discourages the use of tax increment for non-industrial/commercial developments. However, the Eagan policy also requires that the facility "provide a significant, demonstrable benefit to the City". The Eagan Center development brings the first ice arena to the City of Eagan. D. BUT/FOR TEST Tri -Land Partnership's interpretation of the "but/for" test, required by the tax increment law before a municipality approves a tax increment district, is based upon financial restrictions. But/for the use of tax increment, ice arena would not be possible and the size and cohesiveness of the commercial development would not go forth. We do not purport that absolutely no development would occur on the 48 acre parcel during the next eight years. However, we do believe that tax increment will speed development on a parcel of property that has been largely undeveloped for a number of years. In addition, tax increment assistance will provide the City of Eagan with a well-planned commercial development and with safe and efficient access in an area populated by a number of schools. Page 7 1 E. FISCAL DISPARITIES Tri -Land Partnership of Eagan requests that the City of Eagan elect to make available the total amount of the potential tax increment generated by this development for debt service on the limited revenue note. Therefore, we ask that the City not require a contribution to the fiscal disparities pool for the life of the tax increment district. If fiscal disparities was required, the arena and commercial development would not be possible. Predicting the impact of non-contributing tax increment district upon the other properties in a municipality is difficult. However, Publicorp has estimated that if the project was to have hypothetically begun receiving tax increment in 1989 without contributing to the fiscal disparities pool, the tax rate would have increased by .1 percent. This figure translates into less than $1 annually for each household and $20 annually for the small business owner. Page 8 �4 fk 4 nmroxo wwr 7 PLACE A w7."1NTS PROPOSED BONDARIES OF'THE TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT ELE,mENTAfti R W*H SCHWL w.J+:F.::1XJ0 1i..14Z LAIC' °A4X 30 -Jan -90 City of Eagan 4 TRI -LAND DEVELOPMENT Inflation Rate 3.0000% -ASSUMES ICE ARENA IS ONE SHEET OF ICE Present Value Rate 12.00% -ASSUMES MALL, BANK/MEDICAL. AND ONE OUTLOT IN DISTRICT Collection Rate 100.0000% 92 -ASSUMES ICE ARENA IS COUNTED WITHIN 25/75 TEST Fiscal Disparities 0.0000% >S100,000 0.0495 Pay Tax Capacity Rate 0.939978 Pay 89 Class Rates Reinvestment Rate 0.00% Base Market Value - 5 Yrs Ago (Pay 85) 350,400 -Estimate <S68,OOC Square Ft. Good Use Bad Use Project Market Value -Malt 7,300,OOG Pay 92 95,000 87,000 8,000 Project Market Value -Medical 2,000,000 Pay 92 28,000 28,000 0 Project Market Value -Gas St. 0 Pay 92 0 0 0 Project Market Value -Movie 0 Pay 93 0 0 0 Project Market Value-Outtots 600,000 Pay 92 10,000 10,000 0 Project Market Vaiue-Resid. 0 Pay 92 0 0 0 Project Market Vaiwe-Resid. 0 Pay 93 0 0 0 Project Market Value -Rental 0 Pay 93 0 0 0 Project Market Vaiue-Arena 0 Ray ........... 93 33,000 ............................... 0 33,000 Project Tax 9,900,000 Pay 93 166,000 125,000 41,000 Percent of Sq. Ft. as Bad Use: 24.70% Class Rates -Commercial Market Vaiue Adjustment Factor. <S100,000 0.310 Pay 92 ..............................--------------------- >S100,000 0.0495 Pay 92 Base Market Value - Current (Pay 90) 499,700 Class Rates - Homesteads Base Market Value - 5 Yrs Ago (Pay 85) 350,400 -Estimate <S68,OOC 0.0100 -------- 568,000 - S100,000 0.0200 Market Value Increase. 149,300 35100,000 0.0300 Class Rate - Multi -family Value Increase Ratio. 42.61% Total Market Vaiue O.C360 Value Increase Average. 8.52% Value Adjustment Factor. 108.52%, -Estimate Project Tax Capacity -Mail 359,782 Pay 92 Estimated Market Value of Each Parcel When Platted BASE Project Tax Capacity-Medica'L 97,22E Pay 92 USE ACRES S/ACRE MV TAX CAP Project Tax Capacity -Gas C Pay 92 Retail Mall 11.80 10,411 122,850 4,232 Project Tax Capacity -Movie 0 Pay 93 Bank Medical Bldg 3.30 10,411 34,356 1,065 Project Tax Capacity-Outiots 27,870 Pay 92 Convenience Store 0.00 0 0 0 Project Tax Capacity-Resid. 0 Pay 92 OutLot -Good Use 1.00 10,411 10,411 323 Project Tax Capacity-Resid. 0 Pay 93 Outlot -Parking 3.00 10,411 31,233 1,640 Project Tax Capacity -Rental 0 Pay 93 Outlot - 0.00 0 0 0 Outlot - 0.00 O 0 0 484,884 Pay 93 Outlot - 4.06 0 0 0 Outtot - 0.00 0 0 0 Residential 0.00 0 0 Multi -family 0.00 0 0 TOTAL 23.16 198,850 BASE TAX CAPACITY 7,259 TL100-02 Prepared by Publicorp Inc. Page Page 1 TRII A 30 -Jan -90 City of Eagan Page 2 rrxwxrrwxrwxwwwrrwwwrwxxrxxrrrxwwwrwww:rwwrrrxrrxrrxxxxxrrrrxwwwwwrwxxrrxr•rrrrxrxrxtxrxxxrrxrrxxrxxxxxxxxxrxrxxxwrrwwrxxr • Base Project Captured Gross Admin Net Revenue PERIOD ' *PERIOD BEZINNING Tax Tax Tax Tax Payment Tax Note ENDING ' + Yrs. x--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------0-5--08---------x Mth. Yr. Capacity Capacity Capacity Increment 0.00% Increment 12.00% 12.00% Yrs. Nth. Tr. ' 0.0 02-20 1990 7,259 7,259 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.5 08-19 1990 ' 0.5 08.20 1990 7,259 7,259 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.0 02.19 1991 ' 1.0 02-20 1991 7,878 7,878 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.5 08-19 1991 ' 1.5 08.20 1991 7,878 7,878 0 0 0 0 0 0 2.0 02.19 1992 * 2.0 02-20 1992 8,549 484,884 476,335 223,872 7,500 216,372 208,872 0 2.5 08-19 1992 * ' 2.5 08-20 1992 8,549 484,884 476,335 223,872 0 223,872 223,872 0 3.0 02-19 1993 * ' 3.0 02-21 1993 9,278 484,884 475,606 223,530 0 223,530 223,530 0 3.5 08-19 1993 * * 3.5 08.20 1993 9,278 484,884 475,606 223,530 0 223,530 223,530 0 4.0 02-19 1994 * + 4.0 02.20 1994 10,069 499,431 489,362 229,995 0 229,995 229,995 0 4.5 08-19 1994 * ' 4.5 08.20 1994 10,069 499,431 489,362 229,995 0 229,995 229,995 0 5.0 02-19 1995 * • 5.0 02.20 1995 10,927 514,413 503,487 236,633 0 236,633 236,633 0 5.5 08-19 1995 ' ' 5.5 08-20 1995 10,927 514,413 503,487 236,633 0 236,633 236,633 0 6.0 02.19 1996 ' * 6.0 C2.20 1995 11,858 529,346 517,988 243,449 0 243,449 243,449 0 6.5 08.19 1996 * ' 6.5 08-20 1996 11,858 529,846 517,988 243,449 0 243,449 243,449 0 7.0 02.19 1997 ' ' 7.0 02-20 1997 12,868 545,741 532,873 250,444 0 250,444 250,444 0 7.5 08-19 1997 * ' 7.5 08.20 1997 12,868 545,7»1 532,873 250,444 0 250,44 250,444 0 8.0 02-19 1998 * * 8.0 C2-2: 198 13,965 562,113 548,149 257,624 0 257,624 257,624 0 8.5 08-19 1998 * ' 8.5 08-2 1998 13,965 562,113 548,149 257,624 0 257,624 257,624 0 9.0 02-19 1999 * * 9.0 E2-20 1999 15,155 575,977 563,822 264,990. 0 264,990 264,990 0 9.5 08-19 1999 * ' 9.5 08.2: 1999 15,155 578,977 563,822 264,990 0 264,990 264,990 0 10.0 02-19 2000 * * Totals 3,861,073 7,500 3,853,573 3,846,073 0 ' * Present Values 1,901,873 5,604 1,896,269 1,890,665 0 rrxrxxwwxrrwwxwwwYwwwwrwrxrwwwwwwxwwwxrlxxxxxrwwxwrxxxxxxxwwrxxxxxrxxrrxxxxwwxrrrrwrwrraxxwxw TL100-02 Prepared by Publicorp Inc. Page 1 1+1 TRII City of Eagan TL10C-02 Prepared by Publicorp Inc. Page S*O Page 3 TRI! Limited Revenue Note - To Developer ****#***YYYtY###**##*t#Y#*ttt##sttYtttYYYY###**#f*te###*Y**#**##t******#####****s**#tt******#*f*#**f##*#t*********#tt***Y* * FROM: Beg. Accrued Principal Interest Total End T0: Payment • • Yrs. Nth. Yr. Balance Interest Payment Payment Payment Balance Nth. Yr. Yrs. Date * 0.0 02.20 1990 1,890,665 113,440 0 0 0 2,004,104 08-19 1990 0.5 * 0.5 08-20 1990 2,004,104 120,246 0 0 0 2,124,351 02-19 1991 1.0 * 1.0 02-20 1991 2,124,351 127,461 0 0 0 2,251,812 08-19 1991 1.5 * 1.5 08-20 1991 2,251,812 135,109 0 0 0 2,386,920 02-19 1992 2.0 * 2.0 02-20 1992 2,386,920 0 65,657 143,215 208,872 2,321,264 02-19 1992 2.5 02-01 1992 * * 2.5 08-20 1992 2,321,264 C 84,596 139,276 223,872 2,236,668 02-19 1993 3.0 02-01 1993 * * 3.0 02-20 1993 2,236,668 0 89,330 134,203 223,530 2,147,338 02-19 1993 3.5 02.01 1993 * * 3.5 08-20 1993 2,147,338 0 94,689 128,840 223,530 2,052,649 02-19 1994 4.0 02-01 1994 * * 4.0 02-20 1994 2,352;649 0 106,836 123,159 229,995 1,945,813 08-19 1994 4.5 08 -Cl 1994 * * 4.5 08-20 1994 1,945,813 0 113,246 116,749 229,995 1,832,567 02-19 1995 5.0 02-01 1995 * * 5.0 02-20 1995 1,832,567 0 126,679 109,954 236,633 1,705,888 08-19 1995 5.5 08-01 1995 * * 5.5 08-20 1995 1,705,888 C 134,280 102,353 236,633 1,571,608 02-19 1996 6.0 02-01 1996 * * 6.0 02-20 1996 1,571,608 0 149,152 94,296 243,449 1,422,456 08-19 1996 6.5 08-C1 1996 * * 6.5 08-20 1996 1,422,456 0 158,101 85,347 243,449 1,264,355 02-19 1997 7.0 02-01 1997 * 7.0 02-20 1997 1,264,355 0 174,583 75,861 250,444 1,089,771 08-19 1997 7.5 08-01 1997 * 7.5 08-2C 1997 1,089,771 0 185,058 65,386 250,444 904,713 02-19 1998 8.0 02-01 1998 * 8.0 02-20 1998 904,713 0 203,341 54,283 257,624 701,372 08-19 1998 8.5 08-01 1998 * 8.5 08-20 1998 701,372 C 215,541 42,082 257,624 485,831 02-19 1999 9.0 02-01 1999 • 9.0 02-20 1999 485,831 0 235,840 29,150 264,990 249,991 08.19 1999 9.5 08-01 1999 ' 9.5 08-20 1999 249,991 0 249,991 14,999 264,990 0 02-19 2000 10.0 02-01 2000 *###*s*tttsYYYssrtstteYYYYt#YY#tsttYYYYtt#tttYYYYY#Rts*YsttYYY#i#ttt#R*sst sttrYt#Y**#**###+*##s'+#s***tA#t##*e#*:s#**tt sfr** 496,256 2,386,920 1,459,152 3,846,073 TL10C-02 Prepared by Publicorp Inc. Page S*O Page 3 TRI! EASAN ICE CENTER PFIVATECY OWNED KON-PROFIT STATUS 3.04 ACRES PROFORMA JANUARY 29. 1990 PROJECT SIZE ANNUAL COST CONSTRUCTION NAME SA FT INCOME 59 FT COST ---------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ice Arena (seating 1,200) 3'.,000 340,00r 48.48 1,600.000 ------------ ------------ Totals 340,000 1,600,000 CaS71 ----------------------------- (J.J/5fl.) Land 4 •,Y. Soft Cc:ts 291,000 ------------ Total Costs 2,354,418 INCCrCE ---------------- ------------ 3 "n e'- EXPENSES ---------------------------- Estisated 313,400 SOFT COSTS Architect/Engineer Legal/Accountino Surveying Financing Costs Title/Record Fees Miscellaneous 96,00:0 (61 of Bldg Constr Cost) 3c.1000 15,000 80,000 20,000 50,000 Total Soft Costs 291,000 INCV" E ANALYSIS ---------------------------- Tcte': Inc:ae 340,000 Tota: Exoerse: 313,400 ------------ N.O.I. 26,600 Page 13 EAGAN ICE ARENA - PRIVATE OWNERSHIP ESTIMATED REVENUE & EXPENSES ONE ICE SHEET - SEATING 1200 REVENUE -------------------- Games Eagan Hlyh Schccl St. Thomas A.cadeav College of St. Thceas Tournaments Prime time ice rental Open Skating Sumaer Hockey Schools Fiore Skating Non -Pride eonths (April -Sept) Advertising Concessions/MiE; Silzs TOTAL REVENUE EXPENSES ConcessiUs C .: Electric i t,, Gas/Heat Water Telephone Revair/Main. ten -on ce Grounds/Piowino Fuei'Oil Trash Iaaboni Maintenance Supplies Salaries/8ene`;its Insurance Accounting/Legal AdvertisinC Adalnistrative/MiscEilanEous TOTAL EXPENSES 3 REPLACEMENT RESERVE NET INCOME PRELIMINARY ESTIMATE JANUARY 29. 1990 YEAR YEAR YEAR YEAR YEAR YEAR YEAR YEAR YEAR YEAR ONE TWO THREE FOUR FIVE SIX SEVEN EIGHT NINE TEN ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10000 10500 11025 11576 12155 12763 13401 14071 14775 15513 10000 10500 11025 11576 12155 12763 13401 14071 14775 15513 12000 12600 13230 13892 14583 15315 16081 16885 17729 18616 20000 21000 22050 23153 24310 25526 26802 28142 29549 31027 153000 160653 168683 177117 185472 195271 205035 215286 226051 237353 4000 4200 4410 4631 4862 5105 5360 5628 5914 6205 10000 10500 11025 11576 12155 12763 13401 14071 14775 15513 11000 1150 12128 12734 13371 14039 14741 15478 16252 1706`.. 50000 5250 55125 57831 60775 63814 67005 70355 77.877 77566 15000 15750 165.8 1736418233 19144 20101 21107 22,162 23270 45400 47250 49613 5205: 54698 57433 60.04 63320 664$5 69810 340000 357000 374850 393593 413272 433936 45563; 478414 50:x25 5.2745. 18t 1?=vC' 19645 20837 21?74 2197: 241_2 253=8 265'=4 :79_4 �,,,,,. �-, a-, ... :s 6-.6, 62b5 6? — 7195E 75556 79,.34 83300 874x4 91E39 lCSi` 1=..5 115'6 1215512763 1341.1 14071 14775 15513 1628= 100 1050 1103 1155 1216 1276 1340 1407 1477 155i 3000 3150 330: 347; 3647 3829 4024 422! 443: 465:4 16500 17.35 18l9i 19101 20056 2105? 22112 23217 24376 2557 10'?O0 105%. 110:` !1576 12155 1:'63 13401 14071 14775 155!3 1800 1190 1965 2064 218: ^2297 2412 2533 2656 2792 ipo0.. 1891 19215 2084 219E 2297 2412 2533 1.1659 2792 4000 420? 4414 4631 4862 5105 5360 5628 5910 6205 !30on `�' !`. 1`802 1552 1742! 1 9. ��_: Ss6 < 14;x, 0 49 , s a: ' 1920' 20167 13.'500 144"5 1515=4 1591': 16713: 175489 184263 1934,''6 207.155 21330: 2000021On2205.E 2315: 24310 25526 26802 2814: 29~49 31027 2000, 2104 22•?52315 2431 2553 26K 2814 2955 310-s 6300 6615 6946 7293 7658 8041 8443 8865 930-, 9713 8800 9240 9702 10187 10696 11231 11793 12382 13002 13652 313400 329070 345524 362800 380940 399987 419986 440985 463035 486186 1500v 15000 15000 15000 15000 20000 20000 20000 20000 20000 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11600 12930 14327 15793 17332 13949 15647 114:9 1930: 21265 Page 14 15L IV. OPTION NO. 2: PUBLIC OWNERSHIP. TWO SHEETS OF ICE A. DESCRIPTION OF THE SIZE, OWNERSHIP, AND MANAGEMENT OF THE ARENA AND THE ASSOCIATED DEVELOPMENT Under Option No. 2, Tri -Land Partnership of Eagan is prepared to build a 52,000 square foot ice arena. The arena will include one enclosed, Olympic -sized sheet of ice and one regular size sheet of ice, partially enclosed, to be used for ice events seasonally. Locker rooms, located between each sheet, will be attached to each structure. The enclosed arena will allow seating for 3,000 spectators. The ice arena will be managed by a board to include representatives of entities with an interest in the arena. Because the City of Eagan will retail title on the arena, the facility will be exempt from all state and federal income taxes as well as local property taxes and will enable the arena to operate without a loss. The tax increment requested will be used to cover the principle and interest payments on the arena's mortgage. The tax increment payments will allow the arena to be debt -free within 10 years. On page 23 is the operating pro ferna for the ice arena. The commercial portions of the proposed development will be owned and operated by a general partnership known as the Lexington Diffely Building Partnership. DEVELOPMENT WITHIN THE TAX INCREMENT DISTRICT Ice Arena Building Size: 52,000 square feet Area (including parking): 8.45 acres Construction Completion: Fall, 1990 Expected Market Value: Exempt Area A: Use: Retail Mall with Grocery Store Building Size: 95,000 sq. ft. Area (including parking): 11.80 acres Construction Completion: Fall, 1990 Expected Market Value: $7,300,000 Area B: Use: Bank/Medical Building Building Size: 28,000 square feet Area (including parking): 3.3 acres Construction Completion: Fall, 1990 Expected Market Value: $2,000,000 Page 15 5113 Area C: Use: Commercial Outlot Building Size: 10,000 square feet Area (including parking): 1 acre Construction Completion: Fall, 1990 Expected Market Value: $600,000 Area D: Use: Multi -Screen Movie Theater Building Size: 28,000 square feet Area (including parking): 6.6 acres Construction Completion: Fall, 1990 Expected Market Value: $2,800,000 Area E: Use: Convenience Store Building Size: 10,000 square feet Area (including parking): 1.5 acres Construction Completion: Fall, 1990 Expected Market Value: $600,000 Area F: Use: Restaurant Building Size: 10,000 sq. ft. Area (including parking): 1 acre Construction Completion: Fall, 1990 Expected Market Value: $900,000 Area G: Use: Restaurant Building Size: 10,000 sq. ft. Area (including parking): 1 acre Construction Completion: Fall, 1991 Expected Market Value: $600,000 Area H: Use: Retail/Daycare Building Size: 10,000 sq. ft. Area (including parking): 1 acre Construction Completion: Fall, 1991 Expected Market Value: $600,000 Residential Fourth and Fifth Additions, Lexington Pointe Number of Lots: 38 Construction Completion: Fall, 1990 Average Square Footage: 1,300 sq. ft. Average Lot Value: $115,000 Residential Sixth and Seventh Additions, Lexington Pointe Number of Lots: 73 Construction Completion: Fall, 1991 Average Square Footage: 1,300 sq. ft. Average Lot Value: $115,000 Page 16 Residential Multi -Family Development Number of Units: 80 Square Footage: 80,000 Estimated Market Value: $5,600,000 B. NATURE OF THE REQUEST FOR TAX INCREMENT Tri -Land Partnership of Eagan is requesting $3,950,000 of tax increment assistance present valued at a rate of 12 percent. This amount would cover all hard and soft construction costs and approximately 75 percent of the land cost. This request has increased since the beginning of the application process with the City as the exact size and nature of the development has progressed. Tri -Land is planning to develop an quality ice arena which anticipates any type of structural problem common with other ice arena's before the Eagan arena is built. The remainder of the land value could be negotiated between the City and Tri -Land Development. The tax increment will be captured fro:, all of the above mentioned property over a period of ten years. A map of the proposed tax increment district is outlined on page 19. The tax increment district is expected to produce in excess of $4,200,000 of tax increment. These funds could be used to cover any unforseen operating losses or the tax increment could be returned to the school district and the county in the event they are unused. C. COMPLIANCE WITH EAGAN'S TIF POLICY Tri -Land Partnership of Eagan has reviewed the City of Eagan's Tax Increment Financing Policy and the questions raised over the projects compliance with the policy. We strongly believe that the Eagan Center projects qualifies under the TIF policy guidelines. First, Tri -Land Partnership of Eagan is a general partnership. Any other entity which may have an interest in the commercial development will not be a limited partnership. Second, the commercial development will bring over 600 new jobs to the City of Eagan. These jobs are estimated to be 240 full-time equivalent positions. The type of jobs will range from management of the retail stores within the mall to skating instructors in the ice arena. Third, the Eagan TIF Policy indirectly discourages the use of Page 17 SS tax increment for non-industrial/commercial developments. However, the Eagan policy also requires that the facility "provide a significant, demonstrable benefit to the City". The Eagan Center development brings the first ice arena to the City of Eagan. D. BUT/FOR TEST Tri -Land Partnership's interpretation of the "but/for" test, required by the tax increment law before a municipality approves a tax increment district, is based upon financial restrictions. But/for the use of tax increment, ice arena would not be possible and the size, speed, and cohesiveness of the commercial and residential development would not proceed. Concern has been expressed about the inclusion of the residential portions of the development in the tax increment district. Tri -Land does not purport that the single-family homes would not be built without the use of tax increment. We do state, however, that the proposed development project as a whole will not proceed. The single-family homes will not proceed as quickly, the ice arena will not be built, and any type of commercial development will not be in a safe, timely and cohesive fashion. E. FISCAL DISPARITIES Tri -Land Partnership of Eagan requests that the City of Eagan elect to make available the total amount of the potential tax increment generated by this development for debt service on the limited revenue note. Therefore, we ask that the City not require a contribution to the fiscal disparities pool for the life of the tax increscent district. If fiscal disparities was required, the arena and commercial development would not be possible. Predicting the impact of non-contributing tax increment district upon the other properties in a municipality is difficult. However, Publicorp has estimated that if the project was to have hypothetically begun receiving tax increment in 1989 without contributing to the fiscal disparities pool, the tax rate would have increased by .1 percent. This figure translates into less than $1 annually for each household and $20 annually for the small business owner. Page 18 PROPOSED BOUNDARIES OF THE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT TIF DISTRICT ELEMENTARY • W*H SCHOOL M E NSfMaN PLACE Page 19 ,�- r? �N 1!.''1? LAK.' M.1 1 30 -Jan -90 City of Eagan TRI -LAND DEVELOPMENT Inflation Rate 3.0000% Market Value Adjustment Factor. Present Value Rate 12.00% 0100, Nn. 0.0310 Pay Coltection Rate 100.0000% Fiscal Disparities 0.0000% 0.0495 Pay 92 Base Market Value - Current (Pay 90) Tax Capacity Rate 0.939978 Pay 89 Class Rates - Homesteads Reinvestment Rate 0.00% Base Market Value - 5 Yrs Ago (Pay 85) 653,544 <S68,000 Square Ft. Good Use Baa Use Project Market Value -Matt 7,300,000 Pay 92 95,000 80,000 15,000 Project Market Vatue-Medicat 2,000,000 Pay 92 28,000 28,000 0 Project Market Vatue-Gas St. 800,000 Pay 92 15,000 0 15,000 Project Market Value -Movie 2,800,000 Pay 93 28,000 0 28,000 Project Market Vatue-Outlots 3,800,000 Pay 93 60,000 10,000 50,000 Project Market Value-Resid. 4,370,00 Pay 92 49,400 49,400 0 Project Market Value-Resid. 8,395,000 Pay 93 94,900 94,900 0 Protect Market Value -Renta: 5,600,000 Pay 93 80,000 80,000 0 35,065,000 Pay 93 450,300 342,300 108,000 Percent of Sq. Ft. as Bad Use: 23.98% Class Rates -Commercial Market Value Adjustment Factor. 0100, Nn. 0.0310 Pay 92 .................................................. >S100,"uu^ 0.0495 Pay 92 Base Market Value - Current (Pay 90) 928,600 Class Rates - Homesteads Base Market Value - 5 Yrs Ago (Pay 85) 653,544 <S68,000 0.0100 ........ $68,000 - $100,000 0.0200 Market Value Increase. 275,056 >$100,000 0.030C Class Rate - Multi -family Value Increase Ratio. 42.09% Total Market value 0.0360 value Increase Average. 8.42% Value Adjustment Factor. 108.42% Project Tax Capacity -Mall 359,788 Pay 92 Estimated Market Value of Each Parcel When Platted BASE Project Tax Capacity -Medical 97,226 Pay 92 USE ACRES 5/ACRE MV TAX CAP Prcject Tax Capacity -Gas 3 7, 778 Pay 92 Retail Mall >rF Theater & Grocer 18.30 10,411 190,521 7,564 Project Tax Capacity -Movie 136,858 Pay 93 Bank Medical Bldg 3.44 10,411 35,814 1,110 Project Tax Capactty-Outicts 186,398 Pay 93 Convenience Store 1.50 10,411 15,617 484 Project Tax Capacity-Resid. 50,160 Pay 92 Out lot 1.00 10,411 10,411 323 Project Tax Capacity-Resid. 96,360 Pay 93 Outlot - 1.00 10,411 10,411 323 Project Tax Capacity -Rental 201,601; Pay 93 Outlot - 1.00 10,411 10,411 323 Outtot - 1.00 10,411 10,411 323 1,166,168 Pay 93 Outlot - 4.06 10,411 42,269 1,31C Outlot - 1.00 10,411 10,411 323 Residential 32.13 187,600 1,876 Mutti-family 38.00 213,400 7,682 TOTAL 102.43 737,275 TLIDO-02 BASE TAX CAPACITY 21,661 Prepared by Publicorp Inc. Page 20 Page 1 TRIv 30 -Jan -90 City of Eagan Page 2 rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr:r:rrrrrrrr:rrrrrrr***rrrrerrrrrrrrrrrerrrrrrtrrrrrrrrrrrrrr"rrr•rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr**•*ersrr*r•r►rrrrrrrrr:rr • Base Project Captured Gross Admin Net Revenue PERIOD "PERIOD BEGINNING Tax Tax Tax Tax Payment Tax Note ENDING " * Yrs. Mth. Tr. Capacity Capacity Capacity Increment 0.00% Increment 12.00% 12.00% Yrs. Mth. Yr. *------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------* ' 0.0 02-20 1990 21,661 21,661 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.5 08-19 1990 ' 0.5 08.20 1990 21,661 21,661 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.0 02-19 1991 " " 1.0 02-20 1991 23,485 23,485 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.5 08-19 1991 • 1.5 08.20 1991 23,485 23,485 0 0 0 0 0 0 2.0 02-19 1992 • 2.0 02.20 1992 25,461 544,952 519,491 244,155 0 244,155 240,000 0 2.5 08-19 1992 ' 2.5 08-20 1992 25,461 544,952 519,491 244,155 0 244,155 240,000 0 3.0 02-19 1993 ' 3.0 02-20 1993 27,604 1,201,153 1,173,549 551,555 0 551,555 550,000 0 3.5 08-19 1993 ' 3.5 08.20 1993 27,604 1,201,153 1,173,549 551,555 0 551,555 550,000 0 4.0 02-19 1994 * 4.0 02.20 1994 29,928 1,237,188 1,207,260 567,399 0 567,399 550,000 0 4.5 08-19 1994 ' ' 4.5 08.20 1994 29,928 1,237,188 1,207,260 567,399 0 567,399 550,000 0 5.0 02-19 1995 ' 5.0 02.20 1995 32,447 1,274,303 1,241,856 583,659 0 583,659 550,000 0 5.5 08-19 1995 * 5.5 08.2C 1995 32,447 1,274,3C3 1,241,856 583,659 0 583,659 550,000 0 6.0 02-19 1996 • 6.0 02-20 1996 35,178 1,312,532 1,277,354 600,342 0 600,342 550,000 0 6.5 08-19 1996 " 6.5 08-2C 19;6 35,178 1,312,5322 1,277,354 600,342 0 600,342 550,000 0 7.0 02-19 1997 • 7.0 02-20 19;7 38,139 1,351,908 1,313,769 617,457 0 617,457 550,000 0 7.5 08-19 1997 * 7.5 08-20 1997 38,139 1,351,9C8 1,313,769 617,457 0 617,457 550,000 0 8.0 02-19 1998 ' ' 8.0 C2-20 1998 41,350 1,392,466 1,351,116 635,010 0 635,010 550,000 0 8.5 08-19 1998 • 8.5 08-20 1998 41,350 1,392,466 1,351,116 635,010 0 635,010 550,000 0 9.0 02-19 1999 * 9.0 02-20 1999 44,830 1,434,240 1,389,409 653,007 0 653,007 550,000 0 9.5 08-19 1999 * * 9.5 08.20 1999 44,E30 1,434,240 1,389,409 653,007 0 653,007 550,000 0 10.0 02-19 2000 * * Totals 8,95,166 0 8,905,166 8,180,000 0 " ------------------------------------------------------ * Present Values 4,243,062 0 4,243,062 3,952,461 0 rrrrrrrrrtrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr*rrrrrrrrrr:rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrerrr*rr TLIOG-02 Prepared by Publicorp Inc. Page 21 TRI! 30 -Jan -90 City of Eagan ➢age 3 TLIOO-02 1,159,780 5,112,241 3,190,109 8,180,000 Prepared by Publicorp Inc. Page 22&0 TRI! Limited Revenue Mote - To Developer rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrMerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr ' FROM: Beg. Accrued Principal Interest Total End T0: Payment • Yrs. Nth, Yr. Balance Interest Payment Payment Payment Balance Nth. Yr. Yrs. Date • rrrrrrrrrrrerrerrerrrrreeeerrrrrrrrrrrrerrrrrrrrrrrrrr*rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr ` 0.0 02-20 1990 3,952,461 237,148 0 0 0 4,189,608 08-19 1990 0.5 ` 0.5 08.20 1990 4,189,608 251,377 0 0 0 4,440,985 02-19 1991 1.0 ' 1.0 02.20 1991 4,440,985 266,459 0 0 0 4,707,444 08-19 1991 1.5 ' 1.5 08-20 1991 4,707,444 282,447 0 C 0 4,989,891 02-19 1992 2.0 ` ` 2.0 02.20 1992 4,989,891 59,393 0 299,393 240,000 5,049,284 08-19 1992 2.5 08-C1 1992 ` ` 2.5 08-23 1992 5,C49,284 62,957 0 302,957 240,000 5,112,241 02-19 1993 3.0 02-01 1993 * 3.0 02.20 1993 5,112.241 0 243,266 306,734 550,000 4,868,976 '08-19 1993 3.5 08.01 1993 ' • 3.5 08-2i 19993 4,868,976 C 257,861 292,139 55C,000 4,611,114 02-19 1994 4.0 02-01 1994 • * 4.0 02-20 1994 4,611,514 0 273,333 276,667 550,000 4,337,781 08-19 1994 4.5 D8-01 1994 ' 4.5 08.20 1994 4,33.7,781 0 289,733 260,267 550,000 4,048,048 02-19 1995 5.0 02-01 1995 * 5.0 02.20 1995 4,0.8,;48 0 307,117 242,883 550,000 3,740,931 08-19 1995 5.5 08-01 1995 * 5.5 08-2C 1995 3,740,931 0 325,544 224,456 550,000 3,415,387 02-19 1996 6.0 02-01 1996 * • 6.0 02.2: 1996 3,415,387 0 345,077 204,923 550,000 3,070,310 08-19 1996 6.5 08-01 1996 * • 6.5 08.20 1996 3,070,310 0 365,781 164,219 550,000 2,704,528 02-19 1997 7.0 02-01 1997 ` 7.0 C2.20 1997 2,704;525 0 387,728 162,272 550,000 2,316,800 08-19 1997 7.5 08-01 1997 * 7.5 CS -20 1997 2,316,S00 0 4'0,992 139,008 550,000 1,905,808 02-19 1998 8.0 02-01 1998 * 8.0 C2-20 1998 1,905,808 0 435,652 114,348 550,000 1,470,157 08-19 1998 8.5 08-01 1998 * 8.5 CS -2O 1998 1,47:',157 0 461,791 88,209 550,000 1,008,366 02-19 1999 9.0 02.01 1999 ' 9.0 C2-20 1999 1,C08,366 0 489,495 60,502 550,000 518,868 08-19 1999 9.5 08-01 1999 ' 9.5 08.20 1999 518,868 0 518,868 31,132 550,000 0 02-19 2000 10.0 02-01 2000 rrrrrrrrr►errirerrree*erereere*rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrerrrerrrrrerrrtrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrlrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr*rrrrr TLIOO-02 1,159,780 5,112,241 3,190,109 8,180,000 Prepared by Publicorp Inc. Page 22&0 TRI! EASAN ICE CENTER PUBLICLY O:NEJ NON -WIT STATUS 8.45 ACRES PROFORMA JANUARY 25, IS30 PRC EC' SI?E ANNiAL COST CONSTRUCTION NAME ---------------------------- SO FT INCOME SO FT COST Ice Arena ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 141 SheEts all Ice) 52,000 41i.100 45.00 1,40,000 Parkin Le: 184,447 0.69 145,012 Totais ------------ 411.100 ------------ 2,535,012 SOFT COSTS COSTS---`--------------------------- ----------------------------- ^rcli:te::'Cn- •.Enr 16:,3:;:7z L :44 BI�0 Cc'n5tr Cost. t3. sa .fta : Lan I e,281 l,:t : 5,►"+er:rES 15.000 St`t Casts 528,800 F_�ir,c:nc Ce=-ts 250,00 ------------ Fees 2r.00: Total Cost: 4,352,104 !f:S:Ella^ecus 5,(, 00C ------------ Total Soft rests 52@,300 INCL"C ---------------------------- Est mated 41!.100 INCOH. ANALYSIS EX=c!t5._ ---------------------------- ---------------------------- Tctal I c m 41: '00 t-st:gatEi Total Ez,er5e5 316.40' ----------- N.C.l, 94,20" Page 23 (.R/ 11 EAGAN ICE ARENA - PUBLIC OWNERSHIP 19000 19950 2094E 21995 PRELIMINARY ESTIMATE 25462 26735 28072 ESTIMATED REVENUE 6 EXPENSES Electric: - . 59200 62160 65268 JANUARY 25. 1990 75556 79334 83300 81465 TWO ICE SHEETS Ga= -'seat 0000 13650 1433: 15049 15802 16592 17421 18292 1920' REVENUE YEAR YEAR YEAR YEAR YEAR YEAR YEAR YEAR YEAR YEAR ----------- -------- ONE TWO THREE FOUR FIVE Sa SEVEN EIGHT NINE TEN Gaaes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16506 17325 18191 19101 20056 21059 22112 23^217 24378 Ea an High Schcsl 10000 10500 11025 11576 12155 12763 13401 14071 14775 !`513 St. Thclas Acalesy 10000 10500 11025 11576 12155 12763 13401 14071 14775 15513 Colle a Di St. Tholas 12000 12600 13230 13892 14586 15315 16081 16885 17729 IS616 Tournaments 20000 21000 22050 23153 24310 25526 26802 28142 29549 7:027 Pri3e the ice rental 201600 211680 222264 233377 245046 257298 270163 283671 297855 .12748 Open Skiting 4000 4200 4410 4631 4862 5105 5360 5628 5910 6205 Sutler Hccket° Sc%c_Is 10000 10500 11025 11576 12155 12763 13401 14071 14775 12513 Figure Skating 11000 11550 12128 12734 13371 14039 14741 15478 16252 :'065 Nor. -prime lc^t`:s (kril-Sept; 70000 73500 77175 81034 85085 89340 93807 98497 103422 1111:593 AdvE,tisinc 15000 15750 16538 17364 18233 19144 20101 21107 22162 23210 'Eales 47500 49875 52369 54987 57737 60623 63655 66937 10179 73698 TOTAL REV -"!',t ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 411100 431655 453238 475900 499695 524679 550913 578459 601382 637751 EXPENSES Cc-nce. --- I: -,s Cc;`. 19000 19950 2094E 21995 23095 24249 25462 26735 28072 29475 Electric: - . 59200 62160 65268 68531 71958 75556 79334 83300 81465 91839 Ga= -'seat 0000 13650 1433: 15049 15802 16592 17421 18292 1920' 20167 Mate- 1000 1050 1103 1158 1216 1276 1340 1407 1477 1551 Tele_�:nz 3000 3150 3308 3473 3647 3824 4020 4221 443_ 4654 Repa:.r,'"a- :er.a-ca 16506 17325 18191 19101 20056 21059 22112 23^217 24378 25537 10000 10500 11025 11576 12155 12763 13401 14071 14775 15513 Fuel!2:I 1800 1890 1985 2084 2198 2297 2412 2533 2659 2792 Trw, 1800 1890 1985 2084 2188 2297 2412 2533 2659 2792 IaltC NElnt'-: Z-r,,e 4000 4200 4410 4631 4862 5105 5360 5628 5910 6205 Surpiies 13000 13650 14333 15049 15802 16592 17421 18292 19207 20167 Salaries 5e,�e4i'.€ 137500 144375 151594 159173 167132 175489 184263 193476 203150 213308 1nsura^-e 20000 21000 22050 23153 24310 25526 26802 28142 29549 31027 Accoe^ti^ :eczl 2000 2100 2205 2315 2431 2553 2680 2814 2955 3103 Ad+eats:'.c 6300 6615 6946 7293 7658 8041 8443 8865 9308 9773 Ada:risLr:::re:"tisce iare:Ls 8800 92411 9702 10187 10696 11231 11793 12382 13001 13652 TOTAL EXPENSES 316900 332745 349382 366851 385194 404454 424676 445910 468206 491616 REPLACEMENT RESERVE 20000 ------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20000 20000 20000 20000 30000 30000 30000 30000 30000 NET INCOME 74200 78910 83856 89048 94501 90226 96237 102549 109176 116135 Page 24 , 3729f Distribution Draft CITY OF EAGAN, MINNESOTA EAGAN DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT NO. 3 TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PLAN AND DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM March 20, 1990 TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PLAN EAGAN DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT NO. 3 CITY OF EAGAN, MINNESOTA INTRODUCTION This Tax Increment Financing Plan has been prepared by the City of Eagan, Minnesota (the "City") under the requirements of the Minnesota Tax Increment Financing Act (the "Act"), Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.174 to 469.179. The City herein proposes and describes the establishment of a Tax Increment Financing District within the City's Development District No. 3 to provide financing for land acquisition which is necessary to induce a private -sector development consisting of approximately 166,000 gross square feet of recreational, retail, commercial and office facilities by Tri -Land Partnership of Eagan ("Tri -Land"). BACKGROUND The City Council has called for a public hearing on the formation of both Development District No. 3 and the Tax Increment Financing District. On March 20, 1990, subject to public input, the Council will consider both the Development Program and the Tax Increment Financing Plan. Development District No. 3 is being established pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.124 to 469.134. A copy of the proposed Development Program for Development District No. 3 and certain other items are attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM Objectives The objectives sought to be accomplished by the City in establishing Development District No. 3 are as follows: s 1. To promote and secure development and expansion M of new business. 2. To provide employment opportunities through the creation of new jobs. 3. To expand the tax base of the City. 4. To improve recreational opportunities in the City. Development Program The Development Program for Development District No. 3 is attached hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated by reference herein. As part of the Development Program, the City expects to acquire the property described in Exhibit B hereto (which is the same area as the Development District and the Tax Increment Financing District) and re -sell it to Tri -Land for a nominal amount subject to a requirement that Tri -Land construct a 1,200 person -capacity ice arena (the "Ice Arena"). The City believes this will induce substantial anticipated private developments (the "Private Developments") within Development District No. 3, including the construction of a retail mall (including a grocery store), medical office facilities, a bank and related commercial and retail development. It is estimated that these improvements will be completed in the years and have approximate square footage and expected market values as follows: Table 1: Eagan Development District: Anticipated Tri -Land Development Building Expected Completion Square Market T1a+-c TTec Fa=t V;41 lip Ice Arena Fall, 1990 Recreation 33,000 $1,800,000 Area A Fall, 1990 Retail Mall 95,000 7,300,000 with Grocery Store Area B Fall, 1990 Bank/Medical 28,000 2,000,000 Building Area C Fall, 1990 Commercial 10,000 600,000 Outlot The location of the site of the Private Developments and the locations of all the proposed buildings and uses for the Tri -Land site are shown on Exhibit D attached hereto. The location of the Development District are shown on Exhibit B attached hereto. The location of the Private Developments, the boundaries of Development District No. 3 and the boundaries of the Tax Increment Financing District are the same. No contracts have been entered into by the City for the construction of any of the private improvements. However, prior to the issuance of any bonds or the expenditure of tax increments derived from the Tax Increment Financing District for the improvements contemplated by the Development Program, the City expects to enter into a development agreement with Tri -Land under which Tri -Land will agree, subject to the terms of the agreement, to construct the Ice Arena and at least a portion of the remaining Private Developments identified in Table 1 within the time schedule identified above, or other private improvements within the Tax Increment Financing District that justify and support the expenditure of tax increment revenues. TAX INCREMENT FINANCING Description of Property in Tax Increment Financing District The Tax Increment Financing District consists of the property described in Exhibit B. Because the property to be included in the Tax Increment Financing District involves a split of an existing tax parcel, it is anticipated that Dakota County will defer identification of the parcels to be included within the Tax Increment Financing District until the filing of the revised plat for this site. The City may prepare an addendum to this Plan to effect proper identification of the parcel described in Exhibit B. Basis for Findings The City has established the following facts as the basis for the findings required to be made pursuant to the Act and the estimates and projections set forth herein: 1. The Tax Increment Financing District is an "economic development district" within the meaning of the Act in that it consists of a project under the Act which (a) will result in substantial increased employment in the City, estimated at approximately 240 new full-time equivalent employees by 1992, and (b) will enhance the tax base of the City by providing an estimated additional 166,000 square feet of development by 1992 which the City expects will have a market value of $11,700,000 and a tax capacity of $572,202. 2. The proposed private developments expected to be constructed by Tri -Land would not reasonably be expected to occur solely through private investment within the reasonably foreseeable future and therefore the use of tax increment financing is deemed necessary. The property in the Development District has not been developed as expected due in part to limited attractions in the area. The construction of the Ice Arena is necessary to aid in generating a customer base sufficient to support the additional proposed Private Developments in the Development District. As a result of the subsidy contemplated by this Plan, the Development District will be developed to a higher density than would otherwise be expected. Tri -Land could not, in the absence of a land write-down subsidy to all of the property in the Development District finance the costs of construction of the Ice Arena in addition to the other Private Developments in an economically viable manner. 3. This Tax Increment Financing Plan conforms to the general plan for the development or redevelopment of the City as a whole. The City's August, 1988, Comprehensive Plan identifies as goals the development of commercial and industrial complexes and the provision of services needed to support commercial and industrial development. The Development Program and this Plan have been reviewed by the Planning Commission of the City and found to be in conformance with the Comprehensive Plan of the City. Development District No. 3 is zoned for the uses contemplated by the private development contemplated by the Development Program. 4. The opportunity and feasibility for development of Development District No. 3 by private parties is maximized through the use of tax increment financing. Given the unavailability of funding from other governmental sources and the necessity of the contemplated land write-down as an inducement to the Private Developments, the use of tax increment financing will maximize the development opportunities within Development District No. 3. 5. The City will not make an election pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.177, Subd. 3, clause (b). Accordingly, the original tax capacity and current tax capacity will be determined before the application of the fiscal disparities provisions of Chapter 473F, Minnesota Statutes. District Certification and Dur n of Tax Ingrement Financing District The City expects to request a certification of this Tax Increment Financing District prior to April 1, 1990, after the filing of revised plats. Accordingly, original tax capacity is expected to be $7,259 based on its value as of January 2, 1989, which is estimated to be $499,700. As an economic development district, the maximum life of the Tax Increment Financing District is the lesser of (a) 10 years from the anticipated March 20, 1990, approval by the City Council or (b) 8 years from the date of receipt of the first increment, which is expected in February, 1992. Prior Planned Improvements No building permits have been issued by the City for any properties in the Tax increment Financing District in the eighteen month time period preceding the expected March 20, 1990 approval of this Tax Increment Financing Plan. -4- 61 Original Tax Capacity According to preliminary information received from the office of the County Assessor and certain assumptions by the City staff, the most recent tax capacity of the taxable real property within Tax Increment Financing District is expected to be approximately $7,259, based on certain assumptions relating to the calculation of the tax capacity of the particular parcels. On this basis the City estimates that the Original Tax Capacity of the Tax Increment Financing District will be $7,259, although it is possible that the County Auditor may at the time of certification of the District arrive at a different determination of Original Tax Capacity. The County Auditor will add to the Original Tax Capacity in each year an amount equal to the Original Tax Capacity for the preceding year multiplied by the average percentage increase in the tax capacity of all property included in the District during the five years prior to certification. This increase is estimated to be 8.52%, based on an estimated January 2, 1984 market valuation. of $350,400. The increase of market valuation from an estimated $350,400 in 1984 to an estimated $499,700 in 1989 is 42.61% or 8.52% per year. Original Tax Capacity Rate The Original Tax Capacity Rate applicable to the Tax Increment Financing District is expected to be approximately 94%. Estimated Captured Net Tax Capacity and Tax Increment Current financial projections for the Tax Increment Financing District, based on assumptions that include completion of the Private Developments in accordance with the schedule set forth in Table 1 above, an Original Tax Capacity Rate of 93.9978% and estimated Original Tax Capacities and Current Tax Capacities as set forth in Exhibit C attached hereto, which assume an annual 3.00% increase in market values of the improvements and an annual increase in the Original Tax Capacity of 8.52%, suggest that the total tax increment to be generated by the District will be $4,572,949, assuming termination of the District after 1999. These tax increments are expected to be received in the years and amounts as set forth in Exhibit C. Bonded Indebtednes-a It is presently anticipated that the net land write-down cost for the real property to be acquired by City in connection with the Development Program will be $1,890,000 and $2,250,000. To evidence its repayment obligation, the City may issue a tax -increment revenue the between note (the "Note") pursuant to the Act, payable solely from tax increment revenues, to Tri -Land in an aggregate principal amount of up to $2,250,000. Estimated Sources and Uses of Funds The proceeds of the Note of up to $2,250,000 will be used to pay the costs of land acquisition and permissable administrative expenses. The costs of the project, including administrative expenses, are estimated to be $2,250,000. All of the tax increment received from the Tax Increment Financing District (presently estimated to be $4,572,949) will be used to pay the principal of and interest on the Note and any administrative expenses permitted by the Act. Uses Qf Tgx jI1zremQntB As permitted by the Act, the City will use the tax increments generated from the Captured Tax Capacity of the District primarily to pay the principal and interest on the Note or to reimburse Tri -Land for costs paid or incurred under the Program. A portion of the tax increment may also be used to pay administrative expenses incurred by the City, subject to the limitations imposed by the Act. Pursuant to the Act, the City elects to retain 100% of all increments collected. However, the City retains the option, at any time during the life of the District, to retain some portion less than 100% of the annual tax increment, and pass on the remaining portion to other taxing jurisdictions in accordance with the Act. The City also retains the option to modify this Plan in accordance with the Act to include further expenditures of tax increments for additional public purposes. Additional.Financings The City presently anticipates no other additional public financing for the District, except as described above. Eliaible Uses The City has analyzed the proposed Tri -Land development for the purpose of determining compliance with Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.176, Subd. 4c. The development by Tri -Land and any other private parties in the District does not consist of buildings and facilities which will be used more than 25% (measured by square footage) for the purposes listed in section 144(a)(8) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986. Impact on Other Taxing Jurisdigtions Except the consequences of the method chosen by the City with respect to the fiscal disparities contribution required by Chapter 473F, Minnesota Statutes, the creation of Tax Increment Financing District will have no impact on other taxing jurisdictions, including Dakota County, ISD No. 196 and SISD No.'917, if it is assumed as contemplated by this Plan that development of that parcel would not occur in the absence of tax increment financing. After termination of the District, all taxing jurisdictions will have the benefit of the increase in tax capacity from the private developments, subject, as in the case of other commercial -industrial property, to the fiscal disparities contribution. If it is assumed that all of the private developments in the Tax Increment Financing District would occur without the tax increment assistance contemplated by the Plan, the City and other taxing jurisdictions would be adversely affected to the extent that the Captured Value is retained by the City for the estimated duration of the District. Set forth in Exhibit D is a statement of the estimated annual fiscal and economic impact of the Tax Increment Financing District on each taxing jurisdiction. The fiscal disparities contribution from other property in the City outside the Tax Increment Financing District will have a negative impact on tax rates in the City whether or not the development would have occurred without tax increment financing. However, that impact will be negligible. 3724f I " (0� EXHIBIT A DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM EAGAN DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT NO. 3 A. STATEMENT OF INTENT It is the intent of the City of Eagan to organize a development district and undertake a development program within the meaning of Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.124 to 469.134 (the "Development District Act"), and to designate the project area as Development District No. 3 (the "Development District") for purposes of carrying out the land acquisition hereinafter described and establish a portion of the project area as a tax increment financing district pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.174 to 469.179 (the "Tax Increment Act"), in the financing of such land acquisition. The boundaries of Development District No. 3 are as set forth in Exhibit B to the Tax Increment Financing Plan. In particular, there has been presented to the City a plan for a land write-down equal to the costs of constructing the Ice Arena described in the Tax Increment Financing Plan in order to induce and permit the construction of the Ice Arena, a retail mall and related retail, commercial, office and residential development, all for the purposes of providing impetus for commercial development, providing employment opportunities, and enhancing the tax base of the City. B. STATEMENT OF NEED There is a need for new development in the City to provide employment opportunities, to increase the tax base and to improve the general economy of the state and the City. This need can be accomplished through the attraction of commercial development. In the case of the District, significant development can be attracted by the Program described herein. The action herein proposed to be taken by the City is found to have a public purpose in accordance with the Development District Act and is necessary to meet those needs. The primary commercial development which the City believes will be attracted as a result of the creation of the Development District and implementation of the Program is the construction of a major private -sector development (the "Private Developments") consisting of approximately 166,000 square feet, consisting of the Ice Arena, a retail mall (including a grocery store), medical office facilities, a bank and related commercial and retail development. 10 C. AUTHORITY TO ESTABLISH A TAX INCRE14ENT DISTRICT AND TO IMPLEMENT A_DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM The City has power to establish a tax increment financing district under the Tax Increment Act and to undertake development programs as defined in the Development District Act. The City has authority under the Development District Act to acquire, construct, reconstruct, improve, alter, extend, operate, maintain or promote developments aimed at improving the physical facilities, quality of life and quality of transportation. D. DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM OBJECTIVES The objectives sought to be accomplished by the City in establishing its Development District No. 3 and in carrying out the Development Program for the Development District are as follows: 1. To promote and secure development and expansion of new business. 2. To provide employment opportunities through the creation of new jobs. 3. To expand the tax base of the City. 4. To improve recreational opportunities and quality of life within the City. E. DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT ACTIVITIES The objectives of this Development District will be accomplished through the acquisition of the property described in Exhibit B to the Tax Increment Financing Plan. The property will be re -sold to Tri -Land for a nominal amount subject to a requirement to Tri -Land construct an ice arena with one standard size sheet of ice with seating for 1,200 spectators. This action is expected to induce construction of the other Private Developments. F. LAND USE All development on lands in Development District No. 3 will be for the uses described above and for uses permitted by law. The Development Program does not involve any restrictions on the use of private property. G. LAND ACQUISITIQN In connection with the Development Program, the City expects to acquire the property described in Exhibit B to the Tax Increment Financing Plan. �i H. ADMINISTRATION The City Administrator shall be responsible for the administration of Development District No. 3 on behalf of the City of Eagan. I. ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROLS Construction of the Private Developments will be subject to all environmental permits and controls required by law. No additional environmental controls are contemplated as part of the Development Program. J. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION. It is expected that the Ice Arena will be owned and managed by the developer or a nonprofit corporation with a board consisting of representatives of entities with an interest in the Ice Arena. It is expected that the remainder of the Private Developments will be owned and operated by a general partnership known as the Lexington Diffley Building Partnership. K. COORDINATION WITH OTHER GOVERNMENTAL UNITS Construction and operation of the Private Developments will require coordination with other affected governmental units, including ISD 196 and SISD 917. 3725f ?i r. EXHIBIT B The property included in Development District No. 3 and the Tax Increment Financing District and the land to be acquired by City in conneciton with land write-down, is that portion of a parcel having PID No. 10-450-070-040-00 which is described on the map on the following page. 3726f '73 PROPCSED BOUNDARIES OF THE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT TIF DISTRICT AND DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT NO. 3 11 -- _—__— ELF-MENTART 6 WWH W400L y � � j ' I FRDVSW rwi NORTHVIEW MEADOWS „ l . A,2' ` is r![s iso ga -----� rwoAIP e% RD AMTIQ. r s uTN l+mlrlON r`� J•� I1 a �j � wmr,ay Wu4uV. MCI. �. i ~'S ci m a s f ^ M • n .. ••• '� iw[aa.n •ra......... � a: wnu aa. �. ! 1 4200 a IFF Er r --I RD p ".'.'r �.�. E,.'"/•\\)' �• •n rare• � at •"l raft• �v4 •••, •• aM ... wad+ �• � _,!, "` i • •'. ;'t �r�aa. �� ; •. / ,• ,r � {• • 1 • +[U� -. F .a • '^"ova wllti.lY .• w V. � • �' i eyp!~ r •.aa ..:�•" i � •a..[+.s[ .e .•'� ar•aMa.lOr� aw.1 /rrR Y � !! 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L I 10 q d C r 7 C d ^ O 0.0 R M mR « 7 L a R m t C D C G•� R aO N E d a d LT 10 L. 2 L N q O In V. ♦ R L• d .+ v L G N le0c a' L « -r- t C C a o x C R x Q �+ I c u u) w N A in c c «t U « « Z s + L L r N N N 0 ^ L O � Y i M ¢EC, aC X y 6 W N oaz c .r ,e; d .r M « UN x 0 N O C .rRi S N Y C N C �• .G ^ NL O UC U N.0a =^ N ++ L d 7 q 4 ♦•r q !r yU 0 OL G d O « a Q1 R G O G m ^ 7•! E ,acaE`yE am H L C q OO U C U U x N _C q N S C C « aD O 0«`!d c� s o Q.', q L L •� Tj O U L LCL q a y EXHIBIT C 3 21 EXHIBIT D a c m m= b iD V O lD 1n < t0 _O a+ Y X ... t0 M CC M A VA +-. Q R� U a O 01 K ^� r O m N 10 N VR M N ✓� Z L 13 M h M Y L o � c== U 7 U A O o 0 0 a Y C S 0+ G m V c0 Q 10 O 10 Q ao x u L7 h N N N N E X A m a 01m co a �- m a t q X Y 3 A \ — co �+ m •^ X >� a s+ .•. CKD 114 O ex+D Y qNy X w T N O q L G 1� R Rp O 10 M cc V1 O q m Y s N r E O O O O 7 O 7 c O u "- v A o c qu u•. 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N O 01 N a q w 0 C A — L OI G cn q O Os 10 \ a « L Y •� Q Y q F > a L) h O m i V .Oi >> L O 1P V9 0 P A Y � 1Dr {I 'J^ G M N N d O 0 U M —^ C L H q a A Z a L .. « V s O Y C r N L) t0 c C M +•' Q' Y O r q Extract of Minutes of Meeting of the City Council of the City of Eagan Dakota County, Minnesota Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Eagan, Minnesota, was duly held at the City Hall in said City on Tuesday, the 20th day of March, 1990, at o'clock, P.M. The following Councilmembers were present: and the following were absent: Councilmember introduced the following written resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION APPROVING DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM AND TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PLAN FOR DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT NO. 3 WHEREAS, there has been presented to the City Council a Development Program and a Tax Increment Financing Plan for Development District No. 3 of the City of Eagan; WHEREAS, the City has completed the necessary proce- dural steps for the creation of a development district and tax increment financing district, including a public hearing held thereon after at least 10 days published notice in a newspaper of general circulation in the City, review by the Planning Commission and notification of affected taxing jurisdictions. WHEREAS, the Tax Increment Financing Plan and the Development Program will further the objectives described therein; WHEREAS, the project contemplated by the Development Program is a "development program," within the meaning of Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.125, Subdivision 3, and the tax W7 I 6- a increment financing district to be created under the tax increment financing plan is to be an "economic development district," within the meaning of Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.174, Subdivision 12; WHEREAS, the City is authorized to create a tax increment financing district pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Sections"469.174 to 469.179, as amended, and a development district pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.124 tc 469.134, for the purpose of financing and constructing the project described in the Development Program. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAGAN, MINNESOTA, AS FOLLOWS: 1. It is hereby found, determined and declared that: (a) the proposed tax increment financing district is an economic development district; (b) the proposed development or redevelopment would not reasonably be expected to occur solely through private investment within the reasonably foreseeable future and therefore the use of tax increment financing is deemed necessary; (c) the Tax Increment Financing Plan conforms to the general plan for the development or redevelopment of the municipality as a whole; and (d) the Tax Increment Financing Plan will afford maximum opportunity, consistent with the sound needs of the municipality as a whole, for the development or redevelopment of the project by private enterprise. The reasons and supporting facts for each of the above determinations are as set forth in the Development Program and the Tax Increment Financing Plan. 2. The Development Program and the Tax Increment s Financing Plan are hereby approved and there shall be created a development district and a tax increment financing district as provided therein and the City shall undertake the project described in the Development Program through the use of tax increment financing. 3. The City shall request certification of the original assessed valuation of the tax increment district as described in the tax increment financing plan by the Dakota County Auditor. 4. If appropriate, the City shall undertake any public improvements described in the Development Program atutes, Sections 469.124 to 469.134. the adoption of the foregoing nded by Councilmember n thereon the following voted in favor against the same: ,n was declared duly passed and adopted. '79 STATE OF MINNESOTA } COUNTY OF DAKOTA } SS. CITY OF EAGAN ) I, the undersigned, being the duly qualified and acting City Clerk of the City of Eagan, Minnesota, hereby certify that I have carefully compared the attached and foregoing extract of minutes of a regular meeting of the City Council of said City held March 20, 1990 with the original thereof on file and of record in my office, and the same is a full, true and complete transcript therefrom. Witness My hand officially and the seal of the City this day of 3544e 11 1990. City Clerk City of Eagan, Minnesota FACT SHEET TRI -LAND PARTNERSHIP OF EAGAN APPLICATION FOR TAX INCREMENT ASSISTANCE Background Tri -Land Partnership of Eagan is requesting tax increment financing assistance for a development project located at the intersection of Lexington Avenue and Diffley Road that would include: * Retail Shopping Center * Medical Office Building * Commercial Outlot for Free -Standing Businesses Certain specific uses such as a gas station and movie theater are proposed for the project but are not eligible for tax increment financing. Also proposed to be included, and a major reason that tax increment financing assistance is being requested, is a 1200 seat ice arena. Ouestion Before the Council The issue before the City Council is not whether an ice arena should or should not be constructed but whether tax increment financing assistance should be used as a financial tool for this project. In previous meetings the Council has expressed support for the concept of private development of an ice arena but the complexity of tax increment financing and its potential application to this project require careful consideration by the Council. TIF (Definition) Tax increment financing (TIF) is a process by which new tax revenues generated by a new development pay for certain development costs. The difference between the taxes before development and the increased taxes after development is referred to as the "tax increment." A "pay as you go" plan or a sale of bonds may be used to finance the project. In this case, the pay as you go system would be used with a financial institution providing the funding for the project. Tax increment financing has a number of restrictions and regulations as to its use defined by the legislature. Specifically, the TIF statute requires that the City make a finding that the development would not occur "but for" the use of tax increment financing. The term "development" means the private development and the commercial area, not just the ice arena. Chronology The recent chronology for considering the TIF application began when the application was filed with the City on November 9, 1989. 3 The City Council directed the application to be reviewed by its Economic Development Commission and the Finance Committee of the City Council. The Economic Development Commission (EDC) was asked to make findings and report to the City Council as to whether TIF should be further considered as a financial tool for the project. The project was originally proposed as private, however, due to the scope and structure of the application, modifications were made by the applicant to that of public ownership. The EDC met on November 28 and again on December 19 to complete their findings and a recommendation was then presented to the City Council at the January 4, 1990 regular meeting. The EDC was split on its recommendation since three members recommended that tax increment financing be further considered if public policy issues were adequately addressed and the other three members recommended that TIF not be considered for this type of project due to its retail nature. The City Council at the January 4 meeting recommended that the City's consultants draft a tax increment financing plan, economic development district plan and address any and all public policy questions for review and consideration at the January 16 meeting. At the January 16 meeting of the City Council the TIF plan, economic development district plan and public policy questions were presented and addressed by the City Council. There was also a direction given to the applicant to remove the housing from the TIF and restructure the project to a private ownership by reducing the project costs. On February 6, the City Council reviewed the public policy issues and received extensive testimony regarding the TIF application. At that time, the Council determined that there was sufficient reason to consider the TIF application to schedule a public hearing on the matter on March 20. In the interim, the developer and the City staff were directed to negotiate a development agreement for the project. A development agreement is a standard document which identifies each party's responsibilities and limits liabilities and exposure of the parties in the event of any failure to perform. Such development agreements are in place for the City's other tax increment districts for improvements around Northwest Airlines and Unisys. The developer and representatives of the City have met several times since the February 6 Council action to negotiate the development agreement. That agreement and issues relating to it will also be considered by the City Council on March 20. Public Policy Issues The public policy questions that were raised at the January 16 meeting concerned a variety of issues including ownership of the ice arena and future risk to the City's general fund if operations or debt payments are not properly secured. Questions were also raised in light of the vote by residents to not use public funds to construct a community center that included an ice arena in the referendum that did not pass in February of 1989. The Council also asked whether the school district would obligate itself in some type of joint venture regarding future financial risk. Summary or Council action At the February 20 City Council meeting a determination will be made to approve or deny the use of tax increment financing to support this project. In making this decision, the Council will be considering both the policy issues as to the appropriateness of tax increment for the project proposed, whether or not the project would occur "but for" tax increment and the practical issues as to whether the City's exposure to risk is adequately addressed in the proposal and the development agreement. MEMO TO: CITY ADMINISTRATOR HEDGES FROM: FINANCE DIRECTOR/CITY CLSRE VANOVERBEKE DATE: MARCH 9, 1990 SUBJECT: ICE ARENA PROFORMA - TRI -LAND Please find attached a copy of the Tri -Land ice arena proforma dated February 6, 1990, which was delivered to the City on February 27, 1990, along with supporting documentation. On Tuesday, March 6, Ken Vraa and I along with Gary Petig, Manager of Apple Valley Ice Arena; Craig Panning, St. Louis Park Recreation Center; and Tom Seesz, Burnsville Ice Arena Manager met with Brad Swenson and Janet Abele of Tri -Land to review this material. It was felt that with 40-45 years of ice arena management experience among them these three gentlemen would be well qualified to assist the City in providing a fair and objective review. All revenue and expense projections were reviewed on a line item by line item basis and general consensus was reached that some revisions would be necessary. For example Tri -Land has more hours rented at $85 per hour than are available, consequently, they will be changing the hourly rate from $85 to $100 to maintain the same total. Other revenues and expenses will be adjusted as a result of the discussion. A revised proforma has been requested but not yet received. I think it is fair to say that a difference of opinion still remains as to whether or not the proforma can be met especially in a first year or start-up situation. Tri -Land generally feels that revenue estimates are conservative and expenditure estimates may be too high. The three independent reviewers feel that the opposite is probably the case with revenues being very aggressive and expenditures being too conservative. Again, the concern on the revenue side is exacerbated by a start-up situation. It appears that the reviewers would feel more comfortable with a pro -forma that was closer to the actuals of Richfield and New Hope which are noted on the third attached page. The replacement reserve was reviewed positively and appears to be adequate while the facility is new. Concern was expressed about how important it is to properly maintain a facility of this nature. While the miscellaneous/contingency account appears to be quite large, that was favorably reviewed and is expected to be necessary. It should be noted that tax payments are not included on this proforma and will impact the bottom line depending on how and when they are paid. Also, while it was not the charge of this review there seemed to be concern that the type of facility being discussed could not be built with construction costs of $1,600,000 and soft costs of $341,000 for a total cost of $1,941,000. It was also noted that required equipment is not included in these numbers. 0 TOM MARC.. - , PAGE TWO I believe this provides the preliminary review of projected operating results as requested. We will -review the revised proforma and provide whatever additional information you would like. �nd Fin V a Director/City Clerk cc: Ken Vraa au rr� rr, ■ •, T inn nu r T Ey6A4 -„_ A�fN, - Pn1YnTE :�'fE�S^tr PRELIMINARY, ,.i!ATE EE':M-'En REVEliE 6 EXPENSES FEBRUARY 6. 1990 C -SE :CE SHEET - SES':vS 1206 REVE NIUE YEAR YEAR. 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SOFT COSTS ------------------------------ "n�:.:te:t "61 :1 ?Idg SO,CO b Title/F-r.cr' Fees Zt�,G00 ris.ellaneous 51C10�� Total Soft Costs 341,000 INCOME ANALV'SIS ------------ ---------------- Total Incase 340,000 Total Expenses 3131400 N.M. ------------ 26,600 L-VARAT YE -Tr:-_!SENT rF r -EVEN IES ANr EXPENSES ICE A=;E';nS N ';E TWIN CITIES rlREA P.- Iiw ^crn ES-- ----------------------- -+..- ------------------------- ..E:. a.'.r iE35'-E3: 'tach Co.t of ...:ds SoIJ . Ether Ex e -see TOTAL EXFENK3 XCH EF. ;E iE"F''rrTAT:MN nere.i3ti�n Carta: :>u,t1ar jr:NET AXrwl."E K4ENA. M:'h :VE S .:? 3F I:E ------------------------------------------------------ 1938 A l,u�a L=3& n-��` 1?3Arr AL ir88 Ar n i . "T ,;,„Ul -------------------------------------------- AFPLE ',ALLEY I3.YN PARK'=IChF;ELD NEW tCPE :,CIO SZA1S 1,00 SE4TE 1,;':t SEATS 1,500 SEATS ;FEN 6 403 PEN :2 MIS. CP: -N 11 116S. t7FEN ii .40S. 138,:.9 6,:81 1o,`,J4 97,647 620 1)9,;?45 :25,843 25,984 209,558 1,237 45.136 31,x97 9,:68 1'3,807 9,6.4 47B,i`.4 . ea, ROA iv :8').805 203 5?3 ., 23,•58 416,446 31,708 125,974 1E3,249 7,565 15,918 14.922 5,n � 'Cy 6,50 14 51,4.3 i 17,'64 tg�:-5 149,:'6 26,440 1,272 1,256 6,237 9,916 262,839 114,965) 9,819 ;24,8441 149.'.6? Ml +^� '...4•- 37,704 11,146 16,735 1,:3b E�4 ..;9,:161 71,155 } 7 f } 12,49_ 1,769 15,197 120, 0+77 12, 5.•58 00 11,364 7,330 251,843 71,4:4 194,216) ICE "CNAS WITH 'W! cw:;-S CF :CE ---------------------------------------- 1'99 BL"EET 1'39 BJ:HT JA4-,-9 .9S8 PL 7-NSVILLE SPAEMER C071ASE e:.IV£ 900 SEATS 1,000 SEATS 1.11P SEATS 3PEN 11.5 "C5.3FEN :2 M3^-. CFEN 10.5 "ES. 1:5,x0' J 32,.4;i 2,347 34,443 5,358 1,1'30 7,715 745 X78 J,. r 6,969 7,115 497,639 26,189 376,"00 :9,'700 -0,000 :7,40') 17,3':0 5,Oti0 1'e rl n 4 A A 0 , 1,500 17 „0 ^5 ^.50 4..n 0 9,0':0 2,200 414,960 79,8'.:1 14,31): 4,310 1,`61 :3."5: 520 1130,361 56,014 1.270 MAR t s Asa J MEMORANDUM To: Tom Hedges Date: March 15, 1990 From: Kristin Karls cc: Dave MacGillivray Gene VanOverbeke Re: Pending Legislative Developments/Tax Increment Financing As you requested, here is a summary of certain provisions contained in pending tax increment finance legislation which may be particularly relevant to the City Council in connection with its upcoming discussion regarding the Tri -Land project. A. Ho -use Bill. The House Property Tax Division has adopted a tax increment financing bill, H.F. 2209, which has been referred to the full Tax Committee. Thus, if these provisions are adopted at all, their ultimate formulation will be largely determined in conference committee sessions. The most material provision of the House Bill, with respect to the Tri -Land project, is Section 16, which would limit the use of economic development districts for which the request for certification is filed after May 1, 1990 to manufacturing and warehousing projects and to tourism projects outside of the metropolitan area. Thus, if the request for certification of the development district proposed by Tri -Land is not filed prior to such date, the proposed legislation would prevent the use of such district for the commercial purposes which are currently being proposed. In addition, Section 11 of the House Bill provides that the creation of new TIF districts (other than housing districts) is subject to a reverse referendum upon petition (to be filed within 60 days of the municipality's approval of the TIF plan) of the greater of (1) 5% of the voters who voted in the last general election or (2) the lesser of (A) 200 voters or (B) 50% of the registered voters in the municipality. If the voters reject the TIF district, the city may not include the area in another TIF district for a two year period after the vote. The proposed legislation includes an exception from this requirement with respect to cities which have a citizen review board with approval authority. Additional provisions of the House Bill which may be of interest to the Council are set forth below. Except as noted otherwise, the provisions are effective for districts for which certification is requested after May 1, 1990. Section 1. This provision provides for a reduction in local government aid ("LGA") and homestead and agricultural credit aid ("HACA") payments to cities to offset a portion of the increased school aid payments resulting from TIF. The amount of these aid reductions are computed as follows: (1) Qualifying captured tax capacity is computed for each school district. This amount is the sum of the captured tax capacity for economic development and soils condition districts for which certification is requested after April 30, 1990. (2) The commissioner of education will compute the hypothetical amount of school aids that would be paid to each school district if the qualifying TIF captured value were in the school's tax base under the formula. The difference between this amount and the actual aid paid will then be allocated to the cities that authorized the TIF districts. (The actual school aid paid to the school districts does not change.) (3) The resulting amounts will be deducted from the cities' LGA and HACA payments. Section 15. This section provides, among other things, that for economic development districts for which certification was requested after April 30, 1990, the total amount of revenue derived from tax increments that may be expended for administrative expenses is limited to 10% of the increments collected in the three years following the date the first increment was received. Section 18. This section imposes volume limitations on the use of tax increment financing by cities. If the total amount of captured tax capacity in the city exceeds its limit, new districts or amendments to TIF plans are not permitted unless they are also approved by the school district and county. The initial limit for a city is 10 percent of the average per capita tax capacity for all cities multiplied by the city's population. The initial limit is increased to a maximum of 15 percent of the state average per capita tax capacity if the city has below average tax base and is decreased to a minimum of 5 percent of the state average per capita tax capacity if the city has above average tax base. Section 19. In addition to the imposition of certain restrictions on pooling arrangements, this section limits the expenditure of tax increments to activities for which binding legal commitments have been made within five years after approval of the district. In order to qualify, increments can be used to pay either bonds issued within the five year period or to pay binding contracts with a third party (i.e., not an Ro entity under the municipality's control) entered into during the five year period. Any additional increment revenues must be used to pay off these obligations and to de-certify the district. Section 23. This section charges the county auditor and the commissioner of revenue with enforcing the TIF law and also authorizes taxpayer suits, in connection with which costs and attorney fees will be awarded to the prevailing party. If a municipality is found to be in violation of the law by either illegally collecting or spending increments, the municipality must repay 110 percent of the amount illegally collected or expended. These provisions would apply to all TIF districts regardless of when certified. B. Senate Bill. It appears likely that there will be no action on tax increment financing in the Senate this year, while a Bill designated as S.F. No. 1760 has been introduced by Senator Reichgott, it has not been addressed at any hearings and does not appear to have sufficient supporting votes to succeed. Key provisions of this legislation which would affect the proposed Tri-Land project include Section 5, which provides that a city development district may use tax increment financing only for the types of projects that may be undertaken by a housing and development authority. This provision, which would apply to TIF districts for which certification is requested after April 30, 1990, would obviously preclude the development project being proposed by Tri-Land. In addition, Section 2 of the Senate Bill, which would also apply to TIF districts for which certification is requested after April 30, 1990, provides that a joint review board consisting of various representatives of local government and the public shall review a tax increment financing plan if (i) the governing body of the municipality, county or school district within which the TIF district is proposed to be located requests creation of such board no later than 30 days after presentation of information to the county board and school board as required by the statute, (ii) a petition is signed by at least 50 eligible voters in the city no later than 14 days after the public hearing, or (iii) the total captured tax capacity in the municipality exceeds 10 percent of the total capacity of the municipality. For a TIF plan to succeed, it would have to be approved by an affirmative vote of at least one-half of the members of the review board, based on criteria which include whether the development in the TIF district would occur without the use of tax increment financing, whether the economic benefits of the TIF district are sufficient to compensate for the costs of the improvements, and whether the benefits of the proposal outweigh the anticipated loss in tax revenue of the overlying taxing districts. 3884f i February 28, 1990 The enclosed articles explain our stand on the ice arena/retail center question caning before the council on March 20. We are not in favor of aL= tax money going for this project, either directly or indirectly (through TIF) . We will be watching your vote closely on this important matter. I ---A f A4 'fir. & Mrs. David F. Evans 1595 Blac''ma7v, r=ills Road Eagan 55122 VAO CITIZENS AND BUSINESS OWNERS IN THE CITY OF EAGAN DOES THE CITY OF EAGAN NEED MORE RETAIL CENTERS? Q DO YOU WANT THE CITY OF EAGAN'S COUNCIL TO APPROVE THE GIVING OF UP TO $1.890.000.00 TAX DOLLARS TO A DEVELOPER TO SUBSIDIZE A RETAIL COMMUNITY SHOPPING CENTER? DO YOU WANT THE CITY OF EAGAN"S COUNCIL TO APPROVE THE GIVING TO THE SAME DEVELOPER UP TO $360.000.00 TAX DOLLARS FOR SO-CALLED "PERMISSIBLE ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES"? NO DO YOU AS A TAXPAYER IN EAGAN WANT ANY PORTION OF YOUR TAX DOLLARS TO INDIRECTLY SUBSIDIZE THIS DEVELOPMENT LOCATED SOUTH OF DIFFLEY AND EAST OF LEXINGTON (NEAR TH.= EAGAN HIGH SCHOOL)? NO DO YOU KNOW THAT THE PROPOSED COMMUNITY SHOPPING CENTER WILL BE LARGER IN SIZE THAN THE TOWN CENTRE SHOPPING CENTER AND THAT INCREASED TRAFFIC TO/FROM THE PROPOSED CENTER WILL BE ON THE SAME ROADS NEAR YOUR HOMES. THINK ABOUT YOUR YOUNG CHILDREN CROSS- ING A BUSY STREET TO GET TO SCHOOL OR THE PARK. WHAT DO YOU THINK HAPPENS TO THE VALUE OF HOMES THAT ARE LOCATED NEAR A DEVELOPMENT LIKE THIS? CONTACT YOUR CITY OF EAGAN COUNCIL MEMBERS AND TELL THEM Qrs] COUNCIL MEMBERS PAM MCCREA DAVID GUSTAFSON T ii i PAWLEN T r' TED WACHTER MAYOR TOM EGAN PAJD ADVERTMEMENT Pn Yk Prtl b w ..yva ­% Sy 0a Iw. P.O S. 21411. Eqs.. w 55121 8A FEBRUARY 25.1900 THL5WE.EK ���ant�e� �C�at�st d nes9 use of tax increman".1 fi nein By James Walsh Staff `'Writer dcvciopmcn t ccals ar. snstclt; g: a growing amount of po- tci2:;a; revenue from COu12t': catTcrs, say couttty o;lic;ais it the metro area. Tic: hope the Legislature will gyve CnE ^tle� niore �^Qwcr tv hmn suc". The dcvelopni ni st:aiegy Anowl; as tax here :2cnt `irancing is a tool cit- ics LSC' ',0 c .cucragc prn-ate dcvelo;.- Mc;.! :. ' spur cc,anomic grca Th„ se nee of the devcl- ppe cost. the;,, use tale lS:�eJ tcncr- at�. b� the new dcvelopn ret :o re- pay the costs they, incurred in helping Ilio project get off the ground or as inducements for new projects. Withou: tax increment financing, city of cw;s say, many projects wouldn% be built and local econo- mics would stagnate. County offi- cials, however, contend many of the same protects would be built without the financial incentives of;cred by tax increment districts. For the period it takes the cit-,• to recoup its investment, no other tax- ing distr;ct, including the count} and ,I,c school districts, can collect taxes on the rcw, devc1opme2tts, Cities may establish many different types of districts, depending on the lupe of development. Taxes from rc- development projects arc reserved Duals continued on page 9B 4 DealsContinuvil from page 1B for the city for eight years, but other taxing districts may have to wait as lung as 25 years to collect taxa from a new dcyclopmcni. In Hennepin County. Minneapolis is considering extending that period. Such deals increase taxes for other county propcnv owners. Jacqueline Byrd. Ramsey County policy analysis -director, told the board last week. "The county must provide services to these areas without the benefit ON tax base increase." she said. Those added costs, therefore, arc spread among existing taxpayers. Scott County officials say that per- ecntagc is even higher. Hennepin County is next at 7.2 per- ccnt. Anoka, Dakota and Washing- ton counties are at 5.4 percent, 3 percent and 2.1 percent. Any new development that comes to Carver County is built in a tax incrc- mcni district, County Auditor JoAnn Hccklin said. There are 23 tax incre- ment districts in Carver County. in- cluding nearly all ufdowntown Chas- ka. In Ramsey County, about 6.1 percent of the total tax base lies within tax i districts. That compares percent in 1980. Much of ,n St. Paul — about 20 ocks — lies within a tax t district. If the number of increment districts continues to grow as it has. Byrd said. more than 10 percent of Ram- sey County's tax base could be cap- tured by tax increment districts by 1995. Jerry !iceman. finance and personnel director for the Fridley School Dis- trict, said 8 percent of the district's tax base of more than S14 million, is captured by tax increment districts. And many school districts could be hit even harder, he said. "When we passed a special refcrcn- dum, the TIFs used to get that mon- ey, too," he said. In recent years, those districts have returned those additional revenues to the school sys- tem, Seeman said. He said that arrangement means about 5100,000 a year for the schools, but the TIN aren't required to send that money back to the schools. Hennepin County would collect an- other S25 million a year in taxes if the tax increment districts did not exist, said Jerry Paul, a manager in the county's Tax and Public Records Department. In all, Hennepin's tax increment districts collect S98 mil- lion a year that otherwise would go io the county government. school dis- tricts and other agencies. Dakota Count; Adminivrator Lyle Wray saikt a.s county .s losing S1.5 to $2. ntii .on a year ;n .ax revenues. Those cSil-nmas assume ,:hitt dcvc opmcn: woulu have taken p!ace wit! -,- out t c dcvcicpmca: tool. Tort Cam;nbel: chailcngcs that as- sumpaor.. The &hercvicw Ccrvmjni- iy Devcicpmcm director sax: Dc4.x. Corp would nave moved clscw tcre had .t not been Tor the city's crca:.cn of a tax increment Cnancing district LO help with a muitimdhon sonar expansion of its chccK-printing plant. and he said lnc doubts the 1,500 jobs Deluxe plans w, add tr, Yrc -,cx,. i5 years wot,id have conic front some- where omawhere cls-. Bvr4 said one ixay io restric; tax ions is to limit tits amount of tax base that can be captured. Wi=ns.n sets the Sim.t at 5 percent. Staic Sen. Ember Rcichtott, DFL. !yew hope. who chairs the straw Tax Committee's Economic Devet- opmeni Subcommitlec, said she will propose a bill in the next session of the Legislature to curb the rapid in- crease in tax increment districts. Too 4S many cities are abusing the tool, she said, by extending the file of the tax ' increment financing district to pay for uther projects. That practice is not only costly to other property taxpayers, she said. but the state ends up giving more aid to counties and school districts to make up for the lost tax base. "It is costing the state money, no matter how you look at it." Reichgott said her bill, which is now being written, would give the coun- I tics and school districts sonic say in 1 where tax increment districts can be established and what kind of projects can be built. Both the Metropolitan Inter County Association and Association of Min- nesota Counties support the idea of increased county participation in tax increment decisions. Ramscy. County commissioners said they hope to meet will) city officials in February to talk about develop- t ment issues. And Byrd said she docs not want this to turn into a battle between cities and counties. But Campbell said Shoreview, and other cities, would oppose limits on their use of the financing. ' "Tax .ncrc:-tc.: tinancsrg :z tt,. cnly 4001 M'e h;,Nc�Sxaap- mcnt." h. sal , "To pct furthcr shackles on „• too., r.'S::.Cti aur ab;ii:y to i wF G�L;ll q (i Lid-�.� �. i7� . �� �1� /"�'"�- /►!'� Q/ (%=•�/�.�i .L�+�.,,�'(�,.�,t� 1{� �+(//h,4R1/.lA/.7iRJ�{� .IT.�i►�i✓ �1. Ar�#f al C Aj oj-jt4 14DIt11A� 4�q. e G 0 . r *fs i nutc� �cva� . ..c. �. /mac. �,;�. . "v; c'' ld ,�•c I�.,� ' o eved a•�.. iiAN f c S."A N TRI -LAND PARTNERSHIP ICE ARENA PROJECT TAX INCREMENT FINANCING ASSISTANCE Opposed Raymond & Rose Buntjer 1073 Beatrice Street Marie Bydalek 860 Rogers Court Bill & Elaine Olive 4033 Northview Terrace In Favor Carol Hoagland 1253 Spruce Point Don & Cindy Slusarski 2035 Opal Place Cindy Roe 882 Lakewood Hills Kathy Bailey 1655 Mallard Drive Diana McDonough 900 Park Knoll Dr Linda Palmer 2065 Emerald Lane MAR 07 190 16:14 FAEGRE & BENSON MPLS 612 3363844 TO: Tom Hedges DATE: March 7, 1990 Gene VanOverbeke Dave MacGillivray FROM: Kristin Karls RE: City of Eagan/Tri-Land Partnership Development Agreement Meeting F. 2/E Here is a rough summary of revisions proposed by Tri -Land at our meeting on Tuesday. Items 1 through 14 are revisions with which we feel comfortable, subject to approval by the City. Following this list is a discussion of some of the major issues which remain unresolved. 1, Section 1,.04. Tri -Land has proposed that the maximum amount of the Tax Increment Note be raised from $1,890,000 to $2,250,000 (in order to take into account estimated property taxes on the Ice Arena), such figure to be reduced by the amount by which actual construction costs of the Arena are less than $1,890,000. 2. gection 1.06. Tri -Land has requested that the City agree in this section that it will not reduce the size of the TIF District, change its fiscal disparities election, or take similar actions which would have the effect of reducing the tag increment to be received by Tri -Land. 3. Sgntion 3.D2. Instead of the trading of quitclaim deeds as currently provided, Tri -Land has proposed that a per -acre price be determined with a series of land take -downs to occur as the financing falls into place. 4.section 4.01. (a) Tri -Land has requested the freedom to convey the Note without the written consent of the City. We are comfortable with this change provided that a form of investment letter, to be signed by any purchaser of the Note, be attached as an exhibit to the Agreement. (b) With respect to the interest rate payable on the Note, Tri -Land has requested that the alternate interest rate be the rate payable on the permanent financing obtained with respect to the Ice Arena. [Note that Dave M. is further analyzing the appropriateness of the 12 percent cap and that the possibility was also raised that an absolute interest rate on the Note be designated as opposed to the alternate rates currently provided for.) MAR 07 '90 16:15 FAEGRE & BENSON MPLS 612 3363844 P. 3/6 5. fiction 4.02. Tri -Land has requested that this section be revised to provide that Tri -Land will deposit a specified amount of cash with the City which will be drawn upon for initial administrative expenses (any unused amount of such deposit to be returned to Tri -Land), which draws will be subsequently reimbursed out of tax increment. The maximum amount of such initial expenses is still to be determined. Tri -Land has also proposed that once these initial administrative expenses of the City have been paid, any further administrative costs be absorbed by the City and not subject to reimbursement from tax increment. 6. Sectina 5.01. We have agreed to delete this provision (requiring Tri -Land's deposit of $1,890,000 into an escrow account), and to provide elsewhere in the Agreement that Tri -Land will be reimbursed only for the actual costs of constructing the Ice Arena, up to the maximum amount of the Note. 7. Se ___tions 5.03 through 5.06. It was proposed that these sections, generally dealing with plans and specifications, construction contracts, construction progress reports, and completion certificates, be limited to the Ice Arena only, with the only requirements pertaining to the additional Facilities being compliance with normal City zoning requirements and eligibility under the 75/25% test. It was also proposed that a sentence be added to Section 5.03 permitting Tri -Land to revise the plans and specifications for the Ice Arena, in its discretion if the dollar amount of the change order is less than a permitted amount (to be determined), and requiring the consent of the City after submission of the proposed change order if the dollar amount is over such permitted amount. Dave M. is to check with the City regarding what the appropriate amount would be, and Kris Chale is to confirm the arrangement with Tri -Land. S. Section 5.07. Tri -Land has requested removal of the first sentence of this provision, permitting the City to specifically enforce the Agreement, and of the last sentence, permitting the City to recover the Property upon Tri -Land's failure to complete the Facilities by September 1, 1991. In addition, Tri -Land has requested that the City's right to recover damages resulting from a default under the Agreement be eliminated so that the only remedy for failure to perform by Tri -Land would be the loss of tax increment. We would propose that the language of the provision be revised to provide that damages be limited to payment of the out-of-pocket costs of the City, and return to the City of any tax increment previously collected by Tri -Land. (Note statutory concerns with respect to ~recourse" under the Agreement.) MAR 07 190 16:15 FAEGRE & BENSON MPLS 612 3363844 P.4/6 9. Section 6.01(8). It was suggested that this section be revised to make clear that Tri -Land may take action designed towards obtaining tax-exempt status for the Ice Arena. 10. Section 6.02. Tri -Land has proposed that Section (b) of this provision, requiring evidence of compliance with the 75/25% test prior to any transfer of land, be deleted. Tri -Land has also requested that with respect to determining compliance with the 75/25% test in general, an objective third party be designated to resolve any disputes relating to compliance. We are comfortable with this for the most part, except in the case where non-compliance with the 75/25% test is due to Tri -Land's failure to complete the Facilities as proposed. The ramifications of non-compliance due to such non -completion have been identified as an item needing further discussion. 11. Section 6-04. 'Tri -Land has requested that this provision be revised to provide that the Agreement itself may be conveyed to entities related to Tri -Land without the consent of the City, and that the Property may be conveyed to any party without the consent of the City. 12. section 6.07. Tri -Land has requested deletion of the last sentence in this paragraph, providing that Tri -Land shall be liable to the City, to the extent that any contractor is liable to Tri -Land, for a breach by such contractor of its anti -discrimination covenant. we would not object to this deletion since the provision will still require that all contracts contain such an anti -discrimination covenant which will be enforceable by the City against the contractor. 13. Section 6.09. Tri -Land has proposed that this section be revised to provide that the Ice Arena only (and not the Facilities as a whole) be required to be insured, and also to clarify that either Tri -Land or the operating entity may provide such insurance. 14. Aection 6.10. Tri -Land has requested that this section be revised to provide only that the City shall not be responsible for any maintenance or operating costs of the Ice Arena, as opposed to the current provision which requires Tri -Land to maintain and operate the Facilities at its own expense and essentially constitutes a guarantee by Tri -Land of any operating deficits. major un.r.esnlyed issues: (a) Tri -Land has expressed unwillingness to commit itself, at the time of signing of the Agreement, to a construction schedule which would provide for to the /c/ MAR 07 190 16:16 FAEGRE & BENSON MPLS 612 3363844 R.5/6 construction of a minimum amount of estimated market value in improvements by a specific completion date, if the remedy for failure to complete such improvements by such date is to be failure to receive the agreed-upon tax increment. (See Sections 5.02 and 5.07 of Agreement.) In the absence of such a provision, and given the impracticability of requiring all of the proposed commercial improvements (or comparable substitutes) to be constructed prior to the commencement of construction of the Ice Arena, the parties discussed what might serve as an acceptable way to ensure that sufficient commercial facilities will be constructed to generate the required tax increment. To address this concern, Tri -Land has proposed (I think) that in addition to the City's signoff on plans and specifications, the conditions precedent to issuance of a building permit for the Ice Arena would include a financing commitment (accompanied by a construction schedule) for proposed facilities of an estimated market value sufficient to generate the required increment. However, Tri -Land seems to be arguing that even when this second and presumably more certain timetable is submitted to the City, the Agreement should not provide that the remedy for non -completion of the commercial facilities in accordance with such timetable would be failure to receive any tax increment (although Tri -Land seems to agree that failure to receive the increment would be an acceptable remedy for failure to complete the Arena on time). Kris Chale's major point seemed to be that a lender will not approve this loan if there is a risk that Tri -Land may lose its right to all of the tax increment if it is unable to complete 100% of the Facilities within the required construction schedule. She also argued that once the Ice Arena has been built, it can only be to everyone's benefit to have the additions]. Facilities built whenever possible, even if later than originally projected, in order to produce tax increment and thus prevent the Ice Arena from going into default. However, Dave M.'s concern is that at the point of issuing the building permit for the Ice Arena, there must be some basis for authorizing an Ice Arena of a specified quality, based on a projected tax increment stream dependent upon the two factors of estimated market value and estimated completion dates. In addition, Steve Rosholt noted a separate concern regarding compliance with the 75/25% test, although it was acknowledged that for purposes of this test, an outside completion date would suffice which would not satisfy Dave's concerns with respect to substantiation of the projected tax increment stream. (b) Another major discussion arose with respect to Section 6.08 of the Agreement (governing Tri -Land's obligation to rebuild the Facilities in case of damage or destruction). The parties agreed that it would be impractical to require Tri -Land to rebuild the Facilities, or even the Ice Arena alone, given the virtual certainty that any financing agreement will require that this be subject to the discretion of the MAR 07 190 16:17 FAEGRE & BENSON MPLS 612 3363644 P.6/6 lender. However, Dave M, feels strongly that the City should not be required to continue paying tax increment if the Ice Arena is destroyed and not rebuilt. Kris Chale acknowledged this concern but pointed out that the Ice Arena and additional Facilities may be financed as a package with the Lender's security to include both insurance proceeds and the projected tax increment. She argued that under this scenario, if the Arena only burns down, the lender's position will be seriously prejudiced since it will lose its right to all of the tax increment while receiving insurance proceeds with respect only to the Ice Arena, This issue is to be discussed further with the City and the Developer. (c) Is site of Ice Arena to be included in land write-down area? waiting for results of appraisal to resolve. (d) Dave M. would like to require an annual financial audit which would be an operating expense payable by Tri -Land. He is to look into estimates of the costs for this as Tri -Land is concezned about the impact on its operating pro formas. (e) Kris Chale is extremely opposed to two restrictions contained in Section 6.05 as drafted; namely, the restriction on the granting of a security interest in operating revenues and also the prohibition on leasing of icemaking and resurfacing equipment. Dave M. has agreed to consult with the City on these points. 3863f (03 3829f Q 104ic ma,- ate d Draft: February 19, 1990 DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT relating to DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT NO. 3 CITY OF EAGAN, MINNESOTA by and between the CITY OF EAGAN, MINNESOTA and TP.I-LAND PARTNERSHIP OF EAGAN, a Minnesota general partnership foq THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into as of the day of February, 1990, by and between the CITY OF EAGAN, a municipal corporation and political subdivision of the State of Minnesota (hereinafter called the "City"), and TRI -LAND PARTNERSHIP OF EAGAN, a Minnesota general partnership (hereinafter called the "Developer"); WITNESSETH THAT, in the joint and mutual exercise of their powers, and in consideration of the mutual covenants herein contained, the parties hereto recite and agree as follows: Section 1. Recitals. 1.01 Estahlishmert of Project and Plans. The City has established Development District No. 3 in and for the City (the "District"), and approved a Development Program (the "Development Program") and a Tax Increment Financing Plan (the "Financing Plan") for the District, pursuant to which the City has designated a portion of the District as a tax increment financing district (the ''TIF District"); all pursuant to and in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, Sections 459.124 to 469.134 and Sections 469.174 to 469.179 (the "Acts"). 1.02 Implementation. The Developer has asked the City C uncil to authorize and direct City officers and staff to take all actions necessary to implement and carry out the Development Program and the Financing Plan (collectively, the "Plans") . 1.03 Private Development. The Developer proposes to construct on the real property described in the attached Exhibit A (the "Property") the facilities described in Exhibit B (the "Facilities"), including a 33,000 square foot_ ice arena (the "Ice Arena"), a retail mall with grocer store Lthe "Retail Mall"), a bane /�ic�ffic�ilding the "Office Facility") and a commercial outlot (the "Out o in accordance with the Development Program. The Developer represents that the Developer would not undertake the development of the Property and construction of the Facilities without the financing provided by the City pursuant to this Agreement. 1.04 Land Write -Down Assistance. The City has determined that it is necessary, in order to accomplish the purposes specified in and to carry out the Development Program, to acquire the Property forAthe amount of $1,890,000 and to reconvey the Property to the Developer for a nominal amount in order to compensate the Developer for Bart of the costs of constructing the A aciliti,es, such acquisition and reconveyance to be known hereinafter as the "Land Write -Down." (of 1.05 Appraisal. The City has received a preliminary appraisal of the Property showing an appraised value of 1.06 Original Tax Capacity; Tax Increment. The City shall reques County Auditor of Dakota County to certify to it the Tax Capacity of all taxable property in the TIF District as described in the Financing Plan (the "Original Tax Capacity"). The Tax Capacity of all taxable property in the TIF District as thereafter determined for each year the Financing Plan is in effect, less the Original Tax Capacity, shall be known as the Captured Tax Capacity. The ad valorem taxes derived from such property in the years the Financing Plan is in effect, by applying the aggregate tax capacity rate levied by all governmental entities having authority to levy taxes on such property to the Captured Tax Capacity, shall be known as the Tax Increment. Under the Acts, the County Auditor is required to pay to the City so much of the Tax Increment received within the period the Financing Plan is in effect, as is needed to pay debt service on the limited revenue tax increment note issued by the City with respect to the TIF District. The City expects to receive such Tax Increment during the term of this Agreement, and will appropriate and use the Tax Increment for such purposes as hereinafter provided. X1.07 Intention to Contract. The City desires to contract with the Developer to purchase and develop the Property in accordance with the Development Program, as specified in this Agreement; and the Developer desires to contract with the City for this purpose. A1.06 peveloper. For purposes of this Agreement, unless and until otherwise agreed by the City in writing, the term "Developer" includes Tri -Land Partnership of Eagan and any person or entity to whom the Property is conveyed or transferred as hereinafter permitted. Section 2. Representations. Warranties and General Covenants 2.01 Representations and Warranties by the City. The City represents and warrants that it is authorized to enter into and perform its obligations under this Agreement; however, no part of this Agreement shall be construed as a representation of the City as to the condition of the Property or as to its suitability for the Developer's purposes and needs. 2.02 Representations. Warranties a G up—rol Covenants by the Developer. The Developer represents and warrants that: (a) The Developer is a general partnership duly organized and in good standing under the laws of the State to& of Minnesota, is authorized to do business in Minnesota and is in good standing under the laws of Minnesota, is not in violation of any provisions of its partnership agreement or the laws of the State and is authorized to enter into and perform its obligations under this Agreement. A(b) The Developer has received no notice or communication from any local, state or federal official or body that the activities of the Developer respecting the Property or the construction of the Facilities thereon may be or will be in violation of any law or regulation. A`i The execution and delivery of this Agreement, the consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby and the fulfillment of or compliance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement are not prevented or limited by and will not conflict with or result in a breach of any provision or requirement applicable to the Developer or of any provision of any evidence of indebtedness, agreement or instrument of whatever nature to which the Developer is now a party or by which it is bound. (d) The construction of the Facilities world not be undertaken by the Developer, and in the opinion of the Developer would not be economically feasible within the reasonably foreseeable future, without the assistance and benefit to the Developer provided for in this Agreement. Section: 3. Land Write -Down. 3.01 Land Write-downA The City agrees to purchase the Property for a price of $1,850,000, payable by issuance of the Tax Increment Note described in Section 4 below, and to sell it back to the Developer for a price of $1, subject to the terms of this Agreement. Prior to commencement of construction of any Facilities, Developer shall convey the Property to the City by quit claim deed. The City shall thereupon reconvey the Property to the Developer by quit claim deed subject to the terms of this Agreement. 3.02 Title. The state of title to the Property to be conveyed by the City to the Developer shall be the same as the state of title which was conveyed to the City by the Developer. The City shall have no obligation to take any action to cure any title defects or encumbrances existing with respect to the Property. Section 4. Tax Increment Note. 4,01 issuance of Tax Increment Note. Subject to the further provisions of this Section, the City shall issue to the Developer, as the purchase price for the Property, the Tax l01 Increment Note substantially in the form of Exhibit D hereto, in the principal amount of $1,890,000. The Developer covenants and agrees not to sell, transfer or convey the Tax Increment Note without the express written consent of the City; provided that the Developer may, without such consent, pledge or grant a security interest in the Tax Increment Note to a lender (the "Lender") as security for any debt incurred or obligations issued ("Related Debt") to finance the acquisition of the Property or the construction of the Facilities. The Developer acknowledges that the City makes no representations as to the adequacy of tax increments available to pay the Tax Increment Note. The Tax Increment Note shall bear interest on the outstanding principal amount thereof atAa rate equal to the lesser of (i.) 12.00 percent per annum or (ii) the interest rate charged to the Developer by the Lender with respect to any, Related Debt, shall be payable in installments as set forth in Exhibit D, and shall be payable solely from Tax Increments received by the City from the District. The Tax Increment Note shall not be a debt of the City or the State of Minnesota, and neither the City, the State nor any political subdivision shall be liable on the Tax Increment Note, nor shall the Tax Incremment Note be payable out of any funds or properties other than. Tax Increment. 4.02 Tax Increments. The parties agree that all Tax Increme,ts derived from the Property and the Facilities shall be used first, to pay administrative costs of the City incurred in connection with the Development Program which have not been theretofore reimbursed, in an amount^not to excee per X e_ar, and second, to pay interest and principal on the Tax Increment Note when dues Section 5. Developer Undertakings. 5.01 Deposit of Cash into Escrow Account. In order to ensure the availability of funds sufficient to complete the s construction of the Ice Arena, the Developer will place in an escrow account to be held by the Lender, prior to the issuance of the Tax Increment Note, cash in the amount of $1,890,000. Disbursements will be made to the Developer from such escrow account only for the purposes of paying or reimbursing the Developer for costs of construction of the Ice Arena. 5.02 Construction o Waci ities. Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, the Developer agrees to construct (or cause to be constructed) the acilities upon. the Property, substantially in accordance with the construction schedule set forth in Exhibit B hereto and the concept plan attached as Exhibit C hereto;nprovided that with the consent of the City, comparable improvements consistent with the City's general design standards and eligible under the provisions of X04 Section 6.02 hereof may be constructed in substitution for the Retail Mali and the Office Building (such substituted facilities to be included in the definition of "Facilities" unless the context otherwise requires), and provided further that the Developer may in its discretion determine not to undertake the construction of the Outlot or any substituted facility. Except as expressly provided otherwise herein, no provision of this Agreement shall restrict the Developer from the construction of additional improvements on the Property 5.03 Plans and Specifications. Except as otherwise provided in Section 5.02 hereof, the Developer will develop the Property and construct thewFari'itiac in accordance with plans and specifications which conform to the approved concept plan and development stage plan to be approved by the City Planning Commission and City Council, the Development Program, this Agreement, applicable federal, state and local laws, ordinances, rules and regulations, and the terms and conditions of all approvals, licenses and permits required to develop the Property and construct theiFacilities. TheAFArIlitieS shall be of not less than the quality contemplated by the concept plan and development stage plan. 5.04 construction Contracts. The Developer shall enter into one or more contracts with one or more contractors (the "Contractors") providing for the construction of the acilities in accordance with this Agreement, the Plans, the plans and specifications described in Section 5.03, applicable state, federal and local laws, ordinances, rules and regulations, and the terms and conditions of the approvals, licenses and permits described in Section 5.03 hereof. 5.05 Construction progress Repor_t. Subsequent to the comurpencement of construction of the ;►F'aci iti _a. and until construction of theoEacil_i LC has been 100% completed in accordance with this Agreement, the Developer shall, upon written request of the City, make, in such detail as may reasonably be required by the City, and shall forward to the City, a written report as to the actual progress of such construction; provided, however, that such requests by the City shall be no more frequent than monthly. 5.O6 Completion Certificate. Upon substantial completion of the &acil_ities in accordance with Section _ ADjL 5.03, the City shall furnish to the Developer an appropriate completion certificate so certifying. The certification by the City shall be (and it shall be so provided in the certification itself) a conclusive determination of satisfaction and termination of the covenants in this Section 5 with respect to the obligations of the Developer to construct theAEacilities and the dates of completion thereof. The certificate shall be in the form attached hereto as Exhibit E. A5.07 Enforcement: Damaaes. The Developer acknowledges the right of the City, in the event of a willful default on the part of the Developer hereunder, to enforce the terms of this Agreement against the Contractors and the Developer, by action for specific performance or damages, or both, or by any other legally authorized means. The Developer also acknowledges that its failure to perform any or all of its obligations under this Agreement may result in a default with respect to the Tax Increment Note; that in the event of default by any Contractor or the Developer, the City may commence legal action to recover all damages, losses and expenses sustained by the City which result from such default by the Developer; and that such expenses may include but are not limited to the reasonable fees of legal counsel employed with respect to the enforcement of this Agreement. The Developer specifically acknowledges and agrees that in the event (i) the Developer fails to commence and complete the acilities by September, 1991, except to the extent of delays which are Unavoidable Delays described in Section 9.03 hereof, or (ii) the Developer fails to comply with the provisions of Section 6.02 hereof, the Developer shall surrender the Tax Increment Note to the City and thereafter, the City shall be under no obligation to pay Tax Increment to the Developer. In addition, the Developer specifically acknowledges and agrees that in the event the Developer fails to corm-nence and complete theAFacilities by September 1, 1991, then the City, if the default has not been cured by a holder of a permitted encumbrance as allowed by Section 6.06 hereof, shall have the right to re-enter and take possession of the Property and to terminate (and revest in the City) the estate conveyed by the quitclaim deed from the City to the Developer described in Section 3.01 hereof, it being the intent of this provision that such quitclaim deed shall contain a condition subsequent to such effect. A5_nR Resale of Reacquired Prooerty: Disposition of • Proceeds. Upon the revesting in the City of title to and/or possession of the Property as provided in Section 5.08, the City shall, pursuant to its responsibilities under law, use its best efforts to lease or sell the Property as soon and in such manner as the City shall find feasible and consistent with the objectives of such law and of the Development Program to a qualified and responsible party or parties (as determined by the City) who will assume the obligation of making or completing the&acilities or such other improvements in their stead as shall be satisfactory to the City and in accordance with the uses specified for the Property in the Development Program. Upon such resale of the Property, the proceeds thereof shall be applied: to (a) First, to reimburse the City for all costs and expenses incurred by the City, including but not limited to salaries of personnel, in connection with the recapture, management, and resale of the Property (but less any income derived by the City from the Property in connection with such management); all taxes, assessments, and water and sewer charges with respect to the Property (or, in the event the Property is exempt from taxation or assessment or such charge during such period due to ownership thereof by the City an amount, if paid, equal to such taxes, assessments, or charges (as determined by the City assessing official) as would have been payable if the Property were not so owned by the City); any payments made or necessary to be made to discharge any encumbrances or liens existing on the Property or part thereof at the time of revesting of title thereto in the City or to discharge or prevent from attaching or being made any subsequent encumbrances or liens due to obligations, defaults or acts of the Developer, its successors or transferees; any expenditures made or obligations incurred with respect to the making or completion of the Facilities on the Property; and any amounts otherwise owing the City by the Developer and successor or transferee; and (b) Second, to reimburse the Developer, its successor or transferee, up to the amount equal to (1) the sum of the purchase price paid by it for the Property and the cash actually invested by it in constructing any improvements thereon, less (2) any gains or income withdrawn or made by it from the Agreement or the Property. Any balance remaining after such reimbursements shall be retained by the City as its property. 6.01 General Restrictions. The Developer agrees for itself and its successors and assigns and every successor in interest to the Property or any part thereof that the Developer and its successors and assigns shall: (A) not discriminate on the basis of sex, race or religious, political or other affiliations in the use of the Property or the Facilities, or any part thereof; r (B) not cause the Property or the Facilitiesl^�any- part ans part thereof to be removed from the public tax rolls or to become exempt from assessment for general ad valorem real estate taxes by reason of any conveyance, lease or other action. 6.02 Special Covenant on TIF District. The Developer acknowledges that the TIF District is an "economic development district," as defined in Section 469.174, Subdivision 12, of the Act and, as such, is subject to the limitations provided in Section 469.176, Subdivision 4c, of the Act. The Developer covenants that it will, with respect to the Property, observe and comply, and that it will cause and require any of its permitted successors and assigns to observe and comply with the limitations of such Subdivision 4c. In particular, and without limitation, the Developer covenants that at no time throughout the term of the TIF District shall 25% or more of the buildings and other facilities, or portions thereof (determined on a square footage basis), then within the TIF District be used for any one or more of the following purposes: retail food and beverage services, automobile sales or service, the provision of recreation or entertainment, or any private or commercial geld course, country club, massage parlor, tennis club, skating facility (including roller skating, skateboard, and ice skating), racquet sports facility (including any handball or racquetball court), hot tub facility, sun tan facility, or racetrack. By way of illustration of this restriction, the square footage of any restaurant would be aggregated with the square footage of all other facilities which are used for recreation, automobile sales or service, other retail food and beverage services, or any other of the above-described uses, or combination thereof, as a basis for determining compliance. The Developer shall also comply with the following requirements: (a) As a condition to the receipt of any Certificate of Completion, and at any other time upon written request to the Developer by the City, the Developer shall certify in writing to the City the total square footage of the buildings and facilities that are then constructed, under construction, or proposed for any property within the TIF District, together with the total square footage of such buildings and facilities which are used or anticipated to be used for any of the above-described purposes. (b) As a further condition precedent to any assignment, sale, or other disposition by the Developer of any portion of this Agreement or any property within the TIF District, the Developer shall provide to the City the certificate described above, a C-1 description of the intended uses of the subject property, and copies of all documents related to such assignment, sale, or other disposition. If the City determines that there is a reasonable basis for concluding that the Developer has breached its obligations under this Section 6.02 with respect to the limitations of Subdivision 4c by any such transfer, the City may refuse to consent to such transfer until its receives assurance deemed reasonably satisfactory by the City (which may include the inclusion within the applicable documents of transfer specific covenants relating to said limitations) that such obligations will not be breached with respect to the TIF District. f MIOM 6.03 Covenants. It is intended and agreed that the covenants in Sections 5.02, 6.01 and 6.02 shall be covenants running with the land binding to the fullest extent permitted by law and equity for the benefit and in favor of, and enforceable by, the City, its successors and assigns. The covenants in Sections 5.02, 6.01 and 6.02 shall remain in effect so long as the Tax Increment Note is outstanding. 6.04 Restrictions on Conveyance: Financing. The Developer has not made, and will not make or suffer to be made prior to the issuance of the completion certificate described in Section 5.06, any sale, assignment or other ownership transfer in any other fora of this Agreement or the Property or any improvements thereon, or any part thereof or any interest therein, or contract or agree to do any of the same, without the written consent of the Cityn 6.05 Financing of the Property and Facilities. It is understood that the Developer may mortgage the Property and the Facilities and grant a security interest therein or in its interest therein for the purpose of securing the payment ofA.ny Related Debt if theALender acknowledges and agrees to the terms of this Agreement; p'r'ovided that the Developer shall not assign or grant a security interest in any of the revenues of the Facilities, and provided further that all icemaking and resurfacing equipment necessary to the operation of the Ice Arena shall be purchased by the Developer, its successors or assigns and shall not be leased or be subject to any lease -purchase or similar agreement. 6.06 Notice of Default. Whenever the City shall deliver any notice or demand to the Developer with respect to any breach or default by the Developer in its obligations or covenants under this Agreement, it shall at the same time forward a copy of such notice or demand to each holder of any permitted mortgage, lien or other similar encumbrance on the Property or the Facilities at the last address of such holder shown in the real estate records of the County or as otherwise known to the party delivering such notice or demand. Each such holder shall have the right, at its option, to cure or remedy such breach or default and to add the cost thereof to the mortgage debt and the lien of its mortgage or lien; provided, that if the breach or default is with respect to construction of the AFacilities, such holder, either before or after foreclosure or action in lieu thereof, shall undertake or continue the construction and completion of thettacilities in accordance with this Agreement. Any such holder who shall properly complete the�Zac l ties shall be entitled, upon written request made to the City, to a certification or certifications by the City to such effect in the manner provided in Section 5.06. 6.07 No Discrimination. The Developer, for itself and its successors and assigns, agrees that in the construction of the,Lacilities the Developer will not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, color, religion, sex or national origin. The Developer will require that each Contractor acknowledge the provisions of this Section 6.07 and each contract for construction of theAFacil_ities shall ccnta-Ln a covenant by the Contractor that the Contractor shall net discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, color, religion, sex or national origin, and acknowledging that the City may enforce such provision against the Contractor. The Developer shall not be liable to the City (except to the extent, if any, that the Contractor is liable to the Developer) for any breach of such covenant by any Contractor. 6.08 Destruction of Facilities. So long as the Tax Increment Note is outstanding, in the event of destruction of all or a substantial portion of thegacilities, the Developer shall as soon as reasonably possible and in any event on or before the second succeeding December 31 following such destruction, time being of the essence, repair, rebuild or replace theltacilities to at least the condition and value j thereof at the time of the damage or destruction, except as otherwise provided in Section 6.09 hereof. 6.09 Insurance. During theilife of the TIF District, the Developer shall maintain (or cause to be maintained) with a reputable insurance company or companies licensed to do business in Minnesota, insurance covering theAFacilifies in such reasonable amounts as are customarily carried on properties of the same general use and character as the Facilities. The policies may be subject to a reasonable deductible clause. Policies of insurance procured pursuant to this Section shall bWayable to the Developer, and shall provide (4 for release of insurance proceeds to the Developer for restoration of loss, unless any Lender shall require application of such proceeds to the resolution of its debt, in which event the Developer shall have no obligation to provide funds for restoration of the Facilities. The Developer shall furnish to the City, on or before the inception of this Agreement, evidence that the insurance coverage required under this Agreement will be in full force and effect at all times during the period of the Agreement. Such evidence of insurance shall be in the form of a standard Certificate of Insurance, or such other form as the City may, in its sole discretion, determine to accept as evidence of insurance. At the request of the City, the Developer shall, in addition to providing such evidence of insurance, promptly furnish the City with a complete copy of each insurance policy intended to provide overage required hereunder. 86.10 Maintenance and Operating Expenses. The Developer, its successors and assigns agree to maintain the AFacilities at its expense, and to pay all operating costs of the Facilities and any additional improvements constructed on the Property, during the life of the TIF District. IE6.11 Access to Property. The Developer shall permit and does permit the City access to the Property for any purpose deemed necessary by the City for carrying out the provisions of this Agreement. Section 7. Security For Tax Increment Note. 7.01 Tax Increments; Use and Investment. The Developer acknowledges the right of the City to pledge the Tax Increments derived from the Property and the Facilities to the payment of principal of and interest on the Tax Increment Note in accordance with Section 4.02, to deposit the Tax Increments in the funds established for the payment of the Tax Increment Note for this purpose not more often than twice yearly; and to invest or direct the investment of such Tax Increments in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, Section 475.66 and retain the interest earnings on such moneys to pay expenses incurred by the City. 8.01 The Developer releases from and covenants and agrees that the City and the governing body members, officers, agents, including its independent contractors, consultants and legal counsel, servants and employees thereof (hereinafter, for purposes of this Section, collectively the "Indemnified Parties") shall not be liable for and agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Indemnified Parties against any loss or damage to property or any injury to or death of any person <OK occurring at or about or resulting from any defect in the Property or any improvements constructed thereon. 8.02 Except for any willful misrepresentation or any willful or wanton misconduct of the Indemnified Parties, the Developer agrees to protect and defend the Indemnified Parties, now and forever, and further agrees to hold the aforesaid harmless from any claim, demand, suit, action or other proceeding whatsoever by any person or entity whatsoever arising or purportedly arising from this Agreement, or the transactions contemplated hereby or the acquisition, construction, installation, ownership, and operation of the Property or any improvements constructed thereon, specifically including but not limited to the Developer's failure to comply with the provisions of Section 6.02 hereof; provided that this indemnification shall not apply to the warranties made or obligations undertaken by the City in this Agreement. 8.03 All covenants, stipulations, promises, agreements and obligations of the City contained herein shall be deemed to be the covenants, stipulations, promises, agreements and orlications of the City and not of any governing body member, officer, agent, servant or employee of the City. Section 9. General Provisions. 9.01 Conflicts of Interest: Representatives Not Individually Liable. No officer or employee of the City shall have any personal interest, direct or indirect, in this Agreement, nor shall any such officer or employee participate in any decision relating to this Agreement which affects his or her personal interests or the interests of any corporation, partnership or association in which he or she is, directly or indirectly, interested. No officer or employee of the City shall be personally liable to the Developer in the event of any default under or breach of this Agreement by the City or for any amount which may become due to the Developer or for any obligation issued under the terms of this Agreement. 9.02 Rights Cumulative. The rights and remedies of the parties to this Agreement, whether provided by law or by this Agreement, shall be cumulative, and the exercise by any party of any one or more of such remedies shall not preclude the exercise by it, at the same or different times, of any other such remedies for the same default or breach or of any of its remedies for any other default or breach of anv party. No waiver made by any such party with respect to the performance or the manner or time thereof, of any obligation under this Agreement, shall be considered a waiver with respect to the particular obligation of any other party or a condition to its own obligation except those expressly waived in writing and to the extent of such written waiver, nor shall it be considered a tN waiver in any respect in regard to any other rights of the party making the waiver of any obligations of any other party. Delay by a party hereto instituting or prosecuting any cause of action or claim hereunder shall not be deemed a waiver of any rights hereunder. 9.03 Unavoidable Delays. Wherever used in this Agreement, the term "Unavoidable Delay" shall mean a delay resulting from a cause over which the party required to perform does not have control and which cannot or could not have been avoided by the exercise of reasonable care, including but not limited to acts of God, accidents, war, civil unrest, embargoes, strikes, unavailability of raw materials or manufactured goods, litigation and the delays of the other party or its contractors, agents or employees in the performance of their duties under or incident to this Agreement. 9.04 Recording. The Developer shall cause this Agreement- to be recorded in the office of the County Recorder or Registrar of Titles or both, as appropriate, of Dakota County, Minnesota, immediately following the recording of the Deed conveying title to the Property to the Developer. 9.05 Annual Disclosure. The Developer shall cooperate with the City in furnishing information in a timely manner in order to file reports as required by Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.175(5) and (6), provided nothing in this Section shall be construed as obligating the Developer to provide financial information concerning its business except as the same is directly pertinent to the determinations to be made from such reports. 9.06 Estoppel Certificates. Either party shall, upon not less than twenty (20) days' written notice from the other party, execute and deliver to the other party or to any person or entity designated by it a certificate stating that this Agreement is in full force and effect (if such is the case), that this Agreement has not been modified or amended, or, if it has, specifying the modifications or amendments, and that to the best of the knowledge of the certifying party, the other party is not in default hereunder or, if a default is claimed, specifying the default. 9.07 Override Provision. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Agreement actually or apparently to the contrary, nothing herein is intended or shall be interpreted to give or convey to the City any interest in the Property or in the Facilities. Section 10. Administrative Provisions. 10.01 Notices. All notices, certificates or other communications required to be given to the City and the Developer hereunder shall be sufficiently given and shall be deemed given when delivered or deposited in the United States mail in registered form with postage fully prepaid and addressed as follows: If to the City City Administrator City Hall 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, Minnesota 55122 If to the Developer Tri -Land Partnership of Eagan 1875 Plaza Drive, #200 Eagan, MN 55122 Either party, by notice given hereunder, may designate different addresses to which subsequent notices, certificates or other communications will be sent. 10.02 Binding Effect. This Agreement shall inure to the benefit of and shall be binding upon the City and the Developer and their respective permitted successors and assigns. 10.03 IcLeverability. In the event any provision of this Agreement shall be held invalid or unenforceable by any court of competent jurisdiction, such holding shall not invalidate or render unenforceable any other provision hereof. 10.04 Amendments. Changes and Modifications. This Agreement may be amended or any of its terms modified only by written amendment authorized and executed by the parties. 10.05 Further Assurances and Corrective Instruments. The parties agree that they will, from time to time, execute, acknowledge and deliver, or cause to be executed, acknowledged and deliver, such supplements hereto and such further instruments as may reasonably be required for correcting any inadequate or incorrect description of the Property or the Facilities, or for carrying out the expressed intention of this Agreement. 10.06 Execution in Counterparts. This Agreement may be simultaneously executed in several counterparts, each of which shall be an original and all of which shall constitute but one and the same instrument. 10.07 Applicable Law. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Minnesota. 10.08 Captions. The captions or headings in this Agreement are for convenience only and in no way define, limit or describe the scope of intent of any provisions or Sections of this Agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the City has caused this Agreement to be executed in its corporate name by its duly authorized officers and sealed with its corporate seal and the Developer has caused this Agreement to be executed in its corporate name by its duly authorized officers, as of the date first above written. (SEAL) CITY OF EAGAN By Its Mayor And Its City Administrator TRI -LAND PARTNERSHIP OF EAGAN By And I lq Its Partner Its Partner • SPRINQSTED PUBLIC FINANCE ADVISORS 85 EAS, Sevenlh Piece, Suite 100 S.airr► Paul. MN 55101.2143 (612) 223.3000 Fax 612 223 3002 March 16, 1990 Mr. Thomas Hedges, Administrator Eagan City Hail 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, MN 55122 Re: Current Status of Negotiations with Tri -Land on Ice Arena TIF Project Dear Mr. Hedges: This past week we have continued our discussions with Tri -Land on negotiating a development agreement. Significant progress has been made on several major points, but final resolution on a number of Items still remain. Our objective here Is to update the City on the progress to date and the changes in positions detailed in our letter, attached, of March 9, 1990. The March 9, 1990 letter Indicated three major financial positions which we determined should be of significant concern to the City. These three areas were: 1) construction financing of the ice arena; 2) coverage of operating deficits; and 3) insurance. Following is a brief history of the results of discussions with Tri -Land to work towards agreement In these areas. 1. Construction Financing of the Ice Arena Our concern on March 9, 1990 was the City's risk of two alternative potential scenarios: 1) construction bf the arena would commence and the balance of the commercial development would not generate sufficient increment to fully fund the oost of the arena; or 2) construction of the arena would not commence until after completion of whatever level of commercial development actually occurs, and that level would then be insufficient to fully fund the arena. In either case, potential exists that the City would be approached to provide supplemental funding.' Based on meetings to date, the following points have been discussed to mitigate our concerns; A) Prior to construction of the arena, the following conditions would exist: I . City and developer would agree on the plans and specillcations of the arena; 2. Lending commitments would exist on all commercial development; I"'an9 Office 135 Nofllr Perrnsvivano Strca►. SLplo "T15 Inclianapolis, IN 4620,14,1441`1 1317) 684.6000 ►largo^ Oil# o 15830 Crrliepe Soulevarc; 5l.!•►e 600 (Trossa: r. Pa.h WS x,0211.1533 (913) JIh-8067 rax (913) 345 177, 1%2 W sr unuin Mow 600 Elm Grove Woar1 Su'7V 101 Flr- c3rove. WI 53122 0031 (eta) 782.8222 Fa* C4 ikl1-:4(14 Mr. Thomas Hedges, Administrator March 1 e, 1990 Page 2 3. Construction of the commercial development would begin on 25%, by market value, of the total anticipated commercial development; 4. The development would have in place a combination of sources from Increment income and other non -City funding to fully finance construction of the ice arena; then 5. The developer would commence construction prior to May 30, 1991. If developer does not satisfy these points, the City has no further commitment under the development agreement. B) If the arena is not completed per the agreed-upon plans and specifications, then the City is not required to provide TIP assistance. Please note the final start date of the arena, May 30,1991, which was proposed by Tri -Land. 2. Coverage of Operating Deficits Our concern on March 9, 1990 was that the coverage of operating deficits was undefined and as such, the City could potentially be approached by the nonprofit management group to provide funding. This concern was raised by the prospect of the lender having access to the gross (all) revenues of the arena. Based on discussions to date, the developer would commit to provide funding of all operating deficits on arena operations through the period of the TIF assistance, which is expected to be eight years. This coverage Would include any draws on the revenues of the facility by the lender. We addressed our addlUonal concerns as to the immediate funding source for the coverage of these deficits. it has been the developer's contention that the funding source for operating deficits would be an operating reserve which would be generated from the operation of the facility. We have concbrns as to the timeframe over which such an operating reserve could be funded through the operations of the arena, We have therefore proposed that the developer provide an upfront cash reserve to cover operating deficits In an approximate amount of $20,000-530,000; the final amount remains to be negotiated, lis the arane generates its own operating reserves, these funds could be supplemented for the upfront cash deposit by the developer and its funds returned. In no event would the reserve level fall below the amount specified in t8b development agreement. We had also noted our concern that the financial audit of the arena occur on an annual basis. We believe this Is In the best Interests of all parties, developer, City and a nonprofit management group. There Is agreement between the developer and the City that such an audit would be deslrable and we are continuing to discuss the level and funding source for the audit. 5 Mr. Thomas Hedges, Administrator March 16, 1994 Page 3 3. insurance Our concern on March 9, 1990 was that the Issue raised by the developer was that the lender may require that, in the event the arena was destroyed, all insurance proceeds would go to the lender and the City would also be required to continue to make TIF payments under the agreement. Based on discussions to date, we have further defined the City's exposure in this area. The developer submits that rebuilding the arena may not be totally under Its control and that a joint decision between the developer and the lender in the event of destruction of the Ice arena would be made. The developer would commit to rebuilding the facility In the development &greement which would then shift the final decision to agreement by the lender. We haiY6 agreed that In the event of destruction of the facility and that facility not being rebuilt from the insurance proceeds, the City would have no further TIF obligation under the development agreement. Our discussions thus far have focused on these three points and we believe there is significant progress In these areas. On March 9 we also distributed to the City copies of notes from Kristin Karls detailing other negotiating issues raised In discussions to date. Although some or all of these points have been discussed with Tri -Land and some degree of concensus achieved, we recommend the City review these points before final inclusion in the agreement. We would be glad to respond to any questions that you may have regarding the items contained in this letter or other aspects of Tri -Land's project. Respectfully, 00 N David N. MaCGIllivray 1 Vice President mll cc: Tri -Land Companies Extract of Minutes of Meeting of the City Council of the City of Eagan Dakota County, Minnesota Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Eagan, Minnesota, was duly held at the City Hall in said City on Tuesday, the 20th day of March, 1990, at o'clock, P.M. The following Councilmembers were present: and the following were absent: Councilmember introduced the following written resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION APPROVING DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT FOR DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT NO. 3 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAGAN, MINNESOTA AS FOLLOWS: 1. This Council has approved a Development Program and created a Tax Increment Financing District for Development District No. 3. There has been submitted to this Council a form of Development Agreement relating to Development District No. 3 proposed to be entered into between the City and Tri -Land Partnership of Eagan. 2. The Development Agreement is hereby approved and the Mayor and City Clerk are authorized to execute the same in substantially the form on file, but with all such changes therein not inconsistent with law as said officers may approve, which approval shall be conclusively evidenced by the execution thereof. The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Councilmember and upon vote being taken thereon the following voted in favor thereof: and the following voted against the same: whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted. 3545e a I � STATE OF MINNESOTA } ) COUNTY OF DAKOTA ) SS. CITY OF EAGAN ) I, the undersigned, being the duly qualified and acting City Clerk of the City of Eagan, Minnesota, hereby certify that I have carefully compared the attached and foregoing extract of minutes of a regular meeting of the City Council of said City held March 20, 1990 with the original thereof on file and of record in my office, and the same is a full, true and complete transcript therefrom. Witness My hand officially and the seal of the City this day of 3545e , 1990. City Clerk City of Eagan, Minnesota OW--. EXTENSIONIPRELIMINARY PLArCOUNTRY HOLLOW 2ND ADDITION A. Extension, Preliminary Plat for Country Hollow 2nd Addition --This item was continued from the March 6, 1990 agenda to allow staff to compile additional info ation concerning the circumstances surrounding this application. Attached on pages through Ayou will find a memorandum from the Community Development Department outlining a brief history of this application. You will note that Country Hollow 2nd Addition originally received preliminary plat approval on April 19, 1988. Final plat approval was originally granted on October 6, 1988. The preliminary plat has been extended once and the final plat appears to have been extended twice. The most recent action item from the September 5, 1989 City Council meeting was listed in the agenda as Extension to Preliminary Plat/Final Plat, Country Hollow 2nd Addition. In the packet information pertinent to that item, it was indicated that the extension of the preliminary plat to November 30, 1989 would permit the Community Development Department to process the final plat application sometime during October or November. Despite this background information, the action reflected in the minutes is merely the extension of the preliminary plat to November 30, 1989. Because the action is silent on the matter of the final plat, it was originally not clear whether the final plat was extended, extended for a typical 60 days to November 5 or extended concurrent with the preliminary plat to November 30. Since the ordinary 60 day extension would have expired prior to either of the Council meetings in November of 1989, it would appear to have been the Council's intent that the preliminary plat and final plat extensions expire concurrently on November 30. It appears that the developer issued checks for park fees and escrow fees on November 17, 1989 in reliance on the November 30, 1989 date. Upon learning of staff's interpretation of how the extension had run on November 5, the developer determined to apply for an extension and to modify the treatment of the northeast outlot as it was previously platted. Efforts to meet City requirements with regard to this change resulted in an application being filed December 14, 1989, which was too late to be placed on the Council agenda prior to 1990. Due to the need for Council clarification as to its intent taken its action on September 5, 1989 and as a consequence of the process time necessary for the revisions in the plat extension, the developer is requesting that 1989 fees be applied to the entire project. A copy of the developer's correspond;3;6hroughg& .this res well as the options available to the Council are enclosed on pages Agenda Information Memo March 20, 1990 City Council Meeting ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED ON THIS ITEM: 1) To approve or deny an extension of the preliminary plat for Country Hollow 2nd Addition as presented on March 6, 1990 and 2) to approve or deny the applicant's request to allow 1989 fees for the entire project. (z� TO: Jim Sturm City Planner FROM: Marlene Zaleznick, Planner I DATE: March 13, 1990 SUBJECT: Preliminary Plat Extension, Country Hollow 2nd Addition The applicant, Progress Companies, Inc., is requesting preliminary and final plat extensions for the above -referenced project. The applicant is also requesting a waiver of 1990 fees in lieu of 1989 fees. The request for extension of preliminary plat went before the Council on March 6, 1990. Action on the final plat was not scheduled for the March 6 meeting to allow staff sufficient time to review the revised grading plan submitted by the applicant. In addition, the development contract could not be finalized until the approriate fee schedule was determined by the Council. At the March 6 meeting, the Council requested additional clarity on prior plat extensions and continued this item until March 20. Since the March 6 meeting, staff has met with the applicant to discuss the project chronology and the applicant's fee request. For information, previous approval actions for this project are summarized as follows: The preliminary plat was originally approved on April 19, 1988 and extended on September 5, 1989. Final plat approval was granted on October 6, 1988 and twice extended on January 17, 1989 and September 5 1989. The minutes from the September 5 meeting state that the preliminary plat was extended until November 30, 1989. They are unclear as to the action taken on the final plat. Under the assumption, that the final plat was reapproved for the standard 60 day recordation time, per Section 13.10 Subdivision 5 of the City Code, a resolution was prepared listing November 5, 1989 as the extension date. An interpretation could also be made that the final plat was extended to November 30, 1989 along with the preliminary plat (see attached minutes from September 5, 1989). No additional information regarding the final plat extension date is available. Staff also discussed the fee waiver request at the meeting with the applicant. The applicant paid the park dedication fees and the contract management escrow fee at the 1989 rates in December 1989. The applicant also has an active letter of credit originally approved with the final plat on October 6, 1988. The Council has three options in regard to the applicant's request: 1. Impose 1990 fees for the entire project as the final plat will be reapproved in 1990; 2. Impose 1990 rates for only those fees which have not yet been paid. This would apply to assessments identified in the development contract; 3. Allow 1989 fees for the entire project. The applicant is requesting the third option. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Letter from applicant requesting plat extension. 2. September 5, 1989 minutes. cc: Tom Hedges, City Administrator Dale Runkle, Community Development Director (1J Progress Companies, Inc. CONSULTING ENGINEERING, LAND PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT 14300 NICOLLET COURT SUITE 235 BURNSVILLE, MN 55337 (612) 435-3115 December 27, 1989 Honorable Mayor and Council City of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Rd. Eagan, MN 55122 Re: Country Hollow Second Addition Dear Mayor and Council, As a result of some unusual circumstances, I am requesting another extension for the preliminary and final plats of Country Hollow Second Addition. On September 5, 1989, the council extended the preliminary plat until November 30, 1989 and the final plat apparently until November 5, 1989. After receiving a copy of the minutes, I was under the impression that the preliminary and final plats were extended until November 30, 1989. On November 17, 1989 I had checks issued to pay the park fees and escrow fee. I called Marilyn to tell her I was submitting the final plat and she informed me that the final plat expired on November 5 and I would need another extension. Since the extension was required and I knew Coventry Pass was going to be platted next summer I decided that it would be beneficial to eliminate the need to separately plat the northeast lot, which had been an outlot. I was told by engineering that the outlot could be converted to a lot if a temporary turn -around easement was provided. I then went through a time consuming process with Mike Foertsch and Ron Helmer of United Mortgage to determine where the easement would be located. After a few weeks of calling back and forth it was decided to place the easement on the newly created lot. After completing this process, I submitted the plat on December 14, 1989. Shortly thereafter, Ed Kirsch told me that the plat would go to council after the first of the year, and the new 1990 rates would be in effect. Due to the circumstances previously mentioned and the the fact the city has already received and cashed the checks for park fees and escrow fees, I respectfully request that the council waive the increase in fees for this subdivision. Thank you for your consideration of this request. Sincerely, 4 /' I ,I &X ao­ K' _ka4yt� Warren J. Israelson (�, cc Dale Runkle l30 Page 5/EAGAN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES ; September 5, 1989 N. Final Plat for Kingswood 4th Addition. Councilmember Gustafson asked if all necessary agreements had been processed. City Administrator Tom Hedges stated that the matter was in order. It was recommended to approve the final plat for Kingswood 4th Addition as presented. $-89.48 0. Final Plat for Woodlands 3rd Addition. Councilmember Gustafson asked if all materials had been processed. City Administrator Tom Hedges stated the matter was in order. It was recommended to approve the final plat for Woodlands 3rd Addition as presented. R-89.49 P. Final Plat for Manor Lake 2nd Addition. City Administrator Tom Hedges recommended continuing the matter to the September 19, 1989 City Council meeting. It was recommended to continue the final plat for Manor Lake 2nd Addition to the September 19, 1989, City Council meeting. Q. Final Plat for Sterns Addition. Councilmember Gustafson asked if the matter was in order. City Administrator Tom Hedges stated that all documents had been processed. It was recommended to approve the final plat for Sterns Addition as presented. R-89.50 R. Extension of Preliminary Plat/Final Plat for ow 25d Addition. It was recommended to approve the extension of the preliminary plat for Country Hollow 2nd Addition until November 30, 1989. R-89.51 S. Final Plat for Suncrest Addition. Councilmember Gustafson asked if all matters were in order. City Administrator Tom Hedges stated that all documents had been finalized. It was recommended to approve the final plat for Suncrest Addition as presented. R-89.52 \3\ Agenda Information Memo March 20, 1990 City Council Meeting CONDITIONAL USE PERMUU VIER'S RESTAURANT ON -SALE LIQUO B. Conditional Use Permit, Xavier's Restaurant to Allow On -Sale Liquor in a CSC District, 1260 Town Centre Drive/Town Centre Shoppes--A public hearing was held by the Advisory Planning Commission at a regular meeting held on November 28 to consider an application submitted by Xavier's Restaurant for a conditional use permit for on -sale liquor. At that meeting the APC recommended approval of the conditional use permit. The Council first heard this item at its December 5, 1989 City Council meeting. At that time, the item was continued until the same meeting at which off -sale liquor license applications were received. The item was next heard at the February 20, 1990 City Council meeting, at which time it was continued until the March 6, 1990 meeting pending submission of all financial data necessary for staff's recommendation on this item. The item was next heard at the March 6, 1990 City Council meeting, at which time the item was again continued in order to allow a financial review of the applicant. As of Friday, March 16, 1990, the person selected to perform the financial analysis of Xa,der's Restaurant had not received from Xavier's the required documentation that he will need in order to make that analysis. Even if he did receive it between now and the Council meeting on March 20, 1990, it may not be possible to complete the analysis in the allotted time. Therefore, it may be necessary to continue this item indefinitely until the information is furnished and the analysis is performed. If any further information is received on this item, it will be forwarded to the Council with the Administrative Agenda packet on Monday, March 19, 1990. ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED ON THIS ITEM: Unless information is furnished by Xavier's as previously required, to continue this item indefinitely. 1Si Agenda Information Memo March 20, 1990 City Council Meeting ON -SALE LIQUOR LICENSELXAVIER'S C. License, On -Sale Liquor License Application, Xavier Incorporated --The considers of this item is contingent upon the consideration of the conditional use permit for Xavi Restaurant to allow on -sale liquor in a CSC district. The hearing history of this iter much the same as the conditional use permit application described in the previous it Council has been sent a copy of the liquor license application as a separate enclosure I the previous packet. Because the required information has not yet been supplied Xavier's as described in the previous item, it will probably be necessary to also conti this item indefinitely. ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED ON THIS ITEM: Unless information is furnishec Xavier's as previously required, to continue this item indefinitely. (5'5 Agenda Information Memo March 20, 1990 City Council Meeting FINAL PLAT EXTENSION GAN EVANGELICAL CHURCH A. Extension of Final Plat, Eagan Evangelical Church, 581 Atlantic Hills Drive --The City of Eagan has received a request from Eagan Evangelical Covenant Church for an extension of final plat. The preliminary plat for this project was approved at the August 15, 1989 City Council meeting and is due to expire August 15, 1990. Final plat approval was given to this project at the February 6, 1990 City Council meeting; that approval expires April 6, 1990. On March 7, 1990, the City received a call from the applicants' representative indicating that the April 6 recording date deadline might not be able to be met. A letter was receive,9 on March 14, a copy of which is enclosed for the Council's information on page , requesting a final plat extension to April 30, 1990, due to a technical matter which had to be worked out. The Community Development Department has no objection to this period of extension. ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED ON THIS ITEM: To approve or deny an extension of final plat until April 30, 1990 for Eagan Evangelical Covenant Church. 134 March 12, 1990 Mr. Thomas Hedges City Administrator 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, MN 55122-1897 Re: Eagan Evangelical Covenant Church Dear Mr. Hedges, the ADKINS ASSOCIATION inc ARCHITECTS The plat on the above referenced project was not filed within the 60 days from final plat approval due to unresolved issues in the Agreement Providing Alternative Security. The issue was technical and not a monetary problem. We understand that these issues have now been re- solved. We would like to file the plat so that a building permit can be issued and above grade construction can begin by April 19 1990. A filing extension is therefore requested to April 30, 1990. Sincyerely_9 thCADK .S AS OCIATION inc. Y ` , 1 � By R ger W. Sjob ek, AIA RWS:Mlg cc: Dale Runkel, City of Eagan Marlene Zaleznick, City of Eagan David Bain 13% � 901 Jefferson Ave. St. Paul, MN 5 510 2 FAX 224-6621 Telephone 224-1358 Agenda Information Memo March 20, 1990 City Council Meeting RECOMMEND_ ATION AIRPORT RELATIONS CO APPOINTMENTS TO CORRIDOR BLUE RIBBON PANEL B. Recommendation, Airport Relations Committee, Appointments to Corridor Blue Ribbon Panel --In action taken at its November 7, 1990 meeting, the Metropolitan Aircraft Sound Abatement Council (MASAC) took action to refer the Eagan/Mendota Heights issue to a blue ribbon panel consisting of representatives of the Metropolitan Airports Commission, the Metropolitan Council, MASAC and the Cities of Mendota Heights and Eagan. Northwest Airlines, the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency and the FAA will serve as technical advisors to the group. As proposed, each City will receive two positions on this task force to be appointed at their discretion. As it was proposed, the task force will be a decision-making body intended to bring the resources of the MAC to bear to solve the corridor issue. The purpose of the make-up of the body is to draw together decision -makers and experts capable of proposing a resolution to this issue and carrying it back to the respective boards and councils. The recommendation of this body will go to the Metropolitan Airports Commission for approval and implementation with the FAA. In official action taken at its Tuesday, March 13, 1990 meeting, the Eagan Airport Relations Committee recommended that the City Council appoint the following as its representatives to the task force: 1) the Mayor or member of the City Council and 2) the Assistant to the City Administrator or the City Administrator. At the present time, it appears that this group will be meeting with some frequency, on the order of once a week over the next three months to bring about a timely resolution. Staff will be meeting with MAC staff late Friday, March 16, 1990 to better define the meeting schedule. As a consequence of the high degree of frequency of these meetings and the demands of everyone's schedules, it may be appropriate for the Council to also identify alternates to their appointments of these positions to be certain that the City is always represented by at least two authorized representatives at every meeting. In related action, the Committee also identified and recommended a list of possible guidelines for the City's task force representatives tAuse in their negotiations. Those guidelines are enclosed for your review on page LU. These guidelines were discussed by Committee members with various representatives of ENAC, the citizens noise abatement group, and they appear to have general support from the group. The guidelines are generally consistent with previously stated City policies. If it is in the interest of the City Council, staff would suggest that background and further information on this issue be placed on a future City Council workshop agenda for discussion. �3(z Agenda Information Memo March 20, 1990 City Council Meeting ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED ON THIS ITEM: 1) To appoint two City representatives to the Eagan/Mendota Heights Corridor Blue Ribbon Task Force, 2) to appoint two or more alternates to the Corridor Task Force and 3) to accept the recommended guidelines for the Blue Ribbon Task Force and to direct staff to place the same on a workshop agenda in the near future. Agenda Information Memo March 20, 1990 City Council Meeting SIMILAR USE DETERMINATION EN CLIMIBIACKHAWK PLAZA C. Determination of Similar Use, Blackhawk Plaza/Haven Enterprises, Teen Club in NB (Neighborhood Business) District --Steven L. Ramsey of Haven Enterprises, owner of Blackhawk Plaza, have proposed a teen club use for their center. The center, located on Diffley and Blackhawk Road is zoned NB (neighborhood business). Teen clubs are not specifically listed in the zoning code as a permitted, conditional, or permitted accessory use. The City Code states: "No structure or land shall be used except for one or more of the following uses or uses deemed similar by the Council." Haven Enterprises is requesting the Council make a determination as to the similarity of this teen club use to other uses in the NB district, such as restaurants with sit-down facilities only, clubs, lodges, sports and health clubs, and amusement devices. A meeting is scheduled with Community Development staff and the concerned parties for 2:00 p.m. on Monday, March 19, 1990. It is expected that further written information regarding this item will be supplied after this meeting to the Council with the Additional Information packet. ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED ON THIS ITEM: To make a determination whether a teen club use in a neighborhood business district is similar to other uses which are permitted in that district. SPECIAL USE PERMITIPRAISE FELLOWSHIP CHURCH D. Special Use Permit, Praise Fellowship Church/Pastor Arden Loven, to Allow a Church in an LI (Light Industrial) District Located at 3103A Sibley Memorial Highway (Lot 1, Block 1, Eagan 13 Industrial Park) --An application has been submitted by Praise Fellowship Church requesting a special use permit to allow the church to locate temporarily at 3103A Sibley Memorial Highway. The special use permit would be for two years. The church has been meeting Wednesday evenings and Sundays at the Yankee Square Inn; however, their membership has outgrown that location. The church has expressed the desire to purchase land in Eagan and build their permanent church here sometime in the future. For further information on this item, plea a refer to t heport prepared by the Planning Division which is enclosed on pages through ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED ON THIS ITEM: To approve or deny a special use permit for Praise Fellowship Church to allow the church to locate temporarily at 3103A Sibley Memorial Highway. If approved, the special use permit would expire two years from the date of approval. k5l 6 POSSIBLE GUIDELINES FOR COUNCIL/TASK FORCE REPRESENTATIVES 1. Use of visual separations during visual flight rules conditions to center traffic near 105 degrees. 2. Improved coordination between dual controllers to permit visual separation in visual flight rules conditions. 3. 95-110 degree fan under instrument flight rules conditions (standard procedures to keep traffic north of a track at least 5 degrees north of the extended runway centerline). 4. If unable to institute visual separation because of volume, reduce amount of traffic coming into corridor to levels which compatible land use area can accommodate. 5. Extend 3 mile (off runway) turn point upon departure to 5 miles (off runway). 6. Extend 4 mile (off runway) turn point for approaches to 6 miles (off runway). 7. Buyouts for the McKee Addition and for similarly impacted Mendota Heights homes if favored by residents and/or purchase assurance for the same neighborhoods. 8. Purchase assurance for Highview, Avalon, other Ldn65 neighborhoods and turn neighborhoods, as well as the L10 neighborhoods in Mendota Heights. 9. Non -voluntary night time restrictions. 10. Reinstate restricted flight areas at Tower for Eagan. Institute restricted flight areas for Mendota Heights. 11. Insulation for Ldn65 homes and for L10 homes not already covered by the model noise ordinance. 12. Possible alternative suggestion re: middle corridor flight i patterns. Alternate use of the corridor middle on a patterned basis, providing periods of relief to each city. If nothing else works. LONG TERM GOALS: 1. Heavy development of feeder airports -- pour resources into them. 2. New Noise Maps and yearly or bi-yearly updates. 3. Increase Eagan/Mendota Heights representation at MASAC to reflect their current populations and degree of impact upon their populations. 132 CITY OF EAGAN SUBJECT: SPECIAL USE PERMIT APPLICANT: PRAISE FELLOWSHIP CHURCH PASTOR ARDEN LODEN LOCATION: LOT 1, BLOCK 11 EAGAN 13 INDUSTRIAL PARR EXISTING ZONING: I-1 (LIMITED INDUSTRIAL) DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING: MARCH 20, 1990 DATE OF REPORT: MARCH 13, 1990 COMPILED BY: PLANNING DEPARTMENT APPLICATION SUMMARY: An application has been submitted by Praise Fellowship Church requesting a Special Use Permit to allow the church to locate temporarily at 3103A Sibley Memorial Highway. The church is proposing to occupy the 1,800 square feet at the front of the building. Parking will be sufficient and has been provided for by the existing on-site parking. The church has approximately fifty members and meets Wednesday evenings and Sundays at the Yankee Square Inn. The applicant is seeking a two-year Special Use Permit. Their request for a temporary location is due to the fact that their membership has outgrown the confines of the Yankee Square Inn, and it will allow them to plan their new church facility. The church has expressed the desire to purchase land in Eagan and build their permanent church here. If approved, the Special Use Permit shall be subject to the following condition: 1. The Special Use Permit shall expire and become void two years from the date of approval. .a cw `y Q& v JK V� aro-0J 020- oy ti Vjrn'jn H .)1 L,&V rMM 1.1�t ISO r I 11.1 At I l / AM 6 v Y r t o r- g 4 r 032-01 r rbo o10-ap// 1 �t �' I�VdrrEyi C: irrr-�3drt ore -3 I.+N 4 I� e Z 7 2 A r A Agenda Information Memo March 20, 1990 City Council Meeting CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT(FEDERAL LAND COMPANY OUTDOOR STORAGE E. Conditional Use Permit, Federal Land Company, to Allow an Automobile Rental Facility in the Bicentennial Planned Development Located on Lot 1, Block 1, Bicentennial 1st Addition and Lot 1, Block 1, Bicentennial 2nd Addition South of Yankee Doodle Rd and East of Federal Dr in the NE 1/4 of Sec 16--A public hearing was held by the Advisory Planning Commission at their last regular meeting held on February 22, 1990, to consider an application submitted by Federal Land Company for a conditional use permit to allow outdoor storage on behalf of Agency Rent A Car at the rear or south side of the Yankee Square Center. The APC is unanimously recommending denial of the conditional use permit. For additional information on this item, please refer to a staff report prepared by;he Community Development Department which is enclosed on pages A/Irthrough For the Council's information, enclosed on pages j#,4 through Z&— is a copy of the APC minutes regarding this item. ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED ON TRIS ITEM: To approve or deny a conditional use permit to allow outside storage of vehicles in the Yankee Square Center by Agency Rent A Car. 110 SUBJECT: CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT APPLICANT: FEDERAL LAID COMPANY LOCATION: YANKEE SQUARE BROPPING CENTER (Lot 1, Block 1, Bicentennial 1St Addition) EXISTING ZONING: CPD (COMMERCIA.L PLANNED DEnLOPXENT) DATE OF PUBLIC EEARING: FEBRUARY 22, 3.990 DATE OF REPORT: FEBRUARY 12, 1990 COMPILED BY: COMMUNITY DEFELOPKENT DEPARTMENT APPLICATION BUXX"Y: Federal Land Company in requesting a Conditional Use Permit to allow outdoor storage on behalf of Agency Rent-A-Car. The automobile rental office is located in the Yankee Square Center and the storage of vehicles is proposed for the rear or south side of the shopping center. COMMENTS: The proposed office use is consistent with the existing zoning; however a Conditional Use Permit is required to allow the outdoor storage of rental vehicles. The proposed parking area for the vehicles does not appear to conflict with any high demand parking areas. However, signage that clearly defines the rental car parking area should be provided. The applicant states that there will be approximately three office employees and the number of rental cars to be parked on-site will not exceed ten at any time. If approved, this permit shall be subject to the following: 1. Signage shall be provided delineating the rental car parking from the shopping center parking. 2. All applicable Ordinances. wrER � i f�LrLrlr PAW", ra►Rs I WAff to lef � m mitt IL V v r W = II •�� � � v a W i F77,711,76 II r � WA I r tA Woc OEM _T =4c= _ �� �i3 IIL116 I V' i l it 11 11 C _tti- l° la I I I — E 1 �WT� i � � I 11 I ►! I I _ �----�• t? 1 AC � e� MIS L U 1 Q Q y W C Q CD LLJ W N V O CCZ d Y J d Q a m ,Wf Page 7 /EAGAN ADVISORY PLxMINKG': COMMISSION ,W1NUTES February 22, 1990 7. All commercial areas shall be constructed with t e same materials with all sides of the buildireg g same material. S. All trash/recycling ar'eas';"h�Y : contained within the buildings. " 9. All applicable environ" t►1 `per: shall be obtained. 10. The development is subject to additional requirements as identified by City staff during the platting phases of development necessary to provide adequate public infrastructure facilities to service the development. 11. Only two -three story 66 unit apartments will be allowed. 12. No gasoline pumps shall:::* iillowed. All voted in favor. CONDITIOMLL OBE 4BRIXT/7EDI+ LMM CO""Y BICZ"ZNyT L-•..B3CQ3:.:ADDITION Chairman Graves convened•....•ttie ...-public hearing regarding a conditional use permit to allow a1j::;nutom61�11e rental facility in the Bicentennial Planned Development'.:.: IwAted on - Lot 1, Block 1, Bicentennial First Addition and IA 1, *dock 2, Bicentennial Second Addition, south of Yankee Doodle Road east of Federal Drive in the northeast quarter of Section 16. City Planner dim Sturm presented the application to the Commission. He pointed out to the Comission that there were currently 20 to 30 cars present at the sit"nd some For Sale signs. Michael Colon (Federal !ZWA :fi ! ::described the Project and the location. Commissionmember Hoeft reported thatAhe applicants vere already in violation of City Code. Commissioniber Markley had similar concerns. Chairman Graves asked what recourse the City had concerning the matter. CityAttorney licants for violation. Commissionmember Markleweplained that the y a could cite the applicants Page 8/EAGAN ADVISORY PLANNI0":: COMMISSION 4dNUTES February 22, 1990 asked how long the cars had' i}� _ _ '=' ncated at the center. Mr. Colon stated the cars had been present for sixty days. Hoeft moved, Staehli seconded, the notion to close the public hearing and deny a conditipna•�•:.:.:e.•...pFmit to allow an automobile rental facility in the Biite'i;::!wedvelopment located on Lot 1, Block 1, Bicentennia'1 1�Srt" J4ition and Lot 1, Block 2, Bicentennial Second addition, south:,:,of yaiWee Doodle Road and east of Federal Drive in the northeast quarter ot5ection 16, as requested by Federal Land Company because. t. ste wara.'present violations of City Code. All voted in favor. WILLNU8 ADDITION/INDEPERDZUT DCSOOL DIMTRICT SO. 196 Chairman Graves opened the public hearing regarding a Comprehensive Guide Plan amendment, a rezoning from multiple to Public Facility, and a preliminary plat of one lot and an outlot on approximately 18.2 acres fot::4n:.elementary school located along the east side of JohnnyCake Ri #tis,•.•.•zouth of Diffley Road in the d'9� �:. northwest quarter of Section 28. City Planner Jim Sturm summned''''the applications for the Commission. Eric Linner (Wold::::;i':associates) explained the project. John Willmus (EHW) quest ioned::t-h-i:'4ize of the area to be rezoned. Kathy Rushlin had concerns regarding the zoning of the north property. City Planner Jim Sturm explained that the zoning on that property would remain the same. Commissionmember Trygg :Ad::.....0 ��o � : regarding the drainage. Assistant City Engineer !tike Faertsch ;.explained the improvements. Chairman Graves questioned the road.43hang# ::'Hr. Liner explained that the change was necessary to isprove:;:;the parking circulation. Commissionmember Merkley asked iE:==:the thools were designed for future conversion. Mr. Liner stated it ba$ not been a consideration in the designs. Jerry Bertsch (ISD #196) explained the planning considerations and future conversions. Commissionmember Gorman asked Than :.tbe City would review the zoning. Community Development Director: ale Runkle explained the process. Commissionsember Trygg questioniW the location. Mr. Bertsch explained the rationale. #* lferkley had questions sch regarding the water quality :::. C ty Engineer !tike abed the explained the nater quality treatment....::$ric Linner described the landscaping in response to Chairman Graves' questions. Mr. Sturm pointed out there was adequate landscaping: Iq7 Agenda Information Memo March 20, 1990 City Council Meeting PRELIMINARY PLAIGOPHER EAGAN IND PARK 3RD ADDITION F. Preliminary Plat, Gopher Eagan Industrial Park 3rd Addition/Gopher Smelting Co., Inc., for Two Lots on 7.5 Acres of PD/LI (Planned Development/Light Industrial) Zoned Property Located North of Yankee Doodle Rd, East of Hwy 149 in SE 1/4 of Sec 12--A public hearing was held by the Advisory Planning Commission at their last regular meeting held on February 22, 1990, to consider an application from Gopher Smelting Co., Inc., for a preliminary plat for Gopher Eagan Industrial Park 3rd, Addition. The APC is recommending approval of the preliminary plat. For additional information on this item, please refer to a staff rep repared t Community Development Department which is enclosed on pagesWtthrough For the Council's information, enclosed on pages K4 through J&_7 is a copy of the AAP minutes regarding this item. Also for the Council's information, enclosed on page is a memo from the Director of Parks and Recreation regarding Advisory Park nd ecreation Commission action on this item. ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED ON THIS ITEM: To approve or deny a preliminary plat entitled Gopher Eagan Industrial Park 3rd Addition. lot CITY OF RAGAN SUBJECT: PRELIMINARY PLAT GOPHER RAGAN INDUSTRIAL PARR 3RD ADDITION APPLICANT: GOPHER SMELTING CO INC LOCATION: OUTLOTS A & B, GOPHER RAGAN INDUSTRIAL PARK 2ND ADDITION EXISTING ZONING: PD - LI (PLANNED DEVELOPMENT - LIMITED INDUSTRIAL) DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING: FEBRUARY 20, 1990 DATE OF REPORT: FEBRUARY 12, 1990 COMPILED BY: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT APPLICATION SUMMARY: An application has been submitted by Gopher Smelting Company, Inc. requesting a Preliminary Plat for two lots on 7.5 Limited Industrial -zoned acres. EXISTING CONDITIONS: Currently, the site is platted as Outlots A & B of Gopher Eagan Industrial Park 2nd Addition. The site abuts Bur oak Hills 2nd Addition along the north and east property lines. Highway 149 and Kutoff Court are located along the west property line, and Minnesota Fence and Iron Works, Inc. is located directly to the south. The lots gradually slope downward to the north and east property lines. The proposed floor elevation of the building is 887.0. The surrounding lots in Bur Oak 2nd Addition are approximately 20 feet below the floor elevation as depicted in cross section Exhibit A -A. There is a ravine located along the eastern property line of Lot 1. DEVELOPMENT PROPOSAL: Lots 1 and 2 are approximately 3.7 and 3.8 acres respectively. Jesko Corporation, a concrete contractor, has a purchase agreement with Gopher Smelting Company to purchase proposed Lot 2. Jesko is currently located in Edina, Minnesota and intends to move their headquarters to Eagan. The proposed building includes 30,000 square feet of warehouse and 8,600 square feet of of€ice space. Both uses are permitted in a Limited Industrial zoning district. Approximately 30 employees work at this site. The site plan indicates 60 parking stalls. The Zoning Code requires approximately 102; therefore, a Variance of 42 parking stalls will be required. The landscape plan indicates the existing stand of mature trees located along Highway 149 and along the north property line of both Lots 1 and 2. A conservation easement shall be entered into to protect the existing trees. The trees and grade differential provide an excellent buffer between the two conflicting uses. The conservation easement would give the City the authority to restrict any vegetation removal. The proposed plan indicates a 40' access/egress easement from Kutoff Court east to Lot 1 along the southern property line. This borders Lot 1 of Gopher Eagan 2nd Addition. Minnesota Fence Company is located on Lot 1. They currently have a purchase agreement for Outlot C which abuts Lot 1 to the east. If the purchase of Outlot C does not occur, outlot C will not have access and shall, therefore, be in nonconformance with Section 13.20, Subdivision 9. The closing of the property was scheduled for February 9, 1990. Due to some survey work that was incomplete, the closing did not take place. The second closing has not yet taken place at the time of this staff report; however, it should be completed by the time of the Planning Commission meeting. 1!1;"() s GRADING/DRAINAGE/EROSION CONTROL: The preliminary grading plan proposes to grade the majority of Lot 2 and a minimal amount of Lot 1 along the southwest corner of this site. The maximum cut on the site will be 6' and the maximum fill will be 61. The preliminary grading plan proposes to protect a strip of wooded area along the north property line of this site for a width of 50' - 801. Also, a 40' wide area is proposed to be protected along the west side of Lot 2. The wooded area to be preserved will provide a buffer to the adjoining residential area to the north plus it will limit the erosion from the development to the north. Surface water drainage from Lots 1 and 2 is proposed to be conveyed through a storm sewer system that will connect to the existing 36" storm sewer along the east property line. The existing 36" storm sewer on the east property line of this site has sufficient capacity and depth to serve Lots 1 and 2. The proposed storm sewer system will intercept all of the surface water from Lots 1 and 2 except for the northerly strip of woods. The wooded area will drain overland to the north across the single-family lots in the Burr Oak Hills 2nd Addition development and be picked up by the existing storm sewer in Hillside Drive. The storm sewer will drain to Pond GP -1 which is located in the Burr Oak Hills 2nd Addition development. Pond GP -1 has an outlet via lift station and force main to the west to Pond EP -2. Staff recommends that the internal storm sewer on Lot 2 be extended to the southwest to intercept the proposed catch basins and ditch located at State Highway 149 and Kutoff Court intersection. The 5 -year flow to the proposed storm sewer on Kutoff Court will be 5 cfs. The 2' - 6' high retaining wall is proposed along the north side of the building on Lot 2. The development will be required to submit detailed plans and specs covering the construction of the proposed retaining wall. An erosion and sediment control plan was not submitted with this application. The development will be responsible for installing and maintaining erosion control measures in accordance with the City's erosion/sediment manual standards. WATER RESOURCES: Pond GP -1 (Burr Oaks Pond) is classified as a Class II - Indirect Contact recreational waterbody. Burr Oak Pond currently meets water quality criteria for a Class II waterbody. The review of the water quality impacts the development would have on Burr Oak Pond was not completed at the time of the preparation of the report. UTILITIES: Sanitary sewer of sufficient size, capacity and depth has been stubbed to the north property line of this proposed development from the Burr Oak Hills 2nd ,Addition. The preliminary utility plan proposes to connect to this existing 8" sanitary sewer and extend a line to the southeast to serve Lots 1 and 2. An existing 18" trunk sanitary sewer is also available at the southwest corner of this site, however, it does not have sufficient depth to serve Lot 1. A 24" trunk water main of sufficient pressure and capacity is located along State Highway 149 to provide service to this development. The preliminary utility plan proposes to connect to the existing 24" water main and extend an 8" water main along the south end of this site to serve Lots 1 and 2. Staff recommends that a hydrant should be added to the central part of Lot 2 along the west side of the parking lot to improve fire protection to the proposed building on Lot 2. STREETVACCESS/CIRCOTLA N: The preliminary site plan proposes to obtain access to Lots 1 and 2 from the unimproved portion of Kutoff Court. The developer will be required to contact MnDOT and obtain their requirements for the upgrading of Kutoff Court up to the intersection with State Highway 149. City Project 516 upgraded Kutoff Court to a point approximately 50' south of the south property line of this development. The remaining portion of the upgrading of Kutoff Court was deleted from Project 516. Indications are that MnDOT will require both a right turn and bypass lane be added at State Highway 149 at the intersection. Also, it was determined that the location of the intersection of Kutoff Court and State Highway 149 would be best determined by waiting for development of the parcels on Outlots A and B of the Gopher Eagan Industrial Park 2nd Addition. The upgrading of Kutoff Court shall be designed to a 36' face-to-face width with concrete curb and gutter and storm sewer to collect the runoff. The preliminary site plan proposes to provide access to Lot 1 by constructing an access driveway along the south property line of Lot 2 from Kutoff Court to Lot 1. City staff recommends that the width of this driveway shall be a minimum of 301, and a concrete valley gutter shall be constructed across Kutoff Court at the intersection of the new driveways. EASEMENTS/RIGHT-OF-WAY/gZEZITS: This development shall dedicate all easements necessary for the internal sanitary sewer, water main and storm sewer systems of sufficient width as required by alignment and depth. 80' of right-of-way has been dedicated for Kutoff Court at the present alignment. If the upgrading of Kutoff Court is required to be located to the north, then additional right-of-way will need to be dedicated. A proposed ingress/egress easement will be required over the proposed driveway along the south end of Lot 2. This development shall be responsible for ensuring that all regulatory agency permits (MPCA, MWCC, Department of Health, MnDOT, etc.) are acquired prior to final plat approval. FINANCIAL OBLIGATION - GOPHER EAGAN INDUSTRIAL PARR 3RD BASED UPON THE STUDY OF THE FINANCIAL OBLIGATIONS COLLECTED IN THE PAST AND THE USES PROPOSED FOR THE PROPERTY THE FOLLOWING CHARGES ARE PROPOSED. THE CHARGES ARE COMPUTED USING THE CITY'S EXISTING FEE SCHEDULE AND CONNECTIONS PROPOSED TO BE BADE TO THE CITY'S UTILITY SYSTEM BASED ON THE SUBKITTEED PLANS. IMPROVEMENT PROD USE RATE QUANTITY AMOUNT WATER TRUNK 447 C/I 2450/A 4.75 A $ 6888 WATER AVAILABILITY CHARGE 538 C/I 2285/A 7.5 A -12 TOTAL $24026 CONDITIONS: These standard conditions of plat approval as adopted by Council action on September 15, 1987 shall be complied with: Al, B1, B2, B3, B4, Cl, C2, C4, C5, D1, El, F1, and G1. 1. The required conservation easement for the north property line shall be properly conveyed and recorded simultaneously with the final plat. 2. A variance of 42 parking stalls shall be approved with the plat. 3. No outdoor storage shall be allowed. 4. No outdoor speakers shall be allowed. 5. The development is required to provide a 5 cfs storm sewer outlet to the storm sewer system in Kutoff Court. 6. The development is required to submit detailed plans and for the construction of the proposed retaining wall for staff review and comment. 7. The development is required to limit nutrient loadings to Burr Oak Pond to predevelopment levels. STANDARD CONDITIONS OF PLAT APPROVAL A. Assessments 1. This development shall accept its additional assessment obligations as defined in the staff's report in accordance with the final plat dimensions and the rates in effect at the time of final plat approval. B. Zasements and Rights-of-wal► 1. This development shall dedicate 10' drainage and utility easements centered over all common lot lines and adjacent to private property or public right-of-way. 2. This development shall dedicate, provide, or financially guarantee the acquisition costs of additional drainage, ponding, and utility easements as required by the alignment, depth, and storage capacity of all required public utilities and streets located beyond the boundaries of this plat or outside of dedicated public right-of-way as necessary to service this development. 3. This development shall dedicate all public right-of-way and temporary slope easements for ultimate development of adjacent roadways as required by the appropriate jurisdictional agency. 4. This development shall dedicate adequate drainage and ponding easements to incorporate the required high water elevation necessitated by City storm water storage volume requirements. C. Plans and Specifications 1. All public streets and utilities necessary to provide service to this development shall be designed by a registered professional engineer in accordance with City codes and engineering standards and policies, and approved by staff prior to final plat approval. 2. A detailed grading, drainage, erosion, and sediment control plan must be prepared in accordance with current City standards and approved by staff prior to final plat approval. 3. This development shall insure that all temporary dead end public streets shall have a cul-de-sac constructed in accordance with City engineering standards. /S� y STANDARD CONDITIONS OF PLAT APPROVAL PAGE TWO 4. A detailed landscape plan shall be submitted on the proposed grading plan and approved by staff prior to the final plat approval. The financial guarantee shall be included in the Development Contract and not release until one year after the date of installation. 5. All internal public and private streets shall be constructed within the required right-of-way in accordance with City design standards. D. Public iscrovesents 1. If any public improvements are to be installed under a City contract, the appropriate project must be approved by Council action prior to final plat approval. E. Permits 1. This development shall be responsible for the acquisition of all regulatory agency permits in the time frame required by the affected agency. F. Parks Dedication 1. This development shall fulfill its parks dedication requirements as recommended by the Advisory Parks and Recreation Commission and approved by Council action. G. Other 1. All standard platting and zoning conditions shall be adhered to unless specifically granted a variance by Council action. Advisory Planning Comission City Council Approved: August 25, 1987 September 15 1987 Revised: PLATAPPR.CON LTS #1 5/12/89 / hl 11 1 1 E 1 rsr r r II O u••I i � 1 J' / it '�i � /err' _— I J� r i 1 J/- ti �. -.�t l �`•- I I hl 11 1 1 E 1 rsr r r O Ow in O O m � O • O /S7 Q :1 Z Oo V ' w = co y co O m V l� X11 W � � -\�;_ r_ 4 . M,`NNb4! I r' StPzF- Sis .i Al a -r' a 00-46GFP•12 Cv ` �GP-1 CL. V11 CL. vil Fes' ' • GP3 CL. V1 n.h !CL. a LS -11 V,a s a � „ I / ... CL t LL . I1 �. OP -41 CL. 11 ..GP 5 ' I ., �tvt 36 GP -9 - r V 1 `•. ze' Direct Contact Class v Indirect Contact Class II '. GP•4 .` CL. I. Scenic Recreation 11 Wildlife Habitats Nutrient Traps Sediment Basins Stormwater Basins Class III Class IV V Class V Class Vi Class VII WATER QUALITY MANAGENIENT PLAN WATERSHED G I&t itiMorwatme l� AndWllk i A86064+al" .L F" lu....w Date: Comm. In .40 /(iv2..w be oc s C9 s s v F m r• Page 9/EAGAN ADVISORY PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES February 22, 1990 Trygg moved, Hoeft seconded, the motion to close the public hearing and approve a Comprehensive Guide Plan amendment from a Multiple designation to a Public Facility designation for an elementary school on approximately 18.2 acres located along the east side of Johnny Cake Ridge Road, south of Diffley Road in the northwest quarter of Section 28, as requested by Independent School District No. 196. All voted in favor. Trygg moved, Gorman seconded, the motion to approve a rezoning from R-4 (Multiple) to PF (Public Facility) of approximately 18.2 acres located along the east side of Johnny Cake Ridge Road, south of Diffley Road in the northwest quarter of Section 28, as requested by Independent School District No. 196. All voted in favor. Trygg moved, Merkley seconded, the motion to approve a preliminary plat of one lot and an outlot on approximately 18.2 acres for an elementary school site located along the east side of Johnny Cake Ridge Road, south of Diffley Road in the northwest quarter of Section 28, as requested by Independent School District No. 196, subject to the following conditions: 1. These standard conditions of plat approval as adopted by Council action on September 15, 1987 shall be complied with: Al, B1, B2, B3, B4, C1, C2, C4, C5, D1, E1, F1 and G1. 2. The development will be responsible for providing a storm sewer outlet to the northerly adjacent property adequately sized to accommodate approximately 13CFS of runoff. All voted in favor. GOPHER EAGAN INDUSTRIAL PARK 3RD ADDITION GOPHER SMELTING CO., INC. Chairman Graves convened the public hearing regarding a preliminary plat for two lots on 7.5 acres of Planned Development/Light Industrial zoned property located north of Yankee Doodle Road, east of Highway 149 in the southeast quarter of Section 12. City Planner Jim Sturm presented the application summary to the Commission. He requested the addition of two conditions regarding ingress and egress and no off-site parking. Page 10/EAGAN ADVISORY PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES February 22, 1990 Wayne Tauer explained that Outlot C would be a part of the Minnesota Fence Company's property. He requested elimination of Outlot A. He described the project. Chairman Graves questioned if there would be over-the-counter sales. The applicant explained there would be over-the-counter sales only for the front lot. City Planner Jim Sturm requested the addition of a condition that the outiot must come back before the Advisory Planning Commission before development. He also requested an additional condition which would not allow over-the-counter sales for Lot 2. The applicant had objections to portions of the financial obligation. Assistant City Engineer Mike Foertsch explained that the matter should be discussed with the Council as it regarded an area charge. Chairman Graves and Commissionmember Merkley had concerns regarding the parking code. Mr. Sturm suggested an additional condition restricting roadway parking. There was further discussion regarding the parking. Gorman moved, Merkley seconded, the motion to close the public hearing and approve a preliminary plat for two lots on 7.5 acres of Planned Development/Light Industrial zoned property located north of Yankee Doodle Road, east of Highway 149 in the southeast quarter of Section 12, to be known as Gopher Eagan Industrial Park 3rd Addition as requested by Gopher Smelting Co., Inc., subject to the following conditions: 1. These standard conditions of plat approval as adopted by council action on September 15, 1987 shall be complied with: Al, B1, B2, B3, B4, C1, C2, C4, C5, D1, E1, F1, and G1. 2. The required conservation easement for the north property line shall be properly conveyed and recorded simultaneously with the final plat. 3. A variance of 42 parking stalls shall be approved with the plat. 4. No outdoor storage shall be allowed. �W� Page 11/EAGAN ADVISORY PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES February 22, 1990 5. No outdoor speakers shall be allowed. 6. The development is required to provide a 5 cfs storm sewer outlet to the storm sewer system in Kutoff Court. 7. The development is required to submit detailed plans for the construction of the proposed retaining wall for staff review and comment. 8. The development is required to limit nutrient loadings to Burr Oak Pond to predevelopment levels. 9. An easement for ingress and egress to the rear lot must be obtained and approved by the City Attorney's office prior to final plat approval. 10. No off-site parking shall be allowed on the lot. 11. No over-the-counter retail sales shall be allowed for Lot 2. All voted in favor. CONNOLLY ADDITION/WATER TREATMENT FACILITY Chairman Graves convened the public hearing regarding a Comprehensive Guide Plan amendment and a rezoning of .63 Townhouse acres to a Public Facility district for a water treatment facility located at the northeast intersection of Pilot Knob Road and Cliff Road in the southwest quarter of Section 27, to be known as Connolly Addition. Trygg moved, Gorman seconded, the motion to close the public hearing and approve a Comprehensive Guide Plan amendment of .63 Townhouse acres to a Public Facility district for a water treatment facility. All voted in favor. Trygg moved, Staehli seconded, the motion to approve a rezoning of .63 Townhouse acres to a Public Facility district for a water treatment facility located at the northeast intersection of Pilot Knob. Road and Cliff Road in the southwest quarter of Section 27. All voted in favor. a MEMORANDUM TO: TOM HEDGES, CITY ADMINISTRATOR ,FROM: KEN VRAA, DIRECTOR OF PARKS AND RECREATION DATE: MARCH 15, 1990 RE: GOPHER EAGAN INDUSTRIAL PARK 3RD ADDITION The Advisory Parks and Recreation Commission reviewed the above referenced proposal at its March 8, 1990 meeting and recommended the following: 1. That this proposal has fulfilled it's parks dedication requirement according to the Gopher Eagan PD agreement. 2. That this proposal be subject to a cash trailway dedication. KV:cm cc: Ed Kirscht, Engineering Technician Marilyn Wucherpfennig, Planning Aide Marlene Zaleznicik, Planner I