1980-05 Eagan Newsr_70" h '�Mlhm o O anew.,,s O THE CITY OF EAGAN LONE OAK 3795 PILOT KNOB ROAD TREE EAGAN, MN 55122 PHONE: 454-8100 CAR -RT BULK RATE U.S. POSTAGE PAID ST. PAUL, MN PERMIT NO.4902 POSTAL CUSTOMER EAGAN, MINNESOTA A SYMBOL OF MAY 1980 STRENGTH AND GROWTH VOLUME 3 NUMBER 2 INSIDE Eagan Park & Recreation Sumner Programs.............Page 3 Below Market Interest Rate Home Mortgage Program...... Page 8 NEW DIRECTOR OF PARKS AND RECREATION HIRED The City Council has hired Ken Vraa to fill the vacancy created by the resig- nation of Barb Schmidt when she left the City to become the Assistant to the Director of the Dakota County Park De- partment. Vraa comes to Eagan from the City of St. Louis Park where he served as the Director of Recreation, was active in the acquisition and development of the Westwood Hills Park and was responsi- ble for the development of City wide re- creational programs and procedures. 1980 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION Election judges are still needed for the Presidential Election! Eligible voters who are interested in serving as elec- tion judges should call Eagan City Hall 454-8100. New residents, residents who have re- cently become 18 years old and resi- dents who have changed their name or moved within the City of Eagan should register to vote at the Eagan City Hall, 3795 Pilot Knob Road, Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. -- - - - - -clip n' save- - - - -- - TELEPHONE NUMBERS Police, Fire, Emergency Rescue..454-3700 For Questions Regarding: Meeting Agendas Council Decisions Ordinances Sewer & Water Bills Building Inspection General Information .......... 454-8100 Street Maintenance ........... 454-5220 Park & Recreation Programs ... 454-7802 Mayor Bea Blomquist ................454-2308 Council Members Tom Egan .....................452-3957 Mark Parranto................ 452-2996 Jim Smith ....................454-1734 Ted Wachter ..................454-2130 City Administrator Tom Hedges ...................454-8100 City Hall Office Hours: 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. The Eagan City Newsletter is distri- buted three times a year as a pub- lic service by the Eagan City Coun- cil. The Newsletter is sponsored by the Public Relations Com.-Aittee and prepared throw-uh the office of the City Administrator. NATIONAL BURGLARY PREVENTION MONTH The month of June 1980 is National Bur- glary Prevention Month. The Eagan Po- lice Department would like to call upon all Eagan residents to aid and assist their neighbors and the Eagan Police Department by doing all that is possi- ble to prevent, detect and report un- usual persons and/or vehicles seen in their neighborhoods, thereby reducing the crime of burglary. Eagan Police Officers will meet with any group of residents, home owner's associations or other groups to explain what should be done to prevent or re- duce burglaries and other crimes in their neighborhoods. Residents are the best crime detectors and preventors through using their eyes and ears and relaying unusual information to the Police Department. Before going on vacation, please: 1. Alert the police and close neigh- bors to look for unusual activity in your absence. 2. Connect lamps and radios in vari- ous parts of your home to automa- tic timers to create a "lived-in" appearance to the outside world. 3. Cancel your mail and newspapers or have a neighbor collect them in your absence. 4. Store all valuables in a safe-depo- sit vault. 5. Lock all doors and windows. 6. Close and lock garage doors. When you make your vacation or busi- ness travel plans, make a burglary pre- vention plan as well. You will enjoy your trip much more if you feel secure about the safety of the property you have left behind. Call the Eagan Police Department, 454- 3900, to arrange for Neighborhood Watch meetings and information on Operation 1. D. SPRING WEEDS The Public Works Department wishes to remind citizens that it is the responsi- bility of the residents to remove the grass and weeds between the street and curb. NEW STREET SWEEPER The City of Eagan recently acquired its first street sweeper, a self loading, three wheel Elgin Pelican. The Public Works Department plans to have all City streets swept by early summer. The department requests your cooperation and asks that residents a- void parking on City streets whenever possible until mid-July to facilitate the cleaning. The street sweeper will help the ecology of our lake areas and ponds by picking up debris and pollu- tants, such as salt, which were pre- viously washed through the storm sewer system into the area lakes. HOUSE NUMBERING REQUIREMENT Please help your Fire and Police De- partments locate your home in case of an emergency! Eagan Ordinance 58.02 requires that any building fronting upon any street or avenue have house numbers. clearly displayed on the street side of the building. The numbers shall be a mini- mum of three (3) inches high and in a color contrasting with their back- ground. For information, call 454-8100. PARATRANSIT PROGRAM The Cities of Apple Valley, Burnsville, Eagan, Lakeville and Savage have joined together to form a task force on energy and are currently studying the potential of a Paratransit System to serve Northern Dakota and Eastern Scott Counties. Paratransit offers an alternative to exclusive use of the automobile for mobility. The primary purpose of para - transit is to improve the internal circu- lation within a sub -region by providing a mixed fleet of vehicles including buses, vans, taxis and autos; flexible routes; and shared ride services to ex- press terminals on fixed routes to em- ployment and retail centers. Special services to handicapped and elderly in- dividuals would be included. The Cities' interest in this project is shared by the Metropolitan Council, and work on this proposal by the five com- munities and the Metro Council will con- tinue through the summer. EAGAN PARK & RECREATION SUMMER PROG MS N A M E T H E P L A Y W A G O N Rules: Children ages 6-12 are eligible to suggest a name for the mobile play wagon. Submit entry on this form, postmarked no later than May 31, 1980, to: EAGAN PARK DEPARTMENT, 3501 COACHMAN ROAD, EAGAN, MN 55122. CHILD'S NAME ADDRESS PLAY WAGON NAME: CITY 3 AGE ZIP PHONE SUMMER IN THE PARK The Eagan Park & Recreation De- partment will conduct afternoon recrea- tion programs at the locations listed below. The playground activities are for children who have completed Kinder- garten through age 12. The playgrounds are staffed by an adult leader and two aides. Activities will include games, crafts and special events. Field trips will be arranged and offered for a small fee; specific infor- mation will be furnished during the "Summer in the Park" program. DATES: June 16 - July 31 TIMES: 1:00 P.M. -4:00 P.M. COST: No Charge REGISTER: First week, 1:00 P.M. at the playground LOCATIONS AND DAYS OF THE PROGRAM BUR OAK PARK: Highway 49 & Chapel Ln. (Monday $ Wednesday) LEXINGTON PARK: McKee Addition, Lex- ington Ave. north of Lone Oak Rd. (Tuesday & Thursday) WOODHAVEN PARK: Gold Trail, southeast of Beau D'Rue Rd. (Monday through Thursday) EVERGREEN PARK: Pilot Knob Rd. & Walfrid, south of Cty. Rd. 30 (Monday through Thursday) CEDAR SCHOOL: CTY. Rd. 30 $ Cedar Ave. (Monday through Thursday) RAHN PARK: Sandstone Dr., west of Rahn School (Monday through Thursday) EAGAN PARK DEPARTMENT 3501 Coachman Rd. Eagan, Minnesota 55122 454-7802 This summer the Eagan Park Department will bring summer supervised playground activities into new neighborhoods via our new mobile play wagon. This specially built trailer will house numerous instant games and activities led by enthusiastic recrea- tion staff. Activities are for children who have finished Kindergarten through age 12. DATES: June 16 - July 31 TIME: 1:00 P.M. - 4:00 P.M. COST: No Charge REGISTER: 1:00 P.M. at the playground WHERE: Mondays: Country Home Heights Park on Beam Ln. Tuesdays: South Oak Park on Greenleaf Dr. Wednesdays: Oak Chase Park on Oak Chase Rd. Thursdays: Highview Park on Skyline Dr. A contest to name the mobile play wagon is being held. Children ages 6-12 are eligible to submit a suggestion for the name. Entries must be post marked no later than May 31.. Use the coupon on the front page of the recrea- tion section of the newsletter. Park Committee will determine the winner who will be announced in the Dakota County Tribune. 4 TINY TOTS RECREATION ACTIVITIE Tiny Tots is a program of activities for boys and girls ages 3,4 and 5. Included in the program are: games, singing, stories, simple crafts and outdoor play. Leaders are one adult and two aides who have experience in working with preschool age children. Each session is open to the first 20 children who are registered. WHERE: Pilot Knob School: Lone Oak Rd., west of Pilot Knob Rd. Cedar School: Cty. Rd. 30 4 Cedar Ave., Rahn Park: Sandstone Dr., west of Rahn School TIME: 10:00 A.M. - Noon DAYS: Monday4Wednesday or Tuesday4Thursday DATES: June 23 - August 7 COST: $15.00 REGISTER: Call the Eagan Park Department, 454-7802, beginning Tuesday, May 27. EAGANETTES—FUN WITH DANCE Fun With Dance is for children ages 5-12. Classes will emphasize beginning dance steps, elementary dance line move- ment and acrobatic dance. Each class will meet twice a week for 7 weeks. Children ages 5-7 will meet from 1:00 P.M. -2:30 P.M., ages 8-12 from 2:30-3:30 P.M. A fee of $3.00, to be paid at the time of registration, will be charged. Registrations will be accepted the first two weeks of classes but will then be closed for the remainder of the session. Two special events highlite the summer: participation in the Eagan 4th of July parade and the recital that culminates the summer classes. WHERE: Pilot Knob School, Lone Oak Rd. west of Pilot Knob Rd. (Monday & Wednesday) Rahn School, Sandstone Dr., west of Rahn School(Tuesday $ Thursday) DATES: June 23 -August 7 COST: $3.00 REGISTER: First class session at school THURSDAYS IN, HE Cedar Pond Park on Cty. Rd. 30 near Diamond Dr. is the site for family enter- tainment on Thursday evenings July 10, 17, 24, and 31. From 7:00-8:00 P.M. on those dates you are invited to come to the park to enjoy dancers, a puppet show, a band or other entertainment that will be arranged. In case of inclement weather, performances will be held in the cafteria in Metcalf Junior High. All programs are free to the public. wool 009902M The Teen Center in the Rahn Park building will be open from 7:00 P.M. to 10:00 P.M. beginning June 23 on Monday through Thursday evenings. Activities will include foosball, ping pong, checkers, chess and other table games. Badminton, volley ball and bocce ball may also be played. Two young adults will be present to supervise the activities. All Eagan teenagers are welcome to visit the Center. 5 NEW NEW NEW NEW . For children who enjoy make believe. Activities in which the children will participate include pantomime, story telling, mini -skits, stage make-up and simple set building. This offering is for children who have completed Kindergarten through age 12. WHERE: Rahn Elementary School, Sandstone Dr. TIME: 1:00 P.M. - 4:00 P.M. DATES: June 16 - July 31 COST: No Charge REGISTER: Call The Eagan Park Department 454-7802 beginning May 27. NEW NEW NEW NEW GOLF LESSONS The Eagan Park Department will offer golf lessons for beginners. Classes will meet twice a week for three weeks. Class size is limited. Class members are to provide their own clubs. Classes will initially meet at Northview Park, located east off Lexington Ave. i mile north of Cty. Rd. 30, then move to other sites for work with drivers and putters. Cost will be $10.00 for six(6) lessons. Additional cost will be incurred at the driving range. Make up lessons of rained out classes are scheduled by the instructor. SESSION DATES AND TIMES Session I - (Tuesday & Thursday) June 17 - July 3 9:00-10:00 A.M.-Youth Beginner, age 10 $ older 10:00-11:00 A.M.-Adult Beginner 11:00 -Noon - Adult Beginner 6:30-7:30 P.M. -Adult Beginner 7:30-8:30 P.M. -Couples Beginner Session II - (Monday & Wednesday) July 14 - July 30 9:00-10:00 A.M.-Youth Beginner, age 10 $ older 10:00-11:00 A.M.-Adult Beginner 11:00 -Noon - Adult Beginner 6:30-7:30 P.M. -Couples Beginner 7:30-8:30 P.M. -Adult Beginner To Register: Call the Eagan Park Department 454-7802 beginning Tuesday, May 27. Tennis lessons will be offered by the Eagan Park Department at the following court locations. Classes will meet twice a week for a period of three weeks. Cost will be $10.00 for six (6) lessons. Class size is limited. Balls will be furnished. Make up lessons will be scheduled by the instructor in the case of rain. Tennis Session Dates: Session I week beginning June 16 -July 3 Session II week beginning July 14 -July 31 Description of Class Levels: Beginner:^ Never have played Advanced Beginner: Have played some or have taken beginner lessons Intermediate: Play fairly well or have taken advanced beginner lessons TO REGISTER: Call the Eagan Park Department, 454-7802 beginning Tuesday, May 27. WOODHAVEN (M -W) Session I June 16 -July 2 9:00-10:00 A.M.-Youth Beginner, age 10 & older 10:00-11:00 A.M.-Adult Beginner 11:00 -Noon - Adult Advanced Beginner 6:30-7:30 P.M.- Intermediate 7:30-8:30 P.M.- Adult Beginner Session II July 14 -July 30 9:00-10:00 A.M.-Youth Advanced Beginner 10:00-11:00 A.M.-Youth Beginner, age 10& older 11:00 -Noon - Intermediate 6:30-7:30 P.M. - Couples Beginner 7:30-8:30 P.M. - Adult Beginner OAK CHASE (M -W) Session I June 16 -July 2 9:00-10:00 A.M.-Youth Beginner, age 10 & older 10:00-11:00 A.M.-Adult Beginner 11:00 -Noon - - Adult Advanced Beginner 6:30-7:30 P.M. - Adult Beginner 7:30-8:30 P.M. - Intermediate Session II July 14 -July 30 9:00-10:00 A.M.-Youth Advanced Beginner 10:00-11:00 A.M.-Youth Beginner 11:00 -Noon - - Intermediate 6:30-7:30 P.M. - Couples Beginner 7:30-8:30 P.M. - Adult Advanced Beginner 2.1 PILOT KNOB Session I (M -W) June 16 -July 2 9:00-10:00 A.M.-Youth Beginner,age 10&older 10:00-11:00 A.M.-Youth Advanced Beginner 11:00 -Noon - Adult Beginner 6:30-7:30 P.M. -Youth Intermediate 7:30-8:30 P.M. -Advanced Beginner, age open Session II (T-TH) July 15 -July 31 900-10:00 A.M.-Youth Beginner, age 10&older 10:00-11:00 A.M.-Adult Advanced Beginner 11:00 -Noon - Intermediate 6:30-7:30 P.M. - Adult Beginner 7:30-8:30 P.M. - Youth Advanced Beginner RAHN (T-TH) Session I (T-TH) June 17 -July 3 9:00-10:00 A.M.-Youth Beginner,age 10&older 10:00-11:00 A.M.-Adult Beginner 11:00 -Noon - Intermediate 6:30-7:30 P.M. -Youth Beginner,age 10& older 7:30-8:30 P.M. -Adult Advanced Beginner Session II (.T-TH) July 15 -July 31 9:00-10:00 A.M.-Youth Beginner, age 10&older 10:00-11:00 A.M.-Adult Advanced Beginner 11:00 -Noon - Adult Beginner 6:30-7:30 P.M. - Adult Advanced Beginner 7:30-8:30 P.M. - Couples Beginner EVERGREEN (T-TH) Session I June 17 -July 3 9:00-10:00 A.M.-Youth Beginner,age 10&older 10:00-11:00 A.M.-Youth Intermediate ll:Q0-Noon - Adult Beginner 6:30-7:30 P.M. - Couples Beginner 7:30-8:30 P.M. - Youth Advanced Beginner Session II July 15 -July 31 9:00-10:00 A.M.-Youth Beginner,age 10&older 10:00-11:00 A.M.-Advanced Beginner, age open 11:00 -Noon - Youth Advanced Beginner 6:30-7:30 P.M. - Adult Beginner 7:30-8:30 P.M. - Adult Advanced Beginner , 0_ f' CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM The Eagan Capital Improvement Program will be a comprehensive list of major improvements necessary to meet the needs of the community over the next five years (1981-1985). This list is pre- sently being prepared through compiling the project needs requested by the various City departments. The Capital Improvements Program, including the proposed scheduling of projects by year, estimated cost, and justification for each improvement, will be taken to the City Council for their deliberation. A "Capital Improvement" is defined as a major expenditure of public funds, beyond maintenance and operating costs, for the acquisition or con- struction of a needed facility. Sala- ries, supplies, and other overhead ex-. penditures are considered maintenance and operating cost and are provided for in the annual budgetary process. Improvements or acquisitions of a perma- nent nature representing a long-term investment may be considered Capital Improvements. Every year the Capital Improvements Program will be revised, updated and extended for one year. The Capital Im- provements Program provides a "bridge" between the City's long-range plans and its annual budget deliberations. CABLE TV The City of Eagan is in the initial stages of considering a Cable Television system. The City Council is planning to appoint a Cable Television Committee to investigate the feasibility of plan- ning a Cable Service for Eagan. DAKOTA COUNTY LIBRARY UPDATE The St. Paul architectural firm of Ham- mel, Green and Abrahamson, Inc., has been selected by the Dakota County Li- brary System to design the new main library and administration building which will be located in Eagan near the new Eagan Police Building. Recently, Dwayne Blanchard, the firm's representative for the project, met with Library staff to consider their ideas re- garding the new building. Work in the design phase of the -project will include a review by the Eagan City Council. 7 FIRE DEPARTMENT DISTRIBUTES CITY PHONE DIRECTORY & STREET MAP In March, the Eagan Volunteer Fire De- partment delivered over 8,000 informa- tional packets, including a Fire Depart- ment sponsored Eagan Phone Directory and an Eagan map, to all residents. The 1980 street map of the City of Eagan was published as a community service project sponsored by the Eagan Lions Club and funded by contributions from: John Powell, Award Realtors; Wenzel Mechanical/Hilite Electric; Mid- America National Bank of Eagan; Cedar - vale Shopping Center; Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minnesota; People's Natu- ral Gas; and Sperry Univac. If you reside in Eagan and did not re- ceive a phone directory or map, they are available for distribution at City Hall. THE CENSUS COUNTS If you did not receive U.S. Census ma- terial in April, please contact City Hall. The City Council encourages your participation in the Census. Data from the Census is used to determine the dis- tribution of billions of dollars to State and local areas. Complete participa- tion in the Census is very important to the citizens of Eagan. EAGAN'S COMPREHENSIVE PLAN Citizens attended informal public hea- rings on Eagan's Comprehensive Plan in February and March and provided valuable input. A formal public hea- ring was held on April 29, 1980. The hearing will remain open for written comments until May 27. In June the City Council will vote to approve the submission of the plan to the Metropoli- tan Council for review and comment. After the City receives the Metropolitan Council's comments, the City of Eagan will officially adopt the plan. The Comprehensive Plan contains objec- tives, policies, standards and programs to guide public and private land use development, redevelopment and preser- vation for all lands and waters within the jurisdiction of the City through 1990. Copies of the Comprehensive Plan are available for public reference use at City Hall. BELOW MARKET INTEREST RATE HOME MORTGAGE PROGRAM The City of Eagan is now offering a new program to assist Eagan home- buyers during this period of tight mort- gage money and high interest rates. Mortgage money at 11-3/8% interest rate is available to Eagan Homebuyers. Ap- plications for the money can be made at any one of the participating lenders. The mortgage funds will be available for a 30 -year term on the purchase of new or existing houses located within the city limits of Eagan. Only single-family houses and a cer- tain number of townhouses and condomi- niums qualify for the City's program, except apartments converted into condo- miniums after September 1, 1979 will not qualify. The purchaser must use the house as his or her principal place of residence and homestead the pro- perty. No refinancing of existing mort- gages or contracts for deed is allowed under this program. The City will also allow a certain number of mobile homes to be financed under the program if the mobile home is located on a permanent foundation, is homesteaded and is FHA insured. Income Qualifications Families whose "Adjusted Gross Income" falls below the maximum figures listed in the following table may be eligible for the program. To determine the "Ad- justed Gross Income", the following amounts are subtracted from the annual gross income of the family: $750 for each adult (maximum of two adults) and $500 for each dependent. The "Lower" Income Program denotes the amounts which must be set aside for six months for persons who are earning amounts less than persons in the "Basic" Income Program. Maximum "Adjusted Program Gross Income" "Lower" Income $23,364 "Basic" Income $25,960 The Maximum House Purchase Price for both programs is $77,880. Types of Loans The mortgage funds may be for both newly constructed houses and existing houses. Construction financing will not be available, but a house purchaser may enter into a commitment to receive a loan upon completion of construction of the house. The loans may be conven- tional loans or loans insured under FHA, VA or private mortgage insurance programs. Up to 25% of the money may be used for pledged account graduated payment mort- gages, where a portion of the home- buyer" s down payment is placed in a special savings account and used to supplement monthly mortgage payments during the early years, helping to qua- lify buyers for the house payments. Source of the Funds This mortgage money is being made a- vailable through an arrangement be- tween the City of Eagan and several ex- perienced lending institutions. To raise the money, the City of Eagan is selling $20,460,000 in tax-exempt bonds. The City has no obligation as to pay- ments on the bonds; the bonds will be retired solely from payments on the mortgage loans and from certain invest- ment income realized from the program. Application Information To apply for a loan or for additional information, contact one of the lenders listed below. This money is limited and will be distributed on a first come, first served basis. Lenders Banco Mortgage Corporation 926-7111 Eberhardt Company 920-9280 F & M Savings Bank 341-5775 First Bank Minnehaha 872-2800 Knutson Mortgage & Financial Corporation 890-5800 Mid-America National Bank of Eagan 454-3300 Northland Mortgage Company 925-7700 United Iviortgage Corporation 890-4040